The Birthing of Ruwach Christian Church


The Birthing of Ruwach Christian Church
Ruwach Christian church — 10th anniversary
O u r f o u n d a t i o n
s c r i p t u r e :
I s a i a h 6 1 : 1 - 1 1
y Ben We
Follow M
My life before Jesus was full of loneliness, fear, anger, drug abuse, sexual
abuse and all the bi-products that go with this type of lifestyle. Then I
was introduced to the ‘Redemption Group’ at Ruwach. They took me to
the foot of the cross where I met Jesus Christ, who became my Lord and
Through repentance and yielding to God’s will and not my own, I have
progressed as a person, a father and a husband. The Lord, through
dreams and a strong inward urge, lead me to make a wooden cross and
carry it. Matthew 16:24; ‘Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to
come after Me, let him pick up his cross and follow Me”’.
In 2012 I carried my wooden cross up Ditchling Beacon, as I believed God
was asking me to do. Carrying that cross has been me a reminder to me
of what He did through His love. Maybe this challenge can become yours
in the days ahead. Jesus is calling us to follow Him. I walked in the weight
of my past for too long before giving it to Him. The Redemption Group at
Ruwach helped me, and still helps me, stay focussed on Jesus my Redeemer. Why don't you consider joining us one Tuesday evening? Ben
Our directive from the Lord
for 2012 is from Daniel 11:32;
‘but those who know their
God shall be strong, and
carry out great exploits.’
Inside this issue:
‘The birthing of Ruwach’ 1
by pastor jacky james
‘Never lose Hope’,
by Russell Hubbard
‘I will never take it for
granted’, by Trine Crouch
‘Surrendering to the
King’, by Penny Luckhurst
‘My story’, by Jill Partis
“Thank You Lord Jesus!” By Phil Poole
I have been a member of Ruwach Church since August 2008. I
have been a Christian since I was 17 but could never find a
church to settle in as I came from a background of drugs and
crime, and never felt I fitted in properly. Then I found Ruwach
and, Praise God, Pastor Jacky! He took me under his wing and I
found acceptance in him like never before, which has enabled
me to grow in my relationship with Jesus.
My heart is for the lost; to find those who are mixed up in the
snares of this world that Jesus has set me free from! The vision
God has laid on my heart fits so perfectly with the vision of the
church; to promote and proclaim the name of Jesus and see
the lost set free! I am so excited to be apart of a church that is
at the forefront of claiming back in Jesus name the ground the
enemy has stolen.
What God has planned for this church is so awesome, and with
the teaching & equipping Ruwach gives it does not only
change your life but also the lives of those you come into contact with. I would like to say a huge “Thank You” to Jesus for
bringing me to a church that is going to see revival break out
in our nation for His Glory. AMEN!
Daniel 11: 32; ‘...but those who know
their God shall be strong, and carry
out great exploits.’
‘a small beginning’
‘Party time!’
‘guest speakers over
the years’
‘youth & kids work’
They will...
‘training and bible
Isaiah 62: 10; “Go through, go
through the gates! Prepare the way
for the people; Build up, build up the
highway! Take
“Well, that's out the stones,
all done and lift up a banner
dusted for
for the peoples!”
college over the years’
10 years!”
Praise Jesus!
‘a department called
‘reach: local outreach’
‘testimonies: Hayley,
by ben webb
‘thank you lord jesus!’
by phil poole
‘well that’s all done
and dusted!’
20 02 -2 01 2
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God’s Grace Poured Out
Over 10 years by Pastor Jacky James
The Birthing of Ruwach
Christian Church
by Pastor Jacky James
Back in 2001, during a time when
it seemed to a church on the
move in South Africa that all had
been said and done, there arose
a definite cry from God to plant a
new church overseas.
responsibility of hearing correctly from God. Seeking the
‘where’, ‘what’ and ‘how’ of the
venture made our prayer times
breathtaking! After all, we were
waiting for and expecting clear
and concise instructions. This
was our Heavenly Father’s call,
not ours, so getting it right was
At that time, Noreen and I were
based at Christian Centre, East
London, where I had served for
many years as an elder. We were
part of the leadership of a church
on the move, God was pouring
out His glory, churches had been
planted, and things could not
have been better.
