Supreme Court decided that the Bill was unconstitutional
Supreme Court decided that the Bill was unconstitutional
COURTOFTHEDEMOCRATIC IN THESUPREME OF SRI TANKA REPUBLIC SOCIALTST underAitlclc in ihe'nraiterof applicaticn: 121(1) of the Constitution A Bilititled"Divineguma" Before : Dr.ShiraniA. Bandaranayake ChiefJustice Coutt Judgeof the SuPreme DeP,PC PriYasath Coutt SuPreme the Judgeof PC EvaWanasundera, S,C,SPecialDetermination No.0U2012 Kaluge, Madduma Chamara Road, SriDevananda No.14/1, Thumbowila, Piliyandala. Petitioner Counsel Jayawardane' withShantha l.C.Weliamuna Bandara Kiriella andMevan nbepvardane Sunutu Vs. ;i. ii..ii lE:iir:: , i.,.'r:.+,;. General' Hon,TheAttorneY DePaftntent' nttoin.vGenerai's Colombo'12. ResPondent Counsel SC', "'Fo, AvanihiPerera, Gerreral theAttorneY I RenukaKusum .Priyanthi' Nikulasge Waththa' Munamale ftfo,SSZ, l(aluaggala, Hanwella' I ntervenient' ResPond ent Counsel PC',withM'S'A',Wadood' nMoh IkramMohamed, dffi ;' ndMirhu amed iililil#i]j''-ffi ;'N;;;;ik' Dr.NanaYakkarawasam Vijitha' Car'rjjawattege Road' No.7sC,Kenhinda UdaEriYagama, PeradeniYa' Interuenient'ResPondent and Counsel Wickramaratne de Silva,PC.,withPubudini Manohara Gamage Palitha Kalamanakaruwange Samurdhi. SriLankaNidahas Sangamaya' Niladaringe nu Sttnftunriikarana No.3,Miriswatta, Kotugoda' Intervenient-ResPondent Counsel KushanD'nlwislvithKaushalyaNavai'attieand Fernando Chanrath Fiarischandra' Rasanga Prasacj Vithanage Edirisinghe Galkaduwa, Imaclttwa' dent t ntervenient-ResPon Cciurrsel PC',with M.S.A.$ladocd, l''4chamed, Il<rarn and MilhanMohamed ntaieefaGathena Udalagama, Nilaritha Sandalatha' Chandrakanthi Arachchige Sinqamkutti landa, Meda trto.iz+/o, DomPe. I ntervenient- ResPondent Counsel and de Costa,PC.,with Dr.CodlinWaidyaratna Dr.JaYatissa Gamage Palitha Silva, Padrna DimiAdurage West, Pitipana i'lo.2B4l3, Homagama. Intervenient'ResPondent Counsel SagaraKariYawasarn DonJagaihKumara' ArachchiEe Sumithra Road, Udumulla No.569, Battaramulla, Intervenient-ResPondent Counsel Jayawardane' PC,,withSanjeeva FaiszMusthapha, Arr:lpragasam andlrliranjsn Musthapha Faiszer SunilWickramasinghe' Arachchige Solanga Ikkiliweva, No,506/469, Attanakadawala. Intervenient-ResPondent Counsel Cooray AliSabrywithRuwanthi M,U.M, RuPasinghe, Thanthilage MohoPPu Parangoda, No,24414, Dekatana. Intervenient-ResPondent Counsel JaYawardena Priyantha Karr-tnaratne FrajithRohana Bogodage Roac' \11ai A, FanniPitiYa Battaramulla' Intervenient-ResPondent Counsel withtlejjazHizbuilah Liyanapatabencly Ciiandana S,C.SPeciafDeterrn!natlon No,02/2012 NanaYakkara' P,B,D.J'W' Road' Kotte LB|4, PitaKotte' Fetitisner Counsel Mendis with Eshanthi DaYaratne SenanY Vs. t. MP, Hon.BasilRajaPaksa Development' ftfinitt t of EConornic Development' f"linitttyof Economic 464,T,B,JaYahMawatha, 10. Colombo 2. General, Hon.The AttorneY DePaftment' Attotn.YGeneral's 12. Colombo ResPondents Counsel and Wickramaratne de Silva,PC',withPubudini Manohard pJithuGarnage ior l't Respondent' Perera'tt" Avanthi Genera!' ,o,.theAttorney Kalamanakaruwange Samurdhi SriLankaNidahas Sangamaya' Niladaringe t-taSambandikarana No,3,Miriswatta, Kotugoda. Intervenient-ResPondent Counsel KushatiD,AlwiswiitrKausha|ya|lavaratneand Fei"nando Chamath Sunil\A/ickramasinghe' Arachchige Solanga No.506/469,Ikkiliweva' Attanakadawala' Interuenient-ResPondent Counsel Cooray AliSabrywith Ruwanthi M,U.M. Dinushi Chathurika Arachchige Ranasinghe Perera, Gangani Mawatha' iso/g, Parakrama trto. Notth, Hokandara Hokandara' Intervenient-ResPondent Counsel Jayawardane' PC,,with Sanjeeva. Faiszwlusthapha, rui''.'MusthaphaandNiranjanAru|pragasam. S.C.SPecialDeterrnination lto. 03/201? 1. -> Limited' (Guarantee) Centrefor PolicyAlternatives Lane, 2417,28th Off FlowerRoad, 07' Colombo Sara"'anannuttu' Dr.PaikiasothY Avenue, Ascot t'1o.03, 05. Colombo Petitioners Counsel and Fonseka withBhavani M,A,Sumanthiran G,D,Gunatillake Vs. General, Hon,TheAttorneY DePartment' General's AttorneY 12' Colombo ResPondent eounsel Generalwith PC',Solicitor Y,l.W.Wijayatilaka, Gamlath' fiiftf'tittte' PC''ASG''Suhada ssc'' Jayasinghe Birnba Pulle' Nerin pc.,Asc,,Indika d;;;i;;-diuE osc" SC''and Heratn,lll,i"ttttu Fernando' Suharshani AvanthiPerera'tt'' ,o,,the AttorneyGeneral MalaniHettiarachchi' Pttra' No,25A, Samagi South, Hokanciara Hokandara' Intervenient'ResPondent Counsel Jayawardane' PC',withSanjeeva Musthapha, 'ruitiu. Faisz Arttlpragasam andNiranjan Musthapha Couttassemb|edat10.45a.m.on27,08,20t2and11.30a.m,on29.08.2012. ABillbearingthetit|e.'Divineguma,,Waspub|ishedontheGazetteofthe RepublicofSriLankaonzT,oT,zotzandplacedontheorderPaperof havechatengedthe constitutionarity Fourpetitioners parriament on 10,08.2012. ofthisBi|lbythreeseparatepetitionspresentedtothisCourtandhavethereby invokedthejurisdictionofthisCourtintermsofArticlet2l(1)ofthe Constitution. givenduenoticeof the petitions' was General Attorney The Hon, I learnedCounsel sevei'al corrsideration' At thetimethe petltionsweretakenirtto have clnwhosebehaifFrapet's as intervenients, to be acjcjed soughtpermission werefiled AlthoughrelevantpaBers