FCC Coeds Enter Miss Fresno Cor
FCC Coeds Enter Miss Fresno Cor
FRESNO ASB Prexy COLLEGE C I TY Ernie Coppo Soys .458 Snofu Bqseboll See Poge 2 PUBLTSHED CY THE ASSOCIAÎED STUDENTS FRESNO, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, APRI[ VOL. XIX 1, See Sports 1965 NUMBER I9 FCC Coeds Enter Miss Fresno Cor CHERYL JORDAN hom Queen IoLENE ROBiNSON Skcrte Queen Spencer Direcls Since '48 Choir Presents Easter Concert By . GIEOR,GE IfimMPEL Managing Edltor lEnN HART TW'3 Girl CÄROLYN TAYLOR LINDA TRULIN Honor Student frvrv l,eP \tlrl English Cc,st Contestants Vie For Title By Staff Writer Presents TW3 IourFresno City College are competing against seven l, I lto I t olher girls from Reedley College and Fresno State College for Ivlonctoy Nrght the title of Miss Fresno County. 'Week ET,REIÙTA EURST Rampage coeds "That Was The The coeds from FCC a{g Carolyn Taylor, Jolene Robinsor¡ That Was," starring the original Brit- Cheryl Jordan and Linda Trulin. ish cast, will appear at Fresno The pageant, which is sponCity College Monday, Apr. 5. sored by the Downtown 20-30 Club annually will be held Saturday at 8:30 PM in the Roosevelt auditorium. Miss Taylor, 19, is a business major at FCC antt plans to transfer to tr'SC next year, .A, daughter high school Students, Reedley Col- of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nagel, her lege students and tr'resno State interests Ínclude sewitrg, swime Ce i **.""i"i'",.:",iïTåî l;: .;':î1 College 'students). ming and snow skiing. She is a graduate of Santa They may be purchased from -tthing il""#"ïåii ä"; s I is free of charge. Boqr Miss Doris Deakins, dean of wom- Clara High School, where she was en, or at the Hockett-Cowan box a majorette and pep girl. HomeSpencer said that this year's Joins Pep Squad office. music will be "sacred" but diversiAt ¡'CC her activities include Since the auditorium seats only The State Center Junior College fied. "I't wiu nol be strictly Easter 840 people, sponsors advise that serving as pep girl for tv/o years, Board of Trustees hired 27 atldi- music, but it is sacred and very all who want to see the production and she was a lfomecoming queeù tional faculty members for the beautiful," he said. buy thelr tickets as soon as pos- attendant. She is 5 feet 5 inches F eatured. soloists will be Marlin 1965-66 year and approved the tall, weighs 120 pounds and measible. exI¡a.nsion of the Fresno City CoI- Stilliens, Buddet Tacket, Paul 36-24-36. The s¡oril, directed and pro- sures lege Bookstore at a meeting last Hollinsworth, R0Aer Hamllton, Twenty-year-old Miss Robinson Jeanie Zac}l^ary and Diane Miller. duced by David Frost of the NBC is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. week. The board also âPBroved' the Richard Cottrell is the organist. TV show, originally started with Hollis Robinson and is a graduate the British Broadcasting Corpor- of Fresno High School, She has inclusion of 13 new courses in the the choir's main feature will ation in England and was taken had piano, ballet, roller skating cataCollege CitY Fresno 1965-66 be Gabriel Taure's Requlem. Anover by NBC in late 1964. The logue, other number Spencer said, will and dramatic lessons. group original has been touring resignathe The Board a.ccePted be De Profundis, a religious chant. She appeared on 'Wide World North America since February. tions of Kennêth A. lil'ood, a counof Sports for the title of national The English cast of eight per- roller skating queen this year. Her selor at FCC antl Mrs. Mabelclaire formers will present a two hour accomplishments are 1964 Miss R. Norman, director of nursing