US Edition - Lawson Communications
US Edition - Lawson Communications
/issue 75/us edition .update The latest products available at A selection from v2010 vol 1 WPF Controls •DXCharts for WPF •DXGrid for WPF •DXEditors for WPF •DXPrinting for WPF •DXLayout for WPF •DXPivotGrid for WPF DXperience v2010 vol 1 Featuring XtraReports, a complete reporting solution for Visual Studio .NET Silverlight Controls •AgRichEdit for Silverlight •AgLayoutControl for Silverlight •AgControls for Silverlight •AgEditors for Silverlight •AgDataGrid for Silverlight WinForms Controls •XtraCharts Suite •XtraReports Suite •XtraRichEdit Suite •XtraPivotGrid Suite •XtraGrid Suite ASP.NET AJAX Controls •XtraCharts Suite •XtraReports Suite •ASPxEditors Library •ASPxGridView Suite •ASPxTreeList Suite •ASPxPivotGrid Suite •ASPxperience Suite ORM and Frameworks •eXpressApp Framework •eXpress Persistent Objects IDE Productivity Tools •CodeRush •Refactor! Pro US Headquarters ComponentSource 650 Claremore Prof Way Suite 100 Woodstock GA 30188-5188 USA Tel: +1 (770) 250 6100 Fax: +1 (770) 250 6199 European Headquarters ComponentSource 30 Greyfriars Road Reading Berkshire RG1 1PE United Kingdom Tel: 0118 958 1111 Fax: 0118 958 9999 Includes report viewers for ASP.NET, Silverlight, WPF and WinForms Asia / Pacific Headquarters ComponentSource 3F Kojimachi Square Bldg 3-3 Kojimachi Chiyoda-ku Tokyo Japan 102-0083 Tel: +81-3-3237-0281 Fax: +81-3-3237-0282 Sales Hotline: (888) 850-9911 Why buy from ComponentSource? ComponentSourceoffersauniqueglobalservice,usedbyover1,000,000 developers worldwide. Open24hoursaday,MondaytoFriday LocalizedWeb International customer service centers in the US, UK and Japan. Browse our multilingual sites oruseourLiveChatservice. Americas EMEA Asia-Pacific ComponentSource 650 Claremore Prof Way Suite 100 Woodstock GA 30188-5188 USA ComponentSource 30 Greyfriars Road Reading Berkshire RG1 1PE United Kingdom ComponentSource 3F Kojimachi Square Bldg 3-3 Kojimachi Chiyoda-ku Tokyo Japan 102-0083 Tel: 770 250 6100 Fax: 770 250 6199 Tel: 0118 958 1111 Fax: 0118 958 9999 Tel: 03-3237-0281 Fax: 03-3237-0282 Speakers available: English / Spanish Speakers available: English / French / German / Spanish / Italian Speakers available: English / Japanese / Korean / Mandarin / Cantonese Opening Hours: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm EST Opening Hours: 9:00 am - 5:30 pm GMT & CET Opening Hours: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm JST Payviapurchaseorder,check, banktransferorcreditcardin 20currencies. ProductChoice Choosefromover 10,000hand-picked, commercial grade Product SKU’s. BenefitfromBack-2-Back Support™,ouruniqueservice level guarantee. Impartial Advice Getfree,independent advice from our productexperts. Withover14years experience,weknow themarket. Trusted Supplier TollFreetelephonesupportin47countries AsOffi cialDistributors, wealsosupply Corporate,Reseller andGovernment institutionsglobally. AvailableinEnglish,French,German,Italian,Spanish,Japanese,Korean,CantoneseandMandarin. Argentina .......................... 0800 666 3484 Australia............................. 1 800 0 15292 Austria ................................ 0800 281 750 Belgium................................. 0800 7 5603 Brazil................................. 0800 891 6478 Bulgaria .......................... 00800 115 4445 Canada ............................... 888 850 9911 Chile ................................. 1230 020 6857 China (North) .................. 10800 481 1661 China (South) ................. 10800 813 1594 Colombia ........................ 01800 710 2043 Croatia ................................. 0800 222550 Czech Republic .................... 800 143 313 Denmark ................................ 80 88 17 20 Ecuador ............................. 1 800 010 562 Finland ................................ 0800 1 18002 France ............................... 0800 90 92 62 Germany .......................... 0800 186 07 06 Greece ........................... 00800 44121891 Hong Kong............................ 800 908 581 Hungary ............................... 06800 16674 India ............................ 000 800 44 01 455 Ireland, Rep. ...................... 1 800 535 661 Israel ................................... 180 924 2003 Italy ........................................ 800 790046 Japan .................................. 0120 343 550 Korea, Republic of ..... 00798 14 800 6332 Mexico ........................... 01 800 681 1559 Netherlands, The .............. 0800 022 8832 New Zealand ......................... 800 449181 Norway ................................... 800 1 3685 Panama ...................... 00 1 800 203 1587 Peru ....................................... 0800 53288 Poland ............................ 00800 442 1092 Portugal ................................ 800 844 125 Russia........................ 810 800 2251 1044 Singapore ........................... 800 810 2136 Slovenia ................................. 0800 80297 South Africa ....................... 0800 99 1088 Spain .................................... 900 93 8926 Sweden................................. 020 794 989 Switzerland ......................... 0800 83 5305 Taiwan .............................. 00 801 814313 Turkey.......................... 00 800 4491 3617 United Kingdom ................... 0800 581111 United States ..................... 888 850 9911 Uruguay ........................... 000 401 902 38 Venezuela........................ 0 800 100 9103 USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 Single Source Forallyour SoftwareProjects, weareyour one-stop shop. 3 /n software IP*Works! V8.0 Write powerful asynchronously connected Internet applications • Comprehensive framework for Internet development with HTTP, FTP, SOAP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, SNMP, NNTP, XML, MIME, Telnet and other protocols • No Runtime fees, small in size and no external dependencies Simple Email Client YoucanusetheSMTPandPOP components in order to access postoffi ce(POP3)andmailservers (SMTP). SOAP Component YoucanusetheSoapobjectto access Web Services. Client FTP The FTP component can be used to build an FTP client. It allows browsing of directories, uploads and downloads of files, and more. Web server Monitor CheckshowresponsiveaWeb Serverisbyrequestingapage(URL) periodically. Information Download Access the most up-to-date information from Web sites. Get URL You can download the content of a URLfromaWebserver. IP*Works! Internet-enableyourapplications. IP*Works!isacomprehensive frameworkforInternetdevelopment. IteliminatesthecomplexityofInternet developmentprovidingeasy-to-use, programmable components that facilitatetaskssuchassendingemail, transferringfiles,managingnetworks, browsing the Web and consuming WebServices,etc.IP*Works!includes componentsfor-FTP,HTTP,SMTP,POP, IMAP,LDAP,DNS,RSS,SMS,NetClock, Ping,RSS,SMPP,DNS,LDAP,Jabber, SOAP,WebDav,RAS,XMLandmore.It uses common component interfaces across platforms and technologies and isbasedonanoptimizedasynchronous socketarchitecturethathasbeen activelyrefinedformorethana decade.Italsocomeswithextensive documentation, hundreds of sample applicationsandisroyaltyfreeto distribute. IP*Works!includessupportfor: FTP - upload and download files to/frommemorywithoutwritingto disk.HTTP/WebUpload - access the WorldWideWebfromyourapplications, includingHTMLforms.DNS - Naming AuthorityPointer(NAPTR)support andsupportforreverseDNSlookups. IMAP-easyaccesstocorporatemail serverssuchasMicrosoftExchange. SMPP-ShortMessagePeer-to-Peer clientcomponent,usedtosendSMS cellulartextmessaging.SMTP - used to sendInternet(SMTP)mail,standardsbasedandextensible.SOAP - generic SOAPclientsupportingSOAP1.1.RSS - ReallySimpleSyndication(RSS),used forcreating,retrieving,andeditingRSS feeds. TFTP-TheTFTPClientcontrolis usedtoexchangefileswithTFTPservers viatheTFTPprotocol.Plusmanymore communication components. Small, fast, robust and reliable, the components consume a minimum of resources and have no dependencies onexternallibraries.Enterprisefeatures likeIPv6addressingandsupport for64-bitarchitectureshavebeen enabledtomakeyourconnectivity application compatible with current and future technologies. In addition, thenewhighly-evolvedcorehasbeen extended,updatedandoptimizedfor each individual supported development technology.Internetcommunications code can often be complicated, sometimes producing solutions which canbediffi culttoupdateandmaintain. /n software provides design features thatgreatlysimplifydevelopment, requiringfarlesscodeandincreasing overallmaintainability. /nsoftwareIP*Works!.NETEdition includesfully-managed.NET componentsbasedona100%C# codebase, with no dependencies on outside native code. It Includes individual.NETlibrariesoptimizedfor .NET,ASP.NETand.NETCFdevelopment. FullysupportsVisualStudio2010and the.NETFramework4. FROM/NSOFTWARE Product IP*Works! Zip .NET Edition V8.0 Top 250 Review Price Top 250 Review 80 $369.08 Product E-Banking Integrator Java Edition V3 - - $539.10 IP*Works! SSH .NET Edition V8.0 142 - $809.10 E-Payment Integrator PHP Edition V5 - - $379.05 IP*Works! ActiveX COM Edition V8.0 162 - $629.10 IP*Works! Java Edition V8.0 - - $539.10 IP*Works! EDI .NET Edition V8.0 177 - $489.02 IP*Works! EDI Java Edition V8.0 - - $949.05 IP*Works! Secure SNMP .NET Edition V8.0 180 - $1,109.08 IP*Works! S/MIME Java Edition V8.0 - - $831.58 /n software Red Carpet Subscription Q1 2010 187 - $1,424.05 IP*Works! S/MIME .NET Edition V8.0 - - $831.58 IP*Works! .NET Edition V8.0 250 - $539.10 IP*Works! Secure SNMP C++ Builder Edition V8.0 - - $1,079.10 /n software NetCmdlets V2.0 - - $77.42 IP*Works! SSL .NET Edition V8.0 - - $809.10 /n software SharePoint Extensions V3.0 - - $587.02 Paymentech Integrator .NET Edition V6.0 - - $2,449.02 /n software Workflow Activities V3 - - $97.02 PayPal Integrator Java Edition V3.0 - - $391.02 Top 250:RankinTop250BestSellingproductlist.Review: Five star customer rating from our Web site. 4 Price USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 © 1996-2010ComponentSource.AllRightsReserved.Allpricescorrectatthetimeofpress.Onlinepricesmayvaryfromthoseshownduetodailyfluctuationsandonlinediscounts. NEW RELEASE ComponentOne ComponentOne Studio Enterprise 2010 v1 Visual Studio 2010 compatible components for desktop, Web and mobile applications. • Full suite of rich and flexible .NET Windows Forms components • Rapid development of innovative & demanding Web applications • Updated RichTextBox and Map controls for Silverlight Microsoft Outlook-style Scheduler Scheduleone-time,allday,or recurring appointments with reminders, labels, etc. Advanced Charting for your WPF Applications Bringsyoupowerfulrendering, animations and data-binding capabilities. ComponentOne PDF for WinForms Supports AcroForms and AcroFields. iPhone and iTouch Includes ASP.NET components developedtomimicthelookand feel of the native UI of the iPhone and iTouch. ComponentOne Book for Silverlight PresentUIElementobjectsasifthey werepagesinaregularpaperbook. Create Responsive Grid Applications with Built-in AJAX Easilygroup,sort,filter,resize,and reorder columns at run time, all through simple drag-and-drop. ComponentOneStudioEnterprise reaterichuserinterfacesforSilverlight,WPF,ASP.NET,Windows C Forms,MobileandActiveXapplications. omponentOneStudioEnterprise C includes hundreds of components for Silverlight, WPF, .NET, ASP.NET, ActiveX,iPhone&mobiledevices.It offers a complete solution that targets all runtime environments and all applicationlayers(data,presentation, reporting and transformation). Silverlight toolset includes:40+ featurepackedSilverlightcomponents (grid, chart, menu, treeview, uploader, layout,datainput,gauges,maps, image rotator, navigation, etc ). You canuseexpressionblendtofully styletheSilverlightcontrolswhich allowsdeveloperstoeasilycreate rich graphical interfaces for their RichInternetApplications.Builtwith XAML,theSilverlightcontrolspromote collaborationinyourteamandfit seamlesslyintoyourdeveloper& designerworkflow.Furthermore,you cantakeXAMLfromSilverlightanduse itinyourWPFapplication.Alsoavailable fromComponentOneistheXAP Optimizerwhichhelpsyouoptimize thesizeoftheXAPfileswithinyour Silverlight applications. WPF toolset includes: Schedule for WPF - a suite of tools delivering scheduling, month calendar and multi-month calendar components fortheWPFplatform.Chartfor WPF-visuallystunning2D/3Dbar, area, line, pie and column charts. GridforWPF-asetofcontrolsthat allowyoutointegrategridsintoyour WPFapplications.ReportsforWPF- includes a set of WPF reporting tools: theC1Report,C1PrintDocument,and C1DocumentViewercomponentsas wellastheC1ReportDesignerstandalone application. ASP.NET toolset includes:35+ styled,easy-to-usecontrolsbuilton WebstandardsincludingAJAX,CSS, andXHTML.Componentsinclude: eCommerce(PayPal),fileformat management(PDF,Flash,XLS,ZIP), calendars,charting(2Dand3D),rich textediting,grids,inputandmask controls, menus and toolbars, reporting, scheduling and spelling features. You canalsorecreatethelook&feelof iPhone and iTouch user interfaces usingButton,LaunchPad,Calendar, NavigationList&Slidercomponents. WinForms toolset includes:60+.NET controls featuring two award-winning grids:FlexGridandTrueDBGrid.FlexGrid is designed for unbound applications. Itisaflexiblegridcontrolforcreating user-friendlyinterfacesthatdisplay, edit,format,organize,summarize,and print tabular data. The strength of True DBGridisinitsdatabinding;withan ADO.NETmanageddatabaseinterface, itoffersfeaturessuchasExcel-likesplit views and built-in hierarchical binding and grouping. FROMCOMPONENTONE Product Top 250 Review Price 6 $1,170.00 ComponentOne Studio for WinForms 2010 v1 16 ComponentOne FlexGrid for .NET 2010 v1 79 - $1,056.00 ComponentOne Studio Enterprise 2010 v1 Product Top 250 Review ComponentOne Studio for Mobile Devices 2010 v1 221 - $720.00 ComponentOne Studio for WPF 2010 v1 222 - $720.00 $490.00 VSFlexGrid Pro 8.0 - $490.00 ComponentOne Doc-To-Help Enterprise 2010 v1 84 - ComponentOne Chart 8.0 - $490.00 ComponentOne Studio for Silverlight 2010 v1 111 $720.00 ComponentOne Chart for Sharepoint 2010 - - $480.00 ComponentOne Studio for ActiveX 2010 v1 135 - $720.00 ComponentOne DataGrid for SharePoint 2010 - - $480.00 ComponentOne Studio Enterprise Doc Edition 2010 v1 136 ComponentOne DemoWorks 2009 - - $1,056.00 $1,440.00 ComponentOne Studio for ASP.NET AJAX 2010 v1 140 - $720.00 ComponentOne Doc-To-Help For Word 2010 v1 - - $816.00 True DBGrid Pro 8.0 152 $490.00 ComponentOne