Guía seminarios 2014 primera parte
Guía seminarios 2014 primera parte
INTRODUCCIÓN A LA FISIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR GUIA DE SEMINARIOS 2014 PRIMERA PARTE IFM 2014 Seminario 1: Homeostasis. Membrana y transporte -Bibliografía obligatoria: “Glucose homeostasis with infinite gain: further lessons from the Daisyworld parable?” J.H. Koelag et al. Journal of Endocrinology 154:187–192 (1997). -Bibliografía sugerida: “Biología Celular y Molecular” de Lodish y colaboradores. 5ta Edición. Capítulo 5: “Biomembranas y Arquitectura Celular”. Capítulo 7: “Transporte de iones y moléculas pequeñas a través de las membranas celulares”. -Bibliografía de consulta opcional: “Hormonal Rein Control” en: _Sciences/MEDICAL_PHYSIOLOGY/Essays/Hormonal_rein_control 1) ¿Qué diferencia hay entre un sistema en equilibrio dinámico y un sistema en estado estacionario? 2) El concepto de homeostasis implica poner en juego un sensor y un efector. Explique cuál es la interacción entre estos dos elementos genéricos de todo sistema homeostático. Dé ejemplos de la vida diaria y de la fisiología de este tipo de sistemas, e identifique en cada caso el sensor y el efector. 3) ¿A qué se refieren los términos retroalimentación positiva y retroalimentación negativa? Clasifique los ejemplos que dio en el punto anterior de acuerdo a este criterio. 4) ¿Qué caracteriza a un sistema homeostático con ganancia infinita? ¿Qué garantiza este tipo de control? 5) ¿Es necesario que un sistema homeostático sea un sistema abierto? ¿Por qué? Dé una explicación en términos energéticos. 6) En el artículo de de Koelag y colaboradores se repasa el concepto de homeostasis desde un conocimiento básico. Los principios de control homeostático serán recurrentes en cada uno de los tópicos de la Fisiología Animal que se verán a lo largo del curso. El artículo debe leerse como un texto „auto contenido”, donde los temas de la fisiología que se abordan no requieren de un conocimiento más amplio que el que se plantea en el manuscrito. Solo a modo de introducción cabe tener en cuenta que las islas de Langerhans del pancreas se componen de células y . Las células producen glucagon y las insulina. 7) Señale con una X las aseveraciones correctas, y exponga un enunciado correcto para el caso de las aseveraciones incorrectas: La porción polar de los fosfolípidos está formada por péptidos y fosfato. Los esfingolípidos y los glicolípidos comparten una estructura molecular similar, pero se diferencian en la cabeza polar. Las membranas biológicas están formadas por una bicapa cuya composición de fosfolípidos es asimétrica. Las flipasas son enzimas que favorecen la pérdida de la asimetría entre las hemicapas de la membrana, utilizando el gradiente de concentración de los fosfolípidos entre ambas hemicapas como fuente de energía para transportarlos. % de células % de células doblemente marcadas 8) La figura que se muestra a continuación expresa los resultados de un experimento realizado por Frye y Edidin en 1970. En este trabajo se provocó la fusión de células de ratón con células humanas. Posteriormente se trató a estas células con dos anticuerpos fluorescentes, cada uno de los cuales reconocía antígenos sólo en uno de los tipos celulares fusionados. Cada anticuerpo estaba asociado a un fluoróforo que emitía en una longitud de onda diferente. Las barras indican el % de células que presentaron: una tinción homogénea que resultó de la mezcla de ambos fluoróforos (mosaico), o una tinción en la cual ambos fluoróforos se distribuyeron aisladamente uno de otro (no mosaico). Se muestra como varían ambos porcentajes en función del tiempo para el experimento realizado a 37°C. El tiempo cero corresponde al inicio de la incubación que da comienzo a la fusión. no-mosaico mosaico 100 50 5 10 25 40 120 tiempo de incubación a 37º (min) a. Interprete el gráfico. b. ¿Qué se concluye, cualitativa y cuantitativamente, de este experimento respecto de la movilidad de las proteínas presentes en la bicapa lipídica? c. Grafique los resultados esperados si este experimento se realizara en las siguientes condiciones: i) Las células se incuban a 20°C. ii) Las células fueron preincubadas con -ciclodextrina hasta reducir en un 50% el contenido de colesterol en la membrana plasmática. La -ciclodextrina tiene un interior hidrofóbico que interactúa y secuestra colesterol. En cada caso explique las modificaciones que espera observar respecto de lo mostrado en la figura de Frye & Edidin (1970). 9) La viscosidad de la membrana plasmática es dependiente de la composición lipídica y proteica de la misma. La movilidad de una proteína de membrana se encuentra íntimamente ligada a su coeficiente de difusión en la bicapa lipídica. Con el fin de medir el efecto de la viscosidad de la membrana sobre la difusión lateral de la proteína HRas (GTPasa involucrada en la división celular) se utilizaron células COS7 (línea celular derivada del riñón de mono) en las que se expresó la proteína HRas unida a GFP (green fluorescent protein). La imagen en A muestra una imagen obtenida con un microscopio de fluorescencia donde se puede observar la expresión de la proteína fluorescente en la superficie membranal. Mediante la técnica de FRAP (del inglés Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching, es decir, recuperación de la fluorescencia después del fotoblanqueado) se estudió la movilidad de la proteína en la membrana celular. En los paneles B-D se muestran los resultados para la condición control y en el panel E se muestra la recuperación de la fluorescencia en condiciones control y en dos tratamientos. a. De acuerdo a los datos presentados de recuperación de florescencia en función del tiempo, explique las fases de la curva presentada en el panel E. b. Teniendo en cuenta los factores y/o tratamientos que afectan la viscosidad de la membrana plasmática proponga un candidato para cada tratamiento referido en los gráficos E y F. E F Control Trat 1 Trat 2 Figura. (A-D) Imágenes de un experimento de FRAP en células expresando GFP-HRas. Se indican los tiempos después del fotoblanqueado. Escala, 10 µm. (E) Curva de recuperación de la florescencia en función del tiempo en condiciones control (círculos negros), tratamiento 1 (cuadrados blancos) y tratamiento 2 (triángulos negros). (F) Cuantificación del coeficiente de difusión (D) de la proteína en la membrana plasmática en condiciones control y en cada tratamiento. c. ¿Qué parámetro biofísico permite calcular con precisión la técnica de FRAP? ¿Cree que será útil para estudiar la movilidad de proteínas solubles en citoplasma? Explique su respuesta. 10) Si dos proteínas se mueven libremente en la bicapa lipídica, ¿qué factores afectan la probabilidad de que éstas se encuentren? 11) Si dos proteínas están asociadas a un LIPID RAFT, ¿cómo espera que varíe la distancia entre ellas a lo largo del tiempo? 12) Se le pide determinar la localización en la membrana plasmática del receptor de tipo II para la fracción Fc de IgG Fc RII) en células B del sistema inmune. Se sabe que la asociación del receptor Fc RII con fosfolípidos presentes en los RAFTs resiste el tratamiento con soluciones de detergentes (Triton X-100) en concentraciones de 0.2 a 1%. Utilizando anticuerpos específicos se analizó la co-localización de Fc RII con proteínas asociadas (CD55, Fig 1, A-C) o proteínas no asociadas (TfR, Fig 1, F-G) a los RAFTs y se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: Figura 1. Distribución de Fc RII, CD55 y TfR en las membranas de las células B. A. Distribución de Fc RII. B. Distribución de CD55. C. Superposición de A y B. F. Distribución de Fc RII. G. Distribución de TfR. H. Superposición de F y G. E Gráfico del perfil de intensidad de fluorescencia en las series AB (gráfico superior) y F-G (gráfico inferior). En gris se grafica el perfil de Fc RII y en negro el perfil de CD55 (superior) y TfR (inferior). Barra de escala, 5 m. (ver versión a color en la página Web de la materia). a. De acuerdo a los resultados, ¿cuál esperaría que fuera la localización de Fc RII en la membrana plasmática? Explique su razonamiento b. El tratamiento con ciclodextrina (fármaco que elimina el colesterol de las membrana) hace que los LIPID RAFTs se desensamblen. Proponga qué resultados se obtendrían en la figura 1 luego de este tratamiento. c. ¿Qué papel podrían cumplir los LIPID RAFTs en la fisiología celular? 13) ¿Por qué son necesarias las proteínas canal para el flujo de iones a través de la membrana plasmática? ¿Por qué resulta funcional que los canales sean proteínas transmembranales de múltiples pasos transmembrana? 14) ¿Cuál/es de las siguientes moléculas difunden a través de la bicapa lipídica sin una proteína de membrana que medie el proceso? ATP, CO2, serina, agua, glucosa, Na+. ¿Por qué mecanismo atraviesan la membrana las restantes moléculas mencionadas que no difunden libremente? Explique el funcionamiento de cada mecanismo. 15) ¿Cuál de los siguientes tipos de proteínas carrier es la Na+/K+-ATPasa? Simporter, uniporter, antiporter. Mencione ejemplos de los dos tipos restantes. 1. El transporte de glucosa acopla la captación de Na+ con la de glucosa en el dominio apical de una célula epitelial del intestino. a. ¿El movimiento de Na+, es a favor o en contra del gradiente electroquímico? b. ¿Y en el caso de la glucosa? c. Discutir en base a la respuesta dada si este proceso de transporte es activo o pasivo. d. La glucosa una vez acumulada dentro de la célula, sale de ésta por la cara basolateral por medio de un transportador de glucosa. ¿Qué tipo de transporte es éste? e. ¿Cómo se explica que la entrada de glucosa no produzca una acumulación de Na + dentro de la célula epitelial? 16) Haga un esquema de la membrana plasmática e indique las concentraciones de Na +, K+ y Ca2+ en los compartimentos intra y extra celular. ¿Están estos iones en equilibrio? ¿Están en estado estacionario? Explique 17) Dentro de un rango de concentración de soluto biológicamente relevante el transporte de moléculas a través de una proteína transportadora (carrier) alcanza una velocidad máxima. ¿Sucede lo mismo con el transporte a través de una proteína canal? Explique. 18) ¿Cuál/es de las siguientes afirmaciones sobre el antiport de Na +/Ca2+ en células musculares cardíacas es falsa? Justificar. a. En estado de reposo, este sistema de transporte lleva al Ca 2+ fuera de la célula muscular cardíaca, mientras que el Na+ es simultáneamente llevado dentro de la célula muscular. b. Sin un gradiente electroquímico de Na+ mantenido por la actividad de la Na+/K+ ATPasa, esta forma de transporte activo secundario del calcio no existiría. c. El tratamiento de las células musculares cardíacas con ouabaína (bloqueante de la bomba Na+/K+ ATPasa) resulta en un incremento de la concentración intracelular de Ca 2+ y en una disminución en la concentración intracelular de Na+. d. El tratamiento de las células musculares cardíacas con digoxina (bloqueante del transportador Na+/Ca2+) resulta en un incremento en la concentración intracelular de Na + y Ca2+. e. Este intercambiador produce el transporte neto de una carga positiva desde el exterior al interior celular por ciclo. 2. Se desea analizar la permeabilidad de una membrana al cloro y para ello reemplaza todas las sales que contienen cloruro por sales sulfato (SO42-). La composición de la solución fisiológica normal es (en mM): NaCl, 115; KCl, 4; MgCl2, 1; CaCl2, 2, Tris (pH, 7.4), 5 y glucosa, 10. Calcule la concentración de sales sulfato que forme una solución isotónica respecto de la solución normal, manteniendo similar relación entre los iones. 3. Un axón gigante de calamar se dializa con una solución salina que contiene Ca2+ radiactivo (Dipolo & Beauge, 1991. Annals of the NY Acad 639:100). Para estimar el eflujo de Ca 2+ a través de la membrana se mide a intervalos regulares la cantidad de Ca 2+ radiactivo acumulado por unidad de tiempo en la solución externa en presencia y ausencia de Na+ (círculos blancos) en la solución externa (Ext) y en ausencia o presencia de ATP (círculos negros) en la solución interna (Int), según se indica en la figura. a. ¿Le parece que la salida de calcio radiactivo desde el interior al exterior del axón (eflujo) se debe a un flujo pasivo, activo o a ambos? Justifique su respuesta. b. De los resultados observados en la figura los autores deducen que el requerimiento de ATP para el transporte de Ca++ no es absoluto. ¿Cómo se puede explicar este fenómeno? c. A qué le parece que podría deberse el efecto del ATP sobre: (i) el eflujo de Ca 2+ independiente de la presencia de Na+ externo; (ii) el eflujo de Ca2+ dependiente de la presencia de Na+ externo. 19) ¿Cuál de las siguientes afirmaciones es aplicable a la comparación entre una solución 0.5 M NaCl y una solución 1 M de glucosa? a) Ambas tienen la misma osmolaridad. b) Ambas ejercen la misma presión osmótica c) Son isotónicas entre sí si están a ambos lados de una membrana que es impermeable a ambos solutos pero permeable al agua. d) Todas las aseveraciones anteriores son ciertas. 187 Commentary Glucose homeostasis with infinite gain: further lessons from the Daisyworld parable? J H Koeslag, P T Saunders1 and J A Wessels Department of Medical Physiology and Biochemistry, University of Stellenbosch, Tygerberg 7505, South Africa and 1Department of Mathematics, King’s College, Strand, London WC2R 2LS, UK (Requests for offprints should be addressed to J H Koeslag, Department of Medical Physiology and Biochemistry, PO Box 19063, Tygerberg, 7505, South Africa) Abstract A major unresolved physiological problem is how the rate of hepatic glucose production is increased to match the increased rate of glucose utilization during exercise without a change in arterial blood glucose level. A homeostat with such capabilities is said to have infinite gain. Daisyworld is an imaginary planet orbiting a variable star. The only life is black and white daisies. Black daisies retain heat, slightly warming the planet; white daisies cool it. When the two types of daisies grow best at slightly different temperatures, variations in solar luminosity (over a wide range) cause the ratio of white:black daisies to vary in a manner that keeps the planetary temperature constant. This model therefore achieves infinite gain by having two opposing but interdependent controllers. Here we suggest that the pancreatic islet á- and â-cells might act as black and white daisies. For the analogy to Introduction A major unresolved physiological problem is how the rate of hepatic glucose production is increased to match the increased rate of glucose utilization during exercise without a change in arterial blood glucose level (Ahlborg 1969, Felig & Wahren 1975, Zinman et al. 1977, Winder et al. 1979, Kjaer et al. 1991, Roy et al. 1991, Coggan et al. 1995). There are two classic answers. The first involves ‘feedforward control’ (Riggs 1963, Guyton & Hall 1996). This means that the anticipation and performance of muscular exercise, working via the autonomic nervous system, cause the pancreatic islets to secrete less insulin and more glucagon. Anticipatory or feedforward responses characterize many physiological systems. However, feedforward systems consist of open loops. The magnitude of the response to a given stimulus is subject, therefore, to ‘guess-work’, and is, on its own, not self-adjusting. The Journal of Endocrinology (1997) 154, 187–192 0022–0795/97/0154–0187 $08.00/0 apply, glucagon and insulin must not only have opposing effects on the blood sugar concentration, but the secretion of the one has, at some quantum level, to be at the expense of the other. Electrical coupling between heterocellular groups of á- and â-cells within the pancreatic islets suggests that this might indeed be the case. á-Cell activity must, furthermore, promote secretory activity in other á-cells; similarly with â-cells. This is probably mediated via pancreastatin and ã-amino butyric acid (GABA) which are paracrinically co-secreted with glucagon and insulin, respectively. á-Cell activity spreads (at the expense of â-cell activity) when the blood glucose level is below set point, while â-cell activity progressively replaces á-cell activity above set point. At set point changes in the ratio of á:â-cell activity are inhibited. Journal of Endocrinology (1997) 154, 187–192 response is, at best, therefore only approximately correct or appropriate. The second possibility involves ‘integral control’ (Milsum 1966). Integral controllers are closed loop, negative feedback systems. They differ, however, from the negative feedback systems described in the standard physiology textbooks. A standard negative feedback system responds only when a sensor detects an error in the controlled quantity (blood sugar, arterial blood pressure, body temperature etc.). The greater the error the greater the response (Cannon 1960, Riggs 1963, 1970, Milsum 1966, Guyton & Hall 1996). A zero error always produces a zero response. Thus, a standard controller is incapable of totally correcting an error in the face of steady state disturbances, such as the increased rate of glucose utilization during exercise. Instead, a standard controller merely reduces the error that would have occurred if that controller had not been operational (Riggs 1963). If the error ? 