PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA REGULATION OF THE MINISTER OF FINANCE Milleral Tax Act Ministerial Order No. M 320 It Michael de Jong. Minister of Finance, order that. effective December I, 2015, the Mineral Tax Return Fonn RegulaLion. B.C. Reg. 86198, is amended by repealing Schedules At C, D and E and substituting the atLached Schedules A, C, D and E. Date (This fNJ rI isfor adm;"iSlrali~t p"rpOStJ OtIly und ;1 110/ pan 0[1"1' Order. ) Authority under which Order Is made: Act and section: Mineral Tax Act, R.S.B.C. 1996. c. 291. s. 45 Other: M15 1198 Rl646120 15/ 15 September I, 20 I5 page I orl2 SCHEDULE A ...... BI{1 T ISH . . . . . CO LUMBIA I Ministry' of f-in.ncc MaiInG AcIcIreu: GENERAL INQUIRIES Telephone: 250 952.ij192 Toll-free: 1800667-1182 Email: MINERAL TAX RETURN PO So> 9328 Sin PlOY GovI Vi/::II:IN Be 'VINl9H3 gov,bc.cllml""'gtun under ti1~ MinflnrI Tax Act HOW TO FILE YOUR RETURN Go anlne using . TuBe a1 myaccount or send this form and payment (~requi'ed) by mail to !he address above. MOG. [email protected].~ INSTRUCTIONS Complete !his retum ~ you are a person or COIpOralion wilh commercial mining opera~ons in ee. RIe tIis return wilI1in six months ioI;)wing \he end of \he fiscal year (or the deemed fiscal year end) lllat mining operations occurred. Report all amounts in Canadian dollars. If the mine has mora than one operator and you chose 10 file a single retum, ampIele an EJection to File a ~ R6l\6rJ (FIN 731 ) aod indude ~ with lhis form. For help In (:OII1p1eUng IIlls form and pa~nt instructions. please see our website at ;ov.IX;.f;illmlnlngI3xH Make cheqIJes or money orders PElYi'bIe to the Ministor of FirnlOOll. _ ., lof,.....IJoIoM4 ..... _ o I Pmoq ... f(FOIf'I'Io) TIIoPlQOftOlittlortNlioon""I'IIoJonn I o _ k I < " " , _. oI 0IImIniII0rq lie _ r•• AcI"-IIIo .. ~ 0/ _ 21(0) 01 ... FOIPPA. a..dono _ ... _""'" Of _ 01 ~ IIII ...... Uon Opor._. .., bo _od 10 .... ..... 'IOgtf. - . . Rnou,.. R_," PO eo. fill. S~ p"" GeM, Vi<Iorlll Be VfIW II/f3 (IoIophotoo; VIdorIII III 250 152~lll Of !d>h. ot 1 lOll eel ·1182~ EIMit IIQG.III...... lI ...... b.... _ ....-.>1_) ~ :~~OFOI'S\ATOR (.\>' _ _ W_. , 0 , ~£CK I" ) THiS IIOJe If TtllSIS A_ w.u~ .\OOIl£SS 1::I ) PART 2- RETURN INFORMATION FISCAl "''" % $ PART 3 _ REQUIRED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS o o o A copy of the federal income tax return and all schedules of tile operator for the fISCal year. A copy of the financial statemoots of Ille operalor for Ihe fiscal year. Acopy of the net earnings statement of !he mine for the fiscal year. PART. - CERTIFICATION The laopayer or an authorized Ilgnlng authority mUSI mi ke th, lonowlng declarallon. __ ~===================.-__ ,oartifylllat,lolhebesIO( __"""'" _u_o/_""-""_d_~_I" my know1udge and belief, 81 0( Ihe iIlformation given In lhis return 1$ true, oorrect and complete in aI material respeds. I POSITIOtt OR OFFICE IDA.T£Sl~EO YYYY I MIll 00 x Page 1 0( 5 AN 1tI4IWEB Reo.20ISllllI page2of l 2 Alb,. BRITIS,H . . . . . COLUMBIA 'I Ministryof Finance MINERAL.TAX . . . . RETURN ... . -;, under the. Mineral Tax Act .: ~. , ACCOUNT NUMBER: MT~- : ' CALCULATION OF AMOUNT PAYABLE T Total Taxes Payable (Line 24) Deduct: Reclamation Tax Credit (Page 5, Line 42F Monthly instalments paid for the fiscal year Overpayment applied