Analog Electronic Volt-Ohm
Analog Electronic Volt-Ohm
Analog Electronic Volt-Ohm-Milliammeters 4 Objectives You wiU be able to: l. Sketch various transistor analog voltmeter circuits, and explain the operation of each circuit. Calculate circuit currents, voltages, and input resistance. 2. Sketch an input aUenuator circuit as used with an electronic voltmeter. Explain its op eration, and define the circuit input resistance. 3. Using illustrations, explain the problems that can occur with electronic voltmeter ground terminals when measuring voltages in a circuit. 4. Draw the circuit diagrams of various op-amp analog voltmeters. Explain the operation of each circuit. 5. Draw series, shunt, and linear ohmmeter circuits as used in electronic instruments, and explain the operation of each circuit. 6. Sketch the circuit diagrams of various ac electronic voltmeters, and explain their oper ation. 7. Sketch a circuit to show how current is measured by an electronic voltmeter. Explain the circuit operation. 8. Draw the front panel of a typical analog electronic voltmeter showing the various con trols and meter scales. State typical performance specifications for the instrument, and discuss its applications. Introduction Voltmeters constructed of moving-coil instruments and multiplier resistors (see Chap ter 3) have some important limitations. They cannot measure very low voltages, and their resistance is too low for measurements in high-impedance circuitry. These restrictions 86 are overcome by the use of electronic circuits that offer high input resistance, and which amplify low voltages to measurable levels. When such circuits are used, the instrument becomes an electronic voltmeter. Electronic voltmeters can be analng instruments, in which the measurement is indi cated by a pointer moving over a calibrated scale, or digital instruments, which display the measurement in numerical form (see Chapter 5). As well as amplification, transistor and operational amplifier circuits offer advantages in the measurement of resistance, di rect current, and alternating current. 4-1 TRANSISTOR VOLTMETER CIRCUITS Emitter-Follower Voltmeters Voltmeter loading (see Section 3-4) can be greatly reduced by using an emitter follower. An emitter follower offers a high 4input resistance to voltages being measured, and pro vides a low output resistance to drive current through the coil of a deflection meter. The basic emitter-follower voltmeter circuit illustrated in Figure 4-1 shows a PMMC instru ment and a multiplier resistance (Rs) connected in series with the transistor emitter. The dc supply is connected-positive to the transistor collector and the negative to the deflec tion meter. The positive terminal of voltage E (to be measured) is supplied to the transis tor base, and its negative is connected to the same terminal as the power supply negative. The transistor base current in Figure 4-1 is substantially lower than the meter cur rent. where hF£ is the transistor current gain. Thus, the circuit input resistance is ,------0+ +o----------~---~ F"lgUre 4-1 An emitter follower offers a high input resistance to a measured voltage, and a low output resistance to a dellection voltmeter circuil VSE introduces an error in the measurement. Sec. 4-\ Transistor Voltmeter Circuits 87 E R·= • 18 which is much larger than the meter circuit resistance (Rs + Rm). Example 4-1 The simple emitter-follower voltmeter circuit in Figure 4-1 has Vee = 20 V, Rs + Rm = 9.3 ill, 1m = 1 rnA at full scale, and transistor hF£ = 100. (a) Calculate the meter current when E = 10 V, (b) Detennine the voltmeter input resistance with and without the transistor. Solution VE = E - VBi';= to V - 0.7 V (a) =9.3 V 9.3 V VE Im= Rs+Rm = 9.3 kfl =1 rnA IB= ~ (b) With the transistor. hF/, = 1 rnA 100 = 10 fJ-A R=.!i=~ • IB to fJ-A = I Mfl Without the transistor. The transistor base--emitter voltage drop (VBd introduces an error in the simple emitter-follower voltmeter. For example, when E is 5 V in the circuit in Example 4-1, the meter should read half of full-scale, that is, 0.5 rnA. However, as a