Basil – Emily Basil – Eowyn Basil – Rosie Bean – BA0999 Beans (W


Basil – Emily Basil – Eowyn Basil – Rosie Bean – BA0999 Beans (W
Matures 68 days; blend
of all that is good in
lettuce, cabbage; grows,
stores like cabbage,
fresh flavour of lettuce;
heads 2-3 lbs. Courtesy
of Seedway
Matures 60 days; bright
yellow interior colour;
smooth skin; good
quality; ops are tolerant
to Cercospora; ideal for
bunching. Courtesy of
Matures 65 days. Flat
cabbage, good tolerance to heat, cold, good
choice for growing
spring, summer. Very
good flavour. Courtesy
of Norseco
Bean – BA0999
Broccoli – Diplomat
Basil – Rosie
New, improved red
basil, better, more
intense, constant dark
red colour, compact
plant with robust stems.
Organic seeds. Courtesy
of Norseco
Carrot – Canberra F1
Matures 59 days. Thick,
less fibrous pods, improved flavour. Courtesy
of Norseco
Beet – Boldor
Basil – Eowyn, January/February 2014
More compact basil
type, adapted for pot
production in summer,
slower growth, seeds
tested to be free of
Downy Mildew, treated
with Apron. Courtesy of
Cabbage – Shoshudori
Very round head, heavy
weight, dense solid
interior, short core; tight
wrapper leaves, strong
frame; very adaptable
main season variety,
good holding ability.
Courtesy of Sakaya
Beans (Green) – Tapia
Matures 50 days.
Compact plant, some
ornamental due to white
showy flowers; small,
fine, crunchy, good
tasting beans. 2014
AAS winner. Courtesy of
Cabbage – Caraflex
Basil – Emily
Beans (Wax) – Mascotte
Cabbage – Grand Vantage
More compact basil
type, adapted for pot
production in spring,
winter, faster growth,
seeds tested to be
free of Downy Mildew,
treated with Apron.
Courtesy of Norseco
Matures 50 days;
medium green; can be
mechanically harvested;
for first early sowing;
high yield potential;
broad regional adaptability. Courtesy of
Stokes Seeds
Performs well in Canada;
variety has good uniformity; suitable for bunch,
crown markets; performs
well in long daylight,
moderate heat. Courtesy
of Sakata
Matures 87 days.
Chantenay type with
longer roots; no green at
the shoulders; high yield
potential. Courtesy of
Page 13
Dukat type, producing
large, vigorous plant,
leaves are darker in colour and more uniform.
Courtesy of Norseco
Dark green, exceptional
size, shape; widely
adapted to all growing
areas; consistent
production, high yields.
Courtesy of Siegers
Early maturing; dark
green fruit, flat round,
average 2 kg.; orange
flesh, nutty, sweet
flavour. Courtesy of Agro
Celery – Samba F1
Cucumber – Kalunga
Cauliflower – Terzolo F1
Matures 72 days.
Quality cauliflower,
grows uniform white
heads, very smooth,
very good weight. Good
tolerance to hairiness.
Courtesy of Norseco
Kale – Black Magic
Bred for northern
regions, significantly
slower to bolt; very
vigorous; dark colour.
Courtesy of Norseco
Cucumber – Dominator
Carrot – SV2384DL F1
Matures 65 days; good
quality roots; for both
mineral, muck soil; very
strong tops. Courtesy of
Kabocha – Zao Fung
Matures 55 days; needs
trellis, early high yield,
very thin skin, crispy
texture. Courtesy of
Coriander – Calypso
Has nice dark bluegreen colour, fine to
medium thick stem,
vigorous, upright growth,
very tolerant to disease,
thrips. Organic seeds.
Courtesy of Norseco
Dill – Green Sleeves
Carrot – Jeanette F1
Chives – Nelly
Cucumber – Rocky
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Matures 53 days; very
early Nantes carrot;
uniform roots; crispy,
sweet taste; strong tops
making harvest easy.
