Transportation Master Plan
Transportation Master Plan
LARIMER COUNTY TRANSPORTATION PLAN Prepared for: Larimer County Planning Department & Public Works Division P.O. Box 1190 Fort Collins, CO 80522-1190 Prepared by: Felsburg Holt & Ullevig 7951 East Maplewood Avenue, Suite 200 Englewood, CO 80111 303/721-1440 FHU Reference No. 98-061 September, 1998 Revisions Adopted September, 2000 (Larimer County) Revision History This document was originally prepared in November 1998 by Felsburg, Holt and Ullevig. It was adopted by Larimer County in February 1999. Revisions to the report were adopted by the Board of County Commissioners in September 2000. The revisions include modifications to the Larimer County Major Street Inventory in Appendix 2 to reflect some municipal annexations of major County Roads as well as some revisions to functional road classifications. Corresponding changes have been made to Figure 11A – Future Roadway Plan. The Transportation Improvement Summary table in Appendix 1 has also been revised to reflect the changes in total costs for existing and future improvement needs. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Purpose of the Transportation Plan........................................................................ 1 1.2 Planning Process .................................................................................................... 2 2.0 ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING SYSTEM AND DEFICIENCIES ........................................ 3 2.1 Roadways................................................................................................................ 3 2.1.1 Existing Roadway Network ......................................................................... 3 2.1.2 Capacity .................................................................................................... 10 2.1.3 Travel Demand-Driven Projects................................................................ 11 2.1.4 Safety-Driven Projects .............................................................................. 11 2.1.5 Estimated Cost of County Improvements ................................................. 14 2.1.6 State Highway Improvement Needs ......................................................... 19 2.2 Bicycle Facilities.................................................................................................... 19 2.3 Transit System ...................................................................................................... 21 2.4 Rail System .......................................................................................................... 21 3.0 LONG-RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN..................................................................... 24 3.1 Travel Demand Forecasts .................................................................................... 24 3.2 Long Range Roadway Plan .................................................................................. 29 3.2.1 County Roads ........................................................................................... 29 3.2.2 State Highways ......................................................................................... 34 3.3 Bicycle Facilities.................................................................................................... 34 3.4 Transit System ...................................................................................................... 34 3.5 Passenger Rail System......................................................................................... 37 3.6 Potential Mobility Corridors ................................................................................... 37 4.0 GUIDING PRINCIPLES AND IMPLEMENTING STRATEGIES ...................................... 40 4.1 Transportation Theme .......................................................................................... 40 4.2 Guiding Principles ................................................................................................. 40 4.3 Implementing Actions............................................................................................ 41 APPENDIX 1 APPENDIX 2 APPENDIX 3 APPENDIX 4 APPENDIX 5 APPENDIX 6 APPENDIX 7 APPENDIX 8 APPENDIX 9 APPENDIX 10 APPENDIX 11 APPENDIX 12 - TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT SUMMARY LARIMER COUNTY MAJOR STREET INVENTORY 1995 AND 2020 DATA AND FORECASTS UNINCORPORATED LARIMER COUNTY DERIVATION OF 1995 AND 2020 WEST LARIMER COUNTY LAND USE BASED ON COLEY FORREST 1993 AND 2015 CAPACITY ASSUMPTIONS CONCEPTUAL UNIT COST ESTIMATES SAFETY, INTERSECTION, AND ALIGNMENT PROJECTS UNPAVED ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BRIDGE REPLACEMENT AND REHABILITATION PROJECTS TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECTS BIKE LANE/PATH PROJECTS LARIMER COUNTY STATE HIGHWAY INVENTORY LIST OF FIGURES Page 1A. 1B. Existing Roadway Functional Classification ....................................................................... 5 Existing Roadway Functional Classification ....................................................................... 6 2A. 2B. Existing Traffic Volumes ..................................................................................................... 8 Existing Traffic Volumes ..................................................................................................... 9 3A. 3B. Existing Capacity Improvement Needs............................................................................. 12 Existing Capacity Improvement Needs............................................................................. 13 4A. 4B. Existing Deficient Bridges ................................................................................................. 15 Existing Deficient Bridges ................................................................................................. 16 5A. 5B. Existing Safety, Intersection & Alignment Needs ............................................................. 17 Existing Safety, Intersection & Alignment Needs ............................................................. 18 6. Existing Bikeway System .................................................................................................. 20 7. Existing Rail System ......................................................................................................... 22 8. Regional Analysis Zones .................................................................................................. 25 9A. 9B. 2020 Traffic Volume Forecasts......................................................................................... 27 2020 Traffic Volume Forecasts......................................................................................... 28 10A. 10B. 2020 Capacity Improvement Needs ................................................................................. 30 2020 Capacity Improvement Needs ................................................................................. 31 11A. 11B. Future Roadway Plan........................................................................................................ 32 Future Roadway Plan........................................................................................................ 33 12. Future Bicycle Plan ........................................................................................................... 35 13. Transit System Concept Plan ........................................................................................... 36 14. Mobility Corridors .............................................................................................................. 39 LIST OF TABLES Page 1. 2. 3. County Road Miles and Vehicle Miles of Travel by Functional Classification.................... 7 Existing Rail Transportation System................................................................................. 23 Household, Employment and Trip Generation Growth Forecasts by Area Unincorporated Larimer County.................................................................................................................. 26 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose of the Transportation Plan Located along the Front Range in the northern part of Colorado, Larimer County has experienced increasing growth and development within the last ten years, and this growth is expected to continue. Between 1995 and the Year 2020, the number of households in the unincorporated part of the County is forecast to more than double, from approximately 25,000 to 57,000. Employment in the same area is forecast to increase by an even greater rate, from 18,000 in 1995 to 47,000 in the Year 2020. In an effort to plan and prepare for future growth and its associated travel demands, the County has undertaken a process to develop a comprehensive transportation plan. The primary purpose of a transportation system is to move people and goods in a safe and efficient manner. A variety of different travel demands needs to be considered in order to fulfill this purpose, including travel within the County, passing through the County, and between rural parts of the County and the County’s cities. The movement of people and goods also involves various transportation modes, including vehicular, transit, pedestrian and bicycle, to provide for a high degree of mobility to all segments of the population. The County roadway system is currently the key element of the transportation system in that it accommodates the majority of the travel needs outside the city limits. This is likely to remain the case into the foreseeable future as some form of the private automobile remains the primary mode of transportation. Therefore, it is important to develop a transportation plan which will enable the County to maintain a system that will satisfy the travel needs of County residents. In the past, the County roadway network was designed to serve rural and regional needs. Arterial and local roads were constructed in conjunction with low density development patterns resulting in a disjointed transportation network. Ongoing growth and development in the County is creating an increase in traffic demands on this roadway network that are not easily accommodated. The County’s ability to construct roads is severely limited due to lack of funding. A majority of the County’s road and bridge budget is currently used for maintenance and repair of existing roads. These maintenance costs are directly attributable to the high number of road miles serving a large geographic area of somewhat low density and scattered developments. As a result, the main purpose of this transportation plan is to coordinate existing zoning and proposed developments with the future transportation needs of the County. It will also be used to support design of an impact fee system to assess developers for roadway improvements necessary to accommodate development. It is the goal of the County to plan for a balanced transportation system that fits with the surrounding land uses in the County. 1 1.2 Planning Process This process began in 1994 with an effort to prepare a transportation plan which was a needs based. This planning effort involved an inventory of the existing transportation system, an assessment and identification of the deficiencies in that system, and the development of a methodology to prioritize improvements to overcome these deficiencies. A Technical Advisory Group comprised of staff representatives from Engineering, Planning, and Parks Departments of Larimer County directed this work. In late, 1995, the County initiated an endeavor to develop a County Comprehensive Plan. At that time, the preparation of the transportation plan was expanded to include an assessment of the transportation system requirements to help direct and support the land use element of the comprehensive plan. With this expanded viewpoint, the transportation planning efforts were directed by the Steering Committee appointed to oversee the development of the comprehensive plan. This final transportation plan combines elements of each of these two portions of the transportation planning efforts into a comprehensive system-wide plan. Public participation has been an important aspect in the development of the transportation plan. In November 1994 a series of four public workshops (held in Estes Park, Red Feather Lakes, Loveland, and Wellington) were conducted to provide an overview of the planning process, to discuss the goals of the plan, and to solicit public comment on transportation problems and potential solutions. Then, in July/August 1995 four more public workshops (in Wellington, Loveland, Berthoud, and Fort Collins) were conducted to present the list of needed improvements and to review the process for prioritization of these projects. These eight workshops had a sole focus on the transportation plan. Subsequently, transportation has been publicly addressed as an element of the comprehensive plan. Thus, it has been a topic of public comment through the Search Conference, Steering Committee meetings, and other public meetings held on the comprehensive plan. 2 2.0 ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING SYSTEM AND DEFICIENCIES In an effort to understand how transportation is currently provided within the County, an inventory of those elements comprising the existing transportation system was conducted. The existing transportation system was inventoried through a variety of sources including the County roadway database (RIMS), Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) bridge inventories, Larimer County Transportation Plan Technical Advisory Group, public meetings and citizens’ comments. This inventory focused primarily on the roadway network, but also included the transit system, bicycle facilities and rail transportation system. 2.1 Roadways 2.1.1 Existing Roadway Network The County roadway network provides the dominant means of transportation for this area, with the state highway system serving as the backbone for this network. Vehicular travel, transit systems, and the majority of the bicycle travel in this area rely heavily on a well maintained and complete roadway system and network. A roadway network is typically comprised of a hierarchy of roadways which is defined through functional classification. In general, roads serve two functions; they provide for access and mobility. The degree to which a road serves these functions defines the functional classification of the road. Local roads and collector roads principally provide access to businesses, residential developments, schools, and other land uses. Arterial roadways primarily provide mobility by connecting major destinations. Within the defined study area, the existing roadway network is made up of roadways with the following existing functional classifications: Freeways Freeways provide for interstate and major regional movements. Access is limited to widely spaced, grade-separated interchanges. Interstate 25 is the only freeway in Larimer County. Major Arterials Major arterial streets function as important mobility routes, with continuity over long distances. Access on major arterials is controlled carefully to maintain the facility’s mobility function. All of the major arterials in Larimer County are State Highways. Minor Arterials Minor arterial streets provide for direct traffic movement from one central area to another. They frequently form boundaries for developments and provide access to abutting developments. 