Summer 2007
Summer 2007
TA H O E Y A C H T C L U B SUMMER 2007 Annual Trans Tahoe Regatta Welcomes 48 Boats Mullen Family puts on a good show for annual regatta Arguably the premier sailing event on the Lake, the TransTahoe Regatta held on Saturday, July 14 brought 48 competitors from California, Nevada and several other western states. Geoff Gardner of Olympic Valley steered his 20foot Ultimate 20 Ricochet to overall victory in this 44th annual running of the Regatta. The ABOVE RIGHT: Dan Hauserman, on his Melges 24 Personal Puff, sailed to 2nd place in the lightweight sloop Melges Division of the Trans Tahoe Regatta. ABOVE: The crew of August Ice, a.k.a."The has a sport boat- Green Machine" hikes over the rail on an upwind beat of the Trans Tahoe. style that features an Division 3 winners were Staff Commodore asymmetrical spinLes Bartlett first in the modified Venture 24, naker perfectly suited to this year’s wind Groovy; Jim Mullen second in the J-24, Blue conditions and racecourse. Ricochet also benJ; and Brant Hoffman third in the Catalina 22, efited from crisp crew work by Brian Plautz Bouta’ Doubt It. and Joe Moore. Moore, 15, is an instructor A hotly contested Corsair catamaran diviin the Tahoe Community Sailing Program in sion featured nine boats all of identical design. Homewood. First place went to Ross Stein in Origami, Ricochet completed the 29.9 nautical mile second to Pete Adams in Gaigin, and third to course in 5 hours 45 minutes and won the Jerry Grant in Freedom Dance. regatta after application of a PHRF handicap. The multi-hull division winner was Bill The course began off Tahoe City, rounded Erkelens in a custom 36-foot multi-hull, marks off Eagle Rock, Chambers Landing Adrenaline, finishing the race in only 3 hours and Glenbrook, then returned to Chambers 46 minutes, a record for the course. Landing and Tahoe City. The competitive Melges 24 Division was Staff Commodore John Utter of Reno finsmaller than usual, having only four boats this ished second in his 10-meter Tartan 10, True year. Tim Hawkins (Go Dogs Go) finished Luff, just 17 seconds behind Gardner, and Jack first, and Dan Hauserman (Personal Puff) Tatum in the Sonoma 30; Arc Angel finished finished second. third, 10 seconds behind Utter. All three top The Cruising Class featured a face-off finishers were in the Keelboat Division 2, between two octogenarians and long-time which race co-chairman Jim Mullen noted, Trans-Tahoe rivals, Dr. Frank Roberts and “did particularly well in the regatta because Bill Briner, both former commodores of the they reached Sugar Pine Point after the wind TYC. Briner founded the Trans-Tahoe 44 had filled in and finished the race before sunyears ago. Roberts finished third, and Briner set, when the wind died.” sixth. Winner of the Cruising division, which Division 1 winners were Staff Commodore raced a 19.5-mile course without use of spinBryce Griffith first in the Antrim 27, Arch naker sails, was Chaco Mohler in the San Juan Angel; Gary Redelberger second in the Farr 24, Knot Bitchin. Second place went to Randy 36, Racer X; and Richard Courcier third Chitwood in the Catalina 30, Charisma. in the Farr 36, Wicked. Dick Ferris finished The race committee remained on station fourth in the J-125, August Ice, and was the long into the night on board Jim Gregory’s first-to-finish keelboat, completing the course Chris-Craft Constellation, Another Summer, in 4 hours 42 minutes. 2 TAHOE YACHT CLUB FOUNDED 1925 700 North Lake Blvd., Tahoe City, Calif. (530) 581-4700 • Fax (530) 581-4771 E-MAIL [email protected] or [email protected] WEB SITE Darren Kramer, Clubhouse Manager Linda Williams, Business Manager FLAG OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Philip Ballantyne, Commodore Stacy Conner, Vice Commodore Jenny Ludwig, Rear Commodore Andy Wagner, Port Captain Directors at Large Hank Upton John McKinney, Treasurer Bruce Block Ray Holstead Larry Tomlinson Paul Cunha, Senior Staff Commodore Jack McKenna, Junior Staff Commodore TAHOE YACHT CLUB FOUNDATION, INC. Dave Olson, President G. Douglas Ball, Treasurer Ken Selvidge, Secretary Kelli Gintel, Lake Tahoe Concours d’Elegance Show Manager BLOCK & TACKLE Gretchen Sproehnle, Design/Production Photos by Steve Lapkin, Darren Kramer, Dick and Nileta Morton, Philip Ballantyne, Deni Mateer, Sue Stout, Jill Casey ON THE COVER: “Wicked,” the red Farr 36, owned by John Corda et al, is the newest boat in the TYC Fleet. In the foreground, Bryce Griffith’s Antrim 27, “Arch Angel” jockeys for position. Cover and Trans Tahoe Photos, above: Staff Commodore Steve Lapkin, awaiting the last finisher, which came in at 10:05 pm. Principal Race Officer Dan Pavel, who just returned from the America's Cup in Valencia, Spain, commented, “The race finished late because of a two and a half hour delay due to the initial lack of wind. Once the wind came in though, we had 15 to 18 knots—a See "Trans Tahoe," continued on page 13 Philip Ballantyne and Deni Mateer aboard the Linmar last fall. COMMODORE'S LOG W ith the season fully upon us, and the calendar packed with power boating, sailing and social events, the Club has reached its usual summer pace. We have already enjoyed a number of very successful events and are looking forward to those to come. Our spring Fizz Fling drew one of our biggest crowds in years as we celebrated the season send-off with this TYC tradition and enjoyed a delicious buffet banquet and plenty of good cheer. The Membership Committee hosted a reception in late June that was very well attended and gave new members and old alike the opportunity to enjoy the camaraderie of our Club and the wonderful group of folks that make it what it is. Our Independence Day celebration consisted of an all-American barbeque held at the Clubhouse complete with hamburgers, hot dogs and apple pie, and was a tremendous success in every regard. The Tahoe Yacht Club Foundation, the charitable arm of the TYC, has a full schedule of events for our annual Wooden Boat Week and Concours d’Elegance festivities beginning Thursday, Aug. 9 with the Opening Night Gala to be held again at Pine Lodge at Sugar Pine Point. New this year is a special V.I.P. opportunity to preview the Boat Show on the afternoon of Thursday, Aug. 9th from noon to 4:00 pm. If you have not yet secured social reservations and show tickets, do so soon as the entire week is sure to be a sell-out. We will be celebrating the end of summer at a new event that will take place at the Clubhouse in the evening following the Annual Membership Meeting, which will be held at 2:00 pm on Saturday, Sept. 1. The Summer Celebration will be a casual cocktail party with several drink specials at the bar and a variety of potluck hors d’oeuvres. Other upcoming events for the fall