Experimentica Brochure 2012
Experimentica Brochure 2012
21.11.12—25.11.12 029 2030 4400 @chaptergallery chapter.org ARTISTS / ARTISTIAID DELAINE LE BAS, TIM BROMAGE, THE COLLECT, BEN EWART-DEAN, CATHY GORDON, MOMUS & DAVIDA HEWLETT, SIONED HUWS & EDDIE LADD, MAMORU IRIGUCHI, MONICA ROSS: ACT OF MEMORY, MATT COOK, Tse Chun Sing & Tsang Sin YU, JOOST NIEUWENBURG, GOOD COP BAD COP, RICHARD BOWERS, CHARLIE TWEED, THE STRANGE NAMES COLLECTIVE, RICHARD HIGLETT, VERTICAL CINEMA, RANDOM PEOPLE, SAM HASLER & KATHRYN ASHILL, AMBER MOTTRAM, HOLLY DAVEY, TOM MARSHMAN, ZIERLE & CARTER, PHIL BABOT, TERESA MARGOLLES, PHIL COLLINS, TANIA BRUGUERA, MIRIAM BÄCKSTRÖM, APOLONIJA ŠUŠTERŠIČ & MEIKES CHALK, CHRISTOPH DETTMEIER & AARON WILLIAMSON THROUGHOUT THE FESTIVAL TRWY GYDOL YR ŴYL WEDNESDAY 21 NOVEMBER Dydd Mercher 21 Tachwedd BACKWARDS THINKING & ARTISTS’ RESOURCE: SAM HASLER & KATHRYN ASHILL MEDDWL AM YN ÔL & ADNODD I ARTISTIAID: SAM HASLER & KATHRYN ASHILL BACKWARDS THINKING Q&A MEDDWL AM YN ÔL — SESIWN HOLIAC-ATEB Artists Sam Hasler and Kathryn Ashill will be facilitating a number of artist-led, artistfocused discussions exploring some of the key works and ideas for Experimentica 2012. Bydd yr artistiaid Sam Hasler a Kathryn Ashill yn arwain cyfres o drafodaethau i artistiaid a fydd yn archwilio rhai o weithiau a syniadau creiddiol Experimentica 2012. HOLLY DAVEY: BUNTING HOLLY DAVEY: BUNTING Holly has created bespoke bunting by recycling previous Experimentica brochures. Lovingly hand-stitched the bunting will be strung around the artists’ resource. Mae Holly wedi creu baneri pwrpasol drwy ailgylchu llyfrynnau o wyliau blaenorol Experimentica. Bydd y baneri, sydd wedi’u pwytho â llaw ac â chariad, yn addurno’r adnodd i artistiaid. www.hollydavey.com www.hollydavey.com MATT COOK WITH TSE CHUN SING & TSANG SIN YU RESIDENCY IN Y LLOFFT As part of a two-week residency Cardiff based Matt Cook will work with two Hong Kong artists, Tse Chun Sing and Tsang Sin Yu. All three have a particular interest In the collective experience of sound in everyday life, and during Experimentica will make a series of collaborative sonic interventions. www.sciencefidelity.co.uk www.jantzen-is-shrun.com www.sinyutsang.blogspot.hk LAURA SORVALA: ART IN THE BAR Laura Sorvala is interested in mapping stories and experiences into collective visual narratives. For Experimentica, Laura will use graphic recording and visual facilitation to interpret the Festival ‘experience’ to Chapter visitors via the Art in the Bar space. www.auralab.co.uk 1x1x1: ONE ARTIST, ONE DAY, ONE FILM See Artes Mundi page for details. PHIL COLLINS: THIS UNFORTUNATE THING BETWEEN US See Artes Mundi page for details. AMBER MOTTRAM WITH GUIDED TOUR FRIDAY, 11AM See Friday 23 November for details. Wed 21 — Sun 25 Nov Mercher 21 — Sul 25 Tachwedd Experimentica is a vibrant annual showcase for performance and interdisciplinary projects across installation, film, video, sound art, dance and theatre. This year we are presenting a range of exciting works that in some way consider the notion of the ‘UNSEEN’: the challenging; the experimental; the genre defining. Mae Experimentica yn arddangosfa fywiog flynyddol o brosiectau rhyngddisgyblaethol a pherfformiadau sy’n cynnwys gwaith ffilm, gosodiadau, celfyddyd fideo, sain, dawns a theatr. Eleni, rydym yn cyflwyno amrywiaeth o weithiau cyffrous sy’n ymwneud mewn gwahanol ffyrdd â’r syniad o fod yn ‘anweledig’: gweithiau heriol, arbrofol, sy’n diffinio'u genres. UNSEEN is not a theme for the Festival, more a catalyst for ideas and an opportunity to explore the often hidden or ignored — the spaces between and on the edge. The programme — that this year takes place across our gallery, theatre, cinemas, lightbox, studios and public spaces — is also supported by a packed season of films in the cinema to celebrate 100 years of the BBFC, and a collaborative programme of events as part of Artes Mundi 5. Richard Higlett: Another Trickster Chapter In mythology, and in the study of folklore and religion, a trickster is a god, goddess, spirit, man, woman, or anthropomorphic animal who plays tricks or otherwise disobeys normal rules and conventional behaviour. For Experimentica, Richard Higlett looks at the role of the trickster as a starting point for a series of interventions that question the processes of engagement by the public with activities that seek to be defined as ‘art’. Nid thema ar gyfer yr ŵyl yw’r teitl ‘anweledig’; y mae'n fwy o gatalydd ar gyfer syniadau ac yn gyfle i archwilio mannau cudd, neu fannau a gaiff eu hanwybyddu fel arfer — y tir canol, y tir ar y ffin. Mae’r rhaglen — sy’n cael ei chyflwyno eleni yn ein horiel, ein theatr, ein sinemâu, y blwch golau, y stiwdios a’r mannau cyhoeddus — yn cael ei hategu gan dymor bywiog o ffilmiau yn y sinema i ddathlu 100 mlynedd o fodolaeth y BBFC, a rhaglen gydweithredol o ddigwyddiadau yn rhan o Artes Mundi 5. www.richardhiglett.com Cover image/Delwedd y clawr: Christoph Dettmeier, Ride ‘Em Jewboy, 2009. This page/Ar y dudalen hon: Cathy Gordon, Moles Dancing, 2012. MATT COOK GWDA TSE CHUN SING & TSANG SIN YU PRESWYLFA YN Y LLOFFT Yn rhan o gyfnod preswyl pythefnos o hyd, bydd yr artist o Gaerdydd, Matt Cook, yn gweithio gyda dau artist o Hong Kong, Tse Chun Sing a Tsang Sin Yu. Mae gan y tri ddiddordeb arbennig yn y profiad cyfunol o sain ym mywyd bob dydd, ac yn ystod Experimentica byddant yn cyflwyno cyfres o ymyriadau sonig ar y cyd. www.sciencefidelity.co.uk www.jantzen-is-shrun.com www.sinyutsang.blogspot.hk LAURA SORVALA: CELFYDDYD YN Y BAR Mae Laura Sorvala’n ymddiddori mewn mapio straeon a phrofiadau er mwyn creu naratifau gweledol cyfunol. Ar gyfer Celfyddyd yn y Bar cyfnod Experimentica, bydd Laura’n defnyddio technegau recordio graffig a gweledol i ddehongli ‘profiad’ ymwelwyr Chapter o’r Ŵyl. www.auralab.co.uk 1x1x1: UN ARTIST, UN DIWRNOD, UN FFILM Gweler tudalen Artes Mundi am fwy o fanylion. PHIL COLLINS: THIS UNFORTUNATE THING BETWEEN US Gweler tudalen Artes Mundi am fwy o fanylion. AMBER MOTTRAM YN CYNNWYS TAITH DYWYSEDIG AR DDYDD GWENER, 11AM Gweler Sadwrn 24 Tachwedd am fwy o fanylion. Richard Higlett: Another Trickster MEDIA POINT, 12 NOON Kathryn Ashill and Samuel Hasler host a Backwards Thinking Q&A connecting artists to audiences and audiences to artists. In the first presentation, Kathryn will offer a brief backwards history of Experimentica. MIRIAM BÄCKSTRÖM, KIRA CARPELAN, 2007 CINEMA, 3PM See Artes Mundi page for details. SIONED HUWS WITH EDDIE LADD — AOMORI PROJECT: CLIMATE & CULTURE STIWDIO, 4.30PM Sioned Huws and Eddie Ladd offer an illustrated lecture