1997 Journal of Endocrinology Ltd Printed in Great Britain 188 Commentary is reduced to half of what it would have been in the homeostat’s absence, then the homeostatic ‘gain’ is said to be two (the reciprocal of half; Riggs 1963, 1970, Guyton & Hall 1996, Milsum 1966). Homeostasis with infinite gain implies perfect control. An integral controller responds not simply to the error in the controlled quantity, but to the error multiplied by the time it persists. It is, at present, the only known type of homeostat with infinite gain (Milsum 1966). Thus, during exercise, an integral controller would respond with progressively increasing degrees of hypoinsulinaemia and hyperglucagonaemia until normoglycaemia is restored. On reaching normoglycaemia, the hypoinsulinaemia and hyperglucagonaemia persist until the high rate of glucose utilization starts to wane. This then reverses the process. However, the mechanism for such integral control is unknown. It is striking, however, that most of the body’s integral controllers operate via counterregulatory pairs of effectors (hormones or nerves). The Daisyworld parable The sun is probably about 30% warmer today than it was 3000 million years ago when life first appeared on this planet (Margulis & Sagan 1995). Yet, remarkably, the Earth’s surface temperature has probably never varied by very much more than about 5 )C from its present level. This is almost certainly due to the metabolic activities of its biota. Thus, if life were suddenly to disappear today, the amount of atmospheric oxygen and nitrogen would decline to trace levels in an atmosphere of water vapour and carbon dioxide (Lovelock 1972). The Earth’s surface temperature would consequently rise to 80–90 )C, rendering the planet uninhabitable. To illustrate how even a simple biota might regulate the surface temperature of a planet, Watson & Lovelock (1983) devised an imaginary planet called Daisyworld. It orbits a star very much like our own sun. Daisies are the only form of life. There are only two species, one white and one black. Otherwise they are identical. Both grow best at 22·5 )C, and neither can grow at temperatures below 5 )C or above 40 )C (Watson & Lovelock 1983, Saunders 1994). The temperature on Daisyworld depends on solar luminosity and the planet’s albedo (or reflectivity). Black daisies have a lesser albedo and so absorb more heat than bare earth. Hence for a given solar luminosity a planet covered in black daisies will be warmer than a lifeless one. Conversely, a planet covered in white daisies will be cooler than its dead counterpart. If both daisies are present, it is warmer where there are black daisies and cooler where there are white ones. It turns out that these very ordinary properties have remarkable consequences. Consider a planet which is gradually warming under the influence of an evolving sun. When the temperature reaches 5 )C daisies begin to Journal of Endocrinology (1997) 154, 187–192 Figure 1 The temperature response (heavy black lines) to changes in solar luminosity on a Daisyworld with microclimates. The thin line indicates the temperature changes on the bare planet. Temperature changes on the planet with black and white daisies are resisted over a wide range of solar luminosities by changes in the proportion of black:white daisies on the planet (see text). germinate. The white ones cool their immediate environment to below 5 )C and die. The black ones, however, warm their surroundings, encouraging more daisies to germinate. This makes the planet progressively warmer, encouraging more black daisies and, now, even a few white daisies to germinate. The process stops when the planet is covered with flowers. The ratio of black:white daisies, that have germinated, ensures, surprisingly, that the temperature on Daisyworld is now just above 22·5 )C (Saunders 1994). If, at this point, solar luminosity were to decrease again, life does not disappear. Instead, black daisies replace the white daisies that have germinated, lowering the planet’s albedo, and raising the overall temperature slightly. With an increase in solar luminosity the opposite happens. This is because a change in solar luminosity causes an initial change in planetary temperature. With a rise in temperature, for instance, the black daises, which already live in microclimates somewhat above 22·5 )C, are disadvantaged, compared with the white daisies, which live in microclimates slightly below optimum, and, therefore, benefit from the rise in temperature. Thus, white daisies replace the black daisies, and will continue to do so until the overall temperature returns to approximately 22·5 )C. Over a comparatively wide range of solar luminosities, which would otherwise cause a planetary temperature change of 50 )C, there is, when daisies are present, temperature homeostasis (Fig. 1). Commentary The Watson & Lovelock model (1983), which is primarily an ecological one, can be simplified to make it more generally applicable. The microclimates are unnecessary if winds equalize the temperature over the whole planet, and if black daisies grow optimally at a slightly lower temperature (e.g. 20 )C) than the white ones do (e.g. 25 )C). Then, irrespective of the shapes of the two growth curves, the temperature on Daisyworld stabilizes at exactly the cross-over point of the two growth curves, over a wide range of solar luminosities. The homeostatic gain is infinite. The reason is easy to see. At the cross-over point, say at 22·5 )C, both species grow equally well. If the temperature rises even minutely to, say, 22·6 )C the white daisies grow faster than the black ones. White daisies therefore replace the black ones, and continue to do so for as long as the temperature on Daisyworld remains above 22·5 )C. But, in spreading, the white daisies increase the planet’s albedo, causing it eventually to cool to 22·5 )C. At this point the black and white daisies grow equally well again, and the replacement process stops. Thus, seen from space, the planet responds to changes in solar luminosity by changing colour from black (at low solar luminosities) to white (at high solar luminosities), keeping its surface temperature robustly at 22·5 )C. We believe that the physiology of the insulin:glucagon counterregulatory pair of hormones is strongly reminiscent of white and black daisies. Pancreatic islets The human islets of Langerhans contain glucagon secreting á-cells, insulin secreting â-cells, and somatostatin secreting D-cells. The â-cells are situated in the core of a typical islet. The glucagon-secreting á-cells form a peripheral rim one to three cells in thickness (Unger et al. 1978). In humans, rows of á-cells (together with D-cells) project into the central portions of the islets along capillary axes, forming lobulations in which the á- and D-cells remain peripheral to the centrally assembled â-cells. The D-cells are situated between the outer mantle of á-cells and the core of â-cells. In addition, there are heterocellular regions in each islet, with á-, â- and D-cells in close proximity (Orci & Unger 1975). A characteristic feature of the islet cells are membrane specializations that may involve intercellular relationships. These specializations consist of tight junctions, desmosomes and gap junctions (Orci et al. 1973, 1975). Gap junctions, through which molecules of less than 1000 Da can move from the cytoplasm of one cell to that of an adjacent cell without entering the intercellular space, have been found between á- and â-cells (Orci & Unger 1975, Orci et al. 1975, Orci 1976, Meda et al. 1982), as well as between D-cells and á- or â-cells (Unger et al. 1978, Michaels & Sheridan 1981, Meda et al. 1982). Thus, gap junctions make functional syncytia of small groups of homologous and heterologous islet cells (Meda et al. 1982). Each islet probably consists of a collection of such syncytial aggregates. The â-cells are unequivocally glucose sensitive. The mechanism may be summarized as follows (Ashcroft et al. 1994, Dunne et al. 1994). High plasma glucose concentrations lead to high rates of glycolysis. Some product of this metabolism, now generally accepted to be ATP, brings about closure of the ATP-sensitive K+ channels in the plasma membrane, causing depolarization. This leads to the opening of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels, and increases in the intracellular free Ca2+ concentration. This initiates exocytosis of insulin-containing secretory vesicles (Prentki & Matschinsky 1987, Ashcroft et al. 1994, Berggren & Larsson 1994, Dunne et al. 1994). Insulin secretion, for any given â-cell, appears to be all-or-none (Pipeleers et al. 1994). The mechanisms for the stimulus-secretion coupling in the glucagon producing á-cells are unclear. The rate of glucose metabolism is only about 15–20% of that observed in the â-cell (Rorsman et al. 1991). Furthermore, although in vitro studies have indicated that á-cells are to some extent glucose sensitive (Sumida et al. 1994), it is unclear whether variations in glucose concentration in the physiological range have a direct effect on á-cells in vivo (Asplin et al. 1981, Rorsman & Helman 1988, Rorsman et al. 1991). Indeed, the á-cells of patients with insulindependent diabetes mellitus continue to secrete glucagon at normal resting rates despite severe hyperglycaemia (Unger et al. 1970, Raskin et al. 1976, Powell et al. 1993). These patients also do not increase glucagon secretion during hypoglycaemia (Asplin et al. 1981, Bolli et al. 1983, Powell et al. 1993). The á-cells therefore probably receive their glycaemic cues primarily from the â-cells, presumably via electrical coupling (via gap junctions) between these cells (Orci et al. 1975, Michaels & Sheridan 1981, Meda et al. 1982, 1986). Insulin and glucagon responses to hyper- and hypoglycaemic clamps When the endocrine pancreas is exposed to a hyperglycaemic clamp (e.g. 11 or 16 mmol glucose/l), there is an initial spike of insulin release lasting for less than 10 min. This is followed by a slow continuous rise in insulin secretion, over the next 2 h, to very high levels (Fig. 2) (Grodsky 1972, Gerich et al. 1974, Bolaffi et al. 1986, Tsuchiyama et al. 1992). A hypoglycaemic clamp (1 mmol/l) produces a similar spike in glucagon secretion, followed by a gradual rise in glucagon production (Weir et al. 1974). The mathematical characteristics of the acute response led Grodsky (1972) to postulate that â-cells operate as on-off units with differing blood glucose thresholds. Direct evidence for such a model has recently Journal of Endocrinology (1997) 154, 187–192 189 190 Commentary Figure 2 The results of an archetypical hyperglycaemic clamp experiment (Grodsky 1972, Gerich et al. 1974, Bolaffi et al. 1986, Tsuchiyama et al. 1992). If the isolated pancreas is perfused with blood containing a constant 15 mmol glucose per litre, then there is an immediate spike of insulin release, followed by a prolonged *second phase’ of progressively increasing rates of insulin release for more than 2 h. This *second phase’ is characteristic of an integral response, indicating that the different â-cell thresholds (Pipeleers 1992, Pipeleers et al. 1994) are functions of time#hyperglycaemic stimulus. This result would also typify the white daisy response to a heat clamp experiment on Daisyworld. been demonstrated (Schuit et al. 1988, Pipeleers 1992, Hellman et al. 1994, Pipeleers et al. 1994). However, the slowly rising ‘second phase’ of insulin release in response to a hyperglycaemic clamp cannot be due to simple differences in â-cell glucose thresholds, as suggested by Grodsky (1972), Pipeleers (1992) and Pipeleers et al. (1994). Instead, the evidence suggests that high steady state blood glucose concentrations recruit more and more active â-cells with time. The â-cell ‘thresholds’ are therefore, somehow, for different integrals (stimulus magnitude#time) of the stimulus with respect to time. If â-cells operate as on-off units, and are functionally linked to á-cells, then the two probably operate as a flip-flop mechanism, which secretes either insulin (in the aB mode) or glucagon (in the Ab mode). Both are secreted maximally or not at all (Schuit et al. 1988, Pipeleers 1992, Hellman et al. 1994, Pipeleers et al. 1994). Only under special, near-normoglycaemic circumstances would the system be modulated (via autonomic nerves, the gut and adrenal hormones) to secrete both hormones, or neither. Glucose homeostasis During the recent past it has become evident that chromogranin-A (CgA) and its proteolytic products are costored and cosecreted with most peptide hormones, including insulin and glucagon (Cohn et al. 1984, Efendic et al. 1987, Eiden 1987, Greeley et al. 1989, Huttner et al. Journal of Endocrinology (1997) 154, 187–192 Figure 3 The proposed model of pancreatic islet function. The functional units of the endocrine pancreas are suggested to be sub-islet heterologous syncytial aggregates of electrically coupled á- and â-cells, which operate as flip-flop mechanisms. They are either in the Ab (glucagon secreting) or aB (insulin secreting) mode. Ab]aB and aB]Ab transitions occur spontaneously, but are influenced by paracrine secretions from neighbouring units (see text). The relative effectivenesses of the two types of paracrine secretion are determined by the blood sugar concentration. 1991, Helle & Angeletti 1994, O’Connor et al. 1994, Huttner & Natori 1995). Pancreastatin, the proteolytic fragment of CgA found in pancreatic á-cells (Schmidt et al. 1988, Winkler & Fischer-Colbrie 1992), is a powerful paracrine inhibitor of insulin secretion. ã-amino butyric acid (GABA) has been shown to colocalize with insulin in the â-cells (Gerber & Hare 1980, Garry et al. 1986) and has been shown to inhibit á-cell activity (Rorsman et al. 1991). CgA and CgB have similarly been localized in â-cells (Winkler & Fischer-Colbrie 1992). An as yet uncharacterized CgA or CgB fragment might therefore also paracrinically inhibit glucagon secretion. The existence of these strongly inhibitory paracrine secretions, and the arrangement of á- and â-cells into syncytial aggregates, suggest a novel, Daisyworld-like form of blood glucose homeostasis. Thus, we propose that the individual syncytial aggregates flip-flop spontaneously between the insulin (aB) and glucagon (Ab) secreting modes (Fig. 3). Aggregates which are in the Ab (glucagon-secreting) mode co-release pancreastatin, which promotes aB]Ab transitions among their immediate neighbours. Ab units (like black daisies) therefore tend to proliferate locally. aB units, which cosecrete GABA with insulin, promote Ab]aB transitions. They too proliferate locally (like white daisies). At a blood sugar concentration of 5 mmol/l these proliferative tendencies are equal (Fig. 3). Thus, although individual aggregates are flipping randomly from one mode to the other, there is no overall change in the Ab:aB ratio. Both Commentary insulin and glucagon are therefore present in the blood of normoglycaemic persons. (In contrast, a standard homeostat would require neither hormone to be present.) A fall in the blood glucose concentration, due to a sudden increase in the rate of glucose utilization, would, according to our hypothesis, simply potentiate pancreastatin’s action. This would increase the probability of aB]Ab flips, thereby progressively increasing the proportion of units in the Ab mode. The glucagon:insulin ratio in the blood will therefore increase with time, as is typical of exercise (Wahren et al. 1973, Koeslag et al. 1980, 1982). Only when normoglycaemia has been completely restored will the bias towards aB]Ab transitions cease. Normoglycaemia in the presence of the new, high Ab:aB ratio persists for as long as there is an increased rate of glucose utilization. This is glucose homeostasis with infinite gain. An increase in the blood glucose concentration has the opposite effect. There is now a bias towards Ab]aB transitions which continues until normoglycaemia has been restored. 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Received 29 July 1996 Revised manuscript received 5 November 1997 Accepted 22 January 1997 IFM 2014 Seminario 2: Interacciones intercelulares -Bibliografía de lectura obligatoria: “Mechanisms of Epithelial Cell–Cell Adhesion and Cell Compaction Revealed by High-resolution Tracking of E-Cadherin–Green Fluorescent Protein” Adams et al. The Journal of Cell Biology 142:1105–1119 (1998). -Biblografía Sugerida: “Biología Celular y Molecular” de Lodish y colaboradores. 5ta Edición. Capítulo 6: “Integración de células en tejidos”. Capítulo 13: “Señalización en la superficie celular”. 1. ¿En qué se diferencian las uniones adherentes directas e indirectas? Dé un ejemplo de cada una de éstas. 2. ¿Cuál es la relación entre las uniones adherentes directas e indirectas con el citoesqueleto? Sugiera cuál puede ser la función fisiológica de dicha relación. 3. Dibuje el esquema de un epitelio y señale dónde esperaría encontrar las uniones oclusivas o tight junctions. a. ¿Cuál es la función principal de estas uniones en los epitelios? b. Indique en dicho esquema el recorrido del flujo paracelular y transcelular. c. ¿Qué condiciones deben darse para que una sustancia X atraviese un epitelio por la vía paracelular o por la vía transcelular? 4. ¿Qué es una unión comunicante o gap junction? Indique cuál es su composición molecular. ¿Qué función cumple? Proponga un experimento que permita contrastar la hipótesis de que existen gap junctions entre las células de un determinado tejido. 5. En el organismo las células pueden comunicarse de forma parácrina, endócrina o a través de sinapsis (considerar solamente las químicas). a. ¿Qué tienen en común estas tres vías de comunicación; y en qué se diferencian? b. ¿En cuáles de estas vías de comunicación es más crítico que la célula blanco exprese receptores altamente específicos para la sustancia transmisora u hormona? c. Los receptores para las moléculas transmisoras pueden ser una proteína de membrana o una proteína intracelular. ¿Qué determina que se trate de uno u otro tipo de proteína? d. ¿En qué se distinguen los receptores ionotrópicos de los metabotrópicos? e. El fosfatidilinositol es un lípido de membrana que participa en un mecanismo de señalización intracelular. Explique este mecanismo. f. ¿Qué otras vías de señalización por segundos mensajeros conoce? 6. ¿Qué tipo de transmisores son almacenados en vesículas? ¿Qué tipo de mecanismo de tranporte tiene la vesícula para poder acumular a los transmisores en su interior? ¿Qué tipo de mecanismo de transporte tienen las células para liberarlos? 7. La liberación de vesículas conteniendo moléculas transmisoras u hormonas depende de la concentración intracelular de calcio. Indique en un esquema cuáles son los mecanismos celulares por los cuales se puede modificar abruptamente la concentración citosólica de este catión divalente. ¿Y cuales son los mecanismos que tienden a mantener las concentraciones basales de Ca2+ constantes? 8. ¿En qué se diferencia un antagonista competitivo de uno no-competitivo? Describa un experimento por el cual puede distinguir si una sustancia dada actúa como antagonista de uno u otro tipo. Análisis del artículo Para tener en cuenta: Este artículo fue elegido porque presenta evidencias experimentales que ilustran la difusión en el plano de la membrana de la molécula de adhesión E-cadherina en el contexto de la formación de contactos intercelulares. La metodología descripta solo será discutida en términos de los resultados fisiológicos. Comprender el artículo no requerirá profundizar en la construccion del cDNA inyectado. Las técnicas de imágenes utilizadas ilustran métodos modernos para el estudio de la fisiología de membranas y se les pide que se concentren en enteder cómo se las emplea para estudiar la formación de uniones adherentes. En la pagina de la materia hay una versión pdf del artículo que se sugiere mirar para ver las figuras en mejor detalle, incluyendo imágenes en color. 1) En el artículo se identifican las siguientes proteínas: E-cadherina, -catenina, -catenina, actina. Indique dónde se ubican estas proteínas (membrana, citosol, núcleo) y cuál es el vínculo entre ellas. 2) Los autores extraen EcadGFP utilizando el detergente Triton X-100. ¿Por qué se selecciona este detergente en particular? 3) ¿Por qué fue necesario realizar los experimentos de la Figura 1 si ya en la introducción se recuerda la interacción entre las proteínas E-cadherina, -catenina, -catenina y actina? ¿Por qué se analiza la interacción en presencia y ausencia de calcio? 4) En la discusión los autores explican que la presencia de -catenina, -catenina en relación estequiométrica 1:1:1 con EcadGFP es un indicio del rol funcional de la proteína experimentalmente expresada. ¿Cuál puede ser la explicación de este argumento? 5) Los autores definen tres formas de agregación de las moléculas de E-cadherina: los „puncta‟, las placas y los „vertex‟. Identifíquelas en la Figura 2. 6) En la Figura 3 se estudian dos ejemplos de la interacciones intercelulares en estudio. a. ¿En que se diferencian estos dos ejemplos? b. ¿Cuál es su relación con los perfiles de fluorescencia mostrados en la Figura 3D. 7) La figura 4B muestra un gráfico en tres dimensiones que permite medir la velocidad de difusión de los agregados de EcadGFP. a. Identifique el inicio en la formación de cada puncta. b. A medida que la zona de contacto se agranda, el número de puncta aumenta. Identifique como se evidencia esto en este gráfico. 8) ¿En qué se diferencia el experimento descripto en la figura 5 del de la figura 4? 9) Mientras que en la figura 4 los autores argumentan que los puncta se forman de novo, en la figura 6 argumentan que las placas se producen por agregación de puncta. Identifique la evidencia que avala este argumento. 10) La citocalasina es un inhibidor de la elongación de los microfilamentos de actina. Actúa inhibiendo la polimerización de la actina en su extremo de crecimiento (“barbed ends” en el artículo) a. ¿Cómo se relaciona el efecto de citocalacina con el estadío de formación del contacto celular? b. ¿Qué aporta la tinción que marca la actina y la -catenina? 11) Los autores argumentan que el fotoblanqueo no afectó el contacto celular ni interfirió con la organización de la Ecadherina en la membrana. a. ¿Qué evidencias avalan este conclusión? b. ¿Por qué es importante esta constatación? 