show. edusation at tr.CC, who rr-as acceptWool of Fresno County ancl 1964 The satirical feature was a hit Miss California Roller Skating ed the job of d.eveloPing a nursing pnogFa,m at the University of in England long before its debut Queen. She is 5 feet 6 inches tall, in the United States. Guam. weighs 125 pounds and 36-24FCC Sponsored by Phi Beta Lambda, The 55-member Fresno City College choir will present its the show wiII start at 8:30 PM a.mual Easter concert assembly Tuesday at 12 noon in the in the auditorium. Tickets are auditorium. C. Lowell Spencer, who has directed the campus choir since priced. at $2 for general ¿dmis1948, promised that Tuseday's performance "will be some- sion, and $1.50 for those with that everyone can enjoy." student body cards (including all Sfofe nt r d D ecide t"ï":sii iö FCC Actions Placemenf Office Sefs Employment For Graduafes FqcultySenqte Members of the tr'resno Clty College faculty have united and, formed a new organization called- the Fresno City Couege Faculty Senate. The group, which first sü¿rted during the fall semester, is composed of one-fifth of the tenured teaching faculty, including llbrarians and counselors. Franz Weinschenk, presid.ent of the tr'aculty Senate, said. the purpose of the organization is to pro. vide instructors a voice ln faculty matters. "The Faculty Senate's primary fundtlon is'to represent the f¿culty to the board of trustees a,nd to the administration in all manners of faculty conêern." The Senate is operated under Darliamentary procedure and has a president, vice president Jordan. Takes Dancing Lessons She has had dancing and piano lessous and makes all her own clothes. In higJr sehool she was active ln Student politics, Football or at the employment office. "We have many full time jobs a.vailable," stated Mrs. Dorothy 2 ments and. student personnel, "The Faculty Senate is gener- ally concernetl wlth faculty matters. 'We have not dealt with student policies, but, lf a sltuation shoultl occur, we could deal with Weeks D. Ðdiger, campus employment lfho f,'reeno City CoIIego swim- representatiYe, "but there is no mlng ¡roole will bo reoponed one to fill them. There are secre- Carnival Queen, and prom prin- such matters in the future." ln her seDlor year. She was named Sweetheart of Ilxplorer Scouts of Fresno County mlng class€s a,nd tho team wilt in 1963. At FCC she is a member of the Rally Club and the .A,sso- Mondoy. Swfmming Coach Giene Stephens stated thå,t a,U swim- rlesumo thoir regula,r schedules. The ¡roole, a.long wlth all ttre others t¡r the f,'resno a,roa, ha,ve been closed for two weeks by ttro F¡æno County Eealt,h Dopartuent. cess ta,rlal, mechanical and eales jobs." She atltled tn'at there are also positlons open for summer coun- cleteal Women Students. seling. Ifer in- 'tere$ts are snoÌv and water skiing and golfing. She is õ feet, 7 itrches tall, weighe 120 pounrls and 36- The campus employment office ls loeated in T-100 of the techni- cal and. indu.strial butliltngs. Office hours are from 8 AM to ¡oon and 1-4 PM. and secretary. óo12' d.eans Mondoy, After To Form FCC Article 9 of the tr'aculty Senate constitution, covering general arMiss Jordan, 19, is a Bullard eas in which the Senate may beHigh School grad.uate and a dental come involverl, lists such areas as hygiene major aù F CC. Sbe is the aacdemic freedom, extra-curricudaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert lar activitles, graduation require- The Board of Trustees heard June grad.uates wishing to file but took no action on a letter full-time employment applications from tho F*resno County and. CltY have until Apr. 9 to turn them in Chamber of Commerce to dplay to the FCC bra.nch of the State the opening of the 1965-66 school Department of Employment. yea¡ for students involved. in farm the applications may be ac-' harveets. lhe school year is schedquired from instructors or division uled to begln September 13. Swim Pools Re-,Open Inslructors 2 3-3 6. Mtss Truü.n, 17, fs Ð senlor from MRS. DOROTHY EDIGM (Contínued on Page 3) THIS WEEK IN THE RAMPAGE Fdttorial 2 Carüoon .