In November 2013, we told you about our new


In November 2013, we told you about our new
North East
JAN 2015
In November 2013, we told you about our new
‘personal, modern and better’ service and the
changes we had made to help us deliver it.
This year we’ve:
• Taken 290,000 customer
calls in our contact centres.
• Answered 95% of your calls
in an average of 16 seconds.
• Concluded 270,000 of
these calls at the first point
of contact – so your queries
were resolved straight
away, and not passed
on to someone else.
One of the biggest changes was
to bring together our local
repairs service centres into a
single repairs centre – based in
Burnley – and to introduce five
regional contact centre hubs
based in each of our regional
offices. Our aim was to make
sure you can always talk to an
experienced member of Accent
staff and that our service is more
tailored to meet your needs.
Accent Customer Portal
In April this year, we will be
introducing our new online
customer portal. Before the
portal goes live (in stages) from
May, we will send you your new,
online account details so you
can access your account. With
your new account, you will be
able to pay your rent, report and
view your repairs, view your rent
account, request changes to the
personal details we hold about
you, and report anti-social
behaviour directly.
After April 2015, we will no
0345 678 0573
longer send you a printed rent
statement each quarter as these
will be available online. It will be
absolutely safe and secure and
it means you can access your
information at any time – not
just when our offices are open.
We know lots of you want to
use self service, and our new
customer portal is a really
positive step forward in how
we provide some services
to you. Watch this space!
[email protected]
Your contact has also generated
278,000 contact records – this
might not seem important, but
these new records provide us
with a valuable insight into your
requirements, and help us to
tailor and improve the services
we provide to you. We’ve also
seen the amount of money we
are owed in unpaid rent reduce,
with over 4,000 new payment
arrangements being made.
Alongside our incoming contact,
our teams have generated a
further 200,000+ outbound calls
against collections, lettings and
repairs, so it has been a very
busy year, but one in which we
have made great progress.
In 2015, we will be switching
our focus to the quality of
service we provide through our
contact centres, to make sure
we get the best outcome on
each and every one of your calls,
both for you and us.
It seems fair to say that our staff
have worked really hard to make
sure you have had the most
out of your contact with us,
and to make sure you are in
safe hands.
We hope you agree.
Do you want to be Moneywise?
Martin Lewis, resident financial expert on This Morning, and star of
ITV’s The Martin Lewis Show, has given his support to our credit union
campaign with Moneywise Credit Union.
Start saving today... and we’ll give you £10! Whether you want to save
for celebrations, a holiday or something for your home, you can borrow
money with low interest rates and without hidden fees.
Don’t take it from us, Accent resident Jim Holborn says, “Great idea. Credit
unions, when used responsibly by clients, are the answer and the way
forward in a world that is so difficult for ordinary folk with financial difficulties
to access loans that can be repaid at a reasonable rate. People can make
that bit of difference to their quality times by using credit unions, especially
at times such as Christmas and special occasions. It is a great way
to manage small affordable loans in a friendly society. By the people,
for the people!”
With Moneywise
you can borrow
money with low
interest rates and
without hidden fees.
A typical loan rate is
just 1% per month.
For every Accent resident who opens a Moneywise account, we will deposit
£10 and cover the opening and membership costs to get you started!
For more information contact us today or download an application form
from our website:
Scrutiny Members WANTED…
Are you:
4 Confident to comment and challenge
the services Accent provides?
4 Keen to know how Accent works?
4 Eager to find out what goes on
behind the scenes?
Do you want to:
Be at the heart of what Accent does?
Find out about how Accent is run and what staff do?
Gain a greater insight into the services we provide?
Challenge Accent to improve the area you live in?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions then you could be the person we want to help scrutinise
our services. Please contact Katie Jamieson, Resident Engagement Officer for more details…
One of our
Sophie Gouch
Apprentices making a difference!
Last year, we appointed a housing apprentice in your local office.
