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1 Copyrights and Trademarks AUTODESK SKETCHBOOK PRO V7.0 ©2014 Autodesk, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Except as otherwise permitted by Autodesk, Inc., this publication, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form, by any method, for any purpose. Certain materials included in this publication are reprinted with the permission of the copyright holder. TRADEMARKS The following are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and other countries: SketchBook, SketchBook Copic Edition, SketchBook Designer, SketchBook Express, SketchBook Express for iPad, SketchBook Express for Android, SketchBook Ink, SketchBook Pro, SketchBook Pro for iPad, and SketchBook Pro for Android. All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Disclaimer THIS PUBLICATION AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS MADE AVAILABLE BY AUTODESK, INC. “AS IS.” AUTODESK, INC. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE REGARDING THESE MATERIALS. PUBLISHED BY: Autodesk, Inc. 111 McInnis Parkway San Rafael, CA 94903, USA 2 Content WHAT’S NEW 5 Effects brushes Saving a customized color palette 29 19 Copic Color Library 30 Smearing an area 19 Blurring an area 19 INTRODUCTION10 Sharpening an area Tool selection11 Lagoon tool summary 19 Brush Library 20 11 Customize the Brush Palette 20 Create a new sketch 11 Brush Types 21 ANIMATION12 Smudging an area 21 Timeline14 Using Synthetic Paint Adding a keyframe14 Create custom Do-It-Yourself brushes 22 Inserting an empty frame 14 Duplicating a keyframe 14 Deleting a keyframe 14 Create your own brush icons 23 Create a Texture Brush 24 Modifying a texture brush25 Displaying multiple keyframes 15 Rename a texture brush 25 Playing back animation Saving a texture brush 16 Setting a playback range 16 Looping the animation 16 Moving keyframes in the timeline16 Saving your flipbook 25 Randomize26 Random Color controls 26 Random Brush Size/Opacity 26 16 Exporting your animation 16 Random Brush Radius/Spacing 26 BRUSHES17 COLORS27 Choose a brush Color Editor (Windows) 18 Ovals38 Choose a color (3)30 Polylines 38 Select the complementarly color 30 Free38 Create a custom color set 30 Steady Stroke Show/hide parts of the library 30 Copic Colorless Blender Color Puck 21 30 Showing/hiding39 31 Rulers39 Accessing the Gradient Fill Palette31 Ellipse39 Creating a new color French curve 31 Turning a brush into an eraser Using the Color Picker 32 Using the Color Palette 32 Using the Gradient Fill Palette Changing color opacity Flood Fills 31 33 33 34 Radial fill 34 Flood fill an area 35 Change brush properties 18 41 Moving the lines of symmetry 41 Locking and unlocking the lines of symmetry41 Using a transparent color 36 28 Create a customized color palette 29 40 Flood fill all visible layers 35 Set the RGB Swap between two brushes 18 40 Flood fill an active layer 35 Clear brushstrokes Pick a color from the screen 29 Fisheye mode Symmetry tools Undo or redo a brushstroke 18 Clearing an area from the current layer 18 40 Symmetry41 Show/hide parts of the editor 28 29 3 point mode Hiding the horizon line Change Flood Fill properties 36 Color Editor (Mac) 40 Moving vanishing points 40 Changing brush opacity 18 18 2 point mode Linear fill 34 Create a custom color 28 40 Gradient Fill34 Invert the direction of a gradient fill 36 18 1 point mode Perspective tools 40 Pick a color from the screen 28 Resize a brush 39 Perspective Guides 40 34 Solid fill 38 Guides39 Gradient fill an area 35 28 Rectangles 38 Hiding the lines of symmetry 41 Distort41 Bias41 Distorting an image 41 Multi-layer distortion 42 TOOLS FOR SKETCHING 37 Draw Style tools Lines 38 CHANGE YOUR VIEW 43 38 Zoom in and move about 44 3 Zoom using a touch strip 44 Save location options55 Soft Glow 60 View an image’s actual size 44 Save locally 55 Overlay60 Fit an image in the display 44 Save to iCloud 55 Soft Light 60 Exporting EDIT YOUR SKETCH Select and transform an area 46 46 Expand a selection47 Deselect an area 47 47 48 Move, rotate, or scale a selected area 48 Crop49 Crop the canvas Flip or mirror your canvas 50 Add an image51 Resize an image 51 Change resolution 51 Fit a resized image onto the screen51 USE LAYERS57 Select a layer Clearing a layer 53 Save your sketch as an image file Deleting layers 58 Merge two layers 61 Merge all layers Grouping layers Resetting your preferences 69 Reset the Lagoon 69 61 Reset Color Palette69 62 Creating a layer group 62 Change the transparency of a layer 63 59 ANNOTATE, SEND, PRINT & PRESENT 64 59 Text65 59 Color Burn 59 Editing text - for Mac users 65 Linear Burn59 Editing text - for Windows users65 Glow Reset Preference Settings 69 Hide or move the interface 69 Hiding or showing scroll bars 70 Changing the behavior of Page Up and Page Down70 Changing the Maximum Number of Undos70 Changing the default canvas size for new files 70 Change the brush cursor 70 Remove the brush outline 70 Improve performance70 Wacom tablet troubleshooting 71 Installing the latest drivers71 Adjusting stylus responsiveness 72 Adjusting stylus responsiveness for one brush 72 Changing the transparency of text65 59 60 Reset Brush Palette69 Using default tip pressure feel 71 Adding text65 59 Linear Dodge (Add) 54 61 69 Customizing marking menus69 Collapsing/Expanding a group 63 58 58 Color Dodge Save your sketch as a PXD 54 Organize layers 68 Customizing lagoon icons 58 Locking layers Screen Save your sketch as an Adobe® Photoshop® file 54 Present images Luminosity60 Colored layer or layer group 63 assignments Lighten59 Save with an alpha channel 54 Color60 Showing/hiding a layer group 62 Renaming a layer 58 Darken Flip through your sketches 68 58 Edit a layer 58 Layer blending Saturation60 Layer blending for groups62 How do I use layers? 58 Multiply Color correct images 52 SAVE YOUR SKETCH 56 Duplicating a layer58 Rotate canvas50 Print a sketch 68 Adding a layer to a group 62 Adding a layer 49 Hue60 Normal60 Remove a project from the SketchBook iCloud Gallery56 Invert a selection 47 Copy your sketch Open a saved sketch 56 Open a PXD Remove content from a selection47 Exit the selection mode SketchBook images to a device 55 Open a sketch stored on iCloud56 Selection Modification tools 47 ADJUST SYSTEM & PROGRAM SETTINGS67 Hard Light 60 SketchBook landscapeoriented images to a device 55 45 Selection46 Select an area 55 Troubleshooting66 60 Transforming text 65 Rasterizing a text layer Email a sketch 65 66 4 1 What’s New This chapter introduces new features and a list of improvements & enhancements that can be found in this release of SketchBook Pro. Image courtesy of CreatureBox 5 Animation New Color Puck Create a FlipBook, cell animation, an animated prototype, or proof of concept. Set keyframes along a timeline. Set a background color, create a background plate, then draw your animated cels. Contains additional palettes for drawing and Gradient Fill. Change the opacity of a fill. Make a fill manipulator transparent. Drag the current fill color or gradient fill to the palettes. Reposition Symmetry axis Tap-drag the manipulator to move the lines of symmetry. Background Color Layer This layer is only for setting a background color of your drawing. Use other layers for strokes. Magic Wand Use Magic Wand selection to select an area based on its color. Change the tolerance (1 to 255) to determine how closely to match colors. The higher the tolerance the larger the selection. Layer Groups Create groups in the Layer Editor to help organize assets. 6 Quick Transform tools Glow and Soft Glow Use these blend modes to add highlights and create glow effects. Tap to access these tools to make a section, then automatically be in the Transform tool to scale, rotate, or move this selection. Persistent Selection Select an area to sketch and/or use Gradient Fill. Distort Sharp Brush Edge Select one or more layers, then choose one of the following tools from the Transform toolbar: Use the new Sharp Brush Edge setting for creating a texture brush stamp with crisp edges. • Transform - Change the size of the distorted selection. Use the Shift key to uniformly scale and Shift-drag to one side to scale in only one direction. • Distort - Move points that are not constrained to 90 degrees and create a sense of perspective or speed. A bounding box and manipulator appear. Tap-drag and reposition the bounding box points. Auto-recovery Never worry about crashes or data loss. All your work is automatically recovered the next time you launch SketchBook. Multi-layer Transform Use the Shift key to select multiple layers and then rotate, scale, and or move them. Gradient Fill A Gradient Fill consists of multiple colors that blend into the color before and/or after it, and has a default tolerance value is 120. There are two kinds of gradient fills, Linear and Radial. inear Fill - Fills an area with paint, using a color ramp and L applying it linearly from your first tap (origin) to the end of the drag (destination). This establishes the direction and size of the ramp. Fill manipulators can be added, moved, or removed. Steady Stroke The Tolerance slider for Steady Stroke has moved and now appears in the Steady Stroke toolbar. R adial Fill - Fills an area with paint, using a color ramp that radiates from your first tap (origin) to the end of the drag (destination). Fill manipulators can be added, moved, or removed. 7 Perspective Modes The following Perspective Modes were added to the toolbar: 1 point mode 3 point mode Creates a vanishing point in the center of the canvas. Mouse over it to show the horizon (blue line). Drag to reposition the vanishing point and horizon. Creates 3 vanishing points. When you mouse over or drag a vanishing point, a horizon line (blue) and triangle connecting the three points (light blue) appears. 2 point mode Fisheye mode Creates 2 vanishing points, horizontally aligned by default. Creates 5 vanishing points: left, right, top, bottom, and center. The grid is composited of a horizon line, vertical line, and circle. Curves intersect at the vanishing points. Moving the center point moves the entire grid. Moving an edge point changes the circle’s radius. 