Ireland - Leading the Way in Energy Management


Ireland - Leading the Way in Energy Management
Leading the way in
Energy Management
The sustainable energy agenda is already creating jobs in Ireland, and one of the central pillars of the nation’s next phase of
economic development is energy efficiency. The nature of new clean energy solutions is exactly where Ireland’s enterprise
strengths lie: innovation, technology and knowledge-led services.
This publication highlights how international companies based in Ireland have recognised the leadership role that Ireland is playing
in the development of energy management systems and supporting standards. Irish experts are also leading energy management
programmes globally, while many Irish-based multinationals are transferring knowledge developed in Ireland to their global
It has become apparent as the energy management systems story has unfolded that these have become a common link tying
together all aspects of the energy sector. Energy management is not only pivotal to driving down overhead costs but is also driving
innovation and market needs. With its energy experts and highly skilled workforce, the country is leading the way in continued energy
management systems development and deployment. It has become a test-bed location for project and prototype development in
relation to energy technology and this is acknowledged worldwide.
The starting point for setting any standard is commitment at the top. I welcome the commitment given by the Government in this
area and the lead taken by Industry in Ireland in the development of a national standard for energy management which is now
reaping concrete enterprise rewards.
The scale of the enterprise opportunity across the sector is immense and I would like to acknowledge the continued collaboration
and support of IDA, Enterprise Ireland and all involved to ensure Ireland maximises this opportunity.
Brendan Halligan
Chairman, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
Brendan Halligan
ireland Leading the way in Energy Management
Energy Efficiency – the Sustainable
Enterprise Imperative
Energy Management Creates Enterprise Opportunities
ireland Leading the way in Energy Management
Energy efficiency and the development of innovative solutions to energy challenges is of critical importance
for all companies in Ireland, regardless of size or location. Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland are working
together to deliver a range of energy research initiatives for the benefit of Irish industry.
Frank Ryan
Chief Executive,
Enterprise Ireland
Barry O’Leary
Chief Executive Officer,
IDA Ireland
Through the strategic support for state-funded research in Irish Higher Education Institutes, Enterprise Ireland
and IDA Ireland are enabling Irish manufacturing companies to be more competitive through increased energy
efficiency and the discovery of innovative, alternative energy solutions.
The establishment of industry-led activities such as Technology Centres in Energy Efficiency (I2E2), Bioenergy
and Biorefining and the International Energy Research Centre, as well as major investments by global companies
such as IBM’s Smarter Cities Technology Centre and United Technologies Corporation’s Energy and Security
Research Centre, position Ireland as a global innovative clean-tech hub for the development of integrated
energy solutions, attracting high quality jobs to Ireland and creating a vibrant community of innovative
Energy Management Systems & Standards
Ireland Plays a Leading Role
Raising the Standard – EnMS in Ireland and Internationally
The objective of an EnMS is to establish a systematic process for managing and
continually improving your energy performance.
The Irish EnMS Standard IS 393 was developed in 2005 by the National Standards
Authority of Ireland (NSAI) in consultation with the Sustainable Energy Authority
of Ireland (SEAI) and industry representatives. The standard was designed so that
it could be easily incorporated into existing management activities.
In summary, the process requires:
• Creating an energy policy
• Defining energy demand
• Developing energy objectives
• Setting measurable targets
• Implementing energy programmes
• Monitoring and corrective action
• Ongoing management review
Once fully implemented, energy management is integrated into the routine
management of your company and you can sustain energy savings over the longer
term. With ongoing improvement (a key element of the standard), you remain alert
for new opportunities to save energy as they arise.
Making energy management a part of your culture leads to a wide range of
benefits, including cutting your energy expenditure at every opportunity.
In addition, where emission targets apply, an EnMS can help to put a framework
around the management of your organisation’s energy needs to determine,
understand and comply with legal requirements, thus avoiding penalties.
Experience has demonstrated that an EnMS not only saves you money; it can also
improve operational efficiency and, as a result, have a positive effect on productivity
and competitiveness.
IS 393 was one of the first EnMS of its type in the world. It led the way in
providing the blueprint for a new European EnMS standard EN 16001 (published
in August 2009).
