CSS 60 th Anniversary Commemorative Program


CSS 60 th Anniversary Commemorative Program
60 Years of Judaism and Joy
A Legacy of Lifelong Friendships
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Schedule of Events
Cocktail Hour
Music by The Jazz Pearls
Josh Niehaus, Assistant Director
Welcome and HaMotzi
David Schwartz, Board President
Catering by On Safari Foods
Formal Program
Sam Perlin, Executive Director
Anne Kelly, Camper 1995 - 2000, Oded 2003, Staff 2004
Davey Friedman, Camper 2000 - 2002, Oded 2003, Staff 2009 - 2010
Rabbi Stampfer, Founder
Sarah Kahn Glass, Board Vice President
Birkat Hamazon
Josh Niehaus, Assistant Director
Josh Niehaus, The Jazz Pearls and volunteers
CSS Commemorative Program Book
Table of Contents
Letter from Executive Director, Sam Perlin &
Board President, David Schwartz
Table Captains & VIPs
CSS Board of Directors & CSS Staff
Letter from Gala Co-Chairs, Michael & Dawn Schiller
Schechter-grams & Ads
During our program tonight, we encourage attendees to use the Twitter
hashtag #CSSat60 and show your camp ruach!
Mission & Vision of Camp Solomon Schechter
Our Mission:
Camp Solomon Schechter provides a fun, safe and welcoming environment where children
and young adults create their own unique Jewish community in the spirit of the Conservative
movement, thereby becoming independent, caring individuals who are connected to
Judaism, Israel and their local Jewish communities.
Our Vision:
Camp Solomon Schechter will be the premier Jewish camping experience in North America.
Schechter will create programs based around nature, music, art and sport that strengthen
the bonds of our Jewish communities and provide a high-quality, critical Jewish intellectual,
physical, emotional and social experience for its campers, staff and alumni.
CSS Commemorative Program Book
Shalom and welcome to the Camp Solomon Schechter 60th Anniversary Gala.
We are so pleased you are joining us this evening.
From its humble beginnings at Echo Lake and Camp Casey on Whidbey Island to today,
Camp Solomon Schechter has become a home away from home for tens of thousands
of campers, staff members and community volunteers. Lifelong friendships, romances,
sports, Shabbat, hikes to the river, Oded trips to Mount Rainier, swimming in the lake, birkat
hamazon and camp fires—the meaning of camp is vast, unique and yet common.
As we embark on the next phase of Schechter’s legacy—from 60 to 120—we invite you to
strengthen your connection—or reconnect. There are countless opportunities to do so, from
donating to serving on board committees to helping recruit within your community. If you
haven’t been to Schechter in a number of years, we would love to see you there. Open
House for summer 2015 is on Sunday, July 19, 2014, from 11am to 3pm. You will be amazed at
the wonderful improvements that have been made over the years—and yet how familiar it
still feels. Please visit campschechter.org for more information, and be sure to follow us on
social media.
Camp Solomon Schechter is kodesh, it’s a holy place—Where Judaism and Joy are One!
The board and staff are honored to be the stewards of Schechter’s legacy. Thank you very
much to all of the volunteers and staff members who helped make tonight a reality—
particularly our event chairs, Michael and Dawn Schiller. Kol Hakavod!
We couldn’t let this opportunity pass without also acknowledging the presence of Camp
Solomon Schechter’s visionary, Rabbi Joshua Stampfer. It is because of the passion of our
founders and their continued leadership and dedication that we are all here celebrating
together tonight.