IntelliSpell 2009 v3 - - $182.00 ComponentOne Chart for .NET 2010 v1 167 - $490.00 ComponentOne LiveLinq 3.5 - - $910.00 Top 250:RankinTop250BestSellingproductlist.Review: Five star customer rating from our Web site. 6 Price $720.00 USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 © 1996-2010ComponentSource.AllRightsReserved.Allpricescorrectatthetimeofpress.Onlinepricesmayvaryfromthoseshownduetodailyfluctuationsandonlinediscounts. NEW RELEASE Developer Express DXperience v2010 vol 1 All Developer Express ASP.NET, WinForms, WPF & Silverlight components & tools. • User Interface functionality for WinForms, ASP.NET, WPF & Silverlight with full Visual Studio 2010 support • Display digital dashboards in your Web based applications BEST SELLER XtraBars Suite Ribbon Control and Tabbed MDI interface WiththeXtraBarsSuiteyoucan easilybuildRibbonsfromscratch. XtraBars Suite You can create application menu, galleriesandcontextualtabsin ribbons. DXGrid for WPF Supports both tabular and card displayformatsandprovides facilities for the end-user to sort and group data. AgRichEdit for Silverlight AllowsyoutointroduceMicrosoft Wordliketexteditingfeaturesinto yournextSilverlightapplication with ease. XtraReports End-User Designer TheXtraReportsSuitefeaturesa fullyfunctionalEnd-UserDesigner. XtraReports Master-Detail Report WiththeXtraReportsSuite,youcan easilybuildbandedreportsand evenMaster-Detailreports. DXperience llthe.NETcomponentsuites,librariesandIDEtoolsproduced A byDeveloperExpressinonepackage. XperienceincludesallDeveloper D ExpressproductsengineeredforVisual Studioandthe.NETFramework.Priority technical support is also included withupdatesandupgradesfor1year. Withthissubscription,youreceivekey technologiesbyDeveloperExpress includingIDEproductivitytools, businessapplicationframeworks,and components for Windows Forms, ASP.NET, WPF and Silverlight (support forVisualStudio2010isincluded).In additiontotheindividualtools,you receive complete source code for the WindowsForms&ASP.NETcomponents. WiththeUniversalsubscription,you alsoreceiveeXpressAppFramework which is an instrument for creating businessapplicationsquicklyandeasily. WPF products include: DXGrid for WPF - fast server-side data processing and complete support fortemplatesandstyles,DXCharts forWPF-clear&compactXAML syntaxandelementcustomization viatemplates,DXCarouselforWPF- stunning navigation and data browsing, DXNavBarforWPF-easyandintuitive navigation. Silverlight products include: AgDataGrid-fastdatamanipulations andrichenduserexperiences, AgRichEdit-Wordliketextediting features,AgMenu-staticmenus, toolbarsandcontextmenusetc, AgLayoutControl-layoutmanagement for Silverlight. Windows Forms products include: XtraGridSuite-agridcontrolwith fourdatalayoutoptionsfromasimple tabletobandedmulti-linerowlayout andcardviews,XtraSchedulerSuite -enablesyoutoincorporatetheUI foundinOffi ceCalendarwithinyour applications,XtraPivotGridSuite-adata analysis,miningandvisualreporting solution,XtraGauges-linear,circular, digitalandstateindicatorgaugetypes, XtraEditorsalibraryofover20editors that can be used both standalone or embedded,XtraWizard-easilygenerate multi-stepwizarddialogsthatfully conformtoWizard97orAerostandards. ASP.NET products include: ASPxGridViewandEditorsLibrary-a robustgridanddataeditorslibrary forASP.NET,ASPxPivotGridSuite-a multi-dimensionalanalysiscomponent, ASPxNavBarSuite-Webnavigation barwithfullAJAXsupport,ASPxMenu Suite-anextremelylightweight, customizablemainandcontextmenu and more. Also included in the Universal and EnterpriseEditionsareVisualStudio productivityadd-ins:CodeRush, Refactor!ProandeXpressPersistent Objects. FROMDEVELOPEREXPRESS Product DXperience v2010 vol 1 Top 250 Review Price 1 $1,234.99 Product DXperience WPF v2010 vol 1 Top 250 Review 163 - Price $759.99 DXperience WinForms v2010 vol 1 9 $711.99 CodeRush for Visual Studio .NET v2010 vol 1 164 - $237.49 ExpressPivotGrid Suite V2.49 33 - $323.39 XtraScheduler Suite v2010 vol 1 174 - $189.99 DXperience ASP.NET v2010 vol 1 42 Developer Express VCL Subscription 56 - XtraReports Suite v2010 vol 1 76 $332.49 ExpressQuantumGrid Suite V6.49 85 $711.99 ExpressScheduler Suite V3.49 240 - $292.49 XtraEditors Library v2010 vol 1 243 - $142.49 Refactor! Pro for .NET v2010 vol 1 - - $95.04 $341.24 ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite V5.49 - - $204.74 $1,469.99 DXperience Silverlight v2010 vol 1 129 - $711.99 ASPxGridView and Editors Suite v2010 vol 1 - - $293.99 ExpressQuantumPack 139 $682.49 XtraTreeList Suite v2010 vol 1 - - $189.99 XtraGrid .NET Suite v2010 vol 1 150 $284.99 ExpressPrintingSystem Suite V4.49 - - $194.99 USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 7 Flexera Software (formerly Acresso) InstallShield Professional 2010 Create strong, reliable Windows Installers. • Virtual machine detection and blocking • Supports the latest technologies, including Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows Installer 5 (MSI 5) Enhanced Windows 7 Support InstallShield is certified for Windows 7ValidationSuite. Try and Die Thistypeoftrialwarealsoenables yourprospectivecustomersto evaluateyourproductbefore buyingit. Dialog Themes Dialogthemesarepredefinedsets ofimagesthatgiveyourenduser dialogs a unified and distinctive look. Setup Prerequisites InstallShieldmanagesprerequisites that must be installed on the target machinebeforeyourapplication can be installed. Install Project Types Youcancreatemanydifferent projecttypesincludingMSI, InstallScript,SmartDevice,.NET Wizard,Webprojectsandmore. Project Assistant Significantlyreducethetime requiredforuserstocompletean installationproject. InstallShield reateflexibleinstallationsquicklyandeasilyacrossallWindows C operatingsystems,includingWindows7. I nstallShield2010Professionalallows youtocreateflexibleinstallations quicklyandeasilyacrossallWindows operatingsystems.First-timedevelopers finditeasytocreateinstallations,while powerusersfinditsdepthandflexibility perfectfordevelopingcomplex software installations. InstallShield2010Professional supports the latest technologies, includingWindows7,WindowsVista andWindowsInstaller5(MSI5).Italso supportsMicrosoft’slatestproducts, includingVisualStudio2010,.NET Framework4,MSBuild,andDirectX9.0c. WithInstallShield2010Professional youcanexpandinstallationstoservers and Web services, including IIS 7.0, Oracle,MySQL,SQLServer2008SP1, andWindowsServer2008.Italsolets youtargetmobiledeviceswithsupport forWindowsMobile6.x,Windows EmbeddedCE6.x,SQLServerCompact Edition3.5SP1,andPalmOS3.5and later. InstallShield Professional Features: Project Assistant-seamlesslyguides youthroughtheinstallation-authoring process,significantlyreducingthetime requiredfornewuserstocomplete aninstallationprojectandenabling veteran software developers to more effi cientlyjumpstartanewproject. Visual Dialog Editor–easilymodify existingdialogsorcreatenewonesfrom scratch.Selectthedialogyouneed, modifyit,andtheninsertthedialog intotheinstallationsequence.Dialogs canbeexportedandimportedfor sharingacrossprojects,makingproject collaborationmoreeffi cient. development,allowingyoutosetpatch metadatainpatchpackages,configure un-installable patches, and use patch sequencingfeatures. Intuitive Design Environment – the advanced InstallShield Professional designenvironmentmakessetup creationmoreeffi cientbyoutliningthe majorstepsinvolvedinthecreationof an installation. InstallShield Professional provides separate views for common taskswithineachstep,andenables drag-and-dropsupportforfiles,registry entries,andotherprojectelements. Morethan20task-basedwizards simplifyyourdevelopmenttasks,from startingVBprojectstobuildingcustom releases. Patch Creation - Patches created with InstallShield Professional contain updates to a previous installation or set ofinstallationsonafile-levelorbytelevelbasis.DistributeontheInternet and save end-user time and server bandwidth. MSI Support–supportsallprojects builtwiththeMicrosoftWindows Installer(MSI).MSIsimplifiesyourpatch Virtual Machine Detection-Virtual machines have been a licensing and compliance challenge for software vendors.InstallShield2010professional can now build installations that detect whentheyarebeingrunonvirtual machineslikeMicrosoftHyper-Vand VirtualPCorVMwareandoptionally blocktheinstallation. FROMFLEXERASOFTWARE(FORMERLYACRESSO) Product InstallShield Professional 2010 Top 250 Review Top 250 Review 3 - $1,979.01 Price Product AdminStudio Enterprise V9.5 - - $3,959.01 AdminStudio with Virtualization Pack Standard V9.5 - - $7,028.01 AdminStudio with Virtualization Pack Professional V9.5 - - $10,889.01 $14,354.01 InstallShield Premier 2010 5 - InstallShield Express 2010 41 InstallAnywhere Enterprise 2010 58 - $4,386.52 AdminStudio with Virtualization Pack Enterprise V9.5 - - AdminStudio Professional V9.5 90 - $5,939.01 InstallShield Collaboration V11.5 - - $395.01 InstallAnywhere Standard 2010 178 - $1,949.03 InstallShield with Virtualization Pack Premier 2010 - - $6,929.01 - - $2,474.01 InstallShield with Virtualization Pack Professional 2010 - - $4,949.01 AdminStudio Standard V9.5 $593.01 Top 250:RankinTop250BestSellingproductlist.Review: Five star customer rating from our Web site. 10 Price $8,909.01 USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 © 1996-2010ComponentSource.AllRightsReserved.Allpricescorrectatthetimeofpress.Onlinepricesmayvaryfromthoseshownduetodailyfluctuationsandonlinediscounts. BEST SELLER GrapeCity ActiveReports 6 The best selling report writer with no runtimes or royalties. • Professional Edition features a royalty-free End-User Report Designer • Includes filters for exporting to popular formats like PDF, Excel, RTF, HTML, Text and TIFF in both Windows- and Web-based applications Viewer Annotations Annotations can be placed on the report to pass notes and special instructions on to users and developers. End-User Report Designer Editing Allow end users to edit their reports and save new reports or load old ones. Viewing Web Reports TheWebViewercontrolprovidedin theProfessionalEditionallowsyou to write less code and view reports morequickly. Built-In Charting Control A chart control is included with ActiveReportsthatsupports common2Dand3Dcharttypes. Export to Any Format ActiveReportsincludesfiltersfor exportingtopopularformatslike AdobePDF,MicrosoftExcel,RTF, HTML,TextandTIFF. Hyperlinks and Drilldown Youcanusehyperlinksandthe viewerhyperlinkeventtosimulate drill-down from one report to another. ActiveReports Generateawidevarietyofreportsfromyour.NETapplications. ctiveReports6isa.NETreporting A component for Windows and Web applications.Itskeyfeaturesinclude customization,fastperformanceand highquality.ActiveReports6features aneasy-to-useVisualStudio.NET report designer and a powerful API. It includes multilanguage support that worksrightoutoftheboxandalso offersseamlessrun-timedeployment, royaltyfree.It’seasytocreatereports inActiveReports6,thereportdesigner integratesintoVisualStudio.NET (includingVisualStudio2010).Once the product has been installed on the developer’s machine, adding a report to yourprojectisaseasyasaddingaclass or form. ActiveReports6iseasytodeploy- ActiveReports6reportsarecreated withinVisualStudio.NETandcompiled directlyintotheexecutable.Therefore, assemblies can be distributed using XCopydeploymentortheycanbe placedintheglobalassemblycache (GAC).Theobjectmodelprovidesthe ReportingEngineasasingle,managed, strongnamedassembly.Thereareno additional setups on the server or the client’smachine.SinceActiveReports 6isfullymanaged,thereareno dependencieson3rdpartyapplications. ActiveReports6canexporttomany formats-itincludesfiltersforexporting topopularformatslikeAdobePDF, MicrosoftExcel,RTF,HTML,Textand TIFF in both Windows- and Web-based applications. ActiveReports6containsabuilt-in charting control which supports common2Dand3Dcharttypesand provides advanced charting features aswellasnativeexportingtovarious imageformats.Charttypesinclude: verticalandhorizontalbar,line,scatter plot,pie,funnelandpyramid,Gantt, Kagi,pointandfigure,renko,andmore. ActiveReports6supportstheuse ofWindowsForms-based3rdparty controls with the report designer. Essentiallyanycontrolthatisabletobe rendered on a Windows Form is capable ofbeingrenderedonanActiveReports 6 report. ActiveReports6includesareport viewer control and an End-User ReportDesigner-Thereportviewer controlsupportsreportzoomingand previewing, multiple tabs for viewing hyperlinks,split-andmulti-pageviews, a table of contents pane, thumbnails, textsearches,annotations,andtoolbar customization.ActiveReports6also featuresaroyalty-freeEnd-UserReport Designercontrolthatallowsyouto hostthereportdesignerinyourown applications to provide end users with theabilitytocreateandmodifyreports. TheZoomtoolbaritemallowsusersto magnifythedesignsurfaceofthereport for more precise placement and viewing of report controls. The Professional EditionofActiveReports6alsoincludes aFlash-basedReportViewerthat youcanusetoprovideaseamless, interactivereportviewingexperience andno-touchprintingusingthewidelyadoptedAdobeFlashPlayer.Choose from pre-defined themes (including Offi ce,WindowsXP,VistaandWindows Classic)andenhancetheviewer experiencebycontrollingtheprinting, paging, table of contents, thumbnail views and other options. ActiveReports6comeswithaMicrosoft Accessreportconversionwizardthat makesimportingAccessreportsa breeze.Thisisaveryhandyutility for users who have invested a lot of time creating reports within Access databases.Notonlywilltheimport helpgetyouupandrunningwith ActiveReports6,butthebanded reportarchitectureisveryfamiliarfor developersthathaveusedMicrosoft Access’ reports. FROMGRAPECITY Product ActiveReports 6 Top 250 Review 12 - ActiveReports for .NET V3.0 77 ActiveReports Reporting/BI Suite for .NET V1.0 98 - ActiveReports 2 for ActiveX/COM 165 Price $685.02 $569.05 $2,155.02 Product Top 250 Review Data Dynamics Reports V1.6 194 - Data Dynamics Analysis V1.0 208 - $783.02 ActiveBI Suite for .NET V1.0 - - $1,469.02 $489.02 Top 250:RankinTop250BestSellingproductlist.Review: Five star customer rating from our Web site. 12 USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 Price $1,077.02 © 1996-2010ComponentSource.AllRightsReserved.Allpricescorrectatthetimeofpress.Onlinepricesmayvaryfromthoseshownduetodailyfluctuationsandonlinediscounts. NEW RELEASE GrapeCity Spread for Windows Forms 5 Allow users to easily present, edit and update their tabular data. • Features Outlook style grouping, right-to-left support, export to HTML/XML and more • New cell types