-----.:---.-------'-. Roving Reportor Olub Nems..-.- 2 Alvtn' Ma,nn 4 4 &rrfn ---.-.---------.----:------Glineburg' --------------:,---. a a April RA'SPAGE Pogc Two Fresno City College Excurs¡on qm pu s O Pi nion On Community Forum Series C l9ó5 Geologists PIan Group EDITORIAL B oqr d W snts l, Seven tr'resno City College geol- oty enthusiasts a.re making Plans for an unusual Easter vacation a four-day trip into the ba¡ren wilderness of Southeastern California. geoloer I Francis J. r.eyd.en, FCC member instructor who will be a of the expedition, said the pErty will leave Fresno Sa¿urday, Apr. , 10, for an exploratory mlbsion throuth Death Valley and a, number of small adjoi¡ing regions, including Owens Racetrack and and art events. cisco Ballet. Under the program, the speakers and groups would appear at both ca,mpuses. Rushton, crn "ctrrchor" mqn for the Thcrt Was The Week Thcrt \Mos series will be one of the performers for the TlV3 progrcm Ãpril 5 in the City College cn¡ditorium. The originol cqst of eight, including stcr Dcvid Frost, will be on hcrrd. Tlv3-Wilicon ized and "should proYe interestiûg from a geolotical stanalpoitrt." Leyden a,lso pointed. out that many of the rock formations'whlch the group will be stuclYllg are known to contain an "er(tenslve" amount of fossils. In addltlon, he sald, the group wlll examlne þhe effects of block faultlng and ero- sion upon the lantl CC HeolthCenterReødy in F orSfud ent E mer gencies a l I ! I rrmovero Lqshes Sfude nls Prit For Lack Of Porlicípotionpresi- I dent Bonald Prirna,vera.) QUIT'FEELING SOR no City College is Your come here, maybe Your your wallet or purse gav instill this ability within You. ---Ài" Are worr ptepä.ed to face face society? Some of -you are. A lot vou nrena.red you feel so Porry sorry for Why? Because you, i'itt be. ¡e. WþX? vou-nevi,r ivilt of you"nerrär and trv and duffs y.-ou won't' that vour c.S!..:# t;ri;¿ivei nrenâre to meet ihe the responslbilities of society. a Fresno CitY with a group here at tried to anticipate or analYze the club or organization PreParing an i TL, dents about their individual'health Insurance. problems. She urges all students The school policy provid.es 24 to report any injury received on hour accident coverage including campus, including the most minor holidays and summer vacation. one. "I can't speak highly enough of On DutY this insurance policy," stated Mrs. When asked about tlìe Purpose McBride. "I only wish more stuof ¿ school nurse and health cen- dents would. take advantage of this ter, MIS. McBride sLaled, "The chance to protect their health." nurse is on duly otl the campus \Irs. McBride also expressed a from 8:30 A\I to i1:30 Plf eleryl concern for aII students to fiII out school day. "In ciì.se ol an emer- | their health c¿rds completely u'hen gency is EIIJcLrcu e\pected to nurse rù LrrE urrrsu <çuuJ the registering. "" call '-,'l reglsterrn8. studeut i Students ttìe family doctor (if the stud.erlti currentl]' Sludents who a.e not currentlrtras one) and fotlow the usual I covered. by the campus medical inemergency procedufe in procuritrg I ru"roce plan, but u'ho are iqter- rlll ac- company