thE APC CORNER-StONE - Ardmore Presbyterian Church


thE APC CORNER-StONE - Ardmore Presbyterian Church
Ardmore Presbyterian Church
The APC Corner-stone
“We are members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and
prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone.” (Ephesians 2:19b-20)
5 West Montgomery Avenue
Ardmore, PA 19003-1599
Phone: 610-642-6650
[email protected]
September 2014
From Our Pastor James Hodsden:
Please notify the office if you prefer to get
your newsletter via email.
“There’s No Place Like Home.”
We all remember Dorothy Gale’s words from the end of the Wizard of Oz. Under the guidance of the Glynda
the Good Witch, Dorothy clicks her ruby slippers and offers the words as an incantation. Magically, the girl
wakes up in Kansas under the watchful care of Auntie Em and Uncle Henry.
Dorothy’s story begins with a longing to be somewhere “Over the Rainbow.” Thanks to a tornado she gets
her wish, but immediately she longs to be back home. Despite the wonder of Oz, back in Kansas there is
love. Dorothy is the prodigal daughter. Granted, she seems much more innocent than her biblical counter
part. Nonetheless, like him, she comes to her senses and searches for home.
Celebrating Our 107th Year of
Service to the Lord Jesus Christ
James Hodsden, M.Div., Pastor ([email protected])
Sturgis Poorman, M.Div., Parish Associate ([email protected])
Gary Garletts, M.M., AAGO, Director of Music/Organist ([email protected])
Marianne Unger, M.Div., Coordinator of Youth and Children Ministries ([email protected])
Michelle Butera, Interim Director of Weekday Preschool ([email protected])
Pearlie Diesinger, Preschool Administrator/Church Secretary ([email protected])
Raelyn Harman, Church Administrator ([email protected])
Don Tokash, Finance ([email protected])
Jim Moore, Custodian
After a summer of vacations and travels, many of us are looking forward to the calm of the familiar craziness.
We desire to be home. On September 7th, we celebrate the beginning of the church’s program calendar
with Homecoming Sunday. On that day, we will participate in a Ministry Fair, and that afternoon the church
gathers at Gladwyne Park for a celebration. There will be no fattened calf on the menu, but we will certainly
enjoy some hamburgers & hot dogs with the people we missed all summer.
“Homecoming” can be a dramatic moment. For those who have been away from the worshipping commu
nity, it is a big deal to sit in the sanctuary once again and be told of God’s good news. We need to be re
minded that when we were unlovable, God loved us. We need to hear that we have a home and a Father
who waits for us.
However, “homecoming” can carry some unfortunate baggage. Some assume that if there is a homecoming
then there is also an expectation that we have to be absent. They believe that we can only appreciate the
welcome home after being gone for a long time. They purposely remove themselves from the community as
if church is just something we schedule when convenient.
When all seemed lost to Dorothy, Glynda tells her that she “always had the power to go back to Kansas.”
Likewise, we should remember that “home” always remains near. God’s power has created a community
redeemed by Jesus Christ that is closer than the slippers on your feet. The church is more than something
we use in emergencies. The church is us. We are the ones who care for a friend in need, who provide a safe,
loving place for our children, who demonstrate God’s love to a hurting world. After all our travels, we dis
cover that God wanted to be present in our lives, not in a building.
The church is our home.
Grace and Peace,
Youth Ringers meet Wednesday, September 10th & 24th and November 19th & 26th at 6:00 p.m. This
handbell choir, for grades 6th—12th, rehearses in two fall segments (two one hour rehearsals per segment),
then plays for worship at the end of each segment. The spring schedule is TBD.
Wednesday Lunchtime Small Groups, 12:00 — 1:30 p.m.
Young Adult Choir, Women’s Chorus and Men’s Chorus each sings twice per year. Watch your worship
folder, newsletter, or our website for specific dates.
Women’s Lunch – We gather for a brown-bag lunch with fellowship, prayer and study in God’s Word. Our
focus this September will be on Paul’s letter to the Romans. Led by Elaine Giese. Meets in the Library. Begins
September 10th.
