REGULATIONS REGARDING THE DELEGATE SELECTION MEETING QUEBEC LIBERAL PARTY QLP Leadership Convention March 16th and 17th 2013 - Verdun Auditorium REGULATIONS REGARDING THE DELEGATE SELECTION MEETING TABLE OF CONTENTS Introductory notes Section 1: Convention delegates selection CD 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 Meeting for delegate selection Time and place Quorum Convocation Chairperson and election officers Publicity eeting agenda Minutes Registration on the official list Official member and participation in the meeting Election Election procedures Type of ballot Counting ballots Final vote count Destruction of ballots Delegate inadmissibility Publication Section 2: Riding delegates selection meeting election CD 2.1 2.2 2.3 Mandate of a riding election chairperson Assistants to the riding selection chairperson Decisions plq. org/ en g/l eade rs hip2 013 QLP LEADERSHIP CONVENTION MARCH 16TH AND 17TH 2013 - VERDUN AUDITORIUM 01 12 REGULATIONS REGARDING THE DELEGATE SELECTION MEETING By virtue of the Constitution of the Quebec Liberal Party, (Article 25) the Convention delegation for the election of a new party leader comprises the following persons: “Are delegates at the Party Leadership Convention: Twenty-four (24) member delegates from each riding association, elected in a general meeting. These twenty-four delegates must be divided, as follows - Twelve (12) women, of whom four (4) must be members of the Youth Wing and, - Twelve (12) men, of whom four (4) must be members of the Youth Wing. Each delegation from a riding with a significant representation in cultural communities must contain at least one (1) member from those communities if there are ten (10) riding association members from them; a minimum of two (2) delegation members if there are twenty (20) members of those communities, and a minimum of three (3) delegation members if there are thirty (30) riding association members from them.” For the purpose of these regulations, a member is deemed a member of a cultural community if he/she is identified as such when he/she signs his/her Party membership card at least twenty (20) days prior to the meeting for selection of riding delegates. SECTION 1: CONVENTION DELEGATES SELECTION Article CD. 1.1: Meeting for delegates selection The Organizing Committee for the Party Leadership Convention in partnership with the Electoral Committee (henceforth referred to as “The Committee”) is responsible for the riding delegate selection meetings. Article CD 1.2 : Time and Place The Organizing Committee will schedule the dates of the riding meetings, which must take place between February 4 and March 9, 2013. In case of emergency or any other serious reasons, the Organizing Committee may, at its entire discretion, postpone the meeting to a date outside those parameters or move the meeting. The decision of the Organizing Committee is final and without appeal. Depending on circumstances, such a meeting could be held simultaneously or, alternatively, at several sites selected by the Organizing Committee. plq. org/ eng / l eaders hip 2013 QLP LEADERSHIP CONVENTION MARCH 16TH AND 17TH 2013 - VERDUN AUDITORIUM 02 REGULATIONS REGARDING THE DELEGATE SELECTION MEETING Article CD 1.3: Quorum There are no specific regulations regarding quorums for delegate selection meetings. Article CD 1.4: Convocation The Party Secretary is charged with convoking riding members in a fashion deemed appropriate to existing circumstances. Article CD 1.5 : Chairperson and election officers The Organizing Committee appoints the riding chairperson and secretary for the riding delegates selection meeting, who also shall respectively act as Selection Chairperson and Election Secretary.. The riding Election Chairperson is responsible for the holding of the vote. The riding Election Chairperson also is responsible for appointing Election Officers in sufficient number as to ensure the smooth running of the riding selection meeting and the vote. Article CD 1.6: Publicity It is prohibited to display or distribute, in any form, campaign literature, a circular or any other form of publicity and to wear and/or display any identification promoting a candidate, in the room where the delegate selection process will take place. Article CD 1.7 : Meeting agenda The Election Chairperson calls the meeting to order and no demonstration or candidate support speeches of any kind will be permitted. The Election Chairperson refers to the rules that must be followed and must provide all necessary information for the good functioning of the meeting., No consumption of alcoholic beverages of any kind is permitted within the meeting room where the selection of delegates to the Leadership Convention will occur. Once the final results are made public, the Election Chairperson will declare the meeting officially closed. plq. org/ eng / l eadership 20 1 3 QLP LEADERSHIP CONVENTION MARCH 16TH AND 17TH 2013 - VERDUN AUDITORIUM 03 12 REGULATIONS REGARDING THE DELEGATE SELECTION MEETING Article CD 1.8: Minutes The Meeting Secretary is charged with compiling the minutes of the deliberations of the selection meeting. He/she puts together a list of delegates in each category elected during the meeting and prepares his/her report on the form provided by the Committee. Article CD 1.9: Registration on the official list Article 9 of the Party Constitution stipulates