8 More Blend modes Select The following blend modes were added: Darken, Color Burn, Linear Burn, Lighten, Color Dosage, Overlay, Soft light, Hard light, Hue, Saturation, Color, and Luminosity. Access the Select toolbar, containing an assortment of Selection tools, including Magic Wand, Replace, Add, Remove, Invert, and Deselect for modifying your selection. Enhanced Crop Improvements and enhancements Improvements have been made in the following areas: Use Crop to increase the size of the canvas. Transparent color Transparent color transforms your brush into an erase with the characteristic of the chosen brush. If the selected brush is pressure-sensitive and creates a stroke that fades off, your erase will do the same. Use it to erase existing color pixels on the current layer. Transparent color is also available in the Color Puck and can be saved in the custom color palette, see Turning a brush into an eraser for more information. • Animation - Another animatable layer was added to the FlipBook Layer Editor, along with Insert empty frame for adding a frame before a keyframe and increasing the length of the animation. • Perspective - Use the right and left arrow keys to control the direction of the perspective you set. When saving a TIFF file, if it has a vanishing point, it’s saved to the file. • G radient Fill improvement - When creating a gradient fill, you can now delete either end of the fill and undo or redo any change. • Larger brush stamps - Brushes can now be customized to be as large as 512 pixels. Copic Colorless Blender It has moved to the Copic Color Library and can be applied to 4 different Copic markers. 9 2 Introduction Get introduced to the interface, from the toolbar to shortcuts, pucks, and radial menus. Learn to navigate your scene, activate the palm rest, and change the size and opacity of a brush. Image courtesy of Susan Murtaugh 10 TOOL SELECTION CREATE A NEW SKETCH Pick a tool using one of the following methods: • Right-click and flick toward an icon to select it. • Touch the stylus to an icon and hold, then flick through a tool. • Tap a tool the toolbar to select it. LAGOON TOOL SUMMARY Use the lagoon to select tools. 3 4 6 7 2 9 To create a new sketch, select or Ctrl+N for Windows. and flick toward or press Cmd+N for Mac Note - Use Preferences to set the default canvas size opened when you create new sketches. 1. Brush Palette (shows current tool) 2. Colors (shows current color) 3. Interface controls 4. View controls, canvas transform tools, rulers, layers, & symmetry 5 1 Image courtesy of AZURE - Maasa Kuwana-Muelhaupt 5. Brushes & palette 8 6. Colors 7. Selection, editing, & layer transform tools 8. Open, save, new, next & previous image 9. Undo/redo 11 3 Animation ave you ever used SketchBook to sketch a H concept, annotated it, adding other sketches to try to get an idea across? Next time, create a flipbook. Imagine sending someone a sketch that comes to life. Create cell animation, a prototype, or proof of concept. 12 When in Animation Mode, you will be able to set keyframes and scrubbing through your animation, using the timeline that appears. Since this is a flipbook, the Layer Editor will contain four layers: • Foreground - Draw the content you want to animate on this layer. • Midground - Draw additional content you want to animate on this layer. • Background - Draw background elements on this layer. Note - if the Background layer is changed and a keyframe is set the original background is lost. to access the • Background Color - Click Color Wheel, Color Palette, and Color Picker to set a background color of your drawing. Use other layers for strokes. Select File > New FlipBook to enter Animation Mode. The Animation Size dialogue that appears contains the following options for setting the parameters your flipbook: Presets - Set the aspect ratio of the file. Select from NTSC, HD, Full HD, or custom. Pixel Dimensions - When custom is selected, use these to set the width and height in pixels. Playback - Set the frame rate per second. Frame Numbers - Set the length (number of frames) of the flipbook. 13 TIMELINE For animating, use the timeline to add, duplicate, move, rearrange, or delete keyframes, scrub through or playback your animation, turn on or off ghosting and set the number of frames ghosted, as well as set the playback range. 1 2 3 6 4 5 7 1 Starting frame of the flipbook/ Starting frame of the playback range 2 Current frame 3 End frame of the flipbook/ End frame of the playback range 4 Show/hide ghosting previous frame/ Show/hide ghosting next frame 5 Loop 6 Playback range 7 Playback controls of frames ADDING A KEYFRAME To add a keyframe, select a frame and click . INSERTING AN EMPTY FRAME To add a frame before a keyframe and extend the length of your animation, click . DUPLICATING A KEYFRAME To duplicate a keyframe, select a frame and click . DELETING A KEYFRAME To delete a keyframe, select a frame and click . Image courtesy of AZURE - Maasa Kuwana-Muelhaupt 14 DISPLAYING MULTIPLE KEYFRAMES Use the Ghosting tools to see multiple keyframes to get a sense of where to sketch next and what needs to be changed. To see the previous frame, click . To see multiple frames, click the menu next to and set the number of previous frames you would like to see ghosted. To see the next frame, click . To see multiple frames, click the menu next to and set the number of frames, after the current frame, you would like to see ghosted. 15 PLAYING BACK ANIMATION Use the Playback controls to jump to the beginning, rewind, play, fast forward, or jump to the end of the animation. SETTING A PLAYBACK RANGE Use the playback range to play only a select range of frames. Do either of the following: • C lick-drag starting end of the playback range into position. Click-drag the other end into place. • Click the playback range options to enter the start and end values. LOOPING THE ANIMATION To loop the animation, click , then . MOVING KEYFRAMES IN THE TIMELINE In the timeline, click-drag a keyframe to another location to move it. Notice the cursor changes to . SAVING YOUR FLIPBOOK When you save your flipbook animation, the file is saved as a .skba, which can be read by SketchBook Pro. EXPORTING YOUR ANIMATION There are two export options for your flipbook: • If you want to share you animation with someone not running SketchBook Pro, you can export it as a series of images. Select Export > All Frames. Send the file that’s created containing .png images that are numbered in sequence. • If you want to share a single image, select Export > Current Frame. 16 4 Brushes With SketchBook brushes, you won’t feel limited. Select from synthetic, effect, and texture to randomizing color, opacity, and size. Create DIY brushes and assign personalized icons to them. Share your brushes with friends or colleagues. 17 CHOOSE A BRUSH In the Brush Palette or from the lagoon, tap a brush and start sketching. Select an eraser for modifications. CLEARING AN AREA FROM THE CURRENT LAYER RESIZE A BRUSH To access the puck if not visible, select Window > Brush Puck. Hold down the B key or tap while in the puck and drag to the right to increase a brush’s size or left to decrease it. T o have the brush randomly change size as you lay down strokes, see Random Brush Size/Opacity. T o change brush size and opacity with the puck, in Edit > Preferences > Brush, select Change both brush size and opacity and tap OK. 1. Flick toward or , or press the M key, then drag over the area you want to clear. 2. Next, either flick toward or press the Delete key to remove the selected area. SWAP BETWEEN TWO BRUSHES Use one brush, then return to a previous one. After using a brush, select another, then flick toward or press S to move between them. CHANGING BRUSH OPACITY Use the O key to change the amount of paint applied by a brush. Tap a brush, then press-hold the O key as you drag up to increase a brush’s opacity or down to decrease it. To have the brush randomly change size as you lay down strokes, see Random Brush Size/Opacity. CHANGE BRUSH PROPERTIES In the Brush Palette, tap or double-tap a brush to access the Brush Properties window and change brush settings, such as wetness and slant. UNDO OR REDO A BRUSHSTROKE To undo the previous action, tap Windows. T o redo an action, tap Windows. or press Cmd+Z for Mac or Ctrl+Z for or press Shift+Cmd+Z for Mac or Ctrl+Y for Note - You can change the number of undos in the General tab of the Preferences. CLEAR BRUSHSTROKES Flick toward or press the Delete or Backspace key. 18 BLURRING AN AREA Blur - Paint over an area to soften it, making the area appear out of focus. EFFECTS BRUSHES Tap to access the Effects brushes in the Basic brush set. Smear, Blur, and Sharpen are brushes that add an effect, changing the pixels. Note - To change its size or strength, either double-click the brush or tap to access Brush Properties. SHARPENING AN AREA Sharpen - Paint over an area to makes it look crisper; sharpening the areas. SMEARING AN AREA Smear - Paint over an area to push the pixels of color into others, like plowing snow. 19 BRUSH LIBRARY In the Brush Palette, tap to access the Brush Library. It contains an assortment of default brush sets, including a set of Copic brushes, Smudge brushes, and Synthetic Paint brushes. Create Do-ItYourself brushes. Create custom sets to group and manage brushes. Export sets for others to use or save them to an external drive. Import and use brush sets created by others. Label your brush sets to help identify them. In the Brush Library, tap to access the following options: New Brush Set – Create a new brush set. Rename Brush Set – Change the name of the selected brush set. Export brush set – Share brushes with people working on different platforms. Import Brush Set – Load an exported zipped brush set file into the Brush Library. Delete Brush Set – Remove the selected brush set from the Brush Library. New Brush – Create a new brush and add it to the selected brush set. Copy Brush – Create a duplicate of a selected brush and add it to the selected brush set. Delete Brush – Permanently remove a selected brush. CUSTOMIZE THE BRUSH PALETTE Replace default brushes with others to create a customized palette. , then select a brush from the 1.Tap Brush Library. 2.Tap-drag it onto the palette. 20 BRUSH TYPES There are many brush type, such as Smudge, Synthetic Paint, Copic Colorless Blender, and Texture Brush, found in the Brush Library. Note - To experience any improvements to the brushes, select Preferences > Factory Defaults and tap the Reset button for Reset Brush Palette and Library. SMUDGING AN AREA USING SYNTHETIC PAINT Paint over an area to blend it, simulating the effect on a finger dragging over the charcoal line of a drawing. As you paint, this brush type dynamically blends colors that exist on the canvas. Adjust the paint load to effect the amount of color applied at the beginning of each stroke. 21 CREATE CUSTOM DO-IT-YOURSELF BRUSHES There are three sets of custom brushes. Create more by copying a brush and changing its setting or creating a Do-It-Yourself brush. 1. Tap to access the Brush Library. 2. Tap a brush set. and flick 3. Tap-hold to select it. 4. Select a brush. 