Men’s Lunch – Our conversation is always lively, and we welcome your questions. We will spend this fall
studying the gospel of Matthew. Lunch is provided for $7. Led by James Hodsden. Meets in the Mill Creek
Room. Begins September 17th.
Jesus’ State of the Universe Address
Sunday Mornings, 9:00 — 10 a.m., September 14th — November 23rd (11 weeks)
Jesus Christ came to usher in the kingdom of God. In Matthew 5-6, the Sermon on the Mount gives us a
glimpse of what that kingdom is all about. In this video series, one of the world’s premier biblical scholars,
Dr. Dale Bruner, will guide us as we enter the text. There will also be plenty of time for discussion. Meets in
the Mill Creek Room. Child care is available.
Sunday, September 7th – Homecoming Sunday
Sunday, October 26th – Reformation Sunday (Bagpipes, Three Choir Anthem)
Tuesdays in November – Noon Organ Recitals by Philadelphia AGO Members
Sunday, December 7th – Advent Family Night (all choirs except Chancel)
Sunday, December 21st – Chancel Choir Vivaldi’s Gloria
Wednesday, December 24th – Christmas Eve Services at 5 & 10 p.m.
Friday Sunday, Jan 30th Feb 1st – Spiritual Enrichment Retreat
Sunday, April 5th – Easter Sunday with QuintEssentially Brass
Sunday, April 26th – Haydn’s Creation at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
Spring, TBD – Children’s/Youth Musical
Christian Education & Youth Ministry For September
How to Spell Presbyterian
Sunday Mornings, 9:00—10:00 a.m., September 21st — November 2nd (7 weeks)
We are the Ardmore Presbyterian Church. For over a hundred years, our congregation has strived to love
God, to love each other in community and to love our neighbors in the wider world. We celebrate all those
working to do the same, but we believe that our particular family has something to share. Our distinctions
have helped us to become better followers of Jesus in this place and in this time. How to Spell Presbyterian is a
basic introduction to our common beliefs, traditions and future together. The journey of faith is a comfort
but also a challenge, and we can’t do it alone. Relying on God’s grace, our church exists to guide and support
each other on this journey. This small group study is for new members, long-term members and the interested. Led by James Hodsden, meets in the Library. Child care available.
The Team Approach to Discipleship in Romans
Sunday evenings, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m., September 21st—October 26th (6 weeks)
Paul calls Roman Christians to live out their lives as part of a supportive team of disciples dedicated to
showing Christ's love to the world in everything they do. We will study Paul's instructions in Romans 12-15
with an eye toward this team approach to our own Christian discipleship. Led by Sturgis Poorman, meets in the
September 7th: Sunday School is back in swing with a new curriculum that will
match what is being preached in worship. All teachers and students will meet
in the Mill Creek Room after the Children’s Moment to get acquainted.
Sept. 10th: Youth Group begins at the Parish House. We’ll have a picnic from 5
6, then Youth will join Gary for handbells from 6 7.
September 10th: Sunday School Teachers will have food and fellowship
with the Youth Group from 5 to 6 at the Parish House, then be introduced
to the new curriculum and have time to plan the schedule for the year from
6 to 7.
September 14th: Sunday School Teachers & Christian Leadership will be
commissioned during worship. Sunday School will resume in the class
September 17: Youth Group will meet at Pastor James’ house for a pool party from 5 to 7, 1638 Surrey
Lane, Havertown. Wear your bathing suit and bring a towel!
September 24: Youth Group will meet at the Parish House for
games from 5 5:30, dinner 5:30 6:00, then join Gary for hand
bells from 6 7.
October Planning – There will be a sign up for Sugartown Straw
berries hayride, bonfire, hot dog roast and S'Mores. One wagon
seating 40 has been reserved. More info to follow.
From the desk of the Director of Music, Gary Garletts
September, 2014
January 30 – February 1, 2015
Greetings from the Music Ministry of APC! We are on the cusp of a new and exciting program year.
Things will gear up rapidly this year, since Labor Day falls as early as ever it can. Please take careful note of
these various opportunities to serve, and our many special events for 2014 15. Do not hesitate to contact
me for further information ([email protected]).
