Fall 2013 - Seton Hall University School of Law


Fall 2013 - Seton Hall University School of Law
News for Alumni and Friends of the Seton Hall University School of Law | Fall 2013
FALL 2013
Health Law
Educating present and future
leaders; influencing policy
through scholarship
Jessica Gottlieb Empestan ’02
Senior Counsel, Johnson & Johnson; and her brother,
Daniel G. Gottlieb ’09
Associate, Epstein Becker & Green, P.C., Health Care and Life Sciences Practice
About the Cover
Table of
Letter from the Dean
Innovation & Health Law
Class Notes
Seton Hall Law Board of Visitors
Honor Roll of Giving
Seton Hall Law Inside Back Cover
Alumni Council
Calendar of Alumni Events
Jessica Gottlieb Empestan ’02
Daniel G. Gottlieb ’09
Jessica Gottlieb Empestan ’02 and her brother, Dan Gottlieb ’09,
reconnected in August with their former health law professor, Kathleen M.
Boozang. The career paths of these Seton Hall Law graduates reflect the
breadth of preparation they received at Seton Hall’s top-ranked Center for
Health & Pharmaceutical Law & Policy.
The Center for Health pursues a dual mission: educate the next generation
of attorneys in the specialized fields of health and life sciences, and generate
scholarship to help shape health policy at the state and national levels.
Empestan and Gottlieb represent the first time that two siblings graduated
with a J.D. concentration in Health Law.
Empestan practiced health law at a large New Jersey firm before moving
in-house, and now serves as regulatory counsel in the Law Department
of Johnson & Johnson in New Brunswick. “The Health Law concentration
gave me the skill set to demonstrate immediate value in the firm,” she says.
“The degree also opened the door to more challenging work, direct client
interaction, and an early move to an in-house counsel position.”
The J.D. Health Law concentration, which now also offers a compliance
track, is the cornerstone of a program that educates and trains current and
future industry professionals. In addition, Seton Hall Law also offers an
M.S.J. (Master of Science in Jurisprudence), an LL.M. (Master of Laws),
a Healthcare Compliance Certification Program and graduate certificates
available through its new Division of Online Learning.
Dean Boozang explains, “This region is host to more than 3,100
pharmaceutical, medical device and biotech industry companies. At the
same time, our urban hospitals serve some of the poorest of the poor, and
many uninsured who will not necessarily be aided by healthcare reform.
Seton Hall Law prepares lawyers who will address all of these needs.”
Dan Gottlieb thrives as an Associate at Epstein Becker & Green, P.C. in
Washington, D.C., where he also spent a summer after his second year
of law school. For him, the educational experience was a career changer:
“The Health Law concentration gave me the building blocks I needed to
pivot from a career as a chemist in the pharmaceutical industry to a career
as a healthcare and life sciences attorney.”
Read more about Seton Hall Law alumni at law.shu.edu.
Back Cover
Letter from
the Dean
Supported by the strategic oversight
of our Board of Visitors and fortified by
the continued support of our steadfast
alumni network, Seton Hall Law
remains strong during this unprecedented time of change in the legal
profession and in legal education.
No doubt you are aware of the sea changes in the legal
profession, and the news heralding consequent decreases
in application and enrollment rates at law schools. The
indicators that would typically signify a steady enrollment
rate – a recession, a downturn in the financial services
sector, sustained levels in undergraduate enrollment –
run counter to our current environment.
Yet Seton Hall Law – unlike many other schools – has
made the strategic decision to maintain our high stand­ards
for admission, resulting in a reduced incoming Class of
2016. We recognize that our first responsibility is to our
students, past, present and future – to admit only those
we believe can be successful attorneys, to provide them
a first-rate education, and to manage our enrollment
to ensure them the best possible opportunity to secure
employment in the profession.
It’s working. The National Law Journal (NLJ) has
included Seton Hall in its Top 50 Go-To Law Schools
for the last three years – most recently placing us at 37,
based on the number of graduates in the NLJ 250 top law
firms, and 45th in the nation for the number of lawyers
promoted from Associate to Partner among the NLJ 250.
Even in a tremendously challenging environment:
• 83% of the Class of 2012 were employed nine
months after graduation.
• Of our Class of 2011 graduates who went on to clerkships following law school, 92% attained employment
following their clerkship, with 72% entering private
• In its inaugural ranking, legal profession website
Above the Law placed Seton Hall Law 36th among all
U.S. law schools, based on both graduates’ job placement rates among law firms of all sizes, and alumni
feedback. This places Seton Hall Law in the top three
schools in the New York metropolitan area.
With the support of the University, and of faculty and
administration, we have adjusted our expenses accordingly. Over the course of the next year, we will engage
in strategic discussions to respond to the changing
legal education and legal services landscape. This effort
will continue to ensure that a Seton Hall Law degree
enables alumni to achieve great success, both financially
and professionally.
One of the rewards of a Seton Hall Law degree is our
uncommonly close-knit professional network. It is
reflected in your enthusiastic participation in our
Continuing Legal Education programs and social
networking events, and also in your generous contributions of time, energy and input as advisory board
members, mentors and competition coaches. Your
financial support reflects your eagerness to invest in the
law students who follow in your footsteps as professional
colleagues. We are grateful for your generosity and
just as important, we appreciate the lasting, dedicated
community you have forged.
We will continue to preserve the value of a Seton Hall
Law degree, and to put the Law School in the best
position for a sustained and bright future. I am confident
that together we will chart a course that keeps Seton
Hall Law School rising in the years ahead.
Patrick E. Hobbs, Dean
Fall 2013 | law.shu.edu
Health Law
Educating present
and future leaders;
influencing policy
through scholarship
The Center for Health & Pharmaceutical Law & Policy team (pictured from left): Professor Jordan K. Paradise, Professor Timothy P. Glynn, Associate
Dean Kathleen M. Boozang, Research Fellow & Lecturer in Law Tara A. Ragone, Assistant Dean Helen A. Cummings, Research Fellow & Lecturer in
Law Kate Greenwood, Professor John V. Jacobi, Administrative Assistant Catherine Finizio and Executive Director Simone Handler-Hutchinson ’93
eton Hall Law celebrates its 17th year among
the nation’s Top 10 Health Law programs, as
ranked by U.S. News & World Report. Founded
in 1990 by Associate Dean Kathleen M. Boozang,
the Seton Hall Law Center for Health & Pharmaceutical
Law & Policy was established to address the myriad
issues that emerge in a region that is home to the largest
concentration of healthcare providers and pharmaceutical,
biotech and medical device companies in the world.
Dean Boozang reflects on the growth of the Center,
whose overarching mission has allowed it to evolve into
a primary educational resource for professionals in
industry and government alike. She explains, “As a law
Seton Hall Law Magazine
school with a Catholic mission, we strive to advance
society’s ability to provide safe, high-quality and
affordable healthcare for all.”
“Seton Hall’s Health Law faculty take seriously the
notions of engaged scholarship and experiential learning,”
Dean Boozang continues. “Our publications address
on-the-ground policy issues and are relied upon by
regulators and lawyers responding to today’s evolving
healthcare system. Our teaching ensures that law
students hit the ground running when they begin their
careers in law or compliance and that graduate students
are more creative in resolving the daily challenges of
working in a highly regulated environment.”
Seton Hall School of Law is the perfect launch pad for a career in the health
law field. Every aspect of my legal education was outstanding—from the
varied coursework, to the students and industry professionals I studied
alongside, to the outstanding professors I learned from. My experience at
Seton Hall Law also helped set me apart from my peers when I entered the
job market. So much of what I have accomplished in my career is a result of
the excellent foundation I received at Seton Hall Law.
— Jaime S. Pego ’05
Innovations in Education and Training
Today the Seton Hall Law Center for Health &
Pharmaceutical Law & Policy has a global reach,
offering a Health Law concentration for J.D. students
and a Health Law LL.M. degree for attorneys focusing
their practice on health or life sciences. In addition,
the Center offers numerous career development
opportunities, including an M.S.J. degree, offered in
the classroom or online, the Healthcare Compliance
Certification Program and an array of graduate certificates offered through Seton Hall Law’s new Division
of Online Learning. The Center and Seton Hall Law’s
Gibbons Institute of Law, Science & Technology, a
center of excellence in intellectual property law, also
provide Continuing Legal Education programs for
practicing attorneys.
In May, Seton Hall Law awarded a J.D. degree with a
concentration in Health Law to 30 students – twice the
number who earned the degree 10 years ago. Faculty
and administrators work with health law students, as
well as with the Office of Career Services, to ensure that
students experience the breadth of health law practice
settings during their summers and externships. Placements are available in both law and compliance. In
addition, students now may experience a semester in
the Washington, D.C. externship program.
The M.S.J. degree, introduced in 1995, includes students
from every sector of the health and life sciences industry:
clinicians, health plan administrators, clinical trial
managers, compliance professionals and salespeople.
“The rich diversity in the classroom enables law students
Jaime S. Pego ’05, Director, Healthcare Advisory Services Practice, KPMG LLP,
pictured at right with colleagues Stephanie Rodetis ’09 and Matthew Colford ’10
to learn from their prospective clients the challenges of
translating the law into business solutions, and allows
M.S.J. students to understand how to interact effectively
with lawyers,” Dean Boozang notes.
“We are now at the point in our existence where our
law and M.S.J. graduates are senior partners and executives coming back to suggest research projects, speak in
our various programs and hire our current students. It
is incredibly gratifying to see their success,” she says.
Healthcare Compliance Certification Programs
In 2003, Matthew D’Ambrosio ’01, then a compliance
professional at Johnson & Johnson who was pursuing
a J.D. in the evening program, introduced a novel idea:
as an educational institution, Seton Hall Law could
contribute to the profession of compliance. In 2004,
Fall 2013 | law.shu.edu
under the guidance of an advisory board comprising
government regulators, industry leaders and academics,
Seton Hall Law introduced its first Healthcare Compliance Certification Program (HCCP) in Newark. This
four-day training provides regulators, as well as legal and
compliance professionals, with a strong foundational
knowledge of the laws, regulations and industry guidelines governing the life sciences industry. The program
is now offered in Newark, Paris and Singapore, and will
expand to California and Eastern Europe in 2014.
Simone Handler-Hutchinson ’93, who as Executive
Director of the Center oversees the HCCP, observes
that compliance has become more integrated into the
process of developing and bringing new products and
treatments to market. She says, “One compliance
officer told me when he used to visit business units ten
years ago, his colleagues would literally close their doors
as he approached. Today, they flood him with questions
and view him as a resource and business partner.”
