Fall 2015 - Gloucester
Fall 2015 - Gloucester
The Clinic Pulse Volume 4, Issue 3 Board of Directors Executive Committee President ~ Frank T. West, III, MD Fall 2015 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, KAY BRADLEY RECEIVED THE UNSUNG HERO AWARD FROM VIRGINIA HEALTH CARE FOUNDATION Vice President ~ Nancy Dykeman Secretary ~ Linda Gaskins-Jeffers Treasurer ~ C. Richard Pogue Directors: Gaylen Davis, RN Nina Guy Louise Theberge Pat Zima Bob Bailey Orlando Bartlett Margie Wiley Vicky Gunn Ex-Officio Board Members: Ann Quinn Adam Taylor Wayne J. Reynolds, DO C.R. Harris, Jr. DDS Stephen J. Friedrich, FACHE Megan Kleckner Kay Bradley, Executive Director Staying Connected to GMCC www.gmcareclinic.com @gmcareclinic Senator Hanger; Bill Mims, Justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia and VHCF Board Member; Carter Melton, VHCF Board Member; Kay Bradley, Executive Director of GMCC; Dr. Frank West, President of the GMCC Board On May 28th the Clinic’s Executive Director, Kay Bradley, received the Unsung Hero Award from the Virginia Health Care Foundation. The award is given out to those who have made great strides to increase access of health care to uninsured Virginians. “The board of directors and I are so thrilled that Kay was honored with this prestigious award. She has been tireless in her efforts to help our organization better serve our neighbors in need in Gloucester and Mathews. Her dedication, hard work, and especially her compassion are truly an example to all who are around her.”, Dr. Frank West, GMCC Board President PAGE 2 WHY DO WE NEED A FREE CLINIC WHEN WE HAVE THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT (OBAMA CARE)? The answer, in part, is: Although today there are thousands more Virginians with health insurance prior than the passing of the ACA, there are still thousands more who continue to try and live without any coverage. The Virginia Health Care Foundation has some interesting data about this on their website. Studies completed in 2104 show that 15% of all Virginians (995,000), under the age of 65, are without any form of medical insurance. It is estimated that close to 4,000 of these individuals live in Gloucester or Mathews Counties. The overwhelming majority of these people are employed (71%), many have more than one job yet they can’t afford medical care nor needed prescriptions The uninsured have a higher likelihood of being diagnosed with late stage cancers, much higher possibility of preventable hospitalizations, and a greater possibility of death from a treatable condition. A recent study revealed that 60% of uninsured Virginians reported that they had at least one unmet medical need within the past year. An earlier study revealed as many as 10 working age Virginians die each week because they lack health insurance-most from diseases that could have been treated easily if caught early. The ACA does little to address the need for dental services yet we have reliable data that reflects adults with periodontal disease have a 1.5 to 2.0 times higher chance of a fatal heart attack, are three times more likely to have a stroke, and if they are diabetic the chances that they can control their illness are greatly diminished. The ACA has helped many but not all! Clinics such as GMCC are here to fill the gap. GMCC is their safety net; they have nowhere else to turn! In 2014 we recorded 12,863 patient visits and provided $17,237,306 worth of medical services. We trust this helps clarify why Clinics are still needed and why your support is so critical. Ann Quinn, Former Board Member and Friend of the Clinic P.S. We will include more information about this topic in subsequent publications of our newsletter. Remember, tours of the Clinic and answers to questions such as this one will be available. Just call 804-210-1368 and ask to be scheduled. THE MARY MORTON PARSONS MATCHING GRANT In May the Clinic received a matching grant from The Mary Morton Parsons Foundation in the amount of $50,000. The matching grant goes towards helping pay off the Clinic’s $2.5 million capital campaign. To date the Clinic has received $16,450 of the $50,000 needed to receive the matching grant. The Clinic needs your help to reach our goal of $50,000 and get closer to paying off the mortgage on our new and improved Care Clinic. The new Clinic has helped expand services to uninsured or underinsured residents of Gloucester and Mathews County that range from more patient rooms to a dental wing for residents to receive dental care. The Clinic is not just a home for the patients that use our services but also a home for the people that serve, donate, and volunteer here year after year. Your donation to our local Care Clinic is very much appreciated. PAGE 5 GREETINGS FROM KAY BRADLEY, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Kay G. Bradley, Executive Director Courtesy of Quinton Sheppard Gloucester Mathews Gazette Journal In the last newsletter, I told you that we have started a new era for the clinic where we will define our success by quality indicator benchmarks. Major components of this approach include: a full hour for a comprehensive health assessment for new patients, another session of planning with the targeted patients to define their risk factors, their need for self-management (i.e. individual and group self-management sessions, pharmacy consults) and finalize a Plan of Care. While we will provide the comprehensive health assessment to all our chronic care patients, this year, we are concentrating on self-management for patients with diabetes and/or obesity, with full patient visit planning. How are we doing? Last quarter, we exceeded Medicaid standards by 59% for blood pressure control (<140/90); 34% over Medicaid standards for LDL under control (<100) and we exceeded Medicaid standards by 47% for HbA1c (blood sugar level <8.0). Thank you to our 412 volunteers and the paid staff for believing that the quality of health care is just as important as access to care. Kay G. Bradley, Executive Director PATIENT CORNER PAGE 3 A NOTE FROM JANET GOMEZ, VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR The Clinic continues to be very blessed by the wonderful volunteers who donate their time and talent to care for the patients we serve. Since January, 50 new volunteers have joined the Gloucester-Mathews Care Clinic family. Two new doctors have started volunteering at the Clinic – Dr. Helene Goldsman, who specializes in internal medicine, started volunteering in April and sees patients once a month at the acute care evening clinic; Dr. Maurice Murphy is a retired emergency medicine physician who started seeing patients in July during the day two times a month. We will have a new psychiatrist starting in August – Dr. Parthiv Sheth – he will be seeing patients at the evening clinic on the first Thursday of the month. Another physician is returning to volunteering at the clinic on a regular basis – Dr. Wendell Poulsen, Jr. He will be seeing patients 2 times a week. We will be participating in the annual Mathews Market Days on September 11th and 12th – in addition to handing out information about the Clinic, we will have several nurses who will do free blood pressure checks. Stop by and say hello! Janet Gomez, Volunteer Coordinator VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Exercise Equipment Trainer to help train patients on how to use the exercise equipment. Dietician who can work one-on-one with our patients on a healthy diet. Nurses and medical assistants who can volunteer during the day. If you know of anyone who would like to volunteer, please have them give Janet Gomez a call at 804-210-1368. We have new volunteer orientation on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of every month at 3:00 p.m. PAGE 4 UPCOMING FUNDRAISING EVENTS P.O. Box 684 Gloucester, VA 23061 Non Profit Org. U. S. Postage Paid Gloucester, VA 23061 Permit Number 27 Return Service Requested GMCC funding is provided in part by More Ways to Give to your Local Care Clinic! Donating just got a whole lot easier. Every time you shop at either of the above stores remember to think of the clinic. A portion of your sale will be given back to the Clinic. For Amazon purchases go to www.amazonsmile.com and select Gloucester-Mathews Free Clinic as your charity and begin shopping. When you visit Brent and Becky’s Bulbs, mention the Clinic at check out to have a portion of your sale given the Clinic. Happy Shopping!
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