puppet annual report - Center for Puppetry Arts


puppet annual report - Center for Puppetry Arts
2003 - 2004
Annual Report
25 years
Puppets and the Power
of Possibility
“Kermit the Frog slept here. So did some of Julie
Taymor’s lion kin. Izzy, the ignominious blue blob,
has rested here since the ’96 Summer Games.
We’re at the Center for Puppetry Arts, the house
of whimsy that Vince Anthony built, marionette by
sock puppet by marionette, with a bunch of likeminded string pullers. In the past 25 years, they’ve
turned the old Spring Street Elementary School into
a puppet kingdom – a theater, education center and
museum – that is championed the world over.”
- The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, March 7, 2004
Dear Friends and Supporters,
Twenty-five years ago, I founded the Center for Puppetry Arts. It was my dream to have one
location – a center – where the art form could be cherished, shared and studied. A place to
preserve the past, while at the same time look toward the future of the art form. A place
where you could learn from a puppet – about its history, its culture, and most of all, our
history as humans.
Today, that dream is a solid reality. Here, in a former school building, we presented almost
800 performances this season. Almost 250,000 men, women and children from all walks of
life visited the Center, and we reached 20,000 more through our Outreach and Distance
Learning programs. An estimated 350,000 people toured our free off-site museum exhibits.
The Center continues to serve as the United States headquarters for Union Internationale
de la Marionnette (UNIMA), the oldest theater organization in the world. In my 11th year in
office as General Secretary of UNIMA-USA, I am proud to be a part of a global organization
that connects American puppeteers to puppeteers in over 65 countries.
As we embark on the next 25 years, we acknowledge the individuals, corporations, foundations
and government organizations that were a part of our first 25 Year Celebration. With your
support we will continue to grow and maintain an organization that will entertain and educate
the community for years to come. Many of the people and groups listed in this report have
been supporting the Center for a number of years, denoting an exciting heritage and solid
groundwork on which to shape our future.
I hope you enjoy reading the following report on our 25th Anniversary Season, which covers
July 1, 2003 – June 30, 2004.
Vincent Anthony
Executive Director
Board of Directors
July 1, 2003 – June 30, 2004
Mr. John T. Chandler Jr., Equifax (Retired), Chairman
Mr. Vincent Anthony, Center for Puppetry Arts, President
Mrs. William B. Wylly, Community Volunteer, Immediate Past Chair
Mr. Bruce Fike, Aldenshire, Ltd., Secretary
Mr. Brion Friedman, Montag & Caldwell Investment Counsel, Treasurer
Executive Committee
Mr. Mike Anderson, Georgia Power Company
Mr. Kip R. Caffey, Cary Street Partners
Mrs. U. Bertram Ellis, Jr., Community Volunteer
Mr. John Freebairn, Freebairn & Co.
Ms. Diane K. Gray, Consultant
Mrs. J. Erskine Love, Jr., Printpack Inc.
Mr. Barry Sikes, Creative Digital Group
Ms. Deirdre C. Stiles, Community Volunteer
Mrs. Alan Taetle, Community Volunteer
Board Members
Ms. Hillary A. Baker, Community Volunteer
Mr. Dennis M. Betz, BellSouth
Mr. Jameson B. Carroll, King & Spalding
Ms. Lavona Currie, Community Volunteer
Mr. Thomas W. Dortch, Jr., One Hundred Black
Men of America
Mr. Mark L. Feidler, BellSouth
Mr. Steve Floyd, August House
Mr. Kevin Foster, Macquarium
Mrs. Edward T. M. Garland, Community
Ms. Deirdre W. Holland, D. Woodard
Associates, Inc.
Mr. Edward Knox, Knox Jewelers
Mr. Matthew S. Lewis, CheckFree Corporation
Mr. Joe McCarthy, Lucent Technologies
Ms. Deidre McDonald, Clark Atlanta
Mrs. Marge McDonald, Creative & Publishing
Concepts, Ltd.
Mr. Kevin McGonigle, Five Star Partners LLC
Mrs. Elizabeth Newton, Executrack
Mrs. E. Earl Patton, Jr., Community Volunteer
Ms. Susan Pease Langford, Peck,
Shaffer & Williams
Mr. Robb Pitts, Fulton County Commission
Mrs. Mark B. Riley, Community Volunteer
Mr. Adam L. Smith, Esq., City of Atlanta
Mrs. C. Preston Stephens, Community Volunteer
Mr. Michael E. Stogner, Bank of America
Mrs. Kenneth S. Taratus, Jr., Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention
Ms. Rosalia Thomas, IBM
Ms. Marion Tilson, Cingular Wireless
Mrs. Annie-York Trujillo, Community Volunteer
Mrs. Clyde Tuggle, Community Volunteer
Ms. Elaine Rogers Walsh, Jones Day
Dr. Jonne Walter, Physician
Ms. Julia C. Wellborn, Wachovia Bank
Mr. Mack Wilbourn, Jr., Mack II, Inc.
Advisors to the Board
Mrs. H. Pierce Allgood, Community Volunteer
Dr. Juliet Dobbs Blackburn-Beamon, Atlanta
Mrs. George S. Branch, Community Volunteer
Dr. Margo Brinton, Georgia State University
Mr. M. A. Brown, Georgia Power Company
Mrs. Jesse Hill, Jr., Community Volunteer
Ms. Lisa Clarke Keller, Community Volunteer
Mr. James H. Landon, Jones Day
Mr. Robert Rivers, URS Corporation
Ms. Mary Shivers O’Gara, High Museum of Art
Mr. Martin Tilson, Kilpatrick Stockton LLP
Mr. E. Grady Terry, Jr., Southeastern Mediation
Mrs. Nils E. Wennerholm, Community Volunteer
Honorary Directors
Mr. James G. Dalton, Sr., Caraustar Industries
Mrs. Rutherford L. Ellis, Community Volunteer
Financial Statement
July 1, 2003 – June 30, 2004
revenue sources
revenue from operations...........................$1,188,305
Performances, Museum, Education, Museum Store
revenue from contributions......................$1,619,399
In-Kind Donations...........................................................$505,268
Grants and Contracts.....................................................$196,784
String Fling Fundraiser.....................................................$147,753
Donated Museum Items.................................................$10,460
Revenue from
endowment and investments.......................$401,215
total revenue..........................................$3,208,919
revenue for operations..............................$3,579,433
Programming, Fundraising, Administration,
Marketing and Depreciation
program attendance
education programs........62,796
museum programs........... 34,180
total number of admissions...............................619,987
About the Center for
Puppetry Arts
The Center for Puppetry Arts is proud to Celebrate 25 Years! On September 23, 1978,
Kermit the Frog, accompanied by his creator, Jim Henson, cut the ribbon to officially open
the Center in Midtown Atlanta. “The little Center that could” is now the nation’s largest
non-profit organization dedicated to the art form of puppetry and focuses on three areas:
performance, education and museum.
Each year the Center for Puppetry Arts brings quality family programming to Atlanta as part
of the Family Series, a collection of adapted classic stories and new works performed in a
variety of puppetry styles by the Center company. National traveling puppetry troupes set
up shop at the Center during SummerFest for families, while teen and adult-oriented shows
by Atlanta artists and visiting companies comprise the New Directions Series.
In addition to presenting riveting productions, the Center offers a variety of classes and
workshops for adults and children alike. Create-A-Puppet Workshops, offered in conjunction
with Family Series performances, encourage children to build a puppet of their own that is
related to the show. Adults can learn more about different aspects of puppetry in the Adult
Education Series. And the Distance Learning program reaches students across the U.S. with
a virtual field trip experience.
No visit to the Center would be complete without touring Puppets: The Power of Wonder, an
inviting, interactive museum that provides hands-on educational fun with over 350 puppets
from around the world. Additional puppets and objects are on display in special exhibits
throughout the building.
As part of the effort to preserve the art form of puppetry, the Center’s Museum Collection
includes more than 1,000 puppets and 1,000 posters of historical and cultural significance.
The Collection also includes the holdings of the Research Library, which contains over 1,500
books and 1,000 videotapes, as well as photographs, clippings and periodicals documenting
puppetry throughout the world.
Founder and Executive Director Vincent Anthony created an Atlanta treasure that engages
the hearts, minds and imaginations of people from every background, culture and economic
status. With the support of its audience, donors and sponsors, the Center for Puppetry Arts
looks forward to educating, enriching and entertaining the community it calls home for the
next 25 years.
Where can you meet American legends, precocious elves and botanical troubadours?
Only at the Center for Puppetry Arts!
SummerFest 2003
The Fairy Circus
by Tanglewood Marionettes of Ware, MA
June 24 - July 13, 2003
A marionette menagerie featuring over twenty
beautifully hand-crafted marionettes. Mainstage
Create-A-Puppet Workshop: Clever Clown Rod
Museum Tour: How many clowns can you find in
the Museum?
Tangle of Tales
by Grey Seal Puppets of Charlotte, NC
July 15 - August 3, 2003
Based on three European folk tales and featuring
lively piano rags, playful instrumentals, hand puppets,
movable mouth and rod puppets, and wonderfully
wacky wobblies. Mainstage Theater.
Create-A-Puppet Workshop: Jumping Frog
Shadow Puppet
Museum Tour: Try your hand at making a pig
shadow puppet in the puppet arcade.
Alice in
Underground Railroad,
Not A Subway
by Dr. Schroeder Cherry, of Washington, DC
July 25-27, 2003
Presented as part of the National Black Arts Festival.
Kyle, a boy of 10, flees a Southern plantation
and heads to New York via the Underground
Railroad. Told with rod puppets, hand puppets
and wooden cutouts. Downstairs Theater.
Create-A-Puppet Workshop: Historic Hero Rod
Museum Tour: Search for the Sotigi horse and rider
rod puppet from Mali.
Alice in Wonderland
by National Marionette Theatre
of Brattleboro,VT
August 5-24, 2003
A fully staged production of Lewis Carroll’s classic.
Mainstage Theater.
Create-A-Puppet Workshop: Cheshire Cat Hand
Museum Tour: Can you find Tony Sarg’s Mad Hatter
2003-04 Family Series
The Reluctant Dragon
The Plant Doctors
A classic from acclaimed author Kenneth Grahame
brought to life with hand-and-rod puppets, shadow
puppets, and Bobby Box as the Dragon. Downstairs
Create-A-Puppet Workshop: Friendly Dragon
Shadow Puppet – learn about life in medieval times.
Museum Tour: Look for a Sicilian knight marionette
from Italy in the Special Exhibit Gallery.
A medicinal musical teaching respect for the
environment as well as fascinating facts about plants,
ecology and medicine. Mainstage Theater.
Create-A-Puppet Workshop: Sprouting Plant Rod
Puppet – discover interesting facts about plants.
Museum Tour: Can you find a puppet made from
tree branches in the Museum?
adapted by Bobby Box
August 28 - September 21, 2003
American Tall Tales
adapted by Jon Ludwig
September 25 - December 14, 2003
An original historical hoedown told with hand-androd puppets, shadow puppets and twangy tunes.
Mainstage Theater.
Create-A-Puppet Workshop: Babe the Blue Ox
Hand Puppet – discover the characteristics of a tall
Museum Tour: The tallest puppets in our collection
were featured in the Opening Ceremony of the 1996
Centennial Olympic Games. Can you spot them?
The Shoemaker & the Elves
adapted by Bobby Box & Lorna Howley
November 28, 2003 - January 4, 2004
Based on the original tale by the Brothers Grimm.
Told with hand-and-rod puppets, shadow puppets
and a swinging 1940s score. Downstairs Theater.
Create-A-Puppet Workshop: Elf Rod Puppet
– compare and contrast famous fairy tales.
Museum Tour: Whose shoes are bursting through
the ceiling at the entrance to the Museum?
by Jon Ludwig
January 8 - March 11, 2004
Billy Goats Gruff & Other Stuff
by David Stephens, of Foley, AL
February 10 - April 4, 2004
A new twist on some old tales with colorful glove,
rod and hand puppets, and live music. Downstairs
Create-A-Puppet Workshop: Fluttering Butterfly
Rod Puppet – learn about the life cycle of a butterfly.
Museum Tour: The Three Billy Goats Gruff is a tale
from Norway. See a Norwegian puppet in the Video
Viewing Room.
Beauty & the Beast
adapted by Jon Ludwig
April 8 - June 20, 2004
A timeless tale of true love told with puppets made
from found objects. Mainstage Theater.
Create-A-Puppet Workshop: Shaggy Beast
Shadow Puppet – learn to make puppets from
everyday objects.
Museum Tour: Can you find a puppet in the Museum
whose head is made from a bottle?
Dr. Green Onion puppet
The Plant Doctors.
2003-04 New Directions Series
Between Two Worlds/The Dybbuk
The Magic Flute
An award-winning adaptation of playwright S. Ansky’s
haunting tale of Jewish folklore and transcendental
love. Told with surreal masks, exquisite puppets and
an unforgettable score. Mainstage Theater. Ages 12
and up.
The Salzburg Marionettes’ signature
Mainstage Theater. Ages 12 and up.
by Tears of Joy Theatre of Portland, OR
and Mark Levenson of New York, NY
August 22 - 24, 2003
The Spooky Puppet Horror
Show III
by the Center company
October 15 - November 1, 2003
Third time’s the charm for Psycho Bunny, Jasper the
Unfriendly Ghost, She-Devil and The Fiend (Lucky
Yates). Downstairs Theater. Ages 18 and up only.
Tea at the Palace
by Puppetmongers of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
January 30 - February 1, 2004
Toronto’s award-winning troupe serving up a
comical cup of justice, humanity and love with
these heartwarming tales from 11th century Russia.
Downstairs Theater. Ages 12 and up.
The Barber of Seville
by Gioacchino Rossini performed by the
Salzburg Marionette Theatre of Salzburg,
March 12, 2004
Italy’s most famous barber slathers on the suds in
Rossini’s hilarious soap opera. Mainstage Theater.
Ages 12 and up.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
by William Shakespeare performed by the
Salzburg Marionette Theatre of Salzburg, Austria
March 13, 2004
One of Shakespeare’s most famous comedies.
Mainstage Theater. Ages 12 and up.
by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
performed by the Salzburg Marionette
Theatre of Salzburg, Austria
March 14, 2004
Peter and the Wolf
by Sergei Prokofiev performed by the Salzburg
Marionette Theatre of Salzburg, Austria
March 13 & 14, 2004
A symphonic masterpiece introducing youngsters to
the orchestra. Mainstage Theater. Ages 5 and up.
Create-A-Puppet Workshop: Musical Duck
The Hans Christian Andersen
by the David Simpich Marionettes of
Colorado Springs, CO
April 16 - 18, 2004
Hans Christian Andersen conversing with his
beloved misfits between the illustrated pages of a
voluminous book. Downstairs Theater. Ages 12 and
Xperimental Puppetry Theater
May 20 - 23, 2004
A workshop/performance forum to encourage new
works and techniques. Downstairs Theater. Ages
18 and up only.
The 2004 XPT pieces:
Chunky Broken by Brian Smith & Michael Kulik
Helen,WMD (Woman of Mass Destruction)
by Walter Bilderback
Kul Ptoydz by Bradley Bailey
Gilgamesh,Table I by Michael Haverty
(verse by David Ferry)
The Continuousing Adventures of Broccoli and Cheese
by Jeffrey Zwartjes
With Hoots MacGroots on his Scottish Domination
Tour 2004 by Chuck Robinson
From Shaggy Beast Shadow Puppets to the history of Jewish puppetry. From Atlanta to the United Kingdom.