Online Learning: Graduate Certificates
The HCCP helped broaden the education mission of
the Center to encompass comprehensive adult education,
and led to the 2011 launch of a new series of graduate
certificates offered exclusively through online learning –
the fastest-growing method of career development.
Dean Boozang explains, “Regulation is so pervasive today
that continuing education is simply not a choice for many
professionals – it is a career necessity. We bring the same
rigor and quality to our online offerings as we do to all
of our programs. Employers know the value of a health
law degree or certificate from Seton Hall Law.”
These rigorous eight-week courses of study are developed
by Seton Hall Law faculty. More than a dozen certificates
are available under the rubrics of Health and Hospital
Law, Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Law and
Compliance, and Intellectual Property Law. A new
module in Human Resources Law spans all industries,
and was developed by Professors Charles Sullivan and
Timothy Glynn, renowned leaders in the field of labor
and employment law. Learn more about available graduate
certificate programs at law.shu.edu/onlinelearning.
Through Seton Hall’s LL.M. program in Health
Law and Policy, I have developed a firm
grasp of the law and policies governing
healthcare-related parties and transactions.
Armed with that understanding, I am better
able to represent clients in the healthcare
industry who are impacted by bankruptcy
or insolvency—either their own, or that of
another entity. I am also now able to work
extensively in what has become a crucially
important area of legal practice.
avid N. Crapo, LL.M. ’12,
Counsel, Gibbons P.C.
Seton Hall Law Magazine
The Center’s mission is rooted in improving the
health system for all Americans. Faculty and
students are at the center of vital discussions on
health information privacy, the implementation
of health reform, the role of for-profit firms in
hospital care and other issues of the day. In this
work, education and service to the community
come together for the benefit of all.
— Professor John V. Jacobi
Center for Health & Pharmaceutical Law
& Policy Publications
Seton Hall Law faculty contribute to the dialogue within the health arena
through a variety of publications. These were introduced over the past year:
Pharmaceutical and Medical
Device Compliance Manual
Co-edited by Dean Boozang and Simone
Handler-Hutchinson ’93, Executive Director
of the Center, this guide helps professionals
implement an effective compliance program.
The manual is co-published with the Food
& Drug Law Institute and the American
Health Lawyers Association.
“Discharge, Deportation,
and Dangerous Journeys:
A Study on the Practice of
Medical Repatriation”
Written by Professor Lori Nessel, Director
of the Seton Hall Law Center for Social
Justice, this paper speaks to healthcare
as an international human rights issue.
This paper was co-authored with New York
Lawyers for the Public Interest and may be viewed at law.shu.edu/
“The Future of HIPAA in the Cloud”
Authored by Professor Frank Pasquale and Research Fellow and
Lecturer in Law Tara Ragone and funded by Microsoft, this paper
recommends policy and regulatory changes to safeguard patient
privacy in the age of cloud computing. This paper may be viewed at
“Toward Evidence-Based Conflicts of
Interest Training for Physician-Investigators”
Co-authored by Research Fellow and Lecturer in Law Kate ­Greenwood,
Professor Carl Coleman and Dean Boozang, this article explores
policy and regulatory approaches to ensure the high quality of
clinical research and testing, and protect the safety and welfare
of clinical trial participants. The article was published in 2012 by
the Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics.
“Implementing the Essential
Health Benefits Requirement
in New Jersey: Decision
Points and Policy Issues”
Written by Kate Greenwood, Tara Ragone and
Professor John V. Jacobi, this policy paper is
one of a series that recommends approaches
for the State of New Jersey to adopt and
implement key aspects of the Affordable Care Act. The series is
published in conjunction with the Rutgers Center for State Health
Policy and is available at law.shu.edu/centerpublicatons.
“Is a For-Profit Structure a Viable Alternative
for Catholic Health Care Ministry?”
Edited by Dean Boozang, this collection comprises the papers
presented at the 2012 symposium hosted by the Center for Health
and Center for Religiously Affiliated Nonprofit Organizations, that
explored whether Catholic hospital systems can continue their
mission as for-profit entities. The proceedings may be viewed at
Fall 2013 | law.shu.edu
| 1950s
| 1980s
Stephen J. Foley Sr. ’54 received the
2012 Saint Thomas More Medal at
Seton Hall Law School’s Red Mass
Celebration on September 28, 2012.
John S. Voynick Jr. ’80 became
President of the American Board of
Trial Advocates, Northern New Jersey
Chapter. Thomas F. Quinn ’81 was
inducted as 115th President of the
Essex County Bar Association. Michael
L. Lazarus ’82 joined Hoagland Longo
Moran Dunst & Doukas LLP as Of
Counsel. Lou Ann K. Behan ’83
received the 2013 Distinguished
Alumni Award from Kean University.
Wayne Hasenbalg ’84 was named in
the NJ BIZ “Power 100” list for 2013.
John J. Henschel ’84 was appointed
Vice President and General Counsel of
Group Compliance and Litigation for
Atlas Copco North America LLC.
Melinda D. Middlebrooks ’84 was
named as one of the “2013 Best 50
Women in Business” by NJ BIZ. David
J. Satz ’84 was named in the NJ BIZ
“Power 100” list for 2013. Glenn E.
Gromann ’85 was appointed to the
College Board of Directors of Strategic
Business Institute. Christopher M.
Hartwyk ’85 became a Partner with
Genova Burns Giantomasi & Webster.
The Honorable Richard M. Marano ’85
became President of the Connecticut
Judges Association. Dale Florio ’86
was named in the NJ BIZ “Power 100”
list for 2013. Governor Christopher J.
Christie ’87 was named in the NJ BIZ
“Power 100” list for 2013. The Honorable
Colin O’Donnell ’87 was appointed
to New York’s Nassau County District
Court, 4th District. Robin Hauer ’88
became Assistant Director of Princeton
Energy and Environment Corporate
Affiliates Program. Rosaria Suriano ’88
became a Partner with Meyner &
Landis, LLP. Iryna Lomaga Carey ’89
became a Partner with Kurzman
Eisenberg Corbin & Lever, LLP.
| 1960s
New Jersey Supreme Court Chief
Justice James Zazzali ’60 (ret.) received
the Roger N. Baldwin Award from the
American Civil Liberties Union of New
Jersey. James C. Orr ’64 received the
2013 Distinguished Graduate Award at
Seton Hall Law School’s Alumni Dinner
Dance. James Ventantonio ’64 was
named Interim President of Raritan
Valley Community College. Terence
G. Connor ’67 was listed as one of
the “Top Lawyers” in the 2013 South
Florida Legal Guide.
| 1970s
Bernard Davis ’70 was elected as
Fellow in the American College of
Bond Counsel. Edward Deutsch ’71
was named in the NJ BIZ “Power 100”
list for 2013. Joseph Bottitta ’74 joined
Genova Burns Giantomasi Webster as
Of Counsel. Alfred Koeppe ’75 was
named in the NJ BIZ “Power 100” list
for 2013. Leon J. Sokol ’75 was honored
by The Jewish Federation of Northern
New Jersey’s Commerce & Professionals
Division. Paulette Brown ’76 became
President-Elect of the American Bar
Association and will begin her term
in 2014. She also received the Robert
L. Carter Legacy Award from the
New Jersey Chapter of the National
Association for the Advancement of
Colored People.
Mark K. Dowd ’89 became Assistant
General Counsel to the Association
of Global Automakers. Nancy J.
Johnson ’89 became a Shareholder to
Weston Stierli McFadden & Capotorto.
The Honorable Arnold Natali Jr. ’89
was appointed a New Jersey Superior
Court Judge. William Palatucci ’89
was named in the NJ BIZ “Power 100”
list for 2013 for the third year running.
Gianfranco Pietrafesa ’89 was selected
as the Hackensack, N.J., area 2013
“Lawyer of the Year” for Corporate
Law by The Best Lawyers in America.
| 1990s
Timothy D. Lyons ’90 became a Partner
with Lomurro, Davidson, Eastman &
Muñoz, PA. Elizabeth Domingo ’91
became Assistant Director to the New
Jersey Courts’ Probation Services.
Patrick C. Dunican Jr. ’91 was named
in the NJ BIZ “Power 100” list for 2013
for the third year running. Suzanne
Midlige ’91 became Managing Partner
at Coughlin Duffy LLP. Wendy Johnson
Lario ’92 received the 2013 Equality
Award from the Alice Paul Institute.
Adam Zipkin ’92 was named to the
NJ BIZ “Power 100” list for 2013. John
W. Hartmann ’93 has written a memoir
called, Jacket: The Trials of a New
Jersey Criminal Defense Attorney.
The Honorable Steven C. Mannion ’93
was appointed to the U.S. District
Court for the District of New Jersey.
The Honorable Michael Shipp ’94
was named in the NJ BIZ “Power 100”
list for 2013 and was honored by the
National Black Law Students Association. John A. Tortora ’94 became Chief
Operations Officer with the San Jose
Sharks. Michael Leegan ’95 was
appointed as Atlantic Region Director
for the Defense Research Institute.
Professor Thomas Healy and Supreme
Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes
Professor Thomas Healy’s new book, THE GREAT DISSENT: How Oliver Wendell Holmes Changed His
Mind—and Changed the History of Free Speech in America (2013, Henry Holt and Company), details
how, in 1919, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes shifted his view of individual rights
and became a champion of the First Amendment and Americans’ right to free speech. Renowned civil
rights scholar and attorney Alan Dershowitz, writing for the New York Times Book Review, concludes,
“Thomas Healy’s informative and readable account...deserves an honored place in the intellectual
history of the Supreme Court.”
Seton Hall Law Magazine
Michele Meyer-Shipp ’95 became
Vice President and Chief Diversity
Officer for Prudential Financial. Frank
DeAngelis ’96 became Partner with
Mound Cotton Wollan & Greengrass.
Craig Domalewski ’96 was named in
the NJ BIZ “Power 100” list for 2013.
Douglas A. Wheeler ’96 became Vice
President of Government Affairs for
New York Life. Jodi L. DeMarco ’97
started her own private practice, Jodi
L. DeMarco, Esq. Elizabeth Holowacz ’97
became a Partner with Fitzpatrick,
Cella, Harper & Scinto. Jennifer M.
Mazawey ’97 became a Partner with
Genova Burns Giantomasi & Webster.
Meghan Bennett Clark ’98 became a
Partner with Dilworth Paxson LLP.
