2010–2011 Annual Report
2010–2011 Annual Report
A Y E A R IN N REE V I E W 48 5 Events, tours, and more enrich the entire community Letter from the Director and President 14 30 Accessions bring new strength to the collection Exhibitions offer new insights about art and our world A Y E A R IN N REE V I E W Exhibitions & Publications List Our Donors 92 66 Accessions List 96 Director’s Circle Patrons’ Circle Contributors’ Circle Corporate, Government & Foundation Grants Special Gifts & Sponsorships Matching Gift Companies Trustees & MIA Staff 106 Memorials & Tributes Named Endowment Funds Gifts of Art & Funds for Art Acquisition Financials 114 New Century Society Bequests Honor Roll Click any of these “buttons” or links to jump to individual sections. Museum Information 118 Front: Jennifer Steinkamp, American, born 1958 Hurdy Gurdy Man (Chrysanthemums), 2006, video installation, Gift of funds from Barbara Steiner, Diane and David Lilly, and Samuel D. and Patricia N. McCullough 2010.57 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 3 4 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report LET TER from fro the Director and President Our mission is to enrich our community by collecting, preserving, and makin making accessible outstanding works of art from the world’s diverse divers cultures. The MIA staff, board, and volunteers have worked together in support of our mission, demonstrating tenacity, ing ingenuity, and focus in their efforts. Eras marke marked by rampant collection growth, building expansions, an and blockbuster exhibition cycles are behind us, for now. Ins Instead, this era is one of community engagement. Ticket ssales now share importance with the depth and quality of the connection with our visitors. This is not mere merely a pragmatic reaction to a challenging economy; it’s aan emphasis we’ll be dedicated to even as the recession fills the rearview mirror. For instance, we’re encouraging people to explore Fo the collection in novel ways: to download an image th of the week on their smart phones, to take guided o ttours in Spanish, to visit us during Third Thursday, to interact with our curators on Facebook, and to follow our Tweets and blog posts about the collection. It is a time for innovative connections with our communities, visitors, and online supporters. Ultimately, these connections lead to museum visits, lifelong learning, stronger communities, and life-changing encounters with art. [continued on the next page] 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 5 LET TER As a reflection of this change, we speak now about participation, not just attendance. This year, total museum participation—via social media, loan of artworks, classroom activities, Web hits—increased significantly. Though attendance is lower than last year due to the outstanding popularity of 2010’s “The Louvre and the Masterpiece” exhibition, we’re proud to have welcomed 470,831 visitors through our doors. Thanks to our generous donors, we raised more than $7.2 million to support our exhibitions and programs, and we added more than 3,600 new museum members. We finished the fiscal year again with a balanced budget—and it was not easy. I applaud our incredible staff for continuing to make sacrifices and do even more with even less. We are also the proud recipient of a number of major foundation grants this year, including a Joyce Award for an artist commission as part of the inaugural citywide Northern Spark festival, and a Henry Luce Foundation grant in support of a new roof for the Purcell-Cutts House, a Prairie School-style gem that’s in the museum collection. As you’ll soon see, it’s been an exciting year at the museum for every MIA team member, volunteer, and, I hope, visitor. On the following pages, enjoy this overview of our hard and immensely satisfying work—on behalf of the art and this remarkable community. Kaywin Feldman, Director and President 6 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report This interactive annual report has cool features. The links appear in color, and the arrow indicates a jump. Also, be on the lookout for embedded videos. And if you like what you see, share it on social media! It has been a privilege to serve as Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. The MIA has been an important part of my life since I was a child. I have seen the MIA grow to become an even more vital part of the community than ever before. The MIA and its collection are critical to the arts education of our children, to the cultural fabric of our region, and to the connectedness of our increasingly diverse community. Just as it has been a privilege to serve this great institution, I have been equally honored to work with its outstanding volunteers, staff, and its director and president, Kaywin Feldman. Kaywin has helped protect the museum’s great legacy and guide it to new heights through the growth of the collection, the power of its exhibitions and programs, and the experience it offers to visitors. As you will see in this annual report, Kaywin and her team have helped the museum achieve significant accomplishments toward our strategic plan. It has been a year of major acquisitions, helping bring international acclaim to the museum’s collection. Special exhibitions and educational programs have broadened the audience and enhanced the museum’s impact on visitors. While financial challenges have necessitated some difficult choices, Kaywin has continued to lead the MIA with vision for the future and an investment in key initiatives and new ideas to ensure the museum’s prosperity in the years to come. I’m confident that good work will continue with John Himle at the Board’s helm. I look forward to continuing my role with the MIA as a member of the Board of Trustees, an ardent supporter, and a frequent visitor! I hope you will join me in reviewing this annual report, in celebrating the museum’s significant achievements, and in enjoying and supporting all that this tremendous institution has to offer us. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service to the museum and its visitors and members. Diane Lilly, Chair, Board of Trustees, 2010–2011 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 7 2010–11 was a busy year at the MIA. Here’s a glimpse of our accomplishments. New Faces The Curator Is In Monthly “The Curator Is In” sessions on Facebook promote highly interactive conversations with the public. Katherine Milton, Ph.D., was appointed Director of Learning and Innovation in October, arriving from the Aesthetic Technology Lab at Ohio University. The Education Division has transitioned into the Division of Learning and Innovation. 8 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report H I G H L IG G H TS Curator “inspire” video here. LIU Yang, Ph.D., joined the museum in June as curator of Chinese art and head of the Department of Asian Art. Liu has worked most recently as senior curator of Chinese art at the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Australia. Born in China, he earned a doctorate from the School of Oriental and African Studies in London. This summer, Mary Jane Drews joined the MIA from the Art Institute of Chicago as Director of External Affairs. Click here to view another special highlight at the MIA in 2010–2011. In June, the MIA hired a new Director of Technology, Douglas Hegley, who arrived after 14 years at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 9 H I G H L IG G H TS Our marketing campaign—“Come as You Are”—reflects the museum’s profound dedication to serving the community. Video here. Our average visitor age dropped from 46 to 39, supporting our conviction that the arts exert a strong appeal for audiences of all ages. 10 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report BY Y T HEE N U M B E R S museum members, with 3,600 new members added. As another way to collaborate with our audiences, the MIA invited photographers to upload their self-portraits or portraits of other photographers to the museum’s Flickr group related to the exhibition “Facing the Lens: Portraits of Photographers.” All of these photographs were shown on a screen in the Harrison Photography Gallery for the duration of the exhibition. 1,204 photos were submitted, 844 of them by MIA members. Virtual visitors 2,176,839 artsmia.org hits 25,262 Facebook fans 383,056 Flickr views 10,293 Twitter followers 994 YouTube subscribers 331,564 YouTube views Top: Andreas Feininger, American, 1906–99, The Photojournalist, 1955, gelatin silver print, gift of Frederick B. Scheel 2007.35.91 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 11 12 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report BY Y T HEE N U M B E R S What are the most important skills needed for the workforce of tomorrow? According to the Institute of Museum and Library Service’s 21st Century Skills report: creativity and innovation; problem solving and critical thinking; and communication and collaboration. What better place to learn these skills than at an art museum? Good morning, Ancient. Hello, Contemporary. free gallery tours were given, some incorporating iPads for greater detail and context Visitors to MIA study rooms 2,352 Library 1,203 Prints 275 Photographs MIA visitors 59% female 41% male 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 13 14 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report A C CEE S S I O N S The permanent collection is always bedrock to our work. Thanks to the connoisseurship of curators and the generosity of donors, the museum acquired 382 outstanding objects with which to tell the story of innovation, creativity, and wonder. What follows are a few highlights; for a complete accessions list, jump to page 96. objects entered the museum’s collection. objects in Apollo magazine’s 2010 list of the best museum acquisitions came from the MIA! 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 15 ACCESSIONS Art of Africa & the Americas Baga culture Africa, Guinea Drum, early 20th century Wood, leather, plant fibers The William Hood Dunwoody Fund 2011.8 Supported by an elegantly carved horse, this rare drum was used by Baga men of high ritual standing, primarily in the context of initiation. It would also appear at funerals of important male elders and during celebrations of male ancestors, especially after the harvest. 16 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report Possibly Dakota, North America Shirt, 1700–50 Buckskin and paint (vermillion mixed with hide sizing) The Robert J. Ulrich Fund 2011.1 With its finely delineated black-and-red patterns, superior materials and craftsmanship, and profuse fringe, this imposing Native shirt from the Great Lakes region is the only known example of its type dating from the 18th century. The geometric patterns embellishing both sides are probably stylized renderings of feathers, thus symbolizing the sacred Thunderbird. 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 17 A C CEE S S I O N S Japanese & Korean Art Japan, Middle Yayoi period Wide-mouthed jar, c. 100 B.C.–A.D. 100 Earthenware The Ted and Dr. Roberta Mann Foundation Endowment Fund 2011.10 Yayoi pottery was produced in a variety of shapes, from utilitarian pitchers and bowls to extremely elegant jars. This vessel, with its small foot, dramatically swelling body, and trumpet-shaped neck, exemplifies the high artistry of Yayoi potters and is in remarkable condition. MIA objects traveled to 49 exhibitions nation- and worldwide. 18 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 19 ACCESSIONS Contemporary Art 20 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report Video here Yayoi Kusama, Japanese, born 1929 Untitled, 1967 Oil on canvas The John R. Van Derlip Fund 2010.7 Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama is known for her exuberant abstract paintings, which sometimes use a signature motif known as an “infinity net,” interlocking shapes painted with netlike patterns. In Untitled, she added her characteristic polka dots over the infinity nets, creating yet another dimension. Kusama has often said making art is the way she manages her obsessions. Bill Viola, American, born 1951 Three Women, 2008 Color high-definition video on plasma display (edition of 5; A/P 1) Gift of funds from Alida Messinger 2010.97 A disarmingly simple piece, Three Women features Viola’s painterly use of ultra-slowmotion video to immerse the viewer. The slow materialization of the figures, seemingly a mother and two daughters, is mesmerizing as they slowly emerge into full focus. Their symbolic journey enters a spiritual realm, between consciousness and unconsciousness, life and death, the physical and the metaphysical. 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 21 ACCESSIONS Decorative Arts, Textiles & Sculpture Northern Germany Nautilus cup, c. 1660–80 Nautilus shell; silver, parcel-gilt Gift of funds from Mary Agnes and Al McQuinn L2011.52 Hans Schnatterpeck, Austrian, 1472–1510 The Lamentation of Christ, c. 1490s Polychromed pinewood The John R. Van Derlip Fund 2011.2 This painting is an extraordinary example of Late Gothic sculpture in the Alpine countries. The work’s expressiveness transcends the stylized faces of the three figures surrounding the body of Christ to include their angular gestures and poses, such as Saint John’s fluttering cloak. Most of the paint is original to the fifteenth century, even the Magdalene’s tear. 22 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report In the late sixteenth century, nautilus shells from the Indo-Pacific Ocean were imported into Europe, where they were admired for their exotic origins and geometric perfection. This cup is particularly remarkable for its rare iconography, which blends biblical and pagan images. Such objects were collected in the Renaissance-era “cabinets of curiosities,” a forerunner of the modern museum. A C CEE S S I O N S Paintings 24 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones, British, 1833–98 Sea-Nymph, 1881 Oil on canvas Gift of Curtis Galleries, Inc. 2010.83 Sea-Nymph, a beautiful example of the Symbolist and Aesthetic Movement, illustrates what the artist described as his ultimate aim: “I mean by a picture a beautiful romantic dream of something that never was, never will be—in a light better than any light that ever shone—in a land no one can define or remember, only desire—and the forms divinely beautiful.” Willem de Poorter, Dutch, 1608–49/51 Saint Barnabas and Saint Paul at Lystra Oil on panel (transferred) The Walter H. and Valborg P. Ude Memorial Fund 2011.13 The MIA’s first example of Dutch history painting, this arresting picture engages the viewer with its emotional attraction, finely executed details, and curious composition. The painting exudes seventeenth-century Dutch charm, complete with a perky rooster, the resigned-looking lowing cow, interesting facial expressions, and exotic costumes. 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 25 ACCESSIONS Photography & New Media Sze Tsung Leong, American and British, born Mexico City, 1970 Suzhou Creek, Putuo District, Shanghai, 2004 Chromogenic print The Paul C. Johnson, Jr., Fund, and the Dr. Frances E. Schaar Fund in memory of Leon and Anna Schaar 2010.84 This large-format color photograph presents a remarkable record of Shanghai in architectural flux as seen through a cloud of pollution. Leong’s photographic palette suggests a dream-like, melancholic perspective of China at a historic threshold in its proud and tumultuous history. Drawing on history painting, the artist uses scale to attract viewers and communicate the significance of the moment and the narrative. 26 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report Richard Avedon, American 1923–2004 Lew Alcindor, Basketball Player, 61st Street and Amsterdam, New York, May 2, 1963, 1963, printed 1990 Gelatin silver print The Alfred and Ingrid Lenz Harrison Purchase Fund 2011.15 This beautiful portrait of Lew Alcindor—before he became famous as Kareem Abdul Jabbar—transcends his fame. Avedon captures the essence of his subject: Alcindor’s grace and elegance, inspiring the nickname “Sweet Lew.” The photograph also emphasizes the incongruity between Alcindor’s size and his childlike face, the gritty setting of New York City, and a young man full of promise. 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 27 ACCESSIONS Prints & Drawings Thomas Moran, American, born England, 1837–1926 View of Venice, 1902 Watercolor Gift of Robert Crane Winton 2010.92 This is a beautiful, well-preserved work by one of America’s great masters of watercolor. The gorgeous luminous view of Venice is an important addition to the museum’s Whistler-dominated holdings of Venetian imagery from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Jacopo de’ Barbari, Italian, c. 1460/70–before 1516 Bird’s Eye View of Venice (detail), 1500 Woodcut from six blocks on sixsheets of paper The John R. Van Derlip Trust 2010.88 Monumental in scale—at the time, the largest woodcut ever made—and breathtaking in detail, de’ Barbari’s print remains the greatest achievement of large-scale Renaissance printmaking. The virtuosity of the work, its scale, and glorious composition make it a true masterpiece, and this is one of only thirteen impressions of the first state of the print known to exist. Hear how this 500-year-old print anticipated Google maps from Geek Squad Founder Robert Stephens, MIA Trustee. 28 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 29 30 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report E XH H I B I TIO ONS At an encyclopedic museum like the MIA, a tour of the galleries yields an astonishing diversity of exhibitions on view. Produced either from original curatorial scholarship or through partnerships with other leading art museums, such exhibitions offer visitors a vast array of rich, engaging art experiences, along with complementary content accessible by anyone in the world with a modem and a mouse. For a complete list of the year’s exhibitions, jump to page 92. gallons of paint were used to keep the gallery walls fresh. works of art were installed in special exhibitions. 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 31 E XH H I B I TIO ONS Curated by Joe Horse Capture, MIA associate curator, this exhibition consisted of 110 of the most outstanding works of art drawn from the Thaw Collection, revealing the extraordinary range of art produced by Native American cultures across the continent. Almost 30,000 visitors came to see the exhibition, which received great acclaim. Nimi’ipuu (Nez Perce) or Cayuse Plateau region Horse Mask, c. 1875–1900 Trade cloth, blue cloth, cotton lining and thread, glass beads, brass buttons, horsehair, mirror, red-shafted flicker feathers, silk ribbons, hide, ermine Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY T0097 This exhibition is organized by the Fenimore Art Museum in Cooperstown, N.Y., and made possible by the National Endowment for the Arts as part of “American Masterpieces: Three Centuries of Artistic Genius.” Generous support for this exhibition is provided by Bob and Carolyn Nelson and the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community. 32 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 33 E XH H I B I TIO ONS This exhibition presented the cream of the Scottish National Gallery’s renowned Venetian paintings collection, including three Titians from the famed Bridgewater collection that made their maiden voyage to the United States. “Titian” steamed up the transition from winter to spring, attracting almost 55,000 visitors. A companion exhibition, “Venice on Paper,” presented a selection of stunning Venetian drawings by Venetian Renaissance masters. This exhibition is co-organized by the High Museum of Art, Atlanta, the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, and the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, in collaboration with the National Galleries of Scotland. The exhibition is supported by an indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities. Lead Sponsor: Generous support is provided by Sheila Morgan. Media Partner: Top, from left: Diane Lilly, Kaywin Feldman, and John Leighton, Director-General, National Galleries of Scotland Right: Titian (Tiziano Vecellio), Venus Rising from the Sea (Venus Anadyomene), c. 1520, oil on canvas, National Gallery of Scotland, acquired from the Trustees of the 7th Duke of Sutherland, partially in lieu of inheritance tax, with the aid of the Heritage Lottery Fund, The Art Fund (with a contribution from the Wolfson Foundation), and the Scottish Executive, 2003 34 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 35 “The Masked Ball” and “Bella Naughty” on February 5, 2011, celebrated the opening of “Titian and the Golden Age of Venetian Painting.” Under the leadership of Life Trustee Beverly Grossman (below), the museum hosted an extremely successful gala fund-raiser. “The Masked Ball” and “Bella Naughty” raised more than $450,000 to support the Titian exhibition and the acquisition of the Titian print, The Submersion of Pharaoh’s Army in the Red Sea. visitors came to see masterpieces by Titian, Lorenzo Lotto, Jacopo Tintoretto, Jacopo Bassano, Paris Bordon, Giovanni Cariani, and Paolo Veronese. 