Saint Andrew School - St. Andrew the Apostle Church
Saint Andrew School - St. Andrew the Apostle Church
Saint Andrew School PROVIDING A QUALITY ROMAN CATHOLIC EDUCATION A lumni N ewsletter Fall 2010 Inside 3 From the Principal 4 Class Notes 6 Science Lab 7 8 rofessor Paul P Bracken (‘62) lass of 1980 C Reunion 10 12 14 15 19 ister Elizabeth S McVeigh, SSJ lass of 1958 C Reunion Enrollment News 010 Annual 2 Appeal Donors emembering R SAS Saint Andrew School 535 Mason Ave. Drexel Hill, PA 19026 610-259-5145 “. . . our hearts are restless, until they rest in You!” Dear Alumni/æ and Friends of Saint Andrew School, A man sat at a metro station in Washington, D.C. and started to play the violin; it was a cold January morning. He played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, since it was rush hour, it was calculated that thousands of people went through the station, most of them on their way to work. Three minutes went by and a middle aged man noticed there was musician playing. He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds and then hurried up to meet his schedule. A minute later, the violinist received his first dollar tip: a woman threw the money in the till and without stopping continued to walk. A few minutes later, someone leaned against the wall to listen to him, but the man looked at his watch and started to walk again. Clearly he was late for work. The one who paid the most attention was a 3 year old boy. His mother tagged him along, hurried but the kid stopped to look at the violinist. Finally the mother pushed hard and the child continued to walk turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. All the parents, without exception, forced them to move on. In the 45 minutes the musician played, only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 gave him money but continued to walk their normal pace. He collected $32. When he finished playing and silence took over, no one noticed it. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition. No one knew this but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the top musicians in the world. He played one of the most intricate musical pieces ever written, with a violin worth 3.5 million dolcontinued on page 2 Saint Andrew School “. . . our hearts are restless . . .” continued from front cover lars. Two days before his playing in the subway, Joshua Bell sold out at a theater in Boston with the seats averaging $100 a piece. This is a real story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste and priorities of people. The outlines were: in a commonplace environment at an inappropriate hour: Do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize the talent in an unexpected context? One of the possible conclusions from this experience could be: If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing? It is amazing to me that in a period of time in which we are inundated by information and obsessed with the notion that we might miss something, we so frequently miss the very things that really matter. How is it that we can so easily lose sight of the most important things in life? How quickly we become bored with the things for which we sought so fervently! What is it in the human heart that propels us by desire toward good or destruction? At the beginning of his spiritual and psychological autobiography, the great St. Augustine captured the deepest desire of the human heart in a simple and prayerful phrase; “for Thou hast made us for Thyself and restless is our heart until it comes to rest in Thee.” The deepest desire of the human heart is, therefore, the longing for intimacy—genuine and lasting intimacy—which sustains life. This desire is part-and-parcel of the human heart as it seeks its fulfillment in Love, who is God. We, sons and daughters of Adam and Eve, are so easily side-tracked, distracted, or restless, and easily lose focus on the true object of our desire, Who is neither an object that can be possessed nor another trophy to be collected. God invites each of us to the fullness of love by making pilgrimage through our earthly life; traversing its valleys, climbing its mountains, forging its torrents and resting and recreating at its occasional oasis. In the end, this is the task of Saint Andrew School, to communicate this Good News and share it with joy. We can never forget or lose sight, therefore, of the beauty, value and significance of this school and its programs in our lives, in our parish and in our community. Over and over again, God reveals His gracious face in our midst through the school community. Some inevitably have read my musings that during the summer months, two stu2 dents from Saint Andrew School - Hannah (grade 4) and Hailey (grade 2) - left a donation totaling $14.00 for the school after collecting seashells at the beach, painting and selling them all during their summer vacation. Several times I have been given envelopes with a couple dollars in them given anonymously to the secretary by our students for the poor box. On one occasion, I actually uncovered one of these generous souls; therefore, Ethan (grade 5) will receive my gratitude for all their generosity. Mrs. McLean informed me that the Student Council came to her with the desire to have a dress down day in order to raise some money to memorialize the lives of: Mr. Raymond Ewing, their teacher; Mrs. Alice M. Sullivan, Fr. Sullivan’s dear mother and my own dear mother, Mrs. Josephine Grous, all who died over the summer months. These are only a few vignettes which demonstrate the love, generosity and good will of our students. There are countless other ways in which I am assured that all our efforts and all our financial support to maintain Saint Andrew School, as a safe community of learning focused on what is best for our children and preparing them to build a culture of life and a civilization of love, is all worth it. I take it as one of my major responsibilities not to allow any of you to forget or to miss the beauty, the talent, the value and the capacity for love right here in our own back yard. Is there a more worthy endeavor to support? Later on in this Newsletter (page 10), you will read how Sr. Betty McVeigh, SSJ, remembers her days as a student and a teacher at SAS (she is currently