General purpose direct acting 2, 3 port solenoid valve
General purpose direct acting 2, 3 port solenoid valve
AB/AG (General purpose valve) HNB/G General purpose direct acting 2, 3 port solenoid valve USB/G 䡵 For air, vacuum, water, oil FAB/G FGB/G Overview FVB The general purpose valve series enables control of various types of FWB/G fluids including water, air, oil and vacuums. In addition to the high reliability and high quality of the FHB FLB valve, a variety of options and variations are available. AB AG Features AP/ AD Various working fluids control APK/ ADK Various types of fluids can be handled by selecting the proper body material and sealant. For dry air Wide option range Including open frame, coil with diode and terminal boxes. Including direct acting compact type Rc1/8 (port size) to Rc1. Series variation Coil selection guide Safety precautions HVB/ HVL 120 122 124 SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP 2 port solenoid valve Discrete valve 䢇 AB21 䢇 AB31/41 䢇 AB42 䢇 AB71 (large bore size) CHB/G NC (normally closed) type NC (normally closed) type NO (normally open) type NC (normally closed) type 126 130 130 144 NC (normally closed) type NO (normally open) type 148 158 MXB/G Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ Manifold 䢇 GAB312/352, GAB412/452 䢇 GAB422 CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD 3 port solenoid valve Medical analysis Discrete valve 䢇 AG31/41 䢇 AG33/43 䢇 AG34/44 Universal type NC pressurization type NO pressurization type 166 184 202 Custom order General purpose valve Direct acting 2, 3 port solenoid valve A great variety of series and variations Explosion proof C O N T E N T S Manifold 䢇 GAG31*/41* (common supply / individual exhaust type) 䢇 GAG35*/45* (common supply / separate flow type) 䢇 GAG33*/43* (common supply / individual exhaust type) 䢇 GAG34*/44* (actuator) Universal type Universal type NC pressurization type NO pressurization type Electronic Catalog file list 174 174 192 210 218 Always read the precautions in the Introduction and page 124 before starting use. 119 General purpose direct acting 2, 3 port General purpose valve variation Series variation solenoid valve No. of port Model Structure Actuation Air AB31/41/42 2 port AB21 AB21 AB71 Discrete 䢇 䢇 AB41 䢇 䢇 䢇 AB42 NO (normally open) type 䢇 AB71 NC (normally closed) type 䢇 Common supply NC (normally closed) Individual supply type 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 GAB412 Common supply 䢇 䢇 GAB452 Individual supply 䢇 䢇 GAB422 NO (normally open) type Common supply 䢇 䢇 Universal type 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 GAG45 Common supply / Universal type individual exhaust Common supply / separate flow Common supply / individual exhaust Common supply / separate flow 䢇 䢇 GAG33 NC pressurization type 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 Manifold GAB352 AG31 Discrete AG41 AG33 NC pressurization type AG43 AG34 NO pressurization type AG44 Manifold GAG31 Manifold GAG35 GAG41 Actuator GAG43 GAG34 GAG44 120 䢇 AB31 GAB312 3 port NC (normally closed) type Low vacuum (1.33 x 102 Pa (abs)) Actuator Common supply / individual exhaust NO pressurization type Working fluid HNB/G Port size Page Oil Water Kerosene (50 mm2/s or less) 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 Hot water Steam Rc1/8 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 Rc1/4 Rc3/8 Rc1/2 䢇 䢇 䢇 *4 䢇 *4 䢇 *4 䢇 *2 䢇 *4 䢇 *4 䢇 *2 䢇 *2 䢇 䢇 䢇 *4 䢇 USB/G Rc1 䢇 *4 *1 䢇 Rc3/4 䢇 FAB/G 126 FGB/G 130 FVB 130 FWB/G 130 FHB 144 FLB 148 AB 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 *2 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 *2 䢇 *2 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 *2 䢇 *2 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 *2 䢇 *2 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 *4 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 *4 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 *4 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 *4 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 *4 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 *4 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇*3 *2 䢇*3 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇*3 *2 䢇*3 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇*3 *2 䢇*3 174 䢇 *2 䢇*3 *2 䢇*3 CPE/ CPD 174 Medical analysis 192 Custom order 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 *4 *4 *4 *2 䢇*3 䢇 *2 䢇*3 䢇 *4 For dry air 158 Explosion proof HVB/ HVL 166 SAB/ SVB 184 䢇 *4 NP/NAP/ NVP 184 CHB/G 202 䢇 *4 MXB/G 202 Other G.P. systems 174 *2 PD/FAD/ PJ 174 *2 *2 䢇*3 *2 䢇*3 *2 䢇*3 *2 䢇*3 APK/ ADK 148 166 *2 *2 䢇*3 AP/ AD 148 CVE/ CVSE 192 General purpose valve Direct acting 2, 3 port solenoid valve 䢇 䢇 AG 148 210 *2 䢇*3 210 * Refer to page 122 for details on the coil system. *1: 20 mm2/s for AB71 Series. *2: Port A: Rc1/4, port C: Rc3/8 *3: 䢇 indicates the NO port. *4: Refer to each How to order column for the thread types. 121 Coil selection guide 䢇 Coil housing types and selection guide A wide variety is available to match applications. Refer to the structure and features to select the optimum model. Heat proof class B mold 䢇 DC and AC (50/60 Hz common) 䢇 Heat proof temperature 130˚C 䢇 Protection property symbols: IP61 or equivalent 䢇 Outdoor use not available Grommet lead wire Heat proof class B mold 䢇 DC and AC (50/60 Hz common) 䢇 Heat proof temperature 130˚C 䢇 Protection property symbols: IP61 or equivalent 䢇 Outdoor use not available DIN terminal box Heat proof class B mold 䢇 DC and AC (50/60 Hz common) 䢇 Heat proof temperature 130˚C 䢇 Protection property symbols: IP65 or equivalent 䢇 Outdoor use not available Lead wire Heat proof class B mold 䢇 DC and AC (50/60 Hz common) 䢇 Heat proof temperature 130˚C 䢇 Protection property symbols: IP21 or equivalent 䢇 Outdoor use not available HP terminal box Heat proof class B mold 䢇 DC and AC (50/60 Hz common) 䢇 Heat proof temperature 130˚C 䢇 Protection property symbols: IP65 or equivalent 䢇 Outdoor use not available HP terminal box Heat proof class H taped 䢇 AC dedicated (50/60 Hz common) 䢇 High temperature fluid and high ambient temperature available 䢇 Heat proof temperature 180˚C 䢇 Protection property symbols: IP00 䢇 Outdoor use not available 䢇 Lead wire length 300 mm 䢇 Easy wiring and maintenance 䢇 Reliable electric protection (ground terminal) 䢇 Light available (optional-100/200 VAC and 24 VDC only) 6C 2E 2G 2H 6E 6G 6H 3A 䢇 Lead wire length 300 mm 䢇 Conduit (CTC19) for direct conduit wiring can be mounted 䢇 Easy wiring 䢇 Light available (optional-100/200 VAC and 24/100 VDC only) 䢇 Easy wiring 䢇 Light available (optional-100/200 VAC and 24/100 VDC only) 3M 3N 3I 3J Lead wire HP terminal box 䢇 Easy wiring 䢇 Light available (optional-100/200 VAC only) Heat proof class B mold with diode 䢇 A diode is mounted on the coil section for direct-current conversion (AC-DC conversion) 䢇 Perfect for places where beat can be a problem 䢇 AC dedicated (50/60 Hz common) 䢇 Heat proof temperature 130˚C 䢇 Protection property symbols: IP65 or equivalent 䢇 Outdoor use not available Lead wire 䢇 Lead wire length 300 mm 䢇 Conduit (CTC19) for direct conduit wiring can be mounted Heat proof class B mold with diode 䢇 A diode is mounted on the coil selection for direct-current conversion (AC-DC conversion) 䢇 Perfect for places where beat can be a problem 䢇 AC dedicated (50/60 Hz common) 䢇 Heat proof temperature 130˚C 䢇 Protection property symbols: IP21 or equivalent 䢇 Outdoor use not available HP terminal box 䢇 A diode is mounted on the coil selection for direct-current conversion (AC-DC conversion) 䢇 Perfect for places where beat can be a problem 䢇 AC dedicated (50/60 Hz common) 䢇 Heat proof temperature 130˚C 䢇 Protection property symbols: IP65 or equivalent 䢇 Outdoor use not available HP terminal box 4A 䢇 Lead wire length 300 mm 䢇 Conduit (CTC19) for direct conduit wiring can be mounted 4M 4N 5A Conduit 122 Appearance Blank Heat proof class B mold with diode Open frame type Coil variation Direct acting 2, 3 port solenoid valve (AB/GAB/AG/GAG) 䢇 Easy wiring 䢇 Light available (optional-100/200 VAC only) 䢇 Easy wiring 䢇 Light available (optional-100/200 VAC only) 䢇 Use a conduit (CTC19 or G1/2) when using direct conduit wiring for the open frame lead wire. 5M 5N 5I 5J G H 䢇 Repair parts table per coil option Coil option symbol 0 or blank 6C *2, *3 2E 2G 2H 2E 2G 2H 6E 6G 6H *2, *3 3A Voltage Repair parts Plunger assembly Core assembly Coil assembly Actuator assembly *1 AC 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 DC ⳮ ⳮ ⳮ 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 ⳮ ⳮ ⳮ 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 AC DC DC AC DC AC 䡬 DC 3I 3J USB/G FAB/G 䡬 3M 3N HNB/G AC 䡬 DC FGB/G FVB FWB/G FHB FLB AB AG AP/ AD APK/ ADK For dry air Explosion proof HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB 4A AC 䡬 NP/NAP/ NVP CHB/G MXB/G 4M 4N AC 䡬 䡬 䡬 Other G.P. systems 䡬 PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE 5A AC 䡬 䡬 䡬 CPE/ CPD 䡬 Medical analysis Custom order AC 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 AC 䡬 䡬 䡬 䡬 General purpose valve Direct acting 2, 3 port solenoid valve 5M 5N 5I 5J *1: The actuator assembly includes the coil assembly, core assembly and plunger assembly. *2: As 6C, 6E, 6G and 6H are dedicated parts, they are provided as part of the actuator assembly. *3: It is available only for AB41. 123 Safety precautions Always read this section before starting use. Direct acting 2, 3 port solenoid valve (AB/GAB/AG/GAG) Design & Selection When Using CAUTION WARNING 1 Working fluid 1 Manual operation (1) Consult with CKD before using this valve for active gas (combustion gas, acetylene gas, etc.). (2) Valves for LPG (propane gas, butane gas) are available as custom order, so consult with CKD. (3) When using this valve for dry air or inert gas, the life can be shortened considerably due to wear. Use a valve for dry air. (4) This valve cannot be used for maintaining the vacuum. Consult with CKD when the vacuum needs to be maintained. Always observe the following points when using a manual override. <For NC (normally closed) type> Opening: Insert a flat-tip screwdriver into the slit on the manual shaft, and turn it approx. 120˚ to the right or left. The plunger will rise up and the valve will open. (For the 3 port valve, the NC side valve seat will open and the NO side valve seat will close.) The open state is held even when the screwdriver is removed. Always return the valve to the original position after use. Closing: Turn the manual shaft from the open position to the vertical position. The plunger will lower and the valve will close. (For the 3 port valve, the NC side valve seat will close and the NO side valve seat will open.) (Refer to the following drawings.) Caution 1 Continuous energizing O Valve closed Valve opened C C O Valve opened <For NO (normally open) type> (1) Closing the valve with manual operations The manual shaft is threaded, so hold the manual dial and rotate the shaft clockwise. When the manual dial has been rotated downward 5 to 6 mm and no longer rotates, the solenoid valve will switch to closing operation. Manual dial (2) Resetting (when not using manual override) Manual shaft Always rotate the manual dial counterclockwise and Right-handed thread return it to the highest point. controller side Solenoid valve Voltage AC Model no. 100 V 200 V AB, AG O C Use the NO pressurization type when using the 3 port valve in a continuously energized state with the NO port pressurized. When continuously energizing the universal or NC pressurization type, use a fluoro rubber seal. 2 Suction sound With the AC voltage specifications, a large suction sound may be heard momentarily after energizing. To avoid the suction sound, select the coil with diode or the DC voltage. The suction sound will drop. 3 Fluid viscosity The fluid viscosity must be 50 mm2/s or less. Malfunctions could occur if the viscosity is higher than 50 mm2/s. 4 Leakage current from other fluid control components When operating the solenoid valve with a programmable controller, etc., check that the CR circuit output leakage current from the programmable controller is within the following specifications. Triode AC C Leakage switch current Failure to observe this could R lead to malfunctions. Programmable AC diode DC 100 V 200 V 12 V 24 V 6 mA 3 mA 2 mA 1 mA 2 mA 1 mA or less or less or less or less or less or less Installation, Piping & Wiring CAUTION 1 Piping (1) Always hold the socket with a spanner, etc., if the NO side is a socket. (2) When passing steam, steam generated from a boiler will contain a large amount of drainage. Always install a drain trap. (3) When passing steam, water replenished to the boiler will contain matters such as "calcium salt" and "magnesium salt". These matters will react with oxygen and carbon oxide causing scales and sludge, so always install a "water softener" and a filter for steam. 2 Wiring (1) Refer to page 53 in the Introduction for details on connecting the terminal box. 124 Maintenance 2 CAUTION 1 When disassembling or assembling, tighten the core assembly and socket with the following tightening torques. Model no. AB AG Core assembly Socket Nut tightening torque tightening torque tightening torque 30 to 45 N·m 30 to 45 N·m 8 to 16 N·m 8 to 16 N·m 8 to 16 N·m HNB/G Working environment USB/G CAUTION FAB/G IP65 (IEC60529 (IEC529:1989-11)) standards are applied to the test. Avoid use in conditions where water or cutting oil could directly contact the valve. FGB/G FVB FWB/G Explanation of protection property symbols and examination method of IP65 䢇 Protective structure FHB Note: IP-65 is a standard as followings. FLB 䡵 IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) standards (IEC60529 (IEC529:1989-11)) IP-** AB AG Protection property symbols (International Protection) AP/ AD APK/ ADK 1st characteristic number (protection grade for foreign solid) 2nd characteristic number (protection grade for entry of water) Degree of protection Dust proof type 6 Grade Powder and dust do not enter inside. Degree of protection Protection for jet 5 No harmful effects occur even when water is sprayed with nozzles from all directions. Overview of test method (fresh water is used) Using the following test device, spray water for 1 minute per 1 m2 of test sample (exterior) surface area from 2.5 to 3 m 12.5 L/min. all directions, for a total of 3 minutes or more. Spray nozzle inner diameter: ø6.3 mm For dry air Explosion proof HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP CHB/G MXB/G Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis Custom order General purpose valve Direct acting 2, 3 port solenoid valve Grade 125 Direct acting 2 port solenoid valve (general purpose valve) AB21 Series 䢇 NC (normally closed) type 䢇 Port size: Rc1/8, Rc1/4 Common specifications JIS symbol OUT IN AB21 Item Air, water, kerosene, oil (50 mm2/s or less) Working fluid Working pressure differential range MPa Max. working pressure MPa Withstanding pressure (water) MPa Fluid temperature ˚C Ambient temperature ˚C Heat proof class Atmosphere Valve structure Valve seat leakage cm3/min. (ANR) Mounting attitude 0 to 1.5 (refer to max. working pressure differential in individual specifications.) 1.5 3 -10 to 40 (no freezing) -20 to 50 B Place free of corrosive gas and explosive gas Direct acting poppet structure 0.2 or less Free Individual specifications Item Port size Model no. AB21-01-1 AB21-01-2 AB21-01-3 AB21-01-5 AB21-02-1 AB21-02-2 AB21-02-3 AB21-02-5 Rc1/8 Rc1/4 Orifice (mm) Max. working pressure differential (MPa) Air Water, kerosene Oil (50 mm2/s) AC DC AC DC AC DC 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.5 1.0 0.9 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.6 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.6 3.0 0.7 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.25 0.2 4.0 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.5 1.0 0.9 1.0 0.5 0.6 2.0 1.0 0.6 1.0 0.6 3.0 0.7 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.25 0.2 4.0 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 Rated voltage Apparent power (VA) Power consumption (W) Holding Starting AC DC 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50/60 Hz 100 VAC 50/60 Hz 110 VAC 60 Hz 11 9 15.4 12.6 200 VAC 50/60 Hz 220 VAC 60 Hz Flow characteristics Model no. Port size Orifice (mm) Flow characteristics b Cv flow factor C [dm3/(s·bar)] NC (normally closed) type AB21-01-1 AB21-01-2 AB21-01-3 AB21-01-5 AB21-02-1 AB21-02-2 AB21-02-3 AB21-02-5 Rc1/8 Rc1/4 1.5 0.29 0.51 0.1 2.0 0.53 0.55 0.15 3.0 1.1 0.52 0.3 4.0 1.8 0.35 0.4 1.5 0.29 0.51 0.1 2.0 0.53 0.55 0.15 3.0 1.1 0.52 0.3 4.0 1.8 0.35 0.4 *1: Effective sectional area S and sonic conductance C are converted as S ≈ 5.0 x C. 126 5.5/4.2 7 AB21 Series How to order AB21 01 1 A 00B AC100V HNB/G Symbol Descriptions A Port size A Port size 01 02 Model no. USB/G Rc1/8 Rc1/4 FAB/G B Orifice B Orifice FGB/G ø1.5 ø2 ø3 ø4 1 2 3 5 FVB FWB/G Body Blank 2 A B Std. *1 *2 C Body/sealant combination Option C Body/sealant combination Aluminum Brass Sealant Nitrile rubber Fluoro rubber Nitrile rubber Fluoro rubber Remarks Air, kerosene, oil Air, kerosene, oil Air, water, kerosene, oil Air, water, kerosene, oil Refer to page 36 in the Introduction for details on the material combinations. D Option D Option AB AG APK/ ADK E Rated voltage E Rated voltage FLB AP/ AD Blank None 00B Mounting plate *3 FHB AC100V 100 VAC 50/60 Hz, 110 VAC 60 Hz Consult with CKD for AC200V 200 VAC 50/60 Hz, 220 VAC 60 Hz other optional voltages. For dry air Explosion proof HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP CHB/G MXB/G Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis <Example of model number> AB21-01-1-A00B-AC100V Model no.: AB21 General purpose valve Direct acting 2 port solenoid valve Custom order A Port size: Rc1/8 B Orifice: ø1.5 C Body/sealant combination: : Body - brass, sealant - nitrile rubber D Option: Mounting plate E Rated voltage: 100 VAC 50/60 Hz, 110 VAC 60 Hz Note on model no. selection *1: For B 1 (orifice ø1.5), only C A or B is available. *2: When using for water, select the brass (option symbol: A or B) body. *3: The voltage fluctuation must be within ±10% of the rated voltage. *4: Leave C blank for standard. However, to select 00B for D, indicate 0 for C. 127 AB21 Series Internal structure and parts list 䢇 AB21 Series 1 2 3 4 5 No. Parts name Material 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 OUT 7 8 IN Coil Core assembly Stainless steel O ring Fluoro rubber Shading coil Copper Plunger spring Stainless steel Plunger Stainless steel Sealant Nitrile or fluoro rubber Body Aluminum or brass Dimensions 䢇 AB21-01/02-1 to 5-* 䢇 Mounting plate AB21-01/02-1 to 5-*00 B * Lead wire length 250 mm 62 50 18 60.5 (62) 30 2-ø6 2-Rc1/8 or 1/4 40 8 2 18 Dimensions shown in ( ) are for brass body. 2-M5 depth 8 128 4-ø5.5 18 11 32 ø35.5 Mounting plate No. 1 GE-100106 AB31/41/42 Series Discrete direct acting 2 port solenoid valve (general purpose valve) AB31·AB41 Series AB42 Series 䢇 NC (normally closed) type 䢇 NO (normally open) type 䢇 Port size: Rc1/8 to Rc1/2 Common specifications JIS symbol 䢇 AB31/41: NC (normally closed) type Item Standard specifications Optional specifications Hot water Steam Air, low vacuum (1.33 x 102 Pa (abs)), water, kerosene, oil (50 mm2/s or less) Working fluid Working pressure differential range MPa 0 to 5 (refer to max. working pressure differential in individual specifications. ) 25 Withstanding pressure (water) MPa -10 to 90 -10 to 184 -10 to 60 Fluid temperature (Note 1) ˚C -20 to 100 -20 to 60 Ambient temperature ˚C H B Heat proof class Place free of corrosive gas and explosive gas Atmosphere Direct acting poppet structure Valve structure 300 or less (air) 0.2 or less (air) Valve seat leakage cm3/min. (ANR) Free Mounting attitude Brass, PTFE Brass, ethylene propylene diene rubber Brass, nitrile rubber Body, sealant OUT IN 䢇 AB42: NO (normally open) type OUT IN Note 1: No freezing Individual specifications Item Port size Model no. Orifice (mm) NC (normally closed) type 1.5 AB31- 01 02 -1 2.0 -2 3.0 -3 Rc1/8 Rc1/4 3.5 -4 4.0 -5 5.0 -6 1.5 AB41- 02 03 -1 2.0 -2 3.0 -3 Rc1/4 3.5 -4 Rc3/8 4.0 -5 5.0 -6 7.0 -7 Rc3/8 AB41- 03 04 -8 10.0 Rc1/2 NO (normally open) type 02 AB42- 03 -1 -2 -3 Rc1/4 -4 Rc3/8 -5 -6 -7 Max. working pressure differential (MPa) Apparent power (VA) Power consumption (W) Max. working Rated Holding Starting Weight Water, hot water, kerosene Oil (50 mm2/s) Steam pressure Air AC DC (kg) voltage 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50/60 Hz AC DC AC DC AC DC AC (MPa) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 12 10 17 14 5.2/3.8 0.4 0.25 0.3 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.3 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 5.0 4.0 4.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 1.0 3.0 2.5 2.7 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.0 1.5 0.9 1.3 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.2 0.6 0.9 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.9 1.0 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 5 5 (fluid; 1 for steam) 0.6 0.25 0.4 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.4 0.25 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.15 0.1 0.2 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.1 (0.03) 0.1 (0.03) 0.05 (0.03) *8 *8 *8 100 VAC 50/60 Hz 110 VAC 60 Hz 200 VAC 50/60 Hz 0.43 (Rc1/4) 18 15 29 24 6.7/5.7 11 0.45 (10.4) *5 (Rc3/8) (7) *7 220 VAC 60 Hz 0.54 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 2 5 (fluid; 0.5 1 for steam) 0.4 3.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 4.0 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 5.0 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 7.0 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 12 VDC 24 VDC 48 VDC 100 VDC 22 18 35 29 8.7/6.7 *1: The model numbers above show the basic port size (Rc) and orifice diameter. Refer to How to order for other combinations (e.g., for steam). *2: The port size symbol is 01 for Rc1/8 (6A), 02 for Rc1/4 (8A), 03 for Rc3/8 (10A) and 04 for Rc1/2 (15A). *3: Refer to DC column for the max. working pressure differential of coil with diode. *4: The voltage fluctuation must be within ±10% of the rated voltage. *5: Power consumption of coil housing 2E/2G/2H is indicated. *6: When using with a low vacuum, vacuum the OUT port side. *7: Power consumption of coil housing 6C/6E/6G/6H is indicated. *8: The DC voltage of coil housing 2E/2G/2H and the max. working pressure differential of coil housing 6C/6G/6H are indicated. 