portfolio in PDF format - Karyn D. Lawrence Lighting Design
portfolio in PDF format - Karyn D. Lawrence Lighting Design
Karyn D. Lawrence Design Portfolio [email protected] Karyn D. Lawrence KARYN D. LAWRENCE LIGHTING DESIGNER [email protected] (760)717-2784 SELECTED DESIGN WORK DIRECTOR VENUE 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2006 Eli Simon Paul Barnes Loretta Livingston Sheron Wray Herbert Siguenza Chris Marshall Sara Guerrero Suzanne Karpinski Elsa Marinez Phillips Chris Marshall David McIntyre Jason Spelbring Anthony Sellars Jose Casas Ingrid Marquez Jose Casas Jason Spelbring Chris Marshall Amanda McRaven Amanda McRaven Meghan Brown Theater Festival, Arezzo, Italy Great River Shakespeare Festival The Claire Trevor, UC Irvine The Claire Trevor, UC Irvine The Little Theater, UC Irvine Sage Hill High, Newport, CA Breath of Fire, Santa Ana, CA Sacred Fools, LA, CA Breath of Fire, Santa Ana, CA Sage Hill High, Newport, CA Sacred Fools, LA, CA Sage Hill High, Newport, CA Golden West College, HB, CA Breath of Fire, Santa Ana, CA Breath of Fire, Santa Ana, CA Breath of Fire, Santa Ana, CA Sage Hill High, Newport, CA Sage Hill High, Newport, CA NYC Fringe Festival Theatre of Note, LA, CA Nixon Theater, UC Irvine CLOWNZILLA: ILLEGAL ALIENS THE DALY NEWS PHYSICAL GRAFFITI DANCE ESCAPE THE HERBERT SIGUENZA PROJECT ALL MY SONS MEDEA MADNESS IN VALENCIA WHEN NATURE CALLS WORKING RESIGNATION DAY TWELFTH NIGHT BALLET REP FALL FESTIVAL W.A.C. IRAQ PORTRAIT OF 10 WOMEN 14 CINDERELLA, THE MUSICAL SCENES FROM AN EXECUTION WOOF DADDY THE FAMINE PLAYS TALES OF THE LOST FORMICANS ASSISTANT POSITIONS & SPECIAL PROJECTS 2009 2009 GOLDFISH DEAD MAN’S CELL PHONE Oregon Shakespeare Festival Assist. to Lonnie Alcaraz Assist. to Lonnie Alcaraz South Coast Repertory, CA New Theater, Ashland, OR PERFECT TEETH for CROCODILE LAND Producer, Set & Lighting Design Theatre 68, Hollywood, CA BLUE SHADE Co-designer, Stage Manager Teatrul Mic, Bucharest, (Transversal Theater Company’s Romanian tour) Romania 2007 BLUE SHADE Assist. to Lonnie Alcaraz Little Theater, UCI and Karyn D. Lawrence is a theatrical lighting designer basedPoland/Czech in Southern (Transversal Theater Company’s Eastern European tour) Republic 2008 2007 California. She earned her Master of Fine Arts Degree from the Univeristy of California, IrvineEDUCATION in lighting design in 2012. Over the past *Currently earning an MFA in Lighting Design--The University of California Irvineas (June 2012) seven years Karyn has been designing for companies such The BA Degree in Drama and Psychology & Social Behavior--The University of California Irvine (June 2007) University of California Irvine, South Coast Repertory, Great River Shakespeare Festival, Breath of Fire Latina Theater Ensemble, and TITLES & AWARDS Sacred Fools. She Co-Founder was the 2012 recipient of the iSquint of Giraffe Hunt Theater, Los Angeles, CAStudent Design for Sage Hillresident High School, Newport, designer CA Competition Resident Award,Lighting and isDesigner currently the lighting for Resident Lighting Designer for Breath of Fire Latina Ensemble, Santa Ana, CA Breath of Fire Latina Theater Ensemble and Sage Hill High School. Her 2007 IES Intern for Architectural Lighting Design, LA & Orange County work2006 hasMedici also Grant beenAward, seenscholarship in Italy,forPoland, the Czech and summer theatre study in Republic, London, UCIrvine Romania. SKILLS & INTERESTS Windows XP, MS Word, VectorWorks, Lightwright, MS Excel, Theater technical work (hang/focus/board op.) Acting, drawing, photography, horseback riding, traveling, snowboarding, crocheting, and yoga KARYN D. LAWRENCE!! LIGHTING DESIGNER! [email