REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, August 10, 2016 at 5:30 PM
REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, August 10, 2016 at 5:30 PM
City of San Luis Obispo, Agenda, Jack House Committee REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, October 12, 2016 at 5:30 PM Parks and Recreation Department, 1341 Nipomo Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kathi Settle ROLL CALL: Vice Chair Toni Kincaid, Commissioners Chuck Crotser, Bob Gordon, Bryant Mills, Eva Ulz and Susan Updegrove Exofficio Committee Member James Papp PUBLIC COMMENT: At this time, the public is invited to address the Committee on items that are not on the agenda but are of interest to the public and within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Jack House Committee. The Committee may not discuss or take action on issues that are not on the agenda other than to briefly respond to statements made or questions raised, or to ask staff to follow up on such issues. 1. Consideration of the Minutes of Regular Meeting on September 14, 2016 (Settle) – 5 minutes 2. Consideration of September financials 2016 Financial Reports (Settle) – 5 minutes 3. Discussion of Jack House Scheduling 2017-2018 (Hyfield) – 5 minutes 4. Approval of November 9, 2016 Special Meeting for Docent Appreciation (Settle) – 2 minutes 5. Discussion to develop daccession of non-Jack items from the collection (Papp) – 5 minutes 6. Approval of Funding (Papp, Kincaid) – 10 minutes a. facsimiles (Papp) b. works on paper (Papp) c. storage shed (Kincaid) 7. Staff Report for Parks and Recreation Updates (Setterlund) – 2 minutes 8. Introduction of 2017-19 Advisory Body Goal Setting Process (Mudgett) – 5 minutes 9. Jack House Docent Activities (Papp) – 5 minutes 10. Friends of the Jack House Updates (Papp) – 5 minutes 11. Sub-Committee Reports (Settle) – 20 minutes a. Strategic Planning (Crotser, Settle, Ulz) b. Carriage House Accessibility (Crotser, Papp) c. Collections, Use & Handling Policy (Settle, Ulz, Darnell, Sorvetti) 12. Member Comments/Communications/Reports (Committee) – 5 minutes Adjourn to Next Scheduled Special Meeting on November 9, 2016 at 4:00PM at Parks and Recreation (1341 Nipomo Street) and adjournment to the Ludwick Community Center (864 Santa Rosa Street, SLO) at 5:00PM for annual Docent Appreciation Dinner. APPEALS: Administrative decisions by the Jack House Commission may be appealed to the City Council in accordance with the appeal procedure set forth in Chapter 1.20 of the San Luis Obispo Municipal Code. The City of San Luis Obispo is committed to including the disabled in all of its services, programs, and activities. Please contact the Clerk or staff liaison prior to the meeting if you require assistance JACK HOUSE COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, September 14, 2016 at 5:30 PM Parks and Recreation Department, 1341 Nipomo Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kathi Settle ROLL CALL: Vice Chair Toni Kincaid, Commissioners Chuck Crotser, Bob Gordon, Bryant Mills, and Susan Updegrove TARDY: Commissioner Eva Ulz, Exofficio Committee Member James Papp STAFF: Recreation Manager Melissa Mudgett, Recreation Specialist Liz Jacobs PUBLIC COMMENT: None 1. Consideration of the Minutes of Regular Meeting on August 10, 2016 (Settle) – 5 minutes MOTION BY VICE CHAIR KINCAID, SECOND BY COMMITTEE MEMBER CROTSER, CARRIED 6-0 to approve the minutes of the Jack House Committee for the meeting of 08/10/2016. Amendments: Item 4, public hearings: should add “persons or people” to end of sentence. Item 5, second sentence, “he asserted…”: should clarify by replacing “home” with “Jack House Site” First Page: Correct to “Lesley” 2. Consideration of year end and August financials 2016 Financial Reports (Settle) – 5 minutes MOTION BY VICE CHAIR KINCAID, SECOND BY COMMITTEE MEMBER UPDEGROVE, CARRIED 7-0 to accept Financial Reports of the Jack House Committee at the meeting on 09/14/2016. Toni had questions and James isn’t here yet to answer. $85 in revenues for June 30th, merchandise sales taxable (page 12) seem to be in the wrong place. Melissa Mudgett said an internal adjustment was made because it was indeed in the wrong place. The September 30th petty cash item for the gift shop should have been in June 30th for reimbursement. 1-1 There was also a question of the mailing and storage charge for $48.29. Dave will bring receipts to next meeting to clarify Chuck Crotser suggested changing the format of the budget to consolidate and make clearer. He offered to develop it himself. As clarified by Melissa Mudgett, the format can be changed. 