SPORTS International Exhibition


SPORTS International Exhibition
SPORTS International Exhibition The largest sports industry exhibition in Russia and the key
industry event!
For more than twelve years SPORTS Interna6onal Exhibi6on has been maintaining the posi6on of the major sports exhibi6on in Russia, which promotes coopera6on between sports industry enterprises, sports federa6ons and clubs, sports commiCees and sports schools. The Exhibi6on introduces specialists and visitors to the advanced solu6ons and developments in the sphere of sports equipment, fitness equipment and sports diet, equipment, sports clothes and footwear, sports engineering, informa6on technologies, advanced business organiza6on methodologies. Exhibi'on area – 20 000 sq.m Sports demonstra'on sector area – 10 500 sq.m Total number of the exhibitor companies – more than 280 companies Par'cipa'ng countries – 20 countries Total number of visitors – more than 17 500 SPORTS International Exhibition •  More than 12 years on the В2В sports events market •  7 specialist sec'ons covering the key sports market segments PROFESSIONALISM
•  Par6cipants of the Exhibi6on – leading Russian and interna6onal sports industry market companies •  Annual visit by the representa6ves of the Federal and Regional state agencies •  Audience – more than 17,000 visitors from 50 regions of Russia PROMOTION
•  Target audience: a wide range – from sports universi6es students to top managers •  Business program: discussion with the market experts of relevant problems and prospects of the industry; •  Demonstra'on program: unique condi6ons for presenta6on of products and services within a special sports show sector of the Exhibi6on; •  Adver'sing campaign: efficient planning and use of advanced adver6sing media PROGRESS
•  Summit of the sports shops directors •  SPORTS FASHION DAY •  Fitness Conven'on A joint project of Fitness Academy and Planeta Fitness network of fitness clubs •  FitExpo -­‐ Moscow Interna'onal Fitness Fes'val SPORTS International Exhibition Organizers and Partners Organizers: Ø  Ministry for Sports of the Russian Federa6on Ø  Department of Physical Culture and Sports of Moscow Partners: Ø  Sport B2B Ø  FitExpo Ø  MF-­‐Group Ø  SportsFacili6es Ø  Associa6on of Sports Engineering Ø  RANKh and GS with the President of the RF MINISTRY OF SPORTS OF
SPORTS International Exhibition Specialist Sections Sports facili'es Technical equipment and safety of sports facili'es. Engineering Sports equipment and inventory Fitness. Training equipment Sports medicine and nutri'on Extreme sports Sports in the entertainment industry SPORTS International Exhibition Participating Countries (2015 Study Data) 20 countries Exhibi'on Par'cipants’ Geography 7% Moscow 169 (60 %) 33% 60% Regions 91 (33 %) Other countries 20 (7 %) Interna'onal par'cipants: Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Ukraine, Belarus, Canada, China, Spain, Slovenia, Austria, Turkey, Greece, Poland, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Portugal, South Korea, Tajikistan, Pakistan, UK SPORTS International Exhibition Participating companies (2015 Study Data) SPECIALIST SECTIONS Sports Exhibi'on Par'cipants Sports facili6es (36 %) 4% 9% 5% 36% Vendors and manufacturers of sports equipment and inventory (24 %) Training equipment and fitness (13 %) 10% Sports medicine and nutri6on (10 %) 13% 24% Technical sports (4 %) Services: training, sports facili6es marke6ng and management (9 %) Mass media (5 %) SPORTS International Exhibition Exhibition visitors (2015 Study Data) VISITOR’s PROFILE Representa6ves of sports clubs and federa6ons -­‐10 % Rehabilita6on centers’ physicians -­‐ 9% 8% 14% 6% 10% Directors/managers of stadiums, clubs, sports schools -­‐ 11% Coaches -­‐ 7% 9% 11% 4% 7% Security specialists -­‐ 6% Architects, sports facili6es designers -­‐ 8% The builders of sports facili6es -­‐ 10% 10% 8% 6% 7% Developers -­‐ 7% Representa6ves of the hotel business, entertainment centers -­‐ 4% Sports goods distributors -­‐ 8% Directors of wholesale/retail companies -­‐ 14% Owners/managers of fitness clubs -­‐ 6% SPORTS International Exhibition Exhibitors Exhibi6on area (sq.m) 2011 2012 2013 12000 14200 17000 2011 2012 2013 11000 12000 14500 211 237 270 Exhibition in figures Visitors 2011 2012 2013 SPORTS International Exhibition Target Audience VISITOR’s PROFILE BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVES Ø  Directors and managers of sports facili6es, clubs, sports schools Ø  Top managers of wholesale/retail organiza6ons Ø  Sports goods distributors Ø  Representa6ves of hotel business, entertainment centers, rehabilita6on centers interested in purchase of sports equipment. REPRESENTATIVES OF THE BODIES OF EXECUTIVE POWER AND MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENTS INDUSTRY SPECIALISTS Ø  Engineers, builders, developers, architects. Ø  Managers of sports clubs, federa6ons, security specialists, etc. Ø  Teachers, coaches, sports physicians, masseurs Ø  Sportsmen PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE SUBJECT OF THE EXHIBITION FUTURE PROFESSIONALS Ø  Students training under sports management and tour management programs Ø  Student of the Olympic Reserve Junior Sports Schools and Junior Sports Schools Ø  Specialists in advanced training or further educa6on programs