The Honorable Mitzy Galis-Menendez ’98
was appointed a New Jersey Superior
Court Judge. Marcie L. Mackolin ’98
joined Lindabury, McCormick,
Eastabrook & Cooper, P.C. as an
Associate. Joanne Vos ’98 joined
Maraziti Falcon & Healey, LLP as
Of Counsel. The Honorable Mara
Zazzali-Hogan ’98 was appointed a
New Jersey Superior Court Judge.
Robert J. Adinolfi ’99 became Partner
and Chair of the Medical Malpractice
Division for Gill & Chamas, LLC. Jason
R. Rittie ’99 became a Partner with
Einhorn Harris Ascher Barbarito &
Frost, PC. Thomas N. Sweeney ’99
was appointed to the Board of
Governors for the Pennsylvania
Association for Justice.
| 2000s
Helen A. Franzese ’00 became a
Partner with Goldberg Segalla LLP.
Michelle D. Grady ’00 became a
Member of Eckert Seamans Cherin &
Mellott, LLC. Rev. Monsignor Robert
Meyer ’00 founded a new legal clinic
at the Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in
Hoboken. Margaret O’Rourke
Wood ’00 was included in the 2013
edition of Chambers USA: America’s
Leading Lawyers for Business. Delia
Donahue ’01 became a Partner with
Pepper Hamilton LLP. Eric W. F.
Niederer ’01 became a Partner with
Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman &
Dicker LLP. Richard A. Reinartz ’01
started his own private practice, The
Reinartz Law Firm, LLC. Mary Joan S.
Kennedy ’02 joined Saiber LLC as an
Associate. Paul J. Labov ’02 became
a Partner with Edwards Wildman
Palmer. Kellie A. Lavery ’02 became
Counsel with Reed Smith LLP.
Seton Hall Law proudly joined the University in honoring two graduates at SHU’s annual commemoration
of alumni service: Jacqueline C. Pirone ’04, the 2012-13 President of the Seton Hall Law Alumni Council;
and Maury Cartine ’76, a member of the Seton Hall Law Board of Visitors, who was honored for his
service to University’s Stillman School of Business where he graduated with a B.S. in Accounting. At left,
Pirone is pictured with Dean Hobbs and Dr. Gabriel Esteban, President of Seton Hall University. At right,
Cartine stands with his wife and daughters, pictured from left: Melissa ’14, Robin and Amanda.
Scott R. Malyk ’02 became a Partner
with Meyner & Landis LLP. Bryan
Pelino ’02 became Principal at Offit
Kurman Attorneys at Law. Loren L.
Speziale ’02 became a Partner with
Gross McGinley, LLP and was also
named to the “2013 Pennsylvania Rising
Stars” list. Joy-Michele ­Tomczak ’02
joined Ambrosio & T
­ omczak LLP as
Of Counsel. Elizabeth M. Vinhal ’02
became a Partner with Brian Schwartz,
Attorney at Law, LLC. Robert G.
Marasco ’03 joined Procopio, Cory,
Hargreaves & Savitch LLP as an Associate. Keith D. McDonald ’03 became
a Partner with Norris McLaughlin &
Marcus, P.A. Jesse P. Nash ’03 became
a Partner with Norris McLaughlin &
Marcus, P.A. Jennifer A. Osborne ’03
became a Partner with Lindabury,
McCormick, Estabrook & Cooper, P.C.
Stephen M. Bacigalupo II ’04 joined
Schwartz Simon Edelstein & Celso as
an Associate. Charles H. Chevalier ’04
joined Gibbons P.C. as an Associate.
Marybeth E. Frantz ’04 became
a Partner with Harris Beach PLLC.
Jeffrey S. Ignatowitz ’04 joined Stark &
Stark as an Associate. Steven Loeb ’04
became a Shareholder with Fein, Such,
Kahn & Shepard, PC. Jacqueline C.
Pirone ’04 received the Law School
Service Award at Seton Hall University’s
Many Are One Gala. John J. Zefutie
Jr. ’04 became a Partner with Patton
Boggs LLP. Alexis Paul Genato ’05 was
appointed to the New Jersey Supreme
Court Committee for the Tax Court.
David J. Gittines ’05 joined Kaufman
Dolowich Voluck & Gonzo as an
­Associate. Matthew P. Jacobs ’05
joined Fox Rothschild LLP as an Associate. Nichole E. Martiak ’05 joined
SorinRand as an Associate. Matthew
R. Mendelsohn ’05 became a Partner
with Mazie, Slater, Katz & Freeman,
LLC. Joseph Novick ’05 became
Executive Director of the New Jersey
Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts.
Kenneth J. Soriero ’05 became a Partner
with Lindabury, McCormick, Estabrook
& Cooper, P.C. Matthew Stockwell ’05
joined Lowenstein Sandler LLP as an
Associate. John J. Coats ’06 joined
Brach Eichler LLC as an ­Associate.
David S. Kim ’06 joined Ford &
Harrison LLP as an Associate. Eric
Magnelli ’06 joined Brach Eichler LLC
as an Associate. Elizabeth Caraballo ’07
became the Director of the Legal
Clinic at Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in
Hoboken. Lisa Chapland ’07 joined Hill
Wallack LLP as an Associate. Robert L.
Johnson ’07 joined Gibbons P.C. as an
Associate. Eugene H. Kim ’07 joined
Genova Burns Giantomasi Webster as
an Associate. Sarah M. Mahony ’07
joined Shimalla, Wechsler, Lepp &
D’Onofrio, LLP as an Associate.
Matthew C. Moench ’07 joined Bevan,
Mosca, Giuditta & Zarillo, P.C. as an
Associate. Scott J. Sholder ’07 joined
Cowan, DeBaets, Abrahams & Sheppard,
LLP as an Associate. Douglas M.
Silvestro ’07 joined Schwartz Simon
Edelstein & Celso as an Associate.
Fall 2013 | law.shu.edu
Seton Hall Law and the St. Thomas More Society commemorated the 28th Annual Red Mass on September 28,
2012 at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark. Three generations of Seton Hall Law graduates
celebrated when Stephen J. Foley, Sr., Esq. ’54 was awarded the St. Thomas More Medal at this traditional
service: his daughter Patricia F. Burke ’85, and sons Stephen J. Foley Jr. ’85 and Michael J. Foley ’87, as well as
his grandson, Donald F. Burke Jr. ’11. At left, pictured are Donald Burke, Stephen Foley and Dean Hobbs. Kevin
M. O’Dowd, who serves as Chief of Staff to New Jersey Governor Christopher J. Christie, also received the
St. Thomas More Medal. At right, he is pictured with the Governor, following the Mass.
Rashmee Sinha ’07 joined Hill Wallack
LLP as an Associate. Clara Y. Son ’07
joined Day Pitney LLP as an Associate.
Adam C. Arnold ’08 joined Gibbons
P.C. as an Associate. Christopher L.
Birkheimer ’08 joined Sills Cummis &
Gross as an Associate. Vivian Van
Bogaert ’08 joined Napier Gault PLC
as an Attorney. Shannon M. Carroll ’08
joined Brach Eichler LLC as an
Associate. Christopher G. Elko ’08
joined Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak
& Stewart, P.C. as an Associate.
Joseph D. Fanning ’08 joined
Sedgwick LLP as an Associate.
Ryan T. Gannon ’08 joined Marshall
Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin
P.C. as an Associate. Jonathan D.
Henry ’08 joined Riker, Danzig,
Scherer, Hyland & Perretti LLP as an
Associate. Christina A. Parlapiano ’08
joined Day Pitney LLP as an Associate.
Robert V. Prongay ’08 became a
Partner with Glancy Binkow &
Goldberg LLP. Matthew Schoen ’08
joined Hoagland Longo Moran Dunst
Dinner Dance
James Crawford Orr ’64 was honored at Seton Hall Law’s
annual Alumni Dinner Dance. Kevin C. Orr ’90, Jim’s son,
presented Jim with the Distinguished Graduate Award,
calling his father “an inspirational example of the impact that
one can have on his alma mater, his profession and his
community.” Pictured in the front row are Jim Orr with
his grandchildren, Kaitlyn and Ryan. Pictured in the back
row, from left, are: Dean Hobbs; Jim’s son, Conor SHU
’15; Jim’s wife, Sharon; Kevin’s wife, Sherilyn Pastor Orr
’88; and sons Liam SHU ’14 and Kevin.
Seton Hall Law Magazine
& Doukas LLP as an Associate.
Michael Shortt ’08 joined Connell Foley
LLP as an Associate. Jason Bittiger ’09
started his own private practice, Bittiger
Triolo PC. Brendan W. Carroll ’09
joined Connell Foley LLP as an
Associate. Natalie F. Dallavalle ’09
joined Lowenstein Sandler LLP as
an Associate. Paul Elias ’09 joined
Bittiger Triolo PC. Evan S. Harris ’09
joined Gibbons P.C. as an Associate.
Philip W. Lamparello ’09 joined
Gibbons P.C. as an Associate. Brian S.
McCarthy ’09 joined Marshall Dennehey
Warner Coleman & Goggin, P.C. as an
Associate. Edward F. Roslak ’09 joined
Saul Ewing LLP as an Associate. Gary
Studen ’09 joined Boies, Schiller &
Flexner LLP as an Associate.
| 2010s
Marc D. Bianchi ’10 joined Gibbons
P.C. as an Associate. Leah Brndjar ’10
joined Goldberg Segalla LLP as an
Associate. Gregory P. D’Alessandro ’10
joined Brach Eichler LLC as an
Associate. Robert M. DiPisa ’10
joined Connell Foley LLP as an
Associate. Joseph A. Fischetti ’10
joined Lowenstein Sandler LLP as
an Associate. Elizabeth (Betsy) V.
Gilligan ’10 joined Essex County
College as an Assistant to the
President. James F. Hlavenka ’10
joined UCB, Inc. as Counsel in the
Legal Affairs Department. Justin T.
Quinn ’10 joined Gibbons P.C. as an
Associate. Megan E. Bedell ’11 joined
Seton Hall University
School of Law
Board of Visitors 2013-14
Louis J. Andreozzi ’84
Chairman, Bloomberg Law
Wilentz Goldman & Spitzer as an Associate. Mariel L.
Belanger ’11 joined Connell Foley LLP as an Associate.
Jessica R. Bland ’11 joined Kates Nussman Rapone Ellis
& Farhi, LLP as an Associate. Jordan T. Cohen ’11 joined
Brach Eichler LLC as an Associate. Christopher A.
DeAngelo ’11 joined Pellettieri Rabstein & Altman as an
Associate. Christopher D. Dize ’11 joined Keefe Bartels as
an Associate. Kenneth Dzikowski ’11 joined Riker, Danzig,
Scherer, Hyland & Perretti LLP as an Associate. Mallary R.