3. Discussion to update new policy for private events (Papp) – 8 minutes James stated it isn’t entirely clear what this item is. When Dave sent the contract to him last week, he created a detailed list of what was wrong with it. Eva pointed out that Devin Hyfield, facility supervisor, should have been in attendance to discuss this new policy. James Papp wrote “what would be ideal” for these practices. His proposal treats the garden as the botanical collection, the buildings as the structural collection, and makes the distinction of historic property that should not be tampered with in any way. He simplified the proposal by suggesting cars not being allowed on the grounds at all. Toni agreed with James Papp, and suggested that Parks and Recreation purchase three Costco carts for vendors to park on the street, load onto the carts, and move onto the property. At the end of the proposal, James Papp suggested policy items, such as raising the rental price. Devin Hyfield should ultimately weigh in on these proposals. James Papp also commented on the ineffectiveness of the facility hosts. It should be run as a “first class venue rental”. Chuck Crotser advocated for a part-time employee to enforce the ground rules at events. James Papp suggested someone such as Ryley Washbish to monitor these events. Eva Ulz commented that the City may be losing money by hosting these events. This is an issue that can be addressed at a later time. Melissa Mudgett mentioned the City is undergoing a City-wide fee-assessment and the financial advisory body is meeting this winter to develop the next two-year financial plan and that is a good time to propose changes in policy. Member James Papp questioned if they could rid of the $100 fee for closing the house, for it looks like a policy that can be changed without much hassle. Eva questioned whether the language can be revised regardless of the staff attendance at the last meeting but Melissa Mudgett clarified that it is a timely issue and she cannot guarantee the changes being made before the weddings are being booked next year. Kathi Settle suggested forming a subcommittee to work on the issue. Melissa Mudgett suggested revising the policy to benefit the committee and look at the schedule a year in advance to reserve their events before they are open to the public to schedule. This is a task the committee should be responsible for. 1-2 MOTION BY VICE CHAIR KINCAID, SECOND BY COMMITTEE MEMBER UPDEGROVE, CARRIED 7-0 to move to have the committee develop an annual schedule for events and activities at the Jack House and that the Committee has first right of refusal for all use of the Jack House and the Jack Gardens. 4. Discussion to remove ability to close Jack House during events (Papp) – 5 min See above 5. Action steps to reduce humidity in Jack House (Ulz) – 5 minutes Eva Ulz stated she doesn’t have anything formal to propose. She was approved to purchase hobos but she needed to speak with Dave for purchase. James Papp mentioned the serious problem with plaster flaking off in boys’ room from water damage. 6. Action to host Californian State Standard Flower Show in the Jack House Garden (Gordon) – 5 minutes Bob stated his desire to propose the event. Garden clubs will be here in June of 2017, and his proposal is that the Garden Clubs agreed to have a state standard flower show at the Jack House. It is a judged show with people from all over the state. The Jack House should be able to benefit from the show. The show would be in the morning, there would be lunch in the gardens, and after lunch the garden club would leave and the Jack House would have the ability to profit from the show being open to the public. It is proposed to be on Wednesday, May 31st. Eva suggested working with the docents to mitigate risk of introducing water and plants to the collection MOTION BY MEMBER ULZ, SECOND BY COMMITTEE MEMBER CROTSER, CARRIED 7-0 to move to offer to host California State Standard Flower Show in the House, Garden, and Carriage House. 7. Discussion to Develop Deaccession of Non – Jack items from the Collection (Papp) 5 minutes Kincaid led discussion by pointing to Papp’s minutes, deaccession of non-Jack items, on the last page. It was not discussed at the morning meeting, it turns out it was suggested long ago and it is just now being addressed. Point of order is that rather than developing something, the committee be asked first. 1-3 Papp wanted to bring up the issue of deaccession of items. One of the things he has been trying to do is separate and bring into the house anything that is part of the collection. He also wanted to clean out the storage, for holiday decorations that are not part of the collection, for example baskets that were for sale and baskets that were from the early 1900’s. The larger issue that has been a concern for docents is that there is a lot of stuff in the Jack house that did not belong to the Jack’s and has no key interpretative roll. It interferes with the presentation of the house. By introducing new items, you no longer have the historic narrative and may be telling a false story of what went on in the House during the Jack Era. Mills said the period was one of great change and the items may or may have not belonged