No 96 - bnaps


No 96 - bnaps
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EDITOR - W. Rockett
APR IL - 1980 # 96
Good News " our member John Siverts has recovered from his
recent visit to the hospital. 1-understand from my espior) agents
John is back to normal (what is normal ?) great news John,,
van DAM reports he is completly sold out of the "Canadian
Revenue Reference Manual", edited by Emery and van DAM. If you
haven 't secured a copy, I recommend you try to get a copy, pr6bahly
from Geo 'Wegg, Jim Webb or other dealer
I received Dick Lamb's 'Special Offers' list # 3L.. Beleive
it or not, on the first Alberta L aws Consist ing of 16 values, -.&j I
had 12 values in reconstructed sheets. I now have 13, since one
of the Alberta values was listed in Dick's Offers., Luckily, I got
to him f irste Dick has many choice items for sale in this list,
Calendar of Events for 1980
May 6 to 14 - London International Stamp Show
April 12 - Northern Calif., BNAPS Group at Westpex
Sari Francisco, Sato 1 P ^ M., Jack Par, also
June 22 - Home Meeting, Calvin Cole, I P0Mo, San Jose
August 16 - Annual Revenue Convention at Willow Grove
Nov , 6 to 8 r. BNAPS ' C onve nt i on at McAllen, texas.
Hilda and I are planning on being in London May 10 to 13,
at the Philbeach Hotel.
Be sore to mark your calendar for August 16 when all roa•)s
will lead to Willow Grove. More on this next month.
In last month's Newsletter we finished the supplement to
Lee Brand om.2 s Tobacco Tax Catalog.
This month you will find an article on perfins on Revenue
tamps,, by a non-rnember Michael Dicketts0 Thank you Michael,
All members of BNAPS here in the Mid-Atlantic area
April 12 at the Goo Washington Motor L odge at KIng
of Prussia. Some of us are planning a get to gether
I why not join us ahd then go
i t to dinner? Be sur
to come out and look us up. here is a card show ehe
. ; ^ t Wayne Wa , ,ton
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the Newsletter has 3 complete sets of the Lee Bra ndorn'-'s
supplement to the Tobacco Tax Catalog, Any member desiring o;,e
send $3 to W, Rockett , 2030 Overlook Ave,,, Wi'll.ow Grove; Pay..
Also included in this rnonth9s Newsletter some i nteresting
items I picked up, they sort of fit in with my War Tax stamps,,
items are blue.,
the 1^ items are green , the
Ai?LE'PS ^ ^- fiD Lk, T$ -- -•.a ^ AD IaLTS
AD LE' ['S
Seas In your ADLFTS, there is no '. harge ^ Here is a e cd
place to add to your collection or dispose of duplicates 1
WANTPD Newfoundland Tobacco9sof all kinds, in paryrt1c u1ar l
Nr 151, 1.52, 1-54a, 154bQ Caribou designs,, also NT 156
C Rubee, 26.73 Hunt ly Ave _ , Ottawa, Ont,,, Can KIV 8E
Fir Sale Ontario Stock Transfer R 157!, 1' on 25^ v $30.
W. Rockett, 2030 Overlook Ave., Willow grove Pa: 1.90.,
I am looking for a set of prices realized in the Redford l
se le of (Feb, 28 March 3, 1950) -, Can anyone help me,,
J, Co Jarnick, 1O8 Dungan Drive,-Troy `Mich, 48098
'Wanted Issue # 1 100 Crown Agents Pulleti n., Need
I original or photo copy or borrow to photo copy.
kob Mason , 1506 Fincke Ave., Utica , N,, Y, 13502 1
Newfound l and Cigarette stamp NT 163, the group still
have two conies of this for sale , price $1050
Wo Rockett , 2030 Overlook Ave, , Willow Grove, Pao 19090
I it is getting toward that time to think about dues , I wish
,_^ to thank those members who generously send in donations , t 'hug l
M GV r,1 tJ ". r".r "lily
Michael Dicketts (RNAPS 2119(
Private perfins on Canadian revenue stamps have had a !:)rig if
undistinguished life for collectors of the exotic. More or less
ignored by many, they are often passed by o? put in the stockbook
with the rest of the 'don't know what to do with, department.,, No
full listiria has ever appeared to may knowledge, although they are
noted in editions of the BNAFS Pere"in Handbook, and Bob 'ITooley was
able to gather some information together for his Topics column in
the 19509s and 60's, Needless to say revenue perfins are wide open
for fuller investigation0
Phe best count I have been able to come up with is 83 different
perfin users who punched their initials on a variety of stamps
beginning about 1915 and enling around 191.30 These cover such
issues as Federal Excise, War Tax and Custom Duty stamps, plug
rare examples on Ontario Stock Transfer and Saskatchewan
Electrical Inspection stamps.. By far the greatest number are
known on the Excise Duty stamps of 1915-23, 1915-283 and 1934-AFL,
far we know that 57 different companies punched their initials
on these types, and probably more will be fotnnd.,
Just to remind readers of wha t collectors define as a perfin,
any company seeking to avoid misuse of stamps for personal gait,
would apply their initials by means of a perforating machine to
a. supply of stamps in their office. Machines were used until the
advent of postage meters came in vogue., I mention this because
of the possible confusion with t'ie numerous kinds of cancelling
devices which out, tore, or punched holes in revenues,
1912 and 1935 1351F5 o" Custom Duty stamps. Exclusively used by
Amer°jcan companies who 'pre-paid' the tsar on mr il. iri advertising
material to Canadian buyers, these are qui te scare acid offer a
challenge to the collector. although there are only 13 different
perfiri designs known od these issues, I doubt that anyor)e has all
of these and most of us count ourselves Luck to own four or five.
Perfir.s being the stop-child of philately,, it's easy to understand
why so feww are eroundo The percentage of revenues punched would
be small in comparison with the total number
issued Phese, in turn
would bl-^ rejected by some as dazraged copies a rid pr obably destroyed
Revenue usage itself tends to elimina te much saving among general
collectors, All of these re asons are cause to make revenue perfins
illusive items.
I hope the foregoing brief notes will alert the reader to the
possibilities of a sideline crll.ecti r . Why not take a fresh
look a t what you may have lying, arood the stamp den? I would
be glad to identify any revenue perfins you have, or answer any
questions concerning thscn.
I also appeal to you to write and toll we what items are in your
collection, Phe newly formed
Pe fin Study Group of BZ?APS is about
to begi n a survey and this sort of inf ormation i s uirgently needed
so that we can update our knowledge
of what exists. Please write
to me. Michael Dicketts, 61 Alwington Avenue , Kingston, Ontario,
Canada K7r, 1t.R1o Confidentiality is assured
Here is an interesting, it, m to fit in with the Canadian
War `Pax Stamps - Yront and hack illustrated
htJ m. le yt A,y tit Mc^c6„1 ^fc V41 ,,t Wo Cot
'14www ldui^zts ire gtv n i^t ul^ti4lyntlo^t oQ y'ou
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011 rt 11'^nl11p 11.
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1 Trod Exce Hx(l.
J. 1).11A RRIS
Groceries. Meats and 1^'iah.l , ^,l l
lt I'll Irlnlize The iluay Start. ';
Pricer, Right, Prompt Ilrlivet
Uli^9^ ';•'.y11' '^