5th Sunday of Easter, 2015
5th Sunday of Easter, 2015
5th Sunday of Easter • May 3, 2015 Divine Mercy Parish SAINT ALOYSIUS 115 Madison Street Sauk City, Wisconsin SAINT MARY HEALTH of the SICK 231 Main Street Merrimac, Wisconsin www.divinemercy-parish.org Divine Mercy Parish Office St. Mary’s Mass Schedule (608) 643-2449 St. Aloysius Mass Schedule Weekend: Saturday 4:30 pm Sunday 9:30 am Weekday: Thursday 7:00 pm Weekend: Saturday at 4:30 pm; Sunday at 8 am and 10:30 am, Sunday at 12:30 pm in Spanish Weekday: Monday-Friday 8:15 am; Saturday 8:00 am La Santa Misa en español: todos los domingos a las 12:30 pm St. Aloysius: Beginning one hour before weekend and weekday Masses and Wednesdays 5:30-6:30 pm St. Mary: Saturday 3:45-4:15 pm Sunday 9:00-9:15 am Thursday 5:00-6:45 pm Confessions First Communicants 2015 St. Aloysius Mass Intentions Monday, May 4 8:15 am † Michael Shaw (Robert & Laura Wolske Family) Tuesday, May 5 8:15 am Joe and Valeria Eckstein Families (Dolores Hicks) Wednesday, May 6 8:15 am † Marie Savage (Dennis & Joan Breunig) 10:30 am Maplewood Village: Thursday, May 7 8:15 am † Rosemary Schlough (Family) Friday, May 8 8:15 am † Vernon Breunig (Audrey Schutz) 10:00 am Maplewood: 10:00 am Pines: † Raymond Kurth (Family) Saturday, May 9 8:00 am Jean Smith (The Seifert Family) 4:30 pm People of the Parish Sunday, May 10 8:00 am † Rosemary Schlough (Family) 10:30 am † Herb Hass (Family) 12:30 pm † Flora Castilla St. Mary’s Mass Intentions Saturday, May 2 4:30 pm Special Intention (Don & Mary Anne Weber) Sunday, May 3 9:30 am † Paul Uselmann (LaVern & Marie Weisensel) Thursday, May 7 7:00 pm TLM † Loid Atkinson (Tim & Kathy Borota) Saturday, May 9 4:30 pm Special Intention for Shawn Koberstein on his First Holy Communion (The Koberstein Family) Sunday, May 10 May Crowning 9:30 am † Anna Silchuck (Irv & Rita Silchuck) Wednesday, May 13 Our Lady of Fatima 8:30 am † Jerome and Audrey Sickinger (Debra Lins) Thursday, May 14 7:00 pm † Loid Atkinson (Tod & Julie Fleming) page 2 Sign Up For The St. Al’s Softball Challenge At this year’s Divine Mercy Parish festival, on June 20, there will be a softball challenge. A men's team from Divine Mercy will play a team from St. Norbert and Lodi. Are you ready for the confrontation? Will you be part of the Divine Mercy/St. Aloysius team and lead us to victory? It will be a friendly but intense match! Whether you’re a seasoned softball veteran or have never played before but would like to give it a try, all are welcome. Families, please get your husbands/dads out on the field and defend our pride! Nathan Dischler will coach. Contact Nathan Dischler at 608-3933900 to join the team. Parish Scholarship Application Divine Mercy Parish will offer two scholarships of $250 each to students of the 2015 high school graduating class who are confirmed members of Divine Mercy Parish and have plans to further their education. Applications for the scholarship may be picked up in the side church lobby of St. Al´s, in the back at St. Mary´s Church and in the High School guidance office. Application deadline is Tuesday, May 5th, 2015. Honoring Our Elders — Craft-making Honoring Our Elders is a ministry of 6:8, offering companionship and spiritual support to the elderly of our community. We will be hosting an art/craft tent at Fire on the River, July 4, as a fundraiser for Honoring Our Elders programs and services. We invite crafters of all ages to join us the first Thursday of the month from 9:30-11:00 in the downstairs meeting room. Bring your own supplies or help us with our projects. For more information, call Shirley Kelter, 370-3565 or Elaine Mack, 643-4144. Our Lady of the Good Help Pilgrimage The Hispanic community at St. Al’s is organizing a Pilgrimage to Our Lady of the Good Help (New Franken, WI) on Sunday, August 2, with a coach bus leaving the St. Al’s parking lot at 7am. There will be a potluck picnic lunch there, and a Spanish Mass celebrated by Fr. Osvaldo at 3:30pm. Everyone is