to the family but still add an important essence to the house. It adds a personal nature to the family and a way to create a personal story that describes the family through explaining the era in which they lived. Crotser suggested identifying items that are not Jack items and manage separately. Eva said there are two issues. First, the collection needs to be managed, and the committee needs to be responsible managers of the collection. The city has been deeded the Jack Collection alone. The other items may be valuable to the house but they are not under authority of the committee to manage. It must be understood what is part of the deeded collection the committee is responsible for managing. They must be separated to allow for different levels of control. The second issue is interpretation, and it is the issue of how to use the House and new items to tell a compelling story to the public. We must select which items to use to tell the story of the house as desired by the committee and docents. The decorators are also a large part of the history of the house, how the house was saved and how the house became valuable to the City. It was recommended to identify items that are non-Jack and deaccession them which allows the City to not insure them but not remove these items. We must define “Accession/Deaccession” to the different collections and clarify which items are accessioned in which collection. MOTION BY MEMBER UPDEGROVE, SECOND BY COMMITTEE MEMBER CROTSER, CARRIED 7-0 to move to begin the process of identifying and listing the items that are Jack family items, items that are decorator chosen items, and items that are interpretative/educational items, and make three lists of items. 8. Staff Report for Parks and Recreation Updates (Mudgett) – 2 minutes Start of school year means the Parks and Recreation Department is busy! The Bike Rodeo is on October 1st Next Thursday, September 22nd, is the volunteer appreciation dinner and the Jack House will be open for first 45 minutes for tours 1-4 Sept 24th there is a kids adventure scramble course at the golf course, $5 each End of October, Boo Bash formally munchkin march at Meadow Park 9. Jack House Docent Activities (Papp) – 5 minutes See attached report. Settle suggested have language in packets ahead of time, Papp agreed to work with Dave to do so. 10. Friends of the Jack House Updates (Papp) – 5 minutes See attached report. 11. Sub-Committee Reports (Settle) – 20 minutes a. Strategic Planning (Crotser, Settle, Ulz) Chuck sent updates through email and nothing has happened past that. b. Carriage House Accessibility (Crotser, Papp) Still on hold c. Collections, Use & Handling Policy (Settle, Ulz, Darnell, Sorvetti) Friends of the Jack House approached members of the committee and wanted them to request clarification of the city’s funding commitment to funding care in the next report. Ask the committee to take up at future meeting to understand as a subcommittee. 12. Member Comments/Communications/Reports (Committee) – 5 minutes Toni gave a very detailed history of pickleball and expressed her love for the sport. She also thanked James for his additions to the carriage house, for all the other items in it are trash and clutter which need to be attended to. Papp added that some items are part of the decorators deaccession (plastic plants, etc.) Papp will categorize for evaluation at a later date. Eva suggested making a list of items to keep in the collection. She also thanked Toni for following up with Suzanne. Toni will follow up for agenda items for next meeting. Bryant promoted his Opera SLO event. Bob says Vocal Arts is starting their 40th season at the Masonic Lodge. 1-5 James is between a rock and a hard place, docents are disagreeing, he needs historical proof to legitimize their concerns with the collection and make sure it’s not their personal preferences alone. Settle mentioned the desire to have a future discussion on moving furniture and the decision of interior decorator ownership as time moves on. Until the group can decide how to move forward, pieces should be left where the decorators left them. There needs to be a line drawn between public appeal and historical accuracy, which may or may not go hand in hand, and the issue can be discussed at a later time. Susan commented on Chuck’s efforts to meet to address the original deed and make changes and his failed efforts at making contact. Kathi says the one live tree is doing well and Joe Sable asked where the committee would like the tree. Cal Poly has a special orchard where it can go if need be. He still has the root stalk and he can try grafting again later. Kathi questioned if there is still a box of Friends Flyers, the whereabouts of the flyers are unknown, but they should be updated and replenished. Meeting adjourned by Chair Kathi Settle at 7:32pm to Next Scheduled Regular Meeting on October 12, 2016 at 5:30pm Adjourn to Next Scheduled