beenfiledas a partvto thesenroceeditrgs' for Counsel on inquirylearned the petitioners, lateandno copieshad reached Lreen to ttte saicireciuests submittedthat theyhaveno oLrjeciion the petitioners allowecand vuei'e all interventicns granted,if the couit so desii-es'Accordingly respondents' as intervenient wereaclded thery Counsei leartredPi'esideni's tfre peLitioners' Learnedcounsei represetiting counseland learnedPresident's 02120L2, in respondent 1't the representing solicitor andthe learned respondents intervenient counselrepresentirrg lear.ned Generallvere heardbeforethis on behalfof the flon. The Attorney General 29'08'2AI2' at the sittinqsheldon 27'08'7AI2and Berrch tooktlp a General !earnec*coliritcr thc Billivastakenintcconsideration, Befcre pre|iminaryobjectionstatingthatthetwopetitions,namelySCsD02l20l2and SCSDo3lz[I2,shouldberejectedin|imine,fornoncomp|iancewiththe mandatoryprocedurestipu|atedinArticlel2l(1)oftheConstitution. in terrnsof Article121 of the learnedsolicitorGeneralwasthat Thecontention within to delivercopiesto the Hon'Speaker it is necessary (1) of the constitution of this court' the jurisdlction time period,in orderto duly invoke the specified TheBi||,havingbeenp|acedontheorderPaperofParliamentonl0,0B.2012, the petitioners andtherefore on 17'08'2012 the periodof oneweekwouldelapse the deliveryof the the petitionto the supremecourtand shouldhavepresented copiestotheHon.Speakershou|dhavebeendoneonorbeforeLT,0B'20L2' LearnedSolicitorGenera|submittedthatthepetitioninSCSD02/2012hadbeen in sc sD that the'petition It wasalsosubmitted onlyon 20.08'2012. delivered a3lz[Lz,a|thoughhadbeensentonorbeforelT.0s.2C12ithadbeendelivered of Par'liament'The secretary-Gerieral the to btrt speakei-, Hon. noi to the in this regardwasthat the pi'ovisions of tne learnedsolicitorGeneral contentiorr andreiiedon the are mandatory constitution the of (1) i21 Article in contained determinationsofthisCourtinSriLankaTelecommunicationsBi|t(SCSD and securityBenefitsBill (sc sD No'137'91) and 7l-qL)'soeial Nos.5191,6/9i 5/2000)' AgrarianDevelopmentBlll (SCSD InSriLankaTelecommunicationsBi||(Supra)reierencewasmadetothe atrdtlris Coulthad ii-rArticle121(1) of the constitutiotr contained provisions the Articleas to the mannerin which that in provisions the that determinecl jurisdiciionoftheCourtcouidbeinvo|<edaremandatory.Artic|e121ofthe ju'isdictionin cxerciseof constitutionar ordinary the with deais Constitution i.espectofBi||s.Aitic|e]-21(1),whichiEthere|evantArtic|einregardtothe readsasfallows; General' Solicitor by tireieartted raise<l obiection Courtto ordinarily " The jurisdictionof the Supreme aforesaidmay be determineany suchquestionas written reference invokedby the Presidentby a by a to the ChiefJustice'or by anycitizen addressed to the SupremeCourt' petitionin writingaddressed shallbe made'or suchpetitionshall Sincereference beingplacedon be filed,withinoneweekof the Bill anda copythereof the order Paperof the Parliament, to the Speaker' shallat the sametime be delivered "citizen"includesa body'whether In this paragraph if not lessthanthreeor unincorporated' incorporated fourthsofthemembersofsuchbodyarecitizens"' l0 T h e p r o v i s i o n s c o n t a i n e d i n t h e a i o r e m e n t i o n e d A r t i c iconstitutional e,setsouttheprocedure the exercise ordinariry order to that has to be fo'oweciin firstly to Bills'In that it is necessary regarci in court supi'eme the of jurisdiction t o b r i n g t h e r e l e r , a n t B i l ! t o t h e a t t e n t i o n o f t h e S u p r e m ethe C o Supreme uftwithinaspecified of attention the to it Whilstbringing timedurationof oneweek' Hon' a copYof the petitionto the rdeliver to necessary be also court,it would Speaker.A.scieterminedbythisCourtinSriLankaTeiecommunicationsBil| (Supr.a)thepror,islonscontainedinArticlel'?.Iaremandatoryinitsnatureand thereforeitisnecessaryforstrictconrpliancebypartieswhowou|dbeinvoking thesaidiurisdiction' I n t h e i n s t a n t a p p l i c a t i o n s , v i z . , i n 0 2 l 2 0 L 2 , a s s t a t e dine a rlier,thepetitionhad whereas 03/2012'it 20,08.2012 orr oniy to the Hon.speaker beendelivered hadbeende|ivered0nI7,0B.zaL2,nottothet-lon.Speaker,buttothe of the Parliament' General SecretaryI n t e r m s o f t h e p r o v i s i o n s c o n t a i n e d i n A r t i c | e 1 2 1 ( 1 ) oon ftheConstitution,the Bi* beingpraced the order the of week one within petitionshourdbe fired PaperofthePar|iamentandacopythereofsha||atthesametimebe de|iveredtotheSpeaker.ThisCourthasconsideredon eweektobeaperiod (supra))' sincethe Billhad Bill of 7 days(sri LankaTelecommunications beenp|acedontheorderPaperofthePar|iamenton10.08,2012thepetition .hadtobefiledbeforethisCourtintermsofthel2l(1)oftheConstitutiononor before17,08,20t2' LearnedCounselforthepetitionersinSCSD03/2012submittedthatthe petitionerhasfiledthepetitionbeforetheSupremeCourtonlT,0B.20l2and .copyofthesaiddocumentshadbeenservedontheHon.Speakerintermsof A.rticlel21(1)oftheConstitution.InfactinRegister,edAttorneysforthe in theirmotionhasstatedthus: petitioners ll l3 (1) in ternrsof Article121 