A field test procedure to check GNSS antenna calibration parameters Ulla Kallio, Markku Poutanen, Hannu Koivula, Sonja Nyberg, Paavo Rouhiainen, Ville Nikkonen EMRP SIB60, Portugal 2014 Questions • How well the individual antenna calibration values are valid in the field ? • What is the consistency between two sets of calibration tables? • Can we solve for the residual offsets of a GNSS-antenna? • Residual offsets of the antenna should be zero if individual calibration values are used in data processing. Some offsets may still be present. We call them residual offsets. • What is the effect of the changing the calibration table on coordinates? EMRP SIB60, Portugal 2014 L1 chamber PCC minus robot PCC on pillar 440 for antenna11754 in doy 185 2014 EMRP SIB60, Portugal 2014 L2 chamber PCC minus robot PCC on pillar 440 for antenna 11754 in doy 185 EMRP SIB60, Portugal 2014 PCC in coordinates (L1) Robot Chamber North East Up EMRP SIB60, Portugal 2014 RTKlib zero baseline between calibration tables EMRP SIB60, Portugal 2014 Bernese zero baseline between calibration tables EMRP SIB60, Portugal 2014 Simple test procedures • Rotating the antennas without tilting (absolute N and E) • Antenna swapping (relative) • Comparing with ground truth (distances, height differences, coordinate differences) • Permutation method (relative) • Antenna circulation (on three or more points) • Full roving method (Bányai) • Circulating and rotating antennas in a micro network (relative Up, absolute N, E) EMRP SIB60, Portugal 2014 Our test procedure • Measurements: Each antenna visits every pillar. On some pillars antennas are rotated about the vertical axis 180 degrees. • Session solutions with Bernese separately with L1 and L2 • SINEX files • Coordinates and covariance matrices are combined into the final solution with residual offset parameters for antennas • The datum defect is solved for by using Moore Penrose pseudo inverse of normal matrix or by constraining the parameters. • Residual offsets and their covariance matrices are converted to NEU • Statistical significances of the residual offsets are tested • Height differences between antenna pairs are compared with levelled height differences EMRP SIB60, Portugal 2014 Revolver as a part of the Metsähovi pillar network EMRP SIB60, Portugal 2014 The system of circulating and rotating the antennas on pillars (plan) 2 7 1 6 3 5 4 8 1 6 8 5 2 4 3 7 -1 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 -2 -1 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 -3 -2 -1 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 -4 -3 -2 -1 -8 -7 -6 -5 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 EMRP SIB60, Portugal 2014 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 7# 6# 5# 4# 3# 2# 1# 8# 7# 6# 5# 4# 3# 2# 1# 8# 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Measurement configuration how we really measured rec serial no 456285 456222 456210 456228 456260 456261 456263 456251 session doy/marker 0440 0504 14000 14060 14120 14240 14300 14360 session1 185-187 11754 11772 -CR13995 -11988 11194 11963 11770 11959 session2 189 11959 11194 -11754 -CR13995 11988 11772 11963 11770 session3 191 11770 11988 -11959 -11754 CR13995 11194 11772 11963 session4 193-194 11963 CR13995 -11770 -11959 11754 11988 11194 11772 session5 196,224 11772 11754 -11963 -11770 11959 CR13995 11988 11194 session6 198 11194 11959 -11772 -11963 11770 11754 CR13995 11988 session7 200-201 11988 11770 -11194 -11772 11963 11959 11754 CR13995 session8 203 CR13995 11963 -11988 -11194 11772 11770 11959 11754 session9 205 11754 -11772 CR13995 11988 -11194 11963 11770 11959 session10 207-208 11959 -11194 11754 CR13995 -11988 11772 11963 11770 session11 210 11770 -11988 11959 11754 -CR13995 11194 11772 11963 session12 212 11963 -CR13995 11770 11959 -11754 11988 11194 11772 session13 214-215 11772 -11754 11963 11770 -11959 CR13995 11988 11194 session14 217 11194 -11959 11772 11963 -11770 11754 CR13995 11988 session15 219 11988 -11770 11194 11772 -11963 11959 11754 CR13995 session16 221-222 CR13995 -11963 11988 11194 -11772 11770 11959 11754 EMRP SIB60, Portugal 2014 Bernese processing • Separately L1 and L2 daily