from prior year Balance ofTaxes Payable/Overpaid Do you want overpayment: Drefunded ( ( ) ) 4 5 { t 6 7 Total (sum olUne 3/0 Line 6) D applied to ~ubsequent year NET CURRENT PROCEEDS TAX CALCULATION Net Current Proceeds (Page 3, Line 43) Net Current Proceeds Tax Rate Net Current Proceeds Tax Payable (Line 12 mullip/ied by Line 13; to Line 20 and Line 27) NET REVENUE TAX CALCULATION 15 Net Revenue (Page 4, Line 113) Net Revenue Tax Rate Net Revenue Tax (Line 15 mulliplied by Line 16) Deduct the lesser of Subtotal B in the Cumulative Tax Credit Account (Line 28) and Net RevenueT8xJUn.e 17), x 13 % 16 17 ( 1 18 [19 Net Revenue Tax Payable (to Line 21 and Page 5, Line 36) TOTAL TAXES PAYABLE CALCULATION " Net Current Proceeds Tax Payable (Line 14) Net Revenue Tax Payable (Line 19) [20 I 21 I 22 Subiotal A (sum of Line 20 and Lin;' 21) Deduct Earned Depletion Tax Credit - deduct the lesser of: (a) 25% of Subtotal A (Line 22) (b) Balance of Earned Depletion Base Account at the end ofthe preceding fiscal year (Line 31) } ( )[23 f24 Total Taxes Payable (to Line 3) CUMULATIVE TAx CREDIT ACCOUNT Balance at the end of the preceding fiscal year Imputed Interest Calculation: Balance at the end of the preceding fiscal year (Line 25) x Investment Allowance rate Net Current Proceeds Tax Payable (Line 14) Subtot,al B (sum of Line 25 to Line 27) Deduct the lesser of Net Revenue Tax (Line 17) and Subtotal B (Line 28)' ., ' ' 125 I 26 f27 .( I ) I 28 29 [30 Ending Balance EARNED DEPLETION BASE ACCOUNT Balance at the end of the preceding fiscal year Deduct amount claimed as a tax credit in the current fiscal year (Line 23) { l I 32 Ending Balance Page 2 015 FIN 704IWEB Rev, 201517/28 page 3 of 12 ~ BRITISH •. 1 Ministry of -.-COLUMBIA Finance MINERALTAX RETURN under the Mineral Tax Act - NET CURRENTPROCI;I;DS CALCULATION Net OJrreI1IProceeds istheanountbywhk:h Gross Revenue rUne 52)exceeds Tolal OJrreI1IOpemtiI'(lCostS (Une 64). Thisamountmust not be Jess Ihan zero. Net Current Proceeds (to Page 2, Line 12) 43 N E CALCULAI TON GROS SREVEU Value of mineral product sold Other current operating cost recoveries Reclamation recovery (Page 5, Line 149) Other (altach schedule of details): Exemption for individuals ( (Page 1, Une 1mulliplied by $50,OOO) Gross Revenue (Io Page 4, Une 105) 7 .48 49 49a ) 51 [52 ACCOUNT NUMBER: MTR- CURRENT OPERATING COSTS CALCULATION '53 Refining and treatment Marketing anddistnbution Postproduction development costs Mining Milling General site services Non-capital reclamation cost transfer Minesite general and administrative Qhange,in cost of mineral product inventory: Opening Inventory Less ending Inventory { l Head office administrative costs Other 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 [62 1 63 1 63a . (attach schedule of delails) 164 Total Current Operating Costs rio Page 4, Line 118) RECONCILIATION WITH NET EARNINGS Net eamingslloss per financial statements Additions: Income tax expense Leaselrental expense Reclamation expense added to the Reclamation Cost Account Royalties Business interruption insurance premiums Expense provisions credited to reserves Net realizable value of opening inventory less cost Unrelated overhead Cost of purchased product sold Unrelated cost of sales Costs of financing and arranging financing Interest expense Provisions for