MODRAT Modeling with xpswmm/xpstorm


MODRAT Modeling with xpswmm/xpstorm
MODRAT Modeling with xpswmm/xpstorm
XP Software in cooperation with the Los Angeles County Department of public works (LACDPW) implemented the
F0601 Modified Rational method in to xpswmm and xpstorm. This hydrology method generates hydrographs of 1 to
4 days duration based on a county wide rainfall dimensionless accumulation curve at 1 minute time steps.
Subareas are described by a time of concentration or the time of concentration can be calculated from slope and
overland flow path, and a soil number. A database describing runoff coefficients vs rainfall intensity for each soil
number ensures a reasonable prediction of runoff for the sub area throughout the storm.
The resulting hydrographs can be used throughout the xp model just as any other hydrograph flows from other
methods. The generated hydrographs can also be assigned event mean concentrations (EMC) for pollutants to
allow routing of the flows and pollutants in a complex drainage network.
In this tutorial, users will learn how to utilize the Los Angeles County hydrology (LACH) procedure and couple
these predicted flows to the Hydraulics mode for dynamic routing and extract the peak flows for input to xpwspg as
implemented in XP. Wherever practical the user will also be introduced to the many time saving tools in xp to
allow for easy data import and model building.
Introduce the steps required to:
• Create a MODRAT Hydrologic based model in the Runoff mode
• Input typical data for a MODRAT based model
• Run the hydrologic analysis and become familiar with the result tools for hydrologic output
• Link (peak flow) to xpwspg
• Route the full hydrograph through a network using dynamic flow routing
3 hour
Data files:
…\Tutorial\LA\WSPG\aerial*_utm_ft.jpg and aerial*_utm_ft.jpw - 4 sets of aerial image files
and world files)
…\Tutorial\LA\WSPG\montebello_UTM_ft.asc - ESRI ASCII grid file of elevation data to create
TIN surface in the model
…\Tutorial\LA\WSPG\Montebello_catchments.shp (also .shx . dbf) - shape file and attributes
for catchments
…\Tutorial\LA\WSPG\montebello conduit data.xls – Excel database of hydraulic network data
Part 1 – Activating the LACH Procedure and Loading LA Databases
Start program, select New, and Blank Job.
Use the default file name Data.xp and select Save. Note: this file will not be part of the tutorial but allows
us in the application to customize the program for the LACH method.
Select US Customary Units.
Tutorial 4 – MODRAT Modeling in xpswmm/xpstorm
Version 2010
Tutorial 4 – MODRAT Modeling in xpswmm/xpstorm
Before modeling runoff using the Los Angeles County Modified Rational runoff method, the method must
be activated. The steps are outlined below:
To activate the LA County Hydrology Procedure [LACH] you must:
(a) Have a valid license that allows you to use the LACH Procedure
(b) Enable xpswmm or xpstorm to use LACH Procedure by accessing the Application Settings from Tools->
Application Settings: CONFIG and activating the LA County Procedure. You will need to restart the
application after changing the configuration for it to take effect. This is a similar task to enabling the
xpwspg module which can be seen further down the list of configuration options.
(c) After enabling the LA County Hydraulic procedure, a toolbar with the LACH Procedure status will be
displayed. This toolbar needs to be selected to use the LACH Procedure as shown in the figure below.
Restart the program to allow the LACH icons to appear in the toolbar. Select File->Exit.
Switch to the Runoff mode. The LACH has been implemented in the Runoff mode. Select the Rnf icon on
the toolstrip or choose Configuration->Mode->Runoff from the menu to navigate to the desired mode.
The mode is confirmed by the yellow highlighting on the icon in the toolstrip and in the status bar.
Ensure the LACH method has been activated for this project. Select the LA HYD icon on the toolstrip.
The method is confirmed by the depressed indication on the toolstrip.