130 11 0.35 (8.1) *5 0.50 15.5 (Rc1/4) (14) 0.52 (Rc3/8) AB31/41/42 Series Optional specifications (fluid temperature, ambient temperature, valve seat leakage) Sealant material Coil (heat proof class) Fluid temperature (Note 1) ˚C Ambient temperature ˚C Valve seat leakage cm3/min. (ANR) Fluoro rubber B H Ethylene propylene diene rubber B H PTFE B H HNB/G -10 to 60 -10 to 90 -10 to 60 -10 to 90 -10 to 60 -10 to 184 -20 to 60 -20 to 100 (Note 2) -20 to 60 -20 to 100 (Note 2) -20 to 60 -20 to 100 (Note 2) 0.2 or less (air) USB/G 300 or less (air) FAB/G Note 1: No freezing Note 2: The range is -20 to 80˚C when using the HP terminal box with indicator light for the coil housing. FGB/G FVB Flow characteristics Model no. FWB/G Port size Orifice (mm) Flow characteristics b Cv flow factor C [dm3/(s·bar)] FHB NC (normally closed) type FLB AB31- 01 02 -1 -2 -3 -4 Rc1/8 1.5 0.29 0.53 0.1 2.0 0.53 0.52 0.15 3.0 1.1 0.52 0.31 1.7 0.49 0.42 AG (1.5) (0.47) (0.40) 2.1 0.48 0.54 AP/ AD (1.9) (0.47) (0.48) 3.0 0.42 0.8 3.5 Rc1/4 -5 4.0 AB APK/ ADK -6 5.0 (2.6) (0.38) (0.62) AB41- 02 03 -1 -2 -3 1.5 0.29 0.53 0.1 2.0 0.53 0.52 0.15 3.0 1.1 0.52 0.31 1.7 0.49 0.42 (1.5) (0.47) (0.40) 2.1 0.48 0.54 (1.9) (0.47) (0.48) NP/NAP/ NVP 3.0 0.42 0.8 CHB/G (2.6) (0.38) (0.62) 4.8 0.29 1.0 MXB/G (4.6) (0.37) (0.82) 9.3 0.36 1.88 Other G.P. systems (8.1) (0.31) (1.5) -4 3.5 Rc1/4 -5 Rc3/8 4.0 -6 5.0 -7 7.0 AB41- 03 04 -8 Rc3/8 Rc1/2 10.0 For dry air Explosion proof HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB PD/FAD/ PJ NO (normally open) type CVE/ CVSE AB42- 02 03 -1 -2 -3 1.5 0.29 0.53 0.1 2.0 0.53 0.52 0.15 3.0 1.1 0.52 0.31 CPE/ CPD -4 3.5 1.7 0.49 (1.5) (0.47) 0.4 Medical analysis 2.1 0.48 (1.9) (0.47) 3.0 0.42 0.63 (2.6) (0.38) (0.62) 4.8 0.29 1.0 (4.6) (0.37) (0.82) -6 -7 Rc3/8 4.0 5.0 7.0 Custom order 0.47 General purpose valve Direct acting 2 port solenoid valve Rc1/4 -5 *1: Effective sectional area S and sonic conductance C are converted as S ≈ 5.0 x C. *2: Values shown in ( ) are for stainless steel body. 131 AB31/41/42 Series How to order 䢇 NC (normally closed) type AB31 02 3 0 3A A B G S D AB41 Coil housing E F Mounting plate I J Voltage Model no. B Orifice AB41 AB31 AB41 Low pressure Copper and PTFE free Symbol Descriptions A Port size 01 Rc1/8 02 Rc1/4 03 Rc3/8 04 Rc1/2 Port size B AC100V Other options Manual override (locking) H Surge suppressor Model no. A G Symbol Descriptions Symbol Descriptions 1G 2G 3G 4G G1/8 G1/4 G3/8 G1/2 1N 2N 3N 4N 1/8NPT 1/4NPT 3/8NPT 1/2NPT Orifice ø1.5 1 ø2 2 ø3 3 ø3.5 4 ø4 5 ø5 6 ø7 7 ø10 8 Body/sealant combination Body Sealant Treatment Remarks Nitrile rubber Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Blank Fluoro rubber Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *2) B PTFE Steam (up to 184˚C *2) C Fluoro rubber Vacuum inspection Medium vacuum V Nitrile rubber Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) D Fluoro rubber Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *2) E PTFE Steam (up to 184˚C *2) F Fluoro rubber Vacuum inspection Medium vacuum W Nitrile rubber Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) H Fluoro rubber Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *2) J PTFE Steam (up to 184˚C *2) K Hot water (up to 90˚C *2) Ethylene propylene diene rubber P Nitrile rubber Oil free Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) L Fluoro rubber Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *2) M PTFE Steam (up to 184˚C *2) N Hot water (up to 90˚C *2) Ethylene propylene diene rubber R large flow rate 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 Stainless steel Brass Option *1 *2 *3 *4 *5 *6 *7 Std. Body/sealant combination Stainless steel Brass or bronze C C 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 Refer to page 36 in the Introduction for details on the material combinations. <Example 1 of model number> AB31-02-3-AC100V Model no.: AB31 A B C D E J D to J Refer to the following page for details on the coil housing, other options and voltage, etc. Port size: Rc1/4 The combinations indicated with 䢇 in the above table are available. Orifice: ø3 Body/sealant combination: Body - brass, sealant - nitrile rubber Coil housing: Grommet lead wire to I : Blank Note on model no. selection Rated voltage: 100 VAC 50/60Hz, 110 VAC 60Hz Note on C <Example 2 of model number> AB41-02-3-AC100V Model no.: AB41 A B C D E F I J Port size: Rc1/4 Orifice: ø3 Body/sealant combination: Body - brass, sealant - nitrile rubber Coil housing: Grommet lead wire Manual override (locking): Selected to H : Blank Surge suppressor: Selected Rated voltage: 100 VAC 50/60Hz, 110 VAC 60Hz 132 *1: *2: *3: *4: *5: *6: *7: Leave blank for standard. However, to select options in D to I, indicate 0 for C. When 4A, 4M or 4N is selected for D. The body for the low pressure large flow rate AB41-03 04-8 is bronze (standard) or stainless steel (optional). For option symbols V and W, vacuum is inspected at "leakage amount: 1.33 x 10-6 Pa·m3/s or less". When C of the low pressure large flow rate AB41-03 04-8 is V or W, DC voltage is not available. The ethylene propylene diene rubber seal combination (C P/R) cannot be used with air. (Compressed air contains oil, and ethylene propylene diene rubber is not oil-resistant. ) When C is C, F, K, P, N or R, the coil housings D 6C, 6E, 6G and 6H cannot be selected. AB31/41/42 Series Std. Manual override (locking) Descriptions Option Blank 2E 2G 2H 3A 3M 3N 3I 3J 4A 4M 4N 5A 5M 5N 5I 5J 6C 6E 6G 6H Grommet lead wire DIN terminal box (G1/2) DIN terminal box (Pg11) DIN terminal box + small light (Pg11) Lead wire HP terminal box (G1/2) Open frame type HP terminal box + light (G1/2) HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) HP terminal box + light (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) Lead wire Open frame type HP terminal box (G1/2) (heat proof class H) HP terminal box + light (G1/2) Lead wire HP terminal box (G1/2) Open frame type HP terminal box + light (G1/2) (diode integrated) HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) HP terminal box + light (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) 7W Grommet lead wire (G1/2) 7W DIN terminal box (Pg11) 7W DIN terminal box DIN terminal box + small light (Pg11) 7W G Other options F Cable gland Conduit (Marine cable gland) (Conduit pipe) A-15a A-15b A-15c CTC19 G1/2 H I Copper and PTFE free E Coil housing Mounting plate D Surge suppressor For D to J, the combinations indicated with symbols can be manufactured. Note that if options E to I are not required, no symbol is indicated. J Rated voltage HNB/G USB/G Descriptions FAB/G 100 VAC, 200 VAC A S B H H G A B D E B D E F H A B D E P6 FVB FWB/G 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 100 VDC S P6 F G FGB/G 100 VAC, 200 VAC 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 24 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC S G A P6 100 VAC, 200 VAC FLB AB H AG P6 F AP/ AD 100 VAC, 200 VAC APK/ ADK A S B H P6 12 VDC, 24 VDC For dry air 24 VDC Explosion proof Refer to the following precautions for D to J. Blank 6C FHB 䢇 Grommet lead wire 300 mm G H HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB 䢇 Conduit 䢇 G (CTC19) 䢇 H (G1/2) NP/NAP/ NVP CHB/G 䢇 DIN terminal box 3A 4A 5A 䢇 Open frame type grommet lead wire 300 mm 䢇 4A (heat proof class H) 䢇 5A (diode integrated) Note on model no. selection 3M 3N 4M 4N 5M 5N 䢇 Open frame HP terminal box 䢇 4M, 4N (heat proof class H) 䢇 5M, 5N (diode integrated) 3I 3J 5I 5J 䢇 Open frame HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) 䢇 5I, 5J (diode integrated) Refer to page 122 for coil selection. MXB/G Note on D *8: Leave blank for the standard coil housing. However, to select options in E to I, indicate 00 for D. *9: 5A, 5M, 5N, 5I and 5J are coils for which AC power is converted to DC with a diode. *10: A DC coil for steam is available for AB41. Contact CKD for more information. *11: 6C, 6E, 6G or 6H can be selected for only AB41. *12: The coil housings 6C, 6E and 6G are 12 VDC and 24 VDC dedicated. 6H is 24 VDC dedicated. PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis Note on E to I 03 04 The manual override (E A) is not available for the low pressure large flow rate AB41- -8. When C is C, F, K, N, V or W, the manual override (E A) is not available. Select one among D, E, F, G and H for G. The surge suppressor is an accessory for the lead wire coil. When selecting a coil with terminal box, the surge suppressor is mounted in the terminal box. *17: As standard, the surge suppressor is incorporated in the coil with diode and the 24 VDC coil (D 2H/6H), so the surge suppressor symbol S cannot be selected. *18: I P6 is available only when C is L, M or R. *19: Tropicalization (rust-proof coating) is available as a measure against rust. Contact CKD for more information. Note that the tropicalization is not available when the manual override option A and the coil option 6C/6E/6G/6H are selected. *13: *14: *15: *16: Other G.P. systems Note on J *20: 100 VAC coil is compatible with 100 VAC 50/60 Hz and 110 VAC 60 Hz, and 200 VAC coil is compatible with 200 VAC 50/60 Hz and 220 VAC 60 Hz. Note that the coils D 5A/5M/5N/5I/5J can be used only with 100 VAC 50/60 Hz or 200 VAC 50/60 Hz. *21: For voltages other than above, consult with CKD. *22: The lead wire is available in the standard 300 mm length, and 500 mm, 1000 mm, 2000 mm and 3000 mm lengths. Contact CKD for more information. 133 Custom order General purpose valve Direct acting 2 port solenoid valve 2E 2G 2H 6E 6G 6H AB31/41/42 Series How to order 䢇 NO (normally open) type AB42 02 4 L 3A A B D Coil housing P6 AC100V J Voltage G Other options E Manual override (locking) H Surge suppressor Model no. F Mounting plate I Copper and PTFE free Symbol Descriptions Symbol Descriptions Symbol Descriptions 2G 3G G 1/4 G 3/8 2N 3N 1/4NPT 3/8NPT A Port size A Port size Rc1/4 Rc3/8 02 03 B Orifice B Orifice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ø1.5 ø2 ø3 ø3.5 ø4 ø5 ø7 C Body/sealant combination <Example 1 of model number> AB42-02-1-AC100V Model no.: AB42 Stainless steel Brass Option Brass Std. Body Blank B C V D E F W H J K P L M N R Stainless steel C Body/sealant combination *1 *2 *3 *4 Sealant Treatment Remarks Nitrile rubber Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Fluoro rubber Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *2) PTFE Steam (up to 184˚C *2) Fluoro rubber Vacuum inspection Medium vacuum Nitrile rubber Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Fluoro rubber Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *2) PTFE Steam (up to 184˚C *2) Fluoro rubber Vacuum inspection Medium vacuum Nitrile rubber Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Fluoro rubber Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *2) PTFE Steam (up to 184˚C *2) Ethylene propylene diene rubber Hot water (up to 90˚C *2) Nitrile rubber Oil free Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Fluoro rubber Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *2) PTFE Steam (up to 184˚C *2) Ethylene propylene diene rubber Hot water (up to 90˚C *2) Refer to page 36 in the Introduction for details on the material combinations. D A Port size: Rc1/4 B Orifice: ø1.5 C Body/sealant combination: Body - brass, sealant - nitrile rubber D Coil housing: Grommet lead wire E to I : Blank J Rated voltage: 100 VAC 50/60Hz, 110 VAC 60Hz to J Refer to the following page for details on the coil housing, other options and voltage, etc. <Example 2 of model number> AB42-03-6-000AS-AC100V Model no.: AB42 A Port size: Rc3/8 B Orifice: ø5 C Body/sealant combination: Body - brass, sealant - nitrile rubber D Coil housing: Grommet lead wire E Manual override (locking): Selected F G: Blank H Surge suppressor: Selected J Rated voltage: 100 VAC 50/60Hz, 110 VAC 60Hz 134 Note on model no. selection Note on C *1: Leave blank for standard. However, to select options in D to I, indicate 0 for C. *2: When 4A, 4M or 4N is selected for D. *3: For option symbols V and W, vacuum is inspected at "leakage amount: 1.33 x 10-6 Pa·m3/s or less". *4: The ethylene propylene diene rubber seal combination (C P/R) cannot be used with air. (Compressed air contains oil, and ethylene propylene diene rubber is not oil-resistant. ) AB31/41/42 Series For D to J, the combinations indicated with symbols can be manufactured. Note that if options E to I are not required, no symbol is indicated. Option Blank 2E 2G 2H 3A 3M 3N 3I 3J 4A 4M 4N 5A 5M 5N 5I 5J Std. Grommet lead wire DIN terminal box (G1/2) DIN terminal box (Pg11) DIN terminal box + small light (Pg11) Lead wire HP terminal box (G1/2) Open frame type HP terminal box + light (G1/2) HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) HP terminal box + light (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) Lead wire Open frame type HP terminal box (G1/2) (heat proof class H) HP terminal box + light (G1/2) Lead wire HP terminal box (G1/2) Open frame type HP terminal box + light (G1/2) (diode integrated) HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) HP terminal box + light (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) A-15a A-15b A-15c CTC19 G1/2 I Copper and PTFE free Cable gland Conduit (Marine cable gland) (Conduit pipe) H Surge suppressor Descriptions HNB/G G Other options F Mounting plate E Coil housing Manual override (locking) D J Rated voltage USB/G FAB/G Descriptions FGB/G 100 VAC, 200 VAC A B S H H G A B A B D E F E H A B D E FWB/G 100 VAC, 200 VAC 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC FHB P6 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 100 VDC P6 100 VAC, 200 VAC AB AG AP/ AD H P6 F APK/ ADK 100 VAC, 200 VAC For dry air Refer to the following precautions for D to J. Blank FLB S F G FVB 100 VAC, 200 VAC 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 24 VDC S G D P6 HVB/ HVL 䢇 Conduit 䢇 G (CTC19) 䢇 H (G1/2) G 䢇 Grommet lead wire 300 mm Explosion proof H SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP 2E 2G 2H 䢇 DIN terminal box 3A 4A 5A 䢇 Open frame type grommet lead wire 300 mm 䢇 4A (heat proof class H) 䢇 5A (diode integrated) CHB/G MXB/G Other G.P. systems Note on model no. selection 䢇 Open frame HP terminal box 䢇 4M, 4N (heat proof class H) 䢇 5M, 5N (diode integrated) *6: Leave blank for the standard coil housing. However, to select options in E to I, indicate 00 for D. 5A, 5M, 5N, 5I and 5J are coils for which AC power is converted to DC with a diode. 䢇 Open frame HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) 䢇 5I, 5J (diode integrated) * Refer to page 122 for coil selection. CPE/ CPD Medical analysis Note on E to I When C is C, F, K, N, V or M, the manual override (E A) is not available. *8: Select one among D, E, F, G and H for G. *9: The surge suppressor is an accessory for the lead wire coil. When selecting a coil with terminal box, the surge suppressor is mounted in the terminal box. *10: As standard, the surge suppressor is incorporated in the coil with diode and the 24 VDC coil (D 2H), so the surge suppressor symbol S cannot be selected. *11: I P6 is available only when C is L. *12: Tropicalization (rust-proof coating) is available as a measure against rust. Contact CKD for more information. Note that the tropicalization is not available when the manual override option A is selected. *7: 3I 3J 5I 5J CVE/ CVSE Note on J *13: 100 VAC coil is compatible with 100 VAC 50/60 Hz and 110 VAC 60 Hz, and 200 VAC coil is compatible with 200 VAC 50/60 Hz and 220 VAC 60 Hz. Note that the coils D 5A/5M/5N/5I/5J can be used only with 100 VAC 50/60 Hz or 200 VAC 50/60 Hz. *14: For voltages other than above, consult with CKD. *15: The lead wire is available in the standard 300 mm length, and 500 mm, 1000 mm, 2000 mm and 3000 mm lengths. Contact CKD for more information. 135 Custom order General purpose valve Direct acting 2 port solenoid valve *5: 3M 3N 4M 4N 5M 5N PD/FAD/ PJ Note on D AB31/41/42 Series Internal structure and parts list 䢇 AB31 Series 䢇 AB41-02/03-1 to 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 OUT IN 䢇 AB41-03/04-8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 No. Parts name Material 1 2 3 4 No. Parts name Material Coil Core assembly SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 403 *1 Stainless steel Shading coil Cu (Ag for stainless steel body) Copper (silver for stainless steel body) Plunger SUS405 or equivalent Stainless steel 15 26 37 48 Plunger spring SUS304 Stainless steel O ring NBR (FKM, EPDM, PTFE) (size: AS568-019) Sealant NBR (FKM, EPDM, PTFE) Body C3771 or CAC408 (SCS13) Brass or bronze (stainless steel) ( NBR: Nitrile rubber FKM: Fluoro rubber EPDM: Ethylene propylene diene rubber PTFE: Tetrafluoroethylene resin *1: When the body/sealant combination symbol is other than blank or H, or when the coil housing is 6C, 6E, 6G or 6H, the material is SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 430. *2: ( ) shows option. Note that PTFE is not available for AB41-03 04-8. 136 ) AB31/41/42 Series Internal structure and parts list 䢇 AB42 HNB/G USB/G FAB/G FGB/G 1 FVB 2 3 FWB/G 4 FHB 9 5 FLB 6 AB 7 8 IN 1 2 3 4 5 Coil SUS405 or equivalent Stainless steel Shading coil Cu (Ag for stainless steel body) Copper (silver for stainless steel body) Sealant APK/ ADK No. Parts name Material Core assembly SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 304 Stainless steel Plunger AP/ AD NBR: Nitrile rubber (EPDM: Ethylene propylene diene rubber) NBR (FKM, EPDM, PTFE) (FKM: Fluoro rubber) (PTFE: Tetrafluoroethylene resin) 6 1 27 38 4 9 O ring NBR (FKM, EPDM, PTFE) NBR: Nitrile rubber (EPDM: Ethylene propylene diene rubber) (FKM: Fluoro rubber) (PTFE: Tetrafluoroethylene resin) (size: AS568-019) Spring SUS304 Body C3771 (SUS303) Brass (stainless steel) POM (SUS303, PFA) Option symbol : Blank/0/D/H/L/V/W - polyacetal resin : Other than above - stainless steel, perfluoroalkoxy resin NO valve Stainless steel ( ) shows option. For dry air Explosion proof HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP CHB/G MXB/G Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis Custom order General purpose valve Direct acting 2 port solenoid valve No. Parts name Material AG OUT 137 AB31/41/42 Series Dimensions: AB31 Series 䢇 Grommet lead wire type AB31-01/02-1 to 6-* Blank A Note 1: The AB31 Series is an open when energized type 2 port solenoid valve. The body and sealant materials are combined according to the working fluid, and the orifice and pressure are selected according to the relation of the required flow rate and pressure. The coil specifications are determined according to the fluid temperature and ambient conditions, allowing the optimum valve to be selected. F B D 75 Note 2: The dimensions are the same for the G or NPT thread port size. OUT 11 IN 28 36 2-M5 depth 8 18 CKD CKD Model no. A B D F AB31-01-1 to 6-AC -02-1 to 6-AC 20 27 63 34 138 Rc1/8 (01) Rc1/4 (02) * Lead wire length 300 mm AB31/41/42 Series Optional dimensions: AB31 Series * Refer to the grommet lead wire type dimensions on the left page for common dimensions. 䢇 DIN terminal box AB31-01/02-1 to 6-* 2 E G H A 䢇 Open frame lead wire type AB31-01/02-1 to 6-* 3A 4A 5A B C HNB/G USB/G 27.5 FAB/G 24 38 38 D FGB/G 75 39 (41) FVB 50.5 FWB/G FHB Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. Voltage A B C D AC (2E/2G/2H) DC (2E/2G/2H) 20 62 50.5 (50) 20.5 21 63.5 52 (51.5) 20.5 FLB AB AG 䢇 Open frame type + HP terminal box AB31-01/02-1 to 6-* 3 M · 4M 5 N 4N I J AP/ AD 䢇 Open frame type + conduit AB31-01/02-1 to 6-* 3A G 4A H 5A APK/ ADK For dry air 53 (56) 99 Explosion proof 68 HVB/ HVL 45 58 SAB/ SVB CTC19 (G1/2) NP/NAP/ NVP Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. CHB/G 䢇 Manual override (locking) AB31-01/02-1 to 6-*** A 䢇 Stainless steel body AB31-01/02-1 to 6- D/E/F/R/W/L/M/N MXB/G 75 Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ Manual override CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD D Blank 63 36 (ø37.5) Medical analysis 38 Custom order Dimensions shown in ( ) are for stainless steel body. General purpose valve Direct acting 2 port solenoid valve Model no. OUT IN ø37.5 19.5 11 D Figure shows the brass body. 䢇 Mounting plate AB31-01/02-1 to 6-*** B 62 50 18 4-ø5.5 2 8 30 18 2-ø6 Mounting plate No. 1 GE-100106 139 AB31/41/42 Series Dimensions: AB41 Series 䢇 Grommet lead wire type AB41-02/03-1 to 7-* Blank · 6C H G D E F OUT C IN B A Rc1/4 (02) Rc3/8 (03) 18 2-M5 depth 8 CKD * Lead wire length 300 mm Model no. A B C D E F G H AB41-02-1 to 6-AC AB41-02-7-AC -03-1 to 7-AC AB41-02-1 to 6-6C-DC AB41-02-7-6C-DC -03-1 to 7-6C-DC 36 28 11 68 80.5 23.5 30.5 38 40 28 12 71 83.5 23.5 30.5 38 36 28 11 68 80.5 24 30.5 39 40 28 12 71 83.5 24 30.5 39 䢇 Grommet lead wire type AB41-03/04-8-* Blank · 6C B F D 93 A IN OUT 15 CKD 50 29 33 2-Rc3/8 (03) 2-Rc1/2 (04) 18 2-M5 Depth 8 Model no. AB41-03-8-AC -04-8-AC AB41-03-8-6C-DC -04-8-6C-DC 140 A B D F 23.5 30.5 80 38 24 30.5 80 38 Note 1: This AB41 Series, 2 port solenoid valve, open when energized, is designed to meet the customer's requirement according to working fluid, body and seal materials, relation between flow rate and the required pressure (converted to orifice diameter and pressure), and ambient temperature and conditions (converted to coil specifications). Note 2: The dimensions are the same for the G or NPT thread port size. AB31/41/42 Series Optional dimensions: AB41 Series * Refer to the grommet lead wire type dimensions on the left page for common dimensions. 䢇 DIN terminal box AB41-02/03/04-1 to 8-* 2 6 F 䢇 Open frame lead wire type AB41-02/03/04-1 to 8-* 3A 4A 5A E G H 27.5 G 28 H HNB/G USB/G 42 46 FAB/G FVB D E 39 (41) I FGB/G FWB/G FHB Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. Voltage AC (2E/2G/2H) DC (2E/2G/2H) DC (6E/6G/6H) F G H I 23.5 65.5 54 (53.5) 22 23.5 66 54.5 (54) 22 24 68 56.5 (56) 22 䢇 Open frame type + HP terminal box AB41-02/03/04-1 to 8-* 3 M · 4M 5 N 4N I J Model no. AB41-02-1 to 6-** A AB41-02-7-** A -03-1 to 7-** A AB41-03/04-8-** A D E 52.0 80.5 55.0 83.5 64 93 FLB AB AG AP/ AD 䢇 Open frame type + conduit AB41-02/03/04-1 to 8-* 3A G 4A H 5A 103 72 APK/ ADK For dry air 57 (60) Explosion proof 45 58 HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB 䢇 Stainless steel body AB41-02/03/04-1 to 8- D/F/R/W/L/M/N/E NP/NAP/ NVP CTC19 (G1/2) Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. CHB/G Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ E Manual override A C D E ø37.5 11 68 80.5 ø45.0 12 71 83.5 50*1 15 80 93 OUT IN CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD K A Model no. Medical analysis B A Custom order Note: No manual override is available for AB41-03/04-8. *1: The max. dimension is ø54. 䢇 Mounting plate AB41-02/03/04-1 to 8-*** B 62 (70) 50 (58) 18 (18) Model no. AB41-02-1 to 6-***A AB41-02-7-***A -03-1 to 7-***A A B K 36 (ø37.5) 38 19.5 40 (ø45.0) 40 22.5 General purpose valve Direct acting 2 port solenoid valve AB41-02-1 to 6-AC AB41-02-7-AC -03-1 to 7-AC AB41-03-8-AC -04-8-AC MXB/G Figure shows the brass body. C D 䢇 Manual override (locking) AB41-02/03-1 to 7-*** A Dimensions shown in ( ) are for stainless steel body. 4-ø5.5 2-ø6 2 8 30 18 Model no. Dimensions shown in ( ) are for mounting plate No. 2. Mounting plate No. 1 GE-100106 Mounting plate No. 2 GE-100159 Applicable model 䢇 AB41-02/03-1 to 7 Series 䢇 Stainless steel body AB41-02-1 to 6- D/E/F/L/M/N/R/W 䢇 AB41-03/04-8 Series 䢇 Stainless steel body AB41-02-7- D/E/F/L/M/N/R/W AB41-03-1 to 7- D/E/F/L/M/N/R/W 141 AB31/41/42 Series Dimensions: AB42 Series 䢇 Grommet lead wire type AB42-02/03-1 to 7 30.5 38 <Reference> 2 port direct acting valve, closed when energized, is open when de-energized. This type is commonly used to be continuously energized. The dimensions are the same for the G or NPT thread port size. D E 23.5 Note 1: The dimensions are the same for the G or NPT thread port size. OUT C IN Rc1/4 (02) B A Rc3/8 (03) 18 2-M5 depth 8 142 * Lead wire length 300 mm CKD Model no. A B C D E AB42-02-1 to 6 AB42-02-7 AB42-03-1 to 7 36 28 11 72 94 40 28 12 75 97 40 28 12 75 97 AB31/41/42 Series Optional dimensions: AB42 Series * Refer to the grommet lead wire type dimensions on the left page for common dimensions. 