By shadowing our staff, they learn the skills they need to make their
own careers in housing. One of the areas they have been looking at is
how we engage with you on social media, more of you are engaging
with us this way – but we can still do much better. Why not ‘follow us’
on Facebook and ‘like us’ on Twitter – details on the back page.
0345 678 0573
[email protected]
Hi, I’m Amanda Grange, your housing officer.
Since our last newsletter, I have been out and about meeting as many of
you as possible and working hard to resolve any issues you have raised.
Any updates I have for you are included in this newsletter, or I will have talked
to you personally about them.
Amanda Grange
Housing Officer
Please feel free to get in touch via our contact centre if you would like to talk
to me about anything. As I am out and about quite a lot, I may not always be
in, but I will get back to you as soon as possible – or ask someone else to
contact you on my behalf if I’m going to be out of the office for some time.
Supporting our residents
Our tenancy sustainability team
was set up in November 2013 to
help residents in need of extra
support manage their homes and
tenancies. In your area, once a
housing officer refers a resident
for support, our Tenancy
Sustainability Officer Maxine
Aveyard does a home visit to
see exactly what help is needed.
The new service is working well,
helping residents who might
otherwise have nowhere else to
turn. In total, we have helped
residents claim over £1200 in
backdated Housing Benefit and
£3400 in discretionary housing
payments, and we have helped
to secure over £3100 in grants.
community. With Keepmoat and
Disc, (who run the supported
block), we painted all nine of
the communal blocks and laid
a new carpet. We have also
planted new trees donated by
the Woodlands Trust.
around the scheme and to include
bin stores. In the spring, we are
looking to do some planting. We
will also upgrade the magnets to
stop people who are not residents
from gaining access to the block.
If you are a resident of Glamis Walk,
we can only trully make
a difference with your
support, so please
do get involved.
If you feel you need help to
manage your tenancy, please
contact us.
Glamis Walk
I’ve been talking to residents to
find out their views on improving
Glamis Walk, including what
changes we might make and how
to improve demand. Several
residents said they wanted
to see the communal area
improved, so I worked with
our tenancy sustainability
team to involve residents from
the scheme and the local
Our plans don’t end there.
We are now looking to replace
the crumbling walls and fencing
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View Back page Since our last newsletter, we have been out and about
meeting as many of you as possible and working hard
to resolve any issues you have raised. Any updates
we have for you are included in this newsletter, or we
will have talked to you personally about them.
Helen Dunn
Housing Officer
Please feel free to get in touch via our contact centre
if you would like to talk to us about anything. As we are
out and about quite a lot, we may not always be in,
but we will get back to you as soon as possible – or
ask someone else to contact you on our behalf if we
are going to be out of the office for some time.
Hannah Mactaggart
Housing Officer
Supporting our residents
In November last year, we launched our new tenancy
sustainability service to help residents in need of
extra support. The team manages our supported
housing service, anti-social behaviour and resident
involvement and, in your area, there is a dedicated
Tenancy Sustainability Officer – Suzanne Whitehead.
Suzanne works with new and existing residents
and offers help and support in a wide range of
areas. If you need extra support to help you
manage your tenancy, we would initially make a
referral to Suzanne on your behalf. Suzanne will
then visit you to identify exactly what kind of help
and support you needed and how to access it.
Through the service so far, we have helped a
number of residents who suffer from financial
hardship to apply for grants and loans, and we
have helped with household budgeting to help stop
some residents falling into debt and being faced
with losing their homes. We have also supplied
second hand white goods, such as cookers and
fridges, to new residents who were setting up home
for the first time (and made arrangements for them
to be fitted safely). We have also helped residents
to apply for overlapping Housing Benefit, which has
enabled them to move into their new home.
If you would like any details about this service, or
you need help with your tenancy, budgeting or your
rent, please contact us. We may be able to help.
Even with the Christmas celebrations behind us, you might still be
counting the cost. If you are finding it difficult to pay your rent, please
contact me and we can work through any worries you have together.
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View Back page Hi, I’m Linzie Hough, your housing officer.
