Listing of Available Sponsorships Alphabetical AC Milan Heartland Cup............................................81 Human Resource Forum Series.............................. 124 Annual Meeting ..........................................................1 Intercity Visit 2013.....................................................20 Annual Meeting Video.................................................2 Internship Benefactor (New)...................................... 21 Annual Membership Mailing........................................3 Job Networking Forum Series (New)...................... 125 Annual Report and Outlook.........................................4 Largest Employers List..............................................37 Business After Hours 2014.......................................... 5 Leadership and Elected Officials Golf Outing............ 59 Capitol Luncheon Series...........................................55 Leadership Banquet..................................................22 Chamber Briefing Video..............................................6 Leadership Retreat & Board Meeting........................ 23 Chamber Presentation Folder..................................... 7 Legislative Benefactor...............................................60 Chamber Report..........................................................8 Legislative Breakfast Series 2014............................. 61 Chamber Sustainability Program Benefactor.............. 9 Legislative Reception (Joint Tulsa/OKC)................... 62 Choose Tulsa Relocation Guide ............................. 122 Local Hero/Tops In Tulsa Luncheon........................ 115 Circuit Series 2014....................................................10 Mayor’s Mentoring Breakfast..................................... 44 College Access Career Readiness............................ 39 Mayor’s State of the City Address............................. 63 Community Development Forums............................. 33 Meeting Planner Guide............................................ 116 Conference Room Sponsor (New)..................11 & 137 Meeting Tulsa At A Glance Brochure....................... 117 Congressional Forum Series.....................................56 Member Overview.....................................................24 Dine Around Tulsa................................................... 113 Membership Directory 2014......................................25 Downtown Tulsa Map.............................................. 114 Monday Memo...........................................................26 Economic Outlook Conference 2013......................... 34 MOSAIC Benefactor................................................126 Economic Profile.......................................................35 MOVE: A Forum for the Promotion of Women in Sports Education Benefactor................................................40 ..................................................................................88 Education Forum Series............................................41 New Member Portfolio...............................................27 Education Guide........................................................42 Oklahoma Scholars Graduate Recognition............... 46 Employer Workforce Outlook................................... 123 Oklahoma Scholars Program....................................45 Entrepreneurs Guide.................................................72 OneVoice Legislative Reception (Tulsa).................... 64 FIVB World League-USA Volleyball........................... 82 Partners In Education E-Newsletter.......................... 46 Golf Fall Classic 2013...............................................14 Partners In Education Forums................................... 51 Golf Fall Classic 2014...............................................18 Partners In Education Handbook.............................. 48 Golf Summer Classic 2013........................................12 Partners In Education KickOff Breakfast................... 49 Golf Summer Classic 2014........................................16 Partners In Education Newsletter.............................. 50 Governor’s State of the State-Tulsa 2013................. 57 Partners In Education Recognition Reception........... 52 Governor’s State of the State-Tulsa 2014................. 58 Partners In Legislative Success................................ 65 Health Care Forum Series.........................................43 Policy Forum Series..................................................66 2013 Resource Campaign i Listing of Available Sponsorships Alphabetical Political Directory & Legislative Agenda.................... 67 Tulsa Visitors Map................................................... 119 Quarterly Sports Forum.............................................90 Tulsa’s Young Professionals......................................92 Recruiter Roundtable Forums (New)....................... 127 TYPros “Art Around Town” Series............................ 105 Regional OneVoice Legislative Summit.................... 68 TYPros “Boom Town Awards” ...................................98 Resource Campaign KickOff 2014............................ 28 TYPros “Street Cred” Project .................................107 Resource Campaign Reward Session 2014............. 29 TYPros “Unplugged” Series....................................103 Resource Campaign Victory Celebration 2014......... 30 TYPros “YP Day At The Capitol”............................. 111 Small Business Awards Dinner 2013......................... 74 TYPros Community Impact Benefactor .................... 97 Small Business Benefactor.......................................75 TYPros Create Tulsa Series (New)......................... 110 Small Business Council Retreat................................ 77 TYPros Diversity Program Benefactor...................... 95 Small Business Forum..............................................78 TYPros Do-It-Yourself Series (New)........................ 101 Small Business Summit & Awards (New).................. 76 TYPros Family Event...............................................108 Speaker/Pro Temp Forum 2013................................69 TYPros Fitness in Tulsa (FIT Series) (New)............ 100 Sports After Hours 2014 (New).................................91 TYPros Host Sponsors............................................ 112 State of Education in Tulsa Metropolitan Area.......... 53 TYPros Intern Program Benefactor......................... 106 Strike Night 2013.......................................................89 TYPros Leadership Education Development (L.E.D. Talent Attraction & Retention Benefactor (New)...... 128 Series).....................................................................104 Talent Dividend .......................................................129 TYPros Leadership Through Legislation (New)......... 99 The 2013 Golf Package...........................................135 TYPros New Member Networking Series ............... 102 The 2013-2014 Executive Package........................ 132 TYPros Pub Club.....................................................109 The 2013-2014 Platinum Package..........................130 TYPros Sustainability Program Benefactor............... 96 The 2013-2014 Table Package................................131 USA BMX Grand Nationals.......................................85 The 2014 Exhibitor Package...................................134 VisitTulsa Mobile Center (New)............................... 121 The 2014 Golf Package...........................................136 VisitTulsa Visitor’s Guide (New).............................. 120 The 2014 Legislative Package................................133 36 The Forge-TYPros Business Development Center... 93 73 TSC Driller Suite........................................................86 79 TSC Football Tailgate................................................87 31 Tulsa Demographics..................................................38 Welcome Center (New).............................................32 Tulsa Regional Day At The Capitol............................ 70 Tulsa Regional Washington DC Fly-In 2014.............. 71 Tulsa Run 2013.........................................................83 Tulsa Sports Commission..........................................80 Tulsa Totes.............................................................. 118 2013 Resource Campaign ii Notes ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2013 Resource Campaign iii Annual Meeting Event Annual Chamber luncheon to be held on January 15, 2014 featuring the previous year’s accomplishments and next year’s priorities. Approximately 1,200 Tulsa business and civic leaders attend. The new Tulsa Regional Chamber chair of the board of directors is introduced and the prestigious chairman’s awards are presented. Presenting Sponsor: $10,000 (two available) •Receives top billing in advance and post publicity, on event visuals, on-line calendar and on materials printed for the event •CEO or representative to be seated at the head table •One reserved table for ten in prime location Host Sponsor: $9,500 (one available) Seeking a hotel to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •Recognized in advance and post publicity, on event visuals, on-line calendar and on materials printed for the event •CEO or representative to be seated at the head table •One reserved table for ten in prime location Gold Sponsor: $6,500 (twenty available) •Recognized in advance and post publicity, on event visuals, on-line calendar and on materials printed for the event •CEO or representative to be seated at the head table •One reserved table for ten in prime location 2013 Resource Campaign Silver Sponsor: $3,500 (twenty available) •Recognized in advance and post publicity, on event visuals, on-line calendar and on materials printed for the event •One reserved table for ten in prime location Parking Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) Provides free parking to all attendees of annual meeting in the Tulsa Convention Center parking garage •Recognized in advance publicity •Recognized during the event on signage at parking entrance •Recognized in script and on program at event •Two tickets to event Corporate Table Sponsor: $1,600 (unlimited available) •Recognized on invitation •Recognized on program at event •Recognized on sign at table •One reserved table for ten 1 Annual Meeting Video Video Features Tulsa and Chamber highlights and accomplishments for the past year. Presented in January 2014 at the Annual Meeting attended by approximately 1,200 Tulsa business leaders. Also available online at An excellent opportunity to promote your business in conjunction with Tulsa Regional Chamber successes. Presenting Sponsor: $2,500 (three available) •Company’s logo on video and/or 10 second logo video clip •Recognized on event visuals •One reserved table for ten 2013 Resource Campaign 2 Annual Membership Mailing Mailing The Chamber’s annual distribution of the Membership Directory, Annual Report and Outlook, replacement card for the membership plaque, window decal and other pieces disseminated to the entire Tulsa Regional Chamber membership. Distribution is 3,100+. member materialS | tulsachamber . com membership materials enclosed Presenting Sponsor PRATT INDUSTRIES presenting sponsors PRATT INDUSTRIES 2013 MemberBoxLabel.indd 1 12/13/12 10:35 AM Presenting Sponsor: $3,000 (three available) •Recognized with logo on the packaging and in the cover letter from Chamber 2013 Resource Campaign 3 Annual Report and Outlook Publication The Annual Report and Outlook is a premier publication featuring editorials from the outgoing chair of the board and the chair-elect as well as a review of the year’s accomplishments, financial report, strategic goals and volunteer leadership. The publication debuts at the Annual Meeting in January 2014 to approximately 1,200 attendees, mailed to the entire Chamber membership and disseminated throughout the year to new members. Total distribution is over 5,000. Also available on Chamber’s website as a .pdf file. REP ORT | 1 8 | 2 01 2 A N N UA L R E P O RT & 2 01 3 O U T LO O K a new location The Tulsa Regional Chamber moved to a new location in early December. Chamber offices merged new address is 1 W. Third St., Suite 100, with offices No. No. 1 2 in the country for the location of secure data centers, The Boyd Co. 2 No. city for young people to find a job, The Fiscal Times continues to grow its list of programs and events, there is an increased need to locate staff together and make event space more accessible to members. More than 400 regional leaders and Tulsa-area residents participated in the enVision Summit in No. No. No. April to discuss the future of economic development success in the region. Hosted by Tulsa County, and co-chaired by the regional cities and area mayors in No. partnership with regional chambers, the enVision Summit asked attendees to discuss in-depth five particular questions focused on a regional vision; a regional brand; new business recruitment and job No. No. growth; government collaboration/efficiency; and development projects. The Tulsa Regional Chamber and area chambers of commerce have continued the No. 2 3 3 5 6 6 8 work started at the enVision Summit by engaging for announced new and expanded industries, Site Selection in home value growth, best employment outlook, second quarter, Manpower city for out-of-state house hunters, most affordable vacation, for percentage growth in exports, Brookings Institution for manufacturing, Bureau of Labor Statistics 9 task forces regarding the event’s five topics. studying best practices No. The Chamber and chair-elect Jake Henry Jr., president and CEO of Saint Francis Health System, led a No. 9 14 on the “What’s Next” intercity visit to Charlotte, studied best practices in regionalism, economic development, tourism development, airport The annual What’s Next trip enables our region’s top civic leaders to identify opportunities to apply No. lessons learned from other communities in the Tulsa region in order to improve our collective economy and quality of life. fastest growing MSA in per capita personal income, Bureau of Economic Analysis 25 41 69 Top No. infrastructure and quality of life initiatives. No. best music scene outside of Nashville, NYC or LA, financially fit city, CredAbility delegation of 77 business and government leaders N.C. For the third annual intercity visit, the group Top cities for retirees, Forbes city out of top 150 for export growth, U.S. Conference of Mayors small city for families (Broken Arrow), Money Magazine family 100 metro among the leading world economies, Brookings Institution PRES ENTI Presenting Sponsor: $5,000 (three available) •Full-color company logo printed on front of publication and full-page full-color business promotion placed on the outside back cover OR inside front cover OR inside back cover amb er global location for oil and gas investment, Fraser Institute located on the 13th floor. As the organization creating a new vision tuls ach national accolades onto one floor in Williams Tower I, with meeting and conference room space on the plaza level. The | ANN UAL 4 | 2 01 2 A N N UA L R E P O RT & 2 01 3 O U T LO O K NG SPO NSO RS Silver Sponsor: $1,250 (two available) •Full-color quarter page business promotion placed on the inside Gold Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) •Full-color half page business promotion placed on the inside 2013 Resource Campaign 4 . com Business After Hours 2014 Exhibitor This highly attended networking event is held two times per year (February and October) 5:00-7:00 p.m. It attracts more than 700 attendees, and features a tradeshow with approximately 90-100 booths, as well as heavy hors d’oeuvres, cash bars and fun giveaways. Sponsors and exhibitors have the opportunity to promote their products and services. exhibitor cost: $350 per event •Receive a draped booth space with table and company sign (Sponsorship is non-transferable) 2013 Resource Campaign 5 Chamber Briefing Video Video Features an overview of Chamber programs and services with testimonials from members and partners. To be presented in 2013/2014 at Member Overview and Resource Campaign training sessions, and via the Chamber’s primary website, Presenting Sponsor: $1,000 (TWO available) •Company’s logo on video 2013 Resource Campaign 6 Chamber Presentation Folder Publication TulsachaMber.coM visiTTulsa.coM growMeTroTulsa.coM sourcelinkTulsa.coM Theforge-Tulsa.coM chooseTulsajobs.coM inTerninTulsa.coM PRESENTATIONS An attractive folder presenting Chamber publications, programs and agendas. Placed in front of more than 1,200 business leaders at the Annual Meeting as well as member briefings, new business prospects, the news media and board members throughout the year. Total distribution is approximately 2,500. Timeframe is January-December, 2014. t u l s ac h a m b e r . co m onevoiceTulsa.coM ip N -driven leadersh Our MissiO principal business Chamber is the through the The Tulsa regional community life g the quality of organization improvin c prosperity. regional economi development of DOWNTOWN TULSA Tulsa REGIONal ChambER presenTing sponsors ONE wEsT ThIRd sTREET, suITE 100 | Tulsa, Ok 74103 918.585.1201 | sTREET, suITE ONE wEsT ThIRd 918.585.1201 | mosaic MosaicTulsa.coM l ChambER 74103 Tulsa REGIONa 100 | Tulsa, Ok presenTi ng Mosaic Tulsa.c oM inTerni nTulsa DOWNTOWN TULSA .coM Tulsas porTs.o Theforge-Tuls a.coM choose Tulsajo rg bs.coM Typros .org source linkTul onevoi ceTuls sponsor s Our MissiON The Tulsa regional Chamber is the principal business-driven leadership organization improving the quality of community life through the development of regional economic prosperity. TulsadownTo mosaic Presenting Sponsor: $3,000 (three available) •Company logo printed on front of presentation folder sa.coM a.coM visiTTu lsa.coM growM eTroTu TulsachaMber .coM lsa.coM PRESEN TATION S t u l s ac h a m b e r . co m 2013 Resource Campaign 7 Chamber Report Publication Bi-monthly flagship publication of the Chamber used for communication, information and recognition of new members. This is a high visibility publication with a circulation of 6,200 to members, elected officials, civic leaders and media, and is available online at | t u l s ac h a m b e r . co m jan Uary / F e b r Uary 2013 vo lU m e 8 8 / I ss U e 1 ECONOMY FEATURE STORY Jake Henry Jr. formally begins tenure as 2013 board chair verizon adds 500 jobs onevoice priorities UnveIleD Celebrating 30 years of Partners In eDUcatIon borets-weatherford breaks ground on R&D center, plans workforce expansion mobIle aPP launches Energy sector manufacturing PLUS: A look inside bassmaster classIc Follow Us firm Borets-Weatherford broke ground on a new research and development (R&D) center in January, announcing plans to expand its Tulsa-region workforce. The Tulsa Regional Chamber assisted in the announcement. Jim Fram, Tulsa Regional Chamber senior vice president of economic development, joins BoretsWeatherford U.S., Inc. president and CEO Kim Arnold (center) and Tulsa Mayor Dewey Bartlett (left) in announcing Borets-Weatherford’s plans to construct a new research and development center in Tulsa. Chamber senior vice president of economic development Jim Fram agreed. takes the reins @tulsachamber Presenting Sponsor: $2,500 (12 available -2 per issue in 2014) •Full page article on company with photo or full-color logo inside publication Henry’s initiatives for 2013 include continuing the Chamber’s efforts to lead progress by advancing change and initiating development in the region; maintaining Hospitality club volunteer of the year the Chamber’s long-term strategic plan and focus on economic development, regional tourism, legislative success, education and expanding regionalism. Henry also plans to focus on addressing a plan for Oklahoma’s response to Medicaid Expansion, and promoting continued and increased funding of common education. “Representing the interests of the business community, promoting job growth and educational advancement, while also advocating for the interests and needs of those on the margins of our community — all will be accountabilities and duties assumed by the Chamber in 2013,” Henry said during his address before the business community. Henry assumed the role of chief executive officer at Saint Francis in July 2002. Since then, Saint Francis has become one of the country’s most prominent and well-respected health care institutions, whose clinical quality is rated among the very best in the nation. carl novara, Farmers Insurance* Novara Insurance Agency resource campaign top Producer shirley bailey, The Bama Cos. resource campaign chair mike thornbrugh of QuikTrip Corp., who led almost 190 volunteers in an effort that raised $3.5 million for the chamber’s annual Resource Campaign awards of excellence Co-chairmen of the Vision2 campaign: Don walker, commissioner john smaligo and mayor Dewey bartlett chairman’s award steve bradshaw, senior executive vice president of Bank of Oklahoma, and chairman of the VisitTulsa Advisory Council and executive committee. Under his leadership, VisitTulsa launched a capital campaign that raised more than $3.6 million to attract visitors and place the Tulsa region on equal footing with peer cities in visitor attraction funding verizon announces 500 tulsa-region jobs investment in R&D that will provide the “We congratulate Borets-Weatherford capability for full scope and automated on its continued success and growth in testing of pumps, motors and motor seals. northeast Oklahoma,” Fram said. “The “Borets-Weatherford is an company is making a substantial industry investleader, and the research and ment in the Tulsa area and is development adding highcenter the company has announced quality jobs that will greatly is exbenefit the citing news not only for the region.” company but also for the entire Tulsa region,” said Mike Borets-Weatherford is a participant in Neal, Tulsa Regional Chamber president the Oklahoma Quality Jobs incentive proand CEO. “This will further solidify north- gram with the opportunity to receive payeast Oklahoma’s standing as the thriving roll tax rebates in exchange for adding up hub for the energy industry and research to 100 jobs in Oklahoma. and development.” Jake Henry Jr. Borets-Weatherford is constructing a 15,000-square-foot R&D lab, and plans to add at least 30 employees in northeast Oklahoma. The new lab is a continuing On Jan. 16, the Tulsa Regional Chamber inaugurated Jake Henry Jr., president and CEO of Saint Francis Health System as its 2013 chair of the board of directors. Henry succeeds Becky J. Frank, chairman and CEO of Schnake Turnbo Frank | pR. More than 1,200 area business leaders, local officials and citizens were in attendance when the Chamber formally inaugurated Henry at its Annual Meeting, presented by Oklahoma State UniversityTulsa and hosted by the Tulsa Convention Center. 2012 ANNUAL AWARDS Verizon has announced plans to establish a financial services hub at its facility at Cherokee Industrial park in Tulsa, bringing 500 high-wage jobs to the region. Chamber officials said Verizon’s hiring plans are among the largest Tulsa-area job-creation announcements in years. Mike Neal announces new jobs coming to Tulsa Verizon currently employs more than 900 employees at its North Lakewood Avenue facility and plans to add hundreds more finance and accounting positions. The Tulsa office will handle accounts payable, accounting and select finance activities. contInUeD on PG 4 TULSACHAMBER.COM | THE CHAMBER REpORT 5 TULSACHAMBER.COM | THE CHAMBER REpORT 3 Silver Sponsor: $750 (12 available-2 per issue in 2014) •Fourth page full color business promotion inside publication Platinum Sponsor: $2,000 (6 available in 2014) •Three quarter-page full color business promotion on back cover Gold Sponsor: $1,250 (12 available-2 per issue in 2014) •Half page full color business promotion inside publication 2013 Resource Campaign 8 Chamber Sustainability Program Benefactor c/o Benefactor Underwrites all sustainability efforts of the Tulsa Regional Chamber. Company will be recognized as a sponsor for all Tulsa Regional Chamber internal green practices. Includes Lunch and Learn events designed to educate staff about current green initiatives and teach ways to be “greener” in everyday life. Timeframe is January - December 2014. benefactor Sponsor: $2,500 (three Available) •Recognized in Tulsa Regional Chamber kitchens as “green sponsor” •Logo recognition on recycling bins •Recognized on •Recognized in Monday Memo and Chamber Report 2013 Resource Campaign 9 Circuit Series 2014 Event The Circuit Series includes five Breakfast Networks, two Business After Hours, one Restaurant After Hours and one RoundTable Connection 5.0 breakfast. Breakfast Network provides businesses the opportunity to exchange ideas, network and get the lastest information on increasing profits. Business After Hours features a tradeshow with approximately 90-100 exhibitors as well as fun giveaways. Restaurant After Hours features 40-50 restaurant and exhibitors and caterers showcasing their business by giving samples of their cuisine to all attendees. RoundTable Connection 5.0 attendees make new business contacts every 10 minutes by a rotation schedule with five different table assignments. Annual attendance for the Circuit Series is 3,000+. NE T WOR K I NG SE R I E S YO U R T I C K E T 2013 CIRCUIT to the 2013 EVENTS CALENDAR NeT wo Rki Ng yO u B REA K FAST N E T WO R K JANUARY 8 WYNDHAM HOTEL, 10918 E. 41ST ST., 7:30 TO 9 A.M. B REA K FAST N E T WO R K JULY 9 WYNDHAM HOTEL, 10918 E. 41ST ST., 7:30 TO 9 A.M. For mor e RESTAURA N T A F T E R H O U R S AUGUST 22 LOCATION TBA, 5 TO 7 P.M. Find us B REA KFAST N E T WO R K SEPTEMBER 10 WYNDHAM HOTEL, 10918 E. 41ST ST., 7:30 TO 9 A.M. ses can be pur chase tion info rma on face book ema il lsacham Reg PRST US POS STD TAGE PAID PERMIT TULSA, 348 OK online even ts@ and @tu Tulsa ional Chambe One Wes r t Thir d Stre Tulsa, et, Suite Oklahom 100 a 7410 3 at tuls acha TulsaChamb mbe unt or call 918- 560 il Jan. 7, 201 -021 2. 3. ber PReS eNTiNg B USI N ESS A F T E R H O U R S OCTOBER 17 HARD ROCK HOTEL AND CASINO, 777 W. CHEROKEE ST. SMALL SPoN SoRS HoST goLD RO UN DTA B L E CO N N E CT IO N 5 .0 NOVEMBER 12 WYNDHAM HOTEL, 10918 E. 41ST ST., 7:30 TO 9 A.M. 2013 Resource Campaign S ne TW Chamb OR kIn be ST er me g ev mbers CO nn 201 3 en TS instant eC T. Net wo ly save rkin g holder, $20 with Ser ies memb ann ual the pur ers includi chase Pass ng 5 Bre receive adm for $12 of a ission akfast After to all nine 5. As an ann Networ Hours, ual pas 1 Roundt ks, 2 Bus networ s king eve able Con iness Aft nts er Hou nection rs, 1 Res 5.0. tauran Annual t Pas B REA K FAST N E T WO R K MAY 14 WYNDHAM HOTEL, 10918 E. 41ST ST., 7:30 TO 9 A.M. Gold Sponsor: $5,000 (six available) •Receives recognition in advance and post publicity for The Circuit Series •Recognition on event visuals, event materials and announced at event •Complimentary booth in a prime location at Business After Hours •Opportunity for promotional material at each participant’s place at Breakfast Network and RoundTable Connection 5.0 •Two annual passes SeR ieS nD Th e CIR & jO In Cu IT uS Wh Se RIe eR e Th e 20 13 AT Te B REA K FAST N E T WO R K MARCH 12 WYNDHAM HOTEL, 10918 E. 41ST ST., 7:30 TO 9 A.M. Presenting Sponsor: $10,000 (two available) •Receives top billing in advance and post publicity for The Circuit Series •Recognition on event visuals, event materials and announced at event •Complimentary double booth in a prime location at Business After Hours •Opportunity for promotional material at each participant’s place at Breakfast Network and RoundTable Connection 5.0 •Four annual passes R TICk e CIRC uIT T to t he B USI N ESS A F T E R H O U R S FEBRUARY 7 TULSA CONVENTION CENTER, 100 CIVIC CENTER, 5 TO 7 P.M. SPoN SPoN SoRS SoRS BUSiNeSS BeNe FACT oRS Breakfast network host sponsor: $6,500 (six events-one available) business after hours host sponsor: $7,500 (two available) restaurant after hours host sponsor: $1,000 (one available-facilities only) Seeking a venue to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •Recognized in advance and post publicity for event •Recognition on event visuals, event materials and announced at event •Two tickets to event 10 Conference Room Sponsor (New) Naming Rights c/o This is a great opportunity to support the chamber while branding and marketing your company. The room is named after your company. As a sponsor of a room your company will receive visuals outside the room and you will have the opportunity to decorate the room to show off your brand and organization. All meeting notices will include your room name. Join existing sponsors such as Blue Cross Blue Shield, Bama, Crossland Construction, Flintco LLC, IC Bus LLC, J. D. Young Company, Manhattan Construction, Meek’s Group, Scott Rice and Spirit AeroSystems. Room sponsorship is for five years. Conference Room Sponsor: $15,000 (One available) •One room in the Economic Development area •Dimensions are 12’ x 19’ •Floor-to-ceiling glass 19 foot exterior wall with north exposure 2013 Resource Campaign 11 Golf Summer Classic 2013 Event To be held on Monday, June 24, 2013 at Tulsa Country Club with a scramble format. The purpose of this tournament is networking among the participants and revenue generation for the Chamber. Title Sponsor: $10,000 (one available) •Receives top billing in advance and post publicity of event; on-line calendar and on event visuals •CEO or representative recognized from podium at tournament functions •Two teams of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight afternoon Awards Sponsor: $3,000 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on event visuals •CEO or representative recognized from podium at awards reception •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Host Sponsor: $10,000 (one available) Seeking a private country club to provide green fees, golf carts, and driving range. (Direct budget reduction) Must have approval from Chamber. •Recognized in advance and post publicity, at event and on visuals •Recognized from podium at post tournament function •Two teams of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Putting Green Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on putting green visuals •Ability to offer give-aways or conduct contests at putting green •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Breakfast Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity for breakfast and on event visuals •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight morning Awards Sponsor: $3,000 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity for luncheon and on event visuals •CEO or representative