include the Monday Night Football potlucks kicking off on September 10 and our Oktoberfest celebration on September 29. Deni and I look forward to seeing you on the water and around the Clubhouse. Cheers! Commodore Philip Ballantyne Slate of Nominees — Flag Officers and Directors The Tahoe Yacht Club Nominating Committee presents the following slate of nominees to serve on the Tahoe Yacht Club's Board of Directors for Fiscal Year October 2007–September 2008. Flag Officers Stacy Conner, Commodore Jenny Ludwig, Vice Commodore Andrew Wagner, Rear Commodore Hank Upton, Port Captain Presented by the Nominating Committee: Richard Stout, Chairman Donna Block John McKinney Dave Olson Larry Tomlinson Directors at Large Bruce Block Ray Holstead, Secretary Larry Tomlinson Keith Fields, Treasurer Jim Fleming Philip Ballantyne, Junior Staff Commodore Jack McKennna, Senior Staff Commodore Nominee biographies on following page 3 Stacy Conner is a real Slate of Nominees (continued from page 3) Philip Ballantyne and Deni Mateer reside in Truckee where the master boat builder and restorer of antique powerboats owns and operates Philip B. Ballantyne Wooden Boats. Philip is also author of featured articles in Classic Boating and a book, Classic American Runabouts, Wood Boats 1915-1965, published in 2001. A TYC member since 1991 and Director since 2001, he has served as chair of the House Committee, Nominating Committee, and Wooden Boat Week 20012005, and currently chairs the Long-Range Planning Committee. Bruce Block, a Bay Area financial consultant, attended Cal Poly and San Jose State where he graduated with a B.S. in Business and an MBA in Marketing. The Blocks reside in Tiburon and Tahoma at Lake Tahoe where Bruce enjoys sailing and power boating with his wife, Donna, and Golden Retriever, Winchester, in their 1937 Chris-Craft, Tomahawk. Bruce, past Executive Director of the Pacific Inter-Club Yacht Association, has been a member of TYC since 1987 and active Concours volunteer and Hospitality Committee member. estate agent with Pullen Realty Group and a very busy mom of two very active sons, Ryan, 10, and 5-year-old Blake. The University of Nevada, Reno graduate has been a Lake Tahoe local for more than 20 years. Stacy is an avid skier, runner and sailor, skippering her Melges 24, TTFN, as well as serving as race committee for the Laser fleet on Monday nights. A TYC member since 1992 and Director since 2004, she is a member of the Sail Committee and chairs the House Committee. She is slated to be the next TYC Commodore. nally hired by the Tahoe Yacht Club in 1995 as Assistant Manager. Shortly thereafter, Keith was promoted to General Manager overseeing all of the day-to-day operations of the Club. For nearly five years he managed TYC’s operations including club events, the sailing program, private clubhouse activities and working hand in hand with the Foundation coordinating the Concours events. In 2000 Keith resigned from the TYC and took a new job for an Italian company managing their U.S. operations in Reno. Keith, his wife Sarah, and son, Jacob, are yearround residents of Homewood and are active in the Tahoe boating community. The family continues to enjoy their club membership and Erik Arnold and son Duke have a lot to smile about… they are in the lead for the 2007 O-T-B series. O-T-B Series Off to Fast Start! From Director Andy Wagner, Powerboat Chair The Summer 2007 OTB series started with a kick-off party at the TYC Clubhouse on Friday, June 29. More than 40 members, families and friends joined to celebrate the start of the Summer season. The following morning, Saturday, June 30, Co-Chairman Tom O’Rourke demonstrated a fine start, captaining the Summer Daze first across the start line at 9:00 a.m. A total of ten boats participated in the event which began at the Tahoe City Marina and followed a course that led to Dollar 4 Keith Fields was origi- Keith looks forward to returning to “active duty” at the TYC in his new role as Director and Treasurer. Jim Fleming grew up in Southern California, moved to Newport Beach at the age of 21 and “learned” to sail. He became General Manager of a Telecom company that serviced all of California and later was transferred with his firm to San Francisco. Jim moved to Tahoe in 1992. He credits Joyce Drechsler and JC Krise for bringing him into TYC and for introducing him to Les Bartlett, with whom he has been racing in the Wednesday Beer Can series and Trans Tahoe for many years. Jim’s business (Jim Fleming Consultant) has him busy installing efficient furnaces and tankless water heaters throughout the Tahoe area. Jim also hosts the annual TYC Christmas party as well as the Club’s Monday Night football events. Along with Lucinda Sayre and dog Paco, Jim lives year-round on the Truckee River and looks forward to working with the other TYC directors to make our Club the best it can be. Ray Holstead and his wife, Kathy, split their time between homes in San Francisco and Tahoma. A California native, Ray is a graduate of San Jose State University (BSEE) and Point, Hurricane Bay, Sunnyside and back to the TYC. Participants learned several new navigation points around the lake, including the “Gooseneck” above Hurricane Bay. Upon return to the TYC Clubhouse, participants were treated to a “Do It Yourself Bloody Mary Bar,” created by Clubhouse Manager Darren Kramer. The DIY movement has never seen a finer moment! The big winners at the TYC Awards Ceremony follwing the event were Erik, Becky, Duke and Ava Arnold in Tingle, a 16-foot, 1959 Century Resorter, who not only placed first with the time closest to the mark but also won the poker hand competition. In second place were Harvey and Nancy Rogers in Where’s Harvey, a 22-foot, 2004 Cobalt. Third place went to Ray and Kathy Holstead in Our Girl II, a 2003 Mastercraft Maristar. Over-the-Bottom events are held on Saturday mornings throughout the summer season. The first registered boat crosses the start line promptly at 9:00 a.m. and additional boats follow at two minute intervals. Please arrive by 8:30 a.m. in order to register and obtain your starting card and instructions for the event. Don't miss the last O-T-B, August 25, off the Tahoe City Marina. Drop-ins are welcome for $25 per individual event. Additional Victory Celebration Party tickets for crew members and those attending individual events will be available for $25 each. To participate in the Summer 2007 OTB Series, or an individual event, please contact the Clubhouse staff to reserve your start-time. Santa Clara University (MSE). The retired electrical engineer (PG&E, City of Oakland, UCSF) has been a member of TYC since 1991 and has volunteered this past year as a Club delegate to PICYA. Watch for the Holsteads, too, in this summer’s