The Center’s Education Department uses puppetry as a teaching tool for a variety of audiences.
Create-A-Puppet Workshops
In the popular Create-A-Puppet Workshops, children ages four and up learned about the unique
form of puppetry and created their very own puppets to take home. Designs changed for each
production and were based on the show’s theme.
Adult Education Classes
Meet the Artist: Dr. Schroeder Cherry
Presented by Dr. Schroeder Cherry of
Washington, DC
Saturday, July 26, 2003
Creating Puppet Theatre from
the Jewish Tradition
Presented by Mark Levenson of New York, NY
Sunday, August 24, 2003
Cherry discussed the process he uses to create his
A brief survey on the history of Jewish puppetry,
including its use to interpret and communicate
traditional Jewish texts and rabbinic legends
(“midrash”). Participants created figures made from
newspaper and performed brief puppet plays.
Film Viewing: PUPHEDZ presents
The Tattle-Tale Heart
Presented by Jürgen Heimann, Writer/Director/
Producer, Brillig Productions L.L.C.,
of Sherman Oaks, CA
Thursday, August 28, 2003
Heimann presented his all-puppet film (starring the
Puphedz). He explained the challenges his company
faced making the film and answered questions from
the audience. After the presentation, participants
were able to see two puppet figures from the film
and get their DVDs autographed.
Almost Alone: Performing Solo
with Puppets
Presented by Bobby Box, Associate Producer,
Center for Puppetry Arts
Saturday, September 20, 2003
Box explored the pros and cons of working “almost
Basic Bunraku-Style Puppetry
Taught by Lynne Jennings,Vice President,
UNIMA-USA, of San Diego, CA
Thursday, January 22, 2004
A simplified introduction to the ancient art form of
Japanese Bunraku puppetry.
Meet the Founder of the Center for
Puppetry Arts Museum
Presented by Nancy Lohman Staub of
New Orleans, LA
Sunday, January 25, 2004
Staub discussed the history, philosophy, scope and
future of the Center’s permanent collection.
Contract Issues Specific to Theaters
Presented by Georgia Lawyers for the Arts,
Atlanta, GA
Thursday, February 12, 2004, 7-8:30 p.m.
A GLA attorney discussed important contract issues
for theaters, including the ins and outs of contract
negotiation, types of contracts and much more.
Hand Puppet Manipulation 101
Taught by David Stephens, All Hands
Productions, of Foley, AL
Thursday, February 19, 2004
Fundamentals of moving-mouth hand puppet
manipulation,including eye focus,posture and lip-synch.
Salzburg Marionette Theatre
Pre-Opera Lecture
Presented by Carter Joseph, Atlanta, GA
Monday, March 8, 2004
A fun and informal introduction to opera and the
stories of Mozart’s The Magic Flute and Rossini’s The
Barber of Seville.
Salzburg Marionette Theatre
Backstage Tour
Presented by Gretl Aicher, Artistic Director,
Salzburg Marionette Theatre of Salzburg,
Saturday, March 13, 2004
Aicher, Artistic Director and granddaughter of the
founder of the Salzburg Marionette Theatre, led
a backstage tour and discussed the history of the
Copyright/Intellectual Property
Issues for Theaters
Presented by Georgia Lawyers for the Arts,
Atlanta, GA
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
A GLA attorney discussed the basics of copyright and
trademark law.
Shadow Puppetry Using
Overhead Projectors
Taught by Jon Ludwig, Associate Artistic
Director, Center for Puppetry Arts
Thursday, May 6, 2004
Ludwig taught how to write/storyboard, construct
and perform a short shadow puppet show using
techniques for two overhead projectors.
Puppet Theatre Camp
Puppet Theatre Camp continues to inspire a new
generation of would-be puppeteers!
In August 2003, seven students ages 12-14 participated in the Center’s Puppet Theatre Camp summer program.
The students met every day from 9:30am to 1:30pm for two weeks. Under the direction of Instructor Erica
Bearden, students worked cooperatively to write an original script, sculpt and paint rod puppets, build scenery
and props, and rehearse their delightful show, What… On the last day of the session, the aspiring puppeteers
performed live for family, friends and Center staff onstage in the Center’s Downstairs Theater. Five of the
participants were from the City of Atlanta Bureau of Cultural Affairs ARTSCool Program.
In June 2004, nine students
ages 7-9 participated in
Puppet Theatre Camp. Under
the direction of Instructor
Eda Nell Long, students wrote
an original script, built hand
puppets,created scenery and
rehearsed their wonderful
show, Circus Delight. They then
performed their piece for
family and friends on the last
day of the session.
A participant in the Teen
Puppet Theatre Camp
practices manipulating his
handmade rod puppet.
Distance Learning
Imagine – you’re a fifth grader at a school in Texas. Science doesn’t interest you much, and you have a hard time
remembering the material. Then one day, your teacher takes you and your class to a different room, where you
see someone on TV, see yourself on TV, and get to make a cool puppet of a tropical bird! Along the way, without
even realizing it, you learn all about the rain forest – and remember what you were taught!
Scenarios like this happen every day in the Center’s Distance Learning Program – a dynamic, interactive virtual
field trip experience. During the 2003-04 season, the studio presented 587 programs on traditional classroom
disciplines, including units on butterflies, spiders, dinosaurs, the rainforest, Native Americans, Africa and more.
Students participated in a learning activity about the topic and created a working puppet.
The studio also conducted its second international videoconference, to the BETT Technology Conference in the
UK, broadcasting a demonstration for K-12 teachers looking for videoconferencing content. And, for the first
time, they served the states of Iowa, Connecticut and Alabama.
Since 1998, the Distance Learning Program has reached primarily rural and underserved audiences that are
unable to access the Center’s hands-on educational programs. For most programs, the Center provided a
comprehensive study guide and list of puppet materials – all of which are easy to find, typically recycled materials
that are of little, if any, cost.
Students REACHed: 13,981
Organizations REACHed: 129
States REACHed: 19
States and Countries Reached
Sample Organizations Served
Brownsburg Challenger Learning
Center, Texas
Huntsville City Schools, Alabama
Iowa Public Television, Iowa
Jewish Day School, Pennsylvania
London BETT Conference, UK
Meridian Public Schools, Michigan
Nance Elementary, Oklahoma
Queens Borough Public Library, New York
Rutgers University, New Jersey
Troy High School, Ohio
Ward Melville Heritage Association,
New York
During the 2003-04 season, the Center’s Outreach Department conducted curriculum-based workshops on
such topics as Space, Dinosaurs, Rainforest, Tall Tales and International Folklore in three southeastern states and
14 counties in Georgia, serving over 8,000 people. The Outreach Department provided services to numerous
elementary schools, high schools and community organizations. Outreach Instructor Jennifer Bodde made a
special pilgrimage to her alma mater to conduct a special workshop for students at New London High School,
New London, CT.
School Systems & Counties Served
Georgia School Systems that participated in the Education Program, either at the Center or at their locations
through the Outreach Program or Distance Learning:
Atlanta Public Schools
Carrollton City
Decatur City
Marietta City
Sample Organizations Served
Atlanta International School
Atlanta Pride Festival
Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta
Camp Sunshine
Fernbank Museum of Natural History
Jekyll Island Authority
Jewish Theater of the South
Latin American Association
Starlight Starbright Children’s Foundation
Spruill Center for the Arts
Woodruff Arts Center
Education Highlights
Center Continues Partnership with Junior League of Atlanta
The Junior League of Atlanta conducted puppet-making workshops every Thursday in January and February
2004 with second-grade students from the Atlanta Public Schools. After students saw a performance of
The Plant Doctors, Junior League volunteers helped students to create their own talking plant or flower hand
puppets. Students then broke into groups and rehearsed a brief skit, song or story which they performed for
their classmates.
Center Presents Workshops at Barnes & Noble @ GA Tech
From September 2003 through March 2004, Education Director Alan Louis conducted puppet-making workshops
one Saturday per month in the children’s area at the Barnes & Noble store at Georgia Tech. Visitors to the store
enjoyed making Friendly Dragon Shadow Puppets, Babe the Blue Ox Hand Puppets, Thanksgiving Turkey Hand
Puppets, Dancing Elf Rod Puppets, Sprouting Plant Rod Puppets, Billy Goat Hand Puppets and Musical Duck
Education Advisory Committee
Juliette D. Blackburn-Beamon
Assistant Professor, Department of Art,
Morris Brown College, Atlanta
Judy Nail
Arts and Humanities Program Director, Muscogee
County School District, Columbus, GA
Margo Brinton, Ph.D.
Professor of Microbiology, Georgia State
University, Atlanta
Emilie Paille, Ed.D.
Professor, Education Department,
Mercer University, Atlanta
Diane Gray
Consultant, Atlanta
Glynis Terrell
Instructor, Atlanta Public Schools ESOL
Program, Atlanta
Jan Jensen
Teacher, Chattahoochee High School,
Alpharetta, GA
M’Balia Thomas
Educator/Spanish Language Consultant, Atlanta
Julia Matthews, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Theater, Kennesaw State
University, Kennesaw, GA
Gary Wenzel, Ph.D.
Science Curriculum Coordinator, Georgia Dept.
of Education, Atlanta
Mona W. Matthews, Ph.D
Associate Professor, Department of Early
Childhood Education, Georgia State
University, Atlanta
Virtually every culture in the world has some form of puppetry – from elaborate goatskin shadow puppets used
to share religious tales in India, to simple wooden rod puppets from Mali; from Punch and Judy, the sly, irreverent
English hand puppets, to beautiful bunraku puppets from Japan.
The Center’s museum presents puppets from various time periods and countries around the world and is meant
to be an introduction to the diversity and universality of the art of puppetry, and thus the humanity behind it.
Exhibitions of puppets are considered essential to enhance understanding and appreciation of performances.
The Center also encourages visitors to find a treasure in our collection that correlates with the current family
PUPPETS: The Power of Wonder
The Center’s permanent exhibit, PUPPETS: The Power of Wonder, is a hands-on museum displaying more than 350
puppets from various time periods and countries around the world. Self-guided and docent-led tours reinforce
the breadth and scope of puppetry through the ages. Curated by Dr. Michael Malkin, Professor of Theatre,
California Polytechnic State University.
Special Exhibits
In addition to the permanent exhibit, the Center has several special
exhibits throughout the building.
Treasures from our Global Collection
Puppetry fulfills a vital role in communities around the world. This exhibit,
drawing from recent acquisitions and never-before-seen pieces in the
Center’s permanent collection, illuminated those roles. The more than
50 puppets on display included puppets from countries as diverse as Mali,
Egypt,India,Japan,Russia,Indonesia,Mexico,the Czech Republic and others.
Co-curated by Susan Kinney and Bradford Clark.
Hyena puppet.
PUPPETS:The Power of Wonder
Permanent Exhibit
1996 REVISITED: Puppets of Olympic Proportions
Atlanta was proud to host the Centennial Olympic Games in 1996. Izzy, the Centennial Olympic mascot,
returned for a visit along with Peter Minshall’s statuesque Belle and Gent, who danced at the Opening
Ceremonies. Olympic pins and memorabilia were also on display.
Carnival, as celebrated in Basel, Switzerland, is a glorious three-day event. Satiric, exaggerated and strikingly
painted, the papier-mâché masks in this exhibit brilliantly captured Carnival’s frivolity, while the wooden folk
masks, complete with ominous eyes and gaping mouths, revealed the superstitions of Switzerland’s mountain
people. Loaned by Basel’s Museum of Culture, Basel, Switzerland.
Uniting diverse images from around the globe, this exhibit includes a wide array of cartoonish, romantic, subtle
and daring posters. Each of these placards, which advertise productions and festivals from UNIMA (Union
Internationale de la Marionnette) Centers, reflects the unique culture of the countries they represent.
Featured in this exhibit were two of the mask prototypes from the Broadway smash hit, The Lion King, for the lion
brothers themselves, Mufasa and Scar. Donated by Julie Taymor.
Off-site Exhibits
Along with the exhibits on-site at the Center, puppets from the museum collection are on display in several
locations throughout the city.
AtlanTIX, Underground Atlanta
Underground Atlanta, a historic retail and entertainment center in downtown, is also home to AtlanTIX, a halfprice ticket booth run by the Atlanta Coalition of Performing Arts. Visitors to Underground and the booth can
view several of the Center’s puppets, including Don Quixote, his sword and horse, and a Gent from the Opening
Ceremonies of the 1996 Olympics.
WSB-TV, Atlanta
On September 29, 1948, WSB-TV went on the air. Among the programs viewers watched that night was a
children’s television show, Woody Willow & Friends, with marionettes manipulated by Don and Ruth Gilpin. In
1983, the Gilpins donated puppets and memorabilia from the show to the Center’s permanent collection. Today,
some of those puppets, including “Elle Elephant,” are on display at the station.
Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, Atlanta
Weary travelers entering or exiting the airport’s International Terminal can view several cases of puppets from the
Center’s permanent collection, representing several countries including Indonesia, China, Germany and Egypt.
The Center’s Research Library is full of excellent resources on the art of puppetry, including books and videos
from around the world. Although some patrons just browse or watch a video for fun, the majority of patrons
use the library for specific research.
During this season, high school students and their parents visited to research for school projects. College
students stopped by to work on papers, with topics ranging from Jim Henson to the history of puppetry, from
types of puppets to puppetry traditions in Asia, Turkey and beyond.
Experienced puppeteers, teachers and professors – from the local area and visitors from out of state – found
information on puppetry in education and therapy, how to build puppets, and the traditions of Wayang Kulit,
Wayang Golek and Bunraku.
Center staff utilized the library as well – new puppeteers viewed archival videos of shows being remounted;
marketing and ticket sales watched videos and did research to learn how to sell a previous show; and Xperimental
Puppetry Theater participants learned more about the craft.
Museum Highlights
Julie Taymor Donates
Lion King Masks
Disney’s The Lion King officially opened
on Broadway on November 13, 1997.
Julie Taymor, Tony award winner and
Oscar nominee, directed the smash
hit and designed the costumes, masks
and puppets. In 2003, Taymor donated
Mufasa and Scar to the Center’s
permanent collection. Created in1997,
the two mask prototypes are made
out of carbon fiber, acrylic paint, balsa
wood, ethafoam and feathers.
Museum Advisory Committee
Nancy Lohman Staub, M.A.
Puppetry Arts Consultant, New Orleans
Mary Jo Arnoldi, Ph.D.
Curator, African Ethnology and Art, Smithsonian
Institution, National Museum of Natural
History, Washington, D.C.
Leslee Asch
Curator, Writer and Lecturer
Former Executive Director, The Jim Henson
John Thomas Bell, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Performing Arts,
Emerson College, Boston
Kathy Foley, Ph.D.
Professor of Asian Theater, University of
California, Santa Cruz
Thom Fountain
Film & Television Puppetry Consultant, Los Angeles
Raylynn Hughes
Library Consultant, Atlanta
Michael R. Malkin, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, Theater and Dance Department,
California Polytechnic State University,
San Luis Obispo, CA
President, Speckled Koi Productions
Kerry McCarthy, M.A.
Principal, McCarthy Arts Consulting,
Jackson Heights, NY
Michiko Ueno-Herr, Ph.D.
Japanese Puppetry Consultant, Honolulu, Hawaii
Season Highlights
Center Revamps Logo & Corporate
Collateral Materials
To coincide with the Center’s 25th season, graphic designer Philip Shore donated his services and designed a new
logotype and corporate identity materials. Materials included business cards, letterhead, press kits and more.The
new look was unveiled on collateral pieces used to promote the 2003-04 season.
