cirencester park polo club daglingworth gloucestershire
cirencester park polo club daglingworth gloucestershire
CIRENCESTER PARK POLO CLUB DAGLINGWORTH GLOUCESTERSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGICAL WATCHING BRIEF For CIRENCESTER PARK POLO CLUB CA PROJECT: 2515 CA REPORT: 08044 FEBRUARY 2008 CIRENCESTER PARK POLO CLUB, DAGLINGWORTH, GLOUCESTERSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGICAL WATCHING BRIEF CA PROJECT: 2515 CA REPORT: 08044 prepared by date checked by date approved by Sian Reynish, Project Supervisor 29 February 2008 Cliff Bateman, Project Manager 5 March 2008 Simon Cox, Head of Fieldwork signed date 31 March 2008 issue 01 This report is confidential to the client. Cotswold Archaeology accepts no responsibility or liability to any third party to whom this report, or any part of it, is made known. Any such party relies upon this report entirely at their own risk. No part of this report may be reproduced by any means without permission. © Cotswold Archaeology Building 11, Kemble Enterprise Park, Kemble, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 6BQ Tel. 01285 771022 Fax. 01285 771033 E-mail: [email protected] © Cotswold Archaeology Cirencester Park Polo Club, Daglingworth, Gloucestershire: Archaeological Watching Brief CONTENTS SUMMARY........................................................................................................................ 2 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 3 2. RESULTS (FIG. 2) ............................................................................................... 4 3. DISCUSSION....................................................................................................... 5 4. CA PROJECT TEAM ........................................................................................... 5 5. REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 5 APPENDIX A: CONTEXT DESCRIPTIONS ..................................................................... 6 APPENDIX B: OASIS REPORT FORM ............................................................................ 7 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Fig. 1 Site location plan 1:25,000 Fig. 2 The site, showing location of groundworks 1:5000 1 © Cotswold Archaeology Cirencester Park Polo Club, Daglingworth, Gloucestershire: Archaeological Watching Brief SUMMARY Project Name: Cirencester Park Polo Club Location: Daglingworth, Gloucestershire NGR: SO 9899 0350 Type: Watching Brief Date: 28-29 February 2008 Planning Reference: 04/00509/FUL Location of Archive: To be deposited with Corinium Museum, Cirencester Site Code: POL 08 An archaeological watching brief was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology during groundworks associated with the provision of a new water supply for three recently constructed polo grounds within Cirencester Park (adjoining Cirencester Park Polo Club), Daglingworth, Gloucestershire. No features or deposits of archaeological interest were observed during groundworks. 2 © Cotswold Archaeology Cirencester Park Polo Club, Daglingworth, Gloucestershire: Archaeological Watching Brief 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 In February 2008 Cotswold Archaeology (CA) carried out an archaeological watching brief during groundworks associated with the provision of a new water supply for three recently constructed polo grounds in Daglingworth, Gloucestershire (centred on NGR: SO 9899 0350; Fig. 1). The watching brief was undertaken on behalf of Cirencester Park Polo Club to fulfil a condition attached to planning consent for groundworks associated with the conversion of agricultural land to three polo grounds (Planning ref: 04/00509/FUL). The objective of the watching brief was to record all archaeological remains exposed during the development. 1.2 The watching brief was carried out in accordance with a detailed Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) produced by CA (2008) and approved by Cotswold District Council acting on advice of Charles Parry, Senior Archaeological Officer, Gloucestershire County Council. The fieldwork also followed the Standard and Guidance for an Archaeological Watching Brief issued by the Institute of Field Archaeologists (2001), the Statement of Standards and Practices Appropriate for Archaeological Fieldwork in Gloucestershire (GCC 1995) and the Management of Archaeological Projects (English Heritage 1991). The site 1.3 The polo grounds are situated within Cirencester Park, north of the A419 and west of Cirencester town centre. The new grounds lie to the north-west of the existing polo lawns on former agricultural land which was converted to three polo pitches in 2006 (Fig. 2). 1.4 The site lies at approximately 160m AOD. The underlying geology of the area is mapped as Forest Marble of the Middle Jurassic era (BGS 1998). . Archaeological background 1.5 Archaeological evaluation of the three new polo grounds was undertaken in September and October 2004 (GCC 2004). It identified discrete concentrations of later prehistoric activity, including Neolithic pits, postholes and a ditch, an early Bronze Age pit, and Iron Age activity (ibid.). 3 © Cotswold Archaeology 1.6 Cirencester Park Polo Club, Daglingworth, Gloucestershire: Archaeological Watching Brief A subsequent archaeological watching brief undertaken during ploughing and resowing to provide the playing surfaces for the new grounds ensured that the depth at which archaeological features and deposits previously identified in the archaeological evaluation were not reached or impacted upon (CA 2006). Methodology 1.7 The fieldwork followed the methodology set out within the WSI (CA 2008). An archaeologist was present during intrusive groundworks comprising the mechanical excavation of a pipe trench for the new water supply (see Fig. 2 for location and extent). The pipe trench typically measured 0.5m in width and was excavated to a depth of 0.6m below the present ground surface (bpgl). 