Regular Meeting on October 12, 2016 at 5:30pm APPEALS: Administrative decisions by the Jack House Commission may be appealed to the City Council in accordance with the appeal procedure set forth in Chapter 1.20 of the San Luis Obispo Municipal Code. The City of San Luis Obispo is committed to including the disabled in all of its services, programs, and activities. Please contact the Clerk or staff liaison prior to the meeting if you require assistance 1-6 JACK HOUSE Accounting Monthly Account Reporting of Revenues and Expenditures 2015-16 Fiscal Year Reporting Date: October 1, 2015 Accounting Periods: 4 Sept 1 - 31, 2015 Verified By: Dave Setterlund, Community Services Supervisor Melissa Mudgett, Recreation Manager (Note: Dates are when posted by Finance Dept., not dates of transaction) JACK HOUSE FUND BALANCE $10,262.22* Acct 625-3901 * Any Remaining Balance at 2014-15 Year-End will be added to this fund balance at time of City's Financial Close-out and Audit which occurs in August/September. Jack House Account Summary REVENUES (Through to Aug 31, 2015) BUDGET Jack House Revenues (Fund 625) $ EXPENDITURES (Through to Aug 31, 2015) Total Expenditures (through Aug 31, 2015) BUDGET JH Fund-625 City Fund-100 $ $ BALANCE TO-DATE $ REMAINING 343.50 BALANCE TO-DATE - $ (620.62) $ 10,500 $ (947.16) $ REMAINING (277.12) 9,552.84 2-1 JACK HOUSE Accounting Jack House Fund REVENUES Fund 625 Beginning Balance (Sept 1, 2015) $ 318.50 Revenue (through Sept 30, 2015) 625.42760 – Interest on Investments No Activity Sub-Total Interest Earned: $ $ $ - Sub-Total Donations: $ - Sub-Total Non-Taxable Revenue: $ $ - 625.47010 – Other Contributions (Donations) No Activity 625.58100 – Food Sales Non-Taxable No Activity 625.58110 – Merchandise Sales Taxable (Gift Shop) No Activity $ HTJB book sales = 0 Sub-Total Sales Revenue: $ 625.58120 – JH Revenue (Tours) Cash Receipts Interface $ 25.00 $ 25.00 TOTAL JACK HOUSE FUND REVENUE $ 25.00 Sub-Total Tours Revenue: Total Number of Books Either Gifted or Sold - 0 Ending Revenue Balance (Includes Accrued Interest. Does not include Petty Cash) $ 343.50 2-2 JACK HOUSE Accounting Jack House Fund EXPENDITURES Account 625-89140 Expenditures as of Sept 30, 2015 (Matching Finance Plus) $ 70.62 $ 550.00 Expenditures (through September 30, 2015) 89140.7227 Contract Services History Center Piano Tunig $ Sub-Total: $ 550.00 89140.7789 Cost of Materials for Resale No Activity Sub-Total: $ - TOTAL JACK HOUSE FUND EXPENDITURES $ 550.00 $ 620.62 Ending Expenditure Balance (Matching Finance Plus) Jack House Promotions City General Funds - EXPENDITURES Account 100.60280.7244 Beginning balance as of August 1, 2015 (Matching Finance Plus System) $ 10,470.84 $ 918.00 Total Expenditures: $ 918.00 Expenditures (Post Dates through August 31, 2015) 60280.7244 Promotions Jack House Promotion La Vista Ending Balance Remaining (Matching Finance Plus System) $ 9,552.84 2-3 Parks and Recreation Department Memorandum DATE: October 5, 2016 TO: Jack House Committee FROM: Melissa Mudgett, Parks & Recreation Dept. Manager SUBJECT: JHC Input into Council Goal-Setting and the Financial Plan / Budget Process Background Information Every two years the City adopts a budget and financial plan. To prepare for the budget process, all City departments and advisory bodies are asked to provide input to Council on major city goals for the next two years. The City Council then uses this information, along with public comment and other input, to set community priorities and allocate resources to accomplish the most important City goals. Why involve advisory bodies in the goal-setting process? Advisory body members provide important input because they are recognized as representatives of the community, committed to the long-term best interests of the City. And they are close to the “pulse” of the community in terms of their specific area of interest. Other key points as we embark on this goal setting process are: 1. The Council is seeking advisory body input focused on the purview area of the advisory body. 2. Advisory body input is highly valued by the Council and the staff. 3. Goals can include completing projects from a previous work program. 4. Identifying priorities implies recommending fewer rather than more goals to the Council. The Jack House Committee should recommend only those activities that can reasonably be accomplished in the two-year budget period. At the September 10, 2014 JHC meeting you will be expected to provide input on the Council Goal-Setting process. The Process At the next JHC meeting on November 9, 2016, staff will introduce the budget process and advisory bodies’ role in it. The Committee should then begin reviewing its past 2017-19 goals and make recommendations for any changes or revisions. During past goal-setting sessions, JHC has generally followed the steps below. 