ANDWI-IEREAS a copyof ttrismotiotr Constitution' the of (1) 134 and "Pl" to marked Documents Petition' the with iogether on theretohas beenserved "P3c".and the Affidavit and tlte of Parlianrerit Speaker Honouraltie tlre Postand by Registered General Attorney Honourable are PostalArticleReceipb the relevantReqistered ' ' ' " heretcin proofof same annexed " ' ontheReceiptoftheaforesaiddocuments,theRegistraroftheSupremeCoutt' whichreadsthus: hadmadeentryin the Docket' Attorneys-at& Balendra' Sundaralingam " Sinnadurai' Affi'javitarrciDocurnents Law fite Pror:y'Petitiort' of the receiptNc' 2'2T730418 ancl P3c to P1 marked for Rs'200"' 17'08'2012 ThedatestampofSupremeCourtRegistryonthepetitionreadsaslTAugust 20L2. ThusitisapparentthatthepetitionhadbeenfiledbeforetheSupremeCourton tT.0B.20r2andatthesametimeacopyofthesaidsetofdocumentsweresent u n d e r R e g i s t e r e d P o s t t o t h e H o n . S p e a k e r i ncourt' Par|ia m edate n t ' Tstamp hepetitionershav The to this Articre Receipt postar copiesof the alsosubmitted Registereo that it hadbeensentunder inciicates Articie postar Receipt of the said Poston t7'08'2012' in SC of the petitioners petition the that hadsubmitted Generar soricitor Learned onlyon Zb'OS'ZOfZ' to the Hon'Speaker delivered been had SD03/2012 t) shouldbe Eitlen '{-hequestion that arisesat this pointis as to the meaningthat The said (1) of the constitution' to the worddeliveredin termsof Article121 in Article contained in the lightof the prcvisions hasto be conside:-ec meaning filing of the petitionin the 121 (1) of the constitutionwith regardto the SupremeCoutttoinvoketheConstitutionaljurisdictioninrespectofBi||bya referredto eariier,is repeated citizen,The reievantsentencein the provision, henceforth: shallbe made,or such Suchreference petition shall be filed, within one week of the Bill being placed on the Order Paper of the anda copy thereofshall at the same Parliantent, " time be deliverecito theSPeaker [o takesiepsfiistlyto iiie tirepetiLiort for tl-,epetiiioiieis necessaiy Ii is therefoi.e on the placed Courtwithina periodof oneweekof the Billbeing in the Supreme to the a copyhas to be delivered order Paperof the Parliament.Thereafter, in orderto that a petitioner' Hon.speakerat the same time' Thismeans will in Article121 (1) of the constitution stipulated complywith the provisions to seethat the petitionis filedin the supremecourt and haveactsimultaneousiy to the Hon'Speaker' to be delivered andhadsentthe sameto in sc sD 02/2012wasfiledon 17.08.2012 Thepetition Post, The meaningof the word Hon.speakeron the sameclayby Registered ,.delivery"could be definedas mailedor dispatched'The Oxford English as the (2noEdition(VolumeIV), Page362)definesthe word delivery Dictionary the handsof another,especially actionof handingover or conv€yinginto the goods entrustedto him for a action of a carrierin deliveringlettersor outby wayof to a personat a distance,Suchcouldbe easilycairied conveyance I J had beensent by F'egistered postingand in the presentmatterthe documents cf coutt' In the determinaticn Poston the samedayit wasfiledin the supreme Billhad the relevant Bill (Supra) thiscourtin sri LankaTetecommunicatlons and the periodof on 05'03'1991 beenplacedon the orderPaperof Parliament court Thepetitionto the Supreme oneweekcameto an end on 12.03,1991. the copyto the Hon' withinone week on i2,"i3'199L, had beensubmitted to ihe above Thiscourtreferring hadbeenpostedonlyon 13.03.1991' speaker statedthus: Cou''thasbeen ihe petiticnto the Suprente " Aithouglr the copy withinone week(on 12'03'1991) presented been posted on to the Speakerhas horruever ^Ihe oneweek'to be a 13,03,i991' Courtccnsidereo of 7 daYs' Period that' on to determine 53iflfhatythe Cortrtrnlent Ha,,ring petitionhad " In the instantcase,as the copyof the notbeende|iveredtotheHon,speakeratthesame to the Supreme timeas the petitionwas presented Courttherehadbeennoproperinvocationofthe jurisdictionof the SupremeCourt to hear and the mattersin the petitions"' determine a (1) of the constitution it is apparentthat in termsof Article121 Therefore 7 daysperiodafterthe relevantBill petitionhasto be filedwithinthe stipulated and at the sametimethe said is placedon the order Paperof the Parliament processwhatmattersis shouldbe sentto the Hon,speaker'In the documents and carriedout to be simultaneous the filingand the postingof the petitions periodof 7 days' withinthe stipulated / properly it is clearlyevidentthat the petitionershad in sucl'rcircumstances, the matters Courtto hearancjdetermine of theSupreme thejurisOiction invoked in thepeiitionin termsoi Article121(1) of the Constitution' the basisthat the petitionhAd Thesecondobjection,as statedearlier,vvason it to insteadof addressing of the Parliarnent beensentto the Secretany-General theHon,SPeaker' LearnedCounselforthepetitionercontendedthatthesaidobjectionisana|ogous of this court not deliveredto the Registrar that pleadings to a subnrission is utterryfrivorous the chiefJustice,It wasarsosaidthat the objection reaching of Articlei21 (1)of the constitution' to the spiritandpurpose andcontrary