depreciation or depletion Exploration expense Costs of incorporation, organization or reorganization Writedown of asset values . Other '65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 84 (attach schedule of delails) Subtotal (sum of Une 6510 Line 84) Deductions:Non-capital reclamation cost transfer (Page 5, Line 144) Costs charged to r,eserves on nnancial statements . Net realizable value of closing inventory less yost Mine revenue from the sale of purchased product Net gainsflosses on disposal of assets Hedging gainsllosses Unrelated sales revenue Interest income Dividend income Other (aNach schedule of delails) Net Mineral Tax Earnings/Loss (Line 88, minus sum ofLine 89 to Line 100) ~ 7 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 100 [104 [should equal Line 52 minus Line 64] FIN 704N1EB Rev. 201517128 Page 3 of 5 page40f 12 ~ BRITISH . . . . . COLUMBIA I Ministry of Finance MINERAL TAX RETURN . ACCOtfNT NUMBER: unaeithe Mi;ieralTaJi Act MTR- . NET REY~NUE CALCULATION, '105 Gross Revenue (Page 3, Line 52) Grants, subsidies and other assistance in respect of capital assets Insurance proceeds in respect of capital assets Revenue in the nature of capital asset cost recovery . Proceeds on disposal of capital assets Deemed disposition proceeds for assets taken out of use at the mine Subtotal C(sum of Line 10510 Line 110) Deduct Cumulative Expenditure claim - the lesser of Subtotal E (Line 127) and Subtotal C (Lina 111) ..106 107 108 109 110 111 112 f11I Net Revenue (to Page 2, Line 15) CUMULATIVE EXPENDITURE ACC.OUNT Balance at the end of the preceding fiscal year . Adjustments (specify) Pre-production discovery costs ',".',.Development costs prior to commercial production New mine allowance (new mine expenditures multiplied by 1/3) Total Current Operating Costs (Page 3; Line 64) Net increase/decrease in inventories: Closing mineral product inventory at cost Closing supplies inventory at cost ) Opening mineral product inventory at cost ( OpeningsuppliEis inventory at cost ( l Payments on leases and rentals Cost of capital asse.ts purchased Exploration cost aliocation (complete Election to Allocale Explornlion Expenses)· Research costs Reclamation cost transfer (Page 5, Line 146) Subtotal 0 (sum of Line 114 to Line 124) .lnvestment Allowance (Line 135) Subtotal E (sum of Line 125 and Line 126) Deduct amount claimed on Line 112 Ending Balance '1i4 115 116 117 117. 118 '119 .,. . ( ) . 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 ··127 128 129 . INVESTMENT ALLOWANCE CALCULATION Cumulative Expenditure Account balance at theendofthe preceding fiscal year (sum of Line 114.and Line 115) Add the excess, if any, of Subtotal D (Line 125) over SObtotal C(Line 111) . . Total (sum of Line 130 and Line 131) Cumulative Expenditure Account average balance (Line 132 divided by 2) Investment Allowance Rate Investment Allowance (Line 133 multiplied by Line 134; to Line i26j 130 x % 131 132 133· 134 135 Page 4 015 FIN 704iWEB Rev. 201517/28 page 5 of 12 I ~ BRITISH Ministry of . . . . . COLUMBIA Finance MINERAL TAX RETURN under the Mineral Tax Act ACCOUNT NUMBER: MTR- RECLAMATION COST ACCOUNT J136 Balance of the Reclamation Cost Account at the end of the preceding fiscal year Additions: Reclamatio~ fund contributions incurred before January 8,1998 Non-capita! reclamation