include list box, multi-column combobox and more Formulas Spread includes over 300 built-in functionsandgivesyoutheability todefineyourown. Cell Types Spreadincludesmanydifferentcell typesincluding:barcode,button, checkbox,colorpicker,combobox, currency,datetimeandhyperlink. Frozen Rows and Columns WithSpreadyoucanfreezeboth columns and rows at the end or begining of the sheet. Sorting Spreadallowstheusertoclickon column headers to perform an alternating ascending/descending sort of the rows in that column. Grouping You can group rows or columns into outlinesasyoudoinExcel. Desktop Spreadsheet UseSpreadtocreateyourown desktopspreadsheetapplication. Spread for Windows Forms Easilypresent,editandupdatetabulardata. Farpoint Spread for Windows Forms is a comprehensive spreadsheet component for Windows Forms applications that combines grid capabilities, spreadsheet functionalityandincludestheabilityto bind to data sources. A single control canhandleupto2billionsheets,each withupto2billionrowsand2billion columns.Cross-sheetreferencingallows calculationstomakeuseofdataand formulasonavarietyofsheets.Styles and formatting can be applied at the sheet, row, column and cell level. You can control the appearance and the userinteractioninavarietyofways. With most of the Spread’s appearance andfunctionalitybasedonunderlying models, the developer has complete control over the component. Farpoint Spread for Windows Forms can handledatafromcomma-delimitedtext files as well as multiple spreadsheets fromMicrosoftExcelfiles.Thecontents ofasheetmaybesavedasaMicrosoft Excelfileorstream,textfile,orasa SpreadXMLfile. You can bind the control to a data set, such as data in a database, or to anythingthatthe.NETFramework allows,suchasanIListobject.Whenyou bind the component using the default settings, data from the data set is read into the columns and rows of the sheet towhichyoubindthedata.Columns are associated with fields, and rows represent each record in the data set. Youcanallowpartofyourspreadsheet tobeunboundandyoucanalsobind to a range of cells. Spread for Windows Formscanalsoautomaticallyupdate the data set with the changes. Youcanspecifythewayauserinteracts with a cell, including how data is entered,displayedandvalidatedby specifyingthecelltype.Thecelltype defines an editor control for the cell that handlesdataentry,aformattercontrol to handle how the data is interpreted, and a renderer control that handles how thedataisdisplayedinthecell. Examplesofcelltypesarecheckbox cell,date-timecellorasimpletextcell. Celltypescanbesetforindividual cells, columns, rows, a range of cells or an entire sheet. You can have multiple sheetswithinaworkbook.Eachsheet is a separate spreadsheet and can have its own appearance and settings for user interaction. Each sheet has auniquenameandsheetnametab foreasynavigationbetweensheets. Youcanadd,remove,copy,insertand hidesheets.Youcanfreeze(make unscrollable) a number of either rows or columns or both in a sheet. You can freezeanynumberoftoprows(called leadingrows)oranynumberofleftmost columns (called leading columns). Youcanalsofreezeanynumberofthe trailing bottom rows or trailing rightmost columns. SpreadforWindowsForms’Calc Engine includes over 300 built-in functions, supports cross-sheet formula referencingandgivesyoutheability todefineyourowncustomfunctions. Withformulas,youcan:specifyacell reference, use a circular reference, nest functions, recalculate and update formulasautomatically,allowtheuser to enter formulas, create and use a custom name and custom functions. Formulas include: database, date and time, engineering, financial, logical, mathandtrigonometry,statisticaland text. FROMGRAPECITY Product Top 250 Review 23 - Top 250 Review $959.04 Calendar Objx V3.0 - - $224.42 FarPoint Spread V8.0 114 Spread for ASP.NET V4.0 188 $671.04 Enterprise Database Pack - - $881.02 - $979.02 Enterprise Developer Toolbox - - Spread for .NET Bundle (Spread Suite for .NET) $979.02 - - $1,563.10 Input Pro V3.0 - - $146.02 List Pro V3.0 - $240.10 Input Pro for Silverlight - - $293.02 Tab Pro V3.1 - - $126.42 Input Pro for Win Forms - - $244.02 Button Objx V2.0 - - $195.02 Spread for Windows Forms 5 Price Product Top 250:RankinTop250BestSellingproductlist.Review: Five star customer rating from our Web site. 14 USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 Price © 1996-2010ComponentSource.AllRightsReserved.Allpricescorrectatthetimeofpress.Onlinepricesmayvaryfromthoseshownduetodailyfluctuationsandonlinediscounts. NEW RELEASE IBM Rational Software Rational Team Concert Express V2 Collaborative software development environment. • Integrated release planning & reporting, source control, document collaboration, build management, chat and process guidance • Streamline agile development with out-of-the-box process configurations NEW RELEASE Process Awareness and Customizability Improvetheproductivityofyour teamsandthequalityofthework theyproduce. Work Item Tracking Workitemsarethefundamental mechanisminRationalTeam Concerttotrackandcoordinate developmenttasksandworkflows. Source Control Includesdefecttracking, integration with builds, and process-centric automation. Team Awareness Greatlysimplifytheaccesstoteamrelated information or perform team-related operations. Agile Planning Includes tools to create iteration plans for teams, to create individual plansfordevelopers,andtotrack progress during an iteration. Continuous Builds The Team Build component integrates the team’s build systemintoRTC,providingbuild awareness,control,&traceability. RationalTeamConcertExpress Ateamcollaborationtoolbuiltonascalable,extensibleplatform thatintegratestasksacrossthesoftwarelifecycle. RationalTeamConcertisateam-aware software development platform that enables developers to collaborate together using integrated planning (with full support for Scrum), source control,workitems,buildmanagement, dashboards, reports, and process support.RationalTeamConcertmakes iteasytoexchangeinformationdirectly inthecontextofyourwork.Ifan enhancementrequestchanges,youand other team members are notified of the changeautomatically.Youcanreference thechangeinchatsessionsandlink toartifacts.Businessstakeholderscan alsoautomaticallystayinformedabout thestatusoftaskchangesthatinterest them.Severalviewsenableyoutoshare teaminformation.Youcantrackteam activity,presentinformationinmore detail, or configure which information is visibleatanytime. Manyaspectsofthesoftware developmentlifecycleareintegrated, including agile planning, process definition, source control, defect tracking,buildmanagement,and reporting. Each of these aspects is integrated in a single environment. You cantrackandmanagetherelationships between artifacts, promote sound development processes, and gather projectinformationautomaticallyand unobtrusively. RationalTeamConcertprojectsfollow aprocess.Bycustomizingtheprocess youcustomizehowtheproductworks. A process is the collection of roles, practices, rules, permissions, and guidelinesthatyouusetoorganize andcontroltheworkflowforaproject. RationalTeamConcertprovidessupport foryourteamtofollowyourprocess. You use a process to define user roles and their permissions for performing operations in the product. The initial processusedbyaprojectisdefined byaprocesstemplate.Youcanmodify atemplatetomeetyouroverall projectandteamrequirements.Each componentisprocess-aware,soyou can add rules for behavior in the form of preconditions and follow-up actions. RationalTeamConcertprovidesusers with an Eclipse-based client interface, aMicrosoftVisualStudioclient interface, and a Web interface. The client interfaces provide developers with a rich, integrated development environment for building and delivering artifacts. The Web interface is well suited forserverandprojectadministration andallowsuserstoaccessprojectareas, browserepositoryinformation,update tasks,orreadaboutrecentevents. RationalTeamConcertisdeliveredon theJazztechnologyplatform.Jazzisa scalable,extensibleteam-collaboration platformthatintegratestasksacross thesoftwarelifecycle.Theplatform alsoprovidesusefulbuildingblocks andframeworksthatfacilitatethe development of new products. FROMIBMRATIONALSOFTWARE Product Top 250 Review IBM Rational PurifyPlus V7.0.1 46 - Top 250 Review $1,638.00 IBM Rational Application Developer V7.5 - IBM Rational Build Forge Enterprise V7.1 - IBM Rational Build Forge Standard V7.1 Price Product IBM Rational RequisitePro V7.1.1 - - $1,912.50 - $3,604.00 IBM Rational Robot V7.0 - - $4,174.35 - $157,343.50 IBM Rational Rose for Visual Studio V7.0 - - $2,252.50 - - $106,411.50 IBM Rational Rose Modeler V7.0 - - $1,623.50 IBM Rational ClearCase V7.1.1 - - $3,723.00 IBM Rational Software Architect V7.5 - - $5,575.15 IBM Rational ClearQuest V7.1.1 - - $1,462.00 IBM Rational Software Modeler V7.5.5 - - $1,623.50 IBM Rational Functional Tester V8.1 - - $4,624.00 Rational Team Concert Express-C 2.0 - - $589.90 IBM Rational Functional Tester Plus V8.1 - - $5,550.50 Rational Team Concert Express 2.0 - - $5,902.40 IBM Rational Performance Tester V8.0 - - $1,360.00 USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 Price 15 Infragistics Infragistics NetAdvantage for .NET 2010 Volume 2 Create commercial class UIs for Winforms, ASP.NET, WPF & Silverlight applications. • Comprehensive User Interface control and component toolset for .NET • Fully supports the improved productivity experience that Visual Studio 2010 brings NetAdvantage for ASP.NET GaugesandChartcontrolsletyou createanexecutivedashboard. NetAdvantage for Windows Forms CreateOutlookstyleapplications with integrated NetAdvantage for Windows Forms controls. Create Applications with Office 2007 Ribbon Styling Also includes grids with conditional formatting,trees,3Dcharts, menus, etc. PDF Export YoucanexportreportstoPDF documentsdisplayinggaugesto visuallysummarizedata. DataGrid CreateaWPFgridusing xamDataGrid,xamCarouselListBox andxamCarouselPanel. WPF Charts Displayvaluesusingcolumns,pie wedges,cylindersandmoreusing the advanced graphics rendering capabilities in the WPF platform. Infragistics NetAdvantage for .NET Includes essential User Interface controls for Windows Forms, WPF,SilverlightandASP.NET,plusapplicationstyling. NetAdvantage for .NET is a presentation layertoolsetforquicklyandeasily buildingandstylingpolished application UIs and delivering a great userexperience,forWPF,Silverlight, Windows Forms, ASP.NET and Tablet PC.Youcandeliveruserexperiences consistentwithMicrosoftOffi ceand Windows, produce high performance Webapplicationsandcreatehi-fidelity, cross-platform charts and gauges that instantlyprovideyouraudiencewitha clearunderstandingofkeyperformance indicators.Designedwiththeuser experienceinmind,NetAdvantagefor .NETuserinterfacecontrolsgiveyou theabilitytofocusonbusinesslogic whileittakescareofthepresentation. Usethemodernlookandfeelof Windows7stylesandnavigationor emulatetheOffi ce2003,2007and 2010userexperienceswithpredefined color tables and ribbon controls. NetAdvantagefor.NETfullysupports VisualStudio2010. NetAdvantagefor.NEThaswhatyou needtoaddno-touchAJAXtoyourWeb sitewithaprofessionallypolishedUI. TheproductincludesmanyWindows Forms and ASP.NET components: grids,charts,combos,desktopalerts, buttons, calculator, dropdown, progress bar, scroll bar, tooltips, editors, gauge, listbar, listview, printing, scheduling, spellchecker,tabs,toolbarsandtrees. NetAdvantage for .NET also includes aDocumentExportEngineforPDF andXPSformatsandprovidesWeb crawleroptimization,AJAXsupportand SharePoint integration. NetAdvantage for .NET includes SilverlightControlsforLineofBusiness (LOB)Applicationswhichenableyou toincludeislandsofrichnessintoyour existingWeb-basedapplications,giving end-usersanexperiencethatgoes beyondwhatcanbeaccomplished withmereHTML.Thesecontrolshave been built from the ground-up using theSilverlightplatformandtakefull advantageofitscapabilitiestohelpyou produce compelling Web applications. NetAdvantage for .NET includes nextgenerationWPFcontrolswhich were designed from the start with an uncompromising attitude toward leveraging its cinematic graphics, richstyling,animationcapabilities, andintegratedUIvirtualization. Embracingtemplatesandexposing numerousstylingpointsgivesyou complete command over the controls’ appearance.Alogical,friendlyobject modelmakesiteasytotakeadvantage of the WPF platform’s potential, whether youchoosetodosothroughdeclarative UI(XAML)orcode. Multiplevolumereleasesthroughout theyearcontinuouslyaddvaluablenew features ensuring the tools available to youremainleadingedge. FROMINFRAGISTICS Product Infragistics NetAdvantage for .NET 2010 Volume 2 Top 250 Review Price 2 $1,045.63 Product Top 250 Review NetAdvantage ICONS Legal Pack V1.0 - - $195.02 Infragistics NetAdvantage Select 2010 Volume 2 4 $870.63 NetAdvantage ICONS Web & Commerce Pack V1.0 - - $195.02 Infragistics NetAdvantage for Win Client 2010 Volume 2 15 - $870.63 ActiveListBar V1.0 - - $289.10 Infragistics NetAdvantage for Web Client 2010 Volume 2 67 - $870.63 ActiveThreed Plus V3.0 - - $289.10 UltraSuite V3.02 93 - $485.10 Calendar Widgets V1.1 - $289.10 Infragistics TestAdvantage for Windows Forms (for HP QuickTest Professional software) 96 - $2,935.10 CodeAssist V1.1 - $289.10 Infragistics TestAdvantage for Windows Forms (for IBM Rational Functional Tester) 97 - $2,935.10 Infragistics NetAdvantage for JSF - - $520.63 Infragistics NetAdvantage for Silverlight Data Visualization 2010 Volume 2 161 - $583.10 Interact V4.0 - - $485.10 Data Widgets V3.1 - $387.10 JSuite V7.2 - - $583.10 Designer Widgets V2.0 - $289.10 NetAdvantage ICONS Business & Finance Pack V1.0 - - $195.02 Top 250:RankinTop250BestSellingproductlist.Review: Five star customer rating from our Web site. 16 Price USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 © 1996-2010ComponentSource.AllRightsReserved.Allpricescorrectatthetimeofpress.Onlinepricesmayvaryfromthoseshownduetodailyfluctuationsandonlinediscounts. NEW RELEASE Actipro Software Aspose A suite of user interface components for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). Create, manage and convert many popular document formats. Actipro WPF Studio 2010.1 Aspose.Total .NET Q1 2010 NEW RELEASE NEW RELEASE Actipro WPF Studio Office 2007 Style Ribbon A feature-rich ribbon control suite thatmeetsallMicrosoftlicensing requirements. Aspose.Total Wizard Dialogs EasilycreateWizarddialogswith animated page transitions and total control over navigation options. Navigation Controls IncludesOutlooknavigation bars,Windowsexplorerbarsand breadcrumbs. Aspose.Cells