Leyden on the iourney are all tr'CC students. TheY are Stan Yance, Dennis Marks, Joe Ruff, Da,vitt Porter, Bob GrlD' and Curt Geans. Each will be re The Fresno City College Health Center is one of the least known and talked about departments on campus. Many students are aware of the center, but they do not take advantage of its facilities. Mrs. Margaret McBride, the school nurse has pointed out 'that the m'ain fun0tion of the¡heatth center is to counsel stu- to look into and take out school (Tho following is an open lettor to students from campus su¡f¿ce. Sharo Exponsos The six members who quired to supply hls own food antl clothint as well a-s to sha¡e lD the traveling expenses. Leyden estimated th¿t expenses $10 to $20 Per person. He also emphasized that the trip is a Student Project and will range from that it will not be sPonsored bY the college. Circle K People To Assisf Show The Fresno Cit-v College Circle Club will assist in the 6th A¡rnuaì Benefit Horse Show SundaY K atthe EIks Club. I Members of the organization are to help in Parking of ca¡s and in seLting up the cotlrses for the show. It is being l.reld to benefit the March of Dimes, aud both western and eastern riding will be featured. 0pinion uda Shorts Campus Male By LESLIE IL4.IìT, Roving Reporter Recently a proposal was put to the Student Council su_g_gesting- that male . students be aUãwea-iõ wdr bermudas to class in the summer session. When aiked their opinions on the lead or be led? subject several students responded in the following manner: , Ron Pirmavera Chico Lewis. Suiava MultiBeverly IIarASB President sophomore carauaopele, sophmâ¡ì, sophopentry maJor: ornore mechahm o re philoso"Yes, i f they phy major: lcal eng'inee¡ing .¿Yes feel more commajor: "Cerat this fort¿ble and tainly, that's age a- s'tudent don't feel funny v¡hat they do in should be able in them. They Hawaii. In the to choose what ahoultl be able Publlshed weekly by the Journallam stualents of tr'resno Clty College, he wants to sumtrrer in to wear them 1101 Ualverelty, Fresno, Cellfornla. CoEI,oc€d' by the Central wear; they usFresno the clithls sprlng too Coltfor¡ta Tn¡o8¡¿phlc Servlce. Undg¡ett edltorlals are the expregslon ually know mate is the {E¡n ll'g just as warn then. ol the eilltors. what"s proper and what lsn't. I same as that of the Islands, and they should think glrls should bo able to wear bermudas âre Euct, much more - one more thtng manner.'' wear them in a suitable comfortable! " them too." Long' llelo DAVID R. PÂCI{DCO Dermis FÍeld, Richa,rd McEtlltor-In-Chlef Managfng Etlltor----.----Sportg Etlltor-..------- News Eldltor Copy Edltor Man¿ger------Aeglgnment Edttor.--.---.-Club News Edttor.---.----Bustness Manager.:----Ctno¡ilatton Manager..-...Âtlvertfslng LlbrarlEp.---. o'artoontet..--.. DrsùEDgo Eldltor--:--..--- Math. freshman physlcal educa--------George l{uempel ------:--------------------------------Don Mencarlnl tlon -------Sandl McOlurg "Ye€, ma.J ot: they are ¡¡lore comfort---------Elberta lfurst able; howeyer, ----------------Louts Bell ----Paul Sulliran' Jr' lf they're slop-----:-------------Juill Smtth --------------------ål F ox .-...----:.-----.-.--------..-DeDnlB Johnso¡ py thls would Just be takiqg advantage of tfq fre,erdon nee't tçruudas -----Janfce Polndetter o.k." - freshman liber- gophomore bus- al arts hajor: "Definitely. More boys lness would come to class in the knees! Serlous- tf they why not 'warm weather could wear them. It's much cooler and more confoÌtsble. Theyshould maJor: "Yes, lf they ha,ve sexY ly, wheu it's ho't be I I don't, th I n k t¡ey sbould vær out-offs, tbough, Just nlce comfoftable? a¡e wea¡'sho€¡ a,nd socke wlth them, thoug:h." ne,et beraudas." April l, l9ó5 RA'NPAGE Pogc Threc Arts Club Board Hears Forum Sefs Mon. Sale Dafe Series Proposal The Fine.