12) ¿Qué demuestra la figura 8B? 13) Los autores concluyen que la difusión de las Ecad depende de la edad del contacto. ¿Cómo avala la figura 8E esta conclusión? Published August 24, 1998 Mechanisms of Epithelial Cell–Cell Adhesion and Cell Compaction Revealed by High-resolution Tracking of E-Cadherin–Green Fluorescent Protein Cynthia L. Adams, Yih-Tai Chen, Stephen J Smith, and W. James Nelson Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305-5345 Abstract. Cadherin-mediated adhesion initiates cell re- C ell–cell adhesion is crucial for the development and survival of multicellular organisms (Townes and Holtfreter, 1955; Takeichi, 1991; Steinberg, 1996). Members of the cadherin superfamily of Ca21dependent cell–cell adhesion proteins are expressed in most organs and tissues of vertebrates and invertebrates. Different cadherins are expressed in specific tissues, cell layers, and neuronal cell types consistent with their roles in distinct cellular recognition and sorting processes (Takeichi, 1987; Nose et al., 1988; Takeichi, 1991; Steinberg and a circumferential actin cable that circumscribes both cells, and is embedded into each E-cadherin plaque at the contact margin. At this stage, the two cells achieve maximum contact, a process referred to as compaction. These changes in E-cadherin and actin distributions are repeated when additional single cells adhere to large groups of cells. The third stage of adhesion occurs as additional cells are added to groups of .3 cells; circumferential actin cables linked to E-cadherin plaques on adjacent cells appear to constrict in a purse-string action, resulting in the further coalescence of individual plaques into the vertices of multicell contacts. The reorganization of E-cadherin and actin results in the condensation of cells into colonies. We propose a model to explain how, through strengthening and compaction, E-cadherin and actin cables coordinate to remodel initial cell–cell contacts to the final condensation of cells into colonies. Key words: cadherin • actin • cell–cell adhesion • epithelia • microscopy The current address of Cynthia L. Adams is Cytokinetics, Inc., 280 East Grand Ave., South San Francisco, CA 94040. Address all correspondence to Stephen J Smith, Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Beckman Center, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305-5345. Tel.: 650-723-6799; Fax: 650-498-5286; E-mail: [email protected] Takeichi, 1994; Fannon and Colman, 1996; Uchida et al., 1996; Martinek and Gaul, 1997). While recent studies have attempted to elucidate the molecular and mechanical properties of cadherin-mediated adhesion (Brieher et al. 1996; Yap et al., 1997), little is known about the physical or molecular dynamics of cell–cell adhesion (cell stickiness), compaction (maximization of adhesive contacts), or condensation (aggregation of large cell colonies) during tissue formation. Cadherins are single transmembrane–spanning proteins. The extracellular domain (amino terminus) is composed of five repeats that have similar structures and contain Ca21-binding motifs (Shapiro et al., 1995; Aberle et al., 1996). While homotypic binding between the extracellular domains of cadherins on adjacent cells is clearly important for cell–cell recognition (Nose et al., 1988), the affinity of The Rockefeller University Press, 0021-9525/98/08/1105/15 $2.00 The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 142, Number 4, August 24, 1998 1105–1119 1105 Downloaded from on August 12, 2014 organization into tissues, but the mechanisms and dynamics of such adhesion are poorly understood. Using time-lapse imaging and photobleach recovery analyses of a fully functional E-cadherin/GFP fusion protein, we define three sequential stages in cell–cell adhesion and provide evidence for mechanisms involving E-cadherin and the actin cytoskeleton in transitions between these stages. In the first stage, membrane contacts between two cells initiate coalescence of a highly mobile, diffuse pool of cell surface E-cadherin into immobile punctate aggregates along contacting membranes. These E-cadherin aggregates are spatially coincident with membrane attachment sites for actin filaments branching off from circumferential actin cables that circumscribe each cell. In the second stage, circumferential actin cables near cell–cell contact sites separate, and the resulting two ends of the cable swing outwards to the perimeter of the contact. Concomitantly, subsets of E-cadherin puncta are also swept to the margins of the contact where they coalesce into large E-cadherin plaques. This reorganization results in the formation of Published August 24, 1998 1. Abbreviations used in this paper: CD, cytochalasin D; DIC, differential interference contrast; EcadGFP, E-cadherin fused to green fluorescent protein; synGFP, synthetic jellyfish green fluorescence protein; TIP, time, intensity, and position. The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 142, 1998 1106 Even less is known about the molecular mechanisms of compaction and condensation of single cells into multicellular colonies. On the other hand, much work has been done to elucidate the mechanisms involved in the healing of wounded monolayers and tissues (Martin and Lewis, 1992; Bement et al., 1993). Small wounds in cell monolayers rapidly form circumferential actin cables at the wound perimeter, which then slowly cinch together with a pursestring action (Bement et al., 1993; Brock et al., 1996). Similarly, tissue explants with ragged edges will round up in vitro over extended periods of time, presumably by a similar purse-string action. The mechanisms that mediate these events could play a role in the genesis of multicellular monolayers, but previous studies have not established similarities among these processes. The experimental approaches used in the studies described above have not provided much insight into the dynamic processes by which cadherins, catenins, and the actin cytoskeleton cooperate to initiate, strengthen, and compact cell–cell contacts between cells initiating adhesion or reorganizing within colonies. In previous studies, we used differential interference contrast (DIC) timelapse imaging coupled with retrospective immunocytochemistry to examine the distributions of E-cadherin, catenins, and actin in adhering MDCK cells (McNeill et al., 1993; Adams et al., 1996). We showed that during the first hour of cell–cell adhesion, E-cadherin, b-catenin, and a-catenin coaccumulated into Triton X-100–insoluble aggregates (puncta) that are associated with thin actin bundles (Adams et al., 1996). However, from these previous studies many problems related to initiation of cell–cell adhesion were unresolved. For example, we were unable to determine the relationship of Triton X-100 insolubility and clustering of E-cadherin, the source of E-cadherin in puncta, the role of the actin cytoskeleton in the spatial organization of puncta, the dynamics and fate of puncta within the contact, or the dynamics of actin and cadherin reorganization in older contacts. Furthermore, we were unable to investigate the role(s) of these E-cadherin puncta in strengthening and compacting initial adhesive contacts, or the mechanisms of reorganization of cell–cell contacts as cells condensed into colonies to form a multicell monolayer. Answers to these problems are at the core of understanding mechanisms involved in cell–cell adhesion. In the present study, we examined the dynamics of cell– cell adhesion using a fully functional protein comprising E-cadherin fused to green fluorescent protein (EcadGFP).1 EcadGFP was stably expressed in MDCK epithelial cells, and was examined with time-lapse imaging and photobleach-recovery analysis. We define three sequential stages in cell–cell adhesion, and show how the distributions of E-cadherin and the actin cytoskeleton are remodeled to coordinate transitions in cell–cell adhesion from initial contacts, to strengthening and compaction, to the final condensation of cells into colonies. Our results provide new detailed insights into the dynamics and mechanisms involved in regulating epithelial cell–cell adhesion in vivo. Downloaded from on August 12, 2014 binding (z1 mM; Shapiro et al., 1995) may not be sufficient to promote the strong cell–cell adhesion necessary to maintain tissue integrity. X-ray diffraction studies of crystals of the amino-terminal repeat domains of E-cadherin and N-cadherin revealed the presence of dimers and higher ordered complexes (Nagar et al., 1996; Shapiro et al., 1995). Formation of higher-order complexes between extracellular domains of parallel-oriented cadherins on single cells and clustering of extracellular E-cadherin between cells might cooperatively increase the strength of adhesion (Brieher et al., 1996; Yap et al., 1997), but little is known about how, when, or where clustering of cadherins occurs during cell–cell adhesion in vivo. The cytoplasmic domain of cadherin is also required for cell–cell adhesion. The amino acid sequences of the cytoplasmic domain of different cadherins are very similar, and contain a highly conserved binding site for a family of sequence-related cytosolic proteins: b-catenin, plakoglobin, and p120CAS (Aberle et al., 1994; Jou et al., 1995; Ozawa et al., 1989; Reynolds et al., 1994). The cadherin/b-catenin complex binds via b-catenin to another cytosolic protein, a-catenin (Herrenknecht et al., 1991; Jou et al., 1995; Ozawa and Kemler, 1992), which interacts with actin filaments either directly (Rimm et al., 1995) or through other actin-associated proteins such as a-actinin (Knudsen et al., 1995). Binding of this protein complex to the actin cytoskeleton is consistent with the appearance of a pool of cadherins and catenins at cell–cell contacts that is resistant to extraction by the nonionic detergent Triton X-100 (Nagafuchi and Takeichi, 1988; Ozawa et al., 1989). In individual motile cells, actin filaments are continually polymerizing at the free cell edge of lamellae, and depolymerizing in a transition zone between the cell body and lamellae. This transition zone is often characterized by a conspicuous ring of actin that is called a circumferential actin cable (see review, Small et al., 1996). In single motile epithelial cells, such actin cables often circumscribe the cell in the form of a continuous ring. In polarized epithelial cells, actin filaments are also organized into a much thinner, much more peripherally disposed circumferential ring at the apical surface in association with the adherens junction (Hirano et al., 1987); this actin organization is also referred to as a circumferential actin cable. While circumferential actin structures are thus characteristic of both motile and tissue forms of epithelial cells, a dramatic structural transformation in actin organization occurs during the formation and stabilization of cell–cell contacts. Recent studies have suggested that circumferential actin cables in single cells either passively become parallel to cell–cell contacts (Yonemura et al., 1995) or they actively reorganize to the cell periphery (Gloushankova et al., 1997). These studies have not provided significant insight into how actin filaments in lamellae and circumferential actin cables reorganize when two lamellae interact in forming a cell–cell contact. Thus, while the actin cytoskeleton is known to be involved in cadherin-mediated cell–cell adhesion, little is known about how actin participates in the initiation and strengthening of cell–cell adhesion, or how the organization of the actin cytoskeleton in single motile cells becomes incorporated into the actin organization observed in monolayers of polarized epithelial cells. Published August 24, 1998 Materials and Methods Construction of E-cadherin–GFP Recombinant cDNA and Stable Transfection of MDCK Cells Expression of EcadGFP in Mouse L-Cells To express EcadGFP in Ltk-cells stably, the E-cad-GFP cDNA was released from pUGFP2 by Hind3 and Not1 digestion, and was subcloned into the retroviral vector LZRS-pBMN-Z (Kinsella and Nolan, 1996) after restriction by Hind3 and Not1. Production of virus and infection of Ltk2 cells was performed as previously reported (Kinsella and Nolan, 1996). Delivery of EcadGFP to the Basal-lateral Membrane of Polarized MDCK Cells Confluent monolayers of MDCK cells stably transfected with U-GFP2 were grown on Transwell™ filters (Costar Corp., Cambridge, MA) for 7 d, and were treated with 5 mM sodium butyrate for 24 h before an experiment. Cells were first incubated with Met/Cys-free medium for 45 min, and then cells on one 24-mm diameter petri dish were labeled with 250 mCi of [35S]Met/Cys for 1 h. After labeling, plasma membrane domain– specific biotinylation was performed as previously described (Wollner et al., 1992). Cells were lysed in Triton X-100 extraction buffer, and proteins in the lysate were immunoprecipitated with mAb 3G8. Biotinylated protein from the immunoprecipitates was collected with immobilized avidin (Pierce, Rockford, IL). Precipitated proteins were resolved by 7.5% SDSPAGE. Radioactive signals were detected by fluorography. Cell Culture Stably transfected EcadGFP MDCK cells were maintained at low density in DMEM (Gibco Laboratories, Grand Island, NY) supplemented with 10% FBS (Summit, Ft. Collins, CO). 12–24 h before experimentation, 5 mM sodium butyrate in DMEM/FBS was added to 90% confluent cultures of cells to further induce expression of EcadGFP. Cells were removed with trypsin and plated at low density in DMEM/FBS on collagen-coated coverslips for 2–5 h. For time-lapse imaging, cells were removed from the incubator, and the media was replaced with imaging buffer (DME without phenol red, 10% FBS, 50 mM Hepes). The coverslip was placed in a custom-built imaging chamber with 500 ml of imaging buffer. Cytochalasin D (Sigma Chemical Co.) solution was diluted 1:2,000 from a stock solution in DMSO to 2 mM in the imaging buffer. Cell-Cell Adhesion Mediated by EcadGFP Aggregation. Ltk-cells and Ltk-cells stably transfected with U-GFP1 were tested for their ability to aggregate in suspension culture. Approximately 0.5 3 106 single cells were plated in DMEM containing 5 mM Ca21 and 10% FCS that had been dialyzed extensively against PBS, or normal DMEM/FBS (1.8 mM Ca21) on 35-mm tissue culture dishes coated with 2% agarose (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) and left in a tissue culture incubator overnight. The organization of cells in clumps were recorded 18 h after plating using a Zeiss Axiovert microscope equipped with a 103 phase-contrast objective. Kinetics of aggregation. Wild-type MDCK type G cells, MDCK cells expressing EcadGFP, and MDCK cells expressing EcadGFP treated for 24 h with 5 mM sodium butyrate were suspended with trypsin/EGTA treatment, counted, and adjusted to a density of 7 3 106 cells/ml in imaging buffer (DMEM without phenol red, 10% FBS, 50 mM Hepes). Cells were allowed to recover for 2 h before aggregation measurements. Cells were vortexed for 30 s immediately before loading into the cuvette of the aggregometer. Cells were immediately placed in an optical aggregometer (Model 440; Chrono-log, Corp., Havertown, PA) at 378C. 270 ml of cells were transferred to a 0.6-mm diameter cuvette, and were kept in suspension by constant stirring at 300 rpm. Spontaneous aggregation was measured by monitoring the increase in OD of the cell suspension on a stripchart recorder for up to 6 h with cell-free buffer as a reference. Maximal aggregation was determined by the value when changes in the transmitted light were zero. The half-time was manually determined as the time at half-maximal aggregation. Time-lapse Imaging The Smith Mark IV multisite laser scanning confocal microscope, designed by Stephen Smith and built by Stanford’s Physiology Instrument Shop, has been described elsewhere (Adams et al., 1996). In brief, it is an optical bench design using argon (488 nm) and helium-neon (633 nm) lasers, a mirror galvanometer–based scanning unit, a GaAs photomultiplier and silicon photodiode photodetectors, and a PC-based control and data acquisition unit. It allows collection of multispectral fluorescence and transmitted light (e.g., Nomarski DIC) images in perfect spatial register as determined by a single laser scanning geometry. The multisite feature (see Cooper and Smith, 1992; McNeill et al., 1993; Adams et al., 1996; software written by Dr. Noam Ziv) provides for the acquisition of time-lapse sequences at multiple specimen areas by frequent automated motions of a motorized specimen stage combined with use of an autofocusing algorithm. For observing the maturation of cell–cell contacts, time-lapse sequences were collected at 6–12 stage-position sites with consecutive DIC and fluorescence images every 2–10 min for 2–23 h at 378C. For tracking the dynamics of new puncta, images were collected at single sites every 0.9 s to 1 min for 3–100 min. Image Analysis HEK 293-EBNA cells (Invitrogen Corp., Carlsbad, CA) were transfected with the E-cadherin-GFP plasmid, U-GFP2, using lipofectamine (GIBCO BRL, Gaithersburg, MD). 24 h after transfection, cells in one 35-mm dish To generate time, intensity, and position graphs (TIP scans), images were rotated in Adobe Photoshop (Adobe Systems, Inc., Mountain View, CA) so that the long axis of the contact in the last image of the time series was parallel to the horizon. The rotated images were imported into MetaMorph software (Universal Imaging Corp. West Chester, PA), and the developing contact area was boxed off by 50–200 adjacent horizontal regions, 2 pixels high by 60–200 pixels wide, depending on the relative position and length of the contact through the time sequence. MetaMorph software automatically collected maximum and integrated intensity data from contact, noncontact, and noncell (background) regions for all time Adams et al. Dynamics of EcadGFP 1107 Binding of Catenins to EcadGFP in HEK 293 Cells and MDCK Cells Downloaded from on August 12, 2014 Recombinant cDNA of a synthetic jellyfish green fluorescence protein (synGFP; Haas et al., 1996; a gift from Dr. Brian Seed) was used as the PCR template to amplify the complete synGFP coding region, with Xho1 and Not1 sites added to the 59 and 39 ends, respectively. The PCR product was subcloned into CDM8FluTag (Chen et al., 1993) through Xho1/Not1 sites that generated the plasmid HA-synGFP. A second PCR reaction using canine E-cadherin cDNA as the template amplified the complete coding region of E-cadherin (without a stop codon) with a Hind3 site added at the 59 end and a Xho1 site added at the 39 end. The PCR product was subcloned into HA-synGFP through Hind3 and Xho1 sites after restriction of HA-synGFP with Hind3 and Xho1 to release the influenza virus hemagglutin tag (Chen et al., 1993), and resulted in an in-frame fusion of E-cadherin and synGFP with the Xho1 site as the linker (U-GFP1). Most of the extracellular domain of E-cadherin–GFP fusion protein cDNA was then replaced with a Hind3/Bgl2 fragment from the cDNA of E-cadherin pCEcad1 after restricting U-GFP1 with Hind3/Bgl2 enzymes, to generate U-GFP2. Accordingly, there is no sequence difference between the coding regions for E-cadherin–GFP fusion protein in U-GFP1 and U-GFP2, but most of the extracellular domain encoded by U-GFP2 is from the E-cadherin cDNA instead of the PCR product. The E-cadherin-GFP fusion cDNA in U-GFP2 was confirmed by restriction mapping and DNA sequencing, and was used for transfection. MDCK IIG cells were transfected with U-GFP2 using Ca21 phosphate (Graeve et al., 1990) with pSV2neo (Southern et al., 1982) as the selection marker. Eight positive clones expressing the E-cadherin–GFP fusion cDNA in U-GFP2 (EcadGFP) were isolated using cloning rings, and all clones gave identical patterns of EcadGFP fluorescence and Western blot profiles. were labeled with 250 mCi of [35S]Met/Cys (Amersham Life Science, Inc., Arlington Heights, IL) for 24 h. At the end of the labeling period (48 h after transfection), cells were lysed in Triton X-100 lysis buffer (10 mM TrisHCl, pH 7.5, 120 mM NaCl, 25 mM KCl, 2 mM