5. Tap Create. Once you create a Do-It-Yourself brush , you can do the following: • A djust the pressure sensitivity - Set brush width or transparency according to the amount of pressure applied to the stylus. Double-tap a Do-It-Yourself brush and make changes to its Size to vary its brush thickness as the stylus pressure changes. Note - The brush size values are a rough approximation of pixel size, but can vary. For example, if lines are too thin to be drawn on the screen, they default to being wider. To resize a marker, try adjusting its opacity and stamp spacing. To make a bigger marker, set the opacity lower and the brush stamp spacing lower. • C hange the opacity - Set Opacity to vary brush opacity as the stylus pressure changes. To have the brush randomly changed opacity as you lay down strokes, see Random Brush Size/Opacity. Image courtesy of Evgene Redkin 22 CREATE YOUR OWN BRUSH ICONS Create your own unique icons to identify custom brushes. When exporting these brushes, the custom icons assignments appear upon import. Note - Custom icons cannot be assigned to default brushes. There are two ways to create brush icons. The easiest uses the Use texture as icon option in the Identify Custom Brush window. 1. Double-tap a Do-It-Yourself brush. 2. In the Brush Properties window, tap Edit. 3. In Identify Custom Brush window, check Use texture as icon. 4. Tap OK. The other is to create an icon that must be a PNG image file that is 36 x 36 pixels. A custom brush icon not matching these criteria does not appear. 1. Create a PNG image with a transparent background that is 36 X 36 pixels. 2. S ave it to the BrushPresetIcons folder, located in the following location, and give it a descriptive name: Note - You will need to show hidden files and have administrative permissions. If the folder doesn’t exist, create one. For Windows 7 and Windows 8: C:\Users\[user account]\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\SketchBook Pro\7.0\ For Mac: [your user folder]/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/SketchBook Pro/7.0/ Image courtesy of Masha Levene Note - To access Library, in Finder > Go and tap-hold ALT. This file name appears in the Icons list of the Identify Custom Brush window. 23 CREATE A TEXTURE BRUSH Once a Do-It-Yourself brush is created, a texture can be added to it, creating a texture brush. You can set the shape and/or color and make a texture from a rotated stroke or capture something on your canvas to use as a texture. When capturing a texture, one of the following Custom Texture settings can be selected: Shape + Colors (available once Capture is tapped) Uses the current paint color, as well as the selected shape, to create your texture. Whenever the texture brush is used, it uses the color set during creation. Shape reates a texture brush with no assigned color. Each time the texture C brush is used, a different color can be set. Rotate to Stroke Dynamically rotates the texture in the direction of the stroke. 1. With a Do-It-Yourself brush selected, tap Brush Properties. to open 2. Tap Capture. 3. From Custom Texture, select either Shape + Colors or Shape and/ or check Rotate to Stroke. 4. Within the canvas, tap the area to be captured as the texture. The display in Brush Properties updates to show the texture and color. Note - When capturing the texture shape, SketchBook uses the current size of the Do-It-Yourself brush. If the complete shape is not captured, resize the Do-It-Yourself brush, then capture the shape again. 24 MODIFYING A TEXTURE BRUSH There are many ways to modify a texture brush, from resetting it, opening its properties and changing settings, changing a stroke, to assign-ing a permanent color to it. RENAME A TEXTURE BRUSH 1. In the Brush Library, tap a texture brush. 2. Tap . 3. In the Brush Properties window, tap Edit. 4. Rename the brush. • C hanging texture brush properties - Change attributes of a texture brush. • Changing a texture - Change the stroke used by a texture brush. • Setting color on a Shape texture brush - Set a different color for a texture brush. 5. Tap OK. SAVING A TEXTURE BRUSH Tap Save at the bottom of Brush Properties to save the brush. • Adjust the brush stamp for a Do-It-Yourself brush - Adjust the roundness, rotation, spacing, space randomize, rotation randomize, and brush edge of a Do-It-Yourself brush. • Setting brush stamp roundness and rotation - Use the Roundness and Rotation sliders in the Brush Properties window to control the shape of the brush stamp. • Setting brush spacing - Use the Spacing slider in the Brush Properties window to control the spacing between these stamps. • Replacing a custom brush icon - In the Identify Custom Brush window, select an item from the Icon list (Create your own brush icons). • Setting brush edges - Normally, the brush type you have selected determines this setting. To achieve certain effects, change it. • S oft edges gives soft, feathered brush edges. For example, an airbrush. • Solid edges gives hard edges that still bleed slightly. For example, markers or ballpoint pens. • H ard edges are hard. For example, a calligraphy pen on high-quality paper stock, or lines from computer drafting software. • Identify a custom brush - Rename a custom brush or eraser (Rename a texture brush), or change its icon appearing in the expanded area at the bottom of the Brush Properties (Create your own brush icons). Note - You cannot change the name or icon for the default brushes. Tip - If you keep Brush Properties open when using a texture brush, you can change rotate the texture or change any other settings as you sketch. 25 RANDOMIZE Quickly lay down stokes with variations in color, size, and/or opacity, without the interruption of going into the Brush Properties or Color Editor to change these values. RANDOM COLOR CONTROLS Quickly lay down varying colored strokes using the same brush. Set a hue, saturation, and/or brightness range for the active color. 1. C reate custom Do-It-Yourself brushes or select a Traditional, Texture, Shape, or Splatter brush. 2. Tap to open Brush Properties. 3. In the Brush Color section: • Drag the Hue Randomize slider to set the hue range of the stroke. • Drag the Saturation Randomize slider to set the saturation range of the stroke. • Drag the Brightness Randomize slider to set the brightness range of the stroke. 4. Tap Save. RANDOM BRUSH SIZE/OPACITY Quickly lay down strokes of varying size and opacity, using the same brush. Set a range for the size and opacity of a brush. 1. C reate custom Do-It-Yourself brushes or select a Traditional, Texture, Shape, or Splatter brush. 2. Tap to open Brush Properties. 3. In the Brush Radius & Opacity section, drag the Opacity Randomize or Size Randomize sliders to set the opacity and size range of the brush stamp. 4. Tap Save. RANDOM BRUSH RADIUS/SPACING Quickly lay down strokes with varying stamp rotation and spacing, using the same brush. Set a range for the rotation and spacing of a stamp. 1. C reate custom Do-It-Yourself brushes or select a Traditional, Texture, Shape, or Splatter brush. 2. Tap to open Brush Properties. 3. In the Brush Advanced Properties section: • Drag the Rotation Randomize slider to set the brush radius range. • Drag the Space Randomize slider to set the brush transparency range. 4. Tap Save. 26 5 Colors Choose from a huge assortment of Copic colors. Create custom colors or capture them from your canvas. Fill areas with linear or radial gradient fills. Blend colors with the Copic Colorless Blender. Image courtesy of Luis Peso 27 COLOR EDITOR (WINDOWS) Tap , then flick toward a color, tap to access the Color Editor. , or select Window > Color Editor Note - I f you flick , your brush will erase existing color pixels on that layer. See Using a transparent color for more information. 5 PICK A COLOR FROM THE SCREEN (4) In the Color Editor, tap , move over a color, then lift your stylus to pick the color. A swatch appears. 6 1 CREATE A CUSTOM COLOR Tap the current color icon to access the Color Editor and mix a color of your own. 4 2 3 SHOW/HIDE PARTS OF THE EDITOR (3) Tap the arrow at the top or bottom of the editor (3) to show/hide parts of the editor. 1. RGB 2. Swatch (current color) 3. Customized palette (drop down) 4. Color Picker SET THE RGB (1) In the Color Editor, tap the RGB fields and add numeric values. The color in the Color Wheel changes to display a color with those RGB values. 5. Color Wheel 6. Saturation/Luminance Slider 28 COLOR EDITOR (MAC) 1 1. Tabs (various methods for picking colors): Choose a hue or tints and the value (light). 6 S pecify a color using color gradients, such as gray scale, RGB, CMYK, or HSB values. hoose from a lists of colors (Apple, C Developer, Crayons, Web Safe), or create your own list of colors. hoose a color from a spectrum of hues C and values. 2 3 ick from 48 colors displayed as a box of P crayons. 5 2. Swatch (current color) 3. Slider 4. Customized palette 4 5. Color Wheel 6. Magnifying glass (color picker) PICK A COLOR FROM THE SCREEN (6) Tap to change the cursor to . Move over and tap a color on your screen. CREATE A CUSTOMIZED COLOR PALETTE (4) Drag a color chip from the swatch to the palette at the bottom of the Color Editor. SAVING A CUSTOMIZED COLOR PALETTE The next time SketchBook opens, your customized color palette appears. 29 COPIC COLOR LIBRARY 1 1. Minimize/maximize Color set 2. Tabs 7 2 3 3. Color set 4. Current & complementary color 5. Minimize/maximize Custom set 6. Custom set 7. Colorless Blender (only available for some Copic markers) CHOOSE A COLOR (3) In the toolbar, tap or select Window > Copic Library to access the Copic Library. Use your mouse wheel, Wacom touch strip, tap-drag the color set slider, or for Mac users, 2-finger drag to scroll between the pages of colors. Note - If using your Wacom touch strip, in the Wacom Tablet Properties, Touch Strip Function must be set to either Zoom or Auto Scroll/Zoom. 4 5 6 COPIC COLORLESS BLENDER (7) Blend colors, lighten them by fading the color to white, and push colors. ) is When any of the following Copic markers ( selected, in the Copic Library along the top, the Copic Colorless Blender chip appears and can be selected to turn that marker into a colorless blender. SELECT THE COMPLEMENTARLY COLOR (4) Tap a color chip to load its complementary color. Tap the complementary color below the chip to select it. Note - Not every color will have an assigned complementary color. For those without, a selection of colors similar to its complementary or nothing will appear. CREATE A CUSTOM COLOR SET (6) Tap-drag a color chip from the Color set or a complementary color into the Custom set. SHOW/HIDE PARTS OF THE LIBRARY (5) Tap the arrows near the top and bottom of the library to show/hide parts of it. 30 COLOR PUCK ACCESSING THE GRADIENT FILL PALETTE Use the Color Puck to mix and create new colors, adjust saturation or luminance, select a gradient fill, access customized color swatches, or grab a color from the canvas. When a linear or radial fill is selected, the Gradient Fill Palette appear. To close the palettes, tap . To access the Color Puck, select Window > Color Puck. Tap the Color Puck to access the Color Wheel, Color Picker, and Color. When a brush is selected 1 5 CREATING A NEW COLOR Tap-drag right and left to quickly change the saturation. When a Gradient Fill is selected 1 3 2 3 2 4 6 6 7 7 5 8 Tap-drag up and down to quickly change the luminance of the color. 