ârts Club will hold lts pecond art s¿le Monday through 'Wednesday of next week. Pr€sldent Greg Beleinjian saitl exa,ct location of the sale on each day is uncertain. One day it wiff be on the patio of the new cafeteria, the other oD the lawn between the Administratiotr Building and McLaDe HalI; the last tlay it will be held at v'hatever location proves to have the most tra.ffic. Prices will range from one to *i[ ¡" ,r."ã to finance a fielcl trip to Los Angeles later this semester, flve d.olla¡s" Proceeds Dean Dra.per, one Folk Singer presialent; Peg8:y Wherry, secretaly- treasurer; s¡tl Jerry FecÍelnl a'Id Roger Derryberry, cablnet members. Members of the ortanlzatlon include Alys¡a Aaronlan.' Sharon Emerzian, Ifen I[azitt, Bonnle Farris, John Stmonia¡r, Jr., Corlnne James, Ifa¡T)¡ IIart, Aldrew Piscitelli, Jeff Lys'no, G¿il Schtlau, Bart Turner and Harold Mark Spoelstra, a folk singer, will give a concert of music of his own crea.tion on Wednesday at 8:30 PM for the Newman Club. The concert wl.ll be held in the I | choi¡ crlso hqs q public performcrrce scheduled for'Wednesdoy crt I PM. Choir direstor is Lowell Spencer. Club News Cqmpus Clubs Active After Desd Week Lull Newman Center at tr.resno State Yada. var¡a. Brov¡n received hi money, which was p aril'aral Our Company is celebrating its 100th year in the life insurance business. Age alone is no criterion of maturity, of course. But if you check into our experience and exam. ,ine our reputation, you'll see why we're proud of the record. We rank in the top 2o/s of all life companies in the United States in assets, but growth means much more to our company than just being big. Among other things, it means responsibil- ity to our clients and policyowners, prov¡d- ing insurance that can be tailored to their ever.changing needs, and prompÇ personal service. An integral part of tàe company's growth is its training pro. gram, which has the reputation of belng one of the finest in the business. For coþ lege students, wehaw a Campus lnternship Program to start their traln¡ng-{nd income they'rs still at a presentat Gilbert Peart's office 1295 Wishon Ave. Ph.268-9274 ) committees fo¡ their ,shion show .which will the Social lIall. at 3 rmittees, working withj in the theme of Daisy Peta_l PickJoint Band Concert FCC and Reedley College are in', are headed by Louise Cayton, har-ing a joint band concert on I oublicity; Margaret Hinrichs, deApr. 5 and 8. I corations; Kalhleen Burk and The Apr. 8 concert will be giv- | Barbata Ehrenburg, refreshrne¿ts en here at FCC and the admission I and Juanita Clark, general prepar- The dis'trict ad.ministra;üon said bums. state whloh is allowed for this pur Spoelstra is currently employed pose. as resident volunteer at the North Costs would also be cut ,by stu- concert immediately. dents contributions and ticket sales. The auditorium, gy'mnasium and soclal hall were listed. as possible forum sites on the FCC campus. Board PresideDt Baxter K. Rlchardson saitl that the board would like to hear the feelings of the students and public on the proposal before a recommendation is made. Plays Spread FCC Coeds. .. To Colleges (Continued from Page 1) Ifoor-er High School attending FCC as an honor student. She is a letter girl at Hoover, a member of the Associated Young Democrats and. a volunt.ee| worker for the Fresno Nutritional Home. She is 5 feet 7 rl inches tall, weighs 130 pounds and 367¿-25- WIMPY'S BURGER