The International Standards Organisation (ISO) has since developed an international
standard, ISO 50001 (published June 2011). Currently, a suite of guidance standards
are being developed to support its implementation. Within this project, Ireland has
a pivotal role in the development of a guidance standard for implementation and
maintenance, and improvement of an EnMS.
As more and more organisations seek to take control of energy expenditure and
carbon emissions, the increasing demand to use more cost effective or renewable
forms of energy supply, ensures a continuous improvement process. To support this
growing demand, we can see the emergence of an energy services market, both in
Ireland and internationally.
ireland Leading the way in Energy Management
What are the Benefits of an Energy Management System (EnMS)?
Energy Management Systems & Standards – Ireland Plays a Leading Role
Energy Management Standards in Ireland:
ireland Leading the way in Energy Management
Irish Energy Management Standard IS 393
The European Standard EN 16001
The International Standard ISO 50001
Development of guidance standards supporting ISO 50001
How Ireland Built Up Energy Management Expertise
A voluntary network of companies working to maintain strong energy
management and environmental protection practices has been operating in
Ireland since 1995. It is referred to as the Large Industry Energy Network (LIEN)
and is facilitated by SEAI.
Since the LIEN began,160 companies, representing up to 60% of Ireland’s industrial
energy use, are improving their energy performance by 2% per year. Long-term
members have improved energy performance by 33% between 1995, when it
started, and 2010.
By 2010, around 45 companies across 65 sites were formally certified to EN 16001
and had achieved substantial improvements in energy efficiency, as well as savings.
These companies are currently implementing the new ISO 50001 standard.
The SEAI Energy Agreements Programme, a subset of the LIEN, is centred
on commitment to ISO 50001 implementation. Through this Programme,
11% of Ireland’s National Primary Energy Requirement will be managed through
implemented EnMS in the near future. In the five years after the introduction
of the IS 393 standard in Ireland, up to €150m in avoided energy costs, has been
achieved through a wide range of energy efficiency measures.
Ireland now has one of the highest take-up of EnMS in the world while the LIEN
has established itself as one of the world’s leading energy efficiency networks.
Meanwhile, the SEAI/industry partnership has turned Ireland into an international
leader in energy management. The country has accumulated highly skilled
personnel with expertise, experience and know-how on the efficient
implementation of EnMS. International and national industries that harness
this resource can lead the way in energy management and reap all the benefits
associated with it.
Many Irish businesses are specialists in energy management and
are providing their expertise to organisations around the world.
Here are some of the success stories.
ireland Leading the way in Energy Management
success stories
Irish success stories
Certification Europe
World-Leading Certification Body
ireland Leading the way in Energy Management
Certification Europe’s work focuses mainly on EnMS standards. The company was
established in 1999 and has 41 employees in its headquarters in Dublin. It also has offices
in the UK (including in Northern Ireland), Turkey, Italy, Japan, South Africa and Canada.
Certification Europe is an international certification, training and inspection services provider.
It focuses strongly on emerging business-centric standards. It provides a range of external,
independent audit services in the area of business (risk) management standards, including
EnMS certification services.
The company is a world leader in EnMS system services. In 2009 it issued the world’s first accredited
certificate to EN 16001 and it is a leading certification body for the international standard ISO 50001.
It runs highly successful energy management training courses, enabling delegates to take a
proactive approach to their management of energy.
Analysis conducted in 2010 confirmed that clients who have availed of Certification Europe’s
energy management certification schemes have saved 102 million kilowatt hours (kWh) of energy.
This is enough to power more than 20,000 households for a year.
Clients range from SMEs to large-scale multinationals in both the public and private sectors.
Each receives a tailored assessment process for their energy management needs. Certification
Europe’s experience lies primarily in the pharmaceutical, manufacturing, retail, services and
fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industries, where work has been conducted in the EU,
North America, Africa and Asia.
Clients have been able to greatly reduce their energy costs, improve operational efficiencies
and maintenance practices while also reducing their carbon footprint.
