Deniz Çalış Kural
Deniz Çalış Kural
KAĞITHANE & Lale Devri Tulip Period B. Deniz Çalış Kural Istanbul Bilgi University Edirne Event Edirne Istanbul Patrona Halil Revolt 1703 Rebellion 1730 Rebellion Sultan Ahmed III 1703 Sultan Ahmed III 1730 Rebellion «Ba’devleym padişahın biri ise gelip bu şehirde (Edirne) karar eylemeyip ve sakin olmıya ve bostancı başı vaz olunmıya ve devletden sefer olmadıkça Edirnede kimesne oturmiya» Patrona Halil Revolt 1703 Rebellion Edirne Event Sultan Ahmed III 1730 1703 Sultan Ahmed III 1730 1718 1703 Sultan Ahmed III Grand Vizier Damad İbrahim Paşa 1730 1718 The Tulip Period Grand Vezier Damad İbrahim Paşa Kağıthane – Palace Grounds and the Public Meadows after the Tulip Period 1740’s – after the Tulip Period Late 18th century 19th century 20th century October 1730, Istanbul “Patrona Halil” by Vanmour (ca. 1730), reproduced from The Ambassador, the Sultan and the artist, 13. Sadabad Palace and Gardens (1722-23) Kağıthane, Istanbul Kağıthane Village Kağıthane Golden Horn Bosphorus Istanbul Topkapı Palace The Marmara Sea Kağıthane Edirne Istanbul MA 378; TSMK B.408 “Turkish Courtiers feasting” by Vanmour (ca. 1730), reproduced from The Ambassador, the Sultan and the artist 2003, 41. Imperial Garden Garden of Iram Public Meadows örmeyen âdeme el-hak ne kadar vasfetse Nice ta’bîr olunur çağlayanın seyrânı Yok bu dünyada hele Kasr-ı Cinân’ın misli Bilmezem var mı cinân içre dahı akrânı Çeşme-i Nûr âyetin eyler tefsîr Cedvel-i Sîm ile bulsa nola ziyb-ü şânı Gûyiyâ zavk-u safâ dahmesine oldu tılsım Şâh-ı mârânı aceb ol cesed-i nûrânî Pek güzel mevkiine düştü hele Kasr-ı Neşat Gerçi kendi küçük ammâ büyüktür şânı Ye o cesrin ki adı kendi gibi Nev-peydâ Şübhesiz yoktur ana mülk-i cihanda sânî Ferkadan’dır adı üstünde olan kasrların Imperial Garden Garden of Iram Public Meadows Subjects of the Sultan The SULTAN Absolute Truth 1 2 world superior inferior world Imperial Garden Garden of Iram Public Meadows “barzakh” Absolute Truth 1 the world of imagination Intermediary space In-between Space of meeting as a garden: “The garden is named a ‘Garden’ because it is a curtain and a veil between you and the Real” as a space of reconciliation: “where the two seas meet” 3 2 world A: Two Headed Pool B: Pool of the Sea C: Pool of Silver Ruler a: Kasr-ı Sürûr: Pavilion of Happiness b: Kasr-ı Cinan: Pavilion of Paradise. d: Ferkadan: Twin Pavilions of Stars. e: Underground water channels f: Çeşme-i Nur: Fountain of Light. Utilissimo Trattato dell Aque Correnti (1696) Neue Gartenlust oder Völliges Ornament Flower Album of Mehmed 1726-30 (Private Collection) Left 35a Mustafa Hoca «Ser-amed-nişini» Right 6a Nîze-i Rummâni; 10a Mir’ât Left 24b - Cüce moru / Dwarf purple belonged to Dizdar Cüce Çelebi (d. 1651) - Cüce Hüseyin Efendi «This tulip has appeared in the garden of Dizdar Cüce Çelebi, Üsküdar. Some say that it has been out of its own seed, some say it of European origin.» Right 23b Şevk-bahş; 36b Muattar 4a and 5a Nîze-i Rummâni (Pommegranate Lance) – the most expensive tulips of the period 6a Nîze-i Rummâni 10a Mir’ât 8a Pençe (Crawl) - 7b Gülrîz 18a İşve-bâz- 17b Gül-reng-i feyz 26a Furuzende - 25b Turuncu Uşşakizade Efendi 28a İbrahim Bey Alı- 27b Nîze-i Gül-gun yek-renk 31a Ferah-engiz, Bezm-efza-yı Ahmed Efendi - 30b Nîze-i Gül-gun Treatise on Hyacinth Sümbülname, TSM H413, 11a; With 42 varieties of tulips. 1736 Flower Treatise of Ali Üsküdari. 1728 Flower Treatise of Ahmed Çelebi, Nuruosmaniye 4077, 20b; Şeşhane Kadeh 1677 1676-77 Gaznevi Album of Poetry, IU T5461. Kağıthane Village Kağıthane Commons Golden Horn Bosphorus Istanbul Topkapi Palace The Marmara Sea reproduction of gardens Sultan Ahmed III (r. 1703 – 1730)
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