that “no party member may be part of more than one electoral riding association.” Anyone may bring to the attention of The Committee or the Party’s Executive Committee the name(s) of a member(s) who appear(s) on more than one riding association list. By virtue of its powers of control and intervention as stated in Article 39 f of the Party Constitution, the Executive Committee will correct this situation by ensuring that the name does not appear on more than one riding list, after having consulted with the member in question. In the compilation of copies of official lists, errors may occur. A member may be registered with a misspelled name, or identified by her maiden name, for example, making it difficult for the Secretary of the electoral office, and sometimes impossible, to find a name on the list. The name of a member might even have been unintentionally omitted. With a view to not creating injustices and preventing a qualified member from voting, such cases will be referred to the Election Chairperson who, after ascertaining all of the pertinent facts, will render a final decision. Article CD 1.10 : Official member and participation in the meeting Only those official members who registered more than twenty (20) days before the selection meeting have the right to intervene, nominate and vote for their choice of riding delegates or become delegates at to the Convention. (R—7 General regulations). The scrutineer will ask that each member produce a single piece of identification with photograph before receiving an official ballot supplied by the Organizing Committee. The dispositions of la Loi électorale (Chapter E -3.3) apply, mutatis mutandis. plq. org/ eng/ l eaders hip 20 13 QLP LEADERSHIP CONVENTION MARCH 16TH AND 17TH 2013 - VERDUN AUDITORIUM 04 12 REGULATIONS REGARDING THE DELEGATE SELECTION MEETING Article CD 1.10 : Official member and participation in the meeting (continued) An aspiring delegate must be a member in good standing of the riding association as of the date his/her written membership request is received by the Party Secretary, unless that, during the delay period of twenty (20) days reserved for processing, the executive committee of the association objects to his/her admission. In such a case, the aspiring delegate or the Party Secretary may appeal to the Executive Committee of the Party which will have the final say, after consultation with the riding’s executive. No official party member may vote for candidates or present himself/herself as a candidate in more than one riding Article CD 1.11: Election Each eligible member seeking to become a delegate for the Leadership Convention must forward his/her request to the riding’s Election Chairperson and must confirm his/her intended attendance at the Leadership Convention. No seconder is necessary. Nominations must be individual; no bloc nominations will be accepted. A member must nominate one person at a time and then give up his/her place so that others may proceed. Once this has been done, the member will be permitted to make further nominations again, in turn. If a member who wishes to forward his/her candidacy is absent during the meeting, he/she may pose this candidacy by having completed the special form supplied by the Organizing Committee and which must be forwarded to the Election Chairperson by someone in attendance. Photocopies and numbered copies are permitted. In the case of a contested identity or age of an aspiring delegate, the riding selection Election Chairperson may require further information and will have the final say. In a bid to ascertain into which category a delegate belongs, the Election Chairperson will rely on the age of the individual on delegate selection day to decide. Each eligible member seeking to become a delegate for the Leadership Convention must forward his/her request to the riding’s Election Chairperson and must confirm his/her intended attendance at the Leadership Convention. No seconder is necessary. Each eligible member seeking to become a delegate for the Leadership Convention must forward his/her request to the riding’s Election Chairperson and must confirm his/her intended attendance at the Leadership Convention. No seconder is necessary. plq. org/ eng/ l eaders hip 20 13 QLP LEADERSHIP CONVENTION MARCH 16TH AND 17TH 2013 - VERDUN AUDITORIUM 05 12 REGULATIONS REGARDING THE DELEGATE SELECTION MEETING Article CD 1.11: Election (Continued) If a member who wishes to forward his/her candidacy is absent during the meeting, he/she may pose this candidacy by having completed the special form supplied by the Organizing Committee and which must be forwarded to the Election Chairperson by someone in attendance. Photocopies and numbered copies are permitted. In the case of a contested identity or age of an aspiring delegate, the riding selection Election Chairperson may require further information and will have the final say. In a bid to ascertain into which category a delegate belongs, the Election Chairperson will rely on the age of the individual on delegate selection day to decide. The riding delegate Election Chairperson must accept all candidatures and must refuse all proposals seeking to end nominations or otherwise limit them. Should there be more candidates nominated than positions available in any of the categories, the Election Chairperson shall proceed to a vote by ballot. With