36 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report Bella Naughty 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 37 E XH H I B I TIO ONS Renaissance and Baroque Bronzes from the Peter Marino Collection Over more than two decades, the well-known New York architect Peter Marino has formed an exemplary collection of Italian and French bronze sculptures of the Renaissance and the Baroque. This exhibition featured approximately 30 of Marino’s European bronzes from the golden age of this artistic genre, providing an overview of the development of the collectible small bronze. Giovanni Battista Foggini (1652–1725) Apollo and Marsyas Florence, c. 1710–20 Bronze Collection of Peter Marino 38 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report Antonio Montauti (active Florence 1707–died 1746) Diana the Huntress Florence or Rome, c. 1720–40 Mixed-copper alloy Collection of Peter Marino 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 39 E XH H I B I TIO ONS This exhibition presented 39 miniature mourners from the arcaded sarcophagus of Duc Jean sans Peur. These mute monks express human grief more succinctly than any other late Gothic or early Renaissance sculptures. Carved by two sculptors, Jean de la Huerta and Antoine le Moiturier, they have, with several important exceptions, remained in Dijon since they were carved in the late fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries. Organized by the Dallas Museum of Art and the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon, under the auspices of FRAME (French Regional and American Museum Exchange). The exhibition is supported by a leadership gift from the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation. Additional support is provided by the Florence Gould Foundation, the Eugene McDermott Foundation, Connie Goodyear Baron, and Boucheron. Major corporate support is provided by Bank of the West – Member BNP Paribas Group. This exhibition is supported by an indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities. Right: Jean de La Huerta and Antoine le Moiturier Mourner no. 78, mourner with cowl pulled down, right hand raised, left hand holding a book in a flap of his cloak, 1443–56/57 Alabaster Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon. Photo © FRAME (French Regional and American Museum Exchange) by Jared Bendis and François Jay 40 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 41 E XH H I B I TIO ONS Selections from the Waterbury Collection This exhibition showcased the premier wood art collection of dear friends of the MIA, David and Ruth Waterbury. The exhibition included approximately 80 stunning pieces of wood art, demonstrating the changing approaches to the medium during the past 25 years. Generous support for the accompanying publication is provided by Ruth and David Waterbury. Luc Delahaye, French, born 1962 A Lunch at the Belvedere, 2004 Chromogenic print Gift of funds from Nivin MacMillan L2010.132 This large-format photograph is the first work in the collection by Delahaye, one of the most celebrated photojournalists of the last thirty years. While once a Magnum photographer and steeped in its photojournalistic tradition, the artist has created a new genre of work that uses color, scale, and Photoshop to shape the meaning of a contemporary scene. Michael Hosaluk, Canadian, born 1954 Family, 1998 Maple, acrylic paint Collection of David and Ruth Waterbury 42 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report Picturing Global Wealth Following a decade of unprecedented historical fluctuations and flows of wealth on a global scale, this exhibition examined the transformative effects of prosperity from the United States, to China, to the world. Selected artists include: Luc Delahaye, Jacqueline Hassink, Christian Jankowski, Sze Tsung Leong, Martin Parr, Robert Polidori, Alex Prager, Cindy Sherman, Alec Soth, and Eve Sussman. 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 43 E XH H I B I TIO ONS MIA Inside/Out: Battle of Everyouth A collaboration of Minneapolis-based artists Ali Momeni and Jenny Schmid, “MIA Inside/Out: The Battle of Everyouth” was a projection-based performance staged at the MIA as part of the citywide Northern Spark “white night” festival. Held on Saturday, June 4, 10 p.m. to midnight, it blended cinema, participatory theater, and live performance, creating a context for exploration and conversation on the theme of global youth and violence. Students from Washburn High School worked with the artists over a semester to interact with the public. “MIA Inside/Out: Battle of Everyouth” was made possible by a Joyce Award, the Carolyn Foundation, and the Friends of the Institute, with additional support from Northern Spark and Best Buy Children’s Foundation. new museum partnerships with local cultural organizations (up from 12). 44 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 45 E XH H I B I TIO ONS Minnesota Artists Exhibition Program The Minnesota Artists Exhibition Program (MAEP) presented four well-received exhibitions, selected by an artist panel to spotlight the work of 10 Minnesota artists: “Kuon: Eternal Flow of Time: Mayumi Amada” “The Voided: Eun-Kyung Suh” July 16–September 26, 2010 “Flourish: Jennifer Davis, Erika Olson Gross, Terrence Payne, and Joe Sinness” October 22, 2010–January 2, 2011 “Ground Truth: Peter Happel Christian” “Painting Before and After Words: Margaret Wall-Romana” January 21–April 3, 2011 “A Field Guide to Snow and Ice: Paula McCartney” “Ornamental Invasion: Liz Miller” April 22–July 3, 2011 Shoes off Preserving the parquet floor while installing “Flourish: Jennifer Davis, Erika Olson Gross, Terrence Payne, and Joe Sinness” in the MAEP galleries. Generous support for MAEP is provided by The McKnight Foundation and Jerome Foundation. Time-lapse Video here 46 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report of the artists shown in the last two years have received national recognition for their work. 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 47 48 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report E V E N TS + Free daily general admission allows MIA visitors to connect, explore, and engage with the collection, and their own creativity, in many exciting, innovative ways. We’re enormously grateful for the generous member, community, and corporate support that help foster this remarkable access. Vibrant Tribute An annual exhibition, “Young People’s Ofrenda: Expressions of Life and Remembrance,” invites students from Minneapolis high school El Colegio to design Dead of the Dead ofrendas, or memorial tributes to loved ones, while documenting their progress on a video blog. K–12 students accessed MIA educational opportunities. Over adults participated in MIA lectures, workshops, and films. 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 49 E V E N TS + Target Family Days prompt curiosity and critical skill development—through hands-on arts activities, storytellers, music, gallery hunts, and more—in the context of intergenerational learning. This year, almost 25,000 people attended this family-friendly free monthly program. Enchanted On March’s Target Family Day, youth and their families got a taste of medieval life while enjoying music by minstrels and roaming troubadours and spending time with “The Mourners: Tomb Sculptures from the Court of Burgundy.” youth engaged in classes and art programs sponsored by the MIA. Teamwork Adults soak up the latest scholarship at MIA lectures, and practice their technique while sketching in the galleries. 50 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 51 52 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report E V E N TS + Engaging Programs, Diverse Audiences Each month, Third Thursday features local musicians, films, curator-led tours, and more. Bike Night Video here Fun Ride The MIA’s popular “Bike Night” returned to the museum on July 21, 2011. visitors frolicked at Third Thursday. Catwalk Third Thursday & MNfashion co-presented an evening featuring local designers, who created looks inspired by the MIA’s collection. 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 53 E V E N TS + Big ’do Stylists from Mezzanine Salon, Minneapolis, recreated hairstyles based on artwork in the MIA’s collection during May’s Third Thursday, The Art of Hair. 54 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 55 56 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report E V E N TS + K–12 students statewide benefited from classroom resources supplied by the museum. The Peace Games is a special collaboration between the MIA and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board. Held in Washburn Fair Oaks Parks across the street, the annual event fosters a connection between the MIA and participants, who take advantage of special guided tours. participated in Art in the Park, a collaboration with the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board. 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 57 EVENTS + 58 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report E V E N TS + MIA Volunteers Rock! Kudos as ever to our dedicated corps of museum volunteers, who make our work here possible and downright enjoyable. Technology, combined with brilliantly creative and curious staff members, enables us to connect with visitors in new ways. We equip our educators with iPads in the galleries, which has greatly enhanced viewers’ ability to connect with original works of art. Together, these amazing volunteers provided 9,382 tour hours last year: 148 docents 39 junior docents 84 Collection in Focus guides 92 Art Adventure guides K–12 students toured the galleries, chaperoned by 5,470 teachers and/or parents. Support for school tours is provided by students were served by the museum’s Art Adventure program in their schools. Support for Art Adventure is provided by Show & Tell Volunteer docent JeanMarie Burtness demonstrates an iPadenriched tour, one of the many technical enhancements the MIA introduced last year. 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 59 E V E N TS + Specialty tours support specific interests 589 individuals participated in “Discover Your Story” tours for people with Alzheimer’s disease or memory loss and their caregivers. 1,465 preschoolers visited the museum for an Artful Stories tour. 186 veterans participated in Veterans Art Connections tours. 651 visitors came for our Spanish language tours—new this year! 60 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report 162 docents, Collection in Focus, and Art Adventure guides have dedicated over a decade to the museum. Art Adventure is supported by a grant from the Frey Foundation. E V E N TS + Much Anticipated Annual Events Events fill the museum with energy and activity year-round. We are extremely grateful for the volunteers and staff members who dedicate hundreds of hours to make each event a success. All’s Fair About 700 visitors attended the 2011 Minneapolis Print & Drawing Fair, generously sponsored by Lowry Hill, raising some $65,000 to support acquisition funds. 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 61 62 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report E V E N TS + Our Dear Friends Nearest and perhaps dearest to our hearts is the Friends of the Institute, a group that advocates tirelessly for the museum, its collection, its visitors, and our community. The museum continues to benefit from the tremendous support of the Friends and its two major fund-raisers. Flourish Art in Bloom, a four-day rite of spring that’s perennially popular. visitors attended Art in Bloom, which raised over $160,000 to support Friends’ activities on behalf of the museum. 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 63 64 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report played art-inspired carnival games at Art Perchance, raising over $20,000. Fun & Games Art Perchance, 2010, an evening of artful gaming, offered chances to win original artworks. people are Friends members. 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 65 D O N O RSS The Minneapolis Institute of Arts recognizes the many donors who have furthered the mission and impact of the museum. We are grateful for your generous contributions and continued friendship. Top: Sally Blanks, Megan Dayton, and Lisa Duff Center: Carolyn and Bob Nelson Bottom Row: Burt Cohen; Bill George, Joe Horse Capture, Penny George, and Lisa Ranallo; Deb Davenport, Stew Stender, and Patty McCullough 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 67 Clockwise from top left: Anthony Sussman, Alene Grossman, Rajni and Rajiv Shah, (performer); Betsy Hawn and Chichi Steiner Rebecca Bell Sorensen and Casey Claypool Circle guests at the home of Peggy and Ralph Burnet Tom Owens, Katie Sidenberg, and Stephanie Prem D O N O RSS OUR DONORS 70 Director’s Circle 71 Patrons’ Circle 72 Contributors’ Circle 78 Corporate, Government, and Foundation Grants 79 Special Gifts and Sponsorships 80 Matching Gift Companies 80 Memorials and Tributes 82 Named Endowment Funds 84 Gifts of Art and Funds for Art Acquisition 85 New Century Society 87 Bequests 87 Honor Roll From top: Wendy and David Coggins James, Jack, and John Prince, Crystal Norcross Patrick Noon, Shirley Nilsen, and Mary Olson Right: Jhna Lundin and Blythe Brenden 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 69 D O N O RSS D O N O R S 2010 –2011 The following pages list the many donors whose gifts help to inspire excellence at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. We celebrate your commitment to the MIA, and are pleased to recognize publicly the impact of your generosity on the museum and our community. DIRECTOR’S CIRCLE We are extraordinarily grateful to the following members of the Director’s Circle, whose annual support constitutes the highest level of giving to the MIA. Connoisseurs $50,000 and above Ruth and Bruce Dayton° Beverly Grossman° Alfred and Ingrid Lenz Harrison° Nivin MacMillan° Bob Ulrich and Diane Sillik° Guarantors $25,000–$49,999 Anonymous Pete and Margie Ankeny° Mrs. Wallace C. Dayton° Berit and Michael Francis Susan S. and Duane D. Hoff° Ruth and John Huss° Kathy and Al Lenzmeier° Whitney and Elizabeth MacMillan° Sheila and John Morgan° Robert and Jacalyn Stephens Margaret and Angus Wurtele° Benefactors $15,000–$24,999 Susan and Richard Anderson° Martha and Bruce Atwater° Mr. and Mrs. Conley Brooks, Sr.° Sandra and Peter Butler° John Camp° Richard and Theresa Davis Jay F. Ecklund° Mary Ingebrand-Pohlad° R. C. Lilly Foundation° Mrs. William E. Ludwick° William W. McGuire and Nadine M. McGuire Family Foundation Mary Agnes and Al McQuinn° Dr. Richard L. Simmons Gail Sit° Roger J. and Michele M. Sit° * Deceased as of June 30, 2011 ° Donor for ten consecutive years or more 70 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report Directors $10,000–$14,999 Marilyn Beddor Sally and Maurice Blanks Michael J. Blum and Abigail Rose Betty and Marvin Borman° Brenden-Mann Foundation° Nicky and Tom Carpenter° Wendy and Douglas Dayton° Eric Dayton Julia W. Dayton° Elizabeth and W. John Driscoll° C. Curtis Dunnavan° Jane Emison° Ms. Kaywin Feldman and Mr. Jim Lutz Beverly and Richard Fink° Dolly J. Fiterman° Miles and Shirley Fiterman Charitable Foundation° David and Margene B. Fox° Sharon and Bill Hawkins John and Karen Himle° Leonard and Mary Lou Hoeft Benjamin Jaffray° Nathalie and Hubert Joly Janet N. Jones° Myron and Anita Kunin° Anne Larsen Simonson/Larsen Fund° Barbara S. Longfellow° Don and Diana Lee Lucker° Cargill and Donna MacMillan° Martha MacMillan° Siri and Bob Marshall° Samuel and Patricia McCullough° Lucy and Robert Mitchell° Leni and David Moore, Jr. Marilyn and Glen Nelson° Bob and Carolyn Nelson Katherine D. and Stuart A. Nielsen° Douglas and Mary Olson° Linda Peterson Perlman and Lawrence Perlman° John and Lois Rogers° Jeff and Kim Rugel° Barbara H. Steiner° Martha B. Stimpson° Strangis Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation° Michele and Angelica Volpi Betsy and David Weyerhaeuser° Winslow Family Foundation DONORS PATRONS’ CIRCLE We recognize the leadership of the following donors, whose generous annual support is essential to the museum’s accessibility, exhibitions, and educational programs. Partners $5,000–$9,999 John and Catherine Agee° Elizabeth H. Andrus Mr. John E. Andrus III° Peter and Sally Anson° Donna and Warren Beck° Kathy and Tim Burns Dr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Buss Robert and Gail Buuck, Buuck Family Foundation° Carmen and Jim Campbell° Helen L. Cashman° Ann C. and Michael V. Ciresi Mrs. Thomas M. Crosby, Sr.° David and Vanessa Dayton° Bob and Joanie Dayton° Janice Dircks° Mr. Harry M. Drake° B.J. and John French° Penny and Bill George Mrs. Helen M. Hocker° Diane and Tony Hofstede° Orville C. Hognander° Elliot and Eloise Kaplan Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Garrison Keillor and Jenny Nilsson Emily and Charles Kelley° Skip and Sarah Krawczyk° John and Nancy Lindahl Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation° John and Carol Prince Mrs. Patricia Ringer° Jeannine M. Rivet and Warren G. Herreid, II° Mimi and David Sanders° Dr. Mary Ruth Weisel° David A. Wilson and Michael J. Peterman° Patrons $2,000–$4,999 Anonymous (4) Anonymous Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation° Mr. and Mrs. Richard Adams° Dr. Richard Alberta and Dr. Hanan Rosenstein Todd and Allyson Aldrich° Mrs. Darrel R. Alkire Dr. Adrian and Mrs. Sally Almquist° Julianne Amendola and Dan Jensen Lucille Hamer Amis° William and Suzanne Ammerman° Clifford and Nancy Anderson Mrs. William R. Anderson, Jr.° Mr. Steven E. Anderson Daniel Avchen Jo and Gordon Bailey° Kent and Maria Bales° Gretchen and Mark Banks Jane and Walter Barry° Roberta Bartoli and Eike D. Schmidt Edward R. Bazinet Foundation° Barbara C. Bencini Marilyn C. Benson° Mrs. Barbara Bentson Nathan and Theresa Berman Family Philanthropic Fund Herman J. Birnberg° Michael and Ann Birt° Carolyne Bisson and Richard R. Miller° Olivia Haines Blackburn° Charles and Sandra Blackman° Kathleen Blatz and Wheelock Whitney Michael Boardman and Kate Tabner David and Shari Boehnen° Philip and Linda Boelter° Susan S. Boren Mr. and Mrs. Bradley C. Bowman II° Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bress° Arnold and Judith Brier Mr. and Mrs. John L. Brooks Sandra M. and David M. Brown° Virley and Forrest Brown° Nancy and John Burbidge Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Linda and Tim Burkett Rodney and Barbara Burwell° Barbara Byrne° Joan and Gary Capen° Joanne Carlson° Richard and Jennie Carlson Elsa Carpenter° Darlene J. and Richard P. Carroll° Myra Chazin Cheryle and Ed Clausman° Rusty and Burt Cohen° Richard Confer and Pamela Leinberger *Dr. James E. and Gisela Corbett° Judith and Richard Corson° Jeanne Corwin° David and Kitty Crosby Tom and Ellie Crosby, Jr.° Carolyn and Tucker Dahl Kenneth and Betty Jayne Dahlberg° Merrie and David Dahlgren° Deb Davenport and Stew Stender° Megan and James Dayton Cy and Paula DeCosse Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation° Thomas L. Dekko and Dorothie Alm Dekko Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Dolan Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Mary Crosby Dolan° Mrs. Carol Donahue° David and Mary Doty° Mike and Kathy Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. John B. Driscoll Joan R. Duddingston° Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Erickson° Kristine S. and Ronald A. Erickson° Helen Etzwiler Bill and Kathy Farley° Cathy and Jack Farrell° Benjamin and Rebecca Field° James Field Gerald T. Flom° Vickie and Anthony Foster Mr. Bill C. Fox Eugene and Mary Frey Jack and Melinda Fribley Rob and Ann Furst John and Martha Gabbert° Skip and Barbara Gage° Ellen and Jerry Gallagher° Kathy Larson Gaskins and Steve Gaskins Jim and Mary Gilbert Dr. Stanley M. and Luella G. Goldberg° Linda and Jack Goldenberg° Barbara and Mike Goldner° Michael and Elizabeth Gorman° Margot and Paul Grangaard Carol Burton Gray° Bob and Sue Greenberg° R. Hunt Greene and Jane Piccard° Jennifer Gross and Jerry LeFevre Betsy and Jule Hannaford Bev and Hal Harris° Martha and *Douglas Head Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hedberg Don Helgeson and Sue Shepard° Jack and Kate Helms° HenPhil Foundation° Sally and Peter Herfurth Sue and Bill Hodder Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation *John and Jean McGough Holten° Dorothy J. Horns, M.D. and James P. Richardson° Meredith and Richard Howell Hella and William Hueg, Jr.° *Mr. and Mrs. Hadlai A. Hull° Mr. and Mrs. Philip Isaacson Barbara Jabr° Josie R. Johnson° Cheryl and Bradley Jones *Jacqueline Nolte Jones° 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 71 DONORS Lucy Jones° Jane and Jim Kaufman Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation° Miriam and Erwin Kelen Thomas and Janice Kelley Charitable Fund Steve Kittay Beth Koepke° Laurel Krause and Ross Collins° Suzanne and Douglas Kubach David and Randy Lebedoff° C.M. and Mary Lewis° Nicolai and Ronald Lewis° Sheila and Stephen Lieberman Mrs. Betty Jeanne Lillehei Dr. John C. and Searcy T. Lillehei° B. John and Sarah Lindahl, Jr.° Mrs. Lois Kay Litin Jean and Arnold London David and Mary Maas° Reid and Ann MacDonald° Bob and Sue Macdonald° Stephen and Kathi Austin Mahle° Jeremy and Amy-Ann Mayberg° Robert W. Maynard Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation° Nancy and Roger McCabe Susan and Thomas McCarthy° Dudley and Val McLinn° Debbie and Pierce McNally Donna C. McRoberts *M. D. and Mary McVay° Mr. David Mealman Mary and Bob Mersky° Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Miller° Charles and Nancy Mitchell Jim and Linda Mitchell° Ray and Mary Mithun Lisa Guzek Montagné and Guy Montagné Thomas M. Morin and John G. Skogmo° Angus T. Morrison° Clinton and Mary K. Morrison° Oak Grove Foundation— John L. Morrison° William E. and Chouhei Mullin Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley H. Murphy, Jr.