PDF of all the Abus Products we supply
PDF of all the Abus Products we supply
Securityy Tech Germany DIY Security Product of the Year 2011 ABUS UK October 2011 Retail Catalogue & Price List All prices are at current Recommended Retail Prices in Pounds Sterling exc. VAT ABUS - The good feeling of security www.abus-uk.com ABUS - October 2011 Price List Page g 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26-27 28 29 30-31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62-63 64-65 66 67 68 69 70 71-73 74-75 76 77 78-79 Page 4-35 36-43 44-47 48-57 58-59 60-61 62-65 66-73 74-79 2 Detailed Contents Catalogue Contents & ABUS UK Team ABUS information & Abbreviations 37/80mm Granit Padlocks 37/70mm Granit Padlocks 37/60mm Granit Padlocks 37/55mm Granit Padlocks 36/55mm Granit Padlocks 34/55mm & 34CS/55mm Steel Padlocks 83/80, 83/55mm & 83CS/55mm Steel Padlocks 83WP/63mm, 83WP/53mm & 83WPCS Weatherproof Padlocks 83/45mm, 83/50mm, 83CS/50mm & 83WPIB/53mm Brass Padlock 83AL/40mm “0” Bitted & other “0” Bitted Padlocks, Shackles & Cylinders 20/70mm & 20/80mm Diskus Padlocks 26/70mm & 26/80mm Diskus Padlocks 24IB/60mm & 24IB/70mm Diskus Padlocks 23/60mm & 23/70mm Diskus Padlocks 92/65mm & 92/80mm Shutter Padlocks 82/63mm, 82/70mm & 82/90mm Shutter Padlocks 90/50mm Stainless Steel Close Shackle Padlock 27/50mm Service Padlock 88/40mm, 88/50mm & 88/55mm ABUS Plus Brass padlocks 86/55mm Service Brass Padlock without Cylinder 41/30mm - 41/50mm Eterna Laminated Padlocks & Counter Display 85/20mm - 85/70mm Brass Padlocks 70IB/45mm & 70IB/50mm Weatherproof Padlock 70AL/45mm Aluminium Padlocks & Counter Display 65/15mm - 65/60mm, 65CS/40mm & 65CS/50mm Brass Padlocks 65AL/40mm Aluminium Padlocks & Counter Display 72/40mm Colour Coded Aluminium Padlocks T84MB/20mm - T84MB/40mm Brass padlocks 55/25mm - 55/60mm Brass Padlocks 190/60mm & 190CS/60mm Series 2 Heavy Duty Combination Padlocks 180IB/50mm Marine Grade Combination Padlock 160/40mm & 160/50mm Chrome Plated Combination Padlocks 158/ 40mm & 158/50mm Combination Padlocks 78/50mm, 78/50mm with “key override” Dial Combination Padlocks, Counter Display & 165/20mm - 165/40mm Brass Combination Padlocks 155/20mm - 155/40mm Combination Padlocks, 155/20mm & 155/30mm Coloured Combination Padlocks & Suitcase Deal 145/20mm - 145/40mm Coloured Aluminium Combination Padlocks & Sweetie Jars 147/30mm, 148/20mm TSA Combination Padlocks, BKW Padlock Chain Attachment & PS88 Lubricant Spray & Counter Box 135/200mm &130/180mm Granit & 125/150 Heavy Duty Hasps 110/155mm - 110/230mm, 140/120mm & 140/190mm Hasps 100/60mm - 100/100mm Hasps & 300/100mm - 300/140mm Locking Bolts 200/75mm - 200/155mm Hasps & 115/100 Locking Bracket WBA100 & WA50 Wall Anchor 6mm, 8mm, 10mm & 12mm Through Hardened Square Link Chain 8mm, 10mm & 12mm Cobra Cables 70/45mm + 6KS & 92W + 8KS Chain & Padlock Sets 1060, 1050, 910 & 810 Chain Locks 1050, 1000, 950, 860, 800 Steel-O-Flex Locks 37 Quick, 54/160mm Granit X Plus, 46/150mm & 43/150mm U Shackle Locks 6000 Bordo Folding Lock,1440, 1450 &1460 Raydo “Press &Shine Locks Keyed Cable & Recoil Cable Locks Combination Cable & Recoil Cable Locks Lock Off Hasps & Counter Hasp & Coloured Padlock Deal Lock Off Coloured Lock Off Padlocks 141/200mm Disckus Integral Van Lock & 215/100mm Container Lock 787 & 797 Key Garages Home Security Items ((XUR3UR¿OH&\OLQGHUV3LQQLQJ.LWV&RPSRQHQWV ABUS Plus Pinning Kit & Components RH4/5 & 6 Pinning Kit & Components 83 & 85 Pinning Kit & Components 85 Assembly Instructions Guide to Key Blanks, Cut Keys & Master Keys Key Blank Templates Display Boards Ecolution “Green” Padlocks, 83 Rotating Stand & Stand Deals Counter & Sweetie Jar Deals S I S 1m with Bus Stops, ½m & Gondola Merchandisers General Contents Keyed Padlocks Combination Padlocks, Chain Attachment & Lubricant Hasps & Staples, Locking Bolts Wall Anchors, Chains, Cables, Motorcycle & Bike Locks Lock Off Padlocks & Hasps Van/Container Locks & Key Garages Home Security - Door Bars/Viewers/Chains & Euro Cylinders Service Items - Pinning Kits & Key Details POS & Merchandising The ABUS UK Team - October 2011 Support Team Sales Team Nick Vanderhoest derhoest 0DQDJLQJ'LUHFWRU LQJ' 01275 75 390610 [email protected] $QG\0DFH 6SHFL¿FDWLRQ 6HUYLFH0DQDJHU HUY 01275 390614 012 [email protected] Terry Crossley 0HGLD0DQDJHU 07870 559908 8 [email protected] $OODQ0XUUD\ Service Technician 01275 390609 [email protected] David Hudson Sales Director 07860 739915 [email protected] Steve Hamilton Regional Sales 0DQDJHU 07831 561106 [email protected] Daniel Bebb Regional sales 0DQDJHU 07989 205021 [email protected] Robert Hirst Regional Sales 0DQDJHU 07891 809501 ro [email protected] Neil Lafferty Regional Sales 0DQDJHU 07891 819765 [email protected] com David Lobb Regional onal Sales 0DQDJHU 07875 7054 5494 davidlobb@abu @abus-uk.com For All General ner Enquiries ABUS (UK) Ltd., Kestrel Court, Portishead, Bristol, BS20 7AN Tel: 01275 390610 Fax: 01275 390613 Email: [email protected] ABUS Quality The ABUS guarantee covers the product against any faulty material or manufacture. It expressly does not cover the use of the lock where it was not intended, criminal damage or neglect. To clarify the ABUS guarantee does not cover locks used in or near chemicals or salt water, power tool or hand tool damage, or failure due to lack of lubrication. ,QWKHHYHQWRIDZDUUDQW\FODLPSOHDVH¿UVWFRQWDFWWKH8.ZKROHVDOHU from where the lock was supplied. To ensure we can maintain quality of the highest standards and trace the cause of a possible malfunction ABUS will need to see and examine every warranty claim prior to any potential repair replacement or credit. ,ILQGRXEWSOHDVHXVHWKH8.FRQWDFWGHWDLOVRQWKHEDFNFRYHURIWKLV Price List. ABUS Service & Support Department $%868.SURYLGHVDXQLTXHEDFNXSRQLWVTXDOLW\UDQJHRIORFNV in both advice and service. There is a wide range of spare parts, components and pinning kits held in our wholesalers’ service GHSDUWPHQWVDQGDW$%868.0DQ\LWHPVIURPWKHÀDJVKLS Granit through to the new pre-assembled 83 series padlocks, can EHPDGHDYDLODEOHLQWKH8.0DVWHU.H\HG0..H\HG$OLNH.$ and / or assembled to an existing sample key. All special orders for non standard or non stocked items, once con¿UPHGFDQQRWEHUHWXUQHGLIQRORQJHUUHTXLUHG )RUIXOOGHWDLOVFRQWDFW$%868. ABUS Research & Development Due to ABUS’ policy of continual product improvement, the code, VSHFL¿FDWLRQSULFHJLYHQLQWKLV3ULFH/LVWPXVWEHVHHQDVFRUUHFWDW WKHWLPHRISULQWLQJ(2($%86UHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRDPHQGFRGH VSHFL¿FDWLRQSULFH3OHDVHFRQWDFW$%868.IRUFRQ¿UPDWLRQRIDQ\ FRGHSURGXFWVSHFL¿FDWLRQRUSULFH ABUS - October 2011 Price List ABUS Factory Sites $% %8 86 6+HD HDG HD G2I 2 ¿F ¿ H H :H HWW WWHU HUU *H * UP PDQ DQ\ $% %86 3UR RGX G FW FWLR LR RQ Q :H :HWW WWHU H *H HU *HUP PDQ DQ\ \ ABUS AB S Pro rodu ducttion duct io on - Re Rehe he,, Ge he Germ rm man any y A US Pro AB rodu ducttio du ion n - Pf Pfaf a fe af fenh nh hain, ain, ai n Ger erma m ny ma ny 2P Prrod o uc ucti tiion on Uni n ts in C Ch hin na ABUS AB US Ser ervi vice vi ce - UK ce Abbreviations 3UH¿[HV6XI¿[HVXVHGLQ$%865HIHUHQFH1XPEHUV C CS DG HB IB KA MB MK &DUGHG:LWKQR³&´VXI¿[WKHSURGXFWLVVXSSOLHGER[HG Close Shackle 'RXEOH-RLQWHGUHIHUVWRKDVSZLWKDKLQJHIRUÀH[LEOHXVH Long Shackle Stainless Steel Shackle Keyed Alike Brass Shackle Master Keyed: ensure Master Keys are ordered separately Rekeyable: Standard fully assembled padlocks can be RK rekeyed again later to a different key “0” Bitted Supplied with no.1 pins for assembly to existing suitable key Twins Twin Pack: 2 random keyed alike padlocks with 3 keys Quads Quad Pack: 4 random keyed alike padlocks with 5 keys Product Coding & Availability 7KLVSULFHOLVWKDV¿UVWO\DQ³$%868.5HIHUHQFH'HVFULSWLRQ” This column gives the generic number ABUS have used for a SURGXFWZLWKIXUWKHUVXI¿[HVGHQRWLQJVL]HW\SHSDFNDJLQJ 7KH³$%86&RGH´³%DUFRGHFROXPQVDUHWKHGH¿QLWLYHFRGH IRUWKDWVSHFL¿FSURGXFW ³$%86&RGH´³%DUFRGH´LIVKRZQLQ“RED” indicate this SURGXFWPD\QRWEHDYDLODEOHYLD8.GLVWULEXWRUV:KHWKHUDQ assembled to order item, or a standard product not stocked in WKH8.RQFHDFRQ¿UPHGRUGHUKDVEHHQSODFHGLWFDQQRWEH returned if later not required. $Q\RUGHUIRUD8.QRQVWRFNHGLWHPPXVWEHLQER[HG TXDQWLWLHVDVVHPEOHGWRRUGHU.'.$0.LWHPVH[FHSWHG )RUFRQ¿UPDWLRQRQH[DFWO\ZKDWLVVWRFNHGDYDLODEOHLQWKH 8.SOHDVHFRQWDFWHLWKHU\RXUZKROHVDOHURU$%868. ³1DQR3URWHFW´ Chrome Plating +DUGHQHGVWHHOWKURXJKKDUGHQHGVWHHODOOR\VKDFNOHV get the most effective protection available, where smallest nano particles close the smallest gaps found in the normal chrome plating ³PDNLQJUXVW\VKDFNOHVDWKLQJRIWKHSDVW´ 1,000 hours salt bath test, the equivalent of 40 years in a harsh environment proves the durability of the new ³1DQR3URWHFW´ process “NanoProtect” plating is being applied to 65, 65AL, 70, 70AL, 72, 82, 83, 85, 86 and 92 padlock ranges BLUE TEXT Any blue text in this catalogue indicates that the product has exceptional UXVWSURR¿QJR[LGLVDWLRQIUHHFRPSRQHQWV Ecolution™ New from ABUS - WKH:RUOG¶V)LUVW³*UHHQ3DGORFNV´ (QYLURQPHQWDOO\)ULHQGO\³(FROXWLRQ´5DQJH See page 76 for details 3 5.PP*UDQLWµ3OXV¶0HFKDQLVP6ROLG6WHHO3DGORFNV Cataphoretic coating & rustfree components : Gives 40 years of corrosion protection Through hardened steel alloy body & shackle : Resists all attacks 14mm removable shackle : CEN grade 5 security Ball bearing locking : prevents lever & torsion attacks Rekeyable mechanism : Allows locks to be changed to new key 37RK/80 Granit Padlock 250,000 key differs, each lock supplied with key code card : with Offers numerous keyed alike (KA) or master keyed (MK) options 135/200 Granit Hasp & Staple or further locks made up to same key as per card provided 0DGHLQ Germany 8 Tonne Resistance ABUS Plus 0HFKDQLVP Ball Bearing Locking Bolt Cutter Resistant Hardened Steel Drill Resistant Saw Resistant -40° Impact Tested Beyond CEN Class 5 Security See page 44 for full details Keyed Alike 0DVWHUNH\HG Rekeyable Available 0HFKDQLVP Available 37RK/80 Granit Padlock This padlock rekeyable as standard See page 66 for pinning kit All Granit padlocks endure a -40° Freeze & Impact Test ABUS Granit Security All Granit 37/80 padlocks are supplied rekeyable: If the original key security is compromised, the lock can be reassembled to take a new key. The Ultimate in Security Illumin nated Key See Paage 70 for prices Each Granitt Pad Padlo Padlock lock supplied with 1 illuminated & 1 standard Plus key ABUS ‘Plus’ key card supplied with all 37 Granit locks ABUS UK Reference / Description 37RK/80 C 37RK/80 pre-assembled - no keys or disks Key Blank - for 37/80 & all locks with Plus mechanism Cut Key - for 37/80 & all locks with Plus mechanism Master Keyy - for 37/80 & all locks with Plus mechanism 37RK/80 Granit Padlock ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 43121 0 4003318 35905 7 4003318 05078 7 4003318 06227 8 4003318 04325 3 43121 35905 05078 06227 04325 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 79 / 94 / 39 79 / 94 / 39 22 / 22 / 14 22 / 22 / 14 10 10 $%86.$0.6XLWHV For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA & MK suite reference numbers 37 padlocks are available to order in numerous KA suites at £5.00 surcharge to “C” prices shown above Additional 37 padlocks (inc. all ‘Plus’ 37, 20 & 88 Series in KD, KA or MK) can be made to existing key codes : All 37s made to order or master keyed at £9.00 surcharge to prices “C” shown above 4 1.139 1.139 0.010 0.009 0.009 1 1 50 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ 126.90 110.81 3.14 6.10 13.74 5.PP*UDQLWµ3OXV¶0HFKDQLVP6ROLG6WHHO3DGORFNV Cataphoretic coating & rustfree components : Gives 40 years of corrosion protection Through hardened steel alloy body & shackle : Resists all attacks 14mm Shackle : CEN grade 5 security Ball bearing locking : prevents lever & torsion attacks Rekeyable mechanism : Allows locks to be changed to new key 250,000 key differs, each lock supplied with key code card : Offers numerous keyed alike (KA) or master keyed (MK) options or further locks made up to same key as per card provided 0DGHLQ Germany ABUS Plus 0HFKDQLVP Bolt Cutter Resistant 8 Tonne Resistance Ball Bearing Locking Hardened Steel Drill Resistant Saw Resistant -40° Impact Tested Key Retaining Keyed Alike 0DVWHUNH\HG Rekeyable Available 0HFKDQLVP Available 37RK/70 0 Granit Padlock All Granit padlocks endure a -40° Freeze & Impact Test This padlocck rekeyable as standard See page 66 for pinning kit Informative illustrated Point of Sale aluminium display boards available. See pages 74/75 for full details ABUS Granit Security All Granit 37/70 padlocks are supplied rekeyable: If the original key security is compromised, the lock can be reassembled to take a new key. The Ultimate in Security Illumin nated Key See Paage 70 for prices Each Granitt Pad Padlo Padlock lock supplied with 1 illuminated & 1 standard Plus key ABUS ‘Plus’ key card supplied with all 37 Granit locks ABUS UK Reference / Description 37RK/70HB100 - 100mm long shackle version 37RK/70 pre-assembled - no keys or disks Shackle Only 100mm - for 37RK/70 Key Blank - for 37/70 & all locks with Plus mechanism Cut Key - for 37/70 & all locks with Plus mechanism Master Keyy - for 37/70 & all locks with Plus mechanism 37RK/70 Granit Padlock CEN Class 5 ABUS Barcode 4003318 20117 2 4003318 45091 4 4003318 33558 7 4003318 47341 8 4003318 05078 7 4003318 06227 8 4003318 04325 3 ABUS Code 20117 45091 33558 47341 05078 06227 04325 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 77 / 103 / 37 77 / 168 / 37 77 / 168 / 37 - 29 / 35 / 14 29 / 100 / 14 29 / 100 / 14 29 / 100 / 14 10 10 10 0.980 1.135 1.135 0.370 0.010 0.009 0.009 1 1 1 1 50 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 112.16 179.18 96.06 26.85 3.14 6.10 13.74 $%86.$0.6XLWHV For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA & MK suite reference numbers 37 padlocks are available to order in numerous KA suites at £5.00 surcharge to “C” prices shown above Additional 37 padlocks (inc. all ‘Plus’ 37, 20 & 88 Series in KD, KA or MK) can be made to existing key codes : All 37s made to order or master keyed at £9.00 surcharge to “C” prices shown above 5 PP*UDQLWµ3OXV¶0HFKDQLVP6ROLG6WHHO3DGORFNV Cataphoretic coating & rustfree components : Gives 40 years of corrosion protection Through hardened steel alloy body & close shackle : Resists all attacks 11mm removable shackle : CEN grade 4 security Rekeyable mechanism available : Allows locks to be changed to new key ABUS ‘Plus’ disk cylinder : Resists drill, pull & manipulation attacks 250,000 key differs, each lock supplied with key code card : Offers numerous keyed alike (KA) or master keyed (MK) options or further locks made up to same key as per card provided 0DGHLQ Germany ABUS Plus 0HFKDQLVP Bolt Cutter Resistant 6 Tonne Resistance Ball Bearing Locking Hardened Steel Drill Resistant Saw Resistant -40° Impact Tested 37/60 7 Granit Padlock with 130/180 Granit Hasp & Staple See page 44 Keyed Alike 0DVWHUNH\HG Rekeyable Available 0HFKDQLVP Available vailable Perfect Complementary Security All Granit padlocks endure a -40° Freeze & Impact Test 37RK/60 G Granit it P Padlock dl k The Rekeyable version of the best selling 37/60 Granit Padlock See page 66 for pinning kit ABUS Granit Security Granit 37/60 padlocks can be supplied as rekeyable (37RK/60): If the original key security is compromised, the RK lock can then be reassembled to take a new key. The Ultimate in Security Illumin nated Key See Pagge 70 for pricces Each Granitt Pad Padlock adlock supplied with 1 illuminated & 1 standard Plus key ABUS ‘Plus’ key card supplied with all 37 Granit locks ABUS UK Reference / Description 37/60 37RK/60 - rekeyable version 37RK/60 pre-assembled - no keys or disks Key Blank - for 37/60 & all locks with Plus mechanism Cut Key - for 37/60 & all locks with Plus mechanism Master Keyy - for 37/60 & all locks with Plus mechanism 37/60 Granit Padlock CEN Class 4 ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 32380 5 4003318 08018 0 4003318 08334 1 4003318 37608 5 4003318 05078 7 4003318 06227 8 4003318 04325 3 32380 08018 08334 37608 05078 06227 04325 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 65 / 85 / 35 65 / 85 / 35 65 / 85 / 35 65 / 85 / 35 18 / 16 / 11 18 / 16 / 11 18 / 16 / 11 18 / 16 / 11 10 10 10 10 0.725 0.695 0.695 0.695 0.010 0.009 0.009 $%86.$0.6XLWHV For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA & MK suite reference numbers 37 padlocks are available to order in numerous KA suites at £5.00 surcharge to “C” prices shown above Additional 37 padlocks (inc. all ‘Plus’ 37, 20 & 88 Series in KD, KA or MK) can be made to existing key codes : All 37s made to order or master keyed at £9.00 surcharge to “C” prices shown above 6 3 2 3 2 50 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 97.44 97.44 105.37 89.27 3.14 6.10 13.74 PP*UDQLWµ3OXV¶0HFKDQLVP6ROLG6WHHO3DGORFNV Cataphoretic coating & rustfree components : Gives 40 years of corrosion protection Through hardened steel alloy body & shackle : Resists all attacks 11mm Shackle : CEN grade 4 security Ball bearing locking : prevents lever & torsion attacks Rekeyable mechanism available : Allows locks to be changed to new key ABUS ‘Plus’ disk cylinder : Resists drill, pull & manipulation attacks 250,000 key differs, each lock supplied with key code card : Offers numerous keyed alike (KA) or master keyed (MK) options or further locks made up to same key as per card provided 37/55 Granit 3 C Cut-Away Padlock showing 7 disc Plus mechanism & ball bearing locking b µ µ3OXV¶'HFRGHU 0DGHLQ Germany ABUS Plus 0HFKDQLVP Bolt Cutter Resistant 6 Tonne Resistance Ball Bearing Locking Hardened Steel Drill Resistant Saw Resistant -40° Impact Tested ' 'HFRGHDQ\µSOXV¶NH\DOORZ Zing a additional keys to be cut to c code Key Retaining Keyed Alike 0DVWHUNH\HG Rekeyable Available 0HFKDQLVP Available All Granit padlocks endure a -40° Free eze & Impact Test 37RK/55 5 Granit Padlo Padlock The Rekeyable yable version of the best st selling 37/55 Granit Padlockk See page 66 6 for pinning kit ABUS Granit Security Granit 37/60 padlocks can be supplied as rekeyable (37RK/60): If the original key security is compromised, the RK lock can then be reassembled to take a new key. The Ultimate in Security Illumin nated Key See Pagge 70 for pricces Each Granitt Pad Padlock dlo lock supplied with 1 illuminated & 1 standard Plus key ABUS ‘Pl ‘Plus’’ kkey card d supplied with all 37 Granit locks ABUS UK Reference / Description 37/55 C 37/55 37/55HB50 - 50mm long shackle version 37RK/55 - rekeyable version 37RK/55 pre-assembled - no keys or disks 37/55 - cutaway version Shackle Only 50mm - for 37/55 Shackle Only 75mm - for 37/55 ‘Plus’ Key Decoder Key Blank - for 37/55 & all locks with Plus mechanism Cut Key - for 37/55 & all locks with Plus mechanism Master Keyy - for 37/55 & all locks with Plus mechanism 37/55 Granit Padlock CEN Class 4 ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 32170 2 4003318 00838 2 4003318 06203 2 4003318 07783 8 4003318 35906 4 4003318 28248 5 4003318 07685 5 4003318 30559 7 4003318 07684 8 4003318 05078 7 4003318 06227 8 32170 00838 06203 07783 35906 28248 07685 30559 07684 05078 06227 04325 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 63 / 85 / 31 63 / 85 / 31 63 / 109 / 31 63 / 85 / 31 63 / 85 / 31 63 / 85 / 31 - 27.5 / 26 / 11 27.5 / 26 / 11 27.5 / 50 / 11 27.5 / 26 / 11 27.5 / 26 / 11 27.5 / 26 / 11 27.5 / 50 / 11 27.5 / 75 / 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 0.535 0.506 0.548 0.475 0.475 0.506 0.140 0.160 0.010 0.009 0.009 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 50 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ 79.32 £ 79.32 £ 85.56 £ 85.56 £ 69.46 £ 250.00 £ 9.05 £ 21.01 £ 130.00 £ 3.14 £ 6.10 £ 13.74 $%86.$0.6XLWHV For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA & MK suite reference numbers 37 padlocks are available to order in numerous KA suites at £5.00 surcharge to “C” prices shown above Additional 37 padlocks (inc. all ‘Plus’ 37, 20 & 88 Series in KD, KA or MK) can be made to existing key codes : All 37s made to order or master keyed at £9.00 surcharge to “C” prices shown above 7 36/55mm Granit Rekeyable Padlocks Rekeyable mechanism : Allows locks to be changed to new key Pin tumbler cylinder with anti-pick mushroom pins : Resists picking Ball bearing locking : prevents lever & torsion attacks Numerous KA/MK suites available : Multiple site security Through hardened steel alloy body & shackle : Resists all attacks Cataphoretic coating & rustfree components : Gives 40 years of corrosion protection 0DGHLQ Germany 6 Tonne Resistance Paracentric Bolt Cutter Resistant Keyway Ball Bearing Locking Hardened Steel Drill Resistant Saw Resistant -40° Impact Tested Key Retaining 36/55 G Granit it with 125/150 Hasp & Staple See page 44 Keyed Alike 0DVWHUNH\HG Rekeyable Available 0HFKDQLVP Available 36/55 Granit Padlock The Rekeyable Pin Tumbler Granit Padlock See page 67 for range of padlocks using RH4/5 & pinning kit for RH4/5 & RH6 padlocks 36/55 Granit Padlock ABUS UK Reference / Description 36/55 Shackle Only 50mm - for 36/55 Shackle Only 75mm - for 36/55 Key Blank - for 36/55 & all locks with RH4/5 mechanism Cut Key - for 36/55 & all locks with RH4/5 mechanism Master Keyy - for 36/55 & all locks with RH4/5 mechanism ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 00825 2 4003318 07686 2 4003318 30559 7 4003318 12874 5 00825 07686 30559 12874 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS KG Qty 63 / 85 / 31 - 27.5 / 26 / 11 27.5 / 50 / 11 27.5 / 75 / 11 $%86.$0.6XLWHV For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA/MK suite reference numbers 36 padlocks are available to order in numerous KA suites at £5.00 surcharge to prices shown above 36 & other padlocks using RH4/5 keys (KD, KA or MK) can be made to existing key codes : All 36s made to order or master keyed at £9.00 surcharge to 36/55 price shown above 8 9 0.500 0.140 0.160 0.009 0.010 0.010 3 1 1 50 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ 79.32 16.18 21.01 0.93 3.29 6.14 34/55mm & 34CS/55mm Steel Rekeyable Padlocks Through hardened steel alloy body & shackle : Resists all attacks 6 Pin tumbler cylinder with anti-pick mushroom pins : Resists picking Ball bearing locking : Resists lever & torsion attacks Rekeyable mechanism : Allows locks to be changed to new key Numerous KA/MK suites available : Multiple site security 34CS/55 with 10KS110 Square Link Hardened Chain See page 49 Cylinder Cover with Cap Paracentric Keyway Bolt Cutter Resistant Key Retaining Hardened Steel Drill Resistant Saw Resistant Ball Bearing Locking Protects the mechanism & extends padlock life Keyed Alike 0DVWHUNH\HG Rekeyable Available mechanism Available Rekeyable 0HFKDQLVP See page 67 for range of padlocks using RH4/5 & RH6 & pinning kit for RH4/5 & RH6 padlocks 34/55 Padlock ABUS UK Reference / Discription 34/55 C 34CS/55 C 34/55 34CS/55 Cylinder Cover & Cap 83/55 & 83CS/55 (&34s) Key Blank - for 34/55, 34CS & 72/40 Cut Key - for 34/55, 34CS & 72/40 Master Key - for 34/55, 34CS & 72/40 34CS/55 Padlock ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 35055 9 4003318 35056 6 4003318 20070 0 4003318 20071 7 4003318 30414 9 4003318 20066 3 35055 35056 20070 20071 30414 20066 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 55 / 85 / 25 55 / 85 / 25 55 / 85 / 25 55 / 85 / 25 24.5 / 26.5 / 11 24.5 / 26.5 / 11 24.5 / 26.5 / 11 24.5 / 26.5 / 11 8 8 8 8 0.579 0.639 0.570 0.630 0.009 0.010 0.009 3 3 3 3 6 50 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 48.67 58.91 48.67 58.91 3.30 0.93 3.29 6.14 $%86.