Route in Birmingham from Saltley Business Park to Duddeston Mill
Route in Birmingham from Saltley Business Park to Duddeston Mill
B C D E F G I J K S D N A L T R A E H L M N O P Weir 6 W AY N Posts H Y A \ gl obal \ mi dl ands\ j obs\ 209000\ 20974200\ 4I nt er nalPr oj ectDat a\ 410 PostConsul t at i on Dr awi ngs\ 0_Dr awi ngs\ HS2ARP00DRRW 05217. dgn A NSTREAM M AI A1 W K R A P FB 9.25m over City Centre into Curzon 92.5m New HS2 Bridge over Canal Bor oC railway Rail Traffic Control Centre Bd y ar d W on st an d S i gn al B ri dg e C Bo ro C R 14 Box structure over 11 existing railways 173+600 10 Grand Union Canal 3 Saltley Viaduct to be reconstructed to accomodate High 92.5m El Su bSt a Speed Lines PEM BRO KEW AY New HS2 Retaining Structure T a n k 9 8 7 2 6 92.5m 95.1m 5 1 96.1m Network Park 4 O RD WF CRA AD LRO L MI 2 Ca na l Scrap Yard EWA Y EET STR PEN NI N Depot 96.4m 93 . 0m 172 +80 0 13 12 92.5m Bi r mi n g h a mD o wn l i n e 173+0 00 15 Bi r mi n g h a mU pl i n e anal on C Uni and Gr 4 ON T DES DUD 16 h Pat 94.6m Depot Network Park ng i Tow 1 173+200 ons t& Wa r dB dy Bor oC FB SA L TL EY VI AD UC T RRW 0 521 6 3 99.6m Tank HS 2A R P00D MP 40.5 MP 40 ETL 94.0m 92.5m 400 + 3 7 1 2 Bridge Signal Pond o n t i nua t i on R ef erT o structure over existing 101.1m Un i on to be shortened for box FB ra nd ons t& Wa r dB dy Duddeston Road siding For C Street G Rea ForCont i nuat i on Ref erTo HS2ARP00DRRW 05218 Start of HS2 Viaduct ver Ri MI LL RO AD To wi ng Pa t h 10 DU DD ES TO N 1 Plan Scale 1:1250 110.0 110.0 5 New HS2 Viaduct over City Centre into Curzon Street Station 2065m New HS2 Retaining Structure Down Birmingham 108.0 108.0 New Saltley Viaduct over HS2 106.0 6 106.0 104.0 104.0 102.0 102.0 Box Structure over existing railways 380m 100.0 100.0 New HS2 bridge over Canal 98.0 98.0 96.0 96.0 R=604.500 L = 6 6 . 1 2 3 L=599.229 L=92.502 L = 6 0 . 7 7 3 R=600.000 TP. 94. 517 L=39.789 L=39.882 L=539.100 L = 6 3 5 . 1 2 4 G= 0 . 2 8 4 % 98. 199 98. 094 97. 913 97. 854 96. 845 96. 545 95. 913 95. 908 95. 863 95. 827 95. 856 95. 907 96. 058 96. 096 96. 013 96. 020 95. 709 96. 103 95. 986 95. 967 95. 756 95. 597 95. 545 100. 357 94. 492 94. 193 92. 781 93. 173 94. 573 94. 246 93. 695 93. 659 93. 584 93. 561 93. 863 93. 662 93. 385 93. 192 93. 420 93. 309 93. 245 108. 883 108. 293 107. 704 107. 115 106. 525 105. 936 105. 347 104. 757 102. 989 102. 400 101. 811 101. 221 100. 632 100. 043 99. 453 98. 864 98. 275 97. 685 97. 096 96. 507 95. 932 95. 447 95. 062 94. 777 94. 592 94. 504 94. 448 94. 391 94. 334 94. 277 94. 220 94. 164 94. 107 94. 050 93. 993 93. 937 93. 880 93. 823 +10. 380 +9. 850 +10. 270 +9. 980 +10. 023 +9. 439 +8. 894 +8. 341 104. 168 103. 579 +10. 789 +7. 723 +7. 082 +6. 342 +5. 715 +5. 208 +4. 612 +4. 334 +3. 350 +2. 878 +2. 308 +1. 929 +1. 499 +0. 962 4. 425 +0. 955 +0. 869 +1. 996 +1. 419 0. 069 +0. 202 +0. 696 +0. 675 +0. 693 +0. 659 +0. 301 +0. 445 +0. 665 +0. 801 +0. 517 +0. 571 +0. 578 Vertical Alignment 109. 472 L=106.463 R=-4000.000 10 80km/h 100km/h Chainage Horizontal Alignment +11. 273 L = 5 5 2 . 9 3 3 90.0 R=1622.436 L=285.886 G= 2 . 9 4 7 % 172+800. 000 172+820. 000 172+840. 000 172+860. 000 172+880. 000 172+900. 000 172+920. 000 172+940. 000 172+960. 000 172+980. 000 R=1440.500 L=90.120 9 173+000. 000 173+020. 000 Ch. 173044. 349 92.0 173+040. 000 173+060. 000 173+080. 000 173+100. 000 173+120. 000 173+160. 000 173+180. 000 173+200. 000 173+220. 000 173+240. 000 173+260. 000 173+280. 000 173+300. 000 173+320. 000 173+340. 000 173+360. 000 173+380. 000 173+400. 000 173+420. 000 173+440. 000 173+460. 000 173+480. 000 173+500. 000 173+520. 000 173+540. 000 173+560. 000 8 173+580. 000 90.0 173+600. 000 92.0 94.0 173+140. 000 94.0 TP. 96. 236 Ch. 173150. 813 7 160km/h 170km/h Existing Level Proposed Level Cut and Fill Design Speed Profile ' Crown copyright and database rights 2011 Ordnance Survey 10049190 Environmental Features Legend Scale H 1:1250 V 1:125 Special Areas of Conservation National Parks Listed buildings Special Protection Areas Flood Risk Zones Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty National Nature Reserves RAMSAR Parks and Gardens Client Job Title Drawing Title Railway Highway High Speed 2 Post Consultation Route Cutting Cutting Feasibility Study West Midlands Drawings Plan and Profile, Sheet 17 of 20 1.0 13/0112 / CO MP The Arup Campus, Blythe Gate, Blythe Valley Park CL Solihull, West Midlands B90 8AE Scale at A1 World Heritage Site Scheduled Ancient Monuments Railway Highway Embankment Embankment Approved T +44(0)121 213 3000 F +44(0)121 213 3001 Job No Approved 209742-00 Drawing No Issue HS2-ARP-00-DR-RW-05217 1.0 Discipline Issue Historical Battlefields SSSI As Shown Drawing Status Date By Chkd Appd Rail ' Arup 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 Metres at 1:1 (Scale with caution as distortion can occur)
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