Egelberg ’11 joined DiFrancesco, Bateman, Coley, Yospin,
Kunzman, Davis, Lehrer & Flaum, P.C. as an Associate.
Rebecca Frino ’11 joined Newsome O’Donnell LLC as an
Associate. Brigitte M. Gladis ’11 joined Wolff & Samson
as an Associate. Brian R. Goldberg ’11 joined SorinRand
as an Associate. Mallory A. Griffin ’11 joined DiFrancesco,
Bateman, Coley, Yospin, Kunzman, Davis, Lehrer & Flaum
P.C. as an Associate. Elizabeth A. Irwin ’11 joined Gibbons
P.C. as an Associate. Dayna R. Katz ’11 joined DiFrancesco,
Bateman, Coley, Yospin, Kunzman, Davis, Lehrer & Flaum
P.C. as an Associate. Eric S. Latzer ’11 joined Cole, Schotz,
Meisel, Forman & Leonard, P.A. as an Associate. Alexandra
Marghella ’11 joined Kaufman Dolowich Voluck as an
Associate. Fonda J. Mazzillo ’11 joined Graham Curtin as
an Associate. Michael J. Paragano ’11 joined Pellettieri
Rabstein & Altman as an Associate. Jean P. Patterson ’11
joined McCarter & English LLP as an Associate. Timothy
J. Petty ’11 joined Gibbons P.C. as an Associate. Theodore
T. Reilly ’11 joined Graham Curtin as an Associate. Diego
Rosado ’11 joined Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP as an
Associate. Matthew S. Sachs ’11 joined K & L Gates as
an Associate. Ryan San George ’11 joined Saiber LLC as
an Associate. John Stoelker ’11 joined Trenk, DiPasquale,
Della, Fera & Sodono, P.C. as an Associate. Keara Waldron ’11
joined Lowenstein Sandler LLP as an Associate. Jessica
Burt ’12 joined Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP as an Associate.
Jason Cetel ’12 joined GrayRobinson, P.A., as an Associate.
Kimberly A. Franko ’12 joined Carroll McNulty & Kull LLC
as an Associate. Diana M. Fratto ’12 joined Sills Cummis &
Gross P.C. as an Associate. Yalda M. Haery ’12 joined Fox
Rothschild LLP as an Associate. Amanda D. Laufer ’12
joined Patton Boggs LLP as an Associate. Guyan Liang ’12
joined Budd Larner P.C. as an Associate. Sara W. Mazzolla ’12
joined Bressler Amery & Ross as an Associate. Meghan
McSkimming ’12 joined Day Pitney LLP as an Associate.
Matthew C. Mills ’12 joined Porzio, Bromberg & Newman,
P.C. as an Associate. Sean O’Loughlin ’12 joined McCusker,
Anselmi, Rosen & Carvelli, P.C. as an Associate. Michael
Collins Smith ’12 joined McCarter & English LLP as an
Associate. Kathleen Ann Trawinski ’12 joined Day Pitney
LLP as an Associate.
Joseph Galfy ’64
May 13, 2013
John J. Fahy ’81
July 17, 2013
Harold C. Knox ’72
April 22, 2012
James Conley Sheil ’99
March 9, 2013
Hardge Davis Jr. ’77
May 31, 2013
Gargi Pahuja ’04
July 21, 2012
Mitch F. Baumeister ’72 (Former Chair)
Baumeister & Samuels, PC
Kathleen Boozang
Associate Dean for Academic Advancement
& Professor of Law
Seton Hall University School of Law
Gisele Joachim
Dean of Enrollment Management
Seton Hall University School of Law
Wendy Johnson Lario ’92
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
Stephen B. Judlowe ’65
Of Counsel
McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP
Paulette Brown ’76
Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP
Peter N. Larson ’74 (Immediate Past Chair)
Former Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
of the Brunswick Corporation
David V. Calviello ’96
President, Seton Hall Law Alumni Council
Assistant Prosecutor
Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office
Joseph P. LaSala ’72 (Secretary)
McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP
Frank T. Cannone ’91
Chairman, Corporate Department
Gibbons P.C.
Maury Cartine ’76
Partner, Tax Department
Marcum, LLP
Erik Lillquist
Vice Dean & Professor of Law
Seton Hall University School of Law
Kevin H. Marino ’84
Marino, Tortorella & Boyle, P.C.
Christopher J. Christie ’87
Governor, State of New Jersey
William B. McGuire ’58 (Former Chair)
Senior Partner
Tompkins, McGuire, Wachenfeld & Barry, LLP
Michael Critchley ’72
Founding Partner
Critchley, Kinum and Vazquez, LLC
Lynn Fontaine Newsome ’81
Newsome O’Donnell, LLC
Rinaldo M. D’Argenio ’79
Of Counsel
Arturi, D’Argenio, Guaglardi & Meliti, LLP
David M. Orbach
Chairman of the Board
Regal Bank
Joseph J. DePalma ’82
Lite DePalma & Greenberg, LLC
James C. Orr ’64
Of Counsel
Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman &
Dicker, LLP
Anthony P. DiTommaso, Jr. ’97
Chief Executive Officer
Ivy Equities
Mariellen Dugan ’91 (Vice Chair)
Senior Vice President & General Counsel
New Jersey Resources Corporation
Patrick C. Dunican Jr. ’91 (Chair)
Chairman & Managing Director
Gibbons P.C.
Kathryn P. Duva ’01
Chief Executive Officer
Main Events
Susan A. Feeney
McCarter & English, LLP
Todd M. Galante ’86
Rev. Nicholas S. Gengaro
Seton Hall University School of Law
John C. Gibbons ’72
Senior Managing Director
Guidepost Solutions, LLC
William J. Palatucci ’89
Special Counsel
Gibbons P.C.
Robert F. Perry ’89
New York Office Managing Partner
King & Spalding
Ronald J. Riccio
Professor of Law, Dean Emeritus
Seton Hall University School of Law
Brent Saunders
Chief Executive Officer
Forest Laboratories, Inc.
Claudette St. Romain
Associate Dean for Curriculum &
Professor of Law
Seton Hall University School of Law
Charles A. Sullivan
Professor of Law & Director of the Law Library
Seton Hall University School of Law
Colleen Tracy ’96
Managing Partner
Fitzpatrick, Cella, Harper & Scinto
Bernard M. Hartnett ’55
Retired, Former Member of Connell Foley
James B. Ventantonio ’64
Interim President,
Raritan Valley Community College
The Honorable Katharine S. Hayden ’75
United States District Court,
District of New Jersey
Sarah Waldeck
Professor of Law
Seton Hall University School of Law
Patrick E. Hobbs
Seton Hall University School of Law
Justin P. Walder
Walder, Hayden & Brogan, P.A.
Alfred F. Jablonski ’66
Chief Executive Officer
The Sage Foundation
Karol Corbin Walker ’86
Gary P. Sarlo ’79
January 25, 2013
Fall 2013 | law.shu.edu
Honor Roll
of Giving
The remarkable poet Maya Angelou, speaking about living as much as giving, said, “When
we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” The entire Seton Hall Law
community thanks the alumni, friends, law firms, corporations and organizations for whose
cheerful giving we are ever grateful. We are honored to recognize those supporters who
made gifts between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013. Because of you, future generations will
be blessed with a Seton Hall legal education.
Estate of William E. Garland
Margot S. Meyer
Robert Osborne Meyer ’77
Connell Foley LLP
Johnson & Johnson
The Kaplen Foundation
The MCJ Amelior Foundation
Sisters of Charity of Saint
Verizon Foundation
$25,000 –
Joseph M. DeCotiis ’94
Christina Dunican
Patrick C. Dunican ’91
Adrian M. Foley
Alfred F. Jablonski ’66
Sue Jablonski
Lee Larson
Peter N. Larson ’74
Michael X. McBride
Mary Schibell
Richard D. Schibell ’73
$25,000 –
DeCotiis, Fitzpatrick &
Cole, LLP
Gibbons P.C.
McCarter & English, LLP
Sage Foundation
Schibell & Mennie, L.L.C.
$10,000 –
Loren Marie Breslow ’98
Karol Corbin Walker ’86
Anthony Paul
DiTommaso ’97
Carol A. Frazza
Peter J. Frazza ’81
Helen Judlowe
Stephen B. Judlowe ’65
Laura Ann Keenan ’94
Paul A. Keenan ’94
Stuart A. Kritzer ’72
Wendy Johnson Lario ’92
Michael Lario
Debra A. LaSala
Joseph P. LaSala ’72
Lois McGuire
William B. McGuire ’58
James C. Orr ’64
Sharon Orr
Claudia Sauchelli
Paul Sauchelli ’92
Joseph J. Schiavone
Paul Walker
Liza M. Walsh ’84
William T. Walsh
Budd Larner, P.C.
Community Foundation of
New Jersey
Graham Curtin
Johnson & Johnson
Kritzer Family Foundation
Larson Family Foundation
The Michael J. Kosloski
McElroy Deutsch Mulvaney
& Carpenter, LLP
Wilson Elser Moskowitz
Edelman & Dicker LLP
Mariellen Dugan ’91
Rowena Duran
Susan A. Feeney
Frank E. Ferruggia
Angelo J. Genova
John C. Gibbons ’72
Rina Gibbons
Brian W. Hanse ’88
Bernard M. Hartnett ’55
William J. Jordan ’92
Jane Kilcullen
Kevin M. Kilcullen
James A. Kosch ’81
Joan Kosch
Robert A. Lord ’86
Kevin H. Marino ’84
Rita Marino
Margaret Nee
Thomas M. Nee ’73
Lynn Fontaine
Newsome ’81
Dara Orbach
David M. Orbach
Mary Lou Parker ’75
Thomas Parker
Robert F. Perry ’89
Susan Postian
Wayne J. Positan
Lynn Samuels
Ann Marie Schwartz
Bernard A. Schwartz ’78
John J. Sumas ’00
Colleen Elena Tracy ’96
Anita Winkler
James B. Ventantonio ’64
Peter R. Yarem ’79
$5,000 –
$5,000 –
Mitch F. Baumeister ’72
George P. Braxton
Emily Cannone
Frank T. Cannone ’91
Maury Cartine ’76
Robin Cartine
Sheilagh M. Clarke ’95
Claire Codey
Lawrence R. Codey ’69
Robert Cohen
Kevin T. Coughlin ’80
Therese Coughlin
Diane DePalma
Joseph J. DePalma ’82
Dennis J. Drasco
American International
James Boskey Memorial
Bar Bri Bar Review
Baumeister & Samuels, P.C.