simple calculation shows, the meter current is actually 0.46 rnA. The error can be eliminated by using a po tential divider and an additional emitter follower, as illustrated in Figure 4-2. The practical emitter-follower circuit in Figure 4-2 uses a plus-and-minus. or dual polarity supply (typically, ±12 V). Transistor Q\ has its base biased to ground via resistor Rio and a potential divider (R 4 , Rs. and R6 ) provides an adjustable bias voltage (Vp) to the base of transistor Q2' Resistors R2 and R3 connect the transistor emitter terminals to the negative supply voltage (-V£d, and the meter circuit is connected between the transistor emitters. The circuit input resistance is R \ in parallel with the input resistance at the tran sistor base. 88 Analog Electronic Volt-Ohm-Millimeters Ql Chap. 4 r-------------------------------~-------.----~+voc t Rs E 1 RIO I-+-------V---------~ ~----------------------------~~-----.----~ -VEE F"lgure 4-2 Practical emitter-follower voltmeter cffi;uit using a second transistor (Q2) and a potential divider (R4 • Rs. and R 6 ) to eliminate the Vs£error produced by Qt. When no input voltage is applied (E =0 V). the base voltage of Q2 is adjusted to give zero meter current. This makes Vp =0 V. VEl =VEl =-0.7 V. and (meter circuit voltage) V= o V. Now suppose that a 5 V input is applied to the Q\ base. The meter voltage is V= VEl - VE2 = (E - VBE1 ) - VE2 =(5 V -0.7 V)-(-0.7 V) =5V Thus. unlike the case of the simple emitter-follower voltmeter, all of the voltage to be measured appears across the meter circuit; no part of it is lost as transistor VBE. Example 4-2 An emitter-follower voltmeter circuit such as that in Figure 4-2 has R2 = R3 Vcc=±l2 V. (a) Determine 12 and 13 when E =0 V. (b) Calculate the meter circuit voltage when E = I V and when E =0.5 V. =3.9 kfi and Solution (a) V R2 = VR3 = 0 V - VBE - VEE =OV-O.7V-(-12V) = 11.3 V [_/_ V R2 _ Il.3V 2 - 3R z - 3.9 kfl = 2.9mA Sec.4-1 Transistor Voltmeter Circuits 89 (b) When E= 1 V. VEl =E- V8g =1 V -0.7 V =0.3 V VEl = Vp- V8g ==0 V -0.7 V =-0.7V V= Vgl - VE2 =0.3 V -(-0.7 V) ==IV WhenE=O.5 V. VIOl ==E- VBg =O.5 V -0.7 V =-0.2V VEl == Vp - VBg '" 0 V - 0.7 V =-0.7V V= VIOl - VE2 == -0.2 V - (-0.7 V) =0.5 V Ground Terminals and Floating Power Supplies The circuit in Figure 4-2 shows the input voltage E as being measured with respect to ground. However, this may not always be convenient. For example, suppose that the volt age across resistor Rb in Figure 4-3(a) were to be measured by a voltmeter with its nega tive terminals grounded. The voltmeter ground would short-circuit resistor Rc and seri ously affect the voltage and current conditions in the resistor circuit. Clearly, the voltmeter should not have one of its terminals grounded. For the circuit in Figure 4-2 to function correctly, the lower end of RI must be at zero volts with respect to +Vcc and -Vee. The + and - supply voltage may be derived from two batteries [Figure 4-3(b)] or from two de power supply circuits [Figure 4-3{c)J. [n both cases, the negative terminal of the positive supply is connected to the positive ter minal of the negative supply. For ±9 V supplies, Vee is +9 V with respect to the common terminal, and Vee is -9 V with respect to the common terminal. [n many electronic cir cuits. the power supply common terminal is grounded. In electronic voltmeter circuits. this terminal is not grounded, simply to avoid the kind of problem already discussed. When left without any grounded terminal. the voltmeter supply voltages are said to be floating. This means that the common terminal assumes the absolute voltage (with respect to ground) of any terminal to which it may be connected. An inverted triangular symbol is employed to identify the common terminal or zero voLtage tenninaL in a circuit [see Figure 4-3(b),(c)]. Although the electronic voltmeter supply voltages are allowed to float, some in stlUments have their common terminal connected to ground via a capacitor. usually 0.1 fLF. If batteries are used as supply, the capacitor is connected to the chassis. Where a 90 Analog Electronic