recognized from podium at luncheon •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight 2013 Resource Campaign Driving Range Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on driving range visuals •Ability to offer give-aways or conduct contests at driving range •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight (continued on next page) 12 Golf Summer Classic 2013 Event (Continued from previous page) Drink Cart Sponsor: $3,000 (three available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on cart visuals •Ability to offer give-aways •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight •Opportunity for company rep to ride on cart Golf Ball Sponsor: $1,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on visuals •Opportunity for company rep(s) to distribute golf balls at event registration •Company to provide sleeve of three golf balls per player •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Golf Glove Sponsor: $1,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on visuals •Opportunity for company rep(s) to distribute gloves at event registration •Gloves provided by company •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight 2013 Resource Campaign Towel Sponsor: $1,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on visuals •Opportunity for company rep(s) to distribute towels at event registration •Towels provided by company •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Tee Box Sponsor: $1,500 (four available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on visuals at tee box •Ability to offer give-aways or conduct contests at tee box •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Greens Sponsor: $1,500 (eleven available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on visuals at green •Ability to offer give-aways or conduct contests at green •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight 13 Golf Fall Classic 2013 Event To be held on Monday, September 30, 2013 at Cedar Ridge Country Club with a scramble format. The purpose of this tournament is networking among the participants and revenue generation for the Chamber. Title Sponsor: $10,000 (one available) •Receives top billing in advance and post publicity of event; on-line calendar and on event visuals •CEO or representative recognized from podium at tournament functions •Two teams of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight afternoon Awards Sponsor: $3,000 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on event visuals •CEO or representative recognized from podium at awards reception •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Host Sponsor: $10,000 (one available) Seeking a private country club to provide green fees, golf carts, and driving range. (Direct budget reduction) Must have approval from Chamber. •Recognized in advance and post publicity, at event and on visuals •Recognized from podium at post tournament function •Two teams of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Putting Green Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on putting green visuals •Ability to offer give-aways or conduct contests at putting green •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Breakfast Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity for breakfast and on event visuals •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight morning Awards Sponsor: $3,000 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity for luncheon and on event visuals •CEO or representative recognized from podium at luncheon •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight 2013 Resource Campaign Driving Range Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on driving range visuals •Ability to offer give-aways or conduct contests at driving range •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight (continued on next page) 14 Golf Fall Classic 2013 Event (Continued from previous page) Drink Cart Sponsor: $3,000 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on cart visuals •Ability to offer give-aways •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight •Opportunity for company rep to ride on cart Towel Sponsor: $1,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on visuals •Opportunity for company rep(s) to distribute towels at event registration •Towels provided by company •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Golf Ball Sponsor: $1,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on visuals •Opportunity for company rep(s) to distribute golf balls at event registration •Company to provide sleeve of three golf balls per player •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Tee Box Sponsor: $1,500 (five available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on visuals at tee box •Ability to offer give-aways or conduct contests at tee box •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Golf Glove Sponsor: $1,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on visuals •Opportunity for company rep(s) to distribute gloves at event registration •Gloves provided by company •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight 2013 Resource Campaign Greens Sponsor: $1,500 (sixteen available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on visuals at green •Ability to offer give-aways or conduct contests at green •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight 15 Golf Summer Classic 2014 Event To be held on Monday, June 23, 2014 at Tulsa Country Club with a scramble format. The purpose of this tournament is networking among the participants and revenue generation for the Chamber. Title Sponsor: $10,000 (one available) •Receives top billing in advance and post publicity of event; on-line calendar and on event visuals •CEO or representative recognized from podium at tournament functions •Two teams of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight afternoon Awards Sponsor: $3,000 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on event visuals •CEO or representative recognized from podium at awards reception •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Host Sponsor: $10,000 (one available) Seeking a private country club to provide green fees, golf carts, and driving range. (Direct budget reduction) Must have approval from Chamber. •Recognized in advance and post publicity, at event and on visuals •Recognized from podium at post tournament function •Two teams of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Putting Green Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on putting green visuals •Ability to offer give-aways or conduct contests at putting green •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Breakfast Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity for breakfast and on event visuals •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight morning Awards Sponsor: $3,000 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity for luncheon and on event visuals •CEO or representative recognized from podium at luncheon •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight 2013 Resource Campaign Driving Range Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on driving range visuals •Ability to offer give-aways or conduct contests at driving range •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight (continued on next page) 16 Golf Summer Classic 2014 Event (Continued from previous page) Drink Cart Sponsor: $3,000 (Four available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on cart visuals •Ability to offer give-aways •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight •Opportunity for company rep to ride on cart Towel Sponsor: $1,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on visuals •Opportunity for company rep(s) to distribute towels at event registration •Towels provided by company •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Golf Ball Sponsor: $1,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on visuals •Opportunity for company rep(s) to distribute golf balls at event registration •Company to provide sleeve of three golf balls per player •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Tee Box Sponsor: $1,500 (twenty four available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on visuals at tee box •Ability to offer give-aways or conduct contests at tee box •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Golf Glove Sponsor: $1,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on visuals •Opportunity for company rep(s) to distribute gloves at event registration •Gloves provided by company •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Greens Sponsor: $1,500 (twenty four available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on visuals at green •Ability to offer give-aways or conduct contests at green •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight 2013 Resource Campaign 17 Golf Fall Classic 2014 Event To be held on Monday, October 13, 2014 at the Cedar Ridge Country Club with a scramble format. The purpose of this tournament is networking among the participants and revenue generation for the Chamber. Title Sponsor: $10,000 (one available) •Receives top billing in advance and post publicity of event; on-line calendar and on event visuals •CEO or representative recognized from podium at tournament functions •Two teams of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight afternoon Awards Sponsor: $3,000 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on event visuals •CEO or representative recognized from podium at awards reception •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Host Sponsor: $10,000 (one available) Seeking a private country club to provide green fees, golf carts, and driving range. (Direct budget reduction) Must have approval from Chamber. •Recognized in advance and post publicity, at event and on visuals •Recognized from podium at post tournament function •Two teams of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Putting Green Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on putting green visuals •Ability to offer give-aways or conduct contests at putting green •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Breakfast Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity for breakfast and on event visuals •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight morning Awards Sponsor: $3,000 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity for luncheon and on event visuals •CEO or representative recognized from podium at luncheon •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight 2013 Resource Campaign Driving Range Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on driving range visuals •Ability to offer give-aways or conduct contests at driving range •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight (continued on next page) 18 Golf Fall Classic 2014 Event (Continued from previous page) Drink Cart Sponsor: $3,000 (Four available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on cart visuals •Ability to offer give-aways •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight •Opportunity for company rep to ride on cart Towel Sponsor: $1,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on visuals •Opportunity for company rep(s) to distribute towels at event registration •Towels provided by company •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Golf Ball Sponsor: $1,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on visuals •Opportunity for company rep(s) to distribute golf balls at event registration •Company to provide sleeve of three golf balls per player •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Tee Box Sponsor: $1,500 (twenty four available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on visuals at tee box •Ability to offer give-aways or conduct contests at tee box •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Golf Glove Sponsor: $1,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on visuals •Opportunity for company rep(s) to distribute gloves at event registration •Gloves provided by company •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight Greens Sponsor: $1,500 (twenty four available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on visuals at green •Ability to offer give-aways or conduct contests at green •Team of four to participate in morning or afternoon flight 2013 Resource Campaign 19 Intercity Visit 2013 Event The Tulsa Regional Chamber has visited three cities since 2010 to learn best practices from other topperforming regions. Last year, the Chamber led a group of influential and diverse regional representatives to Charlotte, North Carolina to learn more about its merged city-county government, regional economic development pact, and downtown and river development. Attendees included more than 70 leaders from the Chamber, Mayors from Tulsa, Jenks, Bixby, Broken Arrow, and Owasso, County Commissioner, Tulsa City Council members, INCOG, and local city managers. Attendance is expected to increase in 2013, when the group will visit Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on October 13-15 to learn about its success in economic development and downtown revitalization. The trip is chaired by 2014 Chair-elect Wade Edmundson. 10/19/2012 2012 Whats Presenting Sponsor: $7,500 (three available-cash only) •One company representative to attend trip ($2,000 value) •Recognized during entire Intercity Visit as Presenting sponsor •Opportunity for company representative to address attendees •Company logo on all printed materials for event •Company logo on event visuals Dinner Sponsor: $5,000 (one available) •Recognized as Dinner sponsor at event •Company name listed in Intercity Visit program guide •Company logo on event visuals Opportunity to address attendees during dinner Lunch Sponsor: $2,500 (two available) •Recognized as Lunch sponsor at event •Company name listed in Intercity Visit program guide •Company logo on event visuals Welcome reception Sponsor: $5,000 (one available) •Recognized as Reception sponsor at event •Company name listed in Intercity Visit program guide •Company logo on event visuals Next travel booklet covers.indd 2:06:51 PM 1 Bus tour Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) •Recognized during bus tour •Company name listed in Intercity Visit program Elected official scholarship: $2,000 It is critical regional elected officials attend the valuable programs during the What’s Next trip. Consider underwriting the cost to ensure they are a part of the inclusive discussions surrounding regional planning. •Opportunity to designate ellected official and provide welcome letter to recipient Welcome Basket Sponsor: $1,500 (one available) •Recognized as Welcome Basket sponsor during Intercity Visit •Company logo displayed with “Courtesy Of” note accompanying each basket •Company logo listed on event visuals Speaker gift Sponsor: $1,000 (two available) •Recognized as Speaker Gift sponsor during Intercity Visit •Company logo displayed with “Courtesy Of” note accompanying each gift •Company logo listed on event visuals Breakfast Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) •Recognized as Breakfast sponsor at event •Company name listed in Intercity Visit program guide •Company logo on event visuals 2013 Resource Campaign 20 Internship Benefactor(New) Benefactor c/o Internship benefactors will assist in funding scholarships for Tulsa Regional Chamber intern positions for 12 months. College interns assist the Chamber in executing its programs and services by helping staff in departments, including the Tulsa Sports Commission, VisitTulsa, Small Business, IT, Communications and Human Resources. Timeframe is January - December 2014. Benefactor Sponsor: $2,500 (four available) •Sponsor logo in Internship area •Recognition in Chamber report with a story on program 2013 Resource Campaign 21 Leadership Banquet Event Reception and appreciation dinner at Southern Hills Country Club to be held on December 12, 2013 for the current board of directors, their guests and the incoming board of directors. Program includes roast of current chair of the board and comments from the chair-elect. Attendance is approx. 100. Presenting Sponsor: $3,500 (six available) •Recognized on invitations and at event •Opportunity for CEO and guest to attend event 2013 Resource Campaign 22 Leadership Retreat & Board Meeting Event Held on October 28, 2013 for Chamber board, executive committee, board of advisors, and previous year’s board to develop strategic plans for the business community. Facilitated program results in written report with plan of action for the Chamber’s priorities. Attendance is approx. 100. Presenting Sponsor: $5,000 (one available) •Receives top billing on invitation to retreat and at event •Opportunity for CEO to attend event Gold Sponsor: $2,500 (five available) •Recognition on invitation to retreat and at event •Opportunity for CEO to attend event Host Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) Seeking a facility to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •Recognition on invitation to retreat and at event •Opportunity for CEO to attend event 2013 Resource Campaign 23 Member Overview Event Overview for members featuring a discussion of Chamber programs, involvement opportunities, Chamber staff meet-and-greet, a comprehensive member video, and relationship building with other members including Hospitality Club and Small Business Council members. Held quarterly in 2014, with an average of 50 members attending each session. You are cor dially invited Member B Sponsored to attend riefing by Thursday, February Tulsa Conven 24 ■ 4:00 p.m. tion Center 3rd St. & Houst Join other on members for this insi making you ghtful r Cha organization mber the premier bus look at the activitie s iness-driven benefits, serv in the metro area leadership . Gain ices and bus iness-buildin an understanding of g opportunitie through you s available r member ship. Attendees rece Business Afte ive complimentary adm r Hours imm issio ediately follo n to wing. For res Ruth Littlefi ervations eld (918) 56 ruthlittlefiel 0-0280 d@tulsacha Williams Cent er Tower II ▪ Two Wes t Second St., Suite 150 918-585-1201 ▪ Tulsa, OK 74103 ▪ www.Tuls Presenting Sponsor: $250 per event (four available) •Recognition on invitation (printed and digital) and signage at event •CEO or representative is invited to attend and greet members upon arrival •Distribution of company’s promotional materials (provided by company to each attendee) •Opportunity to offer door prizes (provided by company) 2013 Resource Campaign 24 Membership Directory 2014 Publication | 1 | tulsachamber . com MEMBERShip The Membership Directory highlights more than 3,100 Chamber member listings alphabetically and by category. This flagship publication is used daily by members seeking business-to-business opportunities. It is disseminated in the annual mailing to members and in new member packets throughout the year. Approximate distribution is 4,000. presenting sponsors Members Directory.indd 1 Presenting Sponsor: $5,000 (three available) •Full-color company logo printed on front of publication and full-page full-color business promotion placed on the outside back cover OR inside front cover OR inside back cover Gold Sponsor: $2,500 (three available) •Full-color half page business promotion placed on the inside 2013 Resource Campaign 1/4/13 8:38 AM Silver Sponsor: $1,500 (four available) •Full-color quarter page business promotion placed on the inside bronze Sponsor: $500 (unlimited available) •Black and white business card size business promotion on category page 25 Monday Memo Publication A weekly e-newsletter distributed to all Chamber members, community leaders and the media. This newsletter contains local updates affecting Tulsa’s business community and the community at large, a listing of current Chamber projects, and recognizes new members. The Monday Memo is also available for viewing on the Chamber’s website weekly. Monthly distribution is over 26,000. Presenting Sponsor: $1,000 per month (five per month available-Jan. thru Dec. 2014) •Logo appears on memo and on version posted on the Chamber’s website •Logo linked to member website 2013 Resource Campaign 26 New Member Portfolio Publication Each year, approximately 1,000 businesses receive the new member portfolio containing Chamber information. Sponsor provides company logo and/or information about company. Sponsors may also include company brochure or other printed piece. A great opportunity to put company information in the hands of new members. Distribution begins first quarter 2014. | growMetrotulsa.coM sourcelinktulsa.coM theforge-tulsa.coM choosetulsajobs.coM internintulsa.coM onevoicetulsa.coM mosaic grow with us visittulsa.coM Mosaictulsa.coM tulsachamber . com NEW MEMBERS tulsachaMber.coM DOWNTOWN TULSA presenting sponsor Tulsa REGIONal ChambER ONE wEsT ThIRd sTREET, suITE 100 | Tulsa, Ok 74103 918.585.1201 | Our MissiON The Tulsa regional Chamber is the principal business-driven leadership organization improving the quality of community life through the development of regional economic prosperity. Presenting Sponsor: $1,500 (one available) •Receives top billing on the portfolio containing new member material •Enclosure of one printed piece provided by company 2013 Resource Campaign Gold Sponsor: $750 (four available) •Enclosure of one printed piece provided by company 27 Resource Campaign KickOff 2014 Event Event marks the beginning of the Chamber’s annual Resource Campaign. Approximately 200 volunteers, business leaders and Chamber leaders attend. Presenting Sponsor: $1,500 (one available) •Recognition in advanced publicity, Chamber Report and campaign handbook •Recognized on visuals at event •Recognized as sponsor in thank you edition at close of campaign 2013 Resource Campaign Host Sponsor: $1,500 (one available) Seeking a hotel to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •Recognition in Chamber Report and campaign handbook •Recognized on visuals at event •CEO or representative seated at head table •Recognized as sponsor in thank you edition at close of campaign 28 Resource Campaign Reward Session 2014 Event Weekly event held during the Chamber’s annual Resource Campaign to report production, motivate volunteers and update volunteers of Campaign activity. Producing volunteers receive weekly rewards. Volunteers, business leaders and Chamber leadership attend. Host Sponsor: $1,000 (eight available-one per event) Seeking a facility to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •CEO or representative recognized at reward session •Recognized as sponsor in thank you edition at close of campaign 2013 Resource Campaign 29 Resource Campaign Victory Celebration 2014 Event This event celebrates the successful completion of the Chamber’s annual Resource Campaign. Approximately 200 volunteers, business leaders and Chamber leaders will attend. Host Sponsor: $4,000 (one available) Seeking a facility to provide location and/or food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •Recognition in Chamber Report and on event visuals •CEO or representative recognized at event •Recognized as sponsor in thank you edition at close of campaign 2013 Resource Campaign 30 Website - Internet The Tulsa Regional Chamber site provides regularly updated news and announcements on the homepage; a calendar of events with online registration; the Chamber membership directory; easily navigated tabs about every facet of the Chamber’s programs and services; and helpful links to partners and affiliate sites. The website was re-launched in early 2013 with a new real-time, interactive design and content that gives site visitors a reason to visit the site more frequently. With the new site comes additional promotion and marketing to drive visitors to the site. Timeframe is January -December, 2014. home page Sponsor: $500 per month (twelve available) subject page Sponsor: $1,500 per year (eight available) The homepage sponsor will receive a static (unchanging, always visible) banner ad on the homepage. The banner ad can include company logo and brief description (no more than 35 words), or a solid jpg “advertisement.” Homepage sponsorship can be bought for more than one month; however, new ads/ artwork must be provided monthly. section sponsors will receive a static (always visible) banner ad on the designated section of the website for 12 months. The banner ad can include company logo and brief description (no more than 35 words), or a solid jpg “advertisement.” Section sponsors are encouraged to submit new/fresh art monthly in order to keep with the feel of the website, which features new content daily. Available sections include: • Membership • Events • Economic Development • Small Business Connection • Government Affairs • Education/Workforce • Tourism & Sports • Community 2013 Resource Campaign 31 Welcome Center (New) Sponsor The Tulsa Regional Chamber is pleased to offer member companies the opportunity to showcase their business on one of the LCD televisions located in the Welcome Center of the plaza level lobby of Williams Center Tower I. This sponsorship includes a five second graphic business promotion to run during normal chamber business hours. First available quarter is July-September, 2013. gold Sponsor: $1,000 per quarter (five available per quarter) •Business promotion on LCD television in Chamber’s Welcome Center (see above) 2013 Resource Campaign 32 Community Development Forums Event These seminars address topics of interest to business, civic and development leaders who aspire to see downtown Tulsa reach full potential. Held twice a year in 2014, the forums also provide an opportunity for these leaders to network and gather successful partnership ideas. Attendance is approximately 50 per forum. Presenting Sponsor: $1,500 (Two available) •Receives top billing on all printed materials, event visuals and program •Opportunity for company rep to welcome attendees •Recognition in on-line calendar 2013 Resource Campaign Gold Sponsor: $1,000 (three available) •Recognition on printed materials, event visuals and program •Recognition in on-line calendar 33 Economic Outlook Conference 2013 Event A highly anticipated event to be held in November or December designed to inform Tulsa area businesses of economic forces which impact business performance in the months and year ahead. Experts discuss local happenings, state and national issues and global circumstances that business executives need to understand, whether doing business down the street or around the world. Business and community leaders and the media attend this popular breakfast program. Attendance: 650. Presenting Sponsor: $8,000 (three available) •Receives top billing on printed material and on-line calendar and on event visuals •CEO or representative seated at head table and recognized from the podium •One reserved table of eight Speaker Sponsor: $5,000 (one available) •Receives top billing on printed material and on-line calendar and on event visuals •CEO or representative seated at head table and recognized from the podium •Opportunity for CEO or representative to introduce speaker at event •One reserved table of eight Gold Sponsor: $5,000 (SIX available) •Recognized in printed materials and on-line calendar and on event visuals •CEO or representative seated at head table and recognized from the podium •One reserved table of eight Silver Sponsor: $2,500 (five available) •Recognized in printed materials and on-line calendar and on event visuals •One reserved table of eight Corporate Table Sponsor: $1,000 (twenty available) •Recognized on event visuals printed for the event •One reserved table of eight Host Sponsor: $4,000 (one available) Seeking a hotel to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •Recognized in printed materials and on-line calendar and on event visuals •CEO or representative seated at head table and recognized from the podium •One reserved table of eight 2013 Resource Campaign 34 Economic Profile Publication An annual publication highlighting economic trends for 2013 and forecasts for 2014 for the metro area. Publication provides a 10-year history and short-term projections for all economic indicators important to business decisions. The 8-1/2 “ x 11” piece is distributed to 5,000 local businesses and business packets for prospective new companies. Will be published in first quarter 2014. Also, available online at and Where business is going. SCAN. Services High School / Adult / Business & Industry LEARN. SCAN. TULSA TECH. Services High School / Adult / Business & Industry LEARN. TULSA TECH. 2012 economic Profile 2012 economic Profile table of contents 1 2011 Economic Summary 3 Gross Product 4 Wage and Salary Employment 5 Industry Mix Employment 6 Unemployment 7 Labor Force and their workforce system. Industry •Customized --Manufacturing 8 Population Industry Training --Human Resources •Customized Tulsa Tech has been helping businesses efforts of our combined Through the their workforce years.businesses and forty helping been hasover Tulsa Tech for andoffull-time/ our efforts Business & Industry Services department for over forty years. Through the combined Tech has played evening/weekend class offerings, Tulsa and full-time/ Business & Industry Services department efforts, both a key role in economic development Tulsa Tech has played evening/weekend class offerings, the CareerTech locally and statewide throughefforts, both a key role in economic development system. CareerTech locally and statewide through the Per Capita Income Average Weekly Earnings in Manufacturing Training & Quality --Human --ISOResources --Environmental, Health & Safety --Manufacturing Quality --ISO & •Adult & Career Development & Safety & short courses --Environmental, Healthbusiness-related Retail Sales services & short courses & entrepreneurial business-related enrollment development --Open --Business yment --Small business management/self-emplo •Small Business Assistance training programs & entrepreneurial services 13 14 Total Bankruptcies 15 Business Bankruptcies --Business development •Full-time management/self-employment businessPrograms --Small an on-going pipeline of technically --Providing programs training new & incumbent 16 Banking competent, work-ready, credit available for most of technically students high school Open to pipeline an on-going programs. --Providing work-ready, new & incumbent & adults. competent, for most employees. College credit available Business contactstudents information to high school Open For more programs. or & Industry Services at 918.828.5400 & adults. 18 Port of Catoosa Estimate of Annual Median Base Presenting sPonsors 17 Travel Industry Programs College •Full-time employees. 