Nina Gelb Revocable Trust
Genova Burns Giantomasi
& Webster
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
Guidepost Solutions, LLC
Hudson County Bar
Lite DePalma Greenberg, LLC
$10,000 –
Seton Hall Law Magazine
Thank you!
Lum Drasco Positan, LLC
Marino, Tortorella &
Boyle, P.C.
Joseph P. Miele Foundation
Miraj Corp
Newsome O’Donnell, LLC
Schwab Charitable Fund
Schwartz Foundation
Village Supermarket, Inc.
$1,000 - $4,999
Dawn Afanador
Victor A. Afanador ’98
Anthony J. Arnone ’01
Robert L. Baechtold ’66
Patricia A. Barbieri ’91
Deborah A. Bello ’79
Joseph F. Benning
Kyle C. Bisceglie ’92
Christopher Boehmeke
John Anthony Boyle ’00
Phyllis Brew ’87
William B. Butler ’67
The Honorable Richard C.
Camp ’68
Christopher J. Carey ’82
Iryna Lomaga Carey ’89
Michael L. Carey ’87
Angela Christine Carmella
Lizanne J. Ceconi ’82
Julia Cino
Richard J. Cino ’90
Vincent A. Cino
Jonathan D. Clemente ’81
John B. Collins ’76
Julie Connor
Terence G. Connor ’67
Michael E. Cozine ’60
Elaine C. Crowley ’09
Carolyn N. Daly ’96
The Honorable Bernadette N.
DeCastro-McDonald ’84
Angel M. DeFilippo ’79
Paul R. DeFilippo ’78
Janet M. Dempsey-Malone
Judi Deni
William P. Deni ’72
Christopher Paul
DePhillips ’92
The Honorable Joseph A.
Dickson ’81
Victoria Dickson
Ronald J. Dolecki ’94
Donna du Beth Gardiner ’89
Kathryn P. Duva ’01
Joseph J. Dvorak ’66
Barbara C. Fitzgerald
Gina Marie Fondetto
Leonard Fondetto ’99
Charles M. Forman ’76
Paula A. Franzese
Jerome J. Froelich ’72
Eugene F. Gaughan
Russell Thomas Giglio ’92
Henry S. Goldfine ’96
Kathleen M Grochala ’05
Richard J. Grochala ’85
Sheppard A. Guryan
Joseph A. Hallock ’71
William W. Hart
Mary Frances Hartnett ’90
Patrick E. Hobbs
John P. Inglesino ’90
Gregory J. Irwin ’79
John V. Jacobi
Donna M. Jennings ’95
Gisele Joachim
Anthony J. Kacmarsky ’92
Stephanie M. Kay ’92
Michael C. Keefe ’87
Thomas C. Kelly ’73
Michael D. Kibler ’97
Catherine A. Kiernan ’86
John H. Klock
Patricia E. Koch ’72
Scott I Korf ’05
Joseph M. Lamastra ’86
Benjamin F. Lambert ’68
Anthony P. LaRocco ’82
James N. Lawlor ’92
Jeralyn Lisa Lawrence ’96
Charles William Lefevre ’96
Daniel R Levy ’04
Arnold D. Litt ’74
Richard Loccke ’70
Carmelo Lubrano ’88
John F. MacLeod ’71
Robert K. Malone ’84
Robert J. Martin ’79
Stephen M. McCabe ’65
Daniel T. McCarthy ’07
James Irving McClammy ’98
Madelyn Camacno
McClammy ’98
Mary Anne McDonald ’81
John P. McDonald ’79
Philip F. McGovern ’84
John H. McNeill ’68
Sheila Frances McShane ’00
Alfred L. Michaelsen ’69
Sean Monaghan ’83
Michael A. Monahan ’88
Wanda Monahan ’88
John M. Moore
William R. Moye ’00
Melissa A. Natale ’03
Philip D. Neuer ’76
William W. Northgrave ’90
Keith D. Nowak ’76
Donald L. O’Connor ’71
Thomas M. Olson ’82
Senator Kevin J. O’Toole ’89
Vincenzo Paparo ’91
David J. Pascrell ’95
Oscar N. Pinkas ’06
Jacqueline C. Pirone ‘04
Stephen Michael
Plotnick ’99
Bridget Marie Polloway ’00
Merric Jon Polloway ’00
Christopher S. Porrino ’92
Robert J. Principe ’82
The Honorable Anthony J.
Principi ’75
Ronald J. Riccio ’71
Patricia Rodilosso
The Honorable Ned M.
Rosenberg ’72
Stuart A. Rosenblatt ’67
James F. Ryan ’74
Henry E. Rzemieniewski ’70
Kazbek A. Said
John A. Sakson ’78
Z. Lance Samay ’70
Philip E. San Filippo ’76
Christina S. Shenouda ’93
Leon J. Sokol ’75
Brian G. Steller ’82
Charles A. Sullivan
John David Tortorella ’99
Charles J. Uliano ’74
The Honorable Andrew A.
Valeriani ’63
William J. Van Nostrand
Barbara M. Walder ’82
Jeffrey A. Walder ’85
Kevin G. Walsh ’98
Michael T. Welch ’06
Paul S. Werther ’81
The Honorable Marie White
Bell ’73
The Honorable Deanne M.
Wilson ’80
John B. Wilson ’90
Susan Reach Winters ’82
Loria Yeadon ’94
$1,000 - $4,999
American Century
The Association of the
Federal Bar of New Jersey
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Bloomberg Law
Campbell, Foley, Delano &
Adams LLC
Colgate-Palmolive Co.
Country Club Transportation
Daiichi-Sanyko, Inc.
Day Pitney, LLP
Drinker Biddle & Reath, LLP
Exxon Mobil Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Forman Holt Eliades Ravin
& Youngman LLC
Foundation to Promote
Open Society
The Geiger Foundation, Inc.
Independent College
Fund of NJ
Inglesino, Pearlman,
Wyciskala & Taylor, LLC
Internet Journals Inc.
The Blanche & Irving
Laurie Foundation
Merck & Company, Inc.
Merrill Corporation
Mutual of Omaha
Insurance Company
National Fallen Firefighters
The Nirenberg Law Firm LLC
Prudential Insurance
Company of America
Rogut McCarthy LLC
R-Sqared Services &
Solutions, Inc.
Summit BPW Scholarship
Foundation, Inc.
Tompkins, McGuire,
Wachenfeld & Barry LLP
Andrew A. Valeriani Jr., LLC
Waters, McPherson,
McNeill, P.C.
Mitchell W. Abrahams ’83
Gregory L. Acquaviva ’06
Stacey Dawn Adams ’98
Christopher Douglas
Adams ’98
Lisa M. Adubato ’87
Michele A. Adubato ’76
John M. Agnello ’79
Stephen F. Agocs ’64
Evans C. Agrapidis ’83
Charleen M. Aina ’76
Wanda M. Akin ’82
Matthew P. Albano ’88
Jessica C. Almeida ’13
Frederick W. Alworth ’88
Brett Michael Anders ’97
Roderick B. Anderson ’61
Donna Andeskie
Alison Bo Andolena ’11
Steven K. Andreassen ’03
Kathryn Lewis Andrews ’08
Jason Angelo ’13
Vincent A. Antoniello ’00
The Honorable Frances L.
Antonin ’76
Jean Paul Archambault ’91
Dewan N. Arefin ’03
Lorraine M. Armenti ’82
Jeffrey S. Arons ’05
Francine M. Aster ’87
Susan Aufiero-Peters ’01
James F. Avigliano ’71
The Honorable Donna J.
Baboulis ’81
Brooke E. Bagley ’07
Maria Luisa C. Balasta ’11
Laura Diane Flynn
Baldini ’96
Tracey A. Ballard ’93
Robert A. Ballou ’82
Suzanne White Ballou ’86
Piotr Banasiak ’09
Mario L. Barnaba ’87
John Christopher
Barnoski ’97
Francis J. Barry
William C. Baton ’02
Joseph F. Becker ’73
Lawrence E. Behning ’91
Maureen Behning-Doyle
Veronica A. Beke ’02
Anthony Bellucci
Christina L. Bennett ’94
Leslie H. Berger ’67
Roberta E. Berger ’90
Samuel C. Berger ’01
Ryan Bergeron
Jennie M. Berlinski ’05
Austin M. Berry ’06
David Charles Berry ’97
Mary Ann Berry ’05
Sam Berse
Karen H. BeyeaSchroeder ’97
Michele Bianchi
Robert A. Bianchi ’88
Kristin Bissinger ’94
Michael T. Bissinger ’91
Mayling C. Blanco ’06
Robin L. Bloink ’78
Randye E. Bloom ’79
Mary Ann Bogan ’85
Raymond D. Bogan ’87
Frank J. Bogatay ’93
John J. Bolan ’72
James M. Bollerman ’81
Armando O. Bonilla ’92
Nina D. Bonner ’91
Alan Arnold Bornstein ’98
Ronald P. Botelho ’11
John Michael Boyle ’87
Thomas E. Bracken ’68
Eileen M. Brackup ’85
Debra J. Bradley ’86
Roger J. Breene ’79
Richard F. Breitweiser ’89
Henry T. Brendzel ’76
Colleen Denise Brennan ’91
Joseph P. Brennan ’73
Joseph L. Brescher ’62
Patricia F. Breuninger ’74
James D. Bride ’68
Ellen A. Brodsky ’81
The Honorable Peter R.
Brogan ’68
Eric D. Brophy ’99
Jeffrey S. Brown ’82
Anne K. Brown ’91
Robert C. Brown ’88
Theresa F. BrownBiondo ’89
John J. Bruno ’79
Jonathan Bruno ’09
Benjamin S. Bucca ’83
Christine A. Bucca ’84
Sherrie L. BuenviajeMannion
Glen Burger
Mary Ann BurgessMotiuk ’71
Donald F. Burke, Jr. ’11
John H. Burton
Nancy Butler ’03
Dawnette A. Byfield-Law ’93
Robert W. Byrne ’84
Thomas E. Byrne
Denise I. Calinda ’92
David Vincent Calviello ’96
Kathleen McCormick
Campi ’83
Sean Camoni ’11
Julia A. Cannarozzi ’87
Michelle Capezza ’96
Robert M. Carducci ’90
Brian J. Carey ’87
Craig Carpenito ’00
Daniel Carroll
Jenny Carroll
Michael Timothy Carton ’96
Carmine J. Caruso ’75
Rachel M. Caruso ’03
Neil J. Casey ’73
Cathy Casriel ’08
Amarilys Cattafi ’08
Edmund Caulfield ’10
The Honorable Dennis M.