Since our last newsletter, I have been out and about meeting as many of
you as possible and working hard to resolve any issues you have raised.
Any updates I have for you are included in this newsletter, or I will have talked
to you personally about them.
Linzie Hough
Housing Officer
Please feel free to get in touch via our contact centre if you would like to talk
to me about anything. As I am out and about quite a lot, I may not always be
in, but I will get back to you as soon as possible – or ask someone else to
contact you on my behalf if I’m going to be out of the office for some time.
Supporting our residents
Our tenancy sustainability team was set up in November 2013
to help residents in need of extra support manage their homes
and tenancies. In your area, once a housing officer refers a
resident for support, our Tenancy Sustainability Officer
Suzanne Whitehead does a home visit to see exactly what help
is needed. The new service is working well, helping residents
who might otherwise have nowhere else to turn. If you feel
you need help to manage your tenancy, please contact us.
Since our last newsletter, we’ve been busy helping
some of our residents who needed some extra
support. We helped a resident with her Housing
benefit and to apply for a Discretionary Housing
Payment (DHP) for the bedroom tax. If you are paying
the bedroom tax yourself, you may be able to get
a DHP. The local councils are telling us that they
still have money available and they want people
to claim it, so please get in touch with me if you
think you might qualify, or you are not sure whether
you do, I can help.
We’ve been helping residents in financial hardship to
apply for grants for cookers, fridge freezers and other
‘white’ goods. We have also been helping residents
apply for benefit, and with getting to know the area,
putting them in touch with local groups and job
clubs, for instance. We’ve also been looking at
schemes which supply second hand, good quality
furniture to new and existing residents to help them
live more comfortably in their homes.
Don’t forget, I’d love to see you if you can join me at:
• The Frank Wiseman Centre, Tilery, Tuesdays
from 10:30am to 11:30am.
• Chapman Court, Wednesdays, from 10:30am
to 11:30am.
• Argyll Court fortnightly on a Tuesday (please
check with the contact centre for the next date)
from 9am to 10:15am.
Even with the Christmas celebrations behind us, you might still be
counting the cost. If you are finding it difficult to pay your rent, please
contact me and we can work through any worries you have together.
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View Back page Hi, I’m Jill Armstrong, your housing officer.
Since our last newsletter, I have been out and about meeting as many of
you as possible and working hard to resolve any issues you have raised.
Any updates I have for you are included in this newsletter, or I will have talked
to you personally about them.
Jill Armstrong
Housing Officer
Please feel free to get in touch via our contact centre if you would like to talk
to me about anything. As I am out and about quite a lot, I may not always be
in, but I will get back to you as soon as possible – or ask someone else to
contact you on my behalf if I’m going to be out of the office for some time.
Supporting our residents
Our tenancy sustainability team was set up in
November 2013 to help residents in need of extra
support manage their homes and tenancies.
We have so far helped residents claim over £1200
in backdated Housing Benefit and £3400 in
discretionary housing payments, and we have helped
to secure over £3100 in grants. If you feel you need
help to manage your tenancy, please contact us.
Scheme walkabout dates – I hope you can join me…
Horden Streets
Meet outside the Welfare Centre
on Seventh Street
Wednesday 7 January at 2:30pm
Wednesday 11 February at 2:30pm
Wednesday 11 March at 2.30pm
Wednesday 8 April at 2.30pm
Portland Avenue
Meet near the care home
• Wednesday 14 January at 10:00am
• Thursday 12 March at 10:00am
Braddyll & Hutton
Meet behind the shops
Easington Colliery
Meet at the parking bay on Cardiff Street
Friday 30 January at 10:00am
Friday 27 February at 10:00am
Friday 27 March at 10:00am
Friday 24 April at 10:00am
Horden Bungalows
Meet at the bottom of Durham Avenue
behind the Rugby Club
Friday 30 January at 3:00pm
Friday 27 February at 3:00pm
Friday 27 March at 3:00pm
Friday 24 April at 3:00pm
• Wednesday 14 January at 11:30am
• Thursday 12 March at 11:30am
Even with the Christmas celebrations behind us, you might still be
counting the cost. If you are finding it difficult to pay your rent, please
contact me and we can work through any worries you have together.