° Kathy Murphy and Norman Rickeman Elizabeth B. Myers° Alan and Dena Naylor° Connie S. Nelson° Christie and Win Neuger° Nancy and Richard Nicholson John and Shirley Nilsen° David and Sheryll Norback° Jim and Jo Ann Nordlie° Roger and Violet Noreen Charitable Trust° The Dan and Sallie O'Brien Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation° John and Marla Ordway Charitable Lead Trust Harriet and Bowen Osborn° Cindy and Greg Page Brian and Julia Palmer° Allegra W. Parker * Deceased as of June 30, 2011 ° Donor for ten consecutive years or more 72 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report Jeanne E. Pemble and Joel Poeschl° Sally and George Pillsbury° Walter and Harriet Pratt° Stephanie Prem and Tom Owens Mary Davis and Tom Raciatti Laurie Rahr Tom Rassieur Barbara Ratner° Lawrence M. Redmond° Lew and Connie Remele Sharon and Bill Richardson° Marcia and Robert Rinek° Elizabeth M. Ringer° Nat and Mary Robbins° Sandra Roe Michael and Tamara Root° Robert and Christine Salmen Earl S. and Barbara Flanagan Sanford Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation° Diane and Darryl Sannes Patricia and *Barney Saunders° Steve and Tamrah Schaller O'Neil° Mr. and Mrs. Hugh K. Schilling° The Schoenwetter Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Ronald and Janet Schutz Doug and Mary Scovanner Katie and Ken Searl° William H. Seely° Beth Ann and Saul Segal Rajni and Rajiv Shah Dr. Sidney Shapiro Sandy and David Sherman Mrs. Helen Silha° Smaby Family Foundation Jacqueline Smith° Joan T. Smith° Wayne Spears Harriet and Edson Spencer Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation° Howard Stacker Evelyn T. Struthers° Donald F. and Virginia Swanson° The Sarah Wilson Sweatt Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Doris Taylor° Brian and Linda Tell Rich and Donni Torres Emily Anne and Gedney Tuttle° Mary W. Vaughan Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation° Victoria K. Veach° Kris and Bill Veeneman° Michele East-Venegar and Richard Venegar General and Mrs. John Vessey° Bernie and Janet Wagnild° The Wallin Foundation— Maxine and *Winston Wallin Jack and Connie Wallinga° Kathleen and Bill Wanner Ruth and David Waterbury° Jo and Howard Weiner° Martin and Lora Weinstein Matthew R. Welch Karen E. Welke Ellen Wells Violet M. Werner Nancy and Ted Weyerhaeuser° Frances and Frank Wilkinson° Mrs. David S. Williams° Philip Heffelfinger Willkie John and Renata Winsor Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation° Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Winston° Helen and Leo Wolk° Marjorie A. Wood° Margie and Milton Woodhouse° Arna and Tom Yetter Charles and Julie Zelle° CONTRIBUTORS’ CIRCLE Members of the Contributors’ Circle provide vital annual support toward the museum’s mission and vision. Sustainers $1,500–$1,999 Siah and Barbara Armajani Robert and Linda Barrows Ellen Butler Mr. and Mrs. David Choate Anne Marie Hansen Elisa A. Johnson Margee and Bob Kinney° Judy Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. William F. Ogden, Jr. Valdemar Olson° Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Shapiro Mark and Wendy Stansbury-O'Donnell° Jamie Wilson Sponsors $750–$1,499 Mary Ellen and Peter Alden Rainey Anderson° Eleanor Asplin Alexandra O. Bjorklund Paul and Helen Bowlin° Dr. and Mrs. Michael Bromer Carroll C. Brooks Michael and Susan Burnett Joanne and Benton Case, Jr. Sage and John Cowles° Dr. and Mrs. John B. Davis, Jr. Edward and Sherry Ann Dayton° Mae and Toby Dayton Charles M. Denny, Jr. and Carol E. Denny Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Joe Dowling and Siobhan Cleary Sylvia F. Druy° DONORS Duff-Westman Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation° Sally Economon Jim Grantman Ms. Alene Grossman Amy and Julie Gudmestad° Ms. Helena Hernmarck Richard and Carrie Higgins° James and Ann Howard Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Andy and Carole Hunter° Fred and Collette Ibeling° Ann and Robert Jackson Dr. Markle Karlen° Michele and Rob Keith Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kunin° Chad and Rafina Larsen/Larsen Fund Michael D. Stewart and John E. Larsen Robert and Sara Lumpkins° John and MaryAnne Mauriel Drs. Mary and Joseph Meland° Ms. Alida R. Messinger Sandy and Bob Morris Adrienne and T. Truxtun Morrison Michael Olson Sotirios Parashos and Christina Phill Roger Peters and Lorna Reichl Charles Pohlad Norton and Bert Rockler° Ms. Nancy Saliterman Sampson Family Charitable Foundation Nancy and Eric Schned Mr. Mats Sexton° Debra A. Sit and Peter H. Berge Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sivertsen Stanislaw and Krystyna Skrowaczewski Emil and Emily Slowinski John and Nancy Strom° Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Sweatt° Mrs. Jane and Mr. Gary L. Tygesson Weiser Family Foundation on behalf of Irving and Marjorie Weiser° Mrs. Muriel Wexler° John and Diana Windhorst, Jr.° Supporters $500–$749 Anonymous (2) James and Elaine Allen Caroline H. Anderson° Bob and Nancy Anderson° Woodbury H. and Cynthia Andrews K. M. Ansbaugh and S. F. Holbrook Susan and Lloyd Armstrong Ron and Kay Bach° Daniel and Barbara Balik° Mary and Keith Bednarowski Ellen and Michael Bendel-Stenzel Randy and Marcy Betcher° Madeline Betsch° Jane Robertson Blanch Catherine R. Briggs° Dava and David Briggs David E. Broden and Lonnie Broden° Jim and Denise Burbeck June S. Cavert and H. Mead Cavert Cecil and Penny Chally Sharen and Rulon Chappell Mr. and Mrs. David Coggins, Jr. Douglas and Sands Coleman Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation° Tom and Phyllis Colwell Val and Kathleen Coppo David and Mary Cost through The Charles Piper Cost Foundation° Sally and John Cuningham Mr. and Mrs. John S. Curtin° Toni D'eramo Mr. and *Mrs. George H. Dixon Mr. F. Edmund Donoghue° James and Dee Dorsey° Kathleen and Douglas Drake° David and Pat Drew° Hugh and Joyce Edmondson Beth Erickson David and Sheryl Evelo° Steve and Mimi Fisher Sheldon and Terry Fleck° Mohrghaine Gaia and Gary Gable° Mary Ella Galbraith° Kennon J. and Diane S. Gardner Drs. William and Susan Gerberich° Doug and Gretchen Gildner° Richard P. Goblirsch° Mr. and Mrs. John D. Gould Ms. Anne Marie Gromme° Olive C. Grose Susan and Bert Gross Jo Gustafson Anne A. Hage Rehael Fund—Roger L. Hale and Eleanor L. Hall Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation° Philip M. and Margaret S. Harder Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation° Bill and Barbara Harrison° Marguerite and Donald L. Harvey Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Dan Hathaway° Liz and Van Hawn Sara Hayward and Donald Amundson Peter and Carolyn Hendrixson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Hengler° Douglas and Anne Hepper John and Diane Herman° Alan and Mary Boyd Hesdorffer Mr. Scott Hierlinger and Mr. Michael Moore Nancy Hoeft Wayne and Dianne Hoeschen° Patricia and Thomas Holloran Penny Hunt Warren and Mary Ibele° Frank J. Indihar, M.D. and Anita Pampusch° Jean and Craig Jentz David Johnson and Cecilia Motzko° Marjorie A. R. Johnson Paul and Mary Johnston Mollie Kennedy Harper Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kirby Keith and Erna Kostuch Alexandra Kulijewicz Mr. and Mrs. Tonu Lang° Dr. and Mrs. James Lawton° Mr. and Mrs. Tim Lee David and Sharon Lentz° Jim Leroy and Marlene Nagel Delores and Sheldon Levin Virginia Levy° Georgia Ray Lindeke Debra Linder Ellen Lindseth and Ward Andersen Debi Lipkin° Mary Ann and *Everett MacLennan° Steven G. Mahon and Judy A. Mortrude° Mr. and Mrs. James P. Martineau° Mary Tuss McEvoy, D.D.S.° Mr. and Mrs. L. J. McGough° Michael and Susan McKinney° *Allison and Michelle Mercer° Tom and Conchy Morgan Marybeth Nelson° Karen Nemchik and Tariq Samad Merritt Nequette° Mr. and Mrs. John J. Nichols Alan Niederman Jeri Norbeck Leslie and Kevin Nordby Mr. James O'Hara and Mrs. Marjorie O'Hara° Patrick O'Rourke Sara Oxton and Kris Elias Dr. Greg and Susan Path Karen Pedersen Roy and Faye Peterson° Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pitschka° Michael and Gloria Plautz Ms. Cheryl Price Ede and Jack Rice Henry and Terry Roberts David A. Robinson° Binky and Win Rockwell Jim and Sheren Rogne Susan Rottunda° Claire Hedine Rykken and Thomas Rykken° Paul and Pat Sackett° John Sandbo and Jean Thomson Carol Mae Sandstrom° Michael and Shirley Santoro Lili Scarpa Bruce and Julianne Seiber Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sherman Sieff Family Foundation° Mark and Mary Sigmond° Paul Simons° Karen and Steve Sonnenberg Robert and Celia Stretmater Kenneth and Soni Styrlund Everett Sutton Edward Swanson and Carsten Slostad Steven and Connie Tallen° 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 73 DONORS Howard and Janet Tarkow° Edwin and Beverly Thiede° Brian W. Thomas° Marcia Townley Carol and Lynn Truesdell Sheila Marie and Jim Untiedt° Pirkko and Osmo Vänskä Richard and Lynn Voelbel David and Ann Wasson Thomas A. and Diane M. Wentz Nancy Werner-Azarski and Jim Azarski Susan and James Westerman° Deborah Wexler and Michael Mann E. J. Wexler Gift Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation° W. Joseph White David K. Whitney and Javier Joel Cisneros Marion and Dave Williams° Penny Winton Pat Wuest° James C. and Kathlyn R. Wyman° Dr. Alvin and Sue Zelickson Reciprocal $250–$499 Anonymous (3) Kristine and Tor Aasheim Marlene B. Adams and Carl R. Adams Jackie and Michael Akin Dr. and Mrs. John F. Alden° M. George and Gloria V. Allen Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Dominique and Michael Allinder Richard Allyn Elaine S. Alper° Diane Laura Amell° Gretchen and Bob Amis F. M. B. Amram and S. A. Brick° Ms. Gail Amundson and Mr. Peter Rothe E. Viktoria Anderson° George and Kristine Anderson Quentin and Mary Anderson Ruth M. Anderson° Terry and Vicki Anderson Robert Andrews Jr. Dr. Howard Ansel° Gordon Apple and Susan Thornton Diane L. Armitage Ted and Ruth Arneson Catherine and Frederick Asher° Jon and Linnea Asp° Annette Atkins and Thomas Joyce Mrs. Barbara Bach° Ruth and Dale Bachman° Erna Bachtold Penny Bader and James Bialke Randy and Ann Bailey James Baillie and Jacqueline McGlamery Sandy Baines and Barry Baines Roz Baker * Deceased as of June 30, 2011 ° Donor for ten consecutive years or more 74 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report Derrick Banks Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Banks Daniel Barry A. Kathrynne Baumtrog° Ronald and Joyce Beauchane° R. J. Beckel and S.D. Lyle Mrs. Lanelle C. Beil° Carol and Judson Bemis, Jr. Dr. Richard and Kay Bendel° Catherine Benjamin Patricia E. Benn° Paul and Barbara Benn Elisabeth Bennett Mrs. Margaret Benson° Judith Benton and Family Dominique and David Bereiter Barry Berg Ray and Carol Bergeson° Brian T. Bergie Vernon and LuAnn Berglund Arthur F. Bergstrom James and Mary Berman° Fred and Sylvia Berndt, Jr.° Sarah Beuning and John Martin Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Bick° Helen Bing and Judy Lewis Dan Biros David Bjork and Jeff Bengtson Kris Bjorklund Frank C. Blodgett° Richard and Bette Ann Bloom Jonathon H. and Laura Bloomberg Victor Bloomfield and Elsa Shapiro° Ms. Mary Blowers and Mr. Michael Eckhardt Dr. Paul and Carlyn Blum Sally and John Blumenfeld Patricia and Martin Blumenreich° Susan and Janis Blumentals Harlan and Peggy Blumenthal Mary Webb Boarman Virginia L. Boehme° Angela M. Bohmann and Jonathan Riehle° Dr. Lee A. Borah, Jr. Rich and Jane Borchers Mary S. Bowman Bethany Brand and Steven Johansen Mr. John R. Brand Ms. Colleen P. Brandel Richard and Colette Bresnahan Dorothy Brewer Susan Brickley Beth Brill Carolyn Britton Liane Bromer Mr. and Mrs. Narvel Brooks Lawrance and Elizabeth Brown Luann Brown° Lynn S. and Charles Brown Sally Brown and Chad Breckenridge° Thomas L. and Joyce E. Bruckner° Martin and Donna Bruhl° Pamela Brunfelt Dave Bryan and Ann Longfellow Stephen W. and Elizabeth M. Buckingham° Tyrone and Delia Bujold Michael S. Bundul Gerald A. Bunton and Patricia L. Behm Brian and Marsha Burgeson Nicholas and Susan Burke and Perrin, Shea, Kellen Burke Timothy A. Burns° Mary Burrichter and Bob Kierlin William Burt Harriet Busdicker° Mrs. Terry C. Butler Mary Cajacob and Peter Eisenberg° Charles Calhoun° Dorothy H. Callahan Mr. Edward J. Callahan, Jr.° Kathleen and Paul Campbell Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Cantrill° Janet Cardle Jane Carlson and Chuck Madhav° Mari and Richard Carlson Nancy and Mark Carlson Lydia Caros Dr. Alan E. and Ruth A. Carp Emmett F. Carpel, M.D. and Katherine Meehan° Robin J. Carpenter Birdie Hix Carter Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Carthaus° John P. and Anne S. Caruso Collins and Barbara Cavender° Marcia Cheney and Arthur Larsen Sheldon and Lili Chester° James L. and Julie Knox Chosy Ann and Bruce Christensen° Imogene Christian° Mr. Arnold Chu and Ms. I-ming Shih Laurie A. and Wei-Chen Chu° Ralph and Jodi Chu Cynthia and Klaus Clark Walt and Lynne Clay Diane Clayton and Stephen Metz Hiram and Liz Cochran° Edward and Elizabeth Colburn° Bert and Susan Colianni Ms. Dawn Colville *Mr. and Mrs. James Colvin, Jr.° John Condon John R. Cox and Sarah A. Guillet James L. Crabb and Judith A. Ney° Steve Craney Mrs. Robert W. Cranston° Rich Cress° Stephen Cribari and Jane Kirtley Robert and Gretchen Crosby Sarah Crouch and Mic Johnson Mr. Todd Cunningham° Edward and Karayn Cunnington Andrew Czajkowski Bobby and John Dahl° John and Jackie Dahler° Sharon Dalmasso° Linda Danielson° Mary Davidson° Kelly R. Davis° DONORS Tom E. Davis° Ms. Janna P. De Lue Ms. Terry Devitt Ms. Mary Dew and Mr. David Miller Sarah A. Dill Eugene DiMagno° Joseph and Eugenia Dixon° Grant M. Dolezal Tom and Maggy D'Onofrio° Bright M. Dornblaser Mr. Chris Douglas Joseph Dowd and Aviva Abosch Edward and Jo Anne Driscoll Thomas and Suzanne Ducker° Kika Dudiak Mary and John Duffy° J. A. Durades° James Eastman and Cynthia Kriha° David and Holly Ebel Colleen and Michael V. Eckman° Jeanne Eddy and Lee Renz° David and Tina Edstam Rev. Michael L. Edwins° Maria K. Eggemeyer° Joanne B. Eicher° David B. and Mary Jo Eide Barbara L. Eldridge Tim and Rebecca Emory Michael Dai and Gail Engstrom Joy H. Erickson° Thomas Erickson and Katherine Solomonson Bonnie and Mario Esposito° Mr. Jerry Evenrud Ken and Jill Ewald° Patricia Fair Sonia Feder-Lewis and Michael Lewis° Carol L. Fedorchak Diane and Michael Feldman° Ellen M. Feldman and Jack B. Kester Bob and Nancy J. Feldman Mr. Matt B. Fellner Ms. Barbara J. Felt Suzanne Fenton and Daniel Lieberman M. J. Ferguson and S. Barry-Ferguson Charles and Anne Ferrell° Ms. C. M. Fiedler° Mr. Karl Fiegenschuh Anne and Litton Field Basil and Lidia Filonowich° Mrs. Harold B. Finch Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Finley Merrill J. Fischbein and Roberta Fischbein Cathi and Jerry Fischer° Vivian Fischer Richard and Pamela Flenniken Melanie and Bruce Flessner Martha Benton Flom° Dr. and Mrs. William Foley° Carolyn Fors Thomas and Barbara Frank Carol Freeman° Hillary J. Freeman and Carol J. Mork Mr. Casey Fritz Melanie I. Froemming Gayle Fuguitt and Thomas Veitch Norman M. Gabrick Bonnie and Phillip Gainsley Mr. Edward Gale Mr. and Mrs. Barton Galle, Jr. Robert Gardner and Jacquelyn Gardner Dottie and Hank Garwick Randy Gegelman and Wendy Skjerven Leland and Beverly Gehrke° Jim Geisler° Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gelb Michael J. Gelking° John and Janet Gendler° David Gerdes° Mr. Balint Gergely and Mr. Daniel Skwarek Lois D. Gernbacher° Susan Gerstner and Dan Carlsen° Mr. and Mrs. James Gesell Ms. Sally Gibson Stephen and Cathy Gies David and Gerry Giese° Laura and Robert Gillund Jane and Mark Gjevre° Suzanne and Fredarick Gobel° Marie and David Goblirsch° Michael and Jennifer Goblirsch Leah Golberstein Lynn and Alan Goldbloom Barbara Golden Mary and Steven Goldstein Robert and Katherine Goodale Carol and Irving Gottesman° V. Katherine Gray and Gary R. Schoener Sandra Pillsbury-Gredzens Dean and Marilyn Greenberg Cliff and Karyn Greene Kathleen Grendahl° Ray Gritche° Jane Grunklee and Cass Weil° Robert and Julie Guelich Mr. and Mrs. Larry Haeg Patrick Hagan and Brenda Smeby° John Hagen and Nancy Wilson-Hagan Leif and Anne Hagen James and Dorothy Halverson Bryce Hamilton Barbara Hamilton-Sustad and Gary Sustad Walt Handschin Richard W. Hannah and Dustin J. Macgregor Kristin Hansen Bob Harding and Allan Valgemae, M.D. Thomas Harkcom Armilda Harley Fred and Maureen Harms Ernest Harper Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hart° Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hartfiel, Jr.° Ellen Hart-Shegos and Dennis Shegos Blanche Hawkins Dr. E. Sharon Hayenga Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Hed Mr. Mark Hedin John and Elizabeth Heefner Anne and Peter Heegaard° John Heer and Jody Copp Robert and Joyce Hegstrom Ann and David Heider° Stacy and Sam Heins Frank and Jane Hennessy° Doug Henry° Phyllis and Dennis Hepp Jed Hepworth and Lee H. Schubert° Janet Herbert Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Herringer° Dale and Linda Herron° Lila Hertzberg° Kelly Hettwer Mr. Frederick J. Hey, Jr. Arthur and Frances Hibbs David Higgins and Mary Ann McNeil Joan Higinbotham Richard Himes° Gordon and Lou Hirsch° Peggy Ann Hoeft° Susan M. Hoel° Alan and Judy Hoffman Janice Hoffman Julie Anne and Harry Hoffman Barry and Kristi Holden° Michael and Kris Holmquist David and Marjorie Hols° N. D. and J. M. Honnigford° Stanley and Jane Hooper Judy Hoover Dr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Horowitz° Dr. and Mrs. Keith A. Horton Peter A. and G.L. Howell° Gayle A. Hudak° Lee Humphries and Susan Genaw Allan Ingenito Suzanne and Thomas Inman° Irwin and Alexandra Jacobs John and Barbara Jacoby J.W. Jaglo Family° Nancy Jamieson Pam and Robert Jamma James Jelinek and Marilyn Wall Joanne Jodoin and David Brandenburg Jim and Kati Johanson Melanie Johnsen Miss Ardes Johnson° Bev and Jerry Johnson° Brian and Susan Johnson Camille Johnson and Ken Johnson° Gary M. Johnson and Joan G. Hershbell° Gary Johnson° Emily and George R.A. Johnson Jackie Johnson and Rebecca Johnson JoAnn Johnson and Abby Brogden Lori A. Johnson and James Mackay Roger and Peggy Johnson Richard Johnson and Mary Kalish-Johnson° Dr. Charles Johnston and Dr. Dyanne R. Drake Julie and David Jones° Kathleen Jones 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 75 DONORS Thomas and Karen Jordan Carol Joyce and Neal Luebke° Paul and Jeane Kaeding Phyllis and Don Kahn David Kallmes Elisabeth Kaplan and Robert Horton° Dr. and Mrs. Martin Kaplan° Nancy Karason and Mark Karason Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Karkow Jane Kasiske Virginia P. Kass° Gina and Kurt Kastel° Jasmine Keller Thomas A. Keller III° Warren and Patty Kelly° Ms. Susan Kelly° Deborah J. Kermeen and John S. Grochala Bruce A. Kessel° James and Jennifer Kickul Patricia G. Kielb Brian and Kathryn Kieser° Philip and Virginia Kilpatrick° Ann Kincaid Ms. Susan King and Mr. James Gertmenian Laura Kingbay° Ms. Patricia Kinne° Kelly Kinney Dr. John Kluge John Kluznik Joan Kneeskern and Bryan Rossi Marvin Knoff° Douglas Knudson Jennifer and Michael Koehl° Ted and Marjorie Kolderie° Anita Sue Kolman and Marvin L. Marshak Mr. Erik Kolz° Jill and Chuck Koosmann Kyle Kossol and Tom Becker Dr. Robert L. Kriel and Dr. Linda E. Krach° Janet and Richard Krier Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kroll° Lindsay Kruh° Margaret Kruse Mr. Spencer Kubo and Ms. Adele DellaTorre° Maureen Kucera-Walsh Charles Kuefler Dorothy Kuether Hart and Susie Kuller° Jean Kummerow Debra and James Lakin° Ann and Paul Laliberte Robyn and David Lamm Brian Lammers and Emily Knox John W. and Judith A. Lampi° Jim and Mary Lande Bonnie Lane David and Deborah Lantz Dr. and Mrs. John E. Larkin Eric Larson Dr. and Mrs. Roger C. Larson Sandra Larson * Deceased as of June 30, 2011 ° Donor for ten consecutive years or more 76 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report Alan K. and Peggy Lathrop Ruth and Herbert Lauritzen° Ruth and Ben Leadholm Don and JoAnn Leavenworth° Ed and Mary LeClair Jeannine Lee and Roger Finney° Alyce and David Lees° *John and Genell Lemley David and Mary Jo Lenzen Jeanne and Albert Levin° Frank Levin and Claire Thoen-Levin° Jimmy and Stephanie Levine° Annalisa and Jonathan Lewis Mrs. Drake J. Lightner° Tina Liiste and Matt J. Liiste Dr. Ted Lillehei Ms. Anna Linder Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lindsay Glenn S. Lindsey° Thomas and Martha Link Kathy and Ken Lipe Dan and Mary Beth Liska Monica Little and Mark Abeln George Logan William H. Lohman and Ann Dillon Donald and Margaret Longlet° Ms. Ellen Longmire Joseph Lopez Szara Loring Ann Lowry and John Overton Mark Ludwig Troy Lund Barbara and Thomas Lundgren Britt and Steve Lundgren Rick and Jhna Lundin Lynda Lundstrom Catherine and Peter Lupori° Daniel and Carol Luthringshauser Sarah Lutman and Rob Rudolph° Susie and John Mackay Robert Madoff and Jane Korn° Kathryn and Nancy Madson Helmut and Mary Maier Rhoda and Donald Mains° Marv Mandery° Anthony and Sarah Manzara Jennifer M. Marrone° John and Lizabeth Marshall Charles N. Marvin Jr. Patrice Avon Marvin A. Thomas and Nona Mason° Rebecca Mason Erin Mathern Cal and Mary Mathieson Dr. John and Joyce Matsuura° Daniel M. Mayer Carolyn and Charles Mayo Sue McAllister° Pat McCartin and Paul Luttio Bob and Polly McCrea Jennifer M. McDaniel Lisa McDaniel° Mrs. Jennifer McIntosh Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence McIntyre Marlene J. and James J. McKeown David and Laura McLean° Donn and Bonnie McLellan° Julie and Jim McMerty Harry G. McNeely, Jr. Donald McNeil and Emily Galusha Helen R. McNulty Ms. Frances Megarry° Peter and Catherine Meier° Gerald Meigs Melissa Meinke Velia R. Melrose Kathleen Menard° Ron and Kim Meshbesher Byron and Beverly Meyer Jacqueline Meyer Karen and David Miley Anne W. Miller Robert and Rosemary Miller Mr. and Mrs. Willard Miller, Jr.