Other design work Shore has done for the Center includes the award-winning 1996-97 Annual Report and
various collateral pieces.
business card
Center Blasts into Digital Age
Macquarium Designs New Center Web Site
In December 1996, the Center was one of the first arts organizations to purchase a domain name (www.puppet.
org) and have a presence on the World Wide Web. Since then, the site has gone through several evolutions, but
none of them fully captured the magic that the Center has to offer.
On July 1, 2003, the Center launched a new Web site, designed pro-bono by Atlanta-based Macquarium Intelligent
Communications. Architects, designers and programmers spent two months working with Center staff to create
an enhanced user experience – a visually appealing, comprehensive and easily navigable site.
New features include sections on the Center’s history, job listings, FAQs, individual programming pages, and a
full list of sponsors and the Center’s board. A comprehensive pressroom includes on-line releases, press kits,
media coverage and downloadable images. Macquarium also set up the site so that the Center can maintain
it in-house. The site continues to accept online donations and includes information on all of the current
Prior to the launch, the site received approximately 5,000 visitors a month. After relaunch, it increased to an
average of 29,000 visitors per month.
Macquarium Intelligent Communications (www.macquarium.com) is an Atlanta-based Web development and
consulting firm that delivers solutions such as enterprise portals, content management, interactive marketing,
elearning, and ecommerce to Fortune 500 companies.
As part of the ongoing effort to communicate more effectively with patrons, the Center also launched a monthly
e-Newsletter with partner ExactTarget in July 2003. Over 2,000 subscribers receive information on the month’s
activities as well as special offers. Patrons can sign up to receive the free e-Newsletter on the Web site.
Center named a finalist for the TechBridge Technology in Innovation Award
Because of its creative use of technology, the Center for Puppetry Arts was named a finalist for the 2004
Technology Innovation Award presented by TechBridge in conjunction with Accenture and Microsoft. The Award
salutes innovation through technology by recognizing area nonprofits that use technology to advance their
missions, reach community targets, expand strategic goals and improve client services.
A diverse panel of judges from both the non-profit and for-profit business communities assessed 30 candidates,
choosing Project Open Hand/Atlanta as the winner. Boys and Girls Club of Metro Atlanta was another finalist.
The three finalists were honored at the 2004 Digital Ball, held at the Georgia World Congress Center in May.
Over 1,100 attendees were introduced to the Center via information in the program and a video presentation.
The Center used the award for some work on the next phase of our online presence – the online Museum Store.
TechBridge researched and recommended eCommerce solutions for customers to make purchases online and
constructed an architecture to display and navigate the products that the Museum Store will sell.
TechBridge is an Atlanta-based nonprofit organization that helps other nonprofits use technology to better serve
the community. For more information, visit www.techbridge.org.
Creative Digital Group completes filming of Center productions
Puppetry fans of all ages will soon be able to enjoy the magic of the Center for Puppetry Arts at home!
In 2002, Creative Digital Group, an Atlanta-based interactive marketing company, donated their services to
capture Center content. They began filming in the spring of 2002 with a three-camera shoot of Jon Ludwig’s
musical whodunit, The Body Detective. In 2004, they wrapped up filming of the subsequent productions – American
Tall Tales, Beauty & the Beast, Dinosaurs, The Plant Doctors, The Reluctant Dragon, The Shoemaker & the Elves, Tales of
Edgar Allan Poe, The Velveteen Rabbit and Weather Rocks!­ – for a total of nine family and one adult production that
will be released as part of the PUPPETS AT PLAY DVD collection.
In addition to filming, the company edited the footage, sweetened the audio, and digitally enhanced the footage
to create a DVD master for each show.They also filmed and created a fun, interactive opening for the DVDs and
updated the Center’s videopostcard (originally produced by Blue Marble Media in 1998).
Online Ticket Sales
As a companion to the revamped Web site, the Center began selling tickets online, with the first online sale on
September 1, 2003. During the 2003-04 season, 3,333 tickets were purchased online, representing over $50,000
in net revenues. The online ticketing system also expanded the Center’s reach and the number of patrons in the
database – 75 percent of patrons buying online had never been to the Center before, generating over 800 new
accounts! In addition, over 600 new accounts were created where the patron said they heard about the Center
and booked due to the site but did not purchase online.
Rockefeller Grant Awarded to Jon Ludwig & Jason Hines
In October 2003, The Rockefeller Foundation Multi-Arts Production (MAP) Fund awarded a grant to Jon
Ludwig, associate artistic director, and Jason Hines, resident puppet designer and builder, for their new project,
Avanti, Da Vinci! The Secret Adventures of Leonardo da Vinci, which premiered in August 2004.
The Rockefeller Foundation, endowed by John D. Rockefeller and chartered in 1913, is a knowledge-based, global
foundation with a commitment to enrich and sustain the livelihoods of poor and excluded peoples throughout the
world. In 1988, the Rockefeller Foundation developed the MAP Fund to encourage proposals in the performing
arts that reflected the boldest and most creative approaches to new work in contemporary art. The MAP Fund
is a highly competitive annual grant program funding only 15 percent of the approximately 350 applications it
receives per year.
Center Awarded a New Generations Grant from Theatre Communications Group
In April 2004, the Center received a “Cultivating the Audiences of Tomorrow” grant from the New Generations
Program, an initiative cooperatively designed by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Doris Duke Charitable
Foundation and Theatre Communications Group. The two-year grant enabled the Center to hire an audience
development/group sales manager, create target-specific marketing promotions for adult puppetry programming
and create a promotions internship in the marketing department.
The Center was one of 24 theaters selected across the nation to participate in this round of the New Generations
Program. Established in 2000, the Program has awarded more than $6.1 million in two-year grants to 84 theatres
in support of two separate objectives: Mentoring the Leaders of Tomorrow, the cultivation and strengthening
of a new generation of theatre leadership through mentorships with accomplished theatre practitioners; and
Cultivating the Audiences of Tomorrow, the expansion and bolstering of existing audience development programs
that have proven effective in reaching young and/or culturally specific audiences.
New Generations Program applications were reviewed by an independent national selection panel comprised
of John Belluso, director, The Other Voices Project, Center Theatre Group, Los Angeles, CA; Stephen Buescher,
performer/teacher/director, Providence, RI; Lillian Cho, executive director, Asian American Arts Alliance, New
York, NY; Del Hamilton, artistic director, 7 Stages, Atlanta, GA; Jayne Baccus Khalifa, managing director, Penumbra
Theater Company, St. Paul, MN; Paul Nicholson, executive director, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Ashland, OR;
Laura Penn, managing director, Intiman Theatre, Seattle,WA; and Steve Richardson, producing director,Theatre de
la Jeune Lune, Minneapolis, MN.
Puppets and Patrons In Holiday Land
On December 2, 2003, shoemaker Mel Footmeyer and elf Frankie, the stars of the Center’s holiday production The
Shoemaker & the Elves, joined Chef Enes at the Affairs to Remember Caterers’ new showroom, Holiday Land. Puppets
in Holiday Land was concocted by Affairs to Remember as a fun way to support the Center’s anniversary season.
Mel, Frankie and a host of puppet patrons enjoyed eating Chef Enes’ enticing International Holiday Celebration,
and enjoyed drinking Puppetinis, the Affairs to Remember take on the traditional martini.
Vincent Anthony, executive director, said,“It is always tremendously encouraging when businesses and community
members step forward to offer their time and expertise to benefit the Center in new and creative ways. Affairs
to Remember has certainly done this in crafting a wonderful evening at their new showroom. The Center for
Puppetry Arts and Affairs to Remember both share a love for the creative and a commitment to excellence in
our respective craft.”
Center Receives Record-Breaking Press Coverage
The press helped publicize all of the Center’s great activities during the season! The Center garnered 435 media
placements in 53 media outlets, including print coverage in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and accessAtlanta,
Creative Loafing, Northside Neighbor, The Story and others, as well as coverage on TV stations WAGA Fox 5 and
UPN. The press coverage was valued at almost $1.6 million!
Notable coverage included:
• Our Kids magazine named the Center “Favorite Live Theater” in its August 2003 Family Favorites issue
Zagat Survey rated the Center No. 1 for Child Appeal in Atlanta
Atlanta Magazine named the Center “Best Dose of Culture” in its 2003 Best of Atlanta issue
The Center was mentioned in a September 8, 2003 article in U.S. News & World Report about the
“resurgence of puppetry”
On September 15, 2003, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution did a large story on the Center’s 25th anniversary
in the Arts & Books section
String Fling and the Center’s anniversary were featured on the cover of Northside Neighbor on
September 17, 2003
Creative Loafing ran an article on the Center’s milestone in the September 25, 2003 edition
WAGA Fox 5 did a short piece on the Affairs to Remember party on December 17, 2003
In the February 2004 issue, American Theatre magazine featured an article by Associate Artistic Director
Jon Ludwig on Xperimental Puppetry Theatre
On Sunday, March 7, 2004, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution did a large piece on the Center entitled “Puppets
and the Power of Possibility”; the article started on the front page of the Arts & Books section
AAA’s magazine for members, Going Places, featured the Center and the Salzburg Marionette Theatre’s
appearance in the March/April 2004 edition
UPN Tonight’s popular show did a feature on Beauty and the Beast, which aired April 28, 2004
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution did a story on adult puppetry in the Sunday, May 9, 2004 issue, including the
Center’s adult works and Broadway’s Avenue Q
String Fling 2003 &
The 25th Anniversary Dinner
Elizabeth H. Newton and
Deirdre C. Stiles with
the Rooand Tigger puppets
from Winnie-the-Pooh
The 25th Anniversary Dinner
On Friday, September 26, 2003, the Center for Puppetry Arts was honored at The 25th Anniversary Dinner, a
sparkling evening of cocktails, dinner and silent auction.
The 280 guests – the most to ever attend the event to date – were treated to an entertaining program in the
Mainstage Theater. First, the fabulous Madame, Hollywood Squares’ bawdiest star, made a rare public appearance.
Then, Jon Ludwig, associate artistic director, and Bobby Box, associate producer, presented Looking Back, Looking
Forward, a retrospective on the Center’s history.
They were interrupted by Kermit the Frog, who stopped by to congratulate the Center. Kermit, who cut the
ribbon to open the Center 25 years ago, claimed his agelessness was due to “soaking in pond scum.”
John Chandler, chairman of the board, and Vincent Anthony, executive director, honored Barbara Wylly, outgoing
chairman of the Board, for her tireless work on behalf of the Center, and presented her with a Fräbel sculpture.
Then, the Center Board and staff surprised Vince with a fabulous, one-of-a-kind Pinocchio, based on a
marionette created and performed by the Vagabond Marionettes (Vince’s troupe before he founded the Center).
The plaque reads: “To Vince/Honoring With Joy/The First 25 Years.” The figure, made entirely in silver by jeweler
Eddie Knox, is on display in the Center’s lobby.
Finally, acclaimed puppeteer Phillip Huber of Being John Malkovich movie fame performed his finest marionette
vignettes, a cabaret concert of sophisticated puppetry.
String Fling 2003
Mrs. Deirdre C. Stiles
Planning Committee
Anne Park Amann
Michele Arwood
Jan Caffey
Debbie Ellis
Judy Garland
Dee Holland
Leslie Joseph
Lisa Clarke Keller
Deirdre Lavieri
Gay M. Love
Elizabeth H. Newton
Mary Patton
Becky Riley
Betty Stephens
Julia Wellborn
Heather White
Barbara B. Wylly
String Fling, a festival of fun for the entire family,
took place Saturday, September 27 and Sunday,
September 28. The 1,400 attendees enjoyed
four performances: Jon Ludwig’s American Tall
Tales, Bobby Box’s The Reluctant Dragon, Akbar
Imhotep’s The Golden Gourd and Other Stories, and
Mary Jane Taylor and Company’s The Herdboy &
the Weaver.
In the Puppet Making Workshops, kids and adults
made Rascally Rattlesnake Hand & Rod Puppets,
Happy-Go-Lucky Horse Hand Puppets, Babe the
Blue Ox Hand Puppets and more. Guests were
free to explore the museum and special exhibits,
and take sneak peeks behind the scenes to see how
professional puppet builders create the stars of
the Center’s productions. In addition, the festival
featured pony rides and bouncy inflatables.
The three-day extravaganza raised over $100,000,
allowing the Center to continue to provide
reduced-price and complimentary tickets to
underserved audiences of all ages.
The Salzburg Marionette Theatre of
Salzburg, Austria
In March, the Center hosted the world-renowned
Salzburg Marionette Theatre of Salzburg, Austria, as
part of the 25th Anniversary Celebration.The company
performed four of their signature pieces, The Barber
of Seville, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Magic Flute
and Peter and the Wolf. These performances were
presented by The Coca-Cola Company in honor of
Betty Stephens and her late husband Preston Stephens,
longtime supporters of the Center for Puppetry Arts,
and for Mr. Stephens’ many years of service to The
Coca-Cola Company.
After each of the performances, the proscenium was
removed and the puppeteers demonstrated their
intricate technique in full view of the audience by
doing a scene from the performance.
A variety of special events were part of the festivities.
The Opening Night Party honored Betty Stephens and
The Coca-Cola Company. Guests enjoyed champagne,
coffee and desserts.
Gretl Aicher, artistic director, puppeteer and
granddaughter of the founder of the Salzburg
Marionette Theatre, led a special backstage tour and
a discussion on the history of the company.
Carter Joseph, opera aficionado and co-founder of
The Atlanta Opera’s Opera 101 series, led a fun and
informational introduction to the opera.
Founded in 1913, the Theater continues to awe
audiences around the globe with its exquisite string
puppets, opulent scenery, wondrous arias and oldworld charm. The Center was the sole venue in the
Southeast during the Salzburg Marionette Theatre’s
2004 U.S. tour.
Ellen Taratus & Phyllis Tuggle
Host Committee
Erin and Todd Blair
Jan and Kip Caffey
Jessica and Jeff DeHart
Sarah and Bill Gray
Carter Joseph
Kathy and Eddie Knox
Marge and Dan McDonald
Mary and Kevin O’Gara
Becky and Mark Riley
Bill Snyder
Lisa and Alex Suarez
Suzanne and Matt Sullivan
Anne and Alan Taetle
Ellen and Ken Taratus
Rosalia and John Thomas
Marion and Martin Tilson
Phyllis and Clyde Tuggle
Barbara Wylly
July 1, 2003 – June 30, 2004
Vincent Anthony, Executive Director
Lisa Rhodes, Administrative Director
Lia Powell, Asst. to the Executive Director
Dare Martin, Office Manager
Liz Lee, Producer
Jon Ludwig, Associate Artistic Director
Bobby Box, Associate Producer
Scott Ross, Production Manager
Joshua Flannigan, Technical Director
Bill Jones, Asst. Technical Director
Kristin Meyer, Stage Manager
Jason Hines, Puppet Maker
Michael Callahan, Master Electrician
Alan Louis, Education Director
Patty Petrey Dees, Distance Learning Specialist
Deborah Bowman, Distance Learning Assistant
Erica Bearden, Outreach Coordinator/Instructor
Sara Burmenko, Instructor
Diane Burgoon, Instructor
Katie Cooper, Instructor
Kristin Jarvis, Instructor
Eda Long, Instructor
Erik Proveaux, Instructor
Damon Young, Instructor
Jen Bodde, Outreach Instructor
Susan Kinney, Museum Manager
Jean Nolan, Museum Services Coordinator
Erica Mierzejewski, Museum Store Associate
April Carlson, Museum Store Associate
Sonny Manning, Development Director
Virginia Mischen-Hays, Asst. Development Director:
Corporations & Foundations
Annette Upton, Manager of Events & Facility Rentals
Dee Dee Floyd, Development Assistant
Andy Gish, Membership Director
Lisa Darden, Membership Sales Assistant
Damon Young, Birthday Party Coordinator
Debbie S. George, Marketing Director
Shannon Frye, Public Relations Manager
Wes Duvall, Graphic Designer
Denis Burba, Summer Marketing Intern
Matt Dunn, Fall Marketing Intern
Cristina Baccay, Spring Promotions Intern
Alison Hennessee, Spring Public Relations Intern
Ticket Sales
Holley Mitchell, Ticket Sales Director
Kevin Huey, Asst. Ticket Sales Director
Matt Harr, Ticket Office Supervisor
Alvin Beasley, Ticket Sales Assistant
Heidi Blackwell, Ticket Sales Assistant
Denis Burba, Ticket Sales Assistant
Tara Patmon, Ticket Sales Assistant
Lisa Garmon, House Manager
Michael Haverty, House Manager
Michael Kulik, House Manager
Anthony Owsley, House Manager
Suzanne Sainte Crosse, House Manager
Shannon Olliff, Building Manager
Gary Ector, Building Assistant
Bill Szymanski, Building Assistant
Lorna Howley, Head Puppeteer
Bobby Box
Julie Dansby
Scott DePoy
Bart Hansard
Michael Haverty
Jason Hines
Amanda Hou
Reay Kaplan
Jon Ludwig
Bryan Mercer
Nevin Miller
Spencer Stephens
Clint Thornton
Geoff Uterhardt
Sam Word
Matt Yates
Like every non-profit, the Center depends on dedicated volunteers to assist in a variety of ways.