EDTA, 2 mM EGTA, 0.5% Triton X-100), and proteins were immunoprecipitated with mAb 3G8, which binds to the extracellular domain of E-cadherin. The immunoprecipitate was resolved by 7.5% SDS-PAGE, and the radioactive signals were detected by fluorography. Identical labeling and immunoprecipitation experiments were performed with MDCK IIG cells stably transfected with U-GFP2. Published August 24, 1998 points. These data were then imported into Excel (Microsoft, Redmond, WA) and were corrected for photobleaching during the imaging period (,10%). Three-dimensional graphs were generated in Excel, and the pseudocolor intensity scale was created for ease of interpretation by colorblind persons and after photocopying (Livingstone, 1988). Intensity values from regions not in the contact were set to zero (black). To determine the extent of clustering of existing vs. accumulation of new EcadGFP to the developing plaque area, measurements of the maximum fluorescence intensity and the sum of fluorescence intensities of all pixels in an area of fixed size were monitored. For analysis, time-lapse images were passed through a 3 3 3 convolution filter. A region of z20 mm2 was placed over an area where multiple small puncta were coalescing into a plaque at the edge of a developing cell–cell contact. The maximum and integrated intensities were measured using MetaMorph during the timelapse series. Photobleach Recovery Figure 1. EcadGFP has properties similar to those of endogenous E-cadherin. (A and B) Catenins were coimmunoprecipitated with EcadGFP from HEK 293 cells transiently transfected with EcadGFP (A) or stably transfected MDCK cells (B). Cells were labeled with [35S]Met/Cys for 24 h before immunoprecipitation. (A) Proteins in cadherin immunoprecipitates are compared among mock-transfected HEK 293 cells (No DNA), HEK 293 cells transfected with canine E-cadherin (Ecad), and HEK 293 cells transfected with EcadGFP, and (B) between untransfected MDCK cells (No DNA) and MDCK cells stably transfected with EcadGFP. (C) EcadGFP fluorescence and b-catenin immunofluorescence from HEK 293 cells transiently transfected with EcadGFP. Bar, 30 mm. (D) Preferential delivery of newly synthesized EcadGFP to the basal-lateral plasma membrane of fully polarized MDCK cells stably transfected with EcadGFP, or of endogenous E-cadherin in untransfected cells (No DNA); A, apical membrane; B, basal-lateral membrane. (E) Phase contrast images of L-cells and L-cells expressing EcadGFP after 18 h of aggregation in suspension culture in the presence or absence of extracellular Ca21. Bar, 60 mm. To examine directly the dynamics of E-cadherin in living cells, we constructed a fusion protein composed of full- length canine E-cadherin fused at the carboxyl terminus to GFP (EcadGFP). EcadGFP was expressed in MDCK cells (Fig. 1, B and D), HEK 293 EBNA cells (Fig. 1, A and C), and L cells (Fig. 1 E). In all cell types, EcadGFP had an apparent molecular mass of z150 kD (Fig. 1, A and B) consistent with the combined molecular masses of the fused proteins; a minor protein band of z160 kD was the likely precursor. Expression of endogenous E-cadherin in MDCK cells was suppressed to some extent in the presence of EcadGFP (Fig. 1 B); thus, EcadGFP contributes significantly to cell–cell adhesion in these MDCK cells. Analysis of EcadGFP-immunoprecipitated protein complexes showed the presence of three additional bands at z102, 98, and 86 kD (Fig. 1 B), corresponding to the molecular weights of a-, b-, and g-catenin (plakoglobin), respectively. The stoichiometry of the EcadGFP/catenin complex was similar to that of the endogenous E-cadherin/ catenin complex (see Fig. 1, A and B). Expression of EcadGFP in HEK 293 EBNA cells that do not normally express cadherin resulted in the formation of condensed cell colonies in the presence of extracellular Ca21 (Fig. 1 C), but cell–cell attachments were not The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 142, 1998 1108 2 D = 0.224* r ⁄ t d where r is the radius of the bleached region. Mobile fraction constants were calculated according to equation in Axelrod (1976; equation 9) at indicated times after recovery. Measurements of the slower photobleach recovery timecourses were subject to potential errors due to gradual redistribution motions of puncta and plaques during recovery phases. TIP scans of photobleach recoveries were generated (see Fig. 9) and used to reject data from any experiment where such errors might have been significant. Results EcadGFP Binds Catenins, is Targeted to Cell–Cell Contact Sites, and has Adhesive Properties Identical to Those of E-cadherin Downloaded from on August 12, 2014 Method. Photobleaching experiments were performed on the scanning laser confocal microscope described above, and with EcadGFP cells prepared as for time-lapse experiments. The Smith Mark IV microscope incorporates a digitally controlled acousto-optic shutter (NEOS, Melbourne, FL). In conjunction with appropriate interface electronics and control software, this high-speed shutter allows the scanning laser beam to be turned on or off anywhere within the imaging area on a pixel-by-pixel basis. For the present experiments, the shutter was used for controlled photobleaching of circular areas within the scanning raster pattern. Typically, circular spots of a 120 pixel radius were generated with a 380 3 240 pixel scan raster. The actual spot radius at the specimen was varied by adjusting pixel sizes within the range of 0.01–0.05 mm. Scan geometries and beam intensities were varied independently as necessary during successive baseline acquisition, photobleaching, and recovery acquisition episodes. Scanning frame rates were varied to suit the needs of individual experiments between 0.33 and 3 Hz. Photobleaching energies were adjusted by varying exposure intensities and durations to achieve depths of photobleaching ranging from 30 to 70%. Calibrations of the exact position and dimensions of the photobleached area were collected using fixed specimens and aminopropysilane coverslips (Sigma Chemical Co.) coated with fluoresceinisothiocyanate (data not shown). The region of the cell to be photobleached was controlled by adjusting the x, y stage on the microscope during low-power imaging until the desired target area on the cell was in the middle of the video monitor. Analysis. Digital images from the photobleaching experiments were imported into MetaMorph and passed through a 3 3 3 low-pass convolution filter. Average fluorescence intensity data from the bleached regions, two non-cell regions, and two non-bleached cell regions were collected for all frames. Data were imported into Excel and corrected for the minor photobleaching caused by the fluorescence recording process by normalization to a region outside the main photobleach pulse spot. The photobleaching recovery part of the data was then imported into Igor Pro, and the characteristic diffusion time (td) was calculated using equations for diffusion into a circular disk (Axelrod et al., 1976) and modified for total recovery (Soumpasis, 1983; equation 16). The diffusion coefficient (D) was calculated according to the equation Published August 24, 1998 formed in the absence of extracellular Ca21 (data not shown), demonstrating that the adhesion was mediated by EcadGFP. In HEK 293 EBNA cells, EcadGFP and b-catenin accumulated at the lateral membrane of cell–cell contacts (Fig. 1 C), similar to the distributions of endogenous E-cadherin and b-catenin in MDCK cells (Näthke et al., 1994). In addition, newly synthesized EcadGFP was directly targeted to the basal-lateral membrane of polarized MDCK cells, similar to endogenous E-cadherin (Fig. 1 D). Also, expression of EcadGFP in mouse L-cells, which do not normally express cadherin, resulted in the formation of large cell aggregates in suspension culture in the presence of extracellular Ca21, but not in the absence of extracellular Ca21 (Fig. 1 E). Finally, the kinetics of aggregation in suspension were identical for wild-type MDCK cells (t1/2 5 15.362.1 min; n 5 2) and MDCK cells expressing EcadGFP (t1/2 5 15.963.0 min; n 5 2), and faster for cells overexpressing EcadGFP. The properties of EcadGFP are indistinguishable from those of endogenous E-cadherin. Thus, EcadGFP can substitute for endogenous E-cadherin in cell–cell adhesion. EcadGFP Distribution Changes During Cell–Cell Adhesion Adams et al. Dynamics of EcadGFP 1109 Downloaded from on August 12, 2014 Figure 2. Distribution of EcadGFP during monolayer formation. A single confocal image was collected from EcadGFP expressing cells every 10 min for 12 h at 0.12 mm/pixel at 12 sites. Five representative images from each time-lapse are shown. Elapsed time is indicated on top of each column in h (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8, respectively). The circles in A highlight the edges of a cell–cell contact that have developed large aggregates of EcadGFP plaques. The arrows in B–F, columns 0 or 2 h point to the well-separated plaques at the edges of developing cell–cell contacts that reorganize into a multicellular vertex by 8 h. Note that the 0-h designation is arbitrarily set as the first time point shown. Bar, 15 mm. EcadGFP expressing MDCK cells were imaged for 10 h to observe the dynamics of the localization of EcadGFP during formation of contacts between single cells, and during formation of small multicell colonies (Fig. 2). Expression of EcadGFP in single cells was relatively uniform over the plasma membrane with some increased intensity in a circumferential ring at the cell periphery (Fig. 2, A and B, 0 h). During the formation of cell–cell contacts between two (Fig. 2 A) or three (Fig. 2 B) cells, or single cells and larger cell clusters (Fig. 2 C), EcadGFP fluorescence became significantly more intense at the cell–cell contact during the first 2 h. After at least 2 h, the largest and brightest regions of EcadGFP fluorescence were at the edges of cell–cell contacts; we call these structures plaques (Fig. 2, circles). The fluorescence intensity of EcadGFP plaques was 6–10 times greater than that of EcadGFP in noncontacting membranes, and 2–4 times greater than that of EcadGFP in areas of the membrane in the middle of the contact (Fig. 2, A–C; 8 h). When three or more cells developed cell–cell contacts (Fig. 2, B–D), EcadGFP plaques from two noncontacting cells often moved towards each other and eventually coalesced to form a vertex of E-cadherin between multiple cells (Fig. 2, B–D; compare 2 and 8 h). After forming such a multicellular vertex, EcadGFP reorganized into the center of the colony (Fig. 2 E). As more cells formed contacts, this sequential formation of contacts (puncta and plaques) and coalescence of nonadjacent EcadGFP plaques into vertices caused cells to become engulfed into the developing cell monolayer. These steps resulted in the formation of a circumferential ring of both EcadGFP (Fig. 2 F) and actin (data not shown) around each cell, similar to the organization of E-cadherin and actin between cells in monolayers of polarized MDCK cells (Näthke et al., 1994). These results demonstrate that we are able to observe with EcadGFP the complete transition of initial contacts between cells through compaction to the establishment of E-cadherin/actin organizations characteristic of a complete epithelium. In general, transitions between initial cell–cell contact (formation of puncta) to E-cadherin plaque formation, to condensation of plaques into multicell vertices were on the time scale of 2–3 h. To better understand the evolution of these distinct patterns of E-cadherin, the distribution of EcadGFP during development of cell–cell contacts was examined in multisite time-lapse confocal images taken over the course of 3 h (we initially focused on the formation of puncta and plaques during the first two stages of adhesion see below). The cells were then fixed and stained with phalloidin, (which labeled F-actin) and mAb 3G8 (which recognized the extracellular domain of endogenous E-cadherin and EcadGFP), and were imaged. Fig. 3 shows representative contacts from one time-lapse recording. Column 1 of Fig. 3 A shows the formation of a contact between two cells over 71 min. During cell–cell adhesion, EcadGFP fluorescence appeared at cell–cell contacts, and then increased in intensity with time and as the contact lengthened. The distribution of EcadGFP and endogenous E-cadherin were re- Published August 24, 1998 EcadGFP Clusters into Puncta Upon Cell–Cell Contact Our observation that EcadGFP initially aggregated into puncta during formation of cell–cell contacts is similar to our previous observations in which E-cadherin distributions were determined retrospectively by immunolabeling cells after time-lapse DIC imaging (Adams et al., 1996). However, in that previous study we could not determine the relationship of Triton X-100 insolubility and clustering of E-cadherin, the source of E-cadherin in puncta, the role of the actin cytoskeleton in the spatial organization of puncta, or the dynamics and fate of puncta within the contact. Using EcadGFP, we were able to address these critical problems directly. The reorganization of EcadGFP during cell–cell adhesion was examined quantitatively by measuring EcadGFP fluorescence intensity over time after initial contact between cells. The graphs in Fig. 3 D show quantitative representations of the maximum E-cadherin fluorescence intensity vs. position in the contacts shown in Fig. 3 C. The younger contact shows multiple small peaks of fluorescence along the contact, each corresponding to a punctum (Fig. 3, column 1D). In contrast, the older contact shows two pronounced peaks of fluorescence intensity at the edge of the contact, each corresponding to an EcadGFP plaque (Fig. 3, column 2D). In addition, there were multi- Figure 3. Redistribution of EcadGFP during cell–cell contact occurs in two stages and correlates with reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. Three 0.3-mm z-sections were collected from EcadGFP-expressing cells every 4.2 min at 0.5 micron/pixel at 6 sites. (A) Combined stacks from two sites are shown (Contact 1 and Contact 2). The age of each contact is displayed in min; the zero time point defines when a stable cell–cell contact had formed. Bar, 12 mm. The arrow points to a circumferential pattern of EcadGFP observed in single cells. (B and C) Immunofluorescence of the same cells stained, after formaldehyde fixation, with rhodamine phalloidin (actin; B) and mAb 3G8/CY5 (E-cadherin; C). (D) EcadGFP organization shown in C is plotted as a function of fluorescence intensity (y axis, arbitrary fluorescence units) vs. position in the contact (x axis, mm). The dashed gray lines run- ning between C and D approximately register the edges of the contact in the image and graph. (E and F) Triton X-100 extracted wild-type MDCK cells (i.e., without EcadGFP) that had formed a contact for ,1 h (Contact 1) or .2 h (Contact 2) stained with FITC-phalloidin and mAb 3G8/CY5, respectively. Bar, 10 mm. The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 142, 1998 1110 Downloaded from on August 12, 2014 corded retrospectively with mAb 3G8 (Fig. 3, 1C), showing that both proteins had coincident distributions as expected (see Fig. 1). Retrospective actin staining (Fig. 3, 1B) shows that circumferential actin cables were organized parallel to the cell–cell contact interface at this time. Fig. 3 A (2) shows similar images of another cell–cell contact that formed over 2 h. At 38 min (Fig. 3, 2A), EcadGFP was distributed in puncta evenly spaced along the length of the forming contact. However, after 122 min (Fig. 3, 2A) EcadGFP was prominently localized to plaques at either end of the contact. Retrospective actin staining shows that the most prominent actin cables were also greatly rearranged so that they terminated at each bright plaque of EcadGFP located at the margins of the contact, and were perpendicular to the contact (Fig. 3, 2B). A much thinner and more discrete line of F-actin staining (Fig. 3, 1B and 2B) remained in the orientation parallel to the contact in association with some remaining EcadGFP puncta. Fig. 3, E and F shows staining of actin and E-cadherin, respectively, in wild-type MDCK cells (i.e., not expressing EcadGFP) at a contact that is ,1 h old (Fig. 3, 1E and 1F), and at a contact that is .2 h old (Fig. 3, 2E and 2F). The distributions of actin and endogenous E-cadherin in cell– cell contacts are very similar to those of actin and EcadGFP shown in the contacts in Fig. 3, B and C, respectively, supporting the general conclusion that EcadGFP is fully functional. Furthermore, during cell–cell adhesion, changes in the organization/distribution of EcadGFP are very similar, if not identical, to those of endogenous E-cadherin. Published August 24, 1998 ple smaller peaks between the plaques that represented residual puncta within the cell–cell contact. To gain information about the genesis, lifetime, and position of EcadGFP during initiation of contact formation, a single field of EcadGFP-expressing cells was imaged rapidly at high resolution. Fig. 4 A shows representative images from one of these time-lapse recordings. An arrow follows the position of a bright EcadGFP fluorescent punctum at the cell–cell interface. To provide an objective nonbiased format for the quantitative representation of dynamic data like that illustrated in Fig. 4 A, we developed the type of representation shown in Fig. 4 B. The fluorescence intensity profiles along the length of the contact (e.g., Fig. 3 D) were color-coded and combined for each time-lapse frame to provide a color map of EcadGFP intensity distribution along the length of the contact as the contact lengthened. We term such graphs TIP scans. By providing a clear representation of time-dependent changes in EcadGFP fluorescence along the cell–cell contact interface, TIP scans make it relatively easy to discern the organization of EcadGFP during contact formation. Background fluorescence in the TIP scan is contributed by overlapping regions of plasma membrane. Areas of the contact that are brighter than the background cell fluorescence correspond to brighter clusters of EcadGFP. The TIP scan in Fig. 4 B shows that the contact in Fig. 4 A grew to a length of z12 mm in z20 min. The contact then grew more slowly to reach a length of z35 mm after 90 min. EcadGFP puncta could be identified in the TIP scan as areas that displayed twice the fluorescence intensity of background. EcadGFP puncta at first appeared close to the initial site of the cell–cell contact, while later they appeared at the margins of the contact (Fig. 4 B). We never observed any hint of the insertion of preassembled E-cadherin puncta from the cytoplasm into the membrane at cell–cell contacts, suggesting that E-cadherin puncta originate by de novo aggregation at sites of cell–cell contact, and not from translocation of preassembled aggregates from some other cellular site(s). An arrow in the TIP scan in Fig. 4 B also marks the punctum tracked by an arrow in Fig. 4 A. The punctum appeared de novo at the contact site and gradually gained intensity over 10 min. By 10–15 min after formation, the intensity level of the punctum remained constant. Such gradual punctum formation was observed in essentially all cases analyzed (see other examples in Fig. 4 B), which supports the idea that puncta form in situ from aggregation of molecular subunits. As the contact lengthened, new EcadGFP puncta appeared sequentially such that the number of puncta remained constant with respect to the length of the contact Adams et al. Dynamics of EcadGFP 1111 Downloaded from on August 12, 2014 Figure 4. EcadGFP puncta are formed and stabilized along newly formed cell–cell contacts. (A) 16 time-lapse images of EcadGFP cells taken from a sequence recorded every 1 min for 100 min at 0.11 mm/pixel; time in min after formation of