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Load Rainfall Database. From the menu choose File->Import/Export Data->Import XPX\EPA Data and
select the XPX file C:\XPS\xpswmm2010\Templates\LA\LA Rainfall Database by Minute.xpx . This file
will load the dimensionless rainfall hyetograph at 1 minute intervals.
Set the Job Control. From the menu choose Configuration->Job Control->Runoff to open the dialog.
Enter Montebello for the Job Title, choose the 4th Day Only, 50 for the Storm Frequency and enter the
start date of 2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0.
Note: the Rainfall Template imported in step 8 can be viewed and graphed by selecting Rainfall
Template and the Graph.
10. Load Soil Database. Select Runoff/Infiltration and then select Load File and load the LAsoil.dat file
from the xpswmm \templates\la\ folder.
11. Review the soil curve. Select 002 to see the Runoff Coefficient vs. rainfall intensity. This hydrology
method modifies the losses based on the rainfall intensity based on county soils. Click OK twice to return
to the network window.
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Part 2 – Loading Background Images and DTM
Start program, select New, and Blank Job.
Enter the File Name. In the new file dialog enter montebellohydrology.xp in the File name: field.
Note: the extension of .xp will be automatically appended if excluded.
Select Units. Choose US Customary units and select the OK button.
Load Background Images for this project. Four background images will be tiled together to create the
overall background for this example. These images have been downloaded from the USGS National Map
Seamless Server website by selecting an area near the Montebello Golf course in LA County.
Right-click on the Background Images layer in the layer control panel and select Properties. This will
bring up the Background Image Properties dialog allowing multiple files to be added to the list of images
attached to this project. Whereas selecting Add Background Image would allow one image to be
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A) Select the New button and from the Add Background Image dialog select the ellipsis … icon. Choose
the aerial1_utm_ft.jpg file by locating it in the correct folder and selecting Open.
B) The program will then locate any world file to georeference the image and add the top, left bottom
and right coordinates. If no file was found the coordinates could be modified at this point. A world file
has been found for this file and the coordinates calculated:
C) Click the OK button to add the file to the list.
Repeat steps A through C to add all of the four associated images
to the model. These files are named aerial1_utm_ft.jpg through
Click OK to return to the network view with the images displayed.
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The network view should now look as shown below. The individual images can be hidden by selecting the check
box in the layer control panel as desired.
Add DTM Layer. The next step we will perform is to triangulate an ASCII grid file of elevation data and
add it to the model as a DTM layer. This layer can then be used to populate data fields and visually aid the
user in digitizing catchment polygons.
The DTM data was also obtained from the USGS Seamless Server as a 1/3 Arc second data set.
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Right-click on the DTM Layer and choose DTM Builder. From the DTM Creator dialog select Read ESRI
Grid File. Select the montebello_UTM_ft.asc file and choose the Open button to load the data in to the
dialog grid.
Select the Create DTM button to triangulate the data. Enter groundsurface in the DTM dialog then
select Save. The lower left hand portion of the status bar will display the triangulation process. After
triangulation the TIN will be displayed using color graduation.
Right-click on the newly created groundsurface layer in the DTM->Surfaces section of the layer control
panel and select Properties. This will display the dialog for modifying the display of the TIN.
Available options include the level of transparency of the color graduation, the inclusion of major and
minor contours and labeling of major contours.
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To modify the color graduation, select Color… from the DTM Properties dialog. Move the slider to about
30%-40% opaque, this will allow the background image to be seen through the DTM. Click OK.
This dialog also allows options to restrict the display and modify the color graduation.
Add contours to the display. Select the Display Properties tab of the DTM Properties dialog. After
selecting the check box for major and minor contours enter 10 ft and 2 ft for the contour intervals.
Label Major Contours. You may wish to optionally label the major contours. Select the Contour Labels
tab. Tick the Show Major Contours Label check box to display the labels. Enter 500 as a Label Interval
and use the default of Uphill Contour Aligned.
The plan view will now look as shown on the following page.