in Articte121(1) regardingthe delivery cotttained of the provisiorrs Thepurpose to the supremecouft is of a copyoi the petition,whichhad beensubmiited la Thispi-ovision quitcclearand is st:tec in Article121(2) of the ccnstituticn' asfollows: ..WherethejurisdictionoftheSupremeCourthasbeen soinvokednoproceedingsshal|behadinPar|iament inrelationtosuchBi||unti!thedeierminationofthe Supremecoutthasbeenmade,ortheexpirationofa periodofthreeweeksfromthedateofsuchreference occursfirst"' or petition,whatever to ensurethat parliamentary The objectiveand the purposethereforeis duringthe pendency in respectof theBillin questionaresuspended proceedings that processof sendingthe of the inquirybeforethe supremecourt. whilst, periodto the Hon' petitionfiled in the supremecourt within the specified beingsent to the it cannotbe saidthat the documents is mandatory, Speaker l5 time frameis not in withinthe stipulated of the Farliamerrt Secretary-General withArticle12i (i) of theCoirstitutiott' cornpiiance raisedLrythe learned objections the preliminary For the reasonsaforesaid areoverruled, General Solicitor of a "establishment to its iongtitle is to providefor tne Tire Biil,according of Divineguma to be calledancl known as the Deoartment Department of sri Lankaestablished Authority the samurdhi by amalgamating Development oi'sri tankaestabiisfred Authoriry Deveiopnrent by Act,No.30oi 1995,Southern Authorityof Sri LanKa by Act, No,lB of 1996,the UdarataDevelopment Based commutrity Divinegunia by Act, No,26of 2005;to establish established netwoi'kat the at rut'allevelandto providefor a co-orrJinating organizations BasedBanks Community Divinequnra level;to establish ievelandirational district Samurdhi communityBasedBankingsccieties,to repeal and Divineguma Authr;iflofSr:Lanka,Act,llc.30cft995,southei-nDevclcprnentA'uthoriiTof of sri Lanka' Authority Development Act,No.18of 1996andUdarata sri Lanka, Act,No,26of2005andtoprovideformattersconnectedtherewithorincidenta thereto." counselfor the all learned weretakenfor consideration whenthethreepetitions couldbe takentogether' agreedthat all petitions petitioners to intends thatthe Billin question contended for the petitioners counsel Learned Act, No'30 of 1995' Southern repealthe samurdhiAuthori$of sri Lanka Development AuthorityAct, No.lB of 1996,and the Udarata Development knownas the Department Act, No.26of 2005in orderto form one Authority DivinegumaDevelopmentDepartment.SeveralsubmissionsWeremadeby learnedCounseIforthepetttionersregardingtheinconsistencieswiththe of the Constitution' provisions t6 fufther submittedthat the Bill nas been Counselfor the petitioners Learrred to Article154(G) (3) of the contrary placedon the orderPaperof the Parliarnent that are referredto in as the Billdealswith severa!subjectrnatters constitrrtion, it to the constitution'Therefore schedule Ninth the of List council the Provincial on the basisof the thel groundof challenge was deciced,first to consider I I requii-enrenttocomp|ywithArtic|e154(G)(3)oftheConstitt-ttion' to the with the 13thA'mendment along Article154 (G), whichwas introduced anciArticle154(G) (3) Councils tlealswiththe statutesof Provincial Constitutiott, readsasfollows: set out in the " No Bill in respectof any rnailer law utrlesssucfr Councillist shallbecotrie Provincial after its BiIi has been referredby the tii.esident, in the Cazcttcand befcreit ls pla;edon publicaticn to every Provincial the OrderPaperof Parliament' of its viewsthereon'within for the expression Council and in the reference' suchperiodas maybe specified to the passing a) WhereeverysuchCouncilagrees of the" df the Bill,suchBillis passedby a majority presentandvoting;or of Parliament Members to the do not agree b) Whereoneor moreCouncils of the Bill,suchBill is passed by the passing majorityrequiredby Atticle82; special t7 somebut not that whereon suchreference' Provided agreeto the passingof a Councils all the Pro'''incial onlyto the lawapplicable Bill,suchBillshallbecome ProvittcesforwhichtheProvincialCouncilsagreeing uponsuchBilibeirrg to the Biiihavebeenestablished' oi Pallianietii by a maiorityoi the ivlem'uet's pa5secl . andvoting"' Present wasbrieflythat several the petitioners for counsel learrred all of Thesubmission in the contained subjects severa! rr,rith of the Billin questionweredealing clauses to the constitution' Learned provincial councilList in the Ninthschedule in the the sutrjects tabulized 03/2012had sD sc in petitioners the for counsel councillist' The said to the itemsin the Provincial Billthat havea co-relation Tabteisgivenbelow: Tablei in the Bill Clause Carrying out Clause 4(a) activitiesas may be develoPment to alleviatePovefi and to required bringabouta societyguaranteeing (Divineguma equitY social to the Relateditem in NinthSchedule Constitution List) Council (ListI - Provincial Item 2 - - ImPlementation Planning economic Plans of Provincial dst ,ifr Item 10- RuralDeveloPment # na DePaftment) DeveloPment de i v l8 withinthe Disiribution @tYforeach (Divineguma individualand farnily ment) DePaft DeeveloPment Clause4(f) infrastructure anc