LetsyoucreateandmanageExcel Spreadsheetswithoutrequiring MicrosoftExcel. Aspose.Words Letsyouread,modifyandwrite Worddocumentswithoututilizing MicrosoftWord. •IncludesallActiproSoftwareWPFcomponents •SupportsWord,Excel,PowerPoint,Project,PDFandFlashfileformats •Currentlyincludes:Gauge,Ribbon,BarCode,DockingandMDI,Navigation, WizardandaWPFSharedLibrary •DemoswritteninC#andVB.NEThighlightthebestpracticesforimplementing manycommontasks Actipro WPF Studio includes all WPF componentsproducedbyActipro Softwareincluding:ActiproRibbon (Offi ce2007-likeuserinterface), ActiproWizard(wizarddialogs),Actipro BarCode(barcodegeneration),Actipro Navigation(Offi ce2007-likenavigation bar,aWindowsExplorer-likeexplorer bar and breadcrumb control and more),ActiproSharedLibrary(many spose.Total.NEToffersevery.NET A component that Aspose has available as well as all new components released during the annual subscription. Aspose.Total .NET includes a set of components that support the most commondocumentformatslike MSWord,MSExcel,MSPowerPoint, MSProject,PDF,RTF,CSVandtab delimited documents allowing useful components and miscellaneous controls),ActiproGauge(implements circular, linear and digital gauges) and ActiproDocking&MDI(dockingtool with multiple document interfaces). All included products are compatible withVisualStudio2010andwrittenin C#,theyalsoworkwithXAMLandcan beusedinXBAPs.. FROMACTIPROSOFTWARE Product 20 Aspose.Pdf CreatePDFdocumentswithout utilizingAdobeAcrobat. developers to create, manage and convert one format to another. It also contains components for charting,email,DNS,FTP,ICMP,spell checking,barcodecreation,gridand spreadsheet,adhocquerygeneration, recurrencepatternsandworkflow. Aspose.Total.NETfullysupportsVisual Studio2010. FROMASPOSE Top 250 Review Price Product Top 250 Review Actipro WPF Studio 2010.1 45 $636.02 Aspose.Total .NET Q1 2010 8 - $1,959.02 Price Actipro Icons V1.0 - - $293.02 Aspose.Cells Java V2.1 21 - $881.02 Actipro SyntaxEditor for WPF 2010.1 - - $391.02 Aspose.Words .NET V9.0 37 - $881.02 Actipro Docking & MDI for WPF 2010.1 - - $195.02 Aspose.Cells .NET V4.8 49 - $881.02 Actipro SyntaxEditor V4.0 - $342.95 Aspose.Total for Reporting Services .NET Q1 2010 71 - $1,959.02 Actipro Editors for WPF 2010.1 - - $97.02 Aspose.BarCode .NET V3.3 - $391.02 Actipro Bar Code for WPF 2010.1 - - $97.02 Aspose.BarCode for JasperReports V1.1 - - $881.02 Actipro Gauge for WPF 2010.1 - - $244.02 Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services V1.5.1 - - $881.02 Actipro Navigation for WPF 2010.1 - - $116.62 Aspose.Flash .NET V2.6 - - $391.02 Actipro PropertyGrid for WPF 2010.1 - - $146.02 Aspose.Form .NET V2.8 - - $391.02 USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 Codejock Software Contour Components Create Office XP - 2007 and Visual Studio .NET style GUI elements. Interactive reporting, data analysis and reports distribution. Codejock Xtreme Toolkit Pro 2010 Vol 1 ContourCube V4.0 NEW RELEASE Ribbon Createapplicationswiththe latestMicrosoftOffi ce2007style RibbonBar. ContourCube Calendar Provides Windows developers withasophisticatedOutlookstyle calendar. Grid Sorting Easilycreate,groupandsortdata inaflatorhierarchicalformat. Hierarchy Objects Oncedefined,ahierarchyobject unites multiple fields with their relative positions into a single dimension. Export Reports to Excel ContourCubeexportstoCSV, HTML,PDFandMSExcel. •ProduceMicrosoftstyleribbon,toolbars,menusandMDItabs •Comprisedofmanypopularbusinessandstatisticalalgorithms •EasilythemeyourapplicationwithSkinFrameworkfor.NET •Supportsfastdirectdataloadingfrommultiplesources •IncludesanEnterpriseclassgridcomponentwithbuiltintoolbar •Filterdimensionsbyfactvalues odejockXtremeToolkitPro C provides Windows developers with a sophisticated set of components to give applications a professional, modern appearance. Included are nine components:XtremeCommandBars, XtremeDockingPane,XtremeProperty Grid,XtremeReportControl,Xtreme Calendar,XtremeTaskPanel,Xtreme ShortcutBar,XtremeSkinFramework ontourCubeisahigh-performance C OLAPcomponentfortherapid development of Internet, client-server anddesktopbusinessintelligence applications.Itprovidesahighly dynamicinterfaceforinteractivedata analysis,sophisticatedanalytical, statistical, reporting and graphing features.ContourCubecangetdata fromanydatasourceviaADO,BDE, ODBCoranunbounddatasource;just dropitontoaformwithinyourproject, linkittoyourdataandgetthebenefits ofOLAP.ContourCubeperformsOLAP operations on hundreds of thousands andXtremeControls.WithCodejock XtremeToolkitProyoucancreate enterprise class applications that incorporateafullsetofcustomizable user interface components that include Offi cestyletoolbarsandmenus. Severalpopularvisualstylesare includedsuchasOffi ceXP,2003,2007 andVisualStudio.NET. FROMCODEJOCKSOFTWARE Product Top 250 Review Codejock Xtreme Toolkit Pro Visual C++ MFC 2010 Vol 1 53 $502.55 Price Codejock Xtreme Suite Pro ActiveX COM 2010 Vol 1 60 $502.55 Codejock Xtreme Command Bars ActiveX COM 2010 Vol 1 - - $141.55 Codejock Xtreme Property Grid Visual C++ MFC 2010 Vol 1 - - $141.55 Codejock Xtreme Calendar ActiveX COM 2010 Vol 1 - - $141.55 Product Codejock Xtreme Report Control ActiveX COM 2010 Vol 1 - $141.55 ContourCube V4.0 Codejock Xtreme Calendar Visual C++ MFC 2010 Vol 1 - - $141.55 Codejock Xtreme Command Bars Visual C++ MFC 2010 Vol 1 - - $141.55 Codejock Xtreme Command Bars .NET V1.1 - - Codejock Xtreme Docking Pane ActiveX COM 2010 Vol 1 - - ofrecordswithoutanOLAPserver.It allowsenduserstoperformOLAPand statisticalanalysesusingcurrentdata fromanyrelationaldatabase.Youcan buildandprintreportsinteractivelysimplywithaclickanddrag&drop (with sub-second response times), dynamicallyinteractwithdata;move rows and columns, filter data, drill-down, roll-up, pivot table and get all possible reports from one dataset. ContourCubemakesmillionsof calculationssimultaneouslyandshows newsubtotalsandtotalsinstantly. FROMCONTOURCOMPONENTS Top 250 Review Price 125 $900.00 ContourCube Classic Edition (ActiveX) V2.0 - $270.00 Contour OLAPBrowser V2.2 - - $180.00 $141.55 Contour Business Intelligence (Contour BI) V3.0 - - $3,600.00 $141.55 Contour CubeMaker V2.0 - - $810.00 Top 250:RankinTop250BestSellingproductlist.Review: Five star customer rating from our Web site. 22 Dynamic Data Filtering Dynamicdatafiltering,pivoting, drill-down and roll-up are all featuresofferedbyContourCube. USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 ©1996-2010ComponentSource.AllRightsReserved.Allpricescorrectatthetimeofpress.Onlinepricesmayvaryfromthoseshownduetodailyfluctuationsandonlinediscounts. CodejockXtremeToolkitPro Dart Communications Desaware A suite of all Dart’s PowerTCP ActiveX and PowerTCP .NET components. Add a cryptographic licensing system to your .NET applications. PowerTCP Universal Suite Desaware Licensing System V1.6 BEST SELLER Mail IncludesSMTP,POP,andIMAP componentstocreateActiveXand .NET email solutions. DesawareLicensingSystem FTP Easilytransferfilesusingwildcards and streams with high levels of control. Sockets TCPandUDPcomponents helpyoucreateInternetclient applicationswithonlyafewlines of code. Create istallation codes You can create one or more installationcodes.Youcancopy the codes to the clipboard or save themtodisk. Assemblies Differenttypesofassemblies across different products, can all be licensed with a single licensing certificate. •ToolsforFTP,SecureFTP,email,SSL,Telnet,WebServer,Winsock,ZIPandmore •Supportstimeddemoinstallationsandserveractivation •Comeswithfreeupdatesandupgrades,newcomponents,freeemailsupport andproductsupportforumaccessforonefullyear •Nohiddenfiles,registryentriesorbackgroundservicesneeded owerTCPUniversalSuiteincludes P products for all aspects of Internet communication development (SSH,SFTP,FTP,SMTP,POP,IMAP, MIME,SSL,TCP,UDP,Ping,Trace, DNS,Telnet,VTEmulation,Rlogin, Rsh,Rexec,Filecompression,HTTP, etc).TheSuiteincludes:PowerTCP Emulation,FTP,Mail,Server,SSL, Telnet, Web Enterprise, WebServer, esawareLicensingSystemisa D cryptographicbasedlicensingsystem for .NET. It is designed for component licensing per server/machine and isextremelyeasytouse.Itcan be configured for both moderate andhighsecurityscenarios.Using uniquesecurityfeaturesinthe.NET Frameworksuchasstrongnamed assembliesandXMLsignatures,the WinsockandZipcompressionfor bothActiveXand.NETtechnologies. PowerTCPcomponentsperform Internetcommunicationtasks:file transfer, e-mail processing, on-line automation,VTterminalemulation, ZIPcompression,encryptionandmore. Provenbythousandsofcustomers world-wide,PowerTCPdeliverstime testedreliabilityandperformance. •Licenseanunlimitednumberofapplicationsatnoextracost FROMDARTCOMMUNICATIONS Product DesawareLicensingSystemrelies onendtoend128bitcryptographic techniques,avoidingtheuseof hiddenfiles,registryentriesandother traditional licensing schemes. DesawareLicensingSystemalso includes an activation Web service, with a management application (with source). FROMDESAWARE Top 250 Review Price PowerTCP Universal Suite 36 - $2,111.04 Desaware Licensing System V1.6 Top 250 Review 118 PowerSNMP for .NET V4.2 138 - $1,371.02 PowerTCP Web for ActiveX V1.8 192 - $239.04 CAS/Tester V1.0 - - $391.02 Desaware ActiveX Gallimaufry V2.0 - - PowerTCP FTP for ActiveX V2.1 199 $143.04 $287.04 Desaware File Property Component V1.0 - - PowerTCP Mail for .NET V3.1 203 $77.42 - $335.04 Desaware NT Service Toolkit V2.0 - $489.02 PowerTCP SSH and SFTP for .NET V1.0 PowerTCP Mail for ActiveX V2.9 227 - $335.04 Desaware NT Service Toolkit .NET Edition V2.0 - - $479.04 249 - $479.04 Desaware Universal .NET - - $636.02 PowerTCP FTP for .NET V3.0 - - $287.04 Desaware Universal COM - - $636.02 PowerWEB File Upload for ASP.NET V1.3 - $146.02 Event Log Toolkit V1.0 - - $146.02 PowerSNMP for ActiveX V2.8 - - INIFileTool-5M V1.0 - - $77.42 $1,175.02 Product Top 250:RankinTop250BestSellingproductlist.Review: Five star customer rating from our Web site. 24 Application select Youcanselectandworkon anyapplicationfromalistof applications defined on the current server. USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 Price $1,465.10 ©1996-2010ComponentSource.AllRightsReserved.Allpricescorrectatthetimeofpress.Onlinepricesmayvaryfromthoseshownduetodailyfluctuationsandonlinediscounts. PowerTCPUniversalSuite DEVPIA Dundas Data Visualization Add the ability to upload files to your Web applications. Fully managed charting for your ASP.NET projects. DEXTUpload .NET Pro V3.7 Dundas Chart for ASP.NET Enterprise Edition V7.1 BEST SELLER © 1996-2010ComponentSource.AllRightsReserved.Allpricescorrectatthetimeofpress.Onlinepricesmayvaryfromthoseshownduetodailyfluctuationsandonlinediscounts. DEXTUpload.NETPro Single and Multiple Uploads DEXTUpload.NETProallowsyou to upload single and multiple files. DundasChartforASP.NETEnterpriseEdition Upload Progress Youcandisplayacustomprogress bar during the upload process. Watermarking and Image Format Youcanuploadandwatermark images and change image formats onthefly. Stock Chart Youcancreatestockcharts,with multiple chart areas using Bolinger Bands. Combination Chart Itiseasytocreatecombination charts. Point Chart PointChart,usingWeighted AverageandExponentialAverage Formulas. •Allowsuploadsofupto2GBfiles •SupportsAJAXbasedzoomingandscrolling •Useofoptimizedparsingalgorithmmakesuploadingspeedevenfaster •AddvisualappealwithadvancedFlashorSVGanimationeffects •AbletouploadfilestoadatabaseviaaBLOB(BinaryLargeObject) •Providesawiderangeofstandardandadvancedcharttypes EXTUpload.NETProisacomponent D that supports file uploads and downloads between a Web browser and an IIS Web server. It observes Internetstandards(RFC1867)andcan beusedinMicrosoftASP.NET. undasChartforASP.NETEnterprise D Editionisafullymanagedcharting component designed for ASP.NET development. DEXTUpload.NETProisHTTP-based and uploads files from a Web browser toaWebserverquicklyandeffi ciently. It overcomes the limitations of ASP.NETuploading(inconsistency forhighcapacityfileuploads,server overloadsandsafety,etc.),iswritten inC#andprovidesyouwithimproved uploadspeedsandstability.During uploadanddownloadyoucaninvoke aprogresswindowautomatically withoutinstallinganyothersoftware. The pop-up progress window shows youuploadingspeed,filesize, uploadedfilesizeandtimeremaining. Itcanalsobecustomizedbyusing progressobjects.DEXTUpload.NET Proallowsyoutowatermarkuploaded images and convert uploaded images to thumbnails. It supports various file conversionformats(BMP,JPG,GIFetc.) and provides detailed information about image files. FROMDEVPIA Product Price Included is support for all standard andmanyadvancedcharttypes, drilldownfunctionality,fullVisual StudioIntegratedhelp,avarietyof different image formats and intuitive samplesandexamplestospeedup developmenttime.Graphicstakefull advantageofGDI+andtheuseof transparency,anti-aliasing,gradients andmore.DundasChartforASP.NET EnterpriseEditionincludesmany advanced features including: formula support,datagrouping,emptydata point handling, data filtering and highlighting. FROMDUNDASDATAVISUALIZATION Product Top 250 Review Dundas Chart for ASP.NET Enterprise Edition V7.1 35 - $3,167.04 Price Dundas Dashboard Bundle for SharePoint 52 - $3,233.02 Dundas Map for Reporting Services V1.0 88 - $2,155.02 Dundas Chart for ASP.NET Professional Edition V7.1 128 - $738.24 Dundas Map for .NET V1.5 156 - $1,616.02 Top 250 Review DEXTUpload .NET Pro V3.7 - - $331.24 Dundas Calendar for Reporting Services V1.7 - - $538.02 DEXTUpload Pro V3.5 - - $293.02 Dundas Chart for Reporting Services V3.1 - - $2,155.02 DEXTUpload Pro Extension V1.5 - - $761.46 Dundas Chart for SharePoint V2.5 - - $2,155.02 DEXTUploadJ V1.0 - - $369.46 Dundas Chart for Windows Forms Enterprise Edition V7.1 - - $2,111.04 DEXTUploadX V3.0 - - $369.46 Dundas Gauge for Reporting Services V1.5 - - $2,155.02 Top 250:RankinTop250BestSellingproductlist.Review: Five star customer rating from our Web site. USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 29 InfoSoft Global Janus Systems Cross platform charting solution for ASP, ASP.NET & AJAX applications. Add Outlook style interfaces to your .NET applications. FusionCharts Bundled Pack Janus WinForms Controls Suite V3.5 BEST SELLER FusionMaps Createanimated,interactiveand data-drivenFlashMapsforyour dynamicWebapplications. JanusWinFormsControlsSuite FusionCharts Interactive and animated charts for ASP and ASP.NET applications. FusionWidgets Real-timeFinancialandDashboard ChartsfortheWeb. Office 2007 JanusWinFormsControlsSuite offersOffi