A big thanks to everyone who donated their time!
Center Volunteers
Guiding museum tours. Serving drinks. Cutting out puppet parts. Stuffing envelopes. Welcoming patrons.
These are just a few of the things that the people below did while volunteering at the Center.
Jennifer Beine
Jayme Boyd
Josefine Chalupon
Kiementine Chalupon
Mikulas Chalupon
Satoshi Chikozawa
Cherri Conley
Judy Conn
Michelle Dalton
Jim Davies
Danielle DeStefano
Jason Dew
Kim Edney
Natalie El Jourbagy
Cristin Escauriaza
Barbara Goltz
Dennis Harpe
Hilary Harpe
Carrie Hawks
Irfana Jetha
Clay Johnson
Kelly Johnson
Patrons inside Propella the Play
Plane at String Fling.
Sig Johnson
Marquéta Kelley
Juliet Lambert
Matthew Lynch
Lori Lynde
Melody Monroe
Demarcus Outlaw
Janet Petty
Erik Proveaux
Rahul Raunings
Chuck Robinson
Julie Robinson
Paul Salter
Donna Sammander
Sachie Soda
Bob Souvarin
Greg Souvarin
Amy Stifter
Heather Trundle
Alejandro Valencia
Clemencia Weigmann
Ward Whitaker
Ché Wyatt
Gary Zaccoria
Myrriam Zion
String Fling Festival Volunteers
Two days of non-stop puppet action required lots of help! These volunteers gave tours, sold snacks, cut out
puppet parts, managed the lines for pony rides and the inflatables and made sure everyone had a good time!
Matt Adler
Paul Alarcon
Marvetta Albert
Denis Anderson
Julie Andrews
Katie Andrews
Gigi Banks
Kristen Banks
Marlyse Baptista
Heather Baseer
Emily Boehnlein
Jan Boehnlein
Margo Brinton
Maki Brown
Mary Lee Brown
Ryan Cheek
Kim Chesney
Liz Chesney
Kristin Chick
Sherry Chick
Lisa Clark
Kristen Crowe
Ansley Daws
Lin Daws
Kim Edney
Natalie El-Jourbagy
Diane Evans
Emily Evans
Rachel Goldstein
Josh Grapner
Ashley L.Gray
Emily Green
Lisa Green
Heather Higgins
Frankie Hobbs
Haven Hobbs
Laura Hudson
John Jewell
Clay Johnson
Kelly Johnson
Nekita Johnson
Andrew Jones
Mindy Jones
Elaine Kelly
Husband Kelly
Harriott Kelly
Sarah Kelly
Paige Larson
Sally Rose Larson
Debbie Leet
Whitney Leet
Jessica Lorence
Anola Love
Richard Marshall
Margot McDonald
Will Mejia
Lainey Metzer
Aubrey Miranda
Mark Miranda
Glen Morrison
Anne Alexander
Madeline Morton
Tom Passafiume
Janet Petty
Mary Pienton
Rahul Rauniyar
Betsy Rayle
Elizabeth Rayle
Alice Rhodes
Jayme Royster
Hannah Rueckle
Paul Salter
Caffey Sargent
Elizabeth Sargent
Katie Schwartz
Caroline Smith
Rebecca Smith
Savannah SouthernSmith
Bob Souvorin
Ellen Taratus
Alan Taylor
Lauren Taylor
Nick Taylor
Paula Taylor
Abby Templeton
Christine Templeton
Jack Templeton
M’Balia Thomas
Maggie Thomas
Rosalia Thomas
Megan Tribble
Sally Tribble
Heather Trundle
Caroline Turner
Janie Turner
Shinobu Uematsu
Priscilla Watt
Clemencia Weigman
Donny Whitehead
Katherine Wiley
Liza Wiley
Megan Wiley
Nancy Wiley
Mark Williams
Dessie Woodall
Sally Woodall
Junior League Volunteers
Every winter, volunteers from the Junior League of Atlanta conduct educational puppetry workshops
at the Center for children in the Atlanta Public Schools.
Cindy Durham
Paige Ellis
Cam Fenton
Delana Harbison
Ida Hixson-Brown
Chandler Haydon
Sacha Wilbanks Taylor
Nancy Williams
2003-04 Contributors
Contributions made July 1, 2003 – June 30, 2004
or made in support of programs occurring during this time period
The Center for Puppetry Arts sincerely thanks everyone who donated funds, goods and services, or time
during our 25 Years Celebration! Thanks to you and your support, we were able to serve the community and
provide all of the programming you’ve read about on the preceding pages.
City of Atlanta Bureau of Cultural Affairs
Fulton County Arts Council
Georgia Council for the Arts
National Endowment for the Arts
Donors to Programs
The Kendeda Fund
The Goizueta Foundation
New Directions/New Donors for the Arts:
A Ford Foundation Cultural Initiative
Macy’s Fund of the
Federated Department
Stores Foundation
SouthShare Foundation
Trust for Mutual Understanding
Wachovia Foundation
Equifax Inc.
Kraft Foods
Marsh & McLennan Companies
Pittulloch Foundation
The Rich Foundation, Inc.
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
Woodruff Arts Center Celebrate
Diversity Through the Arts
The Coca-Cola Company
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation/The
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation/Theatre
Communications Group
Georgia Power Foundation, Inc.
Lucent Technologies Foundation
Rockefeller Foundation
The UPS Foundation
Donors of Goods & Services
Clear Channel Outdoor
Creative Digital Group
Delta Air Lines
Freebairn & Company Macquarium Intelligent
Bank of America
CEC ArtsLink
The Fund for U.S. Artists at International
Festivals and Exhibitions
Publix Super Markets Charities
Canadian Consulate General
Junior League of Atlanta
Morris Family Foundation
Scandanavian American Foundation
of Georgia
Arnall Golden Gregory LLP
Creative Loafing
Fairfield Inn & Suites
Midtown Atlanta
J.M. Consulting Services
Leapfrog Services Inc.
Rolling Out Atlanta
TechBridge in conjunction with
Accenture and Microsoft
arts&expressions Magazine
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
The Coca-Cola Company
Consulate General of France
David Inc.
Hampton Inn Atlanta-Midtown
ACRA, Inc.
Affairs to Remember
Ann Fowler Illustrations
The Fräbel Studio and Gallery Inc.
Good Electric Corporation
Home Products International, Inc.
Kraft Foods
Mid South Lumber Co
Papa Johns Pizza-Georgia Tech
Sherlock’s and Sanders Wine
Whole Foods Market at Briarcliff
Whole Foods Market at
Ponce de Leon
String Fling 2003 &
The 25th Anniversary Dinner
Chairman’s Level
Creative Digital Group
Freebairn & Company
Producer’s Level
Equifax Inc.
Georgia Power Foundation, Inc.
Hank Aaron BMW
Director’s Level
Knox Jewelers
Montag & Caldwell Investment Counsel
Popeye’s Chicken-Atlanta Airport
The Gay and Erskine Love Foundation
Silverman Construction Program Management
Impresario Level
Robert Mondavi Private Selection
Benefactor Level
Coxe Curry & Associates
Host Committee
Mary Helen and Jim Dalton
Mr. and Mrs. U. Bertram Ellis, Jr.
Ms. Lisa Clarke Keller
Gay M. Love
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bronson Smith
Mrs. C. Preston Stephens
Deirdre C. Stiles and Marc Delesalle
Mrs. William B. Wylly
Phillip Huber and marionette
25th Anniversary Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Chandler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Dalton, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Foster
Mrs. J. Erskine Love, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Marshall for the
Waldorf School of Atlanta
Mrs. C. Preston Stephens
Ms. Deirdre Stiles and
Mr. Marc Delesalle
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. Tuggle
Mrs. William B. Wylly
Shadow Puppet
Matt Adler and Alice Rhodes-Adler
Mr.Vincent Anthony
Ms. Diana J. Blank
Mr. and Mrs. Kip R. Caffey
Mrs. Overton Currie
Mr. and Mrs. U. Bertram Ellis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Floyd
Mr. Brion Friedman and
Ms. Deirdre Lavieri
Mrs. Olga C. Goizueta
Mr. and Mrs. Jack K. Holland
Mr. and Mrs. E. Neville Isdell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Jones
Ms. Lisa Clarke Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Perano
Ms. Cheryl Pond
Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Riley
Mr. and Mrs. J. Mack Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bronson Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Taratus, Jr.
Rod Puppet
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Betz
Dr. Margo Brinton and Mr. Eldon Park
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Drew
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Feidler
Mrs. Nancy Field and
Mr. David Schulter
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fike
Mr. Thom Fountain
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Gladden, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. P. Frank Hagerty
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Haining
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Hills
Ms. Cynthia Tripp Kampf
Ms. Susan Pease Langford
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Dan McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McGonigle
Mr. and Mrs. E. Earl Patton, Jr.
Mr. Louis A. Peneguy
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Sikes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Stogner
Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. William Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Wellborn
Mr. and Mrs. P. Weitzner
Mr. and Mrs. Nils E. Wennerholm
Ms. Maureen Zent and
Mr. Thomas Davis
Hand Puppet
Dr. and Mrs. H. Pierce Allgood
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Correll, Jr.
Mr. Bruce Cotterman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Dortch, Jr.
Mrs. Irma Goldwasser
Mr. and Mrs. William Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Holland
Mr. Thomas D. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. David Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver L. Kennon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Love
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Newton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reid
Mr. William Joseph Richardson and
Mr. Robert Halcums
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Seim
Mr. and Mrs. Raul Trujillo
Ms.Valerie Weitzner
Ms. Helen M. Branch
Mr. Mark Good
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Izlar, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joseph
Ms. Carol Lipinski
Mr. and Mrs. George Romine
Ms. Susan Scott
Ms. Alfea Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tucker
Mrs. Heather White
Mr. Matt Adler
Mr. Inman Allen
Mr. Dennis J. Andersen
Mr. Bruce Cotterman
Dr. O. Anderson Currie, Jr.
Mr. James G. Dalton, Sr.
Mr. Marc Delesalle
Dr. Jerry O. Demery
Mr. Mark L. Feidler
Dr. P. Frank Hagerty
Mr. Richard W. Haining
Mr. Jon R. Harris, Jr.
Mr. Stephen R. Hennessy
Mr. Jackson Jones
Mr. Robert Keller
Mr. Norman Langberg
Mr. Ben Newton
Mr. Louis A. Peneguy
Commissioner Robb Pitts
Mr. Robert Rivers
Mr. J. Mack Robinson
Mr. Richard Sauls
Mr. Clyde Shepherd
Mr. H. Bronson Smith
Mr. William F. Snyder
Mr. Kenneth S. Taratus, Jr.
Mr. E. Grady Terry, Jr.
Mr. Raul Trujillo
Mr. Clyde C. Tuggle
Mr. Burton Vance
Mr. Robert Watt
Silent Auction Donors
20th Century Antiques
Aliya Gallery
Atlanta Braves
Atlanta Hawks
Atlanta Thrashers
Carter-Barnes on Paces
Crestline Hotels and Resorts
Melanie Davis
Marc Delesalle & Deirdre Stiles
Domestic Instincts
Etienne Marcel Desgins, LLC
Fernbank Museum of Natural
The Garden Patio
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T.M.
Hank Aaron BMW
Half Shell Resturant
Helga Hair Design
The Inner Child
Ivan Allen
The Jacket Man
Jake’s Ice Cream
Jerry Juhl
Knox Jewelers
Linsey Marshall & Associates
The Lowe Gallery
Margaret Cain Photography
My Husband and Me Residential
Nan Newman
Owl & Pussycat
The Paper Style
Persimmon Gallery
Graham Pittman
Planet Fitness Inc.
Pony Creek Pottery
Providence Antiques
Saul Nurseries Inc.
Philip C. Shore
Southern Charms
Squash Blossom
Thornwood Lane
Upper High Fly Fishing & Outfitters
W & W Designs
Yaardvarks Landscaping Services
Thanks to:
Big Boot Ranch
Blue Bell Creameries
Chick-fil-A Brookwood
Thom Fountain
Mary Jane Taylor & Company
Papa John’s Pizza
Popeye’s Chicken & Biscuits – Atlanta
Marlena Shell
Philip C. Shore
Salzburg Marionette Theatre
Presenting Sponsor
The Salzburg Marionette Theatre performances were sponsored by The Coca-Cola Company in honor of Betty
Stephens and her late husband Preston Stephens, longtime supporters of the Center for Puppetry Arts, and for
Preston’s many years of service to The Coca-Cola Company.