9 TURNING A BRUSH INTO AN ERASER 1. Color Wheel 2. Hue 3. Saturation/Luminosity 4. Transparent color 5. S how/Hide Gradient Palette When in the Color Puck, tap to assign a transparent color to the current brush and create a custom eraser. It removes pixels from that layer. To save a custom eraser, drag the transparent color chip onto the Color Palette. See Using a transparent color for more information. 6. Color Picker 7. Color Palette 8. Gradient Palette 9. Opacity 31 USING THE COLOR PICKER Select a color from anywhere within the canvas. 1. Tap the middle of the Color Puck to access the Color Picker. 2. Tap the Color Picker. 3. D rag it over a color. The middle of the puck changes, displaying the current color. 4. Click on the color you want to capture it. USING THE COLOR PALETTE Quickly select a color from the palette. 1. Tap the middle of the Color Puck. 2. Do either of the following: • To select a swatch color, tap a swatch. • T o add a new swatch to the palette, create a color with the Color Wheel, then click-drag the new color swatch onto another swatch in palette to replace it. Image courtesy of Masha Levene 32 USING THE GRADIENT FILL PALETTE Quickly select a gradient fill from the palette. 1. With the Flood Fill tool selected, select a Gradient Fill from the Flood Fill toolbar. 2. Click-drag to place the fill. 3. Do either of the following: • To change the color of a manipulator, double-click the manipulator and select another color from the Color Wheel. • To select a different gradient fill, double-click a manipulator and select another gradient fill from the palette. CHANGING COLOR OPACITY To change the opacity of a manipulator’s color, double-click the manipulator, then tap enter a different value or tap-drag above or below to change the opacity. and Image courtesy of Bobby Chiu 33 FLOOD FILLS In the toolbar, when you select , the Flood Fill toolbar appears, containing fills and an assortment of tools. Use the tools to change fill tolerance, apply a fill to either all layers or only the active layer, or reverse a gradient fill. 1 Fills 2 Tolerance 3 Sample All Layers Select one of the three fills to add paint to an area bound by pixels of color or a selection. Flood filling an area is a quick way to fill an area with color, make highlights, or create gradations of color for such things as a metal look. SOLID FILL Fills an area with paint. GRADIENT FILL A Gradient Fill consists of multiple colors that blend into the color before and/or after it. There are two kinds of gradient fills: 4 Reverse LINEAR FILL 5 Cancel and OK Fills an area with paint, using a color ramp and applying it linearly from your first tap (origin) to the end of the drag (destination). This establishes the direction and size of the ramp. Fill manipulators can be added, moved, or removed. RADIAL FILL Fills an area with paint, using a color ramp that radiates from your first tap (origin) to the end of the drag (destination). Fill manipulators can be added, moved, or removed. 34 FLOOD FILL AN AREA Fill active or all visible the fill, click . layers with color. To accept the fill, click GRADIENT FILL AN AREA . To decline Quickly select a gradient fill from the palette. 1. Create an area to be filled. 2. With the Flood Fill tool selected, select a Gradient Fill ( or ) from the Flood Fill toolbar. FLOOD FILL AN ACTIVE LAYER In the toolbar, tap . In the Fill toolbar, tap , select a fill ( ), then click an area to fill that area on that layer. Click . 3. Click-drag to place the fill. 4. Do either of the following: • To change the color of a manipulator , double-click the manipulator and select another color from the Color Wheel. • To select a different gradient fill, double-click a manipulator and select another gradient fill from the palette. • To reposition the Fill manipulators, tap-drag them one at a time and move them into position. • T o add a manipulator, tap along the axis between manipulators. • To delete a manipulator, tap the Delete manipulator. • T o change the tolerances of a fill, in the Fill toolbar, tapdrag the Tolerance slider. Increase the tolerance to increase the range of colored pixels affected by the fill. Decrease the fill to reduce this. FLOOD FILL ALL VISIBLE LAYERS In the Fill toobar, tap then click an area to fill that area in all visible areas. . Click 35 INVERT THE DIRECTION OF A GRADIENT FILL With a gradient fill created, in the Fill toolbar, click the fill manipulators. to invert the order of USING A TRANSPARENT COLOR Transparent color transforms your brush into an eraser with the characteristic of the chosen brush. If the selected brush is pressuresensitive and creates a stroke that fades off, your eraser will do the same. Use it to erase existing color pixels on the current layer. In the lagoon, select and flick , to turn your brush into an eraser. Transparent color is also available in the Color Puck and can be saved in the custom color palette, see Turning a brush into an eraser for more information. CHANGE FLOOD FILL PROPERTIES Change the tolerance of your fill to determine the range of colors affected. Set what region is flooded and the size of the gaps between the fill paint and pixels creating the boundary of the fill. The minimum tolerance, 1, selects and fills only pixels of that color value. The maximum tolerance, 255, selects and fills all pixels regardless of the region. In the Fill toolbar, tap-drag the slider to change flood fill tolerances. 13 140 36 6 Tools for Sketching Use our collection of guides, drawing tools, and perspective tools to help draw objects and scenes. To help place an object in a scene, use Distort. For smooth, uniform strokes, try Steady Stroke. Image courtesy of Deborah McMillion 37 POLYLINES To draw a polyline, tap the line to a solid line. DRAW STYLE TOOLS and tap to place each point. Dbl-tap the last point to change FREE To return to freestyle stroke mode, tap hold down the D key. Then, tap-drag. . To draw a diagonal (45-degree angle) line, STEADY STROKE To draw uniform strokes, tap to create smoother strokes. Steady Stroke sets the offset between your cursor and the stroke, creating smooth strokes. In the toolbar, tap to create a smoother stroke as you draw. In the toolbar, tap a Draw Style tool: Line, Rectangle, Oval, Polyline, Free, or Steady Stroke to help create shapes and lay down lines. • T o adjust the settings, select Edit > Steady Stroke. This change affects subsequent strokes. • T o draw large smooth curves, increase Steady Stroke. • T o draw small curves with tight turn radii, decrease Steady Stroke. Note - Increasing Steady Stroke affects your stylus response time. When drawing short curves, if you have difficulties, lessen the smoothness setting. LINES To draw a line, either tap or for a horizontal or vertical line, hold down the Shift key. Then, tap-drag. See Free for diagonal lines. RECTANGLES To draw a rectangle, tap and tap-drag to draw the shape. OVALS To draw an oval or circle, tap shape. and tap-drag to draw the 38 GUIDES In the toolbar, SketchBook contains an assortment of guides and rulers to help you as you draw. Each of these has additional tools found in contextual toolbars to aid you as you work. ELLIPSE FRENCH CURVE Use to create ellipses and to draw circles in perspective. As you rotate an ellipse, the minor axis is displayed so you can line it up with your vanishing lines. Both the rotation and degree of the ellipse are displayed in the readout at the bottom of the screen. From the toolbar, tap or press the F key to access the French curves for drawing a variety of smooth curves. When using the Ruler, Ellipse, or French curve, some or all of the following handles will appear. Use them to position and transform the selected guide: to pivot the ruler using the • T ap-drag opposite handle as the pivot point. Dbl-tap any outer handle to reposition the ruler horizontally or vertically. • Tap-drag to move the rulers. to rotate the ellipse or French • T ap-drag curve around its center. to equally scale the ellipse or • Tap-drag French curve in all directions. • Tap-drag to flip the French curve. • Tap-drag direction. to scale the ellipse in one , , or • Tap French curves. or press the E key to access From the toolbar, tap the Ellipse tool. A toolbar appear with a slider to set the spacing between segments along the ellipse ruler. Sketch using a circular motion close to or on the elliptical ruler. The stroke doesn’t have to be perfect, since it snaps to the ellipse. to cycle through different • D bl-tap any scale handle to change the ellipse to a circle. A toolbar appears with various French curves to choose from and a tool for toggling the scaling on and off. SHOWING/HIDING • To toggle scaling on and off, tap To hide the ruler, ellipse, or French curve, tap the close handle . • T o flip the tool, tap RULERS Tap • To close the tool, tap . . . • T o cycle through different French curves, , , or . tap or press R for the straight ruler. 39 PERSPECTIVE GUIDES Tap to access the Perspective tools and use these guides to help draw objects and scenes in perspective. When you select a guide, notice how the cursor changes. Its display provides the directional options for any drawn lines. For example, when using the Fisheye guide, the cursor looks like this: The cursor for the 3 point guide looks like this: PERSPECTIVE TOOLS Use the following tools to aid with drawing. nap/Unsnap - When enabled, strokes will be straight and S constrained to the horizon or vanishing points. When disabled, they will be freeform, with no constraints. ock/Unlock vanishing points - When enabled, the L vanishing points are locked into place and cannot be moved. When disabled, they can be repositioned. how/Hide horizon line - When enabled, horizon lines are S visible. When disabled, it is not visible. MOVING VANISHING POINTS To move a vanishing point, tap them into position. Tap to unlock the vanishing points and click-drag again to lock the vanishing points in place. HIDING THE HORIZON LINE To hide the horizon line, tap to hide it. Tap to display it. 40 1 POINT MODE Create an image with one vanishing point and a horizon. Draw images that appear as if you are viewing them head, such as looking down a street, train tracks, hallway, or at a building. Mouse over it to show the horizon (blue line). Drag to reposition the vanishing point and horizon. 