$0.6XLWHV For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA/MK suite reference numbers 34 padlocks are available to order in numerous KA suites at lower of 10% or £5.00 surcharge to prices shown above 34 & other padlocks using RH6 keys (KD, KA or MK) can be made to existing key codes : All 34s made to order or master keyed at £9.00 surcharge to “C” prices shown above 9 83/55mm, 83CS/55mm & 83/80mm Steel Padlocks Adapts to most requirements inc. key retaining or not : Specialist tools available see page 13 Through hardened steel alloy body & shackle : Resists all attacks Pin tumbler cylinder with anti-pick mushroom pins : Resists picking Rekeyable mechanism : Allows locks to be changed to new key Numerous KA/MK suites available : Multiple site security Padlocks also supplied without cylinder : See page 13 for full details 83/80 operates using a Scandinavian Oval cylinder : Supplied without cylinder Nano Plated steel alloy shackle : Helps make rusty shackles a “thing of the past” Paracentric Keyway Bolt Cutter Resistant Key Retaining Hardened Steel Drill Resistant Saw Resistant 88 10 Informative illustrated Point of Sale aluminium display boards available. See pages 74/75 for full details Ball Bearing Locking Keyed Alike 0DVWHUNH\HG Rekeyable Available mechanism Available 83 Padlocks (except 83/80mm) can also be made up by special order to the brand new E60 - 6 pin Euro Cylinder range featured on page 65 ³1DQR3URWHFW´ Chrome Plating Helping to make rusty shackles a thing of the past see page 3 for more details Cylinder Cover with Cap Protects the mechanism & extends padlock life 83CS/55 Padlock 83/55 Padlock ABUS UK Reference / Description 83/55 C 83CS/55 C 83/80 w/o Cylinder - key retaining only Cylinder Cover & Cap 83/55 & 83CS/55 (&34s) Cylinder Cover & Cap 83/80 Key Blank - for all 83s, 82/90, 85/50+60, 90/50 & 92/80 Cut Key - for all 83s, 82/90, 85/50+60, 90/50 & 92/80 Master Key - for all 83, 82/90, 85/50+60, 90/50 & 92/80 ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 53929 9 4003318 53930 5 4003318 51129 5 4003318 30414 9 4003318 51105 9 4003318 02703 1 03929 53930 51129 30414 51105 02703 83/80 Padlock (supplied without cylinder) CEN Class 5 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 55 / 102 / 25 55 / 92.5 / 25 80 / 112 / 33 25 / 37 / 11.5 24.5 / 27.5 / 11.5 40 / 40 / 15 8 8 10 0.620 0.620 1.287 0.014 0.010 0.010 3 3 3 6 6 50 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 46.73 50.93 87.68 3.30 3.90 0.93 3.29 6.14 $%86.$0.6XLWHV For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA/MK suite reference numbers 83 padlocks are available to order in a standard (85/50+60 or E60) KA suite at lower of 10% or £5.00 surcharge to prices shown above 83 & other padlocks using 85/50+60 or E60 keys (KD, KA or MK) can be made to existing key codes : All 83s made to order or master keyed at £9.00 surcharge to “C” prices shown above Contact ABUS UK for full details on the 83 service package using APf suites 10 :3PP:3&6PP:3PP:HDWKHUSURRI3DGORFNV Adapts to most requirements inc. key retaining or not : Specialist tools available Through hardened steel alloy body & shackle : Resists all attacks Pin tumbler cylinder with anti-pick mushroom pins : Resists picking Ball bearing locking : Resists lever & torsion attacks Rekeyable mechanism : Allows locks to be changed to new key Numerous KA/MK suites available : Multiple site security High impact sealed lock body : Keyway protective cover designed to keep dirt out Padlocks also supplied without cylinder : See page 13 for full details Nano Plated steel alloy shackle : Helps make rusty shackles a “thing of the past” Paracentric Keyway Bolt Cutter Resistant Key Retaining Hardened Steel Drill Resistant Saw Resistant Ball Bearing Locking Keyed Alike 0DVWHUNH\HG Rekeyable Available mechanism Available Registered Section If you need a number of padlocks or cylinders made up on a restricted keyway on a patented registered section ABUS have the solution. The 83 range of padlocks and our ABUS Pfaffenhain cylinders can be supplied in suites on a single registered section that ABUS alone controls, so no key copies can be made legally. For full details of this service please contact ABUS UK. Informative illustrated Point of Sale aluminium display boards available. See page 74/75 for full details ³1DQR3URWHFW´ Chrome Plating Helping to make rusty shackles a thing of the past see page 3 for more details :3&63DGORFN :33DGORFN ABUS UK Reference / Description 83WP/53 C 83WPCS/53 C 83WP/63 C Key Blank - for all 83, 82/90, 85/50 + 60, 90/50 & 92/80 Cut Key - for all 83, 82/90, 85/50 + 60, 90/50 & 92/80 Master Key - for all 83, 82/90, 85/50 + 60, 90/50 & 92/80 ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 53931 2 4003318 53933 6 4003318 53935 0 4003318 02703 1 53931 53933 53935 02703 :33DGORFN ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 56.5 /97.5 / 35.5 56.5 / 97.5 / 34.5 65 / 109.5 / 34.5 23.5 / 27.5 / 8 19 / 25 / 8 25 / 33 / 11 9 9 9 0.400 0.530 0.553 0.014 0.010 0.010 3 3 3 50 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ 36.23 45.68 44.63 0.93 3.29 6.14 $%86.$0.6XLWHV For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA/MK suite reference numbers 83 padlocks are available to order in a standard (85/50+60 or E60) KA suite at lower of 10% or £5.00 surcharge to prices shown above 83 & other padlocks using 85/50+60 or E60 keys (KD, KA or MK) can be made to existing key codes : All 83s made to order or master keyed at £9.00 surcharge to “C” prices shown above Contact ABUS UK for full details on the 83 service package using APf suites 11 :3,%PPPPPP&6PP%UDVV3DGORFNV Through hardened steel alloy body & shackle : Resists all attacks Pin tumbler cylinder with anti-pick mushroom pins : Resists picking Rekeyable mechanism : Allows locks to be changed to new key Numerous KA/MK suites available : Multiple site security Padlocks also supplied without cylinder : See page 13 for full details Nano Plated steel alloy shackle : Helps make rusty shackles a “thing of the past” 83WPIB - The ultimate weatherproof padlock : Marine grade stainless steel shackle - High impact sealed lock body : Keyway protective cover designed g to keep dirt out Paracentric Keyway Bolt Cutter Resistant Key Retaining Hardened Steel Drill Resistant Saw Resistant Ball Bearing Locking 8 9 Perfect Partnership :3,% Padlock with %.:&KDLQ Attachment See page 35 Perfect Partnership :3,%3DGORFN with 140/120 Hasp & Staple See page 45 Rustfree Security Keyed Alike 0DVWHUNH\HG Rekeyable Available mechanism Available Registered Section If you need a number of padlocks or cylinders made up on a restricted keyway on a patented registered section ABUS have the solution. The 83 range of padlocks and our ABUS Pfaffenhain cylinders can be supplied in suites on a single registered section that ABUS alone controls, so no key copies can be made legally. For full details of this service please contact ABUS UK. :3,% 0DULQH*UDGH ³1DQR3URWHFW´ Chrome Plating Helping to make rusty shackles a thing of the past see page 3 for more details Cylinder Cover with Cap Protects the mechanism & extends padlock life 83CS/50 Padlock 83/50 Padlock 83/45 Padlock :3,%6XEPDULQHU3DGORFN ABUS UK Reference / Description 83WPIB/53 C 83/45 C 83/50 C 83CS/50 C Cylinder Cover & Cap 83/45 & 83/50 Key Blank - for all 83, 82/90, 85/50 + 60, 90/50 & 92/80 Cut Key - for all 83, 82/90, 85/50 + 60, 90/50 & 92/80 Master Key - for all 83, 82/90, 85/50 + 60, 90/50 & 92/80 $%86.$0.6XLWHV ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 53934 3 4003318 53926 8 4003318 53927 5 4003318 53928 2 4003318 27347 6 4003318 02703 1 53934 53926 53927 53928 27347 02703 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 56.5 / 97.5 / 35.5 46.5 / 85 / 21 48 / 87.5 / 20.5 48 / 86 / 21 23.5 / 27.5 / 8 23.5 / 25 / 8 23.5 / 26.5 / 10 22 / 27 / 10 9 8 8 8 0.400 0.361 0.380 0.412 0.014 0.010 0.010 3 6 6 6 6 50 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 43.58 30.45 39.38 46.73 2.70 0.93 3.29 6.14 For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA/MK suite reference numbers 83 padlocks are available to order in a standard (85/50+60 or E60) KA suite at lower of 10% or £5.00 surcharge to prices shown above 83 & other padlocks using 85/50+60 or E60 keys (KD, KA or MK) can be made to existing key codes : All 83s made to order or master keyed at £9.00 surcharge to “C” prices shown above Contact ABUS UK for full details on the 83 service package using APf suites 12 83AL/40mm Colour Coded Aluminium Padlocks Supplied without cylinders for workshop assembly Ideal for complex lock-off & safety applications Nano Plated steel alloy shackle : Helps make rusty shackles a “thing of the past” Precision extruded, cut & drilled pure aluminium body : Light & strong Zinc plated brass lock mechanism: Prevents chemical corrosion Enhanced aluminium coating : Looks good longer Rekeyable Rekke Re key mechanism : Allows locks to be changed to new key 1(: Paracentric Keyway Saw Resistant Ball Bearing Locking Keyed Alike Available ABUS UK Reference / Description 83AL/40 Black without Cylinder 83AL/40 Blue without Cylinder 83AL/40 Green without Cylinder 83AL/40 Red without Cylinder 83AL/40 Silver without Cylinder 83AL/40 Yellow without Cylinder Key Retaining 0DVWHUNH\HG Rekeyable mechanism Available ABUS Barcode 4003318 55026 3 4003318 55029 4 4003318 55028 7 4003318 55027 0 4003318 55031 7 4003318 55030 0 83 Padlocks without Cylinder Black Blue Green ABUS Code 55026 55029 55028 55027 55031 55030 Red Silver :HLJKW Box Kg Qty 40 / 97 / 19 40 / 97 / 19 40 / 97 / 19 40 / 97 / 19 40 / 97 / 19 40 / 97 / 19 23 / 38 / 6.5 23 / 38 / 6.5 23 / 38 / 6.5 23 / 38 / 6.5 23 / 38 / 6.5 23 / 38 / 6.5 0.181 0.181 0.181 0.181 0.181 0.181 6 6 6 6 6 6 Yellow RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ 13.10 13.10 13.10 13.10 13.10 13.10 For locksmith assembly ABUS UK Reference / Description 83/45 without cylinder 83/50 without cylinder 83CS/50 without cylinder 83WP/53 without cylinder 83WPCS/53 without cylinder 83WPIB/53 without cylinder 83/55 without cylinder 83CS/55 without cylinder 83WP/63 without cylinder 83/80 without cylinder ABUS Barcode 4003318 53222 1 4003318 53223 8 4003318 53224 5 4003318 53227 6 4003318 52569 8 4003318 52570 4 4003318 53225 2 4003318 52568 1 4003318 53228 3 4003318 51129 5 ABUS Code 53222 53223 53224 53227 52569 52570 53225 52568 53228 51129 :HLJKW Box Kg Qty 47 / 85 / 21 48 / 87.5 / 20.5 48 / 86 / 21 56.5 / 109.5 / 35.5 56.5 / 97.5 / 34.5 56.5 / 97.5 / 35.5 55 / 102 / 25 55 / 92.5 / 25 65 / 109.5 / 34.5 80 / 112 / 33 23.5 / 25 / 8 23.5 / 26.5 / 10 22 / 27 / 10 23.5 / 27.5 / 8 19 / 25 / 8 23.5 / 27.5 / 8 25 / 37 / 11.5 24.5 / 27.5 / 11.5 25 / 33 / 11 40 / 40 / 15 0.257 0.276 0.308 0.294 0.424 0.294 0.512 0.675 0.448 1.287 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 17.06 25.99 33.34 22.84 32.29 30.19 33.34 37.54 31.24 87.68 Spare Cylinders for use in any 83 Padlock (except 83/80mm) ABUS UK Reference / Description ABUS Barcode Cylinder 83N 0-bitted, 85/50 Keyway - for any 83 padlock w/o cylinder 4003318 53937 4 Cylinder 83N 0-bitted, E60 keyway - for any 83 padlock w/o cylinder 4003318 53938 1 Cylinder 83N 0-bitted, Pfaffenhain keyway - for any 83 padlock w/o cylinder ABUS Code :HLJKW Box Kg Qty 53937 53938 0.101 0.106 0.106 10 10 RRP ex VAT £ 13.39 £ 13.20 POA 83 Padlocks - Spare Shackles Easily change any 83 padlock to steel alloy, brass or stainless steel standard or long shackles with our easy to use shackle extractor tool ABUS UK Reference / Description Shackle Only HB50mm - hardened steel for 83/45 Shackle Only HB75mm - hardened steel for 83/45 Shackle Only HB100mm - hardened steel for 83/45 Shackle Only IB25mm - stainless steel for 83/45 Shackle Only IBHB50mm - stainless steel for 83/45 Shackle Only IBHB75mm - stainless steel for 83/45 Shackle Only IBHB100mm - stainless steel for 83/45 Shackle Only MB25mm - brass for 83/45 Shackle Only MBHB50mm - brass for 83/45 Shackle Only MBHB75mm - brass for 83/45 Shackle Only MB100mm - brass for 83/45 Shackle Only HB50mm - hardened steel for 83/50 Shackle Only HB75mm - hardened steel for 83/50 Shackle Only HB100mm - hardened steel for 83/50 Shackle Only HB63mm - hardened steel for 83WP/53 Shackle Only IB63mm - stainless steel for 83WPIB/53 Shackle Only HB63mm - hardened steel for 83WP/63 83 Shackle Extractor - brass ABUS Barcode 4003318 23727 9 4003318 23724 9 4003318 23721 8 4003318 23751 5 4003318 23725 6 4003318 23722 5 4003318 82371 8 4003318 03748 1 4003318 23726 3 4003318 23723 2 4003318 23720 1 4003318 23718 8 4003318 23717 1 4003318 23752 2 4003318 53354 9 4003318 53362 4 4003318 53359 4 ABUS Code 23727 23724 23721 23751 23725 23722 82371 03748 23726 23723 23720 23718 23717 23752 53354 53362 53359 TBA mm 23.5 / 50 23.5 / 75 23.5 / 100 23.5 / 25 23.5 / 50 23.5 / 75 23.5 / 100 23.5 / 25 23.5 / 50 23.5 / 75 23.5 / 100 23.5 / 50 23.5 / 75 23.5 / 100 23.5 / 63 23.5 / 63 25 / 63 Shackle Dia 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 8 11 :HLJKW Box RRP Kg Qty ex VAT 0.065 0.085 0.105 0.030 0.065 0.085 0.100 0.030 0.070 0.090 0.110 0.100 0.125 0.150 0.100 0.100 0.110 0.060 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 £ 5.78 £ 7.88 £ 9.45 £ 5.25 £ 6.83 £ 7.88 £ 8.93 £ 3.68 £ 4.52 £ 5.78 £ 7.35 £ 7.35 £ 9.98 £ 12.08 £ 7.35 £ 9.45 £ 7.35 £ 5.00 13 PPPP'LVNXVµ3OXV¶0HFKDQLVP Black chrome shackle : Best corrosion resistance Through hardened steel alloy shackle : Resists saw attacks Diskus “Deep Weld Technology” : Maximum case strength $QWLFXWSODWH*HQXLQHÛORFNSURWHFWLRQ Fitted anti dust cap : Prevents cylinder damage ABUS ‘Plus’ disk cylinder : Resists drill, pull & manipulation attacks 30,000 manufactured key differs, each lock supplied with key code card : Offers numerous keyed alike (KA) or master keyed (MK) options or further locks made up to same key as per card provided Bolt Cutter Resistant 0DGHLQ Germany ABUS Plus 0HFKDQLVP Key Retaining Keyed Alike 0DVWHUNH\HG Available Available Drill Resistant Saw Resistant Double Bolted Informative illustrated Point of Sale aluminium display boards available. See page 74/75 for full details ABUS ‘Plus’ key card supplied with all 20 Diskus padlocks 20/80 Diskus Padlock 20/70 Diskus Padlock ABUS UK Reference / Description 20/70 C 20/80 C 20/70 20/80 Key Blank - for 20/70+80 & all locks with Plus mechanism Cut Key - for 20/70+80 & all locks with Plus mechanism Master Key- for 20/70+80 & all locks with Plus mechanism ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 32164 1 4003318 32165 8 4003318 08854 4 4003318 08798 1 4003318 05078 7 4003318 06227 8 32164 32165 08854 08798 05078 06227 04325 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 71 / 71 / 30 81 / 81 / 35 71 / 71 / 30 81 / 81 / 35 20 / 17 / 10 25 / 18 / 11 20 / 17 / 10 25 / 18 / 11 9 9 9 9 $%86.$0.6XLWHV For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA & MK suite reference numbers 20 padlocks are available to order in numerous KA suites at 10% surcharge to prices shown above Additional 20 padlocks (inc. all ‘Plus’ 37, 20 & 88 Series in KD, KA or MK) can be made to existing key codes : All 20s made to order or master keyed at £9.00 surcharge to “C” prices shown above 14 0.357 0.472 0.337 0.452 0.010 0.009 0.009 3 3 6 3 50 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 39.02 45.77 39.02 45.77 3.14 6.10 13.74 26/70mm, 80mm & 90mm Solid Lock Body Diskus Through hardened steel alloy shackle : Resists saw attacks Diskus “Deep Weld Technology” : Maximum case strength $QWLFXWSODWH*HQXLQHÛORFNSURWHFWLRQ Solid lock body construction : Resists drill, pull & saw attacks Pin tumbler cylinder with anti-pick mushroom pins : Resists picking Numerous KA/MK suites available : Multiple site security Bolt Cutter Resistant 0DGHLQ Germany Paracentric Keyway Key Retaining Keyed Alike 0DVWHUNH\HG Available Available Drill Resistant Saw Resistant Double Bolted Perfect Partnership 26/70 Diskus Padlock & 141/200 Van Lock See page 60 26/90 Diskus Padlock 26/80 Diskus Padlock 26/70 Diskus Padlock ABUS UK Reference / Description 26/70 C 26/80 C 26/70 26/80 26/90 Key Blank - for all 26 & all locks with RH4/5 mechanism Cut Key - for all 26 & all locks with RH4/5 mechanism Master Key - for all 26 & all locks with RH4/5 mechanism ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 32178 8 4003318 35050 4 4003318 12790 8 4003318 20335 0 4003318 20340 4 4003318 12874 5 32178 35050 12790 20335 20340 12874 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 71 / 71 / 31 81 / 81 / 31 71 / 71 / 31 81 / 81 / 31 91 / 91 / 29 19.5 / 17 / 10 25 / 18 / 11 19.5 / 17 / 10 25 / 18 / 11 25.5 / 16 / 12 8 8 8 8 8 0.345 0.470 0.325 0.452 0.633 0.009 0.010 0.010 6 3 6 3 3 50 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 26.25 39.02 26.25 39.02 58.91 0.93 3.29 6.14 ABUS 26 KA/MK Suites For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA/MK suite reference numbers 26 padlocks are available to order in numerous KA suites at lower of 10% or £5.00 surcharge to prices shown above 26 & other padlocks using RH4/5 keys (KD, KA or MK) can be made to existing key codes : All 26s made to order or master keyed at £9.00 surcharge to “C” & 26/90 prices shown above 15 24IB/60mm & 70mm Stainless Steel Diskus Stainless steel shackle & case : Rust free security Diskus “Deep Weld Technology” : Maximum case strength $QWLFXWSODWH*HQXLQHÛORFNSURWHFWLRQ Fitted anti dust cap : Prevents cylinder damage Pin tumbler cylinder with anti-pick mushroom pins : Resists picking Numerous KA/MK suites available : Multiple site security 0DGHLQ Germany Paracentric Keyway Key Retaining 0DULQH Grade Bolt Cutter Resistant Drill Resistant Saw Resistant 7 88 Double Bolted Keyed Alike 0DVWHUNH\HG Available Available Perfect Partnership 24IB/70 Diskus Padlock & 140/120 Hasp & Staple See page 45 24IB/70 Diskus Padlock 24IB/60 Diskus Padlock ABUS UK Reference / Description 24IB/60 C 24IB/70 C 24IB/60 24IB/70 Key Blank - for 24IB/60, 23/60, 41/30 & 41/45 Cut Key for - 24IB/60, 23/60, 41/30 & 41/45 Master Key for - 24IB/60, 23/60, 41/30 & 41/45 Key Blank - for all 26 & all locks with RH4/5 mechanism Cut Key - for all 26 & all locks with RH4/5 mechanism Master Key - for all 26 & all locks with RH4/5 mechanism ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 35043 6 4003318 35044 3 4003318 05584 3 4003318 02050 6 4003318 02706 2 35043 35044 05584 02050 02706 4003318 12874 5 12874 60 / 60 / 26 71 / 71 / 31 60 / 60 / 26 71 / 71 / 31 17.5 / 13 / 8 19.5 / 17 / 10 17.5 / 13 / 8 19.5 / 17 / 10 $%86,%.