of their recent conversations around Huws’ Aomori Project (which began in 2008 in the winter arctic environment of Aomori, Japan). Focusing on climate and culture their discourse includes video, photographs, sound, dance and song. http://sionedhuwsgreenwichdance.tumblr.com/ www.eddieladd.com PHIL BABOT: PLANE GALLERY, 6PM AND THROUGHOUT FESTIVAL Phil Babot is interested in the aesthetics of Zen in the process of shaping and examining the relationship between an individual and space, particularly architectural space. Babot’s live occurrences embrace the simplicity and austerity of form and reveal successive layers and complexities in the trace of the performative act that remains. www.babot.org MOMUS & DAVIDA HEWLETT THEATRE, 8.30PM Cardiff based artist Davida Hewlett and Japan based oddball pop star and art critic Momus will collaborate over a two-week residency, working together to explore their divergent yet unique approaches to creating spaces for possibility, and translating exchange and encounter. The residency will culminate in this unique, commissioned performance. www.imomus.com www.davidahewlett.com PWYNT CYFRYNGOL, HANNER DYDD Bydd Kathryn Ashill a Samuel Hasler yn cynnal sesiwn holi-ac-ateb Meddwl Am Yn Ôl er mwyn cysylltu artistiaid â chynulleidfaoedd a chynulleidfaoedd ag artistiaid. Yn y cyflwyniad cyntaf, bydd Kathryn yn rhoi cyflwyniad am yn ôl o hanes Experimentica. MIRIAM BÄCKSTRÖM, KIRA CARPELAN, 2007 SINEMA 2, 3pm Gweler tudalen Artes Mundi am fwy o fanylion. SIONED HUWS GYDA EDDIE LADD — PROJECT AOMORI: HINSAWDD & DIWYLLIANT STIWDIO, 4PM Bydd Sioned Huws ac Eddie Ladd yn rhoi darlith ddarluniadol yn seiliedig ar eu sgyrsiau diweddar a gododd o ganlyniad i Brosiect Aomori Huws (a ddechreuwyd yn ystod gaeaf 2008 yn Aomori, Japan). Yn canolbwyntio ar yr hinsawdd a diwylliant, bydd eu cyflwyniad yn cynnwys fideo, ffotograffau, sain, dawns a chanu. http://sionedhuwsgreenwichdance.tumblr.com/ www.eddieladd.com PHIL BABOT: PLANE ORIEL, 6PM A THRWY GYDOL YR ŴYL Mae Phil Babot yn ymddiddori yn y modd y gall estheteg Zen ddylanwadu ar y broses o lunio ac archwilio’r berthynas rhwng unigolion a gofod, a gofod pensaernïol yn arbennig. Mae digwyddiadau byw Babot yn llawn symlrwydd a llymder ffurfiol ac yn datgelu haenau a chymhlethdodau yn yr awgrym o weithred berfformiadol sy’n weddill wedi’r prosesau ffurfiol. www.babot.org MOMUS & DAVIDA HEWLETT THEATR, 8.30pm Bydd yr artist o Gaerdydd, Davida Hewlett, a’r seren bop ‘oddball’ a’r beirniad celfyddydol, Momus, sy’n gweithio yn Japan, yn cydweithio dros gyfnod preswyl o bythefnos. Byddant yn archwilio'u dulliau gwahanol ac unigryw o weithio ac yn creu mannau’n llawn o gyfleoedd, cyfnewid a chyfarfyddiad. Bydd y cyfnod preswyl yn dod i uchafbwynt â’r perfformiad comisiwn unigryw hwn. www.imomus.com www.davidahewlett.com Chapter Mewn mytholeg, ac mewn astudiaethau o lên gwerin a chrefydd, mae’r castiwr yn dduw, yn dduwies, yn ysbryd, neu’n ddyn, menyw neu anifail anthropomorffig sy’n chwarae triciau neu’n gwrthod rheolau arferol ac ymddygiad confensiynol. Ar gyfer Experimentica, mae Richard Higlett yn edrych ar rôl y castiwr. Mae hynny’n fan cychwyn ar gyfer cyfres o ymyriadau sy’n codi cwestiynau ynglŷn â’r prosesau sy’n cysylltu’r cyhoedd â gweithgareddau sy’n cael eu diffinio fel rhai ‘celfyddydol’. www.richardhiglett.com Matt Cook, www.sciencefidelity.co.uk THURSDAY 22 NOVEMBER GOOD COP BAD COP V CLEVERBOT: IN CONVERSATION STIWDIO, 2-8PM Operating as a ‘tag-team’, good cop bad cop will engage cleverbot — an artificial intelligence web app — in a six-hour orgy of conversation; constructing and disrupting narratives; working to deliberately exploit its unpredictability. By bringing their own particular witty and experimental form of performance to the table they will work with and against their opponent, across a wide range of subject matter. www.twitter.com/gcbc CATHY GORDON: MOLES DANCING THEATRE, 2-5PM AND 7-9PM Blindness is scary. In blindness we are lost: disoriented, unknowing. Moles Dancing is both a private encounter and a public extension of this ‘not knowing’. Visitors are invited to engage in a one-to-one exchange: slip on a pair of headphones, don a blindfold, and stumble into the mole hole for a clumsy encounter. Limited capacity. www.cathygordon.com Iau 22 Tachwedd BACKWARDS THINKING Q&A MEDIA POINT, 1PM Kathryn Ashill and Samuel Hasler host a Backwards Thinking Q&A connecting artists to audiences and audiences to artists. PHIL COLLINS: MARXISM TODAY AND USE! VALUE! EXCHANGE! PLUS Q&A CINEMA, 6PM See Artes Mundi page for details. CHRISTOPH DETTMEIER: RIDE ‘EM JEWBOY MEDIA POINT, 8.30PM In 1972 Kinky Friedman wrote a song entitled Ride ‘em Jewboy. In it, he employed the conventions of the country ballad but included lines that framed the mythical notion of freedom and the lonesome cowboy, by the inescapable facts of the Holocaust. In Dettmeier’s version he sings alongside Friedman’s soundtrack and is immersed in the shadows of a slide projection of sites in Berlin that were significant to both Jewish life and Nazi rule, creating an authentic and haunting sense of mourning. Limited capacity. FRIDAY 23 NOVEMBER SGWRS RHWNG GOOD COP BAD COP A CLEVERBOT MEDDWL AM YN ÔL: TOOTH & CLAWR STIWDIO, 2-8pm YSTAFELL GYFFREDIN, 4pm Yn gweithio fel ‘tîm-tag’, bydd good cop bad cop yn ymwneud â cleverbot — ap deallusrwydd artiffisial ar-lein — am chwe awr gwyllt o sgwrsio, creu a dinistrio naratifau, ac yn mynd ati’n fwriadol i fanteisio ar natur anrhagweladwy'r ap. Gydag ffraethineb arferol eu perfformiadau arbrofol, byddant yn gweithio gydag ac yn erbyn y gwrthwynebydd, ar ystod eang o bynciau. Tooth & Clawr yw ein grŵp darllen rheolaidd dan arweiniad artistiaid. Nod y grŵp yw hyrwyddo cysylltiadau beirniadol a thrafodaethau am ein rhaglen artistig trwy gyfrwng darllen. Dewisir testunau — damcaniaethol, ffuglennol ac ymylol — er mwyn tynnu sylw at wahanol agweddau ar raglen artistig Experimentica a Chapter. www.twitter.com/gcbc PHIL COLLINS: MARXISM TODAY A USE! VALUE! EXCHANGE! & SESIWN HOLI-AC-ATEB CATHY GORDON: MOLES DANCING THEATR, 2-5PM A 7-9PM Mae dallineb yn frawychus. Rydym ar goll heb y gallu i weld — yn colli syniad o gyfeiriad a thir cadarn. Mae Moles Dancing yn ddehongliad preifat ac estyniad cyhoeddus o’r cyflwr diwybod hwn. Caiff ymwelwyr eu gwahodd i gymryd rhan mewn proses un-i-un: gwisgwch bâr o glustffonau a mwgwd, a baglwch i mewn i dwll du i weld beth sy’n eich disgwyl. Dylid archebu tocynnau ymlaen llaw. www.cathygordon.com www.christoph-dettmeier.de SINEMA, 6PM Gweler tudalen Artes Mundi am fwy o fanylion. CHRISTOPH