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Part 3 - Creating the LACH Model Using Many Model Building Tools
An LACH hydrology model consists primarily of drainage subareas and junctions. At least one outlet must also be
described. The area field of any subareas defined in the model can be calculated if the representative polygons
are drawn to scale.
Import Catchment Polygons. Polygons representing catchments can be imported to represent the
drainage areas. These polygons can be imported from GIS shape files, Mapinfo and from DXF and DWG
files. Right-click on the Catchment layer and select Import From GIS File... Select the file
montebello_catchments.shp and choose Open.
Select the Import button. This will open the Catchment Data Mappings dialog which allows attributes to
be imported with the shape graphic. Our source file in this example does not contain any data to map so
will be ignored in this example.
Select Import to complete the conversion of GIS polygons to xp catchment polygons. A successful
import is confirmed with the display of the import information log.
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Modify the display of the catchment polygons. Right-click on the Catchments layer and choose
Properties. Modify the colors of the background and foreground to light and dark shades of green by
selecting the color to bring up the color palette. Also change the line to a dark green color and choose
desired shading. Move the Opacity sliders to the left to increase transparency.
Digitize a catchment. Select the Catchments layer with a left mouse click. Confirmation of layer
selection is with reverse font on a dark blue background. With the layer selected choose the polygon
tool from the toolstrip.
Then turn the Snap on
so that the new polygon can snap to existing vertices. Begin digitizing with
a left mouse-click at the southern junction of the two joined catchment polygons. When the cursor
changes to a cross hair a vertex has been found. Left mouse click will create a common vertex at that
location. Using the existing polygons, the contours and the image on the next page to digitize the
remaining 4th catchment.
Hint: Use the follow along feature when digitizing to adjacent polygons. This is accomplished by
selecting the starting point and left clicking then hovering over the terminating point while holding the
Shift or Ctrl keys. Shift or Ctrl select direction around the polygon. When the desired direction is
determined left-click with the mouse and all vertices in between have been selected.
This would be a good point to Save the model.
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Importing node names and locations from simple text file. Most xp data can be imported using an XPX
file which is a simple free format text file with a limited set of commands. The node names and locations
of the nodes can be imported using the syntax:
NODE 134 “Node Name” X-coordinate Y-coordinate
For example: NODE 134 “MH1” 234 456 would create a node called MH1 at 234 easting and 456 northing.
Go to the menu item File->Import/Export Data->Import XPX\EPA Data.
Select the file Montebello-nodes.xpx and choose Import. Choose OK when the Import Warning
message appears.
The nodes should now appear on the screen. Fit the Window if you do not see the new node objects.
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Attaching Catchment Polygons to Nodes and Calculating Areas. With the pointer tool select a polygon
centroid and drag (hold left mouse button down) and go to the target node. Release the mouse button
and choose Subcacthment 1.
Repeat for the remaining catchments so that the assignment of catchment polygons to node
subcatchment numbers is as shown on the next page.
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Catchment polygons that are assigned to nodes can have the areas calculated and the fields in the
database populated. From the menus select Tools->Calculate Node->Catchment Areas. Select OK
with the Select option ALL Network Elements. A message box will appear to confirm the calculation.
Tutorial 4 – MODRAT Modeling in xpswmm/xpstorm
10. To see the assigned data, open the data dialog for a node. Double-click on node 1A. The areas have
been assigned to the grid for subcatchments. Complete the data entry for this node by selecting
Subareas Defined, activating the catchment with a tick in the first column and entering the following
information in the table below in to the dialog as shown:
11. Writing Hydrographs to Interface Files. In order for the flows to be routed in the hydraulic network they
need to be stored on an interface file. Select Write Hydrograph to Interface File. Click OK to close the
dialog and accept the edits. The name and location of the interface file is set from the menu in the
Configuration->Interface Files dialog. The program default of current path\ will work
in this example so no steps are required unless a different name or location is desired.