2 POINT MODE Create an image with two vanishing points and a horizon. Draw images of an object with a corner facing you, such as the corner of a building. The walls will recede to the vanishing points. 3 POINT MODE Create an image with three vanishing points and a horizon. Draw images of an object that you are viewing from either above or below. When you mouse over or drag a vanishing point, a horizon line (blue) and triangle connecting the three points (light blue) appears. FISHEYE MODE Create a panoramic or hemispherical image with a very wide angle of view. Draw images of scene viewed from a convex mirror or lens. This mode has 5 vanishing points: left, right, top, bottom, and center. The grid is composited of a horizon line, vertical line, and circle. Curves intersect at the vanishing points. Moving the center point moves the entire grid. Moving an edge point changes the circle’s radius. 41 SYMMETRY Use Symmetry and the Symmetry tools to draw one side of an object or scene and have it mirrored to the other side of the line of symmetry. Tap or press Y for horizontal symmetry. Draw on one side of the axis. It is mirrored to the other side. Note - The axis of symmetry appears at the center of the screen, but can be moved. See Moving the lines of symmetry. Tap or press X for vertical symmetry. SYMMETRY TOOLS Use the following tools to aid with drawing. xtend/Stop strokes at center line - When enabled, the E stroke go beyond the line of symmetry. When disabled, the stroke stops at the line of symmetry. ock/Unlock symmetry lines - When enabled, the lines of L symmetry are locked into place and cannot be moved. When disabled, they can be repositioned. how/Hide symmetry lines - When enabled, the lines of S symmetry are visible. When disabled, they are not visible. MOVING THE LINES OF SYMMETRY To move the lines of symmetry, tap . LOCKING AND UNLOCKING THE LINES OF SYMMETRY To unlock the lines of symmetry, tap , then click-drag Tap again to lock the lines in place. to reposition them. HIDING THE LINES OF SYMMETRY To hide the lines of symmetry, tap to hide them. Tap to display them. 42 DISTORT With Distort, you can move points, so they aren’t constrained to 90 degrees, and create a sense of perspective or speed. Automatically stretch content to fit the confines of the newly-shaped bounding box. Move the manipulators to force perspective upon the contents of the bounding box. DISTORTING AN IMAGE 1. In the toolbar, tap . A bounding box appears surrounding the content. 2. Tap-drag the manipulators to move points. in conjunction with the Tip - Use perspective guide to fit something into a scene. Select one or more layers, then choose one of the following tools from the Transform toolbar: • Transform - Change the size of the distorted selection. Use the Shift key to uniformly scale and Shift-drag to one side to scale in only one direction. • Distort - Move points that are not constrained to 90 degrees and create a sense of perspective or speed. A bounding box and manipulator appear. Tap-drag and reposition the bounding box points. MULTI-LAYER DISTORTION Select multiple layers, using Shift, then tap to them. to apply the same distortion BIAS The manipulator in the middle of the bounding box is the Bias. Tap-drag it to foreshorten, change the proportions of a sketch, or change the actions of a character. 43 7 Change your view Learn how to zoom in and out, move around, and view an image’s actual size or fit it to view. Image courtesy of Carlos Diaz 44 ZOOM USING A TOUCH STRIP Cintiqs and some tablets have a touch strip for zooming. Position your cursor over the area you want to zoom in or out of. Move your finger along the touch strip in an upward motion to zoom in or a downward motion to zoom out. VIEW AN IMAGE’S ACTUAL SIZE For the actual pixel size of an image, tap and flick toward or press Option+Cmd+0 (zero) for Mac or Alt+Ctrl+0 (zero) for Windows. ZOOM IN AND MOVE ABOUT Tap and flick toward FIT AN IMAGE IN THE DISPLAY To expand or shrink an image, tap and flick toward (zero) for Mac or Ctrl+0 (zero) for Windows. or press Cmd+0 or press and hold down the spacebar to access the puck. • Move your stylus to the center to zoom and tap-drag to zoom in and out. • M ove your stylus to the outer ring and tap-drag to reposition your sketch on the canvas. 45 8 Edit your sketch Learn to select and transform things, crop, rotate the canvas, add images and resize them, and do color correction. 46 SELECT AND TRANSFORM AN AREA To make a selection, then immediately transform it, use Quick transform. In the toolbar, tap to access an assortment of Selection tools. Once the selection is made, the Transform puck appears to scale, rotate, or move the selection. SELECTION SELECT AN AREA To make a selection, then use it as a mask, fill it, or distort it, When making a selection, there are two tools to choose use Select. from, Quick transform and Select. They each contain the following Selection tools to choose from: In the toolbar, tap tools. to access an assortment of Selection Rectangle (M) Tap in the toolbar or press the M key, then tap-drag to select the area you want. Oval T ap in the toolbar, then tap-drag from the center of the area you want to select. Once the selection is made, modify it, use it as a mask and paint or fill it, distort, or crop it. To select everything, select Edit > Select all or press Cmd+A for Mac or Ctrl+A for Windows. Lasso (L) in the toolbar or press the L key, then tapTap drag to select the area you want. Polyline Tap in the toolbar, click to add points to the polyline selection, then click your first point to complete the selection. MagicWand T ap in the toolbar, then tap a color to select all pixels of the same tone and color. Use the Tolerance slider to expand or reduce the range of color and tone selected. Image courtesy of HilbrandBos 47 SELECTION MODIFICATION TOOLS Choose either of the following options to access different selection modification tools: • Select - Once a selection is made using any Selection tool, access the Replace, Add, Remove, Invert, and Deselect tools in the Selection toolbar to modify your selection. • Quick Transform - Once an area is selected, the Transform puck appears to move, scale, and/or rotate the selection. EXPAND A SELECTION While still in a selection tool, to add content to a selection, tap new areas. , then start selecting REMOVE CONTENT FROM A SELECTION While still in a selection tool, to remove content to a selection, tap deselecting areas. , then start INVERT A SELECTION To select the area outside of a selection, tap Invert. DESELECT AN AREA To de-select the area: • Tap outside the area. • Press Cmd+D for Mac or Ctrl+D for Windows. • Select Edit > Deselect. • In either of the toolbars, tap . EXIT THE SELECTION MODE To exit the selection mode, tap . Image courtesy of AZURE - Maasa Kuwana-Muelhaupt 48 COPY YOUR SKETCH Use the Selection tools to select everything or just an area, then use Copy to create a duplicate. • To copy everything on a layer, select Edit > Select All or press Cmd+A for Mac or Ctrl+A for Windows. • To copy the contents from the current layer only, select or press Cmd+C for Mac or Ctrl+C for Windows. To paste, select then then or press Cmd+V for Mac or Ctrl+V for Windows. MOVE, ROTATE, OR SCALE A SELECTED AREA Use the Transform Layer puck to move, rotate, and scale content. Use one of the Select tools to access the Transform Layer puck. ote - To move, rotate, or scale a selected area for N all layers, merge the layers first. To move a selection, highlight the move outer circle. Tap, then drag to move the layer around the canvas. To rotate a selection around its center, highlight the rotate middle circle. Tap, then drag in a circular motion in the direction you want to rotate. To non-proportionately scale a selection, highlight the upper part of the inner circle. Tap, then drag in the direction you want scaled. To scale a selection bigger or smaller, highlight the scale inner circle. Tap, then drag to scale up or down to display the percentage scaling. Image courtesy of John Bavaro 49 CROP Use Crop to tap-drag and select an area to be cropped. Use the Cropping tools to precisely increase or decrease the selected region and cancel or commit to the crop. Anything outside the selection is deleted. • T o increase or decrease the cropped area, change the Crop Width or Crop Height in the Crop toolbar. If you want to lock the width/ height ratio, tap , then change one of the values. • To cancel a crop selection, tap . • To crop the selected area, tap . Image courtesy of Matthew Watkins CROP THE CANVAS Use Image > Canvas Size to set size of the canvas, using inches, cm, or mm. Tap the Anchor interface to specify how to crop the canvas, then OK. Image courtesy of Mia Robinson 50 ROTATE CANVAS Select either Flip Canvas Vertically or Mirror Canvas to rotate the image 180 degrees. For users of active tablets, such as a Cintiq, with a pixel width of less than 1024, we currently only support Landscape mode. The toolbar was designed for devices with a minimum 1024 pixels width. FLIP OR MIRROR YOUR CANVAS To flip the canvas vertically, select Image > Flip Canvas Vertically. To flip the canvas horizontally, select Image > Mirror Canvas. 51 ADD AN IMAGE RESIZE AN IMAGE An image, such as a PXD from Pixlr, can be inserted onto the current layer or imported onto a new layer. Once an image is added, the Transform puck appears to reposition, rotate, and or scale the image. Use Image > Image size to change the dimensions of the image in pixels, its resolution, or the document size. • Select File > Add Image, then select a file. • In the Layer Editor, click , then select a file. Keep the following in mind: • To add an image to a new layer, ensure that the preference Add Image: import into a new layer is checked. • To add an image to the current layer, ensure that the preference Add Image: import into a new layer is not checked. • When adding a PXD image to a sketch, SketchBook flattens the file, without making any visual changes. • Once an image added to a layer, it’s “baked” into the current layer. You can no longer rotate, scale, or move it on its own. If you do not to undo it and try again. like its placement, choose This change directly affects memory usage, quadrupling it if you double the pixel size. Due to memory requirements, there is a: • 6400 x 6400-pixel upper limit on image size for the 32-bit version. • 8192 x 8192-pixel upper limit on image size for the 64-bit version. CHANGE RESOLUTION Resolution is the number of pixels per inch, cm, or mm. Leaving the document size the same increases the quality of the image and resolution; however, the memory size also increases. FIT A RESIZED IMAGE ONTO THE SCREEN To expand or reduce an image to fill the screen, flick toward Fit to View or press Cmd+0 (zero) for Mac or Ctrl+0 (zero) for Windows. 