° Maurice Milsten Sandra and John Mitchell° Jacqueline Mithun Laura K. and Craig L. Mollet Alfred and Ann Moore Mrs. Michael Moormann° Ed and Beth Morsman° Nina and Gordon Mosser Joseph R. and Kathleen Mucha Mike Muehlbach and Kim Johnson° Susan Muench° Tim Murphy° E.A. Murray° Frederick Muschenheim Nylce Myers William A. Myers David and Julie Nagel Paula and Frank Nauss Paul and Diane Neimann Averial Nelson and Catherine Polasky Colleen Nelson Janet and Tom Nelson Richard R. Nelson Kristen Nelson and Richard Cheeseman° John and Kirstin Dolores Nesbitt F.H. and Judy Neufeld Nylene Newkirk Sheryl and Steve Newman Ardelle Nicoloff° Jessica Niesewand Laura and Kurt Nisi° Mr. and Mrs. James F. Noble Paula B. Nordhem and Jim Calkins Donald H. Nordstrom° Dr. Franklin C. Norman Donald E. Notvik David and Billie Novy Ms. Jane J. Oberrender Paul C. Olfelt° Mr. Dennis R. Olson° Frederick and Sharon Olson° Karl-Thomas Opem Barbara and Edward Orndorf° Drs. Steven and Robin Pachuta° Mr. James Pagliarini and Mrs. Elizabeth Raymond Joyce and Mike Palazzotto° DONORS Bonnie Palmquist° David and Mary Parker Edward Paster Karen Pavloff and William Greenslit Mr. David L. Peach° Mary Ann Pedtke Patricia Penovich and Gerald Moriarty Richard G. Pepin, Jr. Earl A. Peterson° James and Joan Peterson° Dr. and Mrs. Rodney H. Peterson Dr. Dennis Philander and Eileen McKee Gloria Phillips° Jan and Janet Phillips Sydney and William Phillips° Walter Pickhardt and Sandra Resnick John and Norma Pierson Marjorie Pihl Mitchell Pincus, M.D. and Katherine Pincus° Kolean A. Pitner and Richard G. Wilson° Rebecca Planer° Edward and Susan Plaster Patty Ploetz and Edward Matthees Richard and Karen Ploetz° Richard Downing Poey and Heidi Poey° Larye Pohlman Mrs. Anne Policinski Anne and John Polta Joan E. Prairie and Tom Geisen Heidi and Greg Preslicka Judith and Nickolas Priadka Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Price Kris Ann and S. Steven Prince James and Nancy Proman° Beverly S. Proulx° Joanne Provo James and Louiva Puffer Laura and Jeff Putnam Sallie Quammen and Charles Fazio° Anton Rang Joyce Yoshimura Rank and Brian Rank Andrew J. Rapoport and Geraldine A. Rapoport° Catherine L. Rashid and Alfred J. Rashid II° Barbara Rawley and Dan Nordby Maria T. Wagner Reamer and David Reamer John and Linda Rebane° Katie Remole Suzanne Retzler and Kurt Retzler° John and Helenbeth Reynolds Nancy and Kevin Rhien Louisa H. Richardson° Philip and Mary Rickey Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Riordan Laurence and Edis Risser° Gladys and Frank Ritter Marilyn and Jeffrey Colby Rivkin Darla Robeck Suzy and David Robertson Jack A. and Aviva Robinson Sheldon and Shawn Rockler R. Roddy and Franciscan Friars Susan Roe and Rene Ducret Thomas D. and Nancy J. Rohde° C. F. and Helen Roland Mr. Daniel Rolf° Ronald and Glenda Rooney Doris Rose Marian and Kenneth Rose° Bernard M. Rose Jane Rosemarin and Val Landwehr° Michael and Toni Rosen° Anne M. Rosenberg° Miss Brynhild Rowberg Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rowley Peter and Kim Rue James and Sandra Rummel Cathy Ryan and Doris Engibous Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ryan Ms. Patricia Ryan° Stacey Kay Sagedahl° Dr. and Mrs. Richard Salib° J. Samaha Dorothy Sanford Jean and Richard Sanford° Paula C. Sanford° Ms. Mary Savina° Timothy and Sally D. Sawyer H.L. and Jo Ellen Saylor Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Sayre Libby and Paul Scheele Kathryn E. Schenk and Allan W. Mahnke Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Schiess Peter and Denise Schlesinger° Kit and Dick Schmoker° Allan and Deborah Schneider John H. Schomaker Jessica Schomberg Grace H. Schroeder° Mr. Alan L. Schwartz° Mr. and Mrs. James Schwarz° Ms. Mary Schwind and Mr. Luke Brock Rick Scott and Dale Vandenhouten Gail See Jonathan and Susan Seltzer Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Serres° Jane Severns and Wood Foster° Herbert and Suzanne Sewell° Richard and Mary Shapiro Lynda B. Sharbrough° Rose Jean Sharpe Mr. and Ms. Jeffry S. Shaw Frank and Mitsue Shindo Phil and Barbara Shively° Mr. Kevin Shores° Elizabeth Short and Kirkland Cozine° Kevin and Sarah Shriver° Katie Sidenberg Leighton and Dianne Siegel° Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Siegel Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Siess Elena and Mark Sifferlin Artice and Morton Silverman° Bonnie and Peter Sipkins Ed and Linda Skelly° Bonnie Skelton° Eugene and Margaret Skibbe Anthony M. and M. Heather Smith° Mr. and Mrs. D. William Smith Dennis and Barbara Smith° Mrs. Harriet Smith Dr. James and Joanne Smith° Jessica and Alan Smith Katherine Smith Marilyn and Wes Smith° Tim Smith and Karen Miller Sarah Jeanne Snapp° Judy and Lee Snitzer Charles Sorenson Peter Soulen Arne and Ellen Sovik Edward and Anne Sovik Mrs. Margaret Spear° Nancy Speer Louise and Curtis Speller Laurine Speltz and Denis Ryono Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Spiegel° Frances and Leonard Spira° Ms. Susan Stangler Karl Starr and Christopher Haug Ray and Helen Stawarz° Lois Steer and Larry Peterson Kathleen Steiger° Sharron Steinfeldt° Mark Steinhauser and Leslie Kopietz° Catherine Stepanek Elizabeth Stewart and H. Paul Zellweger Ms. Leah Stich and Mr. Robert Stich Rob P. Stock Prof. Hazel S. Stoeckeler John and Marcia Stout Dana and Stephen Strand° F. Michael Streitz Mark and Susan Stutrud Christopher Sullivan Patricia and Donald Sullivan Tim and Beth Sullivan° Karen Tracy Sutherland° Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Swanson° Mr. and Mrs. John H. Swanson° Sarah B. Swarts Michael Symeonides° Dr. and Mrs. Arkady Synhavsky Marsha and Gary Tankenoff Catherine Taylor Gail and Joseph Teynor Christopher and Patricia Thiem Daniel and Trudy Thompson Dr. Deanna Thompson and Mr. Neal Peterson Margaret and Michael Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Thompson° Thomas A. and Jean L. Thompson Lowell A. Thornber° Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Thorpe° Peter and Michele Timmons° *Frances W. Tobian° Edward and Anne Towey Jill and John Trautz Frank D. Trestman° Stephen and Julie Troutman 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 77 DONORS Dale and Judy Tucker° Robert D. and Marie Tufford Jay and Marietta Turner Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Ulvestad, Jr. Stephanie Cain Van D'Elden James and Ruth Van Meter° Johan Van Parys Kim and Jan Vanderwall Marilyn L. Van Ornum and D. Bradford Johnson° Patricia and Doug Vayda Linda Verbeck° Paige Vinall Karen Viskochil° Jeanne M. Voigt Clement and Ephie Volpe° James J. Wade° Denise Wagner Mike and Jody Wahlig Dr. Kyla Wahlstrom and Dr. Richard Wahlstrom John Wald and Marianne Remedios° David Waldemar Dr. and Mrs. Fred Walker° Stacy Walters Charles and Susan Ward° Robert and Susan Warde° Mary Ann and David Wark° Darin Warling and Deborah Schnur Jeanne Warner Nancy and David Warner David Washburn and Margaret Anderson Marcus Waterbury Colleen Watson and Mary McDougall Mr. and Mrs. Parke Weaver, Jr.° Marilyn Weber Margaret Weglinski Ms. Miriam Weinstein and Ms. Amy Ollendorf Dr. and Mrs. Irwin D. Weisman° David K. Wells Jr. Phyllis Welter Jeffrey Wepplo and Lisa Deutsch Brenda Scherping Westphal Mindy Wexler John and Annette Whaley° Maureen and Terry White° Susan and Rob White Mrs. Nedra M. Wicks and Mr. John Wicks° Susan Wiggin Mueller John M. and Debra C. Wilkinson° Stephen Willett and Diane Pike Frank Wilson Kenneth L. and Nina L. Wise Rosemary and Wayne Wislofsky° Warren Woessner and Iris Freeman° Marcia Henry Yanz° Joy Yoshikawa and Mark Christensen Betty Jo Zander James A. Zeese, M.D.° Mr. and Mrs. Larry Zelle Peter Zenner° Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Zinn, Jr.° Robert Zondag and Donald Byochuk * Deceased as of June 30, 2011 ° Donor for ten consecutive years or more 78 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report CORPORATE, GOVERNMENT, AND FOUNDATION GRANTS The following corporations, government agencies, and foundations have provided significant annual support for the museum’s accessibility to the community. Corporate Council EXECUTIVES $100,000 AND ABOVE º º º DIRECTORS $50,000–$99,999 3M Foundation° Ameriprise Financial, Inc.° Cargill Foundation° The Medtronic Foundation° UnitedHealth Group BENEFACTORS $25,000–$49,999 Best Buy Children's Foundation U.S. Bancorp Foundation° Wells Fargo Foundation Minnesota° LEADERS $10,000–$24,999 The Dorsey & Whitney Foundation° Faegre & Benson Foundation° The Pentair Foundation° Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi L.L.P.° The Valspar Foundation° Xcel Energy Foundation° PARTNERS $5,000–$9,999 BNSF Foundation° G & K Services, Inc. Gray Plant Mooty Foundation° JE Dunn Northcentral, Inc.° Mayo Clinic° RBC Wealth Management° Room & Board Securian Foundation° UBS Wenger Foundation° MEMBERS $2,000–$4,999 D'Amico and Partners Dolphin Staffing Emerson Process Management° Ernst & Young L.L.P.° Fair Oaks Apartments Faribault Foods° The Fredrikson & Byron Foundation Harris Companies° Harrison Development, Inc. Interdyn-Business Microvar, Inc. KPMG L.L.P.° Leonard, Street and Deinard° Lindquist & Vennum P.L.L.P.° Maslon Edelman Borman & Brand, LLP Patterson Dental° Peregrine Capital Management R. Chase Financial Rahr Foundation° Schwegman, Lundberg & Woessner, P.A. Sotheby's Tennant Foundation° Walter G. Anderson, Inc. Business League LEADERS $1,000–$1,999 Access Financial Services, Inc.° Aspen Waste Systems, Inc. Best & Flanagan LLP Federated Insurance Companies Hammel Green and Abrahamson, Inc. Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe Sebesta Blomberg and Associates, Inc.° Zelle, Hofmann, Voelbel, Mason & Gette° PARTNERS $750–$999 Bailey Nurseries, Inc. Barry and Sewall Industrial Supply Company° Liberty Diversified Industries Little & Company ASSOCIATES $500–$749 Berger Transfer & Storage, Inc. Brock White Company° Christos Greek Restaurant Heroic Productions, Inc. Hiawatha Lumber Company° McLaughlin Gormley King Co. Minnesota Knitting Mills Piccadilly Valet, Inc. MEMBERS $300–$499 Après Party and Tent Rental Damon Farber Associates Fast Print, Inc.° National Checking Company° Padilla Speer Beardsley° Shapco Printing Steinwall Inc. DONORS Government Support $100,000 AND ABOVE º This activity is made possible in part by a grant provided by the Minnesota State Arts Board, through an appropriation by the Minnesota State Legislature from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund with money from the vote of the people of Minnesota on November 4, 2008. Foundation Support SPECIAL GIFTS AND SPONSORSHIPS Exhibitions and Catalogues We are grateful to the following donors for their generosity in support of MIA projects, programs, events, exhibitions, and catalogues. $100,000 AND ABOVE Sheila Morgan The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts Projects, Programs, and Events $1,000,000 AND ABOVE Anonymous Jane Emison $500,000–$999,999 $25,000–$49,999 Patrick and Aimee Butler Family Foundation° Grace B. Wells Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation° $10,000–$24,999 Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation B. C. Gamble and P. W. Skogmo Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation° Carl and Eloise Pohlad Family Foundation° $5,000–$9,999 Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of HRK Foundation The James Ford Bell Foundation The Curtis L. Carlson Family Foundation° Frey Foundation Marbrook Foundation° $2,000–$4,999 Dellwood Foundation, Inc.° Alice M. O'Brien Foundation° Onan Family Foundation° Elizabeth C. Quinlan Foundation° Margaret Rivers Fund° The Mendon F. Schutt Foundation of The Minneapolis Foundation $1,000–$1,999 Betsy Johnston Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation $50,000–$99,999 Friends of the Institute H.B. Fuller Company Alfred and Ingrid Lenz Harrison The McKnight Foundation $25,000–$49,999 Dorsey & Whitney LLP Joseph F. McCrindle Foundation $10,000–$24,999 Bank of the West Etant donnés: The French-American Fund for Contemporary Art Jerome Foundation William W. McGuire and Nadine M. McGuire Family Foundation $100,000–$499,999 FRI ENDS OF T HE INSTIT U TE The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation $50,000–$99,999 The Henry Luce Foundation $25,000–$49,999 Carolyn Foundation Northern Trust $10,000–$24,999 Samuel H. Kress Foundation Margaret Leddick Lowry Hill Alan and Dena Naylor Summit Brewing Co. 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 79 DONORS MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES MEMORIALS AND TRIBUTES Individual donors are able to expand their contributions by securing matching gifts from their employers. We thank these generous companies for matching donations. The following donors have made gifts to the museum in honor of friends or loved ones. ACE Foundation ADC Telecommunications, Inc. Adobe Systems Incorporated AgriBank Ameriprise Financial, Inc. Arch Insurance Group Inc. Archer Daniels Midland Foundation Bemis Company Foundation BNSF Foundation Caterpillar Foundation Charles Schwab Deluxe Corporation Foundation The Dorsey & Whitney Foundation Dow Corning Eco Water Systems LLC Emerson Electric Company The Ford Foundation Gap Foundation General Mills Foundation Goodrich Corporation IBM Corporation ING Foundation Johnson & Johnson The Jostens Foundation, Inc. Macy's Foundation The McKnight Foundation Microsoft Giving Campaign Mobil Retiree Matching Gifts Program Pfizer, Incorporated The Prudential Insurance Company of America Red Wing Shoes Company Foundation Symantec TCF National Bank Minnesota Tennant Foundation Thomson West Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation Toro Foundation U.S. Bancorp Foundation United Technologies Matching Gifts Program Uponor North America, Inc. Xcel In memory of Tracey Albainy Tom Rassieur In memory of Pat Atherton The family of Cat Gilfillen, c/o Jack B. and Sara L. Alley Cat Gilfillen Ms. Kathryn C. Johnson and Mr. Scott R. Berry Greta A. Stryker In memory of Gerald W. Avery William Avery In memory of Lloyd Albert Bachman Mr. Dennis Charles Bergquist In memory of Mr. Robert Baumer Mr. and Mrs. Martin Weinstein In memory of Pat Beaver’s father, Harold Joseph Beaver Dr. and Mrs. Richard Carroll In memory of Charles H. Blomquist Joyce Blomquist In honor of the wedding anniversary of Patricia and Bill Bomash Richard and Katharine Fournier In memory of Fr. William A. Brown Sharon Byrne Edward J. Fisher and Paul A. Petrella Cindy Floyd William Grazidi Grant and Lisa Lindgren Greg and Patti Lindgren Billie Jo and Melvin Lively Darrel Mitchell Mary Ann Monk and Susan M. Monk-Kjos Mark Nemeth William Perron Mrs. Meredith A. Poland and Dr. Jerry Poland Mary E. and Steve Thompson Joann Turmes In honor of Carol Burton and Steven Gray’s marriage Ethel H. Mayeron In honor of Bruce Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hogg Tom Rassieur 80 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report In memory of Ann H. Dietrich Kay and John Alsip Mrs. Lucille Hamer Amis Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Babcock Albert L. and Marian H. Brown Mr. and Mrs. George Carisch David and Mary Cost Mrs. Barbara Freeman Mrs. Bette Hammel Jim and Jean Haverstock Mr. and Mrs. Jim N. Hillis Mrs. Jean McGough Holten Patricia Kelly Harold G. and Judith A. Kuller Jean LeJeune Mr. and Mrs. David Lieberman Dorothy Lundahl and Dwight Ericsson Jeanne and Thomas MacLeod Mr. and Mrs. Cargill MacMillan, Jr. Laura and James Miles Mr. and Mrs. Laurence T. Mork Mr. and Mrs. James Neilson Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Pratt Peter M. and Betty W. Rogers Mr. W. Yale Smiley Emily Anne Tuttle Nancy and David Warner In memory of Marjorie Dixon James and Nancy Claypool Margaret and Philip Harder Mrs. Marnie Hensel Mr. and Mrs. William Hodder Sally Boyd Polk The Schall Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation In honor of Sylvia Druy’s special birthday Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wolk In memory of Tonye V. Erekosima, Buguma, Nigeria Joanne B. Eicher In memory of Marion L. Errede Alvira L. Anderson Imogene Christian Connie Dahlstrom Department of Environmental Health and Safety Michael Diaz and Khanh Tran Dr. Richard Diaz and Jean M. Diaz David B. and Mary Jo Eide The colleagues of Dawn Errede at the Division of Environmental Health Services at the University of Minnesota Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gisslen Mr. and Mrs. Ramsis Gobran Dorothy and Gordy Hinderscheit Connie Jaye Hines Ralph W. and Virgie M. Kanten Richard and Thelma Lareau Dr. and Mrs. John Larkin Rita Lawther Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lehmann DONORS Duane W. and Anitra Loe Ronald and Nancy Ness William and Jocelyn M. Paterson Janice and Bruce Roberts Donald C. and Karen Waite In honor of Kaywin Feldman Richard and Elizabeth Horn In memory of Mary Goff Fiterman Friends of the Basilica of Saint Mary Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Erickson Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kasper Marilyn Ludwig Mr. Tom Morin and Mr. John Skogmo In memory of Anne Grande Jay and Julie Abdo Anita M. Anderson Ronald C. Anderson and M. Melinda Pattee Shane H. Anderson and Glenn R. Drury ARCA Incorporated Julie A. Armbrust Martin Aydelott and Nancy Hannigan Cheryl Barnes Donna K. Bausch Tracie R. Bell, Jr. and Becky Thacher-Bell Mark J. Beltrand Sharon Bestrom Mary S. Bowman Boyce, Greenfield, Pashby & Welk, LLP Kit, Kate, Samuel and Scarlett Brown Jean E. Burke Paul and JeanMarie Burtness John S. Cabot and Sarah A. McArdle Cabot Keith and Carolyn Campbell Lois H. Carey Robert F. and Margaret Carolan Jane S. and James W. Chase Helen Wilson Chason Marilynn A. Clark Carolyn Cochran Mary Costello Suzanne Crowe Michael H. and Patty A. Cunniff Carol and Stephen Dennis Merrill E. and Marilyn A. Donoho Robert J. Ernt and Lois Lenroot-Ernt Donna and Paul Floyd David Fortney Jacque Foust Kelley A. and Mark A. Frew Michael L. and Pattie Fricke Grace Goggin Mary Grau James O. and Debra W. Hagen Peggy Hall and Lee Barry Lynn D. and Christine L. Hansen Thomas W. and Cheryl A. Harjes Careen Heegaard Mary S. and Ben M. Henschel Jean and Paul Holcomb Roberta Hunt and Timothy M. Heaney Ross A. and Natalia J. Huseby Jeffrey M. and Bonnita A. Jacobs Linda R. Jeffrey Karen M. and Brian K. Jenks Chelen Johnson Eugene L. and Barbara B. Johnson The Judges and Magistrate Judges of the United States District Court for the State of Minnesota Steve and Vicki Kattke Megan E. Keator KW Specialty Insulation Group, Inc. Lapp, Libra, Thomson, Stoebner & Pusch William H. Lindberg William and Carol Lord Colby and Jackie Lund Mackall, Crounse and Moore Jane MacKenzie Stephen J. McDaniels Minnesota Association of Law Libraries Minnesota Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Dr. and Mrs. Robert Mulcare William Mullin, Maslon Edelman Borman & Brand Les and Nancy Novak Jane and Jerry Noyce Mr. and Mrs. W.J. O'Brien Prudence E. O'Connor Rebecca L. Orttel and Steven Kluz Ms. Antra Pakalns Charles E. Paschke Jon T. and Janet V. Peterson Scott G. and Julie B. Peterson Thomas and Naomi Peterson Monica Porter Peter M. and Lynn R. Ramme Sally Rice Marcia Rinek Dona M. and Steven A. Rodrigue Kathleen Rothenberger Morry Rothstein M. Scott and Ellen Sayer Dr. and Mrs. H.L. Saylor and Family Nancy and Richard Scherer Paul C. and Gail M. Schulz Daniel J. and Debra J. Schumacher Robert H. Schumacher Emily Shapiro Loras and Rosemary Sieve Verna J. Sotebeer Vicki Sperry Tija Spitsberg and David J. Weiner Tim A. Staum Mr. and Mrs. James Stephenson Stoel Rives Mr. Kirk Stubbee Richard and Kathleen Student Allison Thiel John C. and Marsha T. Unthank Edward and Patricia Vaurio, Jr. Craig L. Vollmar Mary Westra Ginny Wheeler Edward F. and Deann M. Wilson Helen Wilson Chason Margaret F. Wilson Mr. Robert Wilson Thomas and Susan Wilson Marvin and Elayne Wolfenson Michele Yates Joy Yoshikawa J. Peter and Judith M. Zetterberg In memory of Albert J. Greenberg Stuart Binstock and Debra Berlyn Bernadine L. and Myron E. Enevoldsen Daniel S. and Anna M. Flores George J. and Kathleen B. Gaberlavage Daniel N. Hebert Pastor Herrera, Jr. National Consumers League, Inc. Elizabeth Sandler Esther K. Shapiro Cleo and Nicholas M. Stamatos In honor of Mr. Jan-Lodewijk Grootaers Susan Webster In honor of Mrs. Beverly N. Grossman Ms. Alene Grossman The Pam and Charles Grossman Fund of the MN Community Foundation The Elizabeth A. and Benjamin R. Smith Fund of the MN Community Foundation In memory of Pauline Lambert Merritt Nequette In honor of the marriage of Julie Linnihan and Bob Thistle Mary Burrichter and Bob Kierlin In honor of Mr. Gordon Locksley Dr. Richard Alberta and Dr. Hanan Rosenstein In memory of Roberta Mann-Benson Kathleen Dodson-Smith Kaywin Feldman Linda D. Rees-Christianson Ms. Leann Standish In memory of Ana Martinez-Tapp Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sarles In honor of Mary J. Maurer Greta A. Stryker In honor of Lisa Michaux Dr. and Mrs. Gabriel Weisberg In memory of Alfred Moir Barbara Flanagan Sanford In memory of Frank Navarro Greta A. Stryker 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 81 DONORS In memory of C.C. and Francis Orear Tom Rassieur NAMED ENDOWMENT FUNDS In memory of Harold P. Peterson Mr. David Jordan Harris and Ward Bauman The following individuals, families, and organizations are gratefully acknowledged for their named endowment funds. These funds provide an ongoing source of income for museum programs or for the acquisition of art for the museum’s permanent collection. (Market values as of June 30, 2011.) In memory of Harriet J. Porter Donald Porter In honor of Tom Rassieur Tom and Marsha French In honor of Nathan J. Root Michael Root In memory of Richard Rosenbaum Greta A. Stryker In honor of Dr. Sidney Shapiro’s special birthday Sharon and Phil Snyder In memory of Dr. William Siegmann William Siegmann In memory of Bjorn Skrimstad Ruth Heidelberg In memory of Laurie Snow Kaywin Feldman and Jim Lutz Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McCullough In honor of Lotus Stack Richard L. Simmons In memory of Dorothee Thaut Greta A. Stryker In memory of Mrs. Frances W. Tobian Mrs. Bette Hammel In memory of Kathryn Warweg Gretchen Ganfield Marilyn Hoisve Dolores M. O'Brien Dorothy A. Warweg In honor of Matthew Welch Edina Federated Women’s Club In memory of William Robert Wheaton Tom Rassieur In memory of J. Kimball Whitney David K. Whitney and Javier J. Cisneros In memory of Jean C. Windahl Dorothy Flynn Leslie and Mark Haney Bev Nesseth Heather Seby 82 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report Distinguished Benefactors Funds of $5,000,000 and above Ruth and Bruce Dayton Fund Putnam Dana McMillan Fund Ethel Morrison Van Derlip Trust John R. Van Derlip Trust Ralph Whelan Trust Leadership Benefactors Funds of $2,000,000–$4,999,999 Walter C. and Mary C. Briggs Trust Patrick and Aimee Butler Fund for the Curatorship of Paintings Ruth Ann Dayton Chinese Room Endowment Fund Driscoll Art Accessions Endowment Fund William Hood Dunwoody Fund Mary and Mark Fiterman Lecture Fund The McKnight/Members’ Fund for Community Programs Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Endowment for Mid-Level Curatorships Lily S. Place Fund Target Foundation Special Exhibitions Fund Patron Benefactors Funds of $1,000,000–$1,999,999 Anonymous James Ford Bell Foundation, and the Bell Family Fund for Decorative Arts James Ford Bell Foundation Endowment for Art Acquisition The Bush Foundation Fund Jane Emison Fund for the Associate Curatorship of Indian and Southeast Asian Art Friends of Bruce Dayton Art Acquisition Endowment The Friends of the Institute Endowment Fund for Education Richard P. and Isobel R. Gale Fund for the Curator of Asian Art Mary Ingebrand-Pohlad Endowment for 20th Century Paintings Mary Joann and James