Casa Schuck - Weddings in San Miguel
Casa Schuck - Weddings in San Miguel
Create your own package Prices are quoted in $USD, prices are per item * INFLABLES / BLOW UP PIECES #1 $2 #4 SAX $4 #2 GUITAR $4 #3 $4 #5 PIANO $4 #6 TENNIS $10 CORONAS / CROWNS, HEADPIECES #7 #10 $3 $3.50 #8 #11 $3 $3.50 #9 $3.50 #12 $3.50 #13 $8 #16 $3 #14 #17 $5 #15 $3 $2.50 #18 $4 SOMBREROS / HATS #19 $3 #22 $3 #25 $3.50 #20 #23 #26 $3 $4.50 $3.50 #21 $3 #24 #27 $16 $3 $4 #28 $10 #31 $10 #34 $10 #29 #32 #35 $4.50 $10 $10 #30 #33 $10 $10 PELUCAS Y MASCARAS / WIGS & MASKS #36 $20 wig #37 #39 $20 wig #40 #42 $4 Masks $20 Rasta hat / wig $11 mask lucha #38 #41 $24 wig $5 Metalic wigs #43 $4 Masks ANIMACION/ ANIMATION PIECES #44 $2 #45 $4 eye patch #47 #46 $4.50 the pair $2 lips LENTES / GLASSES #48 $5 #50 $7 #49 #51 OTROS / OTHER ITEMS $6 $4 with nose #52 $40 for 100 pieces #55 $16 #58 Feather boas $3 w/ light #61 $7 (7) colores of lighted ice #53 #56 #59 $3 rings $2 $2 #54 Vails Mustache #57 #60 $2 Neon rings $2.50 Hawiian $7 Tattoo sleeves #62 $10 Lighted ice glass / Coca Cola COLLARES / NECKLACES #63 #66 $2 $5 #64 $2 #67 $3.50 #65 #68 $10 $4 Mascs Item 1A Item 2A Item 3 A Item 4 A Item 5 A Item 6 A Item 7 A Item 8 A Item 9 A Item 10 A Item 11 A Item 12 A Item 13 A Item 14 A Item 15 A Item 16 A Item 17 A Item 18 A Item 19 A Item 100 Item110 Item111 Item120 Item130 Item Mojigangas 2 Item Mojigangas 3 Item Shakers 3