t929 THE GAIIERY FOIK & CENTER COFFEE HOUSE ON OLIVE NEAR PAIJYT Open Fri. & Sqt. Nites (8 P.M. - I A.t$.l FRESNO'S HOUSE OF WEDDINGS AND PARTIES This Week Feqtur¡ng: PETE EVERWINE 2 SHOWS: 9:O0 AND ll:OO 75c COVER CHARGE TIRED OF LONG STUDY HOURS? leorn speed reoding II PROVE GRADESI - par nin. wilh 90% Reod 1500-2500 words cornprehension. Numerous profs. ond stu. dents hove successfully conpleled courses lripling reoding specd. For how you con do lhir, coll 237-9lOl. Italion lood Served in ¡he frcdí¡ìon oI on0ld llalìon Ga¡den l\.r^. TJIL'CCO , S PIZZERIA "Four Son¡ of ltoly" Dcllvcry Scrvice Itt Welch, elght events would be scheduled at each college. proÉrams would. be held on Sunday nights at F CC and on Monday nlghts a¿ Reédley. Ela,ch speaker would appear at both colleges. "The Plays the Thing" in va¡ious colleges throughout California. While X'resno City College completes 'the c¿sting for Joan of Lorraine, erchange papers repoft of similar dïamatic end.eavors: latlolls. Dr. Davis Sikes, f orrnerly of DICK'S TAUNDROMAT Baylor University, directed the 36 3/¿. She is a ctaughter of l\Irs. POTPOURRI DEADTII\¡E! Foothill CoÌlege production of Wanda Trulin. Dry lOc Wosh 20c Tomorrow is the deadline for lVssh t0c !Ved. & Thurs. rnanuscripts to be turned in to Summer and Smoke. The Sentinel play Potpourri, Iì'resno City College's li- said the Tennessee Williams New Woshelte Mochine was presented Mar. 26 and 27. magazine. terary for rugs, spreods, blonkets The Palomar College Telescope Students may submit contribu50c tious to Robert Shaver in Room reported on a symposium conI 123 E. Belmont 203 or Dean Draper in Room 228 ducted after t¡.e opening night open 24 hours of the Administration Buildine. presentation of Oedipus. rot¡A]¡ ttûrr!É Comments from .the audiénce were solocited by the panel composed. of instructors 'and, d.rama students. Sqvrllm¡..tcvo tlú ..A MEAL IN ITSELF'' The symposium proved. of such ¡ &yaYqt¡Olroidrl -. interest that they were included 1495 N. VAN NESS in {he-regular program for the YA11¡Y xest of the plays run. rt Ilonoger ( ci¿ted Women Students day. -while school. It sodd p¡ pl b lnqdn FRED E. KUVER I that it was not ready to make a, Collegp. recommenddtlon on the program. He began hls singing career in However, at least one member of New York and Boston night the board voiced. approval of the clubs. He is a 12 strlng guitarist. serles. Spoelstra writes both the muslc 'Welch saial that the fl¡E¿ year'e and. the words for hls origlnal budgdt would be about 99,225. Of folk songs. Hls specialty is folk this, however, $8,500 could come blues and has recorded three al- from a. speclal tax levy from the By PAUI: SUI¡I¡IVAN, Jr. Avenue Community Center in The candy sale of the business club, Phi Beta Lambda, is Fresno. continuing ntinuinc this week to raise money monev for the delegates delcøates to the fhe BUIIETIN Äfter concert he will tell The bermud¿ d¡ess code was Disneyland the first weekend in April. about histhe experlences at the Compassed a,t last Ífuosday's studenú may be purchased from any Phi Beta munity Center. Admission to the councilrmeoting. Undor the code, a nickel. +concert will be free. male students may bogin wearing Social chairman Sandy Krzythe shorts as of Apr. 19. Co€d.s ltricki reportetl that a hootenanny, will also get thoir chanco during led by Spoelstra, will follow the specia.l bomuda days, Bs¡old- GENTUFIION Welch. The program would featu¡re sush speakers as newspaper columnists Stewart A,lsop and Art BuchìÍalal, sociologistand author Vance packard, authors Erich Fromm and Colin Wilson and a performance of San