sociai; itfrysrca', for facilities develoPment of (Divineguma Province : coffirctmn acti'lift'in 1 resPectof arrYsubjectin the Pi'cvlnclalCouncil livelihooos DeveloPment Departnrent) Item 6 - Province I Item destitute Personsand families DeveloPment Rehabilitationand welfareof PhYsicallY' mentatlYand sociallY Persons handicaPPed Item7:4 - Reliefof the disabled andunemPloYable 2l l9 Iterni.5 - ti'iarketiairs resources ancjfinancial availabie rrhysical for the saiC PUrPose(Divin5gurna meni) DePaft Development - ImPlementation Item 2 - Planning economic cf provincial Plans i upliftliving andsocially economically Item 5;3 Department) Developrnent . activiiYin Construction resPectof atrYsubjectin the ProvincialCouncil List Item 6 Roads and bridgesand ferriesthereonwithinthe Province Item 10- RuralDeveloPment Clause9 - CommunitY Organizations Item t7:L Co-oPerative undertakings and the organization,reg!stration, and audit of supervision co-oPerative Societies withinthe Province ) - Co'oPerative withiit DeveloPnrettt the Province Regulation of 28. trninctlrP0rated literarY' trading, scientific, religious and other societies anciassociations se i1(k) to undertakeand deveioPntent proqramnieslautiched with the labour contribution of the ffiImplementation economic Plans of provincial item 10- RuraiDeveloPment ccrrimunitY (Ccrnmu;ritY Based Organizations) Co-oPerative 17:t ffiaRegional I undeftakings and the registration' organization, and audit of suPervision co-oPerative societies withinthe Province Item Co-oPerative L7:2 develoPmentwithin the Province Item 28 Regulation of , . - 23 unincorporated tradinj literary,scientific, religious and other societiesand associations Ciause.i6(e) provicie,tethnicai assistarrce andoilrerservices for the developrnent oi' agricuiturai or any otherproducts of its beneficiaries in the reEion(Dirrineguma Regional Organizations Clausei6 (0 -- maintaincentresfor Agi'iculture,inc!uding agricultural extension, prornotionand education for provincial purposes andagrictrltural services item 15- Marketfairs storage andmarketing ltheRurchase, of productsand raw-materialand organize trading centres and shopping centres (Divineguma Regional Organizations) 22 10: RuralDtveloPment ttr \1 fairs m 15- Market \ I It( \ I I I \ Organizai-iorrs) the formulation 2i .- subjectto of and imPlementation to PolicYin regard Irlational arrdPlanning' develcPmettt to Promote' the Po\^Jer engage ln establish and incius"rial' agricultural' trading commercial and and cther enterPrises incomegeneratingPrcjects \ II \ \ \ the Provin"___-.*-rnrithin \ - ^ . 1 .welTarc nrplfafC welfare i anci 7lt:-Rehabil'rdtron ftffi7;t:-Rthtb'littttn \ anrl ment-a111' of Plrvsicall'1' handicaPPed sociallY Item persons the disabledand 7:4 - Reliefof unemPloYable @winsof the extent money to under any permittedbY or law madebYParliament of moneY item35:ftre norrowing or bY the extent Permitted made bY under anY law Parliament L) f does that the Billin questionin its entirety submitted solicitorGeneral Learned counciisor anyother cf the Pt'ovincial functicns and po\ryers the cn not impinge contention councilslist' In supportof this in the Provincial stipulated nratters |earnedSo|icitorGenera|reiiedonthemajoritydeterminatiotrinlnRethe constitution' Bili anci the Frovinciai Thirteenth Amendment to the provi'cialc.r,rrcils Lhai: ^ it rrass[atecj councifBi* (sc sD Nos.7 +gftr)where bodies power arrdare cnty subsicjiary legislative so,rereign exercise not do that itr tei'rnsof it was aisosubtiti'cted powers' iegislative limited exercising shailnot abdicateor in any Parliament the constitution, the of Article76 (1) with an\'r powerandshallnot set rlp enyauthcr"it'7 it's leglslaiive alienate nranner legislative Power. to Amendment the Tlrirteenth regarcling It is correctthat in ihe clei.errnirration theConstituticn,themajorit,vjudgmenthadclearlyreferredtothe Courthad the Supreme decision the n'laiority in that In position. afoi.ementioned he|clthatrle|egated|egis|ationis|eqa|andpermittedanddoesnotitrvolveany powerin favourof any newlycreated legislative of abdication or abandonment legislativeauthority.Itfurthersaidthatnonew|egis|ativebodyarmedwiih to make is createdwhena newbodyis empowered authority generallegislative legislation' subordinate However,thequestionwhichhasarisenhereisnotwithregardtotheauthority thathasbeengiventotheProvincialCounci|s,ProvinciaICouncilsWer submittedby the learned to makestatutesand what had been empowered So|icitorGeneralreferringtothemajorityjudgmentinthedetermination basedon the saidpowerfor the Provincial was Amendment 13th the regarding thiscourt is with regardto the before question The statutes. to enact councils in on subjectsstipurated to passregisration of the centrarGovernment authority theProvincialCouncillistoftheNinthScheduletotheConstitution' .., A wasto introduce to the Constitution of the 13thAmendment Themainpurpose had of the Constitution pro,rincia! in the countrv.Article154 (A) (1) Counciis for everyProvince'The councilto be established for a Provincial madeDrovision pcuJer councilsin 1987'\^/astC deVolve cf