Michael Brophy, CEO
“We have seen a steady increase
in the number of organisations
becoming more environmentally
conscious while also seeking to
reduce operational costs. A certified
EnMS system can greatly assist this.”
Michael Brophy
CEO, Certification Europe
Irish success stories
Crowley Carbon
Delivering Energy Efficiency through Technology
ireland Leading the way in Energy Management
Crowley Carbon was established in 2008 and delivers energy efficiency
technology to the industrial sector. The company is headquartered in Dublin
and also has offices in London, Sydney and a development centre in Sofia.
Crowley Carbon has developed and patented a range of energy efficiency products for the
commercial and industrial market. The company also provides a full turnkey energy efficiency
service including products from lighting to converting waste heat to electricity. On average the
company has delivered reductions of 25% in the total energy spend of its clients. Since its founding,
the company has delivered projects that have saved its clients over 15 million litres of oil per annum
and this number is quadrupling every year.
Clients include major multinationals such as Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Carillion Plc., Dawn Foods
and also government agencies such as the UK Ministry of Defence.
“We see Crowley Carbon as one of the global leaders in what has become, in a short space of time,
a multi trillion dollar industry.”
– George Polk, Founder of the European Climate Foundation
“…Companies like Crowley Carbon are quietly making a profound difference in global carbon
– From the book Reinventing Fire by Amory Lovins
Norman Crowley, Chairman
“We believe, for our clients, nothing
delivers faster and more permanent
cost and CO2 reduction than energy
efficiency. Ignoring energy efficiency
is like burning the front door to keep
your house warm!”
Norman Crowley
Chairman, Crowley Carbon
Irish success stories
World’s First ISO 50001 Software Developer
ireland Leading the way in Energy Management
Enerit, an Irish company founded in 2004, provides EnMS software to energy
users and energy management consultants globally, including the USA, UK,
India and Ireland.
Since 2004, Enerit has developed and delivered environmental software for public sector
organisations and multinational corporations internationally. It has been involved in implementing
key energy management standards, including IS 393 and EN 16001.
In June 2011, Enerit launched the world’s first ISO 50001 software. It is the only systematic energy
management solution which helps users to convert energy information into dynamic integrated
organisation-wide action plans. Its ultimate goal is to get teams working together to drive down
energy costs.
Enerit software saves 40%–50% of the time required by staff to run a systematic energy
management programme and deals with all ISO 50001 energy information in one integrated
Enerit has built up a range of global multinational clients in the industrial and construction sectors,
all of which are large energy users including Pfizer, Milan and Rome airports, the Fraunhofer
Institutes, hotels, universities, hospitals and retail stores.
World firsts from Enerit customers include: the world’s first university – University College Cork
– to certify to ISO 50001, and the first Pfizer site (Loughbeg, Ireland) worldwide to achieve ISO 50001.
Energy savings are between 10% and 20% in the first year for organisations new to energy
management. Enerit brings extra energy cost reductions of 5% year-on-year for companies with
a track record in systematic energy management.
Mike Brogan, COO and Paul Monaghan, CEO
“The growth of the international
market for EnMS is driven by the
need to reduce energy costs and
demonstrate corporate social
responsibility. We predict that
this will result in over one million
companies worldwide adopting
ISO 50001 over the next 10 years.”
Paul Monaghan
CEO, Enerit Ltd
Irish success stories
eNMS Ltd
International Expert in ISO 50001
ireland Leading the way in Energy Management
eNMS was founded in 2009 by Liam McLaughlin to provide energy management
consultancy to large energy users nationally and internationally working mostly
in the food and drink, electronics, pharmaceutical and public sectors.
eNMS is a leading international energy management services company. Liam McLaughlin, the
Managing Director of eNMS, is an appointed international energy management system expert with the
United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and the International Organisation for
Standardisation (ISO). He has spoken at international events in Europe, Asia, North and South America
and Africa on behalf of a number of clients.
Liam’s experience with energy management systems has led to his membership of the ISO Technical
Committee 242 which is currently developing guidance standards to support the implementation of
ISO 50001. All of this experience has enabled Liam to lead his company to become one of the leading
international energy management and ISO 50001 consultancies.