5:30 — 7:00 p.m,
Chancel Choir begins Thursday, September 4th at 7:30 p.m. This choir of adult volunteers (with profes
sional section leaders) meets weekly for 1½ hours, and sings weekly for worship (Sept. 7th – May 31st, with
breaks). On December 21st they will sing Vivaldi’s Gloria during worship, and on April 26th they will per
form Haydn’s Creation (with two other choirs and orchestra) at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church.
Handbell Choir begins Wednesday, September 10th at 7:00 p.m. This choir of adults meets weekly for one
hour, and plays about five times per year in worship. Basic music reading skills are helpful.
Wednesday PLUS begins
Wednesday, September 10th
at 5:00 p.m. This two hour
event (gathering, singing, din
ner, and activity) is held weekly,
September 10th – May 6th,
with breaks. Children’s Choir
(grades 2nd—5th) sings several
times per year, and Cherub
Choir (grades pre K 1st),
directed by Carol Shih, sings
five times per year. Both par
ticipate in Advent Family Night.
Andy Crouch, editor at large for Christianity
Today will be sharing with us about the im
portant role of people of faith in making cul
ture. More details in January 2015.
The Gospel According to U2
Sept. 24 — Oct. 29 (6 weeks)
Although they have never sold themselves as a Chris
tian band, the Irish group, U2, have consistently put
their Christian faith and Biblical themes at the center
of their music. We will explore the music of U2 as a
witness to the good news of Jesus Christ. Led by Rev.
Sara Hodsden. Meets in the Library.
THURSDAYS, 7:30—9:30 p.m.
Women’s Small Group
Starts October 2nd
This small group starts with a time of fellowship,
moves into a time of study, and ends with a time of
prayer. Over the years, we have studied Paul’s let
ters, the Old Testament prophets, and books on faith
by authors like Dallas Willard and Tim Keller. Meets
at various member’s homes.
Men’s Morning Fellowship, 1ST SATURDAY OF MONTH, 8:00 — 9:00 a.m.
Youth Choir begins Sunday,
September 14th at 11:45
a.m. This choir (grades 6th
12th) sings several times
per year, and participates in
biennial musicals and choir
Every month the men's fellowship gathers together for breakfast and to consider another person in our
"great cloud of witnesses" (Hebrews 12:1). What can other men who have lived the life of faith teach us?
Led by James Hodsden. Meets in the Mill Creek Room.
Women’s Small Group, THURSDAYS, 7:30—9:30 p.m., Starts October 2nd
This small group starts with a time of fellowship, moves into a time of study, and ends with a time of prayer.
Over the years, we have studied Paul’s letters, the Old Testament prophets, and books on faith by authors
like Dallas Willard and Tim Keller. Meets at various member’s homes.
Nativity: Through the Eyes of the Artist
Nov. 30 — Dec. 21 (4 weeks)
When artists approach a subject out of the Scriptures, they become theologians and biblical interpreters. During
the Advent season, we will examine the birth of Christ as interpreted in a number of famous paintings. Led by Anne
Toal and James Hodsden. Meets in the Mill Creek Room. Child care is available.
10:30a Lord's Day Worship (Sanctuary)
11:45a Retirement
Luncheon honoring
Anne Foote's 27 years of
service as Preschool Director (FH)
“Meet the
12p Men's Small Group
Study &
Luncheon (MCR)
10a Alanon (PH)
11:30a Alanon
12p Women's Small
Group Study & brown
bag lunch (Library)
7:30p Chancel
Choir Rehearsal
(Choir Room)
5p Wednesday PLUS
(FH/MCR/Choir Room)
April 12 — June 14, 2015 (10 weeks)
11:45a Youth Choir Rehearsal (ChrRm)
In a world of modern science, what does it mean that we are created? In a virtual
world, what does it mean that we have a body? Old Testament scholar Dr. Ray
Van Leeuwen will lead us in an exploration of Genesis 1-11. Meets in the Mill
Creek Room.