$0.6XLWHV For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA/MK suite reference numbers 24IB padlocks are available to order in numerous KA suites at 10% surcharge to prices shown above 24IB & other padlocks using RH4/5 keys (KD, KA or MK) can be made to existing key codes : All 24IBs made to order or master keyed at £9.00 surcharge to “C” prices shown above 16 ABUS GPS Weight Kg Box Qty 7 8 7 8 0.240 0.370 0.220 0.350 0.009 0.010 0.010 0.009 0.010 0.010 6 6 6 6 50 1 1 50 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 20.94 26.25 20.94 26.25 0.93 3.29 6.14 0.93 3.29 6.14 23/60mm & 70mm Diskus Padlocks Through hardened steel alloy shackle : Resists saw attacks Diskus “Deep Weld Technology” : Maximum case strength 2ULJLQDO'LVNXVGHVLJQ*HQXLQH*HUPDQPDGHÛORFNSURWHFWLRQ Pin tumbler cylinder with anti-pick mushroom pins : Resists picking KA suites available : Multiple site security 0DGHLQ Germany Paracentric Keyway Bolt Cutter Resistant Saw Resistant Double Bolted Key Retaining Keyed Alike Available Informative illustrated Point of Sale aluminium display boards available. See page 74/75 for full details 23/70 Diskus Padlock 23/60 Diskus Padlock ABUS UK Reference / Description 23/60 C 23/70 C 23/60 23/70 Key Blank - for 24IB/60, 23/60, 41/30 & 41/45 Cut Key - for 24IB/60, 23/60, 41/30 & 41/45 Key Blank - for all 26 & all locks with RH4/5 mechanism Cut Key - for all 26 & all locks with RH4/5 mechanism ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 44753 2 4003318 44757 0 4003318 44750 1 4003318 44754 9 4003318 02706 2 44753 44757 44750 44754 02706 4003318 12874 5 12874 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 60 / 60 / 26 71 / 71 / 31 60 / 60 / 26 71 / 71 / 31 17.5 / 13 / 8 19.5 / 17 / 10 17.5 / 13 / 8 19.5 / 17 / 10 7 7 7 7 0.240 0.345 0.220 0.325 0.009 0.010 0.009 0.010 6 6 6 6 50 1 50 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 15.06 17.65 15.06 17.65 0.93 3.29 0.93 3.29 ABUS 23 KA Suites For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA suite reference numbers 23 padlocks are available to order in numerous KA suites at 10% surcharge to prices shown above 23 padlocks can not be made to existing key codes or master keyed 17 92/65mm & 80mm Steel Clad Shutter Padlocks Through hardened steel alloy shackle : Rotates when attacked Solid brass body encased in hardened steel : Reliable security Pin tumbler cylinder with anti-pick mushroom pins : Resists picking KA suites available : Multiple site security Nano Plated steel alloy shackle : Helps make rusty shackles a “thing of the past” Paracentric Keyway Bolt Cutter Resistant Drill Resistant Saw Resistant 7 9 Keyed Alike Available Perfect Partnership 92/80 Shutter Padlock & 140/190 Hasp & Staple ³1DQR3URWHFW´ Chrome Plating See page 45 Helping to make rusty shackles a thing of the past see page 3 for more details 92/80 Shutter Padlock 92/65 Shutter Padlock ABUS UK Reference / Description 92/65 C 92/80 C 92/65 92/80 Key Blank - for 92/65, 82/63 + 70 & 43/150HB230 Key Blank - for 92/80, all 83s, 82/90, 85/50 + 60 & 90/50 Cut Key - for 92/65, 82/63 + 70 & 43/150HB230 Cut Key- for 92/80, all 83s, 82/90, 85/50 + 60 & 90/50 ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 31938 9 4003318 35214 0 4003318 30609 9 4003318 20072 4 4003318 00906 8 4003318 02703 1 31938 35214 30609 20072 00906 02703 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 67 / 58 / 28 78 / 65 / 30 67 / 58 / 28 78 / 65 / 30 33 / 14 / 10 37 / 17 / 12 33 / 14 / 10 37 / 17 / 12 ABUS 92 KA Suites For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA suite reference numbers 92 padlocks are available to order in several KA suites at 10% surcharge to prices shown above 92 padlocks can not be made to existing key codes or master keyed 18 7 9 7 9 0.614 0.860 0.590 0.836 0.010 0.014 0.010 0.010 3 3 6 3 50 50 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 35.36 45.33 35.36 45.33 0.93 0.93 3.29 3.29 82/63mm, 82/70mm & 82/90mm Brass Shutter Lock Through hardened steel alloy shackle : Rotates when attacked Solid brass body : Reliable security Pin tumbler cylinder with anti-pick mushroom pins : Resists picking KA suites available : Multiple site security Nano Plated steel alloy shackle : Helps make rusty shackles a “thing of the past” Paracentric Keyway Bolt Cutter Resistant Saw Resistant 7 88 Informative illustrated Point of Sale aluminium display boards available. See page 74/75 for full details Keyed Alike Available Security Tech Germany 82/70 82/63 82/90 82 Brass & 92 Steel Cased Shutter Padlocks Precision pin tumbler mechanism with anti-pick mushroom pins Through hardened steel shackle rotates when attacked Rustfree components for durable security Keyed alike suites available 92/65 82 Brass Shutter Padlocks 92/80 Solid brass body Hardened rotating pin in lock body protects against saw attack Automatic locking 92 Steel Cased Shutter Padlocks Steel jacket for added security Dead lock mechanism, key to lock Padlock unlocks on same side as shackle ³1DQR3URWHFW´ Chrome Plating ABUS - The good feeling of security www.abus-uk.com Helping to make rusty shackles a thing of the past see page 3 for more details 82/90 Shutter Padlock 82/70 Shutter Padlock 82/63 Shutter Padlock ABUS UK Reference / Description 82/63 C 82/70 C 82/90 C 82/63 82/70 82/90 Key Blank - for 82/63+70, 92/65 & 43/150HB230 Key Blank- for 82/90, all 83s, 85/50 + 60, 90/50 & 92/80 Cut Key - for 82/63+70, 92/65 & 43/150HB230 Cut Keyy - for 82/90, all 83s, 85/50 + 60, 90/50 & 92/80 ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 33695 9 4003318 35327 7 4003318 32442 0 4003318 11490 8 4003318 11491 5 4003318 11492 2 4003318 00906 8 4003318 02703 1 33695 35327 32442 11490 11491 11492 00906 02703 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 63 / 45 / 17 70 / 50 / 18 90 / 60 / 20 63 / 45 / 17 70 / 50 / 18 90 / 60 / 20 19 / 14 / 10 22 / 15 / 12 35 / 17.5 / 12 19 / 14 / 10 22 / 15 / 12 35 / 17.5 / 12 7 7 8 7 7 8 0.350 0.456 0.741 0.350 0.438 0.725 0.010 0.014 0.010 0.010 3 3 3 3 6 6 50 50 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 17.15 18.41 27.79 17.15 18.41 27.79 0.93 0.93 3.29 3.29 ABUS 82 KA Suites For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA suite reference numbers 82 padlocks are available to order in several KA suites at 10% surcharge to prices shown above 82 padlocks can not be made to existing key codes or master keyed 19 90/50mm Stainless Steel Padlocks High quality stainless steel shackle & body : Maximum corrosion resistance Pin tumbler cylinder with anti-pick mushroom pins : Resists picking Rustfree internal components : Durable security Numerous KA suites available : Multiple site security Close shackle : For additional protection Paracentric Bolt Cutter Keyway Resistant Saw Resistant Ball Bearing Locking Key Retaining 0DULQH Grade 90/50 Stainless Steel Padlock with 140/120 Hasp & Staple Keyed Alike Available See page 45 90/50 Stainless Steel Padlock ABUS UK Reference / Description 90/50 C 90/50 Key Blank - for 90/50, all 83s, 82/90, 85/50 + 60 & 92/80 Cut Key - for 90/50, all 83s, 82/90, 85/50 + 60 & 92/80 ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 32188 7 4003318 11496 0 4003318 02703 1 32188 11496 02703 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 50 / 75 / 23 50 / 75 / 23 19 / 21.5 / 9.5 19 / 21.5 / 9.5 ABUS 90 KA Suites For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA suite reference numbers 90 padlocks are available to order in several KA suites at 10% surcharge to prices shown above 90 padlocks can not be made to existing key codes or master keyed 20 8 8 0.418 0.374 0.014 0.010 3 6 50 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ 36.70 36.70 0.93 3.29 27/50mm Silver Rock Rekeyable Padlocks Tough die cast body & through hardened steel shackle : Resists attacks Rekeyable mechanism : Allows locks to be changed to new key Pin tumbler cylinder with anti-pick mushroom pins : Resists picking Numerous KA/MK suites available : Multiple site security See page 67 for range of padlocks using RH4/5 & pinning kit for RH4/5 & RH6 padlocks 0DGHLQ Germany Paracentric Keyway Saw Resistant Ball Bearing Locking Key Retaining Keyed Alike 0DVWHUNH\HG Rekeyable Available Available 0HFKDQLVP 27/50 Silver Rock Padlock ABUS UK Reference / Description 27/50 C 27/50 Key Blank - for 27/50 & all locks with RH4/5 mechanism Cut Key - for 27/50 & all locks with RH4/5 mechanism Master Key - for 27/50 & all locks with RH4/5 mechanism ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 35445 8 4003318 24531 2 4003318 12874 5 35445 24531 12874 ABUS Box :HLJKW Qty GPS 52 / 78 / 27 52 / 78 / 27 26 / 26 / 9 26 / 26 / 9 7 7 0.396 0.380 0.009 0.010 0.010 6 6 50 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ 33.95 33.95 0.93 3.29 6.14 $%86.$0.6XLWHV For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA/MK suite reference numbers 27 padlocks are available to order in several KA suites at 10% surcharge to prices shown above 27 & other padlocks using RH4/5 keys (KD, KA or MK) can be made to existing key codes : All 27s made to order or master keyed at £9.00 surcharge to “C” prices shown above 21 PP5.PP5.PPµ3OXV¶%UDVV3DGORFNV Through hardened steel alloy shackle : Resists saw attacks ABUS ‘Plus’ disk cylinder : Resists drill, pull & manipulation attacks Chrome plated brass body : For added corrosion protection Ball bearing locking : prevents lever & torsion attacks Nano Plated steel alloy shackle : Helps make rusty shackles a “thing of the past” 88RK50mm & 55mm with rekeyable mechanism : Allows locks to be changed to new key 250,000 manufactured key differs, each lock supplied with key code card : Offers numerous keyed alike (KA) or master keyed (MK) options or further locks made up to same key as per card provided ABUS Plus 0HFKDQLVP Drill Resistant Saw Resistant 7 88 Double Bolted Keyed Alike 0DVWHUNH\HG Rekeyable Available Available 0HFKDQLVP ³1DQR3URWHFW´ Chrome Plating Helping to make rusty shackles a thing of the past see page 3 for more details ABUS ‘Plus’ key card supplied with all 88 padlocks 88RK/50 Padlock 88RK/55 Padlock 88/40 Padlock ABUS UK Reference / Description 88/40 C 88RK/50 C 88RK/55 Key Blank - for 88/40+50+55 & all locks with Plus mechanism Cut Key - for 88/40+50+55 & all locks with Plus mechanism Master Key - for 88/40+50+55 & all locks with Plus mechanism ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 35208 9 4003318 35210 2 4003318 26380 4 4003318 05078 7 4003318 06227 8 4003318 04325 3 35208 35210 26380 05078 06227 04325 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 40 / 72 / 19 50 / 79 / 20 55 / 89 / 23 22 / 22 / 7 24 / 26 / 9.5 25 / 31 / 11 $%86.$0.6XLWHV For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA & MK suite reference numbers 88 padlocks are available to order in numerous KA suites at 10% surcharge to prices shown above Additional 88 padlocks (inc. all ‘Plus’ 37, 20 & 88 Series in KD, KA or MK) can be made to existing key codes : All 88s made to order or master keyed at £9.00 surcharge to “C” & 88RK/55 prices shown above 22 7 8 8 0.246 0.340 0.445 0.010 0.009 0.009 6 6 6 50 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ 24.96 28.80 37.73 3.14 6.10 13.74 86/55mm Service Brass Padlock without Cylinder Heavy duty solid brass body : Reliable security Through hardened steel alloy shackle : Resists hacksaw attacks 6XSSOLHGZLWKRXWF\OLQGHU)RU¿QDODVVHPEO\LQ\RXURZQZRUNVKRS Takes any brand of 10/30mm half euro cylinder : An extension to any suite &\OLQGHU¿WWHGZLWKRXWVSHFLDOLVWWRROVRUDGDSWLRQ$GDSWDEOHVHFXULW\ Nano Plated steel alloy shackle : Helps make rusty shackles a “thing of the past” Paracentric Keyway Saw Resistant Key Retaining ³1DQR3URWHFW´ Chrome Plating +DOI(XUR3UR¿OH&\OLQGHU ¿WWHGZLWKRXWDGDSWLRQ or specialist tools Cylinder not supplied Helping to make rusty shackles a thing of the past see page 3 for more details 86/55 Brass Padlock without Cylinder ABUS UK Reference / Description 86/55 - without Cylinder ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 33936 3 33936 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 55 / 106 / 27 26.5 / 38 / 9.5 8 0.560 3 RRP ex VAT £ 38.19 23 41/30mm - 41/50mm ETERNA Laminated Steel Padlocks Individually plated laminated steel : Up to 40 years weather protection Pin tumbler cylinder with anti-pick mushroom pins : Resists picking Hardened steel shackle on 30mm : Through hardened steel alloy 40mm & above “O” Bitted mechanism available : Allows new padlocks to existing keys Numerous KA/MK suites available : Multiple site security Long shackle (HB) versions available : For most security needs Hardened keyway protection : Resists drilling & pulling attacks 0DGHLQ Germany Paracentric Keyway Drill Resistant Saw Resistant Double Bolted Keyed Alike Available Informative illustrated Point of Sale aluminium display boards available. See page 74/75 for full details 55 6 7 Made in Germany Security Tech Germany New 41 ETERNA “Rustfree” Laminated Steel Padlocks Steel is stronger than brass - But our steel no longer rusts 41/30 41/40 41/45 41/50 41/50HB50 41/45HB50 41/40HB50 125mm long shackle also available 0DVWHUNH\HG Available ³2´%LWWHG Available New ETERNA Laminated Padlocks “Made in Germany” Fact : Each laminated steel plate & shackle is individually coated in the new ETERNA treatment process Fact : ETERNA treatment offers 13 times more corrosion protection than normal zinc plating Fact : Salt bath tests give the equivalent of 40 years of weather protection Fact : 180 hours in a salt bath destroys normal laminated padlocks, but not the new 41 ETERNA, ............. it still works perfectly At last a steel padlock that does not rust ABUS - The good feeling of security www.abus-uk.com Steel is stronger than brass - But until now steel has rusted ABUS ETERNA Laminated Steel Padlocks Each laminated steel plate is individually coated in the new ETERNA treatment process ETERNA treatment offers 13 times more corrosion protection than normal zinc plating Salt bath tests give the equivalent of 40 years of weather protection 180 hours in a salt water bath will kill most padlocks, but not the new 41 ETERNA - it worked perfec perfectly Two laminated ated steel pa padlocks, a competitor and an ABUS ETERNA, RNA tested to the equivalent of 40 years in a harsh environment - this is the result ETERNA Counter Display 6 each 41/40 & 41/50 See page 77 for details 41/50HB50 ETERNA Padlock 41/40 ETERNA Padlock 24 41/50 ETERNA Padlock RH4/5 Keying System RH 4/5 Keying system allows a whole range of ABUS padlocks to be incorporated in a single Keyed Alike .$RU0DVWHU.H\HG0.VXLWH Padlocks can be supplied assembled or keyed by locksmiths to their exact requirements See page 67 for range of padlocks using RH4/5 & pinning kit for RH4/5 & RH6 padlocks ³2´%LWWHG +%³2´%LWWHG 41/30mm - 41/50mm ETERNA Laminated Steel Padlocks ABUS UK Reference / Description 41/30 C 41/40 C 41/40HB50 C 41/40 Twin C 41/45 C 41/50 C 41/30 41/40 41/45HB50 41/50 41/50HB50 41/50HB125 41/40 0-bitted 41/40HB50 0-bitted Sales Display 41: 6 x 40mm 6 x 50mm Key Blank - for 41/30, 41/45, 24IB/60 & 23/60 Cut Key for - 41/30, 41/45, 24IB/60 & 23/60 Master Key - for 41/30, 41/45, 24IB/60 & 23/60 Key Blank - for 41/40 +50 & all locks with RH4/5 mechanism Cut Key - for 41/40 + 50 & all locks with RH4/5 mechanism Master Key - for 41/40 + 50 & all locks with RH4/5 mechanism ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 35827 2 4003318 35066 5 4003318 35067 2 4003318 35060 3 4003318 35068 9 4003318 35069 6 4003318 06371 8 4003318 06376 3 4003318 01237 2 4003318 06386 2 4003318 01243 3 4003318 01248 8 4003318 45950 4 4003318 45951 1 4003318 53414 0 4003318 02706 2 35827 35066 35067 35060 35068 35069 06371 06376 01237 06386 01243 01248 45950 45951 53414 02706 4003318 12874 5 12874 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 35 / 54 / 22 44 / 63 / 26 44 / 89.5 / 26 44 / 63 / 26 49 / 67 / 28 53 / 75 / 29 35 / 54 / 22 44 / 63 / 26 49 / 95 / 28 53 / 75 / 29 53 / 100 / 29 53 / 174 / 29 44 / 63 / 26 53 / 75 / 29 15 / 16 / 5 18.5 / 20 / 7 18.5 / 47 / 7 18.5 / 20 / 7 20.5 / 23 / 8 23 / 25.5 / 9 15 / 16 / 5 18.5 / 20 / 7 20.5 / 50 / 8 23 / 25.5 / 9 23 / 50.5 / 9 23 / 125.5 / 9 18.5 / 20 / 7 23 / 25.5 / 9 5 6 6 6 6 7 5 6 6 7 7 7 6 7 0.149 0.232 0.248 0.428 0.298 0.380 0.130 0.214 0.309 0.363 0.402 0.450 0.219 0.228 4.200 0.009 0.010 0.010 0.009 0.010 0.010 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 6 6 6 6 12 12 1 50 1 1 50 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ 7.39 £ 9.62 £ 12.02 £ 17.50 £ 11.18 £ 12.32 £ 7.39 £ 9.62 £ 12.41 £ 12.32 £ 13.55 £ 16.05 £ 9.62 £ 12.02 £ 131.61 £ 0.93 £ 3.29 £ 6.14 £ 0.93 £ 3.29 £ 6.14 41 Coloured Bumpers (Lock Offs application) ABUS UK Reference Description 41/40 Bumper only - Black 41/40 Bumper only - Blue 41/40 Bumper only - Green 41/40 Bumper only - Orange 41/40 Bumper only - Purple 41/40 Bumper only - Red 41/40 Bumper only - White 41/40 Bumper only - Yellow $%86.$0.6XLWHV ABUS Barcode ABUS Code RRP ex VAT 4003318 36817 2 4003318 36824 0 4003318 36821 9 4003318 36822 6 4003318 36823 3 4003318 36818 9 4003318 36820 2 4003318 36819 6 36817 36824 36821 36822 36823 36818 36820 36819 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 ABUS 72,T84 &145 combination padlocks also have colour ranges that can be applied to lock off applications. See page 58 for lock off hasps For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA/MK suite reference numbers 41 padlocks are available to order in numerous KA suites at 10% surcharge to prices shown above All 41s (KD, KA or MK) can be made to existing key codes : All 41s made to order or master keyed at £9.00 surcharge to “C” prices shown above 25 85/20mm - 85/70mm Brass Padlocks Pin tumbler cylinder with anti-pick mushroom pins : Resists picking Hardened steel Shackle 20mm - 30mm, through hardened steel alloy Shackle 40mm & above Stainless steel shackles (IB) & brass shackles (MB) available : Maximum corrosion resistance “O” Bitted mechanism available : Allows new padlocks to existing keys Numerous KA/MK suites available : Multiple site security Pinning kit, components & tools available : Plus ongoing technical support Nano Plated steel alloy shackle : Helps make rusty shackles a “thing of the past” 85/50 Padlock Paracentric Keyway Saw Resistant Keyed Alike 0DVWHUNH\HG Available Available Double Bolted Cut-Away Padlock showing 5 pin tumbler mechanism & double bolted locking 0DULQH Versions ³2´%LWWHG Available ³1DQR3URWHFW´ Chrome Plating Helping to make rusty shackles a thing of the past see page 3 for more details 85 Service Padlocks PPPPSDGORFNVDYDLODEOH³2´ %LWWHGIRU¿QDODVVHPEO\LQ\RXURZQ workshop. For 83/85 Pinning Kit see page 68 26 85/40 Brass Padlock 4567 8 85/20mm - 85/70mm Brass Padlocks ABUS UK Reference / Description 85/30 C 85/40 C 85/40HB63 C - 63mm long shackle version 85/50 C 85/60 C 85/20 85/25 85/30 85/40 85/40HB40 - 40mm long shackle version 85/50 85/50 - cutaway version 85/60 85IB/60 - stainless steel version 85/70 Key Blank - for 85/20+25 R Key Blank - for 85/30 R Key Blank - for 85/40 R Key Blank - for 85/50+60 R, 83s, 82/90, 90/50 & 92/80 Key Blank - for 85/70 Cut Key - for all 85s Master Key - for 85/30+40+50+60+70 ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 35432 8 4003318 35433 5 4003318 35434 2 4003318 35435 9 4003318 35436 6 4003318 02355 2 4003318 02362 0 4003318 02369 9 4003318 02377 4 4003318 02412 2 4003318 02385 9 35432 35433 35434 35435 35436 02355 02362 02369 02377 02412 02385 4003318 09048 6 4003318 04823 4 4003318 09049 3 4003318 02700 0 4003318 02701 7 4003318 02702 4 4003318 02703 1 4003318 02698 0 09048 04823 09049 02700 02701 02702 02703 02698 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 30 / 50 / 14 40 / 62 / 16 40 / 102 / 16 50 / 76 / 17 60 / 93 / 20 21 / 39 / 13 24 / 44 / 12 30 / 50 / 14 40 / 62 / 16 40 / 79 / 16 50 / 76 / 17 50 / 76 / 17 60 / 93 / 20 60 / 93 / 20 69 / 109 / 23 17 / 17 / 5 23 / 22.5 / 6 23 / 63 / 6 29.5 / 28 / 8 35 / 35 / 10 12 / 12 / 3.5 14 / 15 / 4.5 17 / 17 / 5 23 / 22.5 / 6 23 / 40 / 6 29.5 / 28 / 8 29.5 / 28 / 8 35 / 35 / 10 35 / 35 / 10 39.5 / 35 / 12 5 6 6 7 7 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 0.109 0.180 0.210 0.292 0.460 0.052 0.061 0.093 0.161 0.172 0.272 0.292 0.431 0.431 0.685 0.010 0.005 0.008 0.014 0.018 0.010 0.010 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 6 1 3 3 3 50 50 50 50 50 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 11.90 13.78 18.31 19.12 25.12 10.80 11.40 11.90 13.78 17.35 19.12 50.00 25.12 34.15 38.28 0.89 0.89 0.93 0.93 1.17 3.29 6.14 $%86.$0.6XLWHV For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA suite reference numbers 85 padlocks are available to order in numerous KA suites at 10% surcharge to prices shown above 85 & other padlocks using 85/50+60 keys (KD, KA or MK) can be made to existing key codes : All 85s made to order or master keyed at £9.00 surcharge to “C” prices shown above PPPP³2´%LWWHG%UDVV3DGORFNV6SHFLDOLVW7RROV ABUS UK Reference / Description 85/30 0-bitted 85/30 0-bitted with loose shackle 85/40 0-bitted 85/40 0-bitted with loose shackle 85/50 0-bitted 85/50 0-bitted with loose shackle 85/60 0-bitted 85/60 0-bitted with loose shackle Fitting Blade Spring Retaining Tool - for 85/30 Spring Retaining Tool - for 85/40 Spring Retaining Tool - for 85/50 Spring Retaining Tool - for 85/60 ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 42368 0 4003318 42376 5 4003318 42377 2 4003318 42378 9 4003318 42379 6 4003318 42380 2 4003318 42526 4 4003318 42527 1 4003318 42760 2 4003318 13854 6 4003318 13855 3 4003318 13856 0 4003318 13857 7 42368 42376 42377 42378 42379 42380 42526 42527 42760 13854 13855 13856 13857 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 30 / 50 / 14 30 / 50 / 14 40 / 62 / 16 40 / 62 / 16 50 / 76 / 17 50 / 76 / 17 60 / 93 / 20 60 / 93 / 20 17 / 17 / 5 17 / 17 / 5 23 / 22.5 / 6 23 / 22.5 / 6 29.5 / 28 / 8 29.5 / 28 / 8 35 / 35 / 10 35 / 35 / 10 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 0.078 0.078 0.168 0.168 0.272 0.272 0.400 0.400 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 11.34 11.34 13.10 13.10 18.17 18.17 23.87 23.87 16.04 16.04 16.04 16.04 16.04 6SDUH/RQJ6KDFNOHVIRUXVHZLWK³2´%LWWHG3DGORFNV +%+DUGHQHG6WHHO6KDFNOHV,%6WDLQOHVV6WHHO6KDFNOHV0%%UDVV6KDFNOHV ABUS UK Reference / Discription Shackle Only HB40mm - hardened steel for 85/40 Shackle Only HB63mm - hardened steel for 85/40 Shackle Only HB80 mm - hardened steel for 85/50 Shackle Only HB127mm - hardened steel for 85/50 Shackle Only HB200mm - hardened steel for 85/50 Shackle Only IB17mm - stainless steel for 85/30 Shackle Only IB22.5mm - stainless steel for 85/40 Shackle Only IBHB40mm - stainless steel for 85/40 Shackle Only IBHB63mm - stainless steel for 85/40 Shackle Only IB28mm - stainless steel for 85/50 Shackle Only IB37mm - stainless steel for 85/60 Shackle Only MB17mm - brass for 85/30 Shackle Only MB22.5mm - brass for 85/40 Shackle Only MB28mm - brass for 85/50 Shackle Only MB37mm - brass for 85/60 ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 42882 1 4003318 42883 8 4003318 42886 9 4003318 42884 5 4003318 42885 2 4003318 42887 6 4003318 42888 3 4003318 42889 0 4003318 42890 6 4003318 42891 3 4003318 42892 0 4003318 42893 7 4003318 42894 4 4003318 42895 1 4003318 42896 8 42882 42883 42886 42884 42885 42887 42888 42889 42890 42891 42892 42893 42894 42895 42896 :HLJKW Box Kg Qty 23 / 40 / 6 23 / 63 / 6 29.5 / 80 / 8 29.5 / 127 / 8 29.5 / 200 / 8 17 / 17 / 5 23 / 22.5 / 6 23 / 40 / 6 23 / 63 / 6 29.5 / 28 / 8 35 / 35 / 10 17 / 17 / 5 23 / 22.5 / 6 29.5 / 28 / 8 35 / 35 / 10 0.029 0.040 0.090 0.127 0.188 0.011 0.021 0.029 0.040 0.047 0.093 0.012 0.023 0.051 0.102 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ 1.50 £ 1.54 £ 2.63 £ 4.64 £ 6.66 £ 4.41 £ 5.34 £ 6.05 £ 12.11 £ 6.71 £ 8.73 £ 2.02 £ 2.63 £ 4.18 £ 7.04 85 Keying System 85 & 83 padlocks can be integrated into other 1A Keyed Alike (KA) or Master Keyed (MK) systems Padlocks can be supplied assembled or keyed by locksmiths to their exact requirements See page 68 for detail of 85 pinning kit 27 70IB/45mm, 70IB45HB63, 70IB50 & 70IB/50HB80 Brass Padlocks Pin tumbler cylinder with anti-pick mushroom pins : Resists picking Stainless steel Shackle (IB) : Maximum corrosion resistance Sealed lock body with cover seal : Protects cylinder against water & dirt Shock absorbing vinyl case : All round protection Numerous KA/MK suites available : Multiple site security 5 6 70IB/50 70IB/45 Paracentric Keyway Saw Resistant Double Bolted 0DULQH Grade Security Tech Germany Informative illustrated Point of Sale aluminium display boards available. See page 74/75 for full details Keyed Alike Available 70IB Brass Marine Padlocks for “Rustfree” Security Solid brass body sealed in a protective vinyl cover Stainless steel shackle for total rust protection 5XVWIUHHLQWHUQDOFRPSRQHQWVIRUGXUDEOHVHFXULW\ Precision pin tumbler mechanism with anti-pick mushroom pins .H\ZD\SURWHFWLYHFRYHUNHHSVGLUWRXW\HWDOORZVPRLVWXUHWR escape .H\HGDOLNHRSWLRQVDYDLODEOH 70IB/50HB80 70IB/45HB63 ABUS - The good feeling of security www.abus-uk.com 70IB/50 Padlock 70IB/50HB80 Padlock 70IB/45HB63 Padlock ABUS UK Reference / Description 70IB/45 C 70IB/45HB63 C 70IB/50 C 70IB/50HB80 C Key Blank - for 70IB/45+50, 65/40+45, T65/40AL & 70AL/45 Cut Keyy - for 70IB/45+50, 65/40+45, T65/40AL & 70AL/45 70IB/45 Padlock ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 32182 5 4003318 35835 7 4003318 42732 9 4003318 50660 4 4003318 12022 0 32182 35835 42732 50660 12022 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 53 / 73 / 28 53 / 112 / 28 59 / 80 / 30.5 59 / 130 / 30.5 20.5 / 24.5 / 8 20.5 / 63 / 8 24.5 / 27.5 / 9 24.5 / 80 / 9 5 5 6 6 0.210 0.227 0.257 0.287 0.007 0.007 6 6 6 6 50 1 ABUS 70IB KA Suites For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA suite reference numbers 70IB padlocks are available to order in several KA suites (common to 65 range) at 10% surcharge to prices shown above 70IB padlocks can not be made to existing key codes or master