3 Major/Minor Collectors Collector streets are the main interior streets within and between development areas. The main functions are to collect and distribute traffic from the local streets. Traffic on collector streets typically has an origin or destination within the nearby areas. Local Roads The primary function of a local road is to provide access to adjacent land uses in the area. Typically, local roads have lower travel speeds and through traffic is highly discouraged. However, this is not necessarily the case in some rural areas of the County where local roads provide for intercity travel with higher speeds. Figures 1A and 1B illustrate the existing roadway functional classification. Regional Roads County Roads that have a primarily regional function, as opposed to primarily serving travel demands within the unincorporated County, were identified based on several factors, including continuity, connections between County or external municipalities, functional classification, and traffic volumes. Segments of five County Roads were identified as fitting the definition of regional roads: • County Road (CR) 17 south of Loveland and between Loveland and Fort Collins; • CR 19 between Loveland and Fort Collins; • CR 32 between US 287 and I-25; • CR 38 east of I-25; and • CR 18 east of I-25 In addition, all State Highways in the County meet the definition of regional roads. Existing Traffic Volumes Traffic volumes indicate the relative importance of a roadway in an area. When compared to roadway capacity estimates, traffic volumes also reveal in a general way how a road is functioning (level of service) and if improvements to increase capacity are necessary. The most commonly used measurement of traffic volume is average daily traffic (ADT). ADT is defined as the total number of vehicles passing a certain point in both directions in a 24-hour period. Existing traffic volume data for County Roads were compiled from the Larimer County Roadway Inventory and data for State Highways were compiled from the Colorado Department of Transportation’s 1996 Traffic Volume Report. The data provided were collected over the last five years, with a majority of counts taken over the last three years. Figure 1A. Existing Roadway Functional Classification 4 Figure 2A and 2B illustrate the existing traffic volumes at key locations. It should be noted that the daily volumes shown in Figures 2A and 2B represent annual average traffic volumes. Therefore, they may not adequately address high seasonal peak demands on the roadways. A complete list of traffic volumes on the major roadway system is also included in the appendix at the end of this report. Table 1 provides a summary of the mileage and vehicle miles of travel on County Roads which fall within each functional classification in unincorporated Larimer County. Roadways in the collector and arterial street categories comprise the major road system. These major roads account for 56% of the total roadway mileage, but carry 91% of the travel. . Table 1 County Road Miles and Vehicle Miles of Travel by Functional Classification Roadway Distance Vehicle Miles of Travel Distance (Miles) Percent of Total County Mileage Vehicle Miles of Travel Percent of County Vehicle Miles of Travel Minor Arterial 57 6% 250,000 37% Major Collector 67 7% 129,000 19% Minor Collector 423 43% 238,000 35% Major Road System Subtotal 547 56% 617,000 91% Local Road 438 44% 62,000 9% Total 985 100% 678,000 100% Functional Classification (Existing) A complete inventory of the County’s major roadway system, consisting of arterial and collector-level County Roads, is provided in the Appendix. Existing information contained in the inventory includes traffic volumes, surface types, and roadway widths. Roadways that are currently classified as local roads, but which are designated in this plan as future major roadways, are also included in this inventory. 6 2.1.3 Travel Demand-Driven Projects Three roadway improvement project types have been identified which have the primary purpose of providing adequate roadway capacity to serve travel demand. Short-range project needs have been identified based on existing travel demands. In the case of both paving and lane/shoulder widening needs, it is recommended that these improvement projects result in widening to full two-lane roadway standards (twelve-foot lanes and six-foot shoulders) to provide the safest roadways possible and prevent the need for more costly future improvements. Roadway Paving Projects The inventory of existing roadway conditions indicates that 47% of major roadways and 87% of local roads in the County are currently unpaved. Using the capacity criteria described above, nearly 30 miles on the major roadway system have been identified as requiring paving. These segments are shown on Figures 3A and 3B. In addition, approximately 18 miles of local roadway have volumes that require paving to meet current standards. Lane and Shoulder Width Roadway Improvement Projects Based on capacity criteria for paved two-lane roads, two lane and shoulder widening projects, comprising less than one mile, have been identified based on existing traffic volumes. Figure 3A illustrates these needed roadway improvements. Roadway Widening - Additional Through Lanes Eight two-lane roadway segments currently have volumes that exceed the capacity of full-width twolane roadways, and have been identified as requiring widening to four lanes. These segments of County Roads 17, 19, and 54G, shown on Figure 3A, comprise approximately seven roadway miles. 2.1.4 Safety-Driven Projects Three roadway improvement project types have been identified which have the primary purpose of improving the safety of the existing roadway network. All of the projects identified with this primary purpose are viewed as short-range improvement needs. Bridge Structures Bridges are an important element of the roadway system, and deterioration of bridges is becoming a serious problem throughout the County. Bridges are inspected and evaluated by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) on a regular basis. Through this inspection program, structurally deficient and functionally obsolete bridges are defined as follows: 10 Structurally Deficient Those bridges that are in advanced stages of deterioration, or are in marginal structural condition, but still function at a minimum level. Also included in this category are bridges that do not have desired load carrying capacities. Functionally Obsolete Those bridges that have acceptable load carrying capacity, but impose unacceptable physical restrictions such as narrow width, restricted vertical clearance, limited sight distances, speed reducing curves, or insufficient waterway clearance. The bridges are routinely inspected and rated based on a sufficiency rating from zero to 100. Any of the bridges with a sufficiency rating below 80 is a potential candidate for rehabilitation or replacement. Currently, there are 213 bridges within Larimer County that are included in CDOT’s bridge inspection program. CDOT has identified 55 of these bridges as being eligible for rehabilitation or replacement projects. Figures 4A and 4B map the location of each of these bridges. These bridges have also been ranked by the Larimer County Transportation Plan Technical Advisory Group using the CDOT sufficiency ratings as a base with various criteria developed specifically for these County bridges. In general, bridges that have been determined to be structurally deficient will rank higher than those that are functionally obsolete. Safety, Intersection Improvement and Alignment Projects Proposed roadway safety and intersection improvement projects were identified based on a review of the accident rates calculated from reported accidents during the last four years within the County. Also, other safety concerns and specific intersection and roadway alignment deficiencies were identified by the Larimer County Transportation Plan Technical Advisory Group and the general public as being high hazard or accident locations. Figures 5A and 5B present the proposed roadway realignment, intersection improvement, and other safety projects that have been identified. 2.1.5 Estimated Cost of County Improvements The costs of identified improvement needs were estimated at a conceptual level by developing approximate unit costs for various project types in plains and mountainous areas. Conceptual cost estimates by project type are provided in the Appendix. Short-range roadway improvement cost estimates for all 128 identified projects total approximately $89 million. 13 2.1.6 State Highway Improvement Needs Although state highways are not within Larimer County’s jurisdiction, the functionality of state highways within the County is vital to the mobility of County residents and visitors. The need for added through lanes on state highways within the unincorporated county was identified using similar capacity and level of service criteria as used for county road analysis. A total of 16.9 miles of US 287 and US 34 were identified as needing widening from two to four lanes, at an estimated cost of $39 million. 2.2 Bicycle Facilities The Larimer County Parks Department has been implementing a bikeway system over the last ten years. These bikeways include designated bike routes, on-street striped bike lanes and off-road multi-purpose trails. Each of these bike facilities have very specific definitions and are described as follows: Bicycle Trail A trail, path or segment of a bikeway completely separated from the roadway and used exclusively for bicycles and pedestrians (i.e. off-street recreation trails and sidewalk trails). Bicycle Lane A portion of a roadway designed for bicycles, distinguished by a paint stripe, curb or similar device. Bicycle Route A system of bikeways which interacts with motorized traffic, does not have a separate lane and is designated by route markers. Bicyclists must share the same roadway with vehicles. The cities of Fort Collins and Loveland have also taken steps toward developing a bikeway and trail system. However, little has yet been done in coordinating these efforts with the Larimer County bikeway system to provide linkages between the city’s and county’s facilities and among the communities within the County. Figure 6 illustrates the existing bikeway system for Larimer County including the cities of Fort Collins and Loveland. 18 2.3 Transit System The existing transit system serving County residents includes public and specialized providers, commercial providers, and intercity providers. The public and specialized transit providers serve very specific needs of the public. Most of these providers serve the elderly, people with disabilities, the developmentally disabled, nursing homes and social service agencies. These transit providers are primarily demand responsive since their clientele generally have no other means of general transportation. Commercial transit providers are privately owned companies that provide chartered or fixed route service. Taxi, bus, and van/shuttle services are typical providers in this category. Intercity transit providers are a special form of commercial provider. They are typically privately owned companies that provide fixed route service to several different cities or over much longer distances. TransFort currently provides fixed-route public transit in the central part of Fort Collins, oriented towards Colorado State University and persons who are transit dependent. Public transit services are limited elsewhere in the County. Commuter Pool provides carpool matching and vanpool services in Larimer and Weld Counties. Several services are oriented to the needs of persons who are elderly or who have disabilities. This includes the Dial-A-Ride paratransit service and Senior Alternatives in Transportation provided in Fort Collins and Loveland, Extra Special People Transportation in Loveland and Berthoud Area Transit. Foothills-Gateway also provides a significant level of services for its clients. These services generally operate in the communities of Fort Collins, Loveland, and Berthoud. Other areas of Larimer County have little or no service. Intercity bus service (TNM&O and Greyhound) is available to Greeley, Loveland, Longmont, Fort Lupton, Brighton, Denver, Boulder and Cheyenne. In addition to the regular intercity services, there is currently also regular service to the Denver International Airport through Airport Express and Shamrock Taxi. In general, transit service in the County is provided by the adjacent cities with very limited service outside the urban growth areas. Public transit service in the rural areas of the County is essentially non-existent. However, paratransit service does provide adequate geographical coverage in these areas with very limited service schedules. 2.4 Rail System The rail transportation system in Larimer County primarily serves the purpose of moving freight. Passenger rail service is currently not available in the County. Figure 7 depicts the existing rail system for the County and surrounding areas. Table 2 summaries the existing rail service. 20 Table 2 Existing Rail Transportation System Rail Segment Owner Length Condition * 85 Miles Poor-Fair Union Pacific Railroad Denver-Fort Collins Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Union Pacific Railroad Denver-Boulder-LongmontLoveland-Fort Collins Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad 74 Miles Good Fort Collins-Cheyenne Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad 45 Miles Good * Overall condition of existing track for passenger rail usage in the future. 22 3.0 LONG-RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN To plan a transportation system that will keep pace with the rapid growth that is expected to continue in the County, travel demands were projected over the next 20-plus years to a Year 2020 long-range time horizon. Long-range roadway improvement needs were identified by forecasting traffic volumes in the Year 2020 and comparing these long-range future traffic volumes to roadway capacities. 3.1 Travel Demand Forecasts Year 2020 travel demand forecasts were derived in four different ways: • Regional roadway forecasts within the North Front Range (NFR) planning area were developed based on the NFR computerized regional traffic forecasting model; • Traffic forecasts on State Highways outside of the NFR planning area were based on forecasted traffic volume growth rates developed by CDOT. • Forecasts for non-regional County Roads were based on the projected trip generation growth rates within nine analysis areas in the unincorporated County, as shown in Figure 8. Table 3 summarizes estimated 1995 and forecasted 2020 households, employment, and vehicle trip generation in each zone. Household and employment estimates and forecasts in the NFR area were prepared as part of the NFR planning process, with input from the County and local jurisdictions within the County. Mountain area forecasts were developed by the economic analysis firm Coley Forrest as part of the Larimer County planning process. • Forecasts on County roads that will be most directly influenced by redevelopment of the Fossil Creek Planning Area between Fort Collins and Loveland are based on focused traffic analysis performed as part of the Fossil Creek planning process. Trip generation rates that were developed for the NFR regional forecasting model were used for both the areas within and outside of the NFR planning area. The trip generation growth rates for each area were applied to the existing traffic volumes on County Road segments to forecast 2020 traffic volumes. Trip generation estimates, forecasts, and growth rates were calculated including incorporated municipalities of Wellington, Estes Park, and Berthoud, since traffic volume growth rates in surrounding zones is so closely tied to the municipal traffic growth. Table 3 shows that household employment and vehicle trips in the unincorporated part of Larimer County are all expected to more than double from 1995 to 2020. Figures 9A and 9B show the year 2020 daily traffic forecasts that result. An accumulation of traffic on the major county road system shows that daily vehicle miles of travel (VMT) are expected to more than double from 1995 (619,000 VMT) to 2020 (1,310,000 VMT). 