ce2007visualstylefor all controls included in the suite. Janus Schedule Control for .NET Present appointments and related owners in different views, representingDays,WorkWeeks, WeeksandMonths. Ribbon Component JanusWinFormsControlsSuite includesaRibboncontrol. •Generateinteractiveandanimatedflashcharts&mapsinminutes •IncludesOutlookstylegrid,calendarview,journal,Ribbonandshortcutbar •Supportsover75charttypesand450maps •Supportssnaplines,baselines,ImageListkeysandmore •Buildcross-browserandcross-platformsolutions •UnboundmodeinGridEXallowsyoutopopulaterowsusingAddItemmethod F usionChartsBundledPackincludes: FusionCharts,PowerCharts, PowerMapsandFusionGadgets. ThePackprovidesdeveloperswith a collection of Flash components for creatinghighlyvisualWebapplications based on the Adobe Flash Platform. Developerscanbuildcross-browser and cross-platform solutions which blend content, application logic and communications delivering an effectiveenduserexperience. FusionChartsdeliversinteractiveand J anusWinFormsControlsSuite consists of 100% .NET managed code components that are designed to provideuserinterfacesforMicrosoft .NET applications patterned after MicrosoftOutlook. JanusWinFormsControlsSuite containsJanusGridEXfor.NET (OutlookGrid),JanusSchedule for.NET(OutlookCalendarView), JanusTimelineControlfor.NET (OutlookJournal),JanusButtonBar Controlfor.NETandExplorerBar Controlsfor.NET(OutlookShortcut eyecatchingFlashcharts.FusionMaps canplotover450maps,includingall continents,majorcountriesandallUS states. FusionWidgets is a collection of real-time gauges, self-updating charts andfinancialchartslikeGanttcharts, funnel/pyramidcharts,bulletgraphs, sparklinesetc. TheproductcanbeusedwithanyWeb scriptinglanguagelike.NET,ASP,JSP, PHP,ColdFusion,RubyonRailsetc. Bar),JanusCommandManager(Menus andToolbars),JanusPanelManager (Outlook/VS.NETpanes),Janus TabControl(tabcontrol)andJanus Ribbonfor.NET(Offi ce2007style Ribbonbar).JanusGridEXfor.NET isadata-aware,fullyeditablegrid componentthatcanbeboundtoany tableinadatasetortoanyotherdata sourcethatsupportsIList,ITypedList orIBindingListinterfaces.JanusGridEX for.NETdoesnotsacrificeanygroup, sort or filter capabilities, when it is bound. FROMINFOSOFTGLOBAL Product FROMJANUSSYSTEMS Top 250 Review FusionCharts Bundled Pack 10 - $489.02 Price Product Top 250 Review Price PowerCharts V3.1 54 - $195.02 Janus WinForms Controls Suite V3.5 7 $757.44 FusionCharts V3.1 109 $195.02 Janus GridEX for .NET V3.5 29 $469.44 FusionWidgets V3.1 184 $195.02 Janus GridEX 2000b 91 $315.84 FusionCharts for Flex V1.2 - - $293.02 Janus Schedule and Timeline Controls for .NET V3.5 100 - $431.04 FusionCharts for VB V1.0 - - $97.02 Janus UI Controls for .NET V3.5 126 $431.04 FusionMaps V3.1.0 - - $195.02 - - $661.44 Janus Web ASP.NET Server Controls Suite V3.0 Top 250:RankinTop250BestSellingproductlist.Review: Five star customer rating from our Web site. 32 USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 ©1996-2010ComponentSource.AllRightsReserved.Allpricescorrectatthetimeofpress.Onlinepricesmayvaryfromthoseshownduetodailyfluctuationsandonlinediscounts. FusionChartsBundledPack BEST SELLER LEAD Technologies Nevron Precision image control - used by Corel, HP, Kodak and Microsoft. Deliver exceptional enhancements to your reports in both SSRS 2005 and SSRS 2008. LEADTOOLSImagingProSDK NevronSSRSVision Image File Formats Loadandsavefilesinmany different raster file formats. Compression Support Compressimagesintolossyor lossless image formats, using market-leadingcompression techniques. Nevron SSRS Vision 2010 Vol.1 Spatial Image Manipulation Completeimageresizingcontrol after and during loading. Perfect forsingleimageandbatchresize applications. •IncludesAPI,.NETClass,C++ClassLibrary,ActiveXandVCLtoolkit Lighting Models OrthogonalProjectionwithDepth Offset,SoftShadowsbasedon imagefilters,Blur,Glow,Lightning, Bevel and Emboss image filters. Visual Editors Includes:FillStyleeditor,Stroke Styleeditor,ShadowStyleeditor, TextStyleeditor,FrameStyle editor. •Load,saveandconvertover150+rasterimagefileformats •Includesvisualeditorsthatallowforeasyintegrationwithyourdata,advanced anduniquechartsandgauges •SupportsTWAIN,screencaptureanddatabaseconnectivity •Photoshop-likeeffects,HTML-likerich-textformatting L EADTOOLSImagingProSDKisa.NET ClassLibrary,C++ClassLibraryand DLLImagingAPISDKwithsupport for150+rasterfileformats(JPEG, GIF,TIFF,etc.),imageprocessingwith 2000+effects,imagetransforms andfilters,extensiveloadingand viewing options, TWAIN scanning, printing, thumbnail browser, Internet and database imaging functions, evronSSRSVisionincludesNevron N ChartandNevronGaugeforSSRS. NevronChartforSQLServerReporting Services(SSRS)isanadvancedreport item, which delivers a complete setof2Dand3Dchartingtypes, highlycustomizableaxes,tightdata integration and unmatched visual effectstoyourreports.NevronCharts SSRSinstantlyimprovesyourreport compression, screen capture, drawing, color conversion, graphics conversion, common dialogs, etc. It also includes digitalpaintfunctionalityfor developers who need to incorporate paintcapabilityintotheirapplications. TheincludedLEADTOOLSTileImage Viewer,enablesyoutoaddfast, interactiveimageviewingintoyour ASP.NET Web applications. FROMLEADTECHNOLOGIES Product authoringexperience,withitspolished visual editors and refined settings andwell-organizedstructure.Nevron GaugeforSQLServerReporting Services(SSRS)isanadvancedreport item, which delivers a complete set of gaugetypes,highlycustomizableaxes, tight data integration and unmatched visualeffectstoyourreports. FROMNEVRON Top 250 Review 72 - $97.50 Top 250 Review Nevron SSRS Vision 2010 Vol.1 171 - LEADTOOLS Imaging Pro SDK V17 81 - LEADTOOLS Multimedia SDK V17 169 - $895.50 Nevron Chart for .NET Enterprise 2010 Vol.1 234 $583.10 Nevron User Interface Suite for .NET Enterprise 2010 Vol.1 - LEADTOOLS 1D Barcode Module V17 - - $660.25 Nevron .NET Vision Enterprise 2010 Vol.1 - - $1,549.28 LEADTOOLS 2D Barcode Module V17 LEADTOOLS Document Imaging SDK V17 - - $1,420.25 Nevron 3DChart V7.1 - - $671.78 - - $2,245.50 Nevron Chart for .NET Lite 2010 Vol.1 - - $291.52 LEADTOOLS ICR Module V17 - - $1,420.25 Nevron Chart for .NET Professional 2010 Vol.1 - $574.28 LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging SDK V17 - - $4,045.50 Nevron Chart for Reporting Services 2010 Vol.1 - - $866.78 LEADTOOLS OCR Module V17 - - $1,420.25 Nevron Chart for SharePoint 2010 Vol.1 - - $1,208.03 LEADTOOLS OMR Module V17 - - $755.25 Nevron Diagram for .NET Professional 2010 Vol.1 - - $574.28 LEADTOOLS Multimedia SDK Runtime Licenses V17 Price Product Top 250:RankinTop250BestSellingproductlist.Review: Five star customer rating from our Web site. 34 Axis Scale Breaks AxisScaleBreaksskiparange ofvaluesontheaxis.Theyare usedtoincreasethereadability of the chart. USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 Price $1,208.03 $866.78 $359.78 ©1996-2010ComponentSource.AllRightsReserved.Allpricescorrectatthetimeofpress.Onlinepricesmayvaryfromthoseshownduetodailyfluctuationsandonlinediscounts. LEADTOOLS Imaging Pro SDK V17 Syncfusion The Imaging Source Accelerate Silverlight, WinForms, WPF and ASP.NET development with 150+ components. Create your own Word Processing application with ease. Syncfusion Essential Studio Enterprise 2010 TX Text Control Bundle Enterprise V15.1 BEST SELLER Outlook 2007 UI CreateapplicationswithUI patterns and paradigms in both Windows Forms and ASP.NET. TXTextControlBundle Word 2007 UI CreateaWindowsForms applicationrecreatingtheOffi ce 2007lookandfeelusingthe Ribboncontrols. Numerous Chart Types Includes support for Enterprise qualitychartcreationcapabilities withallthecharttypesyoucan thinkof. •Includescomponentsforgrids,docking,charting,diagramming,PDF&Offi ce reporting and scheduling Search and Replace Flexiblesearchandreplace functionalitycanbeaccessedfrom program code. Document Sections Documentscanbedividedinto an unlimited number of different sections,eachoneofwhichmay beindividuallyformatted. •Allthefeaturesexpectedinahighendwordprocessorincomponentform •EasilybuildWPFandASP.NETBusinessIntelligenceapplications •SupportsDOCX,DOC,RTF,PDF(importandexport),PDF/A,XML,HTML,CSS,GIF, BMP,JPG,PNG,ANSI,Unicodeandmanymore S yncfusionEssentialStudioEnterprise isadynamicandfeaturerichsuitethat haseverythingdevelopersneedto create Enterprise-class applications. It includes Essential Tools (a collection of user interface controls including Vistastylecontrols,dockingwindows, etc),EssentialGrid(fullycustomizable gridwithextensiveExcellikefeature set),EssentialGrouping(ahigh T XTextControlBundleincludesboth theActiveXand.NETversionsofTX TextControl.Ithelpsyoucreateyour own word processing application withtheabilitytoread,edit,and createdocumentsinMicrosoftWord formats.TXTextControlBundle supportstables,objectlinkingand embedding, database access, bulleted and numbered lists, and more. It performance grouping engine that can groupanylistofdata),EssentialXlsIO (a component that can read and write MicrosoftExcelfiles),EssentialDiagram (developVisiolikeinteractive2D graphics&diagrammingapplications), EssentialChart(businesschart componentwithauniquepointbased stylesarchitecture)andmuchmore. FROMSYNCFUSION Product even supports drag and drop so youcandroptextindirectlyfrom otherapplications.TXTextControl Bundle also features advanced Internetfunctionalityallowingyouto createapplicationsthatrundirectly inInternetExplorer,andthereis alsoanHTMLfilterincludedsoyou can support writing and reading documentsinHTML. FROMTHEIMAGINGSOURCE Top 250 Review Price Product Syncfusion Essential Studio Enterprise Edition 2010 17 $1,269.10 Top 250 Review 120 - $3,526.04 Syncfusion Essential Studio Reporting Edition 2010 83 - $975.10 Syncfusion Essential Diagram 2010 - $485.10 TX Text Control ActiveX Professional V15.1 134 $1,045.59 TX Text Control .NET Professional Edition V15.1 172 - Syncfusion Essential XlsIO 2010 - $485.10 TX Text Control ActiveX Enterprise/XML V15.1 $1,045.59 189 - Syncfusion Essential Chart 2010 - - $485.10 $2,182.18 TX Text Control ActiveX Standard V15.1 - - Syncfusion Essential DocIO 2010 - - $499.59 $485.10 TX Text Control RapidSpell .NET V15.1 - - Syncfusion Essential Edit 2010 - $293.02 - $485.10 TX Text Control .NET Enterprise Edition V15.1 - - $2,182.18 Syncfusion Essential Gauge 2010 Syncfusion Essential Grid 2010 - - $485.10 TX Text Control .NET Standard Edition V15.1 - - $499.59 - - $485.10 TX Text Control .NET Server V15.1 - - $2,938.04 Syncfusion Essential PDF 2010 - - $485.10 TX Text Control ActiveX Server V15.1 - - $2,938.04 TX Text Control Bundle Enterprise Edition V15.1 Top 250:RankinTop250BestSellingproductlist.Review: Five star customer rating from our Web site. 36 Text Frames Freelyplaceabletextframescan be inserted and positioned as a characterorgeometricallyrelative to a paragraph or a page. USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 Price ©1996-2010ComponentSource.AllRightsReserved.Allpricescorrectatthetimeofpress.Onlinepricesmayvaryfromthoseshownduetodailyfluctuationsandonlinediscounts. SyncfusionEssentialStudioEnterprise .NETXPERT Xceed Software InfoScope V2.5 Xceed Ultimate Suite 2010 v2 65+ advanced UI controls and data manipulation libraries, for COM, .NET, CF, WF, WPF and Silverlight. Easily post InfoPath forms to a Web server. •Interoperablewithallkindsof.NET based Enterprise solutions NEW RELEASE •IncludesWindowsSharePoint Services (WSS) support InfoScope InfoScope is an InfoPath runtime engine that enables users who don’t have InfoPath to use InfoPath forms through a Web browser. InfoScope enables inputs and updates of data withinInfoPath,andmakestheentire processinteroperablewithabackend systemviaaWebbrowser. InfoScopeprovidesaServiceOriented Architecture(SOA)whichmeets variousdifferenttypesofcomplicated businessrequirementsthrough.NET technology.Thisenablescustomers and/or partners to integrate into XceedUltimateSuite yourbusinessprocessesviaonline electronic forms. InfoScope also provides an InfoScope SharePointWebPartControl.It’sa real InfoPath form not a Web page. No roundtrip and no modification. Justpublishandyouarereadytouse InfoPath. Since InfoScope is autoinstalledtoclients,youwon’tmeet deploymentissues. InfoScope also enables Web pages to catcheventssothatyoucandevelop Web applications using InfoPath forms. FROM.NETXPERT InfoScope V2.5 Xceed Upload for Silverlight Supports uploading multiple files in a single transaction, and supportsGZipandDeflate,with controllable compression. High-quality, Fast ASP.NET 2D/3D Chart Control Supports14major2D/3Dchart types,flexibleaxes,scaling, legends, drill-down, etc. Xceed DataGrid for WPF Features include hierarchical master-detail;12flexible,themed editors;aninteractiveCardflow3D view and more. •IncludesallXceed’s.NET,CF,WPF,WF,Silverlight,COMandActiveXcomponents •Supports211Dbarcodesincluding Code39/128/93andEAN-8/13 FROMXCEEDSOFTWARE Product BarcodeXpress arcodeXpressallowsyoutocreate B applicationstoread1D(linear) and2Dbarcodes.Itprovidesmany preprocessingfunctionsthatletyou manipulateandcleanupyourimage priortobarcodeanalysisincluding mirroring,flipping,zooming,rotating, negating,andmore.BarcodeXpress supports211Dbarcodesincluding Code39/128/93,EAN-8/13,and 2DbarcodesincludingPDF417.It is designed to support document capture,indexing,archivingand process automation applications. Availableasbotha.NETandActiveX toolkit,itlocatesbarcodesanywhere on a page, decodes barcodes, reports the content, reports recognition confidence values, and also writes barcodes. Top 250 Review Price Xceed Ultimate Suite 2010 v2 48 $959.95 Xceed Grid for .NET V3.8 217 $489.95 Xceed FTP for .NET V4.1 - - $391.95 Xceed 3D Views for WPF V3.6 - - $391.95 Xceed Absolute Packager V1.1 - - $47.95 Top 250 Review Xceed Chart for .NET V4.2 - - $489.95 Barcode Xpress V6.0 59 - $1,371.02 Xceed Chart for ASP.NET V4.2 - - $489.95 ImagXpress Standard V9.0 181 - $959.04 Xceed Data Manipulation Suite 2010 v1 - $636.95 CapturePRO V3.0 248 - $383.04 Xceed DataGrid for WPF Professional v3.7 - - $783.95 ImageGear for .NET v16 - - $2,939.02 Xceed DataGrid for WPF UX Edition v3.7 - - $391.95 ScanFix Xpress V6.0 - - $2,449.02 FROMACCUSOFTPEGASUS Product Top 250:RankinTop250BestSellingproductlist.Review: Five star customer rating from our Web site. 38 Price $1,960.00 Add robust barcode recognition & creation to your applications. ceedUltimateSuiteoffersbothUser X Interface tools for application frontends and data handling libraries for applicationback-ends. TheSuiteincludesfunctionalityfor