December 8-11, 2013 - Hot Topics in Neonatology
December 8-11, 2013 - Hot Topics in Neonatology
Office of Continuing Medical Education 1600 Rockland Road Wilmington, DE 19803 Omni Shoreham Hotel | Washington, DC December 8-11, 2013 Join us for TWO great conferences over four days: Neonatal Quality at Hot Topics ENROLL FOR THE PRE-CONFERENCE ©2015. The Nemours Foundation. ® Nemours is a registered trademark of The Nemours Foundation. 04683 (8/15) ENROLL FOR THE PRECONFERENCE Neonatal Quality at Hot Topics Join us for TWO great conferences over four days: December 6-9, 2015 Marriott Marquis | Washington, D.C. Hot Topics in Neonatology Conference Faculty ® PROGRAM CHAIR Jay S. Greenspan, MD, MBA Robert L. Brent Professor and Chairman Department of Pediatrics Nemours/Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University Pediatrician-in-Chief Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children KEYNOTE SPEAKER Alice Goffman, PhD Assistant Professor of Sociology University of Wisconsin – Madison Madison, Wisconsin FACULTY Fernando Althabe, MD Adjunct Professor of Public Health University of Buenos Aires Director, Department of Mother and Child Health Research Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy Buenos Aires, Argentina Chad Andersen, MBBS, FRACP Honorary Senior Lecturer Obstetrics and Gynaecology University of Adelaide Medical Unit Head, Neonatal Medicine Women and Children’s Hospital Adelaide, Australia Malcolm Coulthard, FRCPCH, PhD Senior Lecturer in Child Health Newcastle University Honorary Consultant Paediatric Nephrologist Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom James J. Cummings, MD Professor of Pediatrics Albany Medical College Vice Chair of Pediatrics Albany Medical Center Albany, New York Juliann Di Fiore, BSEE Research Engineer Case Western Reserve University Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital Cleveland, Ohio Judy D’Ilario, RN Clinical Research Nurse McMaster University – Neonatal Trials Group NICU Staff Nurse McMaster Children’s Hospital Ontario, Canada Hege Ersdal, MD, PhD Associate Professor Department of Health Studies University of Stavanger, Norway External Principal Investigator of the “Safer Births” Project, Tanzania Attending Anaesthesiologist Stavanger University Hospital Stavanger, Norway PROGRAM CHAIR Haresh Kirpalani, BM, MSc Professor of Pediatrics Perelman School of Medicine University of Pennsylvania Attending Neonatologist Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Alan W. Flake, MD Professor of Surgery and Obstetrics University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine Attending Surgeon Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Stuart Hooper, BSc (Hons), PhD Professor, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Monash University Director of the Ritchie Centre Hudson Institute of Medical Research Clayton, Victoria, Australia Simon Hyttel-Sorenson, MD Department of Neonatology The National University Hospital - Rigshospitalet Copenhagen, Denmark Giancarlo Natalucci, MD Privat Dozent University of Zurich Consultant in Neonatology and Behavioral/Developmental Pediatrics Zurich University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland Susan Niermeyer, MD, MPH, FAAP Professor of Pediatrics University of Colorado School of Medicine Stephen Kingsmore, MB ChB, BAO, DSc, FRCPath Section of Neonatology Dee Lyons/Missouri Endowed Chair in Pediatric Aurora, Colorado Genomic Medicine Children’s Mercy Hospital Deborah O’Connor, PhD, RD Kansas City, Missouri Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences University of Toronto Angela Kribs, MD Senior Associate Scientist Assistant Professor of Pediatrics The Hospital for Sick Children University of Cologne, Germany Toronto, Ontario, Canada Children’s Hospital Department of Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care Chirag J. Patel, PhD Chief, Division of Neonatology Assistant Professor Cologne, Germany Department of Biomedical Informatics Harvard Medical School Satyan Lakshminrusimha, MD Boston, Massachusetts Professor of Pediatrics Director, Center for Developmental Biology DeWayne M. Pursley, MD, MPH University at Buffalo Associate Professor of Pediatrics Chief, Division of Neonatology Harvard Medical School Women and Children’s Hospital of Buffalo Neonatologist-in-Chief Buffalo, New York Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Boston, Massachusetts Abbot R. Laptook, MD Professor of Pediatrics Joel