Cannon Beach History Center and Museum


Cannon Beach History Center and Museum
The Cannon
Spring/ Summer 2012
Newsletter of the Cannon Beach History Center & Museum
Serving Arch Cape & Cannon Beach
Open 1-5 p.m.
9th Annual Cottage Tour
Returns to Presidential Streets
The 9th Annual Walking Tour is just
around the corner! This year the tour
has been expanded to include a garden
tour on Sunday Sept. 9th. The tour will
return to the Presidential streets of Cannon Beach, where tour attendees will
delight in getaway beach cottages, dream
homes, and carefully tended gardens.
The tour will begin on Saturday September 9th with a luncheon and lecture
on Saturday. The Tolovana Inn has graciously offered their banquet room for
the luncheon. We are also excited to
announce that Culinary Capers will be
catering the luncheon this year.
“They did such a wonderful job, it was
the best luncheon yet,” says board member Tracy Abel.
The self-guided walking tour will be
open from 12 to 4 p.m. on Saturday followed by a wine reception at the HC.
The reception is included in the cost of
your tour ticket and will feature live mu-
Live Music! Local musician Kelsey
Mousley will provide outdoor entertainment
during the wine reception on Saturday.
sic, a raffle, and tasty treats.
“Last year the reception was attended
by over 100 people,” says Coordinator
Elaine Murdy, “the music, the food, the
wine, it was just a wonderful event and
we wanted to do it again!”
The garden-tour will begin at 11 a.m.
on Sunday with a coffee reception at the
History Center. The tour will wrap up
at 2 p.m.
Walking tour tickets are $25, this cost
includes: both the garden and the home
tours, the wine reception, as well as the
coffee & pastries kick-off on Sunday.
Luncheon tickets are purchased separately, at a cost of $15. Seating for the
luncheon is limited, and tickets must be
purchased no later than September 3rd.
A tour package, which includes all events
is $40 and includes a copy of Jill Grady’s
book Cannon Beach Cottages. Members receive 10% off ticket prices!
President’s Message Dale Shafer, the past presi-
Robert Mushen,
be strong. Future endeavors
include the Cottage Tour,
restoration efforts on the
cannon, and bringing the
It has been elusive time capsule to puba busy spring at the History lic consciousness by digging
Center. We have hosted a it out of the woodwork to
number of excellent con- a prominent spot outside,
certs and lectures, we have protected from the weather
revamped the Gift Shop and by a proper burial, of course.
obtained new signs. Our
Several board members
Cannon Exhibit continues will be leaving the board,
to be popular and visitor- with our thanks and gratiship, though down a bit tude for a job well done;
from last year, continues to
dent, Gina Simone, our
marketing guru, and Margaret Doman, the consummate historian will leave
this spring. Kathy Williams,
whose services were missed,
departed last year for a
time of travel and rest, and
Robert Knecht continues
to contribute his expertise.
New board members are in
place to take up the baton.
You will be receiving your
membership renewals this
month. Please take a mo-
ment to return them with
your generous contribution
to allow us to continue our
efforts to bring you an excellent Museum and great
events. Don’t forget gift
memberships for family and
friends. I also invite you to
visit the History Center and
see our new offerings, especially the revamped Gift
My best wishes, along
with those of the board, for a
pleasant spring and summer.
1387 South Spruce Street • P.O. Box 1005 • Cannon Beach, OR 97110 • 503.436.9301 •
At the desk with Operations Coordinator
Elaine Murdy
Good bye Spring, and hello Summer! I’m sure like me, many of you
are ready for the sunshine to return
to our blustery beaches. During our
rain-filled Spring the museum has
featured many great events from the
appearance of world renowned jazz
guitarist Jon Stowell, to the inspiring words of Fisher Poet Dave Dens-
more. I was excited to welcome Portland State Professor Dr. Cameron M.
Smith, one of my favorite professor’s
from my Portland days.
I am happy to announce that I have
moved back to Cannon Beach. I was
lucky enough to find a small cabin on
the north end of town.
I am looking forward to the summer and our next events! Planning of
the Cottage Tour began in early January and will continue until the day we
hand out walking tour maps. Tickets
will be sold at the beginning of June.
They will be available not only by
phone, but in our online gift shop.
The museum has seen more visitors than ever before, thanks to the
wonderful events and amazing exhibits that we have featured here.
Currently museum volunteers are
working on re-organizing the museum library and storage spaces. A
project after my own heart!