Affairs to Remember
Caribou Coffee
Eddie Knox of Knox Jewelers
Fairfield Inn & Suites Midtown
La Grotta Ristorante Italiano
Lush Life Garden and Flowers
Sherlock’s and Sanders Wine
Mr. and Mrs. David Asbury
Mrs. J. Paul Austin
Mr. David Bordeaux
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Alston Correll
Mr. Sergio Dolfi
Ms. Caroline Finnerty
Mr. and Mrs. George Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Keough
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Maziar
Mr. H.B. Nicholson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Seffrin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sellers
Mr. Tommy Shepherd
Ms. Frances Shillinglaw
Mrs. J. Lucian Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Charles P. Stewart, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Ramon A. Suarez
Mr. and Mrs. David Sutton
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas West
Mr. and Mrs. Willem Westermans
Individual Donors
Education Fund Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Abrams
Mr. and Mrs. Manfield Brooks
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry O. Demery
Ms. Tara Dillard
Ms. Martha Dinos
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dodds
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fisch
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Hall
Ms. Phyllis Levin
Reverend Eda Long
Ms. Joan Maynard
Mr. and Mrs. David Reinach
Le’Shona Roberts
Ms. Elizabeth E. Smalley and Mr. Stephen P. Young
Mr. and Mrs. James Smith
Ms. Carol Sterling
Museum Fund Donors
Mr. Dennis J. Andersen
Ms. Carol Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Gage A. Schubert
Ms. Elizabeth E. Smalley and Mr. Stephen P. Young
Ms. Laura Stock
Dr. Nwaka O. Ugokwe and Mr. Emeka Ogokwe
Mr. Jesse White
Historic Building Fund
Mr. Robert Golla
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Lentini
Dr. John W. McDavid and Mr. Thomas Little
Mr. Louis A. Peneguy
Ms. Elizabeth E. Smalley and Mr. Stephen P. Young
Ms. Laura Stock
Donors of Mainstage
Theater Seats
Friends and family of Jeffrey Cornett in memory of
Mary Cornett
In Honor of Neil, Nan, Hannah & Olivia Forte
Mr. Thom Fountain in honor of Wayland Parrott Flowers
Ms. Louise Staton Gunn in honor of Curtis Gunn
Ms. Louise Staton Gunn in honor of Harry Gunn
Ms. Louise Staton Gunn in honor of Kim Gunn
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Hall in honor of Marti Steckel
Mr. and Mrs. Carl P. Helfrich in honor of Jean Tucker
Ms. Katie Long in honor of Polly Long Denton
Mr. and Mrs. H. English Robinson in honor of
Holland Wilkins Carlton
Mr. and Mrs. H. English Robinson in honor of
Mary English Greene
Mr. and Mrs. H. English Robinson in honor of
Matthew Robinson Smith
Ms. Cheryl Waybright in honor of Marshall and
Courtney Waybright
25 Years Celebration
Fund Donors
Ms. Felton Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. John Beale
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Blum
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Cardelino
Mr. Ira Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Curry
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D’Andrea
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry O. Demery
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Diedrich
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Eckhardt
Ms. Margaret Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fonzo
Ms. Sandy Gaines
Ms. Marcia Goldstein
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Goldstein
Ms. Ursula Graats
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Hale
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Henley
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hillman
Mr. Randall Joiner and Mrs. Jennifer Lockett-Joiner
Ms. Beverly Losman
Ms. Fran Martinez
Mr. Dan D. Maslia
Dr. John W. McDavid and Mr. Thomas Little
Mrs. Lois Miller and Ms. Mary Jane Anderson
Mr. William G. Nemeth
Mr. Floyd C. Newton
Mr. Louis A. Peneguy
Mr. Edward Plott
Ms. Tanya Ries
Ms. Colleen Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Gage A. Schubert
Ms. Elizabeth E. Smalley and Mr. Stephen P.Young
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Teissler
Ms. Jill Truitt
Ms. Elaine Turpin
Ms. Kathleen Wagner
Mr. Craig F. Warren and Mrs. Morcine Scott-Warren
Mr. Willem Westerman
Miscellaneous Individual
Mr. Russell P. Allen
Ms. Carol Baker
Ms. Dolly Barstow
Ms. Fran Bauman
Jamie Bray
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Breuer
Ms. Barbara Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Cardelino
Mr. Jerry Davis
Ms. Martha Dinos
Ms. Triska Drake
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edge
Ms. Julie Fishman and Mr. Terry Pechacek
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fonseca
Mr. Thom Fountain
Ms. Sandy Gaines
Mr. Willie Gaither
Mr. Robert Golla
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Graffius
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hasbrouck
Mr. and Mrs. Jack K. Holland
Mrs. Lynne Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Jett, Jr.
Ms. Ann Lawton and Mr. E. Fay Pearce
Mr. Luis Maza
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Moon, Jr.
Mr. David E. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Saunders
Ms. Helen Schellman
Mr. Philip C. Shore
Ms. Elizabeth E. Smalley and Mr. Stephen P.Young
Ms. Alice Teeter
Mr. and Mrs. John Train
Mr. Jesse White
Salanda Williams
Ms. Jane L. Wolf
Donors of Goods and
Matt Adler and Alice Rhodes-Adler
Ms. Elizabeth Brock
Mr. Rocky Buldo
Ms. Julie Herron Carson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Knox
Ms. Kathryn Kolb
Mr. Alan Louis
Mr. Philip C. Shore
Donors to the Museum
Bruce Hall
Eric Maurer
Nancy L. Staub
Donors to the Library
Bradford Clark
Alan Louis
Nancy L. Staub
Members of the Center
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Dalton, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. P. Frank Hagerty
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Chandler, Jr.
Mr. John A. Conant*
Mrs. Overton Currie
Mr. Brion Friedman and Ms. Deirdre Lavieri
Mr. and Mrs. William Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Gage A. Schubert
Ms. Deirdre Stiles and Mr. Marc Delesalle
Matt Adler and Alice Rhodes-Adler
Dr. and Mrs. H. Pierce Allgood
Mr. and Mrs. Kip R. Caffey
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Lewis
Mr. Louis A. Peneguy
Mrs. C. Preston Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Taetle
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tilson
Mrs. William B. Wylly
Ms. Maureen Zent and Mr. Thomas Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Anderson
Mr.Vincent Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Betz
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Branch
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brewer
Dr. Margo Brinton and Mr. Eldon Park
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Bunnen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Dortch, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Feidler
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fike
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. M. Garland
Mr. and Mrs. Jack K. Holland
Mr. James H. Landon
Ms. Susan Pease Langford
Mr. and Mrs. Dan McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McGonigle
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. O’Gara, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Earl Patton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Rollins
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Sikes
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bronson Smith
Mr. William F. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Staats
Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. William Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Wellborn
Jamie and Lesley Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cookson II
Mr. Jeffrey Cornett and Dr. Edward Fernandez
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry O. Demery
Mrs. Catherine W. Dukehart
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Freebairn
Mr. and Mrs. Rick George
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Graffius
Mr. and Mrs. William Gray
Ms. Louise Staton Gunn
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hunsinger
Ms. Marlene Janos
Mr. and Mrs. David Love
Commissioner and Mrs. Robb Pitts
Mr. Robert Rivers
Chuck and Julie Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Saulny
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Stogner
Julie Taymor
Mr. and Mrs. Nils E. Wennerholm
Drs. Michael and Karolyn Akins
Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Beamon
Ms. Eloise Bouye
Dr. Debbie E. Brand and Dr. Angel R. Leon
Ms. Deborah Brown and Mr. Michael Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Butner
Dr. Cornelia Cho and Mr. Sam Landes
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Colberg
Mr. Bruce Cotterman
Mr. Tom De Berry
Ms. Gail H. Evans
Mr. Jim Friel
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gelder
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Hale
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Handler
Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Hills
Mr. Joseph Horne and Mr. Kyle Tankersly
Ms. Shirley Kendrick
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver L. Kennon, Jr.
Ms. Allelu Kurten
Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Manning
The Morris Family
Mr. and Mrs. George Murnane III
Ms. Linda M. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Patrick, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Sebastian
Mr. and Mrs. John Shlesinger
Mr. and Mrs. Raul Trujillo
Dr. Robert P. Tucker II
W.C. Wyatt
Mr. and Mrs. A. Dixon Adair IV
Mr. Jamie Adams and Ms. Linda Fetter
Ms. Teresa Adams
Mr. Dennis J. Andersen
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey
Mr. Shepard Barbash and Ms.Vicki Ragan
Ms. Diana J. Blank
Ms. Jennifer Boddie
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bosio
Ms. Christy Bowen
Ms. Connie Lynn Boykin and Ms. Patty Chaplin
Ms. Dorothy Brawley
Mrs. William Breman
Mr. Joel Brenner
Ms. Mary Jane Brock
Mr. William Buck
Mr. Jeffrey Bullard
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Bussard
Ms. Katherine M. Cohen
Ms. Mary Melinda Coker
Ms. Nicola Connor
Ms. Sherri D. Connors
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Cossel
Ms. Anneliese F. Crawford
Mr. Robert T. Croghan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Curry
Mr. and Mrs. Tapan Daftari
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D’Andrea
Mrs. Delma L. De La Fuente and
Mr. Reuben R. McDaniel
Mrs. Carolyn Dinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dodds
Mrs. David T. Dodge
Ms. Sally A. Dorn
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin D’Souza
Mr. and Mrs. Duran Dunn
Ms. Amy Durrell
Donald Edge
Ms. Laraine Fine
Ms. Julie Fishman and Mr. Terry Pechacek
Ms. Nicole Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Edger Forio
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Foster
Angel Franklin
Dr. John Gamwell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles German
Mrs. Chris Glavine
Mr. and Mrs. Ari Glezer
Ms. Alicia Goren
Ms. Patricia G. Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Habachy
Christian Hall
Ms. Nancy Hall
Ms. Julie Harp
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hasbrouck
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hennessy
Mr. Maurice Francis Hickey and Dr. Cynthia Vitko
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Holland
Mr. Robert Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Jinks
Ms. Helene Johnson
Mr. Baxter Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Jones
Ms. Danna Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelly
Ms. Bonnie Klein
Mrs. Elizabeth Klump
Mrs. Carl W. Knobloch, Jr.
Mrs. Margie A. Koenig
Mr. and Mrs. Don La Frenier
Ms. Tina Lamas
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Lautenbacher
Ms. Laura Bliss Leary
Mrs. Carol F. Lindberg
Mr. Steve Linowes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Litt
Ms. April Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Bob London
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lott
Ms.Vanessa Lowry
Mr. and Mrs. David Lyman
Mrs. Rebekah Martin-Fong
Ms. Darlene Mashman
Ms. Candice McCloskey
Dr. John W. McDavid and Mr. Thomas Little
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Meyers
Leigh and Tonya Milton
Dr. Letitia Mobley, M.D.
Ms. Ann Murphy
Ms. Wendy Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Newton
Chris Nielsen
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nix
Dr. and Mrs. John F. O’Brien
Ms. Kay O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Alawode Oladele
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall D. Orson
Mr. and Mrs. David Patrick
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Patterson
Ms. Sophia Brothers Peterman
Ms. Patricia Pharo
Mr. Kevin Pittman
Dr. Elizabeth Plunkett-Buttimer and
Mr. Dan Buttimer
Dr. W.H. Pool
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pope
Mr. and Mrs. John Portman III
Ms. Christina Powers
Ms. Jill Pryor
Mr. and Mrs. Perumalpuram P. Ram
Mrs. Jackie Reynolds
Ms. Rosemary Rice
Mr. Roy Rice and Ms. Ellen Reagan
Ms. Rebecca Rokoski
Rory Rule
Ms. Sandia Sawin
Mr. Steven M. Scherb
Mr. and Mrs. Joel W. Schoenblum
Mr. Joe Schulman
Ms. Cindi Shapiro
Franziska Shepard
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shindell
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Shipp
Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Sloan
Mr. Darryl Todd Smalley
Mr. Robert M. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Speedling
Ms. Dolores Spencer
Ms. Sara Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey B. Stewart
Ms. Laura Stock
Mrs. Mary Stockard
Jim and Esther Stokes
Ms. Connie Stone
Mr. Donald L. Strohmeyer and
Mrs. Chrissy Jewell-Strohmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. E. Grady Terry, Jr.
Ms. Linda Theos
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Colkett Tom
Kerry Trivers
Mrs. Lori Tucker
Ms. Frankie Vancleave
Mr. and Mrs. Alphonso Varner
Ms. Margie Verdon
Mr. and Mrs. Chet H. Walden
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Walker
Mr. Craig F. Warren and
Mrs. Morcine Scott-Warren
Ms. Cheryl Waybright
Mr. and Mrs. A. Raymond Weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Weir
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Weiss
Mrs. Richard A. Whitcomb
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Whitney
Ms. Mary B. Williams
Mr. Harold R. Wise, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William David Withers
Mrs. Jodi Wittenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Yates
Ms. Amy D.Yellott
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Zaban
Ms. Karen Zeman
Mr. and Mrs. John Zwack
Mr. M.H. Abraham, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Abrams
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Abrams
Mrs. Margaret Abrams
Mrs. Catherine Acres
Ms. Madelyn Adams
Marques Adams
Ms. Elizabeth Adamson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Adler
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Adler
Ms. Evangeline Agbogu
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Agnew
Mr. and Mrs. David Alexander
Ms. Carolyn Alford
Ms. Danielle Allen
Ms. Cheryl Allison
Ms. Dawn Allison-Ruiz
Ms. Mary Altman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Aman
Mr. Douglas Ammar
Ms. Cathy Amoroso
Mrs. Ruthann Andersen
Ms. Felton Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson
Ms. Linda Anderson
Ms. Linda Anderson and Mr. Howard O’Neal
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Anderson
Ms. Elizabeth Andrews
Ms. Kathy Andrews
Ms. Sonja Andrews
Robin Anzaldua
Ms. Susan Apolinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Archer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Armstrong
Ms. Rosemary S. Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Atchinson
Ms. Kristin Aurich
Ms. Cicely Austin-Judge
Cagatay Azkin
Ms. Tara Badstubner
Kris Bagwell
Ms. Allison Bailey
Ms. Kim Bailey
Ms. Quanda Bailey
Ms. Stephanie Bailey
Ms. Alison A. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Baker
Ms. Karen Baker
Ms. Nicolette Bakker
Ms. Kimberley Baldwin
Mr. Jim Balkcom
Ms. Susan Balou
Ms. Jennifer Balser
Ms. Lisa Balser
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Balser
Ms. Roberta Barber
Ms. Ann Marie Barbone
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barbone
Ms. Lainie Bardack
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barkin
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Barlow
Ms. Julie Barrett
Ms. Dolly Barstow
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Barton
Patricia and Earl Baugh
Mr. Andrew Bauman
Mr. and Mrs. John Beale
Ms. Lisa Beale
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Beam
Ms. Collen Beard
Ms. Selece Beasley
Ms. Kathleen Beck
Mrs. Tamera Beck
Ms. Nadine Becker
Ms. Barbara Bedingfield-Cecil
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bell
Ms. Candace Bell
Dr. Karen Belson, M.D.
Dr. Roy Benaroch
Ms. Leslie Bendell
Ms. Jane Benefield
Mr. Steve Benfield
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Benne
Mr. James Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Benton
Mr. and Mrs. Chip Benton
Ms. Marla Benton
Ms. Jennifer Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Berger
Ms. Mary Bergin
Ms. Debbie Bermel
Ms. Kelly Bernot
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bernstein
Bob and Tricia Berrett
Ms. Kim Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Bethany
Ms. Robyn Bethea
Ms. Emily Bieger
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bing
Mr. Rick Bizot and Ms. Ute Banse
Mrs. Chante Blackwell
Ms. Desiree Blake
Ms. Darla Blalock
Ms. Fredda Blanchard-Fields
Ms. Suzanne L. Blank
Mr. John Blankenbaker
Ms. Deborah Blase
Ms. Jennifer Blasingame
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Block
Dr. Gale Bloom
Ms. Suzy Blough
Ms. Sonya Blount
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Blum
Ms. Martha Bobo
Ms. Alisa Boehme
Ms. Marianne Bogan
Mr. Ed Bohm and Mrs. Suzanne Shaw Bohm
Ms. Tanya Bolden
Ms. Denise Bomberger
Kay E. Bomgardner
Fawn Boonstra
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Booth
Oni Borchers
Ms. Felicia Bost
Ms. Ann Bostrom
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Boughton
Ms. Debra Bourdeau
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Boutte
Ms. Barbara Bowles
Mr. Stephen Bowles
Ms. Kristi Boyd
Ms. Stacey Bradford
Mr. Christopher Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brahm
Ms. Tricia Brandes
Ms.Valerie Brandt
Mr. and Mrs. Wade H. Brannon, Jr.