To us, the prospect of planting a
church overseas was exciting and
yet came with the awesome
For the sake of space I will leave
out the details of the intricate
times of prayer and the many
deliberations between elders
and the prophetic voices of the
time. But there came a day when
all were united in hearing the
Lord’s direction; as a church we
were being called to plant in
This brought great excitement,
but there remained many unanswered questions, the main one
being, ‘Who would God send to
plant the church?’ Initially,
Noreen and I had no intention of
upping sticks and moving to the
UK, but it was during a trip to
Haywards Heath for my son
Lyle’s marriage to Hazel that God
opened our hearts to His call.
During that trip Jesus spoke to
me from Psalm 89, in the form of
a question with a promise. Reflecting back, the answer I gave
(continued on page 2)
Cheryl and ingrid
“follow me!”
~ 10th Anniversary ~
‘reach and cell groups’
Ruwach Christian Church
Never Lose Hope by Russell Hubbard
In 2007 I didn't feel my life was
worth continuing. On a daily
basis my life consisted of drink,
drugs, gambling and pornography.
Despite hundreds of attempts to
control these things or quit, it
had got progressively worse and
I ended up divorced and living
away from my two teenage children.
At the beginning of 2008 I went
to church and experienced the
love of Jesus Christ directly
through the people of Ruwach.
since. He has replaced anxiety
and confusion with peace and
joy, beyond anything I had experienced before.
Over the next few months I
learnt about Jesus and how my
sins could be completely forgiven
and how I could have a new life
in Christ. It was a no brainer! I
accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour and have been living the
abundant life He promised ever
He has also blessed me with the
most amazing wife and family
and completely restored relationships with my two eldest
children. I am a living example
that nothing is impossible for
God — never lose hope.
The Birthing of Ruwach Christian Church
as I submitted to the will of my Father, was
going to change my life forever.
(continued from page 1)
I realize how good our Lord and
Saviour is in developing people to
fit the part He wants them to
play in His evangelism of the
world with the Gospel and the
love of Christ. Not that for one
moment we could ever compare
ourselves to the Apostles of old,
but God does mould and shape us
as the potter does the clay for the
work He wants done. This moulding process is so important, as
there are always blemishes which
He has to remove again and again
“I will
take it
A d
In my own life, as one of those
people challenged to be part of
this amazing move of God to
plant a church in England, I faced
a new season of moulding. Growing has never been easy for someone like myself, being head
strong from birth I imagine,
which I’m sure many who know
me today would agree with. Yet,
my love for Jesus stirs me on and
it was this love of Christ that first
opened our hearts to the call of
God to come to England.
Now, ten years on, what we see is
an amazing picture of grace and
mercy. The body of Jesus, active
and working in an area in England
that only God our Heavenly Father could have searched out, for
His glory and His alone.
Jeremiah 32:27; “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of
all flesh. Is there anything too hard for ME?”
Isaiah 62:10 says; “Go through, go
through the gates! Prepare the
way for the people; Build up,
build up the highway! Take out
the stones, lift up a banner for
the peoples!” There was much to
go through, (continued on page 3)
I will never take it for granted, by Trine Crouch
For me, joining Ruwach was
like finding a home and has
had a profound impact on my
life. Pastor Jacky and Noreen
immediately opened their
hearts, their home and their
knowledge to us and I saw
such freedom in their lives.
I now have confidence in who
God says He is and who I am in
Christ. Through forgiveness
and turning away from the
Jeremiah 29:11;
“For I know the
thoughts that I
think towards
you, says the
Lord, thoughts of
peace and not of
evil, to give you a
future and a
as we grow in the work set before us.
past I have freedom to be who
God says I am and the joy of
helping others do the same.
I have such a hunger to know
Jesus more and to be who He
says I am to be, both in scripture and through things said
prophetically in church.
I also have the amazing privilege of leading the Worship
team of the church. I have
learnt so much about God’s
heart for worship and really
thank Him for the journey so
far. To see the team giving
Him their all in worship and
leading the church in Spiritfilled, abandoned praise is
something I will never take for
Surrendering to the King, by Penny Luckhurst
What God has done
for me over the last nine and a
half years is nothing more than
miraculous. Jesus has restored
my broken life back to wholeness again.
Since coming to Ruwach to find
out more about Jesus in 2003, I
have been led into a new freedom that this short testimony
will never do justice to. I can
only explain here a small part of
the goodness of the great God
that we serve.
I came to Ruwach feeling worthless and broken inside from
years of abuse of the worst kind.