a supervisor for Neumann University students teaching in our school). She writes: “But mostly, how the seeds of LIFE, LOVE, FAMILY, FRIENDS, and SERVICE were planted and nurtured. . .” Sister’s reflection joined to my daily encounters with the students, teachers, parents, volunteers and principal only confirms that we are on the right course - preserving the legacy of the past and building a dream for the future. Thank you for being a part of this dream and I ask that you invite anyone else who is interested in making a difference in the life of a child to join us in this flight of imagination, this leap of faith, this task of love. May God bless and keep you. Yours sincerely in the Lord, Msgr. Albin J. Grous. Pastor Alumni Newsletter From the Principal On behalf of the faculty and students of Saint Andrew School, I thank you for your generosity to us. With funds donated to the school, we were able to have the LabLearner® science program installed over the summer (see page 6). In the very first weeks of school, the children in first grade learned how sound travels from the source to the brain. Using a tuning fork, they were able to demonstrate the transmission. I know my first exposure to a tuning fork was at the high school level, so this really amazed me. Across the grades, I notice a high level of student engagement and enthusiasm about working in the lab. When we consider the 21st Century Skills so necessary for the students to develop (compassion, critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity), it is clear to me that we have set our students on the right path to learning. It is also clear to me that we could not have done this without the support of those outside of the present school community. With the opening of the lab came another need. In order to have students able to perform their investigations within a certain time-frame, and have the lab ready for the next scheduled class, we needed extra hands. Several of our parents graciously responded to the call to act as lab assistants. For every class we have one or two volunteers who come to school on lab day with a list of materials provided by the teacher. Some volunteers swing by on their way to or from work to set up or clean up the lab. Others are able to stay for the lab session and act as teacher aides. These volunteers have modeled for their students stewardship values and collaboration. It’s a beautiful thing to behold. While I am most grateful for all of our volunteers in the many roles they fill during the school day, there is a group that is very special. They are the parents of our alumni. Even though their SAS students have been long gone from the school, these parents continue to be of great service. Gwen Peacock and Loretta Celotto assist in the library. Mary Jane Mrazik leads the Children’s Rosary each week, and works with the little ones in the Atrium. Her husband, Thom, has been a tremendous help in writing grant applications and helping us publish a recent article in Today’s Catholic Teacher. Mary Anne Litz and Winne Hneleski tend to the sick and injured in the nurse’s office. Gert Lindinger, Nancy Hanlon, Rose Dooling, and Carol Berrier help out when Sister Roberta is away from her desk. Steve Litz compiles and edits this publication that allows us to share our good news with all of you. In this season of homecomings and giving thanks, we at Saint Andrew School count among our blessings our benefactors and our volunteers, especially those who have come back to their children’s elementary school. Many thanks for all you do! Mrs. Helen McLean [email protected] Attention all SAS Alumni - You're invited to attend... ...our first alumni meeting on Tuesday, November 23rd from 7:00 - 8:00 pm in the rectory conference room. A few of the agenda items will include planning all class reunion events, an annual gala / fundraiser, helping SAS alumni stay connected, and strengthening those "bonds that develop over the elementary school years that link alumni for life." For more information, please email Claire Martorana ('77) at [email protected] 3 Saint Andrew School Class Notes “It is the bonds that develop over the elementary school years that link alumni for life." 1948 Raymond & Ruth Meillier 1957 Bill Byrne We were very blessed - wonderful nuns, school & fellow students. God is Good! Naples, FL With grateful affection! Hainesport, NJ My identical twin brother Conal was killed in Vietnam in 1967. I taught in the Radnor Schools for 33 years as well as teaching English part-time at Delaware County Community College and Villanova. In 2002, my wife Faye and I moved to the Eastern Shore where I continue to teach part-time. Tilghman, MD 1949 Bob & Peggy Morro 1958 Joseph A. Breslin, Jr. Off to see the world in a Dragon Boat (officiating). This year was Macau. Drexel Hill, PA I just celebrated our 52nd reunion of the Class of 1958. The reunion was terrific! Good memories and good fellowship. All the best - from Joe and Trudy ('59 McSorley) Breslin. Lancaster, PA Patricia C. Wolfington 1950 Marie & Lou Pinto Marie's favorite memory - "singing in the choir with my eyes on Lou who was an altar server!" Carlisle, PA 1953 Brother Christopher O'Brien, OCSO Hope to receive the Fall 2010 Alumni Newsletter. Great to see my brother Joe's picture in the Class of 1949 photo. Great Newsletter! St. Joseph's Abbey Spencer, MA Editor's Note: Congratulations to Brother Christopher on his 50th Jubilee of monastic vows March 13, 1960 - March 13, 2010 Frances Faustman Hopson The Class of 1958 held a reunion on May 22, 2010 at Anthony's in Drexel Hill. Forty-five classmates attended. There was a surplus of $350 after expenses and we wish to donate it to the SAS Annual Appeal Campaign. (Please see page 12-13 for additional coverage of this reunion) Rosemont, PA 1959 Brian Geraghty I retired from Ford Motor Company in 2007 & have been teaching at a State University and serving on City Council. Our daughter is a junior at the University of Michigan. Grosse Pointe Shores, MI 1960 Carolyn Schwabe Hoover I will be starting my 31st year of teaching- mostly 1st grade. My husband John is retired US Army. We have two sons and a daughter who is in her 2nd year of medical school at VCU in Richmond, VA. Hayes, VA A community of Trappist Monks living a contemplative life of work and prayer. 