San Francisco Mine - Timmins Gold Corp


San Francisco Mine - Timmins Gold Corp
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03/09/14 11:12
Dear friends,
I am writing you once again on behalf of all those who make up the San Francisco
Mine team.
have decided to create a second compilation of our activities in the community;
this time the social commitment is even greater.
What has now become a tradition, the “San Francisco Mine Summer” took
happiness, and learning for all participants, while also testing the creativity of
the youth, through sports and cultural activities.
We invite you to join us by reviewing this collection of projects focused on
the community, environment, social responsibility, health and sports, and we
cordially invite you to join our activities, since you are the participants and
driving force that make this all possible.
At San Francisco Mine we remain committed to serving and strengthening those
with whom we share the beautiful place that is Estacion Llano.
kind regards
Arturo Bonillas
President of Timmins Gold Corp
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Supporting the Education of Employees’ Children.
Supporting Education.
ISEA Open-Enrollment High School.
Welcome Teacher Luis Daniel Garcia.
Ejido El Claro Now Has its School Bus.
Story-Telling Festival.
Celebrating the Mexican Revolution.
Mine San Francisco supporting education.
Families, Teachers, and San Francisco Mine, United in Preserving the Environment.
Donation of Garbage Containers.
Rescuing Wildlife.
Rescuing Plant Life.
Fire Brigade Training.
Santa Ana Fire Department Event.
Distribution of Uniforms to the Santa Ana Fire Department.
Industrial Safety Convention.
Thinking about Estacion Llano’s Safety.
Management and Control Program for Contractors.
Past Electronic System’s Safety and Health Self-Management Program.
Enjoyable Visit by Santa Ana CECYTES students.
Award of Distinguished Statewide Socially Responsible Company (ESR).
Quite a Tradition - the Feast Day for the Patron Saint Michael the Archangel.
Back to School.
Community Grocery Deliveries.
The 2013 Summer Course Was a Great Success.
Inaugural 2013 Skulls Contest Winners.
Christmas Posadas.
Donation to Elizabeth House.
2013 San Francisco Mine Footrace.
Water Well Set-Up.
Holiday Gift Debit Cards.
Dust Control.
Vehicle Donation.
PrevenIMSS Program.
Much Excitement at Mine San Francisco Interdepartmental Championship.
National Baseball Championship 15 year-old Category.
2013 Grand Softball Tournament.
Quite a Challenge - the Gain Health by Losing Weight Program.
Training: 2013 Man-hours.
Training Courses.
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Supporting the education
of the employees children
Each semester, San Francisco Mine awards at least 45 scholarships to support employees’ children who have
excellent grade averages and who are enrolled in high school or at a university.
Jaime Nuno Kindergarten
Supporting Education
ISEA Primary and Secondary
San Francisco Mine supports its workers in completing
their basic education, through the Primary and
Secondary ISEA program.
Pedro Garcia Conde Elementary School
Last June, graduation ceremonies were held for the
Jaime Nuno Kindergarten and Pedro Garcia Conde
Elementary School, in which San Francisco Mine
was present to show its support and interest in
the education of children from the Estacion Llano
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ISEA Open-Enrollment
High School
Welcome Teacher Luis
Daniel García
The special education teacher, Luis Daniel Garcia
Plata, was given an enthusiastic welcome to Pedro
García Conde Elementary School where he will
support students who require special education.
During the welcoming event, Mr. Vicente Javier
Munguia Cañedo, the delegate of the Ministry of
Education and Culture (Secretaria de Educacion y
Cultura, SEC) urged parents to lend their support to
the teacher and make the most of this opportunity.
The ISEA High School Program has been widely
accepted, with the enrollment of about 100 students
Francisco Mine employees, as well as those from
neighboring communities of the City of Santa Ana
who want to complete their basic education.
Currently there are 18 students in the Open
Enrollment High School.
Ejido El Claro Now
Has its School Bus
The “Story-Telling Festival” held by the Jaime Nuno
Kindergarten in Estacion Llano was great fun, attracting
the attendance of both parents and other guests.
At the event, spectators watched puppet shows put on
and creativity during the festival.
bus that was donated by the San Francisco Mine to
Ejido El Claro, intended for the community students
who attend the Santa Ana campus of CECYTES.
Now families of Ejido El Claro will take comfort in
knowing that their children travel safely to and from
their classes.
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Celebrating the
Mexican Revolution
On November 20, 2013, schools in Estacion Llano held
a traditional parade to commemorate the Mexican
revolution, with the participation of three Estacion
Llano educational levels in cultural and sporting
di ttable:
Luis Angel Vazquez, Director of Pedro García
Conde Elementary School.
