2014 Accomplishment Reports
2014 Accomplishment Reports
Adkfj DOST VIII 2014 ANNUAL ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT Foreword The ravages brought about by the super typhoon Yolanda to our lives in Region 8, posed the challenges for CY 2014. The humble initiatives of DOST 8 in this 2014 Annual Report to address recovery from the devastation b ought “upe T phoo Yola da i the egio a d resiliency program to mitigate future calamities. The magnitude of the destruction was so severe that with the limited resources it will take few more years for the region to fully recover. Thus, with this in mind, we focused our modest resources on doable programs and projects that we thought would have a greater impact to the lives of the beneficiaries and meet their immediate needs while creating conditions for longterm recovery, resilience and sustainable development. Guided by the A ui o’s ad i ist atio “o ial Co t a t ith the Filipi o people a d DO“T’s Out o es, DO“T-8 followed its programs, activities and projects along three goals; · · · Poverty Reduction and Empowerment of the Poor and Vulnerable, Rapid, Inclusive and Sustained Growth, and Integrity of the Environment and Climate Change Adaptation The accomplishments of DOST-8 correspondingly translate into more S&T interventions, assistance to more MSMEs, institutions, regional constituents and concerned stakeholders. For CY 2014, achievements surpassed our targets in major programs and projects thru linkages and cooperation with other line agencies, local government units, non-government organizations (local and international) and SUCs. Year 2014 was another productive year for close collaboration with the partners of DOST-8 within and outside Eastern Visayas, which we are privileged to work with. This report summarizes of DOST- ’s a o plish e ts i te h olog t a sfe , “&T se i es, te h i al consultancies, S&T human resources development, special projects, and initiatives with regards to climate change adaptation and mitigation. EDGARDO M. ESPERANCILLA Regional Director This year 2014, having steadily returning back to normalcy of operations after the Super Typhoon (ST) Yola da , the e ti e o kfo e of the depa t e t i the egio ha e a ti el e e ted o e ted effo ts i a i g out the age ’s a date, isio , a d mission for which it was established. Through the funds specifically allotted for each program/activity/project (PAP), the attainment of accomplishments vis-a-vis the targets. As in the preceding years, DOST-VIII assumed the lead role in the implementation of the S&T Development Agenda of Eastern Visayas. This year was specially highlighted with challenges posed by the devastation brought “T Yola da i the egio that i flue ed a d shaped PAPs i ple e ted. The key S&T accomplishments for CY 2014 based on targeted major final outputs are summarized as follows: Technology Transfer and Commercialization. For the past years, DOST-8 had been implementing programs and projects to generate economic development in the region. However, for CY 2014, owing to the da agi g effe t ought a out “T Yola da to the lo al e o o , agg essi e p o otio of technology transfer activities were undertaken by the organization so that it can help in the generation of benefits for economic development and recovery. The Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading (SETUP) Program-Innovation System Support (ISS) of DOST-8 has provided 368 technology interventions to 90 existing firms and 18 newly established firms. These interventions has compositely generated about Php 22,287,000.00 gross sales with an average productivity improvement of 55% per firm and employed 935 workers in region 8. Utilization and commercialization of DOST RDIs developed technologies were likewise, promoted and utilized in some of the projects implemented in partnership with SUCs, NGOs, LGUs, and line agencies. Notable of these, were the PCCAARD GIA-funded Community Empowerment thru S&T endeavors in the municipalities of Salcedo, Eastern; Basey, Samar; and Jaro, Leyte; wherein 7 barangays benefited from the program supported by their respective LGUs, Visayas State University, and other government agencies. Another, was the convergence project which was funded mainly by the Department of Labor a d E plo e t fo the p odu tio of ha oal i uettes f o aste ate ials a ou d the Yola da affected areas utilizing FPRDI technologies. DOST- ’s object in fostering innovation for economic growth and competitiveness in the countryside resulted in the funding of 22 projects through its localGIA in coordination with the LGUs concerned, and SUCs. With the aim of developing the food processing industry in region 8; center for innovation, R&D, support services, and processing facilities compliant with Good Manufacturing Production (GMP) and Food Safety requirements; was established. DOST-8 in cooperation with EVSU and DOST-ITDI launched the Eastern Visayas Food Innovation Center (EVFIC). The center will cater the needs of the industry that e e elie ed to e iti al i i p o i g ualit of the i dust ’s p odu t a d p o esses. Quality S&T Services. Provision of S&T services were carried out with the goal of producing competitive products, increase firms and farmer/fisher folks productivity, enable MSMEs meet local and international standards and other exceed customer satisfaction. The quality parameters used to measure and evaluate the delivery of these services are timeliness, accuracy, and efficiency. Consultancy services; such MPEX, CAPE, CPT, EA and FS; were provided to 86 firms and farmers/fisher folks. Sixty-six (66) technology training with the aim of transferring; technology, know-how, technical skills, knowledge and expertise; were given to 219 firms and 1,881 participants. Assistance and technical assistance to develop and improved the quality of products thru packaging and labeling intervention were provided to 29 firms aided by SETUP and local-GIA funded projects. The hea il da aged, Regio al “ta da ds a d Testi g La o ato ’s R“TL ope atio stiffl t ied to egai a d e o e f o “T Yola da’s afte ath. Though, it a le to pa tl ope atio alize i the middle of the second quarter, its services were limited. However, it managed to serve 434 customers and provided 1,655 testing and calibration services. Other Priority Areas. Mindful of the fact, that human resource development in combination with Science & Technology produce economic growth and builds count ’s o petiti e ess, DO“T embarked on scholarship program for graduate and undergraduate degrees. DOST-8 on the other hand promoted strongly in several areas in the region the said scholarship program, thus, in CY 2014, 5,673 qualified high school students in region 8 applied for the RA 7687 and Merit program of DOSTSEI Scholarship. For the same year, region 8 has 325 on-going scholars and 234 new scholars were added to the list. The conduct of promotional activities through various quad-media, S&T fairs and exhibits were strategically designed to generally stimulate greater public interest in Science, Technology, and Innovations. Resea h a d De elop e t hi h is little little e o i g pa t of egio al offi e’s task, i itiate activities in priority areas through inter-agency collaboration in various consortia such as EVHRDC for health and EVCIERD for industry and energy. Other noteworthy achievement of DOST- e e the p og a a d a ti ities elated to Disaste Risk Redu tio a d Mitigatio . Ha i g e pe ie ed the ath of “T Yola da last CY , the tea DOST-PAGASA-STII and Project NOAH in partnership with DILG, OCD, and Regional DRRMC launched the oadsho I a a a g Pa aho : “ ie e fo “afe Co u ities . The e e t, a i fo atio a d o u i atio a paig , as gea ed to help e uip lo al go e e ts ith k o ledge a d k o how on disaster preparedness . I elatio to the said a ti it , as the deplo e t of ea l a i g systems in identified and risk prone areas of the region, which adopted integrated information and communication technology (ICT)-based equipment to facilitate monitoring and accessing weather/climate related data and information. Table of Contents Contents Foreword _____________________________________________________________________ 1 Executive Summary _____________________________________________________________ 2 Ensuring Rapid, Inclusive, and Sustained Economic Growth ___________________________ 4 Provision of Quality S&T Services __________________________________________________ 7 New Knowledge and Technologies through Networks and Linkages __________________ 17 Empowerment of the Poor and Vulnerable ________________________________________ 19 Environment Integrity and Climate Change Adaptation/Mitigation ____________________ 22 High Impact Technology Solutions (HITS) projects __________________________________ 24 Yolanda Rehabilitation and Recovery