23 Table 3 Household, Employment and Trip Generation Growth Forecasts by Area Unincorporated Larimer County Households Employment Vehicle Trips Area 1995 2020 1995 2020 1995 2020 Growth Factor 1995 2020 1 6,590 17,930 11,290 27,340 156,000 406,300 2.6 2 5,510 16,360 3,710 11,120 72,900 245,900 3.4 3 50 3,410 1,150 3,060 8,000 62,700 7.8 4 850 2,170 370 1,280 12,700 42,400 3.3 5 3,460 3,810 610 1,080 41,000* 60,800* 1.5* 6 1,100 3,200 260 680 14,200 39,600 2.8 7 3,440 4,010 970 1,630 134,200** 181,400** 1.4** 8 2,370 5,310 210 410 70,600*** 107,700*** 1.5*** 9 1,250 1,200 380 640 17,700 18,800 1.1 Total 24,600 57,400 19,000 47,240 527,300 1,165,600 2.2 * Includes Wellington ** Includes Estes Park *** Includes Berthoud 25 3.2 Long Range Roadway Plan 3.2.1 County Roads Capacity-driven roadway improvement needs were identified for the long-range future in a similar manner as short-range improvement needs. Figures 10A and 10B show long-range capacity driven roadway improvement needs, including roadway paving projects, lane and shoulder widening projects, and additional lanes. These project needs are in addition to those needs identified previously that are associated with existing traffic levels. Roadway Paving Projects Twenty-seven segments of the major county roadway system are forecast to have traffic levels requiring paving by the Year 2020, comprising about 34 roadway miles. Lane and Shoulder Width Roadway Improvement Projects Seventeen lane and shoulder widening projects have been identified, comprising about nine roadway miles. Roadway Widening - Additional Through Lanes Thirty-four two-lane roadway segments have been forecast to require widening to four lanes by the Year 2020 to accommodate traffic growth at desired levels of service. These 34 projects total approximately 33 miles. Two additional roadway improvement categories were identified for the long-range future. Four roadway extension projects were identified by the Technical Advisory Group as being needed to complete the County major roadway network. Included are extensions of County Roads 16, 32, 37E and 82, which total 5.7 miles of roadway construction. In addition, 16 intersections were identified that are forecasted to warrant signalization based on Year 2020 traffic forecasts. These locations were identified by comparing forecasted volumes to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices’ (MUTCD) peak hour volume warrant. The MUTCD is a traffic engineering manual which presents traffic volume thresholds which most local governments throughout the nation, including Larimer County, use to determine if a traffic signal is warranted. Figures 11A and 11B show the long-range roadway system that results from the improvement projects described above, in addition to projects that have already been committed by the County or State. Future roadway functional classifications were assigned to roadways based on their planned future functions and the classifications defined in Section 2 of this plan. Conceptual cost estimates for long-range roadway improvement needs, in current dollars, total $91 million. 28 3.2.2 State Highways Based on projected 2020 traffic forecasts widening of 29.5 miles of State Highways, including segments of SH 1, US 34, SH 56, SH 60, US 287, SH 392 and SH 402 will require additional lanes to meet 2020 demands. These projects are estimated to cost approximately $59 million. In addition, a segment of I-25 has been identified as requiring widening to maintain adequate LOS. 3.3 Bicycle Facilities The North Front Range Transportation and Air Quality Planning Council developed the Regional Bicycle/Pedestrian Plan for the North Front Range in 1995 which include a detailed plan for Larimer County. Therefore, this County transportation planning effort has not attempted to duplicate those studies. However, based on these planning studies, it was determined that approximately 84 miles of bicycle lanes would be necessary in order to provide a complete and continuous bicycle system among the adjoining cities and the County. Figure 12 illustrates the proposed bicycle plan for the County and adjoining cities. Conceptual cost estimates for these projects total $10 million. 3.4 Transit System A detailed and comprehensive transit development plan has recently been completed for Larimer County which also includes the cities of Fort Collins and Loveland. The purpose of that plan was to develop a seven-year Transit Development Plan (TDP) for public and specialized transit services in Larimer County. Therefore, this transportation plan has not attempted to duplicate those efforts. However, the following is a summary of the proposed transit plan from the TDP planning efforts. Figure 13 conceptually depicts this plan. Loveland-Fort Collins Fixed route service and complimentary ADA Paratransit service should be provided. The existing dialysis service should also be continued. Fixed Route Service Establish fixed route service for the following intercity connections: • • • • • Fort Collins-Greeley Fort Collins-Denver Loveland-Greeley Fort Collins-Boulder Estes Park-Loveland 33 Commuter Pool/VanGo The carpool and vanpooling program should be expanded to better service rural Larimer County. Fort Collins Urban Growth Area Transfort services should be expanded into the Urban Growth Area outside the city limits with expanded service on Route 9 to Laporte and on Route 1 to Wellington. Loveland Influence Area Loveland transit services should be expanded into the Loveland Influence Area outside the city limits, including fixed route transit and complimentary ADA Paratransit service. Berthoud Area The Berthoud Area Transit should be expanded to provide connections to intercity services as they are developed. Estes Park Area The current Pick-Me-Up volunteer mileage reimbursement program should be expanded. 3.5 Passenger Rail System Although passenger rail service in Larimer County is not available at this time, the concept of commuter rail using existing rail lines is beginning to develop. A recent CDOT state-wide study of passenger rail need and feasibility identified a passenger rail corridor connecting the Denver metropolitan area with Loveland and Fort Collins as being among the highest priority potential corridors in the state. CDOT is currently conducting a Transportation Alternatives Feasibility Study of potential rail or roadway improvements in this regional corridor. It is anticipated that if this service were to be provided, it would initially be accessed along US 287 in north Fort Collins at the common intersection of the existing rail lines. Although commuter rail lines should not have an excessive number of stops, as demand for this service grows, another station might be considered in conjunction with the development of the mobility corridors along US 287 to the south 3.6 Potential Mobility Corridors The concept of a mobility corridor is to provide/accommodate future transportation technologies including light rail or other passenger rail systems. It is anticipated that mobility corridors will be a key in the future transportation system serving development centers identified by the land use plan. 36 The purpose of identifying potential mobility corridors at this time is to reserve right-of-way in the development of land use planning for future roadway extensions and expansions to accommodate this concept. Therefore, as part of the future roadway network, it is essential that various mobility corridors be identified for future transportation needs. The following roadways have been identified by the PLUS Steering Committee and the Technical Advisory Group as potential mobility corridors and are highlighted in Figure 14: • • • • • • • Interstate 25 US 287, College Avenue, Lincoln Avenue US 34, Eisenhower Boulevard State Highway 1 State Highway 14, Mulberry Street State Highway 56 State Highway 392, County Road 32 37 4.0 GUIDING PRINCIPLES AND IMPLEMENTING STRATEGIES 4.1 Transportation Theme The Transportation Plan shall support and encourage the land use patterns and policies established by the Master Plan and shall provide a balanced, economically feasible multi-modal transportation system for safe and efficient travel in the County. 4.2 Guiding Principles Roadways 1. Establish roadway standards that: • • Fit the varying development patterns in the Land Use Master Plan. Define new roadway construction as well as recognize the ability to improve existing roads. Encourage alternative modes of transportation. Improve air quality and visual aesthetics. Enhance capacity and safety. • • • 2. Establish traffic impact requirements to identify the need for improvements created by future development in order to meet adopted level of service standards. 3. Identify a methodology for prioritizing projects in a Capital Improvement Program which emphasizes the importance of maintaining the existing roadway system. Transit 1. Participate in a cooperative effort with adjoining cities to develop a preferred transit system in defined corridors of the urban growth areas and a system for expanded inter-city routes. 2. Establish standards for transit accessible design of developments within the urban growth areas. 3. Support the expansion of para-transit services and carpool/vanpool programs in non-urban areas. Bicycles 1. Establish a bicycle plan that recognizes the need to serve both commuter use (primarily in urban growth areas) and recreational use. 2. Coordinate the bicycle plan with the plans of adjoining cities/counties. 39 Travel Demand Management 1. Support the regional travel demand management (TDM) program by encouraging all major employers to adopt a TDM program and by adopting incentives for promoting use of alternative modes of transportation and for implementing telecommuting programs. Transportation Funding 1. Establish and implement a transportation impact fee program that ensures that development equitably pays for necessary improvements. This program will include: • • • Construction of improvements identified through the Traffic Impact Study. A traffic improvement fee to support other improvements in the vicinity of the development. A regional improvement fee to support enhancements to the state highway system. 2. Identify methods to share costs with adjacent cities and other governmental entities. 3. Establish a mechanism which allows a party who initially funds the cost of an improvement to be reimbursed by future developments which also impact that facility. 4.3 Implementing Actions Roadways • Adopt the Roadway Functional Classification Map as an element of the County Master Plan. • Review and update the Roadway Functional Classification Map every five years to show general alignments of future roads. • Adopt and implement typical roadway sections as standards for development regulations. • Require all proposed developments to comply with the County Transportation Plan. • Adopt and implement the traffic impact study guidelines that would require the identification of development-related transportation impacts, as well as improvements and/or necessary mitigation steps to address impacts. • Prioritize the Capital Improvement Program budgets for roadway maintenance and improvement projects. • Implement access management plans for key arterial roadways. 40 Transit • Adopt the Transit Development Plan as an element of the County Master Plan. • Review and update the Transit Development Plan on a regular basis. • Prioritize and seek funding for the expansion of para-transit services and carpool/vanpool programs in non-urban area; and for the development of transit transfer center, multi-modal transportation center and park & ride lots. Bicycles • Adopt a bicycle plan as an element of the County Master Plan. • Review and update the bicycle plan on a regular basis for general alignment of routes in areas expected to develop in the future. • Continue to work cooperatively with the cities of Fort Collins and Loveland, County Parks and area bicyclists on coordination of bicycle projects and improvements. Travel Demand Management • Develop and fund a countywide TDM program that is coordinated with the regional TDM efforts. • Reserve or acquire right-of-way for future road extensions/expansions in planning for future mobility corridors. • Adopt the County Transportation Plan and the North Front Range Regional Transportation Plan as an element of the County Master Plan. • Review and update the County Transportation Plan every five years to determine its consistency with other adopted elements of the County Master Plan, goals and objectives. Transportation Funding • Adopt a transportation impact fee program to ensure that proposed developments equitably pay for necessary local and regional roadway improvements identified by the County. • Monitor and regulate the impact fee program to ensure that developments which initially fund improvement costs are fairly reimbursed by future developments impacting the same facility. • Coordinate with the Cities of Fort Collins and Loveland and other governmental agencies to share common transportation improvement costs. 41 APPENDICES 42 APPENDIX 1 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT SUMMARY Improvement Type # of Projects Project Mileage Estimated Cost Current Roadway Improvement Needs Paving (Current & Planned Major Roads) 24 29.5 $19,870,000 Paving (Local Roads) 16 17.7 $13,131,000 Lane & Shoulder Widening 2 0.9 $620,000 Additional Lanes 8 6.8 $11,510,000 Safety, Intersection & Alignment Projects 23 - $22,124,000 Bridge Projects 55 - $21,584,000 Subtotal 128 $88,839,000 Long-Range Roadway Improvement Needs Paving (Major Roads) 27 34.1 $17,580,000 Lane & Shoulder Widening 17 8.5 $6,700,000 Additional Lanes 34 32.6 $55,540,000 New Roads 4 5.7 $9,210,000 Traffic Signals 16 - $1,600,000 Subtotal 98 $90,630,000 Bicycle Improvement Needs Bicycle Projects 20 Improvement Total 246 83.8 $10,048,000 $189,517,000 43 APPENDIX 2 LARIMER COUNTY MAJOR STREET INVENTORY 44 02/06/2001 LARIMER COUNTY MAJOR STREET INVENTORY County Road Number Section Length (miles) 002E 0.50 US 287 003 4.06 003 Average Daily Traffic Area # Year 2020 ADT Forecast CR 17 600 8 920 300 460 CR 56 CR 64 35 5 50 142 1.07 CR 64 CR 66 60 5 90 003 2.02 CR 66 CR 70 60 5 004 0.49 CR 27E SRFCH (E TO G) 180 8 004 1.39 SRFCH (E TO G) CR 23E 500 8 004 1.47 CR 23E CR 21 1100 8 004 1.50 CR 21 SH 287 1100 8 005 0.50 SH 392 CR 32E 600 005 2.53 CR 32E CR 38 220 005 0.18 CR 38 TIMNATH TOWN LIMIT 005 0.49 005 005 Street (From) Current Lar. Co. Current Daily Year 2020 Daily Functional VMT VMT Classification Improved Capacity (vpd) Current Improvement Costs 2020 Improvement Costs No. of Lanes Surface Type Capacity (vpd) Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $0 203 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 5,000 Minor Collector $0 $0 64 96 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Major Collector $0 $0 90 121 182 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 280 88 137 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $250,000 800 693 1,109 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 6,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 1,700 1,619 2,502 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 1,700 1,648 2,547 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 4 2,000 299 996 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 4 700 556 1,770 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $1,260,000 $0 1400 4 4,700 246 827 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 TIMNATH TOWN LIMIT TIMNATH LIMIT(SPLIT) 1500 4 5,000 735 2,450 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 6,700 Minor Collector $0 $0 0.23 TIMNATH LIMIT(SPLIT) TIMNATH TOWN LIMIT 1200 4 4,000 276 920 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,400 Minor Collector $0 $0 1.06 TIMNATH TOWN LIMIT END 1983 RECONS PROJ 1100 4 3,700 1,161 3,904 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 Street (To) Current Needs 2020 Needs Pave Pave Pave 7,200 7,200 2020 Functional Classification 005 0.58 END 1983 RECONS PROJ CR 42E 1100 4 3,700 638 2,146 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 005 0.50 CR 42E CR 44 1300 4 4,300 653 2,159 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,400 Minor Collector $0 $0 005 1.00 CR 44 SH 14 1100 4 3,700 1,101 3,704 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,400 Minor Collector $0 $0 006 0.27 CR 23E PROJ SPLIT #78/#113 1400 8 2,100 378 567 Local Road 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 006 0.19 PROJ SPLIT #78/#113 CR 23 1400 8 2,100 266 399 Local Road 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 007 0.50 CR 24 CR 24E 1000 2 3,400 50 170 Minor