tb systeM
tb systeM
tb system The following pages contain a selection of the inserts that are available for our TB universal cuter. We have added several Swedish and Norwegian standard profiles to the range in the last year. We have also included the entire American collection. You can choose from 1,000 different profile inserts when you set up your own range of planed goods. The inserts can be combined in a infinite number of ways, but if you can not find what you are looking for, we can make special inserts to your own design. www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox Universal cutters | 101 Combinations studs & duckboards Grip profile 1 Straight Grip profile 2 Rounding, single Grip profile 3 Rounding, double, 19 mm Cupboard door profiles Rounding, double, 25 mm Rounding, double, 28 mm Rounding, double, 48 mm 102 | TB system Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com REBATING & TONGUE-AND-GROOVE Tongue-and-Groove (Bath) Tongue-and-Groove 4 mm (close tolerance, 0.1 mm) Tongue-and-Groove (Bath) Tongue-and-Groove 4.5 mm (close tolerance, 0.1 mm) Tongue-and-Groove (Floorboard with nail chamfer) Tongue-and-Groove 6 mm (close tolerance, 0.1 mm) Tongue-and-Groove 8 mm (t&g floorboards) Tongue-and-Groove (Floorboard) Tongue-and-Groove 10 mm (t&g floorboards) Tongue-and-Groove (chamfered floorboard profile with nail chamfer) Tongue-and-Groove 10 mm (close tolerance) www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox TB system | 103 Tongue-and-Groove (Canoe insert) outdoor panels Chamfered casing Chamfered panel, 3 mm tongue Tongue-and-Groove (Garden shed) Can also be used indoors Chamfered panel, 5 mm tongue Tongue-and-Groove (Garden shed USA) Rounded panel Fillet panel Log cabin panel 104 | TB system Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com Norwegian panel, swan neck Fell panel Vertical tongue-and-groove panel with sawn front. A 4-insert cutter is needed. Indoor panels Mora panel Norwegian panel, moulding Vertical tongue-and-groove panel with sawn front. A 4-insert cutter is needed. Tongued, grooved and beaded timber T&G and beaded timber with centre profile Log cabin panel, 50 mm Large tongued, grooved and beaded timber Log cabin panel, 80 mm Rounded panel www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox TB system | 105 Chamfered casing Single soffit panel 45° Chamfered panel Double 45° Chamfered panel COVER PANEL Top hat casing Chamfered panel with centre profile Chamfered casing Chamfered panel with centre profile Decorative casing Chamfered casing Decorative casing 106 | TB system Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com Decorative casing grooving & recessing Grooving of casings dado Cutouts in casings Rounded Cutouts in base board Profile base board Profile Fillet Villa Frimodig Log cabin moulding Swan neck moulding www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox TB system | 107 Quarter-round moulding Backa moulding Rustic moulding Utby moulding 90129 Haga moulding Gamlestad moulding Villa Frimodig door profile Door profile 1 Stockholm moulding Gotland moulding Halland moulding 108 | TB system Door profile 2 Door profile 2-2 Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com casing Decorative casing, 95 mm Log cabin casing Gamlestad casing Rustic casing Gotland casing American casing, 57 mm Haga casing Backa casing Halland casing Quarter-round casing Decorative casing, 70 mm www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox TB system | 109 Door trim Utby casing