the contact is shown. Arrows follow a single punctum. (B) TIP scan of all of the time-lapse images from the experiment represented in A. The contact was divided into 129 0.22-mm sections, and the maximum fluorescence intensity at 100 time points was collected for a total of 12,900 data points. The contact originates at 0 min and 0 mm. Small fluctuations in the apparent intensity of stable puncta are near the limits of instrumental noise sources such as laser output fluctuations and noise processes in the photomultiplier tube detector. (C) Double immunofluorescence of the same contact extracted with Triton X-100, fixed with formaldehyde, and stained with rhodamine phalloidin and E-cadherin mAb 3G8/CY5. The arrows in all panels point to the same punctum. Bars: (A) 10 mm; (C) 5 mm. (B) 0–210 gray scale fluorescence intensity units divided into 15 colors. Published August 24, 1998 puncta organize and become stabilized around actin filaments located close to the contacting membranes. Formation of EcadGFP Plaques at the Contact Margins and Reorganization of the Actin Cytoskeleton Next, we asked how early E-cadherin puncta are reorganized with actin to further strengthen cell–cell adhesion, and then to cause condensation of cells into multicell colonies. Over longer times (.2 h), EcadGFP and endogenous E-cadherin became organized into large plaques at the margins of the contact (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, column 2). Fig. 5 A shows representative images from a longer time-lapse experiment. After z1.5 h, two regions of increasing EcadGFP fluorescence appeared and migrated out with the edges of the contact at velocities of up to 0.5 mm/min (Fig. 5). These regions gradually gained up to 103 the average punctum fluorescence intensity over the course of 1 h, in contrast to a punctum that reached maximum fluorescence intensity within 30 min of formation. Approximately 2.5 h after contact nucleation, EcadGFP was heavily concentrated in discrete fluorescent plaques at the margins of the Figure 5. Two large plaques of EcadGFP form and move to the edges of the cell–cell contact. (A) 16 time-lapse images of EcadGFP cells taken from a sequence recorded every 2 min for 2.7 h at 0.23 mm/pixel. Arrows follow a single plaque. (B) TIP scan of all of the time-lapse images from the experiment represented in A. The contact was divided into 101, 0.46-mm sections, and the fluorescence intensity at 85 time points was collected for a total of 8,585 data points. The contact originates at 0 min and 0 mm. Note that the TIP scan at this reduced resolution shows a relatively homogeneous distribution of EcadGFP within the contact during the first hour, whereas the TIP scan at a higher resolution revealed individual punctum (see Fig. 4). (C) Double immunofluorescence of the same contact stained with rhodamine phalloidin and E-cadherin mAb 3G8/CY5. The arrows in all panels point to the same plaque. (B) 0– 151 gray scale fluorescence intensity units divided into 15 colors. Bars: (A) 10 mm and (C) 5 mm. The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 142, 1998 1112 Downloaded from on August 12, 2014 (z1 punctum per 1.5 mm contact length; see also Adams et al., 1996). These new puncta also appeared de novo and gradually increased in intensity with time (Fig. 4 B). Many of these puncta were spatially stable in the contact interface over time, while some gradually changed position towards the edges of the contact. In general, the fluorescence intensity of puncta was brightest in the oldest part of the contact near the site of initial cell–cell contact (marked as 0 mm), and dimmest at the perimeter of the lengthening. The EcadGFP puncta evident in these time-lapse sequences were Triton X-100–insoluble. Each EcadGFP punctum observed in the final frames of the time-lapse sequences colocalized with the brightest Triton X-100–insoluble E-cadherin puncta (compare similarly oriented images in Fig. 4 A, 909; and Fig. 4 C). EcadGFP puncta were associated with thin cables of actin filaments that emerged from circumferential actin cables oriented parallel to the contact (Fig. 4 C). In summary, while we have confirmed our early observation that cell adhesion initiates the formation of E-cadherin puncta, the data presented here demonstrate that a diffuse pool of E-cadherin clusters into puncta in response to cell–cell contact, and that those Published August 24, 1998 (i.e., the density of EcadGFP) and average fluorescence intensity values (i.e., the total amount of EcadGFP) in large (.10 mm diameter ) regions surrounding the edge of the developing contact (Fig. 6 B). It is clear that the peak density (Fig. 6 B, black diamonds), but not the total amount (Fig. 6 B, gray circles) of EcadGFP increased in the region of the membrane containing the forming plaque. Thus, plaques most likely to arise by lateral clustering of a subset of EcadGFP puncta already formed along the cell–cell contact, and are perhaps supplemented by recruitment of additional EcadGFP molecules in the area of plaque formation. Circumferential Actin Cables Reorganize During Maturation of Cell–Cell Contacts To obtain information about the role of actin during the formation and stabilization of cell–cell contacts, cells were treated with the actin-capping agent cytochalasin D (CD). After multisite time-lapse recording for 1 h, EcadGFP cells were treated with 2 mM CD. New cell–cell contacts did not form in the presence of CD (data not shown). Furthermore, young cell–cell contacts (Fig. 7, A and B) disassembled upon addition of CD (Fig. 7, C and D). Analogous to an intact monolayer of cells (Hirano et al., 1987), cell–cell contacts within small colonies that were .1 h old did not disassemble during CD treatment. Cells that were in contact for ,1 h (Fig. 7 A, upper right and lower left) rounded after CD treatment (compare Fig. 7, A and D). Greater than 70% of 19 cell–cell contacts that were ,1 h old disassembled after treatment with CD (Fig. 7 G). In contrast, .15% of 48 contacts that were .1 h old disassembled (Fig. 7 G). During CD treatment, EcadGFP formed aggregates that coincided with irregularities in the DIC images (Fig. 7 D, arrow). These aggregates colocalized with actin and b-catenin (Fig. 7, E and F) and areas that have been shown to be enriched in the barbed ends of actin filaments (Verkhousky et al., 1997), suggesting that the cadherin/catenin complex may associate with the barbed ends of actin filaments. Furthermore, these data indicate that capping the barbed ends of actin filaments with CD disrupts the ability of E-cadherin puncta, but not plaques to maintain the integrity of cell–cell contacts. Direct Measurement of EcadGFP Mobility by Photobleach Recovery at Different Stages of Cell–Cell Adhesion Figure 6. EcadGFP puncta cluster into plaques during transition between early and late stages of adhesion. (A) Representative images of a time-lapse sequence taken at 0.8 Hz for 300 s at 0.12 mm/pixel in a region of the cell–cell contact in which a plaque is developing. Time is in min; arrows point to individual puncta; bar, 2 mm. (B) Quantitative fluorescence intensities of EcadGFP. The average (gray circles) and maximum (black diamonds) intensities in a 20-mm2 region surrounding a developing plaque area are plotted over a 40-min period. The average fluorescence intensity of the same number of EcadGFP in a fixed area is constant regardless of its distribution. However, the maximum fluorescence intensity increases as EcadGFP clusters into a smaller region within that fixed area. For details, see Materials and Methods. To gain further insight into the assembly dynamics of E-cadherin puncta and plaques, we developed a photobleachingrecovery method to measure the diffusion coefficient, mobile fraction, and redistribution of EcadGFP during different stages of contact development (see Materials and Methods). Photobleaching of cell–cell contacts neither disrupts the organization of adhering plasma membranes, induces retraction of membranes, nor changes membrane movements or dynamics (Fig. 8 A). Fig. 8 A shows the DIC and EcadGFP images for a live cell before and after photobleaching. After photobleaching, the cells were immediately fixed and stained for E-cadherin and actin. The fluorescence images show that the actin cytoskeleton remained intact, and that the fine spatial organization of E-cadherin at the cell–cell contact was the same as that before pho- Adams et al. Dynamics of EcadGFP 1113 Downloaded from on August 12, 2014 contact (Fig. 5, A and B, arrows). The region of the contact between the two plaques retained a thin line of EcadGFP intensity (compare to Fig. 3, column 2B). Comparison of the last live EcadGFP images with the retrospective immunofluorescence of E-cadherin and actin (Fig. 5 C) shows that EcadGFP plaques were resistant to extraction with Triton X-100, and were sites at which circumferential actin cables terminated. The gradual increase in the amount of EcadGFP in these plaques might be the result of de novo clustering of EcadGFP around new actin filaments exposed at the margins of the cell–cell contact, or from the aggregation and migration of puncta that had preformed along the length of the contact. To distinguish between these two possibilities, time-lapse images of EcadGFP plaques were recorded rapidly for 300 s at high resolution. Fig. 6 A shows a representative montage of images in which a plaque was observed forming from an area of membrane that contained many small puncta (Fig. 6 A, arrowheads). The small puncta clearly merged together over time to form the larger plaque. The fluorescence intensity of the plaque increased concomitantly with the disappearance of individual puncta. We quantified changes in fluorescence intensity and plotted maximum fluorescence intensity values Published August 24, 1998 The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 142, 1998 ments (black bars). The number of those contacts that disassembled within 1 h after CD treatment was determined (striped bars). The percentage of cell–cell contacts disassembled by CD treatment is 14% for old contacts and 73% for new contacts. 1114 Downloaded from on August 12, 2014 Figure 7. Cytochalasin D selectively disassembles new cell–cell contacts. Representative images of a time-lapse sequence taken at 1 frame/2 min for 2 h at 0.4 mm/pixel before and after adding 2 mM CD. (A) 14 min before CD; (B) 1 min before CD; (C) 30 min after CD; (D) 60 min after CD. Immunofluorescence of the same area is shown using rhodamine phalloidin (E) or b-catenin/ CY5 (F). The arrows in D–F point to CD-induced EcadGFP clusters; bar, 10 mm. (G) The number of cells that were in contact before the time-lapse experiment began (.60 min old), and those that made contact during the imaging experiment (,60 min old) were counted and the totals shown for three independent experi- tobleaching. We also examined whether photobleaching of EcadGFP was reversible. Fig. 8 B shows the effects on EcadGFP after 1/2 of a cell was photobleached. The EcadGFP fluorescence was monitored in the photobleached half of the cell (Fig. 8 B, blue), the nonphotobleached half of the cell (Fig. 8 B, red), and the entire cell (Fig. 8 B, green). These data show that the photobleached part of the cell recovered EcadGFP fluorescence while, at the same rate, the nonphotobleached part of the cell lost EcadGFP fluorescence. The average intensity of EcadGFP fluorescence remained constant throughout the entire cell, reflecting the fact that the EcadGFP fluorescence was irreversibly photobleached. These results also show that the entire pool of EcadGFP in the cell was mobile and exchanged within 45 min. The EcadGFP diffusion coefficient in our system was measured in the thin (1 mm) membrane lamellae between the edge of the cell and circumferential actin cable. To validate our photobleaching methodology, we performed experiments to assess the dependence of fluorescence recovery on the diameter of the photobleached area (Fig. 8 C). Table I summarizes data from photobleaching EcadGFP in membrane lamella not involved in cell–cell adhesion using different-sized photobleach areas. These experiments show that EcadGFP diffusion time was related to the square of the photobleach radius as expected from simple diffusion theory; the average value of the diffusion coefficient D was calculated to be 3.6 6 1.5 3 10210 cm2/s. This value is similar to that measured for another transmembrane protein, Na1, K1-ATPase, in low-density MDCK cells (Jesaitis and Yguerabide, 1986). We note that previous photobleach-recovery measurements of E-cadherin in the apical membrane of polarized F7p cells yielded a somewhat lower D value of 3.4 3 10211 cm2/s (Kusumi et al., 1993), and single particle-tracking measurements of E-cadherin in L-cells yielded a D value of 5.2 3 10211 cm2/s (Sako et al., 1998). The difference between these observed diffusion coefficient values of E-cadherin is probably due to differences in methodologies, cell types, and cytoskeletal states. Our interest here is to compare E-cadherin mobility in different membrane regions during cell–cell adhesion using identical methodologies on the same cell type under carefully controlled conditions. Fig. 8 D shows representative EcadGFP images immediately before photobleaching, immediately after photobleaching, and 10 min after recovery in four regions: (a) membranes not involved in cell– cell contact; (b) new cell–cell contacts; (c) puncta; and (d) plaques. Note that to measure EcadGFP mobility at cell– cell contacts, we examined the kinetics of recovery of EcadGFP fluorescence after photobleaching in thin lamellae between contacting cells; at those sites, the height of the contact was minimal, EcadGFP fluorescence could be photobleached through the contact, and the subsequent recovery of EcadGFP fluorescence could be tracked with Published August 24, 1998 high resolution. The recovery curves in Fig. 8 (C and E) show that EcadGFP in either a contact-free area of the membrane (Fig. 8 C) or a newly formed contact (Fig. 8 E, blue) recovered .90% of fluorescence 15 min after photobleaching. In contrast, EcadGFP in either a punctum or a plaque recovered 50% and ,10% fluorescence, respectively. These data indicate that an initially highly mobile pool of EcadGFP becomes increasingly immobilized within developing puncta and plaques. Fig. 9 shows a TIP scan from an experiment where a 2.8mm–diameter area was bleached in a 1-h-old contact containing two very bright EcadGFP puncta (Fig. 9, arrow). It is clear that bleached puncta partially recovered their fluorescence, concomitant with a partial loss of fluorescence in nonbleached puncta. However, it is also obvious that individual puncta undergo gradual redistributions during these slow recoveries. As the EcadGFP fluorescence recovered, the bleached puncta migrated out of the bleached area, and puncta adjacent to the original bleached area slowly migrated into the bleached area (Fig. 9). Detailed TIP scan analyses of photobleach recovery data allowed us to make the following generalizations about the dynamics of EcadGFP: (a) puncta move as individual units within the cell–cell contact interface during contact expansion; (b) puncta on the edge of a fluorescence bleach area recovered their fluorescence first; and (c) adjacent nonbleached puncta sometimes exhibited a decrease in fluorescence intensity. These data indicate that the immobilized fraction of EcadGFP is associated with the cytoskeleton, and that cytoskeletal associated EcadGFP moves and exchanges within the cell–cell contact interface. Adams et al. Dynamics of EcadGFP 1115 Downloaded from on August 12, 2014 Figure 8. Photobleach-recovery analysis shows a highly mobile pool of EcadGFP coalesces into immobile puncta. A shows a live cell before and after photobleaching. The box indicates where the cell was photobleached. The arrow points to an area that formed a contact during the photobleach. The cells were fixed in formaldehyde and stained with phalloidin and mAb 3G8. B shows the fluorescence recovery curves of a single noncontacting cell in which half of the cell was photobleached (blue). EcadGFP fluorescence of the nonbleached region (red) and the entire cell (green) was monitored during recovery. Notice that the EcadGFP fluorescence values equalize in the photobleached and nonphotobleached areas. C shows the first 3 min of photobleach-recovery data of noncontacting membrane regions photobleached with a 5.8-mm (pink) and 3-mm (black) circle. The relative fluorescence is scaled between the fluorescence intensity just after bleaching and equilibrium. The lines show the theoretical recovery curves for each region with a diffusion coefficient of 3 3 10210 cm2/s. Note that the smaller photobleach circle (black line) recovers more quickly. D shows images taken before, 0.1 min after, and 10 min after photobleaching a 5.8-mm-diameter circle in a region of membrane not involved in cell–cell contact (Membrane), a region of membrane in a ,15-min-old contact (New contact), a region of membrane in the middle of a ,60-min-old contact (Puncta), and a membrane at the edge of a .2-h-old contact (Plaque). For each experiment, 300 images were collected every 3.2 s at 0.11 mm/pixel. The circles mark the photobleach region, and the colors correspond to the recovery curves shown in C (pink) and E. E shows photobleach-recovery data for the bleached contact regions identified in D. The relative fluorescence is scaled to the pre-bleach intensity value. The mobile fraction of EcadGFP in the new contact (blue), puncta (green), and plaque (orange) is 100, 50, and ,10%, respectively. Published August 24, 1998 Table I. E-cadherin/GFP Diffusion Coefficient Measurements Radius D 3 10210 mm cm2/s 4.1 2.4 1.7 all data 4.14 3.6 3.3 3.6 SD n 1.4 1.4 1.7 1.5 7 10 11 26 Data are summarized from photobleaching EcadGFP in membrane lamella not involved in cell–cell adhesion using different-sized photobleach areas. Typically, circular spots of a 120-pixel radius were generated with a 380 3 240 pixel scan raster, and the spot radius (1.7–4.1 mm) at the specimen was varied by adjusting pixel sizes within the range of 0.01–0.05 mm. The photobleaching recovery part of the data was inported into Igor Pro, and the diffusion coefficient (D) was calculated according to the equation D 5 0.224* r2/to, where r is the radius of the bleached region. These experiments show that EcadGFP diffusion time was related to the square of the photobleach radius as expected from simple diffusion theory. Discussion In the first stage of adhesion, E-cadherin spontaneously clusters into puncta at initial sites of developing cell–cell contacts. The formation of E-cadherin puncta results in decreased E-cadherin mobility. In new areas of cell–cell contact (,15 min old), EcadGFP has a high mobile fraction (.90%) and a high diffusion coefficient (3.6 6 1.5 3 10210 cm2/s). However, where EcadGFP clusters into The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 142, 1998 1116 Figure 9. Mobility of E-cadherin puncta within the cell–cell contact interface. Fig. 9 shows a TIP scan of an entire contact during a photobleach-recovery experiment. A newly developing plaque in a 1.5-h-old contact was photobleached with a 2.8-mm-diameter bleach circle (0 mins, 0 mm) on the TIP scan (arrow). Images were collected every 16 s for 24 min at 0.11 mm/pixel. The fluorescence intensity scale bar ranges from 0–255 units divided into 15 colors. process of cell–cell adhesion is normal even when levels of endogenous E-cadherin are reduced in the presence of EcadGFP (Fig. 1). We present evidence for three sequential stages of cell– cell adhesion that involve specific changes in E-cadherin and actin cytoskeleton organization. These stages are: (I) clustering of mobile E-cadherin into immobile puncta along the length of the forming contact; (II) reorganization of E-cadherin puncta into plaques