THE HIGHEST QUALITY FIRE GLASS C O N TA C T U S M A N U FA C T U R I N G T H E H I G H E S T Q U A L I T Y F I R E G L A S S Fire glass is a completely new alternative solution Fire glass is growing in popularity amongst EMAIL: [email protected] for fireplaces, fire tables and fire pits by using designers, landscapers, architects and home WEB: FIREGLASSPLUS.COM tempered glass. This creative alternative allows owners alike. Our modern versatile assortment jewel like glass crystals to last a lifetime without of colors illuminates your interior’s or exterior’s ever burning melting and most importantly of all ambiance. Increase the visual look of your fireplace no discoloring or toxic fumes or fire pit by giving it a custom and vibrant finish. F IREGL ASSPL US.COM ¼ INCH NON-REFLECTIVE COLLECTION THE HIGHEST QUALITY FIRE GLASS ¼ INCH REFLECTIVE COLLECTION Q-MBR-10 Midnight Black Q-GR-10 Gunmetal Q-PR-10 Platinum Q-G-10 Gunmetal Q-B-10 Bronze Q-CB-10 Caribbean Blue Q-CI-10 Crystal Ice ½ INCH Q-BR-10 Bronze Q-ER-10 Emerald Q-CBR-10 Caribbean Blue Q-CR-10 Copper Q-JR-10 Jade Q-BLR-10 Blue Lagoon Q-C-10 Copper FIREGLASS COLLECTION Q-CHR-10 Champagne H-MBR-10 Midnight Black Reflective H-BR-10 Bronze Reflective H-CR-10 Copper Reflective H-CI-10 Crystal Ice H-PR-10 Platinum Reflective H-GRR-10 Goldrush Reflective H-SR-10 Sapphire Reflective H-GR-10 Gunmetal Reflective Q-GRR-10 Goldrush Q-SR-10 Sapphire THE HIGHEST QUALITY FIRE GLASS