1.8 Written, graphic and photographic records were compiled in accordance with CA Technical Manual 1: Fieldwork Recording Manual (2007). 1.9 The archive from the watching brief is currently held by CA at their offices in Kemble and will be deposited with the Corinium Museum, Cirencester. A summary of information from this project, set out within Appendix B, will be entered onto the OASIS online database of archaeological projects in Britain. 2. RESULTS (FIG. 2) 2.1 The pipe trench was initially excavated to the top of natural substrate 102, prior to subsequent excavation to the full depth of 0.6m bpgl. The natural limestone brash was revealed at an average depth of 0.3m bpgl overlain by subsoil 101, typically 0.2m in thickness, which was in turn sealed by topsoil/turf line 100. 2.2 A number of anomalies comprising orange-brown clay silts were identified within the natural limestone. The irregular nature of these deposits and the lack of artefactual material suggests they are variations in the natural substrate rather than archaeological features. 2.3 Despite visual scanning of spoil, no artefactual material was recovered during the current works 4 © Cotswold Archaeology Cirencester Park Polo Club, Daglingworth, Gloucestershire: Archaeological Watching Brief 3. DISCUSSION 3.1 Despite the archaeological potential of the application area (see archaeological background above), the watching brief identified no archaeological remains within the area of observed groundworks. 4. CA PROJECT TEAM Fieldwork was undertaken by Sian Reynish. The report was written by Sian Reynish. The illustrations were prepared by Jemma Elliott. The archive has been compiled by Sian Reynish, and prepared for deposition by Kathryn Price. The project was managed for CA by Cliff Bateman. 5. REFERENCES BGS (British Geological Survey) 1998 Cirencester Sheet 235 Scale 1:50,000 CA (Cotswold Archaeology) 2008 Cirencester Park Polo Club, Daglingworth, Gloucestershire: Written Scheme of Investigation for an Archaeological Watching Brief CA 2006 Proposed New Grounds, Cirencester Park Polo Club, Daglingworth, Gloucestershire: Programme of Archaeological Recording. CA typescript report 06154 GCC (Gloucestershire County Council) 2004 An Archaeological Evaluation at Cirencester Park Polo Club, Daglingworth, Gloucestershire 5 © Cotswold Archaeology Cirencester Park Polo Club, Daglingworth, Gloucestershire: Archaeological Watching Brief APPENDIX A: CONTEXT DESCRIPTIONS No. Type Description 100 101 102 Layer Layer Layer Topsoil Subsoil Natural limestone brash Length (m) Width (m) Depth (m) 0.1 0.2 <0.3 Spotdate 6 © Cotswold Archaeology Cirencester Park Polo Club, Daglingworth, Gloucestershire: Archaeological Watching Brief APPENDIX B: OASIS REPORT FORM PROJECT DETAILS Project Name Cirencester Park Polo Club Short description (250 words maximum) An archaeological watching brief was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology during groundworks associated with the provision of a new water supply for three recently constructed polo grounds. No features or deposits of archaeological interest were observed during groundworks. Project dates Project type (e.g. desk-based, field evaluation etc) 28-29 February 2008 Watching Brief Previous work (reference to organisation or SMR numbers etc) 2006 Archaeological Watching Brief 2004 Archaeological Evaluation Future work Unknown PROJECT LOCATION Site Location Cirencester Park Gloucestershire Polo Club, Daglingworth, 2 Study area (M /ha) Site co-ordinates (8 Fig Grid Reference) PROJECT CREATORS Name of organisation Project Brief originator Project Design (WSI) originator Project Manager Project Supervisor PROJECT ARCHIVES SO 9899 0350 Cotswold Archaeology No brief supplied Cotswold Archaeology Cliff Bateman Sian Reynish Intended final location of archive (museum/Accession no.) Physical Paper n/a Corinium Cirencester Digital BIBLIOGRAPHY n/a CA Museum, Content (e.g. pottery, animal bone etc) None 1 Written Scheme of Investigation 1 Trench recording forms 1 Black and white/Colour slide photo register 1 Levels register None (Cotswold Archaeology) 2008 Cirencester Park Polo Club, Daglingworth, Gloucestershire: Archaeological Watching Brief. CA typescript report 08044 CA 2006 Proposed New Grounds, Cirencester Park Polo Club, Daglingworth, Gloucestershire: Programme of Archaeological Recording. CA typescript report 06154 GCC (Gloucestershire County Council) 2004 An Archaeological Evaluation at Cirencester Park Polo Club, Daglingworth, Gloucestershire 7 Reproduced from the 1998 Ordnance Survey Explorer map with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office c Crown copyright Cotswold Archaeological Trust 100002109 N Site 0 2.5km COTSWOLD ARCHAEOLOGY PROJECT TITLE Cirencester Park Polo Club Gloucestershire FIGURE TITLE Site location plan DRAWN BY JE SCALE 1:25,000@A4 PROJECT NO. FIGURE NO. 2515 1 99 Reproduced from the 2006 Ordnance Survey Landplan map with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office c Crown copyright Cotswold Archaeological Trust 100002109 N GROUND 2 GROUND 3 GROUND 1 03 0 ST 500m COTSWOLD ARCHAEOLOGY PROJECT TITLE site proposed polo ground location of pipe trench Cirencester Park Polo Club FIGURE TITLE The site, showing location of groundworks DRAWN BY JE SCALE 1:5000@A4 PROJECT NO. FIGURE NO. 2515 2
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