costs incurred before January 8, 1998 Costs of assets for reclamation purposes incurred before January 8, 1998 Amount elected to be added under s. 5(1) of the Reclamation Regulation 137 ·138 139 139a (complete Reclamation Cost Election Schedule) f140 Subtotal G (sum ofUne 136 to Line 139a) Deductions: Reclamation fund refunds received or receivable Reclamation cost recoveries Amount used in respect of tax credit claimed in the preceding period [1.i1 1142 [143 (credit claimed divided by the Net Revenue Tax Rate) Non-capital reclamation cost transfer to reduce Net Current Proceeds (amount elected under s. 4(1) oflhe Reclamation Regulation; may not exceed.lhe sum of Line 137 and Line 138; to Page 3, Une 89) Subtotal H (sum ofUne 141 to Line 144) Reclamation cost"transfer to the Cumulative Expenditure Account (to Page 4, Une 124) (amount elec/ed under s. 4(1) of the Reclamation Regulation - complete Reclamation Cost Transfer Schedule) [144 145 [146 f147 Subtotal I (sum of Line 145 and Une 146) Ending Balance (the amount, if any, by which subtotal Gexceeds subto/al I; to Page 5, Line 38) [143 Reclamation Recovery (the amount, if any, by which subto/al I exceeds subtotal G; to Page 3, Une 49) f149 RECLAMATION TAX CREDIT [3;;I 35 Balance of the account at the end of the preceding fiscal year Deducfreclamatioh tax credit claim of the preceding fiscal year Add Net Revenue Tax Payable (Page 2, Line 19) I 36 Ending Balance (to Page 5, Line 41) [37 RECLAMATION TAX CREDIT CLAIM (i) Reclamation Cost Account ending balance (Une 148) Net Revenue Tax Rate Amount of Reclamation Cost Account creditable (Line 38 multiplied by Line 39) [38 x 13 % I 39 I 40 (ii) Reclamation Tax Credit Account ending balance (Line 37) J41 Reclamation Tax Credit Claim (claim an amoun/up /0 the lesseroWne 40 and Une 41; to Page 2, Line 4) I4z Page 5 015 FIN 704/wEB Rev. 20151 7128 page 6 of 12 SCHEDULE C IMinlltry_ . . . ,COW MBlA FINIItt ~ BRITISH -- PLACER GOLD MINE TAX RETURN PO !lor 1m SIn Pro'IGoot ~IIC VlWeHl g••.be ....."'.."gIU" \WIller I'll! WnelaI ra Act HOWIO FILE YOUR RETURN Go onIfM us!Il\I,Tu BC atgo¥. bf;:.ea/.t.ubcl myl ecounl or send'" brm 8lld payment r~ reqtked) by mail 10 the adtn$S abc74e. Ma!<.e cheques or money Olden payable 10 the I.'ri;ter of FII'\aIlO!I. GENERAL INQUIRIES Telephone: 250 952-01 92 Tel-free: 1800667·1182 Email: MOG.Mlnllnll.TuOgov.bc.(;,I INSTRUCTIONS Complete Ihi5 return if you IV• • perwi 01' corporation willi placer !IC*I mine op8fItionl in BC. File II separate Pl8CM Gold Mimi Tax Return ror ead1 mine op&/aled in each calBl1dar year. Report all amounts In Canadian dollars. File this retum and pay '"' appIlcabIe taxes on or before Mitch 31" bIoWong the end of the calendEl"year. If you' fiscal year doH not ooincIde WCh Iha ~)'ellf BOd fa" help In (:(I'npIe1ing II'Iis please see 0lJ' website at gov.bc.eaiminin gtau l _ ...~ ""'.... - 1 WoUNQAIlDIIESSOfOP£M"," ~ _ . P O r.o.; ~ ___ ~ 8C_Wl~ _.l'$O~I• • _ . I . . II1·1112). EmII: _ _ .T............ FOf! OIFICE USE Olo'l.f DATtRlt«MO Wl'YlitMIOO o -~ '*".,....,. _".,-_) Dt!Oq,rjlHlS ICIXIFTlISISAHEW _N..IoI8EJI{7c¥o1 DRMR'SUCENCE 1100 ",.. IUSNSS N..UIER " . . , 110_."~ 1-- fl.UlWdEaOPERATOR(.b'_"'*""IhI _ _ _ O(-' A<I -...... ... _llotAd_ ... ..-, .. _:IOI(ajai 1'01Ioo_ ... _ _ _ _ n. PART 1 - BUS INE SS INFORMATION _01 ___ "'__II_ ._01. . .