Provinciai of 'r.heintroduciion prjrpose vrlhichwashithertovesterjintheCentralGovernmenttoProvincia|Counci|s. in Town ancl country Pianning As referrecto in the detei'rnination (Aniendment)Bill(SCSD03/20i1),intheSuprcrneCcuftceternrinatloninln constitution Bill and the Provincial RE ThirteenthAmendrnentto the of the Provincial statedthattheintroduction councilsBill (supra),it wasclearlv of authority,whichincluded'inter devolution of purpose t5e for was councils by the SupremeCourt WaSemphasized devo|ution,Thisposition alia,|egis|ative commissionerof Agrarian services in MaddumaBandarav Assistant statedthus: B0)urhereit tryas ([2003]2 Sril-,P.. ''lhej-3:hHnlertomenitothet]ons[itution,w|rici.rcar-i]e er I9B7' was chieflyintroduced into effectin Novemb powerfrom the Central for the purposeof devolving Councils"' to theProvincial Government councilswere empoweredto make such power,the Provincial In devolving whichdealswith the statutesof statutes.Articlei54 (G) of the constitution, in the of the threelistsenumerated refertb the applicability provincial Councils, their councilsare exercising whereProvincial gthscheduleto the constitution sametime Afticle154 (G) refersto povrerto make such Statutes. At the hasto refercedain president of the Republic the Excellency His where instances of the viewsof the Provincial councilsfor the expression Billsto the provincial (G) (2) clearlystatesthat a Bill for the councils.For instance,Article154 of chapterXVil A of the pt'ovisions of amendmentoi' repealof the purpose of its councilfor the expression to the provinciar hasto be referred Constitution 25 L it is pracedon the or"der before ancj Gaz-erre the in viewsaftei-its pubrication PaperofPar|iament.Whi|stArticle154(G)(2)reiertotheChapiercontaining A r t i c l e s 1 5 4 A t o 1 5 4 V , A r t i c l e 1 5 4 ( G ) ( 3 ) r (G) e f e(3), r t o vrhich a B i i l was i n r e'eferred spectofmattersset 154 \ Ai'ticie saici Tire rist. provinciar counc' the in out toearlier,ciearlyprovidecifor,tirepr.oceciui-ethathastobefoilornledhyth C e n t r a l G o v e r n m e n t w h e n i t b e c o m e n e c eschedule s s a r y t to o l ethe g i sconstitution' lateonasubjectwhichis irinth tr-re of List cou'cii in the provincial contained Inthat,iftheBillinquestiorrdealswithasubjectmattersetoutintheProvinciai CounciiList,sooiiaftei,itspubllcationintheGazetteandbeforeitisplacedon theorderPaperofPar|iament,itisnecessaryforHisExce|lelrcythePresidentto i'eferittoeveryProvinciaICounci|fortheexpressiorrofitsviews. C o n s i d e r i n g t h e p t r r p o s e o n w h i c h t h e l 3 t h A raid m e n d m einnAn-icie t w a s ir54 ntroduced,andt this procecrure down cor-rncils, pro'inciar of the esrabrishnrent ( c ) ( 3 ) h a s t o l r e r e g a r d e d a s m a r r c l a t o r y s i n cthat e o t hthis erw i s ebeen t h e the cbjectofthesaid has it is to be noted ivioreover Articlewouldbe defeated' usedin the beenrepeatedrrT has sha* wor',1 the and of the regisrature intention Constitution' Article154(G)(3) oi the I n f a c t i n t h e d e t e r m i n a t i o n o f l n R e T h(supra), i r t e e nthe t hmajority A m e n ddecision menttothe counc*s Bit provinciar the constitutionand authority of devolving in the direction taken were that to the steps hasreferred thus: thispositionit wasstated to Referring Councils' to Provincial itselfto rnustdevelopand adapt " Healthydemocracy The activitiesof Central circumstances' changing substantialpowers and include now Government at a levelcloserto be exercised functionsthat should (4) hasin mindthe aspirations the people'Article27 of in the governance participate to people of the local LO of a handing-over theirregions.The Billsenvisage for the ciomesticaffairs of each responsibiliW of a unitedSri Lanka' province, withinthe framework needs theparticuiar Theygivenev/scopefor meeting air,.i desii-esof ihe pecple of each prcvince' cf cnsuringthat ;s a'uscfuln'leans Decentraiizaticn is foundedon an in the provinces administration cf the ;reeCs and wishesof the understanding and of elecLed pro"'inces.The creation respective institutionswith respectto each administrative means- gives province- that is what devolution principle'" shapeto thedevr:lutionary evidentthat in termsof Article154(G) (3) of the Constitution, It is therefore Lrst,lt is Councii to in tlte Provinciai to the subjectmattersreterred withregarci before Councils the Provincial to consult Govei-nment for the Central nrarrdatory placingsuchtype of a Bill on the OrderPapercf Parliarnent.Whensuch by uraycf provisions Councils, authorityhas beenattributedto the Provincial that cannotbe takenavvayunlessby way of in the Constitution, contained laid down in orderto amend such constitutional followingthe procedure are of a pieceof legislation and the language Wherethe intention provisions. for thereshouldnot be any necessity clearandwhenthereare no ambiguities, of suchprovisions. or interpretation anytypeof conptruction that dealswith severalmatters As shownearlierin TableI, the Billin question in termsof List.In thecircumstances, Council underthe Provincial comedirectly that