1341 Nipomo Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805/781-7300 3-1 Jack House Committee Goal Setting Recommendation Page 2 Goal-setting steps: 1. Review and understand goal-setting and City Financial Plan/Budget Process 2. Evaluate previous goal input. Determine which goals are no longer needed or require updating or modification. 3. Determine which goals should be carried forward; 4. Identify new goals for possible inclusion; 5. Prioritize the goals based on the JHC’s priorities along with the community needs and input; and 6. Identify activities which may require additional resources to accomplish. This may include references to possible community partnerships or outside funding sources. The Committee will establish goals for the next two years (2017-19) and should discuss how these goals relate to important Council goals and at the same time, consider the fiscal context for the goal setting process, including resources needed to accomplish the task. Previous Financial Plan (2015-17) JHC Advisory Body Goals The Jack House Committee (JHC) assists the Council and Parks and Recreation Department in the administration and restoration of the historic Jack Residence at 536 Marsh Street. The Committee makes recommendations for basic rules and regulations that will allow for the greatest possible public use and enjoyment of the house and grounds, while protecting and preserving the history and integrity of this cultural and recreational facility. For the 2015-17 Financial Plan, the JHC recommended goals that would preserve and protect the integrity of the Jack House, its collections and the historic Gardens. These goals were as follows: Leisure, Cultural and Social Services Although there are many worthwhile needs, given the fiscal constraints of the budget the Committee encourages the City to focus on maintaining its current infrastructure and historical assets which can be support through the maintenance and capital projects as recommended below. 2015-17 Jack House Committee Goals 1. Window Restoration and Residential Elevator Lift Removal: For over 39 years it has been a goal of those associated with the Jack House to restore the Bay Window on the south side of the house to its original charm and 3-2 Jack House Committee Goal Setting Recommendation Page 3 elegance. The Bay Window used to serve the first floor dining room and the second floor master bedroom. The Bay Window was removed and replaced with an exterior elevator shaft to serve the resident at the time. Removing the residential elevator list and restoring the windows would restore its elegance as well as the missing south light quality to the dining room and master bedroom. The Jack House Committee (JHC) Advisory Body has worked closely with the Paragon architectural firm, which has completed the construction documents and cost estimates for this restoration. The JHC Advisory Body used its own recourses for completion of this phase of the work. It is anticipated that funding for this project would be a combination of JHC Advisory Body funds, Kathleen Kaetzel’s endowment to the Jack House Foundation and the remaining funding from the City general fund. 2. New Outdoor Storage Facility: The Jack House Docents, Parks and Recreation Staff and Public Works personnel who tend to the Jack House and Gardens have a need for a common storage facility. At present part of the Buggy Shed, the Jack House Basement and various closets are used in a make shift manner. A common storage facility would solve this problem and free up the Buggy Shed for future public uses and historical displays. The JHC Advisory Body recommends a site located adjacent to the Buggy Shed where the driveway dead ends. 3. Buggy Shed makeover and updating for public use: The Buggy Shed continues to be an integral part of the Jack House and Gardens. The seismic upgrade is complete and the volunteers have done an ample amount of work to prepare the space for future public use. However the planning of future use for small gatherings and the historical display of artifacts cannot be proceed until a new storage facility is completed on site to accommodate items stored in the Buggy Shed. 4. Marsh Street Cross Walk: The JHC Advisory Body recommends a cross walk be established between the Manse housing project the bank and the Jack House. It is long overdue and has become a dangerous crossing for pedestrians. This cross walk could also serve a future trolley stop. A member of the Committee has been invited to serve on workshops, meetings and other efforts in the Pedestrian Plan development for the City. 5. Installation and Design of Original Cistern Pump: The original cistern reservoir still exists under the rear patio at the back of the House. Its location and image can be discerned by the design of the paving pattern. However, the final design remains unfinished. To complete the final design the cistern pump, which is in storage, needs to be remounted in the original location in a similar manner and design as it formerly was. 6. Digital Collections Catalog: The Jack House collection inventory - the responsibility of maintaining an inventory of the collection is outlined in the Grant Deed - exists currently as 3-3 Jack House Committee Goal Setting Recommendation Page 4 handwritten inventory sheets. For improved access and security of collections data, the inventory sheets will be transcribed and entered into a digital database program. The inventory will simultaneously be updated and expanded to include history, condition, and legal status for each object. Objects will be linked to their data records with improved labeling. This effort comes in conjunction with the creation of a Collections Management Policy which is now being written. 