__ _ot_ _ _ Tho....-_ ..... ~...., ~MTP- CCIHTACT _11_",," ()pnIw) _." ~~ , ~-~ - ~-~ ) PART 2 _ RETURN INFORMATION ~I ~ I~TE_CI'THI!_ . ~"'fllllIII.m} % PART 3 _INVENTORY RECOH CIUATIOH GOU> '0_ OTHER PLACER Mtl ERALS (SpKIfy!.IM 0I11N11I,., 1 INVEHTORY AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 2 AOO; P1aoor m\nefals producec! during tho year , • • SUBTOTAL (sum 01 Une 1 and Uno 2) OEOUCT: Placer rrWKals saki during the yeoI" INVENTORY AT END OF YEAR (lkle 3 minus U1e 4) l page 7 of 12 PART 4- CALCULAnOH OF MINERAL TAX 6 SALES OF PLACER GOLD DURING THE YEAR 7 SALES OF OTHER PLACER MINERALS OURING THE YEAR 8 TOTAL SALES (sum oIlXoe 6 and 1kIe 7) 9 TAX RATE 0,$% 0.005 10 MINERAL TAX PAYABLE (\..i1e 8 multipied by line 9) 11 PAYMENT AMOUNT ENCLOSED PART 5- REQUIRED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS o A copy of \lie financial statements of the mine fot the calendar year. PART6- CERnFICATlON Th' tupaylf Of III ,uthortDd .Ignlng luthority mult IIIIU 11'1. foIlowlng dtdaratlon. ====== ..'"'""'''''';;;;;;0-.. ==.............. ............ ".-........ - I. - -...... -~-" .,-~- ,C*IifY IhII, 10 fit best of Paga2 page 8 of 12 SCHEDULE ~ BIUTlSH . . . . . c.ol.Ui\ml/\ IMlnisu,. vi Fin~1ICI: D QUARRY TAX RETURN I.Wog Ad<jreu: PO Baoc 8m SIn Ptr;w GooA ur.dellhll MmtIII Tn Act VicbIo Be VPJN aN] goY.bc:.~" GENERAL INQU IRIES Telephone: 250 952-0192 TaI·free: 1800661-1182 Email: [email protected] INSTRUCTIONS CQmpiele this reIlJm if you are a person Of corporation that removed qualTY minerals from quarry operations In Be. See our for a complete list 01quarry minerals. If you operate mulUpie quarries in BC, ftle OM Quaf/Y Tax Rotum and IrdJde the production from all yrM quarries. Report aU amounts In Can~an doIIafS. File this return and pay any app/ic3bIe wes on or befofe March 3' ''foIIowing the endollt1e calendarye8f. For help In ~ this 101m. please _ cu wel)slte at gov.bc.eaimlnlngtaxH HOWlO FilE YOUR RETURN Goorine using . l u SC 81'ttHbei myaecount or send tis form Mel payment (lI feQliredj by IMi to the address above. Make cheques ()f money otdeB payaIM 10 the Mitister of Fnance. ---.. . _r. _ot_"'_fIoooll'tItI..,A<f~ ao"''''''''loooltCltdlor''''_'' Jd.- .. .-.,. .. _2II. l .. _ _ bo_"' .... ____of" ""-O'--' Tht~ _ _ _ hfOlPPll. ~_"'_ .. _ac _ ~ PO ... 1m SIo _Goo!, '"'fIoIoIohoN: _IIIZ5l1_R .. _al,IIIIO.'_11U). _ MOQ__ T~ FOR OIRCE USE OM.Y PART 1- BUSINESS INFORMATION 8USINESS1fllM1IER(lofpbJ IAOIXUfT-BElI 10000ACT_(l __ I MTQ - I PART 2 - QUARRY PRODUCTION MINENUM8ER (7"'1 CMJAARYHAoIIE TYl'E Of QUARRY .....TEJllAlS PRODUCED ~ ...,'" OPERATOR ,. ""'''' ,"'",,, IT_ I ' """"""'" PRODUCHI ~ '" TOTAlS (.... ..,',"'1) ,.,., page90C12 PART 3 - CAlCULA.TlON OF MINERAl TAX ~, "': 1 , , I TOTAL TONNES PRODUCED DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR (from P'ge 1l DEDUCT: Total production exemption (&om Page 1) 3 DEDUCT: Moisture eX&l1lption (appicable on/yto malerials with exCMsive moIslure conlenl as pre-approved by the Commissioner) • , • TOTAL TAXABLE TONNES (L.r.e 1 mious line 2 and line 3) $ 0.15 TAX RATE PER TONNE MINERAL TAX PAYABLE (Line 4 mul1ipJied by lioe 5) 1 PAYMENT AMOUNT ENCLOSED - PART 4 REQUIRED SUPPORT1NG OOCUMEHTS PART 5 - CERTIFICAT10N Th. tnpay. or.n IIIthoriad signing .ulhorlty mUlt m.kI the following cledir.tIon. _. _01_".