Collector 2 Chip & Seal 2,000 Minor Collector $0 $250,000 007 0.05 CR 24E CITY LIMIT/UP R-O-W 1000 2 3,400 50 170 Minor Collector 2 Chip & Seal 2,000 007 1.00 CR 36 SH 68 190 1 8,400 190 8,400 Local Road 2 Gravel 150 008E 3.51 CR 31 CR 23 1200 8 1,800 4,214 6,322 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,400 009 1.00 CR 16 SH 402 160 2 500 160 501 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 009 0.25 CR 20C 20E 800 2 2,700 200 675 Major Collector 2 009 0.70 LOVELAND CITY LIMIT SURFCHG/WIDTH CHANGE2100 2 7,100 1,470 4,970 Major Collector 009 0.43 SURFACE/WIDTH CHANGE CITY LM/WHITEBARK PL 1300 2 4,400 556 1,883 009 1.01 CR 30 CR 32 200 2 700 201 009 1.03 GATE CR36 200 1 4,000 205 SH 68 Pave 11,900 $0 $30,000 $500,000 $0 Minor Collector $0 $0 9,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 Asphalt 8,900 Major Collector $0 $0 2 Asphalt 8,100 Major Collector $0 $0 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 10,900 Major Collector $0 $0 704 Major Collector 2 Gravel 150 Pave 11,900 Major Collector $500,000 $0 4,100 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 150 Pave 11,900 Minor Collector $0 $510,000 Pave 11,900 Pave Pave Pave 11,900 Minor Collector Pave 11,900 Arterial 009 0.97 CR 36 110 1 10,000 107 9,690 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 150 Arterial $0 $480,000 009 0.98 CR 40 (HORSETOOTH) CR 42 (DRAKE) 400 1 1,000 391 977 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 10,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 009 1.23 CR 44 (PROSPECT) SH 14 FRONTAGE RD 3900 1 3,900 4,813 4,813 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 10,100 Minor Collector $0 $0 009 1.00 CR 52 CR 54 1300 1 3,400 1,300 3,400 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Major Collector $0 $0 009 1.00 CR 54 CR 56 950 1 2,500 950 2,500 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 009 1.01 CR 56 CR 58 800 5 1,200 808 1,212 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 009 0.74 SH 1 CR 64 EAST BOUND 1000 5 1,500 737 1,106 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 6,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 009 1.00 CR 64 EAST BOUND CR 66 800 5 1,200 796 1,194 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 6,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 009 1.00 CR 66 CR 68 475 5 700 475 699 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 6,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 009 1.04 CR 68 CR 70 450 5 700 468 727 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 6,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 009 5.95 CR 70 CR 82 80 5 120 476 714 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $0 009E 0.25 SH 402 SURF CHG - PROJ # 93 1400 2 4,700 350 1,175 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 009E 0.28 SURF CHG - PROJ # 93SURF CHG-END PRJ #93 1400 2 4,700 392 1,316 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 11,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 009E 0.44 END PROJECT # 93 CR 20 1400 2 4,700 619 2,077 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 009E 0.29 CR 20 CR 20C 800 2 2,700 233 786 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 8,100 Major Collector $0 $0 009E 0.30 SH 14 DONELLA CT 4900 1 4,900 1,470 1,470 Arterial 2 Asphalt 10,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 009E 0.56 INTERNATIONAL BLVDCR 48 (VINE) 4900 1 12,700 2,744 7,112 Arterial 3 Asphalt 10,900 Arterial $0 $950,000 Page 1 Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 02/06/2001 LARIMER COUNTY MAJOR STREET INVENTORY County Road Number Section Length (miles) 010 0.04 CR 23 010 1.98 010E Average Daily Traffic Area # Year 2020 ADT Forecast SURF CHG - 6 TO 4 110 8 170 4 6 SURF CHG - 6 TO 4 CR 19 70 8 110 139 1.22 CR 19 CR 17 95 8 150 010E 0.71 CR 17 CR 15C 350 8 010E 0.30 CR 15C SH 287 750 011 1.00 SH 60 CR 16 011 0.49 CR 16 011 1.00 CR 30 011 0.50 END FT COLS CITY LIMCR 34 (TRILBY RD) 011 0.77 011 0.51 011 Street (From) Current Lar. Co. Current Daily Year 2020 Daily Functional VMT VMT Classification Improved Capacity (vpd) Current Improvement Costs 2020 Improvement Costs No. of Lanes Surface Type Capacity (vpd) Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 6,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 218 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 116 183 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 500 249 355 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 8 1,100 225 330 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 180 2 600 180 600 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 150 Pave Pave 11,900 Minor Collector $500,000 $0 CR 16E 210 2 700 103 343 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 150 Pave Pave 11,900 Minor Collector $250,000 $0 CR 32 2000 2 6,700 2,000 6,700 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 11,900 Major Collector $0 $0 1700 1 8,900 850 4,450 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 11,900 Major Collector $0 $0 CR 34 FORT COLLINS CITY LIMIT 2600 1 8,600 2,002 6,622 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Major Collector $0 $0 CR 50 CR 50E 2100 1 5,500 1,061 2,778 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Major Collector $0 $0 0.50 CR 50E CR 52 1100 1 2,900 550 1,450 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Major Collector $0 $0 011 1.00 CR 52 CR 54 650 1 1,700 650 1,700 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 11,900 Major Collector $0 $0 011C 1.55 CR 24E CR 28 1400 2 4,700 2,170 7,285 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 8,900 Major Collector $0 $0 011C 1.01 CR 28 CR 30 1900 2 6,400 1,919 6,464 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 11,900 Major Collector $0 $0 011C 0.19 SH 14 CR 46E 2000 1 5,200 380 988 Local Road 2 Asphalt 8,300 Minor Collector $0 $0 011F 0.36 SH 14 CR 46E 7500 1 9,600 2,700 3,456 Local Road 3 Asphalt 11,900 Major Collector $0 $0 011H 0.66 SH 402 LOVELAND CITY LIMITS 550 2 1,900 363 1,254 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 7,700 Minor Collector $0 $0 012 1.81 CR 29 CR 23 425 8 700 770 1,268 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 10,100 Minor Collector $0 $0 013 1.53 SH 60 CR 16E 325 2 1,100 497 1,682 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 8,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 013 0.21 29TH ST BEGIN LVLND CITY LIM 3100 2 10,400 651 2,184 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 8,900 Major Collector $0 $150,000 013 0.15 END LVLND CITY LIMITSURF CHG (6 TO 4) 700 2 2,400 106 365 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 013 0.04 SURF CHG (6 TO 4) 1200 2 4,000 53 176 Major Collector 2 Gravel 150 013 0.75 CR 28 (EAST 57TH ST) CR 30 EASTBOUND 400 2 1,300 300 975 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 8,100 013 0.28 FT COLS CITY LIMIT CR 50E(COUNTRY CLUB) 6000 1 15,600 1,656 4,306 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 013C 0.49 CR 16E SH 402 850 2 2,900 417 1,421 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 8,100 013C 0.88 SH 402 LOVELAND CITY LIMITS 2800 2 9,400 2,464 8,272 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 6,800 013E 0.07 CR 24E WEST BOUND CR 24E EAST BOUND 2300 2 7,800 161 546 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 8,900 013E 0.29 CR 24E EAST BOUND LOVELAND CITY LIMITS 4800 2 16,200 1,392 4,698 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt Street (To) CR 24E WEST BOUND Current Needs 2020 Needs 2020 Functional Classification Lane/Sh Wid 11,900 Major Collector $0 $0 Pave 11,900 Major Collector $20,000 $0 Minor Collector $0 $0 Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 Major Collector $0 $470,000 Minor Collector $0 $0 Lane/Sh Wid 11,900 Minor Collector $0 $620,000 Minor Collector $0 $0 9,600 Lane/Sh Wid 11,900 Minor Collector $0 $200,000 Lane/Sh Wid 11,900 Pave 013E 0.29 LOVELAND CITY LIMITSCR 28 2900 2 9,800 841 2,842 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Minor Collector $0 $200,000 014 0.80 CR 23 SOUTH BOUND CR 21 NB 2100 8 3,200 1,684 2,566 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Major Collector $0 $0 014 2.00 CR 21 CR 17 1200 2 4,000 2,395 7,984 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Major Collector $0 $0 014 1.21 CR 17 SH 287 1600 2 5,400 1,936 6,534 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 8,900 Major Collector $0 $0 015 2.27 CR 905 CR 6C 650 8 1,000 1,474 2,268 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 015 1.26 SH 287 CR 16 1000 2 3,400 1,260 4,284 Minor Collector 2 PCCP 7,700 Minor Collector $0 $0 015 0.33 LOVELAND CITY LIMITSUS 287 3500 2 11,800 1,155 3,894 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Minor Collector $0 $230,000 015 3.14 SH 1 CR 64 1500 5 2,200 4,710 6,908 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 5,500 Major Collector $0 $0 015 3.08 CR 64 CR 70 900 5 1,300 2,772 4,004 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 6,000 Major Collector $0 $0 015 1.03 CR 70 CR 72 1100 5 1,600 1,133 1,648 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 5,500 Major Collector $0 $0 015 2.98 CR 72 CR 78 425 5 600 1,267 1,788 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 6,000 Major Collector $0 $0 015 2.00 CR 78 CR 82 190 5 280 380 560 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $0 016 1.01 CR 17 CR 15 1000 2 3,400 1,005 3,417 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 8,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 016 0.21 CR 11 SRFCH (E TO G) 160 2 500 33 103 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 150 016 0.10 CR 15 US 287 NA 2 016 0.79 SURFCH (4 TO 6) CR 9 325 2 1,100 256 868 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 016 1.82 CR 9 I 25 WEST FRONTAGE 325 2 1,100 592 2,003 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt Pave 11,900 Minor Collector $100,000 $0 New 2-Lane 8,900 Minor Collector $0 $130,000 8,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 8,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 2 Page 2 Lane/Sh Wid Pave 02/06/2001 LARIMER COUNTY MAJOR STREET INVENTORY County Road Number Section Length (miles) 016E 0.80 BEGINNING 016E 0.26 016E Average Daily Traffic Area # Year 2020 ADT Forecast CR 21 275 2 900 220 720 CR 13C (ST LOUIS) SURF CHG (6 TO 4) 500 2 1,700 132 0.99 SURF CHG (6 TO 4) CR 11 180 2 600 017 1.01 CR 2E CR 4E 300 8 017 1.01 CR 4E CR 6E 500 017 0.50 CR 6E SH 287 017 1.52 SH 287 CR 10E EAST BOUND 017 1.61 CR 10E EAST BOUND CR 14 017 1.00 CR 14 Street (From) Current Lar. Co. Current Daily Year 2020 Daily Functional VMT VMT Classification Improved Capacity (vpd) Current Improvement Costs 2020 Improvement Costs No. of Lanes Surface Type Capacity (vpd) Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 6,900 Local $0 $0 447 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 6,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 177 592 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 150 Minor Collector $490,000 $0 500 302 503 Local Road 2 Asphalt 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $0 8 800 503 805 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $0 1800 8 2,800 902 1,403 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 6,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 8500 8 12,500 12,895 18,963 RR-Arterial 2 Asphalt 5,800 Widen-4 Lanes Widen-4 Lanes 21,900 RR-Arterial $2,580,000 $0 8500 8 12,500 13,677 20,113 RR-Arterial 2 Asphalt 5,800 Widen-4 Lanes Widen-4 Lanes 21,900 RR-Arterial $2,740,000 $0 CR 16/LOVELAND CITY LIMITS 10500 2 14,700 10,500 14,700 RR-Arterial 2 Asphalt 9,600 Widen-4 Lanes Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 RR-Arterial $1,700,000 $0 Street (To) Current Needs Pave 2020 Needs Pave 11,900 2020 Functional Classification 017 0.63 END LOVELAND CITY LM CR 28 (57TH ST) 9500 2 16,300 5,985 10,269 RR-Arterial 2 Asphalt 9,600 Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 RR-Arterial $0 $1,070,000 017 0.25 CR 28 (57TH ST) 8000 2 13,700 2,000 3,425 RR-Arterial 2 Asphalt 10,900 Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 RR-Arterial $0 $430,000 017 0.50 LVLND CITY LIM SPLIT END LVLND SPLIT 8500 2 13,000 4,225 6,461 RR-Arterial 2 Asphalt 10,900 Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 RR-Arterial $0 $840,000 017 1.25 END LVLND SPLIT 8500 1 13,000 10,591 16,198 RR-Arterial 2 Asphalt 10,900 Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 RR-Arterial $0 $2,120,000 017 1.00 FT COLLINS CITY LIMT CR 34 (TRILBY) 8500 1 13,000 8,500 13,000 RR-Arterial 2 Asphalt 10,900 Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 RR-Arterial $0 $1,700,000 017 0.83 CR 34 (TRILBY) 10000 2 15,300 8,300 12,699 RR-Arterial 2 Asphalt 10,900 Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 RR-Arterial $0 $1,410,000 Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 LVLND CITY LIM SPLIT FT COLLINS CITY LIMT FT COLLINS CITY LIM 017 1.01 CR 48 (VINE) CR 50 (WILLOX) 6500 1 16,900 6,559 17,052 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Arterial $0 $1,720,000 017 1.00 CR 50 SH 287 3700 1 9,600 3,696 9,590 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 10,900 Arterial $0 $0 017 1.01 SH 287 CR 54 2100 1 5,500 2,111 5,528 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Major Collector $0 $0 017 0.70 CR 54 CR 56 & (TRAVIS RD) 700 5 1,000 487 695 Minor Collector 2 Chip & Seal 2,000 Minor Collector $0 $0 018 1.50 CR 23E CR 21 1300 2 4,400 1,946 6,587 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 10,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 018 2.45 I-25 E. FRONTAGE RD CR 901 1900 3 14,900 4,649 36,460 RR-Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 RR-Arterial $0 $4,160,000 018E 2.05 CR 31 CR 29 1300 7 1,800 2,665 3,690 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 3,200 Minor Collector $0 $0 018E 0.50 SH 287 CR 13C (ST LOUIS AV) 1300 2 4,400 653 2,209 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 019 0.25 CR 10 CR 10E 120 8 180 30 45 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 019 1.00 LOVELAND N. CTY LIMTCR 28 (57TH ST) 8000 2 14,100 8,000 14,100 RR-Arterial 2 Asphalt 9,600 Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 RR-Arterial $0 $1,700,000 8000 1 14,400 3,504 6,307 RR-Arterial 2 Asphalt 9,600 Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 RR-Arterial $0 $740,000 8000 1 14,400 20,440 36,792 RR-Arterial 2 Asphalt 9,600 Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 RR-Arterial $0 $4,340,000 BEGIN PROJECT # 37 Widen-4 Lanes 21,900 019 0.44 CR 28 (57TH ST) 019 2.56 BEGIN PROJECT # 37 CR 34 (TRILBY)/ENDS 37 019 1.01 CR 34 (TRILBY) END 1987 OVERLAY/CL 8500 1 14,800 8,560 14,904 RR-Arterial 2 Asphalt 9,600 Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 RR-Arterial $0 $1,710,000 019 0.51 CR 38 (HARMONY) CR 38E 13500 1 23,500 6,831 11,891 RR-Arterial 2 Asphalt 9,600 Widen-4 Lanes Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 RR-Arterial $860,000 $0 019 0.51 CR 38E CR 40 (W HORSETOOTH) 15500 1 27,000 7,828 13,635 RR-Arterial 2 Asphalt 10,900 Widen-4 Lanes Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 RR-Arterial $860,000 $0 019 0.50 CR 46E (LAPORTE) CR 48 (VINE DR) 6500 1 16,900 3,257 8,467 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 Arterial $0 $850,000 019 1.08 CR 48 (VINE DR) LR19-1.1-48 (POUDRE) 4900 1 12,700 5,292 13,716 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 Arterial $0 $1,840,000 019 0.93 LR19-1.1-48 (POUDRE) CR 54G (OLD US 287) 3900 5 5,800 3,608 5,365 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 6,600 Arterial $0 $0 019 2.01 CR 54G (OLD 287) CR 56 1700 5 2,500 3,415 5,023 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 019 0.51 CR 56 BEGIN PROJECT # 88 1600 5 2,400 822 1,234 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 019 1.19 BEGIN PROJECT # 88 END PROJECT # 88 1200 5 1,800 1,433 2,149 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 019 0.77 END PROJECT # 88 CR 60E 1200 5 1,800 922 1,382 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 019 2.44 CR 60E CR 66 700 5 1,000 1,711 2,444 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 6,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 