Efforts _______________________________________ 25 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Initiatives _________________________ 27 Resource Allocation & Utilization, and Generation __________________________________ 28 Sustaining Motivated and Engaged Workforce _____________________________________ 30 Appendices CY 2014 Accomplishment vs. Target _______________________________________ 35 Organizational Chart ____________________________________________________ 39 Official Directory ________________________________________________________ 40 To ensure Rapid, Inclusive, and Sustained Economic Growth Co itted to help a d realize i lusi e gro th i Region 8 The Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP) of DOST is a nationwide strategy to strengthen and develop micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) through adoption of technological innovations to improve their operations, products and services and increase productivity and global competitiveness. Early in the year CY 2014, together with the whole Eastern Visayas Region, DOST8 faced many challenges caused by the onslaught of the Super Typhoon Yolanda on November 8, 2013. Implemented projects were either completely AR La Naval, Region 8’s bid for 2014 Best SETUP Beneficiary: Machinist destroyed, operations temporarily halted or customize metal accessories used for fabrication of sidecars and farm machineries. striving to resume its operation. Because of these situation, many of the SETUP beneficiaries requested for condonation of their obligation to the projects and deferment of refunds for six to twelve months. A certain percentage was beyond repair/restoration thus, was terminated. In spite of these, the Region was still able to approve Forty (40) projects under SETUP ISS assistance spread across the six (6) provinces with requested project costs totaling to Php20,615,424.00. This is more than 25% of its targets at the start of the year in terms of numbers (32) and over 30% in terms of amount (Php15,884,492.00). Most of these projects were from the Food Processing Sector; 50 % in terms of number of projects Sec. Mario Montejo during his visit to some SETUP assisted furniture projects followed by the metals and in Northern Samar where DOST provided assistance to acquire mechanized electric equipment in order to attain speedy fabrication of their products. engineering sector at 20%. Promoting growth in the countryside thru local Grant-In-Aid Program Funding under this Program usually granted to challenging communities in establishing a common service facility utilizing available technologies. DOST 8 has also co-funded 29 projects to LGUs, SUC’s a d NGOs under GIA program. Among the projects this year were Common Service Facilities for food processors, Livelihood projects and Technical Assistance communities, Program for Adoption Yolanda of affected FNRI-developed technologies for nutritious foods, and Food Safety DOST Secretary Mario Montejo left led the ribbon cutting, together with Congressman Harlin Abayon, right, Bobon Mayor Rene Celespara, center, partly behind are DOST 8 Director Edgardo Esperancilla and DOST N. Samar PSTD Engr. Veronica Laguitan during the inauguration of CSF for food processors in Brgy. Arellano, Bobon, N. Samar. Development in Region 8 and the most notable, are Empowerment the thru Community S&T projects implemented in areas struck by the strongest typhoon (ST Yolanda). These projects were focused on developing and providing appropriate technologies to promote growth in the countryside and subsequently promote linkages between and among the agencies involved. A bioreactor facility was granted to the LGU of Leyte, Leyte to help the Solid Waste Management Program of the municipality TOTAL FUND RELEASED FOR GIA PROJECT BY PRIORITY Year AREAS Single Institutional Projects, Projects, 3,025,397.1 3 , 28% 2,562,670.8 7 , 23% Multi Year Projects, 5,412,440.0 0 , 49% Community Empowerment thru S&T Enabling communities to take part in decision-making affecting their lives The Department of Science and Technology is leading the drive to enable more people to play an active role in the decision that affect their communities . Co u it Empowerment through Science and Technology (CEST) aims to build active and sustainable communities especially after the onslaught of Typhoon Yolanda in most provinces in Region 8. It is about changing structures to remove the barriers that prevent people from participating in the issues that affect their lives. Demonstration pro essi g pili uts i to piñato at the e ly esta lished Common Service Facility during the visit of Sec. Mario G. Montejo in Brgy. Arellano, Bobon, N. Samar CSF for food processing. The main objective of this program is to improve the economic condition of the municipality through Science and Technology interventions, install in the pro-active awareness to Science and Technology and hasten the development of S&Tbased income generating enterprise in Region 8. Its indicators included (a) Health and Nutrition, (b) Water and Sanitation, (c) Education, (d) Livelihood or Economic Enterprise Development, and (e) Disaster Risk Reduction/ Climate Change. Through the CEST program, five (5) common service facilities (CSF) are established in the poorest of the poor municipalities in the region. One (1) CSF in the province of Eastern Samar and four (4) in the province of Northern Samar. Self-Assessment Learning Technique (SALT) Workshop and Community Life Competency Process were conducted in Brgy. Balatbalud and Brgy. Arellano, Bobon, Northern Samar. The activity was conducted by the DOST 8 to give the people a good perspective in life and to encourage them to be optimistic. With its wide array of indicators, the CEST program also provided a total of 329 Ceramic Water Filters (227 in the municipality of Jaro, Leyte and 102 in the municipality of Basey, Samar) in order to have a safe and clean water supply especially to the barangays that are using deep wells as source of drinking water. Part of the CEST program is the provision of livelihood opportunities that the community can access and avail of to increase their income. CEST is a remarkable program that will liberate the communities from the bondage of poverty. Technology Training As one of the strategies to assist SMEs, a total of sixty six (66) technology trainings for manpower development on key production and other related areas were conducted with one thousand eight hundred eighty-one (1,881) participants for two hundred nineteen (219) firms. Table 1. Accomplishment of Technology Trainings Performance Indicator 68 Total Accomp (Jan - Dec) 66 % Accomp (Based on Annual Target) 97.06% 68 671 219 1,881 322.06% 280.33% 2014 Target No. of Trainings Conducted No. of Firms Assisted No. of participants Food processing training conducted in Almeria, Biliran to the producers of Ampao. Enhancing MSMEs through Technical Consultancy Table 2. Accomplishment of Consultancy Services Consultancy Services A. B. C. D. E. F. MPEX CAPE CPT Energy Audit Food Safety Team Others 2014 Target 25 25 6 6 12 308 Total Accomplishment (Jan - Dec) 30 30 7 7 12 544 % Accomplishment (Based on Annual Target) 120% 120% 116.67% 116.67% 100% 176.62% Effective Work Flow and Space Management Manufacturing Productivity Extension Program (MPEX). The program has been instrumental in the enhancement of the manufacturing processes of MSMEs in the region. Tapping the expertise of the local consultants, DOST8 was able to assist 30 firms in terms of improvement of their production, good manufacturing practices, housekeeping (5s), and other technology interventions which contributed to increased productivity and quality of products of the firm beneficiaries. An MPEX consultant inspects a bakery’s processing area and recommends proper arrangement of equipment. Assuring Safer Food and Good Manufacturing compliant firms Food Safety Consultancy Services. The Eastern Visayas Food Safety Team (EVFST) was created by DOST to provide Food Safety Services in Region 8. The team is composed of experts from DOST 8, DOH-FDA 8 and SUCs. The EVFST has assisted twelve (12) firms in the region in its in-plant assessment and consultancy services. Recommendations for improvements in the over-all Food Safety and Eastern Visayas Food Safety Team conducting assessment to the food GMP compliance of the firm were provided. processors in Biliran. The team also conducted trainings and orientation seminars on GMP and Food Safety to a total of 12 firms which totals to 268 participants. Forum on Cleaner Production Technologies (CPT) Cleaner Production Technologies (CPT). The program has assisted seven (7) firms in the region. MSME clients were provided with wide range of technical assistance on raw material management, GMP/ food safety, layouting/engineering, process