-.... _01_. . . . . . . ". __. . . . , __--.=================;-_,~VIfIl.IO .. bI$Iof "'1 krIcM!tdOt a'Id beIiIf, all of lie iMormafion fYen in ru IeIItl\ is M. CQ'1'eC:I a'Id ~ in .. tnllIIriaI f8SPI(ts. x PIIge2 page 10 of 12 SCHEDULE E ~ BRIT ISH . . . . . COl.UMIJI A -- I Mlniwry" fin~na' POa..132S S- PI'\I'f Goo! _ac VWltNJ 00".be.~ .....1nIftg1U" EXPLORATION ACCOUNT RETURN InIIr htlJften!l Tv Ad HOW TO FIl£ YOUR RETURN go online using eTtI)IBC 81 myaecount, or send this loon by mail to the adlhss ab0Y9. GENERAL INQUIRIES Telephone: 250 952-0192 ToI-froo: 1800667·1182 Email: MOG.MlnerllI.TIX@;ov.bc.CII INSTRUCTIONS File a retum lor aach 6seaI )"tIIf if: • you have one 01 more eommen::iaI rrining operaliont in Be, excepIlor placer gold mines and quarries, • you had exploraUon costs during the fiscal year 01 one QI thoss mines, end • your expIoratlon oosts were incUITed in SC. Report 81 amounts in CanadIan doIars. File Ihis return by the last day of the si:dh month kIIowing the end of your IiscaI year 01 operalions. For IIe/p In completing \his form, please see our website at gov.tx;.c;Wnlnlngtaxes . . _II__. _.....__. _fII _ _ _ _ roo...-_ ... . . -..oI_ZI\Ol., . . _r...Ad_ ~ f_~_ _ .. _ .... ~. tl_oqAd~ _ _ _ a.--. POs..nn .. _GooI._1IC _tlQ~_ OIHO~41t2"_" 1 toO"l·11t2~ _ ~oLT"'",,_.u PART 1 - BUSINESS INFORMATION Fuu._OFOPEAATCfIt_ _ _ IhI _ _ hIOIItlldlnl_1 FOIl OFFfCEUSfONLr DATI: I!ECeNetl ........ / WW IOO o IIo\lJJIGAOCIIfSSOF(W'(II,I.lOII~_ .. PO_d)l""""'_"",,_) 1USINESS~(f~ COHTAC'T_!I'.....,_~ ~~ MTE - COIffl.cT M)OfIUS - <- __ PO/Ioot. d7: ""'""" 1(11/ , . . . _ ) PART 2 EXPLORAT1ON ACCOUNT FOCAC 'EAR I ..,..,,..,. ~, I a£CI((,I)_ _1F'lHS1S ~_ -~ CQ(f1rCf Ttl.U'!IONE IfJIoI8ER ( I CONW:TDlALADDRESS -.. . ..,.., , 1 EXPLORATION ACC OUNT BALANCE AT THE END OF OPERATOR'S PRECEDING FISCAL YEAR 2 ADO: Exploration e)(Jl8tlditures J ,• • 1 DEDUCT: Exploration ~nts and subsidies DEDUCT: Proceeds on dsposai of assets DEDUCT: Other foona of assistance (iotal from Part 4, P,ge 2) SUBTOTAL A (sum of Une' 801:1 Uoa2, minus line 3 to Line 5) DEDUCT: AIoceIlon 10 mines (total from Pad 5, P,gt 2) 8 SUBTOTAL B (Uie 6 rrQIs Line 7) • ADD: Il'IYeSImenl allowance (from Ule 16 Of) P,gt 2) 10 END BALANCE (sum oIllne 8 and Une 9) ...,., FJN I'DlIWEB -.lOU'1' U pagel l of12 PART 3 -INVESTMENT ALLOWANCE CALCULATIO N 11 EXPLORATION ACCOUNT BALANCE AT THE END OF OPERATOR'S PRECEDING FISCAL YEAR {from line 1 00 P'~ fl 12 SUBTOTAL B (from li1e 8 00 P.~ II 13 TOTAL (Sllm 01 Una 11 and Line 121 14 AVERAGE BALANCE {Ule 13dMded by21 15 INVESTMENT AL LOWANCE RATE (%1 16 INVESTMENT ALLOWANCE (l..lne 14 rrulrip/ied by Una 15: to Line 9 on P'9.1 ) PART ~ -OTHER FORMS OF ASSISTANCE vr .pplk.~ltl ASSISTANCE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION TOTAL (10 Ute 5"" Pag, II PART 5 - AlLOCATION TO MINES !H .ppb~"1 ACCOUNT NUM8ER MINE NUMBER (7....,.1 MINE NAME F(UNG PERIOD ENDING Y'NI'IIIMIDO ALLOCATIO N AMOUNT MTRMTR- MTR• Attach I separate Ihtet Wado"lIiomII "*' Is reqJ!Nd. TOTAL (/0 u.. 7"" P.,. I) PART e- CERTlftCATION Th. tUPly. ror . " .~lhorl1td _ ~g"!ng . ultlorlty m~.tmak. thl followlll8 dKl.ration. ... -.=================;-_ .._""-".-..."'-,,- -.,,,.--"' ..... ,OIIf\lylhat,lolhtbettol I, _ _ "''' page 12 of 12
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