Pilar Gabriela Olmos, President of the Elementary
and Telesecundaria (Distance Education Program)
Schools Parents’ Association.
Maria Isabel Valenzuela Moroyoqui, Head of San
Francisco Mine Community Relations.
Claudio Tiznado De La Cruz, Councillor of the
Honourable City Council of Santa Ana.
Francisco Celaya Gallardo, Delegate of Estacion
Llano Police Department.
Dora Alicia Barragan, President of the Kindergarten
Parents’ Association.
Rodrigo Yepiz Corral, Director of Telesecundaria No. 57.
San Francisco Mine Supporting Education
Summer 2013 Interns
Each year, San Francisco Mine gladly welcomes
to carry out the practical portion of their studies
within the mine, where they are taught the practical
which they are majoring.
This year was no exception with 21 students learning
Winter 2013 Interns
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Families, Teachers and San Francisco Mine,
united in preserving the environment
The San Francisco Mine Department of Environmental The implementation of Reforestation Program seeks
Control conducted a reforestation program with the to foster a culture of environmental stewardship in
Jaime Nuno Kindergarten in Estacion Llano.
the younger generations.
Joined by 50 parents and their children as well as the
A similar reforestation session was also held by
planting a total of 57 Tepehuaje and Chilean Mesquite Telesecundaria No. 57.
Donation of
Garbage Containers
The San Francisco Mine Environmental Controll and
Community Relations Departments delivered 20 containers
to the Santa Ana Campus of CECYTES.
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03/09/14 11:13
Rescuing Wildlife
“Wildlife relocation or rescue programs are a
conservation tool aimed at reducing the loss of genetic
variability that occurs in threatened species by the
reduction and/or disappearance of their populations.
and their gene pool, than at saving entire populations,
although the greater the number of individuals
captured and relocated, the greater the chance will be
the population.”
The San Francisco Mine Department of Environmental Control launched its Wildlife Rescue and Relocation
program aimed at rescuing the greatest possible number of individual animals from endangered species
inhabiting the area, as well as relocating them to a similar environment. The program is focused on threatened
groups of vertebrates and low-mobility species, such as amphibians, reptiles, and micromammals.
Rescuing Plant Life
The San Francisco Mine Department of Environmental Control launched its Plant Life Rescue and Relocation
program, which seeks to preserve the genetic variability of the most important or most representative plant
species of the Sonora desert ecosystem.
It is worth mentioning that plant life rescues are carried out on young species under 1.50 meters tall in order
to increase the survival rate of the relocated plants. Another means of reaching this goal is to produce plants
and transplant them to areas that are impacted by industrial and livestock activities.
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03/09/14 11:13
Fire Brigade
With the aim of establishing brigade leaders in
their areas, San Francisco Mine negotiated with
Medical Services to hold training workshops
for First Aid Technicians. This theoretical and
practical training was conducted over 304 hours,
with the participation of:
Mine San Francisco employees (14 participants).
Suppliers’ employees (2 participants).
Young members of the Estacion Llano Brigade
(2 participants).
a closing event was held on the Santa Ana Sonora
of completion.
Santa Ana
Fire Department
Mine San Francisco was present at the celebration
Fire Department. Awards were given and a tribute
was made to founding veteran members as well as to
current volunteers.
The event was held at the Santa Ana Campus of the
University of Sonora. It is noteworthy that Mina San
volunteers honoured.
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Distribution of uniforms to the Santa Ana
Fire Department
San Francisco Mine delivered 38 uniforms to the
members of the Santa Ana Fire Department, as part
In response to the support provided by the company
and strengthening the existing agreement with
the Fire Department, the institution provided
transportation services which in 2013 reached a total
of 22 local and long-distance trips.
Industrial Safety
The quarterly Industrial Safety Convention held to
address safety issues in mining companies of the
State of Sonora was very
Using San Francisco Mine as headquarters, participants
mines, state authorities of the mining department,
and representatives of the San Francisco Mine
Thinking about Estacion Llano s Safety
Last October, in collaboration with the delegate
from Estacion Llano, Francisco Celaya Gallardo, San
Francisco Mine established a provisional access route
to the mine, since the Mine’s main access route was
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Management and Control Program for
To strengthen the process of integration and the control of contractors in San Francisco Mine’s safety processes and
programs, the Contractor Safety Committee was formed with the participation of companies such as: Cercos Mex,
The main purposes of the committee are to create training programs, and to design appropriate communication
methods of standards and regulations applicable to processes and activities performed at the mine.