keyed 28 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ 12.12 13.90 15.49 17.77 0.89 3.29 70AL/45mm Aluminium Padlocks Precision extruded, cut & drilled pure aluminium body : Light & strong Rustfree 5 pin tumbler mechanism : With 65/40 keyway Zinc plated brass lock mechanism: Prevents chemical corrosion Sealed lock body with cover seal : Protects cylinder against water & dirt Shock absorbing vinyl case : All round protection KA suites available : Multiple site security Nano Plated steel alloy shackle : Helps make rusty shackles a “thing of the past” Paracentric Keyway Saw Resistant Double Bolted Security Tech Germany Informative illustrated Point of Sale aluminium display boards available. See page 74/75 for full details Keyed Alike Available 70AL Aluminium Padlocks 70AL/45 Green 70AL/45 Silver ³1DQR3URWHFW´ Chrome Plating 70AL/45 Orange 70AL/45 Aluminium Padlocks Light, Strong & Rugged 4 attractive coloured protective vinyl covers for use in outdoor, industrial, safety & construction applications Keyway protective cover keeps out dirt yet allows moisture to escape Precision extruded, cut & drilled pure aluminium body for “rustfree” long life Precision pin tumbler mechanism with anti - pick mushroom pins Lock mechanism & shackle nickel coated prevents chemical corrosion Through hardened plastic covered shackle Designed & constructed for rugged weatherproof outdoor use Keyed alike suites available 70AL/45 Yellow ABUS - The good feeling of security Helping to make rusty shackles a thing of the past see page 3 for more details www.abus-uk.com 70AL/45 Counter Display 12 Pieces - 3 each colour See page 77 for details 70AL/45 Yellow Padlock ABUS UK Reference / Description 70AL/45 Colour C 70AL/45 Green C 70AL/45 Orange C 70AL/45 Silver C 70AL/45 Yellow C Sales Display 70AL/45: 12 pieces, 4 colours Key Blank - for 70AL/45, 65/40+45, T65/40AL & 70IB/45+50 Cut Keyy - for 70AL/45, 65/40+45, T65/40AL & 70IB/45+50 ABUS Barcode 4003318 51232 2 4003318 50257 6 4003318 50045 9 4003318 50261 3 4003318 50265 1 4003318 51247 6 4003318 12022 0 ABUS Code 51232 50257 50045 50261 50265 51247 12022 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 53 / 73 / 28 53 / 73 / 28 53 / 73 / 28 53 / 73 / 28 53 / 73 / 28 20.5 / 24.5 / 8 20.5 / 24.5 / 8 20.5 / 24.5 / 8 20.5 / 24.5 / 8 20.5 / 24.5 / 8 5 5 5 5 5 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.000 0.007 0.007 4 6 6 6 6 1 50 1 RRP ex VAT £ 9.33 £ 9.33 £ 9.33 £ 9.33 £ 9.33 £ 112.01 £ 0.89 £ 3.29 ABUS 70AL KA Suites For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA suite reference numbers 70AL padlocks are available to order in several KA suites (common to 65 range) at 10% surcharge to prices shown above 70AL padlocks can not be made to existing key codes or master keyed 29 65/15mm - 65/60mm Open & Close Shackle Brass Padlocks Pin tumbler cylinder with anti-pick mushroom pins : Resists picking Hardened steel Shackle 20mm - 30mm, through hardened steel alloy Shackle 40mm & above Stainless steel shackles (IB) & brass shackles (MB) available : Maximum corrosion resistance 65CS with close shackle : For added protection Numerous KA/MK suites available : Multiple site security Double bolted 30mm and above : For more shackle strength Nano Plated steel alloy shackle : Helps make rusty shackle a “thing of the past” 3 456 Security Tech Germany 65CS/40 Paracentric Keyway Saw Resistant Double Bolted 0DULQH Versions Point of Sale aluminium display boards available. See page 74/75 for full details 65CS/50 65 Brass Padlocks Informative illustrated The Complete Range Hardened, Brass & Stainless Steel Shackles Plus Secure Close Shackles Solid brass body with rustfree internal components Precision pin tumbler mechanism with anti - pick mushroom pins Double bolted shackle 30mm & above Hardened steel shackle 20mm - 35mm : Through hardened shackle 40mm & above 65/30 65/40 65/50 50 65MB/15 65/20 65/25 65/60 15 Brass Shackle Other Shackle Options IB (stainless steel shackle) 65IB/30, 65IB/40 & 65IB/50 IB HB (stainless steel long shackle) 65IB/40HB63 MB HB (brass long shackle) 65MB/30HB70 & 65MB/40HB63 Keyed Alike 0DVWHUNH\HG Available Available Long shackle e available HB (hardened steel) 65/30HB60 Long shackles available HB (hardened steel) 65/40HB40 65/40HB63 Long shackle available e HB (hardened steel) 65/50HB80 ABUS - The good feeling of security ³1DQR3URWHFW´ Chrome Plating Helping to make rusty shackles a thing of the past see page 3 for more details 30 65/40 Padlock www.abus-uk.com 65/15mm - 65/60mm Open & Close Shackle Brass Padlocks ABUS UK Reference / Description 65/15 C 65/15 Twins C 65/20 C 65/20 Twins C 65/20 Quads C 65/25 C 65/30 C 65IB/30 C 65/30 Twins C 65/30 Quads C 65/35 C 65/40 C 65CS/40 C 65IB/40 C 65/40 Twins C 65IB/40 Twins C 65/40 Quads C 65/40HB40 C 65/40HB63 C 65IB/40HB63 C 65/45 C 65/50 C 65CS/50 C 65IB/50 C 65/50 Twins C 65/50HB80 C 65/60 C 65MB/30HB70 C 65/20 65/25 65/30 65/35 65/40 65IB/40 65/40HB40 65/40HB63 65/45 65/50 65CS/50 65/50HB80 65/60 Key Blank - for 65/15 L Key Blank - for 65/15 R Key Blank - for 65/20 Key Blank - for 65/25 Key Blank - for 65/30+35 Key Blank - for 65/40+45, T65AL/40, all 70IB/45+50 & 70AL/45 Key Blank - for 65/50+60 Cut Key - for 65s All Sizes Master Keyy - 65s All Sizes ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 09442 2 4003318 37598 9 4003318 09840 6 4003318 21729 6 4003318 33663 8 4003318 09841 3 4003318 09850 5 4003318 27500 5 4003318 21730 2 4003318 33664 5 4003318 09851 2 4003318 09852 9 4003318 35829 6 4003318 11854 8 4003318 09859 8 4003318 11855 5 4003318 35127 3 4003318 09856 7 4003318 09857 4 4003318 37601 6 4003318 09853 6 4003318 09854 3 4003318 35830 2 4003318 28936 1 4003318 02262 3 4003318 09858 1 4003318 09855 0 4003318 37596 5 4003318 02318 7 4003318 02324 8 4003318 02330 9 4003318 02833 5 4003318 02337 8 4003318 10756 6 4003318 04775 6 4003318 04778 7 4003318 02787 1 4003318 02344 6 4003318 37807 2 4003318 04781 7 4003318 08751 6 4003318 09328 9 4003318 09329 6 4003318 11405 2 4003318 11406 9 4003318 12021 3 4003318 12022 0 4003318 12023 7 09442 37598 09840 21729 33663 09841 09850 27500 21730 33664 09851 09852 35829 11854 09859 11855 35127 09856 09857 37601 09853 09854 35830 28936 02262 09858 09855 37596 02318 02324 02330 02833 02337 10756 04775 04778 02787 02344 37807 04781 08751 09328 09329 11405 11406 12021 12022 12023 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 16 / 32 / 10 16 / 32 / 10 20 / 34 / 10 20 / 34 / 10 20 / 34 / 10 25 / 42 / 12 30 / 50 / 14 30 / 50 / 14 30 / 50 / 14 30 / 50 / 14 35 / 55 / 15 40 / 62 / 15 40 / 59.5 / 14.5 40 / 62 / 15 40 / 62 / 15 40 / 62 / 15 40 / 62 / 15 40 / 77 / 15 40 / 103 / 15 40 / 103 / 15 45 / 68 / 16 50 / 77 / 18 50 / 74 / 17 50 / 77 / 18 50 / 77 / 18 50 / 129 / 18 60 / 91 / 19 30 / 93 / 14 20 / 34 / 10 25 / 42 / 12 30 / 50 / 14 35 / 55 / 15 40 / 62 / 15 40 / 62 / 15 40 / 77 / 15 40 / 103 / 15 45 / 68 / 16 50 / 77 / 18 50 / 74 / 17 50 / 129 / 18 60 / 91 / 19 8 / 12 / 3 8 / 12 / 3 9.5 / 11.5 / 3.5 9.5 / 11.5 / 3.5 9.5 / 11.5 / 3.5 13.5 / 13.5 / 4 16 / 17.5 / 5 16 / 17.5 / 5 16 / 17.5 / 5 16 / 17.5 / 5 16 / 17.5 / 5 22 / 22.5 / 6.5 14 / 18 / 7 22 / 22.5 / 6.5 22 / 22.5 / 6.5 22 / 22.5 / 6.5 22 / 22.5 / 6.5 22 / 40 / 6.5 22 / 63 / 6.5 22 / 63 / 6.5 25.5 / 24.5 / 7 28 / 29 / 8 18.5 / 20.5 / 8.5 28 / 29 / 8 28 / 29 / 8 28 / 80 / 8 33 / 35 / 9.5 16 / 70 / 5 9.5 / 11.5 / 3.5 13.5 / 13.5 / 4 16 / 17.5 / 5 16 / 17.5 / 5 22 / 22.5 / 6.5 22 / 22.5 / 6.5 22 / 40 / 6.5 22 / 63 / 6.5 25.5 / 24.5 / 7 28 / 29 / 8 18.5 / 20.5 / 8.5 28 / 80 / 8 33 / 35 / 9.5 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 0.039 0.070 0.049 0.094 0.160 0.076 0.104 0.108 0.200 0.374 0.141 0.171 0.302 0.178 0.334 0.344 0.654 0.182 0.194 0.183 0.216 0.295 0.293 0.286 0.594 0.332 0.433 0.125 0.036 0.063 0.092 0.118 0.160 0.156 0.171 0.183 0.201 0.286 0.293 0.323 0.424 0.002 0.002 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.009 0.007 0.010 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 5.27 9.76 4.91 9.22 17.12 5.66 6.40 7.68 12.21 23.24 7.35 7.99 12.05 11.42 15.88 21.49 30.60 9.34 10.07 12.10 10.71 12.79 17.17 13.97 24.48 14.13 15.94 7.99 4.91 5.66 6.40 7.35 7.99 11.42 9.34 10.07 10.71 12.79 17.17 14.13 15.94 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 3.29 6.14 $%86.$0.6XLWHV For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA/MK suite reference numbers 65 padlocks are available to order in numerous KA suites (common to 70 ranges) at 10% surcharge to prices shown above 65/30, 65/40 & 65/50 only have none managed MK suites available at 10% surcharge to prices shown above The Best Selling 65 Brass Padlock Range 31 T65AL/40mm Aluminium Padlocks Precision extruded, cut & drilled pure aluminium body : Light & strong Rustfree 5 pin tumbler mechanism : With 65/40 keyway Zinc plated brass lock mechanism: Prevents chemical corrosion KA suites available : Multiple site security Nano Plated steel alloy shackle : Helps make rusty shackle a “thing of the past” My Lock The padlock’s coloured coating is a special formula which allows you to write your name or other information using coloured pens or permanent rmanent markers Paracentric Keyway Saw Resistant Double Bolted Keyed Alike Available Own Brand Printing Informative illustrated Point of Sale aluminium display boards available. See page 74/75 for full details ³1DQR3URWHFW´ Chrome Plating 65AL/40 Counter Display 12 Pieces - 2 each colour T65AL/40 Aluminium Padlocks Light & Strong T65AL/40 Violet T65AL/40 Red Precision extruded, cut & drilled pure aluminium - for a “rustfree” long life Rustfree 5 pin tumbler mechanism Mechanism & shackle coated to prevent chemical corrosion Corrosion resistant anodised coating 6 attractive coloured protective vinyl covers for use in many aplications Through hardened shackle Keyed alike versions available My Lock T65AL/40 Black T65AL/40 Yellow Helping to make rusty shackles a thing of the past see page 3 for more details 65AL/40 Aluminium Padlocks available with your own Company Logo or name in minimum quantities of 3,000 pieces. For full details & quotation contact ABUS UK Security Tech Germany T65AL Aluminium Padlocks The padlock’s coloured coating is a special formula which allows you to put YOUR name or other information on YOUR padlock using coloured pens or permanent markers T65AL/40 Blue T65AL/40 White ABUS - The good feeling of security www.abus-uk.com Black Blue :KLWH See page 77 for details Violet Yellow T65AL/40 Red Padlock ABUS UK Reference / Description T65AL/40 Black C T65AL/40 Blue C T65AL/40 Red C T65AL/40 Violet C T65AL/40 White C T65AL/40 Yellow C T65AL/40 mixed 6 colours C Sales Display T65AL/40: 12 pieces, 6 colours Key Blank - for T65AL/40, all 70IB/45+50, 65/40+45 & 70AL/45 Cut Keyy - for T65AL/40, all 70IB/45+50, 65/40+45 & 70AL/45 ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 50036 7 4003318 50008 4 4003318 50012 1 4003318 50023 7 4003318 50723 6 4003318 50032 9 4003318 51228 5 4003318 51246 9 4003318 12022 0 50036 50008 50012 50023 50723 50032 51228 51246 12022 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 43 / 62 / 18 43 / 62 / 18 43 / 62 / 18 43 / 62 / 18 43 / 62 / 18 43 / 62 / 18 43 / 62 / 18 22 / 22.5 / 6.5 22 / 22.5 / 6.5 22 / 22.5 / 6.5 22 / 22.5 / 6.5 22 / 22.5 / 6.5 22 / 22.5 / 6.5 22 / 22.5 / 6.5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0.116 0.116 0.116 0.116 0.116 0.116 0.116 0.000 0.007 0.007 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 50 1 ABUS T65AL KA Suites For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA suite reference numbers T65AL padlocks are available to order in several KA suites (common to 65 range) at 10% surcharge to prices shown above T65AL padlocks can not be made to existing key codes or master keyed 32 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 6.94 6.94 6.94 6.94 6.94 6.94 6.94 78.75 0.89 3.29 72/40mm Aluminium Padlocks Precision extruded, cut & drilled pure aluminium body : Light & strong Rustfree 6 pin tumbler mechanism : Large number of key differs available Zinc plated brass lock mechanism: Prevents chemical corrosion Hardened steel shackle : resists hacksaw attacks Rekeyable mechanism : Allows lock to be changed to new key KA/MK suites available : Multiple site security Nano Plated steel alloy shackle : Helps make rusty shackles a “thing of the past” Paracentric Keyway Saw Resistant 72/40HB40 Black 72/40 Orange ABUS 72, 41, T84 & 145 combination padlocks have colour ranges that can be applied to lock off applications. Ball Bearing Keyed Alike 0DVWHUNH\HG Rekeyable Available 0HFKDQLVP Locking Available 72/40HB40 Yellow 72/40 Blue ABUS UK Reference / Description 72/40 Black KA TT00260 72/40HB40 Black KA TT00260 72/40 Blue KA TT60121 72/40HB40 Blue KA TT60121 72/40 Green KA TT00590 72/40HB40 Green KA TT00590 72/40 Orange KA TT02767 72/40HB40 Orange KA TT02767 72/40 Red KA TT02162 72/40HB40 Red KA TT02162 72/40 Violet KA TT04072 72/40HB40 Violet KA TT04072 72/40 Yellow KA TT60123 72/40HB40 Yellow KA TT60123 Key Blank - for 72/40, 34/55 & 34CS Cut Key - for 72/40, 34/55 & 34CS Master Key - for 72/40, 34/55 & 34CS See page 58 for lock off hasps 72/40HB40 Green 72/40 Violet 72/40 Red Padlock ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 45234 5 4003318 45235 2 4003318 45232 1 4003318 45233 8 4003318 45236 9 4003318 45237 6 4003318 45244 4 4003318 45245 1 4003318 45238 3 4003318 45239 0 4003318 45242 0 4003318 45243 7 4003318 45240 6 4003318 45241 3 45234 45235 45232 45233 45236 45237 45244 45245 45238 45239 45242 45243 45240 45241 20066 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 38 / 73 / 17 38 / 73 / 17 38 / 73 / 17 38 / 73 / 17 38 / 73 / 17 38 / 73 / 17 38 / 73 / 17 38 / 86 / 17 38 / 86 / 17 38 / 86 / 17 38 / 86 / 17 38 / 86 / 17 38 / 86 / 17 38 / 86 / 17 20.5 / 24.5 / 7 20.5 / 24.5 / 7 20.5 / 24.5 / 7 20.5 / 24.5 / 7 20.5 / 24.5 / 7 20.5 / 24.5 / 7 20.5 / 24.5 / 7 20.5 / 40 / 7 20.5 / 40 / 7 20.5 / 40 / 7 20.5 / 40 / 7 20.5 / 40 / 7 20.5 / 40 / 7 20.5 / 40 / 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 0.134 0.134 0.134 0.134 0.134 0.134 0.134 0.134 0.134 0.134 0.134 0.134 0.134 0.134 0.009 0.010 0.009 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 50 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 15.23 16.36 15.23 16.36 15.23 16.36 15.23 16.36 15.23 16.36 15.23 16.36 15.23 16.36 0.93 3.29 6.14 $%86.$0.6XLWHV For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA/MK suite reference numbers 72 padlocks are available to order in numerous KA suites at 10% surcharge to prices shown above 72 & other padlocks using RH6 keys (KD, KA or MK) can be made to existing key codes : All 72s made to order or master keyed at £9.00 surcharge to prices shown above 33 70%PP70%PP70%PP%UDVV3DGORFNV Solid brass body & Shackle : Durable security Pin tumbler cylinder with anti-pick mushroom pins : Resists picking Rustfree internal components : Durable security Vinyl case : Ideal for Lock Offs, luggage, sports equipment etc. Anti-static material : Safe security KA colour coded versions available : For use with ABUS Lock Off Hasps see page 58 Paracentric Ball Bearing Locking Keyway 0DULQH Grade 2 34 Keyed Alike Available Safety Lock Offs 0DLQWHQDQFHHQJLQHHUVFDQisolate valves or switch gear in the knowledge that the valve or switch gear cannot be activated until all engineers are clear of the system 70%DUHDYDLODEOHLQ6 colours - Black, Blue, Green, Grey, Red & Yellow and supplied Keyed to differ or keyed alike ABUS UK Reference / Description T84MB/20 Black C T84MB/30 Black C T84MB/40 Black Nautic C T84MB/40 Black Nautic Twins C T84MB/20 Black T84MB/30 Black T84MB/40 Black Nautic T84MB/40 Black Safety First T84MB/40 Blue Safety First T84MB/40 Green Safety First T84MB/40 Grey Safety First T84MB/40 Red Safety First T84MB/40 Yellow Safety First T84MB/40 KA 8406 Black Nautic T84MB/40 KA 8401 Black Nautic (lock off) T84MB/40 KA 8402 Yellow (lock off) T84MB/40 KA 8403 Green (lock off) T84MB/40 KA 8404 Red (lock off) T84MB/40 KA 8405 Grey (lock off) T84MB/40 KA 8406 Blue (lock off) Key Blank - for 84/20+25 L Key Blank - for 84/20+25 R Key Blank - for 84/30 L Key Blank - for 84/30 R Key Blank - for 84/40 L Key Blank - for 84/40 R Cut Key - for all Sizes 34 ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 00384 4 4003318 00385 1 4003318 00386 8 4003318 00387 5 4003318 01015 6 4003318 01036 1 4003318 01040 8 4003318 50912 4 4003318 22717 2 4003318 22716 5 4003318 28355 0 4003318 22715 8 4003318 28354 3 4003318 24733 0 4003318 24728 6 4003318 45398 4 4003318 45402 8 4003318 45405 9 4003318 45414 1 4003318 45416 5 4003318 20107 3 4003318 20108 0 4003318 08366 2 4003318 08367 9 4003318 00682 1 4003318 00681 4 00384 00385 00386 00387 01015 01036 01040 00912 22717 22716 28355 22715 28354 24733 24728 45398 45402 45405 45414 45416 20107 20108 08366 08367 00682 00681 GPS 22.5 / 33 / 12 32 / 44 / 15 43 / 59 / 17 43 / 59 / 17 22.5 / 33 / 12 32 / 44 / 15 43 / 59 / 17 43 / 59 / 17 43 / 59 / 17 43 / 59 / 17 43 / 59 / 17 43 / 59 / 17 43 / 59 / 17 43 / 59 / 17 43 / 59 / 17 43 / 59 / 17 43 / 59 / 17 43 / 59 / 17 43 / 59 / 17 43 / 59 / 17 10 / 10.5 / 3.5 14.5 / 14.5 / 4.5 20.5 / 21.5 / 6.5 20.5 / 21.5 / 6.5 10 / 10.5 / 3.5 14.5 / 14.5 / 4.5 20.5 / 21.5 / 6.5 20.5 / 21.5 / 6.5 20.5 / 21.5 / 6.5 20.5 / 21.5 / 6.5 20.5 / 21.5 / 6.5 20.5 / 21.5 / 6.5 20.5 / 21.5 / 6.5 20.5 / 21.5 / 6.5 20.5 / 21.5 / 6.5 20.5 / 21.5 / 6.5 20.5 / 21.5 / 6.5 20.5 / 21.5 / 6.5 20.5 / 21.5 / 6.5 20.5 / 21.5 / 6.5 2 3 4 4 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 :HLJKW Box Kg Qty 0.060 0.100 0.155 0.291 0.044 0.078 0.136 0.136 0.136 0.136 0.136 0.136 0.136 0.137 0.137 0.137 0.137 0.137 0.137 0.137 0.004 0.004 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.010 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 50 50 50 50 50 50 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 5.70 7.27 9.23 18.01 5.70 7.27 9.23 9.23 9.23 9.23 9.23 9.23 9.23 10.15 10.15 10.15 10.15 10.15 10.15 10.15 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 3.29 55/25mm - 55/60mm Brass Padlocks Solid brass body : Durable security Pin tumbler cylinder with anti-pick mushroom pins : Resists picking Hardened steel shackle : Resists hacksaw attacks Double bolted 30mm and above : Increased shackle strength Numerous KA/MK suites available : Multiple site security Long shackle (HB) version available : For most security needs Paracentric Keyway Saw Resistant Double Bolted 2 3 456 Keyed Alike Available 55/50 Shutter Padlock with 200/115 Hasp & Staple See page 47 55/40HB63 Padlock 55/40 Padlock ABUS UK Reference / Description 55/25 C 55/30 C 55/40 C 55/40 Twins C 55/40 Quads C 55/40HB63 C 55/50 C 55/60 C 55/25 55/30 55/40 55/40HB63 55/50 55/60 Key Blank - for 55/25 Key Blank - for 55/30 Key Blank - for 55/40+50+60 Cut Key - for all sizes ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 35073 3 4003318 35074 0 4003318 35077 1 4003318 32125 2 4003318 33698 0 4003318 35080 1 4003318 35083 2 4003318 35086 3 4003318 02853 3 4003318 02854 0 4003318 02856 4 4003318 04762 6 4003318 02858 8 4003318 02859 5 4003318 02879 3 4003318 35491 5 4003318 35490 8 35073 35074 35077 32125 33698 35080 35083 35086 02853 02854 02856 04762 02858 02859 02879 35491 35490 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 24 / 38 / 10 29 / 44 / 12 38 / 60 / 13 38 / 60 / 13 38 / 60 / 13 38 / 102 / 13 48 / 68 / 14 58 / 84 / 16 24 / 38 / 10 29 / 44 / 12 38 / 60 / 13 38 / 102 / 13 48 / 68 / 14 58 / 84 / 16 12 / 10.5 / 4 14.5 / 13.5 / 4.5 20.5 / 21.5 / 6.5 20.5 / 21.5 / 6.5 20.5 / 21.5 / 6.5 20.5 / 63 / 6.5 25 / 24 / 7 32 / 32 / 8 12 / 10.5 / 4 14.5 / 13.5 / 4.5 20.5 / 21.5 / 6.5 20.5 / 63 / 6.5 25 / 24 / 7 32 / 32 / 8 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 2 3 4 4 5 6 0.061 0.094 0.156 0.295 0.594 0.176 0.218 0.337 0.048 0.081 0.144 0.164 0.207 0.326 0.003 0.005 0.009 0.010 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 6 6 50 50 50 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 5.42 5.99 7.17 13.49 25.91 8.64 11.07 12.98 5.42 5.99 7.17 8.64 11.07 12.98 0.89 0.89 0.89 3.29 ABUS 55 KA Suites For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA suite reference numbers 55 padlocks are available to order in several KA suites at 10% surcharge to prices shown above 55 padlocks can not be made to existing key codes or master keyed 35 190/60mm &190CS/60mm Heavy Duty Combination Padlocks All new combination mechanism : Improved reliability Positive code wheel action :Reduces code wheel setting errors Through hardened steel shackle : Resists hacksaw attacks Black chrome shackle : For better corrosion resistance Solid hardened steel jacket : Resists physical attack Ball bearing locking : Gives protection against pulling & twisting attacks 4 digit resettable combination : Set your own PIN Combination 0HFKDQLVP Set your own PIN Bolt Cutter Resistant Drill Resistant Saw Resistant Ball Bearing Locking Hardened Steel Change Combination Perfect Partnership 190/60 Combination Padlock & 125/150 Hasp & Staple See page 44 Enter En nte er PI PIN IN 190CS/60 Combination Padlock 190/60 Combination Padlock ABUS UK Reference / Description 190/60 C 190CS/60 C 36 ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 51554 5 4003318 51555 2 51554 51555 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 62 / 95 / 22 62 / 95 / 22 27 / 30 / 11 27 / 30 / 11 8 8 0.800 0.850 6 6 RRP ex VAT £ £ 44.25 55.30 180IB/50mm & 180IB/50HB80mm Combination Padlocks ad oc s Tough brass body : Durable security 4 digit resettable combination : Set your own PIN High quality stainless steel shackle : Maximum corrosion resistance Long shackle (HB) version available : For most security needs Combination 0HFKDQLVP Set your own PIN Saw Resistant Double Bolted 0DULQH Grade Change Combination Enter PIN Perfect Partnership 4 Digit Combination mechanism in the base of the padlock 180/50 Combination Padlock 180/50HB80 Combination Padlock ABUS UK Reference / Description 180IB/50 C 180IB/50HB63 C ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 32074 3 4003318 32075 0 32074 32075 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 53 / 75 / 25 53 / 113 / 25 25 / 25 / 8 25 / 63 / 8 5 5 0.290 0.320 6 6 RRP ex VAT £ £ 24.28 26.54 37 160/40mm & 160/50mm Combination Padlocks Tough die cast body : Durable security +LJKO\SROLVKHGFKURPH¿QLVK)RUEHWWHUFRUURVLRQUHVLVWDQFH 3 digit (40mm) or 4 digit (50mm) resettable combination : Set your own PIN Hardened steel shackle : Resists hacksaw attacks 56 Change Combination Combination 0HFKDQLVP Set your own PIN Saw Resistant Double Bolted Hardened Steel Enter PIN 160/50 Combination Padlock 160/40 Combination Padlock ABUS UK Reference / Description 160/40 C 160/50 C 38 ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 32933 3 4003318 32076 7 32933 32076 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 42 / 71 / 18 50 / 86 / 19 24 / 22 / 6 29 / 26 / 7.5 5 6 0.162 0.235 6 6 RRP ex VAT £ £ 21.88 25.29 158/40mm & 158/50mm Combination Padlocks Tough die cast body : Durable security 3 digit (40mm) or 4 digit (50mm) resettable combination : Set your own PIN Hardened steel shackle : Resists hacksaw attacks 4 55 Change Combination Combination 0HFKDQLVP Set your own PIN Saw Resistant Double Bolted Enter PIN 158/50 Combination Padlock 158/40 Combination Padlock ABUS UK Reference / Description 158/40 C 158/50 C ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 46800 1 4003318 35012 2 46800 35012 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 42 / 73 / 20.5 51 / 97 / 23 23.5 / 25 / 6.5 25.5 / 34 / 8 4 5 0.164 0.340 6 3 RRP ex VAT £ £ 14.37 17.65 39 78/50mm Dial Combination Padlock Cataphoretic coating & rustfree components : Gives 40 years of corrosion protection Tough steel body : Heavy duty construction Double bolted, hardened steel body : Resists hacksaw attacks New anti shim mechanism : Patent pending Key over-ride version available : With black dial Up to 2,000 different combinations : Ideal for schools, colleges & factories 78/50 Counter Display 12 Pieces Combination 0HFKDQLVP See page 77 for details Saw Resistant Double Bolted Hardened Steel To open your combination padlock Your combination consists of 3 numbers, A, B & C 1. FRPSOHWHWXUQVWRWKHULJKWDQGVWRSDW³$´ 2. FRPSOHWHWXUQWRWKHOHIWSDVV³$´VWRSDW³%´ 3. 