1p Holisticare
Interviews (BrdRm)
6p Youth Handbell
Ringers (Choir Room)
7p Sunday Evening Adult
Small Group (Library)
7p Handbell Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
5p Youth Group (PH)
10:30a Lord's Day Worship (Sanctuary)
To the people of Ardmore Presbyterian Church
We were certainly moved by our friends who came from Puerto Rico this summer. We also enjoyed reconnecting
with our mission partners here in Philadelphia. However, none of it could have been accomplished without your
hard work. Thank you for your hospitality. Thank you for the giving of your time and energy. Thank you for your
generosity. Our friends had a great time, and God was glorified.
From the Mission Awareness Committee.
11:45a Nominating
Committee Meeting
11:45a Youth Choir Rehearsal (ChrRm)
11:45a Prayer Fellowship
(Blue Room)
12:15p Hospice Training
7p Sunday Evening Adult
Small Group (Library)
Wednesday PLUS
Calling all 2nd through 5th graders. Join us for Wednesday PLUS
including playtime, children’s choir, dinner and Bible activities.
Shown in picture are last years’ group with Sherina Poorman
showing their wooden 3-in-1 stools. Wednesday PLUS includes
Cherub Choir (Pre-K—1stst grade), activities, play and dinner.
Come, bring friends and Moms to sign up for dinner prep.
Wednesday September 10th.
10a AA Meeting
1 Labor Day
7p Fellowship &
~ September 2014 ~
7:30p MAC
Mtg. (Lib)
10:30a Lord's Day
Worship & Ministry
Fair (Sanctuary)
Preschool Orientation for 2
day parents &
11:45a Prayer Fellowchildren (FH)
ship (Blue Room)
7:30p Grief
3p Homecoming
Care Group
Picnic (Gladwyne
(Blue Rm)
for 3 & 5
Day children
& parents
First Day of Preschool
12p Women's Small
Group & brown bag lunch
5p Wednesday PLUS
(FH/MCR/Choir Room)
10a Alanon (MCR)
11:30a Alanon
7:30p Chancel
Choir Rehearsal
(Choir Room)
12p PS
8a Men's
Study and Fellowship (MCR)
10a AA Meeting
10a Alanon (PH)
11:30a Alanon
7:30p Chancel
Choir Rehearsal
(Choir Room)
First Day of 10a AA Meeting
2 Day &
5p Youth Group
And SS Teacher Food and
Fellowship (PH)
6p SS Teacher Training
Meeting (PH)
6p Youth Handbell Ringers
(Choir Room)
11:45a Youth Choir
Rehearsal (Choir
Session Reports due
7:15p Building &
7:30p Board
11:45a Prayer Fellow- of Deacons
ship (Blue Room)
12p Men's Small Group
Luncheon (MCR)
10a Alanon (PH)
11:30a Alanon
12p Women's Small
7:30p Chancel
Group & brown bag lunch
Choir Rehearsal
(Choir Room)
5p Wednesday PLUS
(FH/MCR/Choir Room)
5p Youth Group
(Hodsden's pool)
7p Handbell Choir
Rehearsal (Choir Rm)
In his role as Parish Associate, Graham will focus on two main programs to enrich our churches
ministry. He will facilitate our Grief Support Group and will direct the Pre-Med Hospice Volunteer Program (see below). Occasionally, Graham will help lead worship at APC but on most Sundays he will lead worship at a small, missional church in the inner-city, Wissahickon Presbyterian
Church. Graham has served the Lord in Princeton, NJ, Pittsburgh, PA, and West Hartford, CT.
He is glad to be serving the Lord nearby where he was raised and is grateful to be working with
staff and members of APC.
Grief Care and Support Group
What do you say to someone who has lost a family member? How do
you care for a friend or acquaintance who has suffered great loss?
These are two of the questions that the Grief Care and Support Group
will be addressing this year. In addition to being a supportive community of Christian friends for those who are grieving, the group is also
focusing on how we can extend Christ’s care to those who have lost
their job, become disabled, or been hospitalized. We don’t have all the
answers but we are committed to caring for others, praying together,
listening to God’s Word, and creating a sacred space for Christ’s healing presence. If you have lost someone dear or if you seek to care
for those who have suffered loss, please consider joining us on the
second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Blue Room.