9 11 12 Residential Real Estate Non-residential Real Estate --Open enrollment Development & Career Assistance •Adult•Small Business 10 Salaries .edu 19 visit our website at Life in Progress, Careers in Motion. 2012 Economic Profile.indd 1 For more information contact Business or & Industry Services at 918.828.5400 visit our website at 2/21/12 4:58 PM 2/21/12 4:58 PM 2012 Economic Profile.indd 3 Life in Progress, Careers in Motion. 2/21/12 4:58 PM 2012 Economic Profile.indd 2 Presenting Sponsor: $3,500 (two available) •Full- page four-color business promotion on inside front OR outside back cover and logo on front cover Silver Sponsor: $1,000 (four available) •Half- page four-color business promotion inside Gold Sponsor: $2,000 (two available) •Full- page four- color business promotion inside 2013 Resource Campaign 35 Website - Internet is an industry and community marketing tool. The site serves as a comprehensive clearinghouse of information for local companies interested in expansion opportunities and incentives; sitelocation consultants researching the most recent data on the Tulsa region; and prospective new businesses seeking a cost-effective community in which to consider relocation. The site contains demographics, cost of living index, economic profile, workforce analysis, largest employers list, business snapshots and much more. is a one-stop shop for anyone who does or is considering doing business in the Tulsa region. Timeframe is January-December, 2014. Primary Sponsors (Economic Development) Presenting sponsor: $5,000 (four available) •Logo with link to company’s web site appears in prominent position on home page and all additional pages throughout the site. Size of Logo 120 pixels wide by 40, 65KB 2013 Resource Campaign 36 Largest Employers List Publication Publication listing Tulsa employers of 250-1,000+ employees. Distributed to businesses local and nationwide. Includes company name, address, and phone number, type of operation, and product or service. A valuable sponsorship opportunity that will be published in first quarter 2014. Also available online at and tulsachamber. com. Distributed/downloaded more than 2,000 times yearly. 500 - 999 Employees 2012 Largest Employers List PUBLIC SERVICE CO OF OKLA 212 E 6TH ST TULSA OK 74102 (918)599-2000 ELECTRIC UTILITY QUIKTRIP CORP 4705 S 129 E AVE TULSA OK 74134 (918)615-7700 CONVENIENCE STORES REASOR’S FOODS 200 W CHOCTAW TAHLEQUAH OK 74464 (918)456-1472 GROCERS BAMA COS PO BOX 4829 TULSA OK 74159 (918)732-2000 (918)585-5484 WHOLESALE BAKERY CAPITAL ONE AUTO FINANCE 6929 N LAKEWOOD TULSA OK 74117 (918)581-6600 LOAN SERVICING CENTRILIFT 200 W STUART ROOSA DR CLAREMORE OK 74017-3095 (918)341-9600 (918)342-2316 PUMPS SAINT FRANCIS HEALTH SYSTEM 6161 S YALE AVE TULSA OK 74136-1992 (918)494-2200 (918)494-4501 HEALTH CARE SPIRIT AEROSYSTEMS INC. 3330 N MINGO RD TULSA OK 74116-1211 (918)835-3111 (918)832-2266 AEROSPACE ST JOHN MEDICAL CENTER 1923 S UTICA AVE TULSA OK 74104-6520 (918)744-2345 (918)744-2570 HEALTH CARE DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES 444 S HOUSTON TULSA OK 74127 (918)581-2401 SOCIAL SERVICES DILLARD’S ALL LOCATIONS TULSA OK N/A (918)438-1000 RETAIL FORD GLASS 5555 S 129TH EAST AVE TULSA OK 74134-6714 (918)254-5248 GLASS STATE FARM INSURANCE 12222 STATE FARM BLVD TULSA OK 74146 (918)621-3000 (918)621-3020 INSURANCE TULSA COMMUNITY COLLEGE 6111 E SKELLY DR #200 TULSA OK 74135 (918)595-7000 (918)595-7994 HIGHER EDUCATION TULSA PUBLIC SCHOOLS PO BOX 470208 TULSA OK 74147 (918)746-6800 EDUCATION HILTI PO BOX 21148 TULSA OK 74121 (918)252-6000 (918)252-6520 FASTENER MFG HOME DEPOT ALL LOCATIONS TULSA OK N/A (918)583-3400 RETAIL JC PENNEY ALL LOCATIONS TULSA OK N/A (918)627-8500 (918)628-0840 RETAIL TULSA, CITY OF 200 CIVIC CENTER TULSA OK 74103 (918)596-2100 CITY GOVERNMENT TULSA, COUNTY OF 500 S DENVER TULSA OK 74103 (918)596-5000 (918)596-5215 COUNTY GOVERNMENT UNION PUBLIC SCHOOLS 5656 S 129TH E AVE TULSA OK 74133 (918)459-5432 (918)459-4673 EDUCATION JOHN ZINK CO 11920 E APACHE ST TULSA OK 74116-1300 (918)234-1800 (918)234-1973 INDUSTRIAL BURNERS METLIFE INSURANCE 12902 E 51ST ST TULSA OK 74134-6700 (918)252-8000 INSURANCE NATIONAL STEAK & POULTRY 301 E 5TH AVE OWASSO OK 74055-3450 (918)274-8787 WHOLESALE MEAT UNIVERSITY OF TULSA 600 S COLLEGE TULSA OK 74104 (918)631-2000 (918)631-2247 HIGHER EDUCATION US POSTAL SERVICE 333 W 4TH TULSA OK 74103 (800)275-8777 MAIL SERVICE VERIZON 6929 N LAKEWOOD AVE TULSA OK 74117-1808 (918)590-1000 (918)590-5757 COMMUNICATION SERVICES ONEOK INC 100 W 5TH ST TULSA OK 74103-4240 (918)591-5000 NATURAL GAS ORAL ROBERTS UNIVERSITY 7777 S LEWIS AVE TULSA OK 74171-0001 (918)495-6161 HIGHER EDUCATION PENLOYD OFC 2900 E APACHE TULSA OK 74110-2251 (918)836-3794 (918)836-3835 CABINET MAKERS WAL-MART ALL LOCATIONS TULSA OK N/A (918)488-8791 (918)488-8851 RETAIL WHIRLPOOL 7301 WHIRLPOOL DR TULSA OK 74117 (918)274-6000 (918)274-6900 ELECTRIC & GAS RANGES WILLIAMS COMPANIES INC 1 WILLIAMS CTR TULSA OK 74172-0150 (918)573-2000 OIL & GAS SAMSON INVESTMENT CO 2 W 2ND ST TULSA OK 74103-3123 (918)583-1791 (918)591-1704 OIL & GAS SINCLAIR REFINERY 902 W 25TH ST TULSA OK 74107-2841 (918)584-5025 (918)588-1119 OIL & GAS SOUTHCREST HOSPITAL 8801 S 101ST E AVE TULSA OK 74133 (918)294-4000 (918)294-4809 HEALTH CARE SUNOCO INC PO BOX 2039 TULSA OK 74102 (918)594-6000 (918)594-6689 OIL & GAS TULSA TECHNOLOGY CTR 6111 E SKELLY DR TULSA OK 74147 (918)828-5000 (918)828-5009 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION UNITED STATES CELLULAR 4700 S GARNETT RD #100 TULSA OK 74146 (918)270-5000 CELLULAR SERVICE 3 08 Tulsa MSA Largest Employers List.indd 3 Presenting Sponsor: $2,000 (one available) •Logo on front cover and full-page full-color business promotion on outside back cover Tulsa Metro Chamber 1/23/2008 3:55:13 PM 4 08 Tulsa MSA Largest Employers List.indd 4 Tulsa Metro Chamber 1/23/2008 3:55:14 PM Silver Sponsor: $1,000 (one available) •Full- page full-color business promotion on inside back cover Gold Sponsor: $1,500 (one available) •Full- page full-color business promotion on inside front cover 2013 Resource Campaign 37 Tulsa Demographics Publication Publication with complete demographics for Tulsa, Tulsa County, and the Tulsa MSA. Distributed throughout the year to businesses nationwide inquiring about Tulsa for new business location and other investment needs. Published in first quarter 2014. Also, available online at and Distributed/downloaded more than 2,000 times yearly. Vehicles Available 1990 Census Average Vehicles Per Hhld 2000 Census 1.7 2011 Estimate 1.6 Percent Change 2016 Projection 1.9 1990 to 2000 2.1 21,944 6.9% 24,096 7.2% 21,031 5.7% 20,184 5.2% 9.8% 1 Vehicle Available 103,049 32.2% 117,853 35.0% 120,308 32.4% 122,140 31.2% 14.4% 2+ Vehicles Available 195,189 61.0% 195,076 57.9% 230,397 62.0% 248,729 63.6% -0.1% 2011 to 2016 -7.5% 0 Vehicles Available 2012 Tu lsa 8.7% -4.0% 1.5% 8.0% Demog raphics Marital Status 1990 Census Age 15+ Population 588,691 Married, Spouse Present 349,430 2000 Census 2011 Estimate 668,744 Percent Change 2016 Projection 751,992 807,314 1990 to 2000 2011 to 2016 13.6% 7.4% 5.5% 7.7% 59.4% 368,809 55.2% 426,953 56.8% 460,018 57.0% 9,817 1.7% 27,314 4.1% 29,039 3.9% 30,975 3.8% 178.2% Divorced 64,427 10.9% 80,345 12.0% 86,516 11.5% 92,386 11.4% 24.7% Widowed 42,121 7.2% 41,905 6.3% 44,506 5.9% 47,437 5.9% -0.5% Never Married 122,910 20.9% 150,370 22.5% 164,978 21.9% 176,498 21.9% 22.3% Married, Spouse Absent 6.7% 6.8% 6.6% 7.0% Educational Attainment 1990 Census Age 25+ Population 2000 Census 484,399 Grade K - 8 6.9% Grade 9 - 12 High School Graduate 2011 Estimate 550,089 33,474 4.2% Percent Change 2016 Projection 623,315 23,152 1990 to 2000 671,543 26,093 4.2% 26,331 3.9% 2011 to 2016 13.6% 7.7% -30.8% 0.9% -12.4% 69,931 14.4% 65,446 11.9% 47,784 7.7% 41,839 6.2% -6.4% 147,197 30.4% 164,622 29.9% 195,671 31.4% 214,165 31.9% 11.8% Some College, No Degree 108,752 22.5% 131,992 24.0% 141,134 22.6% 147,377 22.0% 21.4% 4.4% Associates Degree 30,118 6.2% 37,671 6.9% 52,343 8.4% 60,615 9.0% 25.1% 15.8% Bachelor's Degree 66,868 13.8% 85,243 15.5% 111,282 17.9% 126,310 18.8% 27.5% 13.5% Graduate Degree 28,045 5.8% 38,287 7.0% 49,007 7.9% 54,906 8.2% 36.5% 12.0% No Schooling Completed 3,676 9.5% GrowM etroTu 0.7% Current year data is for the year 2011, 5 year projected data is for the year 2016. More About Our Data. Demographic data © 2011 by Experian/Applied Geographic Solutions. Traffic Count data © 2011 by DataMetrix. All rights reserved. Presenting 10 2012 tulsa demographics.indd 10 2012 tulsa Tulsa Metro Chamber 2/8/2012 11:26:52 AM 2012 tulsa demographics.indd 14 Sponsor demographics.i ndd 1 2/8/2012 11:27:14 AM 2/8/2012 Presenting Sponsor: $2,000 (one available) •Logo on front cover and full- page full-color business promotion on outside back cover 11:26:43 AM Silver Sponsor: $1,000 (one available) •Full- page full-color business promotion on inside back cover Gold Sponsor: $1,500 (one available) •Full- page full-color business promotion on inside front cover 2013 Resource Campaign 38 College Access Career Readiness Sponsor The College Access Career Readiness program is an education-to-workforce initiative created to recruit, train and match career coaches with Teachers as Advisors in Tulsa Public Schools middle and high school classrooms to reduce drop-out rate, increase graduation rate and increase the college attainment rate. The program is marketed to Chamber membership and Tulsa regional educators throughout the year. Timeframe is June 2013-June 2014. gold Sponsor: $5,000 (three available) •Recognition at kickoff event •Recognition on all marketing and training materials •Recognition at on-going development/support events for volunteers 2013 Resource Campaign 39 Education Benefactor Benefactor This benefactor underwrites all of the Chamber’s Education, Partners In Education, Oklahoma Scholar and College Access Career Readiness program events and publications. Events throughout the year include the Partners In Education Forum Series, Education Forum Series, Partners In Education Kickoff and recognition events and Oklahoma Scholars Program and Scholars graduation dinner. Publications include the Education Guide and Partners In Education Handbook. Timeframe is September 2013-August 2014. Benefactor Sponsor: $15,000 (five available) •Recognition on Chamber correspondence relating to Education/Partners In Education/Oklahoma Scholar/ College Access Career Readiness and Talent Dividend issues and events including Monday Memo, direct mail, website and emails, etc. •Recognition at all Education/Partners In Education/ Oklahoma Scholar/College Access Career Readiness and Talent Dividend events and publications •Opportunities to introduce speakers at Education/ Partners In Education/Oklahoma Scholar/College Access Career Readiness and Talent Dividend events and representative seated at head table when applicable •Special seating or table designations at all Partners In Education events, Oklahoma Scholars and State of Education •One reserved table for eight at State of Education •Logo on cover of Education Guide •Recognized on Education page on Chamber website 2013 Resource Campaign 40 Education Forum Series Event The Tulsa community is passionate about education. To keep the region informed, the Chamber offers a series of informal presentations on Education related topics of interest to Chamber members and the community. Series of four or more programs running Fall 2013 through Spring 2014. Usually planned as afternoon meetings, the forums draw on local and state expertise. Projected attendance for each of the four forums: 80. Presenting Sponsor: $2,000 (two available for four event series) •Receives top billing in advance and post publicity for each event •Recognition on event visuals, materials printed for each event, on-line calendar and from podium •Opportunity to moderate or introduce panelists 2013 Resource Campaign Gold Sponsor: $750 (SIX available for four event series) •Recognition on event visuals, materials printed for each event, on-line calendar and from podium •Opportunity to moderate or introduce panelists 41 Education Guide Publication This Guide provides comprehensive information about education opportunities in the metropolitan Tulsa area. All Tulsa metro area public school districts are described, Chamber-member private schools featured in a special section, brief description of institutions of higher education in Tulsa, post-secondary and tech schools; approx. 40 pages. Distributed to new residents, businesses and Chamber members. To be published in December 2014. Distribution is 5,500. ADULT Table of ConTenTs | 3 BUSINESS & INDUSTRY SERVICES tulsac hambe r . com EDUC ATION | HIGH SCHOOL At Tulsa Tech we offer a wide range of opportunities that will prepare you for success in a career while earning credit toward a college degree. Whichever direction you choose, Tulsa Tech provides a variety of classes to help you achieve your goals. table of contents |No Tuition for High School Students |Certified Training in 120 Career Majors |Affordable Tuition for Adults |State-of-the-art Equipment |Financial Aid |College Credit (OSUIT, RSU, TCC) |High School Credit (Elective & Academic) intro letter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2012 Guide to education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 918.828.5200 early childhood education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 district maps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 presen ting public schools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 sponso r private and charter schools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 preparinG for colleGe and a career. . . . . . . . . . . 23 selectinG a hiGher education institution . . . . . 25 educat ion nationally recoGnized accreditation aGencies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 benefa ctors career and technoloGy schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 colleGes and universities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 SCAN. LEARN. TULSA TECH. Administrative Offices 6111 E. Skelly Dr. Tulsa Broken Arrow Campus 4000 W. Florence St. Broken Arrow Health Sciences Center @ Memorial Complex 3350 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa Lemley Campus @ Memorial Complex 3420 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa Peoria Campus 3850 N. Peoria Tulsa Sand Springs Campus 500 N. Adams Rd. Sand Springs Riverside Campus 801 E. 91 St. Tulsa Business & Industry Services @ Memorial Complex 3638 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa Education Guide_2012.indd 2 Presenting Sponsor: $3,500 (two available in 2013 and three available in 2014) •Logo on front cover and full-page full-color business promotion on inside front OR inside back cover OR back cover 3/13/12 9:41 AM Education Guide_2012.indd 3 3/13/12 9:41 AM Silver Sponsor: $1,500 (six available in 2014) •Half-page full-color business promotion Gold Sponsor: $2,000 (one available in 2013 and four available in 2014) •Full-page full-color business promotion inside 2013 Resource Campaign 42 Health Care Forum Series Event Informal presentations on health care related topics of interest to Chamber members and the community. Series of six programs running fall 2013 through spring 2014. Planned as breakfast meetings, the forums draw on local and state expertise. Topics may include: community health issues, health benefit purchases, long-term care, benefit plan design, public policy issues, workplace health, wellness and small business issues. Projected attendance: 50 per forum. Presenting Sponsor: $3,500 (six available for six event series) •Receives top billing in advance and post publicity •Receives recognition on event visuals, on materials printed for each event and on-line calendar •Opportunity to moderate or introduce panelists Silver Sponsor: $1,250 (six available for six event series) •Recognition on event visuals and materials printed for each event Gold Sponsor: $2,000 (three available for six event series) •Recognition on event visuals, materials printed for each event and on-line calendar 2013 Resource Campaign 43 Mayor’s Mentoring Breakfast Event The Mayor’s Mentoring Breakfast will be held in January 2014 (National Mentoring Month) to encourage citizens to become actively engaged in Tulsa’s students’ success through mentoring. The breakfast features a speaker, a former mentor or someone who benefitted from having a mentor, and has expected attendance of about 100 people. Presenting Sponsor: $1,250 (two available) •Receives top billing in advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognition on event visuals and materials printed for event •Opportunity to make introductions Host Sponsor: $1,000 (one available) Seeking a facility to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •Recognized in advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognized on event visuals, materials printed for the event 2013 Resource Campaign 44 Oklahoma Scholars Program Sponsor The Oklahoma Scholars program reaches every eighth grade student in Tulsa and Union Public Schools in the second semester of each school year through presentations by over 100 business volunteers. The Oklahoma Scholars program promotes enrollment in a more rigorous high school program to ensure that high school graduates are well prepared for post-secondary education and training opportunities. Materials for the program go to eighth graders, middle and high school administrators, and parents (approximately 3,000). There are additional events each fall with high school students to reinforce their commitment to graduate as Scholars. Timeframe is August 2013 thru July 2014. Presenting Sponsor: $5,000 (Two available) •Recognition on Chamber correspondence, publications and at events relating to Oklahoma Scholars program •Representative seated at head table at graduation event with opportunity to participate in program 2013 Resource Campaign 45 Oklahoma Scholars Graduate Recognition Event A dinner event held in April or May 2014 to honor graduating seniors who have met the academic requirements for Oklahoma Scholars in Tulsa Public Schools. Parents of graduates are invited to attend. Approximately 350 will attend. Presenting Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) •Receives top billing in advance and post publicity •Recognition on event visuals and program •Opportunity for company representative to welcome attendees •Special seating or table designation Gold Sponsor: $1,500 (unlimited available) •Recognized in advance and post publicity •Recognition on event visuals and program •Special seating or table designation Host Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) Seeking a hotel to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •Recognized in advance and post publicity •Recognition on event visuals and program •Special seating or table designation 2013 Resource Campaign 46 Partners In Education E-Newsletter Publication The Partner Press eNews is a monthly e-newsletter disseminated to members of Tulsa’s Partners In Education program, Tulsa Public Schools Principals, Board Members and Administrators. Partner eNews is designed to inform readers of upcoming program events, feature partnership stories and list new partnerships. The eNews also shares with readers a featured partner of the month. Timeframe: August 2013 thru July 2014. presenting Sponsor: $1,500 per year (TWO available) •Logo appears on each month’s electronic publication with link to member website 2013 Resource Campaign 47 Partners In Education Handbook Publication A practical and invaluable guide to Tulsa Public School’s Partners In Education Program for business/ community organizations and school administrators. Also serves as a marketing tool when recruiting prospective organization’s interested in the program. It includes creative suggestions that are guaranteed to maximize Partners in Education partnerships. Handbook is distributed to all current and prospective partners. Also, available on-line at The handbook is published annually. 2011-2012 Handbook A Learning Environment That Makes The Grade Presenting Sponsors Education Benefactors L&M Office Furniture 4444 S 91st E Avenue Tulsa, OK 74145 Ph: 918-664-1010 M-F 8-5:00 Sat 10-4:00 PIE 2011 Handbook.indd 1 Presenting Sponsor: $1,500 (three available) •Logo on front cover and full-page full-color business promotion on inside front OR inside back cover OR back cover 8/22/11 4:53 PM Silver Sponsor: $750 (four available) •Half-page full-color business promotion inside Gold Sponsor: $1,000 (two available) •Full-page full-color business promotion inside 2013 Resource Campaign 48 Partners In Education KickOff Breakfast Event Held in fall of 2013 to kick off the school year for the Partners In Education program. Attended by partner companies’ CEOs, site coordinators, school principals and administrators as well as Mayor Bartlett and Tulsa Public School Superintendent. The kickoff is a major community and media event attended by approximately 500 guests. Presenting Sponsor: $3,500 (two available) •Receives top billing in advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognition on event visuals and program •CEO or representative seated at head table and opportunity for company representative to welcome attendees •Reserved seating for eight persons at event Gold Sponsor: $2,000 (six available) •Recognized in advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognition on event visuals and program •Reserved seating for four persons at event Host Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) Seeking a facility to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •Recognized in advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognition on event visuals and program •Reserved seating for four persons at event 2013 Resource Campaign 49 Partners In Education Newsletter Publication This eight-page newsletter is published twice per year and is mailed to schools, businesses, and community partners in the Tulsa Public Schools district. Also mailed to the Chamber’s Board of Directors and Board of Advisors. To be published in Fall 2013 and Spring 2014. Distribution is approximately 1,700. Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Tulsa, OK Permit No. 348 Williams Center Tower II Two West Second Street, Suite 150 Tulsa, OK 74103 2007-2008 Education Benefactors Program reaches 784 partners District partners offer a variety of resources to schools schools With 33 District Partners In Education, they can utilize in now have a variety of resources students and staff. order to help meet the needs of TPS companies District Partners are made up of to a number that are able to contribute resources entire district. of schools or oftentimes to the professional Example of such resources include and fundraisers development for educators, incentives or monetary for students and staff and supply call 560-0218. contributions. For more information ACT American Fidelity Assurance Company Anne & Henry Zarrow Foundation AT&T Bank of America Barnes & Noble Big Brothers & Sisters of Green Country Borders Books & Music Foundation Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Christian Ministers Alliance, Inc. CMW Financial, Inc. Cox Communications Family and Children Services Going to Bat for Tulsa Kids of America Indian Nations Council Boy Scouts Inc. Junior Achievement of Eastern Oklahoma, LDF Food Group Inc. - Wendy’s Inc. McGraw Davisson Stewart Realtors, Metropolitan Tulsa Urban League and Justice Oklahoma Conference for Community of Tulsa Operation School Bell/ Assistance League Supplies Partnership for the Availability of School Radio Disney Tulsa Samson Southwest Airlines Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. Tulsa Founders Chorus Tulsa World Tulsa Classroom Teachers Association Tulsa Community Foundation Tulsa Metropolitan Ministry Tulsa Performing Arts Center Trust Tulsa Zoo Friends, Inc. Tulsa’s Incredible Pizza Company Oklahoma Scholars program to graduate first senior class “No gift is too small to make an impact on impressionable students who value the attention from adults they may not the students event will be held in April to recognize have even met.” graduating as Oklahoma Scholars. this program of “Volunteers are vital to the success -Dr. Michael Zolkoski a huge difference and they have the opportunity to make Superintendent, Tulsa Public Schools in the lives of these students,” said Harris. The Oklahoma Scholars this dynamic If you are interested in helping out with program, in its fourth make classroom program, volunteers are needed to throughPartners In Education program is well on its consecutive year at Tulsa Tulsa’s with ninth presentations to eighth graders, visit will Schools, more For Public groups. way to reaching the 2010 goal of 1,350 partners. This The program twelfth grades and talk with parent graduate its first senior class this spring. at 560-0218 or issues by information, contact Melissa Torkleson initiative was set back in the fall of 2004 as members of continues to address critical workforce email [email protected]. the information they the Tulsa Public Schools Board of Education deliberated providing high school students with prepare them for a need to take courses that will best concerning the most important things the district should has changed competitive workplace. In the last 50 years, the workplacedo over the next five years to assure the best possible to prepare 20% highly “It is more important than ever for students from about 60% low skilled workers, is increasing,” result of community participation in the schools. for life-long learning as the pace of change low skilled, of Education and skilled and 20% professional to 15% Over the past two months the Partners In Education said Susan Harris, Vice President professional. Chamber. 20% and Metro Tulsa skilled the for highly 65% Community Betterment program has formed many new partnerships through seven different “Today’s students will take at least different organizations such as Barthelmes Conservatory, Boy but jobs in their lifetime – not just employers, will be in school or Scouts of America, Camp Fire USA Green Country jobs requiring different skills. They On average, that’s how much leaves our local business for economy day. $10.6 billion lives.” annually. Down the road, out of sight, working of their the rest each training Council, Inc. and Northside Homes Mission. prepare for helping some other community. Scholars taking advantage of this program These organizations specifically requested they partner training or the workplace by education, for partnership post-secondary First Now imagine bringing 5 percent of your out-of-area business spending home, to the greater Werequest could threeTulsa area. with each school on an individual basis, which ultimately rigorous course of study, including a moreand takingstreets enrich our tax base and improve public services, parks. We couldscience. attractAs new business and create more a result, success stories helps support the growth of the program. Whether it is highlights rigorous courses in both math and Recent forum jobs. school because things going on they have more options when they finish We would like to know the wonderfulthrough character education, after-school programming, rigorous technical significance of mentoring success partnership they are academically ready for your Submit your partnership. or one-on-one mentoring, these valued organizations with We’re not asking local businesses to pay more iftraining you canand/or find better quality and value out of town (and some vendors won’t education. academic 19 Partnership Forum, speaker emailing [email protected]. bystandards At the September story presentations 120 than offer a variety even have what you need). Simply give local companies a chance. If you can get it here, and it meets your needs, more your of resources to so many schools. with The Chamber organizes demonstrating Youth Programming Coordinator Your submission can be a story Paula Royce, Schools using and price, why not buyattendees here? regarding partnership Tulsa’s Partners In Education program is proud to of your to eighth graders attending Tulsa Public partnership’s impact, or a description Resonance, spoke to a crowd of 80 prepared can make volunteers. These volunteers use a hour a week dollars one pinpointing announce its most recent partnership total, which is 784, andaimpact the significance Spend little time sent out business of our area, andexplain when you find a 5ofpercent the rest is overall. easy. Our web site economy, today’s niche the realities end of and the for presentation awards determine to Stories are used on a child’s life. the most Tulsa has ever witnessed. matches you with local vendors — there’s even a hotline for unique requirements. Visit workplace, opportunity to let including global competition, the changing can best be described as relationship The mentoring the year reception. This is the perfect “How exciting possible for details. It’s time to say … experienced training, or it is to be a part of program that has such education your between with on going caring, the connection others know about the great things a relationship between a committed, hour-long session person who lacks a positive impact and continues to produce remarkable jobs and income. Students leave the partnership. adult and an inexperienced young aspire to have is and counsel understanding that the lifestyle they length. Your organization’s efforts truly make the Keep your submission under two paragraphs direction and focus. Through the guidance in high school school year receives selective only possible if they prepare themselves Information needs to be from the 2007-2008 of a thoughtful adult, the young person difference,” said Mike Earl, Chairman, Partners In for that job. for the education or training required only. attention and inspiration. Scholars Committee Oklahoma the Education and President-Oklahoma, Bank of America. and with 2008. Chamber 14, mentoring in The March interested Friday, If your organization is Submission deadline is students throughout Paula Royce continue visiting with high school “Our Partners in Education, as well as other community students at your partnering school, contact them why they are their high school years to remind advocacy groups for education have enabled us to at [email protected]. Right Here. Right Now. Tulsa Metro Chamber they arrange for taking rigorous courses. In addition, 2 West 2nd St. Ste 150 students to continue provide additional support in meeting the needs of incentives that will encourage these Tulsa Ok 74103 class of Scholars all of our students and staff that would otherwise not the program. Tulsa Public Schools first senior recognition will graduate in 2008. A district wide, $29,041,096 