protected], www.KDLightingDesign.com KARYN D. LAWRENCE DIRECTOR SELECTED DESIGN WORK 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 The Claire Trevor, UC Irvine [email protected] Barclay Theatre, Irvine, CA (760)717-2784 Segerstrom Concert Hall, CA Sage Hill High, Newport, CA The Robert Cohen, UC Irvine VENUE The Claire Trevor, UC Irvine Theater Festival, Arezzo, Italy South Rep, Santa Festival Ana, CA Great Coast River Shakespeare The Trevor,UC UCIrvine Irvine TheClaire Claire Trevor, The Trevor,UC UCIrvine Irvine TheClaire Claire Trevor, Sage Hill High, Newport, CA The Little Theater, UC Irvine ABRAHAM ISAAC IN JERUSALEM Dr. Robert Cohen 2010 ALLAND MY SONS Chris Marshall 2009 MEDEA Sara Moraga Guerrero DIGGING UP THE DIRT Cherrie 2009 MADNESSILLEGAL IN VALENCIA Suzanne Karpinski CLOWNZILLA: ALIENS Eli Simon 2009 DALY WHEN NATURE CALLS Marinez Phillips THE NEWS PaulElsa Barnes 2009 WORKING Chris Marshall PHYSICAL GRAFFITI Loretta Livingston 2009 RESIGNATION DAY David McIntyre DANCE ESCAPE Sheron Wray 2008 TWELFTH NIGHT Jason Spelbring THE HERBERT SIGUENZA PROJECT Herbert Siguenza 2008 MYBALLET Anthony Sellars ALL SONS REP FALL FESTIVAL Chris Marshall 2008 W.A.C. IRAQ Jose Casas MEDEA Sara Guerrero 2008 PORTRAIT OF 10 WOMEN IngridKarpinski Marquez MADNESS IN VALENCIA Suzanne 2008 14 Jose Casas WHEN NATURE CALLS Elsa Martinez Phillips 2008 CINDERELLA, THE MUSICAL Jason Spelbring WORKING Chris Marshall 2007 SCENES FROM AN EXECUTION Chris Marshall RESIGNATION DAY David McIntyre 2007 WOOF DADDY Amanda McRaven TWELFTH NIGHT Jason Spelbring 2007 THE FAMINE PLAYS Amanda McRaven BALLET REP FALL FESTIVAL Anthony Sellars 2006 TALES OF THE LOST FORMICANS Meghan Brown The Claire Trevor, UC Irvine Sage Hill High, Newport, CA Breath of of Fire, Breath Fire,Santa SantaAna, Ana,CA CA Sacred Fools, LA,Arezzo, CA Theater Festival, Italy BreathRiver of Fire, Santa Ana, CA Great Shakespeare Festival Sage Hill High, Newport, CA The Claire Trevor, UC Irvine Sacred Fools, LA, CA The Claire Trevor, UC Irvine Sage Hill High, Newport, CA The Little Theater, UC Irvine Golden West College, HB, Sage Hill High, Newport,CA CA Breath of of Fire, Breath Fire,Santa SantaAna, Ana,CA CA Breath Fools, of Fire, LA, SantaCA Ana, CA Sacred Breath of of Fire, Breath Fire,Santa SantaAna, Ana,CA CA Sage Hill High, Newport, CA Sage Hill High, Newport, CA Sage Hill High, Newport, CA Sacred Fools, LA, CA NYC Fringe Festival Sage Hill High, Newport, CA Theatre of Note, LA, CA Golden West College, HB, CA Nixon Theater, UC Irvine W.A.C. IRAQ Jose Casas PORTRAIT OF 10 WOMEN Ingrid Marquez ASSISTANT POSITIONS & SPECIAL PROJECTS 14 Jose Casas 2009 GOLDFISH Assist. to Lonnie Alcaraz CINDERELLA, THE MUSICAL Jason Spelbring 2009 DEAD MAN’S CELL PHONE Assist. to Lonnie Alcaraz SCENES FROM AN EXECUTION Chris Marshall Oregon Shakespeare Festival WOOF DADDY Amanda McRaven Set & Lighting Design 2008 PERFECT TEETH for CROCODILE LAND Producer, THE FAMINE PLAYS Amanda McRaven 2007 BLUE SHADE Co-designer, Stage Manager (Transversal Theater Company’s Romanian tour) SELECTED ASSISTANT AND ASSOCIATE DESIGNS 2007 BLUE SHADE Assist. to Lonnie Alcaraz 2011 2010 2009 2007 VENUE DANCE ESCAPE Sheron Wray LIGHTING DESIGNER DONALD MCKAYLE TRIBUTE Stephanie Powell PACIFIC SYMPHONY YOUTH ORCHESTRA ANNA KARENINA Chris Marshall WAITING FOR GODOT Cohen SELECTED DESIGN WORK Robert DIRECTOR SPELLING BEE 2010 CLOWNZILLA: ILLEGAL ALIENS Diana EliGray Simon ANGEL OF THE SaraPaul Guerrero 2010 THE DALYDESERT NEWS Barnes DANCE VISIONS GRAFFITI LisaLoretta NaugleLivingston 2010 PHYSICAL -CONTINENTS HUMANITY Donald McKayle 2010 DANCEOF ESCAPE Sheron Wray CHARLIE Kildare HERBERT SIGUENZA PROJECT Mary Herbert