4 1964 Frances(Bonanni) Hay Mathematics Teacher West Chester, PA Alumni Newsletter 1974 Anne Bradley Mitchell Hello Mrs. McLean, I already have heard comments from St. Andrew alums about the great newsletter. We had one of the best classes ever - Just ask Betty Spano which Reading Group A went through the Reader (was it McGinn or Scott-Foresman?) in record time. Actually, we had some of the kindest students ever in our grade - like Joanne Stack Lemke, a member of the class of 1974. Since we are all turning 50 this year, who better to have a few laughs than the people who remember you when you were one of those "empty barrels that made the most noise." I like how the Class of 1980 is having their event in the Parish Hall so St. Andrew's could benefit financially from the venue. Every time I run into people from our grade, we all say that we really need to get a reunion together, but we have a little inertia as of late. Your fantastic newsletter has inspired me to at least take a step to see what steps we would need to accomplish this task. It has been 10 years since the last reunion. Matt Phelan (cont.) Scott O’Dell Award for Historical Fiction. The Storm in the Barn tells of the life of a boy named Jack and his family during the Dust Bowl. It is the first graphic novel ever awarded the Scott O’Dell Award. 1984 Brian Lake Brian is married with four children: Brian (8), Carlie (7), Christopher (5) and Timmy (2). West Chester, PA 1987 Patrick Burke Patrick & Allyson Burke gave birth to Kathleen Brigid on February 10, 2010. Her brother Patrick is enjoying his new sister and all are doing well. Media, PA 1992 Laura Kuchler Welcomed daughter Lilyanna on May 17, 2010! Glen Mills, PA Thank you for any information that you can provide or for pointing me in the right direction. 2002 Caitlin Friel Anne Bradley Mitchell Newtown Square , PA Earned her BA from Cabrini College in May 2010 majoring in Communication /English. Drexel Hill, PA 1984 Matt Phelan 2003 Matthew Vantine Matthew and his rock band (The Fleeting Ends) were selected as winners in the 2010 Philadelphia Song Writers Association Project and have performed recently at the Kimmel Center, Rose Tree Summer Festival and on 104.5 FM radio "Live at 5." Matthew is currently attending Temple University. Drexel Hill, PA Matt is a 1984 graduate of Saint Andrew School. He studied film and theater in college. Since 2004 he has been drawing pictures for a living, which he says is as much fun as it sounds. Matt is the illustrator of many books for young readers, including Always by Ann Stott and Higher Power of Lucky by Susan Patron, winner of the 2007 Newbery Medal. His first graphic novel, The Storm in the Barn, won the 2010 5 Saint Andrew School New Science Lab for for SAS SAS With the the the 2010-2011 schoolschool year, students, faculty With thestart startof of 2010-2011 year, students, and parents welcomed the addition of the school's new science faculty and parents welcomed the addition of the school's lab. Established the generosity wide groupofofa new science lab.through Established through of thea generosity benefactors (see below), SAS has joined an elite group of only wide group of benefactors (see below), SAS has joined an 30 parochial schools in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to elite group of only 30 - the parochial in the install the LabLeaner Program innovativeschools computer-based Archdiocese of Philadelphia to install the LabLeaner science curriculum. Program - the innovative computer-based science curriculum. LabLearner is a 100% hands-on system of Pre-K through 8th LabLearner is aeducation 100% hands-on system aoffully Pre-Kequipped through in8th grade science that includes grade educationcomplete that includes a fully equipped in-school schoolscience laboratory, curriculum including all laboratory, complete curriculum including all assessments, andstudents teacher learn professional development. Everything students assessments, and teacher professional development. Everything about science with LabLearner, they learn learn about scienceexperiences with LabLearner, they learn through hands-on experiences - everything! through hands-on - everything! Photo Photo 6a 6a Our Philadelphia and and the the first first bishop bishop inin the the United United Our new new Lab Lab will will be be named named after after St. St. John John Neumann, former Bishop of Philadelphia States ceremony was was held held on on November November15, 15,2010 2010 Statesto to organize organize the the Catholic Catholic diocesan diocesan school system. The formal dedication ceremony --the thefeast feastday day of of St. St. Albert Albert the the Great - patron saint of scientists. Photo Photo 6b 6b 6 Photo Photo 6d 6d Photo Photo 6c 6c Photo Photo 6e 6e Alumni Newsletter June 11, 2010 June 11, 2010 Dear Mrs. McLean, Dear Mrs. McLean, I was so delighted to receive your recent newsletter and learn of all that's going on at the school. I can see that you I was so to receive recent newsletter and learnfor of all going at the to school. I can are continuing to delighted shape young peopleyour and put them on a good course life.that's We are all on grateful you for this.see It'sthat niceyou to are continuing to shape young people and putfor them ongenerations a good course for life. We are all grateful to you for this. It's nice to see old St. Andrew's is fulfilling this mission new of kids. see old St. Andrew's is fulfilling this mission for new generations of kids. I graduated from St Andrew's in 1962. It was such a wonderful place, where so much was learned by all of us passing Ithrough its halls, playgrounds and1962. church. Thesuch foundation of moral character, self discipline, and the of graduated from St Andrew's in It was a wonderful place, where so much was learned bysparks all of us passing through halls, playgrounds andinchurch. The foundation of moral character, selfover discipline, and theI know sparksthe of curiosity were allitsinstilled in us. I've kept touch with many friends from St. Andrew's the years and curiosity were all instilled in us. I've kept in touch with many friends from St. Andrew's over the years and I know the powerful force for good that was created