
The Foundation of the University of Arts
in Poznań
is a non-profit organisation which supports and promotes
the artistic community affiliated to the University of Arts
in Poznań. The Foundation concentrates its activity
on setting up creative partnerships, building contacts
between institutions involved in the development
and promotion of art and initiating cooperation with the
major institutions of culture in Poland and worldwide.
The UAP Foundation is the producer of numerous temporary
shows and organises long-term art projects, e.g.
Poznań Design Days, Photo Diploma Award, Curatorial Lab
and UP Gallery.
Richardstraße 43 12043 Neukölln
BeRliN Germany
Open Thursday–Saturday 16:00–20:00 | 26.09.2014 Starting 7 PM
is a joint initiative of the University of Arts in Poznań and
the UAP Foundation. It is a platform of exchange of ideas
and attitudes to art as well as a venue promoting the most
intriguing phenomena of Polish art in Berlin. The project
gathers both seasoned artists, curators and art theoreticians
and young-generation artists. In 2014, as part of the program
implemented with a motto VISUAL CONVERSATIONS,
we have planned a series of art and education events.
The program comprises e.g. exhibitions, workshops,
artist-in-residence projects, study trips, and meetings which
present selected aspects of Polish art. The project
is part-financed by the Minister of Culture and National
Heritage, Marshal Office of Wielkopolska Region
and the Municipality of Poznań.
UP Gallery is fostered by Mr Marek Woźniak, Marshal of The Wielkopolska Region in Poznań
and Mr Ryszard Grobelny – Mayor of the city of Poznań
The project is part-financed by Marshal Office of Wielkopolska Region and the Municipality
of Poznań.
Dieses Projekt wird mit finanzieller Unterstützung des Polnischen Ministeriums für Kultur
und Nationales Erbe realisiert
Paweł Prewencki
What happens when
children don’t eat
Bird’s song
Miłosz Margański
Virtual? Reality
Ars Moriendi
robert Proch
UP Folder.indd 1
07.09.2014 23:23
The history of teaching animation at the University of Arts in Poznań began in the early 1980s. The dynamic
development of the Animation Department as well as the artistic projects of the faculty members and
successes achieved by the students in over three decades helped establish in 2014 the first independent
Faculty of Animation in Poland. Over the past few years, the youngest faculty and students have earned
more than fifty awards and honourable mentions at festivals in Poland and internationally. A presentation
of students’ graduation films made in the Animation Department during the 2012 European Festival of
Animated Film in Belgrade earned the University of Arts in Poznań the Best Film School Award. The successes of students and alumni are a result of the teaching curriculum offered at the Faculty of Animation.
The curriculum combines tradition with cutting-edge technology and treats the language of animation very
comprehensively, incorporating areas from beyond film. Another significant feature of the curriculum is the
students’ free choice of animation studios, depending on their personal preferences and interests. A creative use of the animation process in making audiovisual work for the cinema, television and other media is
the area of expertise and direction of development of the Animation Department of the University of Arts
in Poznań. The success of its students and the possibility of individual progress offered by the Animation
Faculty have over the past years made Animation a course of studies extremely popular with the candidates wishing to study at the University of Arts in Poznań.
Student’s graduation films made in the Animation Department of the University
of Arts in Poznań:
The “3x3” project demonstrates the output of Robert Proch, Miłosz Margański and Paweł Prewencki, the
youngest faculty members of the Animation Department of the University of Arts in Poznań. Each presents
three films made over the past few years. They include a wide range of expression media, art materials and
execution techniques. The natural diversity of the work shown is characteristic not only of the Animation
Faculty but also of the entire University of Arts in Poznań, where the intermingling of disciplines and media
has been a feature of daily artistic practice.
Robert Proch
Born in 1986 in Bydgoszcz. 2010 – a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań at the Faculty of
Multimedia Communication. He worked on his graduation project under the supervision of Prof. Hieronim
Neumann. Lives and works in Poznań. Between 2010–2013 assistant of the first animation studio of
Prof. Jacek Adamczak at the University of Arts in Poznań. His work, focused on animated film, has been
shown at many festivals in Poland and abroad. Active as a painter, also in urban space. Scholarship holder
of KOŁO Company (2008), Minister of Culture and National Heritage (2009) and Mayor of Poznań (2010).
Paweł Prewencki
Born in Kołobrzeg. 2010 – a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań. 2010 – an assistant at the
Studio of Art Drawing in the Design Institute in Koszalin. 2013 – an assistant at the Animation Studio at the
University of Arts in Poznań. A recipient of many awards for his animated films: Bird’s Song, What Happens
When Children Don’t Eat Soup? and Beach.
Miłosz Margański
2010 – a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań, where he works until today. His work includes
widely-construed motion picture, ranging from classical animation through interactive technologies. His
films Babel and Therapy are interactive stories based on the Unreal motion graphics engine. Interested in
the sensory aspect in animation and runs animation workshops. His animated films, City and Ars Moriendi,
have been shown at numerous Polish and international festivals.
Walls | dir. Magdalena Deput
Someway | dir. Wojciech Hoffmann
Waiting for the Joker | dir. Joanna Kożuch
Muka | dir. Natalia Wilkoszewska
Dismissal | dir. Łukasz Jankowski
Shadows | dir. Jakub Gryglicki
S 331 | dir. Szymon Kabała
Talk to Him | dir. Agata Prętka
Robert Proch
Łukasz Jankowski
Wojciech Hoffmann
Szymon Kabała
Jakub Gryglicki
Natalia Wilkoszewska
Agata Prętka
Joanna Kożuch
Magdalena Deput
UP Folder.indd 2
Paweł Prewencki
Miłosz Margański
07.09.2014 23:23

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