Francisco Ballet. Under the program oufllned. by r of the spon- ¡'ine .q'rts CIub offlcers are: BeleinJian, presldent; Jane tr'lrebs.ugh, vlce Timothy ,To Pertorm ForNewmen lhe sors, stated that the other sale, held in November of 1962, was "quite successful" and "fun for all concerned." Other sponsors are Ken Owens and Walter'Witt. tr''CC Public Information Offlcer I that the PltoNE ,,37-70il 530 N. ü^CTSTONE AYE. FRESNO ST. Aâ,1 ô99tó April RAI,TPAGE l, t9ó5 t Monn Shocks Cooches Racketeers Face SCC FCC Spike Team Tomorrow Win SB Relays, tr'resno CitY College netmen two out of town 'tomorrow and Sa.turday when they travel to Sacramento and Modesto for Ya.lIeY Confer- will challenge teâms Host Sacramento By DON MENCÄRIìÍI ' ence tennis action. RÄM SLUGGERS-Center fielder Emest Coppo crnd right fielder Robert BentleY will stort ogoinst Sqcrqmento CitY Mcrks Photo . Coilege this ScrturdcY. FCC Rams Face Tough Panther N¡ne ln Euless Park Saturday By IIO\ü,q'BD S,¡III{I RamBate Spofts Writer Sports Eltlitor The Fresno City College track team will play host to SacRiding a 3-2 conference record, ramento City College in a dual meet beginning at 3 PM tù the Rams will take on Sacramento moffo\ù at Ratcliffe StadiumCity' Collete at 2:30 PM tomor"We should not have too much trouble with Sacra¡rrento," ro\p on the PantherÊ' courts. said FCC Coach Erwin Ginsburg. "They (Sacra.urento) have "I don't expect Sacramento to two outstanding trackmen in Ter-f ors ahead of runnerup Pierce Junhave too strong: a team," said ry Record and Ed Maxie." ior College with 30 points. Coach Dan Ozier. "Even thoutÏL Record holds the dual meet Top Perfomance our players could use a little more record in the two mlle event with practic€, I think we should beat .A.lvin Mann, FCC sprint ster, it last He set a time of 9:59.3. performanee of them." year in Sacramento. Maxie has turned in the top Mann stunned f'CC the tlay. The Rams will meet the fa,vored the dual meet best performance American River Junior College in the shot put with a toss of 49 Coaches Ginsburg and. Bob Frlec by running the 100 yard. da.sh ln team at 10 AM Saturda.Y on the f.eet 6\h inches. 9.6. I{e slowed up at rthe eud be coufts. ARJC hope Pete Sa.ntos (I'CC mile cause he wag so far ahead. "I "American Rlver has a very and two mile record holder) will FCC also produced winners in good tea,m," Ozier said. "I think high jump, 'where Powell tbe a treto have the boys wlu PlaY clea¡ed 6 feet 5\h inches, Del mendous game if we are to beat Thompson bounced 23 feet 2 inchthem." es in the long jump, and the 440 Ram team members and their yard rela,y team, anchorgd by positions will be Don Fulmer, Mann, 41-9. first men's singles; Jack SamuelÍla^ster Reilays ian, second men's singles; Bob 1 Fresno (Thompson, 440 relay Burts. Va.ux,- Mann) 41.9, 2 Pasadena Nelson, third men's singles; Dave 42.9, 3 Mt. SAC 43.1. Adams, fourth men's singles, and 100-1 Mann Fres. 9.6, 2 Makey Balç 9.8. 3 Mcl(ee Pierce 9.9, 4 Burk Pa5a. Ron Critchlow, fi-fth men's sin9.9. gles. 880 relay-l Pasadena, 1:28.6, 2 E'resno (Thompson, Burts, Vaux, Ma¡n) Tlre doubles te¿ms will be made 1:28.8, 3 Mt. S.A'C, 4l Venturaup of Fulmer and Nelson, first I{J_1 P'oweU l.res. 6_5r¿, 2 Brown Mt. SAC 6-5t4, 3 Cormier hesno. men's doubles, and Critchlow and Samuelian, second men's doubles. the stafting nod in the first game. He will be opposed bY SCC Panthers' ace Tom Moak. FCC Coach Len Bourdet wlll probably use 'Wllliam Brown at in his last 13 innings of pitching. IIe has 77 and i:s the team's leading hitter ,strikeouts to his tcredit antl has wlth an average of .458, and he not allowed