Over-The-Bottoms, as Ray, Kathy and Our Gal II plan to make a comeback after 2005's fourth place finish. Jenny Ludwig lists her occupation as “volunteer” and that she’s been for some 30 years —from PTA mom and Junior League to ACBS and since 2002, a member of TYC’s Board of Directors and current Membership Committee co-chair. A fourth generation Californian, Jenny met her husband, Concours Chief Judge Barry, while both were students at the University of Oregon. The now “empty-nester” parents of Hilary and Matthew make their home in San Jose and at the Lake at Rubicon Bay. Jack McKenna and his wife, Cindy have been members of TYC since 1989, beginning as skipper and crew of their Catalina sloop, Cynthia Marie, with Jack taking the helm of the Club's Sailing program from 1998 through 2002. With election to the Board, he became Treasurer (2000-2005) and has also served as a Concours judge for the past six years. The now-retired Professor of Management and Director of Graduate Programs at Chico State University, Cindy, and Delaney, the dog, make their home in Paradise, Calif., and at Homewood where Jack is an active member and current president of the Homeowners' Association. Larry Tomlinson went from the Navy to college (BS, Rutgers; MBA, University of Santa Clara) to a globetrotting 38-year career with Hewlett-Packard in Brazil, Switzerland, and on both coasts of the U.S. before retiring in 2003 as Senior Vice President and Treasurer. But totally retired he isn't, as he continues as a board member of two public corporations. Along with Jenny Ludwig, Larry is co-chair of the Membership Committee. Larry and his wife, Gail, are both avid skiers, downhill and cross-country, and are frequent participants in the TYC Penguin ski trips. The couple, who have been members of TYC since 1997, now make their home full-time in Squaw Valley. Hank Upton and his wife, Joan, now serve as Hospitality chairs after first volunteering for a Club Halloween party a few years back (displaying Hank's hidden talents as a cartoonist). The Stanford alum, semi- retired physician and TYC Director since 2004 also stays busy traveling with Joan and keeping three boats afloat, including a 1941 Chris-Craft barrel back. The Uptons, TYCers since 1997, reside in Woodside, Calif., and McKinney Shores at the Lake. Last summer, Hank hosted the revival of the West Shore Hoe-Down and BBQ, which is again an annual event. Wagner has been a director since 2004. He is currently Chairman of the Wine Events Committee and the Power Boat Committee. Andy established the Club's wine events program including wine-tastings, biannual winemaker's dinner and the annual Fall wine tour in October. Professionally, he is a co-founder and partner at Tradewinds Capital Management, LLC, a merchant banking firm focused on privately-held, growthoriented companies. Andy is a graduate of U.C. California, Berkeley where he received a B.S. degree in Business Administration with emphases in finance and marketing. Members since 2002, Andy, his wife, Suzanne Boucher, and Ruby, their Newfoundland, split their time between homes in Walnut Creek and Carnelian Bay. Andy EDITOR'S NOTE — The Slate of Nominees will be voted upon at the Annual Membership Meeting on September 1st. New Committee Boat For the last several seasons the Sail Committee has depended on the generosity of the Molly owners syndicate to provide a committee boat for a very reasonable fee. Last fall, the group decided to put the 1963 36’ ChrisCraft cruiser on the market for sale. Staff Commodore Rich and Sue Stout have recently made the very magnanimous donation of their 1962 28’ Chris-Craft Sails Call Too to the Club for use as a committee boat for the administration and operation of the many sailing and power boating events held each summer at the Club. As of this writing, the boat is in the water and on active duty for sailing regattas and numerous other TYC events. THANK YOU, Sue and Rich! 5 5 ���� ����� �� ����� ���� ���� ���� �� ����� ����� ���� ��������� ���� ������ Your family will thank you. ��� ����������� ����� hel ping yo u bridge the gap Dale O. Reynolds LIC #0E45710 6 tel: 650-369-1669 [email protected] Staffers on the Tahoe Cruz: (Back row, L-R) Nate Fryirs, Darren Kramer, David Price, Bo Massopust, Patrick Jackson. (Front row, L-R) Jenni Buxton, Kimberly Mann, Steven and Kelli Gintel, Skipper Mike Pavel, Linda Williams and Tahoe Cruz First Mate Greg. G well as a great boat for our offsite events. The Stouts' generosity cannot go unmentioned. Thank you Stouts! TYC moorings are available on a first come first served basis. Please identify yourself as a TYC member and marina staff will direct you to an available mooring. Once you are tied up, they will provide valet service to and from the dock. The valet service is not 24 hours so be sure to ask what time the service ends that evening if you are going to dinner in town. Boats may not be left overnight unless arrangements have been made with the Club Manager. Please contact the Club at 530-5814700 to make mooring inquiries. Next time you’re headed out for a day on the lake or an evening in town, stop by the Club for a visit. It’s your Club; the staff is ready to serve you and your guests! Clubhouse News reetings from the Clubhouse! Our summer hours are in effect now until Labor Day. The Clubhouse, the office and bar will be open seven days per week, with the bar open daily from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. The TYC is a “WI FI hot spot” and is a great location to get a little work done and enjoy our incredible view. A wireless computer connection is available to you anytime we are in the office or that the Clubhouse is open. TYC’s summer crew Welcome back Danny Pavel! If you hadn’t heard, Danny was in Valencia, Spain working on the America’s Cup for the past several months. Look for his article on the back cover describing his time at the Cup! New at the bar this summer are Patrick Jackson, Bo Massopust and Marie Walther, plus you will remember David Price and Jenni Buxton from last summer. Also look out for our guest bartenders Danny Pavel and “Aussie” Nate as well! Running the races out on the water are veterans Greg Barraclough, Patrick Jackson, Darren Kramer and Danny Pavel, plus new- TYC’s Email Directory Please note that some of our email addresses have changed. Please delete kt@tahoeyc. com from your address books. It is no longer active. Here is a list of our current staff email addresses at the Club: • Darren Kramer, Clubhouse Manager [email protected] • Linda Williams, Business Manager [email protected] • Kelli Gintel, TYC Foundation Show Manager—[email protected] • Kimberly Mann, Front Desk/ Administrative Assistant— [email protected] comer Eric Holman who we hope to