1. Gazebo restoration: The Gazebo is an important landmark element in the Jack House Gardens, but has been classified as being in questionable condition by the Department of Public Works. Parks and Recreation is working in conjunction with Public Works to submit a CIP for Gazebo Restoration in the upcoming fiscal cycle. 2. Bay Window restoration and elevator shaft removal: The bay window on the south side of the house used to serve the first floor dining room and the second floor master bedroom. The bay window was removed and replaced with an exterior elevator shaft to serve the resident at the time. Removing the elevator shaft and restoring the bay window would restore the south side of the house to its original charm and grace. It would also restore the missing south light quality to the dining room and master bedroom. Hopefully some of the funding of this restoration could be provided for through the recent trust endowment for Jack House restoration projects. 3. Annual outdoor maintenance: To passer-byers and visitors alike, the house appears dirty and dingy on the outside. The Committee would like to see that it receive an annual cleaning of dirt and debris, including the fence that lines Marsh Street before wedding season begins in April. In addition to the annual clean, the house should be painted on an 8-year cycle, as recommended by Public Works. 4. Buggy Shed makeover and updating for public use: The Buggy Shed is an integral part of the Jack House Gardens. Several years ago it had a seismic structural upgrade which made it safe for public use. With minimal funding and anticipated volunteer work the front half of the facility can be open to the public as a display space for historic artifacts and/or a small meeting facility. The back half of the facility will remain a storage space for tables and chairs used in the Gardens. What’s Next? On November 9, 2014 JHC will discuss, revise and approve goal input to Council. If Committee members need additional time to complete this task beyond the time allotted at the November 9th meeting, a sub-committee may be convened to complete a draft of goal input prior to the December 14th JHC meeting. The subcommittee would then present their work at the December 14th, 2014 meeting to the full committee for approval. Advisory body goals are due to the City’s Finance Department by December 19, 2016. 3-4 Jack House Committee Goal Setting Recommendation Page 5 Since the time frame for the goal setting process is so short, I am asking that you please review the prior goals and come to the November 9th meeting prepared and ready to provide goal-setting input. 3-5 ADVISORY BODIES, GOAL-SETTING & THE BUDGET PROCESS PURPOSE OF THE CITY’S BUDGET The City has adopted a number of long term goals and plans – General Plan, Water and Sewer Master Plans, Source Reduction, Recycling & Hazardous Materials Plans, Pavement Management Plan, Short Range Transit Plan, Downtown Access and Parking Plan, Waterways Management Plan, Neighborhood Traffic Management Program, Bicycle Plan, Public Art Policy, Conceptual Physical Plan for the City’s Center and Facilities Master Plan. The Financial Plan is the key tool for programming implementation of these goals, plans and policies by allocating the resources necessary to do so. This requires a budget process that: Community Forum, review fiscal policies, review financial results for 2013-14 and general fiscal outlook, including General Fund Five-Year Fiscal Forecast. Community Forum: January 13, 2015 Consider candidate goals from Council advisory bodies, community groups and interested individuals. Council Goal-Setting Workshop: January 24, 2015. Discuss candidate goals presented at January 13 workshop; discuss Council member goals; and prioritize and set major City goals for 2015-17. Major City Goal Work Programs: April 14, 2015. Conceptually approve detailed work programs for major City goals and set strategic budget direction for 2015-17. Clearly sets major City goals and other important objectives. ADVISORY BODY ROLE Establishes reasonable timeframes and organizational responsibility for achieving them. By providing the Council with their goal recommendations, advisory bodies play