DETTMEIER: RIDE ‘EM JEWBOY PWYNT CYFRYNGOL, 8.30PM Ym 1972, cyfansoddodd Kinky Friedman gân o’r enw Ride ‘em Jewboy. Ynddi, defnyddiodd gonfensiynau baledi canu gwlad — syniadau chwedlonol am ryddid a’r cowboi unig — ond cynhwysodd hefyd linellau a oedd yn fframio’r gân yn hanes diymwad yr Holocost. Mae Dettmeier, yn ei fersiwn ef, yn canu gyda thrac sain Friedman o flaen tafluniadau o ddelweddau o safleoedd yn Berlin a oedd yn bwysig i Iddewon a’r Natsïaid, ac yn creu teimlad dilys ac ingol o alar. Dylid archebu tocynnau ymlaen llaw. www.christoph-dettmeier.de ZIERLE & CARTER: INTO THE DISTANCE CITY CENTRE, CARDIFF, 9AM-6PM The work of Zierle & Carter critically examines different modes of communication and what it means to be human, addressing notions of belonging, the dynamics within relationships and the transformation of limitations. Into the Distance is anchored in an exploration of the intangible, invisible, the unseen, the personal and the collective. Directly challenging ‘acceptable’ modes of intimacy the work hopes to open up a dialogue around the notion of exchange. www.zierlecarterliveart.com AMBER MOTTRAM: POTHOLES CARDIFF GUIDED TOUR FRIDAY 23, 11AM Mundane or at best annoying, potholes are more of an absence than a landmark. Amber Mottram has transformed these overlooked absences into destinations along a mapped trail. Join Amber for a guided tour around her Pothole Cardiff trail — culminating in a private view of the monuments in Arcade Cardiff, Queen’s Arcade. www.arcadecardiff.co.uk BACKWARDS THINKING: TOOTH & CLAWR MEDIA POINT, 2PM Tooth & Clawr reading group aims to promote critical engagement with and debate around the Experimentica programme, through reading. Texts — theoretical, fictional and tangential — are selected to draw out different aspects of the work on show. CHARLIE TWEED: THE MEADOW Clockwise from top-left / Gyda’r cloc o’r chwith uchaf: Zierle & Carter, Into the Distance; Christoph Dettmeier, Ride ‘Em Jewboy, 2009; Phil Collins, marxism today (prologue), 2010 CINEMA, 3PM In The Meadow, the voice of components — organic and inorganic material, metals, effluent and various forms of electronic waste — is heard. It appears to come from a vast and complex site, a future vision of excess that is very much alive, where all forms of material have been disposed of, forgotten and abandoned. The vitality of this rotting and merging material both above and below the surface is voiced, as it looks at implementing its own way of thinking and own conditions for life where materials constantly merge and mutate as they explore how a new post-human agency of things and matter can be realised. www.charlietweed.com Gwener 23 Tachwedd TOM MARSHMAN: WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT BAMBI — WORK IN PROGRESS COMMON ROOM, 4PM Tom Marshman presents and performs news ideas and reflections on his current work in progress. Exploring a number of themes through the filter of Disney’s classic film, Bambi — mother-son love (and loss); fatherson relationships; the process of growing up, making friends and finding romantic love; Man Vs Nature — Marshman weaves new narratives through both visuals and storytelling. Delving into movement research, Tom touches upon the idea of a human-deer hybrid, of physical vulnerability and gender stereotypes. Limited capacity. www.tommarshman.com MAMORU IRIGUCHI: PROJECTOR / CONJECTOR STIWDIO, 6PM Projector / Conjector is a multimedia performance featuring two key characters: Projector, a boy with a video projector attached to his head; and Conjector, a girl with a TV attached to her head. Projector projects bigger-than-life images all around him. Conjector, on the other hand, captures what lingers in the air and displays it on a television screen. Moved by the moving image, the two characters meet; fall in love and part through the digitally generated imagery. www.iriguchi.co.uk THE STRANGE NAMES COLLECTIVE: PROLOGUE THEATRE, 9PM Under the gaze of humanity’s successors, Prologue seeks the connections between Coal Miners’ Canaries, Car Crashes, Recurring Dreams, The Human Appendix, Shark Attacks, Liberache, the Portuguese Man of War and Little Orphan Annie. Through a use of footnotes, personal asides, images, movement, film and sound The Strange Names Collective present a constantly digressing, bittersweet exploration of the twinned notions of the future and potential. www.strangenamescollective.co.uk THE COLLECT: LOOKING ACROSS TO SPACE COMMON ROOM, 11PM A man sits alone fruitlessly untangling wires. He persists whilst three voices speak simultaneously: their tones and rhythms intertwine in a manner that mimics the slow unravelling. There is sublimity to the mess; the tangle of threads and the murmur of voices suggest both the struggle of the creative collaborative process, and the glorious energy of doing and being together. Limited capacity. www.thecollect.org ZIERLE & CARTER: INTO THE DISTANCE CANOL Y DINAS, CAERDYDD, 9AM-6PM Mae gwaith Zierle a Carter yn archwilio dulliau gwahanol o gyfathrebu a’r hyn yw bod yn ddynol. Mae’n mynd i’r afael â syniadau o berthyn, y ddeinameg oddi mewn i berthnasau ac yn ceisio trawsnewid cyfyngiadau. Mae Into the Distance yn archwiliad o’r anniriaethol, yr anweledig, y personol a’r cyfunol. Yn her uniongyrchol i agosatrwydd ‘derbyniol’, mae’r gwaith yn ceisio deialog â’r syniad o gyfnewid. www.zierlecarterliveart.com AMBER MOTTRAM: POTHOLES CARDIFF TAITH DYWYSEDIG Gwener 23, 11AM Mae tyllau yn y ffordd yn bethau cyffredin, yn tueddu i flino dyn, ac yn dynodi absenoldeb. Mae Amber Mottram wedi trawsnewid yr absenoldebau hyn yn gyrchfannau ac wedi eu mapio’n drywydd. Ymunwch ag Amber am daith dywysedig o gwmpas y tyllau yn heolydd Caerdydd — a fydd yn dod i uchafbwynt gyda golwg breifat o’r cofebion yn Arcêd y Frenhines, Caerdydd. www.arcadecardiff.co.uk MEDDWL AM YN ÔL: TOOTH & CLAWR YSTAFELL GYFFREDIN, 2PM Nod grŵp darllen Tooth and Clawr yw hyrwyddo ymgysylltiad beirniadol a thrafodaethau’n deillio o raglen Experimentica trwy gyfrwng ddarllen. Dewisir testunau — damcaniaethol, ffuglennol ac ymylol — i dynnu sylw at wahanol agweddau o’r gwaith sydd i’w weld yn yr ŵyl. CHARLIE TWEED: THE MEADOW SINEMA, 3PM Yn The Meadow clywn leisiau deunyddiau organig ac anorganig, metelau, elifiant a gwahanol fathau o wastraff electronig. Mae’r gwaith fel petai'n deillio o ofod eang a chymhleth, gweledigaeth fyw o ddyfodol yn llawn o ormodedd, lle mae deunyddiau o bob math wedi cael eu gwaredu, eu anghofio a’u gadael. Rhoir llais i fywioldeb y deunyddiau hyn uwchlaw ac islaw'r arwyneb. Mae’r gwaith yn ceisio rhoi ar waith ffordd