R. Jundt Fund William and Harriet Ludwick Endowment for Western Art Guilford A. Morse Fund Ted and Dr. Roberta Mann Foundation Endowment Fund Sheila C. and John L. Morgan Endowment for Art Acquisition Rhodes Robertson Fund Christina N. and Swan J. Turnblad Memorial Fund John R. Van Derlip Trust Major Benefactors Funds of $500,000–$999,999 Marion and John Andrus III Prints and Drawings Fund Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Bell Fund for Decorative Arts Jane and James Emison Endowment for Native American Art Jane and James Emison Endowment for South Asian and Indian Art Louis W. Hill, Jr., Memorial Fund Richard Lewis Hillstrom Fund John and Ruth Huss Fund for Decorative Arts Marguerite S. McNally Endowment for Art Acquisition Donald McNeely Family Fund in Tribute to Marjorie McNeely Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Exhibitions Endowment Fund Suzanne S. Roberts Endowment for Asian Art The Fred R. Salisbury II Fund Star Tribune Foundation Fund Surdna Foundation Fund for the Curatorship of Prints and Drawings Walter H. and Valborg P. Ude Memorial Fund Donald Weesner Charitable Trust Mary Ruth Weisel Endowment for Africa, Oceania, and the Americas DONORS Benefactors Funds of $100,000–$499,999 Anonymous Tess E. Armstrong Fund Atherton and Winifred Bean Fund James Ford Bell Foundation Fund in honor of Charles H. Bell and Lucy W. Bell David Winton Bell Foundation Fund Julia B. Bigelow Fund Walter Bollinger Fund The Bridgman Foundation Fund Mary Griggs Burke Endowment for Art Acquisition Mary and Robyn Campbell Fund for Art Books Joan and Gary Capen Endowment for Art Acquisition Mr. and Mrs. Leonard G. Carpenter Fund Folwell W. Coan Fund Rusty and Burt Cohen Fund John Cowles Family Fund David and Margaret Christenson Endowment for Art Acquisition Mrs. Thomas M. Crosby, Sr., Fund Marion Cross Fund Anson Cutts Trust Deborah Davenport and Stewart Stender Endowment for American Folk Art David Draper Dayton Fund William C. Dietrich Endowment for 19th Century Paintings Mike and Kathy Dougherty Fund Dolly J. Fiterman Fund Peter and Patricia Frechette Endowment for Art Acquisition The Friends of the Institute Transportation Fund Merrill H. Gibbs Family Fund N. Bud and Beverly Grossman Fund Alpha Gustafson Endowment William Randolph Hearst Foundation Fund The Herberger Foundation Endowment Fund Joan H. Herreid Memorial Docent Lecture Fund Leonard and Mary Lou Hoeft Fund Douglas J. and Victoria Galloway Holmen Endowment Fund Inga M. Holstad Fund Paul C. Johnson, Jr., Fund Helen Jones Fund for Asian Art Winton Jones Endowment Fund for Prints and Drawings Eloise and Elliot Kaplan Endowment for Judaica Samuel H. Kress Foundation Fund Florence S. Lasher Fund Allen and Kathy Lenzmeier Endowment for Art Acquisition Ella Sage Little Fund Barbara S. Longfellow Fund for Works on Paper Lund Food Holdings, Inc., Lunds and Byerly’s Fund Shirley Mahowald and Henry Kinsell Endowment for Art Acquisition Marbrook Foundation Fund Siri and Robert Marshall Fund for American Paintings Ella S. Martin Fund Martin and Brown Foundation Endowment Fund Walter McCarthy and Clara Ueland Endowment for Photographs McClurg Fund The McKnight Foundation Fund Katherine Kittredge McMillan Memorial Fund The Medtronic Foundation Fund Alida R. Messinger Fund Ellen J. Nelson Fund Frances Norbeck Fund The Douglas and Mary Olson Frame Acquisition Fund Marilyn and Valdemar Olson Endowment Fund for Education Linda and Lawrence Perlman Photography Endowment Sharon and Bill Richardson Endowment for Art Acquisition The Shared Fund Simmons Family Endowment for Textiles Southways Foundation Endowment Fund for Exhibitions Lotus Stack Textiles Endowment Sweatt Foundation Fund James R. Thorpe Fund Travelers Companies Fund David and Ruth Waterbury Endowment for Contemporary Craft Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Wells and Mrs. John Roller Fund Donald and Betty Winston Exhibition Fund Robert C. Winton Fund Associate Benefactors Funds of $50,000–$99,999 Frances V. Doneghy Fund C. Curtis Dunnavan Endowment for Asian Art Ben and Becky Field Endowment for Art Acquisition Richard and Beverly Fink Endowment for Art Acquisition Clarence G. Frame Fund G & K Services Fund Kelly and Geoffrey Gage Endowment for Art Acquisition Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Gary Fund George Family Acquisition Fund for Native American Art Bill and Penny George Fund for Education and Community Programs Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Granum Fund Hognander Family Endowment for Scandinavian Art Anne and Hadlai Hull Endowment for Art Acquisition Susan Jacobsen Endowment for Art Acquisition Helen Winton Jones Fund Larey E. Lindberg and Larey Swanson Endowment for Art Acquisition The James and Faeth McGowan Fund Rudolph Miller Fund Margaret E. Morris Fund Clinton Morrison and Mary K. Morrison Fund Allan E. Mulligan Endowment James and Jo Ann Nordlie Endowment for Art Acquisition Mr. and Mrs. Richardson Okie Fund Raymond and Ruth Reister Endowment for Art Acquisition Augustus L. Searle Fund Ruth Mackoff Shapiro Docent Education Fund Mary R. Slater Fund in memory of Wallace and Lillian Reinhardt Anne Morrison Snyder Memorial Fund Glenda and Richard Struthers Endowment for Art Acquisition Roman and Alice Wagstaff Verostko Educational Fund Weesner Charitable Trust Elsie and Mauritz Westmark Fund Robert J. Ulrich Fund Margaret Boldt Anderson Fund Apache Foundation Fund Ford and Amy Bell Endowment Fund for Decorative Arts Michael Bennes Endowment for Art Acquisition Carol and Ray Bergeson Endowment for Art Acquisition Blythe Brenden Endowment for Art Acquisition Dandelion Endowment for Textiles Judy and Kenneth Dayton Fund for the Purcell-Cutts House Ann Dietrich Endowed Lecture Fund Irene Donaldson Fund 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 83 DONORS Patrons Funds of $10,000–$49,999 Anonymous Agnes Lynch Anderson and Roger Lewis Anderson Lecture Fund Frances V. Anderson Fund Ruth B. Anderson Memorial Endowment for Asian Art Jo and Gordon Bailey Fund Bemis Company Foundation Fund Mildred Bird Fund Elsie Boosalis Fund Robert and Lois Bowen Fund Michael and Grace Bress Endowment for Art Acquisition Carol and Conley Brooks, Jr. Fund Mr. and Mrs. Conley Brooks, Sr. Fund M. Boyd and Carol Burton Endowment Mary Ann Butterfield Memorial Textile Lecture Endowment Fund Mrs. Benton J. Case, Sr. Fund in memory of Benton Janney Case Thirza Cleveland Fund Community Endowment Fund for Jewish Arts and Culture Cornelia Coultrap Fund Anne S. Dayton Fund Rosamund Dols Fund Esther Donovan Fund Dorathea Drotning Fund Sylvia Druy Endowment for Museum Guide Education James and Maureen Duffy Endowment for Prints and Drawings Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Erickson Fund Richard and Beverly Fink Fund Barbara Forster Fund Norman Gabrick Endowment for African Art Gertrude Gieseke Fund Bernard and Fern Granum Fund for Conservation Irene V. Grayston Fund Sima and Clark Griffith Fund Lois Hall Fund Henry Hanson Fund Josephine O. Hanson Fund Charles M. Harrington Fund Denie Harris Memorial Fund Philip B. Harris Fund Dorothy W. Houston Fund Margaret Washburn Hunt Fund Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Hunter III Fund Aref and Barbara Jabr Fund Grace M. Jefferson Fund Mrs. Blair Jenness Fund in memory of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Lindsay Josephine J. Jensen Fund Alice Johnson Fund Josie Johnson Fund Frances E. Jordan Fund Charlotte Karlen Lecture Fund Dorothy Kincaid Fund Ruth Kincaid Fund Elizabeth Washburn King Fund * Deceased as of June 30, 2011 84 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report Paul and Gisela Konopka Endowment Fund Pauline Lambert and Merritt C. Nequette Lecture Fund D. Kenneth and Patricia A. Lindgren Fund Emily C. Lineburg Fund Martin Foundation Fund Samuel and Patricia McCullough Endowment for American Furniture and Folk Art Jeffrey Meehan Endowment for Art Acquisition Minnesota Natural Foundation Fund Harold P. Peterson Endowment for Books Alice S. Pommer Fund Margaret M. Mull Fund Endowment Fund for Museum Guide Education Jane and Thomas Nelson Fund John and Shirley Nilsen Endowment for Art Acquisition Mr. and Mrs. James S. Nordlie Fund Eugene and Virginia Palmer Fund Louise R. Phelps Fund Piper Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation John and Katharine Pillsbury Fund Plautz Family Endowment Russell A. Plimpton Fund Emily L. Pyke Fund Louisa Richardson Endowment for Art Acquisition Sara Rutz Fund Sandy Family Fund Earl S. and Barbara Flanagan Sanford Fund for the Purchase of American Art Leon and Anna Schaar Fund Joan and Arthur Schulze Fund Margaret Schweizer Fund The Shared Fund Charles Silverson Fund Dr. Werner and Elizabeth Simon Music Fund Skoglund Trust Endowment John Skogmo and Tom Morin Fund Harold and Mickey Smith Endowment for Jewish Arts and Culture Loring M. Staples, Jr., Fund Ruth Bovey Stevens Fund Alan and Evelyn Struthers Fund Barbara Benton Wescoe Fund Helen and J. Kimball Whitney Fund Ruth E. Wilson Fund Charles J. Winton, Jr. Fund Mrs. Frederick Winston Fund Helen and Leo Wolk Fund GIFTS OF ART AND FUNDS FOR ART ACQUISITION We recognize the following donors, who donated works of art or funds designated for the purchase of works of art for the museum’s permanent collection. Over $10,000 Anonymous (3) John E. Andrus III Siah Armajani Richard Avedon Foundation Rusty and Burt Cohen Russell Cowles II Curtis Galleries, Inc. Ruth and Bruce Dayton Eric Dayton The Estate of Mary Haldeman Dayton Wendy and Doug Dayton Decorative Arts Council Harry M. Drake Kaywin Feldman and Jim Lutz John and Martha Gabbert George Family Foundation, Penny and Bill George Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser Beverly N. Grossman Groves Foundation Alfred and Ingrid Lenz Harrison Susan Herzig and Paul Hertzmann Mary Ingebrand-Pohlad Oleg Kudryashov Cargill and Donna MacMillan Nivin MacMillan Siri and Bob Marshall Juliann McGuire Michael McGuire Mary Agnes and Al McQuinn Alida Messinger Sheila Morgan Josine M. Peters Print and Drawing Curatorial Council Tom Rassieur Darwin and Geri Reedy Robert Brown Gallery Michael Root Alan and Phyllis Rusterholz Steve and Tamrah Schaller O’Neil Richard L. Simmons Barbara H. Steiner *Irene G. Steiner *Helen and *J. Kimball Whitney Windgate Foundation Robert Crane Winton DONORS Under $10,000 Anonymous (2) Todd and Allyson Aldrich Karen and James Ashe *R. Patrick Atherton G. William Avery Karen Baker James A. Bergquist Jane R. Blanch Blythe Brenden Joan and John Brooks Page and Jay Cowles Julia W. Dayton Maï Diop Colleen Doran and Jordan Smith C. Curtis Dunnavan Joanne B. Eicher Jane Emison Margene and David Fox Tom and Marsha French Dr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Furman Alene Grossman Pam and Charles Grossman Jonathan Hamilton Betsy Hannaford Thomas Harkcom and Anthony Brenny Jim Harris Sharon and Bill Hawkins Scott Helmes Scott Hierlinger and Michael Moore John and Karen Himle Barbara Jabr Judy and Elliot Jaffee Dan Jensen Robert and Jane Keller Constance Kunin Al and Kathy Lenzmeier Diane and David Lilly Cynthia Lin Kay Litin Barbara Longfellow Jeffrey C. Meehan Lucy and Robert Mitchell Leni and David Moore, Jr. Mary and Gary O'Brien Steven Parker *Kate Butler Peterson Carl and Susan Platou Margaret and Brooks Poley John and Carol Prince Elizabeth Redleaf and Ken Bailey Jeff Reed Katie Schneeman Rajni and Rajiv Shah William Siegmann Benjamin R. Smith Rebecca and Mark Sorensen Marcia Stout Olga Viso and Cameron Gainer Cynthia and Bradford Wallin Gabriel P. and Yvonne M.L. Weisberg Matthew Welch Betsy and David Weyerhaeuser NEW CENTURY SOCIETY We are grateful to the members of the New Century Society, whose estate gifts provide enduring support to the museum. Anonymous (6) Dennis Albrecht *Ms. Barbara A. Aman and Mr. William R. Easton E. Viktoria Anderson *Mrs. Frances V. Anderson *Ruth B. Anderson Ruth M. Anderson Rolf L. Andreassen, M.D. and Norma Neumann Karen L. Andrew Mr. and *Mrs. John E. Andrus III *Mrs. Tess E. Armstrong Jerry L. Artz *R. Patrick Atherton Rosalyn Amdur Baker and *Michael Baker *Mr. Stephen R. Baker *Kenneth Barry *Mrs. W.R. Royce Beamish *Winifred and *Atherton Bean John and Ardy Becklin *Mr. and *Mrs. Charles H. Bell Joseph Bellows *Kathleen B. Belzer Marilyn C. Benson *Grace Virginia Benz Ray and Carol Bergeson *Miss Mildred V. Bird Michael and Ann Birt Robert and *Varley Bodsgard Robert E. Boldt *Mrs. Walter R. Bollinger Kimberly J. Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Bradley C. Bowman II Mary S. Bowman *Mary C. Briggs and *Walter C. Briggs *Mary Stewart Brink *Ethelyn J. Bros Sandra M. and David M. Brown Mary Burich Mary Livingston Griggs and Mary Griggs Burke Foundation Michael and Susan Burnett Barbara J. Byrne and Michael D. Byrne *Mary and *Robyn Campbell Joan and Gary Capen *Arleen Carlson Darlene J. and Richard P. Carroll Helen L. Cashman Kristine A. Cecil Judith Christensen *Dr. John I. Coe and *Mrs. John I. Coe Judith and Richard Corson Ms. Margaret Coudron Kathleen Coy *Marion Cross David and Amber Dapkus Mrs. Julius E. Davis Ruth and Bruce Dayton *Mary H. Dayton Janna P. De Lue Mr. Harrison C. Deal *Margaret Deal Virginia E. Dehn *Elaine V. Dennett *William C. Dietrich *Rosamond Dols *Frances V. Doneghy Sue Doty and *George Doty *Judy Driscoll *Dorathea B. Drotning *Dr. James J. Duffey and Maureen O. Sullivan Duffey C. Curtis Dunnavan Dr. Robert and Mary Beth Eagan Jane and *Jim Emison E. Duane and Marlene Engstrom Sally Jane Enstrom *Katharine Eustis Carolyn Evans Sheryl and David Evelo *Robert Farlow John and Ester Fesler Dolly J. Fiterman *Mary Goff Fiterman *Mrs. Dorothy Fobes *Clarence G. Frame *C. Andrew Fuller and *Priscilla Paine Fuller *Don and Louise Gabbert Norman M. Gabrick Ms. Jennifer R. Gage Alfred P. Gale *Edith and *Norman Garmezy David Gerdes Cora Ginsberg Gary L. Gliem *Maxine and *Kalman Goldenberg Carol Burton Gray and *M. Boyd Burton *Irene V. Grayston Gregory Grinley and Raymond Terrill Beverly N. Grossman *Alpha M. Gustafson Rose O. Gustafson *Musa Guston Lois Hall *Lenore Hannon Linda Hanson *Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Harris *Evelyn Payne Hatcher Elaine and Roger Haydock Roy P. and Barbara L. Heinrich Charles P. Helsell *Edward Lees Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Hengler *Amy Herman *Hazel Hermanson Ms. Helena Hernmarck *Richard L. Herreid *Gareth Hiebert and *Janet Hiebert 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 85 DONORS Reverend Richard L. Hillstrom Leonard and Mary Lou Hoeft Peggy Ann Hoeft Orville C. Hognander *Inga M. Holstad Shelley K. Holzemer *G. Sidney and *Dorothy W. Houston Charles J. Hudgins *Hadlai and Anne Hull Dr. Kjeld O. Husebye and Mrs. Karen Husebye Ruth and John Huss Frank J. Indihar, M.D. Suzanne and Thomas Inman Hilda E. Jacob *Patricia Jaffray *Ms. Mary Young Janes *Grace M. Jefferson *Mrs. Virginia Jenness *Betty and *Frank Jewett, Jr. *Dr. Frank E. Johnson Kathryn C. Johnson and Scott R. Berry *Mary Elizabeth (Mimi) Johnson *Paul C. Johnson, Jr. Victoria K. and *Gerald W. Johnson Charmaine H. Jones Sara Jones Dr. Markle and *Charlotte Karlen Patricia A. Keith Marilyn Kelly Cramolini *Ruth Kincaid and *Dorothy Kincaid Helen M. King *Shirley Mahowald Kinsell and *Henry Kinsell *Mr. Kemper E. Kirkpatrick *John Harold Kittleson *Dr. I. M. Kolthoff *Dr. Gisela Konopka Liz and James Krezowski Felice Kronfeld and *Mervin Kronfeld James Ladner and Martha Abbott Ladner *Mrs. Floyd E. Lasher James C. Lau Jim Lawser and Duane N. Bandel *Roth and *Margaret Leddick Mr. Willy Lee *Ward B. and *Susan E. Lewis Patricia and D. Kenneth Lindgren *Ms. Emily C. Lineburg Barbara S. Longfellow *Patricia Lund David and Mary Maas *Wayne and *Rosalee MacFarlane *Gladys H. Margolis Siri and Bob Marshall *Felix A. Martucci *Mr. Samuel H. Maslon and *Mrs. Luella R. Maslon Robert W. Maynard *Mildred Carter McAdams Julia Sue McAllister *John C. McCarthy *Joseph F. McCrindle *Mrs. James McGowan Mary E. McKinsey Dr. Duncan McNab * Deceased as of June 30, 2011 86 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report *Marguerite S. McNally Don McNeil and Emily Galusha Jeffrey C. Meehan *Jeanne E. Michener *Rudolph W. Miller Carol and Mike Milligan Patricia M. Mitchell *Dr. Alfred Moir Gunilla Adner Montgomery *Margaret Morris Clinton and Mary K. Morrison *Arnold W. Morse *J. Dudley Moylan *Margaret M. Mull Sally A. Mullen *Allan Mulligan Alan and Dena Naylor Judy Neiswander and William Gleason Rodney Nelson *Ardis Nier *Mrs. Frances M. Norbeck *Mrs. Stanley Norris *Marjorie I. Nutter *Mr. and *Mrs. Richardson B. Okie Charlotte and Raymond Olson Douglas and Mary Olson Valdemar and *Marilyn Olson *Mr. and *Mrs. Murray Olyphant, Jr. Karl-Thomas Opem *Hendrick and Marri Oskam Constance S. Otis *Mr. Mickey Pallas Martha and *Roger R. Palmer Terry and Mary Patton Mrs. James R. Paul Donna L. Pauley Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pitschka *Ruth A. Plane Michael and Gloria Plautz Karen and Richard Ploetz Heidi and Richard Downing Poey Forbes W. Polliard *Alice B. Pommer Harriet and Walter Pratt Ms. Eleanor Ralston Ronald D. Reavis Darwin and Geri Reedy Dorothy L. Renn *Georgiana Slade Reny Louisa H. Richardson *Dr. and *Mrs. Dean K. Rizer Clifford M. Roberts, Jr. and *Suzanne S. Roberts David L. Rodum *Adele H. Roller Michael and Tamara Root John and Julie Roth Barbara Rubin-Greenberg *Burton and Berneen Rudolph *Sara Rutz Claire Hedine Rykken and Thomas Rykken *Fred R. Salisbury Jim and Cheryl Samples Earl S. and Barbara Flanagan Sanford Diane and Darryl Sannes *Dr. Frances E. Schaar *Mr. Carl Schenk Kathryn E. Schenk and Allan W. Mahnke Allan and Deborah Schneider *Margaret J. Schweizer Dale and Kay Schwie *Ethelda J. Seaman Gail and *Henry See Regis and Ruth Seidenstricker *Ruth M. Shipley *Mr. and *Mrs. Charles T. Silverson Dr. Richard L. Simmons *Elizabeth Strawn Simon *Dr. Werner Simon and Madeline Simon Anne Larsen Simonson *Mrs. Lee H. Slater *Kenneth R. and Lillian Smith Leonard and Frances Spira Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stahl *Loring M. Staples, Jr. *Elsie Stephens Mrs. Sibley F. Stewart *Alan and Evelyn T. Struthers *Dr. Betty J. Sullivan Michael L. Summerfield *Edward O. Swanson *Charles B. and *Margaret L. Sweatt Jerald E. Swenson Mr. and Mrs. John D. Telfer Kaimay and Joseph Terry, M.D. *Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Thacher Dr. Charles Thiesenhusen Mrs. Inga Thompson *James Tigerman *Mrs. Clarence O. Tormoen Ugyen Tshering and Patrizia Franceschinis *Thyrza Tyrrell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Urista *Vernon and *June Vendel Roman and *Alice Verostko *Ceil T. Victor Constance T. Wallace Jack and Connie Wallinga *Marianne Baird Wallman and *William Wallman *Joseph E. Walton *Marilee Ward *Lucille B. Webster Dr. Gabriel P. and Yvonne Weisberg Dr. Mary Ruth Weisel *Mauritz Westmark and *Elsie B. Westmark Mindy Wexler Steven Wexler *John R. and Renata R. Winsor Margie and Milton Woodhouse Margaret B. Woodworth and *Robert C. Woodworth Penny Lorraine Wuerth Pat Wuest Marcia Henry Yanz *Steven and *Rita Zellmer DONORS BEQUESTS The following individuals are acknowledged and remembered for their estate gifts. *Mary Goff Fiterman *Mr. and *Mrs. Roth S. Leddick *J. Dudley Moylan *Mrs. George Steiner HONOR ROLL With deep appreciation we pay tribute to the following donors, whose cumulative support has built and sustained the museum throughout its history. Master Builders Cumulative support of $5,000,000 and above *Winifred and *Atherton Bean Citizens of Hennepin County-Park Museum Fund Ruth and Bruce Dayton Elizabeth and W. John Driscoll Friends of the Institute General Mills Foundation *N. Bud and Beverly N. Grossman Alfred and Ingrid Lenz Harrison Cargill and Donna MacMillan Nivin and *Duncan MacMillan The McKnight Foundation Target Bob Ulrich and Helen Sillik U.S. Bancorp Foundation Ralph Whelan Trust Builders Cumulative support of $1,000,000–$4,999,999 Anonymous 3M Foundation Ameriprise Financial, Inc. Sydney Peppard Anderson Mr. and *Mrs. John E. Andrus III Athwin Foundation *Mr. Charles H. Bell and *Mrs. Charles H. Bell *Theodore W. Bennett Charitable Trust Best Buy Children's Foundation *Mr. and *Mrs. James H. Binger *Mary C. Briggs and *Walter C. Briggs The Bush Foundation Patrick and Aimee Butler Family Foundation Cargill Foundation *John Cowles and *Elizabeth Bates Cowles The Croixwood Trust Curtis Galleries, Inc. Elisabeth Jackley Dayton *Kenneth and Judy Dayton Wendy and Douglas Dayton Deluxe Corporation Foundation Mr. Harry M. Drake The Driscoll Foundation C. Curtis Dunnavan Jay F. Ecklund Jane and *Jim Emison Mr. and Mrs. J. Hap Fauth Dolly J. Fiterman *Mary Goff Fiterman Miles and Shirley Fiterman Charitable Foundation Ford Motor Company Fund Groves Foundation, Carolyn and Franklin Groves The Herberger Foundation *Mr. and *Mrs. Louis W. Hill, Jr. *Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Hodroff Honeywell Foundation Ruth and John Huss Mary Ingebrand-Pohlad The James Ford Bell Foundation James R. and M. JoAnn Jundt The Kresge Foundation Myron and Anita Kunin *Dorothy Millett Lindeke Mary Livingston Griggs and Mary Griggs Burke Foundation Don and Diana Lee Lucker *Dr. and Mrs. William E. Ludwick Whitney and Elizabeth MacMillan MAHADH Fund of HRK Foundation Ted and Dr. Roberta Mann Foundation *Samuel and *Luella Maslon *Marguerite S. McNally Mary Agnes and Al McQuinn The Medtronic Foundation Minnesota State Arts Board Sheila C. and John L. Morgan National Endowment for the Arts National Endowment for the Humanities Douglas and Mary Olson The Pillsbury Company Foundation *Carl and *Eloise Pohlad Darwin and Geri Reedy Regis Foundation Anne Pierce Rogers Dr. Richard L. Simmons Sit Investment Associates Foundation *Gene and Gail Sit The Southways Foundation Harriet and Edson Spencer Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Star Tribune Foundation *Mr. and Mrs. George R. Steiner T. B. Walker Foundation Travelers Foundation The Wallace Foundation Dr. Mary Ruth Weisel Wells Family Foundation Trust Wells Fargo Foundation Minnesota Western and F.A. Bean Foundations Carl A. Weyerhaeuser Charitable Trust Margaret and Angus Wurtele Xcel Energy Foundation Master Benefactors