Precision in scale 2016 CATALOGUE
Precision in scale 2016 CATALOGUE
2016 CATALOGUE Precision in scale Welcome to our 2016 Collection… Precision in scale 1 2 6 Kenworth K200 Prime Movers 10 Kenworth T909 Prime Movers 14 Kenworth C509 Sleeper 18 Drake Trailer and Dolly Combos 20 Kenworth K200 with Drake 2x8 Dolly and 3x8 Swingwing 24 Kenworth T909 with Drake 2x8 Dolly and 4x8 Swingwing 28 Kenworth K200 with 2x8 Dolly and 4x8 Dragline Bucket Trailer 32 Kenworth C509 with Drake 2x8 Dolly and 5x8 Swingwing 36 Drake Steerable Trailers and Accessory 42 Ballast Boxes 46 Lifting 50 Coming Soon 54 Merchandise Drake Trailers is Australia’s leading manufacturer of heavy-duty trailers and specialised transport equipment. Since 1960, Drake Trailers has developed equipment that delivers on their promise of quality, reliability, and durability, both in Australia and internationally. Drake has generations of experience in the heavy transport industry and a comprehensive range of designs and manufacturing facilities. 2010 marked the beginning of a new identity, Drake Collectibles. This was in response to demand from avid diecast collectors and Drake Trailer operators alike. Our initial focus was on replicas of Australian produced equipment, starting with the iconic Drake Swingwing Low Loader, Dolly and Kenworth T908 Prime Mover combination. Drake Collectibles in its own right have now produced a variety of highly collectable replicas of both Australian and international pedigrees and are rapidly being recognised as a major contributor to the world wide premium collectable market. At Drake Collectibles, we are looking forward to a big year in 2016. The team are extremely excited about our new replicas such as the Drake 12x8 Steerable platform low loader, some new Kenworth trucks, and a new range of uniquely Australian icons of the heavy trucking & construction industry. To learn more about Drake Collectibles, visit To learn more about Drake Trailers, visit 3 4 Where did I come from? 352'8&7/$81&+3$&.$*(3/36WHSRQHLQSURGXFLQJRQHRIWKHZRUOG·VÀQHVWGLHFDVWUHSOLFDVLVJDWKHULQJGDWDIRUWKHSURWRW\SH This consists of 3D drawings if available, scaled photos and hand sketches. '(6,*1$IWHUÀQDOLVLQJWKHIXQFWLRQVDQGIHDWXUHVWKHQH[WVWHSLVWRSURGXFHD'FRPSXWHULVHGGHVLJQUHQGHURIWKHPRGHO$GGHG E\WKHWHFKQRORJLFDODGYDQFHPHQWVZLWK'FRPSXWHUGHVLJQZHDUHQRZDEOHWREHPRUHÁH[LELOLW\IRUFXVWRPLVDWLRQDQGGHWDLO TOOLING SAMPLES: Resin tooling samples are then produced from the computerised design renderings. These tool models are also referred to as “Hand Samples.” They are manufactured using different techniques including CNC machining and 3D printing. REVIEW: The “hand sample” is then subjected to a series of inspections from various departments checking for accuracy, potential GHVLJQRUDVVHPEO\SUREOHPV7KHVDPSOHLVUHZRUNHGXQWLODOOGHSDUWPHQWVDUHVDWLVÀHGWKDWWKHPRGHOFRPSOLHVZLWKDOO requirements. TOOLING: Utilising all the approved data, production tooling is then fabricated from high grade steel using state of the art CNC PDFKLQHVIRUWKHODUJHUGLHVDQGHOHFWULFDOGLVFKDUJHPDFKLQLQJIRUÀQHGHWDLO7KHUHDUHDSSUR[LPDWHO\WRROLQJEORFNVWRSURGXFH a Drake Collectibles truck. 