Rounded casings 94286 Villa Frimodig 94286 Skirö casing soffit moulding Shadow moulding Stockholm casing Staircase moulding Swan neck casing Quarter-round soffit moulding Sätra casing Profile soffit moulding, 70 mm 110 | TB system Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com Swan neck soffit moulding, 45 mm Swan neck soffit moulding, USA, 80 mm Swan neck soffit moulding, 56 mm Hollow soffit moulding, 45 mm Swan neck soffit moulding, 68 mm Hollow soffit moulding, 60 mm Swan neck soffit moulding, 80 mm Hollow soffit moulding, 70 mm Swan neck soffit moulding, 95 mm Hollow soffit moulding, 95 mm Swan neck soffit moulding, 120 mm Plaster cornice moulding www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox TB system | 111 Backa soffit moulding round bar Round bar, 24 mm Utby soffit moulding Round bar, 40 mm Villa Frimodig curtain rail Diameter 30 mm (also suitable for making dowels for log cabins) chamfering insert Double 45° chamfer Single 45° chamfer 112 | TB system Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com lower window lining 69 mm Profiled Lower board door cill moulding 43x12 mm Villa Frimodig 56x21 mm skirting moulding 43 mm Swedish Standard as per SS232812 4:th issue casing mouldings, smooth 43 mm 56 mm 69 mm www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox TB system | 113 edge mouldings triangular mouldings 15/21 mm fillet moulding shadow mouldings 21x33 mm quarter-round moulding 9 mm 33x43 mm 12 mm 21x43 mm 15 mm hollow mouldings 27 mm 21 mm 114 | TB system Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com 43 mm ROUND BAR 12 mm 69 mm 15 mm 21 mm corner mouldings 21 mm 27 mm 27 mm 33 mm Thickness 5.5 mm 33 mm 43 mm 43 mm Thickness 5.5 mm www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox TB system | 115 duckboard battens 22 mm Swedish Standard as per SS232813 3:rd issue double chamfered t&g board 22x95 mm 28 mm 22x120–145 mm 34 mm single chamfered t&g board Stud 45 mm 22x120–145 mm cover moulding Rustic moulding rabbeted, grooved panel, chamfered Cover moulding fell panel casting moulding 116 | TB system Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com t&G and beaded timber 12 mm 33 mm 15 mm planed t&g board without concealed jointing t&G board 15 mm 17 mm 21 mm 20 mm 27 mm 23 mm 33 mm planed t&g board with concealed jointing 15 mm 21 mm www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox TB system | 117 grooved t&g panel grooved t&g panel Chamfered, indoor Chamfered, outdoor 9 mm 22x95 mm 12 mm 22x120–145 mm 15 mm t&g external panel Straight 22 mm 21 mm NORWEGIAN Standard grooved t&g panel Straight, indoor 15 mm as per SN/TS 3186 issue 0.8 casing board Barokkledning 21 mm Buer casing 118 | TB system Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com Double rabbet 28° chamfer with stagger Tongued grooved and beaded panel Double rabbet 28° chamfer with stagger Rustic t&g board, round edge Shadow moulding, round edge Double rabbet 60° chamfer Empire casing Sveitser tongued grooved and beaded board Empire batten Vestland t&g and beaded board with chamfer Single rabbet Vestland t&g board with hollow rabbet Chamfered t&g board www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox TB system | 119 NORWEGIAN Standard Rustic panel, chamfered edge as per SN/TS 3183 issue 0.8 panelling Chamfered casing Shadow panel, square edge Smooth t&g board Shadow panel, chamfered edge Rounded t&g panel with round moulding Lower panel Chamfered t&g panel with round moulding Double groove panel, joining piece