OCTOBER 2 6 -28, 20 1 6 B A LTIMORE CONVENTION CENT E R LEARN SOMETHING! At METALCON 2016 in Baltimore, Maryland, get some “bite-sized instruction” at our attendee-exclusive15-30 minute Learning Zones — taking place right on the METALCON show floor! Make new discoveries in the metal construction industry, learn how to face your toughest on-the-job challenges, try out specific techniques, and much more. SHARE SOMETHING! As an exhibitor, make an impact on attendees by sharing your knowledge in one of several Learning Zone time slots. After, invite attendees back to your booth for product-specific details. TO HIG HL IGH T YO U R PA RT I C I PAT I ON , YOU R C OM PA NY LO GO , BO OT H NUMBER , & DESCRIPT I O N W I L L BE F E AT U R E D ON M E TA L C ON.COM A LO NG W IT H O NSIT E SIGNAG E & L E A R N I N G Z ON E S C H E D U L E S — A N D, OF CO UR SE A SH O UT O UT O N THE METAL C O N B L O G ! LEARNING ZONE BOOTH #’S 2159 & 2165 For more information contact Paulo Gomes da Costa [email protected] 617-965-0055 x145