flow, waste minimization/utilization, product development, quality assurance, and repair and maintenance of equipment. Experts from ITDI and the region were tapped in these activities. Effective Electrical Power Management Energy Audit. This consultancy services was extended to seven (7) firms during the year. The firms were provided with critical examination on their energy consuming facilities (e.g. lightning systems, A team conducting actual Energy Audit Services on the DOST assisted SME in Naval, Biliran. electric motors, air compressors, dryers, refrigeration and air conditioning). Strategies to reduce energy cost as well on environment protection were then provided for implementation by the beneficiaries. Innovation through teamwork and commitment After Typhoon Yolanda, the DOST VIII CAPE Program in active partnership with International NGOs, POs, and SUCs has intensified its services which had significantly showed huge impact in the lives of Eastern Visayas farmers. The Consultancy for Agricultural Productivity Enhancement (CAPE) program of DOST VIII with a yearly target of 25 farmer-beneficiaries to be assisted in terms of increasing farm productivity, surpassed its accomplishments in the previous years by 1,768%. For CY 2014, CAPE assisted a total of 442 (Samar – 105; Eastern Samar – 4; Northern Samar – 6; Leyte – 128; Southern Leyte – 70; & Biliran – 129) farmers. This is because majority of Eastern Visayas farms need to be rehabilitated due to the damages caused by typhoon Yolanda. Distribution of Abaca planting materials in Sogod, Southern Leyte to the CAPE beneficiaries. The hopeless abaca farmers in Sogod, Southern Leyte who directly and indirectly depended upon abaca as their main source of living, found hope when DOST VIII, WorldFish, PhilFIDA and Visayas State University (VSU) partnership came to the picture. A major challenge faced by these abaca farmers is the low productivity brought about by the prevalence of diseases particularly the abaca bunchy top virus (ABTV). The hopeless conditions also lingered in the lives of farmers in Carigara and Capoocan, Leyte who expressed gratitude when and relief DOST VIII, Department Agriculture of (DA), Visayas State University (VSU) and Land Bank of the Philippines assisted them in restoring their Experts conducting hands-on training to the rice farmers on how to formulate alternative insecticide using indigenous organic materials. livelihood. The DOST VIII through the CAPE Program provided technical consultancy services by tapping CAPE accredited consultants from VSU. The Department of Agriculture provided livestock and seeds, while Land Bank of the Philippines provided farm inputs. On the other hand, Biliran as a Province had Rice as their OTOP commodity. Brgy. Agpangi, Naval, Biliran, their Rice Project was affected severely by Typhoon Ruby. The CAPE consultancy Team assigned in Biliran still commenced their services even without additional cost from DOST and it was beyond the cropping season because the consultants believed that further assistance was necessary fo the e o e fo the losses due to T phoo Ru . Fo fa e s’ de elop e t, the DO“T VIII CAPE consultants are willing to assist or render consultancy services even beyond the agreed consultancy period. Technology Investment Fora and Clinic Increasing the awareness of the public on DOST generated technologies is done through Investment Fora and Clinic. When an interested entrepreneurs adopt, invest and put up a firm DOST introduces further programs and projects that is available to the MSMEs like SETUP, Consultancy Services, Packaging and Labeling. The year was a challenge since people were focused on restoring their homes and livelihood with the assistance of international non-government organizations. Despite of the obstacles the office was able to conduct 27 with a target of only 3 catering to 99 firms with 963 participants. Table 4. Accomplishment of Technology Fora/Clinics 2014 Target Total Accomp (Jan - Dec) % Accomp (Based on Annual Target) No. of Technology Fora/Clinics Conducted 3 27 900% No. of Firms Assisted 99 229 231.31% No. of participants 293 963 328.67% Performance Indicator Provision of Quality S&T Services Enhancing DOST-8 Productivity To ensure consistency of quality products and services provided by DOST-8, top management continuously implemented ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System in its regional operations. Though, the regional office was badly struck by ST Yola da , pla i g its ope atio i disa a in the first semester of CY 2014, it was able to recover quickly. Thus, in May 27, 2014 the 1st external surveillance audit and reassessment of DOST- ’s ualit management system was done by the Certification International Philippines, Inc. (CIPI) representative, Mr. Renato. Navarrete. Mr. Renato Navarrete external auditor from CIPI, left, conducting audit to DOST 8 IQA in the continual implementation of ISO 9001: 2008 In the last month of the third quarter and up to November, internal quality audit was conducted in preparation for 2nd external surveillance audit by CIPI and in December 16-17, 2014 CIPI Lead Auditor, Ms. Liza G. Rosal managed the said audit activity. Ms. Lisa Rosal external auditor from CIPI conducting audit to DOST 8 budget officer Ms. Debbie Delmo in the continual implementation of ISO 9001: 2008 Due to da age ought Yola da to its facilities, the RSTL on the other hand, had to suspend its accreditation of its two (2) sections, namely; the physico-chemical and microbiology laboratory; since these areas are undergoing repair, and is still complying ISO 17025:2005 g on environmental conditions and technical requirements. Nevertheless, the Metrology and Calibration laboratory retained its accreditation with certificate from Philippine Accreditation Office (PAO) numbered LA-2013-239A. The accredited scopes are for test weight Class F2 and M, and Type I, II, IIII and IIII weighing scales. Regional Standards and Testing Laboratory One DOST. One Network. Nationwide The DOST 8- Regional Standards and Testing Laboratory (RSTL), composed of the Chemical, Microbiological, and Metrology & Calibration laboratories, continues to serve its customers through the provision of analytical testing and calibration services that conform with ISO 17025 standards. This is evident in the percentage accomplishment of the RSTL in 2014 wherein it has exceeded its targets for the year. Year 2014 was a year of rehabilitation and gradual restoration for the RSTL as well as the other establishments in the region. The laboratories Lab Analyst from Physico-Chemical Laboratory have undertaken huge rehabilitation process from the damages on its facilities and equipment brought about by the onslaught of super typhoon Yolanda. In effect, the renewal of the ISO 17025 accreditation was deferred for the Chemical and Microbiological Laboratories while the Metrology and Calibration Laboratory continues to have an ISO 17025 accreditation. However, the Laboratory Quality Management System of the DOST 8RSTL continues to comply with the ISO 17025 requirements. Lab Analyst from Metrology and Calibration Laboratory Due to da age ought Yola da to its facilities, the RSTL on the other hand, had to suspend its accreditation of its two (2) sections, namely; the Physico-Chemical and Microbiology laboratories; since these area are undergoing repair, and is still complying ISO 17025:2005 on environmental conditions and technical requirements. Nevertheless, the Metrology and Calibration laboratory retained its accreditation with certificate from Philippine Accreditation Office (PAO) numbered LA-2013-239A. The accredited scopes are for test weight Class F2 and M, and Type I, II, IIII and IIII weighing scales. Despite limitation on facilities and equipment, the DOST8-RSTL has managed to extend assistance to its customers by immediately providing essential tests and calibration services. It has even served 434 customers, which is about 103% of its 420 target; assisted 114 firms, which is about 114% of its 200 target; rendered 1,655 testing and calibration services, which is about 118% of its target; and provided Php 112,004.25 value of assistance, which comprises laboratory services given to customers without corresponding fees. In addition, a total of Php 495,318 was collected from fees for testing and calibration services of the three laboratory units. In 2015, the RSTL envisions to cater more services by continuously upgrading its laboratories. It is geared towards endless development in its facilities and services to address the needs of the customer. Lab Analyst from Microbiology Laboratory Packaging and Labeling Figure 2 Distribution of Packaging and Labeling services availed by the provinces in Region 8. For 2014, a total of twenty-nine (29) packaging and labeling interventions were provided to 18 firms in the region while those who were able to execute their labels design and appropriate packaging materials generated additional income (gross sales) by the MSMEs amounting to Php 10,146,000.00 and penetrated fortyeight (48) additional new markets. Bringing products to compete with those products produced by multinationals is quiet a tall order. However, with the continuing assistance given to MSMEs by the Packaging Technology Division of DOST-ITDI, these products are able to stand side by side with those products already in the market. Sample of Packaging and Labeling materials extended by DOST -8 to clients especially those food processing firms. S&T Information Services As mentioned above, enhancing quality of information being disseminated to customers and stakeholders is one of the interventions provided by the programs and projects provided to a total of one thousand one hundred (1,100) students, researchers, professionals, entrepreneurs by the DOST 8 S&T Resource Center based at the DOST8 Regional Office Compound, Government Center, Palo, Leyte. Table 5. S&T Library and Information Services Performance Indicator 2014 Target Total Accomp (Jan - Dec) 1,000 1,100 No. of Library Users % Accomp (Based on Annual Target) 110% S&TbPromotion With the thrust to nurture an S&T culture and enhance S&T awareness in the region, DOST 8 continued to develop and conduct S&T promotion activities and programs. This is facilitated by a total of two hundred sixty-four (264) press releases, ninety (90) of which are released in radio, sixty-nine (69) are in print and twenty-two (22) are through television, and eighty three (83) are posted at DOST8 website as well as blog sites of PSTCs. Table 6. S&T Promotion Performance Indicator 2014 Target Total Accomp (Jan - Dec) % Accomp (Based on Annual Target) 126 69 20 106 90 69 22 83 71.43% 100% 110% 78.30% 2 4 25 2 4 25 100% 150% 124% No. of Press Releases 1. 2. 3. 4. Radio Print TV Others (website/blogsite) No. of Regional/Provincial Fairs 1. DOST Sponsored 2. Other Agencies No. of Press Conferences/Interviews Generation of New Knowledge and Technologies Through networks and linkages Eastern Visayas Consortium for Industry and Energy Research and Development (EVCIERD). The EVCIERD directions and efforts in Region 8 is guided by its Vision and Mission including the priorities of the Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology EVCIERD member Agencies/Universities during their planning meeting. Research and Development (PCIEERD). Guided with the mission of the consortium to commit to regional development by promoting industry and energy researches through strong Research and Development network, the consortium was able to accomplish its targeted activities for CY 2014. These accomplishments includes One Hundred Thirty (130) studies/ proposals reviewed which exceeds the two (2) papers targeted for review. Forty percent (40 %) of these were student researches reviewed for the conduct of the R&D Symposium which is one of the major activities coordinated by the consortium. This percentage in the number of students conducting R&D in the energy and industry field, shows how at a young age they are encouraged to conduct researches related to this field thus strengthening the R&D network for EVCIERD. Aside from the R&D Symposium, the consortium deployed Thirteen (13) experts through the programs offered in DOST such as CAPE, MPEX, CPT, Energy Audit and Food Safety. By deploying these e pe ts, the apa it uildi g of the o so tiu ’s e pe tise as fu the e ha ed. Eastern Visayas Health Research and Development Consortium (EVHRDC). The EVHRDC, guided with Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) thrust of developing and encouraging research projects and activities in the region, became the structure by which health R&D programs are reviewed, implemented and promoted. This also became a venue where health related institutions, health R&D experts and researchers in the region are encouraged to conduct more researches through dissemination of priority programs (as stated in the NUHRA and RUHRA) that can be funded by PCHRD through Regional Research Fund Mechanism and/ or DOH RO 8 allocated Funds for research. With these, the consortium was able to review six full blown submitted (6) proposals for possible funding however only three (3) were approved for further revision and seek for approval. One of the notable character of the consortium in the region is its strong link between its two (2) major core agencies namely DOST RO 8 and DOH RO 8. As a matter of fact, DOH RO 8 has transferred an amount of One Million Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (1.5 M) to DOST RO 8 which will be used for funding technically and ethically approved researches. Also, the consortium have two (2) ongoing research proposals which were submitted to EVHRDC and funded by DOH RO 8. With the need to produce more quality wise proposals, the consortium capacitated its researchers through training such as Training on Basic Research Methods where eighteen (18) proposals were generated and reviewed as an addition to the 6 proposals initially reviewed. To further improve the quality of these proposals, the EVHRDC group of researcher during their planning meeting. consortium deployed 9 experts who served as mentors and resource speakers during trainings. Also, to be able to make sure that the submitted proposals to the consortium are reviewed credibly, especially ethical concerns, ethics committee members are sent regularly to attend trainings to better enhance their capacity in reviewing proposals. In addition, the consortium was able to send three (3) representatives to the 14th FERCAP and 1st PHREB Conference held in Tagaytay. The attendance of these representatives added to the knowledge of the ethics members with regards to how health R&D researches with ethical issues are reviewed and implemented in different parts of the world. In addition, the consortium has always been active in participating and sending representatives who compete nationally (Professional and Students Category) in the celebration of the Philippine National Health Research System Week. All these activities of the consortium would not be possible without the endless efforts and support coming from the different member agencies seen through its attendance during committee meetings, trainings and planning conducted. Poverty Reduction and Empowerment of the Poor and Vulnerable S&T Scholarship Program “tre gthe i g “&T edu atio for our ou try’s future leaders With the desire of the department to produce future S&T Leaders, undergraduate scholarships are given to all deserving high school students from the different regions of the country. For CY 2014, the region has a total of 390 on going scholars wherein 57 graduated for the said school year. An addition of 234 new scholars (214 for RA 7687 and 20 for the Merit category) qualified out of the 3806 takers during the 2013 scholarship examination. Seventy four percent (74%) increase from the previous year, CY 2013 which had 175 qualifiers, can be noted. As desired by Sec. Mario G. Montejo, each municipalities were targeted to have at least 1 scholar. With this, promotion per municipality was strengthened and as a result 66% increase in applicants from the previous year was eminent. For CY 2014, a total of 5765 graduating high school students applied for scholarship. To make sure that the target per municipality be Engr. Chrisanto Gonzales, Jr. is a DOST Scholar in Eastern Visayas, graduated accomplished and the number of Magna cum Laude, BS Chemical Engineering at the Eastern Visayas State passers in the region be increased, a University (EVSU) on May 22, 2014. p oje t e titled E i h e t P og a to I p o e the Qualit of Feede s to “&T Hu a Resou e De elop e t has ee implemented. The said project was a collaboration between the Department of Education Region 8 (DepEd 8), DOST 8 Office and the Philippine Science High School - Eastern Visayas Campus (PSHS-EVC) that conducts free review for scholarship applicants. The number of passers and the impact of the Feeders program are yet to be determined upon the release of passers on March 2015. It can also be noted that on November 2013 ST Yolanda hit the region badly. Thus, on March 2014 an amount of Engr. Ramil T. Uy, head of the STHRDPC Unit giving scholarship orientation to the scholars P8,000.00 per and their parents. scholar financial assistance had been released to 113 scholars with good academic standing and residing under municipalities classified as heavily affected area by the ST Yolanda. In support to the Kto12 program of DepEd, a new scholarship program was offered by SEI called the Ju io Le el “ ie e “ hola ship o RA . This p og a ai ed to st e gthe the ou t ’s “&T education by fast tracking graduates in the sciences, math, and engineering who shall teach science and mathematics in secondary schools throughout the country. There were sixteen (16) junior students from the region who passed for the said scholarship. Integrity of the Environment & Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (RDRRMC) on Hazard Mitigation To attai the o je ti e of the Repu li A t No. o the Philippi e Disaste Risk Redu tio a d Ma age e t A t of hi h as e a ted to st e gthe the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management System in the Philippines, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council was created. In this council, the Secretary of DOST acts as the Vice Chairperson for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation. At the regional level, the Regional Director also served as the Vice Chairperson for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation. Hence, being the Vice Chairperson, DOST-VIII has initiated programs and activities to ensure that the constituents of Eastern Visayas were properly informed on various hazards brought by natural calamities (such as typhoons, earthquakes, landslides, flood, among others). One such activity was the I a a a g Pa aho : “ ie e fo “afe Co u ities Roadsho hi h as held last May 22-23, 2014 at the Sabin Hotel, Ormoc City. The roadshow which was aimed at arming the Local Government Units (LGUs) with knowledge and Science and Technology information materials and tools that will assist and prepare communities against natural disaster applying the 4-point agenda for community preparedness; 1) increase local risk knowledge, 2) capacitate DOST 8 Project DEWS Team fixing Automatic Weather Station. hazards monitoring, 3) test warning and communications protocol, and 4) build response capability. A total number of 250 participants from the six (6) provinces of Eastern Visayas attended the said activity. The participants include the local government leaders, from governors to city and municipality mayors, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) program managers and officers, and member agencies of the academic and private sectors. This is the Project National Operational Assessment of Hazards (NOAH) which incorporates information and communication technology (ICT) for data generation, early warning system, and provision of real-time information to facilitate decision-making. In conjunction to this, DOST-8 supported OCD project entitled “t e gthening the Capacity of the Regional and Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Cou il o Haza d Mitigatio , to capacitate their personnel by providing skills and technology training, hence, strengthening the capability RDRRMC in Region 8 in disaster mitigation through adoption of ICT-based technologies. DOST-8 allocated Php Members of DOST 8 Project DEWS Team trying to remove obstacles from 600,000.00 through its Grants-in- the Water Level Monitoring Sensor in order to obtain correct reading. Aid program for the acquisition of equipment which will facilitate monitoring and accessing weather/climate related data and information. High Impact Technology Solutions (HITS) projects Promoting Filipino innovation to address pressing regional problems Food Innovation Center (FIC). In line with the DO“T’s High I pa t Te h olog “olutio s HIT“ program the Food Innovation Center (FIC) was established at the Eastern Visayas State University (EVSU) as the host institution. The FIC aims to catalyze development of the food processing industry in Eastern Visayas by providing a hub for innovations, Research and Development, support services, and processing facilities compliant Inside of the Food Innovation Center located at Eastern Visayas State with Good Manufacturing University (EVSU) Production (GMP) and food safety requirements. Initially five (5) locally made food processing equipments are featured namely: Water Retort, Vacuum Fryer, Spray Dryer, Freeze Dryer, and Vacuum Packaging Machine. Bannering the tagli es T a sfo i g Co epts i to P odu ts: Maki g Lo al I o atio s Wo k , the FIC spe ifi all aims to: (1) provide critical S&T interventions to enhance the innovative capacities of MSMEs, (2) improve the quality of their existing products, and (3) develop new ones thereby increasing their competitiveness in local and export markets. The partnership in project implementation between DOST-8 and EVSU was formalized in December 2013 through a Memorandum of Agreement. In 2014 conversion of an existing EVSU building into FIC facility was completed. The organization of the technical working groups for the FIC operations was likewise done. Other project activities during the year include the formulation of the Manual of Operations, project orientation and consultation with partners and strategic planning meetings. In November 2014, three (3) of the five (5) equipment were delivered to the FIC, namely: Water Retort, Vacuum Spray Dryer, one of the equipment installed at the Food Innovation Fryer, and Spray Dryer. Procurement of Center (FIC) initial auxiliary supplies and materials was also done. The FIC is slated to be fully operationalized by first quarter of 2015. National Dengue Vector Surveillance (NDVS). In response to the fast e e gi g pa de i -prone viral disease affecting the o ld . ho.i t/de gue o t ol/ , k o as De gue . This disease is a os uito-borne viral infection that can cause severe flu-like illness and can cause potentially fatal health complication. In 2010 DOH recorded 144.55 dengue cases per 100,000 population, an increase from 58.94 in 2009. While in 2011, the Philippines was ranked 4th in ASEAN-wide dengue incidence. In Eastern Visayas, statistical data from DOH’s Natio al Epide iolog Ce te sho ed that last , a i ease of 238% dengue cases was recorded compared from year 2012. Thus, DOST in partnership with Department of Education (DepED), the Department of Health (DOH) and the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) implemented the Nationwide Dengue Vector Surveillance program. This will provide the country continuous early warning system for controlling dengue vector through installation of Ovicidal/Larvicidal (O/L) trap kits to all public schools in both elementary and secondary levels nationwide. In the early part of 2014, DepEd-8 submitted the list of sentinel schools were the O/L trap kits will be installed and in June of the same year 3,124 A teacher examining the O/L trap kit in kits were delivered to 91 schools. On the 2nd week of July, another 4,104 the school premises traps were delivered and received by 133 sentinel schools regionwide. A total of 224 sentinel schools received O/L trap kits covering 71% of all identified sentinel schools. Field monitoring was done by staff, to check if the kits were properly installed in the classrooms and advised School Administrators to do clean-up drive in their respective area to prevent dengue occurrence. In conjunction with the field monitoring, sentinel schools started sending report through SMS to the Dengue Vector Surveillance website. Report submitted to the website facilitates early identification of schools that are at risk of experiencing dengue case/s. Likewise, the website is a tool for city dengue coordinators, city health officers, and The screen view of the http://dengue.pchrd.dost.gov.ph/index.php webpage in other public health monitoring areas under alert level warning. practitioners to monitor potential dengue outbreak in their area, hence, provide appropriate interventions in advance in the form of public advisories. Project NOAH (Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards). Project NOAH is the response of the Department of “ ie e a d Te h olog ’s DO“T to the all of P eside t Benigno S. Aquino III for a more accurate, integrated, and responsive disaster prevention and mitigation system, especially in high-risk areas throughout the Philippines. The Project will harness technologies and manage services for disaster risk reduction activities offered by DOST through PAGASA, PHIVOLCS, and the DOST-Advanced Science and Technology Institute (ASTI), in partnership with the UP National Institute of Geological Sciences and the UP College of Engineering. Hydrometeorology is the study of water and energy between the land surface and the lower atmosphere. And since typhoons and storms which makes up 58% of all disaster in the country, related flooding (25%) and landslide (6%) pose a great threat to the country, one the project component being implemented by DOST-8 with regards to this in the region is the distribution of Hydrometeorological devices. These devices/equipment, through the mentioned DOST RDI, service institutes and partner SUC, designed and fabricated equipment