Möller cabin panel Tongued, grooved and beaded timber Rustic t&g casing, round edge 120 | TB system Joining panel, square edge Joining panel, round edge Joining panel, chamfered edge Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com american Standard astragals battens baseboards beads www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox TB system | 121 beds bullnose casings 122 | TB system Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox TB system | 123 124 | TB system Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com CEILINg www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox TB system | 125 chair rails coves shiplap 126 | TB system Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com crowns www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox TB system | 127 DOORSTOP decking flooring 128 | TB system Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com log cabin siding glass bead 94768 www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox TB system | 129 Log cabin paneling & siding Chamfer Rounded panel molding 130 | TB system Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com 96075 www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox TB system | 131 partition plycaps quarter rounds 132 | TB system Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com tongue & groove www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox TB system | 133 HSS profile insert 40x4mm 40 mm 94207HSS 94200HSS 94214HSS 94221HSS 20 15° 10 R1 10 6.4 5.3 7.4 14.5 30° 9.9 94222HSS 94215HSS 94208HSS 9 94201HSS R3 R3 R6 9.9 22 R 22.5 9 14.5 9 R3 10 94209HSS 30° 94223HSS 94216HSS 94202HSS R3 90° 14.4 18.4 26 30° 94210HSS 10 10 94217HSS 94224HSS 94203HSS 15° R3 10 3.5 R 43 7 14.4 10 94211HSS 30° 94218HSS 94204HSS 94225HSS 5.7 22 R 90 45° 5 R3 7 94212HSS 94205HSS 94219HSS 94226HSS 5.7 22 45° R1 7 5 5.7 5 R3 94206HSS R3 94213HSS 94220HSS 94227HSS R5 10 R 1.5 6 7 4.5 5 15° 9 134 | TB system Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com 94251HSS 94243HSS 94260HSS 2.3 94229HSS 9.5 R 32 R 10 R 10.5 94253HSS 94261HSS 2 mm profildjup. R 20 45˚ 1.7 94244HSS 94232HSS 20 R1 94245HSS 94234HSS R3 R 13.5 4 mm profildjup. 94262HSS 94254HSS 10 94246HSS 94236HSS 94255HSS 94263HSS 80° R6 6 mm profildjup. R 22.5 24 R 13.5 75° 94264HSS 94256HSS 94247HSS 94238HSS 5 8 mm profildjup. R8 94257HSS 94248HSS 94265HSS 3 94240HSS 12 20 R 13.5 45° 17 R3x2 28 10 mm profildjup. 12 R8 94249HSS R 10 R 12 10 R5 R 1.5 R4 14 94250HSS 94259HSS 94267HSS 9 94242HSS R8 12 R 10.5 94266HSS 94258HSS 3 94241HSS R 6.7 R6 R 10.5 www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox 12 R8 24.6 R4 14 TB system | 135 94268HSS 94276HSS 94293HSS 94284HSS R8 45° 10 6 6 7.5 45° 6 6 R4 45° 94285HSS 6.2 7 20° 94278HSS 94270HSS 94294HSS 45° R5 R 15 5° 7 94286HSS 6.2 94277HSS Only Solo plane 94269HSS 94295HSS 45° R3 94279HSS R 15 R5 94287HSS R 2.5 94296HSS R7 R4 30 4.7 R 15 5° 25.4 10 R8 94271HSS Only Solo plane R3 R 10 94297HSS Only Solo plane 5 45° R 15 R 15 94298HSS 94281HSS 94273HSS 94274HSS 94282HSS 10 94291HSS Only Solo plane 20 92° 5.7 R5 85° 9.4 45° 20 R 15 94288HSS 10 94280HSS 94272HSS 135° 94299HSS 10 4.5 20 10 6.5 5 45° R6 85° 16 94283HSS 94275HSS 94292HSS 94300HSS 10 7 10 10 4.5 19 9.5 R3 R3 45° 136 | TB system Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com 94312HSS 94301HSS 94331HSS 94322HSS R 12 R6 R 16 R 10 R6 94302HSS 94314HSS 94323HSS 94332HSS 5 6 9.75 5.8 R 12 15˚ 94315HSS 94324HSS 94333HSS 5.5 94303HSS R 15 6.4 94334HSS 94325HSS 94316HSS 94304HSS 