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View Back page Hi, I’m Kelly Brook, your housing officer.
Since our last newsletter, I have been out and about meeting as many of
you as possible and working hard to resolve any issues you have raised.
Any updates I have for you are included in this newsletter, or I will have
talked to you personally about them.
Kelly Brook
Housing Officer
Please feel free to get in touch via our contact centre if you would like to talk
to me about anything. As I am out and about quite a lot, I may not always be
in, but I will get back to you as soon as possible – or ask someone else to
contact you on my behalf if I’m going to be out of the office for some time.
Supporting our residents
Our tenancy sustainability team was set up in November 2013
to help residents in need of extra support manage their homes
and tenancies. In your area, once a housing officer refers a
resident for support, our Tenancy Sustainability Officer Maxine
Aveyard does a home visit to see exactly what help is needed.
The new service is working well, helping residents who might
otherwise have nowhere else to turn.
In total, we have helped residents claim over £1200 in
backdated Housing Benefit and £3400 in discretionary
housing payments, and we have helped to secure
over £3100 in grants.
If you feel you need help to manage your tenancy,
please contact us.
In March last year, I learned of a family who were
under-occupying their home by two bedrooms.
As they had been on full housing benefit, the impact of
the 25% reduction they were facing from the bedroom
tax was going to have a big impact on them. The family
did not want to lose their home and tried to manage,
but they couldn’t and rent arears started to build.
Eventually, they agreed to look for a smaller home,
but wanted to stay in the area for family support.
I helped the family apply for a Discretionary Housing
Payment (DHP), which helped them reduce their
arrears. Once the DHP ended however, they were
back to square one, so they applied to Durham Key
Options for a smaller home but their application was
refused because of the arrears. The situation wasn’t
looking good. We got a break in the form of a
termination on a one bedroom flat in the same street
which was perfect for the family. So the family have
a fresh start, we’ve avoided taking action against
their rent arrears and they can receive full Housing
Benefit again.
A great result! I also helped the family apply to
a charity for a grant for over £600 to pay for new
flooring and a washing machine.
Even with the Christmas celebrations behind us, you might still be
counting the cost. If you are finding it difficult to pay your rent, please
contact me and we can work through any worries you have together.
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View Back page Hi, I’m Donna Matthews, your housing officer.
Since our last newsletter, I have been out and about meeting as many of
you as possible and working hard to resolve any issues you have raised.
Any updates I have for you are included in this newsletter, or I will have talked
to you personally about them.
Donna Matthews
Housing Officer
Please feel free to get in touch via our contact centre if you would like to talk
to me about anything. As I am out and about quite a lot, I may not always be
in, but I will get back to you as soon as possible – or ask someone else to
contact you on my behalf if I’m going to be out of the office for some time.
Supporting you when you need it
Our tenancy sustainability service was set up in
November 2013 to help residents in need of extra
support manage their homes and tenancies. In your
area, once a housing officer refers a resident for support,
our Tenancy Sustainability Officer Suzanne Whitehead
does a home visit to see exactly what help is needed.
The new service is working well, helping residents who
might otherwise have nowhere else to turn. If you feel
you need help to manage your tenancy, please contact us.
Since my last newsletter, here are some of the ways
in which we’ve been supporting residents…
We helped a resident with her Housing benefit and to apply
for a Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) for the bedroom
tax. If you are paying the bedroom tax yourself, you may be
able to get a DHP. The local councils are telling us that they
still have money available and they want people to claim it,
so please get in touch with me if you think you might qualify,
or you are not sure whether you do, I can help. We’ve also
managed to secure £9000 in grants from ‘5 Lamps’ and
‘Gregg’s Foundation’ to buy white goods and furniture to
help new residents set up home. I have also been helping
residents apply for benefit, to get to know the area and
putting them in touch with local groups and job clubs.
dr op -i ns
S he lt er ed sc he m e
drop in and
Don’t forget, you can
urt every
see me at Cypress Co
11am and
Friday from 10am to
11am to 12pm.