Ms. Sherry Brante
Mr. and Mrs. George Brantley
Ms. Rhea Brashear
Ms.Vicky Bratton
Ms. Marlena Bary
Ms. Carol Breedlove
Dr. Sue Brenner
Mrs. Susan Brickley
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Briglio
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Brinsmaid
Ms. Alyson Britt
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Broffman
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Brogan
Ms. Calandra Bronner
Mr. and Mrs. David Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Manfield Brooks
Mr. Charles Bross
Ms. Anita Brown and Ms. Danni Lentine
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Brown
Ms. Gay Brown
Ms. Josephine Brown
Ms. Katherine Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Brown
Ms. Monique Brown
Ms. Tamara Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Brush
Mrs. Mary Jo Bryan
Ms. Letitia A. Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bryant
Mr. Peter Bryg
Mr. Darryl Bucher
Ms. Connie Buck
Ms. Jodi Buck
Ms. Susan Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Budd
Mr. Robert Bunner
Tracey Buot
Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess
Ms. Mila Burgess
Thomas S. Burns, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Lee Burston
Ms. Kathy Burton
Ms. Kristen Burton
Ms. Lisa Burton
Dr. James Busbin
Mr. Scott Busby
Ms. Gwyneth Butera
Ms. Deborah C. Butler
Ms. Carolyn Cacy
Mrs. Kelly Caffarelli
Ms. Charlotte Herndon Cahoon
Ms. Cynthia Cain
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cainion
Ms.Veronica Calloway
Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Calo
Ms. Antonia Camp
Kelly Campbell
Ms. Susan A. Campbell
Dr. Marissa Camrud and Mr. Brad Camrud
Ms. Patricia Cancado
Ms. Bambi Cantello
Mr. Oliver Cantey
Miss Toni Cappelli and Mr. James Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Cardelino
Ms. Faye Carey
Terry Carlson
Ms. Tracy Carpenter
Ms. Kelly S. Carriere
Ms. Christine Carter
Mr. and Mrs. John Carter
Ms. Kimberly Carter
Ms. Sharon Carter
Ms. Kristi Casey and Mr. Robert Sanders
Ms. Kim Casperson
Mrs. Lisa Casteel
Ms. Sheila T. Cavanagh
Ms. Susanne Chabara
Ms. Rebecca Chalmers
Ms. Anna Chambers
Ms. Malissa Chambry
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Chan
Ms. Margaret Chandler
Ms. Mary Frances Chantha
Mr. Ira Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. John Chapman
Ms. Kristin Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Chastain
Ms. Bonnie Chauvin
Ms. Jenny Cheshier
Karen Chestnut
Ms. Diana Chia
Ms. Pam Chitika
Ms. Mita Choudhury
Ms. Alisa Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Christopher
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Church
The Honorable Brad Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark
Ms. Shirley Clark
Ms.Valerie Clark
Ms. Dianne Clarkson
Mr. Douglas Clary
Ms. Karen Clemens
Ms. Angela Clemente
Ms. Wendy Clinton
Dr. Cathy Clipson and Mr. Paul Clipson
Ms. Kristin R. Clyde
Ms. Anne Cobble
Mr. and Mrs. John Coffelt
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Coffman
Edye Cohen
Mr. Stan Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Cohn
Ms. Sharon A. Coleman
Ms. Kathleen Collantes
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Colley
Mrs. Stacey Colley
Ms. Ginger Collier
Mr. Thomas Collier
Ms. Alicia Collins
Mr. Bob Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Collins
Shannon R. Collins
Ms. Tammy Conkel
Ms. Judith Conn
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Contrucci
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Cook
Mrs. Suzan Cook
Spence Cooksey
Ms. Toni Cooper
Ms. Lisa S. Corbitt
Miss Erica Corker
Ms. Kathleen F. Corrigan
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Costley
Meri Cotney
Ms. DeEtte Cotterman
Ms. Carla G. Courtney
Ms. Jamila Cowan
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Craft
Ms. Christina L. Craig
Mr. J. L. Crandall
Lynn Craven
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Creasman
Mrs.Virgina Crews
Ms. Tracy Crockett and Mr. John Longino
Mr. and Mrs. Stockton Croft
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Crofton
Ms. Janet Crook
Ms. Kim Crumbley
Ms. Lorraine Crutchfield
Andre Csipkes
Mr. Jorge Cuellar
Mr. Guz Cueto and Mrs. Katia Castillo
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Cunningham
Ms. Lisa Curia
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Currey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Cushing
Mrs. Penny Dahlberg
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D’Amaro
Kirby Dampier
Mr. and Mrs. James Daniel
Ms. Courtney Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dannemiller
Dr. and Mrs. Mickey Dansby
Ms.Valerie Darling and Mr. Karl Ryder
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Davidorf
Ms. Cecilia Davidson
Mrs. Deborah D. Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Davis
Kara A. Davis
Ms. Suzanne Davis
Mrs. Xia E. Davis
Mrs. Zehena Davis
Dr. Thomas Debo
Ms. Catherine Dekle-Mannes
Mr. Frank Dellaert and Mrs. Katrien Hemelsoet
Ms. Lisa Denney
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Dennis
Ms. Bobbie Lynn Dent
Sal Depasquale
Mr. and Mrs. Russ Desimone
Ms. Marty Destefano
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Devault
Ms. Debra Dewberry
Mr. and Mrs. Nicolo T. Dewitt
Ms. Debbie Diaz
Ms. Sylvia Dick
Ms. Mary Dickerson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Diedrich
Ms. Winifred Diggs
Ms. Tara Dillard
Ms. Teresa G. Dillard
Ms. Bernadette Dimauro
Ms. Dawn DiMeglio
Armand and Zoya Dimitrova-Zakarian
Ms. Denise Diprima
Ms. Casandra Dixson
Ms. Lisa Dobbs
Torey Dobson
Ms. Lorie Dodson
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Doerr
Jean Doherty
Ms. Laura Doman
Ms. Helen Donahue
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Doner
Ms. Deborah Doolittle
Ms. Brenda Dorreen
Ms. Ellen Dotts
Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Dougherty
Jean Douglas
Mrs. Suzanne Dowell
Mr. and Mrs. John Downey
Ms. Joyce Doyle
Ms. Andrea Dresdner
Fran Dressel
Mr. Mark Dresser
Jacquie Drucker
Ms. Susan Duderstadt
Mr. Tim Duff
Mr. John Duffield
Ms. Charlotte Dufour
Val Duke
Ms. Susan Dukes
Ms. Kathleen Dumitrescu
Ms. Linda Dunlavy
Ms. Elizabeth O. Dunn
Mr. Kevin Dunn
Mrs. Shawna Dunning
Ms. Nanci A. Dunton
Ms. Marjorie Dye
Ms. Anne Dziwulski
Ms. Michelle Eagan
Mrs. Annette Ebbinghaus
Sigrid Economou
Ms. Nancy Edgar
Mr. Michael Edge
Mrs. Nancy Edwards
Ms. Sherrie Edwards
Ms. Takita M. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Ehrlich
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Elam
Ms. Joanne Elgart
Ms. Mona Elgomayel
Ms. Jill Elkin
Ms. Lynn Nell R. Elleton
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ensari
Ms. Dawn Epstein
Ms. Kim Epstein
Ms. Natia Esiashvili
Lee Espy
Ms. Rachel Estes
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Estes
Ms. Kimberley Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Evans
Early Ewing
Mr. Doug Fantz
Ms. Marianne Fears
Ms. Pauline Feddo
Andrei and Elena Fedorov
Ms. Susan Feig
Ms. Carole Feinberg
Mr. and Mrs. David Fentress
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Fernandez
Mrs. Cindy Ferrante
Ms. Anissa Ferrell
Ms. Cindy Fey
Ms. Lynn Fey
Ms. Beverly Ficken
Ms. Laurie Fields
Ms. Rita Finch
Ms. Rachael Finglass
Ms. Marilyn Fish
Ms. Meg Fisher
Ms. Rachel Fisher
Ms. Rita Fisher
Ms. Susan Fisher
Mr. William Fisher
Ms. Kristi Fitzgerald
Ms. Anna Flagg
Ms. Karen Flaig
Ms. Shelly Flanagin
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fleischmann
Ms. Kara Flowers
Ms. Susan Flynn
Mr. Frank Folmar
Ms. Anastasia Hopkins Folpe
Ms. Lynn Fordham
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fort
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Forte
Ms. Sarah H. Fortier
Ms. Carey Foster
Mr. and Mrs. David Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fowler
Nonie Fox
Ms. Lisa Foy
Ms. Mary Lisa Franch-Henry
Ms. Jennifer Francois
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Fredrick
Ms. Christi Freeman
Ms. Oliva Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Leon Fretwell
Ms. Joan Friedman
Ms. Lynne Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Friedman
Mr. J.F. Frierson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Friese
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frohwein
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Fuqua
Mrs.Vicki Rae Furmanek and
Mr. Marvin Furmanek
Mr. Albert Furness
Ms. Nathalie Fuson
Ms. Kim Gaba
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Gadd
Mr. Michael Galchinsky and Mrs. Elke Davidson
Ms. Stacey O. Gallant
Ms. Terri Garden
Ms. Cynthia Gardner and Mr. Mike Dineman
Ms. Peggy Gardner
Ms. Bobbi Garlington
Mr. Fred Gates
Ms. Cheri Gatland-Lightner
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Gaugler
Ms. Julie A. Gazmararian
Ms. Katie Geiger
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gerding
Ms. Rebecca Gerwood
Tonny and Selvin Gezgin
Ms. Leah Gibson
Ms. Peggy R. Gibson
Ms. Amy Gies
Francis Gilmore
Ms. Mary Ginden
Ms. Sharon Goldhawk
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Goldman
Mr. Dave Goldsman and
Dr. Gamze Tokol-Goldsman
Mr. Eric Goldstein
Ms. Marcia Goldstein
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Goldstein
Ms. Lilia Gomez-Lanier
Ms. Karen Gonzalez
Ms. Maria Goodall
Ms. Mary Goodwin
Srinivava K. Gorjala
Ms. Elaine Gossett
Ms. Alegra Goulbourne
Gillian Grable
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Grabowski
Mrs. Kerry Grace
Ms. Kim Grady
Ms. Susan Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Granberry
Ms. Wendy Granot
Mr. and Mrs. Casey Graves
Dr. and Mrs. Taylor Graves
Mr. and Mrs. David Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Greco
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Greene
Mr. Daniel Greene
Ms. Gillian Greer
Ms. Kirsten Gregory
Ms. Lisa Grell
Mr. Jospeh Gress
Ms. Amy Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Griffith
Ms. Jennifer Grizzle
Dr. and Mrs. Alex Gross
Jodi Grutadadaurio
Ms. Roseanne Rogers Guerra and
Mr. Stephen Guerra
Ms. Kathryn Guilbeau
Mr. Jim Guinn
Mr. Matthew Gunbie
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gunter
Mr. Gerard Gunthert
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Guzman
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Haas
Mrs. Alisa Haber
Ms. Claire Hackett
Ms. Jessica Hagen and Mr. Bill Durham
Mr. David Haggerty and
Mrs. Amy Gallman-Haggerty
Rami Haj-ali
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hall
Mr. Mike Halliday
Yani Hambali
Mr. and Mrs. James Hamilton
Ms. Teresa A. Hammett
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Hammond
Itsumi Hanada
Ms. Ellen Handel
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Handy
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hankin
Ms. Nan Hanks
Ms. Andrea Hannon
Mrs. Lee Ann Hantula
Ms. Joan Hardin
Paren Hardison
Aneta Harris
Ms. Carolyn Harris
Ms. Gina Harris
Ms. Linda Harris
Ms. Shealynn Harris
Ms. Judy Harrison
Mrs. Ann Hartley
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hartz
Ms. Kyra Harvey
Ms. Maria M. Harvey
Ms. LoriAnn Haydu
Ms. Charlotte Hayes
Mrs. Karen Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Hays
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Head
Mr. John J. Heise and Mr. Orlando Madariaga
Dr. and Mrs. Larry Heit
Ms. Justina Helkov
Ms. Nichole Helm
Shaheen Hemsey
Ms. Suzanne Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hennessy
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Henry
Ms. Elisabeth Hermann
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Hernandez
Ms. Felicia Herndon
Mrs. Susan Herndon
Mr. and Mrs. John Heveran
Ms. Donna Heyman
Mr. and Mrs. David Higgins
Mrs. Lisa Hiles
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hilgeman
Ms. Anne C. Hill
Jo Hill
Ms. Seandra Hill
Ms. Michelle Hiskey
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hix
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Hobson
Ms. Elizabeth Hodges
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy A. Holden
Mrs. Gwyn Hollins
Kimberly Holmes-Head
Ms. Kara Hoover
Andrea Hopf
Ms. Diane Houk
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Houser
Mr. Clark Howard and Ms. Lane Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Howard
Ms. Julie Howard
Ms. Janice Howell
Ms. Karen Howes
Mr. David Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Huey
Ms. Lea G. Huggins
Ms. Jennifer R. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Huie
Mrs. Sirka Hummel and Ms. Joan Kottler
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hundt
Mr. and Mrs. Bo Hunt
Ms. Celeste Hunt
Ms. Lorie Hutchins
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Hutchinson
Ms. Kathryn Hutton
Ms. Natalie Roy Huyghe
Ms. Gretchen Hyde
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Hyman
Ms. Tammy Igoe
Ms. Robin Ikeda and Mr. Jonathan
Mr. and Mrs. Jude Ijemere
Mr. Akbar Imhotep
Ms. Amy Impara
Leslie Inman
Ms. Sonya Ivan
Ms. Sandy Izaguirre
Ms. Christine Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Clay T. Jackson
Mr. Lee R. Jackson and Ms. Susan Reiter
Ms.Vanna Jackson
Ms. Audrey Jacobs
Robin and Gregory Jacobs
Mr. Scott Jacobson
Mrs.Valerie Jagiella and Mr. Richard Lodise
Mr. and Mrs. David James
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas James
Ms. Lori James
Ms. Tricia Jarvis
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jaynes
Robin Jefferson
Jamie and Audrey Jenks
Ms. Laura Jernigan
Ms. Christina Jimenez
Ms. Angela M. Johnson
Mr. Bruce Johnson
Ms. Courtney Johnson
Ms. Gina Johnson
Mr. Harold Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Haynes Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Johnson
Ms. Tammy Johnson
Wayne and Tom Johnson
Ms. Tammy Johnston
Mr. Randall Joiner and
Mrs. Jennifer Lockett-Joiner
Ms. Gina Joiner-Bly
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jolivet
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll P. Jones, Jr.