Organic seeds. Courtesy
of Norseco
Matures 100 days.
Compact plant, very
productive, producing
very smooth petioles
of a lighter colour. High
Fusarium tolerance.
Courtesy of Norseco
Greenhouse cucumber;
early variety, vigorous
growth; productive plant;
dark green fruit, slightly
ribbed. Organic seeds.
Courtesy of Norseco
Matures 55 days; Britishbred variety, uniform,
dark black/green, heavily
savoyed leaves; narrow,
well textured, white
ribs; rosette plant for
easy harvesting; bolting
resistance, tolerant of
cold weather. Courtesy
of Stokes Seeds, January/February 2014
Early maturing; short,
compact; green, fat petioles; good for Shanghai
Miao, small-sized
Shanghai Pak Choy.
Courtesy of Agro Haitai
Matures 60 days. Early
variety, very erect, long
shaft, darker colour than
Green Banner. Doesn’t
bulb. Courtesy of
Parsley – Argon
Dark Green Improved
type, showing a better
bolting tolerance. Very
uniform leaves, dark
green in colour.
Courtesy of Norseco
Onion – Merenge
Onion – T-801
Lettuce – Bergam’s Green
Matures 48 days. Large
size leaf lettuce, bit later
than most other varieties; slow to bolt, tolerant
to tip burn. Courtesy of
Parsley – Laica
Matures 115 days. Large
calibre onion, very dark
red colour, good uniformity. Can be stored
for a couple of months.
Courtesy of Norseco
Onion – SSR BO-01
Leek – Curling, January/February 2014
Matures 118 days.
Darkest variety, very
erect, good uniformity,
good field holding, can
be stored. Courtesy of
Parsley – Argon
Dark green leaves, long,
fat petioles, shiny green
colour, tolerant to cold,
heat; slow bolting.
Courtesy of Agro Haitai
Onion – Red Hawk
Matures 105 days.
Earliest red onion, round
slightly flat bulb, dark
red colour, resists well to
browning. To be grown
as transplants for optimum results. Courtesy
of Norseco
Pak Choy – Toy Green
Kale – Fizz
Onion – Red Emperor
Pak Choy – Shanghai Green
Blue-green colour,
unique shape; variety
of uses, bunched or
chopped; leaves are
deeply lobbed, mild,
sweet flavor. Courtesy of
Matures 115 days; flat
globe red onion; stores
4-6 months; dark red
interior and exterior
colour; some tolerance
to bolting, pink rot.
Courtesy of Stokes Seeds
Matures 88 days.
Produces similar sized
onions to Highlander,
darker coloured skin,
slightly flatter shape.
Susceptible to Pink
Root. Courtesy of
High plant producing
large dark green leaves,
slightly blue. For fresh
market or processing.
High yielding.
Courtesy of Norseco
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Extra-large pumpkin,
excellent yield, exceptionally vigorous vine,
dark orange colour,
well-defined ribs, large,
dark green handle, firmly
attached. Courtesy of
Stokes Seeds
Matures 70 days. Very
dark green colour before
turning yellow, high
quality uniform fruit.
Courtesy of Norseco
Matures 110 days.
Blocky shaped pumpkin,
well ribbed; long, thin
handle, good uniformity;
large vine. 2011 AAS
Winner. Courtesy of
Pepper – Abay
Pumpkin – Baby Wrinkles
Pepper – 6974
Tremendous yields,
excellent quality;
straight, uniform,
thick-walled fruit; main
season maturity,
superior recovery in
marketable fruit,
overall weight.
Courtesy of Siegers
Pumpkin – Indian Doll
Matures 70 days. Quality
peppers, orange colour,
very uniform blocky
fruits, thick walls, vigorous plant. Courtesy of
Pepper – Early Summer
Parsnip – Pearl
Matures 125 days. Late,
ideal for storage, very
white roots, uniform, well
filled, high yield potential. Tolerant to Canker.