at the edges of the contact; and (III) coalescence of E-cadherin plaques to the vertices of contacts among three or more cells. Stage I Downloaded from on August 12, 2014 E-cadherin plays important roles in cell–cell recognition and adhesion. However, the dynamics of E-cadherin redistribution during the processes of initial cell–cell contact through development of a polarized monolayer are unknown. It is thought that clustering of E-cadherin (Yap et al., 1998) via extracellular homotypic binding (Nose et al., 1988) is sufficient for initial cell–cell interactions: the role of cadherin clusters during the development of older cell colonies is less understood. Furthermore, the dynamic interactions of E-cadherin with intracellular proteins, especially the cytoskeleton, has not been described. By quantitatively analyzing EcadGFP redistribution and mobility in epithelial cells during adhesion development, we provide a new dynamic view of how E-cadherin and the actin cytoskeleton establish strong cell–cell adhesion. GFP was attached to the COOH terminus of the E-cadherin cytoplasmic domain. The cytoplasmic domain of cadherin binds to catenins, which are required for binding the cadherin/catenin complex to the actin cytoskeleton. Therefore, it was necessary to show that EcadGFP protein has functions identical to those of endogenous E-cadherin. We showed that EcadGFP is fully functional by the following criteria: EcadGFP formed a 1:1:1 stoichiometric complex with a- and b-catenin; EcadGFP precisely colocalized with catenins at cell–cell contacts; EcadGFP was targeted directly from the Golgi to the basal-lateral membrane in polarized MDCK cells; EcadGFP localized to cell–cell contacts and entered a Triton X-100–insoluble pool of proteins only at cell–cell contacts; and EcadGFP induced Ca21-dependent cell–cell adhesion and condensation in transfected MDCK cells and nonadherent cells (fibroblasts) with kinetics that were qualitatively and quantitatively similar to those of endogenous E-cadherin (Fig. 1). In addition, the kinetics of assembly of EcadGFP puncta in live cells was similar to that measured for the assembly of Triton X-100–insoluble E-cadherin puncta by retrospective immunocytochemistry (Adams et al., 1996), and the formation of cell–cell contacts between MDCK cells expressing EcadGFP and wild-type MDCK cells appeared very similar (compare to Adams et al., 1996). Therefore, the fact that EcadGFP has functions identical to those of endogenous E-cadherin implies that EcadGFP can substitute for endogenous E-cadherin, and that the Published August 24, 1998 gins of the contacts at velocities of up to 0.5 mm/min (Fig. 5), which is similar to the velocity of translocation of ConA beads along cell–cell contacts (Gloushankova et al., 1997). During the second stage of contact formation, circumferential actin cables rearrange from a parallel to a perpendicular orientation with respect to the cell–cell contact (Fig. 5). The reorganization of actin appears to be different in MDCK cells and fibroblasts (Yonemura et al., 1995), which raises the possibility that the strength of the interactions between E-cadherin and actin might be responsible for specific differences in actin dynamics between these two cell types. A consequence of the reorganization of E-cadherin and the actin cytoskeleton is the compaction of contacting cells, which is a clear sign of the establishment of strong cell–cell adhesion and cells maximizing the contacting surfaces between them (Fig. 2). We showed that these compacted cell–cell contacts are resistant to disassembly by CD, indicating either that these contacts have become mechanically resistant to depolymerization of actin, or the barbed ends of the circumferential actin cables are firmly embedded within E-cadherin plaques and are no longer accessible to CD. The second stage of contact formation is distinguished by the gradual emergence of much larger E-cadherin clusters that we designate as plaques (Figs. 2, 5, and 6). Generally, one plaque is observed to form at either end of the developing contact where the reorganized circumferential actin cables terminate. Identical plaques were formed by endogenous E-cadherin in compacted MDCK cell–cell contacts (Fig. 3). Using EcadGFP, we showed that these plaques arose by lateral clustering of a subset of puncta that were formed during the first stage of adhesion and the continual immobilization of a mobile pool of EcadGFP (Fig. 9). Plaque formation resulted in a further decrease in the mobile fraction of E-cadherin to ,10%. Using TIP scans, we found that during plaque formation, EcadGFP puncta traveled within the cell–cell contact interface to the mar- Figure 10. A three-stage model for cell–cell adhesion and colony formation. Stage I: multiple E-cadherin puncta form along the developing contact and loosly hold contacting cells together. A circumferential actin cable (thick red line) surrounds isolated cells. As cells adhere, E-cadherin clusters into puncta within the cell–cell contact interface (blue circle) and rapidly associates with thin actin bundles and filaments (thin red lines). As the contact lengthens, puncta continue to develop along the length of the contact at a constant average density during the first 2 h. Stage II: E-cadherin plaques develop at the edges of the contact which compact and strengthen cell–cell interactions. Stabilization of actin filaments by E-cadherin puncta within the cell–cell contact results in gradual dissolution of the circumferential actin cable behind the developing contact and insertion of the circumferential actin cables into the cell–cell contact accompanied by additional clustering of E-cadherin puncta into E-cadherin plaques (green ovals). Between cell plaques, E-cadherin is more diffusely distributed (green line) and associates with actin filaments oriented along the axis of the cell–cell contact (red line). Stage III: E-cadherin plaques cinch together to form multicellular vertices, further condensing cell colonies. In multicellular colonies, contractility within the circumferential actin cable brings E-cadherin plaques from adjacent cells together. Dynamics within the cytoskeleton result in continual rearrangement. Adams et al. Dynamics of EcadGFP 1117 Stage II Downloaded from on August 12, 2014 puncta and associates with the cytoskeleton, a smaller fraction is mobile (,50% within a 26-mm area). The puncta formed by EcadGFP are very similar in organization and distribution to structures formed by endogenous E-cadherin and catenins that were previously characterized by retrospective immunocytochemistry (Adams et al., 1996; see also Fig. 3). Weak interactions between extracellular and juxtamembrane domains of cadherins may be sufficient to initiate clustering of the protein in the membrane (Yap et al., 1998). However, interactions between E-cadherin and the actin cytoskeleton are initiated quickly upon cell–cell contact, and these interactions affect the organization of the adhesion complex. We showed that as E-cadherin puncta begin to form during this first stage, they always appear to be associated with the ends of thin actin cables that are oriented toward the contact (Fig. 4). These actin filaments branch from circumferential actin cables that are organized parallel to the forming contact and circumscribe the perimeter of single cells. We speculate that binding actin filaments to E-cadherin/catenin complexes may cause further clustering and stabilization of puncta. This type of cadherin/actin organization has been shown to provide a mechanical linkage between fibroblasts (Ragsdale et al., 1997). Quantitative measurements showed that this initial stage of adhesion coincides with an exponential increase in the strength of adhesion (Angres et al., 1996). Significantly, this strengthening stage was completely inhibited by treatment of cells with CD (Angres et al., 1996; Fig. 7). In the present study we showed that during this initial stage, CD selectively disassembled contacts and caused formation of aggregates that include cell-surface EcadGFP (this study) and probably the barbed ends of actin filaments (Verkhovsky et al., 1997). It is also interesting to note that myosin is involved in the CD-induced aggregation of the barbed ends of actin filaments (Verkhovsky et al., 1997), and that actin treadmilling ceases in areas of developing cell–cell contacts (Gloushankova et al., 1997). We speculate that E-cadherin puncta gradually sequester the barbed ends of actin filaments, and directly or indirectly anchor them to the membrane at cell–cell contacts, resulting in the gradual strengthening of cell–cell adhesion. These changes in actin organization may also set up cytoarchitectural cues for stage II of adhesion. Published August 24, 1998 Stage III The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 142, 1998 1118 E-cadherin plaque formation coordinates circumferential actin cables to cell–cell contact and maximizes the area of membrane involved in the contact between two cells. When more than two cells form contacts, E-cadherin plaques and actin cables continue to reorganize to form a more compact cell colony (Fig. 2). This process of condensation involves movement of E-cadherin plaques towards each other until they have coalesced to form a vertex among three or more cells (Fig. 2, C and D). We suggest that E-cadherin plaques are cinched together by contraction of the actin cables that coordinate the plaques within the multicell colony. This reorganization of E-cadherin changed the shape of cells from rather cubiodal after plaque formation to cone-shaped after cell condensation in colonies; the vertices of E-cadherin were located at the tip of the cone (Fig. 2, B–D). The formation of coneshaped cells is redolent of the effects of purse-string contraction of circumferential actin filaments during wound healing in vitro (Bement et al., 1993) and in vivo (Martin and Lewis, 1992; Brock et al., 1996). Previous studies have shown that contraction of cell monolayers around a wound coincides with reorganization of actin cables, myosin II, tropomyosin, and other actin-associated proteins on the membrane adjacent to the wound. It is assumed that actin– myosin contraction pulls on membranes at the edge of the wound to close the opening between cells. We suggest that circumferential actin contraction initiated during cell–cell compaction continues until an equilibrium, perhaps equal tension, is reached between the circumferential actin bundles throughout the forming multicell colony. Studies are underway to test the roles of actin and actin contractility in this stage of adhesion and cell reorganization. A Model Downloaded from on August 12, 2014 In summary, we suggest a model for how contacts between cells are initiated, strengthened, compacted, and condensed as cells transform from the migratory phenotype of a single cell to a sedentary phenotype of one cell in a multicell monolayer. Cell–cell adhesion is initiated by weak binding between extracellular domains of E-cadherin that are present in a highly mobile pool at the plasma membrane. At or near the same time, E-cadherin/catenin complexes attach to actin filaments that branch from actin cables that circumscribe the perimeter of migratory cells. These two processes act synergistically to assemble puncta, which, as a group, are sufficiently adhesive to hold the nascent cell–cell contact together (Fig. 10, stage I). Subsequently, there is a change in actin dynamics as actin treadmilling ceases in areas of cell–cell contact, perhaps due to sequestration of the barbed ends of actin filaments into E-cadherin puncta. We hypothesize that reduced actin treadmilling causes the dissolution of the circumferential actin cables immediately adjacent to the developing contact. It is also possible that a signaling event at the cell surface induced by cell–cell adhesion causes a change in the organization or polymerized state of the circumferential actin cables adjacent to the contact site. We suggest that stabilization of actin via the clustered cadherin/catenin complex engages the myosin II clutch (Suter et al., 1998), thereby inducing translocation of circumferential actin cables and the rest of the cell body to the cell–cell contact interface and the rapid movement of associated E-cadherin puncta into large plaques. This coordinated reorganization of E-cadherin and the actin cytoskeleton results in the establishment of strong compacted cell–cell contacts and the generation of an actin cable that circumscribes the free edges of the newly contacting cells and is embedded into either side of a E-cadherin plaque at the margins of the contact (Fig. 10, stage II). The third stage of adhesion (Fig. 10, stage III) is initiated once another cell joins a two-cell colony. Additional cells join larger cell colonies using the same mechanisms outlined in stages I and II. When three cells contact, two cell–cell contacts and two free edges flank a center cell. Two perimeter actin cables are localized to the free edges of the center cell, and are further linked at E-cadherin plaques to the circumferential actin cables from the two flanking cells. This organization is unstable, and results in further reorganization of E-cadherin puncta, and the circumferential actin cytoskeleton. This reorganization is initiated by the lateral translocation of the E-cadherin plaques on one side of the colony towards each other until they coalesce. This triangular organization of E-cadherin undergoes a final rearrangement as the cells condense and maximize contacts between each other (Fig. 10, stage III). In stage III, we suggest that one of the perimeter actin cables of the center cell dominates, exerts tension on the E-cadherin plaques, and slowly pulls the plaques from the outside cells together. The colony continues to reorganize into a stable configuration of a circle, with each cell connected together on one side sharing a common vertex in the middle of the colony. Additional cells systematically join a multicellular colony as described above. E-cadherin and actin in newly forming cell–cell contacts reorganize, and then cinch together adjacent plaques attached to actin cables at the free cell edges (Fig. 2, D and E). Eventually some cells will become engulfed by a multicellular colony such that there is no longer a circumferential actin cable, and the cell is surrounded by contacts on all sides. There still exist larger clusters of E-cadherin at the vertices of cells within the multicellular colony, and the cells are probably still able to exert tension on each other through these regions to maximize the contact area. The organization of actin in the multicellular colony is now distinctly different from that in a cell–cell contact that is ,1 h old, and is characterized by thin actin bundles running parallel to the cell–cell contact in association with E-cadherin (see Fig. 3). These E-cadherin and actin organizations are also characteristic of the mature monolayer. Our findings reveal a very tight coordination among cadherin binding, aggregation, adhesion events, and dramatic reorganizations of the actin cytoskeleton. These reorganizations occur in parallel with transitions from weak initial adhesion to strong adhesions associated with cell– cell compactions, condensations of cells into colonies, and formation of a belt of cadherin and actin as observed in mature monolayers. These results provide a new framework for future studies aimed at identifying the effects of other regulatory molecules (e.g., GTPases, kinases, and cytoskeletal motors) and cadherin-associated proteins (e.g., Published August 24, 1998 p120CAS) on these distinct adhesive stages of cell–cell adhesion. We thank members of the Nelson and Smith labs and Chris Hazuka for their comments during the course of this work, Dr. Richard Lewis for help programming diffusion solutions in Igor Pro, Dr. Lee Rubin (University College London) for the canine E-cadherin cDNA clone, and Dr. Brian Seed (Harvard Medical School) for the generous gift of humanized codonpreference-adjusted red-shifted GFP before its publication. We also thank Dr. David Loftus for his help with the aggregation assay. W.J. Nelson and S.J Smith were supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health and The Mathers Charitable Foundation. Y.-T. Chen is a recipient of a postdoctoral fellowship award from National Kidney Foundation. Received for publication 13 February 1998 and in revised form 1 June 1998. References Adams et al. Dynamics of EcadGFP 1119 Downloaded from on August 12, 2014 Aberle, H., S. Butz, J. Stappert, H. Weissig, R. Kemler, and H. Hoschuetzky. 1994. Assembly of the cadherin-catenin complex in vitro with recombinant proteins. J. Cell Sci. 107:3655–3663. Aberle, H., H. Schwartz, and R. Kemler. 1996. Cadherin-catenin complex: protein interactions and their implications for cadherin function. J. Cell. Biochem. 61:514–523. Adams, C.L., W.J. Nelson, and S.J. Smith. 1996. Quantitative analysis of cadherin-catenin-actin reorganization during development of cell-cell adhesion. J. Cell Biol. 135:1899–1911. Angres, B., A. Barth, and W.J. Nelson. 1996. Mechanisms for transition from initial to stable cell-cell adhesion: kinetic analysis of E-cadherin-mediated adhesion using a quantitative adhesion assay. J. 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IFM 2014 Seminario 3: Estado de Reposo -Bibliografía Sugerida: Capítulos “Ionic Basis of the Resting Potential” y “Neurons as conductors of electricity” del libro “From Neuron to Brain” de Nicholls y col.. 1. Conteste las siguientes preguntas a. ¿Qué es el potencial de equilibrio de un ión? b. ¿Qué ecuación puede utilizar para calcularlo? c. ¿Sirve dicha ecuación para estimar el potencial de membrana? Discuta este punto. d. ¿Por qué se dice que la bomba Na+/K+ ATPasa es electrogénica? e. ¿Qué le pasaría al potencial de reposo si la bomba Na+/K+ ATPasa es bloqueada farmacológicamente? Explique el origen de los cambios esperados. 2. Señalar cuál de las siguientes afirmaciones es correcta: La ecuación de Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz es válida si se cumple, entre otras condiciones, que: a. Todos los iones involucrados están en equilibrio termodinámico. b. El sistema está en estado estacionario. c. Todas las corrientes iónicas son nulas. d. La corriente iónica neta es nula 3. Calcular el potencial de equilibrio del ion H+ a través de la membrana muscular, si el citoplasma tiene un pH = 7.0 y el fluido extracelular tiene pH = 7.4. ¿Está en equilibrio el ion H+ en el estado de reposo (ΔVm = -50mV)? 4. Considere un sistema modelo de dos compartimentos separados por una membrana permeable a K+ y Cl-, pero no a los aniones orgánicos (A-). No hay bombas activas involucradas. I II en mM en mM A100 0 + K 150 150 Cl50 150 a. ¿Está el sistema en equilibrio electroquímico? b. Si no lo está, ¿en qué dirección se moverá cada ión? ¿Cuáles son las concentraciones finales que cada ión alcanzará en I y II? c. ¿Cuál será la diferencia de potencial cuando se alcance el equilibrio? ¿Cómo se puede calcular? 5. En la gran mayoría de las células el potencial de equilibrio del K+ es de aproximadamente –100 mV y el del Na+ es de aproximadamente +40 mV. ¿Por qué se observan estas diferencias si ambos son cationes? 6. Si en condiciones normales el potencial de reposo de una célula es Vm = -60 mV ¿Qué valor tendría aproximadamente si invirtiéramos las concentraciones de K+ y Na+ entre el exterior y el interior? 7. ¿Qué diferencia existe entre la permeabilidad y la conductancia de la membrana? ¿Qué condición tiene que cumplir un soluto para que tenga sentido referirse a su conductancia? 