The eNMS team continues to grow and has a number of Irish and international partners increasing
their capabilities. Due to eNMS’s operational methodology, including extensive use of cloud computing,
there are no geographical limits to where it can operate. This is reflected in its global projects portfolio.
eNMS is currently developing online energy management systems for clients in Europe and Asia. This is a
collaborative initiative with Enerit, an Irish-based EnMS software developing company (see previous page).
Effective energy management systems help in identifying low-cost sustainable opportunities and eNMS
clients have made savings of up to 50% of their energy use without having to invest in capital projects.
eNMS consultants have provided energy advice to many high-profile clients, including ADB, Novartis,
Millipore, EMC, Pfizer, Intel, MSD, Roche, GSK, Eli Lilly, ConocoPhillips and Aviva.
Liam McLaughlin, Managing Director
“A systematic approach to energy
management can yield
substantial improvements in
energy efficiency and thus reduce
costs and environmental impact.”
Liam McLaughlin
Managing Director, eNMS Ltd
Irish success stories
PM Group
Winning Business Abroad
ireland Leading the way in Energy Management
PM Group, founded in Ireland in 1973, is an international engineering,
architecture and project management design firm with over 1,600 staff based
in 25 locations worldwide including Ireland, UK, Poland, USA, China, and India.
PM Group collaborates with many of the world’s leading private companies and major public
sector organisations and is involved with various types of projects ranging from the design and
construction management of facilities for biotech, advanced manufacturing and food companies
to energy benchmarking studies.
PM Group has found that the increased focus by the industrial sector on energy and environmental
issues has created a growing market for energy management service providers both at home and
abroad. Now well established in the energy services sector, PM Group has led many successful,
award winning, energy efficient projects around the world, including an energy efficient design
project at the GSK Biologicals facility in Belgium.
“PM Group’s approach to energy efficient design for the new vaccines manufacturing facility under
construction in Belgium has been both innovative and effective.”
– Jon Ashley, GSK Biologicals
Con Leddy, who is responsible for PM Group’s Sustainable Energy Engineering services, states that
“Most new designs can achieve significant improvements in energy efficiency if addressed early in
the design phase through the correct tools and processes.”
In 2010, PM Group was commissioned to conduct an energy benchmarking study of the
pharmaceutical sector in Singapore, which compared Singapore plants’ energy performance with
peers at home and abroad, and recommended improvements as a result.
Dave Murphy, CEO
“Our clients are putting increasing
importance on sustainability and energy
efficiency. Through our technology team
we have invested heavily in design tools
and training for engineers and architects
to provide a world-class sustainability
and energy efficient design capability.
Many of our clients have received awards
for projects that we have designed,
including J&J Janssen Biologics Facility
which has won the ISPE and CIBSE
Sustainable Facility of the Year Awards.”
Dave Murphy
CEO, PM Group
International businesses are increasingly looking at ways of reducing their
cost base and many have realised the benefits to adopting an EnMS.
Some Irish-based multinationals explain how they’re leading the trend globally.
ireland Leading the way in Energy Management
Multinationals achieve
EnMS savings
Multinationals achieve EnMS savings
ireland Leading the way in Energy Management
Dublin EnMS a Model for Google
Offices Internationally
Google is a global technology leader focused on improving the ways
people connect with information. It has research centres and offices located
internationally. Its European, Middle Eastern and African (EMEA) HQ, located in
Dublin, is its largest operation outside the USA, employing nearly 2,000 people.
Google has always been keen to use and integrate new technologies to improve
building management performance and reduce or eliminate energy waste.
In its Dublin operations (office and data centres), Google uses building management
systems (BMS) and EnMS with other integrated technologies to monitor measure and
manage its energy. The successful introduction of EnMS in its Dublin offices has led to
similar EnMS being introduced in several of its EMEA offices. Google’s data centres are
some of the most efficient in the world, using only 50% of the energy of most other
data centres.
“Having an energy management system in Google gives us
far greater visibility and control over our energy use and
expenditure. Having implemented the energy management
system in Dublin, Google is now expanding the framework
across other offices in Europe.”