Cumulative support of $500,000–$999,999 Anonymous Anchor Bank Martha and Bruce Atwater Blandin Foundation BNSF Foundation *Patrick and *Aimee Mott Butler Sandra and Peter Butler The Curtis L. Carlson Family Foundation Chadwick Foundation Consulate General of Sweden Ella P. Crosby Anson B. Cutts, Jr. *Mr. and *Mrs. Donald C. Dayton Eric Dayton Mary Lee and *Wallace C. Dayton Decorative Arts Council Delta Air Lines, Inc. The Dorsey & Whitney Foundation Faegre & Benson Foundation Freeman Foundation *Don and Louise Gabbert Mr. and *Mrs. Richard P. Gale B. C. Gamble and P. W. Skogmo Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Penny and Bill George Grace B. Wells Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation *Mr. and Mrs. Hadlai A. Hull Institute of Museum and Library Services *Patricia and Benjamin Jaffray The JDR 3rd Fund Jerome Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Jones The Kaemmer-Tilney Fund of HRK Foundation Elliot and Eloise Kaplan Constance and Daniel Kunin Sara and David Lieberman Dr. George T. Shea and Gordon Locksley Siri and Bob Marshall The Maslon Foundation Samuel D. and Patricia N. McCullough The Sumner T. McKnight Foundation *Donald McNeely Mr. and *Mrs. Charles B. Meech The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Ms. Alida R. Messinger The Minneapolis Foundation Patricia M. Mitchell 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 87 DONORS Clinton and Mary K. Morrison National Endowment for the Humanities Bob and Carolyn Nelson Northwest Area Foundation Linda Peterson Perlman and Lawrence Perlman The Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation Qwest Foundation Mr. and *Mrs. Gerald A. Rauenhorst RBC Wealth Management *Georgiana Slade Reny Clifford M. Roberts, Jr. and *Suzanne S. Roberts *Fred R. Salisbury Anne Larsen Simonson Mr. Harold Smith *Charles B. and *Margaret L. Sweatt Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation Martin and Lora Weinstein Ellen and *Fred Wells Wheelock Whitney III Margie and Milton Woodhouse Mr. and *Mrs. James T. Wyman Distinguished Benefactors Cumulative support of $300,000–$499,999 Anonymous Kim and Gloria Anderson Ankeny Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Bemis Company Foundation *Mary and *Robyn Campbell Carlson Companies, Incorporated Carolyn Foundation *Mr. and *Mrs. Leonard Carpenter *Mrs. Olive C. Case Helen L. Cashman Squam Lake Foundation— Charles A. Cleveland Rusty and Burt Cohen *David M. Daniels *Judy Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Erickson The Ford Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frechette Pierson M. and Florence B. Grieve *Musa Guston *George and *Margret Halpin Margaret W. Harmon Charitable Trust Mr. Kevin Ingram Hart and Mrs. Polly Dix Hart Leonard and Mary Lou Hoeft Douglas and Victoria Galloway Holmen ING Foundation International Multifoods Charitable Foundation JE Dunn Northcentral, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson *Winton Jones * Deceased as of June 30, 2011 88 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kennedy Dr. and Mrs. John E. Larkin Kathy and Al Lenzmeier The Levitt Foundation R. C. Lilly Foundation The Henry Luce Foundation *Wayne and *Rosalee MacFarlane Marbrook Foundation Jennifer L. Martin Lucy and Robert Mitchell *Mr. and *Mrs. John M. Musser Alan and Dena Naylor Katherine D. and Stuart A. Nielsen *Mrs. Frances M. Norbeck Northern Pump Company Northwestern Foundation Piper Jaffray Elizabeth C. Quinlan Foundation *George Rickey Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi L.L.P. Steve and Tamrah Schaller O'Neil The Shared Fund Roger J. and Michele M. Sit *Kenneth R. and Lillian Smith *Laurie and Michael Snow Strangis Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation SUPERVALU Foundation on behalf of SUPERVALU Inc. and Cub Foods TCF National Bank Minnesota *Mr. and *Mrs. John R. Van Derlip Benefactors Cumulative support of $150,000–$299,999 Anonymous (3) Alliss Educational Foundation AmeriPride Services, Inc. Andersen Corporate Foundation Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation *Mrs. Frances V. Anderson *Dr. Roger L. Anderson Pete and Margie Ankeny Peter and Sally Anson *Mrs. Tess E. Armstrong Asian Arts Council Calvert Barksdale Ford and Amy Bell *Mr. and *Mrs. Judson Bemis, Sr. Betty and Marvin Borman Ronald Bourgeault Dr. David and *Helen Bradford Brenden-Mann Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Conley Brooks, Sr. *Ethelyn J. Bros Carmen and Jim Campbell Joan and Gary Capen Joanne and Benton Case, Jr. Centerpoint Energy Minnegasco Mr. Lynn L. Charlson David and Margaret Christenson *Mrs. Folwell W. Coan Julia Thorpe Cote Trust Russell Cowles *Marion Cross Deb Davenport and Stew Stender Anne Dayton Bob and Joanie Dayton Mr. Harrison C. Deal *Margaret Deal Deloitte & Touche L.L.P. Mr. and *Mrs. George H. Dixon Donaldson Company, Inc. *Virginia Doneghy *Mrs. Eunice L. Dwan Ernst & Young L.L.P. F. R. Bigelow Foundation Beverly and Richard Fink David and Margene B. Fox The Fredrikson & Byron Foundation G & K Services, Inc. Gabberts Furniture & Design Studio GE Capital Fleet Services Kate V. Gibbs *Mrs. Gordon W. Gieseke Gary L. Gliem Rehael Fund—Roger L. Hale and Eleanor L. Hall Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation *Mr. and *Mrs. Stanley Hawks William Randolph Hearst Foundation Ms. Helena Hernmarck *Richard L. Herreid Reverend Richard L. Hillstrom Susan S. and Duane D. Hoff *Inga M. Holstad The Hubbard Broadcasting Foundation IBM Corporation *Ms. Mary Young Janes Lloyd and *Rosie Johnson *Mr. and *Mrs. Carl W. Jones Lucy Jones *Mrs. Lyndon M. King KPMG L.L.P. Samuel H. Kress Foundation *Mrs. Floyd E. Lasher Lieberman-Okinow Foundation Barbara S. Longfellow Lowry Hill *Patricia Lund Lunds, Incorporated Mr. Andrew A. Lynn M&I Bank Marathon Oil Corporation Susan and Edwin McCarthy Walt McCarthy and Clara Ueland William W. McGuire and Nadine M. McGuire Family Foundation Dr. Michael B. Miller Jim and Linda Mitchell Jane and John Morrison Munsingwear, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley H. Murphy, Jr. Pierro Mussi Jane and Thomas Nelson Marilyn and Glen Nelson Jim and Jo Ann Nordlie Valdemar and *Marilyn Olson DONORS Mr. and Mrs. John G. Ordway, Jr. Paintings Council David and Mary Parker Peavey Company The Pentair Foundation *Mrs. Hall James Peterson and *Mr. Hall James Peterson The Pew Charitable Trusts *Mrs. John S. Pillsbury, Sr. Harriet and Walter Pratt Print and Drawing Curatorial Council Gerald Rauenhorst and Alpha & Omega Family Foundation Mr. and *Mrs. George McKay Reid Jack A. and Aviva Robinson The Rockefeller Foundation John and Lois Rogers *Adele H. Roller Cynthia Rosenblatt Ross Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rubin Ms. Georgianna Savas Joan and Arthur R. Schulze *Ethelda J. Seaman *Dr. Werner Simon and Madeline Simon Robert and Jacalyn Stephens Helmut F. Stern Martha and *Harry Stimpson Walter Stremel Glenda and Richard Struthers Mr. Sheldon S. Sturgis Tennant Foundation Toro Foundation Lucille Turecki Emily Anne and Gedney Tuttle John F. and Susan B. Ullrich UnitedHealth Group The Valspar Foundation Joanne and *Philip Von Blon Waldorf Corporation The Wallin Foundation— Maxine and *Winston Wallin WEM 2000 Foundation Fund of the Dorsey & Whitney Foundation Nancy and Ted Weyerhaeuser *Helen and *J. Kimball Whitney Windgate Charitable Foundation John and Renata Winsor Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Penny Winton Wheaton Wood Patrons Cumulative support of $50,000–$149,999 Anonymous (6) Accenture The Martin S. Ackerman Foundation *Chloe Ackman *Elizabeth C. Adams ADC Telecommunications, Inc. The Advance Foundation, Inc. Linda and Steve Ahlers Alliance Capital Management Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America The American Federation of Arts Lucille and *Bob Amis Andersen Foundation Elmer L. and Eleanor J. Andersen Foundation Steven M. Andersen Margaret W. Anderson *Ruth B. Anderson Susan and Richard Anderson Mrs. William R. Anderson, Jr. *Bob and Janet Andrews *Sewell D. Andrews Walter C. Annenberg Foundation *Edward and Eleanor Asplin Jo and Gordon Bailey The Baillon Foundation, Inc. Baker Foundation Richard G. and Mary Lyn Ballantine Robert and Linda Barrows *Mrs. Lyman Barrows Jane and Walter Barry *Kenneth Barry Edward R. Bazinet Foundation Donna and Warren Beck Marilyn and *Frank Beddor *Elinor Watson Bell Mrs. Samuel H. Bell and *Mr. Samuel H. Bell Carol and Judson Bemis, Jr. Marilyn C. Benson Ray and Carol Bergeson Michael and Ann Birt Kathleen Blatz and Wheelock Whitney The Bockley Brothers Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation David and Shari Boehnen *Mrs. Walter R. Bollinger Sheila and Michael Bonsignore Boss Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bradley C. Bowman II Mary S. Bowman Ruth and Elliot Brebner Briggs and Morgan Allen Brookins-Brown John H. Buelow Michael and Susan Burnett Kathy and Tim Burns Mr. Paul Butler Alden C. Buttrick Trust Robert and Gail Buuck, Buuck Family Foundation John Camp *Susan and James R. Cargill II Joanne Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Carpenter Nicky and Tom Carpenter Darlene J. and Richard P. Carroll *Mr. C. M. Case, Jr. and *Mrs. C. M. Case, Jr. Myra Chazin CME-KHBB Advertising Art and Anne Collins Jill Collins and John Thillman Tom and Phyllis Colwell Commemorative Association for the Japan World Exposition (1970) Ed and Joann Conlin Jeanne Corwin Ms. Margaret Coudron Sage and John Cowles David and Kitty Crosby *Mrs. Elizabeth L. Crosby Tom and Ellie Crosby, Jr. Kenneth and Betty Jayne Dahlberg Martha and John Daniels John and Mary Lou Dasburg Mrs. Julius E. Davis Arlene and John Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Dayton David and Vanessa Dayton Edward and Sherry Ann Dayton *Mary H. Dayton Ms. Janna P. De Lue Cy and Paula DeCosse Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Dellwood Foundation, Inc. *Ann and Jack Dietrich *William C. and *Corrine Dietrich Mr. Jim Dine Mrs. Irene S. Donaldson *Frances V. Doneghy Mike and Kathy Dougherty *Dr. James J. and Maureen O. Duffey *Anne de'Uribe Echebarria Emerson Process Management Enron Foundation Fannie Mae Foundation Bill and Kathy Farley Cathy and Jack Farrell Ferndale Foundation Lisa A. Ferris Benjamin and Rebecca Field *Mr. and *Mrs. Israel D. Fink *Clarence G. Frame John and Martha Gabbert Geoffrey and Kelly Gage Skip and Barbara Gage *Edith and *Norman Garmezy Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gelb Eric Newman and Janice Gepner Linda and Jack Goldenberg Goldman, Sachs and Company Barbara and Mike Goldner Mr. Alan Goldstein Mark and Emily Goldstein Gerald and Virginia Gordon Mr. and *Mrs. Bernard M. Granum Gray Plant Mooty Foundation Carol Burton Gray and *M. Boyd Burton Stanley B. Gregory Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Greystone Foundation Jack and Beverly Grundhofer Jerry and Kathleen Grundhofer *Alpha M. Gustafson H.B. Fuller Company Foundation Lois Hall Rosalie Heffelfinger Hall Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 89 DONORS *Ruth E. Hanold *Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Harris *Dr. Evelyn Payne Hatcher Haworth Marketing & Media Company Don and *Arlene Helgeson *Richard L. Herreid Hersey Foundation William R. Hibbs Family John and Karen Himle Gerald D. Hines Interests Sue and Bill Hodder Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Orville C. Hognander *Mr. John M. Hollern Patricia and Thomas Holloran Mr. and Mrs. John Horn Hella Mears and William Hueg, Jr. Andy and Carole Hunter Joan and Dean Hutton Irene Hixon Whitney Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Emily and George R.A. Johnson Mr. James A. Johnson and Ms. Maxine Isaacs *Paul C. Johnson, Jr. Mrs. Edwin M. Johnston *Jacqueline Nolte Jones Kathleen Jones The Joyce Foundation Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation Barbara M. Kaerwer Nobuko Kajitani Dr. Markle and *Charlotte Karlen *Mrs. Stephen F. Keating Michele and Rob Keith Miriam and Erwin Kelen Kidder, Peabody & Co., Incorporated Dr. Mark K. Kim *Mrs. Preston King and *Mr. Preston King Margee and Bob Kinney Marla Kinney Drs. Lee and Tillie Kitzenberg Knight Foundation Don and Helen Knutzen *Mrs. Theodora H. Lang Joan and Joe Lapensky Leonardo Lapicirella David and Randy Lebedoff Wellington Lee Leonard, Street and Deinard Kiyoko Lerner C.M. and Mary Lewis *Ward B. and *Susan E. Lewis Dr. Winston R. Lindberg M.D. Mrs. Peggy Lindborg Patricia and D. Kenneth Lindgren Lindquist & Vennum P.L.L.P. Mr. Peter Lipton Gordon Locksley David Lubben and Nancy Kwam Bob and Sue Macdonald Kathleen and Kenneth Macke Martha MacMillan * Deceased as of June 30, 2011 90 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report Shirley Mahowald and *Mr. Henry Kinsell Malt-O-Meal Company Mardag Foundation Asher and Vera Margolis Marquette Bancshares, Inc. Marsh USA Inc. Marshall Fields Department Store Co. The Martin Foundation, Inc. Jane and Arthur Mason *Jim and *Chloe Massie Dennis and Gail Mathisen Mayo Clinic *Mrs. James McGowan McKinsey & Company, Inc. Debbie and Pierce McNally McQuay-Perfex, Incorporated Donna C. McRoberts *M. D. and Mary McVay *Mr. Norman B. Mears Ms. Julia Meech Mary and Bob Mersky MetLife Foundation *Dr. Alfred Moir Sassan Mokhtarzadeh Walter F. and Joan Mondale *Dr. Daniel Moos and *Mrs. Catherine Moos *Margaret Morris Dr. and *Mrs. Angus W. Morrison Oak Grove Foundation— John L. Morrison MSP Communications Allan Mulligan Barry Murphy and Rosemary Dunbar Elizabeth B. Myers National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) *Mrs. Winston B. Newell Mr. and Mrs. John J. Nichols John and Shirley Nilsen Jack and Gretchen Norqual Norstan, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Moe S. Nozari Alice M. O'Brien Foundation *Mr. and *Mrs. Richardson B. Okie Old Dutch Foods, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John Olson Onan Family Foundation Karl-Thomas Opem Constance S. Otis Gregory Page Brian and Julia Palmer Park Dental Mrs. James R. Paul Jeanne E. Pemble and Joel Poeschl *Mrs. George T. Pennock Peregrine Capital Management Nancy McGlynn Phelps and James J. Phelps Edward D. Pierson and *Nancy Rogers Pierson *Corinne G. Pillsbury *Kitty and *John Pillsbury Sally and George Pillsbury Michael and Gloria Plautz Carl and Eloise Pohlad Family Foundation Sally Boyd Polk Roberto Polo Dr. Robert John Poor The Principal Financial Group The Prudential Insurance Company of America Gene Quintana Rahr Foundation Rauenhorst Family Foundation *Elie and Bob Reid Ruth and *Raymond Reister Allan Rhoades Sharon and Bill Richardson Mrs. Patricia Ringer Jeannine M. Rivet and Warren G. Herreid, II Beverly J. and John A. Rollwagen Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Room & Board RSP Architects Ltd. Jeff and Kim Rugel Thomas and Claire Rykken Earl S. and Barbara Flanagan Sanford Patricia and *Barney Saunders *Mr. and *Mrs. John R. Savage *Frederick and Virginia Scheel Mrs. Hannes Schroll Max R. Schweitzer Securian Foundation Mrs. Robert Semsch Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community Dr. Sidney Shapiro Silicon Graphics Sarah-Maud W. Sivertsen Charitable Trust *Margaret H. Skoglund Ella and Dick Slade *Mrs. Lee H. Slater Mae L. Smith Dan and Mary Solomon Ms. Rachel Cartee and Mr. Alec Soth *Loring M. Staples Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Barbara H. Steiner Mitchell and Nancy Steir *Mrs. Ruth Bovey Stevens Edward A. Studzinski Donald F. and Virginia Swanson James Tigerman Touche Ross and Company *Thyrza Tyrrell U.S. Bancorp Asset Management U.S. Trust Bank of America Private Wealth Management Mary W. Vaughan Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Roman and *Alice Verostko Von Blon Family Charitable Foundation Archie D. and Bertha H. Walker Foundation Fred and Alice Wall Jack and Connie Wallinga Ruth and David Waterbury DONORS Mrs. Frederick O. Watson WCCO Radio, WCCO Television, WLTE FM Dr. John C. Weber Donald Weesner Charitable Trust Dr. and Mrs. Gabriel Weisberg Weiser Family Foundation on behalf of Irving and Marjorie Weiser Wenger Foundation Clarke Wescoe Betsy and David Weyerhaeuser Whitney Foundation Lynn A. Wilde Frances and Frank Wilkinson Mrs. David S. Williams *Mr. and *Mrs. Donald Winston *Mrs. Frederick S. Winston Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Winston Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library The Charles J. and Henrietta McDonald Winton Fund David Winton Bell Foundation *Mr. and *Mrs. Robert C. Winton Elayne and Marvin Wolfenson Helen and Leo Wolk WorldCom Zelle Charitable Trust Ann and *Louis Zelle Charles and Julie Zelle *Steven and *Rita Zellmer Ziegler Inc. E XHIBITIO O NSS /PUB B LII C ATT IO ONS 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 92 E XHIBITIO O NSS /PUB B LII C ATT IO ONS 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 93 E X H IB B ITII O NS EXHIBITIONS O n v i ew J u l y 1 , 20 1 0 , th ro u g h J u n e 3 0 , 20 1 1 Ch ro n o l o g i c a l l y by e n d d a te EXHIBITIONS Minnesota Artists Exhibition Program Target Galleries Kuon: Eternal Flow of Time by Mayumi Amada and The Voided by Eun-Kyung Suh Jul. 16–Sep. 26, 2010 Until Now: Collecting the New (1960–2010) Apr. 16–Aug. 1, 2010 Art of the Native Americans: The Thaw Collection Oct. 24, 2010–Jan. 9, 2011 Titian and the Golden Age of Venetian Painting: Masterpieces from the National Galleries of Scotland Feb. 6–May 1, 2011 Venice on Paper Feb. 6–May 1, 2011 U.S. Bank Gallery Beauty and Power: Renaissance and Baroque Bronzes from the Peter Marino Collection Feb. 6–May 15, 2011 Conversations with Wood: Selections from the Waterbury Collection Jun. 17–Sep. 4, 2011 Cargill Gallery Flourish: Jennifer Davis, Erika Olson Gross, Terrence Payne, and Joe Sinness Oct. 22, 2010–Jan. 2, 2011 Masks from the West African Dan People Jun. 12–Nov. 28, 2010 Beware Her Wiles: Woman as Temptress in the Renaissance Tradition Aug. 14–Dec. 12, 2010 Ground Truth: Peter Happel Christian and Painting Before and After Words: Margaret Wall-Romana Jan. 21–Apr. 3, 2011 Embarrassment of Riches: Picturing Global Wealth Sep. 17, 2010–Jan. 2, 2011 A Field Guide to Snow and Ice: Paula McCartney and Ornamental Invasion: Liz Miller Apr. 22–Jul. 3, 2011 Winterlights: Festivities around the World and Winterlights at the Purcell-Cutts House Nov. 26, 2010–Jan. 2, 2011 Other Exhibitions and Rotations of the Permanent Collection (by end date) Wild Things Feb. 3–Aug. 1, 2010 New Pictures 2: Marco Breuer Feb. 19–Aug. 8, 2010 New Old Masters Mar. 26–Aug. 22, 2010 Mid-Century Textile Design: Enlivening the Modern Home Jul. 10, 2010–Feb. 20, 2011 Chūshingura: Japan’s Favorite Story Oct. 30, 2010–Feb. 20, 2011 New Pictures 3: James Welling, Glass House Aug. 20, 2010–Mar. 6, 2011 The Experimental Print: Stanley William Hayter and the Artists of Atelier 17 Sep. 4, 2010–Mar. 6, 2011 Global Positioning c. 1600: A Rare World Map May 15–Aug. 29, 2010 Robert Bergman: Portraits, 1986–1995 Jun. 18–Aug. 22, 2010 A Penny Saved: Selections from the Katherine Kierland Herberger Collection Apr. 3, 2010–Mar. 27, 2011 Chairevolution! 300 Years of Designing the Chair Sep. 16, 2010–Jan. 23, 2011 Desire and Deliverance: Drama in the Old Testament Mar. 6–Sep. 5, 2010 The Mourners: Tomb Sculptures from the Court of Burgundy Jan. 23–Apr. 17, 2011 Lost Wax, Found Sculpture Feb. 6–Apr. 17, 2011 Une Cité Moderne: Drawings by Robert Mallet-Stevens, Architect Oct. 31, 2009–Sep. 19, 2010 From Press to Page: Book Arts in Minnesota Nov. 13, 2010–May 8, 2011 Prints by Kobayashi Kiyochika (1847–1915) Jun. 26–Oct. 24, 2010 MCAD@MIA Mar. 17–May 22, 2011 The Experiment Continues: Design from 1945 to the Present May 19–Sep. 11, 2011 Cover Story: Master Bookbindings from the Collection May 29–Oct. 31, 2010 94 Young People’s Ofrendas: Expressions of Life and Remembrance Oct. 16–Nov. 14, 2010 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report On Sacred Terrain Jun. 26, 2010–May 22, 2011 Hot House: Flowers for after the Frost Sep. 18, 2010–May 29, 2011 E XHIBITIO O NSS /PUB B LII C ATT IO ONS P U B L I C AT I O N S 20 1 0 –20 1 1 Face to Face Oct. 1, 2010–May 29, 2011 Coils of Culture and Industry: Akimel O’othom and Tohono O’odham Basketry of the Southwest Dec. 31, 2010–May 29, 2011 Mechanical Menagerie: Selections from the Katherine Kierland Herberger Collection of Banks Apr. 2, 2011–Mar. 25, 2012 Way of the Sephardim: Judaica from the Sephardic Tradition May 28, 2011–May 20, 2012 MIA Inside/Out: Battle of Everyouth Jun. 4, 2011 Bad to the Bone: Prints from the Grip of Death Dec. 22, 2010–Jun. 5, 2011 Prints by the Katsukawa School Artists Feb. 26–Jun. 26, 2011 Collateral Damage: Scenes from a War Apr. 2–Jul. 24, 2011 Wells Fargo Center, Minneapolis Modernism 20: Past/Present/Future Oct. 13, 2009–Jul. 11, 2010 Enhancing the Everyday: Modern Design in the Nordic Countries Jul. 16, 2010–Jul. 22, 2012 PUBLIC ATIONS Conversations with Wood: The Collection of Ruth and David Waterbury Essays: Glenn Adamson, Patricia E. Cane, Albert LeCoff, Christopher Monkhouse, Jennifer Komar Olivarez, Ruth and David Waterbury Editor: Elisabeth Sövik Photographer: Robert Fogt Designers: Ross Rezac and Martin Skoro, MartinRoss Design Printed in Canada by Friesens The Fabric of Society: 1,500 Years of African Textiles Nov. 13, 2010–Jul. 31, 2011 Magnifying Nature: 1960s Printed Textiles Mar. 5–Aug. 21, 2011 Facing the Lens: Portraits of Photographers Jan. 21–Aug. 28, 2011 Drawings for the New Century Mar. 19–Sep. 11, 2011 © 2011 by Minneapolis Institute of Arts All rights reserved ISBN (cloth): 978-0-9800484-6-9 ISBN (paper): 978-0-9800484-7-6 Library of Congress: 2011926098 This full-color, illustrated, exhibition catalogue was published by the Minneapolis Institute of Arts in conjunction with the exhibition of the same name, on view June 17–September 4, 2011, in U.S. Bank Gallery at the MIA. The exhibition will proceed to Yale University Art Gallery May 17–July 28, 2013. Generous support for this publication was provided by Ruth and David Waterbury. New Pictures 4: Angela Strassheim, Evidence Mar. 18–Oct. 9, 2011 Basins, Baskets, and Bowls: Women Explore the Vessel May 22, 2010–Oct. 23, 2011 A Connoisseur’s Cabinet: Drawings from the Joseph F. McCrindle Collection Jun. 25–Dec. 4, 2011 Two Sides of the Modern: Maverix ReMix Feb. 19, 2011–Feb. 19, 2012 Michael Mazur: The Inferno of Dante Jun. 11, 2011–Mar. 11, 2012 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 95 ACC C ESS S IO ONS K–12 students toured the galleries, chaperoned by 5,470 teachers and/or parents. 