beforeplacingthe Bill on the Order Articlei54 (G) (3), it is mandatory for the Councils paperof the Parliament, to the Provincial for it to be referred that the of their views. LearnedSolicitorGeneral,Submitted expression statedin ListII oi provincial on the subjectS haveno poweror authority Councils 11 that the firstitem to the constitution.He fudhercontended the Ninthschedule functions'Learned in the saiClistis fhe NationalPolicyon all subjectsand commission Transpott of the l'Jaticna! reliedon the enactrnent solicitorGeneral r:f that Act are in Act, No,37of 1991andstateCtirat someof the prq'isions prcvincialCouncilt.,ist,but as the Act relatestc conftictwith itenr B of the Couttandit brrthe Supreme wastrphe!d vaiiCity Poiicyits constituticnal l',lationai wasaisomadeto thedetermination rnajorify,Reference by a simple hacipassed Bi!|, (sc 5D 02/91" of thrscourt is In Re Agrarianservices(Amendment) in tirat Biilwerematterscf and statedthat all matters,Jeaitrruith and 0419L) to the it fell withinListil oi the NiirthSchedule ilationa!Pclicyandther-efore wasthat sincethe Genera! solicitor of the learned Thecontention constitution. Policyand in ternrsof the reservedlist of the Ninth Bill dealswith National central Pclicyon all subjeclsis a matteronly for the National schedr;le, of Article154 doesnotcomewithinthe purview the Billin question Gcvernmetrt, \ (G)(3) of the Constilution. in sc sD No'02]20i7' counselfor tne i"'t respotrdent LearnedPresidenl's Vi of in Chapter principles stlpulated of StatePolicv thattheDirective contended of the State' Policyframeurork is the National the constitution deals Counsel as statedby the learnedPresident's chapterVI of the constitution of statePolicy.Asclearlystatedin Article27 (I) of Principles with the Directive setoutin Article27 (2) areto guide principles thesaiddirective the constitution, of laws in the enactment andthe cabinetof Ministers the President Parliament, givesa general of the country.Article27 (2) of the constitution andgovernance socialistsocietywouldbe outlookof severalareason whicha democratic bythe State' aspledged established is a matter and functions Policyon all subjects that National It is not disputed haveno councils andthe Provincial withinthe scopeof the centralGovernment 2 8 ; f to o s r r € r : o t e g i s l a t e o n n a t i o n a l p o councils l i c y n o r iifs tthe h e rcenti'e e a r e qhas u i r edecided mentfortheCeirtral ihe provinciar G:..efimenrto consuit policy' an national on a nratterbased legislate to the directive equated be cannot poticywithina countr/ the Naticnar However, principlesottheStatePolicv,asit)vou|c!varyfromonesubjectareatoanother National areasasdeaiingwith subiect or a subiect to car.ego'ise constitutiorr' Ii is not feasible chapterVI of the in tc referred neun poiicymererybecauseit has tn T h e r e h a v e b e e n v a r i o u s m e t h o d s a d c po*cy, ptedto e c i ccietermination least:-''":T::subject ind the Nationar a B*r dearswith functional areareferredtcl in and zsrzoo3)the z4rz0$ sD (sc Bit the Bilr'eferredto ln water services Reference contained the matter to decidewhether provinciarpubric applied rryas test The v and others in Kamarawathei poricy, Nationar sets S e r v i c e C o r n r n i s s i o r r , l . l o ; t ! r W e s t estated r n P rthat o v i ncircular c e ( [ 2 No'95111 001]lSriL,R,t),the transfers to teacher of supremecourt referring an importantaspect is vvlrich poricyon teachertransfers, out the Nationar education' considered to be careful|y Nationa|?.:]:u,:'' clear|yshowthat of differentsubiect Theseinstances respect in priorto i$ promulgation' and duryformurated areas' poticy' the Bi*is on national whbther is whicharisesat thisiuncture Thequestion Coudhas Bill (Supra)'this Reference on Water Services of nationalpolicy In the determination question the on determine on testto be usedto determination the laiddownthatthe in to referred test. Thistest was had functionar the be wourd (supra),and this court Bit pranningAmendment Town and country statedthus: the questionas to whethera subject " In determining rnatterisdealingwiththeNationalPoiicyornot,it the nature to consider wouldthereforebe necessary oftheprovisionscontainedintheBill,itspurposeand in the contained in the lightof the provisions objec*" ThirteenthAmendmenttotheConstitutionandthe to the in the NinthSchedule threeListsenumeratec! Constitution.'' and the objectof the the pui'pose to consider It wouldthereforebe necessary poilcy with the Nationar dears Biil the whether to as question the Bilrin deciding subiect' of therelevant of a ear|ier,refer to the estab|ishment I,he |ong iitie uf thc Bi!