Fall-Winter 2007 edition have been possible. Our community’s generous spirit of giving through volunteering, providing additional supplies, mentoring students, and hosting and financially supporting special events has made a significant impact on the lives of students and their teachers. No gift is too small to make an impact on impressionable students who value the attention from adults they may not have even met,” said Dr. Michael Zolkoski, Superintendent, Tulsa Public Schools. Mark your calendars Partners In Education Forum “State of the Schools Address” followed by breakout sessions covering topics such as Best Practices, How to Manage your Partnership, Mentoring, etc. Thursday, February 28, 2008 8:00am - 10:00am Fulton Teaching and Learning Academy 8906 East 34 Street RSVP by calling 560.0218 or e-mail [email protected]. Partner Press Gold Sponsor: $750 per edition (one available per edition) •Half page business promotion silver Sponsor: $500 per edition (five available per edition) •Quarter page business promotion 2013 Resource Campaign 50 Partners In Education Forums Event These seminars address topics of interest to business/community partners and school principals. Held twice a year (Fall 2013 and Spring 2014), the forums also provide an opportunity for partners to network and gather successful partnership ideas. Attendance is approximately 50. Presenting Sponsor: $1,500 (Two available) •Receives top billing on all printed materials, event visuals and program •Opportunity for company rep to welcome attendees •Recognition in on-line calendar 2013 Resource Campaign Gold Sponsor: $1,000 (three available) •Recognition on printed materials, event visuals and program •Recognition in on-line calendar 51 Partners In Education Recognition Reception Event Celebrating end-of-year success while recognizing and thanking program partners for their participation and support (Spring 2014). Awards are presented to outstanding Partners. Projected attendance: 300. Presenting Sponsor: $2,500 (four available) •Receives top billing in advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognition on event visuals and program •Opportunity for company representative to welcome attendees •Reserved seating for eight at event Gold Sponsor: $1,500 (four available) •Recognized in advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognition on event visuals and program •Reserved seating for four at event Host Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) Seeking a hotel to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •Recognized in advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognition on event visuals and program •Reserved seating for six at event 2013 Resource Campaign 52 State of Education in Tulsa Metropolitan Area Event Annual luncheon to be held in Spring 2014 featuring a state of education address from a prominent educator or panel. Teachers, K-12 and higher education administrators, community leaders, employers, legislators and district superintendents are expected to attend. Past speakers include Dr. Keith Ballard, Superintendent, Tulsa Public Schools; Wendy Kopp, CEO & Founder, Teach for America; Sandy Garrett, Superintendent of Public Instruction, State of Oklahoma; Dr. Phil Berkenbile, Director of the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education; and of Chancellor Glen Johnson, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.Projected attendance: 350. State Education State of Education Tuesday, March 1 | Noon-1:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 1 | Noon-1:30 p.m. DoubleTree hoTel DownTown | 616 W. Seventh Street Double Tree, DownTown | 616 W. Seventh Street kEy NoTE SpEakEr: KaTe walsh | President, National Council on Teacher Equality Host Sponsor: $5,000 (one available) Seeking a facility to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •Recognized in advance publicity and on-line calendar •Recognition on event visuals and program •CEO or representative to be seated at the head table •One reserved table for eight kEy NoTE SpEakEr: the national Council on Teacher Quality advocates for reforms in order to increase the number of effective teachers. nCtQ conducts research that has direct and practical implications for policy. KaTe walsh | President, National Council on Teacher Equality the national Council on Teacher Quality advocates for reforms in order to increase the number of effective teachers. nCtQ conducts research that has direct and practical implications for policy. reservaTions reQuireD Please rSvP By February 25 | Cost $30. register online at For more information call 918-560-0212 or email [email protected]. hoST SpoNSor EDUCaTioN BENEFaCTorS golD SpoNSorS SilvEr SpoNSorS hosT sPonsor prESENTiNg SpoNSor PresenTing sPonsor Cancellations must be made 24 hours before the event to avoid charge. State of Edu Pcard_2011.indd 2 Presenting Sponsor: $5,000 (three available) •Receives top billing on advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognition on event visuals and program •CEO or representative to be seated at the head table •One reserved table for eight PrsrT sTD u.s. PosTage PaiD Tulsa oK PerMiT no. 348 eDuCaTion benefaCTors State of Education Tulsa Metro Chamber two West Second Street, Suite 150 tulsa, OK 74103 Cox Communications; helmerich & Payne, Inc.; Oklahoma Wesleyan University; Oral roberts University; the University of Oklahoma – tulsa State of Edu Pcard_2011.indd 1 2/4/11 9:00 AM 2/9/11 10:06 AM Silver Sponsor: $2,500 (five available) •Recognized in advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognition on event visuals and program •One reserved table for eight Corporate Table Sponsor: $1,500 (twenty available) •Recognized on sign at table and program •One reserved table for eight Gold Sponsor: $3,500 (three available) •Recognized in advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognition on event visuals and program •CEO or representative to be seated at the head table •One reserved table for eight 2013 Resource Campaign 53 Capitol Luncheon Series Event A series of three or four monthly luncheons during the state legislative session at which board members and regional leaders meet with state legislators to discuss legislation in all areas. Representatives and Senators from throughout the state provide updates on their activities and priorities and answer questions from those in attendance. These lunches continue to advocate the Tulsa region’s OneVoice Legislative Agenda and other Chamber priorities to elected officials. Projected attendance for the event is 60-80. 2012 Capitol Luncheon Series 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m February 8 || Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame and Museum, Oklahoma City March 7 || Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame and Museum, Oklahoma City May 9 || Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame and Museum, Oklahoma City Presenting Sponsor 2012 Legislative Briefings 7:30 - 9 a.m. February 24 || DoubleTree Downtown , Tulsa April 27 || Hyatt Regency, Tulsa June 1 || DoubleTree Downtown , Tulsa Presenting Sponsors Gold Sponsors Legislative Benefactors GAD 2012 Event Hand Out.indd 1 1/25/2012 10:54:14 AM Presenting Sponsor: $3,000 (FIVE available) •Recognition in pre-publicity •Recognition at event •Opportunity to welcome group •Opportunity for two representatives to attend event 2013 Resource Campaign 55 goal a new FundIngpresiannounCed Neal, CabIneT has pmenT plan. Mike 2011 CampaIgn ed as the IC develo FuTure II l eConom er, was seleCt“liMitless eNThe Tulsa’s r regIona MetrO ChaMb iNe fOr his tulsa a For The FIve-yeaOf the tulsa eOple Magaz s tOward MakiNg CeO bY tulsap Ch and TeChdeNt aNd s effOrt the Year ased resear sysTems For aNd tireles tulsaN Of a Tulsa-b on OptiMisM , InC. (gdI), T deTeCTI 21sT ergY, CaN-dO and gunsho d InTo oklahoma’s gwaCs deFense In snIper veNbetter plaCe.”y speCIalIzIng heatiNg, been aCCepTe t has IT larges NOrth Ced Today duCtMate, the nology Compan Cturer iN y, announ uprogram. Ories MaNufaits New distrib The mIlITar QualITy Jobs -fOOt iONiNg aCCess tulsa fOr CenTury square CONdit ChOseN has a 61,520- tO expaNd aNd air tOdaY it tilatiON Y leased plaNs er aNNOuNCed N. the COMpaN tulsa with aMeriCa, To work TogeTh s Ouse lOCatiO aCres iN NOrth busInes Is ITs abIlITy tiON wareh ON 9.4 aTTrIbuTes , more Than 75 area r’s lOCated greaTesT faCilitY meTro Chambe one oF Tulsa’s The regIon. on Tuesday on The Tulsa MetrO ChaMber quiCklY. oF enT embark wIll s the tulsa ONevOiCe state For The beTTerm eleCTed oFFICIal gTon d.C. Fly-In. the tOp usa volleaders and regIonal washIn NCed tOdaY te iN 2011. annual Tulsa al partNers aNNOu iteMs tO advOCa FIvb world league 2011 tive ageNdaTulsa wIll hosT a aNd 38 regiON ranked brazIl l legisla The no. 1 ThaT the aNd federaannounCed Today Team and ITy oF Tulsa. & naTIonal unIvers has Café The men’s aT leyball ng The u.s. prOs, elOté ds CenTer maTCh FeaTurI 24-25 aT The reynol based part-tiMe giOus blue ribbON gtON, the presti Team on June will hONOr tulsawashiN with iN er grOup MaY 23-25 u.s. ChaMb hoyT, InTerIm persiMMON ss suMMit , and ray ve aNd the sMall busiNe oF expo sQuare o’bannon, exeCuTI CateriNg aMeriCa’s by bob nT and Ceo sIoner Fred award at sa, were JoIned CounTy CommIs andrus, presIde ear oF vIsITTul d.C. mark Tulsa oF a Three-y presIdenT onal, and Ce The sIgnIng. aN additiONal senIor vICe breeder’s InvITaTI To announ sQuare oF Today tOrs r enCe and expo dIreCTo sed bY legisla a press ConFer InvITaTIonal MetrO perry aT breeder’s fOr eduCatiON disCus the tulsa develbeTween tiON bY tO fuNdiNg ConTraCT t Cut iN N aNd OppOsi rs, whO uNited bOlster tO twO perCeN Met with CONCer partNe regiONal iN aN effOrt regiON. The Of their tOdaY was Our this Year s aNd MaNY earlier future Of ChaMber nary number Ce ageNda iMpOrtaNt tO the d prelImI Op the ONevOi issues have release T To average markeT agaiNst assoCIaTIon menT was 30 perCen the fight and lodgIng raTes were up by The Tourna hoTel busInCy Tulsa hoTel TournamenT. hoTel oCCupa T durIng The nCaa slow week For loCal Neal aNshowIng usly CeO Mike oF 75 perCen a noTorIo CONveNeNt aNd break, oCCupanCy the presid lsa, sprIng ChaMber’s lead visittu hosTed durIng er. The Tulsa tulsa MetrO Of raY hOYt tO MetrO ChaMb a CommITiON ness. the Ce sIgned at the tulsa the seleCt brod M Commer In oF r NOuNCe prOgra held Today CONvisitOrs arrow Chambe Ceremony air tiON aNd aT a speCIal r and broken atiON aNd aNNOuNCed meTro Chambe l eConomIC growTh t heatiNg, veNtil aMeriCa, the larges Ouse lOCaiN NOrth menT To regIona duCtMate, MaNufaCturer utiON warehlOCated ON ken arrow. Y its New distrib aCCessOries Tulsa’s -fOOt faCilit tulsa fOr ditiONiNg Y. one oF 61,520-square has ChOseN enT oF expaNd quiCkl leased a tOdaY it plaNs tO For The beTTerm COMpaNY eleCTed oFtiON. the tulsa with To work TogeTher l iN NOrth leaders and busIness 9.4 aCres Is ITs abIlITy Tulsa regIona aTTrIbuTes , more Than 75 area r’s annual tOdaY jOb greaTesT meTro Chambe on Tuesday aNNOuNCed five-Year The regIon. embark on The Tulsa MetrO ChaMber seCONd tulsa’s fOr the FICIals wIll d.C. Fly-In. the tulsa MeNt gOals develOpMeNt plaN, l iNvest iNvestOrs iC washIngTon list Of aNd Capita regiONal eCONOM gN tO plaN’s g CreatiON NCed the MONth CaMpai its ONgOiN dealsO aNNOu phase Of iNg a seveNTulsa-based y, OffiCials ed fOllOw assoCIaTes, a new future. t iNvest pavIng IndusTr a& aMOuN TInenT maJesk Qualy plaN. mId-Con aNd tOtal aggressive Ing Company To The oklahoma’s 21sT CenTur Ies and fuNd the , and markeT been aCCepTed InTo growTh IndusTr velopmenT To aTTraCT wITh a hIghly skIlled Today IT has ve CreaTed ses announCed m, an InCenTI rewardIng busInes ITy Jobs progra h a polICy oF seCTors Throug The Congressional Forum Series consists of four (4) lunches or breakfasts featuring a U.S. Representative or Senator and focusing on current federal priorities and legislation. The forums provide Chamber members the opportunity to hear from our federal delegation and to advocate issues of importance to the Tulsa business community and region. Each event draws approximately 300 people, with local and state elected officials and regional business leaders in attendance. Timeframe is January-December, 2014. CabIneT CampaIgn goal FuTure II The Tulsa’s Ced a new FundIng eConomIC has announ regIonal FIve-year Neal, presiFor The plan. Mike tulsa MetrO developmenT 2011 CeO Of the ed as the deNt aNd was seleCt tulsapeOple bY ChaMber, , the Year ess eNergY tulsaN Of s effOr his “liMitl MagaziNe aNd tirelesa betOptiMisM CaN-dO MakiNg tulsa InC. (gdI), , tOward fOrts gwaCs deFense TeChnolCh and ter plaCe.” and ased resear In snIper a Tulsa-b speCIalIzIng y For The sysTems ogy Compan deTeCTIon has been Today IT gunshoT announCed ma’s 21sT CenTury mIlITary, InTo oklaho m. duCtMate, aCCepTed Jobs prograg, veNtilatiON QualITy t heatiN aCCessOries the larges CONditiONiNg aMeriCa, aNd air iN NOrth has ChOseN MaNufaCturer tOdaY it utiON aNNOuNCed its New distrib COMpaNY tulsa fOr lOCatiON. the -fOOt faCilwarehOuse NOrth 61,520-square aCres iN leased a quiCkd ON 9.4 itY lOCate plaNs tO expaNd Tes with T aTTrIbu tulsa Tulsa’s greaTes er For The TogeTh lY. one oF To work Tuesday, Is ITs abIlITy oF The regIon. on leaders beTTermenT 75 area busIness on more Than oFFICIals wIll embark annual and eleCTed meTro Chamber’s Fly-In. gTon d.C. The Tulsa l washIn aNd 38 Tulsa regIona ChaMber tOMetrO aNNOuNCed the tulsa partNers state aNd fedregiONal tO ONevOiCe daY the tOp tive ageNda iteMs has ball eral legisla2011. usa volley hosT iN Tulsa wIll advOCate Today ThaT maTCh FeaTurCed announ world league l Team and The a 2011 FIvb 24-25 men’s naTIona Ing The u.s. brazIl Team on June unIverno. 1 ranked ds CenTer aT The er will aT The reynol the u.s. ChaMb prOs, Me sITy oF Tulsa. based part-ti perNg aNd the hONOr tulsa& Cateri prestigiOus elOté Café with the a’s siMMON grOup award at aMeriC iN 23-25 blue ribbON ss suMMit MaY , presIsMall busiNe d.C. mark andrus , and ray washiNgtON, oF expo sQuare oF vICeo presIdenT denT and senIor vICe bob o’bannon, by hoyT, InTerIm were JoIned breeder’s InvITasITTulsa, oF sIoner dIreCTor exeCuTIve CounTy CommIs Today Tulsa enCe TIonal, and a press ConFer aT oF a ThreeFred perry ’s InCe The sIgnIng To announ CT beTween breederaddisQuare. aN year ConTra g and expo Cut iN fuNdiN vITaTIonal perCeNt legistiONal twO iON disCussed bY CONCerN fOr eduCat was Met with tulsa MetrO latOrs tOdaY tiON bY the their regiONOf aNd OppOsi p aNd MaNY tO develO ChaMber r this rs, whO uNited al partNe Ce ageNda earlie r the the ONevOi effOrt tO bOlste tO aN iMpOrtaNt Year iN t issues Tulsa The . agaiNs fight reOf Our regiON TIon have the future lodgIng assoCIa s showIng hoTel and nary number up by 30 were leased prelImI nCy raTes oCCupanCy hoTel oCCupa average markeT TournaperCenT To T durIng The nCaa durwas hosTed oF 75 perCen slow TournamenT noTorIously the menT. The break, a busIness. Ing sprIng loCal hoTel presideNt week For ChaMber’s the tulsa MetrO Neal aNNOuNCedvisitMike tO lead aNd CeO Of raY hOYt visitOrs seleCtiON CONveNtiON aNd ChaMtulsa, the the tulsa MetrO at and broChamber prOgraM Tulsa meTro CommerCe sIgned ber. The r oF IC Chambe eConom ken arrow regIonal held TomenT To a CommIT Ceremony a speCIal te, the duCtMa growTh aT arrow. aNd veNtilatiON MaNday In broken heatiNg, Ories largest iONiNg aCCess a, aNair CONdit iN NOrth aMeriC tulsa ufaCturer has ChOseN Ouse tOdaY it NOuNCed utiON wareh a distrib Y leased fOr its New the COMpaN Y lOCatlOCatiON. -fOOt faCilit with 61,520-square iN NOrth tulsa TulaCres Y. one oF ed ON 9.4 expaNd quiCkl Is ITs abIlITy Tes plaNs tO T aTTrIbu sa’s greaTes Congressional Forum Series Event tulsachamb ional congress forum entative U.S. RepReS cas featurin Cong_Forum g oma’s ents Oklah proudly repres portions n frank Lucas which includes all or t, Lucas Congressma essional Distric and western Oklahoma. being third Congr ern farmer since ies in north of 32 count the american to protect crusader for as working has been a 1994 as well an of the Congress in s as the chairm elected to serves on . Lucas serve he on, values Oklahoma lture. in additi House ittee on agricu cial Services and the House Comm finan on technology. Committee Space and the House on Science, Committee frank lu 2013 Resource Campaign monday 2012 april 9, 8 – 9 a.m. n ee by HilTo doubleTr en place Tulsa – Warr 6110 s. yale follow us presen ting | sponso r er . com HoTel facebook r hambe .com | @tulsac r host sponso benefactors legislative 1 Lucas.indd AM 3/5/12 9:37 Presenting Sponsor: $10,000 (two available for 4-event series) •Receives top billing in advance and post publicity, on event visuals, program and on-line calendar •CEO or representative to participate in program introductions and seated at head table •Opportunity for one representative to attend pre-meeting •One reserved table for eight Gold Sponsor: $7,000 (five available for 4-event series) •Recognized in advance and post publicity, on event visuals, program and on-line calendar •CEO or representative to be recognized at the event and seated at head table •Opportunity for one representative to attend pre-meeting •One reserved table for eight Silver Sponsor: $4,000 (five available for 4-event series) •Recognized in advance and post publicity, on event visuals, program and on-line calendar •CEO or representative to be recognized at the event •Opportunity for one representative to attend pre-meeting •One reserved table for eight Corporate Table Sponsor: $2,500 (multiple for 4-event series) •Recognized on sign at table and program •One reserved table for eight Event Table Sponsor: $750 (multiple available for singular event) •Recognized on sign at table and program •One reserved table for eight Host Sponsor: $4,500 per event (four available) Seeking a hotel to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •Recognized in advance and post publicity, on event visuals, program and on-line calendar •CEO or representative to be recognized at the event and seated at head table •One reserved table for eight 56 Governor’s State of the State-Tulsa 2013 Event The Governor’s State of the State is a luncheon to be held in the summer of 2013, which will feature an address on Oklahoma affairs by Governor Mary Fallin. More than 600 Tulsa business leaders, local political leaders, and media attend. Governor’s StateoftheState rableMaryFallin withtheHono 18, 2011 uLy J , MondAy 0 p.M. noon–1:3 hyAtt regenCy seCond tuLsA | 100 e. LegisL Ative street benefACtors or host spons presen ting spons ors Presenting Sponsor: $8,000 (two available) •Receives top billing in advance and post publicity, online calendar, on event visuals and program •CEO or representative to participate in program introductions and seated at head table •One reserved table for ten Host Sponsor: $8,000 (one available) Seeking a hotel to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •Recognized in advance and post publicity, on-line calendar, on event visuals and program •CEO or representative to be seated at the head table •One reserved table for ten Gold Sponsor: $5,000 (twelve available) •Recognized in advance and post publicity, on-line calendar, on event visuals and program •CEO or representative to be seated at the head table •One reserved table for ten 2013 Resource Campaign Silver Sponsor: $2,500 (ten available) •Recognized in advance and post publicity, on-line calendar, on event visuals and program •One reserved table for ten Parking Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) Provides free parking to all attendees of event in the Tulsa Convention Center parking garage •Recognized in advance publicity •Recognized during the event on signage at parking entrance •Recognized in script and on program at event •Two tickets to event Corporate Table Sponsor: $1,600 (thirty available) •Recognized on sign at table and program •One reserved table for ten 57 Governor’s State of the State-Tulsa 2014 Event The Governor’s State of the State is a luncheon to be held in the summer of 2014, which will feature an address on Oklahoma affairs by Governor Mary Fallin. More than 600 Tulsa business leaders, local political leaders, and media attend. Governor’es tate Stateofth S rableMaryFallin withtheHono 18, 2011 uLy J , MondAy 0 p.M. noon–1:3 hyAtt regenCy seCond tuLsA | 100 e. LegisL Ative street benefACtors or host spons presen ting spons ors Presenting Sponsor: $8,000 (two available) •Receives top billing in advance and post publicity, online calendar, on event visuals and program •CEO or representative to participate in program introductions and seated at head table •One reserved table for ten Host Sponsor: $8,000 (one available) Seeking a hotel to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •Recognized in advance and post publicity, on-line calendar, on event visuals and program •CEO or representative to be seated at the head table •One reserved table for ten Gold Sponsor: $5,000 (sixteen available) •Recognized in advance and post publicity, on-line calendar, on event visuals and program •CEO or representative to be seated at the head table •One reserved table for ten 2013 Resource Campaign Silver Sponsor: $2,500 (ten available) •Recognized in advance and post publicity, on-line calendar, on event visuals and program •One reserved table for ten Parking Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) Provides free parking to all attendees of event in the Tulsa Convention Center parking garage •Recognized in advance publicity •Recognized during the event on signage at parking entrance •Recognized in script and on program at event •Two tickets to event Corporate Table Sponsor: $1,600 (thirty available) •Recognized on sign at table and program •One reserved table for ten 58 Leadership and Elected Officials Golf Outing Event To be held on October 18, 2013 at Cherokee Hills Golf Course, the Leadership and Elected Officials Golf Outing serves as a networking opportunity for the Chamber’s board of advisors, board of directors, Small Business Council, and elected officials. The event is formatted as a scramble, with teams typically consisting of 4 people. Two West Second Street, Suite 150 | Tulsa, OK 74103 | 2010 leadership & elected officals golf outing 2009 .indd 1 Host Course Sponsor: $6,000 (one available in 2013) Seeking a private country club to provide green fees, golf carts, and driving range. (Direct budget reduction) Must have approval from Chamber. •Recognized in advance and post publicity, on-line calendar and on event visuals •Four golfers to participate Title Sponsor: $5,000 (one available) •Receives top billing in advance and post publicity, online calendar and on event visuals •CEO or representative recognized from podium at event •Four golfers to participate Lunch Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity for luncheon and on event visuals •Two golfers to participate Drink Cart Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on cart visuals •Ability to offer give-aways •Two golfers to participate •Opportunity for company rep to drive cart 2013 Resource Campaign 6/30/10 5:35 PM Golf Ball Sponsor: $1,000 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on event visuals •Opportunity for company rep(s) to distribute golf balls at event registration •Company to provide sleeve of three golf balls per player •Two golfers to participate Golf Glove Sponsor: $1,000 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on event visuals •Opportunity for company rep(s) to distribute golf gloves at event registration •Company to provide one glove per player •Two golfers to participate Golf Towel Sponsor: $1,000 (one available) •Recognition in advance and post publicity and on event visuals •Opportunity for company rep(s) to distribute golf towels at event registration •Company to provide one golf towel per player •Two golfers to participate 59 Legislative Benefactor Benefactor Legislative Benefactors underwrites all of the Chamber’s legislative events and publications. Timeframe is January – December 2014. Benefactor Sponsor: $15,000 (five available) •Recognition on Chamber correspondence relating to legislative issues and events including Monday Memo, broadcast emails, direct mail, website •Recognition at all legislative events and in legislative publications •Opportunities to introduce speakers at legislative events and representative seated at head table when applicable •Logo on cover of Tulsa Legislative Agenda & Political Directory •Recognized on page on website •Receives two tickets or table of eight (when applicable) to legislative events •Includes registration fee for Washington DC Fly-In (travel and hotel expenses are not included) 2013 Resource Campaign 60 Legislative Breakfast Series 2014 Event The Legislative Breakfast Series is a series of three briefings at which members of Tulsa’s delegation provide an update on current legislation and other priorities. Discussions will focus on the OneVoice Legislative Agenda and the region’s legislative priorities. Attendance for each breakfast is in excess of 250 people, including local elected officials and business leaders. Presenting Sponsor: $3,500 (three available for 3-event series) •Receives top billing on letter of invitation; on-line calendar and visuals at event •CEO or representative to participate in program introductions and seated at head table •One reserved table for eight Gold Sponsor: $2,000 (six available for 3-event series) •Recognition on letter of invitation, on-line calendar and visuals at event •CEO or representative recognized at event and seated at head table •One reserved table for eight Host Sponsor: $6,000 (one available for 3-event series) OR $2,000 (three available for one event) Seeking a facility to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •Recognized on letter of invitation, on-line calendar and visuals at event •CEO or representative recognized at event and seated at head table •One reserved table for eight Corporate Table Sponsor: $1,000 (multiple for 3-event series) •Recognized on sign at table and program •One reserved table for eight 2013 Resource Campaign Event Table Sponsor: $350 (multiple available for singular event) •Recognized on sign at table and program •One reserved table for eight 61 Legislative Reception (Joint Tulsa/OKC) Event The Joint Tulsa/Oklahoma City Legislative Reception is held in the spring of each year and brings Oklahoma’s two major chambers together to discuss policy issues, concerns, and priorities which impact the entire state. Attendance is approximately 200-250 people, with legislators, state elected officials, cabinet members, and the Governor invited to attend. The reception provides attendees the opportunity to personally interact with the state’s top leadership and elected officials, and to discuss the major issues currently affecting their business or organization. Event is held in spring 2014. Gold Sponsor: $3,000 (three available) •Recognition at event, on event visuals and on-line calendar •CEO or representative to be recognized at the event •Eight tickets to event 2013 Resource Campaign 62 Mayor’s State of the City Address Event The Mayor’s State of the City will be held on September 5, 2013 and will feature Tulsa Mayor Dewey Bartlett as he provides an address on the upcoming year and the outlook for the City of Tulsa and surrounding region. More than 700 Tulsa business leaders attend each year, with the event covered by local and state media. Presenting Sponsor: $8,000 (five available) •Receives top billing in advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognition on event visuals and on materials printed for the event •CEO or representative to participate in program introductions and seated at head table •One reserved table for ten Host Sponsor: $8,000 (one available in 2014) Seeking a hotel to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •Recognized in advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognized on event visuals and materials printed for the event •CEO or representative to be seated at the head table •One reserved table for ten Gold Sponsor: $5,000 (twelve available) •Recognized in advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognition on event visuals and materials printed for the event •CEO or representative to be seated at the head table •One reserved table for ten 2013 Resource Campaign Silver Sponsor: $2,500 (ten available) •Recognized in advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognition on event visuals and materials for the event •One reserved table for ten Parking Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) Provides free parking to all attendees of event in the Tulsa Convention Center parking garage •Recognized in advance publicity •Recognized during the event on signage at parking entrance •Recognized in script and on program at event •Two tickets to event Corporate Table Sponsor: $1,600 (thirty available) •Recognized on sign at table and program •One reserved table for ten 63 The Tulsa’s FuTure II CampaIgn CabIneT has announCed a new FundIng goal For The FIve-year regIonal eConomIC developmenT plan. Mike Neal, presideNt aNd CeO Of the tulsa MetrO ChaMber, was seleCted as the 2011 tulsaN Of the Year bY tulsapeOple MagaziNe fOr his “liMitless eNergY, CaN-dO OptiMisM aNd tireless effOrts tOward MakiNg tulsa a better plaCe.” gwaCs deFense, InC. (gdI), a Tulsa-based researCh and TeChnology Company speCIalIzIng In snIper and gunshoT deTeCTIon sysTems For The mIlITary, announCed Today IT has been aCCepTed InTo oklahoma’s 21sT CenTury QualITy Jobs program. duCtMate, the largest heatiNg, veNtilatiON aNd air CONditiONiNg aCCessOries MaNufaCturer iN NOrth aMeriCa, aNNOuNCed tOdaY it has ChOseN tulsa fOr its New distributiON warehOuse lOCatiON. the COMpaNY leased a 61,520-square-fOOt faCilitY lOCated ON 9.4 aCres iN NOrth tulsa with plaNs tO expaNd quiCklY. one oF Tulsa’s greaTesT aTTrIbuTes Is ITs abIlITy To work TogeTher For The beTTermenT oF The regIon. on Tuesday, more Than 75 area busIness leaders and eleCTed oFFICIals wIll embark on The Tulsa meTro Chamber’s annual Tulsa regIonal washIngTon d.C. Fly-In. the tulsa MetrO ChaMber aNd 38 regiONal partNers aNNOuNCed tOdaY the tOp ONevOiCe state aNd federal legislative ageNda iteMs tO advOCate iN 2011. usa volleyball has announCed Today ThaT Tulsa wIll hosT a 2011 FIvb world league maTCh FeaTurIng The u.s. men’s naTIonal Team and The no. 1 ranked brazIl Team on June 24-25 aT The reynolds CenTer aT The unIversITy oF Tulsa. the u.s. ChaMber will hONOr tulsa-based part-tiMe prOs, elOté Café & CateriNg aNd the persiMMON grOup with the prestigiOus blue ribbON award at aMeriCa’s sMall busiNess suMMit MaY 23-25 iN washiNgtON, d.C. mark andrus, presIdenT and Ceo oF expo sQuare, and ray hoyT, InTerIm senIor vICe presIdenT oF vIsITTulsa, were JoIned by bob o’bannon, exeCuTIve dIreCTor