6 10 R 12 R 12.5 9.75 45° 3.8 4.7 7.8 9 9.5 94326HSS 94317HSS 94305HSS 94335HSS R 10 45° 4 9.5 5 10 94318HSS 94306HSS 8 10 94336HSS 94327HSS R3 10 10 9.5 20 4.3 17 R3 94319HSS 94308HSS 94337HSS 94328HSS 27.76° R 16 10 R4 10 10 R4 94310HSS 94321HSS 94329HSS 94338HSS 11 3 R5 R 16 R5 www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox R6 45° TB system | 137 94339HSS 94349HSS 94357HSS Designed for The Solo plane 94365HSS R6 R3 15 20 2 R 61.6 8 R5 94350HSS 94358HSS Designed for The Solo plane 94366HSS R 1.9 20 R6 15 17.4 3 10.5 94340HSS 9.2° 8 9 11 10 94367HSS 94359HSS 94351HSS 94341HSS R5 12 R 15 45° Profile depth 5 mm R4 45° 90° R6 3 94352HSS R1 5° 45° R3 R5 90° 10 94361HSS 94353HSS 94343HSS 94368HSS 8 15 12 Profile depth 10 mm 94360HSS 20 94342HSS 94369HSS 45° R5 50° 45° R3 R3 R5 94370HSS 2.3 45° R2 R4 R3 R5 8 R3 94362HSS 11.9 94354HSS 94345HSS 10 10 94347HSS 94355HSS 94363HSS 94371HSS 95° 100° 20° 94356HSS Designed for The Solo plane 94372HSS 24.5 138 | TB system R 2.65 R5 R5 R 2.8 15 20 94364HSS R3 11.5 94348HSS 12.8° R2 R5 10 8 14.2 10 Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com 94373HSS 95003HSS 94381HSS 95010HSS R 43 R8 R 15 R8 10 R2 16 R 2.65 R 2.8 94382HSS 94374HSS R 1.75 95011HSS R 15 R2 R 2.33 95004HSS R 22 4 8 32° 10 10 9.8 94375HSS 94383HSS 95005HSS 14.2 95012HSS R 130 R4 R 2.5 32° R 1.75 10.4 R 2.33 94376HSS 10.2 50 mm R4 95013HSS 95006HSS 9500-20HSS 8 R6 10 R3 R 130 R 2.5 94377HSS 47 20 Also available in 9500-16, 9500-24, 9500-32 R4 R6 95014HSS 95007HSS 95001HSS R3 R 6.5 R 27 50° 94378HSS R 5.5 R6 R8 8 R8 R 10 10 95008HSS 95015HSS 95002HSS 94379HSS R3 38.6 45 45° R8 R8 94380HSS 4 R6 10 16 95016HSS 95009HSS R3 31.6 45° 45° 27 135° 20.9 www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox TB system | 139 95024HSS 95017HSS 95039HSS 95031HSS Bath cutter Bath cutter R4 R5 R5 R4 42 R 13 R 13 46.3 8.2 10 45° 95018HSS 95025HSS 95040HSS 3 95032HSS 45° 45° R3 4.8 5.5 R 22 90° 9.5 5.2 10 3 84° 95019HSS 45° 95041HSS 95033HSS 95026HSS 45 90° R 18.9 45° R5 R 14 R 20 32 4.8 9.5 5.2 10 2 45° 95027HSS 95020HSS R4 R4 R 15 84° R4 95042HSS 95034HSS 10 95021HSS 95043HSS 95035HSS 95028HSS 5.2 21.6 40 4.8 9.5 28 R 21 9 7.8 Only Solo plane R5 R5 18.2 10 R1 R 15 R 15 95036HSS 95029HSS 95022HSS 45° 45° 95023HSS R 20 10.4 9.7 R3 12° 32.2 95038HSS 95030HSS Bath cutter R 13 46.1 R 13 46 Bath cutter 8 10 95045HSS R5 R5 9 95044HSS R 20 45° 140 | TB system Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com 95046HSS 95053HSS R 20 95061HSS 95067HSS R 25 10° 95062HSS 95054HSS 95047HSS 95068HSS 22.5° 12 R3 R8 95048HSS 95062HSS 95055HSS 6 38 R 25 25 R3 R8 95070HSS 33.4 R 2.7 R3 R5 R6 12° 45 45° 95063HSS 95056HSS 95049HSS 95071HSS 8.3 Bath cutter R6 12° 44 46 R 18.3 8 95064HSS 95057HSS 95050HSS 95072HSS 45° R5 R5 15° 46 8 Bath cutter R 18.3 8.5 95058HSS 95051HSS 95065HSS 95073HSS 52° R 130 R 2.5 15° 90° 15° 95052HSS 95059HSS 95066HSS 95074HSS 90° 90° 4 35.2 R6 R 12.5 10° 11.5 4 www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox 52° TB system | 141 95075HSS 95083HSS 96014HSS 96005HSS R5 44.5 R 50 10.5 10 45 10.3 14.9 95076HSS 60 mm 96006HSS 9600-20HSS R 10 45 R 12.2 10 R6 96015HSS 10 R 10 95077HSS 96007HSS 96017HSS 20 R 18 R 15 95078HSS R 8.5 Also available in 9600-16, 9600-24, 9600-32 48 5 80° 96001HSS R3 96008HSS 48 R3 3 96018HSS 56.6 3.5 8 8 3 45° 7.5 40° 96002HSS 95079HSS 96009HSS 10 96019HSS R 10 R 10 R 13 R 27 8.3 7.9 3 2 R6 R4 5.7 96003HSS 95080HSS 96010HSS 52 96020HSS R3 R 6.6 R 1.5 2.2 R 1.2 36 6.1 9.2° R3 96004HSS 96011HSS 95082HSS R 60 R5 