G. Ray, MD, MSc Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University Professor of Medicine and Obstetrics Medical Director, NICU and Gynaecology Women and Infants Hospital St. Michael’s Hospital Providence, Rhode Island University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada Jørgen E. Linde, MD PhD Fellow in Neonatology Barbara Schmidt, MD, MSc, CM Pediatric Department Kristine Sandberg Knisely Chair in Neonatology Stavanger University Hospital Professor of Pediatrics Stavanger, Norway University of Pennsylvania and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Gianluca Lista, MD Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Neonatologist in Chief Neonatal Trials Group Vittore Buzzi Children’s Hospital McMaster University Milan, Italy Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Sarah S. Long, MD Professor of Pediatrics Drexel University College of Medicine Chief, Section of Infectious Diseases St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Jennifer M. Silva, BSBA, FRS Family Resource Specialist Women & Infants Hospital Providence, Rhode Island MODERATORS Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine Cleveland, Ohio Haresh Kirpalani, BM, MSc Professor of Pediatrics Perelman School of Medicine University of Pennsylvania Attending Neonatologist Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Peter G. Davis, MD Professor University of Melbourne Professor/Director of Neonatology The Royal Women’s Hospital Melbourne, Australia Avroy A. Fanaroff, MD Emeritus Eliza Henry Barnes Professor of Neonatology Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital Jerold F. Lucey, MD, FAAP Professor of Pediatrics, Emeritus Wallace Professor of Neonatology, Emeritus University of Vermont Editor-in-Chief, Pediatrics, Emeritus Francis X. McGowan, Jr., MD, FAAP Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Endowed Chair and Director, Pediatric Anesthesiology Research The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Neil Finer, MD Professor Emeritus University of California, San Diego Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women and Babies San Diego, California Carl Bose, MD Professor of Pediatrics University of North Carolina School of Medicine Attending Physician North Carolina Children’s Hospital Chapel Hill, North Carolina CHAIR EMERITUS Jay S. Greenspan, MD, MBA Robert L. Brent Professor and Chairman Department of Pediatrics Nemours/Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University Pediatrician-in-Chief Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children Wilmington, Delaware Alan H. Jobe, MD, PhD Professor of Pediatrics University of Cincinnati Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Cincinnati, Ohio Diane L. Spatz, PhD, RN-BC, FAAN Professor of Perinatal Nursing & Victoria Niklas, MD Professor of Pediatrics David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Chief, Division of Neonatology and Neonatal Services Olive View UCLA Medical Center Los Angeles, California Berndt Urlesberger, MD Professor of Neonatology Medical University of Graz Head, Division of Neonatology Helen M. Shearer Professor of Nutrition University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing Nurse Researcher & Director of the Lactation Program The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Howard Stein, MD Clinical Professor of Pediatrics College of Medicine and Life Sciences University of Toledo Medical Director, NICU Promedica Toledo Children’s Hospital Toledo, Ohio Kevin A. Strauss, MD Medical Director Clinic for Special Children Strasburg, Pennsylvania Karl Sylvester, MD Associate Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics Stanford University School of Medicine Attending Surgeon, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford Palo Alto, California Veeral N. Tolia, MD Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Texas A&M Health Science Center Neonatologist Baylor University Medical Center Dallas, Texas Sharon Unger, MD, FRCP(C) Staff Neonatologist, Mount Sinai Hospital Associate Professor, University of Toronto Medical Director, Rogers Hixon Ontario Human Milk Bank Toronto, Ontario, Canada Anton H. van Kaam, MD, PhD Professor of Neonatology University of Amsterdam Head, NICU Emma Children’s Hospital, Academic Medical Center Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tamara Wallace, DNP, NNP-BC Clinical Instructor, School of Nursing Vanderbilt University Clinical Quality Improvement