o feddwl ac amodau ar gyfer bywyd lle mae deunyddiau’n uno ac yn trawsnewid, gan geisio awgrymu cyd-destun ôl-ddynol newydd ar gyfer mater. www.charlietweed.com TOM MARSHMAN: WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT BAMBI — GWAITH AR Y GWEILL PWYNT CYFRYNGOL, 4PM Mae Tom Marshman yn cyflwyno ac yn perfformio syniadau newydd a myfyrdodau o waith sydd ganddo ar y gweill. Mae’n archwilio nifer o themâu yng nghyd-destun ffilm glasurol Disney, Bambi: cariad (a cholled) mab a mam; perthynas tad a mab, y broses o dyfu i fyny, cyfeillgarwch a serch, Dyn yn erbyn Natur. Mae Marshman yn gwau naratifau newydd trwy gyfrwng deunydd gweledol a thechnegau adrodd straeon. Wrth dreiddio i waith ymchwil ym maes symudiad, mae Tom yn cyffwrdd ar syniadau am yr hybrid dyn-carw, gwendid corfforol a stereoteipiau rhyw. Dylid archebu tocynnau ymlaen llaw. www.tommarshman.com MAMORU IRIGUCHI: PROJECTOR / CONJECTOR STIWDIO, 6PM Mae Projector / Conjector yn berfformiad amlgyfryngol sy’n cynnwys dau gymeriad allweddol: Projector, bachgen â thaflunydd fideo yn sownd i’w ben, a Conjector, merch y mae ganddi set deledu wedi’i glynu i’w phen hithau. Mae Projector yn taflunio delweddau mawrion o’i gwmpas ymhobman. Mae Conjector, ar y llaw arall, yn tynnu pethau o’r awyr ac yn eu harddangos ar ei sgrin deledu. Wedi’u symud gan y ddelwedd symudol, mae’r ddau gymeriad yn cyfarfod, yn syrthio mewn cariad ac yn gwahanu trwy gyfrwng y delweddau digidol a gynhyrchir. www.iriguchi.co.uk THE STRANGE NAMES COLLECTIVE: PROLOGUE THEATR, 9PM Yng ngolwg olynwyr dynoliaeth, mae Prologue yn chwilio am y cysylltiadau rhwng caneris glowyr, damweiniau car, breuddwydion cylchol, y pendics dynol, ymosodiadau siarcod, Liberace, chwysigod môr (Portuguese Men of War) a’r ferch fach amddifad, Annie. Trwy ddefnydd o droednodiadau, neillebau personol, delweddau, symudiad, ffilm a sain, mae The Strange Names Collective yn cyflwyno archwiliad crwydrol a chwerw-felys o’r syniad o ddyfodol a photensial. www.strangenamescollective.co.uk THE COLLECT: LOOKING ACROSS TO SPACE YSTAFELL GYFFREDIN, 11PM Mae dyn yn eistedd ar ei ben ei hun yn ceisio datod gwifrau croes. Ar yr un pryd, mae tri llais yn siarad dros ei gilydd: mae eu tonau a’u rhythmau’n cydblethu mewn modd nid annhebyg i’r weithred o ddatod clymau. Mae yna rywbeth aruchel yn y llanastr; mae’r gwifrau croes a murmur y lleisiau yn awgrym o’r frwydr sydd ynghlwm â phrosesau creadigol cydweithredol ac egni gogoneddus bodoli a chreu gyda'n gilydd. Dylid archebu tocynnau ymlaen llaw. www.thecollect.org bACKWARDS THINKING / MEDDWL AM YN OL ew erehw stneve fo noitcelloc a gninnalp era ew — gniticxe dna euqinu ,errazib os eb nac taht skrowtra fo lavitsef siht nihtiw — raey sihT skrowtra nehW .meht fo ecneirepxe ruo dna skrowtra tuoba gnikaeps thgiarts eb nac ew erehW .gnineppah s’taht tra eht tuoba klat nac a dna noitcelfer fo tnemom a ekil ew ,meht ecneirepxe ew sa su morf yawa pils taht smlif ro sgnos ,secnad ,snoitca ,secnamrofrep era ?ti tuoba kniht uoy did tahW ?krow ti seod woH ?deneppah tahW :noitasrevnoc thgim ew ;trap siht yb desufnoc eb thgim eW .skrowtra eht ssucsid dna ebircsed ot gniog era ew ,dnah ni aet fo puc htiw ,gnitcelfeR .saedi doog dna ,gnidnatsrednu doog ,noisufnoc doog emos dnif ot epoh ew stneve eseht hguorhT .trap taht dnatsrednu .wonk t’nod tsuj eW .neppah ot gniog s’tahw swonk yllaer su fo enoN .dleif gniyalp level a no lla er’ew lavitsef eht fo gninnigeb eht tA era ,ecneidua eht ,uoY .gnihtemos nrael ot epoh lla eW .sroirepus ro strepxe eb ot gniyrt su fo yna spots ti sa wonk ton ot doog s’tI ruo fo lla ,trats ot tuoba tsuj si krowtra eht nehW .meht tuoba egdelwonk eht dloh lliw ohw uoy s’ti os ,skrowtra eht ecneirepxe ot gniog htiw krowtra eht hcaorppa ot deen ew emit trohs taht roF .tnadnuder emoceb skoob yroeht tra dna snoitatcepxe ,saedi deviecnoc-erp .ssengnilliw dna ssennepo htiw klat nac ew ,stnassiorc dna eeffoc dna aet fo erahs a revo ;stsafkaerb yliad sedulcni stneve ’gniknihT drawkcaB‘ fo noitcelloc sihT era stsitra eht erehw snoisses rewsnA dna noitseuQ yliad ruo no selbat eht denrut ev’eW .skrowtra eht fo emos kcipnu dna stsitra eht buh tnatsnoc a sa rab iffac eht fo trap a ypucco ot gniog era eW .meht rewsna ot yrt thgim secneidua eht dna snoitseuq eht ksa ot gniog .klat ot neek syawla era taht ffats dna sdraob noitamrofni dna yrarbil a htiw .’gniknihT drawkcaB‘ emmargorp siht llac ew oS gniknihT drawkcaB .desirprus eb ot ydaer teg dna ,snoitatcepxe dna samgits ruo yawa tup ot gniyrt era ew esuaceb gniknihT drawkcaB tluciffid ot srewsna dna saedi taerg htiw pu emoc ot ,etubirtnoc ot ecneidua eht rof gnikool dna selbat eht gninrut era ew esuaceb gniknihT drawkcaB .gnitirw rorrim htiw uoy eugirtni thgim ew epoh ew esuaceb gniknihT drawkcaB .)?srewsna yna ereht erA( snoitseuq .stsilanoitidart ton er’eW .stsilanoitidart ega-enots dna senitsilihp tuoba ekoj ot ekil ew dna nuf sti esuaceb something .At llaExperimentica retfa sdrawkcawe’re b os tlooking on si tahout t wfor en g nihtemos rnew of tuthat o gnis ikonot ol eso r’ebackwards w acitnemiafter repxEall. tA taht lavitsef a si sihT .retpahC sa esrevid dna nepo sa ecalp a ni neppah reve ylno dluoc ti esuaceb retpahC ni sneppah acitnemirepxE ...erutcetihcra ,amenic ,ertaeht ,ecnad ,gnitniap ,erutplucs :sdleif evitaerc ynam os ot snoitubirtnoc lacitirc dna tnaveler ,lacidar sekam hcaorppa lliw eW .egap knalb a morf trats lliw ew esuaceb gniknihT drawkcaB .seloh noegip eseht lla esool ekahs ew taht tseggus ew tub .neppah ot gniog si gnihtemos dnA .neppah ot gniog s’tahw wonk ton od yllaer ew taht ecnatpecca nepo na htiw Sadwrn 24 Tachwedd SATURDAY 24 NOVEMBER ANNIVERSARY — AN ACT OF MEMORY: MONICA ROSS STIWDIO, 12 NOON ‘Anniversary – an act of memory’ is a performance series in 60 acts, focusing on the importance and relevance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). It includes voluntary performers who will recite from memory individual Articles from the Declaration, in their preferred language, making up the entire Declaration along with artist Monica Ross. www.actsofmemory.net BACKWARDS THINKING Q&A COMMON ROOM, 4PM Kathryn Ashill and Samuel Hasler host a Backwards Thinking Q&A connecting artists to audiences and audiences to artists. BEN EWART-DEAN CINEMA, 5PM Send/Receive is an independent film about the thriving Scottish experimental noise and abstract music community. It was assembled from interviews with over twenty sound artists and features sonic contributions and live footage from many more. Featuring funny, honest and frequently contradictory artists’ statements, the film develops from a