have with us for many summers to come. Our new office assistant, Kimberly Mann, helps with general Club and TYCF/Boat Show information, and takes reservations for the TYC events. You may also see Kim stepping behind the bar from time to time. Summer Events in Full Swing The Tahoe Yacht Club had yet another successful tennis social on July 21 and we would like to THANK the Ferris, Harris and Rogers families for providing tennis courts and helping to organize this wonderful annual event. Linda Williams is leading several monthly hikes again this summer for those active TYC members. Watch your email for dates, times and trailheads in the coming weeks. First Friday Cocktail Parties are hosted on the first Friday of each month twelve months a year. This is a great opportunity to mingle with fellow members and start your weekend right with hosted appetizers and cocktail specials. This is Tahoe casual! As a reminder, all members are welcome and encouraged to bring guests to the Club. We have a lot of great summer and fall events planned, so please R.S.V.P. early! Danny Pavel, water staff, bar staff, and TYCF operations manager is sporting the NEW Devon Jones Button down shirt with TYC tie and Safari Hat. Danny has been with TYC for over a decade and he continues to be a great ambassador of the Club. Book the Clubhouse for your next party! One of the many benefits of being a TYC member is that you can reserve the Clubhouse for a private party. Be sure to think of our lakefront setting for your next birthday party, anniversary or rehearsal dinner. TYC Mooring policy Once again, TYC has secured five moorings in the Tahoe City Marina for use by our members and guests. Please note that one of our buoys is being occupied by our NEWEST addition Sails Call Too which was generously donated by Staff Commodore Rich and Sue Stout. The 28-foot Chris-Craft Constellation makes for an excellent race committee boat as Kimberly Mann, our summer office assistant, models our new women’s wear: canvas brim hat, 3/4 sleeve polo, Eliza B tote bag and belt, and hoodie. Kimberly teaches skiing at Alpine Meadows in the winter. Be sure to say “hi” as she greets you on your way into the Club. 7 Welcome TYC’s NEWEST Members…Elected since April 21 Randy Hill Tahoe Vista, Calif. (Regular Membership) Randy is retired and looks forward to meeting new friends at the TYC with common interests in boating and Lake Tahoe. An active member of the local community, Randy is a Rotarian and serves on the board of Tahoe Forest Hospital. (Sponsors: Nancy Cunningham, Jim Hagan and Jim Moore) James Taylor and Lisa Bornstein Berkeley, Calif. (Regular Membership) "With many friends in the Bay Area, we're interested in meeting more people who spend time in Lake Tahoe," says Taylor and Bornstein, who have a home in Tahoma. They own a 1955 19-foot Chris-Craft, fifties chic, and have three grown children, all 25 and older. Lisa is a copy editor and Jim is the Global Creative Director for Chevron. (Sponsors: Barry Ludwig, Kirk and Julie Pumphrey) Hilary Ludwig, San Jose, Calif. (Young Adult Membership) Hilary hopes to continue the TYC tradition that her parents have begun for her family. She looks forward to supporting boating at Tahoe, and hopes to integrate more young member events at TYC. Hilary's family has a home at Meeks Bay. (Sponsors: Barry and Jenny Ludwig, Ray Holstead) Bob and Suzy Schumacher San Antonio, Texas (Non-Resident Membership) The Schumachers enjoy visiting relatives at Lake Tahoe and have leased a home near Tahoe City for much of the summer. Owners of a 23 foot Monterey Deckboat and a 21 foot Dargel Skout home ported in San Antonio, both Suzy and Bobby were “raised on boats.” Bobby is also an avid sport fisherman. The couple has three adult children. (Sponsors: Thomas and Rebecca Smith, Don and Denise Kirby) Branden Heaps Los Altos, Calif (Young Adult Membership) “I have always been fascinated with wooden boats and their history. I thoroughly enjoy Lake Tahoe and have visited the TYC and the Concours many times and feel I would be able to contribute to the success of the Yacht Club,” states Heaps. (Sponsors: Ben Hance and Tom Hennig) (Regular Membership) Bill has a passion for the maritime heritage of Lake Tahoe as evidenced by his lifelong love of wooden boats and a personal and professional commitment to the preservation of the Lake-in-the-Sky’s historic resources. As Manager and Curator of the Thunderbird Lodge, Bill, through his non-profit foundation, owns the 1939 Thunderbird, a 55 foot Hacker and truly classic Tahoe wooden boat. Bill looks forward to sharing in the camaraderie of fellow yachtsmen and women at the TYC, and to “protecting the waters upon which we motor and sail.” (Sponsors: Joan Gibb and Bernie Sloop) George and Therese Elwell Ivins, Utah (Regular Membership) Both George and Therese were raised in Marin County and have lived or vacationed at Lake Tahoe since childhood. Boating and fishing on the lake have been passions for years and now that their three children are grown the Elwells look forward to sharing their love of Tahoe with other boating enthusiasts at the TYC. The Elwells own a Bayliner and a brand new Chris-Craft Speedster Woody and spend summers at their Tahoma home. (Sponsors: Royce Johnson and Ralph Silverman) Sandra and Alan Richards Incline Village, Nevada Jim Taylor annd Lisa Bornstein are welcomed to the Club at the New Members Reception, June 23. William Watson Incline Village, Nevada (Regular Membership) Alan and Sandra Richards have a keen interest in boating and spend considerable family time on the water with their four children (ages 17 to 25). Alan is a Realtor and owns his own home building business; both he and Sandra are involved members of the Incline community. Proud owners of two boats, The Alessandra, a 37-foot Chris-Craft and Entrepreneurial Spirit, a 28-foot Cobalt, the Richards are very excited about Wooden Boat Week and look forward to celebrating their love of boats with other members of the Yacht Club. (Sponsors: Bruce Ells, Tom Rowlands and Mary Fran Murphy) New member Bill Watson, Executive Director of the Thunderbird Lodge Preservation Society, on the left with Dave Marion, the new skipper of the Thunderbird on the right. New Members Reception, June 23. Garry “Kiwi” Moore Olympic Valley, California (Conner’s Crew) Garry, or “Kiwi” to his friends, has sailed in the Laser “B” fleet for the last two years, won the series in 2006 and moved to the “A” fleet for the 2007 season. He has thoroughly enjoyed this sailing experience and looks forward to becoming involved in more events at the TYC, as well as sailing lasers for many years to come. A full time resident of Squaw Valley, when not sailing Kiwi pursues his professional career as a well