Siguenza 2010 THEBROWN Breath of Fire, Santa Ana, CA Breath of Fire, Santa Ana, CA Breath of Fire, Santa Ana, CA South Coast Repertory, CA Sage Hill High, Newport, CA New Theater, Ashland, OR Sage Hill High, Newport, CA NYC Fringe Festival CA Theatre 68, Hollywood, Theatre of Note, LA, CA Teatrul Mic, Bucharest, Romania Little Theater, UCI and Republic ThePoland/Czech Utah Shakespeare Festival (Transversal Theater Company’s European tour) THE RANDALL THEATER SEASON Eastern Assist. To Jaymi Smith OTHELLO, COMEDY OF ERRORS Assist. to Lonnie Alcaraz Great River Shakespeare Festival DEAD MAN’S CELL PHONE Assist. to Lonnie Alcaraz Oregon Shakespeare Festival EDUCATION BLUE SHADE Co-designer, Stage Manager Bucharest, Romania *Currently earning an MFA in Lighting Design--The University of California Irvine (June 2012) (Transversal Company’s Eastern European tour) University Poland/Czech Republic BA DegreeTheater in Drama and Psychology & Social Behavior--The of California Irvine (June 2007) TITLES & AWARDS EDUCATION Co-Founder of Giraffe Hunt Theater, Los Angeles, CA(June 2012) MFA in Lighting Design--The University of California Irvine Resident Lighting Designer for Sage Hill High School, Newport, CA Irvine (June 2007) BA Degree in Drama and Psychology & Social Behavior--The University of California Resident Lighting Designer for Breath of Fire Latina Ensemble, Santa Ana, CA 2007 IES Intern for Architectural Lighting Design, LA & Orange County TITLES 2006 Medici Grant Award, scholarship for summer theatre study in London, UCIrvine ISquint Student Design Competition Winner, 2012 Resident Lighting Designer for & Sage Hill High School, Newport, CA SKILLS INTERESTS Lighting Designer Lightwright, for Breath of Fire Latina Ensemble, CA WindowsResident XP, MS Word, VectorWorks, MS Excel, Theater technicalSanta work Ana, (hang/focus/board op.) 2007 IES Intern for Architectural Lighting Design, LA & Orange Countyand yoga Acting, drawing, photography, horseback riding, traveling, snowboarding, crocheting, VectorWorks, Lightwright, Autocad, Photoshop, Windows XP, MS Word, MS Excel “Waiting for Godot” University of California, Irvine Directed by Dr. Robert Cohen This production of Waiting for Godot embraced the classical theatrical elements of the play and added the beautiful, silent season of winter to the environment. Vladimir and Estragon are in a perpetual state of waiting, where time cyclically trudges onward in a seemingly endless form of existence. An icy tree along with a haunting moon and occasional snowfall adorn the snow covered wooden stage. “The Donald McKayle Tribute” The Irvine Barclay Theater Artistic Director: Stephanie Powell Dance Companies: Alvin Ailey, Philadanco, Lula WAshington Dance Theater, The Wooden Floor, Dance Theater of Harlem, Dallas Black Dance Theater, Debbie Allen Dance Academy, Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Company, Jazz Antiqua Dance Ensemble, Las Vegas Contemporary Dance Theater, Dayton Contemporary Dance Company and UCI Etude Ensemble. Numerous world-renowned dance companies came together for an exhilarating night of dance and celebration to honor choreographer Donald McKayle for his contributions to modern dance. “Anna Karenina” Sage Hill High School Newport, CA Directed by Christopher Marshall Anna Karenina used harsh, sharp squares of conDining downlight to not only provide the setting for each scene, but to also let the audience feel the brewing emotional turmoil within Anna that eventually causes her to take her own life. “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” University of California, Irvine Directed by Diana Gray A bright, upbeat musical with tender emotional