a very important part in this process. For example, virtually all of the advisory body recommendations received as part of this process two years ago were included in some way in the 2013-15 Financial Plan. Allocates resources for programs and projects. FINANCIAL PLAN FEATURES Goal-Driven Policy-Based Multi-Year Automated, Rigorous, Technically Sound COUNCIL GOAL-SETTING First Step in the Budget Process. Linking goals with resources requires a budget process that identifies key objectives at the very beginning of the process. Setting goals and priorities should drive the budget process, not follow it. PROCESS FOR 2015-17 Setting the Stage: November 13, 2014. Council Workshop to Review the status of the General Plan programs, current Major City Goals, long-term Capital Improvement Plan, current CIP projects, and the City’s general fiscal condition and outlook. Council goals, by their nature, tend to be broader in scope than those developed by advisory bodies. In your recommendations to the Council, please consider what you believe would be appropriate City goals, both from the perspective of your advisory body’s purpose, as well as any perceived community-wide concerns and needs. Council advisory body goals are due on November 18, 2014. Advisory bodies will receive a consolidated listing of all recommended advisory body goals on November 21, 2014. This provides advisory bodies with an opportunity to review what other advisory bodies see as high community priorities; and while not required, it is also an opportunity to revise goals in light of these if they want to do so. Changes in goals, if any, are due on December 15, 2014. The Council will receive the final report with all advisory body recommendations before they begin the goal-setting process in January 2009. Budget Foundation: December 16, 2014. Finalize plans for the goal-setting process and the 3-6 JACK HOUSE DOCENT REPORT, 14 SEPTEMBER 2016 • David Middlecamp featured our newly rediscovered and reinterpreted photograph of the Jack Garden from the late 1880s in his Photos from the Vault column in the Saturday September 10 Tribune and online. Unfortunately, the two subsequent Sundays after its appearance we are closed for weddings. • With new information about the garden, we held our first garden tour in recent memory, which subsequently moved into the house and ended up lasting, with the encouragement of those on the tour, two hours, from 6 pm to 8 pm. Another garden tour is scheduled for tomorrow evening at 5:30. • The docents have created a new self-guided tour of the Jack House and Garden, to be premiered at the 2017 Parks Department Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. • Docent president and vice-president James Papp and Marilyn Darnell took a daylong course on cultural landscapes from State Parks archaeologist Elise Wheeler as part of the History Center’s Museum Institute. Wheeler has offered to help prepare a Jack Garden cultural landscape report. In Papp’s discussion with the State Office of Historic Preservation, it was established that the 1992 National Register nomination for the Jack House could be amended to extend the boundary of registration to the Jack Garden, but the application for the house itself would have to be brought up to current standards. • The 1992 nomination did not include the Carriage House as a contributing feature because of nonoriginal siding. A structure may be contributing if replacement siding is to Secretary of Interior standards, but our siding is not. The original siding has been retained on three sides under the added plywood a fake battens and could be exposed again. • Jack House docent participation in the History Center’s countywide docent program continues with yesterday’s visit of five docents to the restored Spooner Ranch House. • Darnell and Papp will be awarded their Museum Institute Certificates by the History Center this Friday after taking three core courses and seven electives on museum administration, education, and collections. FRIENDS OF THE JACK HOUSE REPORT, 14 SEPTEMBER 2016 • The Jack Garden was the focus of September’s Art after Dark, Landscape Lost and Found, which, thanks to an appearance by Susan Updegrove and her husband, broke our previous record of 76 attendees with 78. Maps and photographs of the garden were displayed outside, and visitors participated in a number of different scavenger hunts for lost and found features. We brought in potted Washingtonia palms and a lemon verbena to represent some of the lost features. • The Friends have voted to spend $500 to bring the number of folding chairs in the Jack House to thirty, the current fire marshal capacity, for events. Libbie Agran donated $200 for this purpose. • The Friends will continue Art after Dark programming in 2017 and make their new 2017 focus Jack Garden activation, starting with a neighborhood assessment with the assistance of the Downtown Association. 4-1