that will monitor weather, rain and rivers. The devices fittingly acronymed as AWS, ARG and WLMS will monitor the hydro meterological condition in the area where it is installed. The AWS (Automated Weather Stations) monitors the rain value, air temperature, air humidity, air pressure and wind speed wind direction and most likely located at PAGASA substation. The ARG (Automated Rain Gauges) monitors the rain value rain value and air pressure. The WLMS (Water Level Monitoring Stations) monitors the water level of the 18 major river basins of the Philippines and followed to the minor rivers. In Eastern Visayas, the project has installed 48 equipment last CY 2014 in the identified and selected municipalities from its six (6) provinces. These comprises 10 Water Level Monitoring Station (WLMS) and 38 Automated Rain Gauges (ARG) which were distributed in the provinces of Biliran, Northern Samar, Samar, Southern Leyte and Leyte. OneLab. To further improve the efficiency and accessibility of DO“T’s testi g a d ali atio se i es, the p oje t “etti g-Up of One-Stop Laboratory Services for Global Competitiveness (OneLa as i itiated i August . The OneLab project envisions to provide a one stop laboratory services in each DOST laboratory through the operationalization of a Unified Laboratory Information Management System (ULIMS) to facilitate networking among the 16 Regional Standards and Testing Laboratories located in different regions of the country and the laboratories of 6 DOST R & D Institutes. The ULIMS features different modules for laboratory, cashiering, accounting, and customer portal to simplify and improve laboratory operations, e.g. sample receipt, payment of fees, release of results, and information management. Under the OneLab project, referral of services to other DOST laboratories is facilitated. Likewise, tracking of the status of the testing and calibration work can be done by customers using the customer portal of the ULIMS. During the last quarter of 2014, the DOST 8-RSTL started the acquisition of the hardware(s) required for the installation of the ULIMS. Series of trainings and orientations for laboratory and IT personnel were conducted on the operationalization of the database system. In the same year, the laboratory data and records were inputted to the ULIMS. The STARBOOKS. Department of Science and Technology Region VIII in partnership DO“T’s with “ ie e Technology the a d Information Institute (DOST-STII) is able to implement the adoption of the Science and Technology Academic and Research Based Openly Operated Kiosk System or STARBOOKS, an offline digital library pods, yet Local Area Network ready, which offer free access to all the science Teachers browse the STARBOOKS content while others doing the software installation of the beneficiary school in Southern Leyte. and technology database that the institute has complied over the years. This new library resource developed by DOST-STII which are intended to be distributed to various school and local government units around the country was distributed to 50 recipient schools throughout the region. The STARBOOKS project of DOST 8 is part of its outreach program to provide schools that was devastated “upe T phoo Yola da ith e a d digitized li a ate ials. Also, the project envisions an outcome wherein, an increase of Filipino students taking S&T courses is realized and likewise, inspire them to develop their capacity for entrepreneurship and research. DOST-8’s Efforts i Yola da Reha ilitatio and Recovery Program Typhoon Yolanda is one of the most devastating natural disaster that hit our country, which impacted 175 municipalities, 14 provinces and 6 regions. In November 8, 2013, the t phoo ’s st o g i ds, reaching up to more than 300 km/h, caused storm surge that claimed thousands of lives and caused massive destruction to properties. Of the six (6) regions affected by the disaster; namely Regions IVB (MIMAROPA), V (Bicol), VI (Western Visayas), VII (Central Visayas) and VIII An informal discussion (from left to right) of DOST Secretary Mario G. Montejo, (Eastern Visayas); the latter Dir. Edgardo M. Esperancilla, Engr. Ramil T. Uy and ARD Ernesto M. Granada, during their visit to Basey, Samar, one of the Yolanda hardest hit municipality. suffered the heaviest casualties and damages. The government, cognizant of the need to expedite assistance to victims of the typhoon and the urgency of initiating rehabilitation and recovery plan/ program, created the Office of the Presidential Assistant for Rehabilitation and Reco e OPARR i tue of Me o a du O de No. , to put together an overall strategic vision and integrated short term, medium-term, and long-term plans and p og a s 1 in coordination with NDRRMC and other relevant government agencies. DOST as one of those significant line agencies that supports the rehabilitation and recovery (R&R) objectives, identified and prioritized programs and projects related to the R&R goals. Under the Livelihood cluster, DOST coordinated with other government agencies and bureaus and national and international nongovernment organizations in initiating DOST helps farmers to revive their farms by implementing Community Empowerment through Science and Technology CEST project in the production of high-value vegetables in Salcedo E. Samar o e of the Yola da’s hardest hit to s i Easter Visayas. plans and strategies to fast-track socio-economic recovery of highly-affected provinces. Initially, efforts to ensure food security was implemented, assessment and evaluation of the affected areas using latest and available tools and know-how was conducted. Interventions that will empower communities and sustain its sources of food and income was sponsored by the CEST program, investment in local economy to initiate livelihood recovery were implemented through communitybased projects. As of December 2014, DOST-VIII implemented three (3) CEST project in eight (8) communities with financial funding amounting to Php3.7 M. With the Community-Based projects, DOST-VIII alone assisted 18 community enterprises in the Yolanda affected areas and are on-going, likewise, technology trainings and consultancy services (MPEX and CAPE) were provided to 1,066 beneficiaries. These gamut of assistance amounted to at least Php9.0 M. Further, DOST 8 in partnership with PCAARRD help revive typhoon damaged root crop reconstruction of new regional farms in Basey, Samar; Jaro, Leyte and Salcedo E. Samar by giving planting office for DOST-VIII which was materials, fertilizer, tools, and series of trainings to the farmers. da aged T phoo Yola da earlier, financed through the Calamity fund amounting to 31M, is on-going. ICT Initiatives Eastern Visayas Federation for IT (EVFIT) Post super typhoon Yola da , CY , the IT usi ess se to of the egio is still li pi g f o the effects of the strongest typhoon that hit the country this millennium. To revive this industry, EVFIT worked patiently to secure the status Region 8 has gained before Yola da i the ICT se to . I the first part of the semester of CY 2014, the EVFIT team composed of DOST-8 personnel, IT school leaders and private businessmen met with the head Visayas ICT Organization, the umbrella body of all ICT association in the Visayas region, Atty. Jocelle Batapa-Sigue to discuss the NICCEP-DTI project supported by JICA appropriately abbreviated as DEVISE or Developing Eastern Visayas ICT Strategies and Enterprise. ICT stakeholders gathers at Saint Paul School of Business and Law (SPBL) during ICT Expo 2014 spearheaded by EVFIT to present their products and services as available resources to revive the lost BPO industry in Leyte and Tacloban areas after the typhoon Yolanda renewed their plans. To again generate the interest of IT investor in the region, EVFIT spearhead the Eastern Visayas ICT Expo 2014 that was held last August 28-29, 2014 at St. Paul School of Business and Law (SPSBL) with the the e Rebuilding a Better Eastern Visayas through ICT . The a ti it as pa tl ai ed to reinforce regional cooperation among different stakeholders for accelerating ICT integration for the economic growth and enhancing the role of EV in spanning regional connectivity, and bring Visayans into the loop of career opportunities in the ICT sector. Representatives of EVFIT member agencies in a meeting at DOST 8 conference room to plan out a resilient infrastructure for ICT industry in the next generation. To develop world-class ICT manpower, EVFIT likewise ventured into training activity. In September 2014, seminar workshop on Robotic application was conducted for DepEd School Division personnel. In this activity, participants pledged to promote and support the ICT program of EVFIT. Likewise, last November 21-22, 2014, DepEd Elementary school teachers were trained on MS Office application. The