moments, Spelling Bee relied on lighting to transform the larger than life yellow gymnasium into colorful, bold places of childhood magic and memories. “Angel of the Desert” South Coast Repertory Theater Breath of Fire Latina Ensemble Santa Ana, CA Directed by Sara Guerrero A new work of magical realism, Angel of the Desert tells the story of an orphan child with dirty wings, longing to Dind love and acceptance in a cruel and unforgiving world. Lighting was able to portray both the harsh, violent desert environment and the loving moments of angelic hope. “The Glass Menagerie” University of California, Irvine Directed by Adrian Balbontin With very little scenery, this production of The Glass Menagerie allowed the lighting to have a delicate and broken quality that gradually exposed the frailness of the characters and their unraveling lives. “Dance Visions” University of California, Irvine Directed by Lisa Naugle Choreographers: Donald McKayle Molly Lynch Sheron Wray From classical ballet to contemporary pop- modern pieces, Dance Visions 2011 showcased a unique array of talents from the University of California, Irvine’s top faculty choreographers. “Charlie Brown” Sage Hill High School Newport, CA Directed by Mary Kildare This play was a lively, bright and colorful production about everyone’s favorite cartoon character, Charlie Brown. Bold washes of color and bright punchy musical numbers deDined the style of this production. “Abraham and Isaac In Jerusalem” University of California, Irvine Directed by Dr. Robert Cohen Produced with both the set and the audience on the stage of the Claire Trevor Theater, Abraham and Isaac in Jerusalem follows a group of American students who are producing a biblical play in Jerusalem. The lighting reDlected both the Jerusalem festival that the students were participating in as well as the magical mountain that the biblical play calls for. Holy backlight, festival string lights, and rich storybook colors treated the white marble stone stage. “Digging Up the Dirt” Breath of Fire Latina Ensemble Santa Ana, CA Directed by Cherrie Moraga & Adelina Anthony A play about violence, art, and the destructive qualities of love, Digging Up the Dirt was a heart wrenching production with bold, jewel-toned lighting looks reminiscent of never-ending desert sunsets. “The Daly News” Great River Shakespeare Festival Winona, MN Directed by Paul Barnes The Daly News is a nostalgic family tale told through a series of journals written out of a father’s love and determination to keep his family connected during times of war and separation. Lighting helped move the story from the musical memories found in the letters to the bittersweet reality using textures, bold colors, and warm vintage travel posters. “Dance Escape 2010” University of California, Irvine Directed by Sheron Wray Dance Escape 2010 was an elegant showcase of works from the University of California, Irvine’s graduate student choreographers. “Physical Graffiti 2010” University of California, Irvine Directed by Loretta Livingston Physical GrafUiti 2010 was choreographed by undergraduate students and ranged from stories of evil queens to modern industrial dances to soft feminine pieces. “The Herbert Siguenza Project” University of California, Irvine Directed by Herbert Siguenza The Herbert Siguenza Project provided the students of UCI a unique opportunity to work with Herbert Siguenza of Culture Clash to develop a new original work by interviewing individuals on the topic of survival. A warm wall of text and projection images were offset by a background of deep colors while the numerous vignettes required lighting to have a delicate speciDicity to