Specialist Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt Nashville, Tennessee Myra Wyckoff, MD Professor of Pediatrics UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Director, Newborn Resuscitation Services Parkland Hospital Dallas, Texas John A. F. Zupancic, MD, ScD Associate Professor of Pediatrics Harvard Medical School Associate Chief of Neonatology Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Boston, Massachusetts Univ. Klinik für Kinder – und Jugendheilkunde Graz Graz, Austria Myra Wyckoff, MD Professor of Pediatrics UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Director, Newborn Resuscitation Services Parkland Hospital Dallas, Texas John A. F. Zupancic, MD, ScD Associate Professor of Pediatrics Harvard Medical School Associate Chief of Neonatology Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Boston, Massachusetts PRE-CONFERENCE FACULTY P R E -C O N F E R E N C E S C H E D U L E Munish Gupta, MD, MMSc Instructor in Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School Quality Improvement Director Department of Neonatology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Boston, Massachusetts Saturday, December 5, 2015 PROGRAM CHAIRS NEONATAL QUALITY AT HOT TOPICS Stephen A. Pearlman, MD, MSHQS Neonatology Fellowship Director and Clinical Professor of Pediatrics Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University Quality and Safety Officer, Women and Children’s Service Line Christiana Care Health System Newark, Delaware 4 – 6 p.m. FACULTY 7 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast 8 a.m. Introduction Stephen A. Pearlman, MD, MSHQS and Munish Gupta, MD, MMSc 8:05 a.m. Keynote Address: Has Quality Improvement (QI) Improved the Care of NICU Babies? Alan R. Spitzer, MD QI Strategies to Reduce Necrotizing Enterocolitis 9:05 a.m. Exclusive Human Milk-Based Diet Amy B. Hair, MD 9:25 a.m. Use of Lactoferrin and Probiotics Paolo Manzoni, MD, PhD 9:45 a.m. Using Feeding Protocols Pauline Graziano, APN, NNP-BC 10:05 a.m. Panel Discussion 10:20 a.m. Break/Refreshments Using QI to Improve Outcomes: Preventing Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia 10:45 a.m. Best Practices in BPD Prevention Matthew M. Laughon, MD, MPH 11:05 a.m. Quality Improvement Approaches to BPD Jay P. Goldsmith, MD 11:25 a.m. Implementing Quality Improvement for BPD Alan Picarillo, MD 11:45 a.m. Panel Discussion noon Lunch (on your own) 1:15 p.m. Concurrent Session 1 How to Publish a QI Paper Stephen A. Pearlman, MD, MSHQS QI Tools for the Neonatologist Lloyd N. Werk, MD, MPH, and Alan de Klerk, MD Data Management for Quality Improvement: Tools You Should Be Using Now Munish Gupta, MD, MMSc, and Heather Kaplan, MD, MSCE QI for Nursing: What, Where and How Do I Get Started? Lynn E. Bayne, PhD, APRN, NNP-BC 2:45 p.m. Concurrent Session 2 How to Publish a QI Paper Stephen A. Pearlman, MD, MSHQS QI Tools for the Neonatologist Lloyd N. Werk, MD, MPH, and Alan de Klerk, MD Data Management for Quality Improvement: Tools You Should Be Using Now Munish Gupta, MD, MMSc, and Heather Kaplan, MD, MSCE QI for Nursing: What, Where and How Do I Get Started? Lynn E. Bayne, PhD, APRN, NNP-BC 4 p.m. Adjourn Lynn E. Bayne, PhD, APRN, NNP-BC Adjunct Faculty School of Nursing/College of Health Sciences University of Delaware Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children Neonatal Nurse Practitioner and Nursing Research Facilitator Christiana Care Health System Wilmington, Delaware Alan de Klerk, MD Assistant Professor of Pediatrics University of Central Florida Chief, Division of Neonatology Nemours Children’s Hospital Orlando, Florida Jay P. Goldsmith, MD Elsie Schaefer Chair in Neonatology Department of Pediatrics Tulane University School of Medicine New Orleans, Louisiana Pauline D. Graziano, MS, APN, NNP-BC Instructor, Department of Pediatrics Albany Medical Center College Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Bernard & Millie Duker Children’s Hospital at Albany Medical Center Albany, New York Munish Gupta, MD, MMSc Instructor in Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School Quality Improvement Director Department of Neonatology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Boston, Massachusetts Amy B. Hair, MD Assistant Professor Baylor College of Medicine Medical Director of Neonatal Nutrition Director of NICU Intestinal Rehab Team Texas Children’s Hospital Houston, Texas Heather Kaplan, MD, MSCE Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Perinatal