Courtesy of Norseco
Pumpkin – Hijinks
Matures 110 days. Ideal
variety for giant pumpkins. Large vine. Fruits
from 22-60 kg. Courtesy
of Norseco
Pepper – Delirio
Early maturing, strong
plant, excellent fruit
coverage, high yields,
ideal for fresh market,
processing; BLS 1-3.
Courtesy of Siegers
Pumpkin – Cronus
Parsley – Wega
Pepper – Blazing Banana
Pumpkin – Big Moose
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Dark green parsley,
thicker, more solid
stems, more erect,
robust plant habit, easier
to bunch. Courtesy of
Matures 72 days; strong
producer, smooth blocky
fruit; extra large size;
strong plant type, lots of
cover, continuous setting; high resistance to
BLS 12345. Courtesy of
Norseco, Seedway
Matures 100 days.
Large pie-class, burnt
orange colour, rough
skin texture, dark green
handle, semi-vine plant.
Courtesy of Norseco
Exotic pumpkin, can
be used for ornamental
plus consumption. Good
tolerance to Powdery
Mildew. Courtesy of
Norseco, January/February 2014
Sprouts 4 days.
Beautiful red-purple
sprout, ideal to put
colour in meals,
mild brassica flavour.
Courtesy of Norseco
Spinach – Corvair
Sprouts 10-12 days.
Excellent to enhance
salads, sandwiches,
soups, sauted vegetables, sauces, pestos.
Courtesy of Norseco
Sprouts – Lentils
Pumpkin – Sunlight
Matures 100 days.
Bright yellow fruit with
solid green handle,
compact plant, tolerant
to Powdery Mildew.
Courtesy of Norseco
Matures 100 days.
Sweet speciality; smaller
size, high sugars; packs
easily; vines vigorous,
strong into late season;
fruit 2-4 lbs. Courtesy of
Norseco, Seedway
Squash – Easy Pick Green
Matures 50 days. Almost
oval leaves, dark green
in colour; performs during summer. Tolerant to
DM races 1-13.
Courtesy of Norseco
Sprouts – Basil
Pumpkin – Phatso III, January/February 2014
Slightly larger, more
uniform than Phatso II;
smooth ribbing; thick
handles; 3-4 inches
long, great colour, PM
tolerance. Courtesy of
Squash – Butterkin
Sprouts 9-10 days.
Mung sprout probably
most consumed on
earth, requires 4-8 hours
of soaking time, must be
rinsed 2-3 times per day.
Courtesy of Norseco
Spinach – RX 2157
Matures 50 days. Very
dark green colour, thick
leaves; can be used for
baby leaf, clip, bunching. Tolerant to DM races
1-12 and 14. Courtesy
of Norseco
Sprouts – Red Cabbage
Pumpkin – Jack Sprat
Spinach – Riverside
Sprouts – Mung Bean
New pie-class addition;
weighs about 3 lbs.,
dark orange exterior,
dark green handles; very
uniform in size, shape;
high yielding. Good PM
tolerance. Courtesy of
Sakata, Siegers
Matures 50 days. Dark
green spinach, for
spring, autumn production; high yield, oval,
thick leaves. Tolerant to
DM races 1-11 and 13.
Organic seeds. Courtesy
of Norseco
Sprouts 5-6 days.
Important source of
protein; to sprout lentils
soak in water for 6 to 12
hours, rinse 2 to 3 times
per day. Courtesy of
Matures 45 days.
Container or garden
variety, very easy to
harvest, open plant with
no spines. Courtesy of
Page 17
Matures 80 days;
yellow SH2 variety; very
vigourous plant; very
well covered ears; sweet
taste. Courtesy
of Norseco
Matures 70 days. Very
dark green colour before
turning yellow, high
quality uniform fruit.
Courtesy of Norseco
Great taste, great husk
appearance, cover;
protection against corn
rootworm; protection
against European corn
borer, corn earworm, fall
armyworm, Roundup for
weed control. Courtesy
of Siegers
Squash – Reno
Sweet Corn – Essence
Squash – Primavera
High yielding, hybrid
spaghetti squash;
canary-yellow skin
at maturity; excellent
uniformity, size, shape;
grows on restricted vine.