In November the lecture series will
kick-off with Oregon coast author
Matt Love. Love is a fantastic author
and a wonderful speaker, so mark
your calendars.
I would like to extend a personal
thank-you to all of you who have supported the HC and it’s events!
Commission awards History Center $6,600 for marketing Cottage Tour
The Tourism and Arts Commission awarded the History Center a $6,600 grant for marketing the 2012 CotDon’t miss the
tage Tour.
The grant will go towards advertising and costs to serve
9th Annual Cottage Tour
additional attendees. The tour has been expanded to inTour of Homes & Gardens
clude a garden tour and reception on Sunday the 9th of
Saturday & Sunday,
September. Per the ordinance the grant was based on,
funds can only be spent to attract overnight visitors.
September 8 & 9, 2012
The 9th Annual Cottage Tour committee hopes to
Advance tickets recommended.
cover the additional costs with sponsorships, which it has
Call for more information.
done for the past eight years of the tour.
This year’s tour will return to the Presidential Streets
and will feature gardens, vintage cottages, and more.
“The Tourism and Arts Commission was interested
in a weekend-long event, “ said Elaine Murdy, “we
also want to maintain the spirit of the Cottage Tour.”
The Acoustic Folk! concert series will wrap up with the
If you are interested in featuring your home on the
performance of singer Beth Willis at 7:30 p.m. Admission is $7
tour, becoming a sponsor or volunteering to help out
adults, $2 for children. The season will begin again in the fall with
the weekend of the tour, please call 503-436-9301.
author Matt Love. Lectures are free and open to the public.
Lecture Series returns in
November with author
Matt Love
Nov. 14th
at 7 p.m.
2­– The Cannon
May 25
June 01
June 16
September 08
September 09
November 14
Where History Comes to Life
Celebrate Cannon Beach with Beth Willis Rock
Duo at 7:30 p.m.
Walking Tour Tickets Available
Semi-annual Membership Meeting, 9:30 a.m.
Luncheon at 12 p.m.
Walking Tour from 12 to 4 p.m.
Wine Reception & Raffle from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Coffee Reception at 11 a.m.
Garden Tour from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Author Matt Love Appears at the History Center
Spring/Summer 2012
Become a member during the
Annual Membership Drive!
in 2012
Become a Board Member
Now is a great time to get involved with the History Center’s
Board of Directors. Volunteer your time and effort to making the
History Center great!
The Board of Directors meets once a month to evaluate the History Center’s progress, make decisions regarding its organization and
management, and discuss ways to enhance its mission.
The History Center currently has several openings for new Board
members, so if you are interested in applying, please contact Board
President Robert Mushen at
[email protected], or call the History Center at 503-436-9301.
Calling All Volunteers! Thank you for
Your time is valuable and we appreciate any of it that you can give! No matter how small the task, or how limited
your time, there are volunteer opportunities available!
We are currently looking for volunteers to act as docents at the History Center from 1 to 5 p.m. Thursday
through Monday. Whether you can offer an hour or a full day, we would love
to see you!
Finally, if you are interested in working with us on the 2012 Cottage Tour
we have several volunteering opportunities available. We need volunteers for the
following tasks:
Docents for Homes & Gardens
Wine Reception Volunteer
Office Volunteer
Coffee Reception Volunteer
Administrative Volunteer
If you are interested in working with
us on another event, We can always use a
helping hand!
Spring/Summer 2012
your continued
support! The
Annual Membership Drive
has just begun!
Some of you have already responded to the annual membership drive, but just a reminder! Members who renew before June 15 are automatically
entered into a drawing for two free 2012 Cottage
Tour Tickets!
If you have misplaced your form, or would like
to purchase additional memberships, you can do so
online at:
Here you can download the form and mail it in with
premium choices and communication preferences,
or you can stop by the History Center, Thursday
through Monday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., to fill out
a membership form, pay your dues with cash or
check, and pick out your free gift(s).
Thanks again to all of our members! Your generosity makes it possible for us to bring history to life!
To become a member or sponsor the upcoming
Cottage Tour, call us at 503-436-9301.
This limited edition
Terribly Tilly Mug is
Membership Drive premium.
Board Member Donates Book
Collection to History Center
Earl H. “Skip” Twietmeyer” will be donating his
extensive library containing over 3,000 books to resale
in the museum gift shop. The book collection contains mainly historical books about people elected officials, wars, business leaders, Oregon, and western pioneer events and places.