12. Enter the data in the table below for nodes 3A and 4A with other settings the same as node 1A.
13. Create a Junction Node. Double-click node J1. Select Outlet and click OK.
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14. Connect the nodes. Switch to the HDR mode by selecting the HDR icon in the toolstrip. Choose the link
tool and starting from the Headwork node proceed south (downstream direction) and select the nodes
Headwork->1A->3A->4A->J1. Double-click on J1 to end link creation or select the pointer tool after
creating the last link terminating at J1. This will create links between these nodes. The links will be active
in the Hydraulics mode but not active in the Runoff mode.
15. Selection Set. The set of active objects is the objects that will be solved when solve is selected. Other
inactive objects may have associated data but will not be part of the computations. Switch back to the
Runoff mode by selecting the Rnf icon from the toolstrip. Select the Headwork node and hit the – key on
the keyboard or the – icon on the toolstrip. This will make the object inactive in the Runoff mode.
16. Solve the model. Now that all the necessary data has been entered and the active object set selected we
can proceed to solve the model and compute the hydrographs. Select Analyze->Solve from the menu
or press the F5 key or press the solve icon on the toolstrip to launch the analysis engine.
If the option to update Tc was selected in the Job Control->Options then the following dialog will appear:
Select Yes to accept the new Tc based on slope and length. After selecting Yes the dialog to save the
model output will appear. Keep the default of the model name with the .out extension.
Note: A model containing errors cannot be solved. You must resolve all errors before proceeding.
Warnings can exist and allow the model to solve but there may be adverse impacts based on the warning
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17. Review Results. The main graphical result of an LACH model is the time series hydrographs produced for
each node. Select all the nodes by pressing the Select All Nodes icon on the toolstrip or draw a box
around the nodes with the pointer tool. Press F7 or select the Review Result icon from the toolstrip to
open the graphing tool. The hydrographs for each node will be displayed and the peak flow will be
shown in the second title.
18. Review Text Output. Select the Browse File icon from the toolstrip or press F6 and open the model
output file. The model output file contains information about the simulation in a formatted file. Below is
a table from that file:
1Thu Jun 10 11:42:45 2010
2 37
A26 0.70
2 33
A26 0.15
2 57
A26 0.40
2 30
A26 0.65
2 99
A26 0.00
This would be a good point to Save the model.
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Part 4: Using the Peak Flows from LACH Method with xpwspg
xpwspg calculates water surface profiles using a single flow rate value. Typically this flow rate is the maximum flow
rate from a design event. We will use the maximum values as reported in the previous model run as flows to
junctions in this part of the tutorial. These flows were based on the 50 year rainfall depth.
Switch to the hydraulics mode by selecting Hdr icon on the toolstrip.
Make all the objects active. Select all nodes and links and press the “+” key or “+” icon on the toolstrip.
Calculate conduit invert, lengths and ground levels. Several tools exist for automatically populating
common hydraulic fields in the model. We will use these tools to generate ground elevations and set
invert elevations for the nodes and calculate conduit lengths and slopes.
A) Set conduit lengths by selecting Tools->Calculate Conduit->Lengths. Click Calculate then OK to
commit these measured lengths to the database.
B) Select all the nodes and from the menu choose Tools->Generate Ground Elevations From TIN. Click
OK to populate the database with the elevations of the TIN at the node centers.
These new elevations have now been inserted to the database and can be viewed in the data dialogs or
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C) With all links and nodes selected go to the menu item Tools->Modify Elevations... Then select the
Option Read Inverts From TIN Files and ensure that the check box to Set Node Inverts and Set Link
Inverts are selected. Click the OK button to perform the calculation. A confirmation dialog of the items
updated will then be displayed, click OK to close this message box.
D) Return to the same Modify Elevations dialog and choose the Drop Inverts From Node Spill Crest
option. Enter 6 ft as the drop. Click OK for both this dialog and the message dialog. The inverts will then
be lowered from the ground 6 ft.