8. Se tienen los siguientes datos para el axón gigante del calamar: [K+]o = 20 mM [Na+]o = 450 mM [Cl-]o = 470 mM ----------------------PK : PNa : PCl = 1.0 : 0.04 : 0.45 [K+]i = 420 mM [Na+]i = 50 mM [Cl-]i = 40 mM [A- org] = 430 mM (impermeables) R*T/F = 25 mV a. Calcular el potencial de reposo. Indicar la polaridad. b. Calcule el potencial de equilibrio para el cloruro a las concentraciones dadas en el cuadro. ¿Está en equilibrio electroquímico el cloro en este sistema? c. Si la permeabilidad al Na+ aumenta en un factor de 500, ¿cuál será el nuevo potencial de membrana? Indique su polaridad. d. ¿Cuál será el efecto sobre el potencial de membrana de disminuir 10º C la temperatura? Utilizar las concentraciones y las permeabilidades dadas inicialmente. 9. La membrana biológica puede ser homologable a un circuito RC. a. ¿Qué elemento de la membrana puede ser analogable a un capacitor? Explique b. ¿Qué elemento de la membrana puede ser analogable a una resistencia? Explique. ¿En qué se parecen y en qué se diferencian? c. ¿En qué configuración se ubican estos dos elementos (en serie, en paralelo)? Explique funcionalmente por qué esta configuración describe adecuadamente el funcionamiento de la célula. d. Un sistema RC es considerado un sistema pasivo; la corriente que circula por el mismo depende de que éste sea conectado a una batería. ¿Qué opera en la membrana como una batería? Explique. e. Grafique la variación de la carga almacenada por el capacitor frente a la aplicación de un pulso de corriente cuadrado de una duración de 10 veces la constante temporal τ del capacitor. d. Realice el mismo gráfico del punto anterior pero para la diferencia de potencial entre ambas placas del capacitor. Identifique τ en el gráfico. ¿Que representa matemáticamente esta constante? 10. ¿Qué esperaría que ocurra con el potencial de membrana de una neurona determinada frente a la aplicación de un pulso de corriente despolarizante si los valores de permeabilidad de los canales de fuga normales para potasio y sodio se duplicaran? ¿Qué efecto tiene este cambio sobre la constante de tiempo de la célula? 11. Considerando la figura a. Explicar las diferencias observadas entre la relación teórica (T), obtenida por Nernst, y la curva obtenida experimentalmente (E), para el comportamiento del potencial de membrana (Vm) en el reposo para distintas concentraciones de K+ en el medio externo. b. ¿ Qué ocurriría con esta curva luego de tratar a la célula con un bloqueante de los canales de Na+? c. ¿Qué sucede con esta relación luego de tratar a la célula con un bloqueante de los canales de K+? E T 12. Durante el desarrollo aumenta la actividad del cotransportador de K+-Cl- causando un cambio en la concentración intracelular del cloro. La siguiente figura muestra los valores del potencial de equilibro del Cl- (ECl) en función de la edad postnatal para neuronas de hipocampo. a. Calcular la concentración intracelular de cloro para las neuronas a 2 y a 14 días de edad, si la composición del medio extracelular en que se hicieron las mediciones fue (en mM): NaCl 130, KCl 4, MgCl2 1, CaCl2 2. b. Si las neuronas, independientemente de la edad, tienen un potencial de reposo de -70 mV, ¿qué efecto espera que tenga un neurotransmisor como el GABA al actuar sobre receptores ionotrópicos con permeabilidad selectiva para el cloro a 2 y a 14 días de edad? IFM 2014 Seminario 4: Potencial de Acción -Bibliografía Sugerida: Capítulo “Ionic Basis of the Action Potential” del libro “From Neuron to Brain” de Nicholls y col.. 1. ¿Qué significa que un canal iónico sea dependiente de voltaje? ¿Qué mecanismos moleculares explican esa dependencia? 2. Durante el potencial de acción el potencial de membrana se acerca al potencial de equilibrio del sodio ¿Por qué sucede esto? ¿Por qué luego de disparado un potencial de acción el potencial de membrana no se mantiene en ese valor indefinidamente? 3. El desarrollo de un potencial de acción implica procesos de retroalimentación positiva y procesos de retroalimentación negativa (feedback positivo y negativo, respectivamente). ¿Cuáles son? 4. En numerosas neuronas del sistema nervioso central de mamíferos la propagación de potenciales de acción es saltatoria. a. ¿A qué se refiere este término? b. ¿Qué ventajas ofrece la conducción saltatoria, en comparación con la conducción continua de potenciales de acción? c. ¿Cómo afecta la cubierta de mielina que envuelve un axón a las propiedades eléctricas de dicho axón? d. ¿Qué desventaja representaría que una neurona tenga distancias internodales muy cortas? ¿Y si fueran muy largas, qué exigencias a las propiedades del axón implicaría? 5. Las propiedades eléctricas del axón de calamar se pueden reproducir satisfactoriamente aún cuando el citoplasma es extraído y reemplazado por una solución cuya composición iónica es similar a la del citoplasma. ¿Qué demuestra esta observación? 6. Un segmento de axón de calamar tiene un potencial de reposo de –70 mV. Cuando se produce un potencial de acción, el pico llega a +40 mV. Las concentraciones de sodio y potasio dentro del axón son de 50 mM y 100 mM, respectivamente. a. Demuestre mediante cálculos que el movimiento de iones a través de la membrana plasmática durante el potencial de acción no altera apreciablemente las concentraciones iónicas. b. Los valores que calculó son subestimaciones de los valores reales ¿Por qué? c. ¿En qué casos el cambio de concentración iónica intracelular debido al flujo iónico podrá ser apreciable? ¿Qué mecanismos tiene la célula para contrarrestar este cambio? Datos: Dimensiones del segmento de axón: 2cm de longitud y 1mm de diámetro; Superficie del cilindro: S = π.diámetro.longitud; Volumen del cilindro: Vol = π.r 2.longitud; Carga de un capacitor: Q = C.V; Capacitancia de la membrana celular: C = 1µF/cm2; Constante de Faraday: F = 96487 C/mol; Número de Avogadro: N = 6.0225.1023 7. Las figuras muestran los cambios en las conductancias de sodio (g Na) y potasio (gK) durante el cambio de potencial (V) que se produce cuando se desencadena un potencial de acción. a. En base a estos gráficos explique cada fase del potencial de acción incluyendo el fenómeno de hiperpolarización tardía (after-hyperpolarization) que se puede apreciar en el registro. b. Las gNa gK durante el potencial de acción tienen cursos temporales con características similares: aumentan, llegan a un pico y luego disminuyen llegando a cero. ¿Estos comportamientos generales se deben a las mismas causas? 8. En la figura se muestran registros intracelulares realizados en una neurona de hipocampo en condiciones control (trazo más oscuro) y tratando al tejido con dos concentraciones de la droga 4-AP. Describa lo que se observa en los registros y sugiera cuál es el blanco de acción del 4-AP. 9. Se aplican tres electrodos en las posiciones A, B y C de un axón gigante de calamar, según se indica en la figura. A B C a. Si se aplica un estímulo supraumbral en A, indique con flecha/s en qué dirección espera que se propague el potencial de acción iniciado por este estímulo b. Se aplican sendos estímulos supraumbrales en A y B en forma simultánea. Indique cómo espera que se propaguen ambos potenciales de acción. c. Qué característica particular poseen los canales de sodio dependientes de voltaje que explican el fenómeno que describió en la pregunta b? d. Se aplica un estímulo supraumbral en A y luego, con cierto retardo, un estímulo supraumbral en B, y se mide la respuesta en C. Qué condición debe cumplir dicho retardo para que en C, se observen: i) dos potenciales de acción; ii) un solo potencial de acción. ¿Qué fenómeno ocurrió en este último caso? Explíquelo brevemente. 10. Esquematice un potencial de acción desencadenado por un estímulo supraumbral, indicando la escala de voltaje y tiempo apropiadas; sobre este mismo gráfico dibuje la respuesta que resultaría ante la misma estimulación si se estudia a la neurona en presencia de un bloqueante de los canales de Na+ sensibles al voltaje (TTX) o de canales de K+ sensibles a voltaje (TEA)? 11. En base al grafico a. Esquematizar el potencial de membrana en función del tiempo, registrado en un axón gigante de calamar en cada uno de los electrodos (1, 2, 3 y 4) de la figura luego de una estimulación subumbral y de una supraumbral. Superponga los gráficos en un único par de ejes. b. Hacer un gráfico del potencial Inyección de de membrana máximo en función corriente de la distancia luego de ambas estimulaciones. ¿Qué tipo de propagación se observa en cada caso? ¿De qué propiedades de la membrana depende cada una? Explique qué parámetro describe el cambio del potencial subumbral con la distancia y 1 2 3 4 Electrodos de registro como se obtiene. c. ¿Cómo se modificarían los esquemas de la pregunta a) si se agregara TTX (inhibidor de canales de Na + dependientes de voltaje) a la solución extra-celular? d. Compare las características de las señales registradas por el electrodo 4 si se trata de un axón mielínico o amielínico del mismo calibre. 12. Está en discusión si las dendritas son ramas de conducción pasiva mientras el axón es el sitio de iniciación del potencial de acción. Sin embargo estudios realizados en los últimos diez años muestran que las membranas de las dendritas de ciertas neuronas poseen canales de Na+ y K+ Vm-dependientes. Aún no está claro en qué medida contribuyen estas conductancias al disparo de potenciales de acción medido en los axones. En neuronas de la corteza de ratón se lograron realizar registros simultáneos en las dendritas y el soma (figuras de la izquierda). La célula fue estimulada inyectando corriente tanto en el soma (registros superiores) como en la dendrita (registros inferiores). Los autores concluyen que estos registros muestran que tanto cuando se estimulan las dendritas como el soma, el potencial de acción que se registra se origina en el axón. Observe los registros y determine cómo puede deducirse esto de los registros mostrados, y grafique los resultados esperados si las dendritas fueran sitios de iniciación de potenciales de acción. 13. En neuronas de hipocampo, como en muchas otras, se observa la expresión de una conductancia voltaje dependiente que se activa cuando el potencial de membrana es desplazado a valores más negativos que -55 mV. Esta conductancia tiene un potencial de equilibrio de alrededor de -20 mV y es conocida como Ih o „conductancia funny‟ If. La figura muestra las respuestas de una neurona del hipocampo a la aplicación de una serie de pulsos hiperpolarizantes (registros inferiores) en condiciones control (registros superiores) y en presencia de un bloqueante de dicha conductancia (registros medios). a. Calcule la resistencia de membrana en condiciones control y tratado con el bloqueante. b. ¿Cómo se explica el cambio observado en la resistencia de membrana producido por el bloqueo de la conductancia Ih? control Bloqueo de Ih corriente c. ¿Cómo puede explicar que la neurona dispara potenciales de acción al ser repolarizada? IFM 2014 Seminario 5: Sinapsis Bibliografía Sugerida: Capítulos “Principles of synaptic transmission”, “Indirect Mechanisms of Synaptic Transmision" y “Transmitter Release” del libro “From Neuron to Brain” de Nicholls y col.. Ver también “Neurons as conductors of electricity” (Seminario 4). 1. Entrenamiento para desprevenidos: Dibujar un esquema de los elementos presentes en una sinapsis química genérica y enumerar los pasos más importantes involucrados en la liberación del neurotransmisor y la respuesta post-sináptica. a. ¿Qué diferencias anatómicas y funcionales existen entre sinapsis químicas y eléctricas? b. ¿Qué determina la latencia entre el pico del potencial de acción en una neurona presináptica y el pico de la respuesta postsináptica? c. ¿A qué se refieren los términos receptor postsináptico y receptor presináptico? ¿Qué funciones cumplen? 2. Un neurotransmisor activa un canal hipotético permeable tanto al Na + como al K+. El ENa = +50 mV y el EK = -85 mV. Si tus experimentos determinan que el canal tuvo una conductancia 3 veces mayor al Na+ que al K+, ¿cuál sería el potencial de reversión de la respuesta sináptica? 3. La figura fue extraída del paper de Takeuchi & Takeuchi, 1960. En este experimento el nervio fue estimulado a medida que se variaba el potencial de la fibra muscular. Los registros fueron realizados sobre la fibra muscular en la configuración de fijación de voltaje (voltage clamp). La figura muestra la relación entre la amplitud de las corrientes postsinápticas evocadas por estimulación del nervio y el potencial de membrana, cuando la preparación fue incubada en solución externa normal y en solución externa con bajo contenido de sodio. Los símbolos blancos corresponden a la solución Ringer normal (113.6 mM Na+) y los símbolos negros a la solución con una concentración de Na+ de 33.6 mM. a. Se te pide que informes aproximadamente el E rev en la placa motora del músculo sartorius de la rana en Ringer normal. ¿Por qué se modifica en Ringer con bajo Na+? b. ¿Qué valor tomará el Erev cuando se baña la preparación con una solución Ringer que tiene 10 mM K+ y 113.6 mM Na+? Datos: gNa = 1.29; gK = 1; Na+i = 15.5 mM; K+i = 126 mM 4. En un experimento realizado para estudiar las propiedades de la conexión sináptica entre dos neuronas se registra, en la configuración de voltage clamp, la corriente postsináptica medida a diferentes potenciales de membrana (A). En base a estos datos se graficó la corriente postsináptica inhibitoria (IPSC) en función del potencial (B). A B a. ¿Como identifica el potencial de reversión en cada una de estas figuras? b. ¿Qué tipo de conductancia podría estar asociada a esta respuesta sináptica? c. Proponga un experimento para evaluar la hipótesis que su respuesta a “b” plantea. Grafique los resultados que esperaría obtener ante estos experimentos. 5. Los experimentos ilustrados en la siguiente figura (Katz & Miledi, 1967) se diseñaron con el objetivo de determinar el papel del Ca2+ en la transmisión sináptica utilizando una preparación de placa neuromuscular de rana (nervio frénico unido al músculo diafragma). La preparación fue sometida a una perfusión constante con una solución que no contenía Ca 2+ y a la cual se agregó TTX para bloquear el disparo de potenciales de acción. Se utilizó un electrodo extracelular para estimular el nervio, otro electrodo extracelular conteniendo CaCl 2 a traves del cual se puede descargar calcio (de manera localizada y acotada en el tiempo) en la zona de la placa neuromuscular y un electrodo intracelular en la fibra muscular. El estímulo se aplica sin descargar calcio (izquierda), descargando calcio inmediatamente antes de estimular (centro) o descargando el calcio después de estimular. La escala vertical indica 2 mV y la escala horizontal 5 ms. calcio stim registro A estim calcio a. ¿Cómo explica las diferencias en la respuesta de la fibra muscular en las diferentes configuraciones de estimulación? b. ¿Que esperaría si la solución de perfusión hubiese sido suplementada con una alta concentración de Mg2+? 6. Las dos figuras resumen los resultados obtenidos en un experimento que consistió en evaluar la transmisión sináptica entre el nervio frénico y las fibras musculares que forman el diafragma de un ratón. Para ello se estimuló el nervio 300 veces mientras se registró mediante un electrodo intracelular el potencial de membrana de la fibra muscular. Para realizar este experimento la preparación fue bañada en una solución con bajo Ca 2+ (0.6 mM) y alto Mg2+ (6 mM). La primera figura representa el histograma de amplitudes de las 300 mediciones realizadas en una misma fibra, habiendo excluido los eventos donde no hay respuesta ante la estimulación (fallas). En la figura de la derecha se realizó una interpolación polinómica para visualizar mejor los diferentes picos de la figura de la izquierda. a. Basados en los datos que se muestran en la figura, ¿cuál es la amplitud de los potenciales de placa miniatura? Explique su razonamiento, incluyendo en su explicación el por qué del tamaño relativo de los dos picos. ¿Cuál es el correlato anatómico de los potenciales miniatura? b. ¿Cuál es la razón por la cual el experimento se realizó en un medio conteniendo bajo Ca2+ y alto Mg2+? c. ¿Qué esperarías obtener si repetís el experimento después del agregado de un bloqueante de canales de K+ voltaje-dependientes? d. ¿Cómo creés que se vería el histograma si se repite el experimento en un medio con 0.8 mM Ca2+? 7. La figura muestra tres registros de potenciales de placa obtenidos en una misma fibra muscular esquelética. a. Describir el curso temporal de la señal y explicar la dinámica observada. b. ¿Qué relación tienen estos registros con los potenciales miniatura? c. ¿Cómo se verían afectados los potenciales de placa en presencia de un inhibidor de la enzima acetilcolinesterasa? 8. La figura ilustra los resultados de un experimento en el cual se midió la liberación de 3HGABA de sinaptosomas de cerebelo, utilizando un colector de fracciones y un contador de centelleo. Figura A: durante los intervalos indicados por las barras la preparación fue expuesta a una solución con una alta concentración de potasio. El experimento se realiza en presencia de inhibidores de la recaptación de GABA. Figura B: similar al protocolo experimental descripto en A pero, en la segunda de las tres aplicaciones de potasio, se co-aplicó una alta concentración de potasio con 100 µM GABA. B cpm A 15 30 45 60 15 30 45 60 Tiempo (min) a. Explicar los resultados obtenidos en A. ¿Cuál es el mecanismo por el cual actúa la solución con alta concentración de potasio? b. Explicar los resultados obtenidos en B y proponer un mecanismo que pueda explicar el efecto producido por la co-aplicación de GABA. c. ¿Por qué resultó útil elegir la segunda exposición a alto K+ para testear los posibles efectos modulatorios en la liberación del neurotransmisor? 9. Los siguientes resultados son parte de un estudio sobre el efecto de la toxina -CgTX sobre la respuesta sináptica de fibras musculares del diafragma al estimular el nervio frénico (contiene a las neuronas motoras que inervan al diafragma). La hipótesis de trabajo es que dicha toxina bloquea en forma selectiva a los canales de calcio activables por despolarización de la membrana. a. La figura de la izquierda muestra un potencial de placa en ausencia (a) y en presencia (b) de la toxina (escala vertical 1 mV; escala horizontal 0.5 mseg). Basándose en lo que conoce sobre la sinapsis neuromuscular: explique por qué estos resultados apoyan la hipótesis mencionada previamente. ¿Dónde espera que actúe la toxina? b. Con el fin de descartar un efecto de la toxina ω-CgTX sobre los receptores nicotínicos, los investigadores aplicaron pulsitos de acetilcolina directamente sobre la placa en presencia y ausencia de la toxina, y registraron los cambios de potencial postsinático. Explique la lógica de este experimento. ¿Qué resultado espera observar si la toxina no tiene ningún efecto sobre el receptor colinérgico nicotínico? c. Con el fin de confirmar su hipótesis los investigadores realizaron un estudio utilizando una dosis de 40 nM de la toxina en presencia de diferentes concentraciones de Ca 2+ extracelular (representadas a la derecha de cada curva en el gráfico de la derecha). En este experimento se estimuló el nervio frénico a diferentes tiempos a partir del agregado de la toxina y se obtuvieron las curvas que se muestran en la figura, donde se grafica la amplitud (relativa al valor de la respuesta al primer estímulo) del potencial de placa en función del tiempo (0 min es el momento anterior a la aplicación de la toxina). Información importante: a una concentración de 40 nM la toxina produce solo un bloqueo parcial de los canales. Explique los resultados representados en el gráfico de la derecha en términos de la hipótesis de trabajo. d. En este gráfico la amplitud de los potenciales de placa fue relativizada a la máxima amplitud, obtenida antes de aplicar la toxina. ¿Cómo espera que varíe el valor absoluto de estas amplitudes máximas en las diferentes concentraciones de calcio utilizadas? e. Grafique la inhibición en función de [Ca2+ ] medida a los 30 min. f. ¿Cómo espera que afecte la toxina -CgTX al potencial de acción de la neurona motora que se proyecta en el nervio frénico? 