Cavanaugh ’72
Linda Lordi Cavanaugh ’79
Michael J. Cennimo ’09
Sharon Kathleen Cepeda ’97
Saverio Vincent Cereste ’70
Albert Cernadas ’92
John Edward Cerza ’96
Panida Joy Chairusmi ’98
Dolcey E. Chaplin ’84
Richard Chattman
Tina Wai Chau-Matrone ’98
John F. Chiaia ’93
Lori Chiaristi
John W. Christie ’70
The Honorable Lisa F.
Chrystal ’82
Alyssa A Cimino ’06
Andrea Nichole Cipriani ’05
Catherine A. Cipriano ’90
The Honorable Vicki A.
Citrino ’92
Edvie M. Clark ’13
Robert D. Clarke ’71
Ellen R. Clarkson ’78
Mark A. Clemente ’81
Sister Patricia Codey
Kenneth J. Coffin ’95
Christopher M. Coggins ’05
Robert B. Cohen ’86
Denis E. Cole ’68
John Edward Coley ’69
Tamara Coley ’10
C. Nicolas Concepcion
Lauren B. Connell ’07
Raymond R. Connell ’65
William T. Connell ’76
Samuel V. Convery ’69
Keith W. Cook ’00
David J. Cooner ’89
William Cooper ’86
Richard Coppa ’92
Manisha N. Corea ’08
Andrew J. Corimski ’08
Donald F. Corke ’72
Devon A. Corneal ’03
John Kip Cornwell
Daniel F Corrigan ’06
Diane L. Corsico ’02
Edward Costello ’88
John Coverdale
Stephen W. Craig ’82
David N. Crapo ’12
Patricia B. Crapo
Rebecca A. Crea
Michael Cross
Benjamin Charles Curcio ’98
Peter Curreri
James J. Cutro ’93
Henry J. Daaleman ’62
Rosa D’Abramo ’12
Robert G. Dachisen ’93
C. Brian Daly ’71
Jerlean Daniels ’91
Mark A. Dann ’02
Henry Dantzig ’83
Andrew Michael Darcy ’10
Heather Jo Darling ’02
Bernard S. Davis ’70
The Honorable Elaine L.
Davis ’72
Lydia E. Davis ’78
Virginia E. Davis ’74
The Honorable Nolan B.
Dawkins ’75
Frank J. DeAngelis ’96
Edward J. De Pascale ’73
Vincent M. De Simone ’07
Thomas J. Decker ’81
James P. Dedonato ’11
Paul G. Deehan ’85
Philip James Degnan ’96
Christopher H. DeGrezia ’95
Michael DeJianne
James E. DeMartino ’79
Nicholas A. DePalma ’13
Jennifer L. Dereka ’02
Thomas J. DeSanto ’74
Dale A. Diamond ’82
Frank Louis Di Calogero
Albert H. Dib ’99
Marci Ann DiFrancesco ’98
William J. Diggs ’10
The Honorable Charles R.
Digisi ’55
Carmen J. DiMaria ’93
Andrew T. DiMauro ’97
Roger W. Dinella ’91
Lindsay F. Ditlow ’06
Aldo DiTrolio ’94
Thomas F. Doherty ’92
Thomas F. Dominiecki ’64
Robert J. Donaher ’87
Timothy M. Donohue ’84
Leilani M. Dornfeld ’99
Carla N. Dorsi ’01
Matthew C. Dorsi ’01
Theresa Spola Doyle ’87
Patricia A. Dulinski ’00
Brian E. Early ’99
Maureen Tara Egan ’96
The Honorable Madelin F.
Einbinder ’87
Joseph H. Ely ’71
Dione Marie Enea ’95
Denise Marcelyn ErricoEsmerado ’96
The Honorable Gerald C.
Escala ’64
Richard F. Eschle ’10
John G. Esmerado ’92
Cesar Martin Estela ’09
The Honorable Nino F.
Falcone ’84
Robert R. Fanburg ’77
Laura Michelle Fant ’10
Joseph P. Farano ’07
William W. Farrar ’60
Antonio D. Favetta ’75
Michael A. Fazio ’07
Matthew J. Fedor ’02
Brian H. Fenlon ’87
Lewis J. Fernandez ’78
Francis X. Ferrara ’81
Rebecca Fields ’74
Laurie M. Fierro ’83
John Francis Finnegan ’11
James V. Fiore ’74
Nicole L. Fish ’03
John W. Fisher ’75
Linda E. Fisher
Matthew Fitzpatrick
James F. Flanagan ’72
Robert J. Flanagan ’08
Vicki Fleischer
Dianne Foley ’75
Robert J. Foley ’73
Stephen J. Foley, Sr. ’54
Martin J. Foncello ’05
Terrence J. Foran ’78
Logan Forsey ’13
Victor A. Fortkiewicz ’82
Gregory W. Fortsch ’94
George M. Foss ’78
Elizabeth M. FosterFernandez ’08
Nicole A. Dyer Foncello ’04
Karen E. Foxman ’05
Bernard W. Freedman ’66
Mark E. Freeman ’01
Edward J. Frisch ’76
Maria Fruci ’11
Kevin M. Fumai ’02
Michael Benjamin Fusco ’10
Deborah A. Gabry ’89
Charles A. Gaglia ’81
Aaron Hans Galileo ’98
The Honorable Donna D.
Gallucio ’80
Dennis M. Galvin ’86
The Honorable Marie
Louise Garibaldi
Barry F. Gartenberg ’97
Samuel M. Gaylord ’94
Andrew Geibel ’10
Glenn C. Geiger ’76
Sam B. Gelin ’08
Julie E. Gendel ’09
Michael M. Gennaro ’82
John G. Geppert ’83
Anne Marie
Gibbons-Lejnieks ’07
Noreen Mary Giblin ’98
Robert Michael Gilmartin ’98
Joseph E. Gilroy ’72
Jeffrey S. Ginsberg ’93
Justin Ginter ’14
Gerard Michael Giordano ’88
Robert J. Girard ’01
Nicholas A. Giuditta ’88
James F. Gizzi ’86
Rachel Godsil
Jeffrey H. Goldsmith ’94
Seth M. Gollin ’02
Maray F. Gonzalez ’86
The Honorable Yvonne
Gonzalez ’80
Elga Amalia Goodman ’96
Lizette Michele Goodman
Brian R. Goodman ’05
Gregory G. Goodman ’07
Nicole Goodwin ’01
Edward R. Goracy ’81
Joseph Goss ’09
Jamie R. Gottlieb ’09
John Gray
Geoffrey D. Green ’74
Stuart D. Greenberg
Walter J. Greenhalgh ’74
Kate Greenwood
Gloria Errico Grieco ’69
Nicholas A. Grieco ’90
Ralph Anthony Grieco ’69
Sharon J. Grisez
Andrew M. Grodin ’03
Kimberly Noel GronauBoyd ’00
Carol A. Gross ’85
Robert E. Gross ’08
Robert J. Grosso ’77
Maya L. Grosz
Arthur J. Guenther ’75
Richard Michael
Gutierrez ’82
James P. Hadden ’82
Stephanie Mergel Hadley ’91
Jonathan Hafetz
Christina Marie Hage ’09
Evan Haggerty ’12
Ermina Hahn ’77
Missak Haigentz ’79
Nadine Costa Haines ’86
John B. Hall ’64
Richard F. Hamilton ’74
Paul J. Hanak ’71
Lauren Handler
Colleen Frances Hannon ’98
Joseph M. Hannon ’99
Kathleen B. Harden ’89
George R. Hardin ’74
John Jacob Harmon ’08
Gregory D. Harmon ’82
Rosalie Harvey
Andrea W. Hattan ’05
The Honorable Rudolph N.
Hawkins ’68
Sandra P. HawthorneTormey ’87
Thomas Healy
Patrick D. Healy ’66
Alyse Eva Berger
Heilpern ’00
Armando C. Hernandez ’77
Ronald A. Hewitt ’05
Robert B. Hille ’85
Mindy J. Himelman ’86
Jennifer A. Hindermann ’03
Joseph Maiorano Hobbs ’89
Frank Paul Hoffman ’71
Clayton Lou Hoffner ’73
Justin Hollander ’12
Fall 2013 | law.shu.edu
Honor Roll
of Giving
Analisa Sama Holmes ’88
Keith L. Hovey ’04
Fred J. Howlett ’77
Joseph J. Huber ’94
Nicole Lauren Huberfeld ’98
Carmelo V. Huertas ’96
Michael Charles Hughes ’12
William M. Hunt ’87
Keith A. Hyche ’91
Gregory S. Inman ’85
Marc N. Isenberg ’71
Daria A. Isenhour ’90
The Honorable David J.
Issenman ’73
John Z. Jackson ’75
Jessica K. Jacob ’94
Jeremy D. Jacobsen ’09
Brad T. Jankowski ’06
Kelly Ann Harris
Jerkovich ’00
Kenneth Wenhao Jiang ’96
William J. Johnson ’75
James Brendan
Johnston ’96
Maureen M. Johnston ’90
Heff Jones
William B. Jones ’95
Deborah Eve Jordan
Susan Merle Joseph ’75
Erin Kahn ’05
Charles J.X. Kahwaty ’79
Palaiyur S.
Kalyanaraman ’94
Sean Michael Kane ’99
William J. Kane ’69
Catherine L. Karanas ’87
Shannon Matthew
Kasley ’97
Neil F. Katz ’75
Tracy A. Kaye
Kenneth W. Kayser ’77
Jane D. Kearney
Randy Keeling
Kimberly A. KeenanKirkpatrick ’93
Thomas F. Kelaher ’60
John V. Keller
Anne M. Kelly ’77
Augustine James Kelly ’73
Kevin B. Kelly
Michael P. Kemezis ’82
Elizabeth Ann Kenny ’93
Joseph G. Kenny ’13
Martin B. Kenny
Janet L. Kerr
Thomas R. Kerr ’74
Jeffrey C. Ketterson ’71
John Kikoski
Thomas S.
Kirschenbaum ’67
Steven Kleinman ’02
Joann Mazur Kielblock ’03
Barbara M. Kleva ’84
Alan S. Kline ’87
The Honorable Debbie L.
Klugler-Irwin ’84
Victoria Y. Ko ’02
Thomas R. Kobin ’94
Albert G. Kobylarz ’74
Paul H. Kochanski ’80
Rabbi Michael G. Kohn ’75
Kathryn Kolodziej ’10
Irene N. Komandis ’05
Stuart Komrower ’84
Charles H. Koons ’64
Alex Korona ’11
David R. Kott
Stephen M. Kozuch ’94
Catherine Carr Krauss ’84
William P. Krauss ’81
The Honorable Martin E.
