VacuBrew! Brewing Instructions


VacuBrew! Brewing Instructions
Product# VAC100
VacuBrew! Brewing Instructions
Thank you for buying a VacuBrew Setup! Please read the instructions before your first use. Also, we recommend a trial
run with water first, before you brew with this system. A trial run will ensure you get a feel for how your system works,
as it is unlike any system on the market today.
Equipment List:
A) Funnel
B) Bucket — 2 Gallons
C) Wort Chiller
D) Sparge Assembly Bung
E) Pickup Ring for Hot Liquor tank and Boil Kettle
F) False Bottom
G) Vacuum Pump & Suction Jar
H) Wort Transfer Assembly Bung
I) Kettle Lid O-Rings
J) Boil Kettle
K) Mash Tun
L) Sparge Tank
www.MoreBeer.Com • 1–800–600–0033 • A MoreFlavor, Inc. Company
Mashing A:
False Bottom
Mashing B:
False Bottom
A) Make sure your false bottom is in the mash tun, and one end of the silicone tubing is connected to the false bottom barb, with the loose end of the
tube draped over the side of the kettle and tucked under the handle of the
mash tun. Add your water, and place the Sparge Assembly Bung into the lid
of the Mash Tun.
B) Connect the False Bottom tubing to the underside of the stainless “#1”
tube in the bung. Place the lid on the Mash Tun and begin heating your water. Once the water is at your mashing temp, slowly stir in the grains, being
Mashing B:
careful to avoid knocking the silicone tube off of the barb on the false botSparge Assembly Bung tom, and replace the lid. If you should miss the temperature it is easiest to
add hot water or cold water to move it a few degrees. We do not recommend
adding flame under the VacuBrew Mash Tun, as it is very easy to scorch the
Sparging A:
Pickup Tube Assembly
A) While heating your mash water to your target temp, you should be heating your sparge in your Hot Liquor Tank. When you reach 170˚, turn off the
heat to the Hot Liquor Kettle and attach a long piece of silicone tubing to
the Pick Up Tube for Hot Liquor Tank and drop the Pick Up Tube into the
Hot Liquor Tank.
B) Attach the other end of the silicone tube to the top of the Sparge Arm
which is in the Sparge Assembly bung currently inside the lid of the Mash Tun
Sparge Arm
Sparging B:
Sparge Assembly Bung C) Next, attach the short silicone tube to the stainless “Wort In” tube (#2)
on the underside of the bung and put the Boil Kettle lid (with the o-ring attached) onto the Boil Kettle, secure it in place with the latches on the kettle
walls. This will allow the wort to transfer into the kettle gently and without
Sparging C:
Wort Transfer
D) With another piece of silicone, connect the top of the stainless “#2” tube
to the top of the stainless “#1” tube on the lid of the Mash Tun. Finally, connect the Vacuum Pump to the Suction Jar, and connect the Suction Jar to the
“Vacuum Line” tube (#3) on top of the Wort Transfer bung on the Boil Kettle. Place the Boil Kettle lid on the Kettle and latch it down with the latches.
Sparging D:
Full Sparging Setup
E) Begin the sparge process by turning on the Vacuum Pump and adjusting
the speed to high, creating a vacuum in the Boil Kettle. Once wort begins
flowing from the Mash Tun into the Boil Kettle, and sparge water begins to
flow from the Hot Liquor Tank into the Mash Tun, turn down the speed on
the Vacuum Pump as low as possible. The sparge should take 45–60 min.
Note: Due to the vacuum created in the boil kettle, the sparge water is being pulled through the kettles from the Hot Liquor Tank, down through the
grains, and then out into the Boil Kettle. It is important in this stage to not
open the Boil Kettle or Mash Tun lids, which should both be securely latched
down. If you do, you will break the suction and will kill the sparge.
www.MoreBeer.Com • 1–800–600–0033 • A MoreFlavor, Inc. Company
The Boil:
Chilling A:
Wort Chiller
Chilling A:
Transfer Assembly Bung
A) Sparge until you have collected 1–2 gallons of wort over the final amount
you want. If you calculated your sparge water amount properly, the system
should collect 6–7 gallons of wort after the sparge water runs out, and the
vacuum has drawn all the wort it can from the Mash Tun. Before beginning
the boil, unlatch and remove the boil kettle lid.
B) Follow the directions for your recipe as usual. Placing your hops into a hop
bag is required to reduce the likelihood of clogging during chilling. A good
boil-off amount is 10% of the starting volume. Additionally you will be leaving
some liquid in the break and hop matter that should be left in the boil kettle.
Chilling Your Wort (Cannot be used with any plastic fermenters!):
Chilling B:
Wort Chiller Assembly
A) Before you are ready turn the heat off on your Boil Kettle, put your Wort
Chiller, Wort Transfer Assembly bung with the short piece of tubing still attached, Pick Up Tube, and your two longest piece of silicone tubing into a
bucket of Star San or other sanitizing liquid. Let these pieces sit for 1–2 minutes.
B) Carefully remove the sanitized chiller, silicone bung and the silicone tubing. Place the Wort Chiller into the small bucket, and place the funnel on top,
so that the Wort Chiller Inlet is sticking up through the bottom of the Funnel.
Chilling C:
Pickup Tube Assembly
Chilling C:
Boil Kettle
Chilling C:
Wort Transfer Assembly
C) If you have an extra hop bag, cover the Pick Up Tube with the hop bag and
connect the pickup tubing to the Wort Chiller Inlet. Connect a second piece
of tubing to the Wort Chiller Outlet, and run the other end of that into the
top part of the stainless “#2” tubing on the Wort Transfer Assembly bung.
The “#2” tube should still have the short piece of silicone tubing on the underside of the Wort Transfer Assembly bung. Put the Wort Transfer Assembly
bung into the neck of your carboy. Connect the vacuum pump to the stainless
“#3” tube. Turn off the heat to the Boil Kettle and replace the lid, securing it
with the latches.
D) Fill the bucket with the Wort Chiller in it with the coldest water possible,
and keep the water flowing into the funnel during the cooling process. This
helps circulate the cold water. Place the Pick Up Tube into the Boil Kettle so
it rests on the bottom. Now turn on the vacuum pump and set it to high. Replace the lid. Carefully feel what the temperature of the silicone tubing exiting
the Wort Chiller is. If the tube is too hot, turn down the speed on the Vacuum
Pump until the temperature drops. Periodically check the temperature of the
tube exiting the chiller to make sure the temperature has not drifted.
E) Stop drawing wort into the chiller when you see hops or trub begin to enter
the carboy. Stop the vacuum by carefully lifting the Pickup Tube from the Boil
Kettle. The Pickup Tube and the tube connected to it may be very hot, so be
sure to use an oven mitt or tongs. The vacuum being created in the carboy
will drain the Wort Chiller, and when wort flow stops you can pull the Wort
Transfer bung from the carboy and replace it with your normal airlock and
www.MoreBeer.Com • 1–800–600–0033 • A MoreFlavor, Inc. Company