Passt Electronic System s Safety and Health
Self-Management Program
The Safety, Hygiene, and Health departments During the months of November and December
2013, all the responses to observations made by
San Francisco Mine as a Safe Company by the the Ministry of Labor during their visits have been
updated in the PASST online system. Updates have
standards of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare,
also been made to comply with additional Mexican
through the implementation of the Self-Management rules and regulations applicable to the company.
of Safety and Health Program at Work (Programa de
Autogestion de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, PASST).
Currently the program has been almost completely
implemented, due in large part to the involvement of
of command.
Field guides have been being used in each of the
areas to assess the safety conditions and to detect
opportunities for improvement both in work area
conditions as well as the training and performance of
San Francisco Mine’s employees.
San Francisco Mine
observations designed in the program.
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Enjoyable visit by
Santa Ana CECYTES students
Last June, San Francisco Mine was visited by students from the Santa Ana campus of CECYTES, during
which they carried out various activities such as:
t Learning about San Francisco Mine’s safety measures
t Attending a lecture about accident prevention and
safety measures, given by engineer Miguel Angel
Soto and engineer Hugo Lopez from the Department
of Safety and Hygiene.
t Touring the San Francisco Mine facilities.
Award of the Distiguished Successful Kick-Off
Statewide Socially
of Estacion Llano
Drainage Project
Responsible Company
(Empresa Socialmente
Responsable, ESR)
On June 20, 2013, COPARMEX
Francisco Mine with the distinguished ESR title. The
event was attended by Miguel Bonilla, Vice President
of Timmins Gold Corp, Melissa Valenzuela, Finance
Assistant, and Kenia Moreno, Community Relations
construction of the Estacion Llano drainage and
sewage project was held, at which the mayor, Manuel
Guillermo Rivera Velasco, thanked the community
for the trust placed in him and in turn thanked
San Francisco Mine for its support in managing
the project and its willingness to conduct such an
important construction project.
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03/09/14 11:13
Quite a tradition - the Feast Day for Patron Saint
Michael the Archangel
During the Feast Day everyone enjoyed:
Traditional “callejonada”.
Horse Racing.
Happy Birthday to San Miguel.
Queen’s Coronation Ball.
Ring Game.
Thanksgiving Mass.
Mine San Francisco participated in the organization
of the traditional Feast Day for Patron Saint Michael
the Archangel of Estacion Llano Chapel, in order to
preserve traditions that help foster family harmony
and community bonding.
During the celebration, the older adults care program
was inaugurated, which Integral Family Development
(Desarrollo Integral para la Familia, DIF) Sonora
supported with the “Peso por Peso” program.
Pastor Dagoberto Quiñones invited Estacion Llano
citizens to continue the traditions that unite families
and welcomed all families living outside Estacion
Back to School
Community Grocery
Last December, San Francisco Mine gave out 15
Christmas grocery deliveries to the Estacion Llano
community so they would have a nice Christmas
dinner with their families.
Last August, San Francisco Mine gave out 743 kits of
school supplies to all children enrolled in the three
educational levels of Estacion Llano, Jaime Nuno
Kindergarten, Pedro Conde Garcia Elementary School,
and Telesecundaria No. 57 as well as to the children of
San Francisco Mine employees.
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03/09/14 11:13
The 2013 Sports-Music-Art San Francisco Mine
Summer Course Was a Great Success
Participants of the Summer School were given a tour
to see all the San Francisco Mine’s facilities and the
work and process that take place in each area.
For the fourth consecutive year, San Francisco Mine
held the 2013 Summer Course, where in addition to
having fun, children discovered their singing skills,
learned to play guitar, play baseball, paint, and even
dedication they showed in their classes.
During the inauguration, engineer Arturo Montaño
Munguia welcomed the children enrolled in the
course, and reminded them of the importance of
education for their future. He also let their parents
know that San Francisco Mine is pleased to be able
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Families of participating students attended the closing ceremony of the Summer School, enjoying the
The most outstanding students received awards
based on their attendance in the course, their work,
teacher. They received:
School Supplies
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Winners of the Inaugural
2013 Skulls Contest
1st Place
Santos Eduardo Ramirez Ballesteros
Crushing Maintenance.
2nd Place
Victor Manuel de La Toba Garcia
3rd Place
Javier Enrique Ozorio Quintana
Human Resources.
Donation to
Elizabeth House
Last January 6th, San Francisco Mine gave out toys
to the children of “Casa Elizabeth A.C.” to mark the
Epiphany. The donation was made possible thanks
to the support of San Francisco Mine employees
through the “YOUR CHARITY DONATION” program.