Board Member Twietmeyer is currently assessing the value of each
book. Each book will be sold for half, or more, off the price. The
books will soon be available in the gift shop, so come on by and see
what gems you might find!
Where History Comes to Life
The Cannon – 3
Thanks to our Members
Catherine Boyce
Shirley Gittlesohn &
Ernest Bonyhadi
Albert & Barbara Bullier
Melodie Chenevert
Mary Clark
Gail & Marshall Cronyn
Alma English
Georgie Hay
Jerry & Beth Hulsman
Duane Johnson
Robert Kenney
Mary Mitchell Kinsman
Mrs James R. Kuse
Elizabeth Lindsay
Edward & Dolly Lynch
Martin Hospitality
Maybelle Clark MacDonald Fund
Kimberley Speer Miller
Tom & Suzi Morris and
Madeleine Nelson &
James Lafky
Jeffrey D. Nicholson
Jessica Bartels
Sue Shields
Virginia Taylor
J. Minott Wessinger
Kirk, Linda & Adrian
Craig T. Anneberg
David Astle
Leroy A. Bates
Geary T. Becker
Bill & Martha Bennett
Katie Billings
George & Harriet
Grace Bruseth
John & Susan Buehler
Larry & Gretchen Button
Joan Capitano
Dr. David G. Carlo
Ted Cary
Barbara & George Clark
Tim & Carole Crawford
Norm & Marge Creitz
Leslie Dahl
4­– The Cannon Marianne Demuth
Bruce & Lis Dymond
Steven & Katrinka
Molly Edison
Carol Ertwine
Donald L. Erickson
Paul & Helen Feltz
Jean Gammon
Hazel Gander
Heather Goodenough
Judy Graves
Eleanor & Robert Green
Sally Haggart
Freeda Haggerty
Tom Harpole
Christie Hogueisson
Walter & Doris Hoke
John & Joan Holmes
Ruth Hope
Carol Hutchins
Larry Hussman
Icefire Glassworks
Craig & Carol Imper
Bill & Frances Keller
Gil & Patty Kinch
Lloyd & Maryon Kinsey
Robert & April Knecht
Barbara Knop
Deborah Laws-Steidel
Kathe Leduc
Maxine & Ron Lowe
Andrew Luccock & Scott
Marilyn & Erin McGary
Jeanie McLaughlin
Barry L. Melvin
Betty L. Mersinger
Reid & Galen Mickelsen
Winifred Miller
Noanie E. Morrison
Gordon & Lea Nyberg
Sally L. Olsen
Michael A. Osborne
Brian Parnell
Agris Pavlovskis
Phil & Kathi Rees
Julie Reiersgaard
Pamela Richardson
Harold & Louann
John & Joy Rosenfeld
Judith & Laurens Ruben
David Schmitt
Alan & Brenda
Schooner’s Cove
Susan Simon
Garry & Janice Smith
Elaine N. Spathas
William B. Sprague Jr.
Doris Stephens
Sharon Stewart
Linda Stone & Paul
The Crocker Family
Sheryl Thompson & Al
Jack Towne
Gordon & Grace Utter
Randy & Nancy Walruff
Mark & Sandy Ward
Cadie West
Lila Wickham
Lois Williamson
David & Sherri Zava
Tracy Abel & Todd
Chris & Ginny
Joyce & Craig Adams
Peter Anderson
Deborah Anderson
Bill & Kelly Bahlburg
James & Lucy Baldwin
Sue & Dean Barr
Marney Beemer
Joseph & Phyllis Bernt
Richard & Leslie
Gerel & Henry Blauer
John Bowes
Kerry Burg & James
Nancy Burke
Virginia Burns
Melissa Cadwallader &
Bill Kramer
John C. Caldwell
James & Pat Caldwell
Where History Comes to Life
Cannon Beach Treasure
Clark Chambers
Harriet & Frank Churchill
& Family
David & Sharon Clyde
Carrie Cone & David
Wade & Renee
Cornelius V. Cremer
Dr. & Mrs. Forrest
Chris & Paul Denfel
Larry & Paula Derr
Charles & Theresa Dice
John Dickson
Margaret & Steve
Harry & Kathleen Dozier
Tom & Christy
Joyce & Howard Dunn
Elmundo for Men
John R. & Jane Emrick
Mr. & Mrs. John P.