snapshot portrait of this vibrant subculture into a broader examination of the creative impulse, and of how people experience and define sound. The film screening will be followed by a Q&A with two of the filmmakers and sonic / sound artists from the Festival and the wider Cardiff experimental music scene. benewartdean.tumblr.com TIM BROMAGE THEATRE, 6.30PM A selection of readings taken from the book The folklore of Wales and its borders, re-interpreted and written for the stage, accompanied with song and other activities. http://www.axisweb.org/ofSARF. aspx?SELECTIONID=169741 JOOST NIEWENBURG: EUCLIDS HORIZON MEDIA POINT, 8.30PM Connecting French playwright Antonin Artaud, Dutch colonial past, the making of a new land, family history and the power of imagination and love, Niewenburg’s performance lecture shifts between a TED-style talk and a narrative journey through objects, physical performance and personal history. Limited capacity. www.joostnieuwenburg.nl/ RANDOM PEOPLE: MOONLIGHTERS’ UNION CAFFI BAR, 10PM Moonlighting relies on factors that can no longer be taken for granted: the idea of ‘regular employment’ and the possibility of a clear distinction between labour and leisure. Without the reference of a fixed job, we are all moonlighters. Moonlighters’ Union aims to introduce the concept of ‘get-paid-as-you-wish’ and by considering the value of an activity outside of, but in relation to, established notions of what constitutes work or labour. The Moonlighters’ Union will hold a late-night assembly and offer a cash-budget to fund activities that people think they should get paid for in the future. www.random-people.net PEN-BLWYDD — DATGANIAD O GOF: MONICA ROSS STIWDIO, HANNER DYDD Mae ‘Pen-blwydd — Datganiad o Gof’ yn gyfres o berfformiadau mewn 60 act sy’n canolbwyntio ar bwysigrwydd a pherthnasedd y Datganiad Cyffredinol o Hawliau Dynol (UDHR). Bydd y gwaith hwn yn rhoi llwyfan i berfformwyr gwirfoddol, ar y cyd â’r artist Monica Ross, a fydd yn dysgu ac yn adrodd o gof Erthyglau unigol o’r Datganiad, yn eu dewis iaith, er mwyn ffurfio’r Datganiad cyfan. www.actsofmemory.net MEDDWL AM YN ÔL: SESIWN HOLIAC-ATEB YSTAFELL GYFFREDIN, 4PM Bydd Kathryn Ashill a Samuel Hasler yn cynnal sesiwn holi-ac-ateb Meddwl Am Yn Ôl i gysylltu artistiaid â chynulleidfaoedd a chynulleidfaoedd ag artistiaid. BEN EWART-DEAN SINEMA, 5PM Mae Send/Receive yn ffilm am gymuned ffyniannus sŵn arbrofol a cherddoriaeth haniaethol yr Alban. Cafodd ei chreu o gyfweliadau â mwy nag ugain o artistiaid sain ac mae’n cynnwys cyfraniadau sonig a lluniau byw gan lu o artistiaid eraill. Yn cynnwys datganiadau doniol ac onest gan artistiaid, sydd yn aml yn llawn gwrthddywediadau, mae’r ffilm yn datblygu o fod yn bortread bras o’r isddiwylliant bywiog hwn yn archwiliad ehangach o’r ysgogiad creadigol, a phrofiadau a diffiniadau pobl o sain. Dilynir y dangosiad gan sesiwn holi-ac-ateb gyda dau o wneuthurwyr ffilm / artistiaid sain yr Ŵyl ac aelodau o fyd cerddoriaeth arbrofol ehangach Caerdydd. Sul 25 Tachwedd SUNDAY 25 NOVEMBER TIM BROMAGE BACKWARDS THINKING Q&A RICHARD BOWERS: CEREMONY THEATR, 6.30PM MEDIA POINT, 12 NOON STIWDIO, 6PM Detholiad o ddarlleniadau o’r llyfr ‘The folklore of Wales and its borders’, wedi’u hailddehongli a’u haddasu ar gyfer y llwyfan, ynghyd â chaneuon a gweithgareddau eraill. Kathryn Ashill and Samuel Hasler host a Backwards Thinking Q&A connecting artists to audiences and audiences to artists. http://www.axisweb.org/ofSARF. aspx?SELECTIONID=169,741 VERTICAL CINEMA JOOST NIEWENBURG: EUCLIDS HORIZON Two international programmes of experimental films presented by the Cardiff-based collective. Curated by December Lab, an artist-run, notfor-profit organisation to support, promote and develop artists’ moving image these two, 45 minute selections of work feature Edwin Rostron, Christopher P McManus, Yoshi Sodeka, Liam Rogers, Chris King, Idroema, Sean Vicary, Frederique Santune, Stephanie Wuertz, Holly Genevieve, Toby Tatum, Wrightoid, Alberto Cabrera Bernal and Sabrina Ratte. Richard Bowers and the Sound of Aircraft Attacking Britain present Ceremony: a Hymn to the Night, an electronic-song-ritual featuring experimental folk singer Caroline Pugh. Against modified footage from a salvaged print of the 1940 Academy Awards ceremony, Pugh sings whilst Vivien Leigh delivers her acceptance speech for winning Best Actress for the role of Scarlet O’Hara in Gone with the Wind. Other speeches are stripped of referential content and forged into a collage of emotional mantras that, in league with the performer’s wordless Hymn to the Night, recasts the ceremony as religious rite. PWYNT CYFRYNGOL, 8.30PM Mae darlith-berfformiad Niewenburg yn cysylltu’r dramodydd Ffrengig Antonin Artaud â gorffennol trefedigaethol yr Iseldiroedd, y syniad o greu tir newydd, hanes teuluol a grym dychymyg a chariad, ac yn symud rhwng sgwrs yn arddull TED a thaith naratif trwy fyd o wrthrychau, perfformiadau corfforol a hanes personol. www.joostnieuwenburg.nl/ RANDOM PEOPLE: MOONLIGHTERS’ UNION CAFFI BAR, 10PM Mae gweithio mewn swyddi ychwanegol, answyddogol — ‘moonlighting’ — yn dibynnu ar ffactorau na ellir eu cymryd yn ganiataol mwyach: y syniad o ‘swydd ddibynadwy’ a’r posibilrwydd o wahaniaethu’n glir rhwng gwaith a hamdden. Heb y statws a ddaw yn sgil swydd sefydlog, rydym i gyd, i ryw raddau, yn gweithio fel ‘moonlighters’. Nod y Moonlighters’ Union yw cyflwyno’r cysyniad o ‘gael-eich-talu-fel-y-dymunwch’ ac ystyried hefyd werth gweithgareddau unigol ar y cyd ac ar wahân hefyd i syniadau sefydledig o’r hyn yw gwaith neu lafur. Bydd y Moonlighters’ Union yn cynnal cynulliad gyda’r hwyr ac yn cynnig arian parod ar gyfer y tasgau hynny y mae pobl yn credu y dylen nhw dderbyn tâl am eu cyflawni yn y dyfodol. www.random-people.net From L to R / O’r Chwith i’r Dde: Tim Bromage (© Roger Graham); Delaine Le Bas, Dikomengo Tan, 2012 Cinema, 12.30pm and 2pm decemberlab.wordpress.com DELAINE LE BAS WITH DAMIAN JAMES LE BAS: DIKOMENGO TAN COMMON ROOM, 5PM Featuring spoken word and film, Romany artist Delaine Le Bas’ work explores the experience of intolerance, misrepresentation, transitional displacement and homelessness that continue to be a daily experience for many in the world. www.richardbowers.co.uk AARON WILLIAMSon: HEADS AT THE WINDOWS Y LLOFFT, 8PM Aaron’s work is inspired by his experience of becoming deaf and by a politicised, yet humorous sensibility towards disability. Mostly as for Experimentica he devises unique performances and videos that are created on-site immediately prior to their public presentation. A constant theme is to