the possible exception of the representation of members of cultural communities as per Article 25 of the Party’s Constitution, those aspiring candidates who receive the most votes in each category will be declared elected. In the case of a tie for one position, a second ballot will occur and, should a second tie come about, a third ballot will take place. Article CD 1.12: Election procedures The riding selection meeting will proceed with the election of all candidates simultaneously on each single ballot form. The election of the delegates representing cultural communities as per Article 25 of the Party’s Constitution, without being intended to provide alternates to the members of the riding delegation, will have precedence in the category corresponding with their age and gender. Article CD 1.13: Type of ballot The name of an aspiring delegate will appear on an official list with an attributed number beside it. A copy of this list will be posted in each polling booth. Voting will take place on the ballots supplied by the Organizing Committee. Each ballot must be initialed by a poll scrutineer. plq. org / en g / l eade rsh ip 2013 QLP LEADERSHIP CONVENTION MARCH 16TH AND 17TH 2013 - VERDUN AUDITORIUM 06 REGULATIONS REGARDING THE DELEGATE SELECTION MEETING Article CD 1.13: Type of ballot (Continued) To cast a vote, one has to write the aspiring delegate’s attributed number on the ballot, as it appears on the official list posted in the polling booth. Each voter will select up to twenty-four candidates on the same ballot, unless in some categories there are no potential candidates. Each ballot will be adjudged valid unless it carries identifying marks that can be traced back to the voter. Article CD 1.14: Counting ballots If, at the outcome of the vote, a ballot is not initialed by the scrutineer, it may still be accepted if the total number of ballots (used, not used, rejected or spoiled) matches with that of the number of ballots supplied to the scrutineer before the vote. During the vote count, each scrutineer will decide on the validity of individual ballots. Meanwhile, in the case where a scrutineer’s decision is in question the riding delegate selection Election Chairperson will have the final say in the acceptability of a ballot or not. No ballot may be rejected for the simple reason that the mark indicating choice goes over the lines of the box allotted to it. As soon as the vote count has been made, and before the results are announced to the delegate meeting, a candidate may demand that the ballots be recounted in his/her presence. Article CD 1.15: Final vote count At the election’s end, a final vote count listing the names of all candidates is prepared by the Election Secretary. This final vote count is sent without delay to the Party Secretary. Those delegates of the cultural communities, who have not been declared as alternates, are included and will be identified in the final vote count in the category that corresponds with their age and gender. Article CD 1.16: Destruction of ballots At election’s end, the riding delegate selection meeting Election Chairperson will destroy the ballots used. plq. org / en g / l eade rsh ip 2013 QLP LEADERSHIP CONVENTION MARCH 16TH AND 17TH 2013 - VERDUN AUDITORIUM 07 REGULATIONS REGARDING THE DELEGATE SELECTION MEETING Article CD 1.17: Ineligibility of a delegate If it is proved after an election that a delegate is ineligible, the riding delegate selection meeting Election Chairperson must strike that person’s name from the Convention delegates list. During the selection meeting, all delegate challenges must be submitted to the Election Chairperson, who will have the final say. Article CD 1.18: Publication The riding delegate selection meeting Election Chairperson will communicate to the meeting the number of votes received by each candidate and declares elected those who have received the greater number of votes in each category SECTION 2: THE RIDING DELEGATE SELECTON MEETING ELECTION CHAIRPERSON Article CD 2.1: The mandate of the Election Chairperson The riding delegate selection meeting Election Chairperson is tasked with the oversight of all regulations adopted by The Committee within the framework of selection of delegates to the Leadership Convention. Moreover, he/she must report to the Committee any transgressions of the regulations so that The Committee may apply all appropriate sanctions. The riding delegate selection meeting Election Chairperson oversees all votes, emits directives relative to the application of the Regulations governing the selection of riding delegates for the Party Leadership Convention, receives and if adjudged appropriate, investigates all complaints about rule infractions and reports to the Committee without delay on the said complaints received. Article CD 2.2: Assistants to the Election Chairperson The Committee may appoint two (2) assistants to the riding delegate selection meeting Election Chairperson to aid in the execution of his/her functions. The Election Chairperson may assign tasks and duties to them as he/she sees fit and which fall within the current regulations. Article CD 2.3: Decisions The decisions rendered by the riding delegate selection meeting Election Chairperson are final and without appeal. plq. org/ eng/ l eaders hip 20 13 QLP LEADERSHIP CONVENTION MARCH 16TH AND 17TH 2013 - VERDUN AUDITORIUM 08 12