known local photographer. (Sponsors: Stacy Conner and Dan Hauserman) 2007 Rowing Regatta Recap Saturday morning, June 16th dawned a beautifully clear day for this year’s North Tahoe Rowing Regatta. The 53 rowers, split between the 8.75 NM course and the 3.75 NM course, started cleanly and finished in close to record times (1:13:48 for the long course, rowed by Tim Huebner and Patrice Rioux in a double, and 0:32:10 for the short course , rowed by Nabeel Shirazi in a 24). Though we experienced a little breeze this year half-way through, the race was smooth and uneventful (the best kind), and the 8 barbeque afterwards was delicious, as always. Thanks to the volunteers who helped with the race this year, particularly the first-time TYC chase boat volunteers—Ray Ellen Wisse in the Salad Bowl Express, the Tomlinsons in Olympic Lady, the Blocks in Tomahawk, and Rich Stout in Ken Selvidge’s Zodiac. Thanks to Club staff who manned the Club Zodiac and supported the sign-up process and the pre-race event at the club. We look forward to another successful regatta next year on June 21! Photo courtesy Matt Diethelm Market Research • Strong Web Presence New! Lakefront Tours by Boat If you’re making a move in Real Estate, you want to work with a team that has experience - not just sales experience, but experience living, owning and even building property in your area of interest. At Pullen Realty Group, you’ll work with a full time Real Estate professional, someone who knows the market and has access to our unique research and outstanding website tools. You’ll know how many buyers and sellers there are in any market segment, what properties make good rentals and what kind of Real Estate is hot...and what’s not. Because in Real Estate, local knowledge can make all the difference. Katie Benty Stacy Conner Glenshire/Northstar Lake Tahoe Buy or sell your next property with us and we’ll donate 5% of our earnings to the Tahoe Yacht Club’s junior sailing program. Nick Pullen Truckee Properties For Sale Vacation Rentals 2 BR/1.5 BA TRUCKEE $425,000 SOULFUL CABIN! 3 BR/2 BA TAHOE CITY $815,000 PRIVATE BEACH! 3 BR/2 BA TAHOE CITY FROM $390 PER NIGHT SL 12 3 BR/2 BA TRUCKEE RIVER $925,000 ON THE RIVER! 3 BR/2 BA TAHOE DONNER $474,000 GREAT AMENITIES! 3 BR/2 BA DONNER LAKE 3 BR/2 BA TAHOE DONNER FROM $300 PER NIGHT SL 10 FROM $260 PER NIGHT SL 6 Truckee & Tahoe City 530.550.7710 • 3 BR/2 BA TAHOE DONNER FROM $250 PER NIGHT SL 6 BROKER LIC. 01341126 877.526.5336 [email protected] 9 Ahh… This is the Life! Another Summer of Tahoe Sailing From Dan Hauserman, Sail Committee Chair Racer X, a Farr 36 in TYC's Division 1, placed first in the 2007 Beer Can Regatta Spring Series. Life is what happens while you are trying to get out and sail! And boy does it go by fast! At press time of this newsletter, summer sailing is already more than half over. The Spring Series has concluded for both the Monday Night Laser Races and the Wednesday CATT C ONTRACTOR OF THE Night Beer Can Races. The sailors are fine tuning their rigs and sheeting in their mainsails to try to better their performances in the second half. Let’s look at the first half of the season’s very active Spring Series and more. Sixteen sailors participated in the Laser “A” fleet (more experienced veterans) and, despite one night of no wind, 18 races were completed in six of seven nights. Three per night is all we can hope for so that is fantastic participation and conditions. The “B” fleet (the up and comers to the sport) produced nine sailors quickly learning the ropes in 16 total races. It is especially gratifying this year to see a transition take shape from the Community Sailing Program’s youth race clinic and Monday night advanced clinic. Four recent junior graduates (Drew McMillan, Ryan Hackbarth, Zach Thomas and Hayden Hauserman) moved up in their sailing careers by graduating from the “user friendly” Pico sailboat featured in Junior Sailing to the more volatile Laser, and are now racing in the Laser “B” fleet. This is exactly what we hoped for when we started this program a few ago. To see it actually come to fruition is, well… the wind in our sails! Y EAR 2006 - R ESIDENTIAL P ROJECT CONSTRUCTION ARCHITECTURE • DEVELOPMENT Richard W. Loverde 530 581-5533 Fax 530 581-5599 P.O. Box 5535, Tahoe City, CA 96145 CA 757430 • NV 0049877 10 Congratulations to all the participants. Here are the Spring Series Results for the Lasers: “A” Fleet: 1st Place - Stan Eriksson. 2nd Place - Jim Granger. 3rd Place – Dan Hauserman. 4th Place – Todd Jackson. 5th Place – Buff Wendt. “B” Fleet: 1st Place – Tony Dahlman. 2nd Place – Mark Oshiro. 3rd Place – Brad Tyler. 4th Place – Zachary Thomas. 5th Place – Ron Driller. Moving on to the “Big Boats,” Mother Nature shined upon the keel boats as the winds were nearly always there on Wednesdays. Racing was held on all seven evenings. There are four divisions this year as follows: Division 1 consists of the biggest boats with the fastest ratings. (PHRF rating system less than 53). In Division 1, there was a heated battle each week with all boats not only fast but big (all in the 36 to 42 foot range). Racer X, the Farr 36 skippered by Gary Redelberger, took the top honors for the series narrowly beating rival Dick Ferris on August Ice, a J-125. Third place honors went to another Farr 36, Wicked, skippered by Rich Courcier. Division 2 comprises a wide variety of boats with handicap ratings between 56 and 114. There was incredible competition in this continued on next page OF THE Y EAR 2005 Sailing, continued newly realigned division. Each of the top five boats placed first in one or more of the races and second and third place overall came right down to the last race of the series! The winner was Bryce Griffith, helming his Antrim 27 Arch Angel. Second place went to Chinook, a J-105, skippered by Jim Duffy, who just nipped Brian Barger and his Olson 30, Stray Cat. Man that was a close one! Division 3 consists of boats with a rating of 117 or above. The competition was again very tight and again came down to the final race. This series was fun to watch as two of the top three boats were 30 feet or longer and the other was Tinker Toy, a 20 foot Santana. It was the sailing equivalent of David and Goliath! This time, David (Blair Wallace) prevailed. As for the Goliaths, John Utter's Tartan 10 True Luff took 2nd place and Sting, John Larsen's 36-foot Canadian, placed third. All the fun wasn’t had on Mondays and Wednesdays though. There have been several exciting weekend regattas so far this summer. On Saturday, June 16 the Sunnyside Regatta marked the first of the three weekend restaurant series. Gar Woods Restaurant hosted in July, and the series concludes at Chambers Landing on August 18. There were exceptional