Arlene Garrison
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley
Herb Goodman & Mel
Bill & Lyn Gordon
William & Jill Grady
Ireta Sitts Graube
Sharon & Bev Graver
Hanne & Harry Greaver
Dan & Cyndy Haftorson
Melinda Hardwick
Jim & Sondra Higgs
Dean & Sorena Hill
David Horowitz & Gloria
Karen Joan Hoyt
Sandi & Don Hull
Dolly Hutchinson
Ann Iwano & Susan Jo
Jeri Janowsky
Wilbur & Theona Jessen
Ken & Sandra Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Jones
Kathie R. Kerler
Marlene & Gary Laws
Charles & Ursula LeGuin
Mr. Irvin S. Levine
Robert, Carol & AnneMarie Lindstedt
Don & Deena Lindstedt
Hans & Ann Lindstrom
Dee & Janet Lockwood
Blaine & Helen Mack
Lawrence V. Majovski
Jim & Ella Markham
Jack & Sally Martz
Gordon & Mary Matlock
Rich & Rose Mays
Millard & Mary Lou
Peter K. McGill
Bob & Joan McPherson
Patrick & Lee Merrill
Dale & Mary Jo Mosby
Bonnie & Rogert
Jim & Terry O’Hanlon
Tom & Tami Olsen
Betty J. Olvey
Don & Donna Osborne
Mary Ann Oyala
Hatsumi Y. Park
David & Cheryl Pfaff
John & Helen Piatt
Ron & Lee Ragen
Leroy & Marilyn Reiling
Maureen & Gerald Ritter
Don & Terri Royse
Lou & Tim Saponas
Dr. Ken Schmauder
Mary Schoessler
Daniel & Kathryn Seifer
Dale Shafer & Pat Funk
John R. Shields
Gina Simone
Wanda Evans Stefanidis
Emery Sundberg
E. H. & Elaine
John M. & Cindy L.
Mr. Warren Ulrich
Nicholas Utzinger
George Vetter
Betty & Glenn Walker
John & Terry Ward
William & Nancy Ward
Stuart & Diane Wells
Nathan Weston
Spring/Summer 2012
Thanks to our Sponsors
Ken & Kathy Williams
Barbara L. Wilson
Judy & Doug Wood
Bill & Karin Wright
Susan Anderson
Ray B. & Jean M. Auel
Bob & Barbara Bailey
Bank of Astoria
Doris A. Beck
Linda Beck-Sweeney
Jack & Kelly Berka
Harold O. Brevig
Kathy & Larry Brisbee
Michael & Marilyn
Craig Frary
Maria Goodrich & Jack
Mr. & Mrs. H.M.
Julie & Cameron Holmes
Jeffrey Hull Gallery
Janet & David
Ursula & Charles LeGuin
Marjorie MacQueen
Larry & Shirley Perkins
Pig N’ Pancake
John & Barb Purdy
Nancy K. Rawlinson
Kathryn Renard
Richard & Deanne
Tillamook Country Pioneer Museum
Diane G. Zimmerman
Deborah Anderson
Rob Olsen
Linda & Bob
Mike & Carol Pierce
You Made These Events Possible:
Melodi Chenevert
Sarah & Stephen Eraker
Dennis & Pat Hall
Joseph Hummel
Janice K. Martin
Nancy Rawlinson
C.D. & M.H. Rooper
Jean Williams
Barbara H. Young
Arbor Care Tree Services
Bank of Astoria
Beach Books
Bruce’s Candy Kitchen
Cannon Beach Collections (Martin
Cannon Beach Property
Cannon Beach Chamber
of Commerce
Coaster Construction
Dragonheart Family
Health Care
Edward Jones
Land’s End Motel
Lush Wine Bar / Found
Osborne Studio &
Pat Funk & Dale Shafer
of Windermere Realty
Robert & Jenee Mushen
Seasoles Shoe Boutique
Sweet Charity by Kimberley Speer Miller
Tolovana Inn
Ashley & Minott
Windermere Realty
Barbara Maltman,
Deanna Evans,
Craig Weston, Lynn
Brigham, Dale Shafer,
and Pat Funk
Wright Land Co.
Spring/Summer 2012
From the Smithsonian
Traveling Exhibit
Program on Display June through
August of 2011.
The 8th Annual Cottage Tour
held September 10th, 2011
Gift Shop News!