Volt-Ohrn-Millimeters Chap. 4 Voltmeter +£0-----, R" Short circuit (a) A voltmeter with one of it's tenninals grounded can short..d rcuit a component in a circuit in which voltage is being measured . + Vee 0 - - - - - - - - - ' +Vcc~+ CirCUilSymbol~ forcommom tenninal Common terminal Common terminal + -VEE~- - VEE o-----~ (c) ~ supply using power supplies (b) : supply using batteries Serious measurement errors can result when a grounded voltmeter terminal is incor rectly connected to a circuit. When a circuit has a plus-and .. minus supply voltage, the voltmeter com mon terminal should always be connected to the common terminal of the supply. Figure 4-3 liS V power supply is included in the voltmeter. the chassis and the capacitor are grounded. Thus. when measuring voltage levels in a transistor circuit, for example. the common terminal introduces a capacitance to ground wherever it is connected in the cir cuit. To avoid any effect on conditions within the circuit (oscillations or phase shifts). the voltmeter common terminal should always be connected to the transistor circuit ground or zero voltage terminal. All voltages are then measured with respect to this point.. Sec. 4.1 Transistor Voltmeter Circuits b 91 Voltmeter Range Changing The potential divider constituted by resistors Rm Rb , Re, and Rd in Figure 4-4 allows large input voltages to be measured on an emitter-follower voltmeter. This network, called an input attenuator; accurately divides the voltage to be measured before it is applied to the input transistor. Calculation shows that the Q3 input voltage (Ed is always I V when the maximum input is applied on any range. For example, on the 5 V range, EG = 5 V X Rb + Rc + Rd Ra + Rb + Rc + Rd =5 V x looko'+60 ko' +40 ko' 800 kfl + 100 kfi +60kfl+40 kfi =lV The input resistance offered by this circuit to a voltage being measured is the total resistance of the attenuator, which is 1 Mo'. A 9 Mfl resistor could be induded in series with the input terminal to raise the input resistance to 10 MO. This would further divide the input voltage by a factor of 10 before it is applied to the gate terminal of Q3' FET.Input Voltmeter The input resistance of the transistor voltmeter circuit can be increased further by using an additional emitter follower connected at the base of Q. in Figure 4-2. However, the use 1 1 iii 1 1 I 1 Input attenuator ~loE • FET input stage 1 ~111i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 800k IV Emitter-follower voltmeter ~ + 5V R4 Vee 100 k E Rs 60k R6 40k VEE Figure 4-4 A voltmeter input attenuator is simply a potential divider that accurately divides the voltage to be measured. The FET input stage (Q) gives .he emitter follower a very high input resist ance. 92 Analog Electronic Volt-Ohm-Millimeters Chap. 4 of a FET source follower (Q3)' as illustrated in Figure 4-4 gives a higher input resistance than can be achieved with a bipolar transistor. The PET source terminal is able to supply all of the base current required by Q" while the input resistance at the FEr gate is typi cally in ex.cess of 1 MO.. . Consider the voltage levels in the circuit of Figure 4-4. When E = 0 V, the PET gate is at the zero voltage level. But the gate of an n-channel PET must always be negative with respect to its source terminal. This is the same as stating that the source must be pos itive with respect to the gate. [f Vos is to be -5 V, and Eo = 0 V, the source te~inal volt age must be +5 V. This means that the base t~al of Q. is at +5 V, and, since Q2 base voltage must be equal to Q. base voltage, Q2 base must also be at +5 V. As in the circuit of Figure 4-2, Rs in Figure 4-4 is used to zero the meter when the input voltage is 0 V. Now consider what occurs when a voltage to be measured is applied to the circuit input. With the attenuator shown, Ea will be a maximum of 1 y.This causes the PET source terminal to increase until Vas is again -5 Y. That is, ~ goes from +5 to -t{i V to maintain Vas equal to -5 V. The ~ increase of 1 V is also a 1 V increase in the base volt age of Q •. As already ex.plained, all of this (1 