R 8.3 96021HSS R 10 R3 R 5.5 R 2.5 R 4.1 4.6 R 130 R2 15 142 | TB system 10 R1 Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com 96022HSS R 2.5 R3 91011HSS Grooved Mora panel 95 mm 75 R3 22.5 R3 91012HSS 100 mm Facade panel 95 mm 75 22.5 76.8 R 70 R 15.5 112.5° 91013HSS Grooved Facade panel 95 mm 91002HSS 75 22.5 R 5.1 R 3.5 R 28 91014HSS Rounded panel 95 mm 91003HSS 75 22.5 R 90 91015HSS Grooved rounded panel 95 mm 91004HSS 76 21.5 76 R 0.9 2 91016HSS 91010HSS Mora panel 95 mm Tongued, grooved and beaded timber 95 mm 85 12.5 75 22.5 91017HSS Tongued, grooved and beaded timber 95 mm 85 12.5 www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox TB system | 143 91018HSS 91025HSS Log cabin panel 95 mm 1 85 R6 45° 12.5 130 mm 91020HSS 91301HSS Swan neck soffit moulding 55 91021HSS 91302HSS R 9.4 120 R8 R 0.9 2 91022HSS R 2.5 91303HSS R 15 R 14 R1 45° 25 R 12 91304HSS 91023HSS 45° 25 85.4 R 19.9 R 12.2 R 18.2 91305HSS 91024HSS R1 R6 20 91306HSS R6 144 | TB system 20 Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com 91314HSS 91307HSS Rounded panel 120 mm 100 R3 R4 20 91308HSS 91315HSS R3 91309HSS Grooved rounded panel 120 mm 100 20 91316HSS R1 27.5 R4 27.5 Tongued, grooved and beaded timber 120 mm 45° 110 R3 91310HSS R 2.5 91311HSS 100 90° R 7 100 R1 82.6° R 7 110 27.5 91318HSS Grooved Mora panel 120 mm Grooved surface, tongued, grooved and beaded timber R3 91312HSS 110 27.5 91319HSS Facade panel 120 mm 17.5 Log cabin panel 120 mm 8.7 R 2.5 91317HSS Mora panel 120 mm 17.5 16.5 “Sawn” surface 100 45° 27.5 91313HSS 91320HSS 100 27.5 www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox TB system | 145 91321HSS 91325HSS 74.2 91326HSS 91323HSS 5° 91324HSS 91324HSS Moulding knives sold in metre lengths Moulding knives sold by the metre, which are then cut to a suitable length. Ordered per mm. Type/width/thickness HSS 20 x 2,5 HSS 20 x 3 HSS 25 x 3 HSS 30 x 3 HSS 35 x 3 HM 20 x 2,5 HM 20 x 3 HM 25 x 3 HM 30 x 3 HM 35 x 3 146 | TB system Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com Moulding knife HSS This is the most commonly used moulding knife, which produces excellent results on solid materials. Moulding knife, reversible insert There are adapters for reversible inserts, that fit several planes, for people who do a lot of planing and want to be able to change to sharp cutters without having to re-sharpen them. Moulding knife HM A good choice if you plane a lot of hard, abrasive material like chipboard, teak etc. Machine Moulding knife HSS Moulding knife HM Part no. HSS Part no. HM Length Width Thickness Emco MH30 * Emco Star * Jointer/planer Jointer RH 200 Dewalt Dw-50 * Dewalt DW-1163 * EJCA 460 Elektra HC-260 * Elektra HG 260 * Emco 1000 * Emco-Rex + MH 26 * Felder 26 Felder 31 Felder 41 Inca Aut. * Inca compact Kity 150 Kity 636 Kity 535 Kimac 260 Kimac 310 Kimac 400 Lurem Optimake Lurem 210 Lurem 260 Lurem 310 Luna KRP 30 Luna KRP 35 LunaKRP 40 Luna 410 Luna KRP 41 Luna K 30 Luna TOP515 Luna 630 Luna L37/W59 Luna L38/W64 Luna L39/W69 Luna Z-40 Luna Z-50 Luna RH200 Luna RH5 Luna RH410 Luna RH520 Luna Jointer/planer Proffy 280 Robland K/X210 Robland K/X260 Robland K/X310 Rema 260 303 210 500 200 260 260 460 260 262 210 262 260 310 410 262 220 150 260 150 260 310 400 180 210 260 310 300 350 400 410 410 300 515 630 250 310 410 155 210 200 530 410 520 500 280 210 260 310 260 25 30 35 17 25 21 30 20 25 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 HSS-EMCO 30 HSS-Emco star HSS-RH/PH-5 HSS-RH200 HSS-DEWALT HSS-DW 1163 HSS-EJCA HSS-ELECTRA