welcome, but seating is limited, so contact the parish office now to reserve your spot; $15 is required to sign up. Nescos for the School Kitchen The school is looking for our lost Nesco's. If anyone has a school Nesco sitting in their home, they can return it with no questions asked. If anyone would like to donate a new Nesco or a very like new Nesco - would be greatly appreciated. The cooks would like it to be Teflon Coated - for easy cleaning. Thank you very much for your support!! Daytime Women’s Study Group All women are invited to meet on Tuesdays, 12:30-2pm, in the lower level at St. Al’s to pray and study a spiritual book. The group is reading Mere Christianity and Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. One of the group’s leaders, parishioner Donna Verges, is a graduate of the Ave Maria Institute for Pastoral Theology, and is able to share insights gained there. Come be enriched in your faith! Scrip Corner The scrip team will be selling scrip after mass this weekend. The following scrip cards are available weekdays in the school office: Piggly Wiggly - $25, $50 & $100; Sentry $50; Kwik Trip - $25, $50 & $100; Cenex- $25. & $100; Wal Mart - $100; Ace Harward $25; Panera Bread, Papa Murphy´s, Family Video, Pizza Hut and Subway , and The Mixing Bowl - $10; Walgreens - $25; Target - $25 & $100. Many, many more available to order check out scrip.com to find all the stores and restaurants available in scrip. ST. ALOYSIUS SCHOOL Special Interest Day, May 15th - Share a Talent! Special Interest Day gives our students the opportunity to try something new, with classes ranging from crafts to sports to hobbies to cooking. If you would like to share your time/talent, please contact the school office at 643-6868. Adoration Chapel candles will burn this week... 6th Annual Walk A Thon - May 29th - St. Al's students & families will be walking 4 miles. to support their school. To make a pledge or volunteer to help, please contact the school office at 643-6868. Registration Preschool and Kindergarten: We are accepting registrations for our Preschool for children who will be 3 or 4 by Sept. 1st, 2015; or our Kindergarten for children who will be 5 by Sept. 1st. St. Al's offers small class sizes, if you know of a 3, 4 or 5 year old, spread the word about the wonderful education they would receive here at St. Al's. Call the school office at 6436868 if you have any questions. RELIGIOUS ED Important Dates. May 3rd Last class of RE for grades K, 2nd-7th. 6 PM Confirmation Rehersal @ St. Josephs in Baraboo (Confirmandi & Sponsors to attend) May 6th Last class for grades 8-HS (DTS night...meet in youth center 6:30 to 8 PM) May 9th Confirmation 7:00 pm at St. Josephs in Baraboo. GIRLS GROUP St. Al´s Girls Group will meet on Fridays (school year) and Thursdays (Summer time), next meeting will be April 24. Girls in grades 2-6 are encouraged to come to the upstairs of the Youth Center for prayers, games, crafts, spiritual talk given by one of our priests, and dinner. Contact Jenny at (608) 333-9092 or [email protected]. Adults or older sisters volunteers are needed!! St. Aloysius Liturgical Roles Weekend of May 9 & 10 Servers 4:30 pm 8:00 am Jackson & Max Shavlik Matthew Breunig, Simon & Phillip Enerson 10:30 am John Paul Fabian, Devan Meise Readers 4:30 pm Connie Cotter 8:00 am Sandy Brucket 10:30 am Don Daniewicz Greeters 4:30 pm Joan Cole, Keith & Beverly Foye, James & Lisa Breunig. 8:00 am Edna Hart, Dolores Moen, Colleen Schutz. 10:30 am Volunteers. Offertory Gift Bearers 4:30 pm Volunteers welcome! 8:00 am Volunteers welcome! 