SPORTS International Exhibition MECHNAISM OF SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS SPORTS Interna'onal Exhibi'on provides a unique and advantageous opportunity for promo'on of goods and services on the sports market for the sports industry companies: The Exhibi6on provides the par6cipants with an opportunity for proving to the exis6ng and poten6al customers of their advantage within the segment and high status SPORTS Exhibi6on is a prominent event in the sports industry market. It is the best occasion for business mee6ngs, search for new partners and entering into new contracts SPORTS Exhibi6on is a unique professional floor for discussion of the programs of development of the sports segment in the Russian Federa6on. SPORTS International Exhibition BUSINESS PROGRAM SPORTS Interna6onal Exhibi6on provides for an expanded business program partnered by the Interna6onal Associa6on for Sports and Leisure Facili6es (IAKS), Russian Na6onal Research Ins6tute of Physical Culture and Sports, Sport B2B, FitExpo, major sports federa6ons, clubs and ter6ary ins6tutes. More than 20 specialist events: workshops, presenta6ons, conferences, panel discussions, master classes, round tables, mee6ngs are planned for 2016. These will be addressed by 100 speakers – leaders of the interna6onal and Russian sports industry markets. Business program aCracts more than 4.5 thousand of interna6onal and Russian specialists annually. Specialist event in the major sports industry dimensions s6mulate na6onal and interna6onal investment in sports development, construc6on of world-­‐class sports facili6es, sports management, medicine, para-­‐, professional and popular sports. SPORTS International Exhibition Moscow International Fitness Festival SPORTS International Exhibition Summit of Sports Goods Shops Directors Summit of Sports Goods Shops Directors Organizers are ООО «Business Technologies», Sport B2B Publishers. SPORTS International Exhibition DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM A sports demonstra6on sector is a unique feature of SPORTS Exhibi6on: ü  10 500 sq.m of fitness demonstra6on floor ü  1,000 sq.m of sports surfaces ü  Master classes by Olympic Champions and sports stars ü  Presenta6ons of new sports projects, equipment of well-­‐known Russian and interna6onal retailers, sports surfaces, training equipment, inventory, news sports SPORTS International Exhibition VENUE SPORTS Interna'onal Exhibi'on will be held within the period from 23 'll 25 March 2016 in Sokolniki Exhibi'on and Conven'on Center Sokolniki Exhibi6on and Conven6on Center an interna6onal venue for business and leisure. The complex infrastructure meets the highest interna6onal quality standards as it is evidenced by the UFI cer6fica6on (The Global Associa6on of the Exhibi6on Industry), the AIPC (Interna6onal Associa6on of Congress Centres) and the RUEF membership (Russian Union of Exhibi6ons and Fairs). SPORTS International Exhibition MASS MEDIA COVERAGE Many years of coopera6on between the Exhibi6on and major sports mass media is a guarantee of successful and fruimul partnership:
ZAO «Sport-­‐Express» «RIA-­‐NOVOSTI» Informa'on Agency «Radio Sport» «SportAcademReclama» Publishers «Soviet Sports» Publishers «Sports Facili'es» Magazine «Eurofootball» Magazine «Professional Sports» Magazine «Total Football» Magazine «Sport Business Consul'ng» Magazine «Tennis Weekend» Magazine «Sports Shop» Magazine «Sport B2B» Magazine «Ski B2B» Magazine «Sports Goods» Magazine «Football as Business» Magazine «Football Courier» Magazine «Muscle & Fitness» Magazine «Construc'on and Real Estate World» Magazine «Unarmed Self-­‐Defense» Magazine
«Physical Culture Theory and Prac'ce» Magazine «Sports Day Aeer Day» Newspaper­‐­‐ SPORTS International Exhibition IMAGES OF THE EXHIBITION You are invited to par.cipate in the SPORTS 2016 Interna.onal Exhibi.on! Directorate of the Exhibi.on: Interna.onal Congresses and Exhibi.ons Tel.+7 (495) 607 96 82 +7 (495) 607 06 72 www.sports-­‐ 

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