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 97 ACC C ESS S IO ONS ACCESSIONS 20 1 0 –20 1 1 ACCESSIONS Arts of Africa & the Americas Asante Ghana Kente cloth, 20th century Cotton The Douglas J. and Victoria Galloway Holmen Endowment Fund 2010.50.1 Yoruba Nigeria Woman’s wrapper, 20th century Cotton, metallic threads The Douglas J. and Victoria Galloway Holmen Endowment Fund 2010.50.2 Dogon Mali Woman’s wrapper, 20th century Cotton The Douglas J. and Victoria Galloway Holmen Endowment Fund 2010.50.3 Mali Chaoli (man’s tunic), 20th century Cotton The Douglas J. and Victoria Galloway Holmen Endowment Fund 2010.50.4 Senegal Chaoli (man’s tunic), 20th century Cotton The Douglas J. and Victoria Galloway Holmen Endowment Fund 2010.50.5 Toucouleur Senegal or Mauritania Woman’s wrapper, 20th century Cotton The Douglas J. and Victoria Galloway Holmen Endowment Fund 2010.50.6 Senegal or Guinea Faroumban (tunic), 20th century Cotton, wool(?), animal hair The Douglas J. and Victoria Galloway Holmen Endowment Fund 2010.50.7 98 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report Niger Hat, 20th century Cotton Gift of Maï Diop, Galerie TËSSS, Saint Louis, Senegal 2010.50.8 Sowah Kwei Ghanaian, 1954–99 Fantasy Coffin, 1993 Wood, acrylic paint The Robert C. Winton Fund 2010.72 Somalia Basket, c. 1900 Fibers, leather, beads, cowrie shells, cloth The Mary Ruth Weisel Endowment for Africa, Oceania, and the Americas 2010.73 Grasslands culture Cameroon Whistle, c. 1940 Wood, glass beads, leather The Rebecca and Ben Field Endowment for Art Acquisition 2010.74.1 Grasslands culture Cameroon Whistle, c. 1940 Wood, leather, beads The Rebecca and Ben Field Endowment for Art Acquisition 2010.74.2 Hòpituh Shi-nu-mu (Hopi) Southwest region Manta, c. 1910 Cotton, wool yarn, wood The Patricia and Peter Frechette Endowment for Art Acquisition 2010.75 Kanien’gehaga (Mohawk) Great Lakes/Woodlands region Cradleboard, c. 1860–70 Wood, pigment, string Gift of funds from Constance Kunin and the Allen and Kathy Lenzmeier Endowment for Art Acquisition 2010.76 Rick Bartow Wiyot and Yoruk, California region, born 1946 Mythic Hawk (Egypt), 1999 Acrylic on panel Gift of G. William Avery, in memory of Gerald W. Avery 2010.78 Tlingit Arctic region Child’s moccasins, 1880–90 Tanned hide, fur (rabbit or beaver), glass seed beads, wool Gift of William Siegmann in memory of Dr. William Siegmann 2010.101a,b Kalabari Nigeria Pelete Bite wrapper, 1980–89 Gift of Joanne B. Eicher in memory of Tonye V. Erekosima, Buguma, Nigeria 2010.102 Possibly Dakota Great Lakes/Woodlands region Shirt, 1720–50 Animal hide (possibly antelope), pigments, cotton thread, sinew The Robert J. Ulrich Fund 2011.1 Yup’ik Arctic region Mask, 19th century Wood (probably spruce), pigments, string The Ethel Morrison Van Derlip Fund 2011.7 Baga Guinea Drum, c. 1900 Wood, animal hide, plant fibers, pigments The William Hood Dunwoody Fund 2011.8 Mali Writing board, 1950s Wood, pigments, animal hide Gift of Thomas Harkcom and Anthony Brenny 2011.9 ACCESSIONS Igbo Nigeria Mami Wata figure, 1940s Wood, pigment The Norman Gabrick Endowment for African Art 2011.29 Yoruba Benin Gelede helmet mask, 1950s Wood, pigment Funds from an anonymous endowment 2011.30.1 Yoruba Nigeria or Benin Egungun headdress, 1950s Wood, pigment, cotton fibers, metallic threads Funds from an anonymous endowment 2011.30.2 Yoruba Nigeria or Benin Egungun costume, 1950s Cotton, velvet, silk, felt, synthetic fibers, wool, aluminum, wood, buttons, yarn, plastic, string The Simmons Family Endowment for Textiles and gift of funds from Jim Harris 2011.31 Lakota Great Plains region Dress, c. 1880–1900 Wool, dentilium shells, silk ribbons, sequins, metallic threads, animal hide, beads, cotton The George Family Acquisition Fund for Native American Art 2011.32 Contemporary Art Thomas Struth German, born 1954 Kölner Dom, Köln, 2007 Chromogenic print Gift of funds from Eric Dayton 2010.51.1 Thomas Struth German, born 1954 Audience 1 (Galleria Dell Accademia), Florenz, 2004 Chromogenic print mounted on UV Plexiglas Gift of funds from Wendy and Doug Dayton, Steve and Tamrah Schaller O’Neil, and Kaywin Feldman and Jim Lutz 2010.51.2 Ghada Amer Egyptian, born 1963 LES FLÂNEUSES, 2008 Acrylic, embroidery and gel medium on canvas Gift of funds from Alfred and Ingrid Lenz Harrison 2010.52 David Reed American, born 1946 #563, 2006–7 Oil and alkyd on polyester Gift of funds from Alfred and Ingrid Lenz Harrison, Beverly Grossman, Mary Ingebrand-Pohlad, Robert and Lucy Mitchell, John and Martha Gabbert, Siri and Bob Marshall, Barbara S. Longfellow, Blythe Brenden, and John and Karen Himle 2010.53 Petah Coyne American, born 1953 Untitled 752, 1992–93 Wire, wax, found objects, metal chain, silk sleeves Gift of funds from Donna and Cargill MacMillan Jr. and anonymous donors 2010.54 Cy Thao American, born Laos, 1972 The Hmong Migration, 50 paintings, 1993–2001 Oil on canvas Gift of funds from anonymous donors 2010.55.1–50 Rebecca Belmore Anishinaabe-Canadian, born 1960 Fringe, 2007 Transparency in light box Gift of funds from Donna and Cargill MacMillan Jr. 2010.56 Jennifer Steinkamp American, born 1958 Hurdy Gurdy Man (Chrysanthemums); edition of 6, AP 1/1, 2006 Video components Gift of funds from Barbara Steiner, Diane and David Lilly, and Samuel D. and Patricia N. McCullough 2010.57 John DeAndrea American, born 1941 Joan, 1987 Polyester resin, pigments, synthetic hair Gift of Donna and Cargill MacMillan Jr. 2010.58.2 Jennifer Bartlett American, born 1941 Path, 1998–99 Oil over screenprint on baked enamel on steel plates Gift of Donna and Cargill MacMillan Jr. 2010.58.3a–y Jonathan Borofsky American, born 1942 Singing Man, 1994 Brushed aluminum, electrical components, compact disc player with remote control, compact disc and jewel case Gift of Donna and Cargill MacMillan Jr. 2010.58.5a–e Kota Ezawa German, born 1969 The History of Photography Remix, 2005 Forty 35mm slides Gift of funds from Russell Cowles II and Josine M. Peters 2010.63 Bill Viola American, born 1951 Performed by Anika Ballent, Cornelia Ballent, and Helena Ballent Three Women, 2008 Color high-definition video on plasma display Gift of funds from Alida Messinger 2010.97 Sylvia Plimack Mangold American, born 1938 August, 1974 Acrylic on canvas Gift of funds from Alida Messinger 2010.98 Kehinde Wiley American, born 1977 Santos Dumont— The Father of Aviation II, 2009 Oil on canvas Gift of funds from two anonymous donors 2010.99 Siah Armajani American, born Iran, 1939 Mississippi Delta, 2005–6 Colored pencil on Mylar; triptych Gift of Siah Armajani 2010.100a-c George Schneeman American, 1934–2009 Tom Clark, c. 1968 Acrylic and collage on canvas Gift of Katie Schneeman 2010.104 Nick Cave American, born 1959 Soundsuit, 2010 Metal, wood, plastic, pigments, cotton and acrylic fibers Gift of funds from Alida Messinger 2011.12a,b Tetsuya Yamada Japanese, born 1968 Morices, 2007 Glazed ceramic, plywood, particle board, wood The Dolly J. Fiterman Fund 2011.33a–n 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 99 ACCESSIONS Jennifer Bartlett American, born 1941 Sculptmetal Tree, 2000 Enamel over Sculptmetal over screenprint on baked enamel on steel plates Gift of Helen and J. Kimball Whitney 2011.34a–rr Decorative Arts, Textiles & Sculpture France Vincennes Porcelain Factory, manufacturer, 1740–58 De la Bouëxière Ewer, 1753–55 Painted and glazed porcelain, gilt Gift of funds from the Groves Foundation 2010.59 Jennifer McCurdy American, born 1955 Wave Vessel, c. 2007 Porcelain Gift of Dr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Furman 2010.60 Giacomo Antonio Ponsonelli Italian, 1654–1735 Immaculate Madonna, c. 1710 Marble The Driscoll Art Accessions Endowment Fund 2010.77 Netherlands Berkemeyer, 16th century Glass The James Ford Bell Foundation Endowment for Art Acquisition 2010.79.1 Netherlands Roemer, 17th century Glass The James Ford Bell Foundation Endowment for Art Acquisition 2010.79.2 Netherlands Diamond point engraved drinking horn, 17th century Glass Gift of Tom Rassieur in memory of his mother, Mary Terry Rassieur 2010.79.3 David Trubridge New Zealander (born England), born 1951 Glide rocking lounge, 2010 Laminate ash slats, bandsaw-cut cross pieces, stainless steel screws Gift of funds from the Windgate Charitable Foundation and the David and Ruth Waterbury Endowment for Contemporary Craft 2010.80 100 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report Piero Fornasetti Italian, 1913–88 Four-paneled folding screen, c. 1958 Laminated wood, pigments Gift of Eric Dayton 2010.81 England Fifty-eight pieces of tin-glazed earthenware, including plates, vases, bowls, pots, flower holders, and tankards, 17th–18th century Glazed ceramic Bequest of Irene G. Steiner 2010.82.1–58 Ivan Mare Czech, born 1956 Egg II, 1994 Cast glass Gift of Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser 2010.105 Hans Schnatterpeck Austrian, active 1472–c. 1510 Lamentation of Christ, 1490s Pine, polychromed and gilt The John R. Van Derlip Trust 2011.2 George Grant Elmslie, designer American, 1869–1952 John S. Bradstreet and Company, manufacturer Minneapolis, c. 1899–1932 Sideboard, dining table, and four chairs, 1915 Mahogany, wood inlays, iridescent glass, leaded glass, replacement silverplated metal rods The Walter C. and Mary C. Briggs Trust Fund 2011.3.1–6 Peter Shire American, born 1947 Menorah #2, 1986 Steel, anodized aluminum, brass, chrome, enamel Gift of funds from Tamara and Michael Root and the Eloise and Elliot Kaplan Endowment for Judaica 2011.4 André Schiller, maker German, c. 1600 Eucharistic chalice, paten, and case, 1627 Silver, gilt, stamped leather, and metal Gift of funds from the Decorative Arts Council in celebration of its 34th anniversary 2011.5.1–3 Italy (Venice) Wine glass, c. 1575–1600 Glass Gift of Tom Rassieur in celebration of the 30th wedding anniversary of Frank and Mary Rassieur, his father and stepmother 2011.6 Northern Germany Nautilus Cup, c. 1660–80 Nautilus shell, silver, parcel-gilt Gift of funds from Mary Agnes and Al McQuinn 2011.28 Japanese & Korean Art Kakurezaki Ryuichi Japanese, born 1950 Untitled, 2010 Stoneware with natural ash glaze The Louis W. Hill, Jr. Memorial Fund 2010.61.1 Maeda Masahiro Japanese, born 1948 Untitled, 2009 Glazed stoneware Purchased with funds donated in memory of Alfred E. Studzinski 2010.61.2 Japan Wide-mouthed jar, Middle Yayoi period, 1st century b.c.–a.d. 1st century Earthenware The Ted and Dr. Roberta Mann Foundation Endowment Fund 2011.10 Kondo Yutaka Japanese, 1932–83 Vase, 1979 Slip glazed stoneware The Ford and Amy Bell Endowment Fund for Decorative Arts 2011.11 Paintings Théodore Rousseau French, 1812–67 View of Mont Blanc, Seen from La Faucille, c. 1865 Oil on canvas The Putnam Dana McMillan Fund 2010.62 Edward Coley Burne-Jones British, 1833–98 A Sea-Nymph, 1881 Oil on canvas Gift of Curtis Galleries, Inc. 2010.83 Willem Maris Dutch, 1844–1910 Cattle Grazing at the Water’s Edge, c. 1880–90 Oil on canvas Gift of Alan and Phyllis Rusterholz 2010.108 ACCESSIONS Willem de Poorter Dutch, 1608–after 1648 St. Paul and St. Barnabus at Lystra, c. 1630 Oil on panel The Walter H. and Valborg P. Ude Memorial Fund 2011.13 Photography & New Media Catherine Opie American, born 1961 Untitled #14 (Icehouses), 2001 Color coupler print Gift of Donna and Cargill MacMillan Jr. 2010.58.1 Luis González Palma Guatemalan, born 1957 La Fidelidad del Dolor, 1991 Gelatin silver print with mixed media application, on wood Gift of Rusty and Burt Cohen 2010.64 John Bertolino American, 1914–2003 The Mandolin Player, 1950 Gelatin silver print Gift of Susan Herzig and Paul Hertzmann, Paul M. Hertzmann, Inc., San Francisco 2010.65.1 John Bertolino American, 1914–2003 Untitled, 1948 Gelatin silver print Gift of Susan Herzig and Paul Hertzmann, Paul M. Hertzmann, Inc., San Francisco 2010.65.2 Zoe Lowenthal American, born 1927 School at Rescue, California, 1954 Gelatin silver print Gift of Susan Herzig and Paul Hertzmann, Paul M. Hertzmann, Inc., San Francisco 2010.65.3 Zoe Lowenthal American, born 1927 Chinese New Year Celebration, San Francisco, 1953 Gelatin silver print Gift of Susan Herzig and Paul Hertzmann, Paul M. Hertzmann, Inc., San Francisco 2010.65.4 Bob Hollingsworth American, 1918–2007 Hydrant and Doggies in the Window, c. 1950 Gelatin silver print Gift of Susan Herzig and Paul Hertzmann, Paul M. Hertzmann, Inc., San Francisco 2010.65.5 Bob Hollingsworth American, 1918–2007 Counterpoise, c. 1950 Gelatin silver print Gift of Susan Herzig and Paul Hertzmann, Paul M. Hertzmann, Inc., San Francisco 2010.65.6 Nata Piaskowski American, 1912–2004 San Francisco Street Scene, 1950 Gelatin silver print Gift of Susan Herzig and Paul Hertzmann, Paul M. Hertzmann, Inc., San Francisco 2010.65.7 Nata Piaskowski American, 1912–2004 Mission District, 1949 Gelatin silver print Gift of Susan Herzig and Paul Hertzmann, Paul M. Hertzmann, Inc., San Francisco 2010.65.8 Donald Ross American, 1912–99 Gnarled Tree, Sierra Nevada, 1950 Gelatin silver print Gift of Susan Herzig and Paul Hertzmann, Paul M. Hertzmann, Inc., San Francisco 2010.65.9 Donald Ross American, 1912–99 Gate, Berkeley, California, 1948 Gelatin silver print Gift of Susan Herzig and Paul Hertzmann, Paul M. Hertzmann, Inc., San Francisco 2010.65.10 Sze Tsung Leong American and British, born Mexico City, 1970 Suzhou Creek, Putuo District, Shanghai, 2004 Chromogenic print The Paul C. Johnson, Jr. Fund and the Dr. Frances E. Schaar Fund in memory of Leon and Anna Schaar 2010.84 Greta Pratt American, born 1955 Nineteen Lincolns, 2008 18 inkjet prints The Shirley Mahowald and Henry Kinsell Endowment for Art Acquisition 2010.85.1–18 Marco Breuer German, born 1966 Throw (C918), 2009 Chromogenic paper, scratched The Christina N. and Swan J. Turnblad Memorial Fund 2010.86 Zhang Huan Chinese, born 1965 Foam Face, 2007 Chromogenic print Gift of Darwin and Geri Reedy 2010.103.2 Darren Almond British, born 1971 Fullmoon @ Castle Stack, 2007 Chromogenic print Gift of Darwin and Geri Reedy 2010.103.3 Robert Polidori Canadian, born 1951 Home of Mercedes Alfonso, Linea 508 (Between D and E), Vedado, 1997 Fujicolor crystal archive print mounted to Dibond Gift of Darwin and Geri Reedy 2010.103.4 Gilles Peress French, born 1946 Ten Bosnia photographs, 1993 Gelatin silver print Gift of Steven Parker 2010.106.1–10 James Welling American, born 1951 5912, 2008 Inkjet print The Tess E. Armstrong Fund and the Walter Bollinger Fund 2011.14 Richard Avedon American, 1923–2004 Lew Alcindor, Basketball Player, New York, May 2, 1963, 1963 (printed 1990) Gelatin silver print The Alfred and Ingrid Lenz Harrison Purchase Fund and gift of the Richard Avedon Foundation 2011.15 Luc Delahaye French, born 1962 A Lunch at the Belvedere, 2004 Chromogenic print Gift of funds from Nivin MacMillan 2011.35 Prints & Drawings Red Grooms American, born 1937 Leningrad Circus, 1990 Gouache and watercolor Gift of Donna and Cargill MacMillan Jr. 2010.58.4 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 101 ACCESSIONS Il’ia Zdanevich, called Iliazd, author, designer, and typographer Russian, 1894–1975 Naum Granovskii, cover designer Russian, 1898–1974 Lidantiu as a Beacon Éditions du degré 41, Paris, 1923 Letterpress typographical designs; cover design in foil, leatherette, cork The Mary and Robyn Campbell Fund for Art Books 2010.66 Julian Alden Weir American, 1852–1919 The Farm, 1889 Etching Gift of John E. Andrus III 2010.67.74 Jean-Pierre Norblin de la Gourdaine Polish (born France), 1745–1830 Collection of sixty-five prints Etching, engraving and drypoint Gift of John E. Andrus III 2010.67.1–65 Georges Paul Leroux French, 1877–1957 La Grande Lunette de 1900, poster for the Exposition Universelle Palais de L’Optique, 1900 Color lithograph (poster) Gift of Gabriel P. and Yvonne M. L. Weisberg, in honor of Lisa Michaux, for the Weisberg Collection at the MIA 2010.68 Pieter van Laer, called Bamboccio Dutch, 1599–1642 Two Horsemen Fighting, 17th century Etching Gift of John E. Andrus III 2010.67.66 Thomas Wijck Dutch, 1616–77 The Card Players, 17th century Etching Gift of John E. Andrus III 2010.67.67 Jan van Noordt Dutch, 1620–76 Adoration of the Shepherds, 1650s Etching Gift of John E. Andrus III 2010.67.68 Auguste Delâtre French, 1822–1907 Miniatures, 19th century Nine etchings on a single sheet Gift of John E. Andrus III 2010.67.69 John Henry Twachtman American, 1853–1902 The Old Toll House at Bridgeport, 1888-89 Etching Gift of John E. Andrus III 2010.67.70 John Henry Twachtman American, 1853–1902 The Abandoned Mill, 1888–89 Etching Gift of John E. Andrus III 2010.67.71 John Henry Twachtman American, 1853–1902 Bridgeport, 1888–89 Etching Gift of John E. Andrus III 2010.67.72 Julian Alden Weir American, 1852–1919 Oriana, 1888 Drypoint Gift of John E. Andrus III 2010.67.73 102 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report Julian Alden Weir American, 1852–1919 Flowers in a Japanese Jar, 1889 Etching Gift of John E. Andrus III 2010.67.75 Michel Seuphor (Fernand Berckalaers) Belgian, 1901–99 Composition No. 8, 1929 Collage of paper, ink, and graphite Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton 2010.69 Francisco Toledo Mexican, born 1940 Leon (Lion), 1970 Etching, aquatint, scraper, and plate tone Gift of Robert and Jane Keller 2010.70 Sebald Beham German, 1500–50 Death Seizing a Woman, 1547 Engraving Gift of Tom Rassieur in memory of Tracey Albainy 2010.71 Giovanni Battista Piranesi Italian, 1720–78 Perspective of Arches, with a Smoking Fire, Plate 6 from Carceri d’Invenzione, 1749 Etching with engraving and sulfur tint; first state The John E. Andrus III Endowment Fund 2010.87 Jacopo de’ Barbari Italian, 1460–1516 View of Venice, 1500 Woodcut from six blocks on six sheets of paper Published by Anton Kolb, Venice, 1500 The John R. Van Derlip Trust 2010.88 Nicola Hicks British, born 1960 Cat Woman, 1999 Charcoal on brown paper Gift of funds from the Print and Drawing Curatorial Council 2010.89 Cynthia Lin American (born Taiwan), born 1964 Cropc2aCrop7detMouth89, 2008 Graphite and charcoal; triptych Gift of funds from the Print and Drawing Curatorial Council 2010.90.1a–c Cynthia Lin American (born Taiwan), born 1964 Crop8Ear7–21, 2004 Graphite on frosted Mylar Gift of Cynthia Lin, artist 2010.90.2 Cynthia Thompson American, born 1969 Grievous Injuries Delian Press, Memphis, Tenn., 2010 Watermarks, beet stains on handmade paper, letterpress; morocco cover with nickel clasps The Mary and Robyn Campbell Fund for Art Books 2010.91.1 Cynthia Thompson American, born 1969 Enfold Delian Press, Memphis, Tenn., 2010 Photopolymer prints, embossing and debossing, letterpress on handmade paper; morocco cover with nickel clasps The Mary and Robyn Campbell Fund for Art Books 2010.91.2 Cynthia Thompson American, born 1969 Remorse Delian Press, Memphis, Tenn., 2010 Photopolymer prints, embossing and debossing on black handmade paper; morocco cover with nickel clasps The Mary and Robyn Campbell Fund for Art Books 2010.91.3 Thomas Moran American, 1837–1926 View of Venice, 1902 Watercolor Gift of Robert Crane Winton 2010.92 ACCESSIONS Aristide Maillol French, 1861–1944 Reclining Female Nude Seen from Behind, 1926 Etching on pale blue paper Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton 2010.93.1 Aristide Maillol French, 1861–1944 Standing Female Nude Facing Right, 1935 Lithograph Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton 2010.93.2 Camille Pissarro French, 1830–1903 Femme à la barriére (Woman at the Gate), 1889 Etching with drypoint and aquatint Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton 2010.93.3 Claude-Émile Schuffenecker French, 1851–1934 Landscape with Pond, c. 1896 Pastel Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton 2010.93.4 Claude-Émile Schuffenecker French, 1851–1934 Debut d’automne (Early Autumn), c. 1900 Pastel Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton 2010.93.5 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec French, 1864–1901 Mademoiselle Marcelle Lender, en buste, 1895 Color lithograph Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton 2010.93.6 David Hockney British, born 1937 Celia in an Armchair, 1980 Color lithograph Gift of Mom, Mary Haldeman Dayton, and her family 2010.94.1 Sonia Delaunay-Terk French (born Ukraine), 1885–1979 Untitled (abstract composition), 1914 Pastel Gift of Mom, Mary Haldeman Dayton, and her family 2010.94.2 Richard Serra American, born 1939 Clara Clara I, 1985 Paintstick over screenprint on Kozo paper Gift of Mom, Mary Haldeman Dayton, and her family 2010.94.3 Helen Frankenthaler American, born 1928 Sunshine after Rain, 1987 Color etching, aquatint, and drypoint Gift of Mom, Mary Haldeman Dayton, and her family 2010.94.4 Jules Chéret French, 1836–1933 Montagnes Russes (Russian Mountains), 1889 Color lithograph (poster) Gift of Kate Butler Peterson 2010.107.2 Robert Motherwell American, 1915–91 Harvest, with Leaf, from the Summer Light series, 1973 Color lithograph with collage Gift of Mom, Mary Haldeman Dayton, and her family 2010.94.5 Francesco Clemente Italian, born 1952 Untitled (Self-portrait), 1984 Color woodcut on Kozo paper Gift of Kate Butler Peterson 2010.107.3 David Nash British, born 1945 Shade-Shape, 1983 Charcoal Gift of Mom, Mary Haldeman Dayton, and her family 2010.94.6 Arnaldo Pomodoro Italian, born 1926 Seven prints from “Misuratori” portfolio, 1971 Color aquatint with etching Gift of Mom, Mary Haldeman Dayton, and her family 2010.94.7.1–7 Jacob van der Heyden, engraver Flemish, 1573–1645 The Ten Ages of Life (Die Zehn Lebensalter), 1616 Engraving Gift of Tom Rassieur in memory of Robert Bradford Wheaton 2010.95.1 Wendel Dietterlin German, 1550–99 Heraldic design with two unicorns from Architectura: Von Austheilung, Symmetria und Proportion der Fünff Seulen (Strassbourg, 1598), 1593–94, published 1598 Etching Gift of Tom Rassieur in memory of C. C. and Francis Orear 2010.95.2 Robert Guinan American, born 1934 Pepsi-Cola II, 1985 Colored crayon and graphite Gift