0(7$/6$03/(7KHPHWDOVDPSOHRU´ÀUVWVKRWµLVWKHQFDVWIURPWKHWRROLQJ7KLVPRGHOLVDVVHPEOHGWRWHVWWKHÀWPHQWDQG clearance of all the parts. It is then reviewed in detail and if we’re happy with it…… it’s off to production!!! PRODUCTION: Production commences with the casting and injecting of the diecast and plastic parts. A Drake Collectable truck will have between 250 – 300 parts each. After the parts are removed from their trees and inspected they are cleaned and any secondary GULOOLQJLVFRPSOHWHG7KHQLW·VRIIWRWKHSDLQWVKRSIRUWKHLUUHVSHFWLYHFRORXUV6PDOOHUSDUWVDUHVSD\HGE\KDQGLQDÀOWUDWHGERRWK while larger parts are painted in an electrostatic booth then baked at 150 degrees in a heated kiln. Chrome parts are sent to the electro platers for coating. Next step is either Tampo printing or UGT decaling which is then baked in a kiln. The parts are assembled LQWRVXEDVVHPEOLHVDQGWKHQPRYHGWRWKHSURGXFWLRQOLQHIRUÀQDODVVHPEO\ 48$/,7<&21752/0RGHOVDUHWKHQLQVSHFWHGE\TXDOLÀHG4$SHUVRQQHODQGSDFNDJHGLQWRSUHGRPLQDQWO\6W\URIRDPVKLSSLQJER[HV These “shock proof” boxes are specially designed to withstand and accidental shipping damage on its travels to its new home, your display cabinet. 5 Functions Features Driver and passenger doors open Bogie drive Air ride seats Realistic engine detail Functioning suspension Suspension detail Pivoting 2.8M cabin Realistic hose detail /RFNLQJÀIWKZKHHO Wire mirrors 6OLGLQJÀIWKZKHHO Rubber tyres Metal rims 5XEEHUPXGÁDSV Detailed interior Right hand drive 3KRWRHWFKHGKHDWVKLHOGVRYHUPXIÁHUV Australian license plate 6 KENWORTH K200 PRIME MOVERS 7 8 Z01345 White Z01349 Drake Z01354 Charcoal Z01357 Metalic Blue Z01360 Doolans Z01362 McAleese Z01364 Membrey Z01367 NQ Group Z01372 Burgundy Z01373 Chrome Yellow Z01374 Black Z01375 MacTrans Z01376 NHH Z01377 NTS Z01386 Silver Z01345HH Higgs 9 Functions Features Oscillating skid plate Bogie drive with 50” sleeper /RFNLQJÀIWKZKHHO Realistic engine detail Driver and passenger doors open Suspension detail Air ride seats Realistic hose detail Functioning suspension Wire mirrors Pivoting bull bar Rubber tyres 6OLGLQJÀIWKZKHHO Metal rims Raise & lower bonnet Australian license plate Detailed interior 5XEEHUPXGÁDSV Right hand drive 3KRWRHWFKHGKHDWVKLHOGVRYHUPXIÁHUV 10 KENWORTH T909 PRIME MOVERS 11 12 Z01365 White Z01366 Burgundy Z01367-909 Gunmetal Grey Z01368 Rosso Red Z01369 Drake Z01370 Membrey Z01371 Betts Bower Z01378 Black 13 Functions Features Oscillating skid plate Bogie drive with 50” sleeper /RFNLQJÀIWKZKHHO Realistic engine detail Driver and passenger doors open Suspension detail Air ride seats Realistic hose detail Functioning suspension Wire mirrors Pivoting bull bar Rubber tyres 6OLGLQJÀIWKZKHHO Metal rims Raise & lower bonnet Australian license plate Detailed interior 5XEEHUPXGÁDSV Right hand drive 3KRWRHWFKHGKHDWVKLHOGVRYHUPXIÁHUV 14 KENWORTH C509 SLEEPER 15 16 Z01379 Chrome Yellow Z01381 McAleese Z01382 Vintage Burgundy Z01383 Gunmetal Grey Z01384 Drake Z01385 CQHH Z01386 NHH Z01387 White Z01388 Betts Bower Z01392 Doolans . 17 Functions Features Oscillating skid plate Two position kingpin (dolly) /RFNLQJÀIWKZKHHO Oversize sign on rear ramps Dolly widens Three position kingpin (swingwing) Pivoting suspension 8 tyres per axle Drop down legs Plastic mudguards Removable spare tires Rubber tyres Widening deck with locking pins Replicated hydraulic hoses Functioning ramps with chains Australian license plate Working trailing arm suspension Raised Drake logo 5XEEHUPXGÁDSV Dunnage trays 18 ZT09034 Mercury Silver 4x8 Swingwing & 2x8 Dolly Red (available later in 2016) 4x8 Swingwing & 2x8 Dolly White (available later in 2016) 4x8 Swingwing & 2x8 Dolly Drake Trailer and Dolly only Combo ZT0923 Membreys 3x8 Swingwing & 2x8 Dolly 19 Functions Features Oscillating skid plate Two position kingpin (dolly) /RFNLQJÀIWKZKHHO Oversize sign on rear ramps Dolly widens Three position kingpin (swingwing) Pivoting suspension 8 tyres per axle Drop down legs Plastic mudguards Removable spare tires Rubber tyres Widening deck with locking pins Replicated hydraulic hoses Functioning ramps with chains Australian license plate Working trailing arm suspension Raised Drake logo 5XEEHUPXGÁDSV Dunnage trays 20 KENWORTH K200 WITH DRAKE 2X8 DOLLY AND 3X8 SWINGWING 21 22 v ZT09012A White ZT09036 Chrome Yellow ZT09040 NHH ZT09014A Drake ZT09037 Burgundy ZT09041 Higgs ZT09016A Charcoal ZT09038 MacTrans ZT09042 Link Low Loaders ZT09035 Black ZT09039 NTS ZT09043 Metcalf 23 Functions Features Oscillating skid plate Two position kingpin (dolly) /RFNLQJÀIWKZKHHO Oversize sign on rear ramps Dolly widens Three position kingpin (swingwing) Pivoting suspension 8 tyres per axle Drop down legs Plastic mudguards Removable spare tires Rubber tyres Widening deck with locking pins Replicated hydraulic hoses Functioning ramps with chains Australian license plate Working trailing arm suspension Raised Drake logo 5XEEHUPXGÁDSV Dunnage trays 24 KENWORTH T909 WITH DRAKE 2X8 DOLLY AND 4X8 SWINGWING 25 26 ZT09024 White ZT09025 Rosso Red ZT09026 Black ZT09027 Mercury Silver ZT09028 Drake ZT09030 Betts Bower ZT09031 P&S Haul-Em ZT09033 Membrey ZT09044 Andys 27 Functions Features Oscillating skid plate Raise and lower gooseneck /RFNLQJÀIWKZKHHO Oversize sign on rear ramps Dolly widens Three position kingpin (swingwing) Pivoting suspension 8 tyres per axle Drop down legs Plastic mudguards Removable spare tires Rubber tyres Widening deck with locking pins Replicated hydraulic hoses Functioning ramps with chains Australian license plate Working trailing arm suspension Raised Drake logo Opening deck sections 5XEEHUPXGÁDSV Dunnage trays Air ride seats Bogie Drive Realistic Engine Detail 28 KENWORTH K200 WITH 2X8 DOLLY AND 4X8 DRAGLINE BUCKET TRAILER 29 * Bucket sold separately ZWBR001-W Worn 30 ZWBR001 Red * Worn and Red buckets sold separately ZT09045 White ZT09046 Drake ZT09047 Chrome Yellow ZT09048 McAleese ZT09049 Betts Bower ZT09050 CQ Group ZT09051 Black ZT09052 Metalic Blue ZT09053 Burgundy 31 Functions Features Oscillating skid plate Bogie drive with 50” sleeper /RFNLQJÀIWKZKHHO Realistic engine detail Driver and passenger doors open Suspension detail Air ride seats Realistic hose detail Functioning suspension Wire mirrors Pivoting bull bar Rubber tyres 6OLGLQJÀIWKZKHHO Metal rims Raise & lower bonnet Australian license plate Detailed interior 5XEEHUPXGÁDSV Right hand drive 3KRWRHWFKHGKHDWVKLHOGVRYHUPXIÁHUV 32 33 KENWORTH C509 WITH DRAKE 2X8 DOLLY & 5X8 SWINGWING 34 ZT09054 White ZT09055 Hogan ZT09057 Chrome Yellow ZT09058 Drake ZT09060 Gunmetal Grey ZT09061 Red and White ZT09063 CQHH ZT09064 Betts Bower ZT09056 NHH ZT09059 Vintage Burgundy ZT09062 McAleese 35 36 STEERABLE 37 Drake 7x8 Steerable Trailer Functions Features Modular construction with removable goose neck and rear bumper Diecast construction Widening decks with notched locking 56 rubber tyres + spares (8 tyres per row) Rotating and sliding head assembly Detailed hydraulic system including rams Raise lower