compression (Silverlight, .NET, ASP.NET, CF,ActiveX),encryption(ActiveX),user interface(WPF,.NET,ASP.NET,ActiveX) data manipulation (WF), file transfer - Barcode Xpress V6.0 •Toolsincludemirroring,flipping, zooming,rotating,negatingand more XceedGridfor.NET(includedinXceed UltimateSuite)comeswith120+ features: grouping, master/detail, WindowsandOffi cetheming,fixed rowsandcolumns,Excelexport, gradientmaps,interactivevisualstyles andcellUIvirtualization. Review - Accusoft Pegasus •1yearVanguardsubscriptionincludesfreeupdates,freeupgrades,allnewXceed productreleasesandprioritysupport (Silverlight,.NET,ASP.NET,CF,ActiveX) andbinaryencoding(ActiveX). Top 250 USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 Price ©1996-2010ComponentSource.AllRightsReserved.Allpricescorrectatthetimeofpress.Onlinepricesmayvaryfromthoseshownduetodailyfluctuationsandonlinediscounts. Product ActsOne AG-TECH Add diverse Adobe Flex UI functionality to your Web site. Fast, easy to program access to Pervasive.SQL databases from .NET. •Includesgrid,grouping,tree, totaling, calculation, input, menus, navigation features and more •ProvidesdirectaccesstoPervasive’s transactional interface from within .NET •ExtendsFlexcomponentfunctions •Extendedclassenablesmaximum performance when searching Pervasive data BlueOne Components Btrieve Classes for .NET V3.0 BlueOneComponents includessupportforFlexbasedPDF, Word and Flash reporting and has an integrated Web UI as well as an easy-to-useeditingenvironment. Otherfeaturesinclude:skinand interfacegeneration,anextended textbox,easydatagridcellextending, performance implementation, automatic cell calculation, cell drill-down functions, column splits, MDI(MultipleDocumentInterface Window)andanextendedtree& button control. FROMACTSONE Product trieveClassesfor.NETisasetof.NET B database access support classes that enablefast,easytoprogramaccess from.NETprogramstoPervasive.SQL databases via the Btrieve API. As such theygreatlyhelpdeveloperslooking to write .NET programs accessing data inPervasive.SQLdatabasesorthose lookingtomigrateexistingpre-.NET Btrieve/Pervasive applications to .NET. Thisproductincludestwotypesof classlibrarythefirst(DDFClass)is specificallydesignedforthe.NET Frameworkandiscomposedofclasses thatenablesmartandeffi cientaccess to column data and definition of data typeconversioncode.Thesecondtype ofclass(NativeClass)providesBtrieve API level access from .NET managed code. BtrieveClassesfor.NETperformswith greatereffi ciencyandhenceisfaster thanADO.NETorPervasive’sOLEDB provider. BtrieveClassesfor.NETincludesfull supportforPervasivePSQLv9and VisualStudio. Top 250 Review BlueOne Components for Flex Builder 2 - - $949.05 Price BlueOne Components for Flex Builder 3 - - $949.05 Product GridOne V1.0 - - $627.00 Btrieve Classes for .NET V3.0 FROMAG-TECH Antenna House Aurigma Format XML/CSS documents, data and forms at high speed. Download multiple files from your site with just a few clicks. •Supportspagelayoutsspecified usingCSS(CascadingStyleSheets) forformattingdocumentsforPDF and print •Canbeusedwithanykindofserver platforms including: ASP.NET, PHP, ASP,JSP,ColdFusion,Perl,Python, Ruby AH CSS Formatter V5.1 •AlllanguagesincludingEastAsian are supported AHCSSFormatter enhancedPDFfeatureslike:AcroForms, PDF/A,PDF1.7,PostScriptoutput, DigitalSignaturesandnumerous others. Antenna House provides commandline,.NET,COM,Javaand C++/Cinterfaces.Thesemakeiteasyto integrateAHCSSFormatterwithWeb applications, content management systems,andothersoftwareproducts. urigmaFileDownloaderisa A downloadsolutionforyoursites. It enables end-users to download multiplefilesfromyoursitewithjust afewclicks.EndUsersonlyneed toclickabuttonintegratedinto yourHTMLpage(ActiveXcontrol), select the destination folder, and start downloading. With Aurigma FileDownloader,yourenduserscan FROMANTENNAHOUSE Product - Price $764.40 NEW RELEASE AurigmaFileDownloader control the list of files to download, view the progress of a download andevenskipcertainfilesduring download. When the download is complete, users can see a log file. AurigmaFileDownloadercanbeused withanyserverplatformASP.NET, PHP,ASP,JSP,ColdFusion,Perl,Python, Ruby,etc. FROMAURIGMA Top 250 Review Price Top 250 Review AH CSS Formatter Lite V5.1 - - $1,960.00 Aurigma File Downloader 2.1 - - $146.02 AH CSS Formatter Standard V5.1 - - $4,900.00 Aurigma Image Uploader ActiveX 6.1 - - $146.02 AH Formatter Lite V5.1 - - $2,744.00 Aurigma Image Uploader Java and ActiveX 6.1 - - $244.02 AH Formatter Standard V5.1 - - $6,860.00 Aurigma PhotoEditor V2.0 - - $391.02 AH XSL Formatter Standard V4.3 - - $4,900.00 Graphics Mill 5.5 - - $1,273.02 Product Top 250:RankinTop250BestSellingproductlist.Review: Five star customer rating from our Web site. 40 Review - Aurigma File Downloader 2.1 •Supportsover50languages HCSSFormatterenablesWeb A designerstoaddprintandPDF outputtotheirsystems.Itincludesa GUI,supportforover50languages, PDFgeneration,W3Ccompliance, unlimiteddocumentsize,SVGsupport andvectorsupportforEMFandWMF. Two-passformattingmakesitpossible to format huge documents with high quality.AHCSSFormatteralsoincludes Top 250 USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 Price © 1996-2010ComponentSource.AllRightsReserved.Allpricescorrectatthetimeofpress.Onlinepricesmayvaryfromthoseshownduetodailyfluctuationsandonlinediscounts. lueOneComponentsarecustom B UIcomponents,developedby ActsOneusingActionScript3.0,with richfunctionstomakeAdobeFlex applications more useful. It showcases manyeffective,easy-to-use,rich componentssuchasBlueDataGrid, BlueMDIWindowandBluePanel. BlueDataGridinparticularhasmany functions including multi header, data merging,treedatagrid,OLAPgrid, Excelexport,totalingandsubtotaling features.BlueOneComponents BtrieveClassesfor.NET BCGSoft Bennet-Tec Information Systems Create Office, Visual Studio and IE style user interfaces. Grid, listview or treeview for structured data presentation and data entry. •IncludesacustomizableOffi ce2007 styleRibboncontrol •In-placeeditingprovidesaneasy end-user interface as well as flexibilityindataselectionand validation. BCGControlBar Library Professional V12 Tlist V8.0 •Includesmorethan200well designed,testedMFCextension classes •Drag&drop,save&loaddata,print, and offer restricted data views. BCGControlBarLibraryProfessional CGControlBarLibraryProfessional B EditionMFChasmorethan200 (Ribbon,toolbar,menu,calendar, grid,editor,ganttandmanyothers) thoroughlydesigned,testedandfully documentedMFCextensionclasses whichcanbeeasilyincorporatedinto yourapplicationtosaveyouhundreds of development and debugging hours. It includes advanced features such as detachable tab panes, auto hide panes, newdockingalgorithms(similarto thoseintroducedinMicrosoftVisual StudioandMicrosoftVisio),atext editorwithsyntaxhighlightingand IntelliSense-stylesupport,Offi ce-style calendar, professional grids and much more. BCGControlBarLibraryProfessional MFCincludesSourcecodeandafree oneyearsubscription. T Listallowsyoutodisplayitemsin alisthierarchically,toorganizeand displaylogicallygroupedelements. Offeringbothdatapresentation anddataentry,TListallowsyouto arrangedataasamulti-columnList, Tree,GridorHeirarchicTree-Gridfor optimalorganizationofyourcritical information.TList’ssupportfor Tlist formatting with icons, colors and fonts isidealforeasyend-userrecognition. TListletsyouadddistinctimagesto each row, each grid cell and supports nonscrollingcolumns,tooltips,3-D gridlines, drag and drop, sorting, printing, clipboard actions, multiple selections, multi-line word wrapping and more. FROMBENNET-TECINFORMATIONSYSTEMS FROMBCGSOFT Product Top 250 Review Price Product Top 250 Review Tlist V8.0 207 - Price $383.04 185 - $685.02 ALLText HT/Pro V4.5 - - $343.00 BCGControlBar Library for .NET V4.0 - - $538.02 MetaDraw ActiveX V3.1 - $479.04 BCGPEdit V9.0 - - $195.02 MetaDraw WinForms for .Net - - $489.02 BCGSuite for MFC V1.0 - - $489.02 TBack Pro V2.0 - - $147.00 BCGControlBar Library Professional V12 Change Vision Chant TRICHORD V1.3 Chant Developer Workbench An agile project management tool. BEST SELLER Comprehensive development and testing environment for working with speech. •Managemultiprojectsbyswitching workspaces •ActiveX,CDLL,COM,Java,.NET,VCL, Web,Win32andWinCElibraries •Usecoloredcardsfortasksinsteadof writingtasksinlists •SupportsDragon,ViaVoice,SAPI,and VoConrecognizers •AutomaticallygenerateTodo/Done lists TRICHORD •SupportsAcapela,Cepstral, RealSpeakSolo,&SAPIsynthesizers T RICHORDisasimpleAgileproject management tool that helps developers and managers to trackstatusataglancefromthree viewpoints(Time,Task,Team),using Kanban Board (a Just-In-Time pull controlmethod.TRICHORDhasthree main features. The Kanban Board featurewhichvisualizestheproject’s taskstatusintuitively,likecardson awall.TheBurndownChartwhich visualizestheamountofremaining tasksandtheproject’svelocityand theNiko-nikoCalendarfeaturewhich visualizestheteam’smoodand servesasasimpletwitter-likeSMS communicationcenterfortheproject. TRICHORDcanalsoexportproject status into a document that can be viewed via Web browsers. hantDeveloperWorkbenchis C comprised of tools and components fordevelopingsoftwarethatspeaks and listens. As an interactive toolset, it provides a development and testingenvironmentforworking with the component libraries and thespeechtechnologyobjectsthey manage. With component libraries, youcanmanagegrammars,lexicons, FROMCHANGEVISION Product ChantDeveloperWorkbench profiles,recognizers,synthesizers, andtext-to-speechmarkupdirectly withinapplicationsoftwareyou developanddeploy.WithintheChant DeveloperWorkbenchinteractive environment,youcancreate,edit,and testgrammars,lexicons,profiles,and text-to-speechmarkuptodeploywith yourapplications. FROMCHANT Top 250 Review Price Product Top 250 Review TRICHORD V1.3 19 - $196.00 Chant Developer Workbench - - $881.02 astah* professional V5.5 32 - $274.40 Chant GrammarKit V3.0 - - $195.02 astah* UML V6.1 - - $49.00 Chant GrammarKit for WinCE V3.0 - - $195.02 astah* professional V6.1 - - $274.40 Chant LexiconKit V2.0 - - $195.02 astah* share V1.1 - - $686.00 Chant ProfileKit 3.0 - - $195.02 USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 Price 41 ComponentArt Data Techniques ComponentArt Web.UI for ASP.NET AJAX 2010.1 Advanced user interface suite of ASP.NET AJAX controls. FaxMan V4.6 NEW RELEASE Seamlessly embed fax support into your Windows applications. •Deliversfast,lightweightand feature-rich user interfaces •Createfaxesfromanyapplication usingtheFaxManprinterdriver •Client-sideAPIfeaturingMicrosoft AJAXlibrarysyntaxallowsfortotal control over structure and data, with persistence to the server •Sophisticatedloggingkeepstrackof everyfaxyouschedule omponentArtWeb.UIforASP.NET C AJAXincludes24userinterface controls for the development of sophisticated Web applications. It includesthefollowingAJAXcontrols: Calendar,CallBack,ComboBox,Dialog, Editor,Grid,Menu,MultiPage,NavBar, Rotator,SiteMap,Snap,SpellCheck, Splitter,TreeView,Uploadandmore. All controls are built on the client-side componentmodelintroducedby •SupportsalmostallClass1,Class2, andClass2.0faxmodems ComponentArtWeb.UIforASP.NETAJAX ASP.NETAJAX,exposingJavaScript APIs that allow full client-side programmaticcontroloveranypartof the user interface. ComponentArtWeb.UInavigation controls(Menu,TreeView,NavBar, TabStripandSiteMap)provide meaningful content to search engines bygeneratingacrawlerfriendly representation of the navigation. F axManisaprogrammablefax engineforprovidingfaxsendingand receivingcapabilitywithtotalcontrol overthefaxingprocessandtheuser interface.Thedeveloperkitincludes ActiveXOCX,DLLandmanaged.NET component interfaces to support virtuallyanyWindowsapplication, andautomaticallyworkswithalmost allClass1,Class2,andClass2.0fax FROMCOMPONENTART © 1996-2010ComponentSource.AllRightsReserved.Allpricescorrectatthetimeofpress.Onlinepricesmayvaryfromthoseshownduetodailyfluctuationsandonlinediscounts. Product Review ComponentArt Web.UI for ASP.NET AJAX 2010.1 95 $783.02 ComponentArt Win.UI for WPF 2010.1 209 $783.02 ComponentArt SOA.UI for .NET 2010.1 - $587.02 ComponentArt UI Framework for .NET 2010.1 - $1,273.02 ComponentArt Web.UI for Silverlight 2010.1 - $783.02 Price DataDirect Technologies Product Top 250 Review 137 - $763.20 FaxMan Jr. V2.20 - $475.20 FaxMan PDF Import Addon - - $583.10 ImageIt V1.1 - - $78.35 ImageMan ActiveX V8.71 - $485.10 FaxMan V4.6 Price Studio Controls for COM V1.1 Comprehensive XML data transformation and aggregation toolset. BEST SELLER •IncludessynchronizedvisualXML editingviews,Sense:X,integrated XMLvalidator,XMLdifferencing, and more StylusStudioXMLEnterpriseSuite includesfeaturesforworkingwithXML, XQuery,XMLPipeline,XSLT,XSL:FO, EDI,XMLSchema/DTD,XPath,XML& databases,XHTML,XMLmapping,XML FaxManSDKallowsdevelopersto integrateFaxsupportforindustry standardfaxmodemsinhoursinstead ofthemonthsitwouldtaketowrite support from scratch. DBI Technologies Stylus Studio XML Professional Suite 2010 S tylusStudioXMLEnterpriseSuite isanadvancedXMLintegrated developmentenvironment(XML IDE)consistingofXMLtoolsand high-performance Java and .NET componentsfordeployingdata integration applications. modems.FaxManincludessample sourcecodeinVisualBasicandVisual C++. FROMDATATECHNIQUES Top 250 •SupportsvisualXQueryediting, mapping and debugging FaxMan UI and appointment scheduling components for COM-based IDEs. •Fast,intuitivecomponent-based programming •Acompletesetofscheduling, data input, data presentation, dialogue, calendar, and navigation components StylusStudioXML publishing and Web services. StylusStudioXMLalsofeatures ElectronicDataInterchange(EDI) integration tools for converting (EDIFACTtoXML,X12toXML), mappinganddeployingadvanced XMLdataintegrationapplications which involve read/write access to legacyEDIFACTandX12datasources. ItalsoletsyoucreateXMLschemafiles thatcorrespondtotheconvertedEDI documents. S tudioControlsforCOMincludesmore than40schedulingandUserInterface components. Itallowsyoutocreateprofessional schedulingsystems.anditincludesthe following scheduling and calendaring components:ctAlarm,ctCalendar, ctContact,ctDayView,ctDropDate, ctWeekctDate,ctMonthandctYear. To add effective user interfaces to yourapplication,StudioControlsfor COMalsoincludesdataedit/input, dialogues, navigation and general presentation components. StudioControlsforCOMincludes sampleapplications,plusonefullyear of technical support, updates and product upgrades. FROMDBITECHNOLOGIES Product FROMDATADIRECTTECHNOLOGIES