HSS-EMCO HM-EMCO 30 HM-Emco star HM-RH/PH-50 HM-RH200 HM-DEWALT HM-DW1163 HM-EJCA HM-ELECTRA HM-EMCO 25 3 HSS-EMCO HM-EMCO 25 25 3 2,5 HSS-EMCO HSS-INCA CO HM-EMCO HM-INCA COM 20 20 25 25 25 20 20 20 20 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 35 25 30 30 16 20 17 35 35 35 2,5 2,5 3 3 3 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2,5 4 3 3 3 HSS-KITY HSS-K535 HSS-ROBL260 HSS-ROBL310 HSS-KIMAC400 HSS-OPTI HSS-LUREM 210 HSS-KITY HSS-LUREM 310 HSS-KRP 30 HSS-KRP 35 HSS-KRP 40 HSS-410 HSS-KRP 41 HSS-K 30 HSS-TOP515 HSS-630 HSS-W59 HSS-W64 HSS-W69 HSS-Z40 HSS-Z50 HSS-RH200 HSS-RH53 HSS-RH410 HSS-PH520 HM-KITY HM-K535 HM-ROBL260 HM-ROBL310 HM-KIMAC400 HM-OPTI HM-LUREM 210 HM-KITY HM-LUREM 310 HM-KRP 30 HM-KRP 35 HM-KRP 40 HM-410 HM-KRP 41 HM-K 30 HM-TOP515 HM-630 HM-W59 HM-W64 HM-W69 HM-Z40 HM-Z50 HM-RH200 HM-RH53 HM-RH410 HM-PH520 Logosol Solo planer * Logosol Panel planer PH260 * Morten RPH 330/Logosol planer* Morten RPH 410 * Scheppach HM - 0+HM -2 * Scheppach 320 * Woody 160 Proofy BHM 300 230 300 330 410 260 320 160 310 25 25 25 18 3 3 3 3 HSS-ROBL210 HSS-ROBL260 HSS-ROBL310 HSS-SCHEPPAC HM-ROBL210 HM-ROBL260 HM-ROBL310 HM-SCHEPPAC 20 20 20 20 18 18 3 3 3 3 3 3 HSS-PH230 HSS-PH300 HSS-RPH330 HSS-RPH410 HSS-SCHEPPAC HSS-SCHEP 320 HM-PH230 HM-PH300 HM-RPH330 HM-RPH410 HM-SCHEPPAC HM-SCHEP 320 30 3 HSS-W64 HM-W64 Moulding knife, reversible insert Adapter Reversible insert 29110 29212 29111 29112 29112 — — 29211 29212 29212 29237 — 29216 29217 29218 29219 29120 29121 29220 29212 29122 29123 29222 29223 29124 29224 29125 29126 29127 29225 29226 29227 29128 — 29131 29132 29133 29228 29230 29231 29232 29233 25301 29129 25410 29134 12300 29229 12410 29234 — 29235 * = Insert has hole pattern. www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox | 147 Reversible insert moulding knife For Vertical moulder Part no. Dimension Edge 3101212 3107230 L141 L301 L401 L501 L601 09-450 30 x 12 x 1.5 mm 30 x 12 x 1.5 mm 14 x 14 x 2 mm 30 x 12 x 1.5 mm 40 x 12 x 1.5 mm 50 x 12 x 1.5 mm 60 x 12 x 1.5 mm 7.5 x 12 x 1.5 mm 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 09-452 09-454 09-455 09-461 09-470 9.5 x 12 x 1.5 mm 30 x 12 x 1.5 mm 18 x 18 x 2 mm 18 x 18 x 3 mm 14 x 14 x 1.2 mm 2 2 4 4 4 Dimension Edge 75 x 5.5 x 1 mm 80 x 5.5 x 1 mm 82x5,5x1 mm 92x5,5x1 mm 102x5,5x1 mm 2 2 2 2 2 For Electric planer Part no. KF75 KF80 KF82 KF92 KF102 Insert setter for cutter Insert setter for jointer/planer Magnetite cutter aligner with micrometer screw for adjustment. Supplied in a protective wooden box. Magnetite cutter aligner for easy adjustment of moulding knives. Supplied in a protective wooden box. Part no. ¤105 148 | TB system Qty 1 pair Part no. ¤115 Qty 1 pair Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com TB90 Timmersatser TB90 Timber moulding knives Timmer 3" Part no. Description Tim3-1 7000-002-5237 7000-002-5242 7000-002-5212 7000-002-5202 7000-002-5222 Timber moulding kit 3" incl. wedges Timber moulding kit 4" incl. wedges Timber moulding kit 5" incl. wedges Timber moulding kit 6" incl. wedges Timber moulding kit 7" incl. wedges 7000-002-5232 Timber moulding kit 8" incl. wedges 60 Tim3-2 Tim3-3 50 50 Timmer 4 " Tim4-1 Tim4-2 Tim4-3 60 60 50 Timmer 5" Tim5-1 Tim5-2 60 50 Tim5-4 Tim5-3 50 60 Timmer 6" Tim6-1 60 Tim6-2 Tim6-3 50 60 Tim6-4 Tim6-5 50 50 Timmer 7" Tim7-1 Tim7-2 Tim7-3 Tim7-4 Tim7-5 Tim7-6 60 50 50 50 50 50 Tim8-5 Tim8-6 60 60 Timmer 8" Tim8-1 Tim8-2 Tim8-3 Tim8-4 60 50 50 60 www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox TB system | 149 Timber insert kit 6” for LM410 Part no. Description 8020-007-5202 Timber moulding kit 6" incl. wedges Timber insert kit 8” for LM410 Part no. Description 8020-007-5232 Timber moulding kit 8" incl. wedges Timber insert kit 8 D-log 6-8” for LM410 Part no. Description 8020-007-5252 Timber moulding kit D-log incl. wedges 150 | TB system Logosol-Toolbox | www.logosol.com Make your own profile Special manufacture of profile inserts for the TB system We can offer to make special profile or grooved inserts at low cost. We draw the profile in a CAD program, that is then transferred to the machine that makes the insert. We need a sketch, drawing or wood sample to do this. NOTE! Remember to specify the reference dimensions on the drawings. 32,9 Ø11±0, R45 B 24±0,01 A Ø6,08±0,03 16/20/24/32 Remember before you order! We start by using a CAD program in the computer to draw the profile that you want, using a sketch or other sample from you. 1. Choose the right steel blank What does the law say... Tool steel Works well in softwood such as spruce and pine, and if you are going to process less than 200 metres in length. HSS 6% Works well in softwood such as spruce and pine, and if you are going to process more than 200 metres in length or end grain. HSS 18% Should be chosen if you are going to machine hardwoods like oak or beech. HM Should be chosen if you are going to machine materials like teak and MDF Thickness 4 mm Is the most common thickness, which works for most machining. 5.5 mm Should be chosen if you have tough machining jobs or large profiles. 2. Order form Please use our form on the next page, or look through it to see what information we need to expedite your order as quickly and smoothly as possible. 3. Name and address Please always include your name, address and phone number, so we can contact you if necessary. www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox ... about our steel blanks? Swedish Standard SS-EN874-1 specifies that the profile depth (A) of the inserts on our Universal cutters must not exceed the table below. Thickness SP/Tool Steel 4 mm 5.5 mm 17 25 HSS/High Speed Steel HM/Hard metal 21 25 11 21 Specially manufactured TB inserts Part no. ¤8499 ¤8599 ¤85293 ¤8499HSS ¤8599HSS ¤8699HSS ¤81099HSS ¤81399HSS ¤84499HSS ¤84599HSS ¤84699HSS ¤841099HSS ¤841399HSS ¤85599HSS ¤85699HSS ¤8499HM ¤8599HM ¤85499HM ¤85599HM ¤8499S ¤8599S ¤8699S Material Tool steel Tool steel Tool steel HSS 6% HSS 6% HSS 6% HSS 6% HSS 6% HSS 18% HSS 18% HSS 18% HSS 18% HSS 18% HSS 18% HSS 18% Hard metal Hard metal Hard metal Hard metal Chip limiter Chip limiter Chip limiter Thickness B 4 4 5,5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5,5 5,5 4 4 5,5 5,5 40 50 60 40 50 50 40 50 60 100 130 40* 50* 60* 100* 130* 50 60 40 50 40 50 * Only for TB90 and Logosol/Moreten planer/moulders. You can choose from different grades of steel, depending on the amount of work you intend to do with your blade. TB system | 151 Order form for special manufacture Machine type: ................................................................................................................................................... Cutter type: TB90 / Side cutter* TB98 / Top cutter* Grooved cutter Grooved cutter (WPRS) Other cutter with matching hole pattern Steel grade: HM Tool steel HSS 6% TB95 (5.5) HSS 18% (softwoods, such as pine or spruce) (hardwoods such as oak or beech) (E.g. teak or MDF) Thickness: 4 mm 5.5 mm Grooved No. of pairs: 40 mm 50 mm 60 mm 100 mm 130 mm Grooved insert: Specify length (NOTE each) ........................ mm ......................... items If you have particular requirements for insert positioning in your machine, please specify: ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Please draw the workpiece, the way you feed it into the machine! (vertical/horizontal) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 * Logosol and Moretens planer/moulders. Contact information Company:................................................................................................. Customer no.:.................................................. Name:.............................................................................................................................................................................. Address:........................................................................................................................................................................... Country:........................................................................................................................................................................... Telephone/Fax:.......................................................................................... Cellphone:....................................................... Hole pattern for TB inserts Scale 1:1 Un-sharpened steel blanks TB90 and TB95 Part no. Material TB98/Top cutter* Thickness B Part no. Thickness B 9099 9599 95293 9499HSS 9599HSS 9699HSS 94499HSS 94599HSS 95599HSS 95699HSS Tool steel Tool steel Tool steel HSS 6% HSS 6% HSS 6% HSS 18% HSS 18% HSS 18% HSS 18% 4 4 5,5 4 4 4 4 4 5,5 5,5 40 50 50 40 50 60 40 50 50 60 9499Ö-HSS 9599Ö-HSS 9699Ö-HSS 91099Ö-HSS 91399Ö-HSS HSS 6% HSS 6% HSS 6% HSS 6% HSS 6% 4 4 4 4 4 40 50 60 100 130 94499Ö-HSS 94599Ö-HSS 94699Ö-HSS 941099HSS 941399HSS HSS 18% HSS 18% HSS 18% HSS 18% HSS 18% 4 4 4 4 4 40 50 60 100 130 ¤9499HM ¤9599HM ¤95499HM ¤95599HM HM HM HM HM 4 4 5,5 5,5 40 50 40 50 Material * Logosol/Moreten planer/moulders. Special manufacture of grooved blanks We can also offer special manufacture of grooved inserts, which is done in the same way as for other inserts. If the insert you want is 64 mm wide, for example, please order the next multiple of 10 larger, i.e. a 70 mm insert. Grooved inserts are sold individually. Part no. Description ¤804090 ¤805090 ¤806090 ¤807090 ¤808090 ¤809090 ¤810090 ¤811090 ¤812090 ¤813090 ¤814090 ¤815090 ¤816090 ¤817090 ¤818090 ¤819090 ¤820090 ¤821090 ¤822090 ¤823090 Specially manufactured grooved insert Specially manufactured grooved insert Specially manufactured grooved insert Specially manufactured grooved insert Specially manufactured grooved insert Specially manufactured grooved insert Specially manufactured grooved insert Specially manufactured grooved insert Specially manufactured grooved insert Specially manufactured grooved insert Specially manufactured grooved insert Specially manufactured grooved insert Specially manufactured grooved insert Specially manufactured grooved insert Specially manufactured grooved insert Specially manufactured grooved insert Specially manufactured grooved insert Specially manufactured grooved insert Specially manufactured grooved insert Specially manufactured grooved insert www.logosol.com | Logosol-Toolbox Cut width 40 mm 50 mm 60 mm 70 mm 80 mm 90 mm 100 mm 110 mm 120 mm 130 mm 140 mm 150 mm 160 mm 170 mm 180 mm 190 mm 200 mm 210 mm 220 mm 230 mm TB system | 153
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