Arlington Court from
Even with the Christmas celebrations behind us, you might still be
counting the cost. If you are finding it difficult to pay your rent, please
contact me and we can work through any worries you have together.
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View Back page Hi, I’m Jo Caveney, your housing officer.
Since our last newsletter, I have been out and about meeting as many of
you as possible and working hard to resolve any issues you have raised.
Any updates I have for you are included in this newsletter, or I will have talked
to you personally about them.
Jo Caveney
Housing Officer
Please feel free to get in touch via our contact centre if you would like to talk
to me about anything. As I am out and about quite a lot, I may not always be
in, but I will get back to you as soon as possible – or ask someone else to
contact you on my behalf if I’m going to be out of the office for some time.
Here are my next surgeries
– why not pop in and see me?
• Welton Court, Whitby: Fortnightly on Thursday afternoons.
• Wandales: One Thursday every month.
• Foxwood Community Centre, Acomb: Fortnightly on a Tuesday 1pm-3pm.
Dates can change due to diary commitments, but our contact
centre staff will be happy to tell you when I am next in your area.
If any of you would like a home visit to talk about anything that may
be worrying you, please contact me to book in an appointment.
Even with the Christmas celebrations behind us, you might still be
counting the cost. If you are finding it difficult to pay your rent, please
contact me and we can work through any worries you have together.
Supporting our residents
Our tenancy sustainability team was set up in November
2013 to help residents in need of extra support manage
their homes and tenancies. In your area, once a housing
officer refers a resident for support, our Tenancy
Sustainability Officer Suzanne Whitehead does a home
visit to see exactly what help is needed. The new service
is working well, helping residents who might otherwise
have nowhere else to turn. If you feel you need help to
manage your tenancy, please contact us.
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View Back page Hi, I’m Emma Pickles, your home ownership officer.
Since our last newsletter, I have been out and about meeting as many of
you as possible and working hard to resolve any issues you have raised.
Any updates I have for you are included in this newsletter, or I will have talked
to you personally about them.
Emma Pickles
Home Ownership Officer
Please feel free to get in touch via our contact centre if you would like to talk
to me about anything. As I am out and about quite a lot, I may not always be
in, but I will get back to you as soon as possible – or ask someone else to
contact you on my behalf if I’m going to be out of the office for some time.
Thinking of selling your home?
Please refer to your lease. Before
we can accept your instruction
to sell, we will need a request
in writing from all named
leaseholders. In most cases,
you will need to get a valuation
from an independent qualified
surveyor, (a member of the Royal
Institute of Chartered Surveyors
- RICS), to determine the price
in which your share of the
property can be sold. An Energy
Performance Certificate is
also required.
We may have a nomination
period in which we can help with
marketing your property. This can
vary and, if it applies, it will be
detailed in your lease. If it does
apply, you cannot instruct an
estate agent until we give you
permission to. When you contact
us, we will explain the steps we
will take to market your property
and whether there is a fee
payable to us if we find a buyer.
You cannot sell your share for
more than the valuation (but you
can sell for less). All interested
parties must complete an
application form and be
approved by us prior to the sale
being agreed. Contact our
Peterborough sales and
marketing team on 0345 678
0595 for details. Have a copy of
your lease to hand.
Struggling to pay your service charge or shared ownership rent?
If you receive certain benefits,
such as Pension Credit, Income
Support, Job Seekers Allowance,
Employment and Support
Allowance, or Universal Credit,
you may be entitled to help with
your housing costs. You may be
able to claim Housing Benefit for
your service charge or shared
ownership rent, and for help
with the interest payments.
Please contact me, or your local
housing benefit department for
more information.
and Christmas hampers. If you
are interested in joining, please
contact me for more information.