challenge and subvert the romantic valorisation of social ‘outsiderness’ and thus portrays himself in performances and videos in the guise of shamshamans, pretend-primitives, hoax-hermits, fake feral children, charlatan saints and dubious monsters. www.aaronwilliamson.org MEDDWL AM YN ÔL: SESIWN HOLI-AC-ATEB PWYNT CYFRYNGOL, CANOL DYDD Bydd Kathryn Ashill a Samuel Hasler yn cynnal sesiwn holi-ac-ateb Meddwl Am Yn Ôl i gysylltu artistiaid â chynulleidfaoedd a chynulleidfaoedd ag artistiaid. VERTICAL CINEMA Sinema, 12.30pm a 2pm Rhaglen o ffilmiau arbrofol rhyngwladol wedi’i chyflwyno gan y grŵp o Gaerdydd. Wedi’i churadu gan December Lab, sefydliad di-elw i artistiaid, sy’n gyfrifol am gefnogi, hyrwyddo a datblygu artistiaid y ddelwedd symudol, mae’r detholiad 45-munud hwn yn cynnwys gweithiau gan Edwin Rostron, Christopher P McManus, Yoshi Sodeka, Liam Rogers, Chris King, Idroema, Sean Vicary, Frederique Santune, Stephanie Wuertz, Holly Genevieve, Toby Tatum, Wrightoid, Alberto Cabrera Bernal a Sabrina Ratte. decemberlab.wordpress.com DELAINE LE BAS GYDA DAMIAN JAMES LE BAS: DIKOMENGO TAN PWYNT CYFRYNGOL, 8PM Gan ddefnyddio technegau llefaru a ffilm, mae gwaith Delaine Le Bas yn archwilio profiadau o anoddefgarwch, camliwio, dadleoliad a digartrefedd — pethau sy’n dal i fod yn rhan o brofiadau dyddiol pobl ym mhedwar ban byd. RICHARD BOWERS: CEREMONY STIWDIO, 6PM Bydd Richard Bowers a Sound of Aircraft Attacking Britain yn cyflwyno Ceremony: a Hymn to the Night, defod gerddorol electronig gyda’r canwr gwerin arbrofol, Caroline Pugh. O flaen cefnlen o ddeunydd ffilm wedi’i brosesu, delweddau o Seremoni Wobrau’r Academi ym 1940, mae Pugh yn canu wrth i Vivien Leigh dderbyn Oscar yr Actores Orau am ei phortread o Scarlet O’Hara yn Gone with the Wind. Caiff unrhyw gynnwys cyd-destunol ei dynnu o areithiau eraill ac fe ffurfir y cyfan yn collage o mantras emosiynol sydd, ar y cyd ag emyn o fawl di-eiriau y perfformiwr i’r nos, yn ailgyflwyno’r seremoni fel defod grefyddol. www.richardbowers.co.uk AARON WILLIAMSON: HEADS AT THE WINDOWS Y LLOFFT, 8PM Mae gwaith Aaron wedi’i ysbrydoli gan ei brofiad o golli’i glyw a chan agwedd wleidyddol, lawn hiwmor hefyd, at anabledd. Yn ei waith yn gyffredinol, fel yn ei ddarn ar gyfer Experimentica, mae e’n dyfeisio perfformiadau a fideos unigryw yn y fan a’r lle, yn union cyn iddyn nhw gael eu cyflwyno’n gyhoeddus. Mae herio a gwyrdroi syniadau o ramantu arwahanrwydd cymdeithasol yn thema bwysig yn ei waith. Yn aml, mae’n ei gyflwyno’i hun fel siaman, sant, meudwy, plentyn fferal neu anghenfil er mwyn dadwneud cynodiadau ‘delfrydol’ y cymeriadau hyn. www.aaronwilliamson.org Clockwise from top-left / Gyda’r cloc o’r chwith uchaf: Richard Bowers, Ceremony; Aaron Williamson; Momus & Davida Hewlett IN THE CINEMA / YN Y SINEMA FILM SCREENINGS: UNSEEN THE SHINING DANGOSIADAU FFILM: ANWELEDIG CAPE FEAR This season presents an overview of some of the key titles that have troubled and occasionally confounded the British Board of Film Classification over a century of cinema. Decide for yourselves whether or not our censors and classifiers have got it right or wrong over the years, with this varied programme of potentially cut-able classics. Screenings are charged separately to Experimentica at the usual cinema prices unless stated. Booking essential. Fri 23 — THUR 29 Y tymor hwn, byddwn yn cyflwyno detholiad o’r ffilmiau hynny a achosodd wewyr meddwl i Fwrdd Dosbarthu Ffilmiau Prydain (BBFC) ac yn edrych yn ôl dros ganrif o sinema. Penderfynwch drosoch chi’ch hun a oedd penderfyniadau’r sensoriaid dros y blynyddoedd yn rhai doeth neu annoeth gyda’r rhaglen amrywiol hon o ffilmiau heriol. Oni nodir yn wahanol, codir pris tocyn sinema arferol (ar wahân i bris tocyn Experimentica) ar gyfer y dangosiadau hyn. Dylid archebu tocynnau ymlaen llaw. Sul 18 & Maw 20 SHOCK CORRIDOR PLUS Q&A WITH THE BBFC’S CRAIG LAPPER Sat 17 USA/1963/101 mins. Directed by Samuel Fuller. With Peter Breck. Shock Corridor is the aptly named 1963 B-movie psychodrama from American film auteur Samuel Fuller. Filled with a number of taboos — a burlesque musical number, a brutal attack by a gang of cannibalistic nymphomaniacs, the suggestions of incest and the mandatory electroshock sequence — Shock Corridor is a piece that allows an audience to question society and morality. SICK: THE LIFE & DEATH OF BOB FLANAGAN, SUPERMASOCHIST Sun 25 & Tues 27 USA/1997/92mins/18. Dir: Kirby Dick. Kirby Dick documented the proud life and lifestyle of cystic fibrosis sufferer Bob Flanagan, the LA writer, performance artist, comic and BDSM celebrity who remained an advocate of the liberating power of consensual S&M throughout his terminal illness. CAPE FEAR USA/1990/144mins/15. Dir: Stanley Kubrick. With Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, Scatman Crothers. Beautifully restored version of Kubrick’s truly tense and chilling horror about a young family who take on the care of a closed resort hotel high in the Colorado mountains during the long winter, only to find that their son’s imaginary friend ‘Tony’ knows a few secrets about how the previous occupants came to a sticky end. Double bill ticket price £12/£10 with Room 237 5 BROKEN CAMERAS Fri 23 — WED 28 Dir: Emad Burnat, Guy Davidi. Palestine/90mins/2012/NC Filmed from the perspective of Palestinian farm labourer Emad Burnat, this documentary was shot using six different video cameras – five of which were destroyed in the process of documenting Emad’s family’s life as well as Palestinian and International resistance to Israeli appropriation of land and occupation. ROOM 237: BEING AN INQUIRY INTO THE SHINING IN 9 PARTS FRI 23 — Thur 29 USA/2012/102mins/15. Dir: Rodney Ascher. The Shining may be over thirty years old but as the legendarily fastidious auteur left virtually nothing to chance while designing his films it continues to inspire debate, speculation, and mystery. Double bill ticket price £12/£10 with The Shining SHOCK CORRIDOR A SESIWN HOLIAC-ATEB CRAIG LAPPER O’R BBFC Sad 17 UDA/1963/101 mun. Cyfarwyddwyd gan Samuel Fuller. Gyda Peter Breck. ‘Shock Corridor’ yw teitl hynod addas y ffilm B a’r seicoddrama a gwblhawyd ym 1963 gan yr auteur Americanaidd, Samuel Fuller. Yn llawn o bynciau tabŵ — canu bwrlesg, ymosodiad creulon gan griw o nymffomaniaid canibalaidd, awgrymiadau o losgach a thriniaeth sioc drydanol orfodol — mae Shock Corridor yn ddarn sy’n gofyn i gynulleidfaoedd gwestiynu cymdeithas a moesoldeb. SICK: THE LIFE & DEATH OF BOB FLANAGAN, SUPERMASOCHIST Ar ôl cael ei garcharu am wyth mlynedd am dreisio ac ymosod, caiff Max Cady ei ryddhau ac mae e’n