䢇 DIN terminal box AB42-02/03-1 to 7-* 2E 2G 2H F G H 䢇 Open frame lead wire type AB42-02/03-1 to 7-* 3A 4A 5A 28 42 HNB/G USB/G 46 FAB/G 27.5 31 FGB/G FWB/G D 39 (41) E FVB FHB Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. Voltage AC DC F G H 23.5 65.5 54 (53.5) 28 72 60.5 (60) Model no. D E AB42-02-1 to 6 AB42-02-7 AB42-03-1 to 7 56 94 59 97 59 97 FLB AB AG AP/ AD 䢇 Open frame type + conduit AB42-02/03-1 to 7-* 3A G 4A H 5A 䢇 Open frame type + HP terminal box AB42-02/03-1 to 7-* 3 M · 4M 5 N 4N I J APK/ ADK For dry air 57 (60) 103 Explosion proof 72 HVB/ HVL 45 58 SAB/ SVB Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. NP/NAP/ NVP CTC19 (G1/2) CHB/G 䢇 Manual override (locking) AB42-02/03-1 to 7-*** A (13) 䢇 Stainless steel body AB42-02/03-1 to 7- D/E/F/R/W/L/M/N MXB/G Other G.P. systems Manual override D E PD/FAD/ PJ C CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD A AB42-02-1 to 6 AB42-02-7 AB42-03-1 to 7 A C D E ø37.5 11 72 94 ø45.0 12 75 97 ø45.0 12 75 97 Medical analysis Custom order General purpose valve Direct acting 2 port solenoid valve Model no. 䢇 Mounting plate AB42-02/03-1 to 7-*** B 62 (70) 50 (58) 18 4-ø5.5 2 8 30 18 2-ø6 Code Dimensions shown in ( ) are for mounting plate No. 2. Mounting plate No. 1 GE-100106 Mounting plate No. 2 GE-100159 Applicable model 䢇 AB42-02/03-1 to 7 Series 䢇 Stainless steel body AB42-02-1 to 6- D/E/F/L/M/N/R/W 䢇 Stainless steel body AB42-02-7- D/E/F/L/M/N/R/W AB42-03-1 to 7- D/E/F/L/M/N/R/W 143 AB31/41/42 Series Large bore size direct acting 2 port solenoid valve (general purpose valve) AB71 Series 䢇 NC (normally closed) type 䢇 Port size: Rc1/2, Rc3/4, Rc1 JIS symbol OUT IN Specifications AB71-15-12 AB71-20-15 AB71-25-18 Item Air, water, kerosene, oil (20 mm2/s) Working fluid AC: 0 to 100, DC: 0 to 80 AC: 0 to 70, DC: 0 to 40 AC: 0 to 40, DC: 0 to 30 Working pressure Air range kPa Water, kerosene, oil AC: 0 to 80, DC: 0 to 80 AC: 0 to 50, DC: 0 to 40 AC: 0 to 30, DC: 0 to 30 1 Withstanding pressure (water) MPa 20 or less Fluid viscosity mm2/s -5 to 60 (no freezing) Fluid temperature ˚C -10 to 60 Ambient temperature ˚C 0.2 or less (air) Valve seat leakage cm3/min. (ANR) Port size Rc1/2 Rc3/4 Rc1 Orifice mm 12 15 18 Limited to vertical position with coil facing upward to horizontal position Mounting attitude Electric specifications 100 VAC 50/60 Hz, 200 VAC 50/60 Hz, 110 VAC 60 Hz, 220 VAC 60 Hz, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC Rated voltage 32/26 Apparent Holding (50/60 Hz) 123/106 power VA Starting (50/60 Hz) AC: 13/11 (50/60 Hz), DC: 20 Power consumption W Flow characteristics Model no. AB71-15-12 AB71-20-15 AB71-25-18 Flow characteristics b Cv flow factor Port size Orifice (mm) C [dm3/(s·bar)] Rc1/2 12 15 0.21 2.8 - Rc3/4 15 - - 4.3 106 Rc1 18 - - 6.3 148 *1: Effective sectional area S and sonic conductance C are converted as S ≈ 5.0 144 C. S (mm2) AB71Series How to order AB71 15 12 Model no. B 2G B A Port size AC100V HNB/G USB/G F Other options B Orifice FAB/G G Voltage C Body/sealant combination FGB/G D Coil housing FVB E Mounting plate FWB/G <Example of model number> AB71-15-12-B2EB-AC100V Model no.: AB71 Descriptions Symbol A Port size 15 20 25 Rc1/2 Rc3/4 Rc1 ø12 (only AB71-15 (port size Rc1/2)) ø15 (only AB71-20 (port size Rc3/4)) ø18 (only AB71-25 (port size Rc1)) C Body/sealant combination Body Bronze Bronze Stuffing Brass Brass Treatment Sealant D Fluoro rubber Oil free Fluoro rubber D Coil housing Descriptions Std. Grommet lead wire DIN terminal box (G1/2) DIN terminal box (Pg11) DIN terminal box + small light (Pg11) Lead wire Open frame type HP terminal box (G1/2) HP terminal box + light (G1/2) Lead wire Open frame type HP terminal box (G1/2) (diode integrated) HP terminal box + light (G1/2) Option 2C 2E 2G 2H 3A 3M 3N 5A 5M 5N Cable gland Conduit (Marine cable gland) (Conduit pipe) AP/ AD APK/ ADK For dry air HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB Descriptions A-15a A-15b A-15c CTC19 G1/2 B B AG G Rated voltage F B AB Explosion proof Other options E Mounting plate B J FLB A Port size: Rc1/2 B Orifice: ø12 C Body/sealant combination: Body - bronze, stuffing - brass, sealant - fluoro rubber D Coil housing: DIN terminal box (G1/2) E Mounting plate: Selected F Other options: Blank G Rated voltage: 100 VAC 50/60Hz, 110 VAC 60Hz B Orifice 12 15 18 FHB NP/NAP/ NVP CHB/G 100 VAC, 200 VAC D D E E G H H G H F F MXB/G 100 VAC, 200 VAC 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 24 VDC, 100 VDC Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ 100 VAC, 200 VAC CVE/ CVSE For D to G, the combinations indicated with symbols can be manufactured. Note that if options E and F are not required, no symbol is indicated. CPE/ CPD Medical analysis General purpose valve Discrete direct acting 2 port solenoid valve Custom order Note on model no. selection Note on C *1: Refer to page 36 in the Introduction for details on the material combinations. Note on D *2: Refer to page 4 for coil selection. *3: 5A, 5M and 5N are coils for which AC power is converted to DC with a diode. *4: When working fluid is air, type 5A is recommended. *5: Contact CKD for details on the heat proof class H coil. Note on F *6: Select one among D, E, F, G and H for F. Note on G *7: 100 VAC coil is compatible with 100 VAC 50/60 Hz and 110 VAC 60 Hz, and 200 VAC coil is compatible with 200 VAC 50/60 Hz and 220 VAC 60 Hz. Note that the coils D 5A/5K/5H can be used only with 100 VAC 50/60 Hz or 200 VAC 50/60 Hz. *8: For voltages other than above, consult with CKD. *9: Lead wire length is 300 mm. Additional lengths are available in 500 mm increments. Contact CKD for details. 145 AB71 Series Internal structure and parts list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IN OUT No. Parts name 1 Coil Material 2 3 Plunger SUS405 Stainless steel Wear ring PTFE Tetrafluoroethylene resin Stuffing assembly C3771 Brass (Core assembly) SUS405, Cu Stainless steel, copper Spring pin SUS420 Stainless steel Main valve SUS304, FKM Stainless steel, fluoro rubber Main valve spring SUS304 Stainless steel Body CAC407 Bronze 4 5 6 7 8 Dimensions 䢇 Grommet lead wire type AB71-*-*-*2C 38 (300) 48 C D 30 䢇 Mounting plate AB71-*-*-** B B CKD 3.2 J F E A G H 2-K Model no. A B C D E F G H J K AB71-15-12 AB71-20-15 AB71-25-18 71 80 90 14.5 17.5 22.5 95 101 111 110.5 116 126 50 60 71 Rc1/2 Rc3/4 Rc1 56 63 75 45 50 56 40 45 50 ø9 ø9 ø11 146 AB71Series Optional dimensions 䢇 Open frame lead wire type AB71-*-*-* 3A 5A 䢇 DIN terminal box AB71-*-*-*2 E G H 30 HNB/G USB/G 27.5 73 34 46 FAB/G (300) FGB/G 61.5 (61) 33 FVB FWB/G FHB Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. FLB AB AG AP/ AD 䢇 Open frame type + HP terminal box AB71-*-*-* 3 M 5 N 34 䢇 Open frame type + conduit AB71-*-*-* 3A G 5A H APK/ ADK For dry air 99.5 Explosion proof 59 (62) 33 HVB/ HVL 45 SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP CTC19 (G1/2) CHB/G Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. MXB/G Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis Custom order General purpose valve Discrete direct acting 2 port solenoid valve 68 147 Direct acting 2 port solenoid valve, manifold and actuator (general purpose valve) GAB312/GAB352/GAB412/GAB452 Series 䢇 NC (normally closed) type 䢇 Common supply type (port C pressurization), individual supply type (port A pressurization) Common specifications JIS symbol 䢇 GAB312/412 (Common supply type / port C pressurization) Port A Port A OUT OUT IN IN Port C 䢇 GAB352/452 (Individual supply type / port A pressurization) Port A Port A IN IN OUT OUT Port C Item Standard specifications Optional specifications Hot water Steam Airflow, low vacuum (1.33 x 102 Pa (abs)), water, kerosene, oil (50 mm2/s or less) Working fluid Working pressure differential range MPa 0 to 5 (refer to max. working pressure differential in individual specifications. ) 1 5 Max. working pressure MPa 10 Withstanding pressure (water) MPa -10 to 90 -10 to 184 -10 to 60 Fluid temperature (Note 1) ˚C -20 to 60 -20 to 100 Ambient temperature ˚C B H Heat proof class Place free of corrosive gas and explosive gas Atmosphere Direct acting poppet structure Valve structure 0.2 or less (air) 300 or less (air) Valve seat leakage cm3/min. (ANR) Free Mounting attitude Brass, ethylene propylene diene rubber Brass, PTFE Brass, nitrile rubber Body, sealant Note 1: No freezing Individual specifications Model no. GAB312/352-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 GAB412/452-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 Port Orifice size (mm) Max. working pressure differential (MPa) Rated Air Water, hot water, kerosene Oil (50 mm2/s) Steam voltage AC DC AC DC AC DC AC 1.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.0 3.0 1.0 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 3.5 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 4.0 0.4 0.25 0.3 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.3 5.0 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 1.5 5.0 4.0 4.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 2.5 2.7 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.0 3.0 1.5 0.9 1.3 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 3.5 1.2 0.6 0.9 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.9 4.0 1.0 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 5.0 0.6 0.25 0.4 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.4 7.0 0.25 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.15 0.1 0.2 Apparent power (VA) Power consumption (W) Holding Starting AC DC 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50/60 Hz 100 VAC 50/60 Hz 110 VAC 60 Hz 12 10 17 14 5.2/3.8 11 (8.1) *5 18 15 29 24 6.7/5.7 11 (10.4) *5 (7) *7 200 VAC 50/60 Hz 220 VAC 60 Hz 12 VDC 24 VDC 48 VDC 100 VDC *1: The model numbers above show the basic orifice diameter. Refer to How to order for other combinations (e.g., for steam). *2: Refer to How to order (page 150) and Dimensions (page 154) for the port size. *3: Refer to DC column for the max. working pressure differential of coil with diode. *4: The voltage fluctuation must be within ±10% of the rated voltage. *5: Power consumption of coil housing 2E/2G/2H is indicated. *6: When using with a low vacuum, vacuum the NO port side. *7: Power consumption of coil housing 6C/6E/6G/6H is indicated. 148 GAB312/352/412/452 Series Optional specifications (fluid temperature, ambient temperature, valve seat leakage) Sealant Fluoro rubber Coil (heat proof class) Fluid temperature (Note 1) ˚C Ambient temperature ˚C Valve seat leakage cm3/min. (ANR) B H Ethylene propylene diene rubber B H B H -10 to 60 -10 to 90 -10 to 60 -10 to 90 -10 to 60 -10 to 184 -20 to 60 -20 to 100 (Note 2) -20 to 60 -20 to 100 (Note 2) -20 to 60 -20 to 100 (Note 2) 0.2 or less (air) PTFE HNB/G USB/G 300 or less (air) FAB/G Note 1: No freezing Note 2: The range is -20 to 80˚C when using the HP terminal box with indicator light for the coil housing. FGB/G FVB Flow characteristics Model no. GAB312/352-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 GAB412/452-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 Port size – – Orifice (mm) Flow characteristics C [dm3/(s·bar)] b FWB/G Cv flow factor 1.5 0.29 0.53 0.10 2.0 0.53 0.52 0.15 3.0 1.1 0.52 0.31 3.5 1.5 0.47 0.40 4.0 1.9 0.47 0.48 5.0 2.6 0.38 0.62 1.5 0.29 0.53 0.10 2.0 0.53 0.5 0.15 3.0 1.1 0.52 0.31 3.5 1.5 0.47 0.40 4.0 1.9 0.47 0.48 5.0 2.6 0.38 0.62 7.0 4.6 0.37 0.82 FHB FLB AB AG AP/ AD APK/ ADK For dry air Explosion proof HVB/ HVL *1: Effective sectional area S and sonic conductance C are converted as S ≈ 5.0 x C. SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP CHB/G MXB/G Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis General purpose valve Discrete direct acting 2 port solenoid valve Custom order 149 GAB312/352/412/452 Series How to order 䢇 Common supply type (port C pressurization) 1 GAB312 5 B 3A A G S 䢇 Individual supply type (port A pressurization) AC100V E Coil housing H Surge suppressor F Manual override (locking) G Other options 䢇 Common supply type (port C pressurization) GAB412 Symbol A Type of thread 䢇 Individual supply type (port A pressurization) GAB452 I Voltage Model no. GAB352 B Orifice Model no. C Station no. *2 GAB312 GAB412 GAB352 GAB452 Descriptions A Type of thread Blank G N Rc G NPT 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 ø1.5 ø2 ø3 ø3.5 ø4 ø5 ø7 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 B Orifice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 C Station no. 2 to 10 0 2 stations to 10 stations Actuator only D Body/sealant combination <Example 1 of model number> GAB312G-1-3-AC200V Model no.: GAB312 (common supply type / port C pressurization) A B C D Stainless steel Brass Std. Option Brass D E F H J K P L M N R Body Stainless steel D Body/sealant combination Blank *3 *4 B *5 C *6 Sealant Treatment Remarks Nitrile rubber Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Fluoro rubber – Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *4) PTFE Steam (up to 184˚C *4) Nitrile rubber Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Fluoro rubber – Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *4) PTFE Steam (up to 184˚C *4) Nitrile rubber Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Fluoro rubber Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *4) PTFE Steam (up to 184˚C *4) Hot water (up to 90˚C *4) Ethylene propylene diene rubber Oil free Nitrile rubber Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Fluoro rubber Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *4) PTFE Steam (up to 184˚C *4) Hot water (up to 90˚C *4) Ethylene propylene diene rubber Refer to page 36 in the Introduction for details on the material combinations. Type of thread: G E to I Orifice: ø1.5 Station no.: 3 stations Refer to the following page for details on the coil housing, Body/sealant combination: Body - brass, sealant - nitrile rubber voltage, etc. E Coil housing: Grommet lead wire The combinations indicated with 䢇 in the above table are available. F to H : Blank I Rated voltage: 200 VAC 50/60Hz, 220 VAC 60Hz <Example 2 of model number> GAB352-5-2-000AS-AC200V Model no.: GAB352 (individual supply type / port A pressurization) A B C D E F G H I Type of thread: Rc Orifice: ø4 Station no.: 2 stations Body/sealant combination: Body - brass, sealant - nitrile rubber Coil housing: Grommet lead wire Manual override (locking): Selected Other options: Blank Surge suppressor: Selected Rated voltage: 200 VAC 50/60Hz, 220 VAC 60Hz 150 other options and Note on model no. selection *1: Orders for only the masking plate and sub-plate are also available. Contact CKD for details. Note on C and D *2: Consult with CKD about more than 10 stations manifold. *3: Leave blank for standard. However, to select options in E to H, indicate 0 for D. *4: When 4A, 4M or 4N is selected for D. *5: The ethylene propylene diene rubber seal combination (D P/R) cannot be used with air. (Compressed air contains oil, and ethylene propylene diene rubber is not oil-resistant. ) *6: When D is C, F, K, P, N or R, the coil housings E 6C, 6E, 6G and 6H cannot be selected. GAB312/352/412/452 Series HNB/G For E to I, the combinations indicated with symbols can be manufactured. Note that if options F to H are not required, no symbol is indicated. Option Blank 2E 2G 2H 3A 3M 3N 3I 3J 4A 4M 4N 5A 5M 5N 5I 5J 6C 6E 6G 6H Std. Grommet lead wire DIN terminal box (G1/2) DIN terminal box (Pg11) DIN terminal box + small light (Pg11) Lead wire HP terminal box (G1/2) Open HP terminal box + light (G1/2) frame type HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) HP terminal box + light (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) Lead wire Open frame type HP terminal box (G1/2) (heat proof class H) HP terminal box + light (G1/2) Lead wire HP terminal box (G1/2) Open frame type HP terminal box + light (G1/2) (diode integrated) HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) HP terminal box + light (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) Grommet lead wire 7W DIN terminal box (G1/2) 7W DIN terminal box (Pg11) 7W DIN terminal box + small light (Pg11) 7W H Surge suppressor Manual override (locking) Descriptions USB/G G Other options F E Coil housing Cable gland Conduit (Marine cable gland) (Conduit pipe) A-15a A-15b A-15c CTC19 G1/2 S A H H G A D E D E S A D E FGB/G 100 VAC, 200 VAC FVB 100 VAC, 200 VAC 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC FWB/G 100 VAC, 200 VAC 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC FHB 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 100 VDC FLB 100 VAC, 200 VAC AG AB S H F G FAB/G Descriptions 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 24 VDC F G A I Rated voltage AP/ AD H APK/ ADK 100 VAC, 200 VAC F For dry air S A H 12 VDC, 24 VDC Explosion proof 24 VDC HVB/ HVL Refer to the following precautions for E to I. SAB/ SVB 䢇 Grommet lead wire 300 mm G H NP/NAP/ NVP 䢇 Conduit 䢇 G (CTC19) 䢇 H (G1/2) CHB/G MXB/G Note on model no. selection 2E 2G 2H 6E 6G 6H 䢇 DIN terminal box 3A 4A 5A 䢇 Open frame type grommet lead wire 300 mm 䢇 4A (heat proof class H) 䢇 5A (diode integrated) 3M 3N 4M 4N 5M 5N 䢇 Open frame HP terminal box 䢇 4M, 4N (heat proof class H) 䢇 5M, 5N (diode integrated) 3I 3J 5I 5J 䢇 Open frame HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) 䢇 5I, 5J (diode integrated) * Refer to page 122 for coil selection. Other G.P. systems Note on E *7: Leave blank for the standard coil housing. However, to select options in F, G or H, indicate 00 for E. *8: 5A, 5M, 5N, 5I and 5J are coils for which AC power is converted to DC with a diode. *9: A DC coil for steam is available for GAB4*2. Contact CKD for more information. *10: The coil housings 6C, 6E and 6G are 12 VDC and 24 VDC dedicated. 6H is 24 VDC dedicated. *11: 6C, 6E, 6G or 6H is available only for GAB412. Note on F to H *12: When D is C, F, K or N, the manual override (F A) is not available. *13: Select one among D, E, F, G and H for G. *14: The surge suppressor is an accessory for the lead wire coil. When selecting a coil with terminal box, the surge suppressor is mounted in the terminal box. *15: As standard, the surge suppressor is incorporated in the coil with diode and the 24 VDC coil (E 2H/6H), so the surge suppressor symbol S cannot be selected. *16: Tropicalization (rust-proof coating) is available as a measure against rust. Contact CKD for more information. Note that the tropicalization is not available when the manual override option A and the coil option 6C/6E/6G/6H are selected. Note on I *17: 100 VAC coil is compatible with 100 VAC 50/60 Hz and 110 VAC 60 Hz, and 200 VAC coil is compatible with 200 VAC 50/60 Hz and 220 VAC 60 Hz. Note that the coils E 5A/5M/5N/5I/5J can be used only with 100 VAC 50/60 Hz or 200 VAC 50/60 Hz. *18: For voltages other than above, consult with CKD. *19: The lead wire is available in the standard 300 mm length, and 500 mm, 1000 mm, 2000 mm and 3000 mm lengths. Contact CKD for more information. 151 PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis Custom order General purpose valve Discrete direct acting 2 port solenoid valve Blank 6C GAB312/352/412/452 Series Internal structure and parts list 䢇 GAB312/GAB352/GAB412/GAB452 Actuator 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 IN OUT No. Parts name Material 11 22 33 44 5 6 7 8 Coil Core assembly SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 403 *1 Stainless steel Shading coil Cu (Ag for stainless steel body) Copper (silver for stainless steel body) Plunger SUS405 or equivalent Stainless steel Plunger spring SUS304 Stainless steel Sealant NBR (FKM, EPDM, PTFE) O ring NBR (FKM, EPDM, PTFE) (size: AS568-019) NBR: Nitrile rubber FKM: Fluoro rubber EPDM: Ethylene propylene diene rubber PTFE: Tetrafluoroethylene resin Body C3771 (SCS13) Brass (stainless steel) *1: When the body/sealant combination symbol is other than blank or H, or when the coil housing is 6C, 6E, 6G or 6H, the material is SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 430. *2: ( ) shows option. 152 GAB312/352/412/452 Series Internal structure and parts list 䢇 GAB312/GAB352/GAB412/GAB452 Manifold HNB/G USB/G FAB/G FGB/G 1 FVB 2 3 FWB/G 4 FHB 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 FLB No. Parts name Material 11 22 33 44 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 AB Coil Core assembly SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 403 *1 Stainless steel Shading coil Cu (Ag for stainless steel body) Copper (silver for stainless steel body) Plunger AP/ AD SUS405 or equivalent Stainless steel Plunger spring SUS304 Stainless steel Sealant NBR (FKM, EPDM, PTFE) O ring NBR (FKM, EPDM, PTFE) (size: AS568-019) ( Body C3771 (SCS13) Brass (stainless steel) Holder SPCC Steel Connector C3604 (SUS304) Brass (stainless steel) Sub-plate C3604 (SUS303) Brass (stainless steel) Connecting plate SPCC AG NBR: Nitrile rubber FKM: Fluoro rubber EPDM: Ethylene propylene diene rubber PTFE: Tetrafluoroethylene resin ) Steel *1: When the body/sealant combination symbol is other than blank or H, or when the coil housing is 6C, 6E, 6G or 6H, the material is SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 430. *2: ( ) shows option. APK/ ADK For dry air Explosion proof HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP CHB/G MXB/G Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis Custom order General purpose valve Discrete direct acting 2 port solenoid valve 6 153 GAB312/352/412/452 Series Dimensions: GAB312/352 Series 䢇 Manifold (grommet lead wire type) GAB312/352-1 to 6- 2 to 10 -* Blank A B (Port C) 22 2 24 C 96 2-Rc3/8 33 10 39 25.5 AA 8 42 8 BB 30 7 4 n-Rc1/4 (n indicates the station number.) (Port A) Station no. AA BB 2 3 4 5 6 106 122 Manifold structure Station no. 2 stations x 1 145 161 3 stations x 1 212 228 2 stations x 2 223 239 5 stations x 1 290 306 3 stations x 2 7 8 9 10 AA BB Manifold structure Model no. A B C 329 345 5 stations + 2 stations Blank 20 27 84 368 384 5 stations + 3 stations 435 451 3 stations x 3 462 446 5 stations x 2 Consult with CKD about more than 10 stations manifold. *1: A manifold is configured by combining 2-, 3- and 5-station modules. *2: The dimensions are the same for the G or NPT thread port size. 