of R. Patrick Atherton 2010.96 Ellsworth Kelly American, born 1923 Red/Yellow/Blue, 2000 Color lithograph Gift of Darwin and Geri Reedy 2010.103.5 Jules Chéret French, 1836–1933 La Closerie des Genets, 1890 Color lithograph (poster) Gift of Kate Butler Peterson 2010.107.1 Mauricio Lasansky American (born Argentina), 1914 Thomas, 1962 Color engraving, etching, soft ground, aquatint, electric stippler, drypoint, and scraping Gift of Kate Butler Peterson 2010.107.4 Maurice de Vlaminck French, 1876–1958 Tete de Femme (Head of a Woman), 1906 Woodcut on Japon paper Gift of Kate Butler Peterson 2010.107.5 Associated with Andy Warhol American, 1928–87 It’s Andy Warhol’s Explosion! Exploding Plastic Inevitable, 1966 Letterpress poster Gift of Kate Butler Peterson 2010.107.6 Denys Calvaert Italian (born Flanders), 1540–1619 The Death of St. Peter Martyr, c. 1575–1600 Black chalk, pen and brown ink and wash, heightened with white The John E. and Marion Andrus III Fund 2011.16.1 Nicholas-Bernard Lépicié French, 1735–84 Standing Male Nude, 18th century Red chalk The Winton Jones Endowment Fund for Prints and Drawings 2011.16.2 Ary Scheffer Dutch, 1795–1858 Study for “Christus Consolator” (recto); Study of a Female Head in Profile (verso), c. 1837 Red and black chalk (recto); graphite (verso) on paper The Richard Lewis Hillstrom Fund 2011.17 Robert Carolina (pseudonym of David Coggins) American, born 1947 Daybooks Cobalt Press, Minneapolis, 2010 Digital color printing; set of eight books The Mary and Robyn Campbell Fund for Art Books 2011.18.1–8 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 103 ACCESSIONS Dieter Roth Swiss (born Germany), 1930–98 bok 4a (Book 4a) Forlag Ed., Reykjavik, 1961 Letterpress and rubber block printing The Mary and Robyn Campbell Fund for Art Books 2011.19 Titian (Tiziano Vecellio), designer Italian, 1488–1576 The Submersion of the Pharaoh’s Army in the Red Sea, 1514–15 Woodcut from twelve blocks on twelve sheets of paper Published by Domenico dalle Greche, Venice, 1549 or later Gift of funds from Ruth and Bruce Dayton, Beverly N. Grossman, Alfred and Ingrid Lenz Harrison, Sheila Morgan, Kaywin Feldman and Jim Lutz, Al and Kathy Lenzmeier, Barbara H. Steiner, and thirty-six additional donors 2011.20 Oleg Kudryashov Russian, born 1932 Construction, Plate 1456, 1986 Paper construction with drypoint and watercolor Gift of the artist and Robert Brown Gallery 2011.21 Conrad Meyer Swiss, 1618–89 Standing Female Nude, 1650–89 Two colors of red chalk heightened with white chalk, on red prepared paper Gift of Tom Rassieur in honor of Bruce Dayton 2011.22 Roman Verostko American, born 1929 Spring Memory, h18gr, 2010 Algorithmic pen and ink drawing with calligraphic brushstrokes Anonymous gift 2011.23 Nicolaes de Bruyn Dutch, 1571–1656 The Capture of Christ, plate from “The Large Passion,” 1632 Engraving Gift of James A. Bergquist, Boston 2011.24 Henry Dreyfuss, designer American, 1904–72 Alvin R. Tilley, draftsman American, 1914–93 Five anthropometric drawings for “Designing for People,” and other publications, 1955-67 Black marker over graphite on linen Anonymous gift 2011.25.1–5 104 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report Scott Helmes American, born 1945 Haiku #81, 2010 Relief print Gift of the artist 2011.26 Jim Dine American, born 1935 Seven White Hammers, 2008 Etching, aquatint and drypoint, with hand-coloring in acrylic and charcoal Gift of Michael Root in honor of Nathan J. Root 2011.27 Jenny Holzer American, born 1950 AKA, 2006 Portfolio of five etchings The Barbara S. Longfellow Fund for Works on Paper 2011.36.1–5 Félix Buhot French, 1847–98 The H.M.S.…at Gillingham near Chatham, c. 1879–83 Graphite Gift of Tom and Marsha French in honor of Tom Rassieur 2011.37.1 Guido Reni Italian, 1575-1642 Madonna and Child, c. 1599–1601 White and brown oil and black chalk on brown prepared paper Gift of funds from an anonymous donor and the Winton Jones Endowment Fund for Prints and Drawings 2011.37.2 Christoffel Jegher Flemish, 1596–1653 After Peter Paul Rubens Flemish, 1577–1640 Hercules Triumphant over Discord, 1633–34 Woodcut Gift of funds from Ruth and Bruce Dayton, Beverly N. Grossman, Alfred and Ingrid Lenz Harrison, Sheila Morgan, Kaywin Feldman and Jim Lutz, Al and Kathy Lenzmeier, Barbara H. Steiner, and thirty-six additional donors 2011.38.1 Maya Lin American, born 1959 Geography Lesson: 9, 1999 Monoprint (first impression) The Edith and Norman Garmezy Prints and Drawings Acquisition Fund, the Plautz Family Endowment, the Barbara M. Kaerwer Fund, the John and Myrtle Coe Fund, and gift of funds from Tom Rassieur 2011.38.2.1 Maya Lin American, born 1959 Geography Lesson: 9 (ghost), 1999 Monoprint (second impression) The Edith and Norman Garmezy Prints and Drawings Acquisition Fund, the Plautz Family Endowment, the Barbara M. Kaerwer Fund, the John and Myrtle Coe Fund, and gift of funds from Tom Rassieur 2011.38.2.2 Max Pechstein German, 1881–1955 Zwei Dirnen (Two Prostitutes), 1908 Color lithograph with monotype in blue-gray and additions in brush and black ink Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton 2011.39 Tara Donovan American, born 1969 Untitled, 2010 Relief print from pin matrix Gift of funds from Betsy Hannaford and Harry Drake 2011.40 ACCESSIONS 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 105 BO O ARD D O F T RUSTEE ESS ⁄ MU U S E UM M S TA A FFF 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 106 BO O ARD D O F T RUSTEE ESS ⁄ MU U S E UM M S TA A FFF Clockwise from top left: Laura DeBiaso; Mary Hele and Debra Duffy; Daniel Dennehy, Melika Dhital, David Little, and Nicole Anderson artworks were photographed by Department of Visual Resources staff. artworks from the permanent collection were relocated by the MIA Art Crew. 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 107 B O A RD O F TRU U S T EEE S BOARD OF TRUSTEES Fro m J u l y 1 , 20 1 0 , to J u n e 3 0 , 20 1 1 Diane Lilly Chair Kaywin Feldman Director & President Elective Trustees Kim Anderson Richard Anderson Maurice Blanks Michael Boardman Blythe Brenden Richard Davis Eric Dayton Curtis Dunnavan Michael Francis William Hawkins John Himle Susan Hoff John Huss Hubert Joly Betty MacMillan Nivin MacMillan Siri Marshall Sam McCullough Al McQuinn Lucy Crosby Mitchell Sheila Morgan Robert W. Nelson Linda Perlman Mary Ingebrand-Pohlad John Prince Dar Reedy Roger Sit Alec Soth Stewart Stender Robert Stephens Ralph Strangis Ricardo Torres Richard Venegar Michele Volpi Betsy Weyerhaeuser 108 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report Life Trustees John E. Andrus, III Marvin Borman Sandra K. Butler Burton Cohen Bruce B. Dayton W. John Driscoll Beverly Grossman Al Harrison Myron Kunin David M. Lebedoff Clinton Morrison Bob Ulrich Trustees by Virtue of Office Governor Mark Dayton Mayor R.T. Rybak Senator Scott Dibble Senator Gen Olson Representative Margaret Anderson Kelliher Representative Kurt Zellers Commissioner Mike Opat Chair, Hennepin County Board of Commissioners Anita Tabb Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board President Katie Searl Friends President youth and adults came to Peace Games in Washburn Fair Oaks Parks. M U SEU U M STTA FF M U S E U M S TA F F Fu l l - ti m e & p a r t- ti m e e m p l oye es o n J u n e 3 0 , 20 1 1 ADMINISTR ATION DIVISION CUR ATORIAL DIVISION Director’s Office Arts of Africa & the Americas Kaywin Feldman Director and President Patricia J. Grazzini Deputy Director & COO Matthew Welch, Ph.D. Deputy Director & Chief Curator Michele Callahan Director of Administrative Affairs Lana Klick Executive Assistant to Deputy Director & COO Karen Paraday Executive Assistant to Director of Administrative Affairs Friends of the Institute Nicole Anderson Operations Coordinator CONTEMPOR ARY ART & CAMP Elizabeth Armstrong Director of CAMP/Curator of Contemporary Art Rayna Olson Administrative Assistant Minnesota Artists Exhibition Program Christopher Atkins MAEP Coordinator Jan-Lodewijk Grootaers, Ph.D. Head of the Department of Arts of Africa & the Americas/Curator of African Art Joseph Horse Capture Associate Curator of Native American Art Kate McCreight Administrative Assistant Asian Art LIU Yang, Ph.D. Head of the Department of Asian Art/ Curator of Chinese Art Yuiko Kimura Research Associate Erin Threlkeld Administrative Assistant Curatorial & Exhibition Administration Laura DeBiaso Administrator of Curatorial Affairs & Exhibitions Philip Barber Senior Framing Technician Rurik Hover Label and Signage Production Specialist Decorative Arts, Textiles & Sculpture Eike Schmidt, Ph.D. Head of the Department of Decorative Arts, Textiles, & Sculpture/James Ford Bell Curator of Decorative Arts & Sculpture Jennifer Komar Olivarez Associate Curator Corine Wegener Associate Curator Dawn Fahlstrom Administrative Assistant Library Janice Lurie Head Librarian Stephanie Kays Project Archivist Jessica McIntyre Assistant Librarian I Museum Catalogues Elisabeth Sövik Editor Paintings Patrick Noon Head of the Department of Paintings/ Curator of Paintings Erika Holmquist-Wall Assistant Curator & Provenance Specialist Nicole Wankel Administrative Assistant Photography & New Media David Little, Ph.D. Head/Curator of the Department of Photography & New Media Christian Peterson Associate Curator DeAnn Dankowski Senior Administrative Assistant Prints & Drawings Thomas Rassieur Head of the Department of Prints & Drawings/John E. Andrus III Curator of Prints & Drawings Dennis Michael Jon Associate Curator Rachel McGarry, Ph.D. Associate Curator Kristin Lenaburg Curatorial Assistant I 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 109 MUSEUM STAFF Registration Brian Kraft Head of Registration Tanya Morrison Registrar Thomas Jance Head Preparator Roxann Ballard Exhibition Designer John Buss Senior Preparator Robin Cotton Fine Art Packer Maggie Davis Collection Maintenance Technician Jonathan Hamilton Preparator Shawn Holster Preparator Mike Judy Preparator Kenneth Krenz Associate Registrar for Permanent Collections Teresa Lenzen Registration Assistant I Michael McCann Collection Maintenance Technician Kurt Nordwall Framing Preparator Leslie Ory Lewellen Associate Registrar for Acquisitions Lisa Ranallo Assistant Registrar for Extended Loans Karl Shapansky Lighting Designer/Technician William Skodje Senior Preparator/ Exhibition Designer Jennifer Starbright Associate Registrar for Exhibitions Brian Stieler Senior Preparator Visual Resources Daniel Dennehy Head of Visual Resources Charles Walbridge Photographer Amanda Hankerson Associate Photographer Joshua Lynn Digital Production Assistant Heidi Raatz Visual Resources Librarian 110 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report EX TERNAL AFFAIRS DIVISION Foundations & Government Mary Jane Drews Director of External Affairs Shaylyn Bernhardt Administrative Assistant to the Director of External Affairs Elisabeth Brandt Foundation Relations Manager Kathryn Wade Foundation Relations Associate Design & Editorial Services Amanda Stolle Design & Editorial Services Manager Jodie Ahern Senior Editor Jill Blumer Senior Graphic Designer Heidi Miller Production Designer Jessica Naithani Project Coordinator Diane Richard Communications Writer Kristine Thayer Senior Graphic Designer, Branding & Membership Communications Jessica Zubrzycki Graphic Designer Marketing & Communications Kristin Prestegaard Director, Marketing & Communications Garnette Kuznia Brand Communications Specialist Kathryn Murphy Marketing Specialist Press & Public Relations Anne-Marie Wagener Director of Public Relations Tamara Pleshek Press & Public Relations Specialist FINANCE & OPER ATIONS DIVISION Development Julianne Amendola Director of Development Emily Clausman Director of Individual Giving Annie Lebedoff Manager of Individual Giving Ernesto DeQuesada Director of Membership & Development Operations Kathryn Bennet Development/Membership Database Manager Jill Meyer Operations Reports Specialist Channadda Virasih Data Entry Processor Jamie Van Nostrand Manager of Donor Relations Michelle Sanchez Donor Relations Specialist Lori Erickson Donor Relations Assistant Mary Mortenson Manager of Corporate Relations Andrew Jacob Corporate Relations Assistant DiAnne Pappas Administrative Assistant Accounting Kristen Davidson Controller/Director of Accounting Tracy Christenson Assistant Controller Theodore Hewes Accounting Supervisor Barbara Duncan Senior Accounting Clerk II Peter Luttrell Senior Accounting Clerk Elizabeth Young Senior Accounting Clerk Facilities Michael Newman Director of Facilities Larry Danielson Maintenance Engineer Jerome DuBord Groundskeeper Crew Chief Brad Gobar General Maintenance Utility Gerald Hensel Maintenance/Utility/Painter Steven Johnson Electrician Scott King Mail & Copy Service Clerk Micah Lux Groundskeeper/Maintenance MUSEUM STAFF Shawn McCann Mechanical Maintenance/Utility Thomas Myers General Maintenance Carpenter Alyn Silberstein General Maintenance Crew Chief Stephen Wrzos Mechanical Maintenance Crew Chief Human Resources Debra Duffy Director of Human Resources Bonnie Koran HR Specialist I Sheila Loger HR Specialist II Information Systems John Bedard Director of Information Projects & Services Stephen Scidmore IS Manager David Miller IS Support Technician I Michael Stange Telecommunications & Electronic Equipment Administrator Theodore Thorson Network Administrator Treden Wagoner Technology & Training Specialist Interactive Media Andrew David Webmaster/Lead Developer Michael Dust Senior Producer/Project Leader Jennifer Jurgens Graphic Designer for Web/ Interactive Media Ryan Lee Interactive Media Specialist Janitorial Dan Sorenson Janitorial Crew Leader Peter Brady Janitor Robert Butler Janitor Robert Cable Janitor Gayle Cole Janitor Nathan Janes Janitor James McConico Janitor Maurice Overton Janitor Michael Roy Janitor Retail/Wholesale Mary Hele Director of Retail & Events Christine Teel Operations Manager/Buyer Marie Bryant Team Leader Sarah Colvin Team Leader Amy Gaetz Lead Sales David Klein Merchandise/Office Coordinator Molly Manning Sales/Cashier Whitney Savage Book & Stationery Buyer Security Ross Guthrie Director of Security Thor Eisentrager Associate Director of Security Patrice Cyriacks Assistant Director of Security Janet Larson Operations Administrative Assistant David Anderson Perimeter Guard Joshana Anderson Gallery Guard—Flexible Schedule Chad Augustin Gallery Guard Mark Brady Gallery Guard—Flexible Schedule Gina Carchedi Gallery Guard Matthew Cisler Auxiliary Control Adam Considine Gallery Guard Melika Dhital Gallery Guard Dave Digre Lieutenant Derek Edmondson Gallery Guard David Engelking Gallery Guard—Flexible Schedule Erin Eslinger Gallery Guard—Flexible Schedule James Farrar Control Operator Amhare Gilo Auxiliary Perimeter Guard Desmond Griffin Security Patrol Officer Steven Hanson Security Patrol Officer Noah Harmon Gallery Guard—Flexible Schedule Katherine Hearth Gallery Guard Shawn Hennessey Gallery Guard Meghan Hogan Gallery Guard Raighne Hogan Gallery Guard Todd Holmberg Gallery Guard Emily Kaplan Captain Gail Kern Security Patrol Officer Timothy Kiser Gallery Guard Mark Kuno Security Patrol Officer John Laughlin Gallery Guard Michelle Layland Security Patrol Officer Matthew McGorry Security Patrol Officer Kregg Mickelson Gallery Guard April Mizer Gallery Guard Bruce Morrow Security Patrol Officer James Muirhead Gallery Guard—Flexible Schedule Joshua Murray Gallery Guard Dwayne Nevels Gallery Guard Todd Newman Captain John O’Donoghue Control Operator Mary Olson Gallery Guard Thomas Olson Perimeter Guard Fabio Pavolini Lieutenant Nathan Phillips Control Operator Katherine Phoenix Gallery Guard Timothy Piotrowski Lieutenant Mona Pougiales Security Patrol Officer Leroy Prescott Gallery Guard Antwan Ragland Gallery Guard—Flexible Schedule Tammy Ray Gallery Guard—Flexible Schedule Samuel Rowan Security Patrol Officer Luke Rusch Gallery Guard Thomas Schmidt Gallery Guard—Flexible Schedule Leroy Smith Gallery Guard—Flexible Schedule Robert Stephen Gallery Guard 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 111 MUSEUM STAFF Scott Stromberg Auxiliary Perimeter Captain Greta Stryker Captain Buckner Sutter Captain Daniel Veverka Control Operator Larell Walker Perimeter Guard Sheila Wheeler Control Operator Timothy Wheeler Perimeter Captain Michael Williamson Security Patrol Officer Calvin Winkelmann Captain David Wollin Gallery Guard Ann Wood Gallery Guard Dennis Zillhart Ramp Guard Special Events Kimberly Supple Director of Special Events Frank Belsito Crew Leader Solange Guillaume Event Media Technician Jeffrey Kearns Event Media Technician Miranda Kuennen Meeting & Events Coordinator Rachel Hanson Events Coordinator Visitor & Member Services Eric Bruce Head of Visitor Experience Kathleen Barber Senior Manager of Visitor Services Lizbeth Belk Sales & Service Representative Michael Bennes VMS Volunteer Coordinator Peter Browne Sales & Service Representative Kristina Dahle Sales & Service Representative Megan Dischinger Sales & Service Representative Karen Gehrke Sales & Service Representative Margaret Johnson Sales & Service Representative Steven Lang Phone Center/Sales & Service Representative 112 Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2010–2011 Annual Report Shawna Lee Sales & Service Representative Kimberly Miller Sales & Service Representative Brian Shuey Sales & Service Representative Carl Swanson Sales & Service Representative Jeffrey Warner Sales & Service Representative Leanna Wiedman Phone Center/Sales & Service Representative Heidi Ziemer Sales & Service Representative LEARNING & INNOVATION DIVISION Katherine Milton, Ph.D. Director of Learning & Innovation Stacey Thompson Administrative Assistant Innovative & Interpretive Strategies & Participatory Spaces Amanda Thompson Rundahl Innovation Engineer/ Manager of IISPS Krista Pearson Community Arts Associate Learning Resources Sheila McGuire Manager of Learning Resources Paula Warn Tour Coordinator II Jennifer Curry Tour Coordinator I Museum Guide Programs Annie Dressen Art Adventure Program Specialist Debra Hegstrom, Ph.D. Senior Educator, Docent Program Ann Isaacson Senior Educator, Guide Programs Public Programs Susan Jacobsen Director of Public Programs Alex Bortolot, Ph.D. Adult Programs Associate Julia Modest Family Programs Associate Peggy Linrud Program Assistant MUSEUM STAFF 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 113 FII N A NCII AL S 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 115 FII N A NCII AL S MINNEAPOLIS INSTITUTE OF ARTS CONDENSED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION As of June 30, 2011 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable Inventories and other assets Pledges receivable Investments and funds held in trust Land, buildings, and equipment, net Total assets LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Payables Deferred revenue Notes payable $ As of June , 9,351,384 9,405,170 476,437 7,568,618 190,861,230 74,497,070 $ 12,621,821 9,868,597 464,438 7,993,367 161,715,752 77,494,262 $ 292,159,909 $ 270,158,237 $ $ Total liabilities Total net assets 6,811,885 6,264,901 3,000,000 4,798,178 6,642,796 3,000,000 16,076,786 276,083,123 14,440,974 255,717,263 Total liabilities and net assets $ 292,159,909 $ 270,158,237 CONDENSED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS For the year ended June 30, 2011 June , OPERATING REVENUE Private contributions Government support Program activities Endowment draw for operations Other income Net assets released from restrictions for operations $ 5,721,392 12,334,126 1,275,105 3,992,507 820,061 915,652 $ 25,058,843 $ 26,154,239 $ 17,688,753 5,305,469 925,000 822,104 $ 18,848,590 5,187,267 1,000,000 908,714 Total operating expenses $ 24,741,326 $ 25,944,571 Net income from operations before transfer for strategic initiatives $ 317,517 $ 209,668 Board-designated transfer for strategic initiatives $ (300,000) $ (190,000) Net income from operations after transfer for strategic initiatives $ 17,517 $ 19,668 Total operating revenue OPERATING EXPENSES Curatorial and exhibitions Administration and development Depreciation Other 5,664,555 12,610,922 1,766,704 4,211,277 1,013,026 887,755 FII N A NCII AL S The condensed statement of financial position and the condensed statement of operations are derived from the MIA’s financial statements as of June 30, 2011, which have been audited by Larson Allen LLP, independent auditors, whose report expressed an unqualified opinion on those financial statements. A copy of the full audit report is available from the MIA’s finance department. 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 117 M USEE UM M INFF O MINNEAPOLIS INSTITUTE OF ARTS 2400 Third Avenue South | Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404 | www.artsmia.org GENERAL (612) 870-3000, or toll-free 1-888-642-2787 FAX (612) 870-3253 TDD (612) 870-3132 MEMBERS’ HOTLINE (612) 870-6323, or toll-free 1-888-642-2787 BOARD OF TRUSTEES (612) 870-3007 FRIENDS OF THE INSTITUTE (612) 870-3045 MEMBERSHIP & DEVELOPMENT OFFICE (612) 870-3011 TOURS Public Tours (612) 870-3131 Custom Tours (612) 870-3140 Audio Tours available. HOURS 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday Closed Monday. The museum’s 24th Street grand entry is open during the summer months. MUSEUM SHOP (612) 870-3100 Open during museum hours. PURCELL-CUTTS HOUSE Open the second weekend of each month by reservation, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday; noon to 3 p.m. Sunday. Call (612) 870-3131 to reserve. VISITOR & MEMBER CENTER (612) 870-3131 ART RESEARCH & REFERENCE LIBRARY (612) 870-3117 PRINT STUDY ROOM (612) 870-3105, by appointment PHOTOGRAPHY STUDY ROOM (612) 870-3255, by appointment The Minneapolis Institute of Arts is a free museum operated for the benefit of the general public. For paper copies of this report, please call the Visitor & Member Desk at (612) 870-3131, TDD (612) 870-3132. © 2011 Minneapolis Institute of Arts. All rights reserved. Please note that any use of content downloaded or printed from this site is limited to non-commercial personal or educational use, including “fair use” as defined by U.S. copyright laws. 2010–2011 A Year in Review Minneapolis Institute of Arts 119
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