in those years. powerful force for good that was created in those years. Actually, one friend is writing a book on St. Andrew's of that era. He has interviewed many of us and found the overwhelming number view is it, writing and theaera, a magic time. Itofgives us something to look back on of fondly as found the years Actually, one friend bookason St. Andrew's that era. He has interviewed many us and the overwhelming number view it, and the era, as a magic time. It gives us something to look back on fondly as the years advance. advance. Enclosed is a photo of St. Andrew's football team taken in front of church. I am the middle one in the first row, is a photo of St. Andrew's in front church. I am the middle one in first row, holding Enclosed the sign. You may not know that ourfootball footballteam teamtaken of fifty yearsofago was undefeated! (Beating St.the Bernadette's holding the sign. You may not know that our football team of fifty years ago was undefeated! (Beating St. Bernadette's was the best.) was the best.) After St. Andrew's, it was Bonner '66, then Columbia University for college. I worked in consulting, then took a Ph.D. atAfter Yale. St. I'veAndrew's, been on the tenured faculty the mid 1980s. I work a lot with Yale College studentsthen andtook try toa it was Bonner '66,here thensince Columbia University for college. I worked in consulting, Ph.D. at been onIthe tenured faculty since the mid 1980s. work a lottowith Yale try to instill in Yale. them I've the lessons picked up from Andrew's. You might be Iinterested know thatCollege Yale's students Catholic and Center is instill in room them the I picked up Catholic from St. social Andrew's. might interested standing onlylessons for Sunday Mass. actionYou is very bigbehere as know that Yale's Catholic Center is standing room only for Sunday Mass. Catholic social action is very big here as well. Continue the sacred work and let me know if I can do anything for you. Continue the sacred work and let me know if I can do anything for you. Professor Paul Bracken ('62) Professor Paul Bracken ('62) [Editor's Note: Professor Bracken leading Professor expert in [Editor's is aNote: Bracken competition is a leading expert in global and the global competition and the strategic application of technology in business and strategic application of technology in business and defense. At Yale, he designed defense. At Yale, and teaches the he newdesigned MBA and teaches new MBA required coursethe on Problem Framing, which uses scenario techniques and alternative futures to navigate and create new value in course a turbulent businessFraming, environment. Bracken is ratedand as the best teacher in to Yale's executive education required on Problem whichProfessor uses scenario techniques alternative futures navigate and create new value in a turbulent business environment. Professor Bracken is rated as the best teacher in Yale's executive education programs.] programs.] 7 Saint Andrew School Class of 1980 Reunion The 30th reunion of the Class of 1980 was held at St. Andrew Parish on Saturday, June 12, 2010. The reunion festivities started with alumni participation in the Vigil Mass, followed by a tour of the school facilities and reception in Msgr. McGettigan Hall. The event was very well attended and a great time was had by all. In addition to supporting our CYO through the purchase of St. Andrew sports apparel, the Class of 1980 raised enough funds ($500) for the purchase of a double size brick in our Mater Ecclesiae (Mother of the Church) walkway in front of the parish rectory. Special thanks to Nancy Neale and Fran Maley for all their work in planning and organizing this special milestone reunion. Photo 8 a Photo 8 b Photo 8 d 8 Photo 8 c Photo 8 e Alumni Newsletter Class of 1980 Reunion Photo 9 a Photo 9 b Thank You! On behalf of the parish and school communities, thank you for coming back to St. Andrew for your 30th reunion and your generous $500 donation to our brick walkway campaign. Be assured that the qualities of SAS that were so much a part of your own formation are still a major element of who we are and what we do throughout the year. May God bless you always. Photo 9 c Class of 1980 - Do You Remember? ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ � � US breaks diplomatic ties with Iran - Iran Hostage Crisis Iraqi troops hold 90 square miles of Iran after invasion; 8-year Iran-Iraq War begins Ted Turner launches CNN, the first all-news network. F.B.I.'s undercover operation "Abscam" Ronald Reagan elected president in Republican sweep John Lennon of the Beatles shot dead in New York City Federal spending: $590.95 billion Federal debt: $909.1 billion � � � � � � � � Unemployment: 7.1% Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.15 Super Bowl - Pittsburgh d. LA Rams (31-19) World Series - Phillies d. Kansas City (4-2) NBA Championship- LA Lakers d. Philadelphia 76ers (4-2) Stanley Cup - NY Islanders d. Philadelphia (4-2) Best Picture: Kramer vs. Kramer Record of the Year: "What a Fool Believes" 9 Saint Andrew School The McVeigh Legacy Ð The Connection Continues With what joy I read the Saint Andrew School Alumni Newsletters from fall Õ09 and spring Õ10! Joy because Pat Light and Mary Ellen Stack were both my friends and classmates (Class of Ô62). So many memories came flooding into my mind and heart. In particular, memories of my parents Ð Ed and Mil McVeigh giving countless hours of their time to St. Andrew Parish and School. From Boys Scout leader and CYO to single-handedly overseeing the Ad Book and volunteering endless hours in the school library my Mom and Dad were truly pillars of this great parish family. Memories of my two brothers Ð Tom Õ58 and Vince Õ60 Ð and me walking to school each day even in snow storms because Saint Andrew School was Òalways openÓ! Images of altar boys and choir girls, safeties and sports teams, and learning about God and our faith along with reading, writing, and arithmetic came to the surface of my mind. But mostly, how the seeds of LIFE, LOVE, FAMILY, FRIENDS, and SERVICE were planted and nurtured I look at my two brothers with awe and gratitude because they are such amazing human beings Ð and husbands, fathers, and grandfathers. I look at my own life as a Sister of St. Joseph