a run to score during also leads the club in three base that time. hits with three. He is flanked bY Jerry Robinson may fill in for left fielder Jeff Ring and bv rigltt Teter at second base. Bill lllagenfielder Robert Bentley. Ring is halls or Gary Groth maY PlaY in hit'ting .263 ancl Bentley .308. Ieftfielcl dependlng on who"s All metro ca]tcher Craig Freibe throwing, ¿ lefthander or a rightwill be behlntl the Plate in the hander. ftrst game. He is currently hitting The starting lineup and batting .375 ancl is one of the flve on the for Saturday's first game startitn lineup to be hitting over order probably be: will the.300 mark. Fr€sno Clty Hubbell or Merker CoÞpo -...-.........cf only two hits first base. E[e is currently ltitting .316, antt he contlnues to lead the tea.m ln runs batted in with 11. The ke¡¡$tone combo area will find. James Teter at, second base while hls Partner John Lung wlll be at shoftstop. Teter is hittlna at .269, and Lung is second in b¿tting at .333 and Number 1 wtth most hits with 16. In the second game Bourdet Ned. .{ndreoni is the man who is holillng the hot corner down may use lefthander Roger Hubbell or righthander Charlie Merker. for the loca.ls. Hubbell has been the most imf¡ea¿¡ng Ilitter pressiYe lately, as he has allowed centerfield is in CoPPo Elrnest MONDAY, APRIL 5 Teter ....-...--....2b Lunr .........-..---.ss Broùn ......-..-..1b Freibe,...---...-...-.c ....---.---.-...P 8'30 Foot 156-8%, 4 Frte Chaff 152-1Y4. IJ-l Thompson fles. 23-2, 2 Læ Pierce 23-2, 3 Wilson Foot 22-t0rí, I O¡mstead îoot 22-7. Mlle relay-l Mt. S,q'C 3:18.6, 2 Bakersfleld. 3 San Mateo, 4 L-4, V¿tley. Pa.sSP-1 Ftte Ch&ff 58-3. 2 l(e¿rin .wassetl 52-10, 3 Wiley Cheff 50-6, 4 ERWIN GINSBURG Track Mentor FUU 50-1. TJ-l O¡mste¿tl ¡'oot 48-2Y2, 2 !-æ Pierce 4?-9, 3 lleaÍrton LA \¡alley 47-4, get a chance to battle Record in 4 Loveridge Pierce 46-9, Two mile relay-l Pierce 7:47.2, the tq¡o mile event," safd Gins- Sa¡ Mateo, 3 .A'RJC, 4 Fullerton. burg. Last year against Sacramento, FCC high jumper Tyrone Powell cleared. six feet flve i¡ches dual meet record. for a "Powell could break his own d.ual meet record against SCCr" Ëxg Tï. B.¡l Corr¡ No mor.r Glnsburg sald. Bentley --.-..---rf Rinq ............-.....1f Andreoni .-.-----3b BaJìdy 6- 4%, 4 Sloan Fìr[. Distance metlley-l Plerce 10S4.0. 2 San Mateo 102L2.2, 3 Pasadenâ- 4 Ventur&. Dlscus-1 Saunders SsJr Mat. 157-10 3,4, 2 Jacobs trÌes. 15?-4%, 3 Srì€.rt PM FRESNO CITY COTLEGE AUDITORIUM FRESNO CITY COIIEGE Presents Dual Rocord Pole va.ulter Dan Stone also holds a dual meet ¡eco¡d wtth a jump of 13 feet 6 inches. Last Saturday he cleared 14 feet ln the Santa Barb-ara Relays. Stone will be back again ln an attempt to better his record.. Also hokling a dual meet record ie Dale Sa^muellan. Hls toss of 159 feet ln ïbe dlscus is the best ever done in the dual meet. Samuellan wfll compete egalnst SCC agaln this year ln an effort to break his own record. Ginsburg lntllcatetl that etght dual meet records could be broken tomorrow. The Rams won the junlor college dlvision of the annual Easter Relays in La Playa Statllum at S¿nta Barbara last Saturtlay. FCC Ecored 41 polnts SPORT SHIRTS f. uP @offits UNIVERSITY SHOP þóó Fulton Motl to take top hon- FuRNrruR, GrFrs %noírts IO28 NORTH FULTON TOWER DISTRICT COIIEGE PHARI,IACY PROFESSIONAT PHARMACISTS TICKETS NOW¡ ALL STUDENT BODY CARDS ---------.--------- -$l .50 GENERAL -$2.00 HOCKETT.COWAN BOX OFFICE DEAN QF OR WO'ì'TEN'S OFFICF SeeOur New Seléction of College Outline Series Pocket Text Books SCI{OOI SUP,PLIES . 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