oF breeder’s InvITaTIonal, and Tulsa CounTy CommIssIoner Fred perry aT a press ConFerenCe Today To announCe The sIgnIng oF a Three-year ConTraCT beTween breeder’s InvITaTIonal and expo sQuare. aN additiONal twO perCeNt Cut iN fuNdiNg fOr eduCatiON disCussed bY legislatOrs tOdaY was Met with CONCerN aNd OppOsitiON bY the tulsa MetrO ChaMber aNd MaNY Of their regiONal partNers, whO uNited tO develOp the ONevOiCe ageNda earlier this Year iN aN effOrt tO bOlster the fight agaiNst issues iMpOrtaNt tO the future Of Our regiON. The Tulsa hoTel and lodgIng assoCIaTIon have released prelImInary numbers showIng hoTel oCCupanCy raTes were up by 30 perCenT To average markeT oCCupanCy oF 75 perCenT durIng The nCaa TournamenT. The TournamenT was hosTed durIng sprIng break, a noTorIously slow week For loCal hoTel busIness. the tulsa MetrO ChaMber’s presideNt aNd CeO Mike Neal aNNOuNCed the seleCtiON Of raY hOYt tO lead visittulsa, the CONveNtiON aNd visitOrs prOgraM at the tulsa MetrO ChaMber. The Tulsa meTro Chamber and broken arrow Chamber oF CommerCe sIgned a CommITmenT To regIonal eConomIC growTh aT a speCIal Ceremony held Today In broken arrow. the tulsa MetrO ChaMber aNNOuNCed tOdaY jOb CreatiON aNd Capital iNvestMeNt gOals fOr the seCONd five-Year phase Of its ONgOiNg regiONal eCONOMiC develOpMeNt plaN, tulsa’s future. OffiCials alsO aNNOuNCed the plaN’s list Of iNvestOrs aNd tOtal aMOuNt iNvested fOllOwiNg a seveNMONth CaMpaigN tO fuNd the aggressive plaN. maJeska & assoCIaTes, a new Tulsa-based developmenT and markeTIng Company To The mId-ConTInenT pavIng IndusTry, announCed Today IT has been aCCepTed InTo oklahoma’s 21sT CenTury QualITy Jobs program, an InCenTIve CreaTed To aTTraCT growTh IndusTrIes and seCTors Through a polICy oF rewardIng busInesses wITh a hIghly skIlled, knowledge-based workForCe. the ever-pOpular breeder’s iNvitatiONal returNs tO tulsa MaY 16-28 at the wOrld-Class expO square iN the heart Of tulsa. this eveNt Offers ONe Of the largest paYOuts Of aNY COMpetitiON saNCtiONed bY the NatiONal CuttiNg hOrse assOCiatiON aNd prOMises tO deliver the fiNest CuttiNg hOrses aNd riders iN the COuNtrY. aNd, fOr the seCONd Year iN a rOw, the bi will ruN iN CONjuNCtiON with ONe Of the MerCuria wOrld fiNals qualifYiNg shOws kiCkiNg Off MaY 14. The Chamber Is seekIng loCal and legIslaTIve supporT For The oklahoma museum oF musIC and popular CulTure, a 67,000 sQuare-FooT museum dedICaTed To The CreaTIve spIrIT oF oklahomans. OklahOMa state uNiversitY’s sChOOl Of eNtrepreNeurship will NOw pair with east CeNtral high sChOOl as part Of the tulsa MetrO ChaMber’s partNers iN eduCatiON prOgraM. There are InsTanCes In Tulsa’s hIsTory ThaT are a “game Changer” For our CommunITy. advOCatiNg the develOpMeNt Of a fuNdiNg MeChaNisM fOr qualitY healthCare iN OklahOMa is NOw COMplete. In a preCauTIonary measure, breeder’s InvITaTIonal evenT The Tulsa’s FuTure II CampaIgn CabIneT has announCed a new FundIng goal For The FIve-year regIonal eConomIC developmenT plan. Mike Neal, presideNt aNd CeO Of the tulsa MetrO ChaMber, was seleCted as the 2011 tulsaN Of the Year bY tulsapeOple MagaziNe fOr his “liMitless eNergY, CaN-dO OptiMisM aNd tireless effOrts tOward MakiNg tulsa a better plaCe.” gwaCs deFense, InC. (gdI), a Tulsa-based researCh and TeChnology Company speCIalIzIng In snIper and gunshoT deTeCTIon sysTems For The mIlITary, announCed Today IT has been aCCepTed InTo oklahoma’s 21sT CenTury QualITy Jobs program. duCtMate, the largest heatiNg, veNtilatiON aNd air CONditiONiNg aCCessOries MaNufaCturer iN NOrth aMeriCa, aNNOuNCed tOdaY it has ChOseN tulsa fOr its New distributiON warehOuse lOCatiON. the COMpaNY leased a 61,520-square-fOOt faCilitY lOCated ON 9.4 aCres iN NOrth tulsa with plaNs tO expaNd quiCklY. one oF Tulsa’s greaTesT aTTrIbuTes Is ITs abIlITy To work TogeTher For The beTTermenT oF The regIon. on Tuesday, more Than 75 area busIness leaders and eleCTed oFFICIals wIll embark on The Tulsa meTro Chamber’s annual Tulsa regIonal washIngTon d.C. Fly-In. the tulsa MetrO ChaMber aNd 38 regiONal partNers aNNOuNCed tOdaY the tOp ONevOiCe state aNd federal legislative ageNda iteMs tO advOCate iN 2011. usa volleyball has announCed Today ThaT Tulsa wIll hosT a 2011 FIvb world league maTCh FeaTurIng The u.s. men’s naTIonal Team and The no. 1 ranked brazIl Team on June 24-25 aT The reynolds CenTer aT The unIversITy oF Tulsa. the u.s. ChaMber will hONOr tulsa-based part-tiMe prOs, elOté Café & CateriNg aNd the persiMMON grOup with the prestigiOus blue ribbON award at aMeriCa’s sMall busiNess suMMit MaY 23-25 iN washiNgtON, d.C. mark andrus, presIdenT and Ceo oF expo sQuare, and ray OneVoice Legislative Reception (Tulsa) Event The OneVoice Legislative Reception held in early 2014 provides Chamber members and regional leaders with the opportunity to meet state legislators before the 2014 legislative session begins, and serves as the official kick-off event announcing the Regional OneVoice Legislative Agenda. More than 250 people attend this reception, which is a virtual “who’s who” of Tulsa’s business and political community. Tulsa Regional Legislative Reception January 26, 2012 | Summit Club | 15 W 6th St, 30th Floor » During 2011 the Tulsa region experienced one of its most successful legislative sessions to date. Join the Tulsa Metro Chamber and area partners as we prepare to add to our success in 2012. presenting sponsors Legislative Reception.indd 1 2013 Resource Campaign 5 – 7 pm legislative benefactors 12/22/11 11:12 AM Presenting Sponsor: $5,000 (three available) •Receives top billing in advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognized on event visuals •Eight tickets to event Gold Sponsor: $2,500 (six available) •Recognition at event, on event visuals and on-line calendar •Four tickets to event Host Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) Seeking a facility to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •Recognized in advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognized on event visuals •Four tickets to event 64 Partners In Legislative Success Sponsor The Tulsa Regional Chamber is committed to being the leading business advocacy organization at the local, state and federal level for northeastern Oklahoma. Your investment in this program will ensure the successful implementation of this initiative as we grow its effectiveness. Timeframe: January - December 2014. supporting Sponsor: $5,000 (unlimited) •Recognized in Political Directory and Legislative Agenda •Opportunity for representative on Advocacy Committee •Invitation to legislative events - Capitol Luncheon Series, Regional Day at the Capitol and Legislative Receptions (Tulsa and Oklahoma Statewide) 2013 Resource Campaign 65 Policy Forum Series Event The Policy Forum Series brings together policy experts on current legislative issues which impact the business community and Tulsa region. The series will host two (2) events, at which regional business leaders, elected officials, and state leaders will come together for a discussion on policy topics in the local, state, and national spotlight. The events will provide an opportunity for Chamber members and regional leaders to both learn more about issues that impact them, and provide input on those issues to key players. Electoral debates during gubernatorial and mayoral races will be hosted through this series. Presenting Sponsor: $2,000 (four available for two event series) •Receives top billing in advance and post publicity •Receives recognition on event visuals, on materials printed for each event and on-line calendar •Opportunity to moderate or introduce panelists Gold Sponsor: $1,000 (six available for two event series) •Recognition on event visuals, materials printed for each event and on-line calendar 2013 Resource Campaign 66 Political Directory & Legislative Agenda Publication The Political Directory and Legislative Agenda is an annual publication published in early 2014 and distributed to over 5,000 businesses including all new members. The publication facilitates business involvement in Oklahoma’s political process and is turned to by both members and elected officials for information on the Tulsa region’s legislative priorities. In addition to this, the Political Directory provides contact information for local, county, and state elected officials, helping our members and regional leaders effectively advocate to government leaders throughout the state. Tulsa Regional Chamber | Comprehensive Legislative Agenda tulsacha mber . com GOVERNM ENT Tulsa Regional Chamber | LEGISLATIVE AGENDA | STATE ISSUES Small Business Support health care reforms at the state and federal level that will enable small businesses to keep health insurance premium costs down and increase the number of insured employees. Encourage the expansion of programs such as Insure Oklahoma to enable small businesses to access insurance products. Specific suggestions include raising the wage ceiling for program eligibility. In the event that a constitutional amendment to exempt intangible property from taxation is not passed by voters in November 2012, support continued efforts to permanently resolve the challenges created by the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruling in Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. v. Oklahoma State Board of Equalization through a constitutional amendment. If the BAT remains in place beyond 2012, support reforms to the tax that simplify reporting requirements for businesses, as well as make the tax more equitable between business entities. Support state legislative efforts to enhance the collection of sales tax from online purchases, and encourage the Oklahoma Tax Commission to develop and utilize software, which would simplify the reporting process for small businesses. Without legislative action, Oklahoma retailers will continue to operate at a competitive disadvantage versus out-of-state online retailers who refuse to collect sales taxes on sales made within Oklahoma. Business Retention & Expansion Support $2 million in appropriations to the Oklahoma Innovation Institute for the Tulsa Community Supercomputer. This appropriation will help fund the common infrastructure and operations of the supercomputer for the next five years, after which operations of the Tulsa Community Supercomputer will be self-sustaining. This will also enable community-use nodes for state and local governments and entrepreneurs statewide. Transportation Defend all existing road funding; prevent any diversion of monies; and support increased funding for transportation by developing an adequate, comprehensive funding strategy to broaden the sources of funds and increase the total amount going to transportation statewide. Support moving the remaining 25 percent of motor vehicle fees, which currently go into the state general revenue fund, to transportation priority areas that may include state highways, city and county streets, and public transit. PRESENTING SPONSORS PAGE 12 | TULSA REGION CHAMBER POLITICAL DIRECTORY Presenting Sponsor: $3,500 (one available) •Full- page, four color business promotion on outside back cover Gold Sponsor: $2,500 (two available) •Full- page, four color business promotion on inside front cover OR inside back cover 2013 Resource Campaign Silver Sponsor: $1,500 (two available) •Half- page, four color business promotion inside Bronze Sponsor: $750 (six available) •Quarter- page, four color business promotion inside 67 Regional OneVoice Legislative Summit Event The Regional OneVoice Legislative Summit to be held in August 2013 is the culmination of the OneVoice Legislative Agenda process, and is used to define the Tulsa region’s top state and federal political priorities for the upcoming year. The event is attended by more than 300 of northeast Oklahoma’s business and political leaders, including local, county, and state elected officials; chambers of commerce; and representatives of Tulsa’s diverse business community. Attendees play a personal role in debating top issues with other area stakeholders, and collaboratively crafting the region’s political focus. PM 7/12/2011 2:38:34 74103 | Tulsa OK II - Suite 150 TulsaCham 01 | www. | 918-585-12 Presenting Sponsor: $5,000 (one available) •Receives top billing on invitation to retreat and at event •Opportunity for CEO to attend event Gold Sponsor: $2,500 (five available) •Recognition on invitation to retreat and at event •Opportunity for CEO to attend event Host Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) Seeking a facility to provide location (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •Recognition on invitation to retreat and at event •Opportunity for CEO to attend event 2013 Resource Campaign 68 Speaker/Pro Temp Forum 2013 Event The Speaker/Pro Tempore Forum is an annual lunch or breakfast featuring the Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Oklahoma State Senate. During the event, the leaders of Oklahoma’s House and Senate give insight on the priorities of legislative leaders and provide a preview of the issues they hope to address during the upcoming legislative session. The event attracts approximately 300+ people and provides an opportunity for regional business and civic leaders to address our state leaders on the region’s legislative priorities. pres entin g spon sors legis Speaker_Pr oT Forum Pcard.indd lativ e bene factors 1 9/28/2011 Presenting Sponsor: $5,000 (two available) •Receives top billing in advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognition on event visuals and program •CEO or representative to participate in program introductions and seated at head table •One reserved table for eight Host Sponsor: $5,000 (one available) Seeking a hotel to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •Receives top billing in advance publicity and on-line calendar •Recognition on event visuals and program •CEO or representative to be seated at head table •One reserved table for eight 2013 Resource Campaign 10:15:37 AM Gold Sponsor: $3,500 (four available) •Recognized in advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognized on event visuals and program •CEO or representative to be seated at head table •One reserved table for eight Silver Sponsor: $2,500 (five available) •Recognized in advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognized on event visuals and program •One reserved table for eight Corporate Table Sponsor: $1,000 (multiple available) •Recognized on sign at table and program •One reserved table for eight 69 Tulsa Regional Day at the Capitol Event RegDay at Capitol_Pcard_10.indd 1 This event provides a regional day of advocacy at the State Capitol and is attended by officials from the City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, and regional community governments and chambers of commerce. The day consists of issues briefings, lunch, and an opportunity for personal visits with legislators and other state elected officials. Attendees utilize their time at the Capitol to further publicize the OneVoice Regional Legislative Agenda and to address legislators on current policy issues. Expected attendance for the event to be held in spring 2014 is 200+ people. Tulsa Regional Day at the Capitol oklahoma CiTy, sTaTe CapiTol weDnesDay, apRil 14 | 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Join the Tulsa metro Chamber, together with local governments and regional chambers, for a critical day under the dome as we represent the Tulsa region’s needs with one Voice. » OneVoice Supporters CiTy anD CoUnTy GoVeRnmenTs 3/9/2010 8:09:30 AM Bixby Broken Arrow Catoosa Coalition of Tulsa Area Governments Collinsville Glenpool INCOG Jenks Mannford Owasso Sand Springs Sapulpa Tulsa Tulsa City Council Tulsa County pResenTinG sponsoRs George Kaiser family fou ndation ReGional ChambeRs Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce Bixby Metro Chamber of Commerce Broken Arrow Chamber of Commerce Broken Arrow Economic Development Corporation Catoosa Chamber of Commerce Glenpool Chamber of Commerce Greater Muskogee Chamber of Commerce Greater Tulsa Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Greenwood Chamber of Commerce Indo-American Chamber of Commerce Jenks Chamber of Commerce Mannford Chamber of Commerce Okmulgee Chamber of Commerce Owasso Chamber of Commerce Sand Springs Chamber of Commerce Sapulpa Chamber of Commerce Skiatook Chamber of Commerce Southwest Tulsa Community Chamber of Commerce Tulsa Metro Chamber of Commerce leGislaTiVe benefaCToRs Presenting Sponsor: $5,000 (tWO available) •Recognition on advance publicity and program •Recognition at event •Opportunity to participate in program •Opportunity for twelve representatives to attend event Gold Sponsor: $3,000 (THREE available) •Recognition on advance publicity and program •Recognition at event •Opportunity for ten representatives to attend event 2013 Resource Campaign 70 Tulsa Regional Washington DC Fly-In 2014 c/o EVENT The Chamber’s DC Fly-In Event hosts regional elected officials, civic and business leaders, and Chamber members for a three day event in Washington, D.C. Attendees have the opportunity to network with regional partners on the first evening, while spending the remaining two days meeting with Oklahoma’s US Representatives and Senators, as well as top officials from federal agencies and key members of Congress. The agenda provides attendees with a direct connection to Oklahoma’s federal delegation and plays a crucial role in developing a positive business climate for Northeast Oklahoma. Additionally, participants are provided the opportunity to create relationships with Chamber staff members, learn more about the federal legislative process, and advocate on behalf of the top priorities in the region. gad dc fly-in trip book covers.indd 1 3/14/2012 2:17:52 PM presenting Sponsor: $5,000 (eight Available) •Opportunity to introduce elected officials and/or special guests at luncheons and receptions during D.C. Fly-In program •Invitation to attend private, leadershipdinner with Federal Delegation and staff members •Receive recognition and logo on all collateral material including invitation, visuals, program and communication pieces Note: Sponsorship fee includes registration fee. Travel and hotel expenses are not included. 2013 Resource Campaign 71 Entrepreneurs Guide Publication The guide for business start-ups or growing small businesses. Includes business plan outline, business formation, financing, management considerations, licenses and permits, list of small business resources, incentives and demographics. Distributed to prospective new start-up companies and small business leaders seeking assistance. Excellent opportunity to promote your business with new and growing businesses in northeast Oklahoma. Publication date is December 2014. Checklist/ [ Startll-up Business Workshops ] Sma st stArt-up cHecKli that starting you learn very quickly As an entrepreneur a process. The is an event as well as your own business that will idea and the enthusiasm event is your business planning the organizational and drive that idea through and following a well-thoughtprocess. Implementing success and your chances for the out plan will increase to achieve. business owners strive independence most explanation on the detailed a with This checklist, along starting point provide you with a following pages, will business idea. your of for the self-evaluation reasons why many new businesses fail: lack of funding failure to plan nt Poor cash-flow manageme Business on sound business plan based » Prepare a written basic This should include business practices. the business, management information about you, complete financial statements. team, projections and this, please that can assist you with For a list of entities or call SourceLink visit www.SourceLin assistance. for 888.424.9411 Tulsa toll free at file a under a fictitious name, » If the business operates the County with statement fictitious business name As) a DBA (Doing Business Clerk’s office or file 918.596.5801 Clerk Tulsa County statement. Contact: your business: » Decide how to organize 1. organizing Your • Sole Proprietorship (individual) or more individuals) • Partnership (two (limited liability) • Limited liability company and board of directors) • Corporation (individual site (location). For listings » Select a business visit www. of commercial properties, all licenses and permit » Determine and obtain pg 2 to your business – requirements that apply Contact: City of Tulsa local, state and federal. - 1.800.588.5959 918.596.7640 and ODOC and other ordinances, regulations » Check local zoning INCOG - 918.584.7526 land-use restrictions. business financing. » Acquire adequate 2. Management considerations state compliance with the » Determine necessary Act. Contact: Oklahoma Workers’ Compensation - 918.581.2400 Labor Department Safety with the Occupational » Determine compliance Labor Contact: Oklahoma and Health Act (OSHA). Department - 918.581.2400 returns quarterly income tax » Be prepared to file immediately after starting (payments) almost Tax Contact: Oklahoma business or incorporating. Commission - 918.581.2751 tangible personal property, » If you intend to sell File timely use tax seller’s permit. apply for sales and collected. be taxes must returns if sales or use Tax Commission - 918.581.2978 Contact: Oklahoma the necessary commercial » Determine and obtain necessary. insurance coverage selfreport to the IRS any » For a sole proprietorship, Form on Schedule SE of federal employment income IRS C of Form 1040. Contact: 1040, and Schedule 918.622.8482 by filing is reported to the IRS » Partnership income reports his or her share Form 1065. Each partner SE of income on Schedule of self-employment or loss from partnership Form 1040, and income E of Form 1040. operations on Schedule file Certificate of Limited » For a limited partnership, of State Oklahoma Secretary Partnership with the has where the partnership and copies in counties Oklahoma real estate. Contact: places of business or 405.521.3911 Secretary of State articles company (LLC), file » For a limited liability of the Oklahoma Secretary of incorporation with partnership Form 1065 to report State. Generally, file nt shares for self-employme income; members report income or SE of Form 1040 and income on Schedule 1040. on Schedule E of Form loss from LLC operations 405.521.3911 Secretary of State Contact: Oklahoma adopt file articles of incorporation, » For a corporation, formalities. necessary corporate by-laws, and observe (1120-S for a tax return Form 1120 File federal income If property is transferred corporation). S Sub-chapter under Internal Revenue to the corporation tax-free relating required information report 351, Section Code income tax return for to the transfer on corporation’s IRS – 800.829.1040 that year. Contact: to obtain an a corporation, be sure » If your business is coupons in federal tax deposit adequate supply of tax payments. Contact: time to make your estimated A Guide for entrepreneurs the year. The may change during days of the workshops workshops for individuals following is a list of Tulsa-area 2010. For a business as of August planning to start a new please visit resource partner events, detailed list of all area slink in presented each month seminars, plan Business libraries Tulsa-area regional cooperation with the (Service Corp of Retired SCORE by sponsored and an plus seminar offers Executives). This two-hour provides planning process and business the of overview full range of booklet covering a a valuable take-home to financial from market research business plan topics information offer valuable business projections. They also at their website: www.tulsascor .org/bpseminars. visit www.tulsascore For a class schedule, IRS – 918.622.8482 or limited liability company, » For a corporation, for a Federal Employer a partnership, apply if the on Form SS-4, even Identification Number want Sole proprietors may business has no employees. IRS – 800.829.1040 to apply as well. Contact: Form 1099 Form 1096 and the » File annual tax returns, items such as of $600 or more for series for payments for services and send rent, interest and compensation File Form 1098 for mortgage 1099s to the payees. business more in a year your interest of $600 or Also, report any cash receives from an individual. to $10,000 that you receive payments of more than to be done Such filing may have the IRS within 15 days. some cases. magnetic media in on computer-readable in the tulsa metro region html or call 918.581.7462 twice Workshop, presented oklahoma tax commission of the Oklahoma by a representative each month in Tulsa covers a three-hour workshop Tax Commission. This and includes to a business startup variety of topics related new of Oklahoma sales tax, information on the collection information. and other related tax business registration l /btwkshps.htm visit For a class schedule, Contact: IRS – 800.829.1040 labor you must post federal » If you have employees, Opportunity, job safety, laws listing Equal Employment Free minimum wage information. Family Leave Act and Contact: posters are available. employee information Service - 918.437.4473 Oklahoma State Employment small health care plans for » Information on alternative “Chamber Tulsa Metro Chamber’s business through the ber. be found at: www.tulsacham Choice” Program can com or by calling 918.560.0280. ops sMAll Business WorKsH lonely is an exciting and often Starting a new business and need more than dedication endeavor. Entrepreneurs their businesses proper tools to get energy; they need the off to a good start. a new individuals considering We recommend that several workshops offered business start-up attend workshops governments. These by area agencies and to start and basic aspects needed introduce many of the business plans Tulsa. From taxes to operate a business in the “nuts show entrepreneurs to SBA loans, the workshops times and The venture. new their and bolts” of starting by the a program presented federal tax Workshops, business to assist new small Internal Revenue Service bookkeepers, and selfowners, office managers, session begins A three-hour morning employed persons. of the selfon the tax requirements at 9 a.m. and focuses session begins three-hour afternoon employed person. A of the the reporting requirements at 1 p.m. and addresses business person with employees. schedule, visit: For an updated class article/0,,id=99156,00.html through of the month, January When: Fourth Thursday exception of March. November with the St., University, 10159 E. 11th Where: Southern Nazarene Suite 207 (169th & 11th) Time: 9 a.m. – Noon Cost: Free, Pre-registration required Contact: 918.449.6280 innovation center offers rogers state university’s and business to help entrepreneurs workshops year-round ideas. strengthen their business owners develop and with issues hands-on interaction The workshops allow business financing, marketing, including management, more. For demographics and plans, taxes, legal issues, Lynn Wilson at 918.343.7533. more information, contact Presenting sPonsor visit: For a class schedule, usWorkshop.asp a guide for entrepreneurs in the tulsa metro region pg 3 small Business Benefactors tulsa metro chamber Presenting Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) •Full- page four-color business promotion on outside back cover and logo on front cover Silver Sponsor: $750 (five available) •Half-page black and white business promotion inside Gold Sponsor: $2,000 (two available) •Full- page four-color business promotion on inside front/ back cover 2013 Resource Campaign 72 Website - c/o Internet promotes regional spending by encouraging companies to look local first when making business purchases. The Web site offers complete business-to-business connectivity through a local vendors list, RFP services, and a products/services list. Timeframe is January-December, 2014. ➜ Presenting Sponsor: $1,000 (eight available) •Logo with link to company’s website appears in prominent position on each page (excluding “Participants” page) •Logo included with company listing 2013 Resource Campaign 73 Small Business Awards Dinner 2013 Event The Small Business Awards Dinner to be held on May 7, 2013 at the Wyndham Hotel-Tulsa will recognize the Chamber’s outstanding small businesses in a number of categories and SBA award recipients that qualify for state and national competition. Attended by approx. 