winds in the 15 to 30 knot range for most of the Sunnyside event which led to some thrilling action. This year we switched the format to a reverse start, with the slowest boats starting first followed by multiple start intervals; the fastest boat starts last and well behind. The first boat across the finish line wins so you know exactly where you stand at all times. Dan Hauserman skippered Personal Puff to first place. Stan Eriksson, on Pro Spirit, was close behind in second, and Gary Redelberger and the Racer X crew took third place after the Santa Cruz 27 Poopsie drove through the finish line the wrong way. Ooops! Poopsie quickly corrected their mistake but not in time to beat Racer X. Great fun to watch it unfold! Another exciting weekend event was the Melges 24 High Sierra Series held July 7 and 8. There were six local boats and nine overall in the event. Good winds filled in for Saturday and three tightly fought races were completed. On Sunday, after over two hours of postponement due to no wind, the two final races were abandoned. As a result, it was a three-race series won by Nick Pullen, skippering TBD, owned by Jim Granger. Nick had near perfect starts and consistently played the shifting winds better than his fellow competitors. Second place honors went to Santa Cruz-based Melges Go Dogs Go, owned by Tim Hawkins and skippered by Chris Watts. Finishing third was local Stan Eriksson and his boat Pro Spirit. Congratulations to all! Most recently, we hosted the annual TransTahoe. It was another fantastic year for this Nick Pullen was the helmsman for Jim Granger's winning Melges 24 in the High Sierra Series held July 7-8, 2007. signature sailing event. Be sure to read the article on page two by Jim Mullen for details on the top finishers. The Mullen family did an outstanding job again this summer putting together this prestigious and historic regatta. If you see any of the Mullens (Jim, Lynn, Brian or Kevin) please thank them for their much appreciated efforts! 11 TYC Summer Wine Events From Director Andy Wagner, Wine Events Chair Champagne Salute to Dom Perignon, Saturday, June 30 M ore than 30 TYC wine enthusiasts and their guests celebrated the start of the Summer season with a Champagne Celebration honoring Dom Perignon on Saturday, June 30, at the TYC Clubhouse. Chris Drake, TYC’s fine wine representative from the Estates Group of Young’s Market Company, presented a sampling of five fine Champagnes and one domestic sparkling wine all produced under the traditional Méthode Champenoise. This was a rare opportunity to taste some of the most prestigious vintage and cuvee sparkling wines from some of the most exclusive Champagne houses side-by-side. End of Summer Winetasting Friday, August 31, featuring Tandem Wines’ winemaker Greg La Follette The TYC Wine Events Committee proudly welcomes world renowned winemaker Greg La Follette to the Tahoe Yacht Club on Friday, August 31, at 5:30 p.m. The evening will focus on Greg’s newest venture, Tandem Wines. Members will have the opportunity to Staff Commodore Brad and Sandi Hill, rarely at the Club since moving from the Lake to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, attended the Winemaker's Dinner on April 21, 2007. Jon Katis of Lucchesi Vineyards pours some of the first wines of the newly released 2005 vintage for Larry Tomlinson, Gil Magnani and Les Schwoob on March 31. sample some of Greg’s award winning Pinot Noirs and Chardonnays from the Sonoma Coast while socializing with friends at the Clubhouse. If you plan to attend, we ask that you please bring an appetizer to pair with the wines and share with friends. Background on the Winemaker Greg La Follette was born in Europe, growing up with an old-world view that wine is “raised” rather than “made.” After studying ancient Burgundian techniques at U.C. Davis, he continued on-the-job studies at Beaulieu Vineyard as research viticulturist/enologist with wine master, André Tchelistcheff. From BV, Greg went to work at Kendall-Jackson where he was responsible for gathering and disseminating the best and latest thoughts on vine/wine quality as in-house troubleshooter/consultant. La Follette then turned his talents to Flowers Vineyard & Winery where he was the winemaker and general manager, launching one of the most successful small Pinot labels to date. The winery he built at Flowers is still considered one of the very best gravity-flow, gasassist green wineries in the world. All of this experience has led Greg La Follette to combine his talents with Linda Villagomez and Rick Davis to create Tandem Wines, crafting fine wines from multiple vineyard sources along the Sonoma Coast, a region cited by the Wine Spectator as producing some of the finest Pinot Noir grapes in the world. Among the numerous awards for his accomplishments in the wine industry, Greg is an unprecedented three-time winner of Wine & Spirits’ “Artisan/Winery of the Year” in 1995, 1999 and 2000. In addition, Tandem was the number-one rated Pinot Noir in the world in the 2004 Pinot Noir Shootout and Summit, an independently-judged Pinot competition involving hundreds of Pinots world-wide. La Follette’s wines have been served at the White House at several state events, and Greg has been asked by the State Department to represent the U.S. in goodwill efforts abroad to improve winemaking practices in other countries. Recently, Greg has turned his attentions to vineyard and winery consulting internationally. He has designed or redesigned 14 wineries worldwide with an emphasis on “green” design, has served as designing winemaker for the new U.C. Davis teaching winery and is involved in projects on five continents. Tandem Wines The August 31 Winetasting will feature Tandem Pinot Noirs. 12 Greg LaFollette and his team rely upon multiple vineyard sources at Tandem Wines to produce several distinct vineyard designated Chardonnays and Pinot Noirs. Tandem’s focus is fixed on quality achieved through passion and dedication to the craft of fine wine making. Tandem employs sustainable agricultural practices through balanced vine Trans Tahoe, continued perfect day for racing on Tahoe.” Each year, the overall winner of the Trans-Tahoe has his or her name inscribed on the permanent Eric Conner Trophy on display in the Clubhouse. The highest placing TYC member has his or her name on the Jake Obexer II Perpetual Trophy, also on display. The winner of the Cruising Division is inscribed on the Hellman permanent trophy. This year TYC member Geoff Gardner won both the Conner and Obexer Trophies. Thanks to the donation of individual trophies for the next ten years by former Commodore Les Bartlett and his family, the winner of the Obexer trophy will also receive a take home commemorative trophy to memorialize