gooseneck Replicated hydraulic power pack, tank and lines Opening engine covers 5XEEHUPXGÁDSV Opening control covers Detailed operating controls Contra rotating steering Over size signs Linkable steering between modules Australian Number plates Working suspension Rear push point Functioning loading ramps with chains Air and water tanks 38 Drake 2x8 Dolly Functions Features Oscillating skid plate 16 Rubber tyres + spares /RFNLQJÀIWKZKHHO Plastic mud guard Dolly widens Replicated hydraulic and air hoses Two position king pin Australian license plate Pivoting suspension Detailed air and water tanks Drop down legs Removable spare tyres Steerable Trailer Accessory Kit Functions Features Widening decks with notched locking 3x8 section Contra rotating steering 2x8 section Linkable steering between modules Drop in deck section Working suspension Rubber tyres Modular construction with joint bolt kit 39 7x8 Steerable with 2x8 Dolly 40 Accessories Pack * 7x8 Steerable with 2x8 Dolly Pack is sold seperately to the Accessories Pack McAleese 7x8 Steerable with 2x8 Dolly ZT09065 Accessories Pack ZT09065A Doolan White White & Red (pre-order) Membrey (pre-order) ZT09066 ZT09068 ZT09071 ZT09079 ZT09066A ZT09068A ZT09071A ZT09079A Livery / Colour 41 $EDOODVWER[LVGHVLJQHGWRÀWRYHUWKHGULYHRIWKHSXVKRUSXOOWUXFNWRDGGDGGLWLRQDOZHLJKWIRUKHDY\ loads which aids traction. Features Fire Extinguishers Tyre Crane Spare Tyres Drawer Bar Spot Lights 42 Fits all Drake Collectibles Trucks BALLAST BOXES 43 44 Z021302 Charcoal Z021303 Blue Z021304 Red Z021306 McAleese Z021307 Doolans Z021308 White Z021305 NQ Group 45 Walter Wright Grove RT540E Mobile Crane Functional outriggers Steerable front and rear axles Swinging boom and lattice sections Functional hydraulic cylinders Detailed engine compartment Opening operator cab door Extendable 4 section boom Extendable telescopic jib Rotating carbody Functional load block and load block winch Removable valve bank cover Opening engine access door 46 ZT0S002 WW-RTS40E CQ Group Terex AC200 Mobile Crane Steerable 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th axles Pivoting boom and lattice sections Removable rear and side counterweights Pivoting operators cab Extendable 7 section boom Functional hydraulic cylinder Pivoting jib LIFTING Rotating carbody Functional load block and load block winch Extendable outriggers Rubber tires Accurate decal package Detailed operators cab Detailed drivers cab Safety and work lighting Z86908 CQ Crane 47 Membreys Grove 5130-2 Mobile Crane Steerable 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th axles Rotating carbody Pivoting boom and lattice sections Functional load block and load block winch Removable side counter weights Extendable outriggers Fly Jib Rubber tires Pivoting operators cab Accurate decal package Extendable 7 section boom Detailed operators cab Functional hydraulic cylinder Detailed drivers cab Pivoting jib Safety and work lighting 6 section boom 48 *Craig Membrey not included 49 50 1:50 Scale Iconic Australian Transport Equipment Diecast Models COMING SOON 51 1:50 Scale Iconic Australian Transport Equipment Diecast Models 52 1:24 Scale Plastic Model Kits 53 Check out our great range of merchandise at 54 Drake Collectables +61 7 3271 5888 19 Formation St Wacol QLD Australia 4076 Available from:
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