dossier de presse definitif - Le Lasco
dossier de presse definitif - Le Lasco
DOSSIER DE PRESSE Louvain-la-Neuve, lundi 15 novembre 2010 Colloque UCL La communication verte, analysée par l’UCL L’UCL organise, les 18 et 19 novembre 2010, un colloque international (le premier du genre), sur la communication environnementale. L’objectif ? Déterminer l’influence de cette nouvelle forme de communication, principalement utilisée par les organisations, sur le grand public. Egalement, mettre en avant la diversité des recherches liées à la communication verte. Ce colloque réunira des chercheurs de diverses disciplines, provenant d’Europe, du Canada et d’Australie. La volonté des organisateurs, membres du laboratoire scientifique LASCO (UCL), est de rassembler une grande partie des chercheurs qui travaillent sur la communication environnementale. Le but est de mieux percevoir la manière dont les organisations (entreprises, services publics, associations) font usage de cette communication et quel est son impact réel. Autre défi pour les chercheurs, s’assurer que leur mode d’analyse est le bon afin de rectifier, si nécessaire, leur méthodologie de recherche. Des professionnels de la communication verte seront également présents à ce colloque pour leur permettre de réagir aux recherches qui seront présentées. L’idée est de susciter le débat entre les professionnels du secteur qui créent cette communication et les chercheurs qui l’analysent ensuite. Parmi les thèmes abordés lors du colloque : - l’utilisation de la communication environnementale pour sortir d’une crise ou comment une entreprise peut utiliser ce type de com. pour redorer son image auprès du grand public, ou au contraire, comment cette com. peut être préjudiciable à une entreprise en crise. - l’utilisation de la communication verte pour acquérir de la légitimité. L’analyse de la communication d’entreprises comme Mc Donald’s, DHL et Tetra Pak sera notamment abordée : on analysera entre autres, comment le fast-food joue sur ses pratiques agro-environnementales pour construire son image et sa réputation. - l’analyse de concepts ou mots utilisés pour convaincre le grand public, notamment dans le cas des institutions publiques : dans le cas du réchauffement climatique par exemple, les chercheurs ont étudié la manière dont les messages étaient formulés pour convaincre la population de réduire leurs émissions de CO2. Comment, à travers le dialogue, peut-on encourager l’engagement dans les pratiques vertes ? - le problème de l’utilisation de la publicité pour « verdir » l’image des entreprise, ou « Greenwashing » : comment le mesurer, comment l’éviter ? Ce colloque, qui sera ouvert par Jean Pascal van Ypersele, Vice Président du GIEC, sera aussi l’occasion, pour les chercheurs en communication environnementale, de présenter et de croiser les résultats de leurs études en cours afin, d’un côté, de faire un état des lieux de la recherche sur cette thématique, et de l’autre, de dégager éventuellement de nouvelles pistes de recherche. La communication environnementale, c’est quoi ? Il s’agit d’un type de communication utilisé par les organisations (associations, entreprises, institutions publiques), destiné à présenter au public les actions qui portent sur la protection de l’environnement. Cette communication met en avant la manière dont ces organisations souhaitent être perçues au niveau de leurs actions environnementales. Du côté des associations, c’est un moyen pour pointer du doigt les entreprises qui ne respectent pas la planète. INFOS PRATIQUES Infos : Quand ? Jeudi 18 et vendredi 19 novembre 2010 Où ? Le colloque se déroule à l’Ihecs (Institut des Hautes Etudes des Communications Sociales) – Rue de l’Etuve, 58-60 à 1000 Bruxelles – salle « Léon Velge », 2ème étage Qui ? Thierry Libaert, Laboratoire d’Analyse des Systèmes de communication d’organisation (LASCO) UCL : 0493 24 88 22 - Andrea Catellani, LASCO : 010 47 27 63 ou 0487 62 46 14 Le LASCO (Laboratoire d’analyse des systèmes de communication des organisations) est un groupe de recherches en communication d’organisation de l’Université catholique de Louvain. Il regroupe des chercheurs et professionnelsenseignants fédérés autour de l'observation et de l'analyse des phénomènes de communication interne et externe, stratégique ou spontanée des organisations. Le laboratoire développe ses recherches dans plusieurs domaines: • l’étude des stratégies de communication interne et externe des organisations et de l'ensemble des phénomènes qui leur sont liés (la communication sensible, de crise, environnementale, etc.). Dans ce cas, l’étude porte sur l'action délibérée d’acteurs professionnels cherchant à influencer ou à faire évoluer la configuration des rapports sociaux, internes et/ou externes, constitutifs des organisations aussi bien dans les secteurs marchands et non marchands que publics ; • la communication interne des organisations et les