solutions • Robot (IfE, Univ. Hannover) and chamber (IGG, Univ. Bonn) individual absolute calibration tables • Bernese GNSS software version 5.2. • • • • Double-difference approach IGS final orbits and earth orientation parameters. Ambiguities were solved using the sigma strategy The troposphere using the Global Mapping Function. (Site specific troposphere parameters were not estimated) • Antenna orientation table in use for rotated antennas • Separate solutions for observation cut-off in 10 and 15 degrees. • The datum was defined by constraining one of the pillar points (440) to its ITRF2008 coordinates in mid-epoch of the measurement campaigns. • Together eight SINEX files for each measurement day. • L1 and L2, two calibration tables, two cut of angles EMRP SIB60, Portugal 2014 Variation in North on pillars 14000,14060,14120 and 504 The antenna orientation table were in use during Bernese processing-> there shouldn’t be jumps due to the antenna orientation Robot L1 mm 14000 and 14060 rotated 180º Chamber L1 14120 and 504 rotated 180º Robot L2 Chamber L2 EMRP SIB60, Portugal 2014 Estimation of residual offsets Structure of the design matrix A for three sessions Functional model for a session 0440-0504 0440-1400 X 504 − X 440 + O 772 − O 754 = ∆ X 440 , 504 0440-1406 0440-1412 X 000 − X 440 + RO 995 − O 754 = ∆ X 440 , 000 0440-1424 X 060 − X 440 + RO 988 − O 754 = ∆ X 440 , 060 0440-1430 0440-1436 X 120 − X 440 + O194 − O 754 = ∆ X 440 ,120 X 240 − X 440 + O 963 − O 754 = ∆ X 440 , 240 X 300 − X 440 + O 770 − O 754 = ∆ X 440 , 300 X 360 − X 440 + O 959 − O 754 = ∆ X 440 , 360 EMRP SIB60, Portugal 2014 Results: Residual offsets, NE absolut, Up relative EMRP SIB60, Portugal 2014 Results: Relative residual offsets 11194-11963 11772-11959 EMRP SIB60, Portugal 2014 Comparison of the GPS height differences between antenna pairs with the ground truth 11194-11963 After Bernese Residual offset corrected Robot L1 Chamber L1 11772-11959 Robot L2 Chamber L2 EMRP SIB60, Portugal 2014 Comparison of the GPS height differences between antenna pairs with the ground truth After Bernese Residual offset corrected EMRP SIB60, Portugal 2014 Comparison of pillar height differences in Revolver with ground truth mm The mean height of the Revolver pillar points is subtracted before comparison Residual offsets are corrected Revolver pillars mm Residual offsets are not corrected 440 Chamber L2 EMRP SIB60, Portugal 2014 Comparison of pillar height differences in Revolver with ground truth mm • All height differences (altogether 28) are compared with levelled height differences • before applying the corrections and • after applying the corrections mm Height differences from 440 Height differences between Revolver pillars • The pillar 440 has different multipath environment than the Revolver pillars. • The site specific multipath environment doesn’t change significally between sessions • We can separate the influence of antenna/antenna calibration table from multipath EMRP SIB60, Portugal 2014 Future plans • To process the data gathered in July 2014 with splitted sessions in order to find out the minimum time needed for the session • To analyse the data with simpified configurations (swap and rotate) in order to see if the residual offsets could be found quicker • To develope (using the data already gathered) the test that can be performed in reasonable time for practical use: • It can be for example: • Simple rotation and swapping with few sessions (few times a year or when needed) for antenna pairs or group of antenna aimed to use in same project • Or ground truth and reference antenna and rotation method • If test results show significant residual offsets • If the antenna is broken, change antenna • If antenna is unbroken, use full permutation and rotating test or repeat the simple one • If residual offsets are still more than the given limits, New robot or chamber calibration of the antenna is needed EMRP SIB60, Portugal 2014 Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge funding from the European Metrology Research Program (EMRP). The EMRP is jointly funded by the EMRP participating countries within EURAMET and the European Union.