300. Small BuSineSS awardS 2012 monday May 14 | noon–1:30 pm TulSa ConvenTion CenTer The Crystal Star will be awarded to the best and brightest small business practitioners nominated by their peers as exemplary leaders who are defining the future of small business in Tulsa. Join us as we commend these recipients with a luncheon featuring keynote speaker Paul J. Corson of the Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, U.S. Department of Commerce SmallBusAwards_2012Pcard 14.5x6.indd 1 Presenting Sponsor: $5,000 (one available) •Receives top billing in advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognition on event visuals and program •CEO or rep to be seated at the head table •One reserved table for eight Host Sponsor: $4,500 (one available) Seeking a hotel to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •Recognized in advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognition on event visuals and program •CEO or representative to be seated at the head table •One reserved table for eight Gold Sponsor: $3,500 (three available) •Recognized in advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognition on event visuals and program •CEO or rep to be seated at the head table •One reserved table for eight 2013 Resource Campaign 4/4/12 5:32 PM Silver Sponsor: $2,500 (ten available) •Recognized in advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognition on event visuals and program •One reserved table for eight reception Sponsor: $2,000 (one available) •Recognized in advance and post publicity and on-line calendar •Recognition on event visuals and program •One reserved table for eight Corporate Table Sponsor: $1,000 (multiple available) •Recognized on sign at table and program •One reserved table for eight 74 Small Business Benefactor Benefactor This benefactor underwrites all of the Chamber’s small business programs, events and publications, including: Breakfast Network; Small Business Awards; Entrepreneur’s Guide and SourceLink website. Time frame is January-December 2014. Benefactor Sponsor: $5,000 (five available) •Recognition on Chamber correspondence relating to small business issues and events including broadcast emails, direct mail and website •Recognition at five Breakfast Networks, Small Business Awards and in small business publications •Receives two tickets to five Breakfast Networks and a table of eight at Small Business Awards 2013 Resource Campaign 75 Small Business Summit & Awards 2014 (New) Event The Tulsa Regional Chamber is excited to announce a dynamic summit to be held in fall 2014 geared toward enhancing small businesses in northeast Oklahoma. As part of the 2014 Small Business Awards Luncheon, this small business summit (the former Governor’s Conference on Small Business) will focus on networking, professional development and tools for small business owners. In addition, it will serve as a catalyst for creating a stronger, more cohesive small business climate throughout Northeast Oklahoma. Projected attendance is 300. Presenting Sponsor: $7,500 (two available) •Receives top billing on printed material and on-line calendar and on event visuals •CEO or representative seated at head table and recognized from the podium •One reserved table for eight at event Gold Sponsor: $5,000 (ten available) •Recognized in printed materials and on-line calendar and on event visuals •CEO or representative seated at head table and recognized from the podium •One reserved table for eight at event Host Sponsor: $7,500 (one available) Seeking a hotel to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Includes Small Business Conference and Small Business Awards. Must be approved by Chamber. •Recognized in printed materials and on-line calendar and on event visuals •CEO or representative seated at head table and recognized from the podium •One reserved table for eight at event corporate table Sponsor: $1,000 (unlimited available) •Recognized on sign at table and program •One reserved table for eight Speaker Sponsor: $5,000 (one available) •Receives top billing on printed material and on-line calendar and on event visuals •CEO or representative seated at head table and recognized from the podium •Opportunity for CEO or representative to introduce speaker at event •One reserved table for eight at event 2013 Resource Campaign 76 Small Business Council Retreat Event Held in Fall 2013 for the Small Business Council to develop small business initiatives for the upcoming year, this off-site event is a facilitated program with breakout sessions for the various committees to set objectives and establish goals for creating small business programs and events. A written plan of action is incorporated into the 2014 program agenda and followed by the respective committee co-chairs. Presenting Sponsor: $1,500 (one available) •Recognition on invitation to retreat and event program •Opportunity for CEO to attend reception after retreat 2013 Resource Campaign Host Sponsor: $1,500 (one available in 2013) Seeking a facility to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •Recognition on invitation to retreat and event program 77 Small Business Forum Event The Small Business Forum is an educational series dedicated to the success of small businesses in our community and geared to business owners and principals. Formerly known as the Business Owners Forum, this forum was created to bring experts together in their fields to offer insight on how to stay viable and successful through good and bad business climates. The forums include a speakers’ panel followed by a facilitated roundtable discussion each month. Average attendance is 50 per forum. Presenting Sponsor: $2,500 (one available in 2014) •Prominent logo recognition in advance publicity and on powerpoint •Opportunity for CEO to welcome guests •Opportunity for promotional material at each participant’s place gold Sponsor: $350 per forum (ten available in 2014) •Name recognition in advance publicity and on powerpoint •Opportunity for promotional material at each participant’s place Host Sponsor: $1,000 per year (one available in 2014) Seeking a facility to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •Recognition on invitation •CEO or representative is invited to attend and welcome participant’s •Opportunity for promotional material at each participant’s place 2013 Resource Campaign 78 Website - Sponsor The SourceLink program is a resource for businesses in the Tulsa Metro area. Based on a model created by the Kauffman Foundation, the SourceLink website connects a network of over 70 nonprofit organizations that will help entrepreneurs and small businesses looking to expand in the Tulsa metro area. This network offers training classes, business plan counseling and acccess to financing just to name a few. Timeframe is January-December, 2014. small Business Benefactors network IBC BANK We Do More SourceLink connects start-ups and entrepreneurs to a network of resource connect partners offering business-building services in the greater Tulsa region. Whether a first-time business owner or an existing company looking to expand, SourceLink will help point you in the right direction with speed & accuracy – all at no cost. 2 West Second Street, Suite 150 Williams Tower II | Tulsa, OK 74103 phone: 918·560·0275 or 888·4·BIZ·411 (888·424·9411) fax: 918·599·6173 grow Free resource for small BusInesses and entrepreneurs SourceLink TriFoldBroch_2011 VB.indd 1 11/17/10 2:41 PM website Sponsor: $2,000 (four available) •Logo with link to company’s web site appears in prominent position on home page and all additional pages throughout the site - •Logo recognition on SourceLink monthly e-newsletter and in SourceLink brochure 2013 Resource Campaign 79 Tulsa Sports Commission c/o PROGRAM Provides financial support for the Tulsa Sports Commission organization to achieve its mission of attracting and developing amateur sports events, championships, meetings, conventions and other sports ventures to create a positive economic impact in the region and promote an enhanced quality of life in the region. Since its inception, the TSC has accounted for more than $250 million in economic impact to the Tulsa region. Timeframe is January - December 2014. TulsaSportsCommission benefactor Sponsor: $10,000 (five available) Benefactors underwrite all of the activities, programs, events and communications of the Tulsa Sports Commission. •Recognition in all correspondence relating to Tulsa Sports Commission issues, programs, events, communication and publications •Recognized as a major funding sponsor through logo inclusion on Tulsa Sports Commission banner present at all events •Included in all communications sent to media •Logo recognition on •One ABA Grand Nationals ticket package •One team of four at Strike Night •Invitation to all Tulsa Sports Commission TU Tailgates for four people supporting Sponsor: $5,000 (unlimited available) •Recognized as a supporting sponsor through company name inclusion on Tulsa Sports Commission banner present at all events •Included in all communications sent to media •Company name inclusion on •One ABA Grand Nationals ticket package •One team of four at Strike Night TulsaSportsCommission 2013 Resource Campaign 80 AC Milan Heartland Cup c/o EVENT The Tulsa Sports Commission has partnered with Italian soccer power AC Milan to develop an elite international youth soccer tournament to be held annually in Tulsa. The July 12-14, 2013 event will feature 10 international teams from AC Milan’s Junior Elite Program (which includes teams from Puerto Rico, Colombia, Argentina and Mexico just to name a few!) and 40-50 elite domestic teams ages 11-15. A total of approximately 60 teams are expected, bringing with them family and friends for an estimated weekend economic impact of over 2 million dollars to the Tulsa community. title Sponsor: $15,000 (one available) •Recognized as “Presented by” on all print publications •Recognized as Title sponsor with link on website •Display area at venue and all social functions (Opening/ Closing ceremonies, VIP functions, etc.) •On-site signage and PA recognition •Opportunity for promotional item in the athlete goodie bag gold medal Sponsor: $10,000 (three available) •Recognized in all print publications and website •Logo and/or coupon on admission ticket •On-site signage opportunities throughout venue •Naming rights to 2 competition fields •Display area at each named field •Opportunity for promotional item in the athlete goodie bag opening ceremony Sponsor: $7,500 (one available) •Recognized in all print publications and website •Naming rights and signage at the Opening Ceremony •Display area and giveaways at Opening Ceremony •Opportunity for promotional item in the athlete goodie bag silver medal sponsor: $5,000 (five available) •Recognized in all print publications and website •On-site signage opportunities throughout venue •Naming rights to 1 competition field •Display area at each named field •Opportunity for promotional item in the athlete goodie bag bronze medal sponsor: $2,500 (ten available) •Recognized in all print publications and website •On-site signage opportunities throughout venue •Opportunity for promotional item in the athlete goodie bag supporting sponsor: $1,000 (ten available) •Recognized in all print publications and website •Opportunity for promotional item in the athlete goodie bag hospitality Sponsor: $7,500 (one available) •Naming rights and signage at the on-site hospitality area •Recognized in all print publications and website •Display area in hospitality area •Opportunity for promotional item in the athlete goodie bag 2013 Resource Campaign 81 FIVB World League - USA Volleyball c/o EVENT The U.S. Men’s Volleyball Team will bring World League to Tulsa again in 2013. On June 15 & 16, Tulsa will host the Federal International de Volleyball (FIVB) World League match featuring the U.S. Men’s National Team versus France at the Tulsa Convention Center Arena. The U.S. men are ranked fifth in the world and are the defending Olympic champions. This two-day event is expected to draw 8,00010,000 visitors. title sponsor: $10,000 (one available) •Recognized as official event sponsor ie. (company name) USA vs. France-World League Volleyball on all promotional materials •Full page business promotion in event program •Display booth inside concourse •Two (2) banners inside arena •Opportunity to brand noise makers/promotional items to public as they enter •60 second on-court promotion and PA announcements during event •20 Premium tickets and access for 20 to VIP lounge ace sponsor: $5,000 (four available) •Half page business promotion in event program •PA announcements during event •Display booth inside concourse •One (1) banner inside arena •12 tickets and access for 12 to VIP lounge 2013 Resource Campaign spike sponsor: $1,000 (unlimited available) •PA announcements during event •Recognition in event program •4 tickets and access for 4 to VIP lounge on-court promotion sponsor: $1,000 (two available) •During TV timeouts: 60 seconds to promote your product on-court to 8,000-10,000 people in attendance (ie-shoot towels into fan sections, perform on-court contest, etc.) 82 Tulsa Run 2013 EVENT For more than 30 years the Tulsa community has enjoyed the iconic Tulsa Run every October. The tradition continues this year on Oct. 26. With an expected participation of 9,000+ runners and an enhanced philanthropic portion, the Tulsa Sports Commission plans to continue the positive momentum gained from last year’s event. The race’s historical reputation will be enhanced with the announcement that it will be the USA Track and Field Masters15K Championship. Title sponsor will receive category exclusivity. All other levels will be limited to one company per industry per level. Title sponsor: $35,000 (one available) •Product exclusivity and Right of first refusal for 2014 •Incorporation of logo into Tulsa Run branding •Company logo on Race Shirts and Race Bibs •Company name and logo on the Start and Finish Banners •Opportunity to provide a rep for Celebrity Runner •Logo and link provision on the Tulsa Run homepage •Name and logo on the front of registration forms •Verbal recognition during the Race and Finish Line Festival •Prominent banner placement at the Finish Line •Tent provided at the Finish Line Festival •Recognition in the Chamber Report sent to entire membership •Inclusion in all communications with media •Premium placement in VIRTUAL RACE BAGS •Prominent booth space at the Runners Expo •Opportunity for distribution of marketing materials in VIRTUAL RACE BAGS •20 complimentary registrations and t-shirts presenting Sponsor: $15,000 (five available) •Category exclusivity and Right of first refusal for 2014 •Company logo on Race Shirts •Company name on Race Bibs •Company name and logo on the Start and Finish Banners •Opportunity to provide a rep for Celebrity Runner •Logo and link provision on the Tulsa Run homepage •Name and logo on the front of registration forms •Verbal recognition during the Race and Finish Line Festival •Prominent banner placement at the Finish Line •Tent provided at the Finish Line Festival •Recognition in the Chamber Report sent to entire membership •Inclusion in all communications with media •Premium placement in VIRTUAL RACE BAGS •Prominent booth space at the Runners Expo •Opportunity for distribution of marketing materials in VIRTUAL RACE BAGS •20 complimentary registrations and t-shirts gold Sponsor: $10,000 (five available) •Recognition in the Chamber Report send to entire membership •Verbal recognition during the Race and Finish Line Festival •Company name on Race Shirt and registration forms •Second tier placement in VIRTUAL RACE BAGS •Prominent banner placement at Finish Line Festival •Logo and link provision on Tulsa Run website •Prominent booth space at the Runners Expo •Opportunity for distribution of marketing materials in VIRTUAL RACE BAGS •10 complimentary registrations and t-shirts 2013 Resource Campaign 83 Tulsa Run 2013 EVENT (CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE) silver Sponsor: $5,000 (five available) •Recognition in the Chamber Report send to entire membership •Verbal recognition during the Race •Company name on registration forms and VIRTUAL RACE BAGS •Signage at the Runners Expo •Name and link provision on Tulsa Run website •Booth space at the Runners Expo •Opportunity for distribution of marketing materials in VIRTUAL RACE BAGS Bronze Sponsor: $2,500 (unlimited available) •Recognition in the Chamber Report send to entire membership •Verbal recognition during the Race •Company name on registration forms •Signage at Runners Expo •Name and link provision on Tulsa Run website finish line festival booth Sponsor: $1,500 (unlimited available) •Small tent along a designated area on 3rd Street •Availability to sell or distribute goods or products 2013 Resource Campaign 84 USA BMX Grand Nationals c/o EVENT The Tulsa Sports Commission will host BMX Olympians in the USA BMX Grand Nationals over Thanksgiving weekend in 2013. Olympic racers from numerous countries including Italy, France, the Netherlands and the UK will participate. The “Grands” as they have become known, is the league’s largest, most prestigious competition and will bring an estimated $7.2 million in economic impact on the city of Tulsa. The Pro Spectacular is a show and competition element of the Grands that features the professional riders and Olympic medalists performing astonishing stunts. This event brings over 3,000 participants and 10,000 spectators. welcome sponsor: $5,000 (two available) •Recognition on signage at the welcome table •Promotional item from company placed inside 3,000 athlete goodie bags •50 tickets to the Pro Spectacular •Site visit from BMX Pro community cup sponsor: $2,500 (two available) The Community Cup will be an opportunity for local nonprofits to participate in the USA BMX event while earning money for their organization. The cup with be held the Monday before the Pro Spectacular and volunteers will race to stuff as many athlete goodie bags as they can. The organization that fills the most bags will win the prize money and recognition at the Pro-Spectacular. •Recognition on promotions •Recognition on signage at the event •Opportunity to present check to winning organization ticket package: $500 (unlimited available) •Recognition at event •30 tickets to the Pro Spectacular TulsaSportsCommission 2013 Resource Campaign 85 TSC Driller Suite c/o EVENT Enjoy days/evenings at ONEOK Field in your own private suite. Located on third base line with a beautiful downtown view. Suite sponsor: $1,500 per game (three available) •Receives 20 tickets and 4 parking passes •Food and beverage included (basic menu) •Hosted by Tulsa Sports Commission Executive Director, TSC staff or local sports personality TulsaSportsCommission 2013 Resource Campaign 86 TSC Football Tailgate c/o EVENT Held in the Fall, the Tulsa Sports Commission hosts a football tailgate for sponsors, board members and corporate partners in a prime location on Glenn Dobbs Drive at the University of Tulsa’s campus. This tailgate is an excellent opportunity to host clients, employees and prospects while enjoying a football tradition. This sponsorship includes six University of Tulsa home games during the 2013 season. presenting Sponsor: $5,000 for all six games or $1,000 per game (six available) •Includes right of first refusal for available game tickets •Recognition on invitations prior to game •Recognition on event signage (provided by TSC) and on tailgate koozie •Complimentary food and beverage at tailgate TulsaSportsCommission 2013 Resource Campaign 87 Move: A Forum For The Promotion of Women in c/o Sports EVENT Mink’s Supper for the Promotion of Women in Sports will be a dinner for Tulsa area companies and individuals to convene and discuss opportunities to promote involvement opportunities for Tulsa women and girls in sports. The event will include dinner, guest speaker and a mediated discussion. This event is scheduled for Fall 2013. presenting sponsor: $5,000 (one available) •Receives top billing on correspondence related to the Move event and committee •Logo recognition on promotional materials •Recognition at event •Opportunity for representative to serve on planning committee •Eight event tickets host sponsor: $3,000 (one available) Seeking a facility to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Tulsa Sports Commission. •Recognition on promotional materials •Recognition at event •Opportunity to distribute mutually agreed upon materials •Opportunity to host quarterly meetings gold sponsor: $2,500 (one available) •Name recognition on promotional materials •Recognition at event •Four event tickets TulsaSportsCommission 2013 Resource Campaign 88 Strike Night 2013 c/o EVENT To be held on June 18 at Andy B’s, this popular bowling competition generates revenue for the Tulsa Sports Commission. By participating in this event, sponsors help the non-profit Tulsa Sports Commission accomplish it’s mission of growing Tulsa’s economic status and quality of life through sports. Title Sponsor: $3,000 (one available) •Receives top billing in advance publicity of event and on event visuals •Branded on site table to display promotional items or give aways •Recognition on event trophy •Two teams of four to participate host Sponsor: $1,000 (one available in 2014) •Recognition on promotional materials and during event •Opportunity to distribute mutually agreed upon materials best ball Sponsor: $1,000 (one available in 2014) •Recognized on Best Ball challenge promotionals and onsite branding of the game itself •Recognized during award ceremony •One team of four to participate team sponsor: $400 (thirty available) •Recognition on team table •One team of four to participate TulsaSportsCommission 2013 Resource Campaign 89 Quarterly Sports Forum c/o EVENT The Quarterly Sports Forum will be a relationship building event for local sports leaders. Leaders in local sports teams, fitness, retail, facilities, athletic departments, leagues, teams, associations, volunteers and organizations will be invited to network, learn, and discuss current events, topics and trends. The quarterly events will create and foster strategic relationships within the Tulsa sports industry. Timeframe will be January 2014-December 2014. presenting sponsor: $5,000 (one available) •Recognition on all promotional materials and media •Logo inclusion on •One table for eight at each quarterly meeting host sponsor: $1,000 (four available) Seeking a facility to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Tulsa Sports Commission. •Recognition on promotional materials •Recognition at event •Opportunity to distribute mutually agreed upon materials TulsaSportsCommission 2013 Resource Campaign 90 Sports After Hours 2014 (New) Exhibitor This new relationship building event will be held once a year (March 27, 2014) 5:00 pm- 7:00 pm. Event will feature a tradeshow with approximately 50 booths, as well as heavy hors d’œuvres, cash bars and fun giveaways. Sponsors and exhibitors have the opportunity to promote their products and services. Presenting Sponsor: $2,500 (two available) •Receives top billing in advance and post publicity •Recognition on event visuals, event materials and announced at event •Complimentary double booth in a prime location at Sports After Hours Gold Sponsor: $1,000 (six available) •Receives recognition in advance and post publicity •Recognition on event visuals, event materials and announced at event •Complimentary booth in a prime location at Sports After Hours Host Sponsor: $2,500 (one available-facilities only) Seeking a venue to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •Recognized in advance and post publicity for event •Recognition on event visuals, event materials and announced at event exhibitor cost: $350 •Receive a draped booth space with table and company sign TulsaSportsCommission 2013 Resource Campaign 91 Tulsa’s Young Professionals Sponsor The mission of Tulsa’s Young Professionals is to attract and retain young talent while also fostering the next generation of leadership. Tulsa’s Young Professionals is a quality group of diverse young professionals working together to showcase Tulsa as a cool place to spend their weekdays, weeknights and weekends. TYPros provides its members with opportunities to get in front of and build relationships with local community and business leaders. TYPros now boasts over 8,000 members and is considered one of the fastest growing and leading young professional groups in the nation. TYPros engages young professionals by offering eight different work crews: Arts & Entertainment, Attraction, Business Development, Diversity, Government Relations, Next Generation Leadership, Sustainability, and Urbanists. Timeframe: July 2013 thru June 2014. Benefactor Sponsor: $10,000 (five available) Benefactors underwrite all of the activities, programs, events and communications of Tulsa’s Young Professionals. •Representative on the advisory council •Recognition in all correspondence relating to Young Professional issues, programs, events, communication and publications (Including weekly member e-newsletters and approximately 80 events) •Recognition in all special events email reminders •Logo recognition at all TYPros events •Included in all communications sent to media •Prominent logo recognition on the home page of •Recognized as the major funding sponsor 2013 Resource Campaign Supporting Sponsor: $5,000 (UNLIMITED available) As this program continues to advance, it is imperative young professionals receive corporate and community support. Supporting sponsors provide the resources necessary to ensure Tulsa’s Young Professionals continued growth. •Recognition on the web, •Recognized on print and electronic communications •Opportunities to participate in programs •Logo recognition at all TYPros events (approximately 80) 92 The Forge-TYPros Business Development Center Sponsor MISSION: To accelerate the development and success of start-up and existing businesses. By providing affordable lease space to start-up companies, flexible office space to TYPros members, and access to business development services, The Forge assists young professionals in overcoming obstacles faced in the marketplace. SERVICES: Incubator: TYPros offers affordable lease space for start-up companies in a permanenet location at the Wright Building Annex in the heart of downtown Tulsa. Qualifying companies will have a business plan that targets the young professional demographic or is owned by a young professional. The space is designed in urban style and will repurpose many recyclable materials to create an evergetic and innovative atmosphere. Co-Working Space: TYPros members and entrepreneurs can pay a daily or monthly fee to gain exclusive access to the facillity which offers a short-term desk in a creative and collaborative environment. Members will have access to a conference room, desks and wireless network. Timeframe is July 2013-June 2014. benefactor sponsor: $5,000 (four available) •Prominent name recognition at the Business Development Center •Opportunity for one representative on the Business Development Center advisory council (group of advisors to the tenants) •Recognition on •Recognition on print and electronic communications supporting sponsor: $2,500 (unlimited available) •Recognition at the Business Development Center •Recognition on •Recognition on print and electronic communications 2013 Resource Campaign conference room Sponsor: $2,500 (one available) •Prominent logo recognition on the entrance and www. •Recognized in advance publicity for all events that The Forge and TYPro’s host in the conference room •Name recognition in press releases and newsletters pertaining to the conference room •Company representatives may participate in lunchn-learn sessions conducted by The Forge corporate sponsors 93 The Forge-TYPros Business Development Center Sponsor (continued from previous page) Co-working space Sponsor: $5,000 (one available) •Prominent logo recognition on the entrance and within the co-working space •Prominent logo recognition on •Name recognition in press releases and newsletters pertaining to the co-working space •Company representatives may participate in lunchn-learn sessions conducted by The Forge corporate sponsors lobby entrance Sponsor: $3,000 (one available) •Prominent logo recognition in the lobby •Prominent logo recognition on •Name recognition in press releases 2013 Resource Campaign forge ahead speaker series Sponsor: $1,000 (minimum of six-four available) The Forge partners with TYPros to bring a monthly luncheon speaker series to hear from leading business experts on topics related to entrepreneurship, business development and leadership training. Past discussions include: human resource training for small business owners, social media training, a conversation with David Littlefield, Littlefield Brand Development and the importance of hiring smart. •Recognized in advance publicity and at the event •Opportunity for CEO and guest to attend the event •Recognized in the TYPros newsletter •Logo recognition on the and the forgetulsa. com websites 94 TYPros Diversity Program Benefactor Benefactor Underwrites all of the diversity and inclusion efforts of TYPros. Events supported by this sponsorship create more informed young professionals who embrace the value of diverse groups and the inportance of an inclusive community. Sponsorship will be featured on all diversity crew activities. New initiatives include the “Perspectives” series that focuses on highlighting various minority groups and the D2 signature event. Timeframe is July 2013-June 2014. benefactor Sponsor: $5,000 (four Available) •Recognized in advance publicity and at events •Opportunity for rep on Advisory Council •Opportunity for CEO and guest to attend events •Recognized in the TYPros e-newsletter •Recognized as a crew sponsor 2013 Resource Campaign 95 TYPros Sustainability Program Benefactor Benefactor Underwrites all of the sustainability efforts of TYPros. Sponsor will be recognized as the crew sponsor as well as a sponsor for all TYPros events that are organized and planned using green practices. Sponsor will also be featured on any other sustainability crew activities. Includes 6 Do-It-Yourself events designed to educate members about current green initiatives and teach ways to act “greener” in everyday life. Timeframe is July 2013-June 2014. benefactor Sponsor: $2,500 (four Available) •Recognized in advance publicity and at events •Opportunity for CEO and guest to attend events •Recognized in the TYPros e-newsletter •Recognized as a crew sponsor 2013 Resource Campaign 96 TYPros Community Impact Benefactor Benefactor Underwrites all of the philanthropy events with the annual TYPRos Community Partner, including a TYPros hosted fundraiser. Supports TYPros partnership with Leadership Tulsa to match young professionals to community boards as “interns” meaning that they do not have voting rights or financial obligations. This connects young professionals to the community and educates them on what boards are doing to make Tulsa a better place and provides them with invaluable leadership skills. Includes three events centered around Board interns. Additionally, the sponsorship will underwrite all of the new initiatives of the Next Generation Leadership Crew, whose mission is to develop strategies to promote leadership opportunities and education for young professionals, including the Fitness in Tulsa Series. Timeframe is July 2013June 2014. benefactor Sponsor: $2,500 (four Available) •Recognized in advance publicity and at events •Opportunity for CEO and guest to attend events •Recognized in the TYPros e-newsletter •Recognized as a crew sponsor 2013 Resource Campaign 97 TYPros Boomtown Awards Event In 2011, TYPros hosted its inaugural Boomtown Awards at The Mayo Hotel to highllight individuals, businesses and organizations that are helping TYPros achieve its’ mission of attracting and retaining young professionals to the Tulsa area and developing the next generation of business and community leaders. The event was an enormous success and sold out with over 300 people in attendance. The second year also sold out and was even bigger and better. The Boomtown Awards will be held in the fourth quarter of 2013. Presenting Sponsor: $5,000 (one available) •Included as “Presenting sponsor” in all communications sent to media and interviews regarding Boomtown Awards •Prominent logo recognition in all printed materials •One reserved table for eight-ten •Four individual tickets 2013 Resource Campaign supporting Sponsor: $2,000 (five available) •Included in all communications sent to media and interviews regarding Boomtown Awards •Name recognition in all printed materials •One reserved table for eight-ten 98 TYPros Leadership through Legislation (New) Event This new series features quarterly educational sessions such as Civics 101, How a Bill Becomes a Law, Effective Advocacy and timely educational items related to the legislative process. Guest speakers include former Secretary of State Susan Savage, former Speaker of the House Chris Benge and others. These sessions are open to the public and are attended by approximately 50 people. Timeframe is July 2013June 