019 2.00 CR 66 CR 70 350 5 500 701 1,002 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 6,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 020 1.60 CR 29 CR 23H 1700 7 2,300 2,720 3,680 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 3,400 Major Collector $0 $0 020 0.51 CR 23H LOVELAND CITY LIMIT 2600 7 3,500 1,326 1,785 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 3,900 Major Collector $0 $0 020 0.55 LOVELAND CITY LIMIT CR 9E 1400 2 4,700 770 2,585 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 8,900 Major Collector $0 $0 020C 0.48 CR 9E CR 9 800 2 2,700 384 1,296 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 8,900 Major Collector $0 $0 021 0.74 COUNTY LINE SRFCH (5 TO 6) 2600 8 4,000 1,924 2,960 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 6,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 021 0.28 SRFCH (5 TO 6) CR 4 2700 8 4,100 756 1,148 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 6,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 021 2.02 CR 4 SH 56 2500 8 3,800 5,050 7,676 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 6,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 Page 3 02/06/2001 LARIMER COUNTY MAJOR STREET INVENTORY County Road Number Section Length (miles) 021 1.01 SH 56 021 0.99 021 Average Daily Traffic Area # Year 2020 ADT Forecast CR 10 55 8 80 56 81 CR 14 CR 16 2300 2 7,800 2,277 1.00 CR 16 CR 18 3400 2 11,500 021 1.18 CR 18 CR 20 1800 2 021 0.15 CR 46 (MULBERRY) BEGIN 87 OVERLAY 7500 1 021 0.38 BEGIN 1987 OVERLAY CR 46E (LAPORTE) 7000 5 021 0.50 CR 46E (LAPORTE) CR 48 (VINE) 6000 5 021 1.01 CR 48 (VINE) CR 50/DR TO CLP FARM 5500 1 Street (From) Street (To) Current Lar. Co. Current Daily Year 2020 Daily Functional VMT VMT Classification Improved Capacity (vpd) Current Improvement Costs 2020 Improvement Costs No. of Lanes Surface Type Capacity (vpd) Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 7,722 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 8,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 3,400 11,500 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 8,900 $0 $700,000 6,100 2,124 7,198 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 19,500 1,125 2,925 Arterial 2 Asphalt 9,600 10,400 2,660 3,952 Arterial 2 Asphalt 5,800 8,900 3,000 4,450 Arterial 2 Asphalt 5,800 14,300 5,555 14,443 Arterial 2 Asphalt 9,600 Current Needs 2020 Needs 2020 Functional Classification $0 Lane/Sh Wid 11,900 Minor Collector Minor Collector $0 $0 Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 Arterial $0 $260,000 Lane/Sh Wid Widen-4 Lanes 21,900 Arterial $270,000 $650,000 Lane/Sh Wid Widen-4 Lanes 21,900 Arterial $350,000 $850,000 Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 Arterial $0 $1,720,000 021 1.26 CR 70 CR 72 160 5 240 202 302 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Pave 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $630,000 021C 0.30 CR 50 BEGIN 1989 OVERLAY 4700 1 12,200 1,410 3,660 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Lane/Sh Wid 11,900 Major Collector $0 $210,000 021C 0.26 BEGIN 1989 OVERLAY CR 50E-BINGHAM HILL 4700 1 12,200 1,199 3,111 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Lane/Sh Wid 11,900 Major Collector $0 $180,000 021C 0.61 CR 50E CR 54G (OLD 287) 3400 5 5,000 2,077 3,055 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Major Collector $0 $0 021C 0.21 CR 54G (OLD 287) END CURB AND GUTTER 2000 5 3,000 418 627 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,000 Minor Collector $0 $0 021C 0.93 END CURB AND GUTTER SURFACE/WIDTH CHANGE1400 5 2,100 1,305 1,957 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 021C 0.45 SURFACE/WIDTH CHANGE SURFACE/WIDTH CHANGE 800 5 1,200 362 544 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $0 021C 0.33 SURFACE/WIDTH CHANGE CR 56 750 5 1,100 248 363 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 023 1.02 CR 6 SH 56 1300 8 1,990 1,326 2,030 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $0 023 1.55 CR 8E CR 12 2200 8 3,400 3,414 5,277 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 7,200 Major Collector $0 $0 023 1.03 CR 12 CR 14 2000 8 3,100 2,066 3,202 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 7,200 Major Collector $0 $0 023 0.27 CR 38E SURFACE/WIDTH CHANGE2100 6 5,900 567 1,593 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 6,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 023 1.30 SURFACE/WIDTH CHANGE CR 42C 2100 1 5,500 2,720 7,123 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 8,300 Minor Collector $0 $0 023 0.37 CR 42C SURF CHG (4 TO 6) 1500 1 3,900 549 1,427 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 8,300 Minor Collector $0 $0 023 3.49 SURF CHG (4 TO 6) CR 48C 950 1 2,500 3,317 8,730 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 023 0.70 CR 48C CR 25G 900 1 2,300 631 1,612 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 023 1.43 CR 25G CR 52E - RIST CYN RD 1300 5 1,900 1,858 2,715 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,400 Minor Collector $0 $0 023E 1.01 COUNTY LINE CR 4-SURF CHANGE 1700 8 2,600 1,717 2,626 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 6,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 023E 0.99 CR 4 CR 6 2000 8 3,100 1,980 3,069 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $0 023E 0.99 CR 18 CR 20 1100 2 3,700 1,084 3,645 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 11,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 023H 0.36 US 34 END PN 193 2200 7 3,000 792 1,080 Local Road 2 Asphalt 6,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 023H 0.65 END PN 193 CR 24/CR 25 1900 7 2,600 1,235 1,690 Local Road 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 024 0.44 CR 7 I-25 W. FRONTAGE RD 425 2 1,400 187 616 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 10,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 024E 0.53 CR 13E (MONROE) CR 13 (MADISON) 650 2 2,200 345 1,166 Major Collector 2 Chip & Seal 2,000 Major Collector $0 $270,000 024E 0.25 CR 13 (MADISON) BEGIN LVLND CITY LIM 2500 2 8,400 625 2,100 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Major Collector $0 $0 024E 0.14 END LVLND CITY LIMITCR 11C 2500 2 8,400 350 1,176 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Major Collector $0 $0 024E 0.96 CR 9 CR 7 1000 2 3,400 960 3,264 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 10,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 025E 1.35 CR 52E/SH 28 CR 54E 275 5 410 371 554 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 6,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 025G 1.23 CR 38E IRENE WAY 1300 6 3,600 1,600 4,432 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,400 Minor Collector $0 $0 027 1.08 SH 34 CR 24H 1800 7 2,400 1,944 2,592 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 3,400 Minor Collector $0 $0 027 1.88 CR 24H CR 29 1600 7 2,200 3,008 4,136 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 3,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 027 2.24 CR 29 CR 38E 1300 7 1,800 2,912 4,032 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 3,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 027 3.69 CR 38E SRFCH (G TO E) 950 7 1,300 3,506 4,797 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 3,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 027 6.94 SRFCH (G TO E) CR 44H 240 7 320 1,666 2,221 Minor Collector 2 Chip & Seal 2,000 Minor Collector $0 $0 027 3.72 CR 44H CR 52E 170 7 230 632 856 Minor Collector 2 Chip & Seal 2,000 Minor Collector $0 $0 027 5.16 CR 52E SH 14 120 7 160 619 826 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 027E 3.10 CR 4 CR 8E 95 8 150 295 465 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 028 1.01 CR 19 (WILSON) CR 17 (TAFT AVE) 600 1 1,600 603 1,608 Minor Collector 2 Chip & Seal 2,000 Minor Collector $0 $0 Page 4 Pave 11,900 02/06/2001 LARIMER COUNTY MAJOR STREET INVENTORY County Road Number Section Length (miles) 028 1.00 CR 17 (TAFT AVE) 028 0.50 028 Average Daily Traffic Area # Year 2020 ADT Forecast SH 287 3800 2 12,800 3,811 12,838 SH 287 CR 13E 4800 2 16,200 2,390 1.25 CR 13E CR 11C 2100 2 7,100 029 3.16 CR 12 CR18E (POLE HILL RD) 450 8 029 0.34 CR18E (POLE HILL RD)CR 20 1800 029 1.72 CR 20 SH 34 029 1.12 SH 34 029 1.71 029 Street (From) Current Lar. Co. Current Daily Year 2020 Daily Functional VMT VMT Classification Improved Capacity (vpd) Current Improvement Costs 2020 Improvement Costs No. of Lanes Surface Type Capacity (vpd) Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 10,900 Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 Major Collector $0 $1,710,000 8,068 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 10,900 Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 Major Collector $0 $850,000 2,619 8,854 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 10,100 Major Collector $0 $0 700 1,422 2,213 Minor Collector 2 Chip & Seal 2,000 Minor Collector $0 $0 8 2,800 607 944 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 1200 7 1,600 2,059 2,746 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 3,400 Major Collector $0 $0 SRFCH (G TO E) 425 7 600 476 672 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 3,200 Minor Collector $0 $0 SRFCH (G TO E) SRFCH (E TO G) 220 7 300 375 512 Minor Collector 2 Chip & Seal 2,000 Minor Collector $0 $0 1.34 SRFCH (E TO G) CR 27 325 7 440 435 589 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 3,200 Minor Collector $0 $0 030 1.19 SH 287 CR 13 SOUTH BOUND 250 2 800 298 952 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 8,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 030 0.87 CR 13 SOUTH BOUND CR 13 NORTH BOUND 250 2 800 218 696 Minor Collector 2 Chip & Seal 2,000 Minor Collector $0 $0 030 0.39 CR 13 NORTH BOUND SURF CHG (4 - 6) 240 2 800 94 312 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 8,300 Minor Collector $0 $0 030 0.43 SURF CHG (4 TO 6) SURF CHG (6 TO 4) 1900 2 6,400 817 2,752 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 11,900 Major Collector $0 $0 030 0.91 SURF CHG (6 TO 4) CR 9 550 2 1,900 498 1,721 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Major Collector $0 $0 031 0.50 BEGIN MAINT SURF CHG 400 8 600 200 300 Local Road 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $250,000 $0 031 1.16 SURF CHG CR 8E 800 8 1,200 928 1,392 Local Road 2 Asphalt 5,400 Minor Collector $0 $0 031 4.86 CR 8E CR 18E 800 8 1,200 3,890 5,834 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,400 Minor Collector $0 $0 032 0.60 US 287 SURFACE CHANGE 4600 1 12,000 2,746 7,164 RR-Arterial 2 Asphalt 11,900 RR-Arterial $0 $1,010,000 032 0.41 SURFACE CHANGE CR 13 4900 1 12,300 1,999 5,018 RR-Arterial 2 Chip & Seal 2,000 032 1.24 CR 11 CR 9 4800 1 15,100 5,966 18,769 RR-Arterial 2 Asphalt 9,600 Street (To) Current Needs Pave 2020 Needs Pave Widen-4 Lanes Pave 5,400 20,300 2020 Functional Classification Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 RR-Arterial $200,000 $690,000 Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 RR-Arterial $0 $2,110,000 $2,140,000 032 1.26 CR 9 SRFCH 5000 1 15,100 6,285 18,981 RR-Arterial 2 Asphalt 9,600 Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 RR-Arterial $0 032 0.14 SRFCH I-25 W. FRONTAGE RD 5000 4 15,100 710 2,144 RR-Arterial 2 Asphalt 5,800 Widen-4 Lanes 21,900 RR-Arterial $0 $240,000 032 2.00 US 287 CR 19 NA 1 New 2-Lane 11,900 Arterial $0 $2,500,000 034 0.52 CR 19 (TAFT HILL) FT COLS CTY LM SPLIT 2300 1 6,000 1,187 3,096 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 10,900 Major Collector $0 $0 034 0.50 FT COLS CTY LM SPLITCR 17 (SHIELDS) 2500 1 6,500 1,250 3,250 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 10,900 Major Collector $0 $0 034 0.50 SH 287 5300 1 13,800 2,671 6,955 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 $0 $350,000 034 0.50 FT COLLINS CITY LIM CR 11 2000 1 7,800 990 3,861 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 11,900 036 1.02 CR 11 (TIMBERLINE) CR 9 250 1 6,600 255 6,732 Major Collector 2 Chip & Seal 036 1.01 CR 9 CR 7 150 1 5,300 152 5,353 Major Collector 2 036 0.29 CR 7 SRFCH (E TO G) 220 1 3,000 64 870 Major Collector 2 037 9.68 SH 287 STATE LINE 100 5 150 968 1,452 Minor Collector 037E 1.57 COUNTY LINE SRFCH 900 8 1,400 1,413 2,198 037E 0.91 SRFCH CATTLE GUARD 120 8 200 109 182 CR 31, CARTER LAKE FT COLS CTY LM Lane/Sh Wid 11,900 Major Collector Major Collector $0 $0 2,000 Pave 11,900 Arterial $0 $510,000 Chip & Seal 2,000 Pave 11,900 Arterial $0 $510,000 Chip & Seal 2,000 Pave 11,900 Major Collector $0 $150,000 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 Local Road 2 Asphalt 6,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 Local Road 2 Gravel 200 Pave Minor Collector $0 $980,000 $4,700,000 8 2 7,200 037E 2.09 CATTLEGUARD New 2-Lane 7,200 Minor Collector $0 038 0.46 I-25 E. FRONTAGE RD CR 5 NORTH BOUND 5000 4 16,700 2,300 7,682 RR-Major Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Widen-4 Lanes 21,900 RR-Arterial $0 $780,000 038 1.99 CR 5 NORTH BOUND CR 901 4200 4 14,000 8,358 27,860 RR-Major Collector 2 Asphalt 6,600 Widen-4 Lanes 21,900 RR-Arterial $0 $3,380,000 038E 0.70 CR 27 CR 25E SOUTH BOUND 1000 7 1,400 695 973 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 3,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 038E 1.04 CR 25E SOUTH BOUNDCR 25E NORTH BOUND 1300 7 1,800 1,353 1,874 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 3,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 038E 1.63 CR 25E NORTH BOUNDOVERHILL DR 1400 7 1,900 2,285 3,101 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 3,400 Minor Collector $0 $0 038E 0.67 OVERHILL DR CR 25G 2200 6 6,100 1,474 4,087 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Lane/Sh Wid 7,200 Major Collector $0 $470,000 $3,280,000 038E 1.93 CR 25G LAKEVIEW DR/PRJ #122 3400 6 9,500 6,552 18,307 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Widen-4 Lanes 21,900 Major Collector $0 038E 2.44 LAKEVIEW DR/PRJ 122BEG 87 OVRLY/END 122 3900 6 10,900 9,528 26,629 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Widen-4 Lanes 21,900 Major Collector $0 $4,150,000 038E 1.37 BEGIN 1987 OVERLAY CR 19 (TAFT HILL) 4900 1 12,700 6,713 17,399 Arterial 2 Asphalt 9,600 Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 Arterial $0 $2,330,000 040 1.00 CR 9 CR 7 240 1 600 240 600 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 150 Pave 11,900 Minor Collector $500,000 $0 042 0.02 END FT COLS CITY LIMCR 9 500 1 1,300 12 31 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 10,900 Major Collector $0 $0 042C 0.78 CR 23 2500 1 6,500 1,950 5,070 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 WIDTH CHANGE Page 5 Pave 02/06/2001 LARIMER COUNTY MAJOR STREET INVENTORY County Road Number Section Length (miles) 042C 0.41 WIDTH CHANGE 043 3.27 043 Street (To) Average Daily Traffic Area # Year 2020 ADT Forecast CR 21 (OVERLAND TR) 2700 1 7,000 1,107 2,870 CITY LIMITS CR 61 1300 7 1,800 4,247 3.31 CR 61 GLEN HAVEN PROJ 1000 7 1,400 043 0.17 GLEN HAVEN PROJ GLEN HAVEN PROJ 800 7 043 1.62 GLEN HAVEN PROJ CR 51B 650 043 6.07 CR 51B SH 34 044 0.15 CR 5 044 2.00 044H 044H Street (From) Current Lar. Co. Current Daily Year 2020 Daily Functional VMT VMT Classification Improved Capacity (vpd) Current Improvement Costs 2020 Improvement Costs No. of Lanes Surface Type Capacity (vpd) Major Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Major Collector $0 $0 5,881 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 2,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 3,308 4,631 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 2,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 1,100 136 187 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 3,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 7 900 1,050 1,454 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 3,400 Minor Collector $0 $0 750 7 1,000 4,553 6,070 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 2,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 SURFCHG (6 TO 4) 400 4 1,300 60 194 Minor Collector 2 Chip & Seal 2,000 Minor Collector $0 $0 SURFCHG (6 TO 4) CR 901 NORTHBOUND 400 4 1,300 801 