James Bowen
Facilities Manager, Google Dublin
In 2008, Google Ireland implemented the IS 393 Energy Management Standard in its
Dublin office. In 2009, they transitioned to EN 16001 and since 2011 they successfully
transitioned to International Standard ISO 50001. This implementation was achieved
through a strong partnership with Google’s facilities service partners and SEAI. Since
2008, Google’s Dublin office has realised savings of over €360,000 in utilities usage,
accounting for 435 tonnes of CO2 or 5.7 million kWh of energy in its 210,000 sq ft
office space.
Multinationals achieve EnMS savings
Diageo employs over 22,000 people worldwide in the premium drinks industry.
Around 1,500 of these are based across sites in Ireland. Diageo’s largest site in
Ireland is St James’s Gate, the home not only of Guinness, but also its European
brewing operations. Diageo also has international locations in Asia, the United
States and Africa among others.
Diageo’s co-ordinated energy and environmental policies ensure that its dedicated
staff continuously seek opportunities to improve and enhance the organisation’s
environmental impact and performance. EnMS brings a competitive advantage to
the business.
Over the last five years alone, Diageo’s European Beer division has demonstrated
year-on-year financial savings of over 10% against its annual utilities budget.
Diageo’s St James’s Gate site achieved IS 393 certification in April 2007, making it one
of the first production sites in the world to gain certification to an energy management
standard. According to Tony O’Sullivan, the Energy Manager at St James’s Gate, “the
energy team has found that they are more focused on proactive energy management
as a result of the structured approach of IS 393.”
The Diageo European Beer Region has continued to build on this success. Other Diageo
operations in Ireland have achieved certification and are transitioning from EN 16001 to
ISO 50001. Within the last few months the Kilkenny St Francis Abbey Brewery Operation
has been awarded IS0 50001 certification.
Many initiatives have been shared and successfully applied across the global Diageo
business as part of the rollout of best-practice technologies. Irish suppliers have been
a key element in the success of Diageo’s programme, offering competitive and highly
capable resources in specific utilities and energy technology areas. In some cases these
suppliers have become commercial partners, to support a sustained programme over
many years.
“Developing a sustainable
energy efficiency approach
across our European Beer
Business continues to be
critical to achieving financial
targets and our environmental
commitments. EnMS are
helping us to shape the
thinking and approach to
energy across the Diageo
business globally.”
Conor Browne
European Beer Leader on
Energy Management
ireland Leading the way in Energy Management
Diageo strives for continuous
EnMS improvement
Multinationals achieve EnMS savings
Intel Ireland
ireland Leading the way in Energy Management
Intel Ireland Sets Example for
Sites Globally
Intel Ireland was established in 1989 and employs 4,000 people in the
manufacture of silicon microprocessors in Leixlip, and 200 people in its Product
Development Centre in Shannon. Intel has a global manufacturing presence and
employs over 100,000 people worldwide.
“The systematic approach
to energy management
provided by our Energy
Management Systems has
provided a valuable structure
for engagement within the
organisation and is helping
us to identify the priorities for
improved energy efficiency.
It enables us to continue to do
our very best in caring for the
Brendan Cannon
Corporate Affairs Director,
Intel Ireland
Intel states that the introduction of an Energy Management System has provided
a route to bring energy to the forefront with a clearly articulated site energy policy
by management. This is supported by investment in energy efficiency in excess of
€5 million in recent years. Projects range from intelligent lighting to the reduction of
cleanroom natural gas based heating requirements by over 30%, using heat recovery
chillers that use the energy from waste heat.
In 2011, the Intel Ireland campus was certified to ISO 50001, becoming the first Intel
site globally to do so. Certification to ISO 50001 is recognition of the management
ownership, systems and operational control of energy at the Intel Ireland campus.
As this standard requires a systematic framework, the system is documented and
can be transferred to other sites. Since the certification of the Ireland site, a sister site
in Costa Rica has completed stage one of the certification process and will soon adopt
the EnMS.
Multinationals achieve EnMS savings
Irish Cement
Irish Cement, founding company of the CRH Group, has been producing
high-quality cement products in Ireland since 1938 for home and export markets.