Pre-Med Hospice Volunteer Program
7p Handbell Choir
Rehearsal (Choir Rm)
10:30a Lord's Day
Worship &
Commissioning SS/CE
Teachers (Sanctuary)
8a — 2p
Retreat (MCR)
10a AA Meeting
Did you know that APC is overseeing a unique program to engage university Pre-Med students through the
Pre-Med Hospice Volunteer Program? This program recruits Pre-Med students to be Hospice volunteers from
schools like Eastern University, Bryn Mawr College and Haverford College. The program seeks to promote Hospice
care and develop a new generation of health professionals aware of the blessings possible for individuals and families
at the end of life. Rev. Graham Robinson, Program Director, helps to connect university students with Hospice and
the local church. APC will host training events, reflection meetings and will provide a caring, Christian community
to support students as they process the spiritual dimensions of what they are experiencing. The students will provide compassionate care to patients at the end of life under the auspices of Hospice,
and Hospice patients and their families will help educate these young future physicians about care for the dying. In many ways, caring for those who are about to die is
a way of encouraging these students to be Christ’s eyes of blessing for those facing
death. (Please note: This program is open to Pre-Med students from any religious tradition.
However, as we meet together and grow in relationship, there will be opportunities to share
what our faith teaches about death and dying. Some students may want to know more.
Other students may just benefit from the exposure to another tradition.)
How is all of this funded? All costs associated with the Pre-Med Volunteer Program are funded by a grant from the Athena Institute. APC will provide oversight of the
program through APC’s Pre-Med Hospice Volunteer Task Force. This program will provide
a unique way for APC to minister to college students. And beyond the program itself, the church will have the opportunity to cultivate relationships with these students through worship, education, care and ministry.
DEACONS’ DOINGS . . . Got Deacon’s? . . .Yes we do!
Mission: It is the duty of deacons to minister to those who are in
need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in need
both within and beyond the community of faith.
A few ways that APC deacons are helping to show Christ’s love. . .
Hats off to our High School seniors!!!!! – Nathan Frank, Lizzie Pot
ter, Charlie Rowe, Yao Sedzro, Mats Terwiesch and Lilly Young.
We are grateful for their presence and contributions through the
years at APC. They have been present in worship, attended and
helped in VBS, sung in our Youth Choir, been part of Wednesday
PLUS…the list could go on and on! Together with the Christian Edu
APC Deacons
cation Committee gifts of a Bible and a First Aid Kit were given to
une 2014
each graduating student. Even more important was the prayer of
blessing bestowed upon them as they step into this next phase of
their lives. We are grateful that God goes with each of them!
To brighten up our shut ins hearts and rooms, small violet plants were being delivered. These, along with the
smiles and prayers of the visitors will help to let those we visit know they are not forgotten by their church
Deacons summer mission projects included making, serving and sharing in dinner with families staying at the
Gift of Life Organ Donor facility in Philadelphia and participating in the Thursday Lunch Program at Calvin
Presbyterian as part of the Matthew 25:35 ministry.
The Eddie Kaier Preschool Scholarship Fund begun in the 1980’s has been allowing families who can’t fully pay
the full tuition fee for the APC Preschool to receive financial assistance. Many families have been helped
through the years. This fund comes under the oversight of the deacons in coordination with the Preschool
Director. Again this year a family will be helped so their child can attend our wonderful Christian preschool.
Current deacons: John Abrams, Moderator; Kate Brooks, Bonnie Cook, Kevin Fowler, Connie Hoelscher, Anna Poor
man, Joanne Poorman, Ruth Rowe, Kossi Sedzro, Lisa Spoelker, Alicia Templeton and Anne Warner .
Front: Anna Poorman; Rev. Nan Clarke; Anne Warner; Connie Hoelscher
Back: Kevin Fowler; John Abrams; Lisa Spoelker; Bonnie Cook; Alicia Templeton: Kossi Sedzro; Joanne Poorman
Not in Picture: Kate Brooks; Ruth Rowe
A thank you from Trinity United Presbyterian Church, Clifton Heights for APC’s partnership in their Food Pantry
Church Softball Season in Review
The APC co ed softball team finished the year with a 1 7 record. That
placed us ninth in the ten team Upper Main Line Church Softball League.