Sam Perlin
Executive Director
David Schwartz
Board President
CSS Commemorative Program Book
Table Captains
Andrew & Lisa Altow
Barbara Atlas & Brian Suher
Melissa Bloom
Joani Diskin Saran & Craig Saran
Lee & Lori Diskin
David Furman
Jonathan & Sarah Glass
Janna Glassman
Kari Haas
Kim Isaac
Jennifer & Mark Kalenscher
Andy Kaplowitz
Steve Katz & Claire Lieberman
Felice Keller Becker
Issy Kleiman
Matthew & Melissa Korch
Michelle Lackman
Brad & Susan Lehrer
Bob & Lisa Low
Josh Niehaus
Michael Newman &
Elaine Sachter
Nolan & Pat Newman
Donna & Robert Peha
Alan & Elaine Peizer
Sam & Sharon Perlin
Annika Pollock
Michelle Pullan
Elizabeth & Lorne Richmond
Wendy Rosen
Rachel & Sam Rubens
Corey Salka & Lisa Orlick Salka
Samis Foundation
Melanie Samuels
Dawn & Michael Schiller
David & Wendy Schwartz
Amee Huppin Sherer &
Michael Sherer
Karen Twain
Andrew & Lisa Altow
Barbara Atlas & Brian Suher
Ravit Aviram
Judy Benami
Kyle Berger
David Berkman & Keely Brown
Adriane Berman
Carl & Joann Bianco
Melissa Bloom
Rabbi Jill Borodin
Iris Brumer
Naomi Busch
Buzz & Penny Coe
Audrey Covner &
Dianne Dougherty
Joani Diskin Saran
Jeremy Duitch
Mia Ellis
Andrea Gevurtz Arai
Richard & Stacy Gilmore
Bruce & Peggy Gladner
Helaine Gross & Paul Norr
Garry & Judith Kahn
Andy Kaplowitz & Holly Peterson
Bruce Katsman
Felice Keller Becker
Matthew & Melissa Korch
Andi & Yossi Kowaz
Brad & Susan Lehrer
Harold & Jackie Lesch
Michel S. Litt
Dale Oller
Corey Salka & Lisa Orlick-Salka
Alan & Elaine Peizer
Joan & Scott Perry
Robert & Sandy Piatok
Annika Pollock
Adam & Wendy Rosen
Aaron & Jane Rosenstein
Debbie Samuels
David Schiller & Mia Blake
Dawn & Michael Schiller
David & Wendy Schwartz
Joanne Schwartz
Mychal Schwartz
Amee Huppin Sherer &
Michael Sherer
Bob & Cindy Strauss
Amy Wittenberg
Erin Ziedman
CSS Commemorative Program Book
Camp Solomon Schechter Board of Directors
Executive Committee:
David Schwartz, President
Sarah Kahn Glass, Vice President/President Elect
Robert Low, Second Vice President
Andy Kaplowitz, Secretary
Mark Kalenscher, Treasurer
Karen Twain, Immediate Past President
Board Members:
Andrew Altow
Scott Morris
Lisa Coe Altow
Michelle Pullan
Barbara Atlas
Sam Rubens
Lee Diskin
Corey Salka
Ellice Ellenhorn
David Schiller
Janna Stark Glassman
Mike Schiller
Raphael Goodblatt
Amee Huppin Sherer
Kari Harrison Haas
Michael Sherer
Melissa Huppin Korch
Rabbi Joshua Stampfer
Camp Solomon Schechter Staff:
Executive Director - Sam Perlin
Assistant Director - Josh Niehaus
Assistant Director/Registrar - Russell Braman
Development Director - Jef Nobbe
Business Manager - Kasey Davis
Development Associate - Dikla Tuchman
Facilities Manager - Frank Savage
CSS Commemorative Program Book
Dear Schechter Friends and Family,
We would like to warmly welcome all of you to an incredible night of celebration for our beloved Camp
Solomon Schechter.
For each and every one of us camp has meant so much. From our own experiences as campers to seeing
generations after ours create their own lasting impressions, camp has left a permanent imprint in our
hearts. Special family bonds have been created through the Schechter connection as our own children
become campers, Odedim, and counselors. Camp is crucial in building a personal connection with
Judaism, as well as cementing many lasting friendships, which are displayed here tonight.
It feels as if it were just yesterday that we were sitting on the hill engaged in critical conversations with all of
our peers . . . “Are you on toranut?” . . . “What’s the evening program tonight?” . . . “Did you hear that so-andso likes so-and-so?!?”
As we embark on the next 60 years, we can look forward with pride that by supporting camp, we continue
to create a rich Jewish environment filled with life lessons, spiritual guidance, cultural significance and
lasting memories that will guide future generations of socially conscious Jewish leaders in our community.
Our hope is that this gala represents one of many celebrations in which we raise a glass together in honor
of Schechter’s continued success.
Thank you all for being here with us to celebrate and participate in this memorable time in Schechter’s
rich history.
