

3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
Lecture 1. Introduction & Course Overview
Spring 2011
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
Instructor & Course Info
Professor : 김현주
Class time : Wed 4-6pm, Wed 1-4(Open Lab)
Credit Hour: 2 hours
Contact :
Office: Room 101 (등촌), Seoul Media Lab(상암)
Phone: 02-6393-3238, Cell: 010-3050-9905
Email: [email protected]
Office hour: Fri 10am-5pm
Class BBS :
Class Email Group:
[email protected]
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
Course Overview
Intermediate & advanced methods and knowledge of 3D CG modeling and
animation for stereoscopic contents production will be featured in this
studio class. Students are expected to learn, but not limited to the topics
Animation Production Workflow
Workflow of Stereoscopic 3D CG
Maya’s structure and functions
Theory and Practice of Modeling
Theory and Practice of Texturing/Shading
Theory and Practice of Lighting/Staging
Theory and Practice of Animation
Stereoscopic Camera & Rendering
Theory and Practice of Composition & Post Production
Work Review
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
– Maya Summary, 곽기훈 저, 디지털북스, 2008
– 3D 입체영상제작 워크북, 최양현 외 3명, 2011
– The Art of 3-D Computer Animation and Effects, Third Edition (Paperback) by
Isaac Victor Kerlow, John Wiley & Sons; 3 edition (August 12, 2003) ISBN:
– 3D 초급자를 위한 MAYA 7.0 50일 완성 이승엽 | 정재환 (지은이) | 가메출판사
| 2006-01-03
– 3D 입체영화제작기술, Bermard Mendiburu (이승현 역), Focal Press
(영화진흥위), 2010
– Introducing Maya 2008 with CD-Rom Paperback Dariush Derakhshani |
WROX Press (or similar versions)
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
Why CG 3D for Stereoscopic Production?
• Simple setup for virtual cameras
• Easy of preview & adjustment
• Characteristics of 3D CGI contents fits well to many
stereoscopic storytelling.
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
3D Tools
SW for 3D modeling &
– Autodesk 3DS Max, XSI,
Maya, Cinema4D
Other Composite software :
– Autodesk Toxik, Foundry
Nuke (ocula plug-in),
Autodesk Maya :
– Since 2009, Stereo virtual
camera plugin is offered
– Many major CG animation
is produced by this
including “Avatar”
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
3D Graphic Modeling
• Types:
– Solid modeling
– Shell/Boundary modeling
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
• Purposes:
Scientific visualization
Medical illustration
Motion pictures
Video game, Augmented Reality, 3D virtual SNS(Second life)
Architectural models (space visualization)
Art print
3D Rapid prototype
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
Hyun Ju Kim
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
• Kenneth Huff
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
• Kenneth Huff
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
• General Term
A simulation of movement created by displaying a series of
pictures, or frames.
• Specialties
– Animation ( Narrative, Experimental )
– Visual Effect
– Motion graphics
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
Ancient cavemen’s drawing
-The very first animation
-The trial to capture motion in their art
- ex.Eight legged boar - Altamira cave of
Northern Spane
- ex2. Egyptian wall decoration-sequence
of wrestling motions
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
• Persistance of Vision
-”Eye retains images when it is exposed to a series of pictures at
a time”
-1928, Paul Roget
• Thaumatrope
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
Phenakistoscope by
Joseph Plateau1826
Zoetrope by Pierr
Desvignes 1860
Motion camera and
projectors by Thomas
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
• Start of computer and its graphics
– Ivan Sutherland at MIT - Sketchpad 1960s
– David Evans at Univ. of Utah - 3D graphic algorithms
• Historic figures in CG
John Witney Sr., Charles Csuri, Robert Abel
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
3D Animation Production Workflow
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
Character and model design
Sound Design
Technical Test
Production Scheduling
Considerations for stereoscopic production
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
• For presentation
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Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
Character Sketch
Korean German Institute of Technology
Work Modeling
by Olivia& Weiss
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic
Model Sheets
Korean German Institute of Technology
Work Modeling
by Olivia& Weiss
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
Character Setup
Shading & Texturing
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
• Modeling
– Process of building characters, props and environments in the
– most time consuming process, hard to reverse the result of
modeling later on
– planning modeling is important
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
Neutral Pose
• Chris Pose, modified Chris Pose, Harley pose
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
• Shading & Texturing
- Process that adds realistic or stylized surface elements to the
- A material is created that determines the surface’s
characteristics- color, transparency, shininess, bumpiness,
- Bitmap image mapping, UV mapping for skin…
- More adjustment later for final rendering
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
• Character Setup (Rigging)
– Process of preparing a character
so that it can be animated
– Create skeletons and control
– Binding skeletons to a character
model, where a character can
finally deform as joints move
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
• Animation
- Process to create movement in the scene through out time.