7XUQULJKWDQGVWRSDW³&´GRQRWSDVV³%´ 4. Pull the shackle open ABUS 78KC Combination Padlock With all the features of the 78 Combination Padlock plus the added convenience of a key over-ride 78/50 Dial Combination Padlock 165/20mm, 165/30mm & 165/40mm Combination Padlocks ad oc s Tough solid brass body : Durable security 3 digit (20mm & 30mm) or 4 digit (40mm) resettable combination : Set your own PIN Steel shackle : Ideal for luggage, sports equipment etc Combination 0HFKDQLVP 34 Set your own PIN Change Combination Enter PIN ABUS UK Reference / Description 78/50 C Sales Display 78/50: 12 pieces 165/20 C 165/30 C 165/40 C 78KC/50 KC 507 Black 78KC/50 KC 510 Black Master Key 78KC/50 KC507 Master Key 78KC/50 KC510 40 165/20 ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 35160 0 4003318 48505 3 4003318 32161 0 4003318 32162 7 4003318 32163 4 4003318 47670 9 4003318 47695 2 4003318 24854 2 4003318 24857 3 35160 48505 32161 32162 32163 47670 47695 24854 24857 165/30 165/40 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 48 / 75 / 33 21 / 21.5 / 7 3 20 / 52 / 14 30 / 70 / 15 40 / 81 / 18 48 / 75 / 33 48 / 75 / 33 9 / 22 / 3 14 / 26 / 5 21.5 / 27.5 / 6 21 / 21.5 / 7 21 / 21.5 / 7 3 3 4 3 3 0.190 2.560 0.069 0.126 0.243 0.216 0.216 0.005 0.005 3 1 6 6 6 12 12 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 6.58 78.96 7.70 8.80 12.75 8.80 8.80 5.68 5.68 145/20mm, 145/30mm & 145/40mm Coloured Aluminium Combination Padlocks 34 Precision extruded, cut & drilled pure aluminium body : Light & strong Zinc plated brass lock mechanism: Prevents chemical corrosion 3 digit (20mm & 30mm) or 4 digit (40mm) resettable combination : Set your own PIN Steel shackle : Ideal for luggage, sports equipment etc Combination 0HFKDQLVP Set your own PIN Change Combination Saw Resistant Enter PIN Orange Violet Yellow Brown Silver Titanium µ6ZHHWLH-DU¶ Counter Displays 1. 20mm: 27 Pieces - 3 ea colour 2. 30mm: 18 Pieces - 2 ea colour 3. 40mm: 16 Pieces - 2 ea colour - excluding brown See page 77 for details ABUS UK Reference / Description 145/20 Rainbow Colours C 145/20 Blue C 145/20 Green C 145/20 Orange C 145/20 Red C 145/20 Violet C 145/20 Yellow C 145/20 Metal Colours C 145/20 Brown C 145/20 Silver C 145/20 Titanium C 145/30 Rainbow Colours C 145/30 Blue C 145/30 Green C 145/30 Orange C 145/30 Red C 145/30 Violet C 145/30 Yellow C 145/30 Metal Colours C 145/30 Brown C 145/30 Silver C 145/30 Titanium C 145/40 Rainbow Colours C 145/40 Blue C 145/40 Green C 145/40 Orange C 145/40 Red C 145/40 Violet C 145/40 Yellow C 145/40 Metal Colours C 145/40 Brown C 145/40 Silver C 145/40 Titanium C Sales Display 145/20 Jar: 27 pieces, 9 colours Sales Display 145/30 Jar: 18 pieces, 9 colours Sales Display 145/40 Jar: 16 pieces, 8 colours 145/20 Blue ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 46626 7 4003318 46568 0 4003318 46571 0 4003318 46570 3 4003318 46569 7 4003318 46573 4 4003318 46572 7 4003318 46629 8 4003318 46575 8 4003318 46574 1 4003318 46576 5 4003318 46632 8 4003318 46577 2 4003318 46580 2 4003318 46579 6 4003318 46578 9 4003318 46582 6 4003318 46581 9 4003318 46635 9 4003318 46584 0 4003318 46583 3 4003318 46585 7 4003318 49865 7 4003318 49523 6 4003318 49531 1 4003318 49527 4 4003318 48829 0 4003318 49539 7 4003318 49535 9 4003318 49864 0 4003318 49547 2 4003318 49543 4 4003318 49551 9 4003318 48633 3 4003318 48632 6 4003318 51142 4 46626 46568 46571 46570 46569 46573 46572 46629 46575 46574 46576 46632 46577 46580 46579 46578 46582 46581 46635 46584 46583 46585 49865 49523 49531 49527 48829 49539 49535 49864 49547 49543 49551 48633 48632 51142 145/30 Green 145/40 Red ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 20 / 52 / 14 20 / 52 / 14 20 / 52 / 14 20 / 52 / 14 20 / 52 / 14 20 / 52 / 14 20 / 52 / 14 20 / 52 / 14 20 / 52 / 14 20 / 52 / 14 20 / 52 / 14 30 / 70 / 15 30 / 70 / 15 30 / 70 / 15 30 / 70 / 15 30 / 70 / 15 30 / 70 / 15 30 / 70 / 15 30 / 70 / 15 30 / 70 / 15 30 / 70 / 15 30 / 70 / 15 40 / 81 / 18 40 / 81 / 18 40 / 81 / 18 40 / 81 / 18 40 / 81 / 18 40 / 81 / 18 40 / 81 / 18 40 / 81 / 18 40 / 81 / 18 40 / 81 / 18 40 / 81 / 18 9 / 22 / 3 9 / 22 / 3 9 / 22 / 3 9 / 22 / 3 9 / 22 / 3 9 / 22 / 3 9 / 22 / 3 9 / 22 / 3 9 / 22 / 3 9 / 22 / 3 9 / 22 / 3 14 / 26 / 5 14 / 26 / 5 14 / 26 / 5 14 / 26 / 5 14 / 26 / 5 14 / 26 / 5 14 / 26 / 5 14 / 26 / 5 14 / 26 / 5 14 / 26 / 5 14 / 26 / 5 21.5 / 27.5 / 6 21.5 / 27.5 / 6 21.5 / 27.5 / 6 21.5 / 27.5 / 6 21.5 / 27.5 / 6 21.5 / 27.5 / 6 21.5 / 27.5 / 6 21.5 / 27.5 / 6 21.5 / 27.5 / 6 21.5 / 27.5 / 6 21.5 / 27.5 / 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.129 0.129 0.129 0.129 0.129 0.129 0.129 0.129 0.129 0.129 0.129 0.000 0.000 0.000 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ 6.83 £ 6.83 £ 6.83 £ 6.83 £ 6.83 £ 6.83 £ 6.83 £ 6.83 £ 6.83 £ 6.83 £ 6.83 £ 7.81 £ 7.81 £ 7.81 £ 7.81 £ 7.81 £ 7.81 £ 7.81 £ 7.81 £ 7.81 £ 7.81 £ 7.81 £ 11.28 £ 11.28 £ 11.28 £ 11.28 £ 11.28 £ 11.28 £ 11.28 £ 11.28 £ 11.28 £ 11.28 £ 11.28 £ 184.23 £ 140.65 £ 180.46 41 155/20mm, 155/30mm & 155/40mm Combination Padlocks ad oc s Plus 1(: 155/20mm & 155/30mm Coloured Versions Tough die cast body : Durable security 3 digit (20mm & 30mm) or 4 digit (40mm) resettable combination : Set your own PIN Steel shackle : Ideal for luggage, sports equipment etc Combination 0HFKDQLVP Set your own PIN 34 Change Combination Saw Resistant Enter PIN Counter Display FOC with any 24 155 Colour Padlocks 1(: Coloured 155/20mm & 30mm The special luggage padlock for special luggage 6 colours available in 20mm & 30mm sizes 3OXVDQ³H\HFDWFKLQJ´VXLWFDVHFRXQWHUGLVSOD\ 155/20 Combination Padlock ABUS UK Reference / Description 155/20 C 155/30 C 155/40 C 155/20 Blue C 155/20 Yellow C 155/20 Green C 155/20 Red C 155/20 Black C 155/20 White C 155/20 Mixed Colours C 155/30 Blue C 155/30 Yellow C 155/30 Green C 155/30 Red C 155/30 Black C 155/30 White C 155/30 Mixed Colours C Suitcase Counter Display (Empty, FOC with any 24X155 Locks) 42 ABUS Barcode 4003318 33720 8 4003318 35003 0 4003318 35005 4 4003318 53512 3 4003318 53513 0 4003318 53514 7 4003318 53511 6 4003318 53509 3 4003318 53510 9 4003318 53515 4 4003318 53523 9 4003318 53525 3 4003318 53527 7 4003318 53522 2 4003318 53517 8 4003318 53520 8 4003318 53528 4 4003318 55197 0 155/30 Combination Padlock ABUS Code 33720 35003 35005 53512 53513 53514 53511 53509 53510 53515 53523 53525 53527 53522 53517 53520 53528 55197 155/40 Combination Padlock ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 26 / 54 / 14 34 / 60 / 16.5 44.5 / 80 / 18.5 26 / 54 / 14 28 / 54 / 14 29 / 54 / 14 30 / 54 / 14 31 / 54 / 14 32 / 54 / 14 27 / 54 / 14 34 / 60 / 16.5 34 / 60 / 16.5 34 / 60 / 16.5 34 / 60 / 16.5 34 / 60 / 16.5 34 / 60 / 16.5 34 / 60 / 16.5 9 / 19.5 / 3 14.5 / 19.5 / 3 19.5 / 26 / 6.5 9 / 19.5 / 3 11 / 19.5 / 3 12 / 19.5 / 3 13 / 19.5 / 3 14 / 19.5 / 3 15 / 19.5 / 3 10 / 19.5 / 3 14.5 / 19.5 / 3 14.5 / 19.5 / 3 14.5 / 19.5 / 3 14.5 / 19.5 / 3 14.5 / 19.5 / 3 14.5 / 19.5 / 3 14.5 / 19.5 / 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0.056 0.086 0.166 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.081 0.081 0.081 0.081 0.081 0.081 0.081 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 7.70 8.80 12.12 7.70 7.70 7.70 7.70 7.70 7.70 7.70 8.80 8.80 8.80 8.80 8.80 8.80 8.80 FOC 147/30mm TSA & 148/20mm TSA Combination Locks Essential security for visitors to the USA : conforms to Transportation Security Administration (TSA) requirements Allows TSA to screen luggage on arrival & departure : Travel with peace of mind 3 digit resettable combination : Set your own PIN 148/20 TSA Cable lock includes handy luggage tag 147TSA Reset your PIN 148TSA Reset your PIN 148/20 TSA Cable lock 147/30 TSA Padlock %.:3DGORFN&KDLQ$WWDFKPHQW Fixes padlock to location : Prevents lost padlocks Secure to padlock shackle with supplied rivets : Screws to location Supplied with 4 shackle clamps : For 6mm to 11mm shackles For use with 40mm to 60mm Padlocks : Padlocks not included )L[LQJVFUHZVUHTXLUHG(DV\WR¿W 37/55 Granit Padlock with 11mm Shackle 65/50 Brass Padlock with 8mm Shackle T65AL/40 Aluminium Padlock with 6.5mm Shackle PS88 Lubricant Spray - Individually Carded & Counter Display Specially formulated to extend the life of locks : Plus other items with small moving parts Silicone free & leaves no residue : Prevents attraction of grit, dust & dirt Corrosion protection from salt, water & humidity : Prevents locks freezing in Winter PS88 Counter Display 24 only 50ml lubricant sprays in an attractive, informative counter display PS88 Lubricant Spray 6 only 50ml lubricant sprays Individually Carded ABUS UK Reference / Description BKW Chain Attachment Set for 40 to 60mm padlocks PS88 Spray 50ml C Sales Display: PS88 24 pieces, 50ml Spray 147TSA C Combination Luggage Padlock 148TSA C Combination Luggage Cable Lock ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 46275 7 4003318 35421 2 4003318 31942 6 4003318 53093 7 4003318 53094 4 46275 35421 31942 53093 53094 :HLJKW Box Kg Qty 33 / 37 / 14 20 / 54 / 12.5 20.5 / 13 / 3 37 / 17 / 2 0.065 0.097 1.483 0.127 0.132 6 6 1 6 6 RRP ex VAT £ 5.58 £ 5.78 £ 138.72 £ 8.70 £ 8.70 43 135/200mm High Security Hasp & Staple Double hardened malleable steel : Resists physical attack 7KURXJK KDUGHQHG VWHHO VWDSOH 7R ¿W PP VKDFNOH SDGORFNV Ideal for use with ABUS 37/80 Granit padlocks : CEN grade 5 security Including coach bolts & backing plates : Ultimate security 0DGHLQ Germany Bolt Cutter Resistant Drill Resistant Saw Resistant 37RK/80 Granit Padlock with 135/200 Granit Hasp & Staple 130/180mm High Security Hasp & Staple Tough whiteheart malleable iron : Resists physical attack 7KURXJK KDUGHQHG VWHHO VWDSOH 7R ¿W PP VKDFNOH SDGORFNV Ideal for use with ABUS 37/60 Granit padlock : CEN grade 4 security Including coach bolts & backing plates : Top security 0DGHLQ Germany Bolt Cutter Resistant Drill Resistant Saw Resistant 37/60 Granit Padlock with 130/180 Granit Hasp & Staple 125/150mm High Security Hasp & Staple Extra strong hinge : Resists physical attack +DUGHQHG VWDSOH 7R ¿W PP VKDFNOH SDGORFNV Including coach bolts & backing plates : High security 0DGHLQ Germany Bolt Cutter Resistant Drill Resistant Saw Resistant 36/55 Granit with 125/150 Hasp & Staple ABUS UK Reference / Description 130/180 C 125/150 C 135/200 44 ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 35444 1 4003318 35443 4 4003318 20297 1 35444 35443 20297 :LGWK/HQJWK Staple Hole ABUS :HLJKW Box mm Diameter mm GPS Kg Qty 180 / 79 150 / 60 203 / 70 14 15 17 10 9 10 1.680 0.900 2.382 2 2 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ 80.42 39.92 96.31 110/155mm, 110/195mm & 110/230mm Hasps & Staples Tough steel construction : With concealed hinge pins Hardened steel staple & hinge pin : Resists hacksaw attacks Coach bolts & hardened steel plates supplied with carded versions : Gives strength to doors +LGGHQ¿[LQJV'HWHUVRSSRUWXQLVWWKLHYHV 0DGHLQ Germany Saw Resistant 110/155 Hasp & Staple 110/195 Hasp & Staple 110/155 Hasp & Staple with :3&6([WUHPH3DGORFN 110/230 Hasp & Staple 140/120mm & 140/190mm Hasps & Staples Tough steel construction : With concealed hinge pins Stainless steel hasp & hinge pin : Designed for use with ABUS Diskus padlocks Coach bolts & hardened steel plates supplied with carded versions : Gives strength to doors +LGGHQ¿[LQJV'HWHUVRSSRUWXQLVWWKLHYHV 0DGHLQ Germany Saw Resistant 0DULQH Grade Hasp 140/120 Hasp & Staple 140/120 Hasp & Staple with 24IB/70 Diskus Padlock Perfect Partnership ABUS carded hasps & staples are supplied with screws Boxed Hasps & Staples are supplied without screws 140/190 Hasp & Staple ABUS UK Reference / Description 110/155 C (DG) 110/195 C (DG) 140/120 C 140/190 C (DG) 110/155 (DG) 110/195 (DG) 110/230 (DG) 140/120 140/190 (DG) DG - Double jointed - refers to hasps with a hinge for ÀH[LEOHXVH ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 32172 6 4003318 32173 3 4003318 32176 4 4003318 32177 1 4003318 01475 8 4003318 01479 6 4003318 01483 3 4003318 05312 2 4003318 05315 3 32172 32173 32176 32177 01475 01479 01483 05312 05315 :LGWK/HQJWK Staple Hole ABUS :HLJKW Box mm Diameter mm GPS Kg Qty 155 / 45 195 / 45 120 / 56 190 / 56 155 / 45 195 / 45 230 / 45 120 / 56 190 / 56 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 0.370 0.440 0.373 0.500 0.277 0.340 0.413 0.355 0.463 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 13.74 20.51 12.57 18.30 13.20 18.03 24.05 11.60 16.70 45 100/60mm, 100/80mm & 100/100mm Hasps & Staples 80mm & 100mm with hardened steel staples & hinge pin : Resists hacksaw attacks Concealed hinge pins : Resists attack Corrosion protection : Durable security Hidden screws (supplied with carded versions) : Deters opportunist thieves 0DGHLQ Germany Saw Resistant 100/60 Hasp & Staple 100/100 Hasp & Staple with 65/40 Brass Padlock 100/80 Hasp & Staple Perfect Partnership ABUS carded hasps & staples are supplied with screws Boxed Hasps & Staples are supplied without screws DG - Double jointed - refers to hasps with a hinge for ÀH[LEOHXVH 100/100 Hasp & Staple 300/100mm, 300/120mm & 300/140mm Locking Bolts Steel construction : For use with padlocks Hardened steel bolt : Resists attack Corrosion protected : Durable security Hidden screws (supplied) : Deters opportunist thieves 0DGHLQ Germany Saw Resistant 300/100 Locking Bolt 300/120 Locking Bolt 300/140 locking Bolt with 70AL/45 Aluminium Padlock 300/140 Locking Bolt ABUS UK Reference / Description 100/60 C 100/80 C 100/80DG C 100/100 C 100/100DG C 300/100 C 300/120 C 300/140 C 100/60 100/80 100/80DG 100/100 100/100DG 46 ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 33704 8 4003318 33706 2 4003318 32157 3 4003318 33700 0 4003318 32156 6 4003318 33690 4 4003318 33691 1 4003318 33692 8 4003318 01434 5 4003318 01438 3 4003318 01443 7 4003318 01448 2 4003318 01453 6 33704 33706 32157 33700 32156 33690 33691 33692 01434 01438 01443 01448 01453 :LGWK/HQJWK Staple Hole ABUS :HLJKW Box mm Diameter mm GPS Kg Qty 60 / 20 80 / 28 128 / 28 100 / 35 160 / 35 100 / 39 120 / 46 140 / 54 60 / 20 80 / 28 128 / 28 100 / 35 160 / 35 7 10 10 11 11 10 11 13 7 10 10 11 11 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 12 6 6 6 6 0.048 0.092 0.111 0.166 0.233 0.180 0.250 0.370 0.019 0.063 0.089 0.128 0.188 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 6 6 6 6 6 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 3.66 6.05 9.10 8.59 13.19 12.66 16.11 21.08 3.06 4.88 7.28 7.55 12.06 115 Locking Bracket Tough 5mm hardened steel construction : Many security uses )RUXVHZLWKDOOSDGORFNVZLWKVKDFNOHVXSWRPP7RXJKVHFXULW\ Should be secured with heavy duty coach bolts (not supplied) : Easy to fit 6L]HRI¿[LQJEDVHVSHUSDUW:LGWKPP+HLJKWPP 0DGHLQ Germany Saw Resistant For use with all padlocks with shackles up to 12mm Ø 115 locking Bracket 200/75mm - 200/155 Hasps & Staples Steel construction : Basic security Concealed hinge pins : Resists attacks Corrosion protected : Durable security Hidden screws (supplied with carded versions) : Deters opportunist thieves 0DGHLQ Germany Saw Resistant 200/75 Hasp & Staple 200/95 Hasp & Staple 200/115 Hasp & Staple with 65AL/40 Aluminium Padlock 200/115 Hasp & Staple 200/135 Hasp & Staple ABUS carded hasps & staples are supplied with screws Boxed Hasps & Staples are supplied without screws DG - Double jointed - refers to hasps with a hinge for ÀH[LEOHXVH 200/155 Hasp & Staple ABUS UK Reference / Description 115/100 C 200/75 C 200/95 C 200/115 C 200/135 C 200/155 C 200/75 200/95 200/115 200/135 200/155 ABUS Barcode ABUS Code :LGWK/HQJWK Staple Hole Diameter 4003318 33713 0 4003318 35028 3 4003318 35029 0 4003318 35025 2 4003318 35026 9 4003318 35027 6 4003318 01607 3 4003318 01613 4 4003318 01619 6 4003318 01625 7 4003318 01629 5 33713 35028 35029 35025 35026 35027 01607 01613 01619 01625 01629 100 / 45 76 / 29 97 / 39 116 / 47 138 / 47 157 / 47 76 / 29 97 / 39 116 / 47 138 / 47 157 / 47 14 10 14 14 14 14 10 14 14 14 14 ABUS :HLJKW Box GPS Kg Qty 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0.278 0.092 0.164 0.231 0.249 0.260 0.060 0.121 0.176 0.199 0.213 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 6 6 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 5.95 3.66 5.39 6.90 8.44 9.67 2.91 3.90 5.17 6.51 7.73 47 :%$:DOO$QFKRU 16mm Hardened steel alloy shackle : Maximum resistance to physical attack )L[WRZDOORUÀRRU,QVLGHRURXWVLGH Heavy duty construction : Designed to drive over Sold Secure (Bicycle) Gold : Thatcham approved 0DGHLQ Germany Bolt Cutter Resistant Drill Resistant Saw Resistant :%$ RQ SHUVSH[ GLVSOD\ :%$RQSHUVSH[GLVSOD\ Heavy Duty Security :%$:DOO$QFKRU :$:DOO$QFKRU +DUGHQHGVWHHOFRQVWUXFWLRQ:LWKKDUGHQHGULYHWVFRYHULQJ¿[LQJV )L[WRZDOORUÀRRU,QVLGHRURXWVLGH Large enough to take an ABUS 12mm chain : Permanent security 0DGHLQ Germany Bolt Cutter Resistant Drill Resistant Saw Resistant ABUS UK Reference / Description WBA100 C WBA 100 Perspex Display WA50 48 ABUS Barcode ABUS Code :LGWK/HQJWK mm 4003318 27161 8 4003318 27520 3 4003318 04294 2 27161 27520 04294 160 / 165 160 / 165 110 / 80 :HLJKW Box Kg Qty 75 / 75 / 16 75 / 75 / 16 39 / 36 / - 2.000 2.700 0.870 1 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ 74.68 95.00 30.83 12KS Square Link Loop Security Chain 12mm through hardened steel chain : Resists bolt cutter attacks Tough 12mm links : Loop end link “loop through” for use with close shackle padlocks With protective sheath : Prevents paintwork damage Sold Secure (Bicycle) Gold : Thatcham approved Bolt Cutter Resistant Saw Resistant Tested to 9 Tonnes Cutting Force Chain Display 12KS 120 Loop 3 links of 6mm, 8mm, 10mm & 12mm Chain Display FOC with qualifying order 6mm, 8mm & 10mm Square Link Security Chain Through hardened steel chain : Resists bolt cutter attacks Available in 6mm, 8mm & 10mm lengths : In a selection of sizes 10KS 110 when used with 37/55 Granit padlock : Sold Secure (Bicycle) Gold 8KS 110 when used with20/70 Diskus Padlock : Sold Secure (Bicycle) Silver 10KS, all lengths when used with34CS/55 : Thatcham approved Bolt Cutter Resistant Saw Resistant BICYCLE SILVER BICYCLE GOLD Tested to 3 Tonnes Cutting Force 6KS Square Link Chain Tested to 5 Tonnes Cutting Force 8KS Square Link Chain Tested to 7 Tonnes Cutting Force 10KS Square Link Chain ABUS UK Reference / Description 6KS65 6KS85 6KS110 8KS85 8KS110 8KS140 10KS110 10KS140 10KS170 10KS200 12KS120 Loop ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 27292 9 4003318 27293 6 4003318 28329 1 4003318 27294 3 4003318 27295 0 4003318 28509 7 4003318 27168 7 4003318 27167 0 4003318 27166 3 4003318 27530 2 4003318 28534 9 27292 27293 28329 27294 27295 28509 27168 27167 27166 27530 28534 cm 65cm 85cm 110cm 85cm 110cm 140cm 110cm 140cm 170cm 200cm 140cm mm 6/9 6/9 6/9 8 / 13 8 / 13 8 / 13 10 / 14 10 / 14 10 / 14 10 / 14 12 / 16 :HLJKW Kg Box Qty 0.632 0.803 1.039 1.380 1.800 2.290 2.510 3.110 3.838 4.400 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 12.80 13.94 17.46 23.18 28.51 34.82 42.70 48.66 58.09 68.04 74.00 49 8mm, 10mm & 12mm Cobra Loop Cables )OH[LEOHKLJKWHQVLOHFDEOH'LI¿FXOWWRFXW Secures cycles, ladders & tools : Essential for any garage or shed For use with any ABUS U shackle or padlock : Flexible security High Tensile Cable 8/200 Cobra Loop Cable Perf10/200 Cobra Loop Cable 12/120 Cobra Loop Cable 1850/150cm Cobra Loop Cable )OH[LEOHKLJKWHQVLOHFDEOH'LI¿FXOWWRFXW Secures cycles, ladders & tools : Essential for any garage or shed For use with any ABUS U shackle or padlock : Flexible security High Tensile Cable 1850/150 Cobra Loop Cable ABUS UK Reference / Description Cobra 8/200 Cobra 10/200 Cobra 10/500 Cobra 10/1000 Cobra 12/120 Cobra 1850/185 50 ABUS Barcode ABUS Code Cable Length cm Cable Diameter mm :HLJKW Kg Box Qty 4003318 25718 6 4003318 11167 9 4003318 20780 8 4003318 20781 5 4003318 25719 3 4003318 12752 6 25718 11167 20780 20781 25719 12752 200 200 500 1000 120 185 8 10 10 10 12 8 0.317 0.566 1.275 2.350 0.366 0.356 6 3 2 1 6 6 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ 10.24 16.88 31.98 45.93 14.37 9.04 :3DGORFN.6&KDLQ6HW Through hardened steel alloy shackle : Rotates when attacked Solid brass body encased in steel : Reliable security Padlock with dual chain securing bolt : Resists torsion and leverage attacks 8mm through hardened steel chain : Resists hacksaw attacks Saw Resistant :3DGORFN with 8KS Through Hardened Steel Chain 70/45mm Padlock & 6KS65cm Chain Set Solid brass body padlock : Hardened steel shackle Sealed lock body with cover seal : Protects cylinder against water & dirt Rustfree internal components : Reliable security PPWKURXJKKDUGHQHGVWHHOFKDLQ$WWDFNUHVLVWDQWVTXDUHSUR¿OH Saw Resistant 70/45 Padlock with 6KS Through Hardened Steel Chain ABUS UK Reference / Description 92W/8KS110 92W/8KS85 70/45/6KS65 Key Blank - for 92W/8KS85 Cut Key - for 92W/8KS85 Key Blank - 70/45/6KS65 Cut Key - for 70/45/6KS65 ABUS Barcode ABUS Code Chain Length cm Chain Diameter mm :HLJKW Kg Box Qty 4003318 27754 2 4003318 27757 3 4003318 27951 5 4003318 02703 1 27754 27757 27951 02703 110 85 65 8 8 6 4003318 12022 0 12022 2.400 2.100 0.810 0.014 0.010 0.007 0.007 2 2 6 50 1 50 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 58.09 53.42 20.38 0.93 3.29 0.89 