I was controlled by fear, living
with anorexia and all the side
effects of a body destroyed by
But... God had a plan of good for
me (Jeremiah 29:11)! As I came
to learn about His love and purposes for my life, I learnt to
surrender to Jesus and began
the process of dealing with my
disobedience, which was by no
British Citizenship
there is always
means easy.
I had to learn how to trust the
spiritual leaders He placed
around me, namely Pastor Jacky
and Trine Crouch. They taught
me from God’s Word to forgive,
obey and surrender myself daily.
These lessons were not always
received with joy, and deliverances were common place in the
beginning stages of our sessions
together, but Jesus is true to His
Word and soon the beauty of
His love began to be seen in my
life. (Continued on page 3)
Ruwach Christian church, January 2011
Ruwach Christian church — 10th anniversary
Testimony Interviews with Hayley, Cheryl and Ingrid.
Surrendering to the King,
1. Tell us a bit about yourself.
 Hayley – I'm 31 years old, happily married. We have 3 beautiful children. I have lots of great friends and I'm happy. I
am learning more everyday who I am in Christ and His love for me.
 Cheryl – I'm 32 years old, happily married (it's a work in progress). We have two strong-headed boys and a beautiful
baby girl. I have a heart for the lost and want to run my own cake business one day.
 Ingrid – I'm 29 years old, happily married. We have two gorgeous boys. I work part time and am an elder’s wife. I
have a passion to see people healed and made whole by the love and power of Jesus Christ.
2. Briefly describe your life the day before you gave it to Jesus. What sort of circumstances were you living in?
 Hayley – I was in a really bad relationship. I had a six month old baby. We were heavy drinkers and played around
with drugs. We argued and fought all the time. I was empty inside and trying to drown myself out. I didn’t like myself at all. I was 22 years old.
 Cheryl – I was chasing the wrong men, dealing in drugs and eating the profit. My first son was seven years old. I was
a single Mum and my house was a party for everyone. I surrounded myself with friends because I didn’t want to be
alone. I was also totally rejected by my family. I was 24 years old.
 Ingrid – I was 17 years old. Had been recently diagnosed with depression and put on medication for it. I had a boyfriend, was living with my parents in South Africa and going to school (school and college are the same thing in SA).
I felt kind of numb inside and I didn't really know what the point of life was. I used to sleep a lot and struggled to
get out of bed because I didn't feel I had much to get up for.
3. How did you feel when you gave your life to Jesus?
 Hayley – I felt totally and utterly forgiven and cleansed. I felt like I was at the foot of the cross with Jesus, thanking
God for taking me back again. I knew this was it now and I knew I wasn’t going to go back into worldly ways again.
 Cheryl – I felt like every single day I had been searching and searching for something but I didn’t know what, and
now I felt like I had found the answer to
everything. I found home. I found where I belonged. After I prayed I
felt all the emotions rush through me. I felt hot, I went cold, I was laughing, I was crying. I felt like a huge gust of
wind had lifted me up and then I saw His face, Jesus' face.
 Ingrid – I felt relieved and like a huge weight had been lifted off me. I felt excited and like a whole new world had
opened up to me that I never even new existed. It was as if I had new life and new eyes. Everything was new and I
knew this was it, my life was now different and totally changed. That's why the bible calls it being born again I
4. How did your life change?
 Hayley – It was slow progress. My partner left and signed the house over to me for £50, which was a miracle. I had
loads of issues that God had to work through from my childhood which was painful and I wanted to run away, but
God helped me stay. I had an eating disorder that controlled my mind, but God healed me. Then God showed me
some more issues I had to deal with. I had to forgive myself and people around me. I learned who I am in Christ. God
proved His love for me because I made loads of mistakes, but when I repented He always took me back and made
me stronger. After six years of trying to find my husband my own way, I finally realised I didn’t have a clue and I laid
it down. I said I would be single because I loved God more than wanting to be married and that was when God gave
me Jim.
 Cheryl – Firstly, I realised I had a son and I loved him and he was mine, and I had to forgive myself for the life I had
given him so far. I realised I had to sort myself out. I gave up smoking, drugs and alcohol. Alcohol was the hardest
one. I lost all my friends, apart from Ben who is now my hubby. He wouldn’t leave me alone. I remember people
abandoning me a lot in the pub because I now drank orange juice and I was telling them all about God. My family
accepted me back. I started dating Ben, who was the total opposite to what I would have normally gone for. Then
God started to deal with the root issues of all my addictions, which He is still working through now. I learned forgiveness and unconditional love. I have also learned to love myself and I can now give and receive hugs!