Institute and James M. Anderson Center for Health Systems Excellence Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Cincinnati, Ohio Matthew M. Laughon, MD, MPH Associate Professor University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Neonatologist UNC Hospitals Chapel Hill, North Carolina Paolo Manzoni, MD, PhD Neonatology and NICU S. Anna Hospital Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino Torino, Italy Stephen Pearlman, MD, MSHQS Neonatology Fellowship Director and Clinical Professor of Pediatrics Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University Quality and Safety Officer, Women and Children’s Service Line Christiana Care Health System Newark, Delaware Alan Picarillo, MD Assistant Professor in Pediatrics University of Massachusetts Medical School Chief, Division of Neonatology UMassMemorial Healthcare Worcester, Massachusetts Alan R. Spitzer, MD Senior Vice President for Research, Education and Quality Mednax, Inc./Pediatrix Medical Group Sunrise, Florida Lloyd N. Werk, MD, MPH Affiliated Associate Professor of Pediatrics University of Central Florida Chief, Division of General Pediatrics Physician Liaison, Office of Quality and Safety Nemours Children’s Hospital Orlando, Florida Registration Sunday, December 6, 2015 CONF E R E N C E S CHEDULE HOT TOPICS IN NEONATOLOGY ® Sunday, December 6, 2015 9:30 a.m. Evidence-Based Strategies to Ensure Human Milk & Breastfeeding During & Beyond the NICU Stay – Diane L. Spatz, PhD, RN-BC, FAAN 9:45 a.m. Break/Posters/Exhibits GREEN OR ROTTEN APPLES Moderator – Jay S. Greenspan, MD, MBA THE JEROLD F. LUCEY, MD, LECTURESHIP and KEYNOTE ADDRESS 10:15 a.m. Long-Term Outcomes of Erythropoietin in Preterms* – Giancarlo Natalucci, MD Moderator – Haresh Kirpalani, BM, MSc 10:45 a.m. The Vitamin A Shortage and CLD* – Veeral N. Tolia, MD 5 – 6 p.m. 11:15 a.m. Choosing Wisely: Opportunities to Increase Value in Newborn Medicine* – DeWayne M. Pursley, MD, MPH 11:45 a.m. Lunch (on your own)/Posters/Exhibits On the Run: Fugitive Life in an American City – Alice Goffman, PhD 6:30-7:30 p.m. Reception Monday, December 7, 2015 7 a.m. Registration/Continental Breakfast 8:15 a.m. Welcome and Introduction – Jay S. Greenspan, MD, MBA, and Haresh Kirpalani, BM, MSc GENETICS Moderator – Avroy A. Fanaroff, MD 1:15 p.m. Rapid Genome Sequencing for Genetic Diagnosis in Newborns* – Stephen Kingsmore, MB ChB, BAO, DSc, FRCPath 1:45 p.m. Tissue Transplant for Inherited Metabolic Disorders: Longitudinal Insights and New Frontiers* – Kevin A. Strauss, MD Moderator – Myra Wyckoff, MD 2:15 p.m. A Health Economic Approach to Expensive Technology – John A. F. Zupancic, MD, ScD 8:30 a.m. ILCOR New Recommendations – Myra Wyckoff, MD 8:50 a.m. Aeration of the Lung at Delivery – Stuart Hooper, BSc (Hons), PhD 2:30 p.m. Big Data Streams to Elucidate the Role of Environment in Pediatric Outcomes* – Chirag J. Patel, PhD 9:10 a.m. Minimally Invasive Surfactant Therapy – Angela Kribs, MD 3 p.m. Break/Posters/Exhibit 9:30 a.m. Panel Discussion 10 a.m. Break/Posters/Exhibits RESUSCITATION AND NEW ILCOR GUIDELINES NEW HORIZONS FOR VENTILATION Moderator – Peter G. Davis, MD 10:30 a.m. Electrical Impedance Tomography: From Research to Clinical Tool in Newborn Infants* – Anton H. van Kaam, MD, PhD 11 a.m. Sustained Inflation and Its Role in Delivery Room Management* – Gianluca Lista, MD 11:30 a.m. Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assistance in Neonates* – Howard Stein, MD noon Lunch (on your own)/Posters/Exhibits GREEN OR ROTTEN APPLES Moderator – Haresh Kirpalani, BM, MSC 1:30 p.m. Aerosolized Surfactant – Safety and Tolerability of Lucinactant for Inhalation in Preterm Infants* – Neil Finer, MD 2 p.m. Can You Hemodialyze Your Premature Infant?* – Malcolm Coulthard, FRCPCH, PhD 2:30 p.m. Extracorporeal Support of the Premature Infant: The Artificial Placenta/Uterus* – Alan W. Flake, MD 3 p.m. Break/Posters/Exhibits CEREBRAL OXYGEN MONITORING Moderator – Berndt Urlesberger, MD 3:30 p.m. Oxygen Extraction – Use for Prediction of Outcome* – Chad Andersen, MBBS, FRACP 4 p.m. Niroscopy in Cardiac OR* – Francis X. McGowan, Jr., MD, FAAP 4:30 p.m. RCT of Cerebral Saturation Boundaries* – Simon Hyttel-Sorenson, MD 5 p.m. Adjourn 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Reception GLOBAL NEONATOLOGY Moderator – Carl Bose, MD 3:30 p.m. Antenatal Corticosteroid Trials in Low Resourced Settings* – Fernando Althabe, MD 4 p.m. Helping Babies Survive Educational Programs for Health