2014. Presenting Sponsor: $1,500 (series of fourfour available) •Recognized in advance publicity and at event •Opportunity for CEO and guest to attend event •Logo promotion in the TYPros e-newsletter 2013 Resource Campaign 99 TYPros Fitness In Tulsa (FIT Series) (new) Event The Next Generation Leadership Crew hosts this new series focused on getting young professionals physically active in the community. Past events have included: a running group to support the Tulsa Run, a kickball league, rock climbing and yoga. Timeframe is July 2013-June 2014. Presenting Sponsor: $1,000 (series of six minimum-four available) •Recognized in advance publicity and at event •Opportunity for CEO and guest to attend event •Logo promotion in the TYPros e-newsletter 2013 Resource Campaign 100 TYPros Do-It-Yourself Series (new) Event The Sustainability Crew hosts this new weekend series centered on providing practical, do-it-yourself activities to incorporate sustainable practices into your daily life. Past events have included: creating a rain barrel, winterizing your garden, compositing 101 and understanding the city’s new trash policy. Timeframe is July 2013-June 2014. Presenting Sponsor: $500 (series of six minimum-four available) •Recognized in advance publicity and at event •Opportunity for CEO and guest to attend event •Logo promotion in the TYPros e-newsletter 2013 Resource Campaign 101 TYPros New Member Networking Series Event Underwrites all outreach and events catered toward new members. This includes the TYPros 360 Orientation Series and monthly “Toast to TYPros” new member events. This series is designed to educate members about TYPros’ activities and initiatives to ultimately get new members engaged on a work crew. Orientation sessions address questions and allow members to discuss projects with crew leaders. Also, helps underwrite the DIVE presentations that TYPros volunteers present to area companies to recruit employees to Tulsa and TYPros, as well as educate new employees about the benefits and opportunities in the Tulsa metro area. Timeframe is July 2013-June 2014. Presenting Sponsor: $2,000 (four available) •Recognized in advance publicity and at event •Opportunity for CEO and guest to attend event •Recognized in the TYPros e-newsletter and website 2013 Resource Campaign 102 TYPros “Unplugged” Series Event Unplugged events provide a question/answer forum, giving young professionals exposure to decision makers and community leaders. Examples of past speakers include Mayor Kathy Taylor, Mayor Dewey Bartlett, Governor Brad Henry, Bill LaFortune, Chet Cadieux, Bobby Lorton, Steve Malcolm, Scott Booker (manager, Flaming Lips), Ken Levitt and Jeff Stava, George Kaiser Family Foundation. Please note: speakers may be controversial. Timeframe is July 2013-June 2014. Presenting Sponsor: $2,500 (minimum of twofour available) •Recognized in advance publicity and at event •Opportunity for CEO and guests to attend event •Recognized in the TYPros e-newsletter •Recognized in any additionally added unplugged events 2013 Resource Campaign 103 TYPros Leadership Education Development (L.E.D. Series) Event TYPros will provide its members with luncheon opportunities to hear from distinguished leaders and educators on topics related to professional and business development, leadership training, and community involvement. Past discussions include: resume building, how to effectively work a room, and human resource training for small business owners. Timeframe is July 2013-June 2014. Presenting Sponsor: $1,500 (series of six four available) •Recognized in advance publicity and at event •Opportunity for CEO and guest to attend event •Recognized in the TYPros e-newsletter 2013 Resource Campaign 104 TYPros “Art Of Tulsa” Series Event “Art Of Tulsa” events were created to enhance and develop appreciation, understanding and continued support for the arts in our community. Through these events, TYPros members can experience performance art, art museums and galleries, etc. TYPros hosts their own show each year to celebrate YP artists. Past events include partnerships with Tulsa Ballet, Gilcrease Museum, Tulsa Opera and Chamber Music Tulsa. Also covers a TYPros public art project. Timeframe is July 2013-June 2014. Presenting Sponsor: $2,000 (approximately four per year-four available) •Recognized in advance publicity and at event •Opportunity for CEO and guest to attend event •Recognized in the TYPros e-newsletter and website 2013 Resource Campaign 105 TYPros Intern Program Benefactor Development Tulsa’s future workforce is dependent on our youth. This program encourages businesses to develop and expand internship programs and provides them with an internship guide. In addition, companies are encouraged to list internship opportunities on the web site solely for Tulsa internships. TYPros continues to promote Tulsa as a choice destination for internships and jobs through attendance at career fairs and marketing materials directing them to both the site and the TYPros site. Includes events designed specifically for interns to meet, make connections, and learn more about Tulsa, thus enhancing their internship experience and hopefully, influencing where they want to live and work. Timeframe is July 2013-June 2014. Presenting Sponsor: $2,500 (four available) •Recognized on advance publicity and at event(s) •Opportunity for CEO and guest to attend event(s) •Recognized in e-announcements to college students •Recognized at summer intern event(s) •Opportunity to provide promotional items at intern event(s) 2013 Resource Campaign 106 TYPros “Street Cred” Project Development “Street Cred” - community redevelopment through urban revitalization. Sometimes all an area needs is a little push to offer people a vision of what it can become. Street Cred attempts to showcase areas of Tulsa for what they could be-livable, walkable, sustainable and revitalized. In its inaugural year, “Street Cred” focused on “Polishing the Pearl”, the intersection of 6th and Peoria in the Pearl District. Often referred to as the corridor from TU to downtown, TYPros gave the intersection a “weekend makeover” to visually articulate the potential the area has to become the next “Blue Dome”, “Cherry Street” or “Brookside”. The second year saw the “Red Fork Revival” in west Tulsa. TYPros will host a weekend event that brings together local businesses, entertainment, people and energy to promote a vision for a thoughtful approach to infill development, helping to shape Tulsa’s growth without compromising its identity and individuality. Each year, a different area of Tulsa will be highlighted. The location for the 2013 Street Cred event is in north Tulsa at 36th Street North and Peoria. Timeframe is July 2013-June 2014. Presenting Sponsor: $1,500 (four available) •Recognized in advance pubicity and at the event •Logo displayed at the event •Opportunity for CEO and guest to attend event(s) •Recognized in the TYPros e-newsletter and on the website 2013 Resource Campaign 107 TYPros Family Event Event This event provides a chance for young professionals to network in a family-friendly environment making it easier for YPs with families to get plugged in. Past activities include the Air and Space Museum; picnics; Pumpkin Patch trip; pool party; children’s reading hour with best selling authors; float in the Holiday Parade of Lights and Children’s Art Day at Zarrow Center. Timeframe is July 2013-June 2014. Presenting Sponsor: $2,000 (series of two four available) •Recognized in advance publicity and at event •Opportunity for CEO and guest to attend event •Recognized in the TYPros e-newsletter 2013 Resource Campaign 108 TYPros Pub Club Event TYPros’ members are invited to meet at cool spots around Tulsa to network and mingle. Pub clubs typically attract 100-150 members at each event. Timeframe is July 2013-June 2014. Presenting Sponsor: $1,500 (series of 6-12five available) •Recognized in advance publicity •Recognized in the TYPros e-newsletter 2013 Resource Campaign 109 TYPros Create Tulsa Series (New) Event It’s important for young professionals to be educated on the future plans for the city. This series allows young professionals to learn about possible developments from the source and to ask questions. Areas of particular interest include downtown and river developments. Events include speakers on the importance of building a creative community and bring speakers from out of state to discuss ways individuals can enhance their community. Timeframe is July 2013-June 2014. Presenting Sponsor: $2,000 (series of two minimum-three available) •Recognized in advance publicity and at event •Opportunity for CEO and guest to attend event •Recognized in the TYPros e-newsletter •Recognized at any additional development events 2013 Resource Campaign 110 TYPros “YP Day at the Capitol” Event A “Young Professionals” day at the State Capitol provides the opportunity for young professionals to meet with our state-elected delegation. Each year, this event has gained momentum and is an important outlet for YPs to share their legislative agenda and ultimately, have a voice in affecting change. This event will be held in spring 2014. Approximate attendance is 50. Presenting Sponsor: $1,000 (three available) •Recognized in advance publicity and at event •Opportunity for CEO and guest to attend event •Recognized in the TYPros e-newsletter 2013 Resource Campaign 111 TYPros Host Sponsors Sponsor Seeking location venues suitable for young professionals’ events (50-300 people depending on event) and food (budget reduction trade or cash). An urban bar type atmosphere is preferred. Must be approved by the special events crew of Tulsa’s Young Professionals. Timeframe July 2013-June 2014. is Sponsor: $1,000 (unlimited available) •Recognized in advance publicity and at event •Opportunity for CEO and guests to attend event •Recognized in the TYPros e-newsletter 2013 Resource Campaign 112 Dine Around Tulsa c/o Publication Tulsa’s restaurant guide includes listings by neighborhood, by type of cuisine, and in alphabetical order. These will be provided to all convention/meeting delegates as well as to all group and individual leisure visitors. Distribution estimated at 30,000 annually. Sponsorship includes a “featured” lcoation on the VisitTulsa restaurant page. Published twice per year in 2014. ONEOK Cafeteria 100 W. 5th St. 918.588.7625 Mon - Fri 7a-1:30p Skyline Snack Shop 15 E. 5th St., Ste 130 918.592.5502 Mon – Fri 7:30a-3:30p Skyline Snack Shop 110 W. 7th St., Ste LL100 918.592.5503 Mon – Fri 7:30a – 3p Steakfinger House 403 S. Boulder Ave. 918.584.0454 Mon – Fri 6:30a – 2:30p Subway 4 W. 4th St. 918.592.0000 Mon – Fri 9a-6:30p Sat 10a-3p Trula’s 115 West 5th St. 918.895.8403 Breakfast: 6:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Dinner: 5:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Bar: 5:00 p.m. – Close Teri’s 3 E. 5th St. Tulsa, OK 74103 918.58.CONEY (26639) Mon - Fri 10:30a-2p The Greens on Boulder 419 S. Boulder 918.587.0123 Mon - Fri 7:30a - 3p Core Business District Quizno’s 15 W. 5th St. 918.583.7849 Mon – Fri 11a-5p Ti Amo’s 302 S. Cheyenne Ave. 918.592.5151 Mon-Fri: 11am-2pm Thurs-Sat: 5pm-11pm Sun-Wed: 5P-11P only during BOK Center Events 1974 Pub & Grill 402 E. 2nd St. 918.599.7019 Tues – Thurs 11a – 12a Fri – Sat 11a – 2a James E. McNellie’s Public House 409 E. 1st St. 918.382.7468 Mon - Sun 11a - Midnight Blue Dome Diner 313 E. 2nd St. 918.382.7866 Tues – Fri 7a – 2p Sat – Sun 8a – 1:30p Thurs – Sat 6p - 10p JoeMomma’s Pizza 112 S. Elgin 918.794.6563 Sun - Thurs 11a-midnight Fri & Sat 11a - 3a Yokozuna 309 E. 2nd St. 918.508.7676 Mon – Fri 11a-2p Mon – Thurs 5-10p Fri - Sat 5p - midnight Dilly Deli 402 E. 2nd St. 918.938.6382 Sun-Sat 8a – 4p El Guapo’s 322 E. 1st St. 918.382.7482 Mon – Thurs 11a – 12a Fri – Sat 11a-1a Sun 11a- 12a For more restaurant listings, or other things to do while visiting Tulsa, check out our website Williams Café 7 E. 2nd St. Tulsa, OK 74103 918.573.2080 Mon - Fri 6:45a-9:30a, 11a-1:30p Outback Steakhouse 9006 E 71st St TULSA’S DOWNTOWN DINING EXPERIENCE 254-4741 Shogun Steakhouse 6808 S Memorial Dr 254-2134 Panda Express 9815 E 71st St 459-0315 Silver Flame Steak House & Seafood 6100 S Sheridan Ave 496-3311 Panera Bread 11123 E 71st St Spc B 250-0196 Pizza Hut 7121 S Memorial Dr 234-8080 Zorba’s Greek Grill 601 S Boston Ave 295.4800 Mon – Fri 11:30a-3p Popeye’s Woodland Hills Mall 294-1311 Qdoba Mexican Grill 8310 E 71st St 994-7145 Tabouli’s 414 S. Main St. 918.599.8220 Mon - Fri 11a-2p Quizno’s Sub 10031 E 71st St 918-459-7966 Red Lobster 6718 S Memorial Dr 250-5330 Greenwood Fat Guy’s Burger Bar 140 N. Greenwood Ave 794.7782 Mon-Sat 11a – 10p Open after 10p and on Sundays during ONEOK Field events Tulsa Convention and Visitors Bureau Two West Second Street, Suite 150 Tulsa, OK 74103 800.558.3311 Savoy Restaurant 6033 S Sheridan Rd 494-5621 Papa John’s 6105 S Mingo Rd 252-7272 Pei Wei Asian Diner 4609 W Kenosha St 250-8557 Subway 601 S. Boulder Ave. 918.592.7722 Mon – Fri 9a-5p Jordan’s Fresh Fish Market 140 N. Greenwood Ave. Tulsa, OK 74120 918.582.1041 Tues - Fri 11a-7p, Sat 11a-6p Blue Dome District Oklahoma Spud 410 S. Main St. Tulsa, OK 74103 918.587.1255 Mon - Fri 11a-2p Red Robin 4801 W Kenosha Broken Arrow 254-4756 Smashburger 10830 E 71st St 307-0830 Smokey Island Woodland Hills Mall 249-0550 Sonic Drive In 9310 E 71st St 254-0128 Starbucks 7101 S Memorial Dr 459-0841 Starbucks Super Target Store 10711 E 71st St 307-8161 TGI Friday’s 8221 E 61st St 250-7825 The Honeybaked Ham Co. 8228 E 61st St Ste 116 254-6339 Ti Amo Italian Restorante 6024 S Sheridan Rd #A 499-1919 Twin Peaks 7007 S Memorial Dr 250-0700 Village Inn Pancake House 8320 E 71st St 254-7623 Waffle House 7022 S Mingo 252-5176 New China Super Buffet 2142 S Sheridan Ave 832-1388 Ron’s Hamburgers 1545 S Sheridan Ave 832-1911 Tacos Dom Francisco 4008 E 11th St 834-4866 On The Border 5340 E 41st St 627-3300 Ruby Tuesday 7806 E Skelly Dr 622-0781 Tally’s Good Food Café 1102 S Yale Ave 835-8039 Osaka Fantasy Steakhouse 3324 E 51st St 712-9943 Santa Fe 1515 S Sheridan Ave 836-9707 Thai Siam 6380 E 31st St 622-7667 Outback Steakhouse 4723 S Yale Ave 627-1992 Smoothie King 5075 S Yale Ave 622-2224 TGI Fridays 5359 E 41st St 280-8443 Wranglers Bar-B-Q 7915 E 71st St 252-4499 Panda Express 4728 E 21st St 743-8186 Speedy Gonzalez 2301 S. Memorial Dr 826-0960 Ty’s Hamburgers 1534 S Harvard Ave 749-8122 Villa Pizza Woodland Hills Mall 250-9341 Panera Bread 5601 E 41st St 663-1600 Starbucks Coffee 5984 S Yale Ave 488-8547 Umberto’s Pizzeria 3228 E 21st St 712-1999 Zio’s Italian Kitchen 7111 S Mingo Rd 250-5999 Pei Wei Asian Diner 5954 S Yale Ave 497-1015 Steve’s Sundry Books (Lunch Counter) 2612 S Harvard Ave 743-3544 Viet Huong 7919 E 21st St 664-1682 Which Wich 6028 S Memorial Dr 394-9424 Wing Run 7996 S Sheridan Rd 492-9464 TULSA’S 71st STREET RESTAURANT ROW Pizza Hut 1907 S Harvard Ave 234-8080 Wendy’s 11032 E 71st St 254-1623 Promenade Food Court 4107 S Yale Ave 627-9224 Whataburger 6004 S Sheridan Rd 492-6154 Qdoba Mexican Grill 5320 S Yale Ave 493-7179 Starbucks 11123 E 71st St 294-8600 Quiznos 1419 E 15th St 584-6200 Steak N Shake 6136 S Memorial 294-0275 Red Lobster 4525 E 51st St 496-3323 Subway Sandwiches & Salads 10156 E 71st St 250-3897 Rocket Brothers 9705 E. 61st St Downtown Dining Guide Souper Salad 872-1155 8228 E 61st St 249-2624 Romano’s Macaroni Grill 6603 S Memorial Dr Taco Bell 254-7800 8109 E 74th Pl 254-6652 Ron’s Hamburgers 7119 S Mingo Rd Taco Bueno 250-7667 6825 S Memorial Dr 252-1444 Ruby Tuesdays 6746 S Memorial Dr Texas Roadhouse 459-4212 11111 E 71st St 461-8891 Rib Crib 1601 S Harvard Ave 742-2742 Ricardo’s Restaurant 5629 E 41st St 622-2668 For more restaurant listings, or other things to do while visiting Tulsa, check out our website Tulsa Convention and Visitors Bureau Two West Second Street, Suite 150 Tulsa, OK 74103 800.558.3311 Sonic Drive-In 3821 S Harvard Ave 749-7046 Subway 1911 S Yale Ave 764-9600 Warren Duck Club (Doubletree Warren Place) 6110 S Yale Ave 495-1000 Wendy’s 3341 E 31st St 749-9420 Western Country Diner 1905 S Sheridan Ave 835-8862 Western Sizzlin’ 6510 E 21st St 835-8442 Whataburger 5726 E 41st St 665-1317 TULSA’S EXPO SQUARE RESTAURANTS Wilson’s BBQ 3616 E 11th St 836-7020 Wingstop 1921 S Yale Ave 743-9464 Village Inn 2745 S Harvard Ave 742-3515 Wok-Hot Chinese Delivery 1731 S Sheridan Rd 437-8391 Village Inn 5230 S Yale Ave 496-1207 South of the Border Express 2165 S Sheridan Rd 835-7300 Sushi Train 3300 E 51st St 747-9931 Taco Bueno 2814 E 11th St 582-1090 For more restaurant listings, or other things to do while visiting Tulsa, check out our website Taco Bell 4703 E 51st St 481-5238 Taco Cabana 1941 S Yale Ave 712-8834 Tulsa Convention and Visitors Bureau Two West Second Street, Suite 150 Tulsa, OK 74103 800.558.3311 Expo Square Dining Guide 71st Street Dining Guide Presenting Sponsor: $750 (four available) •Logo recognition on printed piece •”Featured” location on the VisitTulsa website 2013 Resource Campaign 113 Downtown Tulsa Map Publication BLUE Four-color map featuring downtown Tulsa restaurants, hotels and entertainment venues. Map is distributed at all downtown hotels, BOK Center, Tulsa Regional Chamber, downtown businesses and to meeting attendees. Print quantity is minimum of 15,000. Timeframe is January-December 2014. REST AURA NTS DOME 1974 DIST 402 E. Pub & Gr RICT ill 2n Arnie d St. / 91 NIGH GREENWOOD DISTRICT BLUE DOME DISTRICT 8.599 318 E. ’s Bar T SP .7019 2nd OT St. / Blue 91 313 E. Dome Din 8.583.07 97 Spag 2n er Dirty’ d St. / 91 & Only BOK CENTER DISTRICT 4 PEORIA DISTRICT 221 E. hetti Wa 325 E. s Tavern 8.382.78 Love Cater Brady rehou THEA 66 The 2nd se St. / ing St. / Hi 918.5 El Gu TER 5 918.5 216 N. ve 87.44 51.76 332 E. apo’s Ca 40 Elgin 60 1st St. ntina Ave. ROUTE 66 DISTRICT BRADY ARTS DISTRICT / 918.5 Jam 3 / 918.3 es 99.09 82.RI 409 E. E. McNe CORE 00 TA 1st St. llie’s 5 BUSIN Arby Minis 3 / 918.3 Publi ESS DI ’s Steak 324 S. 82.PI c Hous 514 E. try of So STDISTRICT CORE BUSINESS DISTRICT SOBO RICT NT (74 e Main 403 S.B finger Ho und 2nd 6 Billy’ St. / 68) St. us The oulde 1 918.5 Co Subw r Ave. e 424 S. s on the 85 421 E. ntinent / 918.5 Main Square .6954 4 W. ay 1st St. al 84.04 4th Cone St. / Tsuna 2 / 918.5 918.5 54 Subw St. / 918.5 123 W. y Island 83.87 92.78 309 E. mi Sush 92.00 03 44 601 S.B ay 4th St. i 2nd 00 12 Cour 4 St. / / 918.5 oulde 6 tya 918.5 Tabo r Ave. 87.28 413 S.B rd De 82.41 / 918.5 21 BOK 414 S. uli’s 00 oston li 92.77 Crown CENT 5 Ave. Main 2 Baxte 22 ER DI Teri’s St. / 100 E. e Plaza / 918.587 91 STRI 717 S. r’s Interu 8.5 .3354 Secon Hotel 3 E. 5th 99.82 9 CT Ho rb 14 Deco d 20 3 Carso uston Av an Grill (Crow St. / 918.5 Tiffan St. / 918.5 e. n’s 10 ne / 0 82 8.CON 918.5 200 Civ on th E. 2n 7 5 100 E. y Rose 1 Plaza Hotel .9000 85.31 d St. EY (26 ic Cen e Plaza Lo Denv 7 2nd / 91 34 ) Cella 639) ter / St. (Cr unge Tulsa 17 W. er Grill (Do 8.582.90 owne 1 417 W. r Dweller 918.592.45 100 E. Café Plaza 6Do 7th St. / wntow 00 2 7th St. 00 11 10 Hotel 2n n 918.5 mi Doub 2 ) / 91 Willia d St. (Cr 3 82.37 Plaza Ho 16 W. no’s Piz owne 8.582 tel) 616 W. letree Ho 90 4 4th St. za 7 E. 2n ms Café .9000 Plaza Seven tel Do 11 Down / 918.5 Hotel d St. Seve 1 th St. wntow / 918.5 ) / 91 82.30 n 17 W. town1Pla2 8 8.582 616 W. West Ca / 918.587 n Tulsa 73.39 Seven za Ho 30 .9000 92 .8000 7th St. fé 6 18 th GR Fe tel St. lin EENW Six 16 4 i’s / 918.5 (Do 11 OOD Jorda 85.58 616 W. Bar & Lo ubletree 10 9 E. 5th St. 4 Hotel 98 7th St. unge 5/ 9138.5 13 140 N. n’s Fresh Fortu ) / 91 Subw 3 (Doub 84.17 8.587 Green Fish 109 S. ne Chef letree 72 .8000 wood Marke 200 Civ ay Cin Ho t Av cinna 11 12 tel) / ic Cen e. / 91 18 Gran ti Av The 918.5 ter / 3 8.582 PEOR Co 87.80 309 S. d Selectio e. / 918.5 .1041 IA 616 W. ffee Co 918.592.46 00 Main ns 82.02 Hotel 4 Ho 7th St. nnectio 00 15 St. / 80 ps 3 918.5 (Doub n “W 631 S. Savo1y 601 S. cotch 7 De 83.05 letree e Proud Peori 1 li 10 BRAD Hotel a Ave. ly 14 Im 5 13Boulder Av 10 ) / 91 Brew Sta / 918.3 Y DIST pr 1 Bob’s 8.587 rbu 2 507 essions 8 e., Suite 47.29 RICT .8000 cks” ROUT 115 / S. Ma 15 423 N. 60 E 66 918.3 Main Jackie16 6in St. / 4 Hotel 59.39 3 918.5 Cain’ St. / ’s Sa 13 40117S. 918.5 s 87.05 ndwi 1324 Ambassa 423 N. Ballroo 84.23 15 Bo ch S. 1 dor m PEORIA 06 Jones ston Av es 3 Mazzi MainDISTRICT Caz’s Main St. St. e. / 3 9 17 W. ’n Clu 421 E. o’s Pizza 918.587.82 18 E. Chowho / 918.584 7th St. b (Do18 us Brady .2306 wn 11 00 KoKo / 918.5 town Pla 6 McBir th St., #B St. / e Club 9 91 85.58 za Ho / 91 507 S. a Kaba19 1414 ney Ma 209 N.B209 “The 8.588.CH tel) 98 Bosto na nsion 8.664.44 S. OW (24 Ar 44 Long n Ave. 7 Phat Galveston B & B Club oulder Av ts Bar” 1 4 69) 2 9 e. / 91 Ave. 1 12 W. Palace Ch / 918.592 24 3 1101 Philly’s 124 N.BMajestic / 918.5 8.587 4th St. .56 ine S. De .9944 85.32 18 Lou’s troit / 918.5 se Resta 56 Sun Dead oston Ave. 1 3 34 Ave. Ca uran 82.44 / 918.5 412 S. Deli / 918.3 3 907 S. fé 23 N. town Ta t 52 Ma 84 82 ve Ch Detro .9494 .PHAT rn Marke in St. / 8 it Av The 10 Gyps eyenne Av 6 (7428 918.5 e. Ch y e. / 91 712 S. t Deli 87.06 ) 1324 alkboard / 918.586 303 N. Coffee 31 Bosto .6252 Cincin House 8.583.33 13 918.5 S. Main St. (Hotel New n 23 Lola’ 3 & Cy nati 7 Amba Atlas Ave. / 91ROUTE 66 82.19 s at ber Ca Av 41 8.5 e. ssa 64 Gr Tu 5 5 E. Bra the Bo / 918.2 82.57 dor) S. Bo DISTRICT ill / 918.3 lsa fé 11 we dy St. 95.21 82.60 1381 Spotlig ONEO ston Av 5 11 Kenn 2 81 / 918.5 ry e. / 91 22 cat S. Riv ht Th 100 W. K Cafet 8.583 erside eatre ering 92.79 506 W. edy Mans .3111 5th St. eria 95 Dr. / ion Fairvi Oklah 918.5 9 / 918.5 Mexic 4 ew St. B & B 1 87.50 SOBO 88.76 410 S. oma Sp / 918.7 30 14 W. ali Bord 4 25 Main ud 12.80 Bosto Brady er Ca 5 7 65 fé Mooc St. / 2 6 Quiznos St. / 918.5 14th 1738 n’s 918.5 15 W. 87.12 W. 222 N. h and Bu 5 82.33 5th St. 55 Dales Boston Av rn 83 Main 17 Sim / 918.5 Soun e. / 91 St. / 2 ple 1742 andro’s 91 83.78 15th 8.583 419 S. Delig S. 409 N. d Pony Lo 8.955.08 49 .9520 Bould hts De Doub Boston Av 19 un Main li Skyli er Av 5 e. / 91 St. / ge 4 e. / 91 1 16th 1730 le Shot 918.5 8.582 15 E. ne Snack Co 8.587 S. Bo 82.76 .1551 ARKANSAS RIVER 5th St. Sh ston ffee Co .0123 69 2 16 SOBO Mercury mp , Suite op Av Skyli 8 DISTRICT 1747 Loun e. / 918.5 any 17th St. 110 W. ne Snack 130 / 91 99.77 8.592 Every 2 S. Boston ge 7th St. Shop 00 Pour effort 2 .5502 Ave. Soran 2 , Suite has bee 3 18th 9 / 918.8 118 E. House n ma LL100 15 E. no’s de to 51 4 18 .7648 / 918.5 5th St. th St. insure Reha 2 accu / 91 15 92.55 / 918.5 racy.The 03 39 E. b Lounge 8.551.76 92.60 Tulsa 18 00 Conven 60 tion Rene th St. / 91 3 19 and Visi 8.582 tors Bur 1649 gade .73 33 eau assu S. Ma Visitor Information: Tulsa Convention & Visitors Bureau,Williams Center Tower II,Two W. Second St., Plaza Level in St. mes Roc 4 no 15 / 918.5 Ba Oklahoma Tourism Information Center: I-44 & 161stliab East Area Code: 918 ility Ave. 112 E. r 18th or resp 85.34 onsibili 18 05 ty for Vintag th St. 2 errors or om 1740 e 1740 issions S. Bo in this ston 1 publica Ave. tion.The / 918.5 82-07 Williambureau is 00 s Cen dedicat 4 ed ter w w w. v i s i t t u l s a . c o m ACCO M MOD ATIO NS 2 13 3 5 15 11 11 12 Peoria Tower to pro II / Two moting the West Second Tulsa area Street as / Tuls a conven a, OK tion 74103 and tou rist / (91 8) 585 destina tion .120 1 or 800 .11/07 .558 © .331 1 2 Gold Sponsor: $1,000 (four Available) •High visibility logo promotion 2013 Resource Campaign 114 Local Hero/Tops In Tulsa Luncheon Event The Tulsa Hotel & Lodging Association (THLA), the City of Tulsa and VisitTulsa will honor “Local Heroes” in May 2014. This luncheon will honor up to 20 Tulsans (and area residents) who have worked with the VisitTulsa staff to bring a meeting, convention or event to Tulsa in the past year. The THLA also honors top hotel employees. Representatives from the mayor’s office, city councilors, Chamber leadership and those being honored attend as well as THLA members. Approximately 200 attend. Presenting Sponsor: $3,000 (one available) •Receives top billing in advance and post publicity, online calendar and on event visuals •Opportunity for CEO or rep to welcome guests •Opportunity to address attendees • Recognition in the Chamber Report •Seating for 8 at the luncheon 2013 Resource Campaign 115 Meeting Planner Guide c/o Publication Tulsa’s Meeting Planner Guide outlines in detail all aspects of the meeting and convention industry in the city. The Guide is designed to assist meeting and event planners with their activities in Tulsa. The Guide is divided into sections, including: About Tulsa, Convention Facilities, Arenas and Theaters, Hotels and Lodging, Attractions, Shopping and Sports, Convention Services, Restaurants, and Transportation and Maps. The Guide is provided to approximately 500 planners per year and is available printed or electronically. Also, available on the VisitTulsa website. Timeframe is January-December 2014. Presenting Sponsor: $1,000 (six availableone per section in bold above) •One-third page at beginning of the corresponding section, to include logo and 25 word description/sales message 2013 Resource Campaign 116 Meeting Tulsa At A Glance Brochure c/o Publication An attractive and concise convention sales brochure promotes convention facilities available in Tulsa. The brochure will be distributed at conventions, electronically to meeting planners, through direct mail and on the VisitTulsa website. Distribution will be approximately 750 per year. This is an excellent sponsorship opportunity for hotels or attractions. Timeframe is January-December 2014. CONvENTION & MEETINg FACILITIES CONvENTION PROPERTIES TULSA CONvENTION CENTER 2010 began a renaissance for Tulsa’s Convention Center. A 30,000 sq. ft. ballroom was opened, the largest in Oklahoma. Other meeting space was refreshed to coordinate with this new addition. TCC offers over 100,000 sq. ft. of flexible exhibit space, several additional breakout rooms and an arena with a seating capacity of 8,900 Banquet Seating 6,500 550 5,000 4,200 360 Exhibit Hall B & C 72,200 5,700 4,400 360 Exhibit Hall A 30,400 2,700 1,400 150 Exhibit Hall B 30,400 2,700 1,500 150 Exhibit Hall C 38,000 3,400 1,600 190 Assembly Hall (with built-in stage) 7,700 1,000 500 40 Conference Hall (divisible into 7 sections) 20,000 1,536 Tulsa Ballroom A & B 30,060 3,300 1,800 150 Tulsa Ballroom A 21,474 2000 1,300 105 Tulsa Ballroom B Tulsa Ballroom B2 1,408 HOTELS COURTyARD TULSA DOWNTOWN 918.508.7400–––––(Six blocks to the Tulsa Convention Center) 10’x10’ BoothS 7,000 64,600 95 8,586 700 500 3,098 280 150 15 Tulsa Ballroom B1 or B3 2,749 200 100 135 Riverside 1,215 60 50 - Utica 1,215 60 50 - HyATT REgENCy TULSA 918.582.9000 (Seven blocks to the Tulsa Convention Center) DOWNTOWN theater Seating 102,600 42 Brady 1,215 60 50 - Blue Dome 1,215 60 50 - Brookside 1,215 60 50 - Cherry Street 1,215 60 50 - Greenwood 1,215 60 50 - Arena 23,744 8.900 1,760 108 theater Banquet 10’ x 10’ BoothS QuikTrip Center 354,000 27,000 23,000 3,200 Central Park Hall 43,000 3,300 2,800 216 Exchange Center 58,500 4,500 3,800 216 Pavilion 16,150 5,500 1328 80 TULSA AREA ARENAS SOUTHEAST SQUARE FEET SOUTH EXPO SQUARE / TULSA FAIRgROUNDS Over one-hundred twenty million dollars has been spent in the past decade at Expo Square; it is considered to be the premier equine facility in the United States, where National and International shows are held annually. Home to one of the world’s largest clear-span buildings, the QuikTrip Center hosts a multitude of shows and events throughout the year. Other facilities in this 240 acre site include a 5/8th mile horse-racing track with seating for 4,000, an historic Art Deco style Pavilion and multiple other meeting venues. arena LoCATion BoK Center Downtown Seating CapaCity Square Feet 18,500 550,000 South 10,573 317,121 Donald Reynolds Center at the University of Tulsa Midtown 8,355 138,000 Tulsa Convention Center Arena Downtown 8,900 23,744 Southeast 5,662 27,000 Midtown 5,500 16,150 South / Bixby 4,500 35,000 Mabee Center John Q. Hammons Arena at the UMAC Expo Square Pavilion SpiritBank Event Center MIDTOWN Tulsa offers a number of venues to meet the needs of your group. These arenas are situated around the city with accommodation blocks available to each one. Arena seating capacities range from 4,500 to 18,500 # of Meeting Rooms/Sq. Ft. Largest Theater Seating Largest Banquet Seating 119 2/1,186 77 45 460 15/38,000 Total guest Rooms DOUBLETREE HOTEL TULSA DOWNTOWN 918.587.8000 (Connected to the Tulsa Convention Center 417 HOLIDAy INN TULSA - CITy CENTER 918.585.5898 (Four blocks to the Tulsa Convention Center) 207 15/22,867 3/3,000 HOTEL AMBASSADOR 918.587.8200 (12 blocks to the Tulsa Convention Center) 55 3/1,147 MAyO HOTEL 918.582.6296 (Four blocks to the Tulsa Convention Center) 102 9/20,239 CLARION HOTEL 918.258.7085 EAST Square Feet Exhibit Hall A, B, C Exhibit Hall A & B 195 4/4,362 HARD ROCK HOTEL AND CASINO TULSA 918.384.7800 356 19/35,000 PARK INN HOTEL TULSA AIRPORT 918.835.9911 172 7/7,200 SPORTS at a glance Our downtown stadium, ONEOK Field, made its debut in April of 2010 to a900 roaring crowd who enjoyed a game played 1,100 against the city’s skyline. The new stadium seats 8,600 and boasts 30 suites. In the 250 heart of the city is The University of Tulsa with state-of-the-art collegiate facilities including: 150 • H.A. Chapman Stadium with a new seating capacity of 30,000. • Michael D. Case Tennis Center – a top-tier tennis complex, • Hurricane Soccer and Track Stadium featuring a 75’ X 120’ soccer field; eight-lane 400-meter synthetic 70 72 surface running track and seating for 2,000 spectators. Additionally, Oral Roberts University provides access to J.L. Johnson Stadium with a natural grass surface and 425 280 seating of up to 2,418. Home to 19 public golf courses and many award-winning private courses, the Tulsa area is a golf mecca for amateurs 300 250 and professionals alike. Tulsa has hosted the U.S. Open, PGA, U.S. Amateur and LPGA. If your1425 event is more 1000 about speed, Tulsa’s Raceway Park is the place with 10,000 seating capacity and 10 staging lanes. Tulsa is also home to the U.S. Shooting Academy. 350 sports,225 For youth the region is well equipped with several baseball complexes including All-Star Sports Complex, Carl Smith Sports Complex and Indian Springs Sports Complex. Tulsa Riverparks boasts more than 40 miles of trails and a host of water sports. RAMADA TULSA AIRPORT EAST 918.437.7660 158 4/3,081 HILTON TULSA SOUTHERN HILLS 918.492.5000 284 11/12,000 500 300 MARRIOTT TULSA SOUTHERN HILLS 918.493.7000 383 23/43,000 1,400 1,020 RADISSON TULSA HOTEL 918.627.5000 325 20/14,151 850 550 300 23/50,000 3,000 2,000 RENAISSANCE TULSA HOTEL AND CONvENTION CENTER 918.307.2600 DOUBLETREE HOTEL TULSA AT WARREN PLACE 918.495.1000 TULSA SELECT HOTEL 918.622.7000 EMBASSy SUITES 918.622.4000 TULSA at a glance Besides the versatile arenas found throughout the city, Tulsa is home to many1,100 complexes, fields and facilities able to 1,400 accommodate any sport. 