䢇 Recommended dimensions for actuator mounting 䢇 Actuator (grommet lead wire type) GAB312/352-1 to 6- 0 -* Blank F 62 D B 2 x 2n-M4 Effective thread depth 6 or more 39.5 or more 4.5 Port C side 7±0.2 n-ø3 +0.1 depth 3±0.3 0 7±0.2 38 17 ±0.1 42 ø13 ø4 depth 3.7 GAB312 Port A side 28±0.2 28±0.2 32±0.1 A 2-n-ø7.5 8.5 6 32 GAB352 ø7 7 28 Model no. A B D F Blank 20 27 50 34 154 4-ø4.5 䡵 Machining drawing when using 2 actuators GAB312/352/412/452 Series Optional dimensions: GAB312/352 Series * Refer to the grommet lead wire type dimensions on the left page for common dimensions. 䢇 DIN terminal box GAB312/352-1 to 6-0 to 10-* 2 E G H 䢇 Open frame lead wire type GAB312/352-1 to 6-0 to 10-* 3A 4A 5A HNB/G USB/G FAB/G 27.5 B A 24 38 FGB/G 38 C I FVB 37.5 39 (41) FWB/G FHB FLB AB Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. Voltage A B C I AC (2E/2G/2H) DC (2E/2G/2H) 20 62 50.5 (50) 20.5 21 63.5 52 (51.5) 20.5 AG AP/ AD APK/ ADK For dry air 䢇 Open frame type + conduit GAB312/352-1 to 6-0 to 10-* 3A G 4A H 5A 䢇 Open frame type + HP terminal box GAB312/352-1 to 6-0 to 10-* 3 M · 4M 5 N 4N I J Explosion proof HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP 53 (56) 99 CHB/G 68 45 58 MXB/G CTC19 (G1/2) Other G.P. systems Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis 䢇 Manual override (locking) GAB312/352-1 to 6-0 to 10-*** A 19 12.5 68 General purpose valve Discrete direct acting 2 port solenoid valve Custom order 42 4 38 155 GAB312/352/412/452 Series Dimensions: GAB412/452 Series 䢇 Manifold (grommet lead wire type) GAB412/452-1 to 7- 2 to 10 -* Blank · 6C F 2-Rc3/8 (Port C) 39 (47) 33 (37) 25.5 AA 8 42 10 22 2 24 D 101.5 G BB 8 30 7 4 n-Rc1/4 (Port A) AA Station no. 2 3 4 5 6 BB Manifold structure Station no. 106 (122) 122 (138) 2 stations x 1 145 (169) 161 (185) 3 stations x 1 212 (244) 228 (260) 2 stations x 2 223 (263) 239 (279) 5 stations x 1 290 (338) 306 (354) 3 stations x 2 7 8 9 10 AA BB (n indicates the station number.) Manifold structure 329 (385) 345 (401) 5 stations + 2 stations 368 (432) 384 (448) 5 stations + 3 stations 435 (507) 451 (523) Model no. F G D Blank 6C 23.5 30.5 89 24 30.5 87.5 3 stations x 3 446 (526) 462 (542) 5 stations x 2 Consult with CKD about more than 10 stations manifold. *1: A manifold is configured by combining 2-, 3- and 5-station modules. *2: Dimensions in ( ) are for the open frame type. *3: The dimensions are the same for the G or NPT thread port size. F 䢇 Recommended dimensions for actuator mounting H G 2 x 2n-M4 Effective thread depth 6 or more (47 or more) 39.5 or more n-ø3 +0.1 depth 3±0.3 0 7±0.2 17 ±0.1 67.5 7±0.2 4.5 E Port C side Port A side 38 42 28±0.2 28±0.2 32±0.1 䢇 Actuator (grommet lead wire type) GAB412/452-1 to 7-0-* Blank · 6C 2-n-ø7.5 䡵 Machining drawing when using 2 actuators ø13 ø4 depth 3.7 GAB412 6 8.5 ø7 7 * Lead wire length 300 mm Model no. F G E H Blank 6C 23.5 30.5 55 38 24 30.5 55 39 156 32 GAB452 28 4-ø4.5 GAB312/352/412/452 Series Optional dimensions: GAB412/452 Series * Refer to the grommet lead wire type dimensions on the left page for common dimensions. 䢇 DIN terminal box GAB412/452-1 to 7-0 to 10-* 2 E 6G H 䢇 Open frame lead wire type GAB412/452-1 to 7-0 to 10-* 3A 4A 5A HNB/G USB/G FAB/G A B 27.5 28 42 46 FGB/G C I FVB 39 39 (41) FWB/G FHB FLB AB Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. Voltage A AC (2E/2G/2H) DC (2E/2G/2H) DC (6E/6G/6H) 23.5 B C 65.5 54 (53.5) I AG 22 23.5 66 54.5 (54) 22 24 68 56.5 (56) 22 AP/ AD APK/ ADK For dry air 䢇 Open frame type + conduit GAB412/452-1 to 7-0 to 10-* 3A G 4A H 5A 䢇 Open frame type + HP terminal box GAB412/452-1 to 7-0 to 10-* 3 M · 4M 5 N 4N I J Explosion proof HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB 57 (60) NP/NAP/ NVP 103 72 CHB/G 45 58 MXB/G Other G.P. systems CTC19 (G1/2) Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis General purpose valve Discrete direct acting 2 port solenoid valve Custom order 19 12.5 73.5 䢇 Manual override (locking) GAB412/452-1 to 7-0 to 10-*** A 42 4 38 157 Direct acting 2 port solenoid valve, manifold and actuator (general purpose valve) GAB422 Series GAB422 Series 䢇 NO (normally closed) type 䢇 Common supply type (port C pressurization) Manifold circuit structure Common specifications 䢇 GAB422 (Common supply type / port C pressurization) Port A OUT IN Port A OUT IN Port C Item Standard specifications Optional specifications Hot water Steam Airflow, low vacuum (1.33 x 102 Pa (abs)), water, kerosene, oil (50 mm2/s or less) Working fluid 0 to 2 (refer to max. working pressure differential in individual specifications.) Working pressure differential range MPa 1 2 Max. working pressure MPa 10 Withstanding pressure (water) MPa -10 to 90 -10 to 184 -10 to 60 Fluid temperature (Note 1) ˚C -20 to 60 -20 to 100 Ambient temperature ˚C B H Heat proof class Place free of corrosive gas and explosive gas Atmosphere Direct acting poppet structure Valve structure 0.2 or less (air) 300 or less (air) Valve seat leakage cm3/min. (ANR) Free Mounting attitude Brass, ethylene propylene diene rubber Brass, PTFE Brass, nitrile rubber Body, sealant Note 1: No freezing Individual specifications Item Model no. GAB422-1 GAB422-2 GAB422-3 GAB422-4 GAB422-5 GAB422-6 GAB422-7 Port size Orifice (mm) Max. working pressure differential (MPa) Air Water, hot water, kerosene Oil (50 mm2/s) Steam AC DC AC DC AC DC AC 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 3.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 4.0 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 5.0 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 7.0 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 Rated voltage 100 VAC 50/60 Hz 110 VAC 60 Hz 200 VAC 50/60 Hz 220 VAC 60 Hz 12 VDC 24 VDC 48 VDC 100 VDC *1: The model numbers above show the basic orifice diameter. Refer to How to order for other combinations. *2: Refer to How to order (page 160) and Dimensions (page 164) for the port size. *3: The voltage fluctuation must be within ±10% of the rated voltage. *4: Values in ( ) are for the type with DIN terminal box and DC voltage specifications. *5: Refer to DC column for the max. working pressure differential of coil with diode. *6: When using with a low vacuum, vacuum the OUT port side. 158 Apparent power (VA) Power consumption (W) Holding Starting AC DC 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50/60 Hz 22 18 35 29 8.7/6.7 15.5 (14) GAB422 Series Optional specifications (fluid temperature, ambient temperature, valve seat leakage) Sealant Coil (heat proof class) Fluid temperature (Note 1) ˚C Ambient temperature ˚C Valve seat leakage cm3/min. (ANR) Fluoro rubber B H Ethylene propylene diene rubber B H PTFE B H HNB/G -10 to 60 -10 to 90 -10 to 60 -10 to 90 -10 to 60 -10 to 184 -20 to 60 -20 to 100 (Note 2) -20 to 60 -20 to 100 (Note 2) -20 to 60 -20 to 100 (Note 2) 0.2 or less (air) USB/G 300 or less (air) FAB/G Note 1: No freezing Note 2: The range is -20 to 80˚C when using the HP terminal box with indicator light for the coil housing. FGB/G FVB Flow characteristics Model no. GAB422-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 Port size – Orifice (mm) C [dm3/(s·bar)] FWB/G Flow characteristics b Cv flow factor 1.5 0.29 0.53 0.10 2.0 0.53 0.52 0.15 3.0 1.1 0.52 0.31 3.5 1.5 0.47 0.40 4.0 1.9 0.47 0.47 5.0 2.6 0.38 0.62 7.0 4.6 0.37 0.82 FHB FLB AB AG AP/ AD *1: Effective sectional area S and sonic conductance C are converted as S ≈ 5.0 x C. APK/ ADK For dry air Explosion proof HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP CHB/G MXB/G Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis General purpose valve Direct acting 2 port solenoid valve Custom order 159 GAB422 Series How to order GAB422 2 5 0 3A A G S E Coil housing AC100V H Surge suppressor F Manual override (locking) I Voltage Model no. G Other options Symbol Descriptions A Type of thread A Type of thread Blank G N Rc G NPT B Orifice B Orifice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ø1.5 ø2 ø3 ø3.5 ø4 ø5 ø7 C Station no. C Station no. 2 to 10 0 *2 2 stations to 10 stations Actuator only D Body/sealant combination <Example 1 of model number> GAB422N-2-6-AC100V Model no.: GAB422 (normally open / common supply type) A B C D Type of thread: NPT Orifice: ø2 Station no.: 6 stations Body/sealant combination: Body - bronze, sealant - nitrile rubber E Coil housing: Grommet lead wire F to H Blank I Voltage: 100 VAC 50/60Hz, 110 VAC 60Hz Std. Option Brass Stainless steel Brass Body Blank B C D E F H J K P L M N R Stainless steel D Body/sealant combination *3 *4 *5 Sealant Treatment Remarks Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Nitrile rubber Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *4) Fluoro rubber – Steam (up to 184˚C *4) PTFE Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Nitrile rubber Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *4) Fluoro rubber – Steam (up to 184˚C *4) PTFE Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Nitrile rubber Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *4) Fluoro rubber Steam (up to 184˚C *4) PTFE Hot water (up to 90˚C *4) Ethylene propylene diene rubber Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Nitrile rubber Oil free Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *4) Fluoro rubber Steam (up to 184˚C *4) PTFE Hot water (up to 90˚C *4) Ethylene propylene diene rubber Refer to page 36 in the Introduction for details on the material combinations. E to I Refer to the following page for details on the coil housing, other options and voltage, etc. <Example 2 of model number> GAB422-3-0-000AS-AC100V Model no.: GAB422 (normally open / common supply type) A B C D E F G H I Type of thread: Rc Orifice: ø3 Station no.: Actuator only Body/sealant combination: Body - bronze, sealant - nitrile rubber Coil housing: Grommet lead wire Manual override (locking): Selected Other options: Blank Surge suppressor: Selected Voltage: 100 VAC 50/60Hz, 110 VAC 60Hz 160 Note on model no. selection *1: Orders for only the masking plate and sub-plate are also available. Contact CKD for details. Note on C and D *2: Consult with CKD about more than 10 stations manifold. *3: Leave blank for standard. However, to select options in E to H, indicate 0 for D. *4: When 4A, 4M or 4N is selected for D. *5: The ethylene propylene diene rubber seal combination (D P/R) cannot be used with air. (Compressed air contains oil, and ethylene propylene diene rubber is not oil-resistant.) GAB422 Series For E to I, the combinations indicated with symbols can be manufactured. Note that if options F to H are not required, no symbol is indicated. Option Blank 2E 2G 2H 3A 3M 3N 3I 3J 4A 4M 4N 5A 5M 5N 5I 5J Std. Grommet lead wire DIN terminal box (G1/2) DIN terminal box (Pg11) DIN terminal box + small light (Pg11) Lead wire HP terminal box (G1/2) Open frame type HP terminal box + light (G1/2) HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) HP terminal box + light (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) Lead wire Open frame type HP terminal box (G1/2) (heat proof class H) HP terminal box + light (G1/2) Lead wire HP terminal box (G1/2) Open frame type HP terminal box + light (G1/2) (diode integrated) HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) HP terminal box + light (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) Cable gland Conduit (Marine cable gland) (Conduit pipe) A-15a A-15b A-15c CTC19 G1/2 S A D E G A D E H D E FGB/G 100 VAC, 200 VAC 100 VAC, 200 VAC 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC FVB FWB/G FHB 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 100 VDC F 䢇 Grommet lead wire 300 mm AB AG AP/ AD H APK/ ADK 100 VAC, 200 VAC F For dry air Refer to the following precautions for E to I. Blank FLB S 100 VAC, 200 VAC G A FAB/G Descriptions 100 VAC, 200 VAC 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC S F USB/G 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 24 VDC H H G A I Rated voltage H Surge suppressor Manual override (locking) Descriptions HNB/G G Other options F E Coil housing G H Explosion proof HVB/ HVL 䢇 Conduit 䢇 G (CTC19) 䢇 H (G1/2) SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP 2E 2G 2H 䢇 DIN terminal box 3A 4A 5A 䢇 Open frame type grommet lead wire 300 mm 䢇 4A (heat proof class H) 䢇 5A (diode integrated) CHB/G MXB/G Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ Note on model no. selection CVE/ CVSE Note on E 䢇 Open frame HP terminal box 䢇 4M, 4N (heat proof class H) 䢇 5M, 5N (diode integrated) 3I 3J 5I 5J 䢇 Open frame HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) 䢇 5I, 5J (diode integrated) *6: Leave blank for the standard coil housing. However, to select options in F, G or H, indicate 00 for E. *7: 5A, 5M, 5N, 5I and 5J are coils for which AC power is converted to DC with a diode. Medical analysis Custom order Note on F to H * Refer to page 122 for coil selection. CPE/ CPD *8: When D is C, F, K or N, the manual override (F A) is not available. *9: Select one among D, E, F, G and H for G. *10: The surge suppressor is an accessory for the lead wire coil. When selecting a coil with terminal box, the surge suppressor is mounted in the terminal box. *11: As standard, the surge suppressor is incorporated in the coil with diode and the 24 VDC coil (E 2H), so the surge suppressor symbol S cannot be selected. *12: Tropicalization (rust-proof coating) is available as a measure against rust. Contact CKD for more information. Note that the tropicalization is not available when the manual override option A is selected. Note on I *13: 100 VAC coil is compatible with 100 VAC 50/60 Hz and 110 VAC 60 Hz, and 200 VAC coil is compatible with 200 VAC 50/60 Hz and 220 VAC 60 Hz. Note that the coils E 5A/5M/5N/5I/5J can be used only with 100 VAC 50/60 Hz or 200 VAC 50/60 Hz. *14: For voltages other than above, consult with CKD. *15: The lead wire is available in the standard 300 mm length, and 500 mm, 1000 mm, 2000 mm and 3000 mm lengths. Contact CKD for more information. 161 General purpose valve Direct acting 2 port solenoid valve 3M 3N 4M 4N 5M 5N GAB422 Series Internal structure and parts list 䢇 GAB422 Actuator 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 OUT IN No. Parts name Material 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 No. Parts name Material Core assembly SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 304 Stainless steel Coil Plunger SUS405 or equivalent Stainless steel Shading coil Cu (Ag for stainless steel body) Copper (silver for stainless steel body) Sealant O ring Spring NBR (FKM, EPDM, PTFE) NBR (FKM, EPDM, PTFE) (size: AS568-019) SUS304 ( NBR: Nitrile rubber FKM: Fluoro rubber EPDM: Ethylene propylene diene rubber PTFE: Tetrafluoroethylene resin 18 2 9 3 4 Body NO valve C3771 (SCS13) Brass (stainless steel) POM (SUS303, PFA) Option symbol : Blank/0/D/H/L - polyacetal resin : Other than above - stainless steel, perfluoroalkoxy resin ) Stainless steel ( ) shows option. 162 GAB422 Series Internal structure and parts list 䢇 GAB422 Manifold HNB/G USB/G FAB/G 1 FGB/G 2 FVB 3 4 FWB/G 5 FHB 6 9 7 FLB 8 AB 10 AG 11 12 AP/ AD 13 APK/ ADK For dry air Explosion proof 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Core assembly SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 304 Stainless steel Coil Plunger SUS405 or equivalent Stainless steel Shading coil Cu (Ag for stainless steel body) Copper (silver for stainless steel body) Sealant O ring Spring NBR (FKM, EPDM, PTFE) NBR (FKM, EPDM, PTFE) (size: AS568-019) SUS304 HVB/ HVL No. Parts name Material ( NBR: Nitrile rubber FKM: Fluoro rubber EPDM: Ethylene propylene diene rubber PTFE: Tetrafluoroethylene resin Stainless steel ) 18 2 9 3 10 4 11 12 13 C3771 (SCS13) Brass (stainless steel) SAB/ SVB NO valve POM (SUS303, PFA) Option symbol : Blank/0/D/H/L - polyacetal resin : Other than above - stainless steel, perfluoroalkoxy resin NP/NAP/ NVP Holder SPCC Steel CHB/G Connector C3604 (SUS304) Brass (stainless steel) Sub-plate C3604 (SUS303) Brass (stainless steel) MXB/G Steel Other G.P. systems Body Connecting plate SPCC ( ) shows option. PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis Custom order General purpose valve Direct acting 2 port solenoid valve No. Parts name Material 163 GAB422 Series Dimensions: Manifold 䢇 Grommet lead wire type GAB422-1 to 7- 2 to 10 115 23.5 30.5 33 (37) 25.5 39 (47) AA 8 42 10 2 22 24 93 2-Rc3/8 (Port C) 8 BB 30 7 4 n-Rc1/4 (n indicates the station number. ) (Port A) Station no. AA BB 2 3 4 5 6 106 (122) 122 (138) Manifold structure Station no. 2 stations x 1 145 (169) 161 (185) 3 stations x 1 212 (244) 228 (260) 2 stations x 2 223 (263) 239 (279) 5 stations x 1 290 (338) 306 (354) 3 stations x 2 7 8 9 10 AA BB Manifold structure 329 (385) 345 (401) 5 stations + 2 stations 368 (432) 384 (448) 5 stations + 3 stations 435 (507) 451 (523) 3 stations x 3 446 (526) 462 (542) 5 stations x 2 Consult with CKD about more than 10 stations manifold. *1: A manifold is configured by combining 2-, 3- and 5-station modules. *2: Dimensions shown in ( ) are for the open frame type. *3: GAB422 Series with DIN terminal box and DC voltage specifications has the same dimensions as the open frame type. *4: The dimensions are the same for the G or NPT thread port size. Dimensions: Actuator 䢇 Grommet lead wire type GAB422-1 to 7- 0 23.5 䢇 Recommended dimensions for actuator mounting 30.5 38 2 x 2n-M4 Effective thread depth 6 or more (47 or more) 39.5 or more 7±0.2 n-ø3 7±0.2 +0.1 Depth 0 3±0.3 38 42 Port A side ø13 6 ø4 depth 3.7 8.5 32 * Lead wire length 300 mm ø7 7 28 164 4-ø4.5 28±0.2 28±0.2 32±0.1 4.5 17 ±0.1 59 81 Port C side 2-n-ø7.5 䡵 Machining drawing when using 2 actuators GAB422 Series Optional dimensions * Refer to the dimensions for grommet lead wire with all wave rectifier on the left page for common dimensions. 䢇 DIN terminal box GAB422-1 to 7-0 to 10-* 2E 2G 2H 䢇 Open frame lead wire type GAB422-1 to 7-0 to 10-* 3A 4A 5A HNB/G USB/G FAB/G A B D 27.5 C 28 42 FGB/G 46 31 FVB FHB 42.5 39 (41) FWB/G FLB AB Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. Voltage AC DC A 23.5 28 B C 65.5 54 (53.5) 72 60.5 (60) AG D AP/ AD 38 46 APK/ ADK For dry air Explosion proof 䢇 Open frame type + conduit GAB422-1 to 7-0 to 10-* 3A G 4A H 5A 䢇 Open frame type + HP terminal box GAB422-1 to 7-0 to 10-* 3 M · 4M 5 N 4N I J HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB 103 NP/NAP/ NVP 72 57 (60) CHB/G 58 MXB/G 45 Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ CTC19 (G1/2) CVE/ CVSE Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. 䢇 Manual override (locking) GAB422-1 to 7-0 to 10-*** A CPE/ CPD Medical analysis Manual override General purpose valve Direct acting 2 port solenoid valve (13) Custom order 165 Discrete direct acting 3 port solenoid valve (general purpose valve) AG31/41 Series AG31/AG41 Series 䢇 Universal type 䢇 Port size: Rc1/8, Rc1/4, Rc3/8 Common specifications JIS symbol 䢇 AG31/41: Universal type COM NO NC Item Standard specifications Optional specifications Hot water Steam Airflow, low vacuum (1.33 x 102 Pa (abs)), water, kerosene, oil (50 mm2/s or less) Working fluid 0 to 1 (refer to max. working pressure differential in individual specifications.) Working pressure differential range MPa 1 Max. working pressure MPa 25 Withstanding pressure (water) MPa -10 to 90 -10 to 184 -10 to 60 Fluid temperature (Note 1) ˚C -20 to 60 -20 to 100 Ambient temperature ˚C B H Heat proof class Place free of corrosive gas and explosive gas Atmosphere Direct acting poppet structure Valve structure 300 or less (air) 0.2 or less (air) Valve seat leakage cm3/min. (ANR) Free Mounting attitude Brass, PTFE Brass, ethylene propylene diene rubber Brass, nitrile rubber Body, sealant Note 1: No freezing Individual specifications Item Model no. AG31-01-1 -01-2 -02-1 -02-2 AG41-02-1 -02-2 -03-1 -03-2 Port size Rc1/8 Rc1/4 Rc1/4 Rc3/8 Max. working pressure differential (MPa) Rated Air Water, hot water, kerosene Oil (50 mm2/s) Steam voltage TOP BODY AC DC AC DC AC DC AC Orifice (mm) 1.5 1.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 2.0 2.0 0.4 0.4 (0.35) 0.4 0.4 0.25 1.5 1.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 2.0 2.0 0.4 0.4 0.25 2.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.4 2.3 2.3 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.25 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.4 2.3 2.3 0.7 0.4 (0.35) 0.7 (0.45) 0.4 (0.25) 0.7 (0.45) 0.4 (0.25) 0.4 2.0 0.7 0.4 0.25 0.6 (0.5) 0.2 (0.15) 0.6 (0.5) 0.2 (0.15) 0.3 (0.25) 0.15 (0.1) 0.3 (0.25) 0.15 (0.1) 0.7 0.4 100 VAC 50/60 Hz 0.7 110 VAC 60 Hz 0.4 200 VAC 50/60 Hz 1.0 0.7 1.0 0.7 Apparent power (VA) Power consumption (W) Weight Holding Starting AC DC (kg) 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50/60 Hz 14 11 20 16 6/4.2 22 17 35 27 8.3/6.2 220 VAC 60 Hz 12 VDC 24 VDC 48 VDC 100 VDC 11 0.36 (8.1) 0.45 11 (10.4) 0.48 *1: The model numbers above show the basic port size (Rc) and orifice diameter. Refer to How to order for other combinations. *2: Refer to DC column for the max. working pressure differential of coil with diode. *3: The voltage fluctuation must be within ±10% of the rated voltage. *4: Values in ( ) are for the type with DIN terminal box and DC voltage specifications, and indicate the max. working pressure differential when pressurizing from the NO port. *5: When continuously energizing the valve, use a fluoro rubber seal. *6: When the sealant is PTFE, the NO port cannot be pressurized. 