We feel truly honored to be a part of Schechter’s history and making an impact on the future.
To 120 and beyond!
Michael and Dawn Schiller, Gala Committee Co-Chairs
Thank you to our generous sponsors:
CSS Commemorative Program Book
Mychal Schwartz, &
Congratulations for a wonderful
60 years.
Andrew & Lisa Altow: Mazel Tov to
our Camp Solomon Schechter family
on reaching this milestone. May we
go from strength to strength.
Harold & Jacqueline Lesch:
Mazel Tov to CSS on 60
Michael & Dawn Schiller:
S - A - M. If you were a camper
Brad, Susan & Benjamin Lehrer:
Great memories and friendships endure.
Jane & Aaron Rosenstein:
Happy 60th, CSS!
Joy” for generations to come.
Yossi & Andi (Rogow) Kowaz:
Mazel tov to Schechter for 60
great memories.
60 years and the future
Scott & Joan Perry:
Long Live the Happiest
Place on Earth!
Dale Oller: Congratulations,
Camp Camp Camp,
CSS Commemorative Program Book
for helping provide a strong
Jewish foundation & great
over 14 years and counting!
and are proud of your love of
CSS! Go Rachel & Sam!
Amee & Michael Sherer: In
honor of Gene and Gerry
Huppin, who made Camp
Solomon Schechter a priority
for our family and community.
Melissa Huppin Korch:
Samuels, and Judith Kahan:
Schechter campers!
120 more years.
60th, CSS! I treasure every
moment from Havdalahs to hug
for the amazing friends I made.
Bornstein: Mazel Tov Schechter!
For the life-long friends and
memories you gave me and are now
giving my children, Talya & Ari.
Mazal tov to the whole Solomon
Schechter community!!!
Mazal tov on 60 years of
CSS Commemorative Program Book
Michel S. Litt:
GR8 memories, CSS was one of
forward to catching up! Come
see us in Long Beach, CA.
Garry & Judith Kahn:
Camp Solomon Schechter has
given the Portland Kahns and
the Los Angeles Freemans three
generations of Judaism and Joy!
Alan, Elaine, Ross and Larissa
years of Judaism and Joy at Camp
Solomon Schechter!
Chiri Biri Bim!
Ima and Dad: Mazal tov to Sharon
and Sam on your wonderful success
with Camp Solomon Schechter.
Buzz & Penny Coe:
Mazel Tov on a fantastic
60 years.
Dr. Jared Vagy: Camp Solomon
Schechter shaped our lives
Board past and present and to all
Carla & Joann Blanco: Our sincere
Amee Sherer for all of their
dedication and impressive efforts to
Shalom: Mazel Tov to Schechter
forward to many, many, many
wonderful summers at Schechter.
Jonathan:To all at CSS,
Mazal tov on 60 years of ruach!
Congratulations Camp Solomon
Schechter where we found our
CSS Commemorative Program Book
Thanks for the
Congratulations Camp Solomon Schechter
on your 60th. We’ve enjoyed working with
you for over 15 years!
Proud CSS Creative Services Partner
Stanley & Stephanie Schriger
Graphic Design
Print Production
Direct Mail
Web Design & More
Wish we were there but Camp
Solomon Schechter was calling
our name this weekend!
Mazal Tov on 60 years!
Temple Beth El
Tacoma, Washington
CSS Commemorative Program Book
Mazel Tov on 60 years and
Todah Robah to Sam for his
inspiring leadership!
Of fun, friendship,
& Jewish Education
Yasher Koach!
Mazel Tov Sam on leading a new
generation of campers.
We love you Sam!!
You are a wonderful
brother-in-law, uncle, and
Camp Director.
Congratulations Camp
Solomon Schechter
and Sam Perlin on 60
wonderful years.
CSS Commemorative Program Book
Congregation Beth Israel
wishes CSS Mazal Tov on
60 wonderful years! Looking
forward to many more years
of great partnership!
Sending all my love from NJ!
Wish I could be with you
today! Camper 1988 and
1989. Oded 1994! Staff 1996
and 1997! Best summers of
my youth!
Love -
CSS Commemorative Program Book
Mazel Tov to
Camp Solomon Schechter
for 60 fabulous years of
lasting memories for
our campers!