Care Providers – Susan Niermeyer, MD, MPH , FAAP 4:20 p.m. The “Safer Births” Research Project in Tanzania – New Knowledge Using Innovative Resuscitation Equipment– Jørgen E. Linde, MD, and Hege Ersdal, MD, PhD 4:50 p.m. Panel Discussion/ Q & A 5 p.m. A Randomized Trial of Hypothermia for Encephalopathy in Premature Infants 33-35 Weeks Gestation: Rationale and Study Design of a New Trial – Abbot R. Laptook, MD 5:15 p.m. Adjourn Wednesday, December 9, 2015 7 a.m. Registration/Continental Breakfast CLINICAL PEARLS Moderator – John A.F. Zupancic, MD, ScD 8 a.m. Using a Count of 3 Neonatal Morbidities to Select Very Low Birth Weight Children for Prolonged Follow-Up* – Barbara Schmidt, MD, MSc, CM 8:30 a.m. Early Onset Sepsis and Hospital-Associated Bloodstream Infections in the NICU* – Sarah S. Long, MD 9 a.m. Partnering with Parents, the Medical Home and Community Providers to Improve Transition Services for High-Risk Preterm Infants: Role of Family Resource Specialists* – Jennifer M. Silva, BSBA, FRS 9:30 a.m. The NNP Workforce Survey: Findings, Challenges and Planning for the Future – Tamara Wallace, DNP, NNP-BC 9:45 a.m. Break WHAT OXYGEN SATURATION SHOULD WE USE? ARE WE ANY FURTHER? Tuesday, December 8, 2015 Moderator – Alan H. Jobe, MD, PhD 10:15 a.m. Fellow Abstract Presentation 7 a.m. 10:30 a.m. GRADING the Oxygen Trials in Preterms – Satyan Lakshminrusimha, MD Registration/Continental Breakfast NUTRITION Moderator – Victoria Niklas, MD 8 a.m. Measuring Growth – Ethnicity Matters* – Joel G. Ray, MD, MSc 8:30 a.m. Growth and Health Outcomes in Donor Human Milk Fed VLBW Infants: Results from the DoMINO RCT* – Deborah O’Connor, PhD, RD, and Sharon Unger, MD, FRCP(C) 9 a.m. Metabolism in Preemies, Biology and Association with Disease* – Karl Sylvester, MD 10:50 a.m. Lessons Learned From Pulse Oximetry – Juliann Di Fiore, BSEE 11:10 a.m. AAP Committee on Fetus and Newborn Clinical Report on Oxygen Targeting in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants– James J. Cummings, MD 11:30 a.m. Staying on Target: What Helps and What Doesn’t? A Nursing Perspective on Oxygen Saturation Monitoring – Judy D’Ilario, RN 11:45 a.m. Panel Discussion 12:15 p.m. Adjourn * Talk includes 10 minutes for audience questions and discussion. GENERAL INFORMATION Site The program will be held at the Marriott Marquis in Washington, D.C. This brand new hotel is designed to reflect its surroundings and has four on-property restaurants. Conveniently located near Penn Quarter, DC City Center, the Verizon Center, Union Station Chinatown and the National Mall, this downtown Washington, D.C. hotel makes it easy to explore the city’s best attractions. For more information, please visit and click on the hotel tab. Accommodations Rooms have been reserved at the Marriott Marquis Washington D.C. at a special conference rate of $274 per night single or double occupancy, not including sales tax. Please make your reservations through the Marriott Marquis’ Reservation Department at (800) 228-9290 or through the website. Please ask to be assigned to the Hot Topics in Neonatology® room block in order to receive the special conference rate. The conference rate is only available for reservations made before Monday, November 9, 2015, and is based on availability. Group rates will be offered three (3) days prior and (3) days after the meeting dates, based on availability. Americans with Disabilities Act In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the duPont Hospital for Children will provide modifications in teaching methodologies to accommodate individual needs. To request disability accommodations, contact the Office of Continuing Medical Education at least 15 days in advance of the program at (302) 651-6750. COURSE REGISTRATION Fees NEW THIS YEAR: Lower registration fees for fellows, residents, nurses and allied health. The conference registration fee for the Neonatal Quality at Hot Topics Preconference is $100 for fellows, residents, nurses and allied health, and $200 for all other registrants. The conference registration fee for Hot Topics in Neonatology® is $400 for fellows, residents, nursing and allied health, and $750 for all other registrants. These fees include all course materials and refreshments as noted on the schedule. There is no additional charge for CME credit. The hotel often sells out well before the conference date. Please reserve your hotel room and make your conference registration early! AGAIN THIS YEAR! A $100 discount on Hot