2,603 Minor Collector 3 Chip & Seal 2,000 Minor Collector $0 $0 2.84 CR 63E PENNOCK PASS 25 7 30 71 85 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 2.45 PENNOCK PASS MONUMENT GULCH ROAD 30 7 40 74 98 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 044H 4.09 MONUMENT GULCH RDCRYSTAL MOUNTAIN RD 90 7 120 368 491 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 044H 8.43 CRYSTAL MOUNTAIN RD CR 27 (STOVE PRAIRE) 130 7 180 1,096 1,517 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 046E 0.49 CR 21 (OVERLAND TR)FT COLLINS CITY LIM 2400 1 6,200 1,176 3,038 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 046E 1.72 LEMAY AVE 4900 1 12,700 8,433 21,857 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 $0 $2,930,000 048 0.99 CR 21 (OVERLAND TR)CR 19 (TAFT HILL) 2700 1 7,000 2,681 6,951 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 10,900 048 0.29 CR 19 (TAFT HILL) 4300 1 11,200 1,247 3,248 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 10,900 048 0.97 CR 9E (SUMMITVIEW) FT COLS CITY LIMIT 1800 1 4,700 1,746 4,559 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Major Collector $0 $0 048 0.72 END FT COLS CITY LIMCR 5 950 1 2,500 687 1,808 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Major Collector $0 $0 048 1.99 CR 5 850 1 2,200 1,695 4,387 Local Road 2 Asphalt 9,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 050 0.24 CR 21C (OVERLAND TR) GDR TO CLP FARM/CR21 5100 1 13,300 1,224 3,192 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 Major Collector $0 $410,000 Lane/Sh Wid 11,900 CR 9E (SUMMITVIEW) CITY LIMIT COUNTY LINE (CR 901) Current Needs 2020 Needs 2020 Functional Classification Widen-4 Lanes 20,300 Major Collector Minor Collector $0 $0 Lane/Sh Wid 11,900 Minor Collector $0 $200,000 050 0.76 CR 17 (SHIELDS) FT COLLINS CITY LIM 4200 1 10,900 3,192 8,284 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Major Collector $0 $530,000 050E 1.89 CR 23 CR 21C (OVERLAND TR) 1200 1 3,100 2,268 5,859 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 10,100 Minor Collector $0 $0 050E 0.78 SH 1 CR 13/CR 52C 2700 1 7,000 2,106 5,460 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 8,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 050E 1.11 CR 13/CR 52C CR 11 3500 1 9,100 3,885 10,101 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 052 1.00 CR 11 CR 9 120 1 310 120 310 Major Collector 2 Gravel 150 Major Collector $0 $500,000 Pave 11,900 052C 1.18 SH 1 CR 50E (COUNTRY CLUB) 1700 1 4,420 2,009 5,224 Local Road 2 Asphalt 9,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 052E 1.42 CR 27 CR 41 230 7 310 325 439 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Pave Pave 4,200 Minor Collector $1,520,000 $0 052E 2.22 CR 41 BEG PRJ #96/PAVEMENT 280 7 380 621 842 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Pave Pave 4,200 Minor Collector $2,380,000 $0 052E 1.64 BEG PRJ #96/PAVEMENT END PROJECT # 96 400 7 500 656 821 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 3,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 052E 1.51 END PROJ # 96 DAVIS RANCH RD 550 7 700 831 1,057 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 3,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 052E 3.91 DAVIS RANCH RD CR 27E 900 7 1,200 3,519 4,692 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 2,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 052E 1.15 CR 27E CR 25E 1100 6 3,100 1,262 3,556 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,000 Minor Collector $0 $0 052E 0.53 CR 25E CR 23 1600 6 4,500 854 2,403 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 052E 0.25 CR 23 BEGIN PAVED SHOULDER 2300 6 6,400 566 1,574 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $170,000 052E 0.34 BEGIN PAVED SHOULDER CR 23E 2000 6 5,600 684 1,915 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $0 052E 0.36 CR 23E CR 54G (OLD 287) 2300 6 6,400 828 2,304 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 4,900 Minor Collector $0 $250,000 054 1.18 CR 17 SH 1 2100 1 5,500 2,478 6,490 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 10,900 Major Collector $0 $0 054 0.82 SH 1 CR 13 1100 1 2,900 902 2,378 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 9,600 Major Collector $0 $0 054 0.97 CR 13 CR 11 1100 1 2,900 1,067 2,813 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 10,900 Major Collector $0 $0 054 0.99 CR 11 CR 9 650 1 1,700 644 1,683 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 10,900 Major Collector $0 $0 054 0.98 CR 9 I-25 W. FRONTAGE RD 40 1 100 39 98 Major Collector 2 Gravel 150 Major Collector $0 $0 Lane/Sh Wid 7,200 Lane/Sh Wid 7,200 054E 0.54 CR 25E SH 287 450 6 1,300 242 699 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $0 054G 1.52 US 287 - BYPASS CR 52E - RIST CANYON 1900 5 2,800 2,892 4,262 Arterial 2 Asphalt 5,800 Arterial $0 $0 054G 0.62 CR 52E - RIST CANYONBEGIN 3 LANE ROAD 4200 5 6,200 2,612 3,856 Arterial 2 Asphalt 6,600 Arterial $0 $0 054G 0.40 BEGIN 3 LANE ROAD CR 21C (OVERLAND TR) 6500 5 9,600 2,581 3,811 Arterial 3 Asphalt 12,000 Arterial $0 $0 054G 1.27 CR 21C (OVERLAND TR) CR 19 (TAFT HILL RD) 7000 5 10,400 8,897 13,218 Arterial 2 Asphalt 6,600 Arterial $2,160,000 $0 Page 6 Widen-4 Lanes Widen-4 Lanes 21,900 02/06/2001 County Road Number Section Length (miles) 054G 0.24 054G LARIMER COUNTY MAJOR STREET INVENTORY Average Daily Traffic Area # Year 2020 ADT Forecast CR 19 (TAFT HILL RD) SURF CHG (US 287) 7500 5 11,100 1,778 2,631 0.13 SURF CHG (287) US 287 7500 5 11,100 945 056 1.19 CR 21C CR 19 400 4 1,300 056 1.14 CR 19 CR 17 450 4 1,500 056 2.01 I-25 E. FRONTAGE RD CR 3 100 4 056 0.43 CR 3 SURFCHG(4 TO 6) 100 056 0.31 SURFCHG(4 TO 6) SURFCHG(6 TO 4) 100 056 0.31 SURFCHG(6 TO 4) CR 901/COUNTY LINE 058 0.13 CR 15 058 0.93 058 Street (From) Current Lar. Co. Current Daily Year 2020 Daily Functional VMT VMT Classification Improved Capacity (vpd) Current Improvement Costs 2020 Improvement Costs No. of Lanes Surface Type Capacity (vpd) Current Needs 2020 Needs Arterial 2 Asphalt 6,600 Widen-4 Lanes Widen-4 Lanes 21,900 Arterial $400,000 $0 1,399 Arterial 2 Asphalt 6,600 Widen-4 Lanes Widen-4 Lanes 21,900 Arterial $210,000 $0 475 1,544 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 515 1,716 Minor Collector 2 Chip & Seal 2,000 Minor Collector $0 $0 330 201 663 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Pave 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $1,000,000 4 330 43 141 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Pave 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $210,000 4 330 31 103 Minor Collector 2 Chip & Seal 2,000 Minor Collector $0 $0 35 4 120 11 38 Local Road 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 SH 1 240 5 360 31 47 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 4,700 Minor Collector $0 $0 SH 1 I-25 (SRFCH) 275 5 410 256 381 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 0.35 I-25 (SRFCH) INT EAST FRONTAGE 250 5 370 88 130 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 058 0.97 INT EAST FRONTAGE SRFCH (G TO E) 240 5 360 233 349 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,000 Minor Collector $0 $0 058 0.86 SRFCH (G TO E) CR 3 120 5 180 103 155 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 059 6.56 CR 80C STATE LINE 30 9 30 197 197 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 060 1.00 CR 3 CR 901/COUNTY LINE 35 5 50 35 50 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 061 0.45 CR 43 CR 63E 180 7 240 81 108 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,000 Minor Collector $0 $0 063 0.53 CR 63A CARRIAGE DR 400 7 500 210 263 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 3,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 063 0.94 CARRIAGE DR PROJ SPLIT #35/98 800 7 1,100 752 1,034 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 3,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 063 1.42 PROJ SPLIT #35/98 END PROJ #98 1200 7 1,600 1,704 2,272 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 3,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 063 1.38 END PROJECT #98 US 36 1400 7 1,900 1,933 2,624 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 3,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 063 0.42 SH 36 PROJ #LRB63-0.5-S36 2700 7 3,600 1,134 1,512 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 3,400 Major Collector $0 $450,000 063 0.20 PROJ #LRB63-0.5-S36 PROJECT END 2600 7 3,500 520 700 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 3,900 Major Collector $0 $0 063 0.05 PROJECT END SH 34 2500 7 3,400 130 177 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 2,900 Major Collector $0 $60,000 063A 0.20 CR 63 SH 7 600 7 800 122 163 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 3,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 063E 2.88 SH 34 CR 61 950 7 1,300 2,740 3,749 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 3,400 Minor Collector $0 $0 063E 7.62 CR 44H CROWN POINT RD 110 7 150 838 1,142 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 063E 4.26 CROWN POINT RD SH 14 130 7 180 554 767 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 064 1.57 CR 15 CR 11 220 5 330 345 518 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 064 1.02 CR 11 CR 9 190 5 280 194 286 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 064 1.00 CR 9 CR 7 (6TH ST) 160 5 240 160 240 Major Collector 2 064 0.26 CR 7 BARRICADE 20 5 30 5 8 Major Collector 2 064 0.68 I-25 E. FRONTAGE RD CR 5 160 5 240 109 163 Major Collector 2 Gravel 200 Pave 064 1.98 CR 5 COUNTY LINE 500 5 740 990 1,465 Major Collector 2 Gravel 200 Pave 066 1.00 CR 19 CR 17 130 5 190 130 190 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 066 1.10 CR 17 CR 15 190 5 280 209 308 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 066 0.61 CR 66E CR 11 210 5 310 128 189 Local Road 2 Gravel 200 066 1.00 CR 11 CR 9 200 5 300 200 300 Local Road 2 Gravel 200 066 1.00 CR 9 CR 7 100 5 150 100 150 Local Road 2 Gravel 200 066 0.17 CR 7 I-25 140 5 210 24 36 Local Road 2 Asphalt 5,800 066 0.60 I-25 CR5 210 5 310 126 186 Local Road 2 Gravel 200 066 1.00 CR 5 CR 3 110 5 160 110 160 Local Road 2 Gravel 200 066E 0.99 CR 15 CR 13 210 5 310 208 307 Local Road 2 Gravel 200 Pave Pave 066E 0.63 CR 13 CR 66 200 5 300 126 189 Local Road 2 Gravel 200 Pave Pave 067 0.96 SH 7 CR 65 1500 7 2,000 1,440 1,920 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 3,900 067 1.61 CR 65 SH 36/SH 66 3200 7 4,300 5,152 6,923 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 3,900 067E 1.13 CR67(MARY'S LAKE RD) ESTES CITY LIMITS 1800 7 2,400 2,034 2,712 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 3,200 Street (To) Page 7 Pave Lane/Sh Wid 4,200 Lane/Sh Wid 4,200 2020 Functional Classification Pave 7,200 Minor Collector $790,000 $0 200 Pave 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $510,000 Gravel 200 Pave 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $500,000 Asphalt 4,900 Minor Collector $0 $0 7,200 Major Collector $0 $340,000 7,200 Major Collector $0 $990,000 Minor Collector $0 $0 Pave 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $550,000 Pave Pave 7,200 Major Collector $310,000 $0 Pave Pave 7,200 Major Collector $500,000 $0 Pave Pave 7,200 Major Collector $500,000 $0 Major Collector $0 $0 Major Collector $300,000 $0 Major Collector $0 $0 7,200 Major Collector $500,000 $0 7,200 Major Collector $320,000 $0 Minor Collector $0 $0 Minor Collector $0 $1,730,000 Minor Collector $0 $0 Pave Pave Lane/Sh Wid 7,200 4,200 02/06/2001 County Road Number Section Length (miles) 067J 0.68 068C LARIMER COUNTY MAJOR STREET INVENTORY Average Daily Traffic Area # Year 2020 ADT Forecast CR74E RED FTHR LK RD HIAWATHA HY/MAIN ST 1000 9 1,100 680 748 6.91 CR 69/162 CR74E RED FTHR LKS R 150 9 160 1,037 069 3.23 SH 14 CR 68C 140 9 150 070 0.99 CR 21 CR 19 160 5 240 070 1.02 CR 19 CR 17 600 5 900 070 1.00 CR 17 CR 15 750 5 1,100 070 0.99 CR 15 CR 13 SOUTH BOUND 700 5 070 1.02 CR 13 SOUTH BOUND CR 11 SOUTH BOUND 700 070 0.97 CR 11 SOUTH BOUND CR 9 070 1.21 CR 9 070 0.37 070 Street (From) Current Lar. Co. Current Daily Year 2020 Daily Functional VMT VMT Classification Improved Capacity (vpd) Current Improvement Costs 2020 Improvement Costs No. of Lanes Surface Type Capacity (vpd) Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 4,200 Minor Collector $0 $0 1,106 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 452 485 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 158 238 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $500,000 612 918 Minor Collector 2 Chip & Seal 2,000 Minor Collector $0 $0 750 1,100 Minor Collector 2 Chip & Seal 2,000 Minor Collector $0 $0 1,000 693 990 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Major Collector $0 $0 5 1,000 714 1,020 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Major Collector $0 $0 900 5 1,300 873 1,261 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Major Collector $0 $0 I-25 (SRFCH) 700 5 1,000 847 1,210 Major Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Major Collector $0 $0 I-25 (SRFCH) SRFCH (G TO E) 500 5 700 185 259 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,000 Minor Collector $0 $0 1.41 SRFCH (G TO E) CR 3 210 5 310 296 437 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $710,000 $0 072 0.05 SH 287 SRFCH (G TO E) 275 5 410 14 21 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 6,600 Minor Collector $0 $0 072 3.18 SRFCH (G TO E) CR 21 230 5 340 731 1,081 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Pave Pave 7,200 Minor Collector $1,590,000 $0 073C 5.24 CR 74E/162 CR 180 350 9 370 1,835 1,940 Major Collector 2 Gravel 200 Pave Pave 4,200 Major Collector $5,640,000 $0 074E 0.67 CR 73C CRDMORE LKSSURFACE R CHANGE 1200 9 1,300 804 871 Arterial 2 Asphalt 4,200 Arterial $0 $0 074E 0.86 SURFACE CHANGE SURFACE CHANGE 1200 9 1,300 1,032 1,118 Arterial 2 Asphalt 3,400 Arterial $0 $0 074E 3.16 SURFACE CHANGE BEG PROJ # 55 1300 9 1,400 4,105 4,421 Arterial 2 Asphalt 3,900 Arterial $0 $0 074E 1.14 BEG PROJ # 55 PROJECT SPLIT #55/69 1300 9 1,400 1,486 1,600 Arterial 2 Asphalt 4,200 Arterial $0 $0 074E 1.00 PROJECT SPLIT #55/69PROJECT SPLIT 69/82 1400 9 1,500 1,401 1,502 Arterial 2 Asphalt 4,200 Arterial $0 $0 074E 1.05 PROJECT SPLIT 69/82 PROJECT SPLIT 82/100 1500 9 1,600 1,574 1,678 Arterial 2 Asphalt 4,200 Arterial $0 $0 074E 0.97 PROJECT SPLIT 82/100PROJ SPLIT #100/107 1500 5 2,200 1,460 2,141 Arterial 2 Asphalt 7,200 Arterial $0 $0 074E 1.04 PROJ SPLIT #100/107 PROJ SPLIT #107/119 1500 5 2,200 1,554 2,279 Arterial 2 Asphalt 7,200 Arterial $0 $0 074E 1.02 PROJ SPLIT #107/119 PROJ SPLIT #119/120 1600 5 2,400 1,637 2,455 Arterial 2 Asphalt 7,200 Arterial $0 $0 074E 1.38 PROJ SPLIT #119/120 END PROJ # 120/162 1600 5 2,400 2,211 3,317 Arterial 2 Asphalt 7,200 Arterial $0 $0 074E 1.67 END PROJ # 120/162 END PROJ #162 1100 5 1,600 1,837 2,672 Arterial 2 Asphalt 5,800 Arterial $0 $0 074E 6.19 END PROJ #162 CR 37 1100 5 1,600 6,809 9,904 Arterial 2 Asphalt 5,800 Arterial $0 $0 074E 3.93 CR 37 SH 287 1200 5 1,800 4,714 7,070 Arterial 2 Asphalt 5,800 Arterial $0 $0 078 1.00 CR 17 CR 15 160 5 240 160 240 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $0 080C 1.66 CR 103 CR 162 (DEADMAN RD) 35 9 40 58 66 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 080C 15.14 CR 162 (DEADMAN RD)FS 169 (PEARL-BEAVER) 25 9 30 378 454 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 080C 9.94 FS 169 (PEARL-BEAVER) CR 59 45 9 50 447 497 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 080C 4.20 CR 59 CR 179 75 9 80 315 336 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 080C 6.19 CR 179 CR 82E 95 5 140 588 867 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 080C 5.20 CR 82E CR 37 170 5 250 884 1,300 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Pave 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $2,600,000 080C 0.64 CR 37 PROJECT 150 5 220 96 141 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Pave 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $320,000 080C 1.72 PROJECT SH 287 180 5 270 310 464 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Pave 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $860,000 082 