and know that the seeds of my vocation and the desire to be a teacher were nurtured by my first grade teacher Ð Sister Teresia. These seeds were first planted by my parents and then tended to by the teachers throughout my eight years at Saint Andrew School. Unlike the Light and Stack families, the McVeigh legacy stopped when Tom, Vince, and I moved from Drexel Hill. However, the connection continued! When my Dad was left paralyzed by a stroke and Mom gave 24-hour care to Dad I returned to Saint Andrew School in 1993. I taught first grade for four years which allowed me to be close to home to assist my parents. What a gift it was to teach in the very school which had taught me so much! And now, in 2010, I am once again ÒreturningÓ to St. Andrews in my role as Coordinator of Field Experience for the Education Department of Neumann University in Aston, PA. Five of our education students come each Thursday to work with and learn from the outstanding faculty and children. And so the connection continues; from student to teacher to one who is passing on her passion for education to future teachers. My experiences at Saint Andrew School are a gift I treasure. I pray that others will help this treasure to continue for many generations to come. Sister Elizabeth McVeigh, S.S.J. ('62) entered the Sisters of St. Joseph, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, in 1966, immediately after graduating from Archbishop Prendergast High School in Drexel Hill, PA. She received her baccalaureate degree in Elementary Education from Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia and her masterÕs degree in Education Administration from Villanova University. 10 With the remembrances of two 1962 graduates (Sister Betty & Paul Bracken page 7), one item of note justifiably absent from their recollections was Engel v. Vitale (1962), a landmark United States Supreme Court case that determined that it is unconstitutional for state officials to compose an official school prayer and require its recitation in public schools. Sally & Charlie Brown - "Be not afraid" - come to SAS! Sister Betty Instructor, Education - Neumann University Alumni Newsletter Photo Photo Photo Photo 11 b 11 b 11 a 11 a The Catechesis of theShepherd Good Shepherd is an approach to the religious formation The Catechesis of the Good is an approach to the religious formation of children. It is rooted in the Bible, the liturgy of the Church, of children. It is rooted in the Bible, the liturgy of the Church, and theand the educational principles Maria Montessori. in an "atrium," a educational principles of MariaofMontessori. ChildrenChildren gather ingather an "atrium," a room prepared forwhich them,contains which contains simple yet beautiful use.early In the early Church, thewas atrium was room prepared for them, simple yet beautiful materialsmaterials that theythat use.they In the Church, the atrium placethe where the catechumens were prepared. For thethe child, theisatrium is of a place of preparation for involvement the placethe where catechumens were prepared. For the child, atrium a place preparation for involvement in the in the larger worshipping community. larger worshipping community. SAS students PK-4 through 2ndcan grade can aponder a biblical or afrom prayer from SAS students in PK-4inthrough 2nd grade ponder biblical passage passage or a prayer the by liturgy bythe taking the material and working it - placing wood figures the liturgy taking material for that for textthat andtext working with it -with placing wood figures in a sheepfold of theShepherd, Good Shepherd, setting sculpted of sheepofinsheep a sheepfold of the Good setting sculpted apostlesapostles around aaround Last a Last Supper table, or preparing a small altar with the furnishings used for the Eucharist. Our Supper table, or preparing a small altar with the furnishings used for the Eucharist. Our to all who generously contributed to the furnishing of our newfacility. atrium facility. thanks tothanks all who generously contributed to the furnishing of our new atrium Photo Photo Photo Photo 11 c 11 c 11 d 11 d Photo Photo 11e 11e Photo Photo 11 f 11 f 2010 Peanuts Worldwide LLC., dist byInc. UFS, Inc. Peanuts:Peanuts: © 2010©Peanuts Worldwide LLC., dist by UFS, 11 Saint Andrew School Class of 1958 Reunion Dear Helen, Enclosed are a few pictures from the reunion of the Class of 1958, which was held on May 22, 2010. Also enclosed are photos from our May Procession and the American Legion Award ceremony from that year. Feel free to use them in the upcoming Newsletter. It was great fun reconnecting with many of my classmates. We plan to keep the connection going with a luncheon in the fall with those of us who live locally. Have a relaxing summer! Sincerely, Fran Faustman Hopson Thank You! On behalf of the students, parents and faculty of Saint Andrew School, thank you for your $350 donation to our 2010 Annual Appeal Campaign. May God bless you and reward you for your generosity. 12 Mrs. Helen McLean Principal Alumni Newsletter Class of 1958 Mike Anastasi Galloway, NJ 08205 Bobby Lavin West Chester, PA 19382 John Schaffer Ambler, PA 19002 Betty Edelman Carrigan Lansdowne, PA 19050 Tom Barrett Garnet Valley, PA 19060 Ed Lozowicki Los Gatos, CA 19382 John Schoff Wilmington, DE 19808 Fran Faustman Hopson Rosemont, PA 19010 Frank Bernard Ocean Grove, NJ 07756 Bill Lynch Warminster, PA 18974 Herbert Schawbe West Chester, PA 19382 Mary Ann Federal McGarrigle Media, PA 19063 Alfred Bingham Avon, CT 06001 Jerry Mallon Paoli, PA 19301 Joe Sherry Medford, NJ 08055 Hope Feeny Martin Lancaster, MA 01523 Joseph Breslin Lancaster, PA 17603 Joe McCarron Bridgeville, DE 19933 John Shields Port Republic, NJ 08241 Juenne Fuhs Gallagher Exton, PA 19341-2922 Frank Carson Hummelstown, PA 17036 Joe McFadden Drexel Hill, PA 19026 Al Stumm Stafford, VA 22554 Cathie Goldschmidt Mattson Calabasa, CA 91302 Bob Clark Philadelphia, PA 19134 Bernie McGovern West Chester, PA 19380 Jack Tegler Springfield, PA 19064 Diane Gosselin Knapp Venice, FL 34285 Gene Dinon Orlando, FL 32836 - 6325 Frank McLaughlin Springfield, PA 19064 Le Van Reber Fort Worth, TX 76133 Elizabeth Hobdell Wayne, PA 19087 Charles Dooley Audubon, NJ 08106 Tom McVeigh Phoenixville, PA 19460 Elanor Lynn Acker Reigle