52 COLOR CORRECT IMAGES Use the Image > Adjust options for editing an image: Brightness/Contrast – Make colors pop. Increase the contrast to make colors richer. Decreasing it to wash them out for images that text can be placed over top. Increase brightness to bring out details from darker areas. Decrease it to melt away darker aspects of an image and shift the focus to things that are bright. Hue/Saturation – Change the color range, increase or decrease the purity of a color or brilliance of the colors. Adds/subtracts color (hue) or adjusts the relative amount of color (saturation) in each pixel. Color Balance – Remove unwanted color casts by lights or inclement weather conditions by adjusting the cyan, red, magenta, green, yellow, and blue in each pixel. Grayscale – Change a color image to one that uses black, white, and various shapes of gray by removing all color from the image. Invert – Switch the contrast of an image. Change black elements to white and white to black to create an opposite image. Convert color information for each pixel to its complementary color. Tip - You can also use layer blending to make color, tonal, or effects changes to an image. See Layer blending for more information. Image courtesy of HilbrandBos 53 9 Save your sketch Learn to save out an alpha channel and save as different file formats. Choose where to save things. Export to various devices and orientations. Image courtesy of Susan Murtaugh 54 SAVE YOUR SKETCH AS A PXD Save images as PXDs to work on them in Pixlr. For images with colored text, to preserve the color, SketchBook converts the text to an image. SAVE WITH AN ALPHA CHANNEL To save a sketch that can be opened in Pixlr, select File > Save as > File Format > Pixlr PXD for Mac or Save as type > PXD Files (*.pxd) for Windows. SAVE YOUR SKETCH AS AN IMAGE FILE When saving, in the Save as type (Mac) or File Format (Windows) dropdown, select the type of image you want saved. Note - Only the TIFF and PSD image formats preserve layers. Saving them as any other image format flattens them. Only use Autodesk SketchBook Pro to read TIFF files containing layers. We do not advise you to open these images in other programs because we cannot guarantee layer preservation. When saving a file, you can saving with an alpha channel and set the format of the saved file. 1. I n the Layer Editor, in the Background layer, tap to create an alpha channel and make the background of a layer transparent. 2. Select File > Save. When saving an image with an alpha channel, select TIFF, PNG, or PSD. SAVE YOUR SKETCH AS AN ADOBE® PHOTOSHOP® FILE When saving, select the Adobe Photoshop PSD file type option for Mac or Adobe Photoshop Files (*.PSD) file type option for Windows. 55 SAVE LOCATION OPTIONS EXPORTING Choose where a project is saved - locally or to iCloud (Mac App Store version only). SKETCHBOOK LANDSCAPE-ORIENTED IMAGES TO A DEVICE For Mac App Store users, use SketchBook Pro IOS Options to fit the file to a specific device. The format resizes the image and changes its orientation to fit the device. A maximum of 6 layers is preserved. Additional top layers will be merged. When you export a layered landscape-oriented image from SketchBook Pro to an iPad or iPhone, the image is cropped. The iPad maps the bottom left corner of the exported image to its bottom left corner. If the original layered image is wider than the iPad or iPhone, do one of the following: For saving a file without these options, see Exporting. • s et the canvas to the same resolution as the device before exporting SAVE LOCALLY • t ake the image from DropBox or iTunes, open it in any application that can open PSDs, then make changes to fit it to the device Save a project to the computer you are using. In the Save or Save As dialog, browse to a location on your machine and tap Save. Files can be saved as any format. • rotate your layers to change the image’s orientation and ensure the canvas is no longer than the length of the intended device’s canvas SAVE TO ICLOUD For Mac App Store users, save a project to iCloud to access it from anywhere and any device or platform. iCloud file management is only supported through the SketchBook iCloud Gallery. In the Save or Save As dialog, tap Go to iCloud Gallery. SKETCHBOOK IMAGES TO A DEVICE When you export an image with 8 layers from SketchBook Pro to a device, layers may be missing. Note - Enable the system preference iCloud > Documents & Data. In your SketchBook Pro General preferences, check Enable iCloud to access iCloud files and save to your iCloud account. • T he iPad2 has a limit of 4 high-resolution or 12 regular layers. Layers 5 and up from the original image are not loaded for a device with high-resolution layers. Turn off High-resolution canvas, then re-import the file. Important - If you suspect your iCloud Gallery could be full, we recommend saving your file locally and moving it to the cloud when space is available. If a file is open on 2 or more devices, there is no notification. The last device to save will overwrite the file. • The iPad1 has 6 layers, so layers 7 and 8 are not loaded. Merge some of the layers before exporting for an iPad1 user. • T he iPhone has from 3 – 6 layers, so some layers are not loaded. 56 OPEN A SAVED SKETCH To open sketches of various formats, select and flick toward or press Cmd+O for Mac or Ctrl+O for Windows. OPEN A SKETCH STORED ON ICLOUD For Mac App Store users, access a project stored on iCloud from anywhere and with any machine. In the Open dialog, tap Go to iCloud Gallery. OPEN A PXD Open an image from Pixlr in SketchBook. If the image uses a blend mode not supported by SketchBook, the Normal blend mode is used to replace it. To bring an image from Pixlr into SketchBook, select File > Open, then select a PXD file. REMOVE A PROJECT FROM THE SKETCHBOOK ICLOUD GALLERY For Mac App Store users, select a file and tap [X] Delete. 57 10 Use layers Use layers to make changes to an image without modifying the content on other layers. Use multiple layers for drawing complex sketches or to test variations of a design. Image courtesy of Rita Flores 58 HOW DO I USE LAYERS? Note - Moving, rotating, and scaling a layer only affects the current layer. To move, rotate, or scale the entire canvas, Shift-select all layers, then tap . To move, rotate, or scale a layer, press-hold the V key and use the Transform puck. To do this to another layer, select a new layer and repeat. 1. Flick toward to open the Layer Editor. 2. T ap-hold the middle of a layer to access layer tools, then flick toward any of the following: dd a layer A (Cmd+L for Mac or Ctrl+L for Windows) Delete a layer erge with the layer below M (Cmd+E for Mac or Ctrl+E for Windows) Lock and unlock a layer Hide or Show a layer Make a duplicate layer SELECT A LAYER In the Layer Editor, tap a layer to select and highlight it. All actions are applied to this layer, until another layer is selected. Rename layers to easily identify them. To rename a layer, select a layer, and do either: • click and select Rename • click and flick . LOCKING LAYERS To flip a layer or mirror, use Image > Flip Layer Vertically or Mirror Layer. Locking layers ensures that nothing is accidentally altered and can indicate completion. When changes need to be made on a locked layer, unlock it and rework things. Lock allows you to set both states. ADDING A LAYER To lock a layer, select a layer and tap To add a layer to your sketch, in the Layer Editor, do either: • click • click . DELETING LAYERS To remove a layer from the Layer Editor, select a layer, and do either: . and select New Layer. Rename a layer Merge all layers together RENAMING A LAYER DUPLICATING A LAYER • click and select Delete. • click and flick . To make a copy of a layer, do either: • select the layer and click • click and flick . and select Duplicate. CLEARING A LAYER To clear a layer, do any of the following: • select the layer and click • click . and select Clear. • select Edit > Clear. EDIT A LAYER With a layer selected in the Layer Editor, move, rotate, or scale the layer, mirror or flip its content, use the color correction tools, or add text. 59 LAYER BLENDING In the Layer Editor, with a layer selected, tap the arrows to cycle through and select a layer blending method. LINEAR BURN Enhances the contrast by applying the colors of the blended layer and base. The intensity of the tones in the blended layer determines the degree of color change: • darker colors create a more intense effect. DARKEN T akes two layers (the blended layer and the base), compares their pixels, and displays the darker of the two. • white areas remain the same. LIGHTEN The opposite of Darken. Takes two layers (the blended layer and the base), compares their pixels, and displays the lighter of the two. MULTIPLY Produces an overall darkening effect to the layer appearance. Each pixel on the layer is darkened by a value equal to or greater than the value of pixels on other layers occupying the same location in the layer stack. It produces a similar effect to combining one or more photographic transparencies together and looking through them. Tip - If the top selected layer uses tints (colors mixed with white), more of the colors from the layer will show through. If it uses shades (colors mixed with black), most of the colors from the layer below are obscured. COLOR BURN Enhances the contrast by applying the colors of the blended layer and base. The intensity of the tones in the blended layer determines the degree of color change: • darker colors create a more intense effect. SCREEN Produces an overall lightening effect, by providing a softer lightening effect than Add. Each pixel on the layer is brightened by a value equal to or lesser than the value of pixels on other layers occupying the same location in the layer stack. This effect is opposite to Multiply. Tip - If the top layer uses tints (colors mixed with white), most of the colors from the layer below will be obscured. If it uses shades (colors mixed with black), more colors from