Don Osborne Mugs
We would like to thank Osborne Studio
at for their donation. These funds will allow the History
Center to provide another season of our
most popular mug.
Where History Comes to Life
The Cannon – 5
Visitors enjoyed the quilts of Northwestern artist
Daphne John. A favorite was her quilt, Cathedral
Windows (below).
John Stowell
(above) entertained
visitors with
contemporary Jazz.
Tarra Rae
Miner (left)
celebrated Earth
Day with the HC
on April 22.
Robert Lewis Knecht (above) of
Cannon Beach Treasure Co. greets visitors at
his lecture on March 14.
Dr. Cameron M. Smith (above) of
Portland State University impressed lecture
Dave Densmore (left) moves visitors
during a poetry reading.
Sheehan (
right) moves
and shakes
the HC with
Bill Uhlig and
some good ol’
down home
Denise Drake &
Dave Quinton
(right) rocked the HC
on Saturday April 28.
Thank you to: Cannon Beach Hotel Lodgings, Inn at Cannon Beach, Land’s End
Motel, Seabreeze Court, and Surfsand Resort for providing lodging for these events.
6­– The Cannon
Where History Comes to Life
Spring/Summer 2012
Volunteer Spotlight
Marilyn Dwyer
For over five
years volunteer Marilyn Dwyer has been
the cornerstone of the HC offices and an
intrepid Cottage Tour Volunteer. For
those of you who haven’t met this amazing volunteer, we would like to introduce you to her.
Marilyn’s family has deep roots in
Cannon Beach. Her family, the Skans,
purchased land from the Warrens. She
was born in Portland and spent her summers at a family home on Coos street in
Marilyn and husband built a retire-
ment home on this family land in 2003.
Sooner than expected, Mailyn and her
husband found themselves with an opportunity to live in their retirement
home before retiring. Shortly thereafter Dwyer began volunteering at the
Marilyn has another passion in addi-
tion to history; she has been sewing since
she was a child. Her passion for sewing
soon spread to quilting, and she volunteered to design this year’s Cottage Tour
Her work as a museum docent, Quilter and Cottage Tour volunteer has been
invaluable, and the HC thanks this
outstanding volunteer for her years of
Photo an
historic image of
Dwyer’s greatgrandfather
beside the cabin
he constructed
on land
purchased from
the Warren
Quilt Show
Enjoy Quilts of
the Coastal Beach
Hop on loan from
Doris Bash of Creative
Textiles in Wheeler.
This engaging exhibit
features the work of
Northwestern quilters
and exhibits the spirit
of the beach.
In Memoriam
We send our condolences to the family & friends of
Beloved History Hero Bob Kenney.
Kenney became involved with the History Center
in late 1990. His passion and dedication for the
museum’s oral history program was evident.
He will be missed.
Spring/ Summer 2012 Where History Comes to Life
The Cannon – 7
1387 South Spruce Street
P.O. Box 1005
Cannon Beach, OR 97110
Save the Date! Semi-annual Membership Meeting
Saturday, June 16 at 9:30 a.m.
Spring/Summer 2012 Newsletter
Thanks to our generous
Operations Coordinator
Elaine Murdy
Board of Directors
Robert Mushen, President
Dale Shafer, Vice-President
Lori Courtwright, Treasurer
Tracy Abel
Stephanie Ansley
Erin Bernard
Margaret Doman
Lisa Sarish
Gina Simone
Earl “Skip” Twietmeyer
Arbor Care Tree Services
Bank of Astoria
Beach Books
Bruce’s Candy Kitchen
Cannon Beach Collections (Martin Hospitality)
Cannon Beach Property Management
Cannon Beach Chamber of Commerce
Coaster Construction
Dragonheart Family Health Care
Edward Jones
Land’s End Motel
Lush Wine Bar / Found
Osborne Studio & Gallery
Pat Funk & Dale Shafer of Windermere Realty
Robert & Jenee Mushen
Seasoles Shoe Boutique
Sweet Charity by Kimberley Speer Miller
Tolovana Inn
Ashley & Minott Wessinger
Windermere Realty Barbara Maltman, Deanna
Evans, Craig Weston, Lynn Brigham, Dale Shafer,
and Pat Funk
Wright Land Co.
History Center
Open Hours
1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Thursday through Monday
Look for
Cottage Tour
Coming in June
Newsletter Production
Please direct ideas, comments,
or suggestions to
[email protected] • 503-436-9301