Red Lion, PA 17356 Barbara Kerl Crowley Downingtown, PA 19335 Neil Erbe Dallas, TX 75287 Bob Meehan Vienna, VA 22180 - 6473 Dottie Blessington Quavillon Satellite Beach, FL 32937 Margie Kunik Labelle Miami, Fl 33173 John Gaffney Media, PA 19063 Bob Mullin Hooksett, NH 03106 Gail Braceland Gallant Scottsdale, AZ 85251-2773 Judy Larentowicz Drexel Hill, PA 19026 Richard Gallagher Glen Mills, PA 19380 Bill Murphy Philadelphia, PA 19147 Rita Buckman Merz Absecon, NJ 08201 Rita McCarty Gantz Melbourne, FL 32940 Rick Galli Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Jim Murphy Philadelphia, PA 19147 Karen Camino Quirk Marshfield, MA 02050 Claire Mullin Keating Springfield, PA 19064 Kevin Gaynor Harrison, NY 10528 Joe O'Hare Drexel Hill, PA 19026 Elizabeth Creighton Drexel Hill, PA 19026 Sue Polier Tucker Wilmington, DE 19610 Michael Gilmore Vero Beach, FL.32963 Steve O'Neill Weston, MA 02493 Danielle Cucchi Fagnani Devon, PA 19333 Sister Rosalie Pronsati Bear, DE 19701 John Goldschmidt Pittsburgh, PA 15228 Genaro Pinto Norristown, PA 19401 Sister Eileen Currie (M.S.C) Sedalia, CO 80135 Andrea Snyder Pitts Athens, GA 30605 Michael Hoban Williamstown, NJ 08094 Jeff Ryan Glen Mills, PA 19342 Peggy Ditmore Graff Naples, FL 34119 Sister Marcy Springer (S.S.J) Rancocas, NJ 08073-0392 Jim Jenemann San Francisco, CA 94109 Fred Sabin Bethany Beach, DE 19930 Judy Dougherty Oakes Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202 1958 Alumni -‐ Do You Remember? � � � � � � Federal spending: $82.41 billion � Best Picture: The Bridge on the River Kwai Federal debt: $279.7 billion • R. Nelson's "Poor Little Fool" boasts No. 1 record. Unemployment: 4.3% • Elvis Presley is inducted into the U.S. Army (March 24). Cost of a first-‐class stamp: $0.03 Khrushchev becomes Premier of Soviet Union The US Supreme Court rules unanimously that Little Rock, Ark., schools must integrate. 13 Saint Andrew School SAS Enrollment on the Rise It has been an outstanding new student enrollment effort for the 2010-‐2011 school year. Bucking the trend of many parochial schools with flat or declining enrollment, SAS added 74 new students this year -‐ more than offsetting the large 8th grade graduating class and the normal attrition due to family relocations. In addition to our own parish families, SAS attracted families from from private schools like The Shipley School, Chestnut Hill Academy and Holy Child Academy as well as homeschoolers and our local public schools. Class of 2010 Awarded $174,000 in Scholarships! In addition to the diocesan high schools of Bonner, Prendie, Roman and West Catholic, our graduates also received awards from Merion Mercy Academy and the Academy of Notre Dame. Congratulations and best wishes to all our graduates! 14 a St. Katharine Drexel Conference Room 14 b The completely remodeled St. Katharine Drexel Conference Room was dedicated on October 1, 2010 - the 10th anniversary of the canonization of Mother Katharine Drexel. The room was blessed by Msgr. William V. Millea, an official in the Vatican Secretariat of State and Master of Ceremonies for Papal Masses. Our thanks to Thomas & Paula McInerney for their very generous donation to Saint Andrew School which enabled the necessary extensive repairs of the former music room and the purchase of the furnishings. School Fundraiser - A Major Success! The first St. Andrew 5K Spirit Run / Walk was held on October 30, 2010. Beautiful weather and a large turnout generated a lot of enthusiasm (and $$$$) in this new parishwide event that attracted contestants from outside the parish as well. The event also included the "Ray Ewing Award" for the best finish of the top male (Robert Curci '71) and top female (Elizabeth Vogelman '09) SAS Alum or student. 14 14 c Alumni Newsletter Saint Andrew School 2010 Annual Appeal Campaign Through October 2010, over $22,000 has been raised in support of Saint Andrew SchoolÕs 3rd Annual Appeal Campaign. We are deeply appreciative of all the donors listed below and on the following pages for their generosity in supporting and funding the on-going needs of our parish school. St. Andrew School SSJ Circle ($5,000 +) Litz Family Principal's Circle ($1,000 +) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith Mrs. Carolyn Kelly Photo 15 b In memory of James J. Kelly, M.D. Photo 15 c Red & White Club ($500 +) Anonymous Anonymous Dr. & Mrs. Richard P. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Breslin Nancy & Alfred Cappelli, Jr. Helene & Joe ('58) McFadden Jose Pascual & Dominque Charette Jeffrey & Elizabeth Roken Janet Sullivan Patricia Concannon Wolfington ('48) Friends of SAS ($250 +) Anonymous (2) Susan M. Angelo Paul Bracken ('62) Class of 1958 Brian Litz ('87) Dan Litz ('88) Mary Rowley Photo 15 a In honor of the Sisters of St. Joseph The Class of 1949 In memory of Mary O. Breslin In memory of Michael & Josephine Matz; Tullia & Alfred Cappelli, Sr. In memory of Edith E. & Joseph R. McFadden, Sr. In memory of Jeanette F. Conroy In memory of Robert H. Wolfington - Class of '48 Photo 15 e Photo 15 d In memory of Gertrude Bracken In honor of the Class of 1958 In memory of Bart J. Rowley 15 Saint Andrew School SAS Steward ($100 +) Anonymous (4) Angeline Barile Columbina Bonanni Rich & Angie Brennan Bill & Peggy Briggs Marcelene Carroll Andrea Clancy ('75) Jim & Betty Cras Deacon & Mrs. Daniel N. DeLucca Regina T. Dreyer Bill & Arlene DuComb Stephen & Joyce Franceschi Kathleen Clarke Frenzel ('62) Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Grandizio Frances (Bonanni) Hay ('64) Mrs. Agnes J. Hoey Beatrice Jesiolowski Anne M. Kephart Dolores M. Kidd Kevin W. Kidd ('73) Brian Lake ('84) Dan & Katie ('89) Litz-McGuinn David & Ida Magee Jane Giblin McClatchy ('48) Winifred McKeon Rich McMonigle & Kathy Chancler Mark Medora Ray & Ruth Meillier ('48) Joe & Lynn Mongeluzi Bob ('49) & Peggy Morro John J. & Mary A. Murphy William & Theresa Murphy Mathilde Panepinto Susan (Lusi) Pellegrino ('85) Jane Rigney ('70) Ruffenach Funeral Home John J. Salvucci ('74) Stephen Savage ('77) Agnes Sheehan Gregory D. Stratoti Virginia W. Tanner Robert J. Vannelli Paul Verna (('81) Dr. Thomas N. Verna ('83) Robert Verna 16 In memory of Angelo Barile In honor of Patrick & Elizabeth Brennan In memory of Mr. & Mrs. William Ayers