 Ingrid – I wanted to serve God with all my heart, but He needed to do some work on me first. I stopped taking my
antidepressants because I didn’t feel I needed them any more. My boyfriend at the time broke up with me because I
didn’t want to do the things I had been doing before; partying, drinking etc. I lost all my friends. I found a mentor
who counselled me and spent many hours praying with me and teaching me the things of the Lord. I would cry
nearly every Sunday when I went to church because of the deep work the Lord was doing in me. I didn't even realise
it then but looking back now I can see what an amazing work He has done in me! My parents thought it was just a
phase I was going through and a side effect of the medication I was on, but I knew I was different and God was so
real to me that nothing and no one was going to tell me any differently. Now, 12 years later, I am still learning about
the Father’s love for me and the lost and broken hearted, and I am also learning more about who I am in Christ,
which is very exciting!
(Continued from page 2)
One amazing evening,
as I was prayed for at a
cell meeting, I received
instant healing for a club foot. You
can imagine how excited I was. I ran
around giving glory to God and
rejoicing at the top of my voice in
His love and healing. But not everything has come that quickly for me
over the years of receiving my freedom. Freedom did come, but at
times it was with great struggle,
tears and deliberations. Yet slowly
things turned around as I yielded to
the things I was taught.
The real question in this story of
overpowering victory is, ‘how did it
all start?’ It started the day I gave
my heart to Jesus Christ and allowed Him to work
in my life. It was
getting to know
about the Holy
Spirit and the love
of Christ that has
transformed me.
changed me from a frightened
child of thirty plus, to becoming a
woman knowing her worth in
Christ. Are there things that still
need attention in my life? Yes,
there is yet much for Jesus to do,
but He has already walked me away
from anorexia and so many other
health issues that I now have confidence in the future.
My self image and self worth has
been restored as I have learnt to
surrender to my King. In the process of healing me He has touched
my whole family, and as a result of
this love shown to me we now
worship together as a family in this
our family church of Ruwach. My
prayer is that you will also come to
know my wonderful Saviour who
wants to do things for you as well.
Love, Penny
‘if God is
for us,
Who can
be against
The Birthing of Ruwach Christian Church
much to build and
many stones to be removed, but God in
His mercy has placed around Noreen and I
many strong people. The elders who serve
with us in the church are God-sent, and
coupled to all of us is a relating body
through the ministry of Pastor Harold
Weitsz and his wife Maud. We also cannot thank God enough for Pastor Marius
and Linda Gradwell from Christian Centre,
as they have been a
strong support to us
through the years.
(continued from page 2)
When we look at the body of Ruwach we
see an expression of Christ that is in many
My story,
ways unique to where we are in the UK.
More than 80% of the body have been
born again through the ministry and just
as many in the church are under 30 years
church and family, many times, fallen
short in understanding the culture many
times, and been in need many times, but
in all these times we have seen the glory
of our Lord, many, many times.
The general talent, particularly in terms of
musical ability, of those God has been
adding has been amazing and brings excitement as to where we believe our Lord
is taking us in the future. God said that He
would use those people we would not
choose to do the work, and He is doing
exactly that!
The end result is that God has grown us
and has now provided a building, establishing ministries that are effective both
locally and across the oceans. His love has
produced a family of note and a threat to
the forces of darkness as we “Go through,
go through the gates! Prepare the way for
the people; Build up, build up the highway! Take out the stones, lift up a banner
for the peoples!” Praise Jesus.
Over the years we have moved, as a
wach I lacked belief in the
gift God had given me and
struggled to find a sense of
purpose and direction. During those years,
God was doing a much deeper work in me
than I realized at the time, working on my
character and preparing me for what He had
in store for me.
by Jill Partis
Before I came to Ruwach, in
2002, I knew that I enjoyed studying and
teaching. In my previous church, I had been
involved in preparing teaching materials for
small groups and in preaching on Sundays.
I had also studied for a Diploma in Theology
and believed that I was destined to use the
gift of teaching in a wider way in the future.
However, a major upset in our previous
church in 2001 caused me to feel as though a
rug had been pulled out from beneath my
feet and I had lost my sense of purpose.
So, for the first few years that I was in Ru-
Bit by bit He restored my sense of identity
and gifting, but this time it was about serving Him and other people, nothing about me.