166 AG31/41 Series Optional specifications (fluid temperature, ambient temperature, valve seat leakage) Sealant Coil (heat proof class) Fluid temperature (Note 1) ˚C Ambient temperature ˚C Valve seat leakage cm3/min. (ANR) Fluoro rubber Ethylene propylene diene rubber PTFE B H B H B H -10 to 60 -10 to 90 -10 to 60 -10 to 90 -10 to 60 -10 to 184 -20 to 60 -20 to 100 (Note 2) -20 to 60 -20 to 100 (Note 2) -20 to 60 -20 to 100 (Note 2) 0.2 or less (air) HNB/G USB/G 300 or less (air) FAB/G Note 1: No freezing Note 2: The range is -20 to 80˚C when using the HP terminal box with indicator light for the coil housing. FGB/G FVB Flow characteristics FWB/G Orifice (mm) Model no. AG31-01-1 -01-2 -02-1 -02-2 AG41-02-1 -02-2 -03-1 -03-2 Port size Rc1/8 Rc1/4 Rc1/4 Rc3/8 Flow characteristics Cv flow factor b C [dm3/(s·bar)] TOP BODY TOP BODY TOP BODY FHB FLB TOP BODY 1.5 1.5 0.29 0.29 0.64 0.53 0.09 0.09 2.0 2.0 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.52 0.15 0.15 1.5 1.5 0.29 0.29 0.64 0.53 0.09 0.09 2.0 2.0 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.52 0.15 0.15 2.0 2.0 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.52 0.15 0.15 2.3 2.3 0.74 0.74 0.66 0.53 0.19 0.19 2.0 2.0 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.52 0.15 0.15 2.3 2.3 0.74 0.74 0.66 0.53 0.19 0.19 AB AG AP/ AD APK/ ADK For dry air *1: Effective sectional area S and sonic conductance C are converted as S ≈ 5.0 x C. Explosion proof HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP CHB/G MXB/G Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve Custom order 167 AG31/41 Series How to order AG31 02 2 B 3A A B G S AG41 AC100V G Other options D Coil housing Model no. E Manual override (locking) H Surge suppressor I Voltage F Mounting plate Model no. Symbol Descriptions AG31 Symbol Descriptions Symbol Descriptions 1G 2G 3G G 1/8 G 1/4 G 3/8 1N 2N 3N 1/8NPT 1/4NPT 3/8NPT AG41 A Port size A Port size 01 02 03 B Orifice Rc1/8 Rc1/4 Rc3/8 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 B Orifice AG31 TOP ø1.5 ø2.0 1 2 AG41 BODY ø1.5 ø2.0 TOP ø2.0 ø2.3 BODY ø2.0 ø2.3 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 C Body/sealant combination Stainless steel Brass Option Brass Std. Body Stainless steel C Body/sealant combination Blank *1 *2 B *3 C *4 V D E F W H J K P L M N R Sealant Treatment Nitrile rubber – Fluoro rubber PTFE Vacuum inspection Fluoro rubber Nitrile rubber – Fluoro rubber PTFE Vacuum inspection Fluoro rubber Nitrile rubber Fluoro rubber PTFE Ethylene propylene diene rubber Nitrile rubber Oil free Fluoro rubber PTFE Ethylene propylene diene rubber Remarks Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *2) Steam (up to 184˚C *2) Medium vacuum Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *2) Steam (up to 184˚C *2) Medium vacuum Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *2) Steam (up to 184˚C *2) Hot water (up to 90˚C *2) Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *2) Steam (up to 184˚C *2) Hot water (up to 90˚C *2) Refer to page 36 in the Introduction for details on the material combinations. D <Example 1 of model number> AG31-02-1-AC100V Model no.: AG31 to I Refer to the following page for details on the coil housing, other options and voltage, etc. A Port size: Rc1/4 The combinations indicated with 䢇 in the above table are available. B Orifice: TOP - ø1.5, BODY - ø1.5 C Body/sealant combination: Body - bronze, sealant - nitrile rubber D Coil housing: Grommet lead wire E to H : Blank I Voltage: 100 VAC 50/60Hz, 110 VAC 60Hz <Example 2 of model number> AG41-03-2-000ABS-AC100V Model no.: AG41 A Port size: Rc3/8 B Orifice: TOP - ø2.3, BODY - ø2.3 C Body/sealant combination: Body - bronze, sealant - nitrile rubber D Coil housing: Grommet lead wire E Manual override (locking): Selected F Mounting plate: Selected G Other options: Blank H Surge suppressor: Selected I Voltage: 100 VAC 50/60Hz, 110 VAC 60Hz 168 Note on model no. selection Note on C *1: Leave blank for standard. However, to select options in D to H, indicate 0 for C. *2: When 4A, 4M or 4N is selected for C. *3: The ethylene propylene diene rubber seal combination (C P/R) cannot be used with air. (Compressed air contains oil, and ethylene propylene diene rubber is not oil-resistant.) *4: For option symbols V and W, vacuum is inspected at "leakage amount: 1.33 x 10-6 Pa·m3/s or less". AG31/41 Series For D to I, the combinations indicated with symbols can be manufactured. Note that if options E to H are not required, no symbol is indicated. Option Blank 2E 2G 2H 3A 3M 3N 3I 3J 4A 4M 4N 5A 5M 5N 5I 5J Std. Grommet lead wire DIN terminal box (G1/2) DIN terminal box (Pg11) DIN terminal box + small light (Pg11) Lead wire HP terminal box (G1/2) Open frame type HP terminal box + light (G1/2) HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) HP terminal box + light (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) Lead wire Open frame type HP terminal box (G1/2) (heat proof class H) HP terminal box + light (G1/2) Lead wire HP terminal box (G1/2) Open frame type HP terminal box + light (G1/2) (diode integrated) HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) HP terminal box + light (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) H Surge suppressor Manual override (locking) Descriptions HNB/G G Other options F Mounting plate E D Coil housing Cable gland Conduit (Marine cable gland) (Conduit pipe) A-15a A-15b A-15c CTC19 G1/2 I Rated voltage USB/G FAB/G Descriptions FGB/G 100 VAC, 200 VAC A B S H H G A B A B D E D E S H A B D E FHB 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 100 VDC FLB 100 VAC, 200 VAC AG AP/ AD H APK/ ADK 100 VAC, 200 VAC F For dry air Refer to the following precautions for D to I. Blank AB S F G FWB/G 100 VAC, 200 VAC 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC F G FVB 100 VAC, 200 VAC 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 24 VDC G 䢇 Grommet lead wire 300 mm H Explosion proof HVB/ HVL 䢇 Conduit 䢇 G (CTC19) 䢇 H (G1/2) SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP 2E 2G 2H 䢇 DIN terminal box 3A 4A 5A 䢇 Open frame type grommet lead wire 300 mm 䢇 4A (heat proof class H) 䢇 5A (diode integrated) CHB/G MXB/G 䢇 Open frame HP terminal box 䢇 4M, 4N (heat proof class H) 䢇 5M, 5N (diode integrated) 3I 3J 5I 5J 䢇 Open frame HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) 䢇 5I, 5J (diode integrated) PD/FAD/ PJ Note on D *5: Leave blank for the standard coil housing. However, to select options in E to H, indicate 00 for D. *6: 5A, 5M, 5N, 5I and 5J are coils for which AC power is converted to DC with a diode. *7: A DC coil for steam is available for AG41. Contact CKD for more information. Note on E to H When C is C, F, K, N, V or W, the manual override (E A) is not available. *9: Select one among D, E, F, G and H for G. *10: The surge suppressor is an accessory for the lead wire coil. When selecting a coil with terminal box, the surge suppressor is mounted in the terminal box. *11: As standard, the surge suppressor is incorporated in the coil with diode and the 24 VDC coil (D 2H), so the surge suppressor symbol S cannot be selected. *12: Tropicalization (rust-proof coating) is available as a measure against rust. Contact CKD for more information. Note that the tropicalization is not available when the manual override option A is selected. *8: * Refer to page 122 for coil selection. Note on I *13: 100 VAC coil is compatible with 100 VAC 50/60 Hz and 110 VAC 60 Hz, and 200 VAC coil is compatible with 200 VAC 50/60 Hz and 220 VAC 60 Hz. Note that the coils D 5A/5M/5N/5I/5J can be used only with 100 VAC 50/60 Hz or 200 VAC 50/60 Hz. *14: For voltages other than above, consult with CKD. *15: The lead wire is available in the standard 300 mm length, and 500 mm, 1000 mm, 2000 mm and 3000 mm lengths. Contact CKD for more information. 169 CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis Custom order General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve 3M 3N 4M 4N 5M 5N Other G.P. systems Note on model no. selection AG31/41 Series Internal structure and parts list 䢇 AG31/41 Series NO 1 2 3 4 No. Parts name Material 5 11 22 33 44 5 6 7 8 9 6 7 8 NC COM 9 Socket C3604 (SUS303) Brass (stainless steel) Coil Core assembly SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 403 *1 Stainless steel Shading coil Cu (Ag for stainless steel body) Copper (silver for stainless steel body) Plunger SUS405 or equivalent Stainless steel Sealant NBR (FKM, EPDM, PTFE) O ring NBR (FKM, EPDM, PTFE) (AS568/019) Plunger spring SUS304 Body C3771 (SUS303) NBR: Nitrile rubber FKM: Fluoro rubber EPDM: Ethylene propylene diene rubber PTFE: Tetrafluoroethylene resin Stainless steel Brass (stainless steel) *1: When the body/sealant combination symbol is other than blank or H, the material is SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 430. *2: ( ) shows option. Dimensions: AG31 Series 䢇 Grommet lead wire type AG31-01/02-1 to 2 34 27 <Reference> As the JIS symbol flow shows, pressure can be applied from any of the three piping ports. Generally, two orifices (TOP, BODY) have the same values and rated pressure. When de-energized: COM NO or NO COM When energized: COM NC or NC COM 94 20 11 63 Note 1: The dimensions are the same for the G or NPT thread port size 28 36 18 2-M5 depth 8 170 CKD Rc1/8 (01) Rc1/4 (02) * Lead wire length 300 mm AG31/41 Series Optional dimensions: AG31 Series * Refer to the grommet lead wire type dimensions on the left page for common dimensions. 䢇 DIN terminal box AG31-01/02-1 to 2-* 2E 2G 2H 䢇 Open frame type AG31-01/02-1 to 2-* 3A 4A 5A A HNB/G USB/G FAB/G B 27.5 C 38 38 FGB/G 39.5 24 94 FWB/G 50.5 39 (41) 32.6 FVB FHB Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. Voltage A B C AC DC 20 62 50.5 (50) 21 63.5 52 (51.5) FLB AB AG AP/ AD 䢇 Open frame type + conduit AG31-01/02-1 to 2-* 3A G 4A H 5A 䢇 Open frame type + HP terminal box AG31-01/02-1 to 2-* 3 M · 4M 5 N 4N I J APK/ ADK For dry air 53 (56) Explosion proof 99 68 HVB/ HVL 58 SAB/ SVB 45 CTC19 (G1/2) Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. NP/NAP/ NVP CHB/G 䢇 Stainless steel body AG31-01/02-1 to 2- D/E/F/R/W/L/M/N MXB/G 䢇 Manual override (locking) AG31-01/02-1 to 2-*** A Other G.P. systems Figure shows the brass body. PD/FAD/ PJ NC 36 (ø37.5) Medical analysis 19.5 63 11 COM ø37.5 CPE/ CPD 38 Custom order Dimensions shown in ( ) are for stainless steel body. 䢇 Mounting plate AG31-01/02-1 to 2-*** B 62 50 18 4-ø5.5 2 8 30 18 2-ø6 Mounting plate No. 1 GE-100106 171 General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve 94 CVE/ CVSE Manual override AG31/41 Series Dimensions: AG41 Series 䢇 Grommet lead wire type AG41-02/03-1 to 2 38 30.5 <Reference> As the JIS symbol flow shows, pressure can be applied from any of the three piping ports. Generally, two orifices (TOP, BODY) have the same values and rated pressure. When de-energized: COM NO or NO COM When energized: COM NC or NC COM D E 23.5 C Note 1: The dimensions are the same for the G or NPT thread port size. B A 18 2-M5 depth 8 172 Rc1/4 (02) Rc3/8 (03) * Lead wire length 300 mm CKD Model no. A B C D E AG41-02-1 to 2 AG41-03-1 to 2 36 28 11 68 99.5 40 28 12 71 106 AG31/41 Series Optional dimensions: AG41 Series * Refer to the grommet lead wire type dimensions on the left page for common dimensions. 䢇 DIN terminal box AG41-02/03-1 to 2-* 2E 2G 2H USB/G 42 28 27.5 HNB/G 46 FAB/G 38.5 FGB/G E G H 39 (41) 40.5 <44> F 䢇 Open frame lead wire type AG41-02/03-1 to 2-* 3A 4A 5A D FVB FWB/G Dimensions shown in < > are for Rc3/8. Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. F G H 23.5 65.5 54 (53.5) 23.5 66 54.5 (54) Voltage AC DC FHB Model no. D E AG41-02-1 to 2-**A AG41-03-1 to 2-**A 52 99.5 55 106 FLB AB 䢇 Open frame type + conduit AG41-02/03-1 to 2-* 3A G 4A H 5A 䢇 Open frame type + HP terminal box AG41-02/03-1 to 2-* 3 M · 4M 5 N 4N I J 103 AG AP/ AD APK/ ADK 57 (60) 72 For dry air 58 Explosion proof 45 HVB/ HVL Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. 䢇 Stainless steel body AG41-02/03-1 to 7- D/E/F/R/W/L/M/N CTC19 (G1/2) SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP 䢇 Manual override (locking) AG41-02/03-1 to 2*** A CHB/G Figure shows the brass body. MXB/G D E Other G.P. systems Manual override PD/FAD/ PJ NC K C COM A A Model no. AG41-02-1 to 2-* AG41-03-1 to 2-* CVE/ CVSE B CPE/ CPD A C D E ø37.5 11 68 99.5 Model no. ø45 12 71 106 AG41-02-1 to 2-***A AG41-03-1 to 2-***A A B K 36 (ø37.5) 38 19.5 40 (ø45.0) 40 22.5 Medical analysis Custom order General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve Dimensions shown in ( ) are for stainless steel body. 䢇 Mounting plate AG41-02/03-1 to 2-*** B 62 (70) 50 (58) 18 (18) 4-ø5.5 30 18 2-ø6 2 8 Code Dimensions shown in ( ) are for mounting plate No. 2. Mounting plate No. 1 GE-100106 Mounting plate No. 2 GE-100159 Applicable model 䢇 AG41-02/03-1 to 2 Series 䢇 Stainless steel body AG41-02-1 to 2- D/E/F/L/M/N/R/W 䢇 Stainless steel body AG41-03-1 to 2- D/E/F/L/M/N/R/W 173 Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve, manifold and actuator (general purpose valve) GAG31*/GAG35*, GAG41*/GAG45* Series 䢇 Universal type 䢇 Common supply / individual exhaust type, common supply / separate flow type Manifold circuit structure Common specifications 䢇 GAG31*/41* (Common supply / individual exhaust type) Port A Item Standard specifications Optional specifications Steam Hot water Airflow, low vacuum (1.33 x 102 Pa (abs)), water, kerosene, oil (50 mm2/s or less) Working fluid Working pressure differential range MPa 0 to 1 (refer to max. working pressure differential in individual specifications.) 1 Max. working pressure MPa 10 Withstanding pressure (water) MPa -10 to 184 -10 to 90 -10 to 60 Fluid temperature (Note 1) ˚C -20 to 100 -20 to 60 Ambient temperature ˚C H B Heat proof class Place free of corrosive gas and explosive gas Atmosphere Direct acting poppet structure Valve structure 300 or less (air) 0.2 or less (air) Valve seat leakage cm3/min. (ANR) Free Mounting attitude Brass, PTFE Brass, ethylene propylene diene rubber Brass, nitrile rubber Body, sealant Port A COM COM NC NC Port C NO NO 䢇 GAG352/452 (Common supply / separate flow type) NO port Port A NO port Port A NO Port C NC NO COM COM NC Note 1: No freezing Individual specifications Item Model no. GAG311-1 -2 GAG312-1 -2 GAG412-1 -2 GAG413-1 -2 NO port size Rc1/8 Rc1/4 Rc1/4 Rc3/8 Max. working pressure differential (MPa) Rated Air Water, hot water, kerosene Oil (50 mm2/s) Steam voltage TOP BODY AC DC AC DC AC DC AC Orifice (mm) 1.5 1.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 2.0 2.0 0.4 0.4 (0.35) 0.4 0.4 0.25 1.5 1.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.4 (0.35) 0.7 (0.45) 0.4 (0.25) 0.7 (0.45) 0.4 (0.25) 0.4 0.4 0.25 1.0 0.7 0.4 0.7 0.4 0.25 1.0 0.7 0.4 0.7 0.4 0.25 2.0 2.0 0.4 2.0 2.0 1.0 2.3 2.3 0.7 2.0 2.0 1.0 2.3 2.3 0.7 0.6 (0.5) 0.2 (0.15) 0.6 (0.5) 0.2 (0.15) 0.3 (0.25) 0.15 (0.1) 0.3 (0.25) 0.15 (0.1) 0.7 0.4 0.7 0.4 1.0 0.7 1.0 0.7 100 VAC 50/60 Hz 110 VAC 60 Hz 200 VAC 50/60 Hz 220 VAC 60 Hz 12 VDC 24 VDC 48 VDC 100 VDC Apparent power (VA) Power consumption (W) Holding Starting AC DC 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50/60 Hz 14 11 20 16 6/4.2 11 (8.1) 22 17 35 27 8.3/6.2 11 (10.4) *1: The model numbers above show the basic NO port size and orifice diameter. Refer to How to order for other combinations. *2: Refer to How to order (page 176) and Dimensions (page 180) for the port sizes of port A and C. *3: Refer to DC column for the max. working pressure differential of coil with diode. *4: The voltage fluctuation must be within ±10% of the rated voltage. *5: Values in ( ) are for the type with DIN terminal box and DC voltage specifications, and indicate the max. working pressure differential when pressurizing from the NO port. *6: When continuously energizing the valve, use a fluoro rubber seal. *7: When the sealant is PTFE, the NO port cannot be pressurized. 174 GAG31*/35*/41*/45* Series Optional specifications (fluid temperature, ambient temperature, valve seat leakage) Sealant Coil (heat proof class) Fluid temperature (Note 1) ˚C Ambient temperature ˚C Valve seat leakage cm3/min. (ANR) Fluoro rubber Ethylene propylene diene rubber PTFE B H B H B H -10 to 60 -10 to 90 -10 to 60 -10 to 90 -10 to 60 -10 to 184 -20 to 60 -20 to 100 (Note 2) -20 to 60 -20 to 100 (Note 2) -20 to 60 -20 to 100 (Note 2) 0.2 or less (air) HNB/G USB/G 300 or less (air) FAB/G Note 1: No freezing Note 2: The range is -20 to 80˚C when using the HP terminal box with indicator light for the coil housing. FGB/G FVB Flow characteristics Model no. GAG311-1 -2 GAG312-1 -2 GAG412-1 -2 GAG413-1 -2 Port size Rc1/8 Rc1/4 Rc1/4 Rc3/8 Orifice (mm) FWB/G Flow characteristics b Cv flow factor C [dm3/(s·bar)] TOP BODY TOP BODY TOP BODY TOP BODY 1.5 1.5 0.29 0.29 0.64 0.53 0.09 0.09 2.0 2.0 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.52 0.15 0.15 1.5 1.5 0.29 0.29 0.64 0.53 0.09 0.09 2.0 2.0 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.52 0.15 0.15 2.0 2.0 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.52 0.15 0.15 2.3 2.3 0.74 0.74 0.66 0.53 0.19 0.19 2.0 2.0 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.52 0.15 0.15 2.3 2.3 0.74 0.74 0.66 0.53 0.19 0.19 FHB FLB AB AG AP/ AD APK/ ADK For dry air *1: Effective sectional area S and sonic conductance C are converted as S ≈ 5.0 x C. Explosion proof HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP CHB/G MXB/G Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve Custom order 175 GAG31*/35*/41*/45* Series How to order 䢇 Common supply / individual exhaust type (port C pressurization) GAG31 1 1 7 0 3A A G S 䢇 Common supply / separate flow type (port C pressurization) F Coil housing G Manual override (locking) J Voltage H Other options GAG35 䢇 Common supply / individual exhaust type (port C pressurization) Model no. GAG3** GAG4** Symbol A NO port size 1 1/8 2 1/4 3 3/8 A NO port size GAG41 䢇 Common supply / separate flow type (port C pressurization) AC100V I Surge suppressor Descriptions 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 B Type of thread Blank Rc G G N NPT B Type of thread GAG45 C C Orifice GAG3** TOP ø1.5 ø2.0 1 2 D 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 Orifice Model no. D Station no. *2 䢇 䢇 䢇 GAG4** BODY ø1.5 ø2.0 TOP ø2.0 ø2.3 BODY ø2.0 ø2.3 Station no. 2 2 stations to to 10 10 stations 0 Actuator only E Std. Option Stainless steel E Body/sealant combination: Body - bronze, sealant - nitrile rubber F Coil housing: Grommet lead wire G to I : Blank J Voltage: 200 VAC 50/60Hz, 220 VAC 60Hz <Example 2 of model number> GAG352G-2-7-000AS-AC200V Model no.: GAG352 (common supply / separate flow type / port C pressurization) A B C D E F G H I J 176 NO port size: 1/4 Type of thread: G Orifice: TOP - ø2.0, BODY - ø2.0 Station no.: 7 stations Body/sealant combination: Body - bronze, sealant - nitrile rubber Grommet lead wire Coil housing: Manual override (locking): Selected Blank Other options: Surge suppressor: Selected Voltage: 200 VAC 50/60Hz, 220 VAC 60Hz Treatment – – Brass Stainless steel Brass Body/sealant combination E Body/sealant Body Sealant combination Nitrile rubber Blank *3 Fluoro rubber B *4 PTFE C *5 Nitrile rubber D Fluoro rubber E PTFE F Nitrile rubber H <Example 1 of model number> Fluoro rubber J GAG311-1-4-AC200V PTFE K Model no.: GAG311 (common supply / individual exhaust type / port C pressurization) Ethylene propylene diene rubber P A NO port size: 1/8 Nitrile rubber L B Type of thread: Rc Fluoro rubber M C Orifice: TOP - ø1.5, BODY - ø1.5 PTFE N D Station no.: 4 stations Ethylene propylene diene rubber R Oil free Remarks Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *4) Steam (up to 184˚C *4) Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *4) Steam (up to 184˚C *4) Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *4) Steam (up to 184˚C *4) Hot water (up to 90˚C *4) Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *4) Steam (up to 184˚C *4) Hot water (up to 90˚C *4) Refer to page 36 in the Introduction for details on the material combinations. F to J Refer to the following page for details on the coil housing, other options and voltage, etc. The combinations indicated with 䢇 in the above table are available. Note on model no. selection *1: Orders for only the masking plate and sub-plate are also available. Contact CKD for details. Note on D and E *2: Consult with CKD about more than 10 stations manifold. *3: Leave blank for standard. However, to select options in F to I, indicate 0 for E. *4: When 4A, 4M or 4N is selected for E. *5: The ethylene propylene diene rubber seal combination (E P/R) cannot be used with air. (Compressed air contains oil, and ethylene propylene diene rubber is not oil-resistant.) GAG31*/35*/41*/45* Series HNB/G USB/G For F to J, the combinations indicated with symbols can be manufactured. Note that if options G to I are not required, no symbol is indicated. FAB/G Option Std. Grommet lead wire DIN terminal box (G1/2) DIN terminal box (Pg11) DIN terminal box + small light (Pg11) Lead wire HP terminal box (G1/2) Open frame type HP terminal box + light (G1/2) HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) HP terminal box + light (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) Lead wire Open frame type HP terminal box (G1/2) (heat proof class H) HP terminal box + light (G1/2) Lead wire HP terminal box (G1/2) Open frame type HP terminal box + light (G1/2) (diode integrated) HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) HP terminal box + light (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) I Cable gland Conduit (Marine cable gland) (Conduit pipe) A-15a A-15b A-15c CTC19 G1/2 S A D E S F G A D E H A D E FGB/G Descriptions FVB 100 VAC, 200 VAC 100 VAC, 200 VAC 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC FWB/G FHB 100 VAC, 200 VAC 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC FLB 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 100 VDC AB 100 VAC, 200 VAC AP/ AD AG S F G J Rated voltage 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 24 VDC H H G A Surge suppressor Manual override (locking) Descriptions Blank 2E 2G 2H 3A 3M 3N 3I 3J 4A 4M 4N 5A 5M 5N 5I 5J H Other options G F Coil housing H APK/ ADK 100 VAC, 200 VAC F For dry air Explosion proof Refer to the following precautions for F to J. HVB/ HVL Blank 䢇 Grommet lead wire 300 mm G H SAB/ SVB 䢇 Conduit 䢇 G (CTC19) 䢇 H (G1/2) NP/NAP/ NVP CHB/G 䢇 DIN terminal box MXB/G Other G.P. systems Note on model no. selection 3A 4A 5A 䢇 Open frame type grommet lead wire 300 mm 䢇 4A (heat proof class H) 䢇 5A (diode integrated) 3M 3N 4M 4N 5M 5N 䢇 Open frame HP terminal box 䢇 4M, 4N (heat proof class H) 䢇 5M, 5N (diode integrated) 3I 3J 5I 5J 䢇 Open frame HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) 䢇 5I, 5J (diode integrated) * Refer to page 122 for coil selection. Note on F *6: Leave blank for the standard coil housing. However, to select options in G, H or I, indicate 00 for F. *7: 5A, 5M, 5N, 5I and 5J are coils for which AC power is converted to DC with a diode. *8: A DC coil for steam is available for GAG4**. Contact CKD for more information. PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis Note on G to I *9: When E is C, F, K or N, the manual override (G A) is not available. *10: Select one among D, E, F, G and H for H. *11: The surge suppressor is an accessory for the lead wire coil. When selecting a coil with terminal box, the surge suppressor is mounted in the terminal box. *12: As standard, the surge suppressor is incorporated in the coil with diode and the 24 VDC coil (F 2H), so the surge suppressor symbol S cannot be selected. *13: Tropicalization (rust-proof coating) is available as a measure against rust. Contact CKD for more information. Note that the tropicalization is not available when the manual override option A is selected. Note on J *14: 100 VAC coil is compatible with 100 VAC 50/60 Hz and 110 VAC 60 Hz, and 200 VAC coil is compatible with 200 VAC 50/60 Hz and 220 VAC 60 Hz. Note that the coils F 5A/5M/5N/5I/5J can be used only with 100 VAC 50/60 Hz or 200 VAC 50/60 Hz. *15: For voltages other than above, consult with CKD. *16: The lead wire is available in the standard 300 mm length, and 500 mm, 1000 mm, 2000 mm and 3000 mm lengths. Contact CKD for more information. 