Courtesy of Sakata
Swiss Chard – Delta
Matures 85 days.
Produces medium
sized fruits, dark flesh,
solid skin, good yield
potential, delicious taste.
Organic seeds. Courtesy
of Norseco
Sweet Corn – Awesome
Squash – Payload
Matures 44 days;
zucchini variety; medium
dark green-flecked
cylindrical fruit; open
plant with few spines.
Intermediate ZYMV,
tolerances. Courtesy of
Norseco, Stokes Seeds
Sweet Corn – SV9010SA
Matures 60 days;
synergistic bicolour
variety; dark plant, better
vigor and with more
taste. Courtesy
of Norseco
Squash – Tiana
Matures 55 days. Small
scallop squash, light in
colour; small blossom
end scar. Courtesy of
Sweet Corn – SC1336 F1
Squash – Easy Pick Yellow
Squash – STAR 8080
Sweet Corn – Latte F1
Page 18
Matures 45 days.
Container or garden
variety; very easy to
harvest, open plant with
no spines.
Courtesy of Norseco
Matures 75 days;
acorn fruit, dark green,
semi-bush, productive
plant; golden yellow
flesh, very sweet,
1.5 lb fruit. Courtesy
of Stokes Seeds
Matures 79 days; hybrid;
refined, very tender,
bicolour, 14-16 rows
fill to tip; good tip cover,
nice flags, tall plant.
Courtesy of Stokes
Matures 58 days;
lucullus type swiss
chard; large ribs;
smooth leaves.
Courtesy of Norseco, January/February 2014
Matures 60 days. Cherry
tomato, tolerant to
cracking. Can be grown
in open field or high
tunnel. Organic seeds.
Courtesy of Norseco
Matures 64 days. Grape
tomato, sweet with
flavourful taste, vigorous
plant, sets high yield.
Organic seeds. Courtesy
of Norseco
Productive hybrid,
produces uniform
extra-large, large fruit;
plants compact,
fruit sets well in heat;
high quality, very firm,
nice red colour, great
shelf life. Courtesy of
Tomato – Jasper
Tomato – Pepe
Tomato – Granadero
Matures 68 days. Italian
tomato tolerant to cooler
conditions. produces
good yield, large fruits.
Can be harvested in a
cluster. Organic seeds.
Courtesy of Norseco
Tomato – Toronjina
Matures 60 days. Large
size grape tomato,
vigorous plant adapted
for field production or
under high tunnels.
Organic seeds. Courtesy
of Norseco
Tomato – Montesino
Tomato – Foronti, January/February 2014
Matures 100 days.
Bright yellow fruit with
solid green handle,
compact plant, tolerant
to Powdery Mildew.
Courtesy of Norseco
Tomato – Supremo
Matures 68 days.
Produces large fruits,
really full, have a good
tolerance to blossom
end rot. Organic seeds.
Courtesy of Norseco
Tomato – Matthew
One of the best tasting
greenhouse varieties.
Similar to Trust, but with
a higher yield potential.
Courtesy of Norseco
Tomato – Sakura
Tomato – Florentino
Tomato – Marguerite
Tomato – Pozzano
Matures 64 days.
Medium sized, produces
very uniform fruits; good
tolerance to cracking;
good shelf life. Courtesy
of Norseco
Matures 60 days. 2013
AAS winner; small tomato has an extraordinary
taste; impressive yield,
healthy plants. Courtesy
of Norseco
Matures 58 days.
Quality cherry tomato,
high sugar content,
sweet taste. Can be
grown in the garden
or in pots. Courtesy of
Matures 60 days.
Vibrant orange, very
sweet cherry tomato,
deliciously tasty.
Gives high yield of very
uniform fruits.
Organic seeds.
Courtesy of Norseco
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