When Ruwach Bible College began in 2005, I
was one of the first students, studying for
the next 4 years towards the Diploma in
Ministry and learning much along the way. In
2007, I began to help with the administration
of the Bible College and in 2008, I became
one of it’s Directors, along with Pastor Jacky,
Steve Beard and Craig Marsh.
In 2010 I lectured my first course and have
continued to learn so much as I have taught
more courses over the last couple of years. I
feel so blessed to be able to impart some of
what God has revealed to me into the lives of
other people. God has taught me to have
confidence, not in myself but in the anointing
He has put on my life, and He has given me
the amazing privilege of serving Him here in
Ruwach in a way that I find incredibly fulfilling and rewarding. Praise Him!
Page 17
e 4
The Queen’s diamond Jubilee Celebrations
Do not despise small beginnings!
Some of our venues...
haywards heath
Town hall
blackthorns school hall
Delta House - 2003
King Edward Hall - 2007
Scaynes hill Millennium Hall
Clair Hall - 2012
Parties and celebrations
And some
just stand
for some
it was
all a bit
e 5
Ruwach Christian church — 10th anniversary
e 1
Local Outreach
A Small Beginning...
God moves
Two of the many highlights over the years
have been the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and
The Dolphin Centre healing outreaches...
us with
in mind
Man may
plan his
The first healing outreach we held at the
Dolphin Centre in 2009, with ministry from
Craig Marsh, was one that Jesus used
mightily for His glory. Over the three days
we saw more than 20 people come to salvation and even more received healing for
many ailments, which included one lady
being healed of terminal cancer. We saw
the body of Christ in Ruwach stand up and
be counted as they committed themselves
to the outreach and all the work it
brought with it. We give all the glory to
The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee was very exciting for us as a church, as we were asked to be part of both
Lindfield Village Day and the Haywards Heath celebrations at Beech Hurst. Both events were very well
supported by the people of the area and we saw the body of Christ in Ruwach again demonstrate the
love of Jesus as they tirelessly gave of themselves to face painting, banner painting and flag workshops. At Beech Hurst the band worshiped from the main stage during the day and evening, which
ended late with a firework display. As the pastor I was so proud of the church and their servanthearted attitude and commitment. The events were not without incident, yet even in those trying
times the body responded so well to the demands and produced fruit that has stood us in good stead
with others in the community. Praise Jesus!
way but
god lays
his feet
in the UK w
after arriving
Our fir
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of John and
held in
first few mon
ayed for our
, but it
where we st
that mee
any came to
is ve e soon
a hand full. Th
was no
a scout hall,
we moved to
for a few
became to
hich we held
d then
our first re
that space an
ickly outgrew
Town Hall.
wards Heath
moved to Hay
times at the
very exciting
for much ow
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Hall an
was not only
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During th
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by faith
hearts of th
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again we wer
demands wer
nded and new
as the
a couple in un
made on us as
It would not be true to say that we were expecting to
move again. We were well entrenched in the place
and God was moving. But change did come and before
long we were on the move once more. Having no place
to move into we went for a short time to Blackthorns
school hall, which was far too small and restricted us
tremendously. Around this time we were also in the
process of purchasing land and having plans drawn up
for a building to be built for us. Then, by God’s grace,
the deal was exposed for nothing less than the work
of the enemy to tie us into something that would have
been a noose around our neck.
In the natural everything looked disjointed and a mess,
but in hindsight God was directing us at every step.
How easy life would be if we saw everything in hindsight! But we serve an amazing God who has gone
before us at every step and made a way where there
was no way. I now see the hand of the Lord working
throughout these years, slowly moving us forward to
where He wanted us.
011 2
a ho for
the culture an
d how God wan
ted us to guid
e His
After the Tow
n Hall we mov
ed to Delta Ho
Bridge road.
This was a maj
move for us as
church as we
were able to us
e it as a base fo
church and de
velop offices
on site. We
growing into
a true functio
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and He never
let us down as
we experienced
love and grow
th during thos
e years.
At Delta Hous
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as moving and
ing, but there
growwere also man
y challenges ar
that time, som
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me from surp
sources. And ye
t it was going
through these
lenges that he
allped to knit us
together, both
leadership and
as a
as a congrega
After a short time at Blackthorns, King Edward Hall in
Lindfield became available to us. Although weary
from all the moves, frustrations and hurts of bad
deals, we now found a wonderful environment with
understanding people and a place where we could find
ourselves again and grow. At King Edward Hall God
blessed us much, and if it were not for the fact of us
out-growing the space, we would still be there.