Set the headwork node. Double-click on the node Headwork. Choose Head Work for the Element type.
Add 240.00 for the Head Work Flow. This flow represents the flow north of the freeway that is not being
modeled as a catchment.
Click on the ellipsis … for the Channel Group to enter the conduit geometry at this node location.
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Add Grassy Swale to the list of Channel Group geometries.
Edit the Grassy Swale and enter a height of 6 side slopes of 3 and a base width of 10 for a trapezoidal
Open Channel type. Click OK then Select to pick this geometry. Click OK to close the Element data
Double-click on Link1 downstream of the node Headwork. Select Reach for Element type and enter
Manning’s n of 0.022 and select Channel Group Grassy Swale. Select the Downstream arrow to
navigate to the next object.
Make the Element Type Junction for node 1A so that we may add flow to this node equivalent to the
peak flow from the Runoff node. Select Grassy Swale for the channel group for node 1A. Select Edit…
for the Lateral branches. Insert a new row. Select Grassy Swale for the Channel Group and add the Flow
of 190.9. Confluence angle can remain blank.
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Advance to the next downstream element Link2. Use the default Manning’s n of 0.013. Add a new
Channel Group called Dual Box. Use a width and height of 6 and 12 respectively for a
Trapezoidal/Rectangular Closed Channel type to represent a twin 6’ x 6’ box. Click OK and select to
choose the Dual Box for the Channel Group of Link2.
Advance to node 3A. As in step 6 make the node 3A a Junction. Use Channel Group Dual Box and
Edit… the lateral branches. Enter a Flow of 201.4 to match the peak flow to this node.
Advance to Link3. Select Dual Box for Channel group of Link3. Use the default roughness value of 0.013.
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10. Advance to node 4A. Select Junction for the Element type. Use Channel Group Dual Box and Edit… the
lateral branches. Enter a Flow of 128.9 to match the peak runoff flow to this node.
11. Advance to Link4. Select Dual Box for Channel group of Link4. Use the default roughness value of 0.013.
12. Advance to the last node J1. This node is Element type System Outlet. Enter 195.00 for the System
Outlet Water Surface Elevation. Select Dual Box as the channel group.
13. Save the model as montebellowspghydraulics.xp.
14. Solve the model. Press F5 or select Solve from the Configuration menu or choose the Solve icon from
the toolstrip. No assignment of output file name is required when solving the hydraulics with xpwspg. All
errors must be resolved before proceeding.
15. Browse the text output. Select the Browse File icon on the toolstrip to see the hydraulic results.
16. Use the profile plotting tool to visualize the Energy and Water Surface gradients. Select the menu item
Results->Profile Plot. Enter Montebello 50 year for the Drain line Title. Choose Setup to configure the
profile plot and OK to run the plotting program.
Note: It is recommended to Load a saved profile definition file customized for xpwspg. Use plot-wspg.def
for this model.
A Profile Plot for this model is shown on the next page.
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17. Close the Profile plot using the upper right hand X of the dialog to return to the network.
18. Save the model.
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Part 5 – Linking LACH to Full Dynamic Hydraulics Mode Simulations
The xpswmm and xpstorm software allow full dynamic wave routing of hydrographs. In this example we will turn off
the xpwspg Hydraulics and simulate the network with the full hydrographs generated in the Runoff mode. A full
dynamic simulation creates a water surface for every time step in the simulation and accounts for full system
backwater and storage effects in conduits and nodes.
Turn off xpwspg hydraulics. To disable the xpwspg option Hydraulics and allow full dynamic wave routing
got to the Application Settings from Tools-> Application Settings: CONFIG and uncheck xpwspg Hydraulics.
You will need to restart the application after changing the configuration for it to take effect. This is a
similar task to enabling the LACH module which can be seen further up the list of configuration options.