StudioControlsforCOM Top 250 Review Studio Controls for COM V1.1 168 - $719.04 Price Solutions Schedule for COM 10.0 $969.22 Top 250 Review 236 Stylus Studio XML Professional Suite 2010 31 - $343.00 DBI Staff-Scheduler 3.2 - - $773.22 Stylus Studio XML Enterprise Suite 2010 - - $583.10 Extractor V7.2 - - $7,350.00 Stylus Studio XML Academic 2010 - - $343.00 Solutions Schedule for .NET V3.1 - - $969.22 Product Price Top 250:RankinTop250BestSellingproductlist.Review: Five star customer rating from our Web site. USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 43 dLSoft Fast Reports Create barcodes from within your applications. Report generator for Delphi. •SupportsEAN/UPC,Code39,Code 128/EAN128,Codabar,Telepen,and manypostalbarcodes •Exportfiltersallowyoutoexport yourreporttoPDF,RTF,XLS,XML, HTML,JPG,BMP,GIF,TIFF,TXT,CSV andOpenDocumentFormat dBarcode 1D Developers Kit V9.0 Barcode1DDevelopersKitallows d developers to generate barcodes directlyfromwithinavarietyof development environments. It supportsover50majorbarcode typesincludingCode128,Code39, EAN,UPC,etc.Eachunitenables the developer to set the code data, codetype,size,humanreadablefont properties and alignment, bearer •Built-inscriptengineletsyou performcomplexdatahandling dBarcode1DDevelopersKit bars,orientation,backgroundand foreground colors all from within their application.ItincludesanActiveX DLLforuseinVisualBasic,VBA(eg MSAccess)andC/C++,andDelphi components (based on TImage). A32-bitOLEserverisalsoincludedfor OLE-enabledWindowsapplications. F astReportisaVCLcomponentthat allows applications to generate reportsquicklyandeffi ciently.Itis a band-oriented report generator which comes with a wide range of bandtypesallowingyoutocreate anykindofreport.Reportscanconsist ofseveraldesignpagessoyoucan build a report that consists of a cover, dataandabackcover-allinonefile. FROMDLSOFT Product FastReport FastReportincludesavisualreport designerthatsupportszooming,undo, redo, guidelines, rulers and more. You canalsogiveyouruserstheabilityto modifyreportsandcreatenewones. FastReportcanbeusedinCodeGear Delphi4-2010,CodeGearC++Builder 6-2010andCodeGearRADStudio environments. FROMFASTREPORTS Top 250 Review Price Product Top 250 Review dBarcode 1D Developers Kit V9.0 104 $301.15 FastReport Standard Edition V4.9 176 - $175.42 dBarcode-2D Developers Kit V9.0 182 - $452.48 FastReport.Net Professional Edition 1.3 214 - $489.02 DataMatrix Font Kit V4.50 220 - $240.62 FastReport Professional Edition V4.9 - - $244.02 Barcode Tools for Crystal Reports V1.2 235 - $240.62 FastReport Basic Edition V4.9 - - $97.02 dFont Barcode Fonts for Windows - Code 128/EAN 128 V4.1 245 - $180.08 FastCube 1.6 - - $175.42 FOSS Software GdPicture Create professional, modern user interfaces for your Windows applications. Add advanced royalty free image processing to your applications. •MicrosoftOffi ce2000/XP/2003/2007 andVisualStudiolook-and-feel •DisplayRasterImages,Metafiles &PDFswithinafull-featured document viewer Prof-UIS V2.88 Price GdPicture.NET 6.7 •Includestabbeddockingwindows, tab containers, data grid and propertygridcontrols •Fullfeatured&royaltyfreedocument imagingtoolkitdeliveredas.NET components Prof-UIS rof-UISisaneasy-to-useMFC P extensionlibrarythatenablesyou to deliver Windows applications withaprofessionalanduser-friendly interface.Morethan200thoroughly testedanddocumentedC++Classes, templatesandinterfaceswillhelpyou takethetimeandcomplexityoutof incorporatingrichandup-to-dateGUI facilitiesinyourprojectsincluding: Offi ce2000/XP/2003/2007andVisual Studiolook-and-feel,ribbons,tabbed dockingwindows,tabcontainers withdetachabletabs,customizable datagridandpropertygridcontrols, customizablemenus,toolbarsand keyboardaccelerators,multiprofileGUI persistence and more. Prof-UIS is an extensible,object-orientedframework thatenablesyoutoeasilycustomize andextenditsfunctionality. dPicture.NETisasuiteofdocument G imagingtoolkitsdeliveredas.NET components enabling developers to compose,display,capture,editand print documents in .NET applications. WithGdPicture.NETyourprogramswill beabletodisplaydocuments,acquire images from TWAIN scanners, perform opticalcharacterrecognition(OCR) andmanyotherfeaturescovering NEW RELEASE GdPicture.NET all mainstream areas of document imaging. GdPicture.NETtechnologysupports morethan45vectorandbitmap imageformatsfrom1-bitto128-bit includingHighDynamicRangeimages, JPEG2000,JBIG,PSD,JPEG,TIFF,PNG and more. FROMGDPICTURE FROMFOSSSOFTWARE Product Product Top 250 Review Price Top 250 Review GdPicture.NET 6.7 57 - $1,616.02 GdPicture Pro Imaging SDK 5.12 146 - $734.02 GdTwain Pro SDK 2.7 193 - $538.02 103 - $338.10 Elegant Grid V1.3 - - $93.10 Elegant Ribbon V3.6 - - $142.10 GdPicture 1D Barcode Recognition Plugin - - $489.02 Prof-UIS Frame Features V1.2 - - $191.10 GdPicture Tesseract Plugin - - $489.02 Prof-UIS V2.88 Top 250:RankinTop250BestSellingproductlist.Review: Five star customer rating from our Web site. 44 Price USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 © 1996-2010ComponentSource.AllRightsReserved.Allpricescorrectatthetimeofpress.Onlinepricesmayvaryfromthoseshownduetodailyfluctuationsandonlinediscounts. •FullysupportsOffi ce2000/2002, 2003and2007andWindows2000, XPandVista FastReport V4.9 Inabyte Indigo Rose Enable advanced calculations in your accounting or spreadsheet application. Everything you need to make rock-solid professional software installers. •Integratesexpressionparsing, evaluating, and dependent formula recalculation •Compactsingle-filesetups InaCalc.Net V3.02 MSI Factory V2.1 •Systemrequirementschecking •PowerfulScriptingEngine •Includescustomfunctionsupport and multiple formula recalculation InaCalc.Net I naCalc.Netsupportsconventional math operators and functions and issuitableforheavy-dutynumber crunching. It also supports other data types,suchasstring,date-timeand logical and comes with operators and functionsforthesedatatypes.Itallows defining variables and sets of related formulas that implement spreadsheetlikerecalculations.TheInaCalc.Net MSIFactory componentintegratesexpression parsing, evaluating and dependent formula recalculation. It is useful in two generalareas;whenaformulahasto be defined, and, evaluated at runtime. TheInaCalc.Netcomponentalso supports custom functions and virtual variables. S etupFactoryforWindowsInstaller makesthetaskofcreatingprofessional installers faster, easier and hassle-free. SetupFactorywasdesignedtobefast andeasytouse.Bypairingavisual layoutofyoursoftware’sfilesand folderswithapoint-and-clickinterface, theentireprocessbecomescompletely logicalandabsolutelypainless.What’s more,SetupFactorycreatesacompact, FROMINABYTE single-filesetup.exethatrunsonany version of Windows from Windows 95 allthewayuptoWindows7.Setup Factoryincludesavarietyoffeatures designedtohelpyoumanageaccessto yoursoftware,includingserialnumber listsanddate-basedexpiration.Withits powerfulserialnumbergeneratoryou canquicklycreatethousandsofunique serialnumbersforyourproduct. FROMINDIGOROSE Product Top 250 Review Price InaCalc.Net V3.02 - $391.02 InaAuthenticate V2.1 - - $273.42 InaAuthenticate.Net V3.2 - - $322.67 InaCalc V2.5 - - $273.42 InaCardCheck V3.0 - - $230.30 InstallAware Product Top 250 Review 117 - $387.10 AutoPlay Media Studio V7.5 175 $289.10 Setup Factory V8.2 202 $387.10 TrueUpdate V3.5 - - $387.10 Visual Patch V3.5 - - $387.10 MSI Factory V2.1 Price Keyoti InstallAware 9 RapidSpell Desktop .NET V4.6 A setup authoring tool for deploying products, patches and Web updates. NEW RELEASE •Detectandmanagesetupsonvirtual machines •Interactivedialogchecking •Includessupportfor3rdparty components •Setup64bitand32bitsystemswith the same installer •CompletelyscriptableWebupdate process InstallAware is a software installation solution for Windows Installer that enablesMSIcodescriptingforrapid setup development without the high cost and steep learning curve of other setup solutions. WithInstallAwareyoucanbuild sophisticated installations in record timewithoutanyprogramming orscriptingskills.InstallAware Integrate spell checking functionality into your .NET and WPF applications. •WPFsupportincludesdialogbased checkingofWPF’sTextBoxand RichTextBoxcontrols InstallAwareDeveloper providesyouwiththelatestfeatures andtechnologysupport,withthe advantages of true rapid-Windows Installerdevelopmentproductivity. InstallAware’spowerfulMSIcode simplifies setup development bytransparentlymanagingallof yourWindowsInstallerconditions, installationsequencesandparameters using a concise and human-readable setup language. apidSpellDesktop.NETallowsyou R toadd“as-you-type”spellcheckingto anytextualapplication(email,word processor etc.) with a couple of lines ofcode.ItcanalsobeusedinnonGUI contextsusingitsspellcheckingAPI. RapidSpellDesktop.NETprovides3 spellingcomponents;RapidSpellDialog (dialogbasedcheckercontrol), RapidSpellDesktop.NET RapidSpellAsYouType(asyoutype checkcontrol)andRapidSpellChecker (corespellcheckerclass). RapidSpellDesktop.NETincludes 140,000wordU.S.&U.K.dictionaries (anduserdictionary),multi-threaded GUIandasuggestionengine. Additional dictionaries are available for other languages. FROMKEYOTI FROMINSTALLAWARE Product Product Top 250 Review Price RapidSpell Desktop .NET V4.6 - $465.50 - $1,469.02 RapidSpell Java Desktop V2.2 - - $224.42 - $979.02 Keyoti Search Lite ASP.NET 4 - - $343.00 - - $1,959.02 Keyoti Search Pro for ASP.NET 4.0 - - $547.82 - - $2,939.02 RapidSpell Web .NET Dictionaries V3.4 - - $147.00 Top 250 Review InstallAware Developer 9 - InstallAware Express 9 - InstallAware Studio 9 InstallAware Studio Admin 9 USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 Price 45 Lassalle Technologies Neodynamic Dynamic interactive flowcharts and workflow diagrams. Generate Linear 1D and 2D barcode images. •Advanceddiagramgraphics includingtooltipsandURL embedding •Barcodeimagegenerationand printingsupportfor1D,2Dand Postalbarcodesymbologies •Smallassembly(suitableforWeb deployment) •GIF,BMP,PNG,JPEG,TIFF,EPS,EMF andMonochrome(BlackandWhite1 bitperpixel)imagegeneration AddFlow for .NET V2.2 Barcode Professional SDK for .NET V2.0 AddFlow for .NET ddflowfor.NETletsyouquickly A buildflowchartenabledapplications likeworkflowdiagrams,database diagrams,communicationnetworks, organizationalcharts,process flow,statetransitionsdiagrams, telephonecallcenters,CRM(Customer RelationshipManagement),expert systems,graphtheoryandquality control diagrams, etc. Addflowfor.NETsupportsdistinct colors,fonts,shapes,styles,pictures, text,andsoonforeachobjectof theflowchartdiagram(nodeor link).Italsosupportscustomshapes, metafiles,serialization,multi-level undo/redo,print,zoom,Bezier&spline curves,reflexivelinks,linkjumps,link autorouting, multiselection, scrolling, user data association and more. arcodeProfessionalSDKfor.NETisa B lightweight.NETassembly(DLL)which can be used for adding advanced barcode capabilities such as barcode image generation and printing supporttoany.NETFramework-based application. It supports most popular Linear(1D),Postaland2DBarcode symbologies/standardsall-in-one solutionincludingCode39,Code FROMLASSALLETECHNOLOGIES © 1996-2010ComponentSource.AllRightsReserved.Allpricescorrectatthetimeofpress.Onlinepricesmayvaryfromthoseshownduetodailyfluctuationsandonlinediscounts. Product BarcodeProfessionalSDKfor.NET 128,GS1-128,GS1DataBar(RSS-14), EAN13&UPC,Postal(USPS,British RoyalMail,AustraliaPost,DHL,etc.), datamatrix,QRCode,PDF417,Aztec Code,UPSMaxiCodeandmore.Itdoes notrequireanyspecialorcomplex configurationstouseitinyour.NET applications;justaddareferencetothe DLLassemblyandinstantiateinyour preferred .NET language. FROMNEODYNAMIC Top 250 Review Price Product Top 250 Review AddFlow for .NET V2.2 75 - $489.02 Barcode Professional SDK for .NET V2.0 198 - $342.90 AddFlow for Silverlight Professional V1.2.0.4 215 - $685.02 ImageDraw SDK for .NET V2.0 247 - $274.30 AddFlow Suite for .NET V2.2 233 - $685.02 Neodynamic Barcode Professional for Windows Forms Ultimate V6.0 - - $362.50 AddFlow ActiveX V5.4 - $489.02 ThermalLabel SDK for .NET 2.0 - - $284.10 AddFlow for Silverlight Standard V1.2.0.4 - - $489.02 ImageDraw for ASP.NET V5.0 - - $225.30 NETRONIC Software Newtone Add interactive Gantt diagrams to your applications. Make your applications size and resolution independent. •Userinteractionssuchascreate, deleteanddrag&dropactivitiesare handledbythecomponent •Automaticallychangethesizeofall controlsandfontssotheywillbe displayedonanysizedform •Includeszoomingandscalingof diagrams •YoucanattachResizeKitdirectlyon yourformandmakeapplicationsof anysize VARCHART JGantt V2.4 ResizeKit2 VARCHARTJGantt ARCHARTJGanttisacomponent V writteninJava,thateasilyletsyou integrateGanttchartsintoyour application.ActivitiesinVARCHART JGanttcanbedisplayedeitherbya varietyofpre-definedbarshapes,or canbecomposedfromscratch.Any shape and pattern is available, even dynamicbarsthatactivelygrowor diminish to indicate the degree of completionofanactivity.Barscan alsobeconnectedbylinksofdifferent types.Verticalandhorizontalgrids canbeplacedintheGanttgraphand thetimescalecanbecustomizedby position, scaling, colors and font. Settings to define the appearance and behavioroftheGanttchartcanbe defined at design time. FROMNETRONICSOFTWARE Product Price Price esizeKitisanActiveX/VCLcomponent R thatautomaticallychangesthesize ofallcontrolsandfontssotheywill bedisplayedonanysizedform.Full controlisprovidedtocustomize theresizingprocess.Eveniftheuser switchesthesizeofthedisplaywhile runninganapplication,theResizeKit willperceivethenewsizeand automaticallyadjustthesizeofthe components and fonts. ResizeKit and width can be specified along with initiallocationoftheform.ResizeKit is compatible with the latest versions ofDelphiandC++Builderandnow includes support for Windows 7. Without writing a single line of code, youhavetheabilitytochangethesize ofyourdisplayedformandtomake applications that don’t depend on the sizechangesoftheuserorchangesin screen resolution. Maximumandminimumformheight Top 250 Review VARCHART JGantt JavaBean V2.4 - - $2,909.62 VARCHART JGantt JSF V2.4 - - $3,154.62 Product Top 250 Review VARCHART XGantt .NET V4.3 - - $2,674.42 ResizeKit2 - - VARCHART XGantt ASP.NET V4.3 - - $2,674.42 ImageKit.NET V2.0 - - $783.02 VARCHART XGantt ActiveX V4.3 - - $2,674.42 ImageKit7 - $391.02 FROMNEWTONE Price $87.32 Top 250:RankinTop250BestSellingproductlist.Review: Five star customer rating from our Web site. USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 47 Novell O2 Solutions Mono Tools for Visual Studio 1.1 PDF4NET