their performance in this classic Tahoe sailing event. RIGHT: Stan Eriksson consistently sails to top honors in the Laser "A" Fleet. BOTTOM: The "C" Fleet of Pico youth sailors learn the ropes. Photos courtesy Jill Casey. Wine Events, continued management that fosters the dialogue between vine and wine, creation and interpretation. Thank you to TYC member Andreas Papaliolios for setting up this event. The winetasting will be held on Friday, August 31, at 5:30 p.m. Please keep an eye on the TYC website,, watch for email announcements, or call the Club for further details. Planning for Fall Plans are underway for a variety of autumn wine events, including more varietal and region-specific winetasting events, the winetasting tour, and the popular Fall Harvest Celebration winemaker’s dinner. If you would like to become involved in wine event planning for future events, please contact Andy Wagner at (530) 581-3881, or email [email protected]. Laser Racing Welcomes New Junior Fleet The following is an excerpt from an article written by Buff Wendt for the Sierra Sun July 18 issue. Kudos to Buff for her journalistic endeavors! Weather cooperated and breezes were up, delighting the 24 Laser and Pico sailors racing out of the Tahoe Yacht Club on July 16 in the Monday Night Laser Series. The “A” Fleet featured an exciting evening of back-and-forth racing, with sailors swapping spots between the front and back of the pack. “The winds were really shifty (Monday) night,” said Dan Hauserman of the “A” Fleet. “You would think that you were on the right side of the course and in the next minute be looking like you were in last place.” “It’s like playing chess while physically trying to keep your boat moving at optimum speed and not capsizing or hitting another boat,” said “B” Fleet sailor Brad Tyler. Ultimately in the “A” Fleet, Stan Eriksson picked off Nick Pullen for first place in the opening race, but Pullen fought back to win the next two races. “I was deep quite a few times, with new faces ahead of me… the level of sailing is improving fleet-wide. It’s anyone’s game out there right now,” Pullen explained. The same was true in the “B” Fleet, in which Brad Tyler took the top spot on the night by ousting Tony Dahlman and Mark Oshiro from the first-place position they were trading the last several weeks. New teen racers Zach Thomas, Drew McMillan and Hayden Hauserman also held their own in the wind. “I think I saw Hayden flip no less than 10 times, but he hung in there and finished,” said Justin Casey of the “A” Fleet. “He’s young and with this experience, he and the other graduates from the Youth Racing Team will be moving up rapidly.” Meanwhile, the youth team was out in the breeze in their Pico Lasers. Bryce Griffith has headed up the youth program, which has successfully started feeding youth sailors with solid skills into the local Laser fleet. Sailing instruction is run through the Tahoe City Parks and Recreation Department and any youth is invited to join. “Some people view sailing as an elitist sport, but at the local level, it is very reasonable for anyone to become a good sailor,” Griffith said. 13 Art Mennick (Chubby Cheddar) and Dick Morton (Ivan Spudnik) plot their roles for "Murder on the Grill," a 1950s spoof for April's Murder Mystery Dinner Party. Easter Saturday Saturday,, March April 7, was was TYC TYCKids Kids (and grandkids) grandkids) Day DayatatthetheClub Club with rabbit with rabbit ears to be made and eggs eggs to to be be found, found, led led by by Hospitality “Big "Big Bunny” Bunny"Harold HaroldRobinson Robinson(far(far right) and bunny-suited helper Diane Niland. ON THE SOCIAL SCENE PHOTOS: Dick and NiletaMorton, Morton,Philip PhilipBallantyne, Ballantyne,Sue SueStout Stout & Nilleta Commodore Ballantyne (right) with Cinco de Mayo Hospitality Hosts, Board member Bruce and Staff Commodore Donna Block. Dr. Alex McDonald in very proper "nattie" attire for the May 26th Gin Fizz Fling… Cinco de Mayo — Lynne Osmundsen (standing right) and husband New member Randy Hill and Schatzi Boyd Ozzie brought the whole family for all-you-can-eat fajitas dinner with all the trimmings, catered by D‘Lish. A nautical Joan and Roger McGee 4th of July — Roy Dryer and Jim Koch (pictured left) and (above right) Lucinda Sayre, Jim Fleming and Staff Commodore Dr. Frank Roberts get set for an upstairs front row seat for the fireworks. Meanwhile members start to gather downstairs as Art Mennick and Club Manager Darren Kramer ready hot dogs and hamburgers to go with salads, chips and traditional apple pie for nearly 150 TYCers…including 30 children! 14 TYC “first ladies“ Deni Mateer and Cindy McKenna SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY AUGUST 5 6 7 LASER REGATTA SHORT HANDED Regatta WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 2 3 BEER CAN REGATTA Summer Series - 6 pm 4 pm Start Marine Swap Meet 8 am-2pm - Tahoe Maritime Museum Steppin' Out Dinner/Dance - 6 pm Wild Goose Restaurant 13 LASER REGATTA 14 19 20 12 Summer Series - 6 pm Ladies' Luncheon & Fashion Show -11:30 am Cedar Flat Woodie Over-The-Bottom - 9 am Sugar Pine Point Men's Grill -12 noon Homewood Sponsors Dinner - 6 pm Wolfdale's 21 LASER REGATTA 27 Last LASER REGATTA LASER Regatta Weekend 15 BEER CAN REGATTA WOODEN BOAT WEEK BEGINS! 16 22 6 pm FALL HOURS BEGIN AT CLUBHOUSE PRESENTED BY TAHOE YACHT CLUB FOUNDATION INC. Sierra Boat Co. Marina - 9 am to 4 pm 17 18 Private Party 23 5 CONNER BEER CAN REGATTA Fall Series 24 25 Over-TheBottom #4 ACBS Woodie Whoopie 8:30 am - Tahoe City Marina LASER Regatta Weekend 31 SUMMER WINETASTING featuring Tandem Vineyards Clubhouse - 5 pm September 1st End of ummer SC elebration, 6 pm Shop the TYC BOATIQUE online! Go to, click on Member Services, then Merchandise. TYC Young Adult Social - McKinney Shores Private Party at Clubhouse 5-8 pm 3 pm Start Series Finalé - 6 pm Beer Can Ball Awards Party at Clubhouse following Race 4 Hoe-Down - 4:30 pm CHAMBERS Regatta BEER CAN 29 REGATTA 30 Summer of the Summer Series - 6 pm + Summer Awards at TYC Clubhouse 3 LABOR DAY 8:30 am - Chambers Landing 11 Mahogany Magic Potluck Grand Finale - 6:30 pm Gatekeeper's Museum Grounds SEPTEMBER 2 Over-The4 Bottom #3 Summer Series - 6 pm Summer Series - 6 pm 28 10 VIP Preview Day, noon - 4 pm Opening Night Gala and Auction - 6 pm, Ehrman Mansion BEER CAN REGATTA Summer Series 6 pm 26 FIRST FRIDAY COCKTAIL PARTY - 5 pm 9 BEER CAN REGATTA Summer Series - 6 pm ACBS Woodie Whoopie Summer Series - 6 pm 8 SATURDAY 6 7 FIRST FRIDAY COCKTAIL PARTY 5 pm 1 Board Meeting 10 am, Clubhouse Annual Membership Meeting 2 pm, Clubhouse 8 LASER FLEET CHAMPIONSHIPS Sailing and Camping! Stampede Reservoir Private Dinner Party 9 10 Member Wedding 6 pm 16 11 12 14 CONNER BEER CAN REGATTA