CRH plc, headquartered in Ireland, is one of the top five companies in the building
materials sector worldwide. It employs around 75,000 people at 3,600 operating
locations in 35 countries.
In 2008, Irish Cement committed to implementing EnMS in accordance with IS 393.
Through the application of the EnMS, energy efficiency initiatives have been identified
in cement facilities across CRH globally and implemented in the areas of metering,
lighting, and automated monitoring of utilities among other initiatives. The combined
effect of these initiatives is an 11% decrease in energy consumed per tonne in 2010,
despite a considerable reduction in production output.
Barry Leonard, Managing Director, Irish Cement, said: “The development of our EnMS
has allowed us to optimise the energy efficiency of our technology investments.
This is best illustrated by the achievement of improved energy efficiency per tonne
despite a decline in market conditions.”
Focus has now turned to certification of the EnMS to ISO 50001.
“The next step for Irish Cement
in the area of sustainable
energy is to displace a
proportion of our fossil-fuel
usage with specially prepared
waste-derived alternative
fuels. Success in this area will
allow us to balance our energy
efficiency focus with the longterm sustainability benefits
of using renewable energy
Martin Wills
Sustainable Development
Manager, Irish Cement
ireland Leading the way in Energy Management
Irish Cement improves Energy
Efficiency Per Tonne Despite
Output Decline
Multinationals achieve EnMS savings
Pfizer Ireland
ireland Leading the way in Energy Management
Pfizer Ireland Projects Lead to
Substantial Savings
Pfizer was one of the first major pharmaceutical companies to locate in Ireland,
arriving in 1969. The business has over 4,000 employees across eight locations in
Ireland, in addition to global offices.
Ireland is a leading manufacturing base for Pfizer globally. Total investment by the
company in Ireland exceeds $7 billion. Pfizer’s Irish operations manufacture some
of its best-selling and newest medicines which are then exported to global markets.
“The leadership demonstrated
by the Pfizer Ireland sites in
pursuing energy management
certification is just another
example of their commitment
to environmental sustainability.
Their projects are being
replicated across Pfizer
operations globally.”
Marty Brown
Director, Pfizer Global
Engineering and leader
of Pfizer’s Energy & Climate
Change Programme
Pfizer Ireland has achieved multiple successes in the area of energy management.
Coordinated and led by a number of energy teams, 415 projects have been successfully
implemented at Pfizer’s Irish sites over the past five years – leading to substantial
savings in electricity, natural gas and mains water consumption. Year on year, the sites
have achieved their targets to reduce site energy consumption by 5%. These projects
have been adopted across the Pfizer network of operations globally.
Pfizer Newbridge and Little Island are certified to EN 16001 and Pfizer Loughbeg
recently achieved the ISO 50001 certification. The remaining Irish facilities plan to
achieve certification in the near future.
Pfizer has found that ISO 50001 is a key enabler that embeds a structure which
ensures energy is managed in an efficient and responsible way. It enables the efficient
management of energy use, raises awareness of energy usage, engages senior
leadership in energy planning, and focuses the site on real energy opportunities.
It also enables future energy-saving opportunities to be easily identified.
Energy Management
Professionals Ireland - EMPI
EMPI was formed in 2011 by a group of energy consultants with a common aim
of improving the standards of service which is offered by energy consultancy
professionals. The group consists of members from a broad spectrum of the energy
services sector and many of the founding members have been operating in the
sector for the past 15 to 20 years.
The creation of EMPI is a strong indicator of the energy management experience
that has developed within Ireland. EMPI is striving for professional excellence,
sharing best practices as well as insights and innovation in the area of energy
The vision of EMPI is to foster world-class energy management services in the
interests of customers, members, the environment, and protect the independence
and integrity of the profession.
See for further information.
Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
Wilton Park House, Wilton Place
Dublin 2, Ireland
T. +353 1 8082100
F. +353 1 8082002
[email protected]
The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
is partly financed by Ireland’s EU Structural Funds
Programme co-funded by the Irish Government
and the European Union.