5.69 CR 15 I-25 WEST FRONTAGE 230 5 340 1,309 1,935 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $0 082 0.12 I-25 WEST FRONTAGE I-25 EAST FRONTAGE 220 5 330 26 40 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $0 082 1.50 CR 82 (I-25 East Frontage CRRoad) 80 (Weld Co. Line?) NA 5 Minor Collector $0 $1,880,000 103 6.42 SH 14 170 9 180 1,092 1,156 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 103 2.73 TUNNEL CAMP GND RDWIDTH CHANGE 140 9 150 382 409 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 103 6.51 WIDTH CHANGE CR 190 100 9 110 651 717 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 103 5.81 CR 190 CR 80C 70 9 70 407 407 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 103 6.09 CR 80C RD 196 70 9 70 426 426 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 103 4.45 RD 196 STATE LINE 85 9 90 378 401 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 Street (To) TUNNEL CAMP GROUND Current Needs 2020 Needs Pave Pave Pave New 2-Lane Page 8 7,200 7,200 7,200 2020 Functional Classification 02/06/2001 County Road Number Section Length (miles) 162 6.72 179 LARIMER COUNTY MAJOR STREET INVENTORY Average Daily Traffic Area # Year 2020 ADT Forecast CR 74E RD FTHR LKS RCR 69/68C 145 9 150 974 1,008 1.01 HIAWATHA HY/END 67JSURF CHANGE (6 TO 4) 375 9 400 379 179 7.28 RD TO FOX ACRES CR 180 CRDMRE LKS RD 60 9 60 179 5.59 CR 180 CR 80C 40 9 180 1.45 CR 73C / TAMI RD CROW RD 40 9 901 2.01 US 34 CR 26 190 901 5.12 WELD C R 78 CR 52 901 2.00 CR 52 CR 56 904 1.00 CR 905 904 1.26 904 Street (From) Current Lar. Co. Current Daily Year 2020 Daily Functional VMT VMT Classification Improved Capacity (vpd) Current Improvement Costs 2020 Improvement Costs No. of Lanes Surface Type Capacity (vpd) Minor Collector 1 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 404 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 4,200 Minor Collector $0 $0 437 437 Minor Collector 1 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 40 224 224 Minor Collector 1 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 40 58 61 Major Collector 2 Bladed 200 Major Collector $0 $0 3 1,500 382 3,015 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Pave 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $1,010,000 140 4 470 717 2,406 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Pave 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $2,560,000 55 4 180 110 360 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 CR 4 1300 8 2,000 1,300 2,000 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 CR 4 CR 6C 1200 8 1,800 1,512 2,268 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,800 Minor Collector $0 $0 0.74 CR 6C SH 56 1200 8 1,800 888 1,332 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,400 Minor Collector $0 $0 904 1.02 SH 56 CR 10 375 8 600 383 612 Minor Collector 2 Asphalt 5,400 Minor Collector $0 $0 904 1.01 CR 10 CR 12 110 8 170 111 172 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 Minor Collector $0 $0 904 1.12 CR 12 SH 60 140 8 210 157 235 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 $0 $560,000 905 0.48 BOULDER C 145 CR 15 230 8 350 168 Minor Collector 2 Gravel 200 TOTAL 561.44 Street (To) 110 598,475 1,265,929 Page 9 Current Needs Pave 2020 Needs 2020 Functional Classification Pave 7,200 Minor Collector Pave 7,200 Minor Collector $0 $240,000 $0 $32,000,000 $89,030,000 APPENDIX 3 1995 AND 2020 DATA AND FORECASTS UNINCORPORATED LARIMER COUNTY 45 APPENDIX 4 DERIVATION OF 1995 AND 2020 WEST LARIMER COUNTY LAND USE BASED ON COLEY FORREST 1993 AND 2015 46 APPENDIX 5 CAPACITY ASSUMPTIONS Capacity Assumptions for Paved Two-Lane Roads Urban Rural Mountain 1, 2 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 7, 9 Level of Service LOS D LOS C LOS C Directional Split 60%/40% 60%/40% 60%/40% 2% 2% 1% Rolling Rolling Mountainous No Passing Zones 40% 40% 60% Daily Traffic in Peak Hour 10% 11% 12% Planning Area Heavy Trucks Terrain Daily Capacities of Paved Two-Lane Roads Planning Area Usable Shoulder Width (Ft.) 12-Foot Lanes 11-Foot Lanes 10-Foot Lanes 9-Foot Lanes Urban 6 4 2 0 11,900 10,900 9,600 8,300 11,100 10,100 8,900 7,700 10,000 9,200 8,100 6,900 8,300 7,700 6,800 5,800 Rural 6 4 2 0 7,200 6,600 5,800 5,000 6,700 6,100 5,400 4,700 6,000 5,500 4,900 4,200 5,000 4,700 4,100 3,500 Mountain 6 4 2 0 4,200 3,900 3,400 2,900 3,900 3,600 3,200 2,700 3,500 3,200 2,900 2,400 2,900 2,700 2,400 2,100 47 Capacities of Arterials and Freeways (Per Lane, Per Hour) * Freeway Expressway Major Arterial Urban 2,000 1,280 955 610 Rural 2,000 1,320 955 940 * LOS D capacities Source: NFR Regional Transportation Plan 48 Minor Arterial APPENDIX 6 CONCEPTUAL UNIT COST ESTIMATES 49 CONCEPTUAL UNIT COST ESTIMATES Project Type Plains Mountains Reconstruct 2 Lane Roads Widen Lanes and Shoulders $700,000/Mile $1,075,000/Mile Pave Gravel Roads and Widen Lanes and Shoulders $500,000/Mile $1,075,000/Mile Widen 2 Lane Roads to 4 Lanes $1,700,000/Mile $2,500,000/Mile Construct New 2-Lane Roads $1,250,000/Mile $2,250,000/Mile Traffic Signals $100,000/Signal $100,000/Signal 50 APPENDIX 7 SAFETY, INTERSECTION, AND ALIGNMENT PROJECTS 51 SAFETY, INTERSECTION, AND ALIGNMENT PROJECTS County Road Number Starting Mile Post Section Length (miles) 004 0.49 1.39 Approximate Locations Proposed Improvements Average Daily Traffic Estimated Cost CR 23E to Surface Change Roadway alignment and shoulder widening 500 $1,529,000 Roadway alignment and widening, shoulder widening 1100-1500 $4,730,000 005 4.77 4.30 CR 38 to SH 14 011F / 046E --- --- Intersection of Link Lane, Lincoln Additional turn lanes 12,400 $300,000 1.21 CR 17 to US 287 Roadway alignment and widening, shoulder widening 1,600 $1,331,000 Additional turn lanes 12,100 $300,000 014 3.00 017 / 014 --- --- Intersection of Taft, CR 14 (Campion Road) 017 / 016 --- --- Intersection of Taft, CR 16 Additional turn lanes 11,500 $300,000 Additional turn lanes 13,300 $300,000 017 / 028 --- --- Intersection of Taft, 57th Street 018E 6.23 2.05 CR 29 to CR 31 Roadway alignment and widening, shoulder widening 1,300 $2,255,000 020 / 009E --- --- Intersection CR 20 and CR 9E Alignment, T-intersection 2,800 $100,000 Additional turn lanes 8,400 $300,000 021 / 046E --- --- Intersection of Overland Trail, Laporte 021 / 048 --- --- Intersection of Overland Trail, Vine Drive Intersection alignment, additional turn lanes 8,700 $400,000 Roadway alignment, widening and shoulder widening 1,000 $3,135,000 025G 0.00 2.85 CR 38E - CR 23, Shoreline Drive 027 13.00 0.10 Approx. MP 13 Alignment at curve 240 $100,000 030 0.00 1.19 US 287 to CR 13 Roadway alignment and shoulder widening 250 $1,309,000 Additional turn lanes, in coop with City of Fort Collins 14,400 $300,000 034 / 017 --- --- Intersection of Trilby, Shields 038 / 005 --- --- Intersection of Harmony, Timnath Road Intersection alignment, CR 5 north and south of Harmony 6,400 $200,000 044H / 027 --- --- Intersection of Buckhorn, Stove Prairie Alignment, T-intersection 170 $100,000 Additional turn lanes 10,800 $300,000 048 / 019 49 / 019 --- Intersection of Vine Drive, Taft Hill Road 063E 13.00 0.10 Approx. 1.7 miles south of SH 14 Alignment at curve 130 $150,000 Roadway alignment, paving and shoulder widening 1,200 $2,810,000 08E 0.00 3.51 CR 31 - CR 23, Carter Lake 74E 12.30 2.00 McNey Hill Roadway alignment 1,200 $1,600,000 103 17.00 0.25 Approx. MP 17, Deadmans Curve Alignment at curve 70 $75,000 103 14.90 0.60 CR 190 to 0.6 miles south Widen, Alignment at curve 100 $200,000 Total $22,124,000 APPENDIX 8 UNPAVED ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 52 UNPAVED ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS (Roadway Paving and Shoulder Widening) Local Roads County Road Number Starting Mile Post Section Length (miles) Number of Lanes Surface Width (feet) Shoulder Width (feet) Estimated Cost 002E 0.00 1.00 US 287 CR 15 450 Local Road 2 24 4 $500,000 007 1.99 0.50 CR 24 CR 24E 210 Local Road 2 24 3 $250,000 013 7.95 1.23 SURF CHANGE (6 TO 4) CR 56 375 Local Road 2 22 0 $615,000 013 4.93 1.17 CR 30 Eastbound CR 32 600 Local Road 2 24 1 $586,000 013E 1.71 0.45 Abbotsford Road SRFCH (G TO E) CR 52H 500 Local Road 2 24 1 $225,000 013F 0.00 0.28 Kyle Avenue Trilby Road (CR 34) LC Humane Society 210 Local Road 2 24 3 $140,000 016 1.02 1.04 CR 21 CR 19 475 Local Road 2 24 5 $520,000 019 1.26 0.61 CR 16 CR 16H 600 Local Road 2 24 1 $304,000 023E 3.60 0.53 CR 56 CR 56E 240 Local Road 2 24 0 $265,000 025E 0.00 2.73 CR 24H CR 38E 600 Local Road 2 22 0 $2,935,000 031D 0.00 0.25 CR 22H Closed Gate 200 Local Road 2 24 1 $269,000 047 0.00 3.07 County Line Boulder SH 36 200 Local Road 2 24 1 $3,301,000 060E 0.00 2.38 CR 21 CR 60 210 Local Road 2 24 0 $1,190,000 063 0.00 0.58 Begin/Cheley Camp Rd CR 63A 240 Local Road 2 24 2 $628,000 072 5.29 1.00 CR 17 CR 15 300 Local Road 2 24 3 $500,000 122 0.00 0.84 SH 36 Alpine Drive 425 Local Road 2 24 4 $903,000 Total 17.66 Street Name Glade Road Big Elk Meadows Road Fish Creek Road Pole Hill Road Street (From) Street (To) Average Daily Traffic Larimer Co. Functional Classification $13,131,000 APPENDIX 9 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT AND REHABILITATION PROJECTS 53 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT AND REHABILITATION PROJECTS 1 Project Ref. No. County Road Structure Number Location 1 018E LR 18E-W0.2-31 * 0.2 miles west of CR 31 15 011C LR 11C-0.7-24E 6 056 11 Crossing Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Replacement Cost Cost Cost ADT's CDOT Ratings Condition Cottonwood Creek 793 9.2 Structurally Deficient $1,000,000 1.0 miles north of CR 28 Boyd/Horseshoe Exchange 842 39.5 Structurally Deficient $370,000 LR 56-0.5-3 * 0.5 miles east of CR 3 Poudre Valley Canal 55 34.0 Structurally Deficient $420,000 011 LR 11-0.1-54 0.1 miles north of CR 11 Larimer & Weld Canal 116 37.3 Structurally Deficient 12 056 LR 56-0.3-11 0.3 miles east of CR 11 Larimer County Canal 77 39.0 Structurally Deficient $258,000 17 056 LR 56-0.6-11 0.6 miles east of CR 11 Larimer County Canal 64 41.8 Structurally Deficient $252,000 24 080C LR 80C-5.0-190 5.0 miles west of CR 103 Laramie River 22 48.1 Structurally Deficient $404,000 29 003 LR 3-0.5-44 0.5 miles north of CR 44 Larimer & Weld Canal 147 50.0 Structurally Deficient $348,000 2 Forks Park Dr LR FORKS-PARK 0.1 miles south of US 34 Big Thompson River 9 14.5 Structurally Deficient $388,000 7 Access Road LR B5-1135BTC 0.3 mi. northwest of US 34 Big Thompson River 3 34.4 Structurally Deficient $318,000 8 024H LR 24H-0.1-25E * 0.1 miles east of CR 25E Indian Creek 825 34.9 Structurally Deficient $400,000 10 043 LR 43H-0.1-45B 0.1 miles north of CR 45B Little Thompson River 84 36.0 Structurally Deficient $570,000 13 015A LR 15A-0.4-4E 0.4 miles north of CR 4E Little Thompson River 98 39.0 Structurally Deficient $402,000 14 048 LR 48-0.2-19 0.2 mi. east of Taft Hill Rd. Larimer County Canal 3447 39.1 Structurally Deficient 20 007 LR 7-0.5-S1 * 0.5 miles north SH 1 Poudre Valley Canal 357 45.6 Structurally Deficient $238,000 21 005 LR 5-0.2-64 * 0.2 miles north of CR 64 Poudre Valley Canal 37 46.0 Structurally Deficient $214,000 33 038E LR 38E-0.1-25E 0.1 miles north of CR 25E Redstone Creek 1233 52.0 Structurally Deficient $408,000 42 015 LR 15-0.9-68 0.9 miles north of CR 68 North Poudre Canal 758 55.0 Structurally Deficient 50 063 LR 63-1.4-63A-A 1.4 miles north of CR 63A Fish Creek 582 67.8 Structurally Deficient 3 Service Road LR CO-FAIRGRNDS Larimer City Fairgrounds Big Thompson River 40 23.0 Structurally Deficient 46 045E LR 45E-0.2-S287 0.2 mi. northwest of US 287 Dale Creek 22 59.5 Structurally Deficient $1,374,000 18 056 LR 56-0.1-S287 0.1 miles east of US 287 Larimer County Canal 184 42.4 Functionally Obsolete $282,000 16 017 LR 17-1.0-48 1.0 miles north of CR 48 Larimer & Weld Canal 7272 40.8 Functionally Obsolete 19 069B LR 69B-S0.1-S66 0.1 mi. south of end SH 66 Big Thompson River 3070 42.8 Functionally Obsolete $780,000 23 021C LR 21C-0.2-50E 0.2 miles north of CR 50E Cache La Poudre River 3563 48.0 Functionally Obsolete $1,548,000 44 063E LR 63E-11.8-44H 75 feet south of SH 14 Cache La Poudre River 647 57.1 Functionally Obsolete $1,386,000 51 027 LR 27-0.1-32C 0.1 miles north of CR 32C Buckhorn Creek 1385 76.7 Functionally Obsolete $264,000 52 038E LR 38E-1.0-25E 1.0 miles north of CR 25E Charles Hansen Fdr Canal 843 76.9 Functionally Obsolete $190,000 57 103 LR 103-0.0-S14 100 feet north of US 34 Joe Wright Creek 201 80.1 Functionally Obsolete $366,000 58 029 LR 29-0.0-22H Junction with CR 22H Big Thompson River 235 92.0 Functionally Obsolete 22 064 LR 64-1.0-15 1.0 miles east of CR 15 Poudre Valley Canal 192 47.9 Functionally Obsolete $130,000 28 Waltonia Road LR B13-1810BTC 20 feet south of US 34 Big Thompson River 60 49.9 Functionally Obsolete $360,000 40 054G LR 54G-0.6-23E 0.1 mi. east of Settlers Rd. Jackson Ditch 2663 53.4 Functionally Obsolete $136,000 43 009 LR 9-0.4-56 0.4 miles north of CR 56 Larimer County Canal 924 56.6 Functionally Obsolete $168,000 45 054G LR 54G-0.5-52E 0.5 miles east of CR 52E Terry Lake Inlet Canal 7958 57.1 Functionally Obsolete $124,000 47 045B LR 45B-0.1-4F 0.1 miles east of CR 4F Little Thompson River 113 60.6 Functionally Obsolete $322,000 48 067 LR 67-0.2-67E 0.2 miles east of CR 67E Big Thompson River 3374 65.4 Functionally Obsolete $598,000 $126,000 $244,000 $20,000 $338,000 $542,000 $338,000 $538,000 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT AND REHABILITATION PROJECTS Project Ref. No. County Road Location 49 014 LR 14-0.8-23 0.8 miles east of CR 23 53 017 LR 17-0.5-48 54 038 55 Crossing Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Replacement Cost Cost Cost ADT's CDOT Ratings Condition Home Supply Ditch 2242 66.5 Functionally Obsolete $144,000 0.5 miles north of Vine Dr. Cache La Poudre River 5245 77.0 Functionally Obsolete $586,000 LR 38-0.3-I25 0.3 miles east of I-25 Cache La Poudre River 3987 77.2 Functionally Obsolete 003 LR 3-0.2-18 0.2 miles north of CR 18 Consolidated Hillsborough 75 79.5 Functionally Obsolete $94,000 56 013 LR 13E-0.3-24E 0.3 miles north of CR 24E Love/Horseshoe Exchange 2693 80.0 Functionally Obsolete $180,000 25 Access Road LR BP-1063BTC 0.1 miles north of US 34 Big Thompson River 22 49.5 Functionally Obsolete $260,000 26 Cedar Grove Road LR B4-1125BTC 0.2 miles north of US 34 Big Thompson River 18 49.5 Functionally Obsolete $288,000 $1,090,000 27 Access Road LR B15-2092BTC 0.2 miles south of US 34 Big Thompson River 6 49.7 Functionally Obsolete $288,000 30 Canyon Hideaway Dr. LR B6-1372BTC 15 feet south of US 34 Big Thompson River 83 50.4 Functionally Obsolete $300,000 31 014 LR B14-2056BTC 25 feet south of US 34 Big Thompson River 18 50.5 Functionally Obsolete $288,000 32 Access Road LR B16-2127BTC 60 feet north of US 34 Big Thompson River 8 50.7 Functionally Obsolete $288,000 34 Access Road LR B20-2382BTC 40 feet south of US 34 Big Thompson River 15 52.3 Functionally Obsolete $240,000 35 Access Road LR B8-1530BTC 35 feet south of US 34 Big Thompson River 7 52.4 Functionally Obsolete $240,000 36 Access Road LR B12-1748BTC 25 feet south of US 34 Big Thompson River 6 52.4 Functionally Obsolete $240,000 38 Access Road LR B7-1494BTC 30 feet south of US 34 Big Thompson River 5 52.5 Functionally Obsolete $240,000 37 Access Road LR B9-1544BTC 25 feet south of US 34 Big Thompson River 4 52.5 Functionally Obsolete $240,000 39 Happy Hollow Rd LR B22-2563BTC 25 feet north of US 34 Big Thompson River 10 53.4 Functionally Obsolete $240,000 41 Access Road LR B19-2358BTC 15 feet south of US 34 Big Thompson River 37 53.7 Functionally Obsolete $174,000 Total 2 Structure Number $14,246,000 $7,338,000 APPENDIX 10 TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECTS 54 APPENDIX 11 BIKE LANE/PATH PROJECTS 55 BIKE LANE/PATH PROJECTS County Road Number Street Name Shields Street, Taft Avenue Street (From) Street (To) Approximate Length (Miles) Estimated Cost General Remarks ISTEA Grant - To be completed in 1996 if local match acquired (Commuter Bikeway) Fort Collins City Limits Loveland City Limits (CR 28) 4.00 $195,000 042C Overland Trail (CR 21) Centennial Drive (CR 23) 2.00 $62,500 024E Madison Street CR 11C 2.00 $100,000 Coordination