training was conducted at Palanog Elementary School and attended by 25 school teachers In preparation for its anti-cybercrime laboratory, sixteen (16) PNP personnel undergone Basic Computer Networking under the tutelage of EVFIT and DOST-8 personnel. General Administration and Support Services Ensuring cost-effective resource allocation and utilization Financial Management. DO“T Regio ’s DISTRIBUTION OF CY 2014 financial resources amounted to One hundred twenty-two million six hundred twenty-eight BUDGET ALLOCATION thousand four hundred thirty-four and Personal 66/100 (Php 122,628,434.66) broken down as Services Capital 19% follows: (1) Current Year Budget: (a) Agency Outlay 30% Specific Budget in the amount of Php 72,521,000.00; (b) Advice of Sub-Allotment (ASA) in the amount of Php 3,263,774.84 (c) Special Purpose Funds (MPBF & PGF) Php9,063,699.00; (d) Automatic Appropriations amounting to Php MOOE 1,644,962.00; Calamity Fund amounting to 51% Php 31,000,000.00 and (2) Continuing Appropriation which corresponds to the CY 2014 Unobligated Allotment amounting to Php5,134,998.82. For the current year budget, the Agency Specific Budget of Php 74,164,000.00 includes (1) Personal Services (PS) in the amount of Php 20,161,000.00 (27.2%), Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) of Php 54,003,000.00 (72.8%), Capital Outlay (CO) as provided under Supplemental Appropriation from the Calamity Fund in the amount of Php 31,000,000.00 for the reconstruction DOST-8 buildi g hi h as da aged “upe T phoo Yola da last No e e . U de MOOE, the ite of e pe ditu es “u sid /G a t as i te ded fo the “ all a d Mediu E te p ises Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP) and Local Grants-in-Aid projects of DOST-8 amounting to Php 41,000,000.00. Resource Generation Mobilizing support from partner organizations Owing to limited resources (financial COMPARISON OF DOST 8 RESOURCE and manpower), DOST-8 forge strong GENERATED AGAINST REGULAR BUDGET linkages with partners coming from State Universities and Colleges; NonGovernment Organizations, both local and international; the Local Regular Government Units (from Provincial Budget down to barangays), other National Government Agencies, and from DOST Resource attached agencies, to ensure that Generated programs/activities/projects initiated and implemented will take-off and benefit the target recipients without impediment due to lack of the mentioned resources. In cooperation with partners, DOST 8 generated a i p essi e esou es a ou ti g to Php , , . . These fu ds, i additio to the age ’s CY 2014 GAA worth Php 71,629,624.22, was utilized to fund programs and projects which helped turn back to normal the lives, livelihood, and business activities of the people in Region 8 after Super Typhoon Yolanda devastation that claimed millions of properties and thousands of lives on 08 November 2013. The different programs of DOST were directed and its fund utilized to addressed the rehabilitation and recovery of Yolanda affected communities. One of the program is the Community Empowerment projects thru Science and Technology (CEST) wherein DOST-PCAARRD funneled around Php3.0 million for Yolanda-devastated communities of Samar, Eastern Samar and Leyte. While a total of Php , , . of DO“T ’s lo al GIA fu d e e utilized fo t e t t o o u it -based projects in twenty two (22) municipalities. Through the efforts of DOST-8, WorldFish released the funds amounting to Php1,300.000.00 to BFAR and VSU for the project Livelihood Strategies and Research in AAS Communities, respectively. These are some of the few projects where, partner and cooperating organizations/agencies injected critical financial as well as technical resources into DOST-8 initiated programs/projects. Sustaining an environment of motivated and engaged workforce Human Resource Development DOST 8 is very aggressive in its Human DISTRIBUTION OF DOST 8 PERSONNEL BY Resource Development Program. PROFESSION Technical Personnel are encouraged to undertake Ph. D. Courses further studies in the field of science and 3% 5% technology, information, technology, and management. As of December 2014, of the 37 plantilla personnel, one MS Degree BS Degree (1) or 3% has obtained a Ph.D. degree in 49% 43% Technology Management; eighteen (18) o % o tai ed Maste ’s deg ee Master in Management, 1-Information Technology, 8-Technology Management, 5-Public Management, 1-Food Technology and 1-Agricultural Science); sixteen (16) or 43% are BS degree holders in various science and engineering courses; and two (2) or 5% obtained Technical Courses. Presently, there are two (2) personnel completing their doctoral degree in Human Resource Management, one (1 is o pleti g his Maste ’s Deg ee i Te h olog Ma age e t, a d th ee were accepted for the PhD in Human Resource Management at Eastern Visayas State University (EVSU)-Tacloban Campus, and one (1) Master of Science in Environmental at UP-Visayas Cebu City which commenced on June 2014. Photo ops of DO“T 8 iddle a agers ho lear the F.Co ey’s 7Habits at Tiearra de Milagrosa, Palo, Leyte Change, to the participants. Also, DOST Region VIII personnel has attended various specialized short-term training programs to hone/upgrade their competencies and participated in seminars/workshops to update their knowledge in fields of assignments. Noteworthy of these short-term activities was the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, which was attended and completed by 20 senior officers of DOST-8 last June 2014. Tools for enhancing work effectiveness and dealing with your work environment; coo ke s, lie ts a d o e’s self; e e offered and provided by Ms. C. Javier, resource speaker of Center for Leadership and Infrastructure Development In CY 2014, DOST Region 8 received a Capital Outlay of Thirty-one Million Pesos (Php 31,000,000.00) for the reconstruction of DOST-8 Regional Office building located Candahug, Palo, Leyte, which was da aged “upe T phoo Yola da. The allo atio a e f o the NDRRMF’s Cala it fu d. The bidding for the construction of the new DOST-8 building was completed in December 2014 and construction is expected to start in the first month of CY 2015. Also, DOST Region VIII was able to undertake various repair works to existing structures/office buildings located in the regional office and PSTC office buildings. p A new three- storey S&T office building located at DOST 8 compound is about to rise in 2015. The amount of P31M budget for the building construction is part of the rehabilitation program of the national government after typhoon Yolanda. Procurement Services The Bid and Awards Committee of DOST-8 had been quite busy in CY 2014, with a total of seven (7) public bidding conducted related to operation and infrastructure development of DOST Regional Office No. 8. The table below is the list of public bidding conducted for CY 2014. Published Date of Invitation to Bid 24/2/2014 7/7/2014 17/7/14 28/7/14 Bid Notice Title “uppl a d Deli e of “e u it “e i es fo CY “uppl a d Deli e of T o Vehi les fo CY P o u e e t of Co sulta “e i es fo the A hite tu al Desig /Detailed E gi ee i g of DO“T Regio al Offi e “uppl a d Deli e of La o ato E uip e t CY Published Date of the Notice of Award Bid Noti e “tatus ABC 3/26/14 Accomplished (Completed) AWARDED 600,000.00 N/A 8/27/14 FAILED AWARDED 2,500,000.00 1,085,000.00 8/27/14 AWARDED 1,705,000.00 8/8/14 “uppl a d Deli e of T o Vehi les fo CY (re-bid) N/A FAILED 2,500,000.00 14/11/14 “uppl a d Deli e of “e u it “e i es fo CY N/A AWARDED 600,000.00 16/12/14 AWARDED 29,915,000.00 19/11/14 Proposed Reconstruction of DOST Regional Office No. VIII Building Logistical Support Acquisition of two brand new vehicles for DOST 8 to sustain mobility after the typhoon (picture source: google.com) Nothing was spared at the DOST- egio al offi e du i g the o slaught of “upe T phoo Yola da in Eastern Visayas. Even the well concealed and maintained DOST-8 vehicles were wrecked by the typhoon. This severed office operation, thus affecting mobility of personnel and agility to implement projects and programs. Thus, in CY 2014, DOST Regional Office No. 8 was permitted to realign its continuing appropriation from CY 2013 MOOE amounting to Php2.5 million for the procurement of two (2) new vehicle for such purpose. Health and financial wellness This past few years, front line office or organizations like DOST-8 has been vulnerable to changes in their work environment and volume due to high demand to achieve the goals of ensuring that programs, projects and activities reach to its constituents and will result to economic progress and inclusive growth. This setting led to stressed out and frazzled workforce which in turn affect their healthy disposition and productivity. The top management noticing this, initiated the utilization of Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) services to augment its existing health service provider which is PhilHealth, to ensure an affordable and high quality health care insurance for all DOST-8 employees. An Expanded Health Care Program agreement was signed by and between Caritas Health Shield, Inc. and by more than thirty-two employees (32) of DOST-8. Like health and wellness, employee personal financial fitness is an important aspect of overall well-being. Financial stress can also impact absenteeism, employee productivity, retirement, and healthcare costs. Thus, the operation of S&T Multi-purpose Cooperative, Inc. addressed and lessen distraction of DOST-8 employees from financial concerns. Dividend totaling to Php 255,744.95, an increase of 150% compared to CY 2013, coming from the income acquired from the oope ati e’s ope atio e e dist i uted to all DO“T-8 member-employees. Below is the two (2) year comparative of the cooperatives total assets and dividends distributed, whi h as lifted f o the oop’s fi a ial epo t. YEAR Item % Increase /Dec CY 2013 Total Assets (PhP) Total Dividend (PhP) CY 2014 1,687,544.92 2,673,076.83 58.4% 102,192.31 255,744.95 150.3% CY 2014 ACCOMPLISHMENT vs. TARGET PROJECT/PERFORMANCE INDICATOR MFO 1. DIFFUSION OF NEW KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGIES 1 TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND COMMERCIALIZATION 1.1 SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES TECHNOLOGY UPGRADING PROGRAM (SETUP) 1.1.1 INNOVATION SYSTEM SUPPORT (ISS) SETUP - No. of Technol ogy Interventi ons - No. of Exi s ti ng Fi rms As s i s ted - No. of New Fi rms Es ta bl i s hed - Gros s Sa l es (P'000) - Empl oyment Genera ted (pers on-empl oyed) - Ave. Improvement of Producti vi ty/Fi rm NON-SETUP - No. of Technol ogy Interventi ons - No. of Exi s ti ng Fi rms As s i s ted - No. of New Fi rms Es ta bl i s hed - Gros s Sa l es (P'000) - Empl oyment Genera ted (pers on-empl oyed) - Ave. Improvement of Producti vi ty/Fi rm 1.1.2 RDI Patented Technology Commercialized - No. of Technol ogi es 1.1.3 CONSULTANCY SERVICES 1 No. of Fi rms As s i s ted A. MPEX B. CAPE C. CPT D. Energy Audi t E. Food Sa fety F. Others (Pl s . s peci fy) d.1.a Cons ul ta ncy/Tech. As s i s ta nce on Speci fi c Technol ogy/Concern d.1.b No. of Cl i ents Served d.1.c No. of Experts Depl oyed d.1.d Pa tenti ng As s i s ta nce 1.1.4 TECHNOLOGY TRAININGS 1 No. of Tra i ni ngs conducted 2 No. of Fi rms As s i s ted 3 No. of Pa rti ci pa nts 4 No. of Experts Depl oyed 1.1.5 TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENT CLINICS/FORA 1 No. of Technol ogy Fora /Cl i ni cs conducted 2 No. of Fi rms As s i s ted 3 No. of Pa rti ci pa nts 4 No. of Experts Depl oyed 1.1.6 PACKAGING AND LABELING 1 No. of Interventi ons provi ded 2 No. of Fi rms As s i s ted 3 No. of New ma rket penetra ted 4 Increa s e i n Sa l es (P'000) 2013 Accomp 2014 Target 2014 Accomp % Accomp 369 83 14 50,434 840 55% 206 31 26 23,973 261 50% 368 90 18 84,580 935 1 179% 290% 69% 353% 358% 142% 321 134 27 3,482 335 37% 328 59 15 444 144 20% 254 72 70 1,556 266 0 77% 122% 467% 351% 185% 172% 15 14 23 164% 20 26 3 3 25 25 6 6 12 30 30 7 7 12 120% 120% 117% 117% 100% 453 295 544 184% 508 497 295 358 0 658 635 223% 177% 39 199 4,993 111 68 68 671 120 66 219 1,881 242 97% 322% 280% 202% 57 540 2,214 82 3 99 293 12 28 232 963 72 933% 234% 329% 600% 32 32 49 5,118 21 21 32 2,318 34 23 48 10,146 162% 110% 150% 438% CY 2014 ACCOMPLISHMENT vs. TARGET PROJECT/PERFORMANCE INDICATOR MFO II. GENERATION OF NEW KOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGIES 2.1 CONSORTIA 2.1.3 EVHRDC - No. of Studi es /Propos a l s Revi ewed - No. of Acti vi ti es Conducted - No. of Pa rti ci pa nts (R&D Sympos i um) - No. of Experts Depl oyed - No. of Propos a l s Funded - No. of Informa ti on Da ta Ba nk Ma i nta i ned MFO III. DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES FOR THE S&T SECTOR 3.1 S&T SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM 1 No. of Exa mi nees (CY 2014) 2 No. of Qua l i fi ers (CY 2013) 3 No. of On-Goi ng Schol a rs (SY 2014 -2015) 4 No. of Gra dua tes 3.2 PHILIPPINE SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL - No. of Exa mi nees - No. of Qua l i fi ers 3.3 ASSISTANCE TO SUCs ON IP FORMULATION - No. of School s As s i s ted MFO IV. PROVISION OF QUALITY S&T SERVICES 4.1 TESTING AND CALIBRATION SERVICES 1 No. of Tes ti ng/Ca l i bra ti on Servi ces Rendered 2 No. of Cus tomers Served 3 No. of Fi rms As s i s ted 4 Tes ti ng Fees Col l ected (P'000) 5 Va l ue of As s i s ta nce ('000) 4.2 S&T PROMOTION 4.2.1 No. of Pres s Rel ea s e 1 Ra di o 2 Pri nt 3 TV 4 Others 4.2.2 No. of Pres s Conferences /Intervi ew 4.2.3 No. of Regi ona l /Provi nci a l Fa i rs 1 DOST Spons ored 2 Other Agenci es 4.2.4 No. of Webs i te Ma i nta i ned 4.3 S&T RESOURCE CENTER (LIBRARY & INFORMATION SERVICES) 4.3.1 No. of Li bra ry Us ers 4.4 NETWORKS AND LINKAGES 4.4.1 No. of Networks Es ta bl i s hed/Ma i nta i ned 4.4.2 No. of LGU-DOST Li nka ge - No. of Projects co-funded - No. of Tra i ni ngs conducted for LGUs 4.5 ISO 4.5.1 No. of Acti vi ti es Conducted (17025 & 9001) 2013 Accomp 2014 Target 11 10 45 6 1 1 8 8 43 4 1 1 2,643 139 305 118 1,467 90 2014 Accomp % Accomp 10 13 105 3 125% 163% 244% 75% 1 100% 2,700 5,763 234 325 63 213% 1,000 1,312 90 131% 2,498 642 438 867 26.63 1,400 420 200 420 30 1,655 434 227 495 112 118% 103% 114% 118% 373% 103 186 48 45 10 126 69 20 106 25 90 69 22 83 41 71% 100% 110% 78% 164% 5 6 3 2 4 3 2 5 3 100% 125% 100% 1,128 1,000 1,100 110% 290 166 334 201% 23 25 22 22 66 27 300% 123% 6 6 8 133% 5 CY 2014 ACCOMPLISHMENT vs. TARGET 4.6 PRESTIGE 4.6.1 No. of Recogni tions Recei ved 4.7 PROJECT REVIEW, MONITORING AND EVALUATION 4.7.1 RTEC - No. of Propos a l s /Reques t Revi ewed 4.7.2 Pl a nni ng, Moni tori ng a nd Eva l ua tion - No. of pl a ns prepa red - No. of reports prepa red a nd s ubmi tted - No. of projects moni tored/eva l ua ted 4.8 RESOURCE/INVESTMENT GENERATION 4.8.1 Amount of Res ources /Inves tment Genera ted > Interna l - DOST8 GAA & SARO ('000) - ASA ('000) - DOST Sys tem ('000) > Externa l - PLGUs /LGUs ('000) - SUCs ('000) - Other NGAs ('000) - NGOs /POs /SMEs ('000) - Government Orga ni za tions ('000) 20 20 23 115% 50 57 69 121% 7 102 138 7 84 77 7 86 131 100% 102% 170% 44,724 31,935 14,720 74,164 62,946 2,153 16,950 85% 202% 3,020 155 283 19,155 253 315 40 105 8,000 70 18,842 1,346 7,471 33,500 1,195 5982% 3365% 7115% 419% 1707% 8,391 DIRECTORY OF OFFICERS ENGR. EDGARDO M. ESPERANCILLA, CESO II Regional Director DOST Regional Office No. VIII Government Center, Candahug, Palo, Leyte Tel. (053) 323-6356 ENGR. ERNESTO M. GRANADA Assistant Regional Director for Technical Operations DOST Regional Office No. VIII Government Center, Candahug, Palo, Leyte Tel. (053) 323-7110; 832-4139 MR. RUFINO E. MENGOTE Assistant Regional Director for Finance and Administrative Services DOST Regional Office No. VIII Government Center, Candahug, Palo, Leyte Tel. (053) 323-6036 ENGR. JOHN GLENN D. OCAÑA Provincial S&T Director for Leyte Government Center, Candahug, Palo, Leyte Tel. (053) 323-5252 ENGR. ROSELLA L. GOPO Provincial S&T Director for Samar SSU Compound, Catbalogan City Samar Tel. (055) 251-6286 DR. DOMINADOR A. CLAVEJO Provincial S&T Director for So. Leyte Provincial Capitol Compound Maasin City Tel. (053) 381-3990 ENGR. VERONICA A. LAGUITAN Provincial S&T Director for Northern Samar UEP Compound, Catarman Northern Samar Tel. (055) 251-8178 MR. ROMEO L. DIGNOS Provincial S&T Director for Biliran NIT Compound Naval, Biliran Tel. (053) 500-9347 MR. ARNALDO T. AMOSCO, JR. Provincial S&T Director for Eastern Samar ESSU Compound, Maypangdan, Borongan City, Eastern Samar Tel. (055) 261-2664 Organizational Structure Edgardo M. Esperancilla Regional Director Rufino E. Mengote ARD for FAS Ernesto M. Granada ARD for Tech. Operations Roderick B. Pacañot Head, PMIS Lourdes C. Salvatierra Accountant III John Glenn D. Ocaña Provincial Director PSTC Leyte Rosella L. Gopo Provincial Director PSTC Samar Debbie G. Delmo AO-V, Budget Romeo L. Dignos Provincial Director PSTC Biliran Arnaldo T. Amosco, Jr. Provincial Director PSTC Eastern Samar Mae Anne D. Reyes Executive Manager, TSS Marilyn O. Radam Quality Manager, RSTL Technology Transfer & Commercialization SETUP Human Resource Dev’t. (Scholarships) Technical Consultancy S&T Training Promotion and Information Special Projects S&T Linkage & Resource Generation Physico Chemical Laboratory Remedios P. Deloria AO-V, Cashier Microbiology Laboratory Dominador A. Clavejo Provincial Director PSTC Southern Leyte Prospero T. Peque AO-V, Supply Veronica A. Laguitan Provincial Director PSTC Northern Samar Metrology & Calibration Laboratory Ramil T. Uy Center Manager, STHRDPIC CEST Program Other Services