San Francisco Mine supported the Jaime Nuno
Kindergarten, Pedro Garcia Conde Elementary, and
Telesecundaria No. 57 with a donation in kind, to put
together a traditional Christmas Posada.
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03/09/14 11:14
1,500 meter male and female junior and
female masters categories.
5,000 meter youth, adult and masters
For the third year in a row, the traditional San
Francisco Mine Footrace was held. Beginning at
Estacion Llano Square.
More than 70 competitors participated across four
categories: female and male: junior, youth, adult, and
San Francisco Mine
by various departments such as:
Community Relations, Crushing, Environmental
Control and Human Resources; The Confederation
of Mexican Workers (Confederación de Trabajadores
de México, CTM) delegate and union representatives,
and members of the Estacion Llano Sun Brigade also
Organizing Committee
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Water Well
Holiday Gift
Debit Card
In order to provide drinking water to the community
of Benjamin Hill, San Francisco Mine lent its support
by renting a crane for the municipality.
San Francisco Mine gave out 410 Holiday Gifts in the
form of debit cards to all its employees.
It is noteworthy that 9.3% of San Francisco Mine
workers come from Benjamin Hill.
Dust Control
As a means of controlling dust that is generated by
cars, trucks, and machinery, San Francisco Mine
carries out daily watering in the Estacion Llano streets.
Vehicle Donation
San Francisco Mine donated a patrol vehicle which The Honourable City Council of Santa Ana received
will facilitate travel on the route and increase the vehicle and in turn delivered it to the Estacion
availability and response time of the police force.
Llano Police Station Chief Francisco Celaya C. Gallardo.
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PrevenIMSS program
During June and July 2013, Mexican Social
Security Institute (Instituto Mexicano de
Francisco Mine to provide health services
pressure and blood sugar levels and
giving tetanus and hepatitis B vaccines
to those requiring them, in addition to
standard examinations measuring their
weight, height and body mass.
During the month of November and in order to commemorate
World Diabetes Day, a blood testing was performed at the
To reach the goal of 100% vaccination
coverage against the diseases listed days during the month of November in order to cover as many of
above, a vaccine application program
who had not been previously vaccinated.
Much excitement at the San Francisco Mine
Interdepartmental Softball Game
Family members, friends and other supporters of the
participants enjoyed a very exciting evening during
the San Francisco Mine Interdepartmental Softball
Maintenance & Administration.
The Maintenance team won the championship, and
in recognition of each participating team, an awards
ceremony took place during which the top three
teams received trophies. At the end of the awards
ceremony a party was held for all participants and
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National Baseball Championship
15 year-old category
As a way of supporting the sport, Mine San Francisco
sponsored the uniforms for the team representing
Sonora at the National Baseball Championship in the
15 year-old category, held in Oaxaca, Oaxaca, from
July 12 to 20, 2013.
Proudly, Sonora won the title of National Baseball
Champion for the 15 year-olds after defeating Nayarit
Grand Softball Tournament 2013
San Francisco Mine celebrated the Miner’s Day with
its annual Grand Softball Tournament. Employees
from the mine formed their teams by department
and faced off in a friendly game at the Estacion Llano
stadium. Employees’ family members, friends, and
members of the Estacion Llano community attended
and shared a traditional barbecue after the event.
Quite a Challenge - The Gain Health by Losing
Weight Program
To participate in the “Gain Health, by Losing Weight”
program implemented by the Human Resources
Department of San Francisco Mine, teams of 3 people
were formed by the staff of San Francisco Mine. The
program’s goal was for participating teams to lose
weight in a set period of time, emphasizing the health
of employees through good nutrition and exercise.
1st place
Troglodytes Team
Rosa Romero Barreda and Claudia Beltran Granillo
2nd place
RBD Team
Francisco Murrieta, Mauricio Othon y Vicente Lopez
3rd place
The Foreigners Team
Rosa Bella Valle y Sandra Romero
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Mine San Francisco, is the commonly referred name of Molimentales, 100% owned subsidiary of Timmins Gold Corp.
Training: 2013 Man-Hours
Training Courses
During 2013, San Francisco Mine conducted training and instruction programs in pursuit of increased
productivity, in order to work towards its goal of zero accidents.
The subjects taught primarily dealt with industrial safety and the protection of workers’ health, in addition to
and electricity, among others.
School of Values
To boost the employee motivation, San Francisco Mine created the “School of Values” in which topics are
taught concerning self-esteem, motivation, addiction prevention, family integration, among others; these
create a balance between the employee’s family and his/her work.
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Av. Cuauhtemoc Final S/N, Estacion Llano,
Sonora, Mexico. C.P. 84617
Office phone number: (641) 324-1932
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