In memory of Bernard M. Carroll In honor of Charles & Mary Dietzler Photo 16 a Photo 16 b Photo 16 c In memory of Regina A. Clarke Parents of SAS Graduates In memory of Kephart-Coleman Families In honor of The Kidd & Coakley Families & in memory of Norman, Michael & Gary Kidd In memory of Norman, Gary Kidd & William Coakley In memory of Joan Lake In memory of the deceased Classmates of 1948 Photo 16 d In honor of St. Rita In memory of Thomas, Maureen & Brian In honor of all our priests & sisters of St. Andrew Photo 16 e In memory of Carmela Vannelli In honor of Verna Family In honor of Verna Children Alumni Newsletter SAS Donor (to $99) Anonymous (9) Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous ('79) Mr. Alfred Bernardini Joseph T. Brady ('76) Joe ('58) & Trudy ('59 McSorley) Breslin Kathleen A. Carr ('79) Tom ('73) & Carla ('74 Musciano) Carson David Colgan Michael & Florence Cunningham Harry Dietzler ('69) Ms. Joann Donahue Regina Breithaupt Ferri ('49) Anne Flanagan Friel Family Veronica Gavin Brian Geraghty ('59) Maureen Kissinger Greeley ('78) Vincent A. Guarini ('62) Elizabeth Harter ('56) Josephine Higgins Carolyn Schwabe Hoover ('60) Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Horiel, Jr. Sister Regina Immaculata, S.S.J. ('48) Robert Kent ('49) Georgiana Kilroy Laura Kuchler ('92) Jo Lawlor Diane & Russell Martyn Mario & Elizabeth Massimini Charles M. Matsinger Joe McManus ('69) Maryann Mellor ('83) Photo 17a In memory of Paul J. Lindinger In memory of Mrs. Patricia Lynch & Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah H. & Mary Lynch In memory of Mr. & Mrs. John Mazzola & Mr. Carmen Mongeluzi In memory of Al & Betty Vayda Photo 17b In honor of Robert & Faith Carr (parents) & in memory of Robert P. Carr (father) Photo 17c In memory of Mary & Joe Breithaupt In memory of Edward & Kevin ('70) Flanagan In honor of Caitlin ('02) & Tim ('05) In memory of John J. Gavin, Sr. & John J. Gavin, Jr. In honor of Mary B. Kissinger & in memory of Gene A. Kissinger & Mary K. Gleason In honor of Christopher Nichols & in memory of Louis W. Higgins In honor of Margaret A. Schwabe & in memory of Herbert A. Schwabe, Sr. In memory of Judy M. Casey In memory of the deceased members of the Class of 1948 In memory of Edward J. Kilroy, Sr. & Edward J. Kilroy, Jr. In memory of Ed Lawlor In memory of Anna & Dominick Massimini & in memory of Louise & Michael Pascuccio In memory of Mary E. Matsinger In memory of Mike Stack ('68) In memory of Peg Andruszko Photo 17d 17 Saint Andrew School SAS Donor (continued) (to $99) Robert & Barbara Montoro Carol Morro ('77) James & Marie Muldoon Newman Family William & Maryann Nicholson Patricia Dolan Nolan ('49) Patty O'Neill ('79) Jennifer Peacock ('88) Gwen Peacock Marie ('50) and Lou ('50) Pinto William H. Pitts, Jr. Mrs. Kathryn M. Sanborn ('77) Mary Ellen Stack ('62) Susan (Morro) Talbot ('79) Paul Thomas ('64) Mr. & Mrs. John A. Vantine Photo 18 a In memory of Mr. & Mrs. James Muldoon, Sr. & Mr. & Mrs. John Haigh Photo 18 b In memory of Raymond Peacock In memory of deceased members of the Lamay & Pinto Families Photo 18 c In memory of Walter S. Thomas In honor of The Vantine Children In Loving Memory Joseph R. Harrington, Sr. "Bob" Class of 1948 6/26/1934 - 10/5/2010 18 Sister Marie A. Scherr, S.S.J. Class of 1948 2/14/1935 - 10/29/2010 Raymond T. Ewing SAS Faculty Member 12/19/1972 - 8/13/2010 Alumni Newsletter Saint Saint SaintAndrew Andrew AndrewSchool School School 20102010 Annual Appeal Campaign Update 2010 Annual Annual Appeal Appeal Campaign Campaign Our 2010 Annual Appeal Campaign is off to a very healthy start given the challenges of the economy. The Our Our2010 2010Annual AnnualAppeal AppealCampaign Campaignbegins beginsthis thisMay May- -the themailing mailingisisunderway underwayand andshould shouldbebeininyour yourhomes homes number of SAS alumni particpating in this year's appeal has already exceeded last year's level - 35% of the total within withinthe thenext nextfew fewdays. days.Since Sinceour ourinaugural inauguralannual annualappeal appealcampaign campaignand andthe thefirst firstpublication publicationofofthe theSAS SAS gifts this Newsletter year versusin26% in 2009. Theseen total raised for the 2010 Appeal October now standstoat Alumni Alumni Newsletter in2008, 2008, we wehave have seen a aremarkable remarkable expansion expansion ofofour ourthrough alumni alumnidatabase. database.31st We Weare aregrateful grateful to $22,584 still within reach of the 2009 grand total of $34,120. Virtually everyone who has taken the time to allallwho whohave havehelped helpedususstay stayinincontact contactwith withour ourgraduates graduatesand andspecial specialfriends friendsofofSAS. SAS.An Anunwelcome unwelcomebut but stay in touchconsequence has expressed their appreciation for thehas quality and content ofinin the SAS Alumni Your inevitable inevitable consequence ofofthis thisexpanded expanded distribution distribution hasbeen been a asharp sharp spike spike our our printing printing and andNewsletter. postage postageexpense. expense. gift to is our Annual Appeal not only underwrite thisacknowledged Newsletter, it and also provides critical funds for financial That That iswhy why every every gift giftofofany anysize sizeishelps isgratefully gratefully received, received, acknowledged anddeeply deeplyappreciated. appreciated. assistance for our students and much needed income for the ongoing operations of our school. That is why every gift of any size is gratefully received, AAvery veryeasy easyway waytotohelp helpininthis thisimportant important acknowledged and deeply appreciated. fundraising fundraising campaign campaign isis toto check check the the matching matching gift gift flyer flyer (included (included with with annual annual A very easy way to help in this important appeal appealmailing) mailing) totodetermine determine whether whether your your fundraising campaign is to check whether current current or or former former (for (for retirees) retirees) employer employer has has your current or former (for retirees) a a matching matching gift gift program program for for elementary elementary employer has a matching gift program for schools. schools. Many Many employers employers have have further further elementary