177 Custom order General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve 2E 2G 2H GAG31*/35*/41*/45* Series Internal structure and parts list 䢇 GAG31*/GAG35*/GAG41*/GAG45* Actuator NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 COM 178 NC No. Parts name Material 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Socket C3604 (SUS303) Brass (stainless steel) Coil Core assembly SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 403 *1 Stainless steel Shading coil Cu (Ag for stainless steel body) Copper (silver for stainless steel body) Plunger SUS405 or equivalent Stainless steel Sealant NBR (FKM, EPDM, PTFE) O ring NBR (FKM, EPDM, PTFE) (size: AS568-019) Plunger spring SUS304 Body C3771 (SCS13) ( NBR: Nitrile rubber FKM: Fluoro rubber EPDM: Ethylene propylene diene rubber PTFE: Tetrafluoroethylene resin ) Stainless steel Brass (stainless steel) *1: When the body/sealant combination symbol is other than blank or H, the material is SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 430. *2: ( ) shows option. GAG31*/35*/41*/45* Series Internal structure and parts list 䢇 GAG31*/GAG35*/GAG41*/GAG45* Manifold HNB/G USB/G FAB/G FGB/G 1 FVB 2 FWB/G 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 No. Parts name Material 11 22 33 44 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Socket C3604 (SUS303) Brass (stainless steel) Coil FHB FLB Core assembly SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 403 *1 Stainless steel Shading coil Cu (Ag for stainless steel body) Copper (silver for stainless steel body) Plunger AB SUS405 or equivalent Stainless steel Sealant NBR (FKM, EPDM, PTFE) O ring NBR (FKM, EPDM, PTFE) (size: AS568-019) Plunger spring SUS304 ( NBR: Nitrile rubber FKM: Fluoro rubber EPDM: Ethylene propylene diene rubber PTFE: Tetrafluoroethylene resin ) Stainless steel Body C3771 (SCS13) Brass (stainless steel) Holder SPCC Steel Connector C3604 (SUS304) Brass (stainless steel) Sub-plate C3604 (SUS303) Brass (stainless steel) Connecting plate SPCC Steel *1: When the body/sealant combination symbol is other than blank or H, the material is SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 430. *2: ( ) shows option. AG AP/ AD APK/ ADK For dry air Explosion proof HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP CHB/G MXB/G Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis Custom order General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve 3 179 GAG31*/35*/41*/45* Series Dimensions: GAG31*/GAG35* Series 䢇 Manifold (grommet lead wire type) GAG3**-1 to 2- 2 to 10 20 Rc1/8: GAG311/GAG351 Rc1/4: GAG312/GAG352 115 27 2-Rc3/8 22 24 84 (Port C) 39 2 33 8.5 AA 8 BB M6 4 30 7 8 10 25.5 42 n-Rc1/4 (Port A) Station no. AA BB 2 3 4 5 6 106 122 Manifold structure Station no. 2 stations x 1 145 161 3 stations x 1 212 228 2 stations x 2 223 239 5 stations x 1 290 306 3 stations x 2 7 8 9 10 (n indicates the station number. ) AA BB Manifold structure 329 345 5 stations + 2 stations 368 384 5 stations + 3 stations 435 451 3 stations x 3 462 446 5 stations x 2 Consult with CKD about more than 10 stations manifold. *1: A manifold is configured by combining 2-, 3- and 5-station modules. *2: The dimensions are the same for the G or NPT thread port size. 䢇 Recommended dimensions for actuator mounting 䢇 Actuator (grommet lead wire type) GAG3**-1 to 2- 0 20 27 2 x 2n-M4 Effective thread depth 6 or more 34 39.5 or more 7±0.2 Depth 3±0.3 n-ø3 +0.1 0 7±0.2 Port A side 38 42 4 cut depth 3.7 GAG35 6 ø13 8.5 32 GAG31 ø7 7 28 180 4-ø4.5 28±0.2 28±0.2 32±0.1 4.5 50 17 ±0.1 81 Port C side 2-n-ø7.5 䡵 Machining drawing when using 2 actuators GAG31*/35*/41*/45* Series Optional dimensions: GAG31*/GAG35* * Refer to the grommet lead wire type dimensions on the left page for common dimensions. 䢇 Open frame lead wire type GAG3**-1 to 2-0 to 10-* 3A 4A 5A 䢇 DIN terminal box GAG3**-1 to 2-0 to 10-* 2E 2G 2H B C USB/G FAB/G 27.5 24 38 38 FGB/G 39.5 A HNB/G FWB/G 37.5 39 (41) 32.6 FVB FHB FLB Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. Voltage A B C AC DC 20 62 50.5 (50) 21 63.5 52 (51.5) AB AG AP/ AD APK/ ADK For dry air 䢇 Open frame type + HP terminal box GAG3**-1 to 2-0 to 10-* 3 M · 4M 5 N 4N I J Explosion proof 䢇 Open frame type + conduit GAG3**-1 to 2-0 to 10-* 3A G 4A H 5A HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB 53 (56) NP/NAP/ NVP 99 68 CHB/G MXB/G CTC19 (G1/2) 45 58 Other G.P. systems Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis 䢇 Manual override (locking) GAG3**-1 to 2-0 to 10-*** A General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve Custom order 42 4 19 12.5 87 Manual override (ø8) 38 181 GAG31*/35*/41*/45* Series Dimensions: GAG41*/45* Series 䢇 Manifold (grommet lead wire type) GAG4**-1 to 2- 2 to 10 Rc1/4: GAG412/GAG452 Rc3/8: GAG413/GAG453 A 23.5 30.5 33 (37) 39 (47) AA BB 8 8 M6 4 30 7 8 10 8.5 25.5 42 2 22 24 89 2-Rc3/8 (Port C) A Model no. GAG412/452-1 to 2 GAG413/453-1 to 2 n-Rc1/4 (Port A) 120.5 (n indicates the station number. ) 124 Station no. AA BB 2 3 4 5 6 106 (122) 122 (138) Manifold structure Station no. 2 stations x 1 145 (169) 161 (185) 3 stations x 1 212 (244) 228 (260) 2 stations x 2 223 (263) 239 (279) 5 stations x 1 290 (338) 306 (354) 3 stations x 2 7 8 9 10 AA BB Manifold structure 329 (385) 345 (401) 5 stations + 2 stations 368 (432) 384 (448) 5 stations + 3 stations 435 (507) 451 (523) 3 stations x 3 446 (526) 462 (542) 5 stations x 2 Consult with CKD about more than 10 stations manifold. *1: A manifold is configured by combining 2-, 3- and 5-station modules. *2: Dimensions in ( ) are for the open frame type. *3: The dimensions are the same for the G or NPT thread port size. 䢇 Recommended dimensions for actuator mounting 23.5 30.5 38 2 x 2n-M4 Effective thread depth 6 or more (47 or more) 39.5 or more 7±0.2 +0.1 n-ø3 0 7±0.2 Depth 3±0.3 4.5 55 B 17 ±0.1 Port C side 32±0.1 䢇 Actuator (grommet lead wire type) GAG4**-1 to 2- 0 Port A side 28±0.2 28±0.2 2-n-ø7.5 38 42 䡵 Machining drawing when using 2 actuators * Lead wire length 300 mm 4 cut depth 3.7 ø13 GAG45 8.5 32 6 GAG41 ø7 Model no. GAG412/452-1 to 2 GAG413/453-1 to 2 182 B 86.5 90 7 28 4-ø4.5 GAG31*/35*/41*/45* Series Optional dimensions: GAG41*/45* Series * Refer to the grommet lead wire type dimensions on the left page for common dimensions. 䢇 DIN terminal box GAG4**-1 to 2-0 to 10-* 2E 2G 2H 䢇 Open frame lead wire type GAG4**-1 to 2-0 to 10-* 3A 4A 5A HNB/G USB/G FAB/G D C 27.5 E 39 (41) 40.5 <44> 28 42 46 FGB/G FVB 38.5 FWB/G 39 FHB FLB AB Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. Dimensions shown in < > are for Rc3/8. Voltage AC DC C D E 23.5 65.5 54 (53.5) 23.5 66 54.5 (54) AG AP/ AD APK/ ADK For dry air 䢇 Open frame type + conduit GAG4**-1 to 2-0 to 10-* 3A G 4A H 5A 䢇 Open frame type + HP terminal box GAG4**-1 to 2-0 to 10-* 3 M · 4M 5 N 4N I J Explosion proof HVB/ HVL 57 (60) SAB/ SVB 103 NP/NAP/ NVP 72 CHB/G MXB/G Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. 45 58 CTC19 (G1/2) Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis Custom order General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve 92.5 (96) 䢇 Manual override (locking) GAG4**-1 to 2-0 to 10-*** A 42 4 19 12.5 Manual override (ø8) 38 183 Discrete direct acting 3 port solenoid valve (general purpose valve) AG33/43 Series AG33/AG43 Series 䢇 NC pressurization type 䢇 Port size: Rc1/8, Rc1/4, Rc3/8 JIS symbol Common specifications 䢇 AG33/43: NC pressurization type Item Working fluid Working pressure differential range MPa Max. working pressure MPa Withstanding pressure (water) MPa Fluid temperature (Note 1) ˚C Ambient temperature ˚C Heat proof class Atmosphere Valve structure Valve seat leakage cm3/min. (ANR) Mounting attitude Body, sealant COM NO NC Standard specifications Optional specifications Airflow, low vacuum (1.33 x 102 Pa (abs)), water, kerosene, oil (50 mm2/s or less) Hot water Steam 0 to 1 (refer to max. working pressure differential in individual specifications. ) 1 25 -10 to 90 -10 to 60 -10 to 184 -20 to 60 -20 to 100 B H Place free of corrosive gas and explosive gas Direct acting poppet structure 300 or less (air) 0.2 or less (air) Free Brass, nitrile rubber Brass, ethylene propylene diene rubber Brass, PTFE Note 1: No freezing Individual specifications Item Model no. AG33-01-1 -01-2 -02-1 -02-2 AG43-02-4 -02-5 -03-4 -03-5 Port size Rc1/8 Rc1/4 Rc1/4 Rc3/8 Orifice (mm) Max. working pressure differential (MPa) Water, hot water, kerosene Oil (50 mm2/s) Steam Air AC DC AC DC AC DC AC TOP BODY 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 0.7 3.0 3.0 0.7 3.5 3.0 0.4 3.0 3.0 0.7 3.5 3.0 0.4 0.7 0.7 (0.55) 0.4 (0.25) 0.7 (0.55) 0.4 (0.25) 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.7 0.4 0.7 0.7 (0.55) 0.4 (0.25) 0.7 (0.55) 0.4 (0.25) 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.7 0.4 0.7 0.7 (0.55) 0.4 (0.25) 0.7 (0.55) 0.4 (0.25) Rated voltage 100 VAC 50/60 Hz 110 VAC 60 Hz 0.7 200 VAC 50/60 Hz 0.7 220 VAC 60 Hz 0.4 0.7 0.4 Apparent power (VA) Power consumption (W) Holding Starting AC DC 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50/60 Hz 12 VDC 24 VDC 48 VDC 100 VDC 14 11 20 16 6/4.2 11 (8.1) 22 17 35 27 8.3/6.2 11 (10.4) *1: The model numbers above show the basic port size (Rc) and orifice diameter. Refer to How to order for other combinations. *2: Refer to DC column for the max. working pressure differential of coil with diode. *3: The voltage fluctuation must be within ±10% of the rated voltage. *4: Values in ( ) are for the type with DIN terminal box and DC voltage specifications. *5: When using with vacuum, vacuum the NO port side. 184 AG33/43 Series Optional specifications (fluid temperature, ambient temperature, valve seat leakage) Sealant Coil (heat proof class) Fluid temperature (Note 1) ˚C Ambient temperature ˚C Valve seat leakage cm3/min. (ANR) Fluoro rubber Ethylene propylene diene rubber PTFE B H B H B H -10 to 60 -10 to 90 -10 to 60 -10 to 90 -10 to 60 -10 to 184 -20 to 60 -20 to 100 (Note 2) -20 to 60 -20 to 100 (Note 2) -20 to 60 -20 to 100 (Note 2) 0.2 or less (air) HNB/G USB/G 300 or less (air) FAB/G Note 1: No freezing Note 2: The range is -20 to 80˚C when using the HP terminal box with indicator light for the coil housing. FGB/G FVB Flow characteristics Orifice (mm) Model no. AG33-01-1 -01-2 -02-1 -02-2 AG43-02-4 -02-5 -03-4 -03-5 Port size Rc1/8 Rc1/4 Rc1/4 Rc3/8 FWB/G Flow characteristics Cv flow factor b C [dm3/(s·bar)] TOP BODY TOP BODY TOP BODY TOP BODY 1.5 1.5 0.29 0.29 0.64 0.53 0.09 0.09 2.0 2.0 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.52 0.15 0.15 1.5 1.5 0.29 0.29 0.64 0.53 0.09 0.09 2.0 2.0 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.52 0.15 0.15 3.0 3.0 1.1 1.1 0.72 0.52 0.31 0.31 3.5 3.0 1.5 1.1 0.62 0.52 0.40 0.31 3.0 3.0 1.1 1.1 0.72 0.52 0.31 0.31 3.5 3.0 1.5 1.1 0.62 0.52 0.40 0.31 FHB FLB AB AG AP/ AD APK/ ADK For dry air *1: Effective sectional area S and sonic conductance C are converted as S ≈ 5.0 x C. Explosion proof HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP CHB/G MXB/G Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve Custom order 185 AG33/43 Series How to order AG33 02 2 H 2G A B AC100V D Coil housing AG43 G Other options Model no. E Manual override (locking) H Surge suppressor Model no. F Mounting plate A Port size Symbol Descriptions A Port size 01 Rc1/8 Rc1/4 02 Rc3/8 03 I Voltage AG33 Symbol Descriptions Symbol Descriptions 1G 2G 3G G 1/8 G 1/4 G 3/8 1N 2N 3N 1/8NPT 1/4NPT 3/8NPT 䢇 䢇 AG43 䢇 䢇 B Orifice B Orifice AG33 TOP ø1.5 ø2.0 - 1 2 4 5 AG43 BODY ø1.5 ø2.0 - TOP ø3.0 ø3.5 BODY ø3.0 ø3.0 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 C Body/sealant combination Std. Brass Nitrile rubber Brass Option Sealant Nitrile rubber Stainless steel Body Fluoro rubber Treatment – PTFE Fluoro rubber Remarks Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *2) Steam (up to 184˚C *2) Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) – Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *2) PTFE Steam (up to 184˚C *2) Nitrile rubber Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Fluoro rubber Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *2) PTFE Steam (up to 184˚C *2) Ethylene propylene diene rubber Stainless steel C Body/sealant combination Blank *1 B *2 *3 C D E F H J K P L M N R Nitrile rubber Hot water (up to 90˚C *2) Oil free Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Fluoro rubber Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *2) PTFE Steam (up to 184˚C *2) Ethylene propylene diene rubber Hot water (up to 90˚C *2) 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 Refer to page 36 in the Introduction for details on the material combinations. D <Example 1 of model number> AG33-02-1-AC100V Model no.: AG33 to I Refer to the following page for details on the coil housing, other options and voltage, etc. A Port size: Rc1/4 The combinations indicated with 䢇 in the above table are available. B Orifice: TOP - ø1.5, BODY - ø1.5 C Body/sealant combination: Body - bronze, sealant - nitrile rubber D Coil housing: Grommet lead wire E to H : Blank I Voltage: 100 VAC 50/60Hz, 110 VAC 60Hz <Example 2 of model number> AG43-03-4-000ABS-AC100V Model no.: AG43 A Port size: Rc3/8 B Orifice: TOP - ø3.0, BODY - ø3.0 C Body/sealant combination: Body - bronze, sealant - nitrile rubber D Coil housing: Grommet lead wire E Manual override (locking): Selected F Mounting plate: Selected G Other options: Blank H Surge suppressor: Selected I Voltage: 100 VAC 50/60Hz, 110 VAC 60Hz 186 Note on model no. selection Note on C *1: Leave blank for standard. However, to select options in D to H, indicate 0 for C. *2: When 4A, 4M or 4N is selected for C. *3: The ethylene propylene diene rubber seal combination (C P/R) cannot be used with air. (Compressed air contains oil, and ethylene propylene diene rubber is not oil-resistant.) AG33/43 Series For D to I, the combinations indicated with symbols can be manufactured. Note that if options E to H are not required, no symbol is indicated. Option Blank 2E 2G 2H 3A 3M 3N 3I 3J 4A 4M 4N 5A 5M 5N 5I 5J Std. Grommet lead wire DIN terminal box (G1/2) DIN terminal box (Pg11) DIN terminal box + small light (Pg11) Lead wire HP terminal box (G1/2) Open HP terminal box + light (G1/2) frame type HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) HP terminal box + light (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) Lead wire Open frame type HP terminal box (G1/2) (heat proof class H) HP terminal box + light (G1/2) Lead wire HP terminal box (G1/2) Open frame type HP terminal box + light (G1/2) (diode integrated) HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) HP terminal box + light (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) H Cable gland Conduit (Marine cable gland) (Conduit pipe) A-15a A-15b A-15c CTC19 G1/2 Surge suppressor Manual override (locking) Descriptions HNB/G G Other options F Mounting plate E D Coil housing I Rated voltage USB/G FAB/G Descriptions FGB/G 100 VAC, 200 VAC A S B H H G A B D E G A B D E H B D E 100 VAC, 200 VAC 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC FHB 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 100 VDC F AB AG AP/ AD H APK/ ADK 100 VAC, 200 VAC F For dry air Refer to the following precautions for D to I. Blank FLB S 100 VAC, 200 VAC G A FWB/G 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 24 VDC S F FVB 100 VAC, 200 VAC 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC G 䢇 Grommet lead wire 300 mm H Explosion proof HVB/ HVL 䢇 Conduit 䢇 G (CTC19) 䢇 H (G1/2) SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP 2E 2G 2H 䢇 DIN terminal box 3A 4A 5A 䢇 Open frame type grommet lead wire 300 mm 䢇 4A (heat proof class H) 䢇 5A (diode integrated) CHB/G MXB/G Other G.P. systems Note on model no. selection 䢇 Open frame HP terminal box 䢇 4M, 4N (heat proof class H) 䢇 5M, 5N (diode integrated) 3I 3J 5I 5J 䢇 Open frame HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) 䢇 5I, 5J (diode integrated) CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis Note on E to H * Refer to page 122 for coil selection. PD/FAD/ PJ When C is C, F, K or N, the manual override (E A) is not available. Select one among D, E, F, G and H for G. The surge suppressor is an accessory for the lead wire coil. When selecting a coil with terminal box, the surge suppressor is mounted in the terminal box. *10: As standard, the surge suppressor is incorporated in the coil with diode and the 24 VDC coil (D 2H), so the surge suppressor symbol S cannot be selected. *11: Tropicalization (rust-proof coating) is available as a measure against rust. Contact CKD for more information. Note that the tropicalization is not available when the manual override option A is selected. *7: *8: *9: Note on I *12: 100 VAC coil is compatible with 100 VAC 50/60 Hz and 110 VAC 60 Hz, and 200 VAC coil is compatible with 200 VAC 50/60 Hz and 220 VAC 60 Hz. Note that the coils D 5A/5M/5N/5I/5J can be used only with 100 VAC 50/60 Hz or 200 VAC 50/60 Hz. *13: For voltages other than above, consult with CKD. *14: The lead wire is available in the standard 300 mm length, and 500 mm, 1000 mm, 2000 mm and 3000 mm lengths. Contact CKD for more information. 187 Custom order General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve 3M 3N 4M 4N 5M 5N Note on D *4: Leave blank for the standard coil housing. However, to select options in E to H, indicate 00 for D. *5: 5A, 5M, 5N, 5I and 5J are coils for which AC power is converted to DC with a diode. *6: A DC coil for steam is available for AG43. Contact CKD for more information. AG33/43 Series Internal structure and parts list 䢇 AG33/43 Series NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 No. Parts name Material 11 22 33 44 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 COM NC 9 Socket Brass (stainless steel) C3604 (SUS303) Coil Core assembly SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 403 *1 Stainless steel Shading coil Cu (Ag for stainless steel body) Copper (silver for stainless steel body) Plunger SUS405 or equivalent Stainless steel Sealant NBR (FKM, EPDM, PTFE) O ring NBR (FKM, EPDM, PTFE) (size: AS568-019) NBR: Nitrile rubber FKM: Fluoro rubber EPDM: Ethylene propylene diene rubber PTFE: Tetrafluoroethylene resin ) Stainless steel Plunger spring SUS304 C3771 (SUS303) Body ( Brass (stainless steel) *1: When the body/sealant combination symbol is other than blank or H, the material is SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 430. *2: ( ) shows option. Dimensions: AG33 Series 䢇 Grommet lead wire type AG33-01/02-1 to 2 20 27 34 63 94 NO NC 11 COM 28 36 18 2-M5 depth 8 Rc1/8 (01) Rc1/4 (02) <Reference> As the JIS symbol flow shows, this is dedicated for NC port CKD * Lead wire length 300 mm pressurization. Pressure cannot be applied from the other connection ports. When de-energized: COM When energized: NC NO COM Note 1: The dimensions are the same for the G or NPT thread port size. 188 AG33/43 Series Optional dimensions: AG33 Series * Refer to the grommet lead wire type dimensions on the left page for common dimensions. 䢇 Open frame lead wire type AG33-01/02-1 to 2-* 3A 4A 5A 䢇 DIN terminal box AG33-01/02-1 to 2-* 2E 2G 2H A B C HNB/G USB/G FAB/G 27.5 24 38 38 39.5 FGB/G 94 FWB/G 50.5 39 (41) 32.5 FVB FHB Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. Voltage A B C AC DC 20 62 50.5 (50) 21 63.5 52 (51.5) FLB AB AG 䢇 Open frame type + HP terminal box AG33-01/02-1 to 2-* 3 M · 4M 5 N 4N I J AP/ AD 䢇 Open frame type + conduit AG33-01/02-1 to 2-* 3A G 4A H 5A APK/ ADK For dry air 53 (56) 97 Explosion proof 68 HVB/ HVL 45 58 SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP CTC19 (G1/2) Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. CHB/G 䢇 Stainless steel body AG33-01/02-1 to 2- D/E/F/R/L/M/N 䢇 Manual override (locking) AG33-01/02-1 to 2-*** A MXB/G Other G.P. systems Figure shows the brass body. PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE 63 94 Manual override 36 (ø37.5) ø37.5 CPE/ CPD 19.5 NC 11 COM 38 Medical analysis Dimensions shown in ( ) are for stainless steel body. General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve Custom order 䢇 Mounting plate AG33-01/02-1 to 2-*** B 62 50 18 4-ø5.5 2 8 30 18 2-ø6 Mounting plate No. 1 GE-100106 189 AG33/43 Series Dimensions: AG43 Series 䢇 Grommet lead wire type AG43-02/03-4 to 5 23.5 30.5 38 D E NO NC C COM B A 18 2-M5 depth 8 Rc1/4 (02) Rc3/8 (03) <Reference> As the JIS symbol flow shows, this is dedicated for NC port pressurization. Pressure cannot be applied from the other connection ports. When de-energized: COM NO When energized: NC COM Note 1: The dimensions are the same for the G or NPT thread port size. CKD * Lead wire length 300 mm 190 Model no. A B C D E AG43-02-4 to 5 AG43-03-4 to 5 36 28 11 68 99.5 40 28 12 71 106 AG33/43 Series Optional dimensions: AG43 Series * Refer to the grommet lead wire type dimensions on the left page for common dimensions. 䢇 DIN terminal box AG43-02/03-4 to 5-* 2E 2G 2H 28 G H HNB/G USB/G 42 FAB/G 46 27.5 FGB/G FVB D E 38.5 39 (41) 40.5 <44> F 䢇 Open frame lead wire type AG43-02/03-4 to 5-* 3A 4A 5A FWB/G FHB Dimensions shown in < > are for Rc3/8. Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. Voltage AC DC F G H 23.5 65.5 54 (53.5) 23.5 66 54.5 (54) D E 52.0 99.5 55.0 106 Model no. AG43-02-4 to 5-**A AG43-03-4 to 5-**A FLB AB AG 䢇 Open frame type + HP terminal box AG43-02/03-4 to 5-* 3 M · 4M 5 N 4N I J 103 䢇 Open frame type + conduit AG43-02/03-4 to 5-* 3A G 4A H 5A AP/ AD APK/ ADK 57 (60) For dry air 72 Explosion proof 45 58 HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB CTC19 (G1/2) Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. NP/NAP/ NVP 䢇 Manual override (locking) AG43-02/03-4 to 5*** A 䢇 Stainless steel body AG43-02/03-4 to 5- D/E/F/R/L/M/N CHB/G Figure shows the brass body. MXB/G E Other G.P. systems C COM NC A A C D E AG43-02-4 to 5-* AG43-03-4 to 5-* ø37.5 11 68 99.5 ø45 12 71 106 A B K 36 (ø37.5) 38 19.5 40 (ø45.0) 40 22.5 Model no. AG43-02-4 to 5-***A AG43-03-4 to 5-***A CVE/ CVSE B A Model no. PD/FAD/ PJ K D Manual override CPE/ CPD Medical analysis Custom order General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve Dimensions shown in ( ) are for stainless steel body. 䢇 Mounting plate AG43-02/03-4 to 5-*** B 62 (70) 50 (58) 18 (18) 4-ø5.5 30 18 2-ø6 2 8 Code Dimensions shown in ( ) are for mounting plate No. 2. Mounting plate No. 1 GE-100106 Mounting plate No. 2 GE-100159 Applicable model 䢇 AG43-02/03-4 to 5 Series 䢇 Stainless steel body AG43-02-4 to 5- D/E/F/L/M/N/R 䢇 Stainless steel body AG43-03-4 to 5- D/E/F/L/M/N/R 191 Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve, manifold and actuator (general purpose valve) AG33/43 Series GAG33*/GAG43* Series 䢇 NC pressurization type 䢇 Common supply / individual exhaust type JIS symbol Common specifications 䢇 GAG33*/GAG43* (Common supply / individual exhaust type) Item Standard specifications Optional specifications Hot water Steam Airflow, low vacuum (1.33 x 102 Pa (abs)), water, kerosene, oil (50 mm2/s or less) Working fluid Working pressure differential range MPa 0 to 1 (refer to max. working pressure differential in individual specifications.) 