Trojan Rule - Subiaco Academy
Trojan Rule - Subiaco Academy
A Festival of Lessons & Carols The Trojan Rule Vol. 6, No. 9 - Dec. 16, 2013 A biweekly publication of Subiaco Academy Subiaco, Arkansas Students, faculty, and monks participated on Gaudete Sunday in the annual Festival of Lessons and Carols in the Abbey Church. The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols is a worship service celebrating the birth of Jesus. The story of the fall of humanity, the promise of the Messiah, and the birth of Jesus is told in nine short Bible readings from Genesis, the prophetic books and the Gospels, interspersed with the singing of Christmas carols, hymns and choir music. The readings were done by senior Nathan Mabry, Shirley Kiefer, Greg Timmerman, Cheryl Goetz, Matt Stengel, Roy Goetz, Fr. Brendan, and Abbot Jerome. The carols were performed by the senior high and middle school choral groups and by the entire congregation. Jazz Ensemble performed for full house in LR The Subiaco Jazz Ensemble performed for a full house December 3 for the Little Rock Knights of Columbus Annual Sausage Supper at McDonald Hall. The event is one of the Little Rock K of C’s main fundraisers for the year. Attendees included Bishop Anthony Taylor and several priests and religious sisters from around the diocese. The ensemble performed a set of Blues, R&B, Latin and Big Band Swing tunes for the very appreciative audience. One couple was inspired to get on the dance floor for the band’s rendition of Glen Miller’s “In the Mood.” The ensemble also welcomed an unexpected guest musician, Larry Witherspoon. Larry donned the required Subiaco Jazz orange blazer and blew a very solid blues harp on Robert Johnson’s “Crossroads.” Roy Goetz commented, “It is always a great pleasure to perform for a lively audience, and this crowd came out to have a good time. We really enjoyed ourselves.” Cyclone Classic Subiaco played in the Cyclone Classic after an almost three-week layoff. On Thursday, Subiaco played an extremely athletic Arkadelphia team, ranked 4th in 4A. The Trojans were off to a slow start and had a hard time adjusting to the Badger quickness. Fortunately for the Trojans, Cash Krueger found the shooting touch, scoring 11 points in the first period. The second period saw Krueger get help from Chris Reed, as he poured in 13 in the frame. The two scored 28 of the Trojans 31 first-half points. The second half saw a better defense with the duo of Krueger and Reed continuing to score. Subiaco pretty much dominated the second half and pulled out a 64-54 hard fought win. Krueger ended the game with 33 points followed by Reed’s 25. On Friday, the Trojans played host Russellville. Quick guards and great shooters are the trademark for the Cyclones. The game was fast paced early with the Trojans holding 18-17 first period lead. The second period saw the Trojans falter and go into the half trailing the eventual tournament champion 31-25. The second period and the first four minutes of the third proved to undo the Trojans. Subiaco fought back cutting the Cyclone lead to three with three minutes to go, but faltered down the stretch with some costly turnovers, falling 59-49. A rejuvenated Kelly Hollis lead the Trojans with 17 points followed by Chris Reed with 16. A flat and disappointed Trojan bunch took the floor Saturday to take on an outstanding Clarksville team. Subiaco played uninspired and the quickness of Clarksville proved too much to handle as Thompson for the Panthers scorched the Trojans for 30 points. Cash Krueger led the Trojans with 21 points and 17 rebounds, as Subiaco fell 59-48. Students view monastic art & craft Fr. High Assenmacher, OSB, Subiaco Abbey archivist and historian, provided information on various arts and crafts made by Subiaco’s former and present monks. The students toured the museum and other areas as part of Deacon Roy Goetz’s Benedictine Spirituality class. Winter activities at Subiaco Snowball battles replaced classes on the December 6 feast of St. Nicholas Students braved freezing weather for sledding near Coury House Br. John Paul visited with students on a foggy December morning Students “volunteered” to help Steven Brooks and Br. Adrian shelling pecans on December 7. The traditional “Light up the Hill” activity took place on December 4. Parents and students decorated the Main Building entrance, the Performing Arts Center, and Alumni Hall. May the joy and blessings of Christmas be with you. Campaign Blessings Today the monks and staff of Subiaco Abbey and Academy are experiencing some of the strongest positive energy one can imagine. We are extremely pleased to announce that our capital campaign, Continuing the Tradition…A Campaign for Subiaco, has surpassed the $6 million mark, a short term goal we had hoped to reach before the end of 2013! This milestone towards our goal of $8,052,000 comes with tremendous gratitude to our supporters. The prayers and gifts received have created joy and excitement during this Advent season. The anticipation and hope of the season are good reminders to us that nothing is impossible with God. As we continue the work of this campaign, we know that success is powered by motivation and positive energy. That energy comes through our friends and benefactors and is transferred to monks, students, and staff here at Subiaco. To all those who continue to pray for us and those who have contributed to the campaign in support of our ministries, we wish to thank you not only for the gifts that are visible to us, but for those we cannot see but feel. Merry Christmas and God’s blessings to each of you in the New Year! For information on how you can help support the capital campaign, please contact Glenn Constantino, Procurator, at 479-934-1026 or 479-934-2653 or email at [email protected]. Visit our website at to view a video by Abbot Jerome. Full scholarship QB teams notch victories Jacob Maestri accounted for 120 points in the twomatch win over Clarksville on December 4. The first match resulted in a 345-110 Subiaco victory, the second in a 270165 Subiaco win. Other point- winners were Sam Chisholm (90), Walker Cobb (70), and Eli Hekel (40). Eli Hekel, a senior from North Little Rock received a full scholarship to attend the University of Chicago where he will major in computer science. The University of Chicago is one of the partner colleges of the QuestBridge National College Match which helps outstanding high school seniors gain admission and full four-year scholarships to some of the nation’s most selective colleges. This year, Questbridge selected 4,773 finalists from a record 12,818 applicants. Of these finalists, 70% were in the top 5% of their class, 96% had a GPA of 3.5 or higher. This scholarship is also based on s student’s household income. The Subiaco Junior High quiz bowl team beat Havana 200-60 in early December. Subiaco Academy’s Junior High Quiz Bowl team won both matches against Lavaca, 425 to 60, with Axel answering 22 questions correctly, David and Philip answering 5 each (in the first match), and 185 to 155, with Philip answering 3, David answering 5, Carlen answering 2 and Tiangang answering 1 (in the second match). The record for the fall is 20 wins, 4 losses. From the Rule of Saint Benedict “The first step of humility is unhesitating obedience, which comes naturally to those who cherish Christ above all. This very obedience, however, will be acceptable to God and agreeable to men only if compliance with what is commanded is not cringing or sluggish or half-hearted, but free from any grumbling or any reaction of unwillingness.” (Chapter 5:1-2,14 Obedience) Compliance is not obedience. Following a fight with a sibling, a child may make a forced, insincere, parent-directed apology, but it is of little real worth. If the child is really sorry—wonderful—but if not, the words are better not spoken. Teachers can make students stand, kneel, sit and respond to the prayers at mass, but unless our students truly want to worship, we have compliance only, not obedience. Adults are certainly not exempt. If we come to mass driven by a sense of obligation, are we compliant or obedient? Obedience implies a desire to be led, to be guided by someone whose wisdom and intentions we trust will bring us closer to God. Deacon Roy Goetz Academy Chaplain
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