Given the fact that our minor league farm system is about as productive as
the Phillies' farm system, we cannot seriously hope to do much better
next year. That being said, there were definitely up sides to the past sea
son. First, we led the league in players! APC had 26 different players ap
pear over the course of our eight games. Second, we led the league in at
tendance! We had more fans at the games than any of the other nine
teams. Third, we led the league in one run victories! This was especially
significant since we won only one game all year. The Apostles eventually
took the league championship. There is a movement afloat to drum them out of the league, citing their unfair ad
vantage in come from behind miracle victories. But we at APC hope they stay in the league. The Apostles remind us
that miracles are always possible. And that's exactly what the APC co ed softball team needs. Wait till next year!!
Donations of Cookies for Tea Time at the Welcome Church
would be most appreciated.
Dates of special need for cookies
include: Monday, September 29;
Monday, October 27;
Monday, November 17;
Monday, December 1.
(Often, people give the cookies to
me on the Sunday, at church, be
fore the Monday of Tea Time,
works great!)
Thank you, Schaunel Steinnagel
Birdsall, Katie Brennan, Kate Brooks,
Skip & Mary Ellison, Sandy Foote,
Gary Garletts, Twila Garletts, Dollie
Graham, Wally McLean, Julia Park,
Mary Quigley, Mark
Ramsay, Jean Shrader,
Ray and Mary VanLeeu
wen and others who
struggle daily because of
difficult health issues.
To the Board of Deacons and members of APC –
Thank you so much for your gift to the Trinity United Presbyterian Church Food Pantry. Our Food Pantry has significantly in
creased its clientele. Since March 1st, we have served 40 families (149 individuals). We’ve given out 1,467 pounds of food. This
is an increase from the past several years when we would serve only one or two families each month. Trinity gets an abun
dance of food twice each year – from a Boy Scout food drive and from the Souper Bowl of Caring collection. Once those sup
plies are gone, we supplement by going to the grocery store. We are hoping to apply for the right to purchase food through
Philabundance, but we will be unable to apply until September due to their policies. Your contribution is helping us feed fami
lies here in Clifton Heights and Upper Darby. We are so thankful for your generous contribution and for thinking of our congre
gation’s ministry.
In Christ,
Sara Hodsden, Pastor
Note of explanation: At the May deacons meeting, APC deacons enthusiastically agreed to temporarily partner with Trinity PC
in helping them increase the size of their food cupboard due to dramatically increased demand. Trinity’s congregation is small
but they serve an area where assistance needs are significant. It was agreed that the deacons would give an initial donation of
$300 to help stock their Food Pantry and then until the end of 2014 we would tithe 10% of our food cupboard monthly receipts.
This outreach will be re evaluated in January 2015 with the hope that Trinity would be connected by then with Philabundance.
See what wonderful things the Lord does through members and friends of APC!
1—John Oakes
1—Connor Dillon
4—Pearlie Diesinger
6—Kelly Nicholson
6—Maddie Taverno
7—Brian Brown
7—Sam Pulsifer
8—Jim Rowe
10—Sherina Poorman
11—Kyle Tabas
12—Faith Morse
12—Kevin Corle
13—Eliza Brooks
14—Louise McLean
14—Hyemee Kim
15—Tom Mattson
16—Jay Straub
18—Jean Shrader
19—Bill Gray
21—Mary Lee Straub
22—Anne Conroy
22—Dorothy Ramsay
22—Elijah Calpas
23—Isla Grant
23—Alissa Mandich
24— Sara Turner
25—Sandra Pfaff
25—Debby Rochon
25—Dan Potter
26—Rich Turner
28—Susan Gichomo
29—John Reid
29—Clair Rozier
29—Claire Harris
29—Elisa Halteman
We’d like to list all of our mem
bers’ and friends’ birthdays & can
only do so if we know when it is.
Please email
[email protected]
or call 610 642 6650 and
leave a message.