with City of Loveland On & Off Road 017 013 Lemay Avenue CR 30 CR 32 2.25 $187,500 020 57th Street CR 17 CR 11 (Boyd Lake) 6.00 $375,000 CR 11C CR 13 1.50 $280,000 Fort Collins City Limits Loveland City Limits (CR 28) 10.00 $487,500 CR 24E CR 28 3.00 $60,000 Included in financially constrained North Front Range Plan I-25 Timberline Road (CR 11) 6.00 $375,000 Included in financially constrained North Front Range Plan Taft Avenue US 287 Loveland City Limits 8.00 $400,000 Harmony Road I-25 CR 5 (Timnath Link) 1.00 $250,000 Cache La Poudre River Trail Strauss Cabin Larimer/Weld County Line 7.00 $1,750,000 Off Road 008 Berthoud Berthoud Link 1.50 $375,000 Off Road 016E CR 13C CR 13 1.00 $35,000 013 CR 16E SH 60, Campion 1.50 $50,000 CR 20 (First Street) CR 16E 3.00 $190,000 Trilby Road Wilson Avenue (CR 19) Lemay Avenue (CR 13) 6.00 $375,000 Big Thompson River Trail West Loveland Canyon mouth 7.00 $1,750,000 Off Road Cache La Poudre River Trail LaPorte Canyon mouth 6.00 $1,500,000 Off Road US 287 Brackenberry Natural Area 5.00 $1,250,000 Off Road 83.8 $10,047,500 030 019 Taft Hill Road, Wilson Avenue 011C 032 017 013C 034 074E Total Included in financially constrained North Front Range Plan APPENDIX 12 LARIMER COUNTY STATE HIGHWAY INVENTORY SOURCE: 1996 CDOT TRAFFIC VOLUME REPORT AND 1994 CORIS 56 LARIMER COUNTY STATE HIGHWAY INVENTORY ; SOURCES: 1996 CDOT TRAFFIC VOLUME REPORT AND 1994 CORIS Identifier 001A000000 001A000346 001A001079 001A001840 001A003706 001A007419 001A008651 001A009405 001A009543 001A009960 007A000000 007A000316 007A000458 007A001557 007A001651 007A001968 007A003482 007A003879 014B090959 014B096997 014B105737 014B111773 014B120590 014B121689 014C134726 014C134922 014C135126 014C135711 014C136046 014C136406 014C137619 014C138968 014C140233 025A252261 025A255272 025A257305 025A259309 025A262298 025A265314 025A268475 025A269370 025A271373 025A277884 025A281338 034A015122 034A051307 034A053758 034A057686 1 Section Terminus (Beginning of a Major Traffic Break) Larimer Co. Zone # Section Length JCT SH 287 1 0.345 RD E (CO RD 50E)(COUNTRY CLUB RD) 1 0.765 RD E (CO RD 52C)(GREGORY RD) 1 0.76 RD E AND W (CO RD 54) (DOUGLAS RD) 5 1.868 RD N (CO RD 15) 5 3.716 RD E AND W (CO RD 60) 5 1.25 RD N (CO RD 9) 5 0.742 RD N AND S (1ST ST), WELLINGTON 5 0.137 RD N AND S (3RD ST), WELLINGTON 5 0.415 JCT I 25 INTERCHANGE 5 0 JCT SH 36, ESTES PARK Estes Pk. 0.316 RD NE (4TH ST), ESTES PARK Estes Pk. 0.142 RD E (WOODSTOCK DR) RD W (STANLEY AVE), Estes ESTES Pk. PARK 1.117 RD E (COUNTRY CLUB DR) RD S (AVALON DR), Estes ESTES Pk. PARK 0.094 RD W (PEAK VIEW DR), ESTES PARK Estes Pk. 0.314 RD NW (TWIN DR), ESTES PARK Estes Pk. 1.598 RD NW (MARY'S LAKE RD), ESTES PARK Estes Pk. 0.344 RD SE (FISH CREEK RD), ESTES PARK 7 11.273 RD N (CO RD 69) (TO RED FEATHER LAKES) RUSTIC 9 6.162 RD SW (CO RD 63E) (EGGERS) 9 8.922 RD S (CO RD 27) (TO STOVE PRAIRIE) 9 6.185 RD N (CO RD 600) 9 8.897 RD N (CO RD 29C) 5 1.113 JCT SH 287, TED'S PLACE 5 0 JCT SH 287, FORT COLLINS Ft. Collins 0.191 RD NE AND SW (LINDEN ST) Ft. Collins 0.295 RD NE AND SW (MOUNTAIN AVE) Ft. Collins 0.595 RD W (MULBERRY ST) RD SE (RIVERSIDE AVE) Ft. Collins 0.334 RD N AND S (LEMAY ST) Ft. Collins 0.36 RD N (LINK LN) 1 1.227 RD NW AND SE (SUMMIT VIEW DR) 1 1.351 JCT I 25 INTERCHANGE 4 1.037 RD S (CO RD 5) 4 1.995 JCT SH 60 INTERCHANGE 2 3.041 JCT SH 402 2 2.02 JCT SH 34 INTERCHANGE 2 2.167 RD E AND W (CO RD 26) (AIRPORT DR) 2 3.015 JCT SH 392 INTERCHANGE 1 3.019 JCT SH 68 INTERCHANGE 1 3.061 JCT PROSPECT INTERCHANGE 1 0.999 JCT SH 14 INTERCHANGE 1 2.02 JCT CO RD 50 INTERCHANGE 1 6.507 JCT SH 1 INTERCHANGE 5 3.443 JCT OWL CANYON INTERCHANGE 5 11.253 ENTER ROCKY MTN N P 7 36.177 RS W (CO RD 20E) (HIDDEN VALLEY) 7 2.451 JCT SH 36 SE (DEER RIDGE) 7 3.928 RD SW (TOLL GATE) 7 1.551 AADT 2020 Forecast 7100 5000 4700 4200 2850 2850 3000 3950 3700 0 10500 9750 7870 6200 4700 3000 2750 2050 1250 1450 1600 2150 2350 0 15800 15400 18000 21300 32900 25200 21200 6400 4900 43800 44400 38600 38600 45000 32000 28000 18400 14800 13100 13000 1700 2100 1700 3450 10400 7300 6700 6000 5000 4900 5200 8600 8100 0 13700 12700 10200 8100 6100 3900 3600 2900 1500 1700 1900 2600 2800 0 19000 18500 21600 27700 42800 32800 27600 8300 6400 56500 72200 71400 67800 76700 66000 59400 42700 23700 20900 20600 2200 2700 2200 4500 Design Hour Volume Directional (% of Distribution (%) Lanes AADT) 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 0 17 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 16 16 15 12 12 0 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 20 19 20 19 70 70 65 55 55 55 55 55 55 0 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 0 60 60 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 60 60 65 65 65 65 Daily Funclass Capacity 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Minor Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. Freeway Freeway Freeway Freeway Freeway Freeway Freeway Freeway Freeway Freeway Freeway Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. 7300 7300 7800 10900 10900 9900 9900 10900 9900 0 7100 7100 7100 6700 6300 6300 6000 6000 7500 7500 8000 9900 9900 0 20200 20200 22100 24300 24300 34700 34700 10900 10900 72700 72700 72700 72700 72700 66100 66100 66100 66100 42400 42400 5100 5400 5100 5400 Current Needs 2020 Needs widen to 4 Current Improve. Costs 2020 Improve. Costs $590,000 In Estes Pk. widen to 4 In Estes Pk. widen to 4 In Estes Pk. widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 In Ft. Collins widen to 6 Not known Coris2.xls LARIMER COUNTY STATE HIGHWAY INVENTORY ; SOURCES: 1996 CDOT TRAFFIC VOLUME REPORT AND 1994 CORIS Identifier 034A059186 034A060965 034A061836 034A062081 034A062507 034A063194 034A063462 034A064232 034A064801 034A075584 034A083319 034A084757 034A085617 034A087690 034A088677 034A089386 034A089944 034A090276 034A090657 034A091207 034A091761 034A091924 034A092009 034A092149 034A092263 034A092763 034A093059 034A093549 034A094808 034A096250 056A000509 056A001535 056A002999 056B004491 056B004511 060A000000 060A000933 060A003811 060A004958 287C322987 287C323490 287C325557 287C325987 287C326413 287C326486 287C326697 287C326771 287C326937 2 Section Terminus (Beginning of a Major Traffic Break) Larimer Co. Zone # RD W (CO RD 20A), ESTES PARK Estes Pk. W JCT SH 34 ESTES PARK BUS RT SE Estes Pk. RD N (BIGHORN DR) RD S (VIRGINIA DR) Estes Pk. RD N AND S (MACGREGOR LANE) Estes Pk. E JCT SH 34 ESTES PARK BUS RT SW AND SH Estes 36 Pk. SE RD N (SUMMIT DR) Estes Pk. RD S (GRAND ESTATES DR) Estes Pk. RD N (CO RD 63E) (DRY GULCH RD), ESTES Estes PARKPk. RD S (CO RD 63) 7 RD NW (CO RD 43) (DRAKE) 7 RD NE (CO RD 22H) (NARROWS) 7 RD NW AND SE (CO RD 29) (CARTER LAKE ROAD) 7 RD N (CO RD 27) (THOMPSON CORNER) 7 RD NW (CO RD 22B) (WCL LOVELAND) 2 RD N (CO RD 19J) (MORNING DR) 2 RD S (CO RD 19E) (NAMAQUA RD) Lov RD N AND S (WILSON AVE) Lov RD N AND S (VAN BUREN AVE) Lov RD N AND S (TAFT AVE) Lov RD S (COLORADO AVE) Lov RD N AND S (GARFIELD AVE) Lov JCT SH 287 SB (CLEVELAND AVE) Lov JCT SH 287 NB (LINCOLN ST) Lov RD N AND S (WASHINGTON AVE) Lov RD N AND S (MONROE AVE) Lov RD N AND S (MADISON AVE) Lov RD N (BOISE AVE) Lov RD S (DENVER AVE), LOVELAND 2 RD N AND S ( CO RD 9) (BOYD LAKE RD) 2 JCT I 25 INTERCHANGE 2 RD S (CO RD 23) 8 RD N AND S (CO RD 21) 8 W JCT SH 287 8 E JCT SH 287, BERTHOUD 8 RD N AND S (FIRST ST), BERTHOUD 8 JCT SH 287 2 RD S (CO RD 904) 2 RD N (CO RD 7) 2 UNDERPASS I 25, CO RD E 2 RD E (CO RD 2E) 8 RD W (CO RD 4) 8 W JCT SH 56 8 RD N AND S (CO RD 17) 8 RD N AND S (8TH ST), BERTHOUD Berthoud RD N AND S (7TH ST), BERTHOUD Berthoud RD N AND S (4TH ST), BERTHOUD Berthoud RD N AND S (3RD ST), BERTHOUD Berthoud E JCT SH 56 Berthoud Section Length AADT 2020 Forecast 1.773 0.693 0.41 0.427 0.554 0.267 0.76 0.572 10.663 7.69 1.475 0.851 2.427 0.973 0.71 0.564 0.336 0.378 0.661 0.606 0.184 0.07 0.14 0.116 0.705 0.267 0.483 1.291 1.455 2.571 1.026 1.591 0 0.019 1.011 0.933 2.85 1.145 0 0.506 2.04 0.423 0.432 0.072 0.211 0.072 0.165 0.542 4500 2500 4350 5850 12600 8900 7000 4250 4800 6500 6450 8050 8600 11400 15000 18400 19700 23000 22900 23900 23600 27500 28000 27300 27000 25900 23800 23700 22900 27200 2900 3550 0 4650 4650 1500 1100 1150 0 12500 11300 14500 8350 8350 8350 8600 9150 7200 5900 3300 5700 7600 16400 11600 9100 5500 6200 9100 9000 12100 12900 18200 24000 29400 31500 32200 32100 33500 33000 41300 47600 49100 48600 46600 42800 42700 41200 53900 7900 9200 0 8800 8800 9500 5000 8600 0 12800 11600 18800 10800 10800 10800 11100 11800 9300 Design Hour Volume Directional (% of Distribution (%) Lanes AADT) 19 20 19 20 19 18 17 18 18 18 18 17 14 13 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 14 14 0 12 12 12 12 12 0 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 55 55 60 60 55 55 55 55 60 60 60 60 65 55 55 0 55 55 55 55 55 0 55 65 65 55 55 55 55 55 55 Daily Funclass Capacity 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Collector Collector 2 2 2 2 2 Minor Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. Minor Art. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. 5400 5100 5400 5100 5400 5700 6000 5700 5700 6200 6200 6600 8000 24500 28900 20200 20200 24300 24300 22300 22300 24300 24300 24300 24300 22300 22300 31800 31800 29400 8000 8000 0 9900 9900 9200 9200 9200 0 11100 9400 9400 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 Current Needs 2020 Needs Current Improve. Costs 2020 Improve. Costs widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 In Estes Pk. In Estes Pk. In Estes Pk. widen to 4 In Estes Pk. widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 $26,660,000 $19,230,000 $3,690,000 $2,130,000 $6,070,000 In Loveland In Loveland widen to 4 widen to 4 In Loveland In Loveland In Loveland In Loveland In Loveland In Loveland In Loveland In Loveland widen to 6 widen to 6 widen to 6 $2,190,000 $2,470,000 $4,370,000 widen to 4 $2,700,000 widen to 4 $1,590,000 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 $860,000 $3,470,000 $720,000 widen to 4 Coris2.xls LARIMER COUNTY STATE HIGHWAY INVENTORY ; SOURCES: 1996 CDOT TRAFFIC VOLUME REPORT AND 1994 CORIS Identifier 287C327456 287C328478 287C330023 287C331645 287C332028 287C332541 287C332613 287C333038 287C333155 287C333300 287C333374 287C333446 287C333707 287C334053 287C334312 287C334641 287C334877 287C335113 287C335227 287C335750 287C337147 287C339128 287C340181 287C341542 287C342167 287C342526 287C342809 287C343187 287C343325 287C343557 287C343722 287C344194 287C344544 287C344957 287C345212 287C345485 287C345717 287C345982 287C346218 287C346610 287C346746 287C346874 287C346975 287C347250 287C347720 287C348260 287C348544 287C349130 3 Section Terminus (Beginning of a Major Traffic Break) Larimer Co. Zone # Section Length RD W (BUNYAN AVE), BERTHOUD Berthoud 1.015 RD W (CO RD 10E) 8 1.557 JCT SH 60 E RD W (CAMPION) 2 1.631 RD SW (CO RD 15) (19TH ST) 2 0.397 JCT SH 402 E RD W Lov 0.512 RD E (8TH ST SE), LOVELAND Lov 0.072 JCT SH 287 N (CLEVELAND AVE, END 1-WAY RECIPROCAL Lov 0.424 SB) RD E AND W (1ST ST) Lov 0.116 RD E AND W (3RD ST) Lov 0.145 RD E AND W (5TH ST) Lov 0.074 RD E AND W (6TH ST) Lov 0.072 RD E AND W (7TH ST) Lov 0.261 RD W (10TH ST) Lov 0.346 JCT SH 34 (EISENHOWER BLVD) Lov 0.259 JCT SH 287 W (17TH ST) (BEGIN 1-WAY RECIPROCAL Lov SB) 0.329 RD W (23RD ST) Lov 0.236 RD N (LINCOLN AVE) Lov 0.236 RD E AND W (29TH ST) Lov 0.114 RD S (GARFIELD AVE), LOVELAND Lov 0.522 RD W (37TH ST) Lov 1.451 RD E AND W (57TH ST) 2 2.035 RD E (CO RD 32), FT COLLINS FC 1.025 RD E AND W (CO RD 34), TRILBY RD FC 1.371 RD E (FOSSIL CREEK PKWY) FC 0.616 JCT SH 68 E RD W (HARMONY RD) FC 0.351 RD W (TROUTMAN PKWY) FC 0.283 RD SE (BOARDWALK DR) FC 0.377 RD E AND W (HORSETOOTH RD) FC 0.137 RD E (MONROE DR) RD W (MASON ST) FC 0.231 RD E AND W (FOOTHILLS PKWY) FC 0.165 RD E AND W (SWALLOW RD) FC 0.472 RD E AND W (DRAKE RD) FC 0.35 RD E (COLUMBIA RD) FC 0.412 RD E (STUART ST) FC 0.255 RD E AND W (PROSPECT ST) FC 0.273 RD E AND W (PITKIN ST) FC 0.232 RD E (ELIZABETH ST) FC 0.265 RD E AND W (LAUREL ST) FC 0.236 RD E AND W (MULBERRY ST) FC 0.397 RD E AND W (MOUNTAIN AVE) FC 0.137 RD E (WALNUT ST) RD W LAPORTE AVE) FC 0.124 JCT SH 14 E RD W (MAPLE AVE) FC 0.101 RD E (WILLOW ST) RD W (CHERRY ST) FC 0.274 RD E (E VINE DRIVE) FC 0.469 RD E (CONIFER ST) FC 0.54 RD E AND W (WILLOX LANE), FT COLLINS 1 0.283 JCT SH 1 NE 1 0.796 RD SW (CO RD 50H)(MEADOW DR) 1 0.544 AADT 2020 Forecast 7700 8000 9000 12800 17400 17600 10500 11000 12500 14200 14200 15300 15900 13100 21800 21900 21500 22100 24800 22600 21300 21400 23200 27400 35400 37100 48400 44300 41400 42200 42500 51100 43300 50400 39800 40100 37400 38600 24200 21000 16700 23900 23400 24000 21100 19600 16800 14100 14300 14900 14400 20500 20900 21100 12600 13200 13800 15600 15600 16800 17500 14400 28300 28500 28000 28700 32200 29400 31700 27800 30200 38400 49600 51900 67800 62000 58000 59100 59500 56200 47600 55400 43800 44100 41100 50200 31500 27300 21700 31100 30400 31200 29500 27400 23500 19700 Design Hour Volume Directional (% of Distribution (%) Lanes AADT) 11 11 11 11 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 55 55 55 55 55 60 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 55 55 55 55 55 55 60 60 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 60 60 60 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 Daily Funclass Capacity Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. 11100 11100 15800 15800 24300 22300 11300 11300 11300 11300 11300 11300 11300 11300 24300 24300 24300 24300 24300 24300 31800 22300 24300 24300 36500 36500 40500 40500 40500 40500 40500 40500 40500 40500 27000 27000 27000 24300 24300 22100 22100 24300 24300 24300 24300 31800 14500 14500 Current Needs widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 2020 Needs Current Improve. Costs 2020 Improve. Costs widen to 4 widen to 4 $2,650,000 widen to 4 $670,000 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 In Loveland In Loveland In Loveland widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 In Ft. Collins widen to 4 widen to 4 In Ft. Collins In Ft. Collins In Ft. Collins In Ft. Collins In Ft. Collins widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 In Ft. Collins In Ft. Collins widen to 4 In Ft. Collins In Ft. Collins widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 $1,350,000 widen to 4 $920,000 Coris2.xls LARIMER COUNTY STATE HIGHWAY INVENTORY ; SOURCES: 1996 CDOT TRAFFIC VOLUME REPORT AND 1994 CORIS Identifier 287C349675 287C350354 287C352353 287C354903 287C354995 287C355856 287C363228 287C367011 287C367842 287C369947 287C373820 287C384999 392A000000 402A000000 402A002400 402A002741 402A003997 Section Terminus (Beginning of a Major Traffic Break) RD N AND S (CO RD 17), SHIELDS ST OLD SH 287 WEST, CO RD 54G OVERLAND TRAIL, CO RD 29 OLD SH 287 SOUTH, CO RD 56 RD SW (CO RD 54E) JCT SH 14 W AT TEDS PLACE RD N (CO RD 72) (OWL CANYON) RD W (CO RD 74E) (THE FORKS) RD N (CO RD 80), TO BUCKEYE RD W (CO RD 80C) ACCESS RD NE (CO RD 37) COLORADO-WYOMING STATE LINE JCT I 25 INTERCHANGE JCT SH 287 RD NW (CO RD 9E) RD S (CO RD 9) JCT I 25 INTERCHANGE Larimer Co. Zone # Section Length AADT 2020 Forecast 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 2 2 2 2 0.683 2.18 2.697 0.4 0.956 7.326 3.639 0.8 2.184 4.038 11.405 0 2.526 2.4 0.341 1.486 0 15700 6800 6950 8650 8300 4600 4350 3700 3450 3250 3600 0 10600 10700 8300 7900 0 22000 9500 9700 12100 13300 7400 5700 4800 4500 4200 4700 0 16700 25400 21600 20600 0 TOTAL - PROJECT NEEDS IN UNINCORPORATED LARIMER COUNTY 4 Design Hour Volume Directional (% of Distribution (%) Lanes AADT) 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 0 11 12 12 12 0 60 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 0 55 55 55 55 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Daily Funclass Capacity Current Needs Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. Minor Art. Major Art. Major Art. Major Art. widen to 4 14500 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 10200 11100 0 10900 14500 14500 14500 0 2020 Needs Current Improve. Costs 2020 Improve. Costs $1,160,000 widen to 4 widen to 4 $680,000 $1,630,000 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 widen to 4 $4,290,000 $4,080,000 $580,000 $2,530,000 $38,680,000 $58,600,000 Coris2.xls