Kravarik ’68
John M. Krenzel ’83
Brian W. Kronick ’86
Fred C. Kuhlwilm ’73
James J. Kuhn ’93
Mark David Kurdyla ’99
Winona M. Lake ’78
Mimi Lakind ’93
Tony Y. Lam ’98
Abigail Lamb ’10
Ellen W. Kramer Lambert ’91
Philip W. Lamparello ’10
Gerald Lanzalotto
Marina Lao
Kari Larsen ’08
Michael R. Laudino ’07
Peter M. Laughlin ’82
Robert D. Laurino ’79
The Honorable Joseph H.
Lavery ’71
Lawrence N. Lavigne ’82
Jae B. Lee ’07
Cynthia Lee ’03
Harold Leib ’60
Bryan D. Leinbach ’04
John N. Lemieux ’79
Jeremiah E. Lenihan ’10
Julian Leone ’04
Bernard A. Leroe ’74
Ronald S. Levitt ’68
Albert M. Lewis ’82
Richard W. Lewis ’74
Ian Michael Leyden ’10
Thomas M. Licata ’87
Paula S. Lieb ’93
Erik Lillquist
Ernest V. Linek ’82
George P. Ljutich ’84
The Honorable Louis F.
Locascio ’69
Nicholas J. Lochetta ’94
Michelle Dawn LoMonte ’98
Felice T. Londa ’82
Michael T. Long ’04
Andria Lopez
Jonathon Brugh Lower ’08
Grace Marie Lozito ’00
Stephen J. Lubben
Michael R. Luke ’06
Victor Macam
Linda A. Mainenti-Walsh ’89
John J. Maiorana ’78
John S. Mairo ’94
Solangel Maldonado
Matthew Malfa
The Honorable John
Francis Malone ’72
Louis Mangano ’79
Stuart Mann ’86
The Honorable Steven C.
Mannion ’93
Stephanie A. Maoli ’90
Toni Ann Marabello ’13
The Honorable Richard M.
Marano ’85
Robert G. Marasco ’03
Kathleen Marchetti ’81
Scott J. Mariani ’91
Erika Maricich Roth ’01
Seton Hall Law Magazine
Margaret Mary Marley ’89
The Honorable Ronald G.
Marmo ’67
The Honorable Lawrence
M. Maron ’78
Melissa P. Marschner ’99
David J. Marshall ’70
Wade Martin
Aldo J. Martinez ’83
James R. Masch ’76
Mario Massa
Mary S. Massey ’85
Katherine Matos ’11
Edwin R. Matthews ’73
Jeanette Mayorga
Andrew McCray ’91
Peter James McDonald ’62
Mary O’Gorman
McDonnell ’83
Kevin M. McDonough ’05
Michael G. McDonough ’11
Robert B. McGovern ’80
Thomas E. McGrath
The Honorable John A.
McLaughlin ’65
Erin McMahon ’89
Stephen McManus ’90
Daniel A. McNulty ’82
Cynthia H. McNutt ’07
The Honorable Margaret
Mary McVeigh ’78
Douglas J. Mehan ’02
Ira Meislik ’82
Karen Meislik ’84
Joseph Thomas Melillo ’69
Linda Ann Mellina ’00
George Mettler ’71
Kenneth B. Metz ’79
Patricia Ann Meyer ’76
Chloe Mickel
Michael F. Midlige ’91
Suzanne C. Midlige ’91
Matthew M. Miller ’05
Rebecca J. Miller ’04
Margaret P. MillerSanders ’84
Jane H. Minichiello ’83
Michael R. Minnefor ’08
Frederick H. Mircoff ’74
Arlene Mirsky ’79
Stephanie Cara Mishler ’11
Anthony K. Modafferi ’85
Matthew C. Moench ’07
Joseph L. Monaco ’00
Barbara Ann Moran ’90
Mark S. Morgan
Patricia C. Morgan ’09
Ronald Morgan
Karen H. Moriarty ’86
Michael F. Moriarty ’86
Jeffrey W. Moryan ’80
The Honorable Barry E.
Moscowitz ’93
Theodore D. Moskowitz ’82
Scott Moss
Debra Marie Mourid
Glenn J. Mouridy ’79
Annemarie L. Mueller ’08
Charles G. Mueller ’68
Raj Mukherji ’12
John P. Mulkerin ’70
The Honorable James
Francis Mulvihill ’71
Meredith R. Murphy ’06
W. Michael Murphy ’74
David Murphy
Douglas W. Murphy ’73
Francis R. Murphy ’97
Elizabeth Donohoe
Nardino ’96
Marie D. Nardino ’79
Colin Nash ’04
Tara Tracey Nash ’06
Jeanne Girgan Naughton ’84
Michael J. Naughton ’82
Anna P. Navatta ’82
Joan Neri-Belardo ’86
Amy Newcombe
Anneke H. Niemira ’05
Liana M. Nobile ’13
Harry D. Norton ’77
Gerard R. Novak ’88
Steven Robert Oberndorf ’75
Courtney O’Brien ’13
Francis X. O’Brien ’69
Mary K. O’Brien ’86
Thomas R. O’Brien ’70
The Honorable James J.
O’Connell ’66
The Honorable Colin F.
O’Donnell ’87
Henry M. Ogden ’88
John F. O’Hern ’94
John Emmett O’Neill ’76
Jim Kennedy Ornstein ’96
Jean H. Osnos-Volonte ’93
Chester R. Ostrowski ’09
Frederick W. Padden ’63
Vasiliki Pagidas ’98
Denise L. Panicucci ’89
Arthur F. Parent ’66
Leslie Park ’13
Kerry M. Parker ’81
John A. Parmigiani ’68
Jaye L. Parsons
Karen A. Passaro ’96
Lisa M. Rodriguez
Pastula ’04
Allen B. Pearl ’60
Janet Senft Pearce ’94
Alan J. Pecora ’92
Francis Raymond
Perkins ’71
Alan H. Perzley ’82
Martine Pflieger ’99
Charles Piasio
Natalee Picillo
Gianfranco A. Pietrafesa ’89
Richard E. Pigott ’70
David Piscitelli ’93
James C. Pitney ’75
Lisa N. Pitt ’06
Paulette L. Pitt ’85
Anna-Maria Pittella ’73
Dominic Piunno
Marcel R. Plaut ’74
Gary M. Pogharian
Heidi H. Pogharian ’91
Jeffrey S. Pollak
Joan E. Pompeo ’96
Catherine Pontoriero ’10
Anthony David Porcaro ’91
Daisy C. Postrero
Lewis Powell ’72
Melissa Powers
Gail L. Price ’82
Kevin M. Prongay ’73
Nan Prongay ’74
Melissa Ann Provost ’98
Jamie Carolyn
Pukl-Werbel ’98
Shannon P. Hennessy
Pulaski ’09
Ivan J. Punchatz ’76
The Honorable Sylvester A.
Puzio ’62
Catherine Marie
Queenan ’75
Edward P. Queenan ’76
Jeanna M. Della Ragione ’05
Anthony Rapa ’07
Michael Rato ’01
The Honorable Michael L.
Ravin ’83
Frederic John Regenye ’95
Hans Linhard Reich ’81
Adam Reich
Joseph Reilly
Vincent E. Reilly ’76
Scott E. Reiser ’07
Louis P. Renzi ’84
Nicholas J. Repici ’04
Peter C. Richardson ’77
Jane A. Rigby ’84
Scott C. Riley ’84
Kenneth L. Rinzler ’79
Marshall Edward Robert ’99
Elaine A. Rocha ’98
Richard John Roddy ’75
Gregory J. Rokosz ’99
Robin Andrew
Roopnarine ’97
The Honorable Giacomo G.
Rosati ’54
Philip A. Ross
Francis S. Rossi ’81
Mindy Michaels Roth ’88
Thomas Martin
Roughneen ’95
Vincent J. Rubino ’80
Richard M. Rufolo ’87
Marissa A. Ruggiero ’05
David A. Ruhnke ’75
Rosie Ackerman Rupp
The Honorable Daniel J.
Russell ’61
James Thomas Ryan ’88
James T. Ryan ’10
Patricia Anne Ryan ’93
Thomas N. Ryan ’85
Olivier Salvagno ’98
Jonathan E. Samon ’04
Joseph D. Sams ’87
Randall S. Samson ’08
Charles G. Sanders ’69
Robert S. Sandman ’81
James C. Savage ’73
James J. Savage ’93
Nina Maria SavignanoDonohue
John J. Scaliti ’83
Peter Matthew
Schiavone ’10
David Schiefelbein ’08
Daniel C. Schiff
Janet E. Schiff
Shoshana Schiff ’98
Sheldon Schiffman ’55
David L. Schlossberg ’79
William H. Schmidt ’87
John M. Schmittberger ’82
Lawrence Dennis
Schuler ’72
Michael B. Schultz ’04
Robert W. Schwaneberg ’10
Michael S. Schwartz ’97
Lisa M. Scorsolini ’07
Candace Kopf Scott ’76
Sarah J. Scott ’07
Robert C. Scrivo ’93
Daniel R. Seaman ’06
John L. Shahdanian ’97
Gregory A. Shanaphy ’94
Courtney Shanney
James P. Shannon ’86
Theodore J. Shatynski ’92
Stephen James
Shepherd ’06
Aliza Sherman ’06
John K. Sherwood ’86
Michael Y. Shimshak ’90
Scott J. Sholder ’07
Amy E. Shotmeyer ’09
The Honorable Neil H.
Shuster ’70
Yelena Shvarts
Salvatore J. Siciliano ’92
Daniel R. Siegel ’75
Kenneth N. Siegel ’68
Vincent A. Signorile ’85
Anthony F. Siliato ’80
Michael J. Silvestri
Jacqulyn Simmons ’13
Sara Simon ’94
Jane Burleyson Simpson ’95
Tyler Sims
Ami E. Simunovich ’07
David V. Simunovich ’08
Jocelin F. Singer ’07
Beverly S. Sirota ’76
Samuel J. Sirota ’59
Carly Skarbnik ’09
Jill S. Slattery ’79
Matthew S. Slowinski ’86
Rebecca A. Smirk ’09
Robert H. Smith ’75
Sean A. Smith ’01
Roy B. Smolarz ’80
Pamela Marie Snyder ’98
Ricardo Solano ’98
Joel M. Solow ’74
George B. Somers ’83
Mary Soyka-Abbate ’07
Tara A. Speer ’08
Remi L. Spencer ’02
Robert F. Spencer ’71
Thomas J. Spies ’74
Joseph A. Spinella ’68
Robert E. Spitzer ’06
Juliana Barno Spitzer
Reverend Eugene P.