phénomènes qui lui sont liés. La communication interne y est appréhendée comme l'ensemble des comportements en interaction des différents acteurs de l'organisation dans un contexte économique, politique, social, culturel et technique donné ; • l’analyse des textes et des supports médiatiques mobilisés dans la communication interne et dans la communication stratégique des organisations ; • l’analyse des cadres théoriques ainsi que des méthodes et techniques de travail utilisées dans ces différents domaines – dans la recherche comme dans les pratiques en organisation – et la mise au point de cadres conceptuels et de méthodes et techniques de recherche nouveaux (approches épistémologiques et méthodologiques). Le LASCO porte actuellement une attention particulière à deux phénomènes communicationnels. Le premier est celui de la communication environnementale, encadrée aujourd’hui dans les structures conceptuelles du développement durable et de la responsabilité sociétale des entreprises. Le deuxième est celui de la crise perçue au travers de son impact sur les processus de communication (communication institutionnelle, publicité, communication interne). Le LASCO veut se positionner comme un acteur majeur de la recherche sur la communication des organisations en Belgique et en Europe. Il porte en outre une attention spécifique aux relations avec le monde des opérationnels de la communication, pour renforcer les passages de savoir entre monde académique et pratique professionnelle, et aux relations didactiques et de recherche avec d’autres universités, en particulier dans les mondes francophone et anglophone. Le LASCO pratique une politique d’ouverture et d’invitation de personnalités extérieures à l’occasion de ses rencontres et séminaires. Pour vous informer sur les activités du LASCO, vous pouvez vous abonner gratuitement à la newsletter trimestrielle « Passerelle ». Vous pouvez aussi vous inscrire aux groupes Facebook et LinkedIn du LASCO, et visiter le site: Contact : Thierry Libaert, directeur du LASCO, [email protected] SPONSORS MAJEURS Sponsors majeurs Qui sont-ils ? Bytheway Creacom Bytheway Creacom Three words represent the company : Reveal Narrate Broadcast 5 Sponsors majeurs Qui sont-ils ? Alcatel.Lucent A lcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris of Euro 15.2 billion in 2009 and is incorporated in France, with executive and offices located in Paris. NYSE: ALU) is the trusted transformation partner of service providers, enterprises, strategic industries such as defense, energy, healthcare, transportation, and governments worldwide, providing solutions to deliver voice, data and video communication services to end-users. A leader in fixed, mobile and converged broadband networking, IP technologies, applications and services, Alcatel-Lucent leverages the unrivalled technical and scientific expertise of Bell Labs, one of the largest innovation powerhouses in the communications industry. With operations in more than 130 countries and the most experienced global services organization in the industry, AlcatelLucent is a local partner with a global reach. Alcatel-Lucent achieved revenues For more information : visit Alcatel-Lucent on the, Internet: read the latest posts on the Alcatel-Lucent’s blog and follow us on Twitter: Press Contact : Wim Van Daele Tel: + 32 3 wim.van_daele@alcate240 4601 Alcatel . Lucent Is the most privileged partner for corporate and strategic sector such like defense energy, health, transportations, even administrations all around the world. 6 Sponsors majeurs Qui sont-ils ? Vo!ce SPECIALISTS IN CONVERSATIONAL Voice is a hybrid team with roots in MARKETING & PR advertising, public relations, brand activation, and web marketing. We combine expertise and experience from these areas in a totally fresh new approach: bringing people and rom Impression to Expression! Voice is brands together in a friendship-relation. It’s the first Belgian agency fully dedicated to about going way beyond the seller-buyer, conversational marketing & PR, or what is host-guest or provider-user interaction. F called social communications. We blend both From a webcentric vision, we develop offline and online communication in highly blended communication solutions based on 3 media-specific solutions. pillars: Public Relations - Interactive You have probably read all the books Marketing - Brand Activation. As a result, but we actually practice what others preach. target audiences connect and build a We help brands attract new customers, build relationship with the brands of their choice. stronger client relationships and improve the - the online press room to reach influencers overall shopper experience through an and opinion leaders innovative approach. More than making a - a brand conversation radar to monitor good impression, Voice is seeking expressions online buzz and brand reputation from consumers, stakeholders, dealers… in - a corporate social network to facilitate communities around stakeholders and shared fact, anyone interested in your brand! interests. We believe social communication is - a powerful online multi-channel marketing the way forward for companies with a vision. platform for rapid conversion results from We seek clients who dare to act upon relevant leads to sales insights, fresh ideas and new technology. Together with you, we create pragmatic and rewarding solutions to your specific marketing challenge. Voice Is Specialist in conversational marketing & Public Relations Makes Friendbrands 7 AUTRES SPONSORS 8 Sponsors Qui sont-ils ? Mostra Mostra, based in Brussels, is one of the Mostra Our team consists of individuals who operate in distinctive fields of expertise. Together we all aim for the same goal: communicating our clientʼs message in a clear and highly attractive manner, no matter how complex or difficult the task... member of PROI, the leading worldwide network of independent PR agencies more than 2000 leading integrated communications encompassing consultants in 90 major cities. agencies specializing in public information campaigns across Europe and beyond. For the past fifteen years we have As an example, Mostra worked been working mainly with European closely with the European Commission to Institutions, including the European Commission, the European Parliament, develop a long-term, fully integrated and the EE Delegations as well as many communications campaign to promote other international organizations around the European Health Insurance Card. This included design and production of the world. posters, leaflets and postcards in 23 Mostra specializes in the design languages as well as event stands, video and implementation of all aspects of a news releases, a comprehensive reworking communication campaign and their of the web site, an online banner integration into a coherent and powerful campaign, and a large advertising whole. This is just one of services we can campaign. Designed for impact, the video offer along with audiovisual production, clip, “Anyone for a Pancake?” on You media relations, creation of publications, Tube was a huge success, with over 2 organisation of events, and web site million views in a six-month period and with over 2,000 web sites now hosting this development. compelling and entertaining clip. This Founded in 1986, Mostra has seen viral campaign was very effective in steady and stable growth. It currently alerting young people to the importance employs a multidisciplinary and of obtaining the European Health international team of around 150 full-time Insurance Card. communication professionals including project managers, production managers, journalists, graphic designers, video editors, event coordinators, media relations officers and translators. With a network of partner agencies in both EU countries and others, Mostra is a 9 Sponsors Qui sont-ils ? Occurence on the Sustainable Development communication actions posed by our ccurrence is a research institute, advertisers, Occurrence develops methodological initiatives on Sustainable founded in 1995. Occurrence is specialized in Development. measuring communication efficiency. Occurrence develops for its clients (multinational corporates from private and public sectors and autonomous regions) qualitative and quantitative research techniques which aim to prove communication strategies efficiency. Occurence measures performance of communication. All the communication : Internal communication; Corporate Communication; Sponsoring; Events; Advertising campaign; Press-relations; Numeric communication ; etc. For 3 years, Occurrence is a major active member inside the ACIDD (Association Communication et Information pour le Développement Durable) especially during Summer School. Because It was challenged O Occurrence Communication expertise our legitimacy / Efficiency measurement : a progress spark for our customer / Professionalism insurance 10 Sponsors Qui sont-ils ? SCK-CEN S CK•CEN is one of the largest research centres in Belgium. Today more than 600 people work on the development of peaceful industrial and medical applications of nuclear science. The Belgian Nuclear Research Centre was created in 1952. Since 1991, the statutory mission gives priority to research on issues of societal concern such as safety of nuclear installations, radiation protection and safe treatment and disposal of radioactive waste. SCK•CEN develops, gathers and spreads its knowledge through education and communication. The available know-how and facilities are also used for services to the nuclear industry, the medical sector and the government. SCK•CEN’s fields of expertise go – literally – from the deep underground to outerspace. Our research activities are concentrated into the following main tracks: SCK-CEN The main mission of SCK-CEN is to maintain Nuclear Materials