Across the region, we are also
working with Moneywise
Community Finance. Their services
include low cost loans, bank
accounts, saving accounts,
white goods and furniture,
Christmas club accounts
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View Back page Hi, I’m Russ Bateman, your housing officer.
Since our last newsletter, I have been out and about meeting as many of
you as possible and working hard to resolve any issues you have raised.
Any updates I have for you are included in this newsletter, or I will have talked
to you personally about them.
Russell Bateman
Housing Officer
Please feel free to get in touch via our contact centre if you would like to talk
to me about anything. As I am out and about quite a lot, I may not always be
in, but I will get back to you as soon as possible – or ask someone else to
contact you on my behalf if I’m going to be out of the office for some time.
Supporting you when you need it
Our tenancy sustainability team was set up in
November 2013 to help residents in need of extra
support manage their homes and tenancies. In your
area, once a housing officer refers a resident for
support, our Tenancy Sustainability Officer Suzanne
Whitehead does a home visit to see exactly what help
is needed. The new service is working well, helping
residents who might otherwise have nowhere else
to turn. If you feel you need help to manage your
tenancy, please contact us.
We’ve helped several residents sort out their Housing Benefit. One claim went back seven
months. We have also applied for Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) for residents affected
by the bedroom tax. If you are paying the bedroom tax yourself, you may be able to get a DHP.
The local councils are telling us that they still have money available and they want people to
claim it, so please get in touch with me if you think you might qualify, or you are not sure whether
you do, I can help. We have also been helping residents in financial hardship to apply for grants
to buy cookers, fridge freezers and washing machines, and we have supplied second hand,
good quality furniture to some residents to help them live more comfortably in their homes.
We have also helped new residents to set up home, apply for benefit, and to get to know the
area, putting them in touch with local groups and job clubs.
I recently carried out a scheme survey of our Brotton street homes to see what improvements
we could make. If you missed the survey, or you have had any more ideas, please contact me.
Even with the Christmas celebrations behind us, you might still be
counting the cost. If you are finding it difficult to pay your rent, please
contact me and we can work through any worries you have together.
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View Back page Did you know that we now have two tenancy
sustainability officers based in your local office?
They can provide support to you in managing your
tenancy and work closely with your housing officer
and our income recovery teams. So far this year,
across the whole of Accent, they have been able to
support over 350 of you, helping you to claim over
£130,000 in extra income. This has been through
claiming new benefits; housing benefit backdates;
claims for discretionary housing benefit; charitable
grants; and other financial support. If you are a new
resident, we can provide support if this is your first
tenancy, particularly around setting up utilities or
direct debits. Providing financial support and
assisting with debt advice and welfare benefits
are key aspects of this new service, but our teams
can also help you with employment support,
digital inclusion and with accessing training and
volunteering also. Where we cannot help directly,
we can signpost you to other organisations that
may be able to. We also offer support in accessing
health and well-being community services.
Whether you are a new resident or not, please
speak to your housing officer if you feel you need
some extra support to stay in your home.
What do you think of Accent News?
We changed the format of our quarterly newsletter in 2013 and we want to know what you think
about it. Please complete the enclosed survey and return it to us in the enevelope provided by
13 February 2015. Your views really do count and will help us to improve the newsletter in future.
The way we increase
your rent is changing
How is my rent worked out?
If you are an assured tenant your
rent is set using government
guidelines. The size, location and
value of your home are all taken
into account.
Stay in touch!
202 Linthorpe Road
Why does my rent change?
Your rent is reviewed annually,
and we tell you at least four
weeks before any changes are
made. The way the government
allows us to increase rents is
changing from April 2015.
Your rent will be increased
by CPI (cost price index) as at
September in the previous year
plus 1% rather than RPI (retail
price index) which was higher.
0345 678 0573
[email protected]
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So from April 2015 to March
2016, assured tenancy rent
increases will be 2.2% for
most residents. This is subject
to the Accent Board’s decision
in January.
Please contact us if you have
any queries.
Social media: