Individual Girl Scout Handbook


Individual Girl Scout Handbook
Girl Scouts–Dakota Horizons
Individual Girl Scout
Welcome to Girl Scouts!
We are glad you are here! We look forward to bringing fun, friend-filled adventures for
your girl that will build lifelong leadership skills.
This Individual Girl Scout Handbook provides an overview of our program specifically
for individual participants. Please contact us if we can be of assistance in helping you
get started. Again, welcome to the Girl Scout Family!
Who We Are
Girl Scouts – Dakota Horizons (GSDH) is
chartered by Girl Scouts of the USA-the
largest organization for girls in the world–to
provide direct services to girls and the
volunteers who work with them throughout
all of North Dakota and South Dakota
as well some surrounding counties in
Minnesota and Iowa.
The Girl Scout Promise
On my honor, I will try:
To serve God* and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
The Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do,
and to
respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place, and
be a sister to every Girl Scout.
*When reciting the Girl Scout Promise,
Girl Scouts may substitute wording
appropriate to their own spiritual belief
for the word “God.”
Our Mission
Girl Scouting builds girls of courage,
confidence, and character, who make the
world a better place.
What We Do
In Girl Scouts, girls develop their leadership
potential through activities that enable
them to discover their values, skills, and the
world around them; connect with others
in a multicultural environment; and take
action to make a difference in the world.
100+ years of leadership
• 59% of women in the United States
Senate are former Girl Scouts.
• 60% of women in the House of
Representatives are former Girl Scouts.
• 53% of all women business owners are
former Girl Scouts.
• 76% of all Girl Scout alumnae report
that Girl Scouts had a positive impact
in their lives.
Who can join?
Any girl—from kindergarten through 12th grade—can join Girl Scouts. What all
members share, whether girls or adults, is the Girl Scout Promise and Law. Each
member also agrees to follow safety guidelines and pay the annual membership dues.
Grade Levels
Girl Scouting is age-appropriate and designed to meet girls’ unique needs and
interests at various stages in their lives.
Girl Scout Daisy
Grades K – 1
Girls learn more about themselves in relation to others. Girls participate in
activities that help them understand the Girl Scout Promise and Law.
Girl Scout Brownie
Grades 2 – 3
Girls gain cooperative and team building skills. Girls participate in activities
that help them try new and challenging things to expand their horizons.
Girl Scout Junior Grades 4 – 5
Girls learn about being part of a larger community while gaining a clearer
sense of individual identity. Girls participate in activities that help them
explore new skills and ideas, plan and evaluate, and make healthy choices.
Girl Scout Cadette
Grades 6 – 8
Girls strengthen existing relationships and seek new connections.
Girls participate in activities that help them examine and address issues,
practice and promote healthy behavior, and challenge themselves.
Girl Scout Senior
Grades 9 – 10
Girls recognize and address challenges to build healthy relationships
and teamwork. Girls participate in activities that help them apply
critical thinking skills, engage in and advocate for inclusiviness and mobilize
Girl Scout Ambassador
Grades 11 – 12
Girls increase independence, seek community connections, and
strengthen relationships. Girls participate in activities that equip them to
pursue goals, live their values, and refine their leadership skills.
Adult Girl Scout & Volunteer
Girl Scout volunteers add meaningful days to girls’ lives and to their own.
Share your personal passions and create experiences together that will
never be forgotten. There are endless, flexible ways to participate. Choose
to work directly or indirectly with girls on a short-term or long-term basis.
Volunteers receive instruction, guidance, and support. Learn more at or contact your local Girl Scout–
Dakota Horizons Volunteer Specialist to get involved.
Ways to Participate as an Individual Girl Scout
One $15 membership, 5 ways to get involved! With guidance from parents/
guardians, girls choose how they want to experience Girl Scouts.
Individual Girl Scouts do activities individually with a parent, guardian or other adult
mentor known as a Girl Scout Program Partner. An Individual Girl Scout is not part of a
troop, but participates in all other Girl Scout pathways and activities for her grade level
with her Girl Scout Program Partner. Girl Scout Program Partner are discussed more
on page 6.
Camp: Explore the outdoors, participate in a weekend camp program, or
build skills at day or resident camps during the summer.
Event: Choose from day or weekend-long events.
Series: Attend short-term group events where the same girls participate for
the entire program. These are typically multi-week. Girls build on the
skills learned at each session.
Travel: Plan, prepare for, and participate in regional, national, and
international trips.
Virtual: Coming soon!
To check out all program opportunities, visit
What do Girl Scouts do?
Girl Scout Leadership Experience
The Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE) is the engine that drives Girl Scouts.
Girls discover themselves and their values, connect with others in their community
and take action to make the world a better place. Discover, connect and take action
are the three keys to leadership that focus on ‘what’ girls do. The second part of the
GSLE model focuses on the importance of ‘how’ girls participate in activities: girlled, cooperative learning and learning by doing. It is all about what girls do, how they
do it and what they get (fifteen national outcomes). The National Program Portfolio
delivers the GSLE through two fun and engaging resources: the National Leadership
Journeys and The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting.
Journeys are the core leadership program for Girl Scouts. Journey books are
available to girls at each program grade level and are accompanied by easy-touse how-to guides for adults. Girls experience the traditions of Girl Scouting,
from ceremonies and songs to earning prestigious awards that recognize their
growing leadership skills. There are 3 themes to choose from with age appropriate
programming for every grade level.
It’s your World—Change It! invites girls to
develop a deep understanding of themselves,
understand how powerfully they can act when
they team with others who share a vision, and
make a difference in their communities by
inspiring, educating, and advocating.
It’s Your Planet—Love It! invites girls to make
sense of the wealth of environmental information
available so that they can act for the betterment
of Earth and its inhabitants. In this series, girls
tackle issues like conservation, pollution, and
renewable and reusable resources—all while
focusing on leadership development.
It’s Your Story—Tell It! made possible in part
by a generous grant from Dove, it is designed to
strengthen a girl’s sense of herself and boost
her capacity to seek and meet challenges in
the world—all by giving her the opportunity to
hear, create, and tell stories in a range of
creative mediums.
The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting
In addition to the Journeys leadership curriculum,
The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting and each SkillBuilding Badge Set complement the Journeys at
each grade level.
Through fun activities, girls can earn a variety of
badges to build their skills and gain the confidence
they’ll use to change the world.
They can even develop and complete activities to
make their own badge—a great way to explore a topic of personal interest. In addition,
girls who make their own badge will learn how to learn, which is an important skill to
have in school, on the job, and in life!
The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting and Journeys are available at Girl Scout Retail Stores.
The Individual Girl Scout
Girl Scout Program Partner
There are many adventures awaiting your Individual Girl Scout. To ensure her ability
to share in these opportunities, Girl Scouts–Dakota Horizons recommends that
Individual Girl Scouts have a Girl Scout Program Partner – a parent, guardian or an
adult (18 or older) who is a special mentor to the girl. The Program Partner will help
shape the girl’s involvement. Girl Scout Program Partners are not assigned – they are
chosen by the girl and her family.
Responsibilities of the Parent/Guardian:
• Sign the girl membership form (either electronically or paper copy) and pay the
annual $15 GSUSA membership fee.
• Pre-register for activities as required.
• Sign parent/guardian permission slips to attend camps, events, or other activities.
• Insure any necessary forms (health and permission form, etc.) are submitted in a
timely manner to the appropriate person.
• Provide transportation, arriving and picking your
girl up on time for all Girl Scout activities.
Responsibilities of the Girl Scout Program Partner:
• Explore the Girl Scout Leadership Experience materials – the Leadership Journeys
and The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting.
• Assist your girl in purchasing the books and materials required to complete
the badges and Journeys.
• Verify that your girl has completed the requirements for the awards and
badges and help her purchase them from the Girl Scout Retail Store.
• Decide with your girl when to meet for Girl Scouts and related activites. Set
a calendar and appointments to help both of you to fulfill your Girl Scout
commitment to one another and help your girl to accomplish her goals.
• Discuss with your girl how to create a budget to help her reach her goals and earn
her way to all of the fun programs and camps available to both of you as
Girl Scouts.
• Help your girl decide to participate in Fall Product and Cookie Sale Programs and
ensure she follows sale requirements and safety guidelines. By doing so, you will
help her to learn the “5 Skills” and earn Dakota Certificates to help her pay for Girl
Scout events, trips, camp and GSDH Retail Store items such as books, badges and
• Review the council Program Guide, emails, and GSDH website for adventures that
your girl can attend with you (or attend on her own if program allows and she is
• Provide transportation, arriving and picking your
girl up on time for all Girl Scout activities.
How do Individual Girl Scouts earn money?
To finance activities, Girl Scouts rely on a combination of family partnership and
Product Sales proceeds. As a Girl Scout progresses through the grade levels, her goal
should be to become self-sufficient using the Product Sales proceeds she earns in the
form of Dakota Certificates.
Girl Scout Product Sales Programs
Girls earn Dakota Certificates and learn these five skills: Goal Setting, Decision Making,
Money Management, People Skills, and Business Ethics.
GSDH has important policies and procedures to keep girls safe in the product sales
programs: all families participating must follow these policies. As an Individual Girl
Scout, you will receive information from your Service Unit Product Sale Coordinator or
Service Unit Manager twice a year inviting you to participate in product programs.
Any additional money earning campaigns must be pre-approved by your local District
Fall Product Sale Program: (October-November) Earn troop funds early in the
year! Girls earn recognitions for magazines/photo products and nut/chocolate sales
and funds for Girl Scout activities. Troops receive participation resources from
their service unit. Visit the Fall Product tab of the Dakota Horizons web site for more
Girl Scout Cookie Program: (February-March)The largest girlled business in the world. Troops receive participation resources
from their service unit. Visit the Cookies tab on the Dakota
Horizons website for more information.
How are Individual Girl Scouts’ funds managed?
Girls participating in Girl Scouting as Individuals (not involved with a troop) earn
Dakota Certificates from Product Sales instead of Troop Proceeds. The Dakota
Certificates are based on a range calculation for the Fall Product Sale and Cookie Sale
Programs. The girl will also receive recognitions based on her sales.
It is the Individual Girl Scouts’ responsibility to manage their earned Dakota
Certificates. If lost or damaged, Girl Scouts–Dakota Horizons will not reissue. Any
Individual Girl Scout who wishes to save their Dakota Certificates for a future trip or
program must contact their Membership Specialist and receive written permission
from the Council CEO in order to save Dakota Certificates past the expiration
date. For more information regarding these policies, please contact your
Membership Specialist.
General Information
How much does it cost?
Girl Scouts pay an annual registration fee of $15. This is sent to Girl Scouts of the
USA for program development. This fee also allows supplemental activity accident
insurance for each member while participating in Girl Scout activities. Other fees
include uniform, insignia, books, and costs for program activities. Participation in the
Fall Product Sale Program and Cookie Sale Program can help girls learn skills while
earning funds.
Family Partnership
Please demonstrate your financial support of Girl Scouts – Dakota Horizons.
Help develop and implement council sponsored events, offer trainings
at little or no cost to volunteers, and provide scholarships to girls with
need. Your gift of $20, $50, or more will help sustain Girl Scouting in
our communities.
Does my Girl Scout need a uniform?
We are proud of our identity and the sense of belonging that comes from wearing
a Girl Scout uniform. Girls display badges, pins, and other earned awards on official
tunics, vests, or sashes (required when participating in ceremonies or officially
representing the Girl Scout Movement). The tunic, sash, or vest is worn with a girl’s
own solid white shirt and khaki pants or skirt. Our Girl Scout Stores also carry a white
Polo shirt.
Not sure where to place insignia on the Girl Scout uniform? Visit, click on
Our Program and Where to Place.
Where do I purchase Girl Scout Merchandise?
Visit your local Girl Scout Retail Store.
Bismarck | Grand Forks | Fargo | Minot | Sioux Falls | Rapid City
or online at
Let us help you get started (and save money) with a GREAT START KIT!
See page 14 for details
Is financial assistance available?
Yes! Financial assistance (scholarship funds) are made available through the
generosity of people who believe in the mission of Girl Scouting. No girl or adult is
excluded from Girl Scout membership because of an inability to pay. For girls with a
financial need, the council also provides assistance with essential Girl Scout uniform
components, (sash/vest/tunic, Girl Scouts of the USA and Dakota Horizons ID set,
troop numerals and World Association Pin) and a Journey book. Partial scholarships
are also available for council-sponsored events and camp activities. Applications are
available at
Will my girl be safe in Girl Scouts?
Safety of girls in Girl Scouting is always top priority. To provide for the wellbeing of girls,
volunteers are provided with Volunteer Essentials and Safety Activity Checkpoints.
Girl Scouts of the USA supplies these resources that aim to create a safe and
welcoming experience for all girls and adult volunteers. These resources, available on
our council’s website, include national program standards and guidelines for common
Girl Scout activities. All new volunteers complete a required application process,
background check and are appointed by council for their roles. As a part of your
annual membership dues, GSUSA provides supplemental insurance to each member
when participating in Girl Scout sponsored activities.
How do I stay informed about activities?
There are several ways to get the “latest and greatest” Girl Scout news:
1. Get involved and volunteer with your girl.
2.Attend service unit* meetings.
3.Regularly visit our council’s website to learn more about
upcoming events, activities, and resources.
4.Become a Facebook Fan of Girl Scouts–Dakota Horizons to connect with other Girl
Scout volunteers and families.
5.You may also be interested in the Girl Scouts of the USA website –,
and their Facebook and Twitter pages.
6.Watch your e-mail and mailbox for newsletters and other announcements.
* A service unit is comprised of all active registered Girl Scouts, both girls and adults who reside in a
given area.
What events and activities are going on in my area?
Check out our Program Guide at
Contact your Service Unit Manager to find local service unit event.
Update a Girl Scout and/or guardians personal information.
Send updated information to [email protected]
Updates include: name, address, phone number and type, email address, school
grade, birthday and school name.
Online Membership or Activity Registration Assistance
View our quickguides at
Email questions to [email protected]
Call 1-855-424-0929
Badges & Awards
Girl Scout Insignia Basics
The insignia on a girl’s uniform is a record of her adventures and accomplishments as
a Girl Scout. Insignia is the general term for all official items that girls and adults can
wear on their uniforms.
Girl Scout insignia are broken into five categories:
1. Insignia Showing You Belong: These insignia include such items as Girl Scout
membership pins, the World Trefoil pin, GSUSA and council identification strips
and troop numerals.
2. Earned Grade Level Awards and Badges: These Girl Scout program awards
include Girl Scout Journey Awards from the three Leadership Journeys at each
program level, Daisy Petals and Leaves, Girl Scout Brownie through Ambassador
proficiency badges found in The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting at each program
level, and Girl Scouting’s highest leadership awards (Girl Scout Bronze, Silver and
Gold Awards).
3. Special Opportunity Awards: These are national awards earned through
requirements determined by Girl Scouts of the USA or by another organization
with whom GSUSA has a partnership agreement. These awards include the Girl
Scout My Promise, My Faith Awards, Girl Scout Cookie Sale Pins, Girl Scout Safety
Awards, and the President’s Award for Community Service.
4. Meritorious Service Awards: These include the Girl Scout
Lifesaving Awards awarded from GSUSA through council
5. Participation Patches and Pins: Supplementary insignia
developed at the national or council level with a focus on
participation. These are worn on the back of the sash or
vest or Daisy tunic.
For more information on Badges and Awards, visit
Insignia List
Girl Scouts can earn or wear different insignia depending on their grade level. Browse a
list of insignia by category or by level at
insignia/list. Lists are available for the following levels:
Girl Scout Daisies (Grades K-1)
Girl Scout Brownies (Grades 2-3)
Girl Scout Juniors (Grades 4-5)
Girl Scout Cadettes (Grades 6-8)
Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9-10)
Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11-12)
Girl Scout Adults (Ages 18 and up)
Where to Place Insignia on a Uniform
Girl Scout badges, patches, awards, and other insignia should be presented, worn,
or displayed only after Girl Scouts have completed the requirements outlined in the
appropriate program materials.
Find out where to place insignia on a Girl Scout uniform go to
Bridging Awards
Bridging awards mark a girl’s transition from one leadership level to the next. An
exciting time in a Girl Scout’s life, the earning of the award and completion of the
activities are designed to emphasize the continuity of one Girl Scout program and to
welcome girls to an anticipated “next level.”
To find grade level bridging requirements go to
Girl Scouts’ Highest Awards
The Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards are the highest awards Girl Scouts can achieve
in Girl Scouting. Projects focus on taking action and making the world a better place.
Characteristics of a take action project include: addresses a need, addresses the root
cause of the issue and creates a lasting impact that can be measured and includes
provisions to ensure sustainability. The time it takes to earn the awards will depend
on the nature of the project, the size of the team, and the support of the community.
Quality projects should be emphasized over quantity of hours. Go beyond blankets
and collections.
Bronze, Silver and Gold Award recipients are honored
at the District Recognition Event held in the spring. The
council provides the award pin and certificate. Final
report deadline is February 1st.
Find out more about Girl Scouts’ highest awards at
Every girl deserves her own!
Choose 1 Journey
The Girl’s Guide to
Girl Scouting Binder
Choose 1 Journey
The Girl’s Guide to
Girl Scouting Binder
Choose 1 Journey
The Girl’s Guide to
Girl Scouting Binder
Choose 1 Journey
The Girl’s Guide to
Girl Scouting Binder
Vest or Sash
Flag Patch
Insignia Tab
Brownie Pin
World Association Pin
Council ID Set
Troop Numbers
Vest or Sash
Flag Patch
Insignia Tab
Junior Pin
World Association Pin
Council ID Set
Troop Numbers
Vest or Sash
Flag Patch
Insignia Tab
Membership Pin
World Association Pin
Council ID Set
Troop Numbers
Vest or Tunic
Flag Patch
Insignia Tab
Daisy Pin
World Association Pin
Council ID Set
Troop Numbers
Styles May Vary
Styles May Vary
Free bag while supplies last
Free bag while supplies last
Price Range:
$59.10 - $61.35
Prices vary by size
Grand Forks
Price Range:
$50.60 - $62.85
Styles May Vary
Free bag while supplies last
Price Range:
$52.10 - $63.35
Prices vary by size
Styles May Vary
Free bag while supplies last
Prices vary by size
Sioux Falls
Price Range:
$52.60 - $70.85
Prices vary by size
Rapid City
To purchase Girl Scout items, visit a local Girl Scouts—Dakota Horizons Retail Store
or contact the Retail Operations Director at 1-800-666-2141 or shop online at
How to Create a New Online Account
New Online Account Activation
Step 1: Go to and click Register Now. Then click on the New
Online Account button on the right side of the screen.
Step 2: Enter the information as requested. This basic information will allow the
system to search for your record and check if you already exist in our database.
Step 3: One of the following will apply:
• If the system finds you in the database you will see the following message:
“Congratulations! We found you in the online system. Please go to your email and
follow the instructions to activate your online account.”
• If you receive the following message: “We have found you in the system, but in order
to continue please contact us.” You can contact us at
[email protected]. This message generally appears when there is no
email address on record or if there is a potential but unconfirmed match.
• If the system does not find you in the database you will be prompted to provide
additional information to create your profile.
Congratulations! You have created your Online Account. You may now manage
your family or troop through Family Manager or Troop Management and register for
memberships or activities.
How to Search & Register for Activites
• Log into your account.
• Click on the Activities tab.
• Search for the activity that interests you, your daughter or your troop by refining
your results. Or if you know the name of the activity, search for the activity using the
search field located in the upper right corner.
• Select a Category, Geographical Location, Date Range and/or School Grade to filter
activity results.
• To view more details about an activity, click on the activity name.
• Family Managers and Troop Leaders will be able to register their Family and/or Troop
members upon clicking on the activity.
• To register for an activity, click on the Register Now button.
• You can continue shopping and add additional activities to your cart (you will have
a separate shopping cart for My Family and any Troops of which you are the Troop
• To complete registration, click Checkout and follow the instructions.
Online Membership or Activity Registration Assistance
View our quickguides at
Email questions to [email protected]
Call 1-855-424-0929
Kits that adult facilitators give to girls. Each kit includes items that
are presented to girls bridging to the next grade level.
Just add the girl’s name to the sheet provided and you’re
ready for your bridging ceremony!
Bridge to Girl
Scout Brownie
Bridge to Girl
Scout Junior
Bridge to Girl
Scout Cadette
Bridge to Girl
Scout Senior
Bridge to Girl
Scout Ambassador
Bridging Patch
Membership Star & Disc
Bridging Certificate
Cover sheet ready to insert girl’s
name & present at ceremony
Fun Patch
Bridging Patch
Brownie Wings
Membership Star & Disc
Bridging Certificate
Cover sheet ready to insert girl’s name
& present at ceremony & Fun Patch
Bridging Patch
Membership Star & Disc
Bridging Certificate
Cover sheet ready to insert girl’s
name & present at ceremony
Fun Patch
Bridging Patch
Membership Star & Disc
Bridging Certificate
Cover sheet ready to insert girl’s
name & present at ceremony
Fun Patch
Bridging Patch
Membership Star & Disc
Bridging Certificate
Cover sheet ready to insert girl’s
name & present at ceremony
Fun Patch
The Girl’s
Guide to Girl
Girl Scout
Together, Girl Scout
Journeys and The
Girl’s Guide to Girl
Scouting add up to the
most comprehensive
leadership program for
girls. Ever.
Contact Us
Girl Scouts—Dakota Horizons Headquarters
1101 S Marion Road
Sioux Falls, SD 57106
T 605.336.2978 or 1.800.666.2141
F 605.336.6841
NW District Office
NE District Office
NW District Service Center
NE District Service Center
1002 43rd Street S
Fargo, ND 58103
T 701.293.7915 or 1.877.904.8168
F 701.293.7962
735 Airport Road
Bismarck, ND 58504
T 701.223.4525 or 1.800.326.4745
F 701.223.7840
525 31st Avenue SW
Minot, ND 58701
T 701.852.5611 or 1.800.279.5306
F 701.838.1574
2525 Demers Avenue
Grand Forks, ND 58201
T 701.772.6679 or 1.800.437.4399
F 701.772.6670
SW District Office
SE District Office
1202 E St Francis Street
Rapid City, SD 57701
T 605.343.6355 or 1.800.658.3391
F 605.343.9508
Dakota Horizons
Camp Properties
Girl Scouts – Dakota Horizons has
nine camp properties available
for Girl Scouts and community
members. Visit gsdakotahorizons.
org/for-girls/camps for more
1101 S Marion Road
Sioux Falls, SD 57106
T 605.336.2978 or 1.800.666.2141
F 605.336.6841
Websites to Explore
Girl Scouts of the USA
Girl Scouts–Dakota Horizons
For Girls
New Member Information
This booklet belongs to Girl Scout Grade Level (circle one)
Daisy (grades K-1)
Brownie (grades 2-3)
Junior (grades 4-5)
and her family.
Cadette (grades 6-8)
Senior (grades 9-10)
Ambassador (grades 11-12)
Service Unit Name Service Unit #
Service Unit Meeting
Meeting Date
Volunteer Service Unit Manager
Phone # E-mail