Ms. Diane Jones
Ms. Lindsay Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jones
Ms. Natalie Jones
Ms. Sonya Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Jones
Ms. Susan Jordan
Frederique Joseph
Ms. Danette Joslyn-Gaul
Ms. Amy Jurskis
Mr. Jim Kaff
Mr. and Mrs. David Kahn
Ms. Sucheta Kamath and Dr. Anantha Kamath
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kaminski
Mr. and Mrs. James Kane
Ms. Stephanie Kanfer
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Kaplan
Ms. Lynn Kaplin
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Karol
Ms. Miriam Karp
Mr. and Mrs. John Karry
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Karsch
Ms. Deborah H. Karwisch
Ms. Marirose Kasarie
Ms. Karen Katz
Terri Katzenstein
Ms. Erin Kavel
Mr. and Mrs. Haig Kazazian
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Keeler
Ms. Andrea K. Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Kelley III
Ms. Marsha D. Kellum
Ms. Heather Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Kelly
Ms. Sharon Tanner Kelly
Ms. Lois Kemp
Ms. Mary Louise Kenady
Mrs. Kathy Kestin
Mr. Baseer Khatib
Lamya T. Tannous Khuri
Ms. Cynthia Kim
Mr. John S. Kinsella
Mr. David Kipp and Ms. Sonia Shah
Ms. Ginger Kirkland
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kirkman
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Kirschbaum
Mrs. Carol Ann Kirwan and Mr. Ronald Skorcz
Ms. Rita Klee
Ms. Jennifer Kleinbart
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kleinberg
Ms. Sara M. Kleinfeld
Ms. Stephanie Kluttz
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Knab
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Koch
Ms. Lydia Kopel
Ms. Dena Koutsoupias
Mrs. Katarzyna Kowalczyk
Mr. and Mrs. James Krebs
Ms. Maureen Krivo
Mr. and Mrs. David Kulp
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kunin
Mr. Anthony L. Kupersmith
Mr. Jeffrey Kupor
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kurtz
Ms. Naomi Kurzweg
Mr. and Mrs. Michael La Kier
Mr. and Mrs.Vincent La Terza
Ms. Maribel LaBenita
Ms. Leah Lackey
Ms. Elizabeth Laing
Ms. Deborah Lalo
Ms. Penny Landro
Mrs. Kim Lape
Ms. Cira Lara
Ms. Helen C. Laseter
Ms. Liz Mori Lauer
Ms. Kelly Laughlin
Ms. Tyrice Laurie
Ms. Sharon Lawrence
Mr.Venable Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Layne
Ms. Lindsay Maria LeBlanc
Mr. and Mrs. Francois Lecoin
Mr. Alan Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lee
Ms. Julie Lee
Ms. Tiffany Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Leff
Ms. Lori Leland and Mr. David Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Lentini
Ms. Lisa Lepine
Mr. and Mrs. Scott L’Esperance
Mr. Charles Leverett
Dr. and Mrs. Jay A. Levin
Ms. Dena Levy
Dr. and Mrs. Jason Levy
Mr. Jeff Levy and Mrs.Valerie Hartman-Levy
Ms. Linda Levy
Mrs. Sherri Lewinger
Ms. Mia Lewis
Ms. Stephany C. Lewis
Ms. Nancy L’Hernault
Mrs. Susan Liebeskind and Mr. Jeffrey Donnell
Ms. Judy Lightfoot
Ms. Debra Lightsey
Ms. Jessica Linden
Ms. Susan Lipson
Ms.Virginia W. Little
Mr. John Littlefield
Mrs. Jennifer Lloyd
Ms. Rhonda Lock
Ms. Patricia Lockette
Ms. Cathy Loew
Ms. Luanne Lohr and Mr. Timothy Park
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Long
Ms. Katie Long
Ms. Margaret M. Long
Ms.Vicki Longino
Ms. Patrice Lorence
Lee Loughran
Ms. Okiki Louis
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Love
Ms. Sheila Lowden
Ms. Michelle Lublin
Ms. Jill Lum
Lynn Lund
Mr. Bob Lunt
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lutz
Ms. Michelle Lybrand
Ms. Mimi Lynch
Ms. Sharon Lynch
Ms. Derrica Lynch-Bridges
Ms. Alice Lyons
Ms. Rebecca Maas
Ms. Brigitte Mabry
Ms. Miriam Machida
Ms. Tamela C. Madison
Dr. Karyn Magee
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Magruder
Ms. Frank Maier
Dace Maki
Mr. Joe Makilya
Mr. and Mrs. Davian F. Manley
Ms. Karen Manns
Ms. Laura Manos
Ms. Suzanne Mansell
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Marable
Ms. Joan Marks
Ms. Cindy Ward Marshall and
Mr. Charlie Smeeton
Mr. Frank J. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. James Martin
Jemey Martin
Ms. Stephanie Martin
Ms. Sylvia A. Martin
Ms. Raquel Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Marx
Ms. Jill Massie-Braun
Ms. Christine L. Mast
Ms. Karen Mathis
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Matthews
Mrs. Amy Mattingly
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Mayers
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Mayers
Ms. Meredith Mays
Mr. and Mrs. David Mazurkiewicz
Ms. Elizabeth McBride
Mrs. Stephanie Platt McCaa and
Mr. Cameron McCaa
Ms. Cathie McCabe
Sissel McCarthy and Carolin Pfrommer
Ms. Kristine McCauley
Ms. Paige McClane
Mr. and Mrs. Sam McClendon
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron McClennen
Mr. and Mrs. Doug McClure
Ms. Mary McClure
Ms. Elizabeth McClurkin
Mrs. Mary J. McCoy
Ms. Shannon McCoy
Shawn McDaniel-Roach
Ms. Kathleen McEvoy
Ms. Kasey McGahan
Ms. Anna McGarrity
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGean
Ms. Juli McGill
Ms. Cecilia McGinty and Mr. Duane Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Mike McGurl
Ms.Victoria McKenna
Ms. Adamma McKennon
Ms. Betty McKibben
Dr.Valerie Leah McKinney
Ms. Susan M. McNeill
Ms. Janet McPherson
Chris Mead
Ms. Linda Medina
Ms. Sherrill Medlock
Jesse Meece
Mr. and Mrs. David Mehr
Ms. Paula Juliana Mejia
Ms. Bonnie Melville
Ms. Padrica Menchion
Jennifer Merck
Ms. Patricia Merrifield
Xiao Yan Mers
Ms. Carole Metzger
Ms. Sarah Metzger
Ms. Cindy Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Meyer
Ms. Joan Michelson
Ms. Linda Mikell
Ms. Cynthia Milburn
Ms. Amelia Miller
Ms. Kim Miller
Ms. Kristin Miller
Ms. Laura Miller
Mrs. Lois Miller and Ms. Mary Jane Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miller
Ms. Mary Miller
Ms. Selecia M. Miller
Mr. David Mills
Ms. Dara Milner
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Milstead
Ms.Virginia P. Mischen-Hays and Mr. Ryan M. Hays
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Mitnaul
Dwylette C. Montgomery
Ms. Jennifer Moore
Ms. Laura Moore
Ms. Lakia Moret
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Morgan
Ms. Bridgette Morris
Ms. Dean Morris
Ms. Mary K. Morris
Ms. Regina Morris
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Morrow
Ms. Sharon Morrow
Ms. Laurie Moses
Miss Yasmine Basma Moss
Mr. Dwight Moton
Ms. Susan Mullens
Ms. Deb Murphy and Ms. Lisa Reagan
Ms. Sandra Murphy
Mr. Terrence E. Murphy
Ms. Jill Musgrove
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Myers
Ms. Cherese Myree
Mr. Stephen H. Nash
Ms. Octavia Nasr
Mr. and Mrs. Shereef Nawar
Ms. Audrey Neal
Ms. Shelby M. Neely
Ms. Charlotte Neil and Ms.Virginia Shores
Ms. and Mrs.Vincent Neisius
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Nicely
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Nicholson
Ms. Jennifer Nickell
Ms. Melissa Nicol
Ms. Kathleen T. Nixon
Ms. Karen Nolan
Ms. Catherine Norman
Mr. and Mrs. Bill North
Ms. Kimberly Nottingham
Ms. Judith Nunn
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nussrallah
Ms. Jaqueline Oberkfell
Mrs. Lisa O’Connell
Ms. Susanne O’dom
Ms. Lydia Ogden
Ms. Christy Oglesby
Ms. Lynn Okamoto
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Olasov
Ms. Allison Olim
Ms. Diana Olsen
Dr. Shakoora Omonuwa
Ms. Beth Ondrus
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Outtrim
Ms. Denise Overfield
Ms. Nikia Owens
Ms. Tracy Owens
Ms. Mazie Page and Mr. Ulysses Hutchinson
Mr. Travis Paige
Ms. Debra Palgon
Ms. Betsy Palmer
Ms.Vicky Palmertree
Ms. Lisa Panich
Ms. Janie Parker
Ms. Sonya Parker
Ms. Marilyn Parrish
Mr. and Mrs. William Partin
Mr. Richard J. Passantino
Ms. Namita G. Patel
Mr. and Mrs. John Paterson
Ms. Elizabeth A. Patrick
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Patton
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Patton
Mr. David Payne
Mr. Rob Payne
Ms. Dianne Pearson
Ms. Delores Penter
Ms. Bonnie Perez
Ms. Kelly Perkerson
Ms. Michelle Perkins
Mrs. Cathy Peterson and Mr. Bruce Brown
Ms. Allison Petrie
Ms. Kathleen Pfalzgraf
Mr. and Mrs. David Pfundt
Ms. Charlotte Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Phillips
Ms. Kim Phipps
Derraine Jean Pierre
Mr. John Pilgrim
Mr. Marc Pilgrim
Ms. Gabriela Piscopo
Ms. Melinda Pitts and Mr. Brian Armour
Aneli Place
Ms. Pam Platt
Mr. Edward Plott
Ms. Janita L. Poe
Ms. Samantha Poe
Ms. Linda Pogue
Mr. and Mrs. James Poindexter
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Poland
Ms. Capie A. Polk
Ms. Kathy Poole
Pat Poovey
Mr.Victor Pope
Ms. Karen Porat
Mr. John G. Porter and Ms. Lucy Atell
Ms. Lisa Postell
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pound
Ms. Jo Anna Maria Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Preisinger
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Prestage
Mr. and Mrs. Chip Presten
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Preuss
Mrs. Carolina Pria
Derrilyn Price
Ms. Gayle Price
Ms. Miesha Prince
Ms. Karen Pritchard
Mr. Steve Pritchard
Ms. Beth Prosser
Ms. Pat Pugrant
Mr. and Mrs. Raghu Puri
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Quarles, Jr.
Ms. Rebecca Roxanne Rabun
Mr. Steve Ragle
Ms. Hope Ragsdale
Ms. Jocelyn Ralston
Ramaprasao H. Rampur
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rand
Robin Rand
Ms. Margaret Randolph
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rasco
Ms. Lisa Rasheed
Ms. Eva Ratonyi
Rabbi and Mrs. Steven H. Rau
Azizi Ray
Ms. Karen Ray
Ms. Jenny Read
Mr. David Rechtman
Ms. Paula Rector
Mr. Bryan Reddish
Ms. Susan Reese
Terri Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Regan
Mr. Farah Rehman
Ms. Maria Rehnert
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Reifenberger
Mr. and Mrs. David Reinach
Cynthia Reittinger
Ms. Janet Reynolds
Ms. Lisa Reynolds
Ms. Diane Rhone
Mr. and Mrs. David Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Richards
Ms. Barbara Richardson
Ms. Laury Richardson
Ms. Susan Richardson
Ms. Tanya Ries
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Rintye
Ms. Nancy Rinzler
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ripans
Mr. Michael Riscassi
Mr. James Craig Roberts
Le’Shona Roberts
Mr. A.J. Robinson and Dr. Nicole Ellerine
Ms. Colleen Robinson
Ms. Dawn Robinson
Malikah Robinson
Ms. Mindy Rodgers
Mr. Josue Rodriguez
Mr. Gustavo Rojas
Mr. Greg Rojik
Ms. Karen S. Rolader
Chase Rolison
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rollins
Mr. David Rollo
Ms. Kim Romaine
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Roman
Ms.Vanessa C. Roman and Mr. Frank Mullen
Meta Rome
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Romig
Mr. Robert Rose
Toby Rosenbaum
Mickey Rosner
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross
Mrs.Yolanda Ross and Mr. Otis Brawley
Ms. Donna Rosseland
Ms. Kimberly Rossi
Ms. Elizabeth Rothman
Ms. Madeline Rowan
Ms. Rhonda Rowland
Mr. Jeff Rubin
Shaney Rudolph
Ms. Elsa Rullan and Mr. Thomas Cabrera
Ms. Mary Rumph
Ms. Judy Rushin
Ms. Ruth B. Russ
Ms. Sonja J. Russ
Teya Ryan
Hadas Sadero
Ms. Michele Salle
Ms. Bonni Sammak
Ms. Hilda Sanchez
Ms. Cindy Sanders
Ms. Kelly Sanders and Mr. D.S. Ortiz
Ms. Lorri Sands
Ms. Carol Sankey
Ms. Jeanne Santoli
Ms. Kimberly Scales
Mr. Richard P. Scarbrough
Mr. Ken Scher and Mrs. Jennifer L. Miller-Scher
Mr. and Mrs. David Schneberger
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schoenrock
Mr. David Schulman
Ms. Sam Schwartz
Mrs. Renee Schwarzkopf
Ms. Katherine Scott
Ms. LaDonna Scott
Ms. Marcia Scott
Ms. Charlotte Scurry
Ms. Jackie Sears
Mr. Phillip Seaver
Ms. Terri Seeber
Ms. Fatima Seidel
Ms. Lucy Seidel
Ms. Anna Seidman
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Seim
Ms. Brooke Sessoms
Mr. Edward Seufert
Alta Shaerer
Mr. and Mrs. Nimesh Shah
Ms. Sue E. Shape
Ms. Eileen Shapiro
Ms. Leslie M. Sharkey
Ms. Alexia Sharpe
Ms. Pam Shattles
Ree Shepherd
Ms. Karen Sherman
Ms. Elizabeth Shick
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Shields
Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Shields
Mr. and Mrs. John Shires
Ms. Tobyanne Sidman
Ms. Gabriela Siegel
Ms. Lisa Siegel
Ms. Sarah Sigmon
Ms. Jennifer Silas
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Silbert
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Siller
Ms. Debra Silver
Hindy Silverman
Ms. Cindy Silvert
Ms. Tracey Simard
Ms. Suzanne Simkin
Ms. Martha Simmons
Mrs. Katie Simon
Mr. Doug Simpson and
Mrs. Angie Strickland Simpson
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Simpson
Ms. Erica Henry Sims
Ms. Wanda Slade
Ms. Nancy Slagle
Mr. Robin R. Slater
Ms. Tamara Slogar
Mr. Beau Smith and Mrs. Ann Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith
Mr. and Mrs. James Smith
Ms. Joanellen Smith
Kenan Smith
Ms. Laura Smith
Ms. Stephanie R. Smith
Ms. Tuwanya Smith
Daniel Snow
Ms. Neely Sood and Mr. Naveed Ashraf
Ms. Donna Soper
Ms. Connie Sosnoff
Ms. Jenny Spratt
Ms. Rebecca B. Springer
Ms. Lara Stallings
Ms. Cindy Stancil
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Starkman
Dr. Ernest Steele
Mr. Robert S. Stein
Mr. and Mrs. James Steinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Steinson
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Stephens
Ms. Deborah Stephenson
Adrian Stevens
Ms. Molly Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Chris P. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Stewart
Ms. Cindy Stiles
Ms. Elizabeth Stoltz
Ms. Amy Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Story
Dr. Alison Strawford
Ms. Julie Strickland
Ms.Vicki Strine
Ms. Karen Stripling
Ms. Sharon A. Strodl
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Strull
Ms. Shelley Stubbs
Ms. Ann Stucke
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sturm
Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Suarez
Iyer and Preetha Sudhakar
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sugarman
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Sullivan
Ms. Deirdre Sullivan and Mr. Joe Peragini
Ms. Elizabeth Sullivan
Ms. Mary Carol Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Dodge Sumlin
Dr. and Mrs. John Sumrall
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Swensen
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Swisher
Elket Swope
Ms. Carol Sylvester
Ms. Stephanie Szalkowski
Ms. Julie Tallent
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis W. Tallman
Mr. James Tauche and Ms. Jane Cammons
Ms. Sharese M. Taylor
Ms.Yvette Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Teepen
Mr. Andrew Thane Tegethoff and
Mrs. Meredith Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Teissler
Mr. Jay Terrell and Ms. Sara Hendrix
Mrs. Stephanie Testino
Ms. Amy Thien
Ms. Chandra L. Thomas
Ms. Mary Margaret Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Thomas
Ms. Sharri Thomas
Ms. Beth Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Thomson
Ms. Lianna Dawn Thornhill
Luciano Tiberia
Mr. Greg Timms
Ms. Nan Tinter
Ms. Denice Tischer
Ms. Laura Titshaw
Ms. Lara L. Tolchin
Ms. Audrey Tolson
Ms. Elise Tomaras
Ms. Stacie S. Torres
Ms. Sandy Toth
Ms. Nancy Tracy
Mr. and Mrs. John Train
Ms. Marianne Trapnell
Ms. Sandi Trebuchon
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tribou
Ms. Linda Trickey
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Trivers
Ms. Crystal Trotter-Croslan
Mr. James Truesdale
Ms. Gwen Trussell
Mr. and Mrs. Chanh Tu
Ms. Heather Turner
Ms. Stephanie Turner
Dr. Nwaka O. Ugokwe and
Mr. Emeka Ogokwe
Mr. Kevin Umstead
Mrs. Jane Upton
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Van Orden
Ms. Sara Ann Vaughan
Ms. Amy Vaughn
Ms. Liliana Vega
Ms. Grace Venkatasawmy
Ms. Debra Vidali
Ms. Jana Kristin Vinson and
Mr. Christopher Vinson
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Vinson
Ms. Rosalind Virgil
Mr. and Mrs. Minh Vo
Ms. Sheri Von Behren
Ms. Anne Vonschlegell
Ms. Pamela Waid
Ms. Sandy Waid
Drs. Peter Wakefield and Valerie Loichot
Ms. Jill Waldon
Ms. Susan Waldrop
Ms. Amy Walker
Mr. Mark Walker
Ms. Tara E. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Walkup
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wall
Mrs. Suzanne Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wallpe
Ms. Julie Walls
Ms. Susan Walls
Ms. Elizabeth Walsh
Mr. Robert Wapels
Mr. Travis Ward and Mr. Brian Ward
Ms. Denise T. Wardlow
Ms. Laverne Y. Ware
Mr. and Mrs. Dylan Warmack
Ms. Liliana Warren
Kendall Watkins
Ms. Sharon Watkins
Ms. Heather Watson
Ms.Yvonne Watson
Ms. Laura Watts
Mr. Weston Waugh
Ms. Caitlin E. Way
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Weaver
Ms. Dawn Webber
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Weber
Lyn and Bernie Wedge
Mr. and Mrs. David Weinshenker
Mr. Evan Weisman
Ms. Diane Weissman
Ms.Valerie Weitzner
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Welch
Mr. and Mrs. James Welch
Ms. Diana Wells
Mr. Klaus Werner
Mr. Joseph Wernert
Ms. Sara Kay Wheeler
Ms. Paige Whitaker
Mr. Frank White
Ms. Lisa White
Ms. Ursula L. Whiteman
Ms. Nancy B. Whitesides
Ms. Katherine Whitlock
Ms. Marlayne Whitlock
Ms. Julie Whitlow and Mr. Joey Imperateri
Mr. Terence Whitt and Ms. Theresa Rhojas
Mr. and Mrs. Bram Wieskopf
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wildman
Ms. Sherri Wildstein
Ms. Nicole Wiley
Ms. Laurie Willcoxon
Ms. Bethany Williams
Ms. Daphne Williams
Ms. Jenny Williams
Mr. Keith B. Williams
Ms. Melanie Williams
Samuel and Laura Williams
Ms. Sharon Williams
Ms. Sophie Williams
Ms. Tanya Williams
Ms. Chiniqua Wilson
Mr. David Douglas Wilson and
Mrs. Melody Wilder
Ms. Fiona Wilson
Ms. Hylda M. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wilson
Mr. Mark Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Winer
Ms. Kim Winn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wiskind
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wolf
Ms. Jane L. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Womack
Ms. Melissa Woodrow
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Woody
Ms. Staci Wooten
Ms. Tramicha Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Krik Wrzesien
Ms. Michelle Wynn
Mrs. Imelda Yoon and Mr. Tim Sangwook Yoon
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin York
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Young
Ms. Susan Young
Ms. Sylvia Yount
Mrs. Neerah Zach
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Zakas
Ms. Debbie Zamoscinski
Dr.Vlad Zarnescu
Ms. Martha Zepeda
Mr. Paul Zick
Ms. Alexandra J. Zinnes
Mr. Dan Alford
Ms. Kathleen Allen
Ms. Elaine Alpert
Ms. Nebrina Anderson
Ms. Suzanne Araoz
Mr.Vincent Aricco
Ms. Jane Autler
Mr. Rich Aytch, Jr.
Ms. Carol Baker
Ms. Margaret P. Baldwin
Ms. Beth Ballard
Mr. Jeff Ballentine
Ms. Carissa Barletta
Ms. Martha Davis Barnes
Ms. Sheila Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Barr
Ms. Jill Beach
Ms. Angela M. Beasley
Ms. Sherra Bell
Ms. Leslie A. Berry
Michal Betha
Ms. Maria Bickley
Ms. Elizabeth A. Bigler
Ms. Angela Bivins
Ms. Cassandra Christine Black
Ms. Heidi Blackwell
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Blankenship
Ms. Naomi Bock
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Boetig
Ms. Kathleen C. Bolch
Ms. Terri Bond
Ms. Hope Booker
Ms. Bibiana Bottini-Velarde
Ms. Ann Bowen
Ms. Karen Boyer
Ms. Helen Brandshaft
Mr. Jay Bredenberg III
Mrs. Trish Bricker
Ms. Cindy Brieske
Ms. Elizabeth Brock
Mr. Gabriel Brostow
Ms. Robin A. Buchanan
Ms. Meg M. Burke
Terry Campbell
Terry Carpenter
Ms. Michele Casper and Mr. Alan Sokoloff
Mr. Luis E. Castaneda
Ms. Carolyn G. Castano
Ms. Dana Chambliss
Mr. Peter Chen
Ms. Bonnie Clarke
Ms. Marcia R. Cohen
Karlan Coleman
Mr. Thomas Collins
Ms. Debbie Combs
Ms. Joan Como
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Conley
Ms. Michelle Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Coppedge
Ms. Anna Sue Courtney
Ms. Gigi Crain
Ms. Camilla Cruikshank
Ms. Carol Daniel
Ms. Elizabeth Daugherty
Ms. Betty Davis
Ms. Kristin Dawson
Ms. Martha Debeaugrine
Mr. Michael Denniss
Mr. Joe DeRose
Ms. Laura Devereaux
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dewberry
Ms. Ann Dibble
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Dibble
Ms. Patrice Dickey
Ms. Jane Dinerman
Ms. Martha Dinos
Ms. Cimi Douglass
Mrs. Frances W. DuBose
Mr. Kevin Earabino
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eason
Mr. Gary Ector
Ms. Margaret Edwards
Ms. Kay Ernhardt
Ms. Nicole Farrell
Mrs. Tammy Feilmeir
Ms. Amy Fletcher
Ms. Christy Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Gino J. Frate
Dr. and Mrs. Don Freeman
Ms. Robin Friedrick
Mr. Charles H. Frier
Mr. Willie Gaither
Ms. Monica Garcia
Ms. Ann Gary
Ms. Cynthea Gerrell
Mrs. Lisa Geurts
Ms. Suzanne M. Ginn
Ms. Rosemary Glenn
Mr. Warren Goetzel
Ms. Nancy Goldman
Mr. Robert Golla
Ms. Barbara Goltz
Mr. Aaron F. Gotlieb
Ms.Virginia Gottfried
Ms. Sonia Gowen and Mr. Tracy Gowen
Ms. Ursula Graats
Ms. Maureen Greco
Mr. Kenneth L. Green
Ms. Marsha Greene
Ms. Christy Greenwood
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Grimaldi
Ms. Carol Guillory
Ms.Virginia Guthrie
Mr. Gary Hagarty
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haisten
Ms. Maizie Hale
Mr. John Hall
Mrs. Margaret T. Hall
Ms. Barbara Hardesty
Mr. Robert Hardnett
Ms. Jane Harmon and Mr. Mikell Jones
Ms. Elisabeth Harris and Mr. Anthony Ridings
Ms. Sarah Hawk
Ms. Amanda Hayes
Mr. Jack Heller
Ms. Elizabeth Herlihy
Mr. Jack Herman
Mrs. Gladys D. Hirsch
Ms. Mary Katherine Hodgson
Ms. Joyce Hoobler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Horwitz
Ms. Ellen Housley
Ms. Ann Howland
Ms. Andrea Huels
Ms. Lindsay Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Huth
Miss Juanita Richelle Brown Ingram and
Mr. Kynon Ingram
Mr. Robert Irick
Ms. Carol Isaacson
Ms. Suzie Jacobs
Mrs. Lynne Jennings
Ms. Jan Jensen
Mr. Andy Johnson and
Mrs. Emily Young Johnson
Mrs. Ethel R. Johnson
Ms. Ashley Jones
Mr. Michael G. Kam
Nae Kang
Ms. Mary Karahalis
Ms. Betty Karp
Ms. Martha Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kilbarger
Kalin King
Mrs. Jennifer Klaas-Taylor
Debra Klimkiewicz
Ms. Debbie L. Kolbrener
Ms. Miriam Eisenberg Krinsky
Jamie Kristofco
Ms. Stephanie Ladden
Mr. Chuck Lange
Mr. Michael Langford
Ms. Elissa Langley
Mrs. Emma G. Lankford
Ms. Marilyn Latta
Ms. Anne W. Lawing
Rabbi Steven Lebow
Mrs. Ione C. Lee and Dr. John E. Lee
Ms. Liz Lee
Mr. and Mrs. David Lennox
Ms. Melanie Leon
Ms. Amy Lewis
Ms. Leigh Light
Ms. Hollis D. Linginfelter
Ms. Debra Livingston
Reverend Eda Long
Mr. Walter M. Lovett
Soren Ludwig
Ms. Monique Lung
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Luxemburger
Ms. Kari A. MacLauchlin
Ms. Gay Maloney
Mr. Mikel Manitius
Ms. Anna Marchant
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Margolin
Ms. Barbara Mayeske
Mrs. Catherine McCall
Ms. Kerry McCarthy
Ms. Maureen McIvor and Mr. Eric Christ
Ms. Nancy McNeill
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Meaux
Dale Meierotto
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Mescon
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Meyers
Mr. George Miller
Ms. Ingrid Miller
Ms. Sandra Mills
Jean Milnor
Ms. Michelle Mogilsky
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morman
Ms. Kristen Morse
Ms. Esther Moszkowicz
Mr. Felix Moszkowicz
Ms. Karen Fischer Much
Ms. Renee M. Mullinax
Ms. Judy Mullins
Ms. Nancy Nichelson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Todd Noden
Ms. Adele G. Northrup
Mr. and Mrs. James Pack
Mr. Chris Paddock
Ms. Polly Pater
Ms. Barbara Pearson
Mr. Robert P. Pennington
Ms. Melissa Perenson
Andri Pilgrim
Mr. Wally Proctor
Mr. Shawn Proffitt
Ms. Clementine Rasheed
Mrs. Esther Rechtman
Mr. Al Reingold
Ms. Susan C. Reisner
Ms. Erin Richmond
Mrs. Susan Richmond
Mrs. Nicole Rodriguez
Ms. Karen Rogow
Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth Rolle
Ms. Meg Rothfusz
Ms. Ruth Rothfusz
Ms. Tricia Rowe
Ms.Yelena Rubinchik
Mr. Nicholas Russo
Ms. Reeta Russo
Ms. Krista Schnuur
Ms. Cyndy Schreihofer
Mr. Christopher L. Seay
Miss Cameron Maya Seel
Ms. Marla Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shelton
Mrs. Kim Shepherd
Ms. Edna Lorri Shipp and Mr. Leslie Shortman
Ms. Nicole Skelton
Ms. Sharon Sleeper
Ms. Linda Sliski
Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Smith
Ms. Rebecca Smith
Ms. Amy Smith-Barnes
Mrs. Charles A. Smithgall
Mr. Jeremy Sobel
Ms. Christine C. Solomon
Ms. Mari Sosa
Ms. Martha Spencer
Ms. Patricia Sprinkle
Ms. Nancy L. Staub
Ms. Carol Sterling
Ms. Heidi A. Stoneking
Ms. Marianne Strickland
Mr. Tim Sullivan
Ms. Katherine Suzman-Shwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Swanson
Ms. Emily Sztapka
Ms. Lucy Talbott
Elaine and David Taylor-Klaus
Ms. Alice Teeter
Ms. Maurine Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Thwaite
Ms. Janet Tirpak
Ms. Kim Trankina
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Tubesing
Ms. Alice Turner
Ms. Emily Turner
Dr. Pamela Turner
Mr. Robert D. Turner
Ms. Elaine Turpin
Ms. Jill Ullman
Dr. Linda Valleroy
Ms. Ronnie Van Gelder
Ms. Dana Van Vlake
Dr. Susan Volentine
Ms. Sylvia Walker
Ms. Suzanne Walton
Ms. Rebecca Watkins
Ms. JoBeth Watson
Mrs. Stephanie Watson
Ms. Rosaland Welhous
Ms. Eugenia Wells
Dr. Anon E. Westmoreland
Mr. Steven Widerman
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilby
Ms. Elaine Williams
Ms. Jessica Landisman Williams
Sharad Williams
Ms. Laura Woodall
Erin Woodbury
McKenzie Wren
Ms. Evy Wright
Mr. David Youngdahl
Mr. Gary Zaccaria
Engelien Zegers
Ms. Marla Zimmerman
Center supported
in part by:
The Center for Puppetry Arts is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization and is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts;
the Georgia Council for the Arts through the appropriations from the Georgia General Assembly (GCA is a Partner Agency of the
National Endowment for the Arts); and contributions from individuals, corporations and foundations. Major funding for the Center
is provided by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners under the guidance of the Fulton County Arts Council. Major support is
provided by the City of Atlanta Bureau of Cultural Affairs. The Center is a participant in the New Generations Program, funded by the
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation/The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and administered by Theatre Communications Group (TCG),
the national organization for the American theatre. The Center is a constituent of Theatre Communications Group and a member of
the Atlanta Coalition of Performing Arts. The Center also serves as headquarters of UNIMA-USA.
This Annual Report recognizes contributions made to the Center for Puppetry Arts between July 1, 2003 and June 30, 2004 or made in
support of programs occurring during this time period. Every effort has been made to compile an accurate list. We hope there are no
errors. However, if you notice a mistake, please let us know so our records can be updated and proper recognition be given.
Copy written by: Debbie S. George • Additional copy by: Shannon Frye, Bobby Box, Alan Louis and Patty Petrey Dees
Editing by: Wendy Hersh • Design by: Donna Yocum and Melissa Sims
1404 Spring Street, NW at 18th • Atlanta, GA USA 30309-2820
Ticket Sales: 404.873.3391 • Administrative: 404.873.3089 • www.puppet.org • [email protected]
Headquarters of UNIMA-USA • Member of Atlanta Coalition of Performing Arts and Constituent of the Theatre Communications Group
Copyright © Center for Puppetry Arts, November 2006