At the beginning of this summer a new opening arose
for us to move to Claire Hall, Haywards Heath, bringing
with it space to grow, parking places for visitors and
congregation, and much needed space for children’s
church. We can only say ‘Thank You Jesus’ as we enjoy
this new blessing! Within the last year God has also
provided for us with a building of our own and a further wonderful testimony of His goodness towards us,
a Church called Ruwach. “Go through, go through the
gates! Prepare the way for the people; Build up, build
up the highway! Take out the stones, lift up a banner
for the peoples!” Praise Jesus.
Party time!
Over the years we have enjoyed many parties and celebrations at Ruwach.
Birthdays, Anniversaries and New Years parties have been regular features
and have brought with them many laughs!
These times are when the Church family is, well, family! Along with the challenge of working to grow the Kingdom of God is the joy that He created us to
live out. And that can only mean one thing - Praise Jesus and party on!!
Memories of Pastor Jacky as a sumo wrestler, visits for the Men in Black and
various other celebrities are to mention but a few. There are also the numerous funny skits, quizzes and challenges brought to these occasions. Can anyone remember guessing whose legs belong to which man? Or daring to play
the rather adapted games of pass-the-parcel?
Rod & Ellie Heine
The road to Afrika wa yesu
al ch
The loc
Preachers over the years
We at Ruwach have been blessed over the years with having
many incredible preachers and teachers of the Word of God
minister to us. The variety has come from all over the world
through the wonderful body of Jesus. Pastor Jacky has always
seen it as important to have all the gifts of the Holy Spirit
flowing into the lives of the body so that it can function properly and also so that growth is balanced.
Our strong links with South Africa mean that we have welcomed many preachers over the
years from SA. We are particularly thankful for regular visits from Pastor Marius and Linda,
and Pastors Rocco and Maureen, who have visited us a number of times. Pastor Harold and
Maud have also been a huge blessing to us and we value Pastor Harold’s spiritual oversight
beyond words. Other guest speakers from SA over the years have included Bertie, Steve Reid
and more recently Will Marais, not to mention many other non-preaching SA guests!
feeding th
e villages
From elsewhere in the world we have been greatly blessed by the prophetic ministry of Len
and Linda Buttner from New Zealand, and the healing ministry of Craig and Jenni Marsh, also
from New Zealand. David and Sigi Oblander and Dr Leon van Rooyen have visited us from the
US and from the UK we have enjoyed the ministry of Adele Mare and Lynne Swart.
Within Ruwach, we have seen a growing base of ministers of the Word over the years. Our
speakers and teachers, alongside Pastor Jacky, now include Steve Beard, Lyle James, John
Jones, Philip Crouch, Jim Nicholls, Peter Pretorius and John and Jill Partis, along with others
who are rising up.
We are so thankful for all that the Lord has brought to us through these wonderful people and
praise Him for the ministries He has given them. It is such a privilege to receive from others
and be a part of God’s work around the world.
‘Preach the Word; be prepared in
season and out of season’ 2 Tim 4:2
e 7
e 14
strange appearances...
wa jesu, moza
water b
Some of the preachers over the years
One of the many
miracles - a local
witch doctor
transformed by
the Word of God
e 13
We Have been given a Mission: “go!“
Resonate and Groundshakers are our dynamic, energetic midweek youth groups for ages 7-15. Our purpose is to work with
young people and have fun with them whilst showing and
teaching them about Jesus in a fresh and exciting way.
Over the years, the youth at Ruwach have grown both in number and passion. 2004 saw the start of the youth group, Resonate, which grew a new generation of young people in the
church and provided links with local schools. Leaders were
raised up and their dedication and work meant that many
young people attended and made first time commitments to
Christ. Resonate is still active today, with a vision to see relationships built and young peoples’ lives transformed by Jesus.
The youth cell began in 2009, taking the youth deeper into the
Word of God and the Spirit. This also continues today, with
many regular members encountering God powerfully.
Groundshakers, our week-day group for junior youth, is a new
venture beginning this autumn. Our heart is for children to
discover Jesus at a young age, as well as meet new friends and
discover how the Bible is relevant to them. With many new
leaders and so many young people to reach, we are excited
and expectant to see how God will move in the years to come.
Ruwach Christian Church’s children’s ministry on a Sunday consists
of 5 different age groups. The groups meet during our morning
service and are taught from the Urban Saints curriculum.