Science The Institute for Nuclear Materials Science (NMS) carries out research on materials and fuels used in present and future reactor systems. NMS makes numerical simulations and predictions of the behaviour of materials under irradiation. This knowledge is essential to guarantee the safe and efficient operation of nuclear installations. NMS also produces radioisotopes for the medical sector and doped silicon for the microelectronics industry. Advanced Nuclear Systems The Institute for Advanced Nuclear Systems (ANS) strives to extend the Belgian expertise in the study of innovative fourth-generation reactors and the fusion test reactor ITER in France. These new technologies will be safer and more efficient. With the MYRRHA project, ANS develops a multifunctional experimental irradiation facility for the production of radioisotopes and doped silicon for renewable energy applications, the transmutation of radioactive waste and the study of materials for innovative fission reactors and for fusion technology. Environment, Health and Safety The Institute for Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) studies the behaviour of radioactive substances in air, water and soil and evaluates the effects of radiation on man and environment. Based on this knowledge, EHS provides expertise for authorities, industry and the medical sector. The institute also examines the possibilities for surface and deep disposal of radioactive waste and the decommissioning of nuclear installations. Moreover EHS pays attentiontosocietalandethicalaspectsofnuclear technologies such as sustainable development, safety and safeguards. Communication, General Services and Administration The Institute for Communication, General ServicesandAdministration (CSA)comprises the financial, administrative, logistic and central technical services. It also manages human resources and ICT issues. In addition, this institute deals with internal and external communication matters, knowledge management and it coordinates all education and training activities. [email protected] © 2010 - SCK•CEN an outstanding centre for science, nuclear technologies and ionazing radiations. 11 Sponsors Qui sont-ils ? PEFC PEFC NPO is the national PEFC office for Belgium. PEFC NPO observes and coordinates the label promotional activities in Belgium. 282,000 hectares of forests are certified in Belgium, which represent +/38% of belgian forest surfaces. For more informations check or send us an email at [email protected] PEFC Belgium, Galerie du Centre Bloc 2, B-1000 Brussels _ Telephone : +32/ 1 - Fax : +32/ 5 PEFC Label for paper and wood eco-friendly PEFC label on wood and wood-based products Wood is a renewable material which using has to be encouraged. But accounted itself of its origine. Every wooden products have the abbilities to wear a PEFC label. PEFC label guarantees that products come from a sustainable managed forest. This certification does not provide any quality guarantee, It only attests from the sustainable origin. PEFC guaranties Certificating system of PEFC is transparent and convincing in order to follow fluxes of wood. Independant organizations of certification manage the control of both forest and wood shaping companies. Every corporate who shape the product have to be in possession of a chain of control certificate. Wooden fluxes are a closed circle. Illegal cutting wood is therfore excluded. Forest sustainable management Forest sustainable management wants to be eco-friendly ; socialy beneficent and liveable in a economics point of view. Practicably, this means replanting or natural reniewing of trees and protection of biodiversity, It also means respect of local people, soil and water, ... PEFC International PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes) is environmental and non-governmental organization founded in 1999. PEFC scheme is the most important certification system in the world. PEFC regroups more than 226 millions of hectares of forest on every continents, there are also 7299 certified companies. 12 Organising committee : Thierry Libaert (UCL), Andrea Catellani (UCL), Audrey Crucifix (UCL), François Heinderyckx (ULB), Christine Hambursin (UCL), Christine Donjean (UCL), Jean-Marie Pierlot (UCL), Nicolas Baygert (UCL-EU). This event has been realised with the help of : - Région de Bruxelles-capitale - FNRS - Institut Langage & Communication (IL&C, UCL) - EUPRERA (European Public Relations Education and Research Association) - Hill & Knowlton - Interel - Ujjef Communication et Entreprise - CAP Conseil - ABCI (Association belge de communication interne) - 3C (Corporate Communication Community) - Communication publique Wallonie Bruxelles - ACIDD (Association communication et information pour le développement durable) The conference is an Energy Day of the Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign, an initiative of the European Commission 13