Topics registration for clinicians who are members of the AAP Section on Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine and TECaN. A Suite Deal for Early Registrants All conference attendees whose PLEASE NOTE: There is no audiovisual room in 2015 – all attendees will be in the same general session room, as opposed to being split into two rooms as in previous years. registration is received by October 2, 2015 and who register to stay at the Marriott Marquis, will be entered in a drawing to win a free upgrade to a one bedroom suite for the evenings of December 5, 6, 7 and 8. This large, luxurious suite includes a bedroom and separate living room. Accreditation Nemours is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Nemours designates this live activity for a maximum of 23.75 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should only claim the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Registration Advance registration is required and should be received by November 6, 2015. All registrations received by this date will be confirmed via email. Registration is limited and will be honored in the order of the date received. TO REGISTER WITH A CHECK: Return the completed registration form with full payment using check (payable to Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children) to the Continuing Medical Education Office, duPont Hospital for Children, PO Box 269, Wilmington, DE 19899. TO REGISTER WITH A CREDIT CARD: If you are paying by MasterCard, VISA, American Express or Discover Card, please complete the registration form found online at Learning Objectives Neonatal Quality at Hot Topics will offer presentations Cancellation Policy A refund, less a $100 processing fee, will be given for and workshops designed to help neonatal clinicians improve the care they provide at the bedside. It will open with a keynote address by a national leader that will review the impact of quality improvement (QI) on neonatal care. There will be panel discussions on necrotizing enterocolotis and bronchopulmonary dysplasia that focus on how quality improvement methods can reduce the burden of these morbidities, and breakout sessions with hands-on training in essential skills needed to carry out a successful QI Project from inception through completion and publication. The faculty at Hot Topics in Neonatology® will review current levels of evidence and practice in the areas of neonatology and perinatology. The program will include talks and discussion on the newest research on the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of health problems in the neonate, as well as long-term follow-up for the NICU graduate. Hot Topics seeks to involve clinicians from around the globe in the debate around both existing and emerging therapies and neonatal science, with the goal of providing clinicians with implementable practice change. Posters Posters for both the Quality and Hot Topics conferences will be accepted for continuous display during breaks, and before and after receptions. Posters must be on a subject that is being presented at the meeting. Please indicate Quality Conference in the subject line of your email if you are submitting an abstract for the Quality Conference. NEW THIS YEAR: Clinicians currently enrolled in a fellowship who wish to submit their abstracts for consideration for the Hot Topics in Neonatology Award for Fellows, should indicate Fellow in the subject line of their submission email. The author of the winning abstract will be asked to prepare a 10 minute presentation, which will be given at Hot Topics in Neonatology™ the morning of Wednesday, December 9, 2015, and will receive complimentary conference registration and hotel. For more information on abstract requirements and submission, please check our website – Deadline is October 1. Syllabus In the interest of running a greener meeting, all registrants will have access to an online syllabus, which can be viewed from a computer, smart phone or tablet before or during the conference. There will be free WiFi in the meeting rooms. You may still order a print syllabus when you register if you would like, for a small additional fee. WRITTEN cancellations received before November 1, 2015. No refunds will be given after this date. Nemours is not responsible for any cancellation or change fees assessed by hotels, airlines or travel agencies. Disclosure Policy As a provider accredited by the ACCME, Nemours must ensure balance, independence, objectivity