Mission: To reach out to and teach children & their families about
Vision: To raise a generation of passionate leaders that know who
they are in Christ.
Matthew 19:14 – ‘Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to
such as these.”’
Ruwach Christian church — 10th anniversary
Ruwach Christian church — 10th anniversary
REACH & Cell Groups:
International Mission, Local Outreach
Mathew 28: 18-19
ACtS 2: 46-47
REACH is a department which incorporates
Ruwach Christian Church’s involvement in
international mission and local outreach.
Acts 2:46-47 (NKJ); ‘So continuing daily with
one accord in the temple, and breaking
bread from house to house, they ate their
food with gladness and simplicity of heart,
praising God and having favour with all the
people. And the Lord added to the church
daily those who were being saved.’
As a church, we have strong links with
churches in East London, South Africa, and
many people from Ruwach have visited the
Eastern Cape to meet with the network of
churches from which we were planted and to
partner with them in their work in the area.
Pastor Jacky regularly takes a small team to
Afrika wa Yesu Bible College in Inhaminga,
Mozambique, led by Rodney and Ellie Hein,
where he teaches in the Bible College and
supports their work throughout the country.
In addition to these links, we support Pastor
Vic Virtudazo and Tribal Ministries in the Philippines. In 2005 a team went to Romania and
Ukraine and in May 2010 a further team from
the church went to the Kiev, Ukraine, to minister in churches and cell groups.
Cell groups are the hub of church life at Ruwach. Based on the pattern followed by the
early church, groups meet on various weekday evenings at homes throughout Haywards Heath, Lindfield and the surrounding
area. Groups are comprised of around 6-10
people, and when a cell group is regularly
attended by around 10 people the cell
‘multiplies’, with one half of the group staying with the original leader and the other
half starting a new meeting in a new home
with a new leader.
As well as worshipping and praying together, cell meetings are where friendships
are developed and we can get into the Word
of God and discuss the sermon from the
previous Sunday service. The cell provides a
relaxed, friendly and informal setting where
people can ask questions, develop their gifting and get to know each other better. Cell
groups also have regular socials which include meals, BBQs, walks etc.
Based on the pattern followed by the early church, there are various
groups that meet on weekday evenings at homes throughout
Haywards Heath, Lindfield and the surrounding area.
Our children and youth over the years...
A department
Which way up?
Some of our
‘helping out’
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Ruwach Christian church — 10th anniversary
teachings at the
Training & Bible College
over the years
Ruwach’s training department has reached to many countries. We have
translated teaching books into Portuguese for local understanding in Mozambique and to date have written and teach about 42 different subjects. We
intend to increase this in the years ahead.
Our ‘Discovery Course’ provides foundational teachings, covering subjects
which include ‘Assurance of Salvation’, ‘Water Baptism’, ‘Baptism in the Holy
Spirit’ and ‘Closing Doors’. ‘Closing Doors’ includes a burning ceremony, as
seen in the pictures alongside.
Ruwach Christian Church Bible College currently operates as a satellite
college of CACE. The church has a vision to plant churches, which means
that every church member must be equipped to be all that God made them
to be and to be ministers prepared for full-time ministry.
Bible College is your opportunity to prepare yourself to carry out the Word
of the Lord. Pastor Jacky, a regular lecturer at the Bible College at Ruwach,
says, “Equipping yourself to be sound in God’s word and more like Jesus
cannot be far from the heart of God. These teachings at Ruwach Bible College serve to impart and equip you to ‘do’ and to ‘say’ accurately what is
expressed in the Bible message to mankind.”
The Bible College has also increased it’s teaching base and is soon to open
up Bible Schools in other countries. God is doing something very special
with us and we are excited to be available and willing in a time such as this,
where the world seems to be shaking from many things that have been
prophesied in God’s Word.
Then He
said to
them, “The
truly is
great, but
the labourers are few.
pray to the
Lord of the
harvest that
He may
send forth
into His
Luke 10:2
Worship, as seen in the pictures opposite, is and will always be
a key entity in the life of Ruwach. This department has grown
and continues to get stronger as God adds to the base of dedicated worshippers found in the body. We have for many years
loaded our equipment into the back of a van week after week
at the completion of meetings, be it a Sunday morning or an
outside event. But even in this mundane function we have
always had adequate support from the body and for these tiny
things we are forever thankful to our God.