Thanks for 60 years of joy and Jewish
life in the Pacific Northwest.
Here’s to 60 more!
Camp Solomon Schechter!
3700 E. Mercer Way
Mercer Island, WA 98040
Congratulations to Camp
Solomon Schechter on
your 60th Anniversary!
USY is proud to be a longstanding partner in growing
the next generation of
Conservative Jews.
MAZEL TOV on the wonderful occasion
of your 60th Anniversary
Camp Solomon Schechter has played a paramount
role in enriching the lives of our children in the
Pacific Northwest
Beth Tikvah Congregation
and Centre Association
9711 Geal Road
Richmond, BC • 604.271.6262
[email protected]
CSS Commemorative Program Book
Congratulations to
Camp Solomon Schechter
for 60 years of Jewish camping!
The foundation is proud to be your partner
in philanthropy. Here’s to the next 60!
Certified Public Accountants
Amazing, it’s almost been 50
years since I attended my first
camp session on Whidbey Island;
how time flies! Congratulations
on both of us reaching 60, and
here’s to 60 more!
The Oregon Jewish
Community Foundation
1618 SW First Avenue, Suite 210
Portland, OR 97201
CSS Commemorative Program Book
Thanks Sam & CSS
MAZEL TOV to Camp Solomon Schechter
on 60 Years of Camp, Judaism and JOY!
JDS is
For providing us the opportunity every year
to enjoy the facilities and participate in a
weekend of ruach, great food, activities and
camaraderie at:
Early Childhood - 8th Grade
Inquiry Community
Discovery Achievement
Understanding Jewish Values
Words can’t describe it.
A visit will.
15749 NE 4TH STREET, BELLEVUE, WA 98008 | 425.460.0260
[email protected] | WWW.JDS.ORG
“Reliving the camp experience with all the “grown up” benefits!”
The baby of the family turned out
to be a real mensch! We are so
proud of you and all that you have
accomplished for
Camp Solomon Schechter Chazak!
Kol Ha Kavod! Mazal Tov!
CSS Commemorative Program Book
Camp Solomon Schechter has truly been a source of Judaism
and Joy for our family. We are happy that our children and
grandchildren have each attended camp for several years
starting in the Aleph session. Their lives were enriched and
the friendships they made there have endured. May Camp
Solomon Schechter continue for at least another 60 years.
Happy 60th Anniversary
Telephone 253-538-9848
[email protected] [email protected]
Veteran Owned Company
CSS Commemorative Program Book
In honor of my father, Allie Goldberg, who
identified the land and facilitated the transaction
that brought Camp Solomon Schechter to
Olympia, I wish a heartfelt congratulations for 60
years of camp. Here’s to another 60 years!
CSS Commemorative Program Book
The Reiner family celebrates five generations at Camp
Solomon Schechter! Esther Reiner visited the proposed
site with Rabbi Stampfer 60 years ago. Her son, Marvin,
served early on as a board member, and with his wife,
Mary-Lynne, sent Cathy, Cynthia, Wendy and Jeff to
camp. Their grandchildren, Kendra, Shaina, Lili, Aaron &
Shoshana Godwin, Darryl Spencer, Sam, Jeremy, Josh &
Jena Reiner were all campers and now five generations
later, her great-granddaughter Layla, is a camper.
CSS Commemorative Program Book
to Camp Solomon Schechter on its
60th anniversary!
We are glad to have the opportunity to help
realize your visions for the next sixty years of
serving the Jewish youth of the Northwest.
Jones & Jones Architects and Landscape Architects – Architect and Landscape Architect, Magnusson Klemencic
Associates – Structural Engineer, Ecotope – Mechanical Engineer, Travis, Fitzmaurice & Associates – Electrical
Engineer, KPFF – Civil Engineer, C&N Consulting – Cost Estimator, O’Brien & Company – Sustainability
Consultant, Cleveneger Associates – Food Facility Consultant, Theresa Dusek Consulting – Biological
Consultant, and Insight Geologic – Geotechnical Engineer
CSS Commemorative Program Book
Thank you for the work that you
do on behalf of our community’s
young people and congratulations
to Camp Solomon Schechter on
a wonderful 60 years of service.
Here’s to many more!
CSS Commemorative Program Book