Restart xpswmm and open the saved model montebellowspghydraulics.xp. This should be in the recent
file list. Save As montebellodynamichydraulics.xp.
Entering Data in xptables. Select the XP Tables icon from the toolstrip or press the F2 key on the
keyboard. Select Add and add a new table called Node Data. Click OK to get to the table customization.
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From the left side of the dialog expand Node Data and Results->Hydraulics Node->Hydraulic Node
Data and locate Ground Elevation (Spillcrest) and Invert elevation. Use the Insert and Append
buttons or simply drag the items to the right side. The right side represents the columns in the table you
are creating.
Expand the xpwspg Data section and locate the Node Ground Elevation and Node Invert Elevation fields
and append them to the list. Click OK then select View to see the table.
Copy and Paste the data from the xpwspg columns of Ground and Invert to the Hydraulics Ground and
Invert data fields. Note the XP Tables support copy and paste from all windows programs and this is a
useful way to populate model data. Choose the Save icon on the toolstrip to commit all changes in the
table. Select the Close button to return to the network.
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Import the conduit data using XP-GIS. From the File menu File->Import/Export Data->Import/Export
External Databases… to start a wizard that will walk you through the steps of connecting to an external
database. Select New… to begin the wizard. Select the file montebello conduit data.xls.
A confirmation of connecting to the file is shown in the connection info: Select Next to proceed. Choose
the Conduit data$ worksheet in the Tables: section. Select Next. Although both Import and Export
Options exist we will select Import data only for this example. Select Next.
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Choose the option to Update Existing Objects only. Select Next. Select Link for Object Type and the
Name source fields for the Link Name. Select Next.
Map the source fields to targets in xp by double-clicking and choosing xp fields. Map the items as
shown below. Click Finish then Import to import the data from the spreadsheet.
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10. A summary of data that may be imported will be displayed. Click OK to proceed. A message box will be
displayed showing the number of nodes and links created (0 as they already exist) and the number of
fields updated (24).
11. Calculate Conduit Slopes. The conduit slopes can be updated using Tools->Calculate Conduit->Slopes.
The conduit slopes are not required to run the model as the calculations are based on conduit inverts. If
slopes are of interest then use this command.
12. Set Trapezoidal Side Slopes. Double-click on Link1. Select Trapezoidal to open the trapezoid dialog.
Enter the side slopes and width as 3 and 10. Click OK to accept these edits.
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13. Set the width and number of barrels for dual box links. Double-click on Link2. Select Rectangular and
enter 6 for the width. Click OK and then choose the Conduit Factors. In the conduit factors dialog enter
2 for the number of barrels. Repeat this step for Link3 and Link4.
14. Enter the Outfall Data at node J1. Double-click node J1. Select Outfall. Select Type 2: Fixed Backwater
and choose the Use minimum of Yc _ Yn. Click OK and enter 195.00 for the Fixed Backwater. Click OK.
15. The imported data can be viewed in a comprehensive dialog called Conduit Profile. Right-click on a link
and select conduit profile to see both node and link data. Click OK to close the dialog.
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16. Add upstream hydrograph to Headwork. As we had done in the xpwspg section a flow needs to be added
to Headwork to represent the flow not described by a catchment. Double-click node Headwork and
select User Inflow. Insert X rows so that the data from the table below can be entered. The hydrograph
is time in decimal hours vs. flow in cfs.
17. Set Job Control. Select the Job Control dialog of Hydraulics and enter the year 2010 for Start and End
Time and 2 for the ending day. Click OK; no other items are required in this dialog as we will use the
defaults including a 60 second time step.
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18. Set Interface Files. Turn on the Read Existing File in Hydraulics Layer:. Ensure that the same file
created in Runoff is being read in Hydraulics.
19. Set the Solve Mode. Go to the menu Configuration->Mode Properties->Solve Mode->Current Mode.
This selection should be current mode or Hydraulics so that the Hydraulics mode is solved.