V) increase appears across the meter cir cuit. Example 4-3 Determine the meter reading for the circuit in Figure 4-4 when E = 7.5 V and the meter is set to its 10 V range. The PET gate-source voltage is -5 V, Vp = +5 V, Rs + Rm = 1 ka, and 1m = I rnA at full scale. Solution On the 10 V range: . =7.5 V x 60 kfl +40 kfl 800 kfl + tOO kfl + 60 kfl + 40 kfl =0.75 V Vs=EG- VGs=0.75 V -(-5 V). =5.75 V VEl = Vs - V 8E =5.75 V -0.7 V = 5.05 V Va= Vp - V BE =5 V -0.7 V =4.3 V V= VEl - VEl:;: 5.05 V -4.3 V =0.75 V =EG [= m V Rs+Rm 0.75 V =lkfi == 0.75 rnA (75% of full scale) . Sec. 4-1 Transistor Voltmeter Circuits 93 On the 10 V range, full scale represents 10 V. and 75% offull scale would be read as 7.5 V. Difference Amplifier Voltmeter The instruments discussed so far can measure a maximum of around 25 V. This could be extended further, of course, simply by modifying the input attenuator. The minimum (full-sCale) voltage measurable by the electronic voltmeter circuits already considered is I V. This too can., be altered to perhaps a minimum of 100 mV by selection of a meter that will give FSD when 100 mV appears across Rs + Rm. However, for accurate meas urement of low voltage levels, the voltage must be amplified before it is applied to the meter. Transistors QI and Q2 together with RLI , Ru, and RE in Figure 4-5(a) constitute a differential amplifier, or emitter-coupled amplifier. The circuit as a whole is known as a difference amplifier voltmeter. This is because when the voltage at the base of Q2 is zero, and an input voltage (E) is applied to the Q. base, the difference between the two base voltages is amplified and applied to the meter circuit. When a small positive voltage is applied to the base of QI in Figure 4-5, the current through QI is increased, and that through Q2 is decreased. An increase in lei causes fetR LI to increase and thus produces a fall in voltage Vet. Similarly, a decrease in fez pro duces a rise in Vez. The consequence of this is that the voltage across the meter circuit in creases positively at the right-hand side and negatively at the left. This meter voltage (\I) is directly proportional to the input voltage (E). +Vcc Ru Ru Rs ICl t fa V VCl VC2 ~ ~ - ----- i ,----o+vcc Rm Ru R2 (b) Zero control 1£2 1£1 RE -VEE (a) Voltmeter circuit Figure 4-5 A difference amplifier voltmeter amplifies low-level input voltages for measurement on the deflection voltmeter circuit. 94 Analog Electronic Volt-Ohm-Millimeters Chap. 4 Potentiometer R3 in Figure 4-5(b) is an alternative method of providing meter-zero adjustment. Q2 base control, as in Figure 4-4, could also be used in the circuit of Figure 4-5. When the movable contact of R3 is adjusted to the right, the portion of R3 added to RLI is increased and the portion of R3 added to Ru is reduced. When the contact is moved left, the reverse is true. Thus, VC\ and VC2 can be adjusted differentially by means of R 3 • and the meter voltage can be set to zero. 4-2 OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER VOLTMETER CIRCUITS Op-Amp Voltage-Follower Voltmeter The operational amplifier voltage-follower voltmeter in Figure 4-6 is comparable to the simple emitter-follower circuit. However, unlike the emitter-follower, there is no base emitter voltage drop from input to output. The voltage-foLLower also has a much higher input resistance and lower output resistance than the emitter-follower. The voltage foLLower input (£8) is applied to the op-amp noninverting input terminaL, and the feedback from the output goes to the inverting input The very high internal voltage gain of the operational amplifier, combined with the negative feedback, tends to keep the inverting terminal voltage exactly equal to that at the noninverting terminal. Thus. the output voltage (Vo) exactly follows the input. As discussed earlier, the attenuator selects the voltmeter range. I I 10( I I I I lnput attenuator ~ I I 0( Voltage follower I I I I :o---~~----, I I I I --_~+I""o(-- I I I I I I I I I I I Meter . . _ CirCUit I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Figure 4·6 An Ie