Fall Series MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL POTLUCK - 5 pm 'til? 17 13 18 19 MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL POTLUCK 15 Private Dinner Party 20 21 22 CONNER BEER CAN REGATTA Fall Series - 5 pm 'til? Private Dinner Party 23 Fannette Island Distance Regatta noon 30 24 25 MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL POTLUCK - 5 pm 'til? 26 27 CONNER BEER CAN REGATTA Fall Series 28 29 OKTOBERFEST POTLUCK CELEBRATION 5:30 pm COMING UP IN OCTOBER… First Friday Cocktail Party, October 5 at 5 pm … Board of Directors (offsite) meeting October 20, and the Halloween Potluck, Ocotber 27 at 5:30 pm! Of course, Monday Night Football continues each Monday at 5 pm … 15 Wooden Boat Week just around the corner! A Limited Number of Tickets Available for New V.I.P. Preview Event, August 9 The USPS's new stamp series entitled “Vintage Mahogany Speedboats” — © 2007 USPS. All Rights Reserved. Four Tahoe-area classic wooden boats will be featured in a new United States Postal Service (USPS) collectors’ stamp series to be dedicated during the 35th Annual Lake Tahoe Concours d’Elegance. The new USPS collectors’ stamp series, entitled “Vintage Mahogany Speedboats,” will be dedicated by USPS officials at the Opening Ceremony of the Boat Show’s new V.I.P. Preview Day on August 9. Each pane of 16 first-class stamps will feature photographs of Dispatch (1931 Gar Wood from Carnelian Bay, Calif.), Duckers (a 1954 Chris-Craft from Loomis, Calif.), Frolic (a 1915 Hutchinson Brothers launch from Danville, Calif.) and the famous Thunderbird (a custom designed 1939 vessel moored at the Thunderbird Lodge on Tahoe’s East Shore) – still one of the fastest and biggest boats on Lake Tahoe. All boats featured in this stamp series will be in the marina and available for specta- tors to observe during the Lake Tahoe Concours d’Elegance. The Opening Ceremony and V.I.P Preview Day on Thursday, August 9 is a new addition to this year’s Concours d’Elegance, and will provide an extra half-day of viewing opportunities. The opening ceremony will announce the official start of the show, with added attractions— including private rides in some of Tahoe’s premier wooden boats—to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the event. Tickets will be $100, and because sales will be limited to the first 500, spectators will be able to freely stroll the docks and preview the boats while they are being judged. With the earlier start, organizers have also bumped up the timeframe for judging. With the exception of the “People’s Choice” Award, all trophies will be presented on Friday evening, August 10. This change will allow Saturday’s spectators to see the winners of each class in the event, which in the past has not been possible, and also allows boat owners to share their successes with the public. “We’re pleased that the USPS has chosen Tahoe’s wooden boats for their new stamp series. Tahoe has played such an important role in the nautical history of this classic craft and we’re proud to promote the preservation of vintage wooden watercraft at the highest level,” said Kirk Pumphrey, Concours and Wooden Boat Week Committee chairman. Spectators attending the V.I.P. Preview day can purchase commemorative stamps and, if desired, local USPS postmasters will cancel them with a custom Lake Tahoe Concours d’Elegance indicia. In addition, stamps will be available for purchase at the USPS booth Friday and Saturday. Tickets for the Wooden Boat Show may be purchased by contacting Tahoe Yacht Club Foundation at (530) 581-4700. From Danny Pavel, Concours d’Elegance Operations Manager America's Cup Action—A Firsthand Account! When I first discovered the “Volunteer Opportunities” application for the America's Cup back in September 2006, I had no real intention to actually go to work for the Cup. I had thought about doing a trip to Europe and maybe stopping by Valencia to see some of the races. But by the new year I had been confirmed to be a Race Committee Volunteer on a mark set boat for the entire racing series—from the first round robin of the Louis Vuitton Cup through the final championship race of the 32nd America’s Cup. I arrived in Valencia, Spain on April 13, 2007, after three weeks of traveling through Germany, France, and Switzerland. I had seen beer halls in Munich, Cathedrals in France, and Alps in Interlaken and Chamonix, but after all that I was ready to see first hand the America's Cup port in Valencia. Catching a glimpse of the team bases and the sleek racing boats for the first time was enough to send a chill down my spine; I had been following the America's Cup for as long as I could remember. My official position was on Mark Set Boat 2, (one of four mark set boats in the initial race series, which were ultimately reduced to two) and along with a few others I was a mark handler. Our boat was responsible for setting the starting pin mark and the two leeward gate marks. I have had quite a bit of experience with setting marks for sailing races at Tahoe and in Hawaii but nothing on the scale of the America's Cup. The actual marks were about eight feet tall, inflated with a leaf blower and set in 50 to 150 feet of water with 75 pounds of anchors and chain! The first two round robins of the Louis Vuitton Cup saw competitive racing from the first pre-start. With the big teams like Luna Rosa from Italy, New Zealand, and Oracle dominating most of the competition and the smaller start up teams like the South African Team Shosholoza struggling to keep up, there were still moments of underdog determination and excitement. Each of the large teams was upset by a lower ranked team; these were the races that were amazing to witness first hand. After being on the water for more than 150 races of the Louis Vuitton Cup and living in Valencia for over two months, the June 23rd start of the 32nd Americas Cup finally arrived. Team New Zealand would challenge the Swiss defender, Alinghi. From what I, and most other people, thought would be a short series with a dominant Alinghi team, came instead a hard fought battle where the final score did not begin to explain how close the racing was. With lead changes in five of the seven races, each race came down to the most miniscule shifts in wind, each tenth of a knot of boat speed, and each minor mistake. When the Swiss successfully defended the Cup on July 3, 2007, my time as a volunteer came to a close. I left Valencia for home with some pictures, some team gear, and most importantly the memory of an amazing experience that I will treasure for a long time to come. Our own Danny Pavel on the America's Cup Mark Set Boat 2 with Emirates Team New Zealand in the background.
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