10. Los inhibidores de la acetilcolinesterasa (como el gas nervioso) son mortales en altas concentraciones. ¿Por qué? Sin embargo, cuando se usan en bajas concentraciones en pacientes con miastenia gravis, estos inhibidores tienen efectos terapéuticos. Considerando que la miastenia es un desorden autoinmune que reduce la densidad de receptores de acetilcolina en las placas motoras del músculo esquelético, ¿por qué tendrían efectos beneficiosos los anticolinesterásicos? 11. En la figura se observan 9 registros simultáneos de potenciales de placa, realizados en una misma fibra muscular curarizada con 9 electrodos colocados a diferentes distancias de la placa. a. Dibuje la configuración del registro. b. ¿A qué puede deberse el decaimiento en la amplitud de la señal? c. ¿En que unidades está la escala horizontal? d. Estime la constante de espacio ( ) 12. La siguiente figura ilustra por qué el potencial de acción sólo se produce si las constantes de tiempo o espacio son suficientemente grandes. Explique esta aseveración. 13. La neurona esquematizada posee un potencial de membrana en el reposo de –60mV. Su umbral para el disparo de potenciales de acción es de –50mV (registrado en el soma, sitio B). Las sinapsis 1 y 2 son excitatorias. Frente a la activación de cualquiera de ellas por separado se registra en B una despolarización de 6mV. Dibuje los registros que obtendría en los sitios A, B y C en las siguientes condiciones (incluya en su dibujo la escala de voltaje usando como referencia el Vreposo y Vumbral): a. Se activa únicamente la sinapsis 1. b. Se activan simultáneamente las sinapsis 1 y 2 (asuma que están equidistantes del soma). c. Se activa tres veces consecutivamente la sinapsis 2. d. Se activan simultáneamente las sinapsis 1 y 2 pero ahora considere que la constante de espacio de la célula se redujo a la mitad. 14. Los resultados mostrados en las figuras A-C fueron extraídos de un artículo de Wu y colaboradores (2004, J. Neurosci. 24:4625) en el cual se estudia la integración de señales sinápticas en neuronas del colículo inferior (neuronas ICC) de rata que reciben señales excitatorias e inhibitorias convergentes. La excitación está mediada por glutamato que impacta sobre receptores glutamatérgicos, bloqueables por los inhibidores CNQX y APV; la inhibición está mediada por GABA que impacta sobre receptores que se bloquean con bicuculina. El estudio se realiza mediante registros intracelulares de las neuronas ICC en la configuración de fijación de voltaje mientras se estimulan las fibras aferentes a esta región mediante electrodos extracelulares. En este estudio las conductancias activadas por voltaje en la neurona ICC fueron inhibidas mediante la inyección intracelular de bloqueantes específicos. Datos en mM: [Na+]o = 129, [K+]o = 1.2, [Cl-]o =130, [Na+]i = 4, [K+]i= 110, [Cl-]i =8 estimulación Registro extracelular Registro intracelular neuronas ICC glu GABA El diagrama esquematiza la configuración experimental a. ¿Por qué se evitó aplicar bloqueantes de las conductancias activadas por voltaje directamente en el medio externo de la preparación? La figura A muestra un registro representativo de las respuestas de una neurona ICC a un estímulo en las fibras aferentes (indicado por la flecha) en presencia de los bloqueantes de los receptores glutamatérgicos CNQX+APV. La neurona fue estudiada a los potenciales de membrana indicados a la izquierda de cada registro. La línea punteada representa la línea de base de la corriente antes del estímulo. El gráfico B resume los datos mostrando la relación entre la amplitud de la corriente sináptica (eje y) y el potencial de membrana (eje x). b. Explique a qué se debe la variación en la respuesta de la neurona al estímulo en función del potencial de membrana (figura A). c. ¿Qué conclusión puede extraer sobre la conductancia asociada a la respuesta GABAérgica de los resultados mostrados en A y B? Haga explícito su razonamiento. En el gráfico Ci se muestra la respuesta a una ráfaga de 10 estímulos en solución normal sin agregado de ningún agente farmacológico; en el gráfico Cii se muestra la respuesta a un estímulo similar en presencia de los bloqueantes de los receptores glutamatérgicos; y en el gráfico Ciii se muestra la respuesta en presencia del bloqueante de los receptores GABAérgicos. En todos los registros mostrados en la figura C el potencial de membrana de la neurona ICC fue fijado a -40 mV. La línea punteada representa la línea de base de la corriente antes del estímulo. d. ¿Qué conclusión puede obtener respecto de la integración de la respuesta sináptica de las neuronas ICC según lo que se observa en la figura Ci solamente? e. ¿Qué información agrega las figuras Cii y Ciii? IFM 2014 Seminario 6: Sistemas sensoriales -Bibliografía Sugerida: Del Libro “From Neuron to Brain” de Nicholls y col.: Capítulo 17, Transduction of Mechanical and Chemica Stimuli; Capítulo 18, Processing of Somatosensory and Auditory Signals y Capítulo 19, Transduction and Signaling in the Retina 1. Los receptores de las distintas modalidades sensoriales comparten la capacidad de traducir un determinado cambio del medio ambiente en un potencial receptor. Para los casos del gusto, oído, vista, tacto y olfato, ¿cuál es la conversión de energía que tiene lugar en los receptores periféricos? 2. Discuta el concepto de campo receptivo en el sistema visual, táctil y en el olfativo. 3. Dos cualidades se distinguen en relación al sonido: el volumen y el tono. a. Explique a qué se refiere cada término. b. Cuál es la unidad en que se mide el volumen del sonido. 4. El oído se divide en tres regiones, oído externo, medio e interno. a. Indique la función principal del oído medio, y cual es el mecanismo principal que le permite cumplir con ésta. b. Describa cómo y dónde a lo largo del proceso auditivo que se da en el oído se percibe el volumen y el tono. c. A qué se refiere el término proyección tonotópica. 5. Diseñe un experimento para determinar el campo receptivo de una célula somatosensorial de una rata. 6. Los siguientes registros muestran las respuestas de un mecanoreceptor de adaptación lenta a estímulos mecánicos aplicados con una varilla de 2 mm de diámetro sobre la piel (Rowe et al 2003. CBP 136:883-893). La dinámica temporal del estímulo (cómo varía la presión en el tiempo) se grafica con la línea inferior y a la izquierda se indica la máxima indentación (desplazamiento en el eje normal a la superficie de la piel) aplicada. a. Defina el concepto de adaptación sensorial. b. Explique las variaciones en la frecuencia de disparo del mecanoreceptor a lo largo del estímulo y en función de esto indique por qué se lo clasifica como de adaptación lenta. c. Explique las variaciones observadas en los sucesivos registros. d. ¿Cómo esperaría que fuera la respuesta si se tratara de un receptor de adaptación rápida? En la siguiente figura se analiza la respuesta de un receptor de adaptación rápida. En este caso se utiliza un estímulo levemente diferente. Se aumenta paulatinamente la indentación, pero al llegar al valor estable se aplica una variación sinusoidal alrededor de este valor máximo. e. Explique los resultados observados en la figura. f. Se propone que los receptores de adaptación rápida son los responsables de la percepción somatosensorial de texturas. Ensaye una explicación para esta hipótesis en base a los resultados mostrados en la figura. 7. Discuta la siguiente afirmación: “Los campos receptivos de las neuronas sensoriales de segundo o mayor orden son más amplios y más complejos que los de las neuronas sensoriales primarias”. Ejemplifíquelo en el sistema visual. 8. La inhibición lateral permite resaltar los bordes. Explique esta aseveración teniendo en cuenta el esquema siguiente. 9. Explique qué se entiende por representación somatotópica. ¿A qué sentidos puede aplicarse? 10. En la retina de mamífero el proceso de visión se inicia con el impacto de los fotones sobre las células fotorreceptoras. a. ¿Qué tipo de células fotorreceptoras existen en la retina y cuáles son sus propiedades? b. ¿Cuáles son las moléculas responsables de captar la luz? c. Dibuje un esquema que explique el proceso completo de transducción de la señal que ocurre en los fotorreceptores, desde que impacta la luz hasta la liberación del neurotransmisor. 11. Conteste verdadero o falso. Fundamente las respuestas falsas: a. En la oscuridad no existen corrientes entrantes ni salientes en el fotorreceptor. b. La presencia de luz suprime la corriente entrante. c. La luz hiperpolariza a los fotorreceptores alejándolos del E K+. d. Los bastones se caracterizan por tener una alta resolución temporal (respuesta rápida con tiempo de integración corto) e. Los bastones tienen mayor concentración de fotopigmentos que los conos. f. Los conos están especializados en visión diurna. g. El daltonismo está causado por una pérdida congénita de bastones. h. Las respuestas de las células bipolares de centro “on” o de centro “off” están mediadas por diferentes neurotransmisores. 12. Una de las evaluaciones que se hacen sobre la visión en un organismo es la agudeza visual a. ¿A qué se refiere el término? b. ¿De qué parámetros depende? c. ¿Es homogénea en toda la retina? 13. Describir las propiedades neurofisiológicas de las células bipolares y las de sus campos receptivos. Discutir la siguiente figura: 14. En el artículo publicado por Hubel y Wiesel en 1961 (J. Physiol. 155:385-398) se describió la forma de los campos receptivos visuales de las neuronas de los núcleos geniculados. Para ello se posicionó a un gato a 1.5 m de distancia de una pantalla en la que se proyectaron haces de luz de diámetro variable por un periodo de 1 segundo mientras se registró la actividad de las neuronas mediante registros extracelulares (solo se registran los potenciales de acción). En A, B y C se proyecta un haz de 1º, 2º y 14º, y en D se proyecta un ánulo de luz de 14º de diámetro externo y 2º interno. a. b. c. d. ¿Se trata de una célula ON u OFF? Justifique su respuesta ¿Cómo se explican los cambios que se observan entre A y B? ¿Cómo se explican los cambios que se observan entre B y C? ¿Cómo se explican los cambios que se observan entre C y D? 15. Flores-Herr y colaboradores (2001, J. Neurosci 21:4852) realizaron un estudio similar al de Hubel y Wiesel, pero en este caso utilizaron la técnica de fijación de voltaje (voltage clamp). En este estudio se proyectaron haces de luz sobre la retina de conejos y se midió la respuesta de una neurona ganglionar ON como la corriente eléctrica que se activa durante la respuesta al estímulo lumínico. En A la célula fue fijada a -75 mV mientras se aplicaron haces de luz de diámetro variable (en µm, según se indica a la izquierda de cada registro). La línea superior indica el momento de aplicación de la luz. En B se grafica el promedio de las amplitudes normalizadas en función del diámetro del haz. Tenga en cuenta solo el valor de la amplitud al pico (Peak Amplitude) A B a. Tomando la respuesta al haz de 150 µm mostrada en A, explique cómo se condice el resultado con la aseveración del enunciado que indica que se trata de una neurona de tipo ON. b. Explique las variaciones observadas en A en función del diámetro del haz de luz. c. ¿Qué variable fisiológica puede deducirse de los resultados descriptos en la figura B? C D En los registros de la figura C se muestra la respuesta de una neurona ganglionar ON a un haz de luz de 200 µm cuando la neurona fue fijada a los potenciales indicados a la derecha. Se informa que en estas células, el potencial de reversión para corrientes mixtas de Na+ y K+ es de aproximadamente 0 mV, y el equilibrio del Cl- es de aproximadamente -55 mV. En D se grafica la respuesta para experimentos realizados con haces de diferente diámetro. Para construir esta figura se consideró como “corriente excitatoria” la medida a un potencial de membrana de -55 mV y la inhibitoria a un potencial de 0 mV. d. En base al enunciado, justifique la estrategia adoptada por los autores para discernir entre corriente excitatoria e inhibitoria. e. Explique los resultados mostrados en la figura D. IFM 2014 Seminario 7: Músculo Bibliografía obligatoria: Capítulo 17 del libro Hill, Wyse y Anderson, 2004. Ed. Panamericana. Observaciones histológicas Luego de analizar cada preparado hacer un esquema en donde se puedan identificar las características morfológicas distintivas que se pudieron reconocer en cada tipo muscular (al final de la guía encontrarán un glosario sobre las técnicas de tinción utilizadas). Músculo Liso. Se observará en un corte transversal de vejiga teñido con tinción tricrómica de Masson. Encontrar una zona del preparado en el que se observen células musculares cortadas en forma longitudinal. Notar la forma fusiforme de las células musculares y de sus núcleos. En las zonas de corte transversal, observar la localización central de los núcleos y el tamaño variable de su diámetro, según a qué nivel han sido rebanados por el corte. Las células que han sido cortadas en un plano superior o inferior a la localización del núcleo aparentan ser anucleadas, si bien no lo son. Músculo Esquelético. Se observará en un corte transversal de lengua teñido con eosina hematoxilina. Identificar la disposición de las fibras musculares paralelas con las miofibrillas en un arreglo ordenado. Identificar las bandas transversales claras y oscuras. Observar que las fibras son multinucleadas, ¿Cómo es la localización de los núcleos: central o periférica? Músculo Cardíaco. Tinción de eosina hematoxilina. Notar que las fibras cardíacas presentan ramificaciones que son evidentes tanto cuando son cortadas en su plano longitudinal como en el transversal. Identificar en ambas orientaciones de corte los núcleos grandes. ¿Cómo es la ubicación de los núcleos? En el corte longitudinal intentar observar los discos intercalares ¿qué son, anatómica y funcionalmente? Guía de preguntas 1. En los vertebrados distinguimos tres tipos de músculos: esquelético, cardíaco y liso. Describa las semejanzas y diferencias en los siguientes aspectos: a. Morfología b. Cinética de contracción c. Rol que juega el ion calcio d. Inervación e. Acople excitación contracción 2) Explique cómo es la organización anatómica del músculo esquelético desde el nivel de tejido hasta las principales estructuras subcelulares que los conforman. 3. ¿Cuáles son los elementos principales que conforman un sarcómero y cómo ocurre la contracción de los mismos? 4. La contracción de los músculos esqueléticos es un fenómeno que depende de ATP y de Ca++. Sin embargo, la contracción puede producirse en presencia de muy baja concentración de calcio en el medio externo, a que se debe esto? La relajación muscular de que factores depende? 5. Grafique y explique cómo evoluciona la fuerza en función del tiempo durante una contracción isométrica y durante una isotónica. Si usted intentara levantar un peso con su brazo, ¿en qué caso su bíceps realizaría una contracción principalmente isométrica y en qué caso una fundamentalmente isotónica? 6. La fuerza de contracción depende de la longitud de la fibra muscular en reposo. Trace un gráfico de la relación fuerza total vs. longitud en reposo y explíquelo brevemente. 7. ¿Cómo se induce un proceso de contracción tetánica en el músculo esquelético? Explique el porqué de dicho fenómeno y grafíquelo como fuerza vs. tiempo. 8. En una preparación experimental se aísla un músculo esquelético de ratón junto con un segmento del nervio que lo inerva. El músculo es sujetado en un extremo a un punto fijo y en el otro a un transductor de fuerza. Por su parte, el nervio es conectado a un estimulador eléctrico. El músculo es sostenido a una longitud inicial (5 cm) igual a su longitud normal (la longitud en el animal en ausencia de actividad motora). Se aplican pulsos eléctricos al nervio de amplitud creciente hasta que se activan el 50% de las unidades motoras contenidas en la preparación y se adopta este estímulo. a. ¿Las contracciones registradas son de tipo isométricas o isotónicas? b. Defina unidad motora. c. Explique por qué aumentando la intensidad del estímulo que se aplica a un nervio se puede activar un número creciente de unidades motoras. d. En el análisis de la relación entre la actividad del nervio motor y la contracción del músculo esquelético ¿qué efecto tendría la omisión del ion calcio durante un corto período? Explique. e. Se aplican ráfagas de 5 estímulos (del tipo que se describe en el párrafo inicial) a frecuencias de 1, 5, 10 y 100 estímulos/seg. La siguiente figura muestra la respuesta contráctil de este músculo a un solo estímulo. Dibuje un gráfico que describa la tensión máxima ejercida por el músculo en función de la frecuencia de disparo de la neurona motora (tensión vs. frecuencia). Explique brevemente el comportamiento que describe el gráfico. 9. A diferencia del músculo esquelético el músculo cardíaco no está integrado por unidades motoras, sino que se contrae siempre como un todo con intervención de todos los miocitos. ¿Cómo es, entonces, que se regula fisiológicamente la contracción del músculo cardíaco? 10. Existen reflejos espinales que protegen al músculo esquelético frente a situaciones que puedan provocar un sobre-estiramiento del mismo. Describa cuál es el sensor, el efector, y el circuito neuronal involucrado. 11. Shiels y colaboradores midieron en dos condiciones experimentales distintas la evolución de la concentración interna de Ca++ (AF/F es una medida indirecta de la concentración de Ca++) durante la contracción de un miocito aislado (figura A). Al mismo tiempo estudiaron el desarrollo de tensión del mismo miocito (figura B). AF/F Tiempo (ms) Tiempo (ms) En relación a las propiedades del músculo estudiadas aquí, ¿A qué puede deberse que para idénticas concentraciones de Ca++ se desarrolle distinta cantidad de fuerza? ¿Cómo se explica este fenómeno? Descripción de las técnicas utilizadas Tinción con Hematoxilina-Eosina La Hematoxilina-Eosina (H&E) es la técnica de tinción histológica de aplicación general más usada. Una de sus principales ventajas radica en que se puede usar después de cualquier tipo de fijación tisular. Es usualmente usada en histología y patología para observar la morfología de diversos tejidos y células. La hematoxilina, una tinción nuclear común, se aísla de un extracto de madera (Haematoxylon campechianum). El primer éxito en la aplicación biológica de la hematoxilina fue descrito por Bohmer en 1865. Esta tinción no tiñe directamente los tejidos, sino que necesita de un “mordiente” para unirse a los tejidos. Este efecto es provisto por un catión metálico como el hierro, aluminio o tungsteno. La variedad de hematoxilinas disponibles se basa parcialmente en la elección del ión metálico usado. El complejo ión metálico-hematatoxilina con carga positiva se combina con grupos de fosfatos con carga negativa de ADN nuclear, formando un color azul-púrpura característico de las tinciones con hematoxilina. Las soluciones de eosina se utilizan para contratinciones en general. La eosina es la tinción citoplásmica de uso más común. Ya en 1885 fue preconizada por List como contratinción para verde metilo. También se utiliza junto con tintes azules básicos y, cuando se utiliza en combinación con la hematoxilina, recibe la denominación de tinción “H&E”. La eosina es una tinción ácida que interactúa con proteínas celulares ricas en aminoácidos básicos. Se forma un complejo proteíco de tintes que se caracteriza por una tinción citoplásmica de color rosa intenso. Tinción tricrómica de Masson Tinción modificada por De Carlo, que lleva como colorantes hematoxilina de Carazzi, fucsina ponceau de xilidina y azul de anilina. En general, con esta coloración los núcleos se ven violetas rojizos, los citoplasmas de acuerdo al tipo celular pueden ser rojos (epitelios y músculo por ej.), naranjas (glóbulos rojos), azul (fibras colágenas), celeste claro (mucinógeno de células mucosas).