10:30 am Fuchs Trucking Family Ushers 4:30 pm LeRoy Lamberty, Herman Mack, Steve Mack, Ralph Ringelstetter 8:00 am Ralph Endres, John Horak, Lloyd Marklein, Andrew Peterson 10:30 am Bob Henseler, Nolan & Pam Lamberty, Roger Moe Rosary Leaders 4:30 pm Becky Thomson 8:00 am Della Ryan 10:30 am Steve Rammer Vocations Chalice—May 10 8:00 am Steve & Sandy Koehler For Hernández Zapata Family (Anonymous) You may request to have candles in the adoration chapel burn for a week in memory of or honor of a loved one, or for a special intention. The donation is $30/6 candles, and your intention will be published here if you wish. Jesus Is Waiting For YOU! We always welcome more committed adorers, you are very important to the Lord! To spend your special hour with Him each week, pick up a form from either lobby, download one from www.divinemercy-parish.org, clip and return this page to the parish office or simply call 643-2449 to sign up. If you need a substitute for your hour, please call: 608 370 9894 The sanctuary lamp will burn this week For Vernon & Rosella Breunig (Anonymous) You may request to have the sanctuary candle (next to the tabernacle) burn for one week in memory of or honor of a loved one, or for a special intention. The donation is $10, and your intention will be published in the bulletin if you wish. Contact the parish office to schedule. page 3 ST. MARY’S CHURCH Special Mass at St Mary’s Next Wednesday, May 13 There will be a special Mass offered at St. Mary’s Wednesday, May 13th, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. to celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Fatima. May Crowning at St. Mary’s Post-poned until May 10th The May Crowning has been post-poned to May 10th due to scheduling conflicts. The May Crowning practice will be Saturday, May 9th at 1:00 p.m. Symbolon Session Cancelled for May 3rd Due to scheduling conflicts, the Symbolon program that is usually held after the 9:30 am Sunday Mass is cancelled this weekend. Please join us next weekend for the next DVD session titled, “Mary and the Saints, Part 1.” Durward’s Glen Gala Dinner and Raffle Tickets on sale Get your dinner tickets for the Durward’s Glen Gala Fundraiser after the Masses this weekend at St. Mary’s. Dinner tickets are $50 per plate and raffle tickets are $10 per ticket. All proceeds will go to the maintenance and enhancement of Durward’s Glen. Mass Intentions Available Dear parishioners, we thank you for your generous support of St.Mary’s Church. Because of your past generosity, all the Masses have been reserved through June 28, 2015. There are four Masses available in July and many in the months that follow. If you would like to reserve a Mass for your intention, contact Mardell Krejchik, 608-742-3364, [email protected], or place your intention in the collection basket marked “Mass Intention.” Be sure to include your phone number in case there are questions. Thank you and may God bless you and your families. 2015 Right to Life Mother’s Day Carnation Project Next Sunday, May 10th, to honor mothers, the Sauk County Chapter of Wisconsin Right to Life will have multi-colored carnations available. Donations will go towards chapter projects. Coming Up at St. Mary’s…. Saturday, May 2 3:45-4:15pm Confessions 4:30 pm Mass Sunday, May 3 9:00-9:15am Confessions 9:30 am Mass 10:30 am Symbolon is Cancelled this week Thursday, May 7 5:00-6:45pm Exposition, Adoration, Confessions and Benediction 7:00 pm Mass—Tridentine Latin Mass Saturday, May 9 3:45-4:15pm Confessions 4:30 pm Mass Sunday, May 10—Mother’s Day 9:00-9:15am Confessions 9:30 am Mass—May Crowning 10:30 am Symbolon: “Mary and the Saints, Part 1” Coming Up at Durward’s Glen… Tuesday, May 5 Mass and Rosary is Cancelled for this week DURWARD’S GLEN No Mass this Week at Durwards Glen The Mass for Tuesday, May 5th with Fr. Pedro has been cancelled due to a scheduling conflict. Please join us next Tuesday, May 12th for Mass at 8:00 am preceded by the Rosary at 7:35 and followed by a talk led by Fr. Pedro at 8:30 am. Gala for the Glen - a fundraiser for Durward's Glen Saturday, May 30 at St. Joseph's Catholic School Gym, Baraboo, WI. Small class size Engaging learning environment, Improved math, Spanish, and techonology curriculum Solid spiritual formation Contact St. Aloysius School phone: (608)643-6868 (608)370-4231 [email protected] Always and Everywhere Faithful, to