400 350 The Midwest is known for having a flair all its own, but the unique marriage of Tulsa’s historic Native American roots and oil boom heritage create a city rich in arts, culture and entertainment. Centrally located, Tulsa is an affordable and easy drive-in destination for conventions and events. The newly remodeled Tulsa International Airport (TUL) is a convenient 15 minutes from downtown for those choosing to fly. Anchored by four professional sports teams and two private universities, there’s always a game on in Tulsa. Once downtown, you will find a city reborn with a newly renovated and expanded Tulsa Convention Center; one of the nation’s top 370 12/20,868 950 700 313 10/14,000 500 340 240 3/4,000 350 250 arenas, the 18,500 seat BOK Center; and the new $39.2 million dollar ONEOK Field – home of the Tulsa Drillers baseball team. Meeting attendees can spend free time in-between sessions exploring ACCESSIBILITy SUPPORT HOTELS Tulsa offers more than 13,000 hotel rooms in the metropolitan area. So no matter which conference hotel or area you choose, we have a wide variety of accommodations to support your group’s overflow needs. CENTRALLy LOCATED in the middle of the country, Tulsa is an easy drive-in destination for many delegates. For those who want to fly, Tulsa International Airport is just 15 minutes from downtown and offers 72 flights daily, with direct flights to more than 20 U.S. destinations. Most major carriers fly into Tulsa so delegates can choose the airline and fare that works best for their needs. For more information, visit art, culture and history of this oil-boom city. Mere steps from the Tulsa Convention Center they are able to view some of the most magnificent Art Deco architecture in the World. A few steps further and they’ll find the Brady and Blue Dome entertainment districts. World class museums including the Gilcrease or Philbrook are less than 3 miles from the convention center. Seeking a different kind of adventure? The Oklahoma Aquarium and the Tulsa Zoo both offer a unique and exciting “meeting experience”. Planners and organizations are taking a closer look at Tulsa – downtown and around the city. Welcome to Tulsa. 2 W. 2nd St., Ste 150 | Tulsa, OK 74103 | | 800-558-3311 Presenting Sponsor: $1,500 (two available) •Quarter page business promotion on back cover •”Featured sponsor” position on website 2013 Resource Campaign 117 Tulsa Totes c/o Promotional Item Each year thousands of meeting delegates visit Tulsa and many collect information about activities available to them in the city. These recyclable plastic bags are provided at numerous conventions and meetings throughout the Tulsa area for just this purpose. The bags are also used at several women’s and travel shows in the region. Tulsa logo placed on one side. Production is 10,000 totes. Timeframe is January-December 2014. Presenting Sponsor: $1,500 (four available) •Company logo printed one side of bag •Company’s promotional piece included in bag 2013 Resource Campaign 118 Tulsa Visitors Map Publication Four color map featuring Tulsa attractions, shopping, accommodations and public meeting/sports facilities. Map is distributed at all OK Travel Info Centers and the Tulsa Regional Chamber and provided to Tulsans, visitors and convention and sports delegates. Print quantity is 50,000. Timeframe is January-December 2014. Inset 1 ACCOMMODATIONS: Hotels, motels, bed and breakfast, RV campgrounds see p.00 VISITORS INFORMATION: Tulsa Convention & Visitors Bureau, Williams Center Tower II, Two W. Second St., Plaza Level. Oklahoma Tourism Information Center: 3 7 30 5 15 20 37 43 32 33 38 24 6 39 40 22 107 27 31 14 9 22 1 28 10 16 35 26 18 12 88 8 17 29 36 21 42 11 4 41 13 23 E. 15th Street Gate 5 25 OSU Ext. Gate 6 Gate 7 Gate 7A Health Dept. Drillers Stadium S. Louisville F150 Barn Expedition Barn Expedition Arena Oklahoma Ford Dealers Barn Explorer Barn Explorer Super Duty Barn Mustang Explorer Arena Arena Super Duty Arena Ford Ford Truck Truck Exhibit Arena Hall Fair Meadow Race Track Pavilionn Gate 1 2 Exchange Center EXPO SQUARE 2 Trade Center 98 QuikTrip Center Simulcast Racing 2 Big Splash Water Park 2 Gate 13 Golden Driller Gate 12 Gate 13 E. 21st Street S. Ya le Avenue Armory/ Community Building Inset 2 ATTRACTIONS 1 Alexandre Hogue Gallery of Art 2 Big Splash Water Park 3 Black Settlers: The Search for the Promised Land 4 Blue Bell Creameries* 43 BOk Center (opening fall 2008)* 6 Boston Avenue Methodist Church* 5 Brady Theatre* 7 Cain’s Ballroom* 8 Celebration Station 9 Cherokee Casino & Resort 10 Creek Council Oak Tree 11 Creek Nation Casino 12 Discoveryland!’s Oklahoma! 2 Expo Square 2 Expo Square Pavilion 34 Frankoma Pottery 13 Geoscience Center 14 Gilcrease Museum 2 Golden Driller 3 Greenwood Cultural Center* 16 Harwelden 17 Heller Theatre 18 Laser Quest 20 Living Arts of Tulsa* 21 Mabee Center 3 Mabel B. Little Heritage House* 22 Osage Million Dollar Elm Casino (2 loc.) 21 ORU Prayer Tower Visitor Center 21 ORU Willard Elsing Museum 23 Oklahoma Aquarium 15 Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame* 24 Oxley Nature Center 25 Perryman Wrangler Ranch 26 Philbrook Museum of Art 27 Redbud Valley Nature Preserve 28 RiverWest Festival Park 88 Richardson Asian Art Museum 29 Sherwin Miller Museum of Jewish Art 30 Theatre North* 31 Tulsa Air & Space Museum & Planetarium 32 Tulsa Art Deco District* 33 Tulsa Convention Center* 35 Tulsa Garden Center, Tulsa Rose Garden, Woodward Park & Linnaeus Teaching Garden 35 Tulsa Historical Society 36 Tulsa’s Incredible Pizza Company 37 Tulsa Performing Arts Center* 38 Tulsa Port of Catoosa & Arkansas River Museum 39 Tulsa Spotlight Theatre * 40 Tulsa Zoo and Living Museum 41 Van Trease Performing Arts Center for Education (PACE) 42 Walter Arts Center at Holland Hall Historic Route 66 44 45 48 49 50 19 51 52 53 19 54 55 SHOPPING Brookside Cherry Street Jenks, OK Kings Pointe Village River Walk Crossing SouthRoads Shops of Seville The Farm Shopping Center The Plaza Tulsa Promenade Utica Square Woodland Hills Mall 3 81 82 3 83 21 84 85 86 87 1 UNIVERSITIES & COLLEGES Langston University * Northeastern State University/Broken Arrow OSU College of Osteopathic Medicine OSU Tulsa * OU Tulsa Schusterman Center Oral Roberts University Spartan School of Aeronautics Tulsa Community College (4 loc.) Tulsa Technology Center (4 loc.) Tulsa Welding School University of Tulsa 56 57 58 9 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 73 74 75 2 2 1 77 77 78 79 80 PUBLIC GOLF COURSES & SPORTS VENUES Bailey Golf Ranch Battle Creek Golf Club Broken Arrow Golf & Athletic Club Cherokee Hills Golf Club Clary Fields Golf Club Forest Ridge Golf Course LaFortune Golf Course Links Golf & Athletic Club Lit’l Links Golf Club Mohawk Park Golf Course Owasso Golf & Athletic Club Page Belcher Golf Course The Canyons at Black Ridge Sapulpa Municipal Golf Course South Lakes Golf Course White Hawk Golf Club The Woods Golf Course JJ’s Golf Center All Star Sports Complex Carl Smith Sports Complex Drillers Stadium Fair Meadows Race Track Michael D. Case Tennis Center Donald W. Reynolds Center Arena H.A. Chapman Stadium Tulsa Raceway Park JRP Speedway Union Multipurpose Activity Center Gold Sponsor: $4,500 (four available) •High visibility logo promotion on printed map •”Featured Sponsor” position on website map •75-100 word fast fact about the sponsor included, as well as a key visual selected by VisitTulsa 2013 Resource Campaign 119 VisitTulsa Visitor’s Guide (New) Publication This publication markets the Tulsa region’s hotels, restaurants and attractions to visitors. It serves as the official visitor’s guide for the Tulsa area. Distributed to area hotels, travel centers and to fill inquiries from and information requests through publications which VisitTulsa is advertising in. Distributed bi-annually (Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer, 40,000 each - 80,000 total annually). Sponsorship is for Spring/Summer 2014 and Fall/Winter 2014-2015. Presenting Sponsor: $7,500 (three available-cash only) •Full-color company logo printed on front of publication and full-page full-color business promotion placed on the outside back cover OR inside front cover OR inside back cover Gold Sponsor: $6,000 (five available-cash only) •Full-color full page business promotion placed inside the guide 2013 Resource Campaign Silver Sponsor: $3,000 (eight available) •Full-color half page business promotion (horizontal only) placed inside the guide bronze Sponsor: $1,500 (ten available) •Full-color quarter page business promotion (vertical only) placed inside the guide 120 VisitTulsa Mobile Center (New) Sponsor c/o The tourism, sports, and entertainment industry is an emerging economic sector providing substantial monetary impact to the Tulsa region. A Mobile Visitor Center is an innovative tool designed to service the evolving needs of our visitors by taking literature and information to our guests. Participation in this unique opportunity will provide exposure to more than 75,000 people annually to include festivals, fairs, agricultural shows, conventions, cultural celebrations, expos, educational venues, sporting events and more! Timeframe is January-December 2014. Presenting Sponsor: $10,000 (one available) •Prominent logo recognition on the Mobile Visitor Center graphics package •Preferred position for distribution and display of company’s promotional piece at the Mobile Visitor Center •Logo recognition on the VisitTulsa and Tulsa Sports Commission websites supporting Sponsor: $5,000 (four available) •Logo recognition on the Mobile Visitor Center graphics package •Distribution of company’s promotional piece at the Mobile Visitor Center •Company name on the VisitTulsa and Tulsa Sports Commission websites (VisitTulsa reserves the right to cover competing logos for up to two events annually where a pre-existing, exclusive sponsorship has been established.) 2013 Resource Campaign 121 Choose Tulsa Relocation Guide Publication This publication markets the Tulsa region to prospective recruits and relocating individuals. A picturesque guide to living and working in the Tulsa region highlighting the cost of living, quality of life, education opportunities, and entertainment. Distributed to area businesses, recruiters, universities, hospitals and site consultants to assist in talent attraction; executives, recent graduates and transfers. Guide is also shared with individuals requesting information about moving to our region. Online guide is featured on, & To be published in first quarter 2014. Presenting Sponsor: $5,000 (three available) •Full-color company logo printed on front of publication and full-page full-color business promotion placed on the outside back cover OR inside front cover OR inside back cover Silver Sponsor: $1,500 (ten available) •Full-color quarter page business promotion placed on the inside (vertical only) Gold Sponsor: $2,500 (five available) •Full-color half page business promotion placed on the inside (horizontal only) 2013 Resource Campaign 122 Employer Workforce Outlook Event Annual event held in late 2013 or early 2014 dedicated to addressing talent development initiatives and programs related to supply and demand needs. This event promotes existing programs and highlights emerging trends related to business/industry, training/development and workforce strategies. Attendees include human resource professionalsm business and industry partners, K-12 educators, career tech representatives, college and university leaders and workforce development professionals. The Chamber’s membership, board of directors and board of advisors are invited. Projected attendance: 100. Presenting Sponsor: $5,000 (one available) •Top billing in advance and post publicity •Event recognition on materials and online calendar •Opportunity to make introductions Silver Sponsor: $2,000 (four available) •Event recognition on materials and online calendar Gold Sponsor: $3,500 (three available) •Recognized in advance and post publicity •Event recognition on materials and online calendar Host Sponsor: $2,000 (one available) Seeking a facility to provide location and food (budget reduction trade or cash). Must be approved by Chamber. •Recognized in advance and post publicity •Event recognition on materials and online calendar 2013 Resource Campaign 123 Human Resource Forum Series Event The ever changing world of managing human capital creates the need to stay up to date and engage in timely topics. The chamber’s HR Forum will identify two trending topics tied to human resources and bring in subject matter experts to share information and perspectives related to the topic; Family Medical Leave, compliance, workers’ compensation, flex schedules, employee engagement, etc. Projected attendance: 40-60 per forum. HRCI credits may be associated with forums. Presenting Sponsor: $2,000 (four available for two event series) •Recognition on event announcements and online calendar •Logo on event materials •Recognition through social media posts Gold Sponsor: $1,000 (six available for two event series) •Recognition on event announcements and online calendar 2013 Resource Campaign 124 Job Networking Forum Series (New) Event The job search process has changed dramatically over the past several years. Navigating the online application, LinkedIn, Facebook and maximizing and growing your networks can be a daunting task for everyone. The chamber will host two events to tackle some of the challenges job seekers face. This will be an interactive discussion to give job seekers a toolbox of resources to utilize and get connected to opportunities in our region. Program will share market intelligence, power sectors and general information related to regions’ business climate. Presenting Sponsor: $2,000 (four available for two event series) •Recognition on event announcements and online calendar •Logo on event materials •Recognition through social media posts Gold Sponsor: $1,000 (six available for two event series) •Recognition on event announcements and online calendar 2013 Resource Campaign 125 Mosaic Benefactor Benefactor The mission of Mosaic is to educate, lead and influence businesses on creating diverse and inclusive workforce cultures to enhance their competetive advantage. Mosaic will catapult our business community and region into the forefront of diversity and inclusion leadership. Our diversity business program will ultimately lead to stronger recruitment and retention of skilled and diverse workforce for our region. Timeframe is January-December 2014. Catapult Tulsa into the forefront of diversity and inclusion leadership Mission: Mosaic will Leveraging leverage Tulsa’s Diversity the region’s diversity to create an inclusive community and improve the economic and social climate in the Tulsa region. Diversity and Inclusion the world around us Mosaic is a Tulsa Metro Chamber committee originated and led byinthe Chamber’s membership and leadership. Chamber leadership is Creating TULSA USA committed to the mission and vision of Mosaic, and has expanded the Chamber’s long-term strategic plan to include a diversity and inclusion Young professionals care more about tolerance and a objective in every facet of all programs.Tulsa’s Young Professionals currently has more than 8000 members and is considered to be a leading national organization for young Organizations achieve the professionals. highest-Tulsa’s level of Young Professionals inclusivity when the following dynamics have been achieved. 9 The leadership understands a diverse workforce embodies different perspectives and approaches to work. Leadership The U.S. Censuspeople Bureau with truly values the variety of opinions and insights reports more than one out of different cultural backgrounds bringevery to the fiveorganization. Oklahomans has a disability. -U.S. Census 9 The leadership recognizes the opportunities challenges Bureau 2010and report that diversity presents to the organization, embraces those opportunities, and commits to finding healthy solutions to the challenges. 9 region’s youth are The organizational culture creates expectations ofpeople high of color. -U.S. Census Bureau standards of performance from everyone regardless of their 2010 report y unity = increase omm dp ec ros ers pe rit div diverse community In Tulsa, 60 percent of the diverse workplace The Global War for racialTalent or ethnic background quality of life that embraces diversity in everything, including race and sexual orientation. -The Rise of the Creative Call (and How It’s Transforming Work, Leisure, and Everyday Life), Richard Florida. inclusive workplaces Diversity and Inclusion in your business In 2010, people of color accounted for 48.6 percent of children born in America, a figure predicted to surpass 50 percent in 2011. -U.S. Census Bureau 2010 report If a city cannot pull talent that includes people who 9 The have lived, traveled, or understand theorganization varying culture is such that training and education Seventy-eight percent of the dynamics of age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and programs nurture personal development, and carefully Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Tulsa was the fifth emerging religious beliefs, it will pull from adesigned talent pool that does the potential cityof in different the U.S. forstaff samewithout Transgendered (LGBT) jobs maximize healthy social climate not foster economic success. -The Inclusion Paradox, community is likely to do sex-households. -Dennis R. relegating them to isolated niche areas within the with companies that Neil Equality Center Andres T. Tapia are known to have Diversity and Inclusion essential foster inclusion. The diverse segments of our community possess incredible purchasing power and constitute the to the mission of the Tulsa Metro human capital needed to create workforces that will Chamber propel the Tulsa region forward. In its 100-plus year history, the Tulsa Metro Chamber has maintained a central focus to attract, retain and grow diverse leaders mosaic 2013 Resource Campaign The selection criteria for companies seeking a new • Heightened competitive advantage in a global location or to expand have changed. Today, communities economy are measured on openness, diversity and inclusiveness. • Broadened creativity and innovation The organizational culture encourages debate and constructive conflict. 9 Workers feel valued and are encouraged to apply their • Expanded perspectives background and skills in creative ways to improve the work of “Samson believes that a business succeeds when talented people work • Improved products and services An undesirable social climate will create the organization. together towards a goal. We believe that good ideas can come anfrom unhealthy business climate. 9 The mission and goals of our thecore organization are well business community by championing an inclusive Enlarged stems from belief in being openarticulated to multiple ideas from An unhealthy business•climate will markets community to improve the economic and social climate and widely understood, keeps discussion about race, sexual orientation, everyone inwhich Samson, no matter their gender, increase poverty in the•Tulsa region. Lowered health care costs as a result of a more age, etc. ” the organization’s work. in the Tulsa region. differences focused on supportive, nurturing workplace 9 • Enhanced employee self-image Today’s opportunities and issues are complex, requiring multiple The organization culture and structure are relatively egalitarian increases crime. and analysis. We believe our commitment to diversity • Decreased risk of employment litigation and people areviewpoints encouraged to be themselves, unencumbered better enables us to meet the challenges and opportunities we have Crime, in turn, contributes to a negative by unnecessary bureaucratic systems that viewpoints. control and • Elevated community profile and standing before us by providing multiple ” limit the perception of the core city. -The Inclusion Paradox, Andres T. Tapia activities of the people within the organization. healthy business climate gay-friendly workplaces. -Barbara Farfan, Guide { As Tulsa strives to heal its wounds from racial and social conflict of past generations, the Chamber acknowledges • Reduced turnover (and hence, lower training itscosts) capacity to inspire change and awareness within the everyone throughout the organization. Our commitment to diversity 10,000,000,000 An increase in poverty in the region Oklahoma’s ethnic buying power is $10 billion, anCEO, amount greater than the - Stacey Schusterman, Chairman and Samson Investment Co. gross domestic -The Inclusion Paradox, Andres T. Tapia A negative perception of the core city production of 70 countries. -Dr. Bruce Corrie, Ethnictrends, Info. Tulsa Metro Chamber Benefactor Sponsor: $5,000 (five available) •Recognition in all correspondence relating to Mosaic programs, meetings, events, communications and publications •Logo recognition on •Included in all communication sent to media •Recognized as the major funding sponsor •Opportunity to attend reception for Diversity Business Champion participants •Annual meeting recognition When businesses embrace business in the Tulsa region. We strive to establish and foster a vital connection to the businesses and diversity and inclusion, theycommunities we serve. experience: 9 increased prosperity for all $ Improving the Economic and Social Climate in Tulsa In comparison to other states, this puts Oklahoma among theMatters of diversity and inclusion affect all aspects of top ten states with the highest the business environment, including workforce incidence of disabilities. attraction and retention, overall competitiveness, -John. F. Gajda, TARC-Tulsa Advocates for the Rights of customer client bases, and ultimately, the bottom line. Citizens with Developmental Disabilities; David Oliver, Successful businesses learn to leverage diversity and Goodwill Tulsa. | Minority-owned businesses account for less than 3 percent of all businesses in the greater metro area. impacts Tulsa’s competitive position for businesses and workers. If Tulsa cannot recruit talented and Tulsa Metro Chamber | 2 W. 2nd ST., Ste. 150 | Tulsa, OK 74103 | 2 W. 2nd ST., Ste. 150 | Tulsa, OK 74103 | young workers of all the | Tulsa Metro Chamber | 2 W. 2nd ST., Ste. 150 | backgrounds… Tulsa, OK 74103 city will suffer. Tulsa Metro Chamber | 2 W. 2nd ST., Ste. 150 | Tulsa, OK 74103 | supporting Sponsor: $2,500 (unlimited available) •Recognition in print and electronic communications •Name recognition on •Opportunity to participate in programs •Annual meeting recognition 126 Recruiter Roundtable Forums (New) Event Hunting for skilled workers is a challenge. There are hundreds of tools and resources that can be utilized but how do you maximize your time and resources. What are the best practices for your industry? What are the emerging trends? The chamber will host two open meetings to create engaged discussion about what recruiters in our region are facing to identify needs, trends and training development opportunities. Meetings will include networking to create stronger connections for sharing best practices, resources and services across the region. Presenting Sponsor: $2,000 (four available for two event series) •Recognition on event announcements and online calendar •Logo on event materials •Recognition through social media posts Gold Sponsor: $1,000 (six available for two event series) •Recognition on event announcements and online calendar 2013 Resource Campaign 127 Talent Attraction & Retention Benefactor (New) Benefactor The Chamber’s talent strategy initiatives are keenly focused on growing, retaining and attracting a skilled and diverse workforce for the region. The program is focused on building programs and partnerships to meet the supply and demand needs of area businesses. Partner collaboration includes creating outreach and awareness about career pathways and workforce development programs and resources. Assist growing or downsizing companies with staffing up or outplacement resources. Program includes an active network of HR professionals, recruiters, educators, workforce programs, city and state partners to create the workforce ecosystem necessary to ensure our regions success in the future. Timeframe is JanuaryDecember 2014. Benefactor Sponsor: $5,000 (five available) •Representative on Workforce Advisory/Roundtable meetings •Logo recognition on & websites •Logo included on Hire Education: A Guide For Starting An Internship Program •Recognition at partnered Hiring Events (1-2 per year) •Logo recognition on Job Search & Networking Resources document (500+ job seekers) •Logo recognition on Recruiting Resources (250+ HR/ Recruiting contacts) •Logo recognition on Tulsa Touts flyer shared in Relocation packets (2,000+ per yr.) •Recognition at Workforce Advisory/Roundtable meetings (minimum of two per year) •Event recognition at Career Services Summit •Promote hiring events and openings through facebook fan page and twitter account 2013 Resource Campaign supporting Sponsor: $2,500 (unlimited available) •Name recognition on and websites •Event recognition at Career Services Summit, Hiring Events and Workforce Advisory/Roundtable meetings •Name recognition on Job Search & Networking Resources document (500+ job seekers) •Name recognition on Recruiting Resources (250+ HR/ Recruiting contacts) •Promote hiring events and openings through facebook fan page and twitter account 128 Talent Dividend Sponsor The Talent Dividend initiative is tied to a national network through CEOs for Cities. The goal is to increase post-secondary enrollment and ultimately degree completion by one percentage point or 5,900 additional grads. Program includes promoting and creating awareness around certificate and credential programs for growing our skilled talent pipeline. This is a regional program designed to create partnerships with community at large, business and industry, K-12 system, higher education partners and workforce development programs to grow our workforce of the future. Timeframe is June 2013 – May 2014. gold Sponsor: $5,000 (four available) •Recognition at committee meetings (minimum three) •Logo recognition on marketing and public relation materials •Logo recognition on 2013 Resource Campaign supporting Sponsor: $1,500 (unlimited available) •Recognition at committee meetings (minimum three) •Name recognition on marketing and public relation materials •Name recognition on 129 The 2013-2014 Platinum Package Event Package Special “Platinum Package”, $1,500 Savings Annual Meeting: 2014 (Table) Congressional Forums: 2014 (4 events-Table) $1,600 $3,000 Economic Outlook Conference: 2013 (Table) $1,000 Governor’s Luncheon: 2013 or 2014 (Table) Mayor’s State of the City: 2013 (Table) $1,600 $1,600 Speaker/Pro Tem Forum: 2013 or 2014 (Table) $1,000 State of Education in Tulsa: 2014 (Table) $1,500 Golf Fall Classic 2013 or 2014 (team of four) $1,500 Golf Summer Classic 2013 or 2014 (team of four) $1,500 Total Cost $14,300 Package Cost $12,800 (Annual Meeting, Governor’s and Mayor’s are tables of 10 - all other events include table for 8 and are nontransferable) 2013 Resource Campaign 130 The 2013-2014 Table Package Event Package Special “Table Package”, $1,000 Savings Annual Meeting: 2014 $1,600 Congressional Forums: 2014 (4 events) $3,000 Economic Outlook Conference: 2013 $1,000 Governor’s Luncheon: 2013 or 2014 $1,600 Mayor’s State of the City: 2013 $1,600 Speaker/Pro Tem Forum: 2013 or 2014 $1,000 State of Education in Tulsa: 2014 $1,500 Total Cost $11,300 Package Cost $10,300 (Annual Meeting, Governor’s and Mayor’s are tables of 10 - all other events include table for 8 and are nontransferable) 2013 Resource Campaign 131 The 2013-2014 Executive Package Event Package Special “Executive Package”, $300 Savings Annual Meeting: 2014 $1,600 Economic Outlook Conference: 2013 Governor’s Luncheon: 2013 or 2014 $1,000 Mayor’s State of the City: 2013 Speaker/Pro Tem Forum: 2013 or 2014 State of Education in Tulsa: 2014 $1,600 Total Cost $8,300 Package Cost $8,000 $1,600 $1,000 $1,500 (Annual Meeting, Governor’s and Mayor’s are tables of 10 - all other events include table for 8 and are nontransferable) 2013 Resource Campaign 132 The 2014 Legislative Package Event Package Special “Legislative Package”, $800 Savings Congressional Forums (4 events-Table) $3,000 Governor’s Luncheon (Table) $1,600 Mayor’s State of the City (Table) $1,600 Legislative Breakfast Series (3 events-Table) Speaker/Pro Tem Forum (Table) $1,000 $1,000 Total Cost $8,200 Package Cost $7,400 (Governor’s and Mayor’s are tables of 10 - all other events include table for 8 and are non-transferable) 2013 Resource Campaign 133 The 2014 Exhibitor Package Exhibitor Package Special “Exhibitor Package”, $50 Savings Business After Hours Booth, February 2014 $350 Business After Hours Booth, October 2014 $350 Total Cost$700 Package Cost$650 (Package includes exhibit booth at each event and is non-transferable) 2013 Resource Campaign 134 The 2013 Golf Package c/o Golf Package Special “Golf Package”, $500 Savings Golf Summer Classic 2013 (Team of 4) Monday, June 24 at Tulsa Country Club $1,500 Golf Fall Classic 2013 (Team of 4) $1,500 Monday, September 30 at Cedar Ridge Country Club Total Cost $3,000 Package Cost $2,500 (Package Includes Tee Box or Green Sponsorship and is non-transferable) 2013 Resource Campaign 135 The 2014 Golf Package c/o Golf Package Special “Golf Package”, $500 Savings Golf Summer Classic 2014 (Team of 4) Monday, June 23 at Tulsa Country Club $1,500 Golf Fall Classic 2014 (Team of 4) at Cedar Ridge Country Club $1,500 Total Cost $3,000 Package Cost $2,500 (Package Includes Tee Box or Green Sponsorship and is non-transferable) 2013 Resource Campaign 136 Conference Room Sponsor (New) Naming Rights c/o This is a great opportunity to support the chamber while branding and marketing your company. The room is named after your company. As a sponsor of a room your company will receive visuals outside the room and you will have the opportunity to decorate the room to show off your brand and organization. All meeting notices will include your room name. Join existing sponsors such as Blue Cross Blue Shield, Bama, Crossland Construction, Flintco LLC, IC Bus LLC, J. D. Young Company, Manhattan Construction, Meek’s Group, Scott Rice and Spirit AeroSystems. Room sponsorship is for five years. Conference Room Sponsor: $50,000 (One available) •One room on the plaza level of Williams Center Tower I •Usable square footage is 2,647 •Tulsa Regional Chamber’s Board of Directors meet in this conference room as well as Williams Center Tower I and II tenants 2013 Resource Campaign 137