3.29 51 1060/110cm Granit X Plus City Lock 10mm hexagonal through hardened steel chain : Maximum resistance against attack Patented “Power Cell “ technology : Locking chain to lock body Patented ABUS X Plus mechanism : Maximum resistance against manipulation Independently tested : Sold Secure (Bicycle) Gold - Thatcham approved 0DGHLQ Germany 6 Tonne Resistance ABUS X Plus Bolt Cutter 0HFKDQLVP Resistant Ball Bearing Locking Drill Resistant Saw Resistant -40° Impact Tested Hardened Steel 1060/110 Granit X Plus City Lock 810/110cm & 910/110cm Chain Locks ZLWKPPOLQNZLWKPPOLQN6WURQJVTXDUHSUR¿OH Drill resistant mechanism : With convenient double sided key Automatic locking : Quick & easy Independently tested : Sold Secure (Bicycle) Bronze 910/110 Chain Lock Reversible key Drill Resistant Saw Resistant 810/110 Chain Lock ABUS UK Reference / Description 810/110 910/110 1060/110 Key Blank - for 810/110 & 910/110 Key Blank - for Granit X Plus City Chain Cut Key - for 810/110 & 910/110 Cut Key - for Granit X Plus City Chain 52 ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 33531 0 4003318 21658 9 4003318 28623 0 4003318 26436 8 4003318 23211 4 33531 21658 28623 26436 23211 4003318 24657 9 24657 mm cm 110 110 110 8 10 10 :HLJKW Kg Box Qty RRP ex VAT 2.000 2.930 2.397 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.009 2 2 2 50 50 1 1 £ 49.39 £ 73.58 £ 141.57 £ 0.93 £ 3.14 £ 3.29 £ 9.20 1050/100cm Granit X Plus Steel-O-Flex Lock 25mm hardened steel shells : With high tensile cable Patented ABUS X Plus mechanism : Maximum resistance against manipulation Through hardened steel construction : Resists physical attacks 0DGHLQ Germany ABUS X Plus Bolt Cutter 0HFKDQLVP Resistant Drill Resistant Saw Resistant 1050/100 Granit X Plus Steel-O-Flex -40° Impact Tested 1000/100cm Granit Steel-O-Flex Lock 25mm hardened steel shells : With high tensile cable ABUS Plus mechanism : Resists drill & pull attacks Through hardened steel construction : Resists physical attacks 0DGHLQ Germany ABUS Plus Bolt Cutter 0HFKDQLVP Resistant Drill Resistant 1000/100 Granit Plus Steel-O-Flex Saw Resistant 950/100cm Steel-O-Flex Lock 25mm hardened steel shells : With high tensile cable ABUS Plus mechanism : Resists drill & pull attacks Through hardened steel construction : Resists physical attacks ABUS Plus Bolt Cutter 0HFKDQLVP Resistant Drill Resistant 950/100 Granit Plus Steel-O-Flex Saw Resistant 860/110cm Steel-O-Flex Lock 20mm hardened steel shells : With high tensile cable Automatic locking : Quick & easy Through hardened steel construction : Resists physical attacks Reversible Key Bolt Cutter Resistant Drill Resistant 860/110 Steel-O-Flex Saw Resistant 800/110cm Steel-O-Flex Lock 20mm hardened steel shells : With high tensile cable Automatic locking : Quick & easy Through hardened steel construction : Resists physical attacks Reversible Key Bolt Cutter Resistant Drill Resistant Saw Resistant ABUS UK Reference / Description 800/110 860/110 950/100 1000/100 1050/100 Key Blank - for 800/110 Key Blank - for 860/110 Key Blank - for 950/100 & 1000/100 Key Blank - for 1050/100 Cut Key - for 800/110 Cut Key - for 860/110 Cut Key - for 950/100 & 1000/100 Cut Key - 1050/100 800/110 Steel-O-Flex ABUS Barcode ABUS Code Steel-O-Flex Length cm Steel-O-Flex Diameter mm :HLJKW Kg Box Qty RRP ex VAT 4003318 24772 9 4003318 31496 4 4003318 25715 5 4003318 10009 3 4003318 28627 8 4003318 26436 8 4003318 12508 9 4003318 05078 7 4003318 23211 4 24772 31496 25715 10009 28627 26436 12508 05078 23211 110 110 100 100 100 20 20 25 25 25 4003318 06227 8 4003318 24657 9 06227 24657 1.120 1.080 1.720 2.120 2.325 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.009 0.009 6 6 2 2 2 50 50 50 50 1 1 1 1 £ 33.71 £ 35.48 £ 60.30 £ 77.43 £ 113.93 £ 0.93 £ 0.93 £ 3.14 £ 3.14 £ 3.29 £ 3.29 £ 6.10 £ 9.20 53 37/60HB70 Yellow Quick Disk Brake Lock ABUS ‘Plus’ disk cylinder : Resists drill, pull & manipulation attacks Through hardened steel shackle : Resists hacksaw attacks Through hardened steel body : Eye catching yellow case Independently tested : Thatcham approved 250,000 key differs, each lock supplied with key code card : Offers numerous keyed alike (KA) or master keyed (MK) options or further locks made up to same key as per card provided 0DGHLQ Germany ABUS Plus 0HFKDQLVP Bolt Cutter Resistant 6 Tonne Resistance Ball Bearing Locking Hardened Steel Drill Resistant Saw Resistant -40° Impact Tested 37/60HB70 Yellow Disk Brake Lock 54/160mm U Shackle Lock Strong patented parabolic square shackle : Maximum resistance against attack PPWKURXJKKDUGHQHGVWHHOVKDFNOH$WWDFNUHVLVWDQWVTXDUHSUR¿OH Patented ABUS X Plus mechanism : Maximum resistance against manipulation Independently tested : Sold Secure (Bicycle) Gold - Thatcham approved 54/160 U Shackle Lock 0DGHLQ Germany -40° Impact Tested ABUS X Plus Bolt Cutter 0HFKDQLVP Resistant Double Bolted Drill Resistant Saw Resistant Hardened Steel 43/150mm & 46/150mm U shackle Locks Through hardened steel body & 12mm shackle : Resists bolt cutter attacks Key with indirect code : Re-order key to code number Complete with carrier : Convenient security Independently tested : Sold Secure ( Bicycle) Bronze 0DGHLQ Germany Bolt Cutter Resistant Drill Resistant Saw Resistant Double Bolted ABUS UK Reference / Description 37/60HB70 Yellow 43/150HB230+USH 46/150HB230+USH EC 54/160HB230+USH Key Blank - for 37/60HB70 Yellow Key Blank - for 43/150HB230+USH Key Blank - for 46/150HB230+USH EC Key Blank - for 54/160HB230+USH & ABUS X Plus locks Cut Key - for 37/60HB70 Yellow Cut Key - for 43/150HB230+USH Cut Key - for 46/150HB230+USH EC Cut Key - for 54/160HB230+USH & ABUS X Plus locks 54 43/150 U Shackle Lock 46/150 U Shackle Lock Hardened Steel ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 00903 7 4003318 31620 3 4003318 33565 5 4003318 22974 9 4003318 05078 7 4003318 00906 8 4003318 26424 5 4003318 23211 4 4003318 06227 8 00903 31620 33565 22974 05078 00906 26424 23211 06227 4003318 26766 6 4003318 24657 9 26766 24657 60 150 150 160 14-24 / 70 / 11 109 / 230 / 12 109 / 230 / 12 108 / 230 / 13 :HLJKW Kg Box Qty 1.067 1.170 1.150 1.680 0.010 0.010 0.017 0.010 0.009 0.010 0.006 0.009 1 6 6 5 50 50 50 50 1 1 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 96.80 38.27 46.46 85.73 3.14 0.93 1.27 3.14 6.10 3.29 5.64 9.20 1440/85cm, 1450/185cm & 1460/85cm Raydo Combination Locks Press & shine feature lets you see the combination : Even in the dark 'XUDEOH EODFN ¿QLVK 0D[LPXP NH\OHVV VHFXULW\ Anti-pick 4 digit combination : Set your own pin Up to 10,000 combinations : More security Combination 0HFKDQLVP Set your own PIN Press & shine High Tensile Cable 1460/85 20mm Armoured Cable Press & Shine 1440/85 15mm Cable Press & Shine 1450/85 12mm Cable Press & Shine The Raydo Collection Strong & Tough Combination Cable Locks with Press & Shine Illuminated Combinations 1440 - 85cm - 15mm Ø Cable 1450 - 185cm - 12mm Ø Cable 1460 - 85cm - 20mm Ø Armoured Cable 6000/75cm Bordo Foldable Lock ,QQRYDWLYH GHVLJQ RIIHUV PD[LPXP ÀH[LELOLW\ +DUGHQHG VWHHO FRQVWUXFWLRQ Compact lock dimensions :With frame mounting carrier Coded reversible key : Re-order keys to code number Independently tested : Sold Secure (Bicycle) Bronze 0DGHLQ Germany Reversible key Drill Resistant Saw Resistant 75 75cm 6000/75 Bordo Folding Lock ABUS UK Reference / Description 1440/85 KF 1450/185 KF 1460/85 KF 6000/75 BORDO Key Blank - for 6000/75 BORDO Cut Keyy - for 6000/75 BORDO ABUS Barcode ABUS Code Length cm Diameter mm :HLJKW Kg Box Qty 4003318 37526 2 4003318 37528 6 4003318 37530 9 4003318 33567 9 4003318 26423 8 37526 37528 37530 33567 26423 85 185 85 75 15 12 20 0.485 0.485 0.913 1.240 0.009 0.010 6 6 6 1 50 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ 31.98 35.48 35.48 63.63 1.27 3.29 55 590/150cm & 180cm Recoil Cable Lock 8mm recoil cable : 150cm & 180cm lengths $VVRUWHGFRORXUVRUPRGHUQVPRNH¿QLVKHV$WWUDFWLYHVHFXULW\ Handy reversible key : Self locking mechanism Complete with carrier : Convenient security Reversible High Tensile Key Cable 590/180 Recoil Cable Lock 650/65cm Cable Lock 8mm high tensile cable : 65cm length $VVRUWHGFRORXUVRUEODFN¿QLVKHV$WWUDFWLYHVHFXULW\ Tough plastic sleeve : Protects valuable paintwork Handy reversible key : Self locking mechanism Reversible High Tensile Key Cable 650/65 Cable Lock 1900/55cm Cable Lock & 1950/120cm Recoil Cable Locks 1900 with 6mm &1950 with 7mm cables : 65cm & 120cm lengths $VVRUWHGFRORXUVRUEODFN¿QLVKHV$WWUDFWLYHVHFXULW\ Handy reversible key : Self locking mechanism Reversible High Tensile Key Cable 1950/ 120 Recoil Cable Lock ABUS UK Reference Description 590/150 LL Smoke 590/150LL Colour 590/180 LL Smoke 650/65 Colour 650/65 Black 1900/55 Black 1950/120 Black 1950/120 Colour Key Blank - V61 for all 590 & 650 locks Key Blank - V62 for all 590 & 650 locks Key Blank - Left for all 1900 & 1950 locks Key Blank - Right for all 1900 & 1950 locks Cut Key - V61/V62 for all 590 & 650 locks Cut Key - Left & Right for all 1900 & 1950 locks 56 1900/65 Cable Lock ABUS Barcode ABUS Code Length cm Diameter mm :HLJKW Kg Box Qty 4003318 43317 7 4003318 21473 8 4003318 43325 2 4003318 03619 4 4003318 28921 7 4003318 12818 9 4003318 07355 7 4003318 05384 9 4003318 08232 0 4003318 08233 7 4003318 08235 1 4003318 08234 4 43317 21473 43325 03619 28921 12818 07355 05384 08232 08233 08235 08234 150 150 180 65 65 55 120 120 8 8 8 8 8 6 7 7 0.420 0.400 0.440 0.363 0.363 0.180 0.212 0.218 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.010 0.010 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 50 50 50 50 1 1 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 14.28 14.48 16.40 8.77 8.77 4.14 9.57 9.57 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 3.29 3.29 1300/150cm Recoil Cable Lock 8mm recoil cable : 150cm lengths Anti-pick 4 digit combination : Set your own PIN Up to 10,000 combinations : More security 1300/150 Recoil Cable Lock Combination 0HFKDQLVP Set your own PIN High Tensile Cable 1290/65cm Cable Lock 10mm high tensile cable : 65cm length Anti-pick 4 digit combination : Set your own PIN Up to 10,000 combinations : More security 1290/65 Cable Lock Combination 0HFKDQLVP Set your own PIN High Tensile Cable 1100/55cm Cable, 1150/120cm Recoil Cable & 1200/60cm Chain Combination Locks 1900 with 6mm & 1950 with 7mm cables : 65cm & 120cm lengths $VVRUWHGFRORXUVRUEODFN¿QLVKHV$WWUDFWLYHVHFXULW\ Handy reversible key : Self locking mechanism Combination High Tensile 0HFKDQLVP Cable 1150/120 Recoil Cable Lock 1200/60 Recoil Cable Lock ABUS UK Reference / Description 1100/55 Black 1100/55 Colour New 1150/120 Black New 1150/120 Colour New 1200/60 Black 1290/65 1300/150 1100/65 Cable Lock ABUS Barcode ABUS Code Length cm Diameter mm :HLJKW Kg Box Qty 4003318 12817 2 4003318 02556 3 4003318 08550 5 4003318 08132 3 4003318 27164 9 4003318 33424 5 4003318 33425 2 12817 02556 08550 08132 27164 33424 33425 55cm 55cm 120cm 120cm 60cm 65cm 150cm 6 6 7 7 4 10 8 0.136 0.140 0.188 0.188 0.247 0.233 0.362 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 4.14 4.14 9.14 9.14 6.97 14.56 17.40 57 701, 702, 801 & 802 Lock Off Hasps Steel construction : For use with 41/40,T65AL/40, 72/40, T84/40 & 145/40 Colour coded padlocks Takes up to 6 padlocks : For isolating valves & switch gear 1” (25mm) & 1½´PPVL]HVDYDLODEOH5HGRU<HOORZIRULGHQWL¿FDWLRQ 801 & 802 with securing clamps : For additional safety Safety Lock Offs 0DLQWHQDQFHHQJLQHHUVFDQLVRODWH valves or switch gear in the knowledge that the valve or switch gear cannot be activated until all engineers are clear of the system ´PP ´PP with Safety Clamp ò´PP ò´PP with Safety Clamp V2008 Lock Off Stand & Stock ABUS UK Reference / Description T84MB/40 KA 8401 Black Nautic (lock off) T84MB/40 KA 8402 Yellow (lock off) T84MB/40 KA 8403 Green (lock off) T84MB/40 KA 8404 Red (lock off) T84MB/40 KA 8405 Grey (lock off) T84MB/40 KA 8406 Blue (lock off) 701 Lock Off Hasp 1” Red 701 Lock Off Hasp 1” Yellow 702 Lock Off Hasp 1.5” Red 702 Lock Off Hasp 1.5” Yellow 801 Lock Off Hasp 1” Red with Clamps 802 Lock Off Hasp 1.5” Red with Clamps ABUS UK Reference / Description 701 Lock Off Hasp 1” Red 701 Lock Off Hasp 1” Yellow 702 Lock Off Hasp 1.5” Red 702 Lock Off Hasp 1.5” Yellow 801 Lock Off Hasp 1” Red with Clamps 802 Lock Off Hasp 1.5” Red with Clamps V2008 Lock Off Stand & Stock 58 ABUS Barcode 4003318 24728 6 4003318 45398 4 4003318 45402 8 4003318 45405 9 4003318 45414 1 4003318 45416 5 4003318 35766 4 4003318 35767 1 4003318 35768 8 4003318 35769 5 4003318 33551 8 4003318 33552 5 ABUS Code 24728 45398 45402 45405 45414 45416 35766 35767 35768 35769 33551 33552 Qty RRP Total RRP ex VAT ex VAT 6 £ 10.15 6 £ 10.15 6 £ 10.15 6 £ 10.15 6 £ 10.15 6 £ 10.15 6 £ 5.42 6 £ 5.42 6 £ 6.25 6 £ 6.25 6 £ 5.66 6 £ 6.65 Total RRP ex VAT ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 35766 4 4003318 35767 1 4003318 35768 8 4003318 35769 5 4003318 33551 8 4003318 33552 5 4003318 44362 6 35766 35767 35768 35769 33551 33552 44362 £ 60.90 £ 60.90 £ 60.90 £ 60.90 £ 60.90 £ 60.90 £ 32.52 £ 32.52 £ 37.50 £ 37.50 £ 33.96 £ 39.90 £ 579.30 Stand Dimensions Height : 80cm Width : 35cm Depth : 20cm :LGWK/HQJWK Shackle Dia /Padlock Dia :HLJKW Kg Box Qty RRP ex VAT 40 / 115 40 / 115 40 / 115 40 / 115 40 / 115 40 / 115 25 / 9 25 / 9 38 / 9 38 / 9 25 / 9 38 / 9 0.100 0.100 0.110 0.110 0.115 0.115 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 £ 5.42 £ 5.42 £ 6.25 £ 6.25 £ 5.66 £ 6.65 £ 579.30 Colour Coded Padlocks for use with ABUS Lock Off Hasps Colour Coded Padlocks 5 ranges of padlocks in a selection of LGHQWL¿FDWLRQFRORXUV available keyed to differ & keyed alike, with 41/40 & 72/40 also supplied master keyed to special order 72/40 6 Pin Tumbler Rekeyable Aluminium Padlocks in 6 colours .'.$0.VHHSDJH 41/40 5 Pin Tumbler Laminated Steel Padlocks 7 Coloured Bumpers .'.$0.VHHSDJH 70%3LQ7XPEOHU Brass Shackle & Body Padlocks in 6 Colours KD & KA - see page 34 T65AL/40 5 Pin Tumbler Aluminium Padlocks in 6 Colours KD & KA - see page 32 83AL/40 Colour Coded Titalium Padlocks in 6 Colour .'.$0.VHHSDJH 326'LVSOD\0HUFKDQGLVHU³:REEOHU´ This eye catching working model gives consumers a clear insight into the strength & convenience of using the new ABUS 141/200+26/70 Diskus Integral Vanlock At the heart of the Integral Vanlock is an original drill protected ABUS Diskus padlock, allowing convenient one handed operation with no messing when opening and closing the door Receive this Counter Display ( including a FOC 141/200+26/70 Diskus Integral Vanlock) DQG0HUFKDQGLVHU:REEOHUZKHQ\RXEX\MXVW 12 Vanlocks worth £582.12 RRP ex VAT 6HH\RXU$%86560IRUGHWDLOVRIWKHODWHVWGHDO ABUS UK Reference / Description Diskus Integral g Display p y Unit c/w 141/200+26/70 Diskus Integral g Protect Your VAN ith contents w Integral ABUS DI 141 ABUS-The good feeling of security www.abus.com ABUS Barcode ABUS Code :HLJKW Kg Box Qty 4003318 53226 9 03226 0.100 6 RRP ex VAT £ 75.00 59 141/200mm Diskus Integral Vanlock Convenient one handed key operation to lock & unlock : Easy to use Multi purpose Hasp and Staple : With “All round protection” you can trust Supplied complete with the “Original” ABUS Diskus 26/70 Padlock : “Made in Germany” Strong steel construction : Gives maximum protection Diskus 26/70 anti-drill plate : Resists drill attacks Suitable for Vans, Trucks, Garages, Sheds : Or any outward opening double doors Also available boxed without padlock : For use with any ABUS 70mm KA or MK Diskus padlock Bolt Cutter Resistant 0DGHLQ Germany Paracentric Keyway Key Retaining Keyed Alike 0DVWHUNH\HG Available Available Drill Res sistant Saw Resistant Double Bolted At the heart of the Integral 9DQORFNLVDQ³2ULJLQDO´ Diskus padlock, with drill protection. protection Supplied with or without a 26/70 Diskus Padlock (shown above) 215/100 + 37/70HB100 Container Lock Ideal for transport or storage containers : Or any outward opening doors Also suitable for vulnerable vans & trailers : KA or MK versions available to special order High security ABUS Plus 37RK/70HB100 Padlock : With 250,000 genuine key differs Special welding technology : CEN Grade 5 Security 0DGHLQ Germany ABUS Plus 0HFKDQLVP Bolt Cutter Resistant 8 Tonne Resistance Ball Bearing Locking Hardened Steel Drill Resistant Saw Resistant -40° Impact Tested Keyed Alike 0DVWHUNH\HG Rekeyable Available 0HFKDQLVP Available ABUS UK Reference / Description 141/200+26/70 Diskus Integral C 141/200+26/70 Diskus Integral Black C 141/200 Diskus Integral 141/200 Diskus Integral Black Container Lock Granit 215/100+37RK/70HB100 Key Blank - for all 141/200+26/70 Cut Key - for all 141/200+26/70 Master Key - for all 141/200+26/70 Key Blank - for 215/100+37RK/70HB100 Cut Key - for 215/100+37RK/70HB100 Master Keyy - for 215/100+37RK/70HB100 Supplied with locking nuts for or substantial internal strengtth ABUS Barcode ABUS Code 4003318 50655 0 4003318 51440 1 4003318 50656 7 4003318 51439 5 4003318 45708 1 4003318 12874 5 50655 51440 50656 51439 45708 12874 4003318 05078 7 4003318 06227 8 4003318 04325 3 05078 06227 04325 /:' Ø mm :HLJKW Kg Box Qty RRP ex VAT 215 / 80 / 35 215 / 80 / 35 215 / 80 / 35 215 / 80 / 35 205 / 120 / 50 8 8 8 8 26 1.300 1.300 0.900 0.900 6.935 0.009 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.009 0.009 1 1 1 1 1 50 1 1 50 1 1 £ 48.51 £ 48.51 £ 26.46 £ 26.46 £ 287.75 £ 0.93 £ 3.29 £ 6.14 £ 3.14 £ 6.10 £ 13.74 $%86.$0.6XLWHV For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA & MK suite reference numbers Van Locks & Container Locks are available to order in numerous KA suites at £5.00 surcharge to prices shown above Additional Van Locks & Container Locks in KD, KA or MK can be made to existing key codes : All Van Locks & Container Locks made to order or master keyed at £9.00 surcharge to prices shown above 60 787 & 797 Key Garages A safe way to leave keys for people you trust : Convenient security Resettable 4 digit combination : Set your own PIN Strong, sturdy construction : With durable weather resistance IRUVXUIDFHPRXQWLQJ(DV\WR¿WKLGGHQVFUHZV 797, removable automatic locking shackle : Plastic coated to protect paintwork Combination 0HFKDQLVP Set your own PIN Saw Resistant For security reasons we recommend that keys and other items are left in the ABUS Key Garage only for short periods or when required by authorised persons ABUS UK Reference / Description 787 C Key Garage for Wall 797 C Key Garage with Shackle ABUS Barcode ABUS Code +:' :HLJKW Kg Box Qty 4003318 46331 0 4003318 46330 3 46331 46330 115 / 80 / 43 175 / 80 / 43 0.683 0.795 5 5 RRP ex VAT £ £ 26.21 30.59 61 ABUS Home Security See our extensive range of Home Security items at www.abus-uk.com 35:$UPRXUHG'RRU%DU )2::LQGRZ Locking Handle )76::LQGRZ Locking Handle )26: Patio Door Lock & Bar Sets 7$6: Door Hinge Bolt )$6: :LQGRZ+LQJH%ROW 62 )$6: :LQGRZ+LQJH%ROW : Rim Lock : Rim Lock : Rim Lock : Rim Lock SK69 Door Chain Nickel Plated 2160 Nickel Plated Door Viewer SK69 Door Chain Gold Plated 2200 Gold Plated Door Viewer SK Door Chain Gold Plated SK Door Chain Nickel Plated ABUS UK Reference / Description PR1700 White/Chrome - Door Bar FOS550 W - Window Lock FOS550 Bar Sets W 75/118cm - Window Lock FOS550 Bar Sets W 118/118cm - Window Lock FOS550 Bar Sets W 150/150cm - Window Lock FOS550 Bar Sets W 75/75cm - Window Lock 7010 White C Rim Lock 7025 White C Rim Lock 7030 White C Rim Lock 7035 White C Rim Lock FTS96 W - Window Lock FAS97 W - Window Hinge Bolt FAS101 W - Window Hinge Bolt TAS112 White - Door Hinge Bracket SK Brass C - Door Chain SK Nickel C - Door Chain SK69 Brass C - Door Chain SK69 Nickel C - Door Chain 2200 G C - Door Viewer 2200 N C - Door Viewer 2160 Nickel C - Door Viewer 2200 Nickel Plated Door Viewer ABUS Barcode ABUS Code :HLJKW Kg Box Qty 4003318 30601 3 4003318 11911 8 4003318 12025 1 4003318 12026 8 4003318 12629 1 4003318 12024 4 4003318 53294 8 4003318 53297 9 4003318 53300 6 4003318 53303 7 4003318 22371 6 4003318 11209 6 4003318 11782 4 4003318 24490 2 4003318 26116 9 4003318 35246 1 4003318 35247 8 4003318 35250 8 4003318 35251 5 4003318 32168 9 4003318 32169 6 30601 11911 12025 12026 12629 12024 53294 53297 53300 53303 11209 11782 24490 26116 35246 35247 35250 35251 32168 32169 32166 6.800 1.614 0.536 0.618 0.800 0.404 1.186 1.210 1.260 1.285 1.160 0.562 0.340 0.420 0.151 0.151 0.155 0.155 0.058 0.058 0.040 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 420.28 137.15 51.22 60.83 60.83 51.22 86.50 101.67 101.68 125.00 81.32 54.10 45.50 42.99 18.89 15.66 14.57 12.41 12.95 12.95 5.39 63 ((XUR3UR¿OH&\OLQGHUV Precision, mushroom pin & paracentric keyway : Comprehensive anti-pick protection Hardened steel anti-drill spring & pin protection : 8 anti-drill pins in every keyway Emergency & convenience feature : Outside key operates lock with internal key in place e Most popular sizes available : Suitable for wooden, aluminium & most uPVC doors Half Cylinder with 12 cam positions : Suitable for switch gear & garage doors Fully serviceable 6 pin tumbler system : 0 bitted cylinders & pinning kit available Long key neck : Fits doors with security escutcheons Paracentric Keyway Drill Resistant .$0.ZLWK .$0.ZLWK Padlock Padlocks Cylinders Integration Emergency Feature Rekeyable 0HFKDQLVP New ABUS E6 60 (XUR3UR¿OH&\OLQ QGHUV with drill protecttion shown in dark blue b 1(: E60 Cylinders with 3 Keys KE60NP Nickel Pearl Knob Turn Cylinder ³´%LWWHGF\OLQGHUV ³´ SLQ QQHG Q QHGWR WR ³´ & supp plied without keys E60PB Polished Brass Double Cylinder E60NP Nickel Pearl Half Cylinder (0HUFKDQGLVHU :REEOHU E 60 E 60 E 60 E 60 E 60 E 60 E60 POS wiith C Cylinder li d FOC with your choice o of any 18 carded E60s V6 counter stand also ava ailable for cylinder display +RZWRPHDVXUHD(XUR3UR¿OH&\OLQGHU +RZ WR PHDVXUH D (XUR A A B V6 Counter Display A B C C C Distance from one end of cylinder to centre of cam Distance from other end of cylinder to centre of cam Overall length of cylinder Thumbturn Cylinders Tested Security 0DGHDFFRUGLQJWR BS EN 1303:2005-04 VS 5 DIN 18252:2006-12 Class 20 SKG** 6LGH³%´LVDOZD\VWKHWKXPEWXUQHQGRIWKHF\OLQGHULQGLFDWHG ZLWKD³.