1 Max. working pressure MPa 10 Withstanding pressure (water) MPa -10 to 90 -10 to 184 -10 to 60 Fluid temperature (Note 1) ˚C -20 to 100 -20 to 60 Ambient temperature ˚C H B Heat proof class Place free of corrosive gas and explosive gas Atmosphere Direct acting poppet structure Valve structure Valve seat leakage cm3/min. (ANR) 0.2 or less (air) 300 or less (air) Free Mounting attitude Brass, nitrile rubber Brass, ethylene propylene diene rubber Brass, PTFE Body, sealant Port A Port A COM NC Port C COM NC NO NO Note 1: No freezing Individual specifications Item Model no. GAG331-1 -2 GAG332-1 -2 GAG432-4 -5 GAG433-4 -5 NO port size Rc1/8 Rc1/4 Rc1/4 Rc3/8 TOP BODY Max. working pressure differential (MPa) Rated Air Water, hot water, kerosene Oil (50 mm2/s) Steam voltage AC DC AC DC AC DC AC 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Orifice (mm) 100 VAC 50/60 Hz 110 VAC 60 Hz 2.0 2.0 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 200 VAC 50/60 Hz 3.0 3.0 0.7 0.7 0.4 220 VAC 60 Hz 3.0 3.0 0.7 3.5 3.0 0.4 0.7 (0.55) 0.4 (0.25) 0.7 (0.55) 0.4 (0.25) 0.7 3.0 0.7 (0.55) 0.4 (0.25) 0.7 (0.55) 0.4 (0.25) 0.7 3.5 0.7 (0.55) 0.4 (0.25) 0.7 (0.55) 0.4 (0.25) 0.4 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.4 Apparent power (VA) Power consumption (W) Holding Starting AC DC 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50/60 Hz 12 VDC 24 VDC 48 VDC 100 VDC 14 11 20 16 6/4.2 11 (8.1) 22 17 35 27 8.3/6.2 11 (10.4) *1: The model numbers above show the basic NO port size (Rc) and orifice diameter. Refer to How to order for other combinations. *2: Refer to How to order (page 194) and Dimensions (page 198) for the port sizes of port A and C. *3: Refer to DC column for the max. working pressure differential of coil with diode. *4: Values in ( ) are for the type with DIN terminal box and DC voltage specifications. *5: The voltage fluctuation must be within ±10% of the rated voltage. *6: When using with a low vacuum, vacuum the NO port side. 192 GAG33*/43* Series Optional specifications (fluid temperature, ambient temperature, valve seat leakage) Sealant Coil (heat proof class) Fluid temperature (Note 1) ˚C Ambient temperature ˚C Valve seat leakage cm3/min. (ANR) Fluoro rubber B H Ethylene propylene diene rubber B H PTFE B H -10 to 60 -10 to 90 -10 to 60 -10 to 90 -10 to 60 -10 to 184 -20 to 60 -20 to 100 (Note 2) -20 to 60 -20 to 100 (Note 2) -20 to 60 -20 to 100 (Note 2) 0.2 or less (air) HNB/G USB/G 300 or less (air) FAB/G Note 1: No freezing Note 2: The range is -20 to 80˚C when using the HP terminal box with indicator light for the coil housing. FGB/G FVB Flow characteristics Orifice (mm) Model no. GAG331-1 -2 GAG332-1 -2 GAG432-4 -5 GAG433-4 -5 Port size Rc1/8 Rc1/4 Rc1/4 Rc3/8 FWB/G Flow characteristics b Cv flow factor C [dm3/(s·bar)] TOP BODY TOP BODY TOP BODY TOP BODY 1.5 1.5 0.29 0.29 0.64 0.53 0.09 0.09 2.0 2.0 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.52 0.15 0.15 1.5 1.5 0.29 0.29 0.64 0.53 0.09 0.09 2.0 2.0 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.52 0.15 0.15 3.0 3.0 1.1 1.1 0.72 0.52 0.31 0.31 3.5 3.0 1.5 1.1 0.62 0.52 0.4 0.31 3.0 3.0 1.1 1.1 0.72 0.52 0.31 0.31 3.5 3.0 1.5 1.1 0.62 0.52 0.4 0.31 FHB FLB AB AG AP/ AD APK/ ADK For dry air *1: Effective sectional area S and sonic conductance C are converted as S ≈ 5.0 x C. Explosion proof HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP CHB/G MXB/G Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve Custom order 193 GAG33*/43* Series How to order 䢇 Common supply / individual exhaust type (port C pressurization) GAG33 1 2 6 B 4A A G S F Coil housing 䢇 Common supply / individual exhaust type (port C pressurization) G Manual override (locking) J Voltage Model no. H Other options E Body/sealant combination GAG43 Model no. AC100V I Surge suppressor A NO port size B Type of thread GAG33* GAG43* Symbol A NO port size 1 1/8 2 1/4 3 3/8 Descriptions 䢇 䢇 B Type of thread Blank Rc G G N NPT C C Orifice 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 Orifice GAG33* TOP ø1.5 ø2.0 – – 1 2 4 5 GAG43* BODY ø1.5 ø2.0 – – TOP – – ø3.0 ø3.5 BODY – – ø3.0 ø3.0 Station no. 2 2 stations to to 10 10 stations 0 Actuator only 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 D D Station no. *2 Body/sealant combination Body Sealant Treatment Remarks Nitrile rubber Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Blank Fluoro rubber – Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *4) B PTFE Steam (up to 184˚C *4) C Nitrile rubber D Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Fluoro rubber E Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *4) – PTFE F Steam (up to 184˚C *4) <Example 1 of model number> Nitrile rubber H Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Fluoro rubber J Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *4) GAG331-1-4-AC200V PTFE Steam (up to 184˚C *4) Model no.: GAG331 (common supply / individual exhaust type / port C pressurization) K Ethylene propylene diene rubber P Hot water (up to 90˚C *4) A NO port size: 1/8 Nitrile rubber L Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Oil free B Type of thread: Rc Fluoro rubber M Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *4) C Orifice: TOP - ø1.5, BODY - ø1.5 PTFE N Steam (up to 184˚C *4) D Station no.: 4 stations Ethylene propylene diene rubber R Hot water (up to 90˚C *4) E Body/sealant combination: 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 Std. Option Stainless steel Brass Stainless steel Brass E F Coil housing: G to I : J Voltage: Body - bronze, sealant - nitrile rubber Grommet lead wire Blank 100 VAC 50/60Hz, 110 VAC 60Hz Refer to page 36 in the Introduction for details on the material combinations. F to J Refer to the following page for details on the coil housing, other options and voltage, etc. <Example 2 of model number> GAG332G-2-7-000AS-AC200V The combinations indicated with 䢇 in the above table are available. Model no.: GAG332 (common supply / individual exhaust type / port C pressurization) A B C D E F G H I J NO port size: 1/4 Type of thread: G Orifice: TOP - ø2.0, BODY - ø2.0 Station no.: 7 stations Body/sealant combination: Body - bronze, sealant - nitrile rubber Coil housing: Grommet lead wire Manual override (locking): Selected Other options: Blank Surge suppressor: Selected Voltage: 100 VAC 50/60Hz, 110 VAC 60Hz 194 Note on model no. selection *1: Orders for only the masking plate and sub-plate are also available. Contact CKD for details. Note on D and E *2: Consult with CKD about more than 10 stations manifold. *3: Leave blank for standard. However, to select options in F to I, indicate 0 for E. *4: When 4A, 4M or 4N is selected for E. *5: The ethylene propylene diene rubber seal combination (E P/R) cannot be used with air. (Compressed air contains oil, and ethylene propylene diene rubber is not oil-resistant.) GAG33*/43* Series HNB/G For F to J, the combinations indicated with symbols can be manufactured. Note that if options G to I are not required, no symbol is indicated. Option Std. Grommet lead wire DIN terminal box DIN terminal box DIN terminal box + small light Lead wire HP terminal box Open HP terminal box + light frame type HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) HP terminal box + light (IP65 or equivalent) Lead wire Open frame type HP terminal box (heat proof class H) HP terminal box + light Lead wire HP terminal box Open frame type HP terminal box + light (diode integrated) HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) HP terminal box + light (IP65 or equivalent) I Cable gland Conduit (Marine cable gland) (Conduit pipe) A-15a A-15b A-15c CTC19 G1/2 Surge suppressor Manual override (locking) Descriptions Blank 2E 2G 2H 3A 3M 3N 3I 3J 4A 4M 4N 5A 5M 5N 5I 5J H Other options G F Coil housing USB/G J Rated voltage FAB/G FGB/G Descriptions FVB 100 VAC, 200 VAC (G1/2) (Pg11) (Pg11) A S H H G (G1/2) (G1/2) (G1/2) (G1/2) A D E S F G (G1/2) (G1/2) A D E H A D E FWB/G FHB 100 VAC, 200 VAC 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 100 VDC S 䢇 Grommet lead wire 300 mm AB AP/ AD H APK/ ADK 100 VAC, 200 VAC F For dry air Refer to the following precautions for F to J. Blank FLB AG 100 VAC, 200 VAC F G (G1/2) (G1/2) (G1/2) (G1/2) 100 VAC, 200 VAC 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 24 VDC G H Explosion proof HVB/ HVL 䢇 Conduit 䢇 G (CTC19) 䢇 H (G1/2) SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP 2E 2G 2H 䢇 DIN terminal box 3A 4A 5A 䢇 Open frame type grommet lead wire 300 mm 䢇 4A (heat proof class H) 䢇 5A (diode integrated) CHB/G MXB/G 䢇 Open frame HP terminal box 䢇 4M, 4N (heat proof class H) 䢇 5M, 5N (diode integrated) 3I 3J 5I 5J 䢇 Open frame HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) 䢇 5I, 5J (diode integrated) PD/FAD/ PJ Note on F *6: Leave blank for the standard coil housing. However, to select options in G, H or I, indicate 00 for F. *7: 5A, 5M, 5N, 5I and 5J are coils for which AC power is converted to DC with a diode. *8: A DC coil for steam is available for GAG43**. Contact CKD for more information. Note on G to I * Refer to page 122 for coil selection. *9: When E is C, F, K or N, the manual override (G A) is not available. *10: Select one among D, E, F, G and H for H. *11: The surge suppressor is an accessory for the lead wire coil. When selecting a coil with terminal box, the surge suppressor is mounted in the terminal box. *12: As standard, the surge suppressor is incorporated in the coil with diode and the 24 VDC coil (F 2H), so the surge suppressor symbol S cannot be selected. *13: Tropicalization (rust-proof coating) is available as a measure against rust. Contact CKD for more information. Note that the tropicalization is not available when the manual override option A is selected. Note on J *14: 100 VAC coil is compatible with 100 VAC 50/60 Hz and 110 VAC 60 Hz, and 200 VAC coil is compatible with 200 VAC 50/60 Hz and 220 VAC 60 Hz. Note that the coils F 5A/5M/5N/5I/5J can be used only with 100 VAC 50/60 Hz or 200 VAC 50/60 Hz. *15: For voltages other than above, consult with CKD. *16: The lead wire is available in the standard 300 mm length, and 500 mm, 1000 mm, 2000 mm and 3000 mm lengths. Contact CKD for more information. 195 CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis Custom order General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve 3M 3N 4M 4N 5M 5N Other G.P. systems Note on model no. selection GAG33*/43* Series Internal structure and parts list 䢇 GAG33*/GAG43* Series Actuator NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 COM NC No. Parts name Material 11 22 33 44 5 6 7 8 9 Socket C3604 (SUS303) Brass (stainless steel) Coil Core assembly SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 403 *1 Stainless steel Shading coil Cu (Ag for stainless steel body) Copper (silver for stainless steel body) Plunger SUS405 or equivalent Stainless steel Sealant NBR (FKM, EPDM, PTFE) O ring NBR (FKM, EPDM, PTFE) (size: AS568-019) Plunger spring SUS304 Body C3771 (SCS13) ( NBR: Nitrile rubber FKM: Fluoro rubber EPDM: Ethylene propylene diene rubber PTFE: Tetrafluoroethylene resin Brass (stainless steel) *1: When the body/sealant combination symbol is other than blank or H, the material is SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 430. *2: ( ) shows option. 196 ) Stainless steel GAG33*/43* Series Internal structure and parts list 䢇 GAG33*/GAG43* Manifold HNB/G USB/G FAB/G 1 FGB/G 2 FVB 3 FWB/G 4 FHB 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 No. Parts name Material 11 22 33 44 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Socket C3604 (SUS303) FLB Brass (stainless steel) AB Coil Core assembly SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 403 *1 Stainless steel Shading coil Cu (Ag for stainless steel body) Copper (silver for stainless steel body) Plunger SUS405 or equivalent Stainless steel Sealant NBR (FKM, EPDM, PTFE) O ring NBR (FKM, EPDM, PTFE) (AS568/019) Plunger spring SUS304 NBR: Nitrile rubber FKM: Fluoro rubber EPDM: Ethylene propylene diene rubber PTFE: Tetrafluoroethylene resin Stainless steel Body C3771 (SCS13) Brass (stainless steel) Holder SPCC Steel Connector C3604 (SUS304) Brass (stainless steel) Sub-plate C3604 (SUS303) Brass (stainless steel) Connecting plate SPCC Steel *1: When the body/sealant combination symbol is other than blank or H, the material is SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 430. *2: ( ) shows option. AG AP/ AD APK/ ADK For dry air Explosion proof HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP CHB/G MXB/G Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis Custom order General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve 6 197 GAG33*/43* Series Dimensions: GAG331/GAG332 Series 䢇 Manifold (grommet lead wire type) GAG33*-1 to 2- 2 to 10 Rc1/8 (GAG331) 27 Rc1/4 (GAG332) 115 20 2-Rc3/8 22 24 84 (Port C) 39 2 33 8 BB M6 4 30 7 8 10 AA 25.5 42 n-Rc1/4 (n indicates the station number. ) (Port A) Station no. AA BB Manifold structure Station no. AA BB Manifold structure 2 3 4 5 6 106 122 2 stations x 1 329 345 5 stations + 2 stations 145 161 3 stations x 1 368 384 5 stations + 3 stations 212 228 2 stations x 2 435 451 3 stations x 3 223 239 5 stations x 1 7 8 9 10 290 306 3 stations x 2 462 446 5 stations x 2 Consult with CKD about more than 10 stations manifold. *1: A manifold is configured by combining 2-, 3- and 5-station modules. *2: The dimensions are the same for the G or NPT thread port size. 䢇 Actuator (grommet lead wire type) GAG33*-1 to 2- 0 20 䢇 Recommended dimensions for actuator mounting 27 34 2 x 2n-M4 Effective thread depth 6 or more 39.5 or more 7±0.2 n-ø3 +0.1 Depth 3±0.3 0 7±0.2 38 42 * Lead wire length 300 mm Port A side 28±0.2 2-n-ø7.5 䡵 Machining drawing when using 2 actuators ø13 6 8.5 ø7 7 28 32 ø4 depth 3.7 198 28±0.2 32±0.1 4.5 17 ±0.1 50 81 Port C side GAG33*/43* Series Optional dimensions: GAG331/GAG332 Series * Refer to the grommet lead wire type dimensions on the left page for common dimensions. 䢇 Open frame lead wire type GAG33*-1 to 2-0 to 10-* 3A 4A 5A 䢇 DIN terminal box GAG33*-1 to 2-0 to 10-* 2E 2G 2H HNB/G USB/G FAB/G B A 27.5 FGB/G C 38 38 FVB 39.5 24 FWB/G 37.5 39 (41) 32.6 FHB FLB AB Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. Voltage A B C AC DC 20 62 50.5 (50) 21 AG AP/ AD 63.5 52 (51.5) APK/ ADK For dry air Explosion proof 䢇 Open frame type + conduit GAG33*-1 to 2-0 to 10-* 3A G 4A H 5A 䢇 Open frame type + HP terminal box GAG33*-1 to 2-0 to 10-* 3 M · 4M 5 N 4N I J HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP 53 (56) CHB/G 97 68 MXB/G Other G.P. systems CTC19 (G1/2) 45 58 PD/FAD/ PJ Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis 䢇 Manual override (locking) GAG33*-1 to 2-0 to 10-*** A General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve Custom order 42 19 12.5 87 Manual override (ø8) 38 199 GAG33*/43* Series Dimensions: GAG432/GAG433 Series 䢇 Manifold (grommet lead wire type) GAG43*-4 to 5- 2 to 10 Rc1/4 (GAG432) Rc3/8 (GAG433) 23.5 30.5 A 2-Rc3/8 42 7 8 A GAG432-4 to 5 GAG433-4 to 5 AA 8 BB M6 4 30 Model no. 39 (47) 10 33 (37) 25.5 2 22 24 89 (Port C) 120.4 n-Rc1/4 (Port A) 124 Station no. AA BB 2 3 4 5 6 106 (122) 122 (138) Manifold structure Station no. 2 stations x 1 145 (169) 161 (185) 3 stations x 1 212 (244) 228 (260) 2 stations x 2 223 (263) 239 (279) 5 stations x 1 290 (338) 306 (354) 3 stations x 2 7 8 9 10 (n indicates the station number. ) AA BB Manifold structure 329 (385) 345 (401) 5 stations + 2 stations 368 (432) 384 (448) 5 stations + 3 stations 435 (507) 451 (523) 3 stations x 3 446 (526) 462 (542) 5 stations x 2 Consult with CKD about more than 10 stations manifold. *1: A manifold is configured by combining 2-, 3- and 5-station modules. *2: Dimensions shown in ( ) are for the open frame type. *3: The dimensions are the same for the G or NPT thread port size. 䢇 Recommended dimensions for actuator mounting 䢇 Actuator (grommet lead wire type) GAG43*-4 to 5- 0 23.5 30.5 38 2 x 2n-M4 Effective thread depth 6 or more (47 or more) 39.5 or more 7±0.2 n-ø3 +0.1 0 depth 3±0.3 7±0.2 42 32±0.1 17 ±0.1 4.5 55 B Port C side 38 Port A side * Lead wire length 300 mm 28±0.2 28±0.2 2-n-ø7.5 ø13 䡵 Machining drawing when using 2 actuators 6 8.5 ø7 Model no. GAG432-4 to 5 GAG433-4 to 5 200 B 86.5 90 32 ø4 depth 3.7 7 28 4-ø4.5 GAG33*/43* Series Optional dimensions: GAG432/GAG433 Series * Refer to the grommet lead wire type dimensions on the left page for common dimensions. 䢇 Open frame lead wire type GAG43*-4 to 5-0 to 10-* 3A 4A 5A 䢇 DIN terminal box GAG43*-4 to 5-0 to 10-* 2E 2G 2H HNB/G USB/G FAB/G C 27.5 D FGB/G E 42 FVB 46 40.5 <44> 28 FWB/G FLB 39 39 (41) 38.5 FHB AB Dimensions shown in < > are for Rc3/8. AG Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. Voltage AC DC C 23.5 23.5 D AP/ AD E 65.5 54 (53.5) 66 APK/ ADK 54.5 (54) For dry air Explosion proof 䢇 Open frame type + conduit GAG43*-4 to 5-0 to 10-* 3A G 4A H 5A 䢇 Open frame type + HP terminal box GAG43*-4 to 5-0 to 10-* 3 M · 4M 5 N 4N I J HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP 57 (60) 103 CHB/G 72 MXB/G 45 58 Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ CTC19 (G1/2) Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve Custom order 92.5 (96) 䢇 Manual override (locking) GAG43*-4 to 5-0 to 10-*** A 42 19 12.5 Manual override (ø8) 38 Dimensions shown in ( ) are for GAG433. 201 AG34/44 Series Discrete direct acting 3 port solenoid valve (general purpose valve) AG34/AG44 Series 䢇 NO pressurization type 䢇 Port size: Rc1/8, Rc1/4, Rc3/8 JIS symbol Common specifications 䢇 AG34/44: NO pressurization type Item Standard specifications Optional specifications Hot water Airflow, low vacuum (1.33 x 102 Pa (abs)), water, kerosene, oil (50 mm2/s or less) Working fluid Working pressure differential range MPa 0 to 1.5 (refer to max. working pressure differential in individual specifications.) 1.5 Max. working pressure MPa 25 Withstanding pressure (water) MPa -10 to 90 -10 to 60 Fluid temperature (Note 1) ˚C -20 to 100 -20 to 60 Ambient temperature ˚C H B Heat proof class Place free of corrosive gas and explosive gas Atmosphere Direct acting poppet structure Valve structure 0.2 or less (air) Valve seat leakage cm3/min. (ANR) Free Mounting attitude Brass, nitrile rubber Brass, ethylene propylene diene rubber Body, sealant COM NO NC Note 1: No freezing Individual specifications Item Model no. AG34-01-1 -01-2 -02-1 -02-2 AG44-02-1 -02-3 -02-4 -03-1 -03-3 -03-4 Port size Rc1/8 Rc1/4 Rc1/4 Rc3/8 Orifice (mm) Max. working pressure differential (MPa) Water, hot water, kerosene Oil (50 mm2/s) Air AC DC AC DC AC DC TOP BODY 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 2.0 2.0 0.7 0.45 0.7 0.6 (0.45) 0.3 0.2 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 2.0 2.0 0.7 0.45 0.7 0.6 (0.45) 0.3 0.2 2.0 2.0 1.2 0.75 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.45 2.0 3.0 1.2 0.75 1.5 0.9 1.0 0.45 3.0 3.0 0.4 0.3 (0.25) 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.2 (0.15) 2.0 2.0 1.2 0.75 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.45 2.0 3.0 1.2 0.75 1.5 0.9 1.0 0.45 3.0 3.0 0.4 0.3 (0.25) 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.2 (0.15) Rated voltage 100 VAC 50/60 Hz 110 VAC 60 Hz 200 VAC 50/60 Hz 220 VAC 60 Hz 12 VDC 24 VDC 48 VDC 100 VDC Apparent power (VA) Power consumption (W) Holding Starting AC DC 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50/60 Hz 14 11 20 16 6/4.2 11 (8.1) 22 17 35 27 8.3/6.2 11 (10.4) *1: The model numbers above show the basic port size (Rc) and orifice diameter. Refer to How to order for other combinations. *2: Refer to DC column for the max. working pressure differential of coil with diode. *3: The voltage fluctuation must be within ±10% of the rated voltage. *4: Values in ( ) are for the type with DIN terminal box and DC voltage specifications. *5: When using with a low vacuum, vacuum the NC port side. 202 AG34/44 Series Optional specifications (fluid temperature, ambient temperature, valve seat leakage) Sealant Coil (heat proof class) Fluid temperature (Note 1) ˚C Ambient temperature ˚C Valve seat leakage cm3/min. (ANR) Fluoro rubber Ethylene propylene diene rubber HNB/G B H B H -10 to 60 -10 to 90 -10 to 60 -10 to 90 -20 to 60 -20 to 100 (Note 2) -20 to 60 -20 to 100 USB/G 0.2 or less (air) FAB/G Note 1: No freezing Note 2: The range is -20 to 80˚C when using the HP terminal box with indicator light for the coil housing. FGB/G FVB Flow characteristics Orifice (mm) Model no. AG34-01-1 -01-2 -02-1 -02-2 AG44-02-1 -02-3 -02-4 -03-1 -03-3 -03-4 Port size Rc1/8 Rc1/4 Rc1/4 Rc3/8 FWB/G Flow characteristics Cv flow factor b BODY TOP BODY TOP BODY [dm3/(s·bar)] TOP BODY C TOP 1.5 1.5 0.29 0.29 0.64 0.53 0.09 0.09 2.0 2.0 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.52 0.15 0.15 1.5 1.5 0.29 0.29 0.64 0.53 0.09 0.09 2.0 2.0 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.52 0.15 0.15 2.0 2.0 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.52 0.15 0.15 2.0 3.0 0.53 1.1 0.54 0.52 0.15 0.31 3.0 3.0 1.1 1.1 0.72 0.52 0.31 0.31 2.0 2.0 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.52 0.15 0.15 2.0 3.0 0.53 1.1 0.54 0.52 0.15 0.31 3.0 3.0 1.1 1.1 0.72 0.52 0.31 0.31 FHB FLB AB AG AP/ AD APK/ ADK For dry air Explosion proof *1: Effective sectional area S and sonic conductance C are converted as S ≈ 5.0 x C. HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP CHB/G MXB/G Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve Custom order 203 AG34/44 Series How to order AG34 02 1 0 3A A B G S D Coil housing AG44 AC100V G Other options Model no. E Manual override (locking) H Surge suppressor Model no. F Mounting plate Descriptions Symbol A Port size B Orifice I Rated voltage AG34 Symbol Descriptions Symbol Descriptions 1G 2G 3G G 1/8 G 1/4 G 3/8 1N 2N 3N 1/8NPT 1/4NPT 3/8NPT AG44 A Port size Rc1/8 Rc1/4 Rc3/8 01 02 03 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 B Orifice AG34 TOP ø1.5 ø2.0 – – 1 2 3 4 AG44 BODY ø1.5 ø2.0 – – TOP ø2.0 – ø2.0 ø3.0 BODY ø2.0 – ø3.0 ø3.0 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 C Body/sealant combination Std. Option Brass Stainless steel Brass Body Stainless steel C Body/sealant combination Blank *1 *2 B *3 D *4 E H J P L M R Sealant Treatment Remarks Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Nitrile rubber – Fluoro rubber Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *2) Nitrile rubber Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) – Fluoro rubber Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *2) Nitrile rubber Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Fluoro rubber Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *2) Ethylene propylene diene rubber Hot water (up to 90˚C *2) Oil free Nitrile rubber Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Fluoro rubber Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *2) Ethylene propylene diene rubber Hot water (up to 90˚C *2) 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 Refer to page 36 in the Introduction for details on the material combinations. D to I Refer to the following page for details on the coil housing, other options and voltage, etc. <Example 1 of model number> AG34-1G-1-AC100V Model no.: AG34 The combinations indicated with 䢇 in the above table are available. A Port size: G 1/8 B Orifice: TOP - ø1.5, BODY - ø1.5 C Body/sealant combination: Body - bronze, sealant - nitrile rubber D Coil housing: Grommet lead wire Blank E to H : I Rated voltage: 100 VAC 50/60Hz, 110 VAC 60Hz <Example 2 of model number> AG44-03-4-000ABS-AC100V Model no.: AG44 A Port size: Rc3/8 B Orifice: TOP - ø3.0, BODY - ø3.0 C Body/sealant combination: Body - bronze, sealant - nitrile rubber D Coil housing: Grommet lead wire E Manual override (locking): Selected F Mounting plate: Selected G Other options: Blank H Surge suppressor: Selected I Rated voltage: 100 VAC 50/60Hz, 110 VAC 60Hz 204 Note on model no. selection Note on C *1: Leave blank for standard. However, to select options in D to F, indicate 0 for C. *2: When 4A, 4M or 4N is selected for C. *3: The ethylene propylene diene rubber seal combination (C P/R) cannot be used with air. (Compressed air contains oil, and ethylene propylene diene rubber is not oil-resistant.) *4: Even if nitrile rubber is selected for the sealant, the NO side sealant will be fluoro rubber. AG34/44 Series Option Blank 2E 2G 2H 3A 3M 3N 3I 3J 4A 4M 4N 5A 5M 5N 5I 5J Std. Grommet lead wire (G1/2) DIN terminal box (Pg11) DIN terminal box DIN terminal box + small light (Pg11) Lead wire HP terminal box (G1/2) Open HP terminal box + light (G1/2) frame type HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) HP terminal box + light (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) Lead wire Open frame type HP terminal box (G1/2) (heat proof class H) HP terminal box + light (G1/2) Lead wire HP terminal box(G1/2) Open frame type HP terminal box + light (G1/2) (diode integrated) HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) HP terminal box + light (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) F A HNB/G G Other options H Cable gland Conduit (Marine cable gland) (Conduit pipe) A-15a A-15b A-15c CTC19 G1/2 B S H H G A B A B D E F D E H D E Rated voltage USB/G FAB/G Descriptions FGB/G 100 VAC, 200 VAC 100 VAC, 200 VAC 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC FVB FWB/G 100 VAC, 200 VAC 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 100 VDC F FLB AB AG AP/ AD H APK/ ADK 100 VAC, 200 VAC F For dry air Refer to the following precautions for D to I. Blank FHB S 100 VAC, 200 VAC G B I 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 24 VDC S G A Surge suppressor Descriptions E Mounting plate D Coil housing Manual override (locking) For D to I, the combinations indicated with symbols can be manufactured. Note that if options E to H are not required, no symbol is indicated. G 䢇 Grommet lead wire 300 mm H Explosion proof HVB/ HVL 䢇 Conduit 䢇 G (CTC19) 䢇 H (G1/2) SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP 2E 2G 2H 䢇 DIN terminal box 3A 4A 5A 䢇 Open frame type grommet lead wire 300 mm 䢇 4A (heat proof class H) 䢇 5A (diode integrated) CHB/G MXB/G Other G.P. systems Note on model no. selection PD/FAD/ PJ Note on D 3M 3N 4M 4N 5M 5N 䢇 Open frame HP terminal box 䢇 4M, 4N (heat proof class H) 䢇 5M, 5N (diode integrated) *5: Leave blank for the standard coil housing. However, to select options in E to H, indicate 00 for H. *6: 5A, 5M, 5N, 5I and 5J are coils for which AC power is converted to DC with a diode. *7: A DC coil for steam is available for AG44. Contact CKD for more information. 