- Key framing
- Block and refine technique (rough test by checking key frames
without in-between frames)
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
• Rendering
- The process of creating a raster image, sequence of images or
a movie file from all the data constructed with the 3D scene
- Rendering time depends on model geometry, number of
lights, quality and size of output
- Stereoscopic rendering involves two tracks of randerin path
for the left & right clips.
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
• Considerations
* process is not always linear, you will often go back and forth
adjusting models, lights, and textures throughout the process
* the more efficient your scene, the better for render times
* the more experience you get, the better eye you will have for
* Understanding the workflow of 3D animation is first step of
getting started!!
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
Post Production
• The process of editing 3D elements into final form,
sometimes by combining with other elements such as
film and video footages, and sound track
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
3D Graphics Fundamentals
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
3D Coordinate Space
• 3D space is merely the virtual area in which you create
your models and execute your animation
• Why coordinate system?
• to define the location of a point in space numerically
• precise and understandable by computer
• It is based on the Cartesian coordinate system, a
geometric map developed by Rene Descartes
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
3D Coordinate Space
• Cartesian coordinate system
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
3D Coordinate Space
• Local & world coordinate system
- Pivot point: A point which 3D computer program recognizes as
the origin of the object.
- World( or Global ) coordinate system has absolute origin of (0,0,0)
- Local coordinate system has its origin as an object’s pivot point.
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
Geometric components
• Point:
- A location in space by using numbers given in the
XYZ dimension
- Has no size or volume.
- Cannot be rendered
• Line
- The entity that spans directly between two points.
- Defined by the X, Y and Z locations of two
- Edge is a type of line that is defined by adjacent
sides of polygons
- 1 dimensional( length ) but has no thickness, no
height, no depth..
- Does not appear in rendered image
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
Geometric components
• Plane
- The trace produced by moving a line in any one direction
- 2 dimensional( the length of original line & width )
- Continues infinitely in two directions (slightly different from
* Polygon is a planar surface defined by a number of vertices.
• Curve
- A type of smooth line that is usually defined by several points
and deviated from a straight path
- 2 dimensional or 3 dimensional
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
Geometric components
• Curved Surface
A surface produced by moving a curve through space, either
along straight line or curve
* Patch – A curved surface generated from two spline
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
Viewing Window
• You see 3D space by 2D viewing windows, by projecting the 3D
viewing volume into 2D plane.
• Two types of viewing window
• Perspective (or Camera)
• Employs perspective distortion: object in the distance appear small than
that are closer to the viewer
• Orthographic
• No perspectives counted for viewing. Same size of object regardless of
distance from viewer
• Top, Front, Side viewing window
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
Viewing Window
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
Geometric Primitives
• Basic geometric shapes which can be easily defined
mathematically and popularly used in 3D graphic user,
thus provided as a library.
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
• The act of moving, rotating, scaling models along an
- Move (Translate) : assign moving values along x, y and z
- Rotate : assign degree of rotation(0 to 360).
Right-handed rotation rule. Rotation order
- Scale: assign proportion of size along an axis
- uniform scaling, non-uniform scaling
• Depending on which coordinate system(Local or
World) is used for the transformation, the result
comes out differently.
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
Geometric components
• Several approaches to represent curve
– Linear approximation ( Polyline technique)
- Represents curves with contiguous lines
- Simple but hard to modify
Spline approach
- Represents curves with polynomial equations.
• Advantage: easy to modify, mathematically smooth curve, less data
• Common terms:
• Control vertices( vertex ) : Points that controls the shape of curve
• Hull : A line that connects two adjacent control vertices.
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
Geometric components
– Two categories: Interpolation & Approximation
– Interpolating spline
- Cardinal spline: spline goes through each control point
– may have some undesired irregularity.
– Approximating Spline
- Spline goes near the control points, which offers wider
margin of error in the placement of control point.
- B-spline : features basic approximating spline
- Bezier curve : B-spline plus tangent vector (or handle)
to decide curvature. Pen tool in Photoshop
- NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline) curve :
Goes through first and last control vertices
Provides edit points lied along the curve
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
Maya Object Structure
- Node, Hierarchy, Dependency-
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
Maya Object Structure
• Node
- Basic building block for anything in Maya
- Has attributes (or channels) that are specific to that particular node
- Ex. Shape nodes, transform nodes, rendering nodes, script nodes..
• Hierarchy
- a relationship of nodes described in terms of parent, child and sibling.
Child node will inherit what is done to parents, transforming along with it,
and maintaining the same spatial relationship.
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation
Image Sources
• old/portfolio/kirr.jpg model/eastview.html home/images/roboter.jpg
Principles of Three Dimensional Computer Animation by Michael O'Rourke, W. W. Norton & Company; 3rd
edition (2003)
Inspired 3D Modeling & Texture Mapping by Tom Capizzi , 2002
OpenGL Programing Guide, third edition, Woo & Neider, Addison Wesley 1999
Korean German Institute of Technology
Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Modeling & Animation