operational amplifier voltage-follower voltmeter is similar to the emitter·follower voltmeter. except that the voltage-fOllower input resistance is much higher than that of the emitter follower. and there is no base~miner voltage drop. Sec. 4-2 Operational Amplifier Voltmeter Circuits 95 Op-Amp Amplifier Voltmeter Like a transistor amplifier, an IC operational amplifier circuit can be used to amplify low voltages to levels measurable by a deflection instrument. Figure 4-7 shows a suitable op amp circuit for this purpose. Input voltage E is applied to the op-amp noninverting input, the output voltage is divided across resistors R3 and R4 , and VR3 is fed back to the op-amp inverting input terminal. The internal voltage gain of the op-amp causes VR3 to always equal E. Consequently, the output voltage is v o R-'..4 = E_R..:;..3_+_ (4-1) R3 The circuit is known as a noninverting ampLifie 1; because its output is positive when a positi ve input voltage is applied, and negative when the input is a negative quantity. The noninverting amplifier has a very high input resistance, very low output resistance, and a voltage gain of (4-2) 1 1 1 1 Noninverting ------...,..~:f.o(f__- Meter ------: amplifier 1 circuit 10( 1 1 1 1 t E Figure 4-7 An operational amplifier noninverting amplifier can be used to amplify low input voltages to a level suitable for the deflection meter circuit. The voltmeter gain is (R3 + R4 )IR 3· 96 Analog Electronic Volt-Ohm-Millimeters Chap. 4 An op-amp noninverting amplifier voltmeter is very easily designed. Current 14 through R3 and ~ is first selected very much larger than the op-amp input bias current (I8)' Then the resistors are calculated as and Example 4-4 An op-amp voltmeter circuit as in Figure 4-7 is required to measure a maximum input of 20 mV. The op-amp input current is 0.2 JLA. and the meter circuit has I". = 100 fLA FSD and Rm = 10 kil. Determine suitable resistance values for R3 and R4 • Solution Select [4 = 1000 X In = 1000 x 0.2 !-LA =0.2mA At full scale, 1m = 100 V-A and =IV = 100 n R4 = Vo - E = I V 14 20 mV 0.2mA =4.9 kil Voltage-to-Current Converter The circuit shown in Figure 4-8 is essentially a noninverting amplifier. as in Figure 4-7. However. instead of connecting the meter between the op-amp output and ground. it is substituted in place of resistor R4 (in Figure 4-7). Once again. VR1 remains equal to the input voltage. and as long as IRl is very much greater than lB. the meter current is (4-3) Sec. 4-2 Operational Amplifier Voltmeter Circuits 97 = E 1 Figure 4-8 Voltmeter circuit using an op-amp voltage-to-current converter. The meter current is F/R3' Example 4-5 Calculate the value of R3 for the circuit in Figure 4-8 if E = 1 V is to give FSD on the meter. The moving-coil meter has 1= 1 rnA at full scale and Rnr = 100 n. Also detennine the maximum voltage at the operational amplifier output terminaL Solution From Equation 4-3, E R) = - I(FSD) = -1 V- = 1 kfl 1 rnA Vo = I(R 3 + Rm) = 1 mA(l kfl + 100 fl) =1.1 V Many electronic rnultirange instruments do not have any current-measuring facili ties. Those that do measure current generally have very low-level current ranges, and some have relatively high resistances when operating as ammeters. For example, the meter resistance on one instrument is specified as 9 kfl when operating on a 1.S fJ.A range. This must be taken into account when the instrument is connected in series with a circuit in which the current is to be measured. The instrument terminal voltage drop when used as an ammeter is termed the burden voltage. For a 9 kfl resistance on a 1.5 ILA range, the burden voltage is VB =9 kn x 1.S ILA= 13.5 mV Other typical burden voltage specifications are 250 mV max, 2 Von a 10 A range. and 6 m VIrnA. These voltages drops mayor may not be important, depending on the circuit under test. PROBLEMS 4-1 A simple emitter-follower voltmeter circuit as in Figure 4-1 has Vee = 12 V, Rm = 1 kfl. a 2 rnA meter, and a transistor with hF£ = 80. Calculate a suitable resistance for R. to give full scale deflection when E = 5 V. Also, determine the voltmeter input resistance. 