highlight the action and draw attention . “All My Sons” Sage Hill High School Newport, CA Directed by Christopher Marshall A family’s secrets are revealed and lives are destroyed in this play of familial facades. The juxtaposition of a natural setting of real grass with the crumbling wall of projections as well as a language of isolated pools of light made for a beautifully designed tragedy. “Medea” Breath of Fire Latina Ensemble Santa Ana, CA Directed by Sara Guerrero A dark and sultry retelling of Medea’s love-driven murderous acts, this production of Medea combined the classic story elements of love and jealousy with the cultural ties of family and loyalty. “Dance Escape 2012” The University of California, Irvine Directed by Sheron Wray Dance Escape 2012 featured works from graduate choreographers and ranged from mysterious black light pieces to 1950’s romantic comedies. “Fall Festival” Ballet Repertory Theatre Huntington Beach, CA Directed by Anthony Sellars The Grammy Museum Los Angeles, CA David Malman Architectural Lighting Design The Grammy Museum was a project that called for an assistant to take the lighting designer’s vision and execute it in the space by installing, focusing, and coloring Dixtures to best treat the musical displays. Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” Sage Hill High School Newport, CA Directed by Jason Spelbring Produced in an outdoor courtyard, this production of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night was performed in a thrust conDiguration with beautiful stone columns, layers of texture through trees, and the natural setting sun to tell the story. The lighting had to work with the vast setting in order to keep things brightly lit for the comedic aspects of the play as well as reveal time of day. “Perfect Teeth for Crocodile Land” Theatre 68 Hollywood, CA Directed by Meghan Brown Perfect Teeth for Crocodile Land served as the premiere offering from Giraffe Hunt Theater, a production company created by myself and two other UCI alumni. We co-produced the show in Hollywood. I also designed the set and costumes, which was an invaluable learning experience for me. “W.A.C. Iraq” Breath of Fire Latina Ensemble Santa Ana, CA Directed by Jose Casas W.A.C. Iraq was a play that twisted stories from American soldiers and Iraqi citizens until their unbelievable stories inevitably crossed paths. Lighting took on the qualities of camouDlage to highlight the soldier’s story. It also portrayed beautiful hot red-orange sunsets that hinted at the Dire and pain that results from war. “Cinderella, the Musical” Sage Hill High School Newport, CA Directed by Jason Spelbring Cinderella, the Musical was a classic fairy tale princess story that called for a large stage and the color pink! The lighting had a sparkly quality with hanging string lights for the ball, and a purple hazy movement for the magical fairy godmother. “Scenes from an Execution” Sage Hill High School Newport, CA Directed by Christopher Marshall A play about the consequences of truth and art, the ally seating arrangement allowed one wall to represent a giant solid red painting on which shadows of the actors were cast, creating beautiful “paintings” with light during the production. “The Famine Plays” Theatre of Note Los Angeles, CA Directed by Amanda McRaven An apocalyptic tale of our Dinal hours, The Famine Plays traces the last moments of a hopeless struggle to resist bestiality and cling to any remaining strands of humanity. Lighting helped to portray a suffocating desert heat and the feeling of being utterly alone in a vast wasteland. Renderings Class Projects and Realized Work Architectural Renderings Class Projects