|, statecl Thiswould Development' of Divineguma knownas the Department Department whichare currentry of threc Authorities by the amaigamation be estabrished wouldbe the samurdhiAuthority'southern ThesethreeAuthorities functional. Authority' The Bill also Development Udarata and Authority Development at Basedorganizations community of Divineguma for the establishment provides leveland nationallevel' It is also rurallevelwith a networkat the district communityBasedBanksand Divinegunta intendedto establishDivineguma CommunityBasedBankingsocieties.Intheprocess'provisionistobemadet Authorityand Udarata Development repealthe samurdhiAuthority,southern AuthoritY' DeveloPment has beenntadeto National reference that in the Preamble It wascontended readsasfollows: Policy.ThePreamble economlc "WHEREAS,in furtherance of the effect to the develoPment Processand in giving 30 nationalpolicyofalleviatingpovertyandensuring y to improvetl-re socialequity,it hasbecomeilecessaf individual,family and group centeredlivelihood " activities' develoPrnent i \ \ itratexceptfcrrthe wordnationalpolicyihe restcrfthe demons'rrates to in severalsubjectareaswhichare i'eferred and includes itemsare functional whenthe longtitle and the Preamble councilList, Forinstance, the Provincial at grassroot levelof the togetherthey referto the development areconsidered Itein 1Col'theListI basedon ruralclevelopntertt' society,Thisis urirjoubtecily andthe entiresubjectis thereforedevolved'It is dearswith rurardeveropment aspectsof the povrerto alsoto be notedthat in Item 21 of ListI, the functional andtrading cornmercial inCustrial, andengage!n agricultural, establish prornote, in projects lvithinthe provinceis '.rested andotherincomegenerating enterprises Councils' ihePt'ovii-rcial Mahinda LearnedsolicitorGeneralcontendedthat the Bill is based on the of chintanayathat was approvedby the cabinetand that it was in respect for the centralGovernment'Learned Policy,whichis an areareserved National or any Counselfor the petitionerssubmittedthat the saidMahindaChintanaya shouldnot overrideand contradictthe otherdocumentby the Government of SriLanka, Constitution law is the basicandfundamental It is to be bornein mindthatthe Constitution are subjectto of the land,whichreignssupremeand all otherdocuments to notethat in terms it is alsorelevant in the Constitution. contained provisions Courthasthe soleandexclusive the Supreme of Article120of the Constitution, any questionas to whetherany Billor any provision to determine jurisdiction theConstitution' rryith therecfis inconsistent a t J I Asclearlyexamined earlierseverai subjects the contained in ihe Billcome'r,rithin Counci! Provincial l-istin the NinthSchedule to the Constitution. The subjects in Tablei. it is also rverecompareC l,riththe relative itemsin the NinthSchecjule quiteclearthat the provisions of the Bill are functional in nature,whichare closely linkedto the maiterscontained in the Bill. Accordingly the Brllcannotbe \ poiicyandLherefore considered as settingout nationai doesnot cornewiihinihe purviewof ListIi ot tne tlintnScheduie It is not Cisputcd to the Constii,,rticiri, thatthe Pro,rincial Councils oi'the carneintotieingas a i'esuit of the introducticn 'fhirteenth a Amendment to tlreCorrstittrtion irr 1987.Tl-re objectwasto achieve reginreon the basisof the powerwhichrnras moredemocratic constitutional hithertovested+;iththe Centi-al Government, beingderrolved to the Provincial Centres,By this process/ have in termsof Article154(G),certainrestrictions beenplacedwithregardto enacting which lawsby the Centre overthe subjects are specificaliy cievolved to the Provincial Councils,When there are such restrictions, thosecannotbe overcome by a merereference of nationalpolicy. SuchaciionslvculConly negatethe whole prlrposeof the introduction of Councils Provincial in orderto devolvepower. As Bindra(Intei-pretation of Statute,7ti'edition,B0)hascorrectlypointedout anclas hasbeenreferredto in Maithripala ([1998]2 Si-iL.R.333), Senanayake v Mahindasoma "Unless thewordsareclear,the Courts shouldnot so construe the provisoas to attributeto the Legislature to give with one hand and take away with another"(emphasis added), Learned Solicitor Generalsubmitted that the Billunderreferencehad not been referred by HisExcellency the President to the Provincial Councils as stipulated in Article154(G)(3) of the Constitution. )L Sincesrchprocedurelrasnotbeencomp|iedwith,wemakeadeterminationin L23 0f the constitutionthat the Bil! in termsof Aticle 120 read with Article councilList and shall the Provincial qrresthnis in respectof mattersset out in to the President referredby His Excellency been has it unless lainr beconne not bv;Aiticle154(G) (3) cf the constittttion' fourrcilas required e./eryprovincial ;! cornpliance u"ithc'ut paperof parilament As,.e Bi,,hasbeenpracedin the order wculd no detet'nrination of Ai'ticle154(G)(3) of the constitlttion' withprovisions of challenge' bemadeat thisstageon the othergrounds given of the valuableassistance we shallplaceon recordour deepappreciation csunselfor the 1" learnedPresident's by all learnedcounselfor the petitioners, counseland learnedcounselfor President's learned all 0212012, in t responden on soricitorccnerelivhc appeared ar,j ilre reai-iiecj resporicerrts the intervenient General' behalfof the Attoi'neY Bc'*,^----jk^ St^^- l\ A. Bandara@9ke, Dr.Shirani ChiefJustice - t l \ dAq:% PriyddfhDep,PC,, Court Judgeof theSuPreme o bY*'**'= PC., EvaWanasundera, Court Judgeof the SuPreme
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