V4.1 Build .NET applications for Linux, Mac OS X and UNIX using Visual Studio. NEW RELEASE •Debugyourapplicationrunning onMonoonLinuxdirectlyinVisual Studio onoToolsforVisualStudioisa M commercialadd-inforMicrosoftVisual Studio that enables developers to write .NET applications for non-Windows platforms within their preferred development environment. It allows developers to build, debug and deploy.NETapplicationsonLinux MacOSXandUNIX,whilecontinuing toleveragetheextensiveecosystem of code, libraries, and tools available for.NET.MonoToolsforVisualStudio givesyoutheabilitytoexploit.NET skillsandexistingapplicationand NEW RELEASE •CreateandeditPDFfilesand performautomatedPDFformfilling •Unlimitedpagesperdocument,each withitsownsizeandorientation MonoToolsforVisualStudio businessknowledgetoincrease deploymentflexibilityandaccess newmarkets.Inthisway,developers canreducedevelopmentcomplexity, and businesses can increase revenue opportunities and avoid platform vendorlock-in.MonoToolsforVisual StudiointegratesMono-specificmenus andtemplatesintoVisualStudio, providinganintegratedexperience foranalyzing,testing,debugging,and deploying.NETapplicationsonMono, foruseonLinux,UNIXandMacOSX. FROMNOVELL Product Top 250 Review Price Mono Tools for Visual Studio 1.1 - - $97.02 MonoTouch 2.0 - - $391.02 •SupportsPDFannotations,layers andalphatransparency PDF4NET DF4NETisa.NETlibraryforcreating, P editingandfillingPDFfilesonthefly fromany.NETapplication.PDF4NET providesasimpleAPIthatallowsyou tocreatecomplexPDFdocuments, ortoeditexistingPDFfileswithafew linesofcode.Itscorefunctionality canbedividedinto3mainareas:PDF creation,PDFeditingandPDFforms filling. Otherfeaturesincludenativesupport formost1Dand2Dbarcodesand theabilitytocreateheaders,footers, pagetemplatesandlayers.Thelibrary provides support for both standard .NETFrameworkand.NETCompact Framework.Projectcostsarereduced whendevelopingwithPDF4NET becauseitcanbedistributedroyalty free. FROMO2SOLUTIONS Product Top 250 Review Price PDF4NET V4.1 40 $489.02 PDFBundle4NET (PDFView4NET + PDF4NET) V1.0 123 - PDFView4NET V2.4 244 $685.02 Barcode4NET .NET (WinForms and ASP.NET) V2.0 - - $489.02 Barcode4NET Windows Forms & Mobile Devices V2.0 - - $293.02 PDFlib Create PDF files from within server-side or client-side software. Include sophisticated time management capability in your applications. •Includesfunctionsforcreatingtext, graphics,imagesandlinks •Timeblockscanbedisplayedina Ganttchartorschemaview •DynamicallygeneratePDFfilesfrom Web or database server data •Displaydependenciesandcollisions between times PDFlib 8.0 $1,077.02 Gantt Time Package V3.x •Newtableformatter •Provideenduserswithagraphical waytoviewandmodifyprojects PDFlib DFlibisacomponentthatallowsyou P toprogrammaticallycreatePDFfiles fromwithinyourownserver-sideor client-sidesoftware.PDFlibdoesn’t makeuseofthird-partysoftwarefor generatingPDFs,nordoesitrequire anyothertools.PDFlibisavailable forallmajoroperatingsystemsand development environments. It offers a varietyoffunctions,includingatable formatter,PDF/Aoutputforlongtime archiving,AESencryption,integrated pCOSanalyzingtools,arepairand optimizationmodeforinputingPDFs. PDFlibcangeneratePDFdatadirectly inmemory(insteadofonfile),resulting in better performance and avoiding theneedfortemporaryfileswhich speedsupPDFgeneration. anttTimePackageisacollection G of user interface components which handletimeblocks.Thetimeblocks aredisplayedinaGanttchartora schema view. The times are connected toanowner,forexampleapersonor anactivityinaproject.Youcanalso useittodisplaydependenciesand collisions between times, which gives theenduseragraphicalwaytoview andmodifytheproject.Ganttchart GanttTimePackage diagramsareagoodwayofpresenting scheduledtasks.Itsgridfeatures include in-place edit modes such as combobox,edit,memo,checkbox, datetimepicker.Sortingpercolumn, multi select and virtual load to handle millions of rows. The time area has automatic collision detection and can showlinksbetweentimeitemsplus manyotherusefulfeatures. FROMPDFLIB FROMPLEXITYHIDE.COM Product Top 250 Review PDFlib 8.0 - - $1,073.10 Price PDFlib pCOS V2.0 - - $240.10 PDFlib Personalization Server (PPS) 8.0 - - $3,278.10 Gantt Time Package VCL V3.x PDFlib TET V3.0 - - $195.02 GTP.NET V3.3 PDFlib TET PDF IFilter V3.0 - - $116.62 GTP.NET for Silverlight V1.0 Product Gantt Time Package ActiveX V3.x Top 250:RankinTop250BestSellingproductlist.Review: Five star customer rating from our Web site. 48 USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 Top 250 Review Price 148 $469.44 - - $469.44 - - - $955.20 $1,225.00 © 1996-2010ComponentSource.AllRightsReserved.Allpricescorrectatthetimeofpress.Onlinepricesmayvaryfromthoseshownduetodailyfluctuationsandonlinediscounts. •Isolateincompatibilitiesbetween Monoand.NETwhichmightaffect cross-platform development Add PDF capabilities to your .NET applications. Raize Software Resco Locate and eliminate problems in your Delphi and C++Builder code. Suite of .NET CF controls for Pocket PC, Smartphone & Windows CE.NET. •Capturesdetailedinformation •CodeSitemessagesdonotinterrupt theflowofyourapplication •Includesgrid,calendar,listview,input form,zipcompression,navigation and touchscreen signature controls •Liveloggingandfileloggingcanbe performedeitherlocallyorremotely •Nowfeaturesachartcontrolwith fivecharttypes CodeSite V4.5 Resco MobileForms Toolkit 2010 CodeSite odeSiteisanadd-inforBorland C DelphiandC++Builderthatenables youtosenddetailedinformation (includingstringlists,objects, evenbitmaps)fromwithinyour applicationcodetoaspecialized receiver.Unlikemessageboxesand inspectingvariablesonbreakpoints, CodeSitemessagesarenottransient. The resulting log of messages sent RescoMobileFormsToolkit to a destination provides valuable information for locating problem areasinyourcode.SendingCodeSite messagesdoesnotinterrupttheflow ofyourapplicationashappenswhen messageboxesandbreakpointsare used.Asaresult,CodeSiteismuch more effective in situations where user interactions (e.g. focus changes) and paintingissuesneedtobetracked. escoMobileFormsToolkitisasuiteof R componentsdesignedspecificallyfor mobile devices. It includes advanced designers,supportofquickdata loading,standardizedmobileuser interface, Enterprise samples and manyotherfeatures.Itcontains AdvancedList.NET,AdvancedTree.NET, CompactChart.NET,DetailView.NET, SmartGrid.NET,Zip.NETandOutlook FROMRAIZESOFTWARE Product CodeSite V4.5 Controls.NET. AllRescoMobileFormsToolkit componentshavebeenspecifically designedsotheyfitthesmalldisplays ofmobiledevicesperfectly.Special optimizationssuchasRescoDelayLoad technologyensuresperformanceis optimizedevenondeviceswithlimited memoryandprocessorcapabilities. FROMRESCO Top 250 Review Price - - $391.02 Product Top 250 Review Resco MobileForms Toolkit 2010 66 - $734.95 Price DropMaster V2.1 - - $97.02 Resco AssetInventory ESP Volume 2 - - $2,939.95 Inspex V2.3 - - $97.02 Resco MobileBusiness ESP Volume 2 - - $2,939.95 Raize Components V5.2 - $391.02 Resco MobileCRM Studio 2010 - - $7,839.95 ScratchPad V2.0 - - $28.42 Resco MobileSurvey ESP Volume 2 - - $2,939.95 Seekford Solutions Serial Communications made easy. Add FTP support to your Windows applications. •Supportscommonfiletransfer protocols, serial ports and modems •Addfunctionalitywithoutlearning thecomplexitiesofFTPorTCP/IP •IncludesActiveXcomponents compatiblewiththeMSComm control •IncludessamplesforVisualBasic, VisualFoxPro,VisualC++,ASPand VBScript CommStudio FTP Wizard V3.0 CommStudio ommStudiomakesiteasytolet C yourapplicationcommunicateusing theserialportandmodems.Sax CommStudioprovidesacomplete communications solution for both COMand.NET.Thetoolsintegrate remotesystemsanddeviceswith VisualStudio.NETandVisualBasic6. CommStudio’srobustcommunications components based on more than tenyearsofmarketleadershipare onlythebeginning.Therealgainin developerproductivitycomesfromSax FTPWizard CommStudio’sadvanceddebugging andanalyzingtools.SaxCommStudio supportsalargevarietyofserialport connections including: standard built-in serial ports, virtual serial portsonothersystemsvianetwork software, Bluetooth and infrared serial ports, high performance serial ports usingspecializedhardwaresuchas Digiboardsetc.Thenumberofserial portssupportedonasinglesystemis onlylimitedbyhardware. S eekfordSolutionsFTPWizardallows youtoeasilyuploadanddownload files from an FTP server. Using the File TransferProtocol,youcangetdirectory listings,makedirectories,deletefiles and directories, rename files, upload anddownloadfiles.Theproductmakes implementation simple. It provides an interface to the File Transfer Protocol, allowing developers to implement FTPWizardincludesasynchronous operationandallowsyoutocreate applicationsthatrequirenouser interaction. FROMSEEKFORDSOLUTIONS Product FROMSAX.NET thisfunctionalitywithoutlearning thecomplexitiesofFTPandTCP/IP. MultipleinstancesofFTPWizardcan becreatedtotalktomultipleFTPsites at a time. Top 250 Review FTP Wizard V3.0 - Price $191.04 Top 250 Review Secure File Delete Wizard V3.0 - - $97.02 CommStudio .NET 212 - $783.02 .NET DNS MX Wizard V3.0 - - $195.02 Crescent QuickPak V4.5 213 - $759.05 .NET EmailValidation Wizard V3.0 - - $195.02 - - $949.05 .NET Encoder Wizard V3.0 - - $195.02 Product CommStudio ActiveX Price USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 49 SWIFT Components SyncRO Soft oXygen XML Editor Professional V11.2 Complex SWIFT messaging solution. NEW RELEASE Tools for XML authoring & conversion plus XPath, XSLT and XQuery development. •Genericsystemforloading,storing and validation of SWIFT messages •VisualWYSIWYGXMLeditingmode basedonW3CCSSstylesheets •Theobjectmodelcontains323 SWIFTMessageTypes •Grideditorallowsyoutoedit repetitiveXMLcontentinaspecial layoutsimilartoaspreadsheet application •AllSWIFTmessagescategoriesare supported S WIFTFramework.NETisasystem for capturing, validating and processing SWIFT messages within anorganizationsinformationsystems infrastructure.SWIFTFramework .NET allows seamless integration intoexistingITsystemsandcanbe abasetobuildupacleanandfully compatibleSWIFTmessagingsystem. SWIFTFramework.NETincludesa genericsystemfortheloading,storing and validation of SWIFT messages. It isalsoMicrosoftBizTalkXMLschema andobjectmodelcompatible(without SWIFTFramework.NET theneedtoinstallBizTalkitself ).SWIFT Framework.NETenablesvalidation basedonmessage(ormessageblock) properties and validation based on SWIFT tags. Thesetwowayscanbecombined andcustomized.Defaultmessage validationcanbeextendedby yourownspecificationoritcanbe completelyreplaced.Thisenables integrators to create simple business rules being built-in the messaging frameworkofthesolution. FROMSWIFTCOMPONENTS Product SWIFT Framework .NET Top 250 Review - - Price $4,410.00 oXygen/>XMLEditorprovides < thetoolsforXMLauthoring,XML conversion,XMLSchema,DTD,Relax NGandSchematrondevelopment, XPath,XSLT,XQuerydebugging,SOAP andWSDLtesting. IntegrationwiththeXMLdocument repositoriesismadethroughWebDAV, Subversion and S/FTP protocols. Top 250 Review 62 - $342.02 <oXygen/> XML Editor Enterprise V11.2 Price 241 - $440.02 <oXygen/> XML Author Professional V11.2 - - $195.02 Syncro SVN Client V5.1 - - $57.82 <oXygen/> XML Author Enterprise V11.2 - - $263.62 Automated build and release management solution. •Asuiteofmorethan60Windows Forms controls •Integrateswithversioncontrol systems/Sourcecoderepositories •Includesaribboncontrolthat supports more than fifteen themes, Offi ce2007style,andthenew Windows7Ribbontheme •Includesabroadrange(600+)of actiontypesthatcoveralmostany taskyoumightneedtoautomate FinalBuilder V6.3 VIBlendControlsforWinForms FinalBuilder The advanced hierarchical data grid component includes powerful features, richcustomizationandisidealfor building data-driven applications. It supports advanced data bindings to multipledatasourcetypes.Youcan visualizeadatabasetable,bindtoa generic collection or populate the grid’s content through APIs without usinganydatabinding.Youcanalso create Pivot Tables with multi-level hierarchies on rows and columns, and multiple value (fact) fields. FinalBuilder is an automated build and release management solution for Windows software developers and SCM(SoftwareChangeManagement) professionals. Use FinalBuilder to define, debug, maintain, run and schedule reliable and repeatable build processes. FinalBuilder’s user interface hasbeencarefullycraftedtomakeitas easy-to-useaspossible.Anyoneinyour team can use FinalBuilder to automate tasks.Youcancompileapplications from source code, compile setup FROMVIBLEND installerprograms,workwithversion controlsystems,handleversioning with ease, create and edit INI files andWindowsregistrykeys,burnCDs andDVDs,orcreateCD/DVDimages (ISOimages),zipandunzipfilesand other archive formats, run automated testing, FTP files to/from servers, send emails, post on news servers, handle errors,runmultipletasksinparallel anddynamicallychangethebuildflow, iterate over sets of files and other lists and more. FROMVSOFTTECHNOLOGIES Top 250 Review Price Product VIBlend Controls for WinForms 4 - - $489.02 FinalBuilder V6.3 Top 250 Review 132 - $293.02 VIBlend GridView for Windows Forms 4 - - $146.02 VIBlend Silverlight Controls 1.4 - - $244.02 Automise V3.0 - - $191.10 FinalBuilder Server V6.3 - - $98.00 Top 250:RankinTop250BestSellingproductlist.Review: Five star customer rating from our Web site. 50 <oXygen/>XMLeditorisalsoavailable asanEclipseIDEplugin,bringing uniqueXMLdevelopmentfeaturesto thiswidelyusedJavaIDE. <oXygen/> XML Editor Professional V11.2 Collection of .NET WinForms User Interface components. Product <oXygen/>XMLeditorsupportsthe abilitytobrowse,manageandquery nativeXMLandrelationaldatabases andsupportsalargenumberoftext encodings including Unicode. FROMSYNCROSOFT VSoft Technologies IBlendSuperControlsforWinForms V isacomprehensivelibraryofUser Interface controls. It has been designed and fine-tuned to provide an outstandingdevelopmentexperience andincreasetheROIwhenbuilding professional Windows applications usingtheMicrosoft.NETFramework. VIBlendSuperControlsincludesgrid, navigation bars, ribbon interface, calendar,treeview,combobox,list box,buttonsandeditors,scrolland progress bars and tab controls. oXygenXMLEditor Product VIBlend VIBlend Controls for WinForms 4 NEW RELEASE USA toll free: (888) 850-9911 Price © 1996-2010ComponentSource.AllRightsReserved.Allpricescorrectatthetimeofpress.Onlinepricesmayvaryfromthoseshownduetodailyfluctuationsandonlinediscounts. SWIFT Framework .NET
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