´VXI¿[DQGDOZD\VWKHVHFRQGGLPHQVLRQ 64 E60 KD & KA Assembly Kit (0. Add On Assembly Kit ((XUR3UR¿OH&\OLQGHUV Finishes: E60 Cylinders ABUS UK Reference / Description E60NP 10/30 Half Cylinder C E60NP 10/35 Half Cylinder C E60NP 30/30 Double Cylinder C E60NP 30/35 Double Cylinder C E60NP 30/45 Double Cylinder C E60NP 35/35 Double Cylinder C E60PB 35/35 Double Cylinder C E60NP 35/45 Double Cylinder C E60NP 40/40 Double Cylinder C E60NP 40/50 Double Cylinder C E60PB 40/50 Double Cylinder C KE60NP Z30/K30 Thumbturn Cylinder C KE60NP Z35/K35 Thumbturn Cylinder C KE60PB Z35/K35 Thumbturn Cylinder C KE60NP Z40/K40 Thumbturn Cylinder C KE60NP Z40/K50 Thumbturn Cylinder C KE60NP Z45/K55 Thumbturn Cylinder C E60NP 10/30 Half Cylinder E60NP 10/35 Half Cylinder E60NP 10/40 Half Cylinder E60NP 10/45 Half Cylinder E60NP 10/50 Half Cylinder E60NP 30/30 Double Cylinder: Cutaway E60NP 30/30 Double Cylinder E60NP 30/35 Double Cylinder E60NP 30/40 Double Cylinder E60NP 30/45 Double Cylinder E60NP 30/50 Double Cylinder E60NP 30/55 Double Cylinder E60NP 30/60 Double Cylinder E60NP 35/35 Double Cylinder E60PB 35/35 Double Cylinder E60NP 35/40 Double Cylinder E60NP 35/45 Double Cylinder E60NP 35/50 Double Cylinder E60NP 40/40 Double Cylinder E60NP 40/45 Double Cylinder E60NP 40/50 Double Cylinder E60PB 40/50 Double Cylinder E60NP 45/45 Double Cylinder E60NP 45/50 Double Cylinder E60NP 45/55 Double Cylinder E60PB 45/55 Double Cylinder E60NP 50/50 Double Cylinder KE60NP Z10/K30 Thumbturn Cylinder KE60NP Z30/K30 Thumbturn Cylinder KE60NP Z30/K35 Thumbturn Cylinder KE60NP Z30/K45 Thumbturn Cylinder KE60NP Z35/K35 Thumbturn Cylinder KE60PB Z35/K35 Thumbturn Cylinder KE60NP Z40/K40 Thumbturn Cylinder KE60NP Z40/K50 Thumbturn Cylinder KE60NP Z45/K30 Thumbturn Cylinder KE60NP Z45/K55 Thumbturn Cylinder ABUS Barcode 4003318 55008 9 4003318 54864 2 4003318 55009 6 4003318 55010 2 4003318 55011 9 4003318 54865 9 4003318 54869 7 4003318 54866 6 4003318 54867 3 4003318 54868 0 4003318 54870 3 4003318 55012 6 4003318 54907 6 4003318 54911 3 4003318 54908 3 4003318 54909 0 4003318 54910 6 4003318 53822 3 4003318 54140 7 4003318 54142 1 4003318 54144 5 4003318 54145 2 4003318 54938 0 4003318 53823 0 4003318 54146 9 4003318 54148 3 4003318 54150 6 4003318 54152 0 4003318 54159 9 4003318 54160 5 4003318 54161 2 4003318 54178 0 4003318 53824 7 4003318 53825 4 4003318 54163 6 4003318 54164 3 4003318 54166 7 4003318 54168 1 4003318 54180 3 4003318 54170 4 4003318 54172 8 4003318 54173 5 4003318 54182 7 4003318 54175 9 4003318 54429 3 4003318 54425 5 4003318 54430 9 4003318 54432 3 4003318 54434 7 4003318 54591 7 4003318 54436 1 4003318 54438 5 4003318 54440 8 4003318 54442 2 (³´%LWWHG&\OLQGHUV ABUS Box RRP Code Qty ex VAT 55008 54864 55009 55010 55011 54865 54869 54866 54867 54868 54870 55012 54907 54911 54908 54909 54910 53822 54140 54142 54144 54145 54938 53823 54146 54148 54150 54152 54159 54160 54161 54178 53824 53825 54163 54164 54166 54168 54180 54170 54172 54173 54182 54175 54429 54425 54430 54432 54434 54591 54436 54438 54440 54442 10 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NP = Nickel Pearl - PB = Polished Brass ABUS Code 56101 56103 26994 56102 For security reasons ABUS do not publish KA/MK suite reference numbers E60 Cylinders are available to order in KA suites at lower of 10% surcharge to prices shown above E60 Cylinders can be made to existing key codes : All E60 Cylinders made to order or MK at £9.00 surcharge to “C” prices shown above Contact ABUS UK for full details on integrating 83 padlocks with E60 Cylinders ABUS UK Reference / Description E60NP 10/30 “0” Bitted Half Cylinder E60NP 10/35 “0” Bitted Half Cylinder E60NP 10/40 “0” Bitted Half Cylinder E60NP 30/30 “0” Bitted Double Cylinder E60NP 30/35 “0” Bitted Double Cylinder E60NP 30/40 “0” Bitted Double Cylinder E60NP 30/45 “0” Bitted Double Cylinder E60NP 30/50 “0” Bitted Double Cylinder E60NP 35/35 “0” Bitted Double Cylinder E60PB 35/35 “0” Bitted Double Cylinder E60NP 35/40 “0” Bitted Double Cylinder E60NP 35/45 “0” Bitted Double Cylinder E60NP 40/40 “0” Bitted Double Cylinder E60NP 40/45 “0” Bitted Double Cylinder E60NP 40/50 “0” Bitted Double Cylinder E60PB 40/50 “0” Bitted Double Cylinder E60NP 45/45 “0” Bitted Double Cylinder E60NP 45/55 “0” Bitted Double Cylinder E60PB 45/55 “0” Bitted Double Cylinder KE60NP Z30/K30 “0” Bitted Thumbturn Cylinder KE60NP Z30/K35 “0” Bitted Thumbturn Cylinder KE60NP Z30/K45 “0” Bitted Thumbturn Cylinder KE60NP Z35/K35 “0” Bitted Thumbturn Cylinder KE60PB Z35/K35 “0” Bitted Thumbturn Cylinder KE60NP Z40/K40 “0” Bitted Thumbturn Cylinder KE60NP Z40/K50 “0” Bitted Thumbturn Cylinder KE60NP Z45/K30 “0” Bitted Thumbturn Cylinder KE60NP Z45/K55 “0” Bitted Thumbturn Cylinder E60 Cylinder for 83 Padlock “0” Bitted ABUS Barcode 4003318 53832 2 4003318 54141 4 4003318 54143 8 4003318 53833 9 4003318 54147 6 4003318 54149 0 4003318 54151 3 4003318 54153 7 4003318 54162 9 4003318 54179 7 4003318 53834 6 4003318 53835 3 4003318 54165 0 4003318 54167 4 4003318 54169 8 4003318 54181 0 4003318 54171 1 4003318 54174 2 4003318 54183 4 4003318 54428 6 4003318 54431 6 4003318 54433 0 4003318 54435 4 4003318 54592 4 4003318 54437 8 4003318 54439 2 4003318 54441 5 4003318 54443 9 4003318 53938 1 ABUS Box RRP Code Qty ex VAT 53832 54141 54143 53833 54147 54149 54151 54153 54162 54179 53834 53835 54165 54167 54169 54181 54171 54174 54183 54428 54431 54433 54435 54592 54437 54439 54441 54443 53938 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 14.14 14.73 15.32 17.16 17.75 18.34 18.92 19.51 18.34 18.34 18.92 19.51 19.51 20.10 20.68 20.68 20.68 21.86 21.86 25.27 25.85 27.03 26.44 26.44 27.61 28.79 27.03 29.96 13.20 E60 Assembly Kit, Components & Specialist Tools ABUS UK Reference / Description E60 KD & KA Assembly Kit E60 Master Keyed Add On Assembly Kit Universal Spring Loading Jig E60 Adaptor for Spring loading Jig Fitting Blade 65/85/E60 Circlip Removal Tool Universal Spring Retaining Tool Assembly Half Key Cam Retaining Pin ½ Cylinder Cam retaining spring Clutch Spring Clutch Pin Circlip Pin Tumbler Spring Bottom Pins 1 Brass Bottom Pins 2 Brass Bottom Pins 3 Brass Bottom Pins 4 Brass Bottom Pins 5 Brass Bottom Pins 6 Brass Bottom Pins 7 Brass Bottom Pins 1 Steel Bottom Pins 2 Steel Bottom Pins 3 Steel Bottom Pins 4 Steel Bottom Pins 5 Steel Bottom Pins 6 Steel Bottom Pins 7 Steel Cylindrical Top Pin Steel Anti-pick Top Pin Brass E60 Master Pin 2 E60 Master Pin 3 E60 Master Pin 4 E60 Master Pin 5 E60 Master Pin 6 Construction Pin 2 Construction Pin 3 Construction Pin 4 ABUS Barcode 4003318 54230 5 4003318 54569 6 4003318 44590 3 4003318 44591 0 4003318 42760 2 4003318 53815 5 4003318 44438 8 4003318 54367 8 4003318 44547 7 4003318 44548 4 4003318 44484 5 4003318 44483 8 4003318 43753 3 4003318 44452 4 4003318 51944 4 4003318 51945 1 4003318 51946 8 4003318 54218 3 4003318 54219 0 4003318 54220 6 4003318 54221 3 4003318 51951 2 4003318 51952 9 4003318 51953 6 4003318 54225 1 4003318 54226 8 4003318 54227 5 4003318 54228 2 4003318 44456 2 4003318 54229 9 4003318 52230 7 4003318 52231 4 4003318 52232 1 4003318 52233 8 4003318 52234 5 4003318 54287 9 4003318 54288 6 4003318 54289 3 ABUS Box RRP Code Qty ex VAT 54230 54569 44590 44591 42760 53815 44438 54367 44547 44548 44484 44483 43753 44452 51944 51945 51946 54218 54219 54220 54221 51951 51952 51953 54225 54226 54227 54228 44456 54229 52230 52231 52232 52233 52234 54287 54288 54289 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 120 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 £ 400.00 £ 100.00 £ 371.43 £ 23.71 £ 22.86 £ 7.43 £ 10.00 £ 4.00 £ 0.02 £ 0.11 £ 0.11 £ 0.23 £ 0.26 £ 0.14 £ 0.09 £ 0.09 £ 0.09 £ 0.09 £ 0.09 £ 0.09 £ 0.09 £ 0.26 £ 0.26 £ 0.26 £ 0.26 £ 0.26 £ 0.26 £ 0.26 £ 0.14 £ 0.23 £ 0.14 £ 0.14 £ 0.14 £ 0.14 £ 0.14 £ 0.14 £ 0.14 £ 0.14 65 ABUS Plus Assembly Kit For Rekeying RK Granit & 88 Brass Padlocks Kit contains all disks to assemble KD, KA & MK Padlocks Add additional padlocks to any one of the factory production of 250,000 differs The bump proof Plus mechanism offers the highest level of security from ABUS For re-assembling all Granit rekeyable padlocks - 37RK/55, 37RK/60, 37RK/70 & 37RK/80 - see pages 4 - 7 Please note the 37/55 & 37/60, without the RK code are not serviceable The brass bodied 88RK/50 & 88RK/55 can also be serviced with this kit - see page 22 2 7KH VPDOOHU LV DYDLODEOH LQ ³VHPLDVVHPEOHG´ IRUPDW IRU ¿QDO assembly to customer’s exact requirements - see page 22 ABUS UK Reference / Description ABUS Plus Assembly Kit Plus Distance Ring Plus Lever Disc Bottom Plus Lever Disc Top Plus Locking Disc No. 0 Plus Locking Disc No. 1 Plus Locking Disc No. 2 Plus Locking Disc No. 3 Plus Locking Disc No. 4 Plus Locking Disc No. 5 Plus Locking Disc No. 6 Plus MK Locking Disc No.1-2 Plus MK Locking Disc No.1-3 Plus MK Locking Disc No.1-4 Plus MK Locking Disc No.1-5 Plus MK Locking Disc No.1-6 Plus MK Locking Disc No.2-3 Plus MK Locking Disc No.2-4 Plus MK Locking Disc No.2-5 Plus MK Locking Disc No.2-6 Plus MK Locking Disc No.3-4 Plus MK Locking Disc No.3-5 Plus MK Locking Disc No.3-6 Plus MK Locking Disc No.4-5 Plus MK Locking Disc No.4-6 Plus MK Locking Disc No.5-6 Plus Cylinder Disk Tweezers Plus Keyy Decoder 66 ABUS Barcode 4003318 37605 4 4003318 07714 2 4003318 30557 3 4003318 30558 0 4003318 07698 5 4003318 07692 3 4003318 07693 0 4003318 07694 7 4003318 07695 4 4003318 07696 1 4003318 07697 8 4003318 07699 2 4003318 07700 5 4003318 07701 2 4003318 07702 9 4003318 07703 6 4003318 07704 3 4003318 07705 0 4003318 07706 7 4003318 07707 4 4003318 07708 1 4003318 07709 8 4003318 07710 4 4003318 07711 1 4003318 07712 8 4003318 07713 5 4003318 44823 2 4003318 07684 8 ABUS Code Box Qty RRP ex VAT 37605 07714 30557 30558 07698 07692 07693 07694 07695 07696 07697 07699 07700 07701 07702 07703 07704 07705 07706 07707 07708 07709 07710 07711 07712 07713 44823 07684 1 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 1 £ 264.37 £ 0.06 £ 0.19 £ 0.19 £ 0.21 £ 0.21 £ 0.21 £ 0.21 £ 0.21 £ 0.21 £ 0.21 £ 0.50 £ 0.50 £ 0.50 £ 0.50 £ 0.50 £ 0.50 £ 0.50 £ 0.50 £ 0.50 £ 0.50 £ 0.50 £ 0.50 £ 0.50 £ 0.50 £ 0.50 £ 33.78 £ 130.00 $%86³3OXV´'HFRGHU Granit 37RK/60 Rekeyable Padlock $%86³3OXV´$VVHPEO\.LW ABUS RH4/5 & RH6 Assembly Kit )RU5H\H\LQJ$VVHPEOLQJ0HGLXP6HFXULW\$%863DGORFNV 36/55 Granit 5 pin tumbler Padlocks 27/50 Heavy Duty 5 pin tumbler Padlocks 34/55 Steel open shackle 6 pin tumbler Padlocks 34CS/55 Steel close shackle 6 pin tumbler Padlocks 72/40 Aluminium colour coded Padlocks 41/40 & 41/40HB50 “0” Bitted Eterna laminated steel Padlocks 36/55 Granit 34CS/55 34/55 27/50 72/40 in 6 Colours 41/40HB50 “0” Bitted 41/40 “0” Bitted ABUS UK Reference / Description Assembly Kit RH (24RK, 27, 34, 36, 72) Bottom Pin RH No. 1 Bottom Pin RH No. 2 Bottom Pin RH No. 3 Bottom Pin RH No. 4 Bottom Pin RH No. 5 Counter Pin RH, Mushroom Master Pin RH No. 1 Master Pin RH No. 2 Master Pin RH No. 3 Master Pin RH No. 4 Master Pin RH No. 5 Pin Spring RH RH4/5 & 6 Assembly Kit ABUS Barcode 4003318 20141 7 4003318 21780 7 4003318 21779 1 4003318 21778 4 4003318 21777 7 4003318 21776 0 4003318 44416 6 4003318 23132 2 4003318 23131 5 4003318 23130 8 4003318 23129 2 4003318 23128 5 4003318 33520 4 ABUS Code 20141 21780 21779 21778 21777 21776 44416 23132 23131 23130 23129 23128 33520 :HLJKW Box Kg Qty 480 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 93.71 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 67 ABUS 83 & 85/50mm+60mm Assembly Kit Plus additional components for 85/30mm & 85/40mm Kit contains all pins to assemble KD, KA & MK 83 & “0” Bitted 85/50+60 Padlocks Component & specialist tools for all “0” Bitted 85/30+40 also available All 83 padlocks are fully serviceable allowing lock to be rekeyed if security is lost 83/80 is supplied without a Scandinavian cylinder & does not have the “Z” bar feature or rekeyed as described below Master key charts & technical support available from om ABUS UK Change 83 Padlock from Key Retaining to Non Key Retaining 1. Remove cylinder retaining bolt when padlock is open with key still in the cylinder 2. Remove cylinder & remove the patented “Z” bar, then return cylinder to padlock and secure with cylinder retaining bolt :LWK³=´EDUUHPRYHGSDGORFNLV1RQ.H\5HWDLQLQJ :LWK³=´EDULQSRVLWLRQZLWKEODFNGRWXSSHUPRVWLW¶V.H\UHWDLQLQJ 83 Pinning Kit Re-pinning 83 Padlock Cylinder 3. Remove cylinder as above, depress the spring loaded stop pin & turn cylinder 180° with the key when the bottom pins are visible in the pinning window 4. Remove old key & bottom pins, insert new key & pin with the correct new bottom pins 5. With the correct pins insert inserted turn the cylinder 180° & reassemble as above 2 1 3 Changing 83 Padlock Shackles 6 6. Remove cylinder as above, insert the new quick shackle change tool. Fit the tool between the two triangles & turn the tool clockwise as far as it will go to release the existing shackle 4 Holding the tool in the “release” position, remove the existing shackle & insert new shackle, remove tool and reassemble as above 5 ,WLVLPSRUWDQWWKDWWKHVKDFNOHLVDOZD\VLQWKH³RSHQ´SRVLWLRQ when the cylinder is out of the padlock body 83 & 85/50+60 Pinning Kit, Components & Tools ABUS UK Reference / Description Assembly Kit 83 & 85/50+60 Bottom Pin 85/50+60 No. 1* Bottom Pin 85/50+60 No. 2* Bottom Pin 85/50+60 No. 3* Bottom Pin 85/50+60 No. 4* Bottom Pin 85/50+60 No. 5* Bottom Pin 85/50+60 No. 6* MK Pin 85/50+60 No. 1* MK Pin 85/50+60 No. 1 Central* MK Pin 85/50+60 No. 2* MK Pin 85/50+60 No. 3* MK Pin 85/50+60 No. 4* MK Pin 85/50+60 No. 5* Mushroom Pin 85/50+60* Pin Spring 85/50+60* Plug Retaining Pin 85/50* Plug Retaining Pin 85/60* Shackle Retaining Pin 85/50* Shackle Retaining Pin 85/60* Fitting Blade* Loading Plug 85/50+60* Plug Removal Tool 85* Spring Retaining Tool - for 85/50* Spring Retaining Tool - for 85/60* 68 85/30+40 Components & Tools ABUS Barcode ABUS Code Box Qty RRP ex VAT ABUS UK Reference / Description 4003318 43678 9 4003318 43679 6 4003318 43680 2 4003318 43681 9 4003318 43682 6 4003318 43683 3 4003318 43672 7 4003318 43673 4 4003318 43674 1 4003318 43675 8 4003318 43676 5 4003318 43677 2 4003318 42777 0 4003318 42770 1 4003318 42872 2 4003318 42873 9 4003318 42863 0 4003318 42864 7 4003318 42760 2 4003318 42753 4 4003318 42897 5 4003318 13856 0 4003318 13857 7 43678 43679 43680 43681 43682 43683 43672 43673 43674 43675 43676 43677 42777 42770 42872 42873 42863 42864 42760 42753 42897 13856 13857 1 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1 1 1 1 1 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Bottom Pin 85/30+40 No. 1 Bottom Pin 85/30+40 No. 2 Bottom Pin 85/30+40 No. 3 Bottom Pin 85/30+40 No. 4 Bottom Pin 85/30+40 No. 5 MK Pin 85/30+40 No. 1 MK Pin 85/30+40 No. 2 MK Pin 85/30+40 No. 3 MK Pin 85/30+40 No. 4 MK Pin 85/30+40 No. 5 Mushroom Pin 85/30 Mushroom Pin 85/40 Pin Spring 85/30 Pin Spring 85/40 Plug Retaining Pin 85/30 Plug Retaining Pin 85/40 Shackle Retaining Pin 85/30 Shackle Retaining Pin 85/40 Loading Plug 85/30 Loading Plug 85/40 Spring Retaining Tool - for 85/30 Spring Retaining Tool - for 85/40 157.50 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 16.04 26.55 8.07 16.04 16.04 ABUS Barcode ABUS Code Box Qty RRP ex VAT 4003318 01358 4 4003318 01370 6 4003318 01382 9 4003318 00219 9 4003318 01390 4 4003318 01400 0 4003318 03605 7 4003318 03606 4 4003318 03703 0 4003318 00233 5 4003318 42842 5 4003318 42844 9 4003318 42867 2 4003318 42841 8 4003318 42870 8 4003318 42871 5 4003318 42861 6 4003318 42862 3 4003318 42751 0 4003318 42752 7 4003318 13854 6 4003318 13855 3 01358 01370 01382 00219 01390 01400 03605 03606 03703 00233 42842 42844 42867 42841 42870 42871 42861 42862 42751 42752 13854 13855 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1 1 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ * 100 each Component in 83 Assembly Kit ** 1 only each Tool in 83 Assembly Kit 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 26.55 26.55 16.04 16.04 ABUS 85 Brass Padlock Assembly Kit, Components & Tools )RU$VVHPEOLQJ³´%LWWHG%UDVV3DGORFNV ³´%LWWHG$VVHPEO\,QVWUXFWLRQV 1. Insert the spring retaining tool into the groove in the cylinder plug. This will retain the springs and mushroom (driver) pins in the chambers. Using the hook shaped plug removal tool remove the cylinder from the lock body, taking care not to move the spring retaining clip. 2. Load the cylinder plug with the correct bottom pins. Note: Ensure WKDW WKH ³VKHHU OLQH´ LV ÀXVK DQG WKDW QR SLQV DUH VLWWLQJ DERYH RU below the cylinder plug. 3. Re-insert the cylinder plug into the lock body until the last pin hole is half visible and keeping a slight pressure with your thumb on the cylinder plug, then remove the spring retaining clip 4. .HHSLQJ SUHVVXUH RQ WKH F\OLQGHU SOXJ LQVHUW WKH ¿WWLQJ EODGH LQWR WKH groove in the cylinder and press the back of the blade downward onto the mushroom pins to make the sheer line. 2QFH WKH VKHHU OLQH LV HVWDEOLVKHG URWDWH WKH ¿WWLQJ EODGH FORFNZLVH about 135º, keeping thumb pressure on the cylinder plug. Note: It is important that the cylinder is rotated in a clockwise direction, to rotate it anti-clockwise will lock the cylinder in the wrong position 1 2 Keeping pressure on the plug continue rotating it to 180º and the SOXJ ZLOO GURS LQWR SRVLWLRQ WKHQ UHPRYH WKH ¿WWLQJ EODGH IURP WKH assembled padlock 6. Gently tap the plug retaining pin into position using a light hammer. 1RWH<RXPD\KDYHWRLQVHUWWKHNH\DQGURWDWHWKHSOXJVOLJKWO\WR¿QG WKHFRUUHFWSRVLWLRQIRUWKHSOXJUHWDLQLQJSLQWR¿WLQWRWKHF\OLQGHU 7KH &\OLQGHU UHWDLQLQJ SLQ VKRXOG WKHQ EH VDQGHG WR JLYH D VPRRWK ¿QLVK Finally, if you are assembling a padlock with a loose shackle and wish to change the shackle to a stainless, brass or long shackle. 3 2QFH WKH F\OLQGHU LV ¿[HG LQ SRVLWLRQ 1. Insert the key in the keyway and turn to the full extent to release the original shackle 2. Insert the new shackle with the cylinder turned to it’s full extent 3. Then gently insert the shackle retaining pin with a hammer. A - Shackle Retaining Pin B - Cylinder Retaining Pin 4 6 B A 5 69 Guide to Key Blanks & Cut Keys Key Blank Ref. To Fit Lock 20/70, 20,80 37/55, 37/60, 37/70, 37/80, 37 Quick ABUS Plus LED 88/40, 88/50, 88/55 950/100,1000/100 20/70, 20,80 37/55, 37/60, 37/70, 37/80, 37 Quick ABUS Plus 88/40, 88/50, 88/55 950/100,1000/100 ABUS X Plus LED 54/160HB230, 59/180HB310, 1050/100, 1060/100 ABUS X Plus 54/160HB230, 59/180HB310, 1050/100, 1060/100 RH4 23/60 24IB/50, 24IB60 41/30, 41/45 (all old 41 series) RH4/5 23/70, 24IB/70, 26/70, 26/80, 26/90 27/50, 36/55 41/40, 41/50 RH5 RH6 82/63, 82/70 92/65 43/150HB230 34/55, 34CS/55 72/40 Code on Key Key Silca Slica Blank Pins Card Serial ABUS /Discs No No Code 6 Disc 584 code on card 6/7 discs 7 Disc 1519 6 Disc 584 code on card 6/7 discs 7 Disc 1519 code on card 8 discs 1527 code on card 8 discs 1527 7.13 £ 14.73 05078 4003318 05078 7 £ 3.14 £ 6.10 35754 23211 4003318 35754 1 4003318 23211 4 £ £ 4.13 £ 10.17 3.14 £ 9.20 02706 4003318 02706 2 £ 0.93 £ 3.29 £ 6.14 12874 4003318 12874 5 £ 0.93 £ 3.29 £ 6.14 £ 13.74 N/A N/A 5 pins 568 2039 00906 4003318 00906 8 £ 0.93 £ 3.29 6 pins 500 3022 20066 4003318 20066 3 £ 0.93 £ 3.29 £ 6.14 714 “FX” 2122 00835 4003318 00835 1 £ 0.93 £ 3.29 £ 6.14 02879 35491 35490 02880 02882 02884 02885 09328 09329 11405 11406 12021 4003318 02879 3 4003318 35491 5 4003318 35490 8 4003318 02880 9 4003318 02882 3 4003318 02884 7 4003318 02885 4 4003318 09328 9 4003318 09329 6 4003318 11405 2 4003318 11406 9 4003318 12021 3 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A £ 6.14 £ 55/25 55/30 55/40, 55/50, 55/60 55/30 55/40 55/50 55/60 65/15 65/15 65/20 65/25 65/30, 65/35 65/40, 65/45, 65CS/40, T65AL/40, 70IB/45, 70IB/50, 70AL/45 65/50, 65/60, 65CS/50 65/20 65/25 65/30, 65/35 65/40, 65/45 65/50, 65/60 6000 46/150HB230 T84MB/20, T84MB/25 T84MB/20, T84MB/25 T84MB/30 T84MB/30 T84MB/40 T84MB/40 85/20, 85/25 85/30 85/40 85/50, 85/60 82/90, 90/50, 92/80 83/45, 83/50, 83/WP/53, 83WPCS/53, 83WPIB/53, 83/55, 83CS/55, 83/60, 83/80 85/70 490, 580, 590, 650, 690, 1500, 1510 490, 580, 590, 650, 690, 1500, 1510 810, 910 860 1900/55, 1950/120 1900/55, 1950/120 E60 Cylinders & 83 Padlock Inserts 3 pins 4 pins 5 pins 3 pins 4 pins 5 pins 5 pins 4 pins 3 pins 3 pins 4 pins 4 pins 70 4.13 £ 500 55/25 55/30 New 55/40-60 New 55/30 Old 55/40 Old 55/50 Old 55/60 Old 65/15 L 65/15 R 65/20 New 65/25 New 65/30+35 New 85/70 L V61 V62 U72 Z72 1900,1950/6 R 1900,1950/6 L E60 £ 5 pins 5 pins 85/50+60 R 4003318 35755 8 ‘R - - - - -’ or ‘RR - - - - -’ 27/50, 36/55 65/40+45 New 35755 4 pins 36/55 Old 65/50+60 New 65/20 Old 65/25 Old 65/30 Old 65/40 Old 65/50 Old 75/30+40 75/50+60 84/20+25 R 84/20+25 L 84/30 R 84/30 L 84/40 R 84/40 L 85/20+25 R 85/30 R 85/40 R Key Cut 0DVWHU Blank Key Key RRP RRP RRP ex VAT ex VAT ex VAT ‘B - - - -’ or ‘EE - - - -’ ‘T - - - - - -’ or ‘TT - - - - - -’ ‘D - - - - -’ 500 6 Disc 2084 7 Disc 3168 6 Disc 2084 7 Disc 3168 3169 3169 “B” 3017 “EE” 3019 “R” 3020 “RR” 3021 Key Blank Barcode 3079 4094 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ N/A 5 pins 3077 4092 12022 4003318 12022 0 £ 0.89 £ 3.29 5 pins 3 pins 4 pins 4 pins 4 pins 5 pins 8 pins 10 pins 3 pins 3 pins 3 pins 3 pins 4 pins 4 pins 4 pins 4 pins 5 pins 3078 4093 326 326 1319 1319 12023 02686 02687 02688 02689 02896 26423 26424 20108 20107 08367 08366 00681 00682 02700 02701 02702 4003318 12023 7 4003318 02686 7 4003318 02687 4 4003318 02688 1 4003318 02689 8 4003318 02896 0 4003318 26423 8 4003318 26424 5 4003318 20108 0 4003318 20107 3 4003318 08367 9 4003318 08366 2 4003318 00681 4 4003318 00682 1 4003318 02700 0 4003318 02701 7 4003318 02702 4 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 1.27 1.27 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.93 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 3.29 £ 6.14 3.29 N/A 3.29 N/A 3.29 N/A 3.29 N/A 3.29 N/A 3.29 N/A 3.29 N/A 3.29 N/A 3.29 N/A 3.29 N/A 3.29 N/A 3.29 N/A 3.29 N/A 3.29 N/A 3.29 £ 6.14 3.29 £ 6.14 5 pins 327 1320 02703 4003318 02703 1 £ 0.93 £ 3.29 £ 6 pins 2657 3764 3254 4226 4003318 02698 0 4003318 08232 0 4003318 08233 7 4003318 26436 8 4003318 12508 9 4003318 08234 4 4003318 08235 1 4003318 53836 0 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 1.23 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 1.23 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 £ 6 pins 02698 08232 08233 26436 12508 08234 08235 53836 ‘Z72 - - - -’ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 6.14 6.14 6.14 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A £ 6.14 .H\%ODQN,GHQWL¿FDWLRQ7HPSODWHV All images are life size For identifying customers Key Blanks All popular ABUS Key Blanks shown 5 digit computer code shown below each blank relates to matrix ABUS code on page 70 05078 35755 23211 35754 02706 02879 55/25 L 02878 55/30 R Old 35491 55/30 New 02882 55/40 R old 035490 55/40+50+60 New 02884 55/50 R old 02885 55/60 L old ABUS Plus ABUS Plus LED Torch Blank ABUS X Plus ABUS X Plus LED Torch Blank RH4 R 12874 RH4/5 R 00906 RH5 R 20066 RH6 R 00835 36/55 + 27.55 R Old 71 09329 09328 65/15 L 11405 65/20 R 11406 65/25 R 12021 12022 12023 02686 02687 02688 72 65/15 R 02689 65/40+45 L Old 02896 65/50+60 L Old 20107 84/20+25 L 20108 84/20+25 R 08366 84/30 L 08367 84/30 R 00682 84/40 L 00681 84/40 R 65/30+35 L 65/40+45 L 65/50+60 L 65/20 L Old 65/25 L Old 65/30+35 L Old 26423 75/30 + 40, 6000 26424 75/50 + 60, 46/150HB230 02699 85/20+25 R 02701 85/30 R 02702 85/40 R 02698 V61 for all 590 & 650 & other bike locks 08233 V62 for all 590 & 650 & other bike locks 26436 U72 for 810 & 910 =IRU 08235 1900L 08234 1900R 85/15 R 02700 02703 08232 85/50+60 R 85/70 L 73 ABUS 30cm x 30cm Display Boards %XLOGD:DOORI,QIRUPDWLRQ 1 2 Made in Germany Security Tech Germany Security Tech Germany 20 & 26 Diskus Padlocks 23 & 24IB Diskus Padlocks 20 Diskus with ABUS Plus Cylinder 26 Diskus with Pin Tumbler Cylinder Only the Original Diskus is made in Germany 20/70 3 Made in Germany 23 Economy Diskus 24IB “Rustfree” Marine Diskus 24IB/60 24 Original Diskus design gives 360º protection Stainless steel case for maximum corrosion protection Diskus “Deep Weld Technology” for maximum strength Key retaining - lock cannot be left open without keys Keyed alike suites available The Ultimate Padlock Range 7 disc ABUS Plus mechanism gives 250,000 genuine key differs Through hardened steel alloy body for optimum drill and pull resistance Hardened anti-drill keyway protection 7KURXJKKDUGHQHGVWHHODOOR\VKDFNOHSURWHFWVDJDLQVW hacksaw attack &DWDSKRUHWLFFRDWLQJUXVWIUHHFRPSRQHQWVJLYH 40 years of corrosion protection %DOOEHDULQJORFNLQJIRUDGGHGOHYHUWRUVLRQ protection .