God, to Learning, to Community. page 4 Divine Mercy Parish Office Phone: (608) 643-2449 St. Aloysius School Office Phone: (608) 643-6868 Principal: Daniela Saldaña Secretary: Pam Sternberg www.saintaloysiusschool.org St. Aloysius Religious Education Phone: (608) 643-4062 Coordinator: Lisa Enerson Sacraments Baptism: Please contact the parish office at (608) 643-2449. Marriage: Please contact the parish office at (608) 643-2449 at least six months in advance of the anticipated wedding. Vocations: Contact any of the priests or the Diocesan Vocations Office at (608) 821-3088 or visit the website www.madisonvocations.org. Eucharistic Adoration St. Aloysius: Sundays at 2pm through Saturdays at 8am St. Mary’s: Thursdays 5:00-6:45 pm Prayer Chain Call (608) 643-2449. Divine Mercy Chaplet For The Sick or Dying Call Ann: 434-4360, Mary: 643-6672, Dawn: 370-4753 or Marion: 592-4441. Sick or Homebound Please call the parish office at (608) 643-2449 to inform us of any illnesses, surgeries or hospitalizations, or of any homebound person who would like a priest to visit. Readings for May 3-May 10 This Sunday: Acts 9:26-31/1 Jn 3:18 -24/Jn 15:1-8 Monday: Acts 14:5-18/Jn 14:21-26 Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28/Jn 14:27-31a Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6/Jn 15:1-8 Thursday: Acts 15:7-21/Jn 15:9-11 Friday: Acts 15:22-31/Jn 15:12-17 Saturday: Acts 16:1-10/Jn 15:18-21 Next Sunday: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48/1 Jn 4:7-10/Jn 15:9-17 From Fr. Pedro’s Desk The hymn “Glory to God in the hiGhest” (iii) The third part of the hymn praises the Holy Trinity and recalls Saint Paul’s words to the Philippians “let every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord, to the glory of God the Father”. Pope Benedict XVI said that “this angelic song has been recognized from the earliest days as music proceeding from God, indeed, as an invitation to join in the singing with hearts filled with joy at the fact that we are loved by God. Saint Augustine says that the singing is a mark of one who loves. Thus, down the centuries, the angel’s song has again and again become a song of love and joy, a song of those who love.” Fr. Pedro May, Month of Mary Under you protection I take refuge, O Mary; be the guide and model of my interior life. M onth of May, month of Mary! The heart of every Christian turns spontaneously toward his heavenly Mother, with a desire to live in closer intimacy with her and to strengthen the sweet ties which bind him to her. It is a great comfort on our spiritual way, which is often fatiguing and bristling with difficulties, to meet the gentle presence of a mother. One is so at ease near one´s mother. With her, everything becomes easier; the weary, discouraged heart, disturbed by storms, finds new hope and strength, and continues the journey with fresh courage. “If the winds of temptations arise,” sings St. Bernard, “if you run into the reefs of trials, look to the star, call upon Mary. In danger, sorrow, or perplexity, think of Mary, call upon Mary.” There are times when the hard road of the “nothing” frightens us, miserable as we are; and then, more than ever, we need her help, the help of our Mother. The Blessed Virgin Mary has, before us, trodden the straight and narrow path which leads to sanctity; before us she has carried the cross, before us she has known the ascents of the spirit through suffering. Sometimes, perhaps, we do not dare to look at Jesus the God-Man, who because of His divinity seems so far above us; but near Him is Mary, His Mother and our Mother, a privileged creature surely, yet a creature like ourselves, and therefore a model more accessible for our weakness. Mary comes to meet us during this month, to take us by the hand, to initiate us into the secret of her interior life, which must become the model and norm of our own. Taken from the book: Divine Intimacy by Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O. C. D. page 5