4-2 An emitter-follower voltmeter circuit, as in Figure 4-2, has the following compo nents: R, = 12 kfl, R2 =R3 = 2.1. kG, R4 = 14 = 3.3 kfl, Rs =SOO n, and R. + Rm = 10 kG. A 100 f1A meter is used, the supply voltage is ±9 V, and the transistors have hF£ = 7S. Determine Vp ' [81, [82, [2. [3, and 14 when E = O. Also, calculate the range of adjustment for Vp. 4-3 Calculate the meter deflections for the circuit in Probl~m 4-2 when the input volt age levels are 0.6 V, 0.75 V, and 1 V. 4-4 A 3.S V input (E) is applied to the input attenuator shown in Figure 4-4. Calculate the voltage EG on each range selection. 4-5 The FET input voltmeter circuit in Figure 4-4 has the following components: R, = 6.8 kG, R2 = R3 = 4.7 kil, R4 = 1.5 kG. Rs = 500 il, R6 = 3.3 kG, R. + Rm = 20 kG. The meter full-scale current is 50 ILA, the supply voltage is ±10 V, the transistors Problems 115 • have hFE = 80, and the FET gate-source voltage is VGS = -3 V. Determine Vp ' In 12, 13 , and 14 when E = O. Also, calculate the range of adjustment for Vp. 4-6 Calculate the meter deflectio(ls for the circuit in Problem 4-5 when the attenuator is set to its 5 V range, and the input voltage levels are I V, 3 V, and 4 Y. 4-7 The difference amplifier voltmeter in Figure 4-5(a) has the following compo nents: Rl = R2 = 15 kfl, RLi = RL2 = 3.9 kfl, R£ = 3.3 kfl, Rs = 33 kfl, and Rm = 750 fl. The meter full-scale current is 50 ~A, and the supply voltage is ±12 Y. Calculate the transistor voltage levels when E = o. 4-8 The circuit in Problem 4-7 has transistors with hFE = 100 and hi~ = 1.2 kfl. Deter mine the input voltage (E) that will give full-scale deflection on the meter. 4-9 An op-amp voltage-follower voltmeter, as in Figure 4-6, has Ra = 800 kfl, Rb = 100 kfl, Rc = 60 kfl, and Rd = 40 kfl. A 50 ~A meter is used with a resistance of Rm = 750 fl. Determine the required resistance for Rs to give full-scale deflection when E = 10 V and the range switch is as illustrated. 4-10 The noninverting amplifier voltmeter circuit in Figure 4-7 uses an op-amp with I B = . 300 nA, and a 50 /LA meter with Rm = 100 kfl. Determine suitable resistances for R3 and R4 to give full-scale deflection when the input is 300 mY. 4-11 The voltage-to-current converter circuit in Figure 4-8 uses a 37.5 /LA (FSD) deflec tion meter with Rm = 900 fl. If R) = 80 kfl, determine the required input voltage levels to give FSD and 0.5 FSD. 4-12 Determine the new resistance for R3 for the circuit in Problem 4-11 to give FSD when E = 1 V. Also, calculate the op-amp output voltage. 4-13 Calculate the resistance scale markings at 25% and 75% of full scale for the series ohmmeter circuit in Figure 4-9. 4-14 Determine the percentage meter deflection in the circuit of Figure 4-9 when the 100 kfl standard resistor is switched into the circuit and Rx = 166 kfl. 4-15 Calculate the meter deflection for the shunt ohmmeter circuit in Figure 4-10 when Rx = 2 kO and when Rx = 300 O. 4-16 A 16.67 kO resistor is substituted for RE in the linear ohmmeter circuit in Figure 4-11. Calculate the measured resistance when the meter indicates 3.9 V. 4-17 The half-wave rectifier electronic voltmeter in Figure 4-12(b) uses a 500 ~A deflec tion meter with a 460 fl coil resistance. If Rs = 450 fl, calculate the rms input volt age required to give full-scale deflection. 4-18 The components used in Problem 4-17 are reconnected as in Figure 4-13(a) with R3 = Rs. Determine the new rms input voltage required to give full-scale deflection. Also determine the meter deft.ections when the input is 100 mV and 200 mY. 4-19 The ac electronic voltmeter circuit in Figure 4-12(c) uses the following compo nents: R, = 22 kfl, R2 = 2.25 kfl, R3 = 6.8 kfl, Rs + Rm = 1 kfl, and a 300 J.LA meter. Calculate the rms input voltages for meter fun-scale deflection and for 0.5 FSD. 4-20 The full-wave rectifier voltmeter circuit in Figure 4-13(b) uses a 500 ~A meter with Rm = 460 n together with R) = 450 n (as for Problems 4-17 and 4-18). Deter mine the rms input voltage for FSD on the meter. 116 Analog Electronic Volt-Ohm-Millimeters Chap. 4