mynd yn syth at ei erlynydd, Sam Bowden, i ddial arno am y blynyddoedd a dreuliodd y tu ôl i fariau. Mae Cady yn bygwth ac yn codi ofn ar y cyfreithiwr a’i deulu ond yn aros o fewn terfynau’r gyfraith — tan i Sam sylweddoli beth yw gwir fwriadau Cady a llwyddo, yn y pen draw, i droi’r drol. Arweiniodd y ffilm hon at feirniadaeth anarferol o’r Bwrdd Dosbarthu — eu bod nhw’n rhy llym. ‘161 Cuts In One Film’ oedd pennawd y Daily Express. THE SHINING Gwe 23 — Sul 25 UDA/1990/144mun/15 Cyf: Stanley Kubrick. Gyda Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, Scatman Crothers. Print newydd sy’n adfer ffilm wirioneddol arswydus Kubrick i’w llawn ogoniant. Mae’r gwaith yn adrodd hanes teulu ifanc sy’n cymryd yr awenau mewn gwesty caeedig ym mynyddoedd Colorado dros aeaf hir ac oer. Maen nhw’n dysgu bod ‘Tony’, cyfaill dychmygol eu mab, yn gwybod ambell i gyfrinach am y trigolion blaenorol. Pris tocyn dwbl — The Shining a Room 237 — £12/£10 Sul 18 & Maw 20 5 BROKEN CAMERAS UDA/1997/92mun/18. Cyf: Kirby Dick. Gwe 23 — MER 28 Aeth Kirby Dick ati i ddogfennu balchder Bob Flanagan yn ei fywyd a’i ffordd o fyw. Roedd Flanagan yn awdur ac artist perfformio ac yn enwog am ei hoffter o BDSM. Roedd hefyd yn dioddef o ffibrosis systig ac yn gredwr cryf yng ngrym rhyddhaol S&M drwy gydol cyfnod hir ei salwch. Sun 18 & Tues 20 USA/1962/106mins/15. Dir: J L Thompson. With Gregory Peck, Robert Mitchum, Polly Bergen, Lori Martin. After an eight-year prison term for rape and assault Max Cady is set free, making a beeline to prosecutor Sam Bowden to ‘pay him back’ for his years behind bars. Cady stays within the law in his meticulous campaign of terror until Sam realises his true intension and ultimately turns the tables. This violent thriller put the Board in the unusual position of being vilified by the tabloids for being too stringent: ‘161 Cuts In One Film’ declared an outraged Daily Express. UDA/1962/106mun/15 Cyf: J L Thompson. Gyda Gregory Peck, Robert Mitchum, Polly Bergen, Lori Martin. Cyf: Emad Burnat, Guy Davidi. Palesteina/90mun/2012/DimTyst Wedi’i ffilmio o safbwynt gweithiwr fferm Palesteinaidd, Emad Burnat, cafodd y ffilm ddogfen hon ei saethu gyda chwe chamera fideo gwahanol. Cafodd pump o’r rhain eu dinistrio yn ystod y broses o gofnodi bywyd teuluol Emad a gwrthwynebiad y Palesteiniaid a’r gymuned ryngwladol i bolisi Israel o feddiannu ac anheddu. ROOM 237: BEING AN INQUIRY INTO THE SHINING IN 9 PARTS From L to R / O’r Chwith i’r Dde: The Shining; 5 Broken Cameras; Sick: The Life & Death Of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist Llun 26 — Iau 29 UDA/2012/102mun/15. Cyf: Rodney Ascher. Mae The Shining yn 30 mlwydd oed ond, am fod Kubrick wedi ystyried yn ofalus bob manylyn unigol yn ei ffilm eiconig, mae’r gwaith yn dal i esgor ar drafodaethau brwd, dyfalu a dirgelwch. Pris tocyn dwbl — The Shining a Room 237 — £12/£10 ARTES MUNDI 5 Tan 13 Ionawr 2013 MIRIAM BÄCKSTRÖM, TANIA BRUGUERA, PHIL COLLINS, SHEELA GOWDA, TERESA MARGOLLES, DARIUS MIKŠYS & APOLONIJA ŠUŠTERŠIČ www.artesmundi.org Artes Mundi yw gwobr gelfyddyd fwyaf y DG ac mae’n cynnwys arddangosfa o waith saith artist sy’n torri tir newydd ledled Ewrop, America Ladin, India a Sgandinafia. Cyflwynir y brif arddangosfa yn yr Amgueddfa Genedlaethol, Caerdydd, tan 13 Ionawr, ac fe gyhoeddir enw enillydd y wobr ar 29 Tachwedd. Eleni am y tro cyntaf, mae Chapter yn falch iawn o gydweithio ag Artes Mundi i gyflwyno amrywiaeth o brosiectau gan rai o’r artistiaid ar y rhestr fer. Phil COLLINS: SESIWN HOLI-AC-ATEB GYDA JASON BOWMAN PHIL COLLINS: THIS UNFORTUNATE THING BETWEEN US, 2011 ARTES MUNDI 1X1X1: Un Artist, Un Diwrnod, Un Ffilm Y TU ALLAN I CHAPTER Until 13 January 2013 Artes Mundi is the UK’s largest art prize with an exhibition of seven groundbreaking artists across Europe, Latin America, India and Scandinavia. The main exhibition is held at National Museum Cardiff until 13 January — with the prize winner announced on 29 November. This year Chapter is delighted to be collaborating with Artes Mundi for the first time to present a range of projects by some of the shortlisted artists. Phil Collins SCREENING & Q&A with Jason Bowman Phil Collins: This Unfortunate Thing Between Us, 2011 ARTES MUNDI 1X1X1: ONE ARTIST, ONE DAY, ONE FILM Outside At Chapter Outside Chapter’s entrance two second–hand caravans are hosting the UK premiere of This Unfortunate Thing Between Us. First performed in September 2011 in a theatre in the centre of Berlin and broadcast live on German digital television, TUTBU TV is an alternative home shopping channel selling real life experiences at promotional prices in place of mass produced commodities. Hosted by a cast of actors and porn workers, and featuring a soundtrack by Wales’ own Gruff Rhys and Y Niwl, This Unfortunate Thing Between Us adopts the format of teleshopping, with pitches, demonstrations and live phone– ins, providing a tantalising glimpse into what could be the future of consumer television. So kick back with a cuppa, cwtch up around the telly with pals old and new, to the patter of rain on the roof and only one channel working: TUTBU TV — more experience isn’t possible! Phil Collins: Commission On The Lightbox Friday 9 November — Tuesday 4 December As part of TUTBU TV, and to coincide with Experimentica 2012, Phil Collins has been commissioned to produce a new artwork for Chapter’s lightbox,that will form a dramatic backdrop to the TUTBU caravans. This commission has been generously supported through a grant from Cardiff Contemporary www.cardiffcontemporary.co.uk Thursday 22, 6pm Alongside screenings of marxism today (prologue) and use! value! exchange! (both 2010) Phil Collins will be in discussion with artist, writer and curator Jason Bowman. This event is ticketed at £10 (£5) concs. Booking essential. In The Gallery 12-8pm As part of Experimentica, Chapter has invited Artes Mundi to curate a programme of films by some of this year’s shortlisted artists. Each day will feature a single film by one of the artists, each offering a response to this year’s festival theme of ‘UNSEEN’: 21 November: Teresa Margolles, Irrigación, 2012 22 November: Phil Collins, soy mi madre, 2008 23 November: Tania Bruguera, Tatlin’s Whisper no.6 (Havana version), 2009 24 November: Miriam Bäckström, Rebecka, 2004 25 November: Apolonija Šušteršič & Meike Schalk, Alienation, 2005 MIRIAM BÄCKSTRÖM: MOTHERFUCKER IN THE THEATRE Wednesday 28, 7pm and 9pm Motherfucker explores the complex roles, positions and perspectives within a relationship. A female director asks a male actor to forge a character whom she wants to meet in