3I 3J 5I 5J 䢇 Open frame HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) 䢇 5I, 5J (diode integrated) *8: *9: CPE/ CPD Medical analysis Select one among D, E, F, G and H for G. The surge suppressor is an accessory for the lead wire coil. When selecting a coil with terminal box, the surge suppressor is mounted in the terminal box. *10: As standard, the surge suppressor is incorporated in the coil with diode and the 24 VDC coil (D 2H), so the surge suppressor symbol S cannot be selected. *11: Tropicalization (rust-proof coating) is available as a measure against rust. Contact CKD for more information. Note that the tropicalization is not available when the manual override option A is selected. Note on I *12: 100 VAC coil is compatible with 100 VAC 50/60 Hz and 110 VAC 60 Hz, and 200 VAC coil is compatible with 200 VAC 50/60 Hz and 220 VAC 60 Hz. Note that the coils D 5A/5M/5N/5I/5J can be used only with 100 VAC 50/60 Hz or 200 VAC 50/60 Hz. *13: For voltages other than above, consult with CKD. *14: The lead wire is available in the standard 300 mm length, and 500 mm, 1000 mm, 2000 mm and 3000 mm lengths. Contact CKD for more information. 205 General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve Custom order Note on E to H * Refer to page 122 for coil selection. CVE/ CVSE AG34/44 Series Internal structure and parts list 䢇 AG34/AG44 Series NO 1 2 3 4 5 No. Parts name Material 11 22 33 44 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 NC COM 9 10 C3604 (SUS303) Socket Brass (stainless steel) Coil Core assembly SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 403 *1 Stainless steel Shading coil Cu (Ag for stainless steel body) Copper (silver for stainless steel body) SUS405 or equivalent Stainless steel Plunger NO valve sealant FKM (FKM, EPDM) NC valve sealant NBR (FKM, EPDM) NBR (FKM, EPDM) (size: AS568-019) O ring Plunger spring SUS304 C3771 (SUS303) Body NBR: Nitrile rubber FKM: Fluoro rubber EPDM: Ethylene propylene diene rubber Stainless steel Brass (stainless steel) *1: When the body/sealant combination symbol is other than blank or H, the material is SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 430. *2: ( ) shows option. Dimensions: AG34 Series 䢇 Grommet lead wire type AG34-01/02-1 to 2 20 34 27 NO 63 94 <Reference> As the JIS symbol flow shows, this is dedicated for NO port pressurization. Pressure cannot be applied from the other connection ports. When de-energized: NO COM When energized: COM NC NC 11 COM Note 1: The dimensions are the same for the G or NPT thread port size. 36 28 Rc1/8 (01) Rc1/4 (02) 18 2-M5 depth 8 206 CKD * Lead wire length 300 mm AG34/44 Series Optional dimensions: AG34 Series * Refer to the grommet lead wire type dimensions on the left page for common dimensions. 䢇 DIN terminal box AG34-01/02-1 to 2-* 2E 2G 2H A 䢇 Open frame lead wire type AG34-01/02-1 to 2-* 3A 4A 5A B C HNB/G USB/G FAB/G 27.5 FGB/G 39.5 24 38 38 FWB/G 50.5 94 39 (41) FVB FHB Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. Voltage A B C AC DC 20 62 50.5 (50) 21 63.5 52 (51.5) FLB AB AG 䢇 Open frame type + conduit AG34-01/02-1 to 2-* 3A G 4A H 5A 䢇 Open frame type + HP terminal box AG34-01/02-1 to 2-* 3 M · 4M 5 N 4N I J AP/ AD APK/ ADK For dry air 53 (56) 98 68 Explosion proof 58 HVB/ HVL 45 SAB/ SVB CTC19 (G1/2) Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. NP/NAP/ NVP CHB/G 䢇 Stainless steel body AG34-01/02-1 to 2- D/E/R/L/M 䢇 Manual override (locking) AG34-01/02-1 to 2-*** A MXB/G Figure shows the brass body. Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ COM CVE/ CVSE NC CPE/ CPD 19.5 94 63 Manual override 38 Medical analysis 11 36 (ø37.5) ø37.5 Dimensions shown in ( ) are for stainless steel body. General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve Custom order 䢇 Mounting plate AG34-01/02-1 to 2-*** B 62 50 18 4-ø5.5 2 8 30 18 2-ø6 Mounting plate No. 1 GE-100106 207 AG34/44 Series Dimensions: AG44 Series 䢇 Grommet lead wire type AG44-02/03-1/3/4 23.5 38 30.5 NO <Reference> As the JIS symbol flow shows, this is dedicated for NO port pressurization. Pressure cannot be applied from the other connection ports. When de-energized: NO COM When energized: COM NC D E Note 1: The dimensions are the same for the G or NPT thread port size. NC C COM A B Rc1/4 (02) Rc3/8 (03) 18 2-M5 depth 8 CKD A B C D E * Lead wire length 300 mm AG44-02-1 to 4 36 28 11 68 99.5 AG44-03-1 to 4 40 28 12 71 106 Model no. 208 AG34/44 Series Optional dimensions: AG44 Series * Refer to the grommet lead wire type dimensions on the left page for common dimensions. 䢇 Open frame lead wire type AG44-02/03-1/3/4-* 3A 4A 5A 䢇 DIN terminal box AG44-02/03-1/3/4-* 2E 2G 2H G H USB/G FAB/G 27.5 28 42 46 39 (41) 40.5 <44> F HNB/G FGB/G E FVB D FWB/G FHB Dimensions shown in < > are for Rc3/8. Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. AC DC FLB F G H 23.5 65.5 54 (53.5) 23.5 66 54.5 (54) Voltage D E 52.0 99.5 55.0 106 Model no. AG44-02-1 to 4-** A AG44-03-1 to 4-** A AB AG 䢇 Open frame type + conduit AG44-02/03-1/3/4-* 3A G 4A H 5A 䢇 Open frame type + HP terminal box AG44-02/03-1/3/4-* 3 M · 4M 5 N 4N I J AP/ AD APK/ ADK For dry air 57 (60) 103 Explosion proof 72 58 HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB 45 CTC19 (G1/2) Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. NP/NAP/ NVP CHB/G 䢇 Manual override (locking) AG44-02/03-1 to 4-*** A 䢇 Stainless steel body AG44-02/03-1 to 4- D/E/L/M/R MXB/G Figure shows the brass body. Other G.P. systems D E PD/FAD/ PJ Manual override CVE/ CVSE NC K C COM A A Model no. A AG44-02-1 to 4-* AG44-03-1 to 4-* C D Model no. E ø37.5 11 68 99.5 ø45 12 71 106 AG44-02-1 to 4-***A AG44-03-1 to 4-***A CPE/ CPD B A B K 36 (ø37.5) 38 19.5 40 (ø45.0) 40 22.5 Medical analysis Custom order General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve Dimensions shown in ( ) are for stainless steel body. 䢇 Mounting plate AG44-02/03-1 to 4-*** B 62 (70) 50 (58) 18 (18) 4-ø5.5 30 18 2-ø6 2 8 Code Dimensions shown in ( ) are for mounting plate No. 2. Mounting plate No. 1 GE-100106 Mounting plate No. 2 GE-100159 Applicable model 䢇 AG44-02/03-1 to 4 Series 䢇 Stainless steel body AG44-02-1 to 4- D/E/L/M/R 䢇 Stainless steel body AG44-03-1 to 4- D/E/L/M/R 209 acting 3 port solenoid valve, actuator GAG34*/44* Series Direct (general purpose valve) GAG34*/GAG44* Series 䢇 NO pressurization type JIS symbol Common specifications 䢇 GAG34*/44*: NO pressurization type Item Standard specifications Optional specifications Hot water Airflow, low vacuum (1.33 x 102 Pa (abs)), water, kerosene, oil (50 mm2/s or less) Working fluid Working pressure differential range MPa 0 to 1.5 (refer to max. working pressure differential in individual specifications.) 1.5 Max. working pressure MPa 10 Withstanding pressure (water) MPa -10 to 90 -10 to 60 Fluid temperature (Note 1) ˚C -20 to 100 -20 to 60 Ambient temperature ˚C H B Heat proof class Place free of corrosive gas and explosive gas Atmosphere Direct acting poppet structure Valve structure 0.2 or less (air) Valve seat leakage cm3/min. (ANR) Free Mounting attitude Brass, nitrile rubber Brass, ethylene propylene diene rubber Body, sealant COM NC NO Note 1: No freezing Individual specifications Item Model no. GAG341-1 -2 GAG342-1 -2 GAG442-1 -3 -4 GAG443-1 -3 -4 NO port size Rc1/8 Rc1/4 Rc1/4 Rc3/8 Max. working pressure differential (MPa) Air Water, hot water, kerosene Oil (50 mm2/s) DC AC DC AC DC TOP BODY AC Orifice (mm) 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 2.0 2.0 0.7 0.45 0.7 0.6 (0.45) 0.3 0.2 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 2.0 2.0 0.7 0.45 0.7 0.6 (0.45) 0.3 0.2 2.0 2.0 1.2 0.75 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.45 2.0 3.0 1.2 0.75 1.5 0.9 1.0 0.45 3.0 3.0 0.4 0.3 (0.25) 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.2 (0.15) 2.0 2.0 1.2 0.75 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.45 2.0 3.0 1.2 0.75 1.5 0.9 1.0 0.45 3.0 3.0 0.4 0.3 (0.25) 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.2 (0.15) Rated voltage 100 VAC 50/60 Hz 110 VAC 60 Hz 200 VAC 50/60 Hz 220 VAC 60 Hz 12 VDC 24 VDC 48 VDC 100 VDC Apparent power (VA) Power consumption (W) Holding Starting AC DC 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50/60 Hz 14 11 20 16 6/4.2 11 (8.1) 22 17 35 27 8.3/6.2 11 (10.4) *1: The model numbers above show the basic NO port size (Rc) and orifice diameter. Refer to How to order for other combinations. *2: Refer to DC column for the max. working pressure differential of coil with diode. *3: The voltage fluctuation must be within ±10% of the rated voltage. *4: Values in ( ) are for the type with DIN terminal box and DC voltage specifications. *5: When using with a low vacuum, vacuum the NC port side. 210 GAG34*/44* Series Optional specifications (fluid temperature, ambient temperature, valve seat leakage) Sealant Coil (heat proof class) Fluid temperature (Note 1) ˚C Ambient temperature ˚C Valve seat leakage cm3/min. (ANR) Fluoro rubber B H Ethylene propylene diene rubber B H -10 to 60 -10 to 90 -10 to 60 -10 to 90 -20 to 60 -20 to 100 (Note 2) -20 to 60 -20 to 100 (Note 2) HNB/G USB/G 0.2 or less (air) FAB/G Note 1: No freezing Note 2: The range is -20 to 80˚C when using the HP terminal box with indicator light for the coil housing. FGB/G FVB Flow characteristics Orifice (mm) Model no. GAG341-1 -2 GAG342-1 -2 GAG442-1 -3 -4 GAG443-1 -3 -4 Port size Rc1/8 Rc1/4 Rc1/4 Rc3/8 FWB/G Flow characteristics Cv flow factor b C [dm3/(s·bar)] TOP BODY TOP BODY TOP BODY TOP BODY 1.5 1.5 0.29 0.29 0.64 0.53 0.09 0.09 2.0 2.0 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.52 0.15 0.15 1.5 1.5 0.29 0.29 0.64 0.53 0.09 0.09 2.0 2.0 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.52 0.15 0.15 2.0 2.0 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.52 0.15 0.15 2.0 3.0 0.53 1.1 0.54 0.52 0.15 0.31 3.0 3.0 1.1 1.1 0.72 0.52 0.31 0.31 2.0 2.0 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.52 0.15 0.15 2.0 3.0 0.53 1.1 0.54 0.52 0.15 0.31 3.0 3.0 1.1 1.1 0.72 0.52 0.31 0.31 FHB FLB AB AG AP/ AD APK/ ADK For dry air Explosion proof *1: Effective sectional area S and sonic conductance C are converted as S ≈ 5.0 x C. HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP CHB/G MXB/G Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve Custom order 211 GAG34*/44* Series How to order GAG34 1 1 0 B 2H A H S AC100V E Coil housing H Surge suppressor GAG44 F Manual override (locking) I Voltage G Other options Model no. Actuator only (Fixed symbol) Model no. D Body/sealant combination GAG34* GAG44* Symbol A NO port size B Type of thread C Orifice Descriptions A NO port size 䢇 䢇 1/8 1/4 3/8 1 2 3 䢇 䢇 B Type of thread Blank G N Rc G NPT 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 C Orifice GAG34* TOP ø1.5 ø2.0 – – 1 2 3 4 GAG44* BODY ø1.5 ø2.0 – – TOP ø2.0 – ø2.0 ø3.0 BODY ø2.0 – ø3.0 ø3.0 䢇 䢇 D Body/sealant combination Std. Stainless steel Brass Option Stainless steel <Example 1 of model number> GAG341-1-0-AC200V Model no.: GAG341 Brass Body Blank B D E H J P L M R Sealant Treatment Nitrile rubber – Fluoro rubber Nitrile rubber – Fluoro rubber Nitrile rubber Fluoro rubber Ethylene propylene diene rubber Oil free Nitrile rubber Fluoro rubber Ethylene propylene diene rubber Remarks Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *2) Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *2) Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *2) Hot water (up to 90˚C *2) Air, water, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 60˚C) Air, low vacuum, kerosene (up to 90˚C *2) Hot water (up to 90˚C *2) 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 䢇 NO port size: 1/8 Refer to page 36 in the Introduction for details on the material combinations. Type of thread: Rc TOP - ø1.5, BODY - ø1.5 E to I Orifice: Body/sealant combination: Refer to the following page for details on the coil housing, other options and Body - bronze, sealant - nitrile rubber voltage, etc. E Coil housing: Grommet lead wire The combinations indicated with 䢇 in the above table are available. F to H : Blank I Voltage: 200 VAC 50/60Hz, 220 VAC 60Hz A B C D <Example 2 of model number> GAG342G-2-0-000AS-AC200V Model no.: GAG342 A B C D E F G H I NO port size: 1/4 Type of thread: G Orifice: TOP - ø2.0, BODY - ø2.0 Body/sealant combination: Body - bronze, sealant - nitrile rubber Coil housing: Grommet lead wire Manual override (locking): Selected Other options: Blank Surge suppressor: Selected Voltage: 200 VAC 50/60Hz, 220 VAC 60Hz 212 Note on model no. selection Note on D *1: Leave blank for standard. However, to select options in E to H, indicate 0 for C. *2: When 4A, 4M or 4N is selected for D. *3: The ethylene propylene diene rubber seal combination (D P/R) cannot be used with air. (Compressed air contains oil, and ethylene propylene diene rubber is not oil-resistant.) *4: Even when nitrile rubber is selected for the sealant, the NO side sealant is fluoro rubber. GAG34*/44* Series HNB/G USB/G For E to I, the combinations indicated with symbols can be manufactured. Note that if options F to H are not required, no symbol is indicated. Option Blank 2E 2G 2H 3A 3M 3N 3I 3J 4A 4M 4N 5A 5M 5N 5I 5J Std. Grommet lead wire (G1/2) DIN terminal box (Pg11) DIN terminal box DIN terminal box + small light (Pg11) Lead wire HP terminal box (G1/2) Open HP terminal box + light (G1/2) frame type HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) HP terminal box + light (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) Lead wire Open frame type HP terminal box (G1/2) (heat proof class H) HP terminal box + light (G1/2) Lead wire HP terminal box (G1/2) Open frame type HP terminal box + light (G1/2) (diode integrated) HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) HP terminal box + light (IP65 or equivalent) (G1/2) I Rated voltage H Cable gland Conduit (Marine cable gland) (Conduit pipe) A-15a A-15b A-15c CTC19 G1/2 Surge suppressor Manual override (locking) Descriptions FAB/G G Other options F E Coil housing FGB/G FVB Descriptions FWB/G 100 VAC, 200 VAC S A H H G A D E S F G A D E H D E FHB 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 24 VDC FLB 100 VAC, 200 VAC 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC 100 VAC, 200 VAC, 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 100 VDC S AG AP/ AD For dry air H Explosion proof 100 VAC, 200 VAC F HVB/ HVL Refer to the following precautions for E to I. Blank AB APK/ ADK 100 VAC, 200 VAC F G A 100 VAC, 200 VAC 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC, 100 VDC G 䢇 Grommet lead wire 300 mm H SAB/ SVB NP/NAP/ NVP 䢇 Conduit 䢇 G (CTC19) 䢇 H (G1/2) CHB/G MXB/G 䢇 DIN terminal box 3A 4A 5A 䢇 Open frame type grommet lead wire 300 mm 䢇 4A (heat proof class H) 䢇 5A (diode integrated) Other G.P. systems PD/FAD/ PJ Note on model no. selection Note on E 3M 3N 4M 4N 5M 5N 䢇 Open frame HP terminal box 䢇 4M, 4N (heat proof class H) 䢇 5M, 5N (diode integrated) 3I 3J 5I 5J 䢇 Open frame HP terminal box (IP65 or equivalent) 䢇 5I, 5J (diode integrated) * Refer to page 122 for coil selection. *5: Leave blank for the standard coil housing. However, to select options in F, G or H, indicate 00 for E. *6: 5A, 5M, 5N, 5I and 5J are coils for which AC power is converted to DC with a diode. *7: A DC coil for steam is available for GAG44. Contact CKD for more information. CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis Custom order Note on F to H Select one among D, E, F, G and H for G. The surge suppressor is an accessory for the lead wire coil. When selecting a coil with terminal box, the surge suppressor is mounted in the terminal box. *10: As standard, the surge suppressor is incorporated in the coil with diode and the 24 VDC coil (E 2H), so the surge suppressor symbol S cannot be selected. *11: Tropicalization (rust-proof coating) is available as a measure against rust. Contact CKD for more information. Note that the tropicalization is not available when the manual override option A is selected. *8: *9: Note on I *12: 100 VAC coil is compatible with 100 VAC 50/60 Hz and 110 VAC 60 Hz, and 200 VAC coil is compatible with 200 VAC 50/60 Hz and 220 VAC 60 Hz. Note that the coils E 5A/5M/5N/5I/5J can be used only with 100 VAC 50/60 Hz or 200 VAC 50/60 Hz. *13: For voltages other than above, consult with CKD. *14: The lead wire is available in the standard 300 mm length, and 500 mm, 1000 mm, 2000 mm and 3000 mm lengths. Contact CKD for more information. 213 General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve 2E 2G 2H GAG34*/44* Series Internal structure and parts list 䢇 GAG34*/GAG44* Actuator NO 1 2 No. Parts name Material 11 22 33 44 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NC COM 10 Socket Brass (stainless steel) C3604 (SUS303) Coil Core assembly SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 403 *1 Stainless steel Shading coil Cu (Ag when stainless steel body) Copper (silver for stainless steel body) Plunger SUS405 or equivalent Stainless steel NO valve sealant FKM (FKM, EPDM) NC valve sealant NBR (FKM, EPDM) O ring NBR (FKM, EPDM) (size: AS568-019) Stainless steel Plunger spring SUS304 Body NBR: Nitrile rubber Fluoro rubber ( FKM: EPDM: Ethylene propylene diene rubber ) Brass (stainless steel) C3771 (SUS303) *1: When the body/sealant combination symbol is other than blank or H, the material is SUS405 or equivalent, 316L, 430. *2: ( ) shows option. Dimensions: GAG341/GAG342 Series 䢇 Actuator (grommet lead wire type) GAG34*-1 to 2-0 20 䢇 Recommended dimensions for actuator mounting 27 34 +0.1 n-ø3 0 7±0.2 4.5 17 ±0.1 50 NC side 38 42 COM side ø13 6 8.5 ø7 * Lead wire length 300 mm 214 32 ø4 depth 3.7 7 28 4-ø4.5 28±0.2 32±0.1 81 4-M4 Effective thread depth 6 or more 2-ø7.5 Depth 3±0.3 GAG34*/44* Series Optional dimensions: GAG341/GAG342 Series * Refer to the grommet lead wire type dimensions on the left page for common dimensions. 䢇 DIN terminal box GAG34*-1 to 2-0-* 2E 2G 2H 䢇 Open frame lead wire type GAG34*-1 to 2-0-* 3A 4A 5A HNB/G USB/G FAB/G A 27.5 B 24 C FGB/G 38 38 39.5 FVB FHB 37.5 39 (41) 32.6 FWB/G FLB AB Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. Voltage A B C AC DC 20 62 50.5 (50) 21 AG AP/ AD 63.5 52 (51.5) APK/ ADK For dry air 䢇 Open frame type + conduit GAG34*-1 to 2-0-* 3A G 4A H 5A 䢇 Open frame type + HP terminal box GAG34*-1 to 2-0-* 3 M 4 N 5 Explosion proof HVB/ HVL 53 (56) SAB/ SVB 98 NP/NAP/ NVP 68 CHB/G MXB/G 58 CTC19 (G1/2) 45 Other G.P. systems Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. PD/FAD/ PJ CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis 䢇 Manual override (locking) GAG34*-1 to 2-0-*** A General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve Custom order 42 19 12.5 87 Manual override (ø8) 38 215 GAG34*/44* Series Dimensions: GAG442/GAG443 Series 䢇 Actuator (grommet lead wire type) GAG44*-1/3/4-0 23.5 䢇 Recommended dimensions for actuator mounting 30.5 38 4-M4 Effective thread depth 6 or more 17 ±0.1 4.5 38 42 COM side * Lead wire length 300 mm ø13 8.5 6 32 ø4 depth 3.7 ø7 7 28 Model no. GAG442-1/3/4 GAG443-1/3/4 216 32±0.1 n-ø3 +0.1 Depth 3±0.3 0 7±0.2 55 A NC side A 86.5 90 4-ø4.5 28±0.2 2-ø7.5 GAG34*/44* Series Optional dimensions: GAG442/GAG443 Series * Refer to the grommet lead wire type dimensions on the left page for common dimensions. 䢇 Open frame lead wire type GAG44*-1/3/4-0-* 3A 4A 5A 䢇 DIN terminal box GAG44*-1/3/4-0-* 2E 2G 2H HNB/G USB/G FAB/G FGB/G 27.5 C D 28 42 46 FVB 40.5 <44> B FHB 39 39 (41) 38.5 FWB/G FLB AB Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. Dimensions shown in < > are for Rc3/8. Voltage AC DC B 23.5 23.5 C AG D 65.5 54 (53.5) 66 AP/ AD 54.5 (54) APK/ ADK For dry air 䢇 Open frame type + conduit GAG44*-1/3/4-0-* 3A G 4A H 5A 䢇 Open frame type + HP terminal box GAG44*-1/3/4-0-* 3 M 4 N 5 Explosion proof HVB/ HVL SAB/ SVB 57 (60) 103 72 NP/NAP/ NVP CHB/G 45 58 MXB/G Other G.P. systems CTC19 (G1/2) PD/FAD/ PJ Dimensions shown in ( ) are for G1/2. CVE/ CVSE CPE/ CPD Medical analysis Custom order General purpose valve Direct acting 3 port solenoid valve 92.5 (96) 䢇 Manual override (locking) GAG44*-1/3/4-0-*** A 42 19 12.5 Manual override 38 Dimension shown in ( ) is for G1/2. 217