the layer below to show through. COLOR DODGE The opposite of Burn - though results aren’t always opposite. Increases contrast by lightening light areas without having any effect on darker ones. • white areas remain the same. 60 LINEAR DODGE (ADD) HARD LIGHT L ightens the overall composition, similar to Screen, but more dramatically. Each pixel is brightened by a value equal to or lesser than the value of pixels on other layers occupying the same location in the layer stack. This is applied as a linear calculation. Tip - If the top selected layer uses tints (colors mixed with white), most of the colors from the layer below will be obscured. If it uses shades (colors mixed with black), more of the colors from the layer below to show through. Similar to Overlay, just more dramatic. Determines the pixel color based on grayscale. More than 50% gray, base layer pixels are screened. Less than 50% gray, they are multiplied. HUE Takes the hue of the blended layer, changing that of the base layer, without affecting the brightness or saturation levels. GLOW Defines the brightness of a glow, like the effect of a star in the night sky. The higher the setting, the brighter the glow. SATURATION Takes the saturation of the blended layer, changing that of the base layer, without affecting the brightness or hue levels. SOFT GLOW Softens or blurs the color and intensity of Glow, like the light emanating from a translucent object. COLOR Takes the hue of the blended layer, changing the color of the base layer, without affecting the luminosity. OVERLAY A mix of Multiply and Screen. Takes dark values and multiplies them and screening light values from the base layer. Brightness is unchanged, so it tends to look harsher than Soft Light. LUMINOSITY The opposite of Color, it blends the lightness, while ignoring the color information. SOFT LIGHT A mix of Darken and Lighten. Takes dark values and multiplies them and screening light values from the base layer; however, in this case, the effect is softer and more subtle than Overlay. NORMAL Removes any color correction applied to the layer. The layer appears exactly as it was created. 61 ORGANIZE LAYERS Drag layers and reposition them and change the spatial position of objects and how they combine to create the overall composition. Once satisfied with layer order, they can be combined by merging two or all of them. In the Layer Editor, pen down on to drag the layer up or down. Release the stylus to drop the layer into position. MERGE TWO LAYERS Combine two layers together. Tap the upper layer and to merge it with the one below or press flick toward Cmd+E for Mac or Ctrl+E for Windows. MERGE ALL LAYERS Combine all layers to create a project with one layer. Flick to merge them, even hidden (which become toward visible) or locked ones. Note - Unhide all layers to be merged. Hidden layers will be lost. Image courtesy of CreatureBox 62 1 2 3 4 GROUPING LAYERS LAYER BLENDING FOR GROUPS Use layer grouping to organize layers. For example, if drawing a car, you may want to group the layers with tires and hubcaps together, create another group for layers containing the body, headlights, windshield, etc., and a final one for interior components. When a layer group is selected, the Blend Mode changes to Pass Through. Any blend mode applied to a layer will affect all layers below it, including ones not in the group. If the group is set to Normal, any blend mode applied to a layer within the group affects only layers in that group. 1. Layer Menu 2. Layer Blending 3. Show/Hide Layer 4. Color Label 5 5. Collapse/Expand Layer Group CREATING A LAYER GROUP There are three different ways to create a layer group, in the Layer Editor: • Click Layer Menu and select New Group. • Click . Group with Pass Through applied Layer with Multiply applied • S hift-select the layers you want grouped and click and select Group Layers. To ungroup layers, select the group folder, click Ungroup. and select ADDING A LAYER TO A GROUP To add a layer to a group, click the layer’s and drag it either onto the Group folder or over a layer within the group. Group with Normal applied Layer with Multiply applied SHOWING/HIDING A LAYER GROUP To hide the content in a layer group, tap content. . Tap to display the Note - If you want to see some of the group content, you can hide individual layers within the group. 63 COLORED LAYER OR LAYER GROUP ASSIGNMENTS CHANGE THE TRANSPARENCY OF A LAYER Blend a layer with other layers using transparency. Assign a color to a layer to makes it easier to distinguish one layer or group from another. • To assign a color, in the Layer Editor, with a layer or group selected, tap-hold , then flick a color. • To un-assign a color, select Full opacity . COLLAPSING/EXPANDING A GROUP To collapse a group and hide its layers in the Layer Editor, tap . When a group is collapsed, its icon changes to . Medium opacity (translucent) Tap it to expand the group and see its layers. Transparent In the Layer Editor, with a layer selected, drag the slider to the opacity. Note - If a layer is not visible, check to see if the opacity is set to 0%. LOCKING/UNLOCKING LAYER TRANSPARENCY To lock the transparency of a layer, tap . To unlock transparency, tap . 64 11 Annotate, Send, Print & Present Print images or email them. Annotate sketches. Present sketches to colleagues, clients, or friends. Image courtesy of Simone Kirschning 65 TEXT CHANGING THE TRANSPARENCY OF TEXT Use Text to create simple RTF text objects. Set the font, size, style, and color, select and position them, change their transparency, and use Edit Text Layer to modify them. The opacity of a text layer can be changed using the layer’s opacity slider. Click-drag the opacity slider to change the transparency of a text layer. ADDING TEXT A 1. To add text, in the toolbar, tap . A A 2. Start typing in the Edit Text Layer window. 3. Use the in-line editing tools to make changes to the text. See Editing text for more information. 4. Tap OK when finished. EDITING TEXT - FOR MAC USERS Through tapping the Font button in the Edit Text Layer window, you can access the following text editing tools: • Collections – Manage the list of fonts that appear in Family and see only the fonts you want. Create custom font collections. Use default sets to load only fun fonts or ones with fixed width. Load only your favorite fonts or those recently used. • Family – Select a font from the list. If a font family is not listed, change the Collections option to All Fonts. • T ypeface – Choose from Condensed, Condensed Italic, Bold Condensed, Bold Condensed Italic typefaces. • Size – Set the size of the text. To set text color, click . EDITING TEXT - FOR WINDOWS USERS 1. If the Edit Text Layer window is not open, select a text layer. 2. Tap . 3. Select Edit Text Layer to open the Edit Text Layer window. TRANSFORMING TEXT Once text appears in the middle of the canvas, you are in Transform mode. Move is set as the default transform. Use the puck to select a different mode. • When rotating or scaling the text, SketchBook uses the center of the text as the pivot point. • When scaling text, font size is changed, resulting in no visual quality change. Note - Font size determines how much you can scale a font. A font size of 12 cannot be scaled up as much as one set to 24. A font of 12 cannot be scaled down as much as one set to 5. To scale a font any further, return to the Text window and increase or decrease the font size. RASTERIZING A TEXT LAYER Change text into pixels to paint on the same layer. The Text layer is converted into a regular layer and its content is converted to pixels. Paint can be applied to this new layer. In the Layer Editor, flick . Note - When text is rasterized, longer be applied. Edit Text can no 66 EMAIL A SKETCH For Mac App Store users, email a sketch to someone by selecting File > Send Mail. TROUBLESHOOTING For Windows users, if you get a message that you cannot email the image, check that: To select a default email application on Windows 7 or 8: You have an email account set up on your computer. • Go to the Internet Properties control panel (Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Internet Options). • Click the Programs tab. • Pick the default email application from the E-mail dropdown list. You have selected a default email application. Some email programs (for example, Microsoft Outlook) Your email program is open. must be open before using this feature. Try the following: • From the Windows Start menu, choose Run. You can launch your default email program from outside of SketchBook. • Type the “mailto:” command. • Click OK. If a new empty message window does not appear, then there is a problem with the configuration of your email application and/or account. For Mac users, if you get a message that you cannot email the image, check that: • You have an email account set up on your computer. • You have selected a default email application. • You can launch your default email program from outside SketchBook. If your email program creates the email message, but cannot send the message, ensure that your email service provider is operational. (Refer to the documentation of your email program for further information.) Image courtesy of Kevin Gentry 67 12 Adjust System & Program Settings reate your own marking menus and populate C the lagoon with the options you use most frequently. Right-tap to access a virtual floating lagoon. Image courtesy of Joseandrés Guijarro 68 PRINT A SKETCH Make printouts of your sketches by selecting File > Print. FLIP THROUGH YOUR SKETCHES View the images in a folder. • To move to the next image in the current folder, tap , then flick toward . Images are displayed in increasing order by file name. For example, HOUSE1, HOUSE2, HOUSE3. • To move to the previous image in the current folder, tap , then flick toward . Images are displayed in decreasing order by file name. For example, HOUSE3, HOUSE2, HOUSE1. Note - If you mark up the images, a prompt to save your changes when you go to the previous or next image appears. To preserve the original image, save the marked-up image under a different file name. PRESENT IMAGES Organize and determine their order, then hide the interface to make the images the focal point. • Put your images in order for presentation - Create a folder containing the images you want to include in the presentation. Rename the images in the folder in alphabetical or numerical order you want to present them. • Presenting images - Browse to the folder containing the images you want to present. Open the first file in the folder. • To show the next image, tap • To go backwards, tap , then flick toward , then flick toward . . • Hiding the interface for a bigger viewing area – To view a full-size display with no title bar or tools, tap , then flick . To move back and forth between images, use the Page Up and . Page Down keys. To view all the tools again, tap , then flick Image courtesy of Carsten Bradley 69 CUSTOMIZING LAGOON ICONS Change the icons displayed in the lagoon, using the top section of the Lagoon Preferences. RESET COLOR PALETTE Resets the Color Palette to the factory default colors. All custom swatches are removed. Select Edit > Preferences > the Factory Defaults tab, for Reset Color Palette, tap Reset. CUSTOMIZING MARKING MENUS RESET BRUSH PALETTE Customize the marking menu for an icon in the lagoon, using the Lagoon Preferences to add tools that you commonly use. Once done, you can use clutch keys or left-click to access these custom marking menus with-out visiting the lagoon. Select Edit > Preferences > the Factory Defaults tab, for Reset Brush Palette and Library, tap Reset. Lagoon position Mouse First press 1, then right-click First press 2, then right-click First press 3, then right-click First press 4, then right-click First press 5, then right-click First press 6, then right-click Stylus Press-hold 1 and pen-down (left click) Press-hold 2 and pen-down (left click) Press-hold 3 and pen-down (left click) Press-hold 4 and pen-down (left click) Press-hold 5 and pen-down (left click) Press-hold 6 and pen-down (left click) Resets all brushes to their original state. All custom brushes are removed. RESET PREFERENCE SETTINGS Resets your preferences to the factory default settings. Select Edit > Preferences > the Factory Defaults tab, for Reset Preference Settings, tap Reset. HIDE OR MOVE THE INTERFACE Use these tools to set what interface elements are visible. isplays the toolbar and lagoon and flips it D to the left corner of the canvas. Display the toolbar and lagoon and flips the lagoon to the right corner of the canvas. RESETTING YOUR PREFERENCES At any time, you can reset your preferences back to their original state. Hide the toolbar and lagoon. Display the toolbar, but hide the lagoon. RESET THE LAGOON Resets the Lagoon to the factory default tools and marking menus. Select Edit > Preferences > the Lagoon tab, tap Reset. 70 HIDING OR SHOWING SCROLL BARS Tap the Canvas tab. Turn off Enable canvas scroll bars. Note - You can still use the Zoom and Move tool to view those parts of the image that are off the screen. CHANGING THE BEHAVIOR OF PAGE UP AND PAGE DOWN Some machines use the Page Up and Page Down keys differently for browsing to previous or next files. Tap the General tab, in the Page Up section, tap one of the following setting to set up the program behavior that works best for your system. • Open next image • Open previous image CHANGING THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF UNDOS Changing the number of undos only takes effect once a file is created or another one is imported. We recommend you restart SketchBook. Tap the General tab. Enter the number of undos in Maximum undos. The maximum value is 75, but we recommend a lower value for optimal speed and performance. CHANGING THE DEFAULT CANVAS SIZE FOR NEW FILES By default, the size of a new image is the size of the display. • Use width and height of window - To specify a custom size. Enter the width and height in the fields provided (choose from pixels, inches, cm, or mm). Note - The maximum size is 6400 x 6400 pixels for the 32-bit version or 8192 x 8192 for the 64-bit. • CHANGE THE BRUSH CURSOR In your Preferences, set the type of display for the brush cursor. REMOVE THE BRUSH OUTLINE By default, a brush outline appears for the sharpen, blur, and smear brushes, eraser, and other low-opacity brushes such as the airbrush. This outline lets you see the brush size before you start drawing. In your Preferences, this can be turned off. IMPROVE PERFORMANCE Some users may experience slower performance when Enable Rotate Canvas is enabled. This can be corrected by changing a preference setting, which turn off Enable Rotate Canvas. Tip - Press the 0 and 9 keys to rotate the canvas to the left of right, respectively. Use width and height of window - To use the default display size again. 71 WACOM TABLET TROUBLESHOOTING For users of either the Wacom Cintiq or Intuos tablet devices, who have experienced any of the following issues: • Cursor offset (Cintiq) • Cursor acceleration (dual monitor setups) • Erratic pen input You may want to also read these articles at visit the following links: • • INSTALLING THE LATEST DRIVERS If your Wacom device seems to work when you first plug it in, but you experience erratic behavior (for example, problems with stylus pressure or with drifting or offset of the brush stroke), you need the latest tablet driver. Note - If you switch from serial to USB devices, try uninstall-ing the tablet driver and reinstalling it. For the latest Wacom drivers, go to the Support area of Install a tablet driver only after you have plugged in the Wacom device, uninstalled the previous driver, and restarted. USING DEFAULT TIP PRESSURE FEEL If you find that brush strokes change abruptly from too light to too dark as you vary the amount of pressure you apply to your stylus: 1. For Windows users, display the Wacom Tablet Properties window. Access this window from Start > Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Wacom Tablet Properties. or Mac users, find the installed Wacom drivers and double-clicking the Wacom F Tablet icon to access this window. 2. T o customized settings for other applications, add Autodesk SketchBook Pro to the list of applications with customized tool settings, which applies the changes only to it. 3. Move the Tip Pressure Feel slider to half-way between Soft and Hard. The shape of the pressure curve in the More Options display must be a diagonal line. It takes this shape by default when you move the Tip Pressure Feel slider to the middle. Note - For information about using SketchBook with Wacom tablets, see the section to follow, Adjusting stylus responsiveness. Image courtesy of John Bavaro 72 ADJUSTING STYLUS RESPONSIVENESS Styli (pens) for various systems each respond differently to the pressure you apply. If you dislike the feel of your current stylus, do the following: Note - This setting affects brushstrokes for all pressure-sensitive brushes. 1. Select a pressure-sensitive brush, such as the pencil. Note - You cannot adjust stylus responsiveness, unless the current brush is pressure-sensitive. 2. Select Edit > Stylus Responsiveness. The Stylus Responsiveness window appears. 3. Move the slider to the right to increase the responsiveness of the stylus. As you move toward the Less end of the scale, the feel of the stylus becomes softer. You do not have to press hard to get dark and thick strokes. As you move toward the More end of the scale, the feel of the stylus becomes harder. Press hard to get dark, thick strokes. 4. Test your stylus on the canvas. Experiment with different types of brushes. Note - The Stylus Responsiveness window stays up while you test. eep testing with different responsiveness values until the marks on the screen K look and feel right. • With heavy pressure, the markers and other heavier brushes tend to make dark, thick strokes. • With light pressure, the pencils tend to make light, but visible strokes. Note - You may need to adjust the pen responsiveness each time you use a different tablet or stylus. ADJUSTING STYLUS RESPONSIVENESS FOR ONE BRUSH The Stylus Responsiveness window applies to all brushes. To create a brush that responds differently to the pressure you apply to the stylus, create a do-it-yourself brush and change its size and opacity levels. Note - Brush strokes can change abruptly from too light to too dark as you vary the stylus pressure. Setting the tip pressure feel to its default value corrects the abrupt changes. Image courtesy of Francesco Salvati 73 Hotkeys Use this list to see the hotkey assignments in SketchBook. Function Animation Brush Crop Distort Fill Layers Menu Perspective Selection Shape Symmetry Transform Layer UI Zoom/Rotate/ Move Canvas Previous frame Adjust size Press Shift, drag corner to get constrain scale In Distort mode, press shift to drag edge, only can move the edge alone the extension Commit the result Add layer New Invoke Perspective tool Invoke Lasso selection Press Shift key to get horizontal/ vertical line, square, circle Invoke Symmetry X Win Mac “,” (or “<“) B Shift “,” (or “<“) B Shift Shift Shift Enter Ctrl+L Ctrl+N P L Shift Enter Command+L Command+N P L Shift X V T or Tab Spacekey X V T or Tab Spacekey Open Save Save As Print Exit Ctrl+O Ctrl+S Ctrl+Shift+S Ctrl+P Ctrl+Q Command+O Command+S Command+Shift+S Command+P Command+Q Undo Redo Cut Copy Copy Merged Paste Select All Deselect Invert Selection Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Y Ctrl+X Ctrl+C Ctrl+Shift+C Ctrl+V Ctrl+A Ctrl+D Ctrl+Shift+I Command+Z Command+ Shift+Z Command+X Command+C Command+Shift+C Command+V Command+A Command+D Command+Shift+I Hide UI 74 Function Preference SketchBook Help Next frame Previous keyframe Next keyframe Add keyframe (on next frame) Play/Stop Invoke Rectangle Selection Press ‘Shift’ before add selection, add mode Press ‘Shift’ during adding selection, get circle or square Press ‘Alt’ before selection, remove mode Press ‘Shift’ after move selection, move horizontally or vertically Arrow key to move pixel Esc key to exit Selection tool Click outside of selection to cancel the current selection Polyline: Win Mac Ctrl+, F1 “.” (or “>”) Shift + “,” (or “<“) Shift + “.” (or “>”) Alt + “.” Enter Command+, N/A “.” (or “>”) Shift + “,” (or “<“) M Shift M Shift Alt Alt Shift Shift Arrow Key Arrow Key C Shift C Shift Esc D Y R E F Esc D Y R E F Shift + “.” (or “>”) Alt + “.” Enter Delete key to delete last point Double-click to confirm Click the start point to confirm Enter key to confirm Invoke Crop tool In Transform mode, press Shift to drag corner and constrain scale Exit the fill tool Snap or not Invoke Symmetry Y Ruler Ellipse French Curve 75 Function Mac Adjust Opacity Adjust Slant Increase brush size Decrease brush size Color picker Swap between two brushes Add Group Merge with below Clear Layer O / ] [ Alt or I S Ctrl +G Ctrl+E Backspace or Delete Fit to View Actual size Rotate canvas left Rotate canvas right Previous image/Next image Ctrl+0 (zero) Command+0 Ctrl+Alt+0(zero) Command+Alt+0 9 (nine) 9 (nine) 0 (zero) 0 (zero) Page Up/Page N/A Down Ctrl+J Command+J Ctrl+Alt+J Command+Alt+J Hide Lagoon Toggle Titlebar on/off Image courtesy of Ka McCarthy Win O / ] [ Alt or I S Command+G Command+E Delete 76