order to be able to leave. As the drama unfolds, so does the shifting control and dependencies. The performance is mixed with live video feed, creating a paradox between the real and mediated video that is simultaneously being projected. This event is ticketed at £10 (£5) concs. Booking essential. Miriam BÄckstrÖm: Kira Carpelan In The Cinema Wednesday 21, 3pm This film tells the story of Miriam Bäckström’s year-long collaboration with the artist Kira Carpelan. Carpelan could use Bäckström’s works, notes, knowledge, resources and networks to develop an exhibition of which Carpelan would be in control and Bäckström would continuously film their working process and be in full control of the edited film. Usual cinema prices apply; booking essential. Miriam Bäckström: Kira Carpelan, 2007 Y tu allan i’n mynedfa, mae dwy garafán ail-law yn gartref i’r première Prydeinig o This Unfortunate Thing Between Us. Wedi’i berfformio am y tro cyntaf ym mis Medi 2011 mewn theatr yng nghanol Berlin ac mewn darllediad byw ar deledu digidol yn yr Almaen, mae TUTBU yn sianel siopa amgen sy’n gwerthu profiadau bywyd go iawn am brisiau disgownt yn lle’r amrywiaeth arferol o nwyddau rhad a gemwaith. Wedi’i berfformio gan gast o actorion a gweithwyr porn, ac i gyfeiliant trac sain gan rai o hoelion wyth cerddoriaeth Cymru, Gruff Rhys ac Y Niwl, mae TUTBU yn efelychu fformat sianel delesiopa — gyda chyflwyniadau, cynigion arbennig a chyfle i ffonio’r rhaglen. Mae’r gwaith yn gipolwg pryfoclyd ar un dyfodol posib i deledu masnachol. Felly, gwnewch baned, ymlaciwch a swatiwch o flaen y teledu gyda ffrindiau hen a newydd, i wylio’r unig sianel sy’n gweithio: TUTBU TV — mae’n brofiad a hanner! PHIL COLLINS: COMISIWN BLWCH GOLAU Gwener 9 Tachwedd — Mawrth 4 Rhagfyr Yn rhan o TUTBU TV, ac i gyd-fynd ag Experimentica 2012, derbyniodd Phil Collins gomisiwn i gynhyrchu gwaith newydd ar gyfer blwch golau Chapter a ffurfio cefnlen ddramatig i garafannau TUTBU. Derbyniodd y comisiwn gymorth grant gan Gaerdydd Gyfoes ww.cardiffcontemporary.co.uk MIRIAM BÄCKSTRÖM: KIRA CARPELAN YN Y SINEMA Mercher 21 Tachwedd, 3pm Mae’r ffilm hon yn adrodd hanes blwyddyn Miriam Bäckström yn cydweithio â’r artist Kira Carpelan. Cafodd Carpelan ryddid pur i ymwneud â Bäckström a’i gwaith fel y dymunai. Cafodd ganiatâd i ddefnyddio gweithiau Bäckström ynghyd â’i nodiadau, ei gwybodaeth, ei hadnoddau a’i rhwydweithiau, er mwyn datblygu arddangosfa y byddai Carpelan yn ei rheoli’n llwyr. Aeth Bäckström ati i ffilmio’r broses o gydweithio a’i chyfrifoldeb hi wedyn oedd y ffilm orffenedig. Pris tocyn sinema arferol; dylid archebu ymlaen llaw. Iau 22 Tachwedd, 6.30pm, Sinema 1 I gyd-fynd â dangosiadau o marxism today (prologue) ac use! value! exchange! (y ddau waith yn dyddio o 2010), bydd Phil Collins yn trafod ei waith gyda’r artist, yr awdur a’r curadur, Jason Bowman. Pris tocyn ar gyfer y digwyddiad hwn £10 (£5 gost.) Dylid archebu tocynnau ymlaen llaw. YN YR ORIEL 12-8pm Yn rhan o Experimentica, mae Chapter wedi gwahodd Artes Mundi i guradu rhaglen o ffilmiau gan rai o’r artistiaid sydd ar y rhestr fer eleni. Bydd pob diwrnod yn gyfle i weld un ffilm gan un o’r artistiaid, pob un yn ymateb i thema’r ŵyl eleni, ‘ANWELEDIG’: 21 Tachwedd: Teresa Margolles, Irrigación, 2012 22 Tachwedd: Phil Collins, soy mi madre, 2008 23 Tachwedd: Tania Bruguera, Tatlin’s Whisper no. 6 (fersiwn Havana), 2009 24 Tachwedd: Miriam Bäckström, Rebecka, 2004 25 Tachwedd: Apolonija Šušteršič & Meike Schalk, Alienation, 2005 MIRIAM BÄCKSTRÖM: MOTHERFUCKER YN Y THEATR Mercher 28 Tachwedd, 7pm a 9pm Mae Motherfucker yn archwilio’r rolau, y swyddogaethau a’r safbwyntiau cymhleth sydd yn bodoli oddi mewn i berthynas. Mae cyfarwyddwr benywaidd yn gofyn i actor gwrywaidd greu cymeriad y byddai hi eisiau cwrdd ag ef er mwyn gallu ei adael. Wrth i’r ddrama ddatblygu, felly hefyd syniadau o reolaeth a dibyniaeth. Ategir y perfformiad gan lif fideo byw, sy’n creu paradocs rhwng yr hyn sy’n real a’r hyn a gyflwynir ar y fideo. Pris tocyn ar gyfer y digwyddiad hwn £10 (£5 gost.) Dylid archebu ymlaen llaw. Experimentica calendar / CALENDR EXPERIMENTICA What’s on / Digwyddiad Throughout the Festival / TrWY Gydol Yr Ŵyl Location / Lleoliad Time / Amser Artists’ Resource / Adnodd i Artistiaid Amber Mottram Holly Davey Laura Sorvala Matt Cook, Tse Chun Sing & Tsang Sin Yu Phil Babot Phil Collins: TUTBU TV Richard Higlett Caffi Bar Canton / Treganna Caffi Bar Caffi Bar Y Llofft Gallery / Oriel Forecourt / Prif fynedfa Chapter¡ Daily / Dyddiol Daily / Dyddiol Daily / Dyddiol Daily / Dyddiol Daily / Dyddiol † Daily / Dyddiol 12-8pm* Daily / Dyddiol 12-8pm Daily / Dyddiol Wed 21 / Mer 21 Backwards Thinking Q&A / Meddwl Am Yn Ôl - Sesiwn holi-ac-ateb 1x1x1- Teresa Margolles Miriam Bäckström Sioned Huws & Eddie Ladd Phil Babot Momus & Davida Hewlett Media Point / Pwynt Cyfryngol 12pm Gallery / Oriel 12-8pm Cinema / Sinema 3pm Stiwdio4.30pm Gallery / Oriel 6pm Theatre / Theatr 8.30pm Thur 22 / IAU 22 PITCH radio with Matt Cook / Radio PITCH gyda Matt Cook 1x1x1- Phil Collins Backwards Thinking Q&A / Meddwl Am Yn Ôl - Sesiwn holi-ac-ateb good cop bad cop Cathy Gordon Phil Collins: film followed by Q&A / ffilm a sesiwn holi-ac-ateb Christoph Dettmeier Caffi Bar 10am Gallery / Oriel 12-8pm Media Point / Pwynt Cyfryngol 1pm Stiwdio2-8pm Theatre / Theatr 2-5pm & 7-9pm Cinema / Sinema 6pm Media Point / Pwynt Cyfryngol 8.30pm Fri 23 / Gwe 23 Zierle & Carter Amber Mottram: guided tour / taith dywysedig 1x1x1 — Tania Bruguera Tooth & Clawr Charlie Tweed Tom Marshman Mamoru Iriguchi The Strange Names Collective The Collect City Centre / Canol y Dinas 9am-6pm Chapter 11am Gallery / Oriel 12-8pm Media Point / Pwynt Cyfryngol 2pm Cinema/Sinema3pm Common Room / Ystafell Gyffredin 4pm Stiwdio6pm Theatre / Theatr 9pm Common Room / Ystafell Gyffredin 11pm Sat 24 / SAD 24 1x1x1 – Miriam Bäckström Monica Ross Backwards Thinking Q&A / Meddwl Am Yn Ôl - Sesiwn holi-ac-ateb Ben Ewart-Dean Tim Bromage Joost Nieuwenburg Random People Gallery / Oriel 12-8pm Stiwdio12pm Common Room / Ystafell Gyffredin 4pm Cinema / Sinema 5pm Theatre / Theatr 6:30pm Media Point / Pwynt Cyfryngol 8:30pm Caffi Bar 10pm Sun 25 / SUL 25 1x1x1- Apolonija Šušteršic & Meikes Chalk Backwards Thinking Q&A / Meddwl Am Yn Ôl - Sesiwn holi-ac-ateb Vertical Cinema Delaine Le Bas & Damian James Le Bas Richard Bowers Aaron Williamson Gallery / Oriel 12-8pm Media Point / Pwynt Cyfryngol 12pm Cinema / Sinema 12:30pm & 2pm Common Room / Ystafell Gyffredin 5pm Stiwdio6pm Y Llofft 8pm † residency only / † cyfnod preswyl yn unig * Except Wednesday / *Ag eithrio dydd Mercher