and scientific rigor in its educational activities. All faculty involved in the development of CME content are required to disclose to Nemours their relevant financial relationships. An individual has a relevant financial relationship if he or she has a financial relationship in any amount occurring in the last 12 months with a commercial interest whose products or services are discussed in the CME activity content over which the individual has control. Nemours has policies in place to resolve potential financial conflicts of interest. Relevant financial relationships will be disclosed to the activity audience. For More Information CONTACT KAREN BIDUS, (302) 651-6752, or [email protected] Commercial Support This program may be supported in part by unrestricted educational grants in accordance with ACCME Standards. At the time of this printing, a list of commercial supporters was not available. Appropriate acknowledgement will be given to all exhibitors and supporters in conference materials and at the time of the meeting. Being held in conjunction with Hot Topics: 5th Annual Bubble CPAP & Non-Invasive Respiratory Management of the Neonate Conference | December 5-6, 2015 | Marriott Marquis, Washington D.C. PROGRAM FACILITATORS: The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences This two-day course will provide members of the neonatal critical care team with a comprehensive overview, practical strategies and lectures on ventilation and instruction on the correct use of Bubble CPAP in infants with respiratory distress. This conference will include both didactic and hands-on instruction and will be presented by a multidisciplinary panel of experts. REGISTRATION FORM Neonatal Quality at Hot Topics December 6, 2015 Hot Topics in Neonatology® December 6-9, 2015 Registration deadline: November 6, 2015 Register with credit card online at Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title/Degree: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Profession/Specialty: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Employer/Practice: _________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________________________________________State: ______________ Zip:__________ Country: ___________________________________________________________Phone: ________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nemours Employees Only: Lawson ID# _________________________________________ FEES: Full payment is due with registration NEONATAL QUALITY AT HOT TOPICS December 6, 2015 _____$100 for fellows, residents, nurses and allied health _____$200 all other registrants HOT TOPICS IN NEONATOLOGY® Quality Conference attendees, please number (1,2,3,4) in order of preference for each session: Concurrent Session One – 1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. SYLLABUS: An ONLINE SYLLABUS accessible by smartphone, tablet _____ How to Publish a QI Paper _____ QI Tools for the Neonatologist _____ Data Management for Quality Improvement: Tools You Should Be Using Now _____ QI for Nursing: What, Where and How Do I Get Started? Concurrent Session Two – 2:45 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. December 6-9, 2015 _____ $400 for fellows, residents, nurses and allied health _____ $750 for all other registrants or computer will be available to all registrants, and there will be Internet available in the conference rooms. A printed syllabus can be ordered for a small additional cost. In addition to the online syllabus, I would like to order a printed version: _____ $30 Printed Syllabus _____ How to Publish a QI Paper _____ QI Tools for the Neonatologist _____ Data Management for Quality Improvement: Tools You Should Be Using Now _____ QI for Nursing: What, Where and How Do I Get Started? Enclosed is my check for $_____ made payable to Nemours in U.S. Dollars. Please include name of registrant on memo line. Register with credit card online at Send check and completed registration form to: (Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover Card) or Enclosed is my check for $_____ made payable to Nemours in U.S. Dollars. Please include name of registrant on memo line. REGISTRATION DEADLINE November 6, 2015 Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children Attn: Office of Continuing Medical Education PO Box 269, Wilmington, DE 19899 FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact Karen Bidus, (302) 651-6752, or [email protected]
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