20. Save the model. Solve the model. Use the default name for the output file. All errors must be resolved
before you can save.
21. Review Results. Select the node Headwork. Right-click on the node and choose Select Downstream
Objects. This selects the network from top to bottom and will set the order of the graphs. Right-click
again on the node and choose Review Results. This will load the hydrographs for the links and nodes.
The first graphing window will show stage vs. time for the nodes. Up to 16 graphs per window can be
shown. Use the icons in the toolbar to switch to conduits, change the number of graphs per page and
customize the graphing.
First Previous Next Last Customization Print Print Preview
Node Link Diversions
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22. Animation of the HGL. Close the Review Results. With the network still highlighted, select the Dynamic
Long Section icon or press the F9 key. Use the DVR controls to play the simulation. Since version 2010
this tool is able to display the XP Tables in conjunction with this animation allowing dynamic profile
Press the Play button. The blue line is the current HGL and the magenta line is the maximum HGL at any
time in the simulation. It is essentially the high water marks. You are encouraged to select the different
icons on the toolbar to learn their usage. Flows, velocities and depths can be dynamically displayed in
this window.
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23. Animation of the HGL with hydrographs and cross section view. Close the Dynamic Long Section. With
the network still highlighted, select the Dynamic Section Views icon or press the Shift+F9 key. Use the
DVR controls to play the simulation. Since version 2010 this tool is able to display the XP Tables in
conjunction with this animation allowing dynamic profile editing.
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24. Animation of the HGL in plan view. Close the Dynamic Long Section. With the network still highlighted,
select the Dynamic Plan View icon or press the F10 key. Use the DVR controls to play the simulation. In
this window the nodes and links are color coded based on the current time step water depth and flow or
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25. Profile Plot. With the network highlighted go to menu Results->Profile Plot. Choose Setup then Load
the plot_us.def from the xpswmm folder. Click OK twice to open the profile plot. This window shows the
default plot of the maximum HGL and if using user defined scales can be exported to a DXF file.
26. Tabular Outputs. XP Tables can be used to show both Input Data and Results. Close the profile plot
window. Click the XP Tables icon or press the F2 key. From within XP Tables select the XP Tables icon
again to get the list of current tables. Click Import to load predefined tables in a XPX formatted file.
Select the XPX file Basic-Tables.XPX from the templates folder. Click Import then OK to load the
predefined tables.
If the checkbox in front of the table name is on then the table will be displayed. Multiple tables are
shown as tabs in the lower left hand corner of the window. Click on a Tab to view a particular table.
Navigate to the Node Flooding Table. Hint: It is the second last table. This table is very important as it
calculates the number of minutes a node is surcharged or flooded. By default flooded nodes loose water
out of the top of the node. Had this happened the volume of water lost would be displayed in the flood
loss column.
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Tutorial 4 – MODRAT Modeling in xpswmm/xpstorm
27. Sort. In large models it may be desirable to isolate high and low values within the table. Select Max
Volume column then choose the descending (Z to A) icon. This will sort the table descending based on
this column.
28. Filter. In large models it may be desirable to filter based on a threshold value within the table. Select the
Conduit Statistics table. Then choose the Setup Table Variable icon. This will allow editing of the table
columns and the ability to apply a filter.
Select Filter to edit the filter properties.
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Tutorial 4 – MODRAT Modeling in xpswmm/xpstorm
Insert a row to the filter and pick the Max Velocity field, >, and 15 for the value then click OK twice to
see the filtered table.
29. More XP Tables. XP Tables has many features including: Report Generation, Data Conversion, Custom
Variables, and Filters. Although not presented here the user is encouraged to use these features or
consult Chapter 13 of the Getting Started Manual for other instructions using these features.
30. Model Output File. To view a comprehensive echo of input data and tabular results open the model
Output file. Choose Browse File icon from the toolstrip or F6 key. An important part of the output file is
the last Table E22. It reports model continuity error which is desired to be +- 2% or less.
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