$.H\HG$OLNH0.0DVWHU.H\HGRSWLRQV )XUWKHUSDGORFNVFDQEHRUGHUHGWRWKHVDPHNH\ One LED torch key included with every Granit Padlock 23 Diskus - 60mm & 70mm The economy version of the best selling “Original” Diskus Through hardened steel alloy shackle resists hacksaw attacks 26/80 20 Diskus - 70mm & 80mm 0 23/70 6 disc ABUS Plus mechanism gives 30,000 genuine key differs - enables complex master key options Black chrome shackle for better corrosion protection Dust cover to protect keyway - ideal lorry application 24IB/70 24IB 24IB “Rustfree” Diskus - 60mm & 70mm Marine quality with all “rustfree” components Stainless steel shackle resists corrosion Precision pin tumbler mechanism with anti-pick mushroom pins Unique inner hardened steel plate protects against 360º hacksaw attack 26 Diskus - 70mm & 80mm Solid internal reinforcement for extra strength Precision pin tumbler mechanism with anti-pick mushroom pins Made in Germany 37/70 Open Shackle CEN Class 5 ABUS - The good feeling of security ABUS - The good feeling of security www.abus-uk.com 4 Security Tech Germany New 41 ETERNA “Rustfree” Laminated Steel Padlocks Security Tech Germany 65CS/40 Security Tech Germany T65AL Aluminium Padlocks The Complete Range Hardened, Brass & Stainless Steel Shackles Plus Secure Close Shackles 65/30 65/40 T65AL/40 Aluminium Padlocks Light & Strong T65AL/40 Violet 65/50 50 65/20 My Lock T65AL/40 Black The padlock’s coloured coating is a special formula which allows you to put YOUR name or other information on YOUR padlock using coloured pens or permanent markers 65/60 41/45HB50 T65AL/40 Yellow 41/40HB50 New ETERNA Laminated Padlocks Other Shackle Options Long shackle e available IB (stainless steel shackle) 65IB/30, 65IB/40 & 65IB/50 IB HB (stainless steel long shackle) 65IB/40HB63 MB HB (brass long shackle) 65MB/30HB70 & 65MB/40HB63 ............. it still works perfectly HB (hardened steel) 65/30HB60 Long shackles available HB (hardened steel) 65/40HB40 65/40HB63 Long shackle available e HB (hardened steel) 65/50HB80 ABUS - The good feeling of security www.abus-uk.com 7 www.abus-uk.com 8 www.abus-uk.com 9 Security Tech Germany Security Tech Germany 70AL Aluminium Padlocks 70IB Brass Marine Padlocks Security Tech Germany 82/70 82/63 82/90 for “Rustfree” Security 70AL/45 Orange Solid brass body sealed in a protective vinyl cover Stainless steel shackle for total rust protection 5XVWIUHHLQWHUQDOFRPSRQHQWVIRUGXUDEOHVHFXULW\ Precision pin tumbler mechanism with anti-pick mushroom pins .H\ZD\SURWHFWLYHFRYHUNHHSVGLUWRXW\HWDOORZVPRLVWXUHWR escape .H\HGDOLNHRSWLRQVDYDLODEOH 4 attractive coloured protective vinyl covers for use in outdoor, industrial, safety & construction applications Keyway protective cover keeps out dirt yet allows moisture to escape Precision extruded, cut & drilled pure aluminium body for “rustfree” long life Precision pin tumbler mechanism with anti - pick mushroom pins Lock mechanism & shackle nickel coated prevents chemical corrosion Through hardened plastic covered shackle Designed & constructed for rugged weatherproof outdoor use Keyed alike suites available 70AL/45 Silver ABUS - The good feeling of security 70IB/50 70IB/45 70AL/45 Aluminium Padlocks Light, Strong & Rugged T65AL/40 White Brass Shackle Fact : Each laminated steel plate & shackle is individually coated in the new ETERNA treatment process Fact : ETERNA treatment offers 13 times more corrosion protection than normal zinc plating Fact : Salt bath tests give the equivalent of 40 years of weather protection Fact : 180 hours in a salt bath destroys normal laminated padlocks, but not the new 41 ETERNA, 70AL/45 Green T65AL/40 Blue 15 “Made in Germany” ABUS - The good feeling of security T65AL/40 Red Precision extruded, cut & drilled pure aluminium - for a “rustfree” long life Rustfree 5 pin tumbler mechanism Mechanism & shackle coated to prevent chemical corrosion Corrosion resistant anodised coating 6 attractive coloured protective vinyl covers for use in many aplications Through hardened shackle Keyed alike versions available 65/25 41/50HB50 125mm long shackle also available www.abus-uk.com 65CS/50 65 Brass Padlocks Solid brass body with rustfree internal components Precision pin tumbler mechanism with anti - pick mushroom pins Double bolted shackle 30mm & above Hardened steel shackle 20mm - 35mm : Through hardened shackle 40mm & above 41/50 65MB/15 37/80 Close Shackle CEN Class 5 ABUS - The good feeling of security 6 Steel is stronger than brass - But our steel no longer rusts 41/45 www.abus-uk.com 5 Made in Germany 41/40 CEN Class 4 Only the Original Diskus is made in Germany 26/70 Original Diskus design gives 360º protection Stainless steel case for maximum corrosion protection Through hardened steel alloy shackle prevents hacksaw attacks Diskus “Deep Weld Technology” for maximum strength Hardened anti-drill keyway protection Unique inner hardened steel plate protects against 360º hacksaw attack Key retaining - lock cannot be left open without keys Many master key & keyed alike suites available 41/30 37/60 Close Shackle CEN Class 4 Security Tech Germany 23/60 20/80 37/55 Open Shackle 70IB/50HB80 70IB/45HB63 82 Brass & 92 Steel Cased Shutter Padlocks Precision pin tumbler mechanism with anti-pick mushroom pins Through hardened steel shackle rotates when attacked Rustfree components for durable security Keyed alike suites available 70AL/45 Yellow 92/65 82 Brass Shutter Padlocks 92/80 Solid brass body Hardened rotating pin in lock body protects against saw attack Automatic locking 92 Steel Cased Shutter Padlocks Steel jacket for added security Dead lock mechanism, key to lock Padlock unlocks on same side as shackle ABUS - The good feeling of security ABUS - The good feeling of security www.abus-uk.com www.abus-uk.com ABUS - The good feeling of security ABUS Display Boards 1 - 4 ABUS Display Boards 5 - 9 Display Board 1 20 & 26 Diskus Padlocks Display Board 5 65 Brass Padlocks Display Board 2 23 & 24IB Diskus Padlocks Display Board 6 T65AL Aluminium Padlocks Display Board 3 37 Granit Padlocks Display Board 7 70AL/45 Aluminium Padlocks Display Board 4 41 ETERNA Padlock Display Board 8 70IB Brass Marine Padlocks Display Board 9 82 & 92 Shutter Locks Attractive POS Sales Displays Strong, rigid & lightweight composite aluminium DIBOND 30cm x 30cm - combine a selection of boards to make a wall of information 18 Full colour ABUS boards available 74 www.abus-uk.com ABUS 30cm x 30cm Display Boards %XLOGD:DOORI,QIRUPDWLRQ 83/45 83IB/45 Long Shackle 100mm Long Shackle 100mm 10 11 83WP/53 75mm 75mm 50mm 50mm 83WP/63 63mm 63mm Security Tech Germany Security Tech Germany Security Tech Germany 83 Padlocks 83WP Weatherproof Padlocks 145 Aluminium Rainbow Combination Padlocks The Padlock Range to Integrate into any Locking System MB - Brass Shackle also available 12 Fully serviceable, available with own individual key, keyed alike or master keyed Precision 6 pin tumbler mechanism manufactured from rustfree components Can be adjusted to operate key retaining or none key retaining - automatic locking or key to lock 83/45 Brass body - Through hardened steel shackle 83IB/45 Brass body - Stainless steel shackle 83MB/45 Brass body - Brass shackle Long Shackle (HB) in all 3 versions - 50mm, 75mm & 100mm internal vertical clearance 83/50 + 83CS/50 Chrome plated brass padlock - Through hardened steel shackle 83/50 Long Shackle (HB) - 50mm & 75mm internal vertical clearance 83/55 + 83CS/55 - Through hardened steel body and shackle Fully serviceable, available keyed to differ, keyed alike or master keyed Precision 6 pin tumbler mechanism manufactured from rustfree components ts Can be adjusted to operate key retaining or none key retaining - automatic locking or key to lock High impact sealed lock body with keyway cover 83WPIB/53 63mm 83/50 83/55 83CS/50 Orange Violet The Toughest Harsh Environment Padlocks New additions to the versatile 83 padlock range 83CS/55 83WPCS/53 83WP/53 & 63 Tough steel lock body Through hardened steel shackle Keyway protective cover designed to keep dirt out, yet allow moisture to escape Long shackle versions also available 83WPCS/53 Brown Shack le Ch Retain ain ers Availa ble Keeps Padlocks on Site Tough steel lock body Through hardened steel shackle Keyway protective cover designed to keep dirt out, yet allow moisture to escape Close shackle to resist cutting and torsion attacks ABUS - The good feeling of security www.abus-uk.com 13 Marine quality padlock for maximum durability and corrosion resistance Solid brass body Rustfree stainless steel shackle Proven rustfree in use on North Sea Wind Farm Long shackle version also available ABUS - The good feeling of security Silver www.abus-uk.com 14 Titanium Tita tanium m Precision extruded, cut & drilled pure aluminium body 9 attractive colours in 3 convenient sizes 3 digit (20mm & 30mm) or 4 digit (40mm) Set your own pin Mechanism & shackle plated to prevent chemical reaction Corrosion resistant anodised coating Multiple applications Leisure, lockers, luggage, safety etc. Yell lllow l 83WPIB/53 Red Blue ue e ABUS - The good feeling of security 180IB/50 Security Tech Germany Security Tech Germany Combination Padlocks C Top Combination Padlocks Made in Germany Security Tech Germany 110/195 140/120 ABUS Hasps & Staples 190CS/60 165/20 “Made in Germany” 165/30 165/40 Combination Padlocks Combination Padlocks 78/50 The padlock with a “safe” type combination Strong steel body & hardened steel shackle Cataphoretic coating & rustfree components Key override version available for school locker applications 160/40 & 160/50 resettable combination padlocks ,%³0DULQH´EUDVVUHVHWWDEOHFRPELQDWLRQSDGORFNV Tough die cast body Hardened steel shackle 30mm and above 3 or 4 wheel combination - “set your own pin” 165 brass resettable combination padlocks 190/60 & 190CS/60 New High Security Combination Padlocks 158/40 & 158/50 resettable combination padlocks Tough die cast body with hardened steel shackle 3 or 4 wheel combination - “set your own pin” 160/50 158/50 www.abus-uk.com 16 Granit 135/200 Ideal for 37/70 & 37/80 Granit Padlocks Designed for use with the “Original” Diskus padlock Hardened steel staple protects Diskus shackle Stainless steel hasp for durable security Brass padlock with stainless steel shackle All restfree components ZKHHOFRPELQDWLRQ³VHW\RXURZQSLQ´ 3 or 4 wheel combination - “set your own pin” ABUS - The good feeling of security 140 Diskus Hasp & Staple Steel case around tough die cast body RUZKHHOFRPELQDWLRQ³VHW\RXURZQSLQ´ 155 resettable combination padlocks 158/40 Tough steel construction Concealed hinge pins Corrosion protected Hidden coach bolts Backing plates gives strength to door Hardened steel hinge pin & staple Hardened steel hinge plates for added strength 140/190 78/50 155/40 140/190 110 & Diskus 140 Hasps & Staples 110/155 190/60 155/30 www.abus-uk.com 15 160/40 155/20 Gree een e 6WURQJVWHHOERG\KDUGHQHGVKDFNOH 1HZSRVLWLYHFRPELQDWLRQPHFKDQLVP³VHW\RXURZQSLQ´ Ball bearing locking - Black chrome shackle Can’t be left closed without scrambling combination 180IB/50HB63 ABUS - The good feeling of security www.abus-uk.com 17 ABUS - The good feeling of security www.abus-uk.com 18 Made in Germany Made in Germany Made in Germany Security Tech Germany Security Tech Germany Security Tech Germany Granit & Heavy Duty Hasps & Staples 100 Hasps & Staples 300 Locking Bolts 200 Hasps & Staples 100/60 100/80 100/100 100/80DG 200/75 100/100DG 200/95 200/115 200/135 200/155 300 Locking Bolts Granit 130/180 Ideal for 37/55 & 37/60 Granit Padlocks 300/100 200/115 200/95 200/75 300/120 ABUS Hasps & Staples Hasps & Staples “Made in Germany” 7RXJKVWHHOFRQVWUXFWLRQ +DUGHQHGKLQJHSLQVVWDSOHV +LGGHQVFUHZV ORFNLQJEUDFNHWVKRXOGEH¿WWHG XVLQJKHDY\GXW\EROWVQRWVXSSOLHG ABUS - The good feeling of security ABUS - The good feeling of security www.abus-uk.com 200/155 200/135 300/140 125/150 Ideal for any Security Padlock up to 15mm Ø Shackle www.abus-uk.com Tough steel construction Concealed hinge pins Hidden screws Hardened steel hinge pin & staple Hardened steel hinge plates for added strength ABUS - The good feeling of security www.abus-uk.com ABUS Display Boards ABUS Display Boards Display Board 10 83 Brass & Steel Padlocks Display Board 14 Top Combination Padlocks Display Board 11 83WP Weatherproof Padlocks Display Board 15 Diskus / Heavy Duty Hasp & Staples Display Board 12 145 Aluminium Coloured Combination Padlocks Display Board 16 Granit / Heavy Duty Hasps & Staples Display Board 17 100 Hasp & Staples / 300 Locking Bolts Combination Padlocks Display Board 18 200 Hasps & Staples Display Board 13 Attractive POS Sales Displays Displays a wide range of ABUS Padlocks & Hasps Can be displayed with or without product If used with product, supplied with ABUS staples for hanging your padlocks 75 ABUS present WKH:RUOG¶V)LUVW³*UHHQ3DGORFNV´´ (QYLURQPHQWDOO\)ULHQGO\³(FROXWLRQ´5DQJH Corrosion resistant stainless steel or “NanoProtect” : For a longer life PVC free vinyl coating & recycled/recyclable materials : Both padlock & packaging Eco-friendly production methods : Making a sustainable working environment Non-toxic lubricants, as used in food industry : Ensuring greener products & production ABUS to donate 0.50 € per lock to conservation projects : e.g. rain forest conservation Rust Resistant Bio Degradable Recyclable Green Production Coming Soon Non-Toxic Lubrication Ecolution Counter Display Eye-catching informative counter stand FOC with 6 of each as detailed below 0DNHD*UHHQ Statement in your store ABUS UK Reference 24IB/70 Ecolution C 72IB/40 Ecolution C 70IB/45 Ecolution C T65AL/40 Ecolution C Counter Display Empty Total RRP ex VAT ABUS Barcode ABUS Code RRP ex VAT 4003318 53568 0 4003318 54276 3 4003318 53569 7 4003318 54273 2 53568 54276 53569 54273 £ £ £ £ 26.25 17.46 12.12 6.94 Qty RRP inc VAT 6 £ 157.50 6 6 1 £ £ 72.72 41.64 FOC £ 271.86 83 Rotatingg Stand & Tri Stand 7KH³$GGRQ6DOHV$UHD´IRUP0HUFKDQGLVHUV 5RWDWLQJ&RXQWHU0HUFKDQGLVHU The great way to show all the latest padlocks An attractive display with an eye-catching internal light Includes space for POS brochures Additional Sales Space with a Tri-Shelf ABUS UK Reference 83/45 C 83/50 C 83CS/50 C 83/55 C 83CS/55 C 83WP/53 C 83WPIB/53 C 83WPCS/53 C 83WP/63 C 83 Rotating Stand Total RRP ex VAT 76 A 3 sided sales display unit to promote the QHZ%UDVV6WHHO:3UDQJH 7UL6KHOI¿[HVWRDQ\0HWUH0HUFKDQGLVHU Other Brackets available to order ,QFOXGLQJEUDFNHWIRU1(:$%866L66WDQG &RQVXPHUOHDÀHWVDYDLODEOH Rotary Stand Dimensions Tri-Shelf Dimensions Height : 85cm Width : 56cm Depth : 56cm Height : 95cm Width : 35cm Depth : 10.5cm - 40cm ABUS Barcode ABUS Code RRP ex VAT 4003318 53926 8 4003318 53927 5 4003318 53928 2 4003318 53929 9 4003318 53930 5 4003318 53931 2 4003318 53934 3 4003318 53933 6 4003318 53935 0 4003318 51449 4 53926 53927 53928 03929 53930 53931 53934 53933 53935 51449 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 30.45 39.38 46.73 46.73 50.93 36.23 43.58 45.68 44.63 Qty 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 RRP inc VAT ABUS UK Reference ABUS Barcode ABUS Code £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 83/45 C 83/50 C 83CS/50 C 83/55 C 83CS/55 C 83WP/53 C 83WPIB/53 C 83WPCS/53 C 83WP/63 C 83 Tri-Shelf 4003318 53926 8 4003318 53927 5 4003318 53928 2 4003318 53929 9 4003318 53930 5 4003318 53931 2 4003318 53934 3 4003318 53933 6 4003318 53935 0 4003318 28244 7 53926 53927 53928 03929 53930 53931 53934 53933 53935 28244 91.35 118.14 140.19 140.19 152.79 108.69 130.74 137.04 133.89 FOC £ 1,153.02 RRP ex VAT £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 30.45 39.38 46.73 46.73 50.93 36.23 43.58 45.68 44.63 Qty 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 Total RRP ex VAT RRP inc VAT £ 60.90 £ 78.76 £ 93.46 £ 93.46 £ 101.86 £ 72.46 £ 87.16 £ 91.36 £ 89.26 FOC £ 768.68 $%86&RXQWHU0HUFKDQGLVHUV 20mm 30mm 40mm 145 Aluminium Combination Padllocks - Sweetie Jar Dealls PS88 Lubricant Spray - Counter Top Deal 70AL/45 Aluminium Padlocks - Counter Top Deal 41/40 & 41/50 Laminated Padlocks - Counter Top Deal ABUS UK Reference / Description Sales Display 41: 6 x 40mm 6 x 50mm Sales Display 70AL/45: 12 pieces, 4 colours Sales Display 78/50: 12 pieces Sales Display 145/20 Jar: 27 pieces, 9 colours Sales Display 145/30 Jar: 18 pieces, 9 colours Sales Display 145/40 Jar: 16 pieces, 8 colours PS88 Sales Display: p y 24 ppieces, 50ml Spray p y ABUS Barcode 4003318 53414 0 4003318 51247 6 4003318 48505 3 4003318 48633 3 4003318 48632 6 4003318 51142 4 4003318 31942 6 ABUS Code RRP ex VAT 53414 51247 48505 48633 48632 51142 31942 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 131.61 112.01 78.96 184.23 140.65 180.46 138.72 78/50 Combination Padlocks - Counter Top Deal 77 $%866KRSLQ6KRS0HUFKDQGLVHUV 0HWUHò0HWUH*RQGROD8QLWV $%86³6L6´ 0HUFKDQGLVHUV 3 attractive merchandisers for any POS 0HWUHZLWKH\HFDWFKLQJ LQIRUPDWLYH³%XV6WRS´VLJQV 'LVWLQFWLYHJUH\¿QLVK Complete with hooks & labels Supplied FOC with qualifying order Suggested stock order can be adapted to meet individual needs Large base baskets for additional sales 78 1 Metre Dimensions Gondola Dimensions Height : 2.25m Width : 1.06m Depth : 0.60m Height : 1.47m Width : 1.06m Depth : 0.60m For suggested order ffor S SiS SG Gondola VHHWKHò0HWUHPHUFKDQGLVHUPL[ $%866KRSLQ6KRS0HUFKDQGLVHUV 0HWUHò0HWUH*RQGROD5DQJH ABUS UK Reference 20/80 C 23/60 C 23/70 C 24IB/60 C 24IB/70 C 26/70 C 27/50 C 34/55 C 34CS/55 C 37/55 C 37/60 C 41/30 C 41/40 C 41/40HB50 C 41/50 C 65CS/40 C 65CS/50 C 65/30 C 65/40 C 65/40HB40 C 65/40HB63 C 65/50 C 65/50HB80 C 65/60 C 65IB/40 C 65/20 Twins C 65/30 Twins C 65/40 Twins C 65/50 Twins C 65IB/40 Twins C T65AL/40 mixed 6 colours C 70IB/45 C 70IB/45HB63 C 70IB/50 C 70AL/45 Colour C 82/63 C 82/70 C 82/90 C 88RK/50 C 90/50 C 92/65 C 92/80 C 78/50 Black C 145/20 Rainbow Colours C 145/30 Rainbow Colours C 145/40 Rainbow Colours C 158/40 C 158/50 C 160/50 C 165/20 C 165/30 C 165/40 C 180IB/50 C 180IB/50HB63 C 190/60 C 190CS/60 C BKW Chain Attachment Set PS88 Sales Display: 24 pieces, 787 C Key Garage for Wall 797 C Key Garage with Shackle 141/200+26/70 Diskus Integral C 100/100 C 110/155 C (DG) 110/195 C (DG) 115/100 C 125/150 C 130/180 C 140/120 C 140/190 C (DG) 200/95 C WA50 WBA100 C Cobra 1850/185 Cobra 10/500 Cobra 12/120 6KS65 6KS85 6KS110 8KS85 8KS110 10KS110 Merchandiser SIS 1 Metre Total RRP ex VAT ABUS Barcode 4003318 32165 8 4003318 44753 2 4003318 44757 0 4003318 35043 6 4003318 35044 3 4003318 32178 8 4003318 35445 8 4003318 35055 9 4003318 35056 6 4003318 32170 2 4003318 32380 5 4003318 35827 2 4003318 35066 5 4003318 35067 2 4003318 35069 6 4003318 35829 6 4003318 35830 2 4003318 09850 5 4003318 09852 9 4003318 09856 7 4003318 09857 4 4003318 09854 3 4003318 09858 1 4003318 09855 0 4003318 11854 8 4003318 21729 6 4003318 21730 2 4003318 09859 8 4003318 54258 9 4003318 11855 5 4003318 51228 5 4003318 32182 5 4003318 35835 7 4003318 42732 9 4003318 51232 2 4003318 33695 9 4003318 35327 7 4003318 32442 0 4003318 35210 2 4003318 32188 7 4003318 31938 9 4003318 35214 0 4003318 35160 0 4003318 46626 7 4003318 46632 8 4003318 49865 7 4003318 46800 1 4003318 35012 2 4003318 32076 7 4003318 32161 0 4003318 32162 7 4003318 32163 4 4003318 32074 3 4003318 32075 0 4003318 51554 5 4003318 51555 2 4003318 46275 7 4003318 31942 6 4003318 46331 0 4003318 46330 3 4003318 50655 0 4003318 33700 0 4003318 32172 6 4003318 32173 3 4003318 33713 0 4003318 35443 4 4003318 35444 1 4003318 32176 4 4003318 32177 1 4003318 35029 0 4003318 04294 2 4003318 27161 8 4003318 12752 6 4003318 20780 8 4003318 25719 3 4003318 27292 9 4003318 27293 6 4003318 28329 1 4003318 27294 3 4003318 27295 0 4003318 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£ 138.72 £ 26.21 £ 30.59 £ 48.51 £ 8.59 £ 13.74 £ 20.51 £ 5.95 £ 39.92 £ 80.42 £ 12.57 £ 18.30 £ 5.39 £ 30.83 £ 74.68 £ 9.04 £ 31.98 £ 14.37 £ 12.80 £ 13.94 £ 17.46 £ 23.18 £ 28.51 £ 42.70 POA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 £ 45.77 £ 15.06 £ 17.65 £ 20.94 £ 26.25 £ 26.25 £ 33.95 £ 48.67 £ 58.91 £ 79.32 £ 97.44 £ 7.39 £ 9.62 £ 12.02 £ 12.32 £ 12.05 £ 17.17 £ 6.40 £ 7.99 £ 9.34 £ 10.07 £ 12.79 £ 14.13 £ 15.94 £ 11.42 £ 9.22 £ 12.21 £ 15.88 £ 24.48 £ 21.49 £ 6.94 £ 12.12 £ 13.90 £ 15.49 £ 9.33 £ 17.15 £ 18.41 £ 27.79 £ 28.80 £ 36.70 £ 35.36 £ 45.33 £ 6.58 £ 6.83 £ 7.81 £ 11.28 £ 14.37 £ 17.65 £ 25.29 £ 7.70 £ 8.80 £ 12.75 £ 24.28 £ 26.54 £ 44.25 £ 55.30 £ 5.58 £ 138.72 £ 26.21 £ 30.59 £ 48.51 £ 8.59 £ 13.74 £ 20.51 £ 5.95 £ 39.92 £ 80.42 £ 12.57 £ 18.30 £ 5.39 £ 30.83 £ 74.68 £ 9.04 £ 31.98 £ 14.37 £ 12.80 £ 13.94 £ 17.46 £ 23.18 £ 28.51 £ 42.70 £2,003.38 ò0HWUH Gondola Qty Total RRP ex VAT 1 1 £ 20.94 £ 26.25 1 1 1 1 1 £ £ £ £ £ 33.95 48.67 58.91 79.32 97.44 2 £19.24 2 £ 24.64 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 19.20 23.97 18.68 20.14 38.37 28.26 31.88 2 2 2 2 £ £ £ £ 18.44 24.42 31.76 48.96 4 2 2 2 4 £ £ £ £ £ 27.76 24.24 27.80 30.98 37.32 1 1 £ 18.41 £ 27.79 1 £ 45.33 3 3 3 3 2 £ £ £ £ £ 1 £ 24.28 1 £ 55.30 2 £ 17.18 2 1 £ 11.90 £ 39.92 2 £ 25.14 2 1 £ 10.78 £ 30.83 1 £ 1 £ 14.37 1 £ 13.94 ½m SiS Dimensions 1 1 £ 28.51 £ 42.70 Height : 2.25m Width : 0.53m Depth : 0.60m 20.49 23.43 33.84 43.11 35.30 9.04 £1,433.13 79 Security Tech Germany ABUS (UK) Ltd., Kestral Court, Harbour Road, Portishead, Bristol, BS20 7AN Tel: 01275 390610 Fax: 01275 390613 Email: [email protected] ABUS - The good feeling of security www.abus-uk.com
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