schools. Many employers have simplified simplified the the matching matching gift gift program program further simplified the matching gift program process process placing placing the the application applicationon onontheir their their process bybyby placing the application website. website. In In the the 2009 2009 campaign, campaign, just just 4 4 donor donor website. Help us to pass on this wonderful matching matching gifts gifts& resulted resulted ininan an additional legacy of Faith Knowledge toadditional the next $1,675 $1,675 to to SAS! SAS! generation of SAS Alumni! Fides Fideset and and Scientia Scientia---Please Pleasepass passitititon!! on!! Fides Scientia Please pass on!! Please Please complete complete this thissection section sectionand and andprint print printyour your yourname name nameas asasyou you youwould wouldlike likeitititto toappear appear Please complete this would like to appear inthe the Fall Fall2010 2010 edition edition the SAS Alumni Newsletter Spring 2011 editionofof in in the Spring 2011 edition ofthe theSAS SASAlumni AlumniNewsletter Newsletter ¬¬ ¬ Check Checkhere hereif ifanonymity anonymityisisdesired desired Check here if anonymity is desired Name__________________________________Graduate GraduateofofSAS? SAS? ¬ ¬ No No Yes YesÐÐClass ofof________ ________ Name__________________________________ Name______________________________________ Graduate of SAS? ¬ No ¬ Class Yes Ð Class of ________ Street StreetAddress____________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________ Street Address City City_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ State State_______ _______Zip Zip______________ ______________ ______________________________________________________________________________ __ My MyGift Giftto tothe the2010 2010Saint SaintAndrew AndrewSchool SchoolAnnual AnnualAppeal AppealCampaign Campaign Please Pleaseaccept acceptthe theenclosed enclosedgift giftofof$_______________ $_______________ toSaint SaintAndrew Andrew School School City _____________________________________________ State to ______ Zip ____________ My MyGift Giftis:is:___ ___InInhonor honorofof____________________________________ ____________________________________ My Gift to the 2010 Andrew School Annual Appeal ___ ___InSaint Inmemory memoryofof___________________________________ ___________________________________ Giving Levels: Giving Levels: Levels:Circle $10,000+ ¬Giving Legacy (Please Print) Print) Campaign (Please ___ Circle $10,000+ Legacy Circle $10,000+ ¬___Legacy SSJ Circle $5,000+ Please direct my gift to: ___ Circle $5,000+ ___ SSJSSJ Circle $5,000+ ¬___PrincipalÕs PrincipalÕs Circle $1,000+ PrincipalÕs Circle $1,000+ ___ Circle $1,000+ Please accept the enclosed gift of $_______________ to Saint Andrew School Please Please direct directmy mygift giftto: to: ¬___Red Red White Club $500+ ¬ General School Operations Red & White Club $500+ ___ && White Club $500+ ___ Friends of SAS $250+ ___ Friends of SAS $250+ ____ ____ General General School School Operations Operations ¬ Friends of SAS $250+ ¬ Science Lab - Materials & Supplies My Gift is: In honor of ____________________________________ ___ SAS Steward $100+ ___ SAS Steward $100+ ____Science Science Lab- Materials - for Materials Supplies ____ Lab &&Student Supplies ¬ SAS Steward $100+ ¬ Financial Assistance a SAS ___ SAS Donor $99 ___ SAS Donor toto $99 ¬ ¬ SAS Donor to $99 ¬ In memory of ___________________________________ ____Financial Financial Assistance for& SASStudent Student ____ Assistance for a aSAS ¬ Alumni Newsletter - Printing Postage I have remembered Saint Andrew Parish / School in my Will. I have I haveremembered rememberedSaint SaintAndrew AndrewParish Parish/ School / Schoolininmy myWill. Will. I have I haveremembered rememberedSaint SaintAndrew AndrewParish Parish/ School / Schoolininmy myWill. Will. (Please Print) ____Alumni AlumniNewsletter Newsletter- Printing - Printing&&Postage Postage ____ 19 Saint Andrew School Saint Andrew 535 MasonSchool Ave. 535 Mason Ave. Drexel Hill, PA 19026 Drexel Hill, PA 19026 610-259-5145 610-259-5145 Non-Profit U.S. Postage Non-Profit PAID U.S. Postage Permit # 32 PAID Upper Darby, PA Permit # 14 Drexel Hill, PA Address Service Requested Stay Connected Stay Connected Just moved? New job? Earned a degree? Welcomed a new family member? Or just want to connect with friends and classmates. Please send your latest news to: Just moved? New job? Earned a degree? Welcomed a new family member? Or just want to connect with friendsNewsletter, and classmates. sendSchool, your latest to: Ave., Drexel Hill, PA 19026 Alumni SaintPlease Andrew 535news Mason Alumni Newsletter, Saint Andrew School, 535 Mason Ave., Drexel Hill, PA 19026 Name___________________________________Maiden____________________________Class of__________ Name___________________________________Maiden____________________________Class of__________ Address____________________________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________________State__________________Zip___________________ City___________________________________________State__________________Zip___________________ Phone(H)_________________________ (H)_________________________ Phone E-mail__________________________________________ E-mail__________________________________________ I have remembered Saint Andrew Parish / School in my Will. I have reme mbered Saint Andrew Parish / School in my Will. News about you or remembrances of SAS:_______________________________________________________ News about you or re membrances of SAS:_______________________________________________________ Note to Parents: If your son or daughter has moved from your home address, please help us update Note Parents: If your or daughter has moved from your home address, please help update SASÕstoalumni records by son completing the above form and mailing it to the school address listedusabove. SAS’s alumni records by completing the above form and mailing it to the school address listed above.
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Fall 2011 Alumni Newsletter
from the air along with the pilot. The
plane went missing and was discovered
several days later with 2 bodies inside.
I am sending a gift to the SAS Annual
Appeal in his memory.