Squeo ’81
Geri Landau Squire ’81
The Honorable Jerome M.
St. John ’75
Claudette St. Romain
William E. Staehle ’75
Donald Stanzione ’04
The Honorable Donald H.
Steckroth ’72
Richard H. Steen ’75
Arthur Gerald Stein ’69
Joe Steinberg
Edwin Stern
John C. Stockman ’91
Rosemary StoneDougherty ’04
Daniel Strashun ’13
Michael C. Sudol ’65
Seton Hall University
School of Law
Alumni Council 2013-14
Ronald S. Suss ’74
Joseph E. Sutton ’98
Morna L. Sweeney ’88
Donald G. Sweetman ’84
Sandra Tafuri
S. Theodore Takvorian ’64
Robert Tanenbaum
Nicholas A. Taro ’07
Robert John Tarte ’69
Margaret L. Tarver ’82
Lynne M. Tatum ’03
Jonathan D. Tchack ’78
Lincoln A. Terzian ’93
Lori Thimmel
Gary A. Thomas ’87
Jennifer Ruth Thompson ’98
Frederick S. Title
Richard W. Tkach ’80
Joy-Michele Tomczak ’02
K. Mallory Tosch ’07
Lucas C. Townsend ’04
Kenneth J. Tozzi ’87
Louis Joseph Trachtman ’92
The Honorable Christine C.
Traskos ’79
Kimberly A. Capadona
Trillo ’01
David James Treacy ’00
Charles Tregidgo ’78
Peter B. Treichler ’79
Juan J. Trillo ’01
Gene Truncellito ’77
Seymour I. Tuchband ’80
Gary R. Tulp ’08
Olga Ugoler
Allen Joseph Underwood ’97
Michael J. Urbano ’69
Vanessa A. Urie ’02
Robert Vacchiano ’79
Catherine Elizabeth
Van Kampen ’98
Tanisha Vanover
Jorge Luis Vasquez ’13
Catharine A. Vaughan ’91
Ann Marie Vaurio ’76
Mary M. Vazquez
The Honorable Peter J.
Vazquez ’73
Michelle D. Velasquez ’07
Maria I. Velez-Lopez ’78
Michael Ventura ’78
Edythe G. Victor ’91
John E. Vitale ’78
William J. Volonte ’82
Kenneth Von
Schaumburg ’93
Sarah E. Waldeck
Joseph T. Walsh ’61
Joseph T. Walsh ’89
Frederick A. Walz ’73
William J. Ward ’71
Judy P. Watkins ’88
Christina E. Weaver ’78
Kevin W. Weber ’08
The Honorable Dorothea
O’C. Wefing ’72
John B. Wefing
Joan M. Weidner ’82
Jack S. Weinstein ’82
Debra S. Weisberg ’93
Jillian Todd Weiss ’86
Harold N. Wells ’74
Christopher H. Westrick ’97
Timothy Wheeler
Lawrence A. Whipple ’73
Virginia G. White ’82
The Honorable Melvin S.
Whitken ’62
Kenneth E. Willard ’09
Ashley Abraham Williams ’13
Shaw S. Williams
Lincoln D. Wilson ’08
Bernard Wishnia ’77
Andrea Lynn Wolff ’95
Marc E. Wolin ’92
Maureen M. Woolley ’90
Carl F. Wronko ’73
Raymond R. Wuertz ’82
The Honorable Bonnie J.
Mizdol Zapotosky ’82
Frank J. Zazzaro ’81
Thomas E. Zoeller ’87
Robert P. Zoller ’81
Thomas Zuppa ’12
ACBW Real Estate
ADP Foundation
Law Office of Matthew P.
Albano, L.L.C.
Archer & Greiner P.C.
Arleo, Donohue &
Biancamano, LLC
AT&T Foundation
Atlantic County Bar
Benjamin Auerbach Law
Scholarship Foundation
Baker & Hostetler LLP
Becker Meisel LLC
Shimon and Sara
Birnbaum Jewish
Community Center
Booth, Bate, Grieco &
Breuninger & Fellman
The Bristol-Myers Squibb
The Brunetti Foundation
Bruno & Ferraro, Esqs.
Charitable Flex Fund
Chasan, Leyner &
Lamparello, PC
Cimino Law LLC
Clark Hill PLC
Samuel V. Convery Jr., LLC
Covington & Burling LLP
Decker & Magaw
Dwyer, Connell and
Lisbona, Esqs.
Epstein, Becker & Green,
Ernst & Young
Exxon Research and
Engineering Co.
F & B Fine Catering Inc.
Factory Mutual Insurance
Law Office of Laurie M.
Fierro, P.A.
Friedman Kaplan Seiler &
Adelman LLP
The Galvin Law Firm
Gaylord Popp, LLC
Geiger Foundation
Ralph A. Grieco, P.A.
Goldman Sachs and
George S. Hall, Inc.
Horizon Blue Cross Blue
J. P. Morgan Chase
J. P. Morgan Chase
Krovatin Klingeman LLC
Laddey, Clark & Ryan, LLP
LaGuardia & Associates
Entertainment, Inc.
The Levine Law Firm, LLC
Lexis Nexis
Marketing Communication
Resources, Inc
Marsh & McLennan
Company., Inc
The John G. Martin
McDonald & Rogers, LLC
John R. McGee MD LLC
Medco Health Solutions
MetLife Foundation
Anthony K. Modafferi III &
Associates, P.C.
National Data Mart
Network For Good
The Newark Club
The North Ward Center Inc.
OrthoMedix L.L.C.
Election Fund of Kevin
O’ Toole, Inc.
O’Toole Fernandez Weiner
Van Lieu, LLC
Pfizer, Inc.
Picillo & Picillo, PC
Porzio, Bromberg &
Newman, P.C.
Public Service Electric and
Gas Company
Rosenberg, Kirby, Cahill &
Ruhnke & Barrett
Saiber LLC
Schulman Wiegmann &
Sellar Richardson, P.C.
Sisters of Charity
Spencer & Associates
St. Paul Travelers
Insurance Company
C.V. Starr & Co., Inc.
The T. Rowe Price Program
for Charitable Giving
Takvorian & Associates, LLC
TD Bank - Wealth
Trenk, DiPasquale, Webster,
Della Fera & Sodono, PC
UBS Financial Services
Unilever Bestfoods
Alden H. Vose Foundation
Wells Fargo and Company
David V. Calviello ’96
Assistant Prosecutor,
Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office
Gregory L. Acquaviva ’06
Elaine A. Rocha ’98
Vice President and Division Counsel, Cat
Excess Liability, AIG
Division Counsel, Excess Casualty, AIG
Jacqueline C. Pirone ’04
(Immediate Past President)
Private Practitioner
Victor A. Afanador ’98
Partner, Lite DePalma
Greenberg LLC
Brett M. Anders ’97
Partner, Jackson Lewis LLP
Damien Bevelle ’10
Clerk to The Honorable Steven C. Mannion
’93, U.S. District Court, District of New
Robert Bianchi ’88
Bianchi Law Group
Mayling C. Blanco ’06
Associate, Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP
Eric Brophy ’99
Partner, Diegnan & Brophy, LLC
Michelle Capezza ’96
Member of the Firm
Epstein Becker & Green, PC
John Cascarano ’07
New Jersey Turnpike Authority
Amy Cattafi ’08
State of New Jersey
John F. Chiaia ’93
Partner, Chiaia & Associates LLC
Tamara R. Coley ’10
Associate, Kenyon & Kenyon LLP
Frank De Angelis ’96
(Emeritus Member)
Partner, Mound Cotton Wollan
& Greengrass
Javier Diaz ’12
Legal Specialist, Office of the
Chief Counsel to the Governor
Timothy M. Donohue ’84
(Emeritus Member)
Partner, Arleo, Donohue &
Biancamano LLC
Marita S. Erbeck ’02
Associate, Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
Jeremy Farrell ’07
Corporation Counsel, City of Jersey City
Department of Law
James F. Flanagan ’72
Martin J. Foncello ’05
Assistant District Attorney,
New York County District
Attorney’s Office
Kevin M. Fumai ’02
Corporate Counsel, Oracle Corporation
Deborah A. Gabry ’89
(Emerita Member)
Law Offices of Deborah A. Gabry
Noreen M. Giblin ’98
Counsel, Gibbons P.C.
James B. Johnston ’96
Associate, Schwartz Simon Edelstein &
Celso LLC
Julian Leone ’04
Vice President, Investment Management
Division, Goldman Sachs & Co.
Daniel R. Levy ’04
Associate, Epstein, Becker &
Green, P.C.
Erika M. Lopes-McLeman ’11
Associate, Patton Boggs LLP.
Matthew C. Moench ’07
Associate, Bevan, Mosca,
Giuditta & Zarillo, P.C.
Patricia C. Morgan ’09
Melissa A. Natale ’03
Associate, Saiber, LLC
Catherine I. R. Pontoriero ’10
Associate, McElroy, Deutsch,
Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP
Frederic J. Regenye ’95
(Emeritus Member)
Counsel, Law Office of
Kenneth Lipstein
Scott E. Reiser ’07
Counsel, Lum, Drasco &
Positan LLC
Jonathan Samon ’04
Attorney, Hogan Lovells US LLP
Shoshana Schiff ’98
Partner, Trenk, DiPasquale,
Webster, Della Fera &
Sodono, P.C.
John L. Shahdanian II ’97
Partner, Chasan, Leyner &
Lamparello, PC
Scott J. Sholder ’07
Associate, Cowan DeBaets
Abrahams & Sheppard LLP
David Simunovich ’08
Associate, Stroock & Stroock & Lavan, LLP
Elina Slavin ’10
Associate, McCarter & English, LLP
Ricardo Solano Jr. ’98
Partner, Friedman Kaplan Seiler &
Adelman LLP
Remi L. Spencer ’02
Partner, Spencer &
Associates, Counselors at Law L.L.C.
Robert E. Spitzer ’06
Associate, Post, Polak, Goodsell, MacNeill &
Strauchler P.A.
Charles J. Uliano ’74 P.A.
Partner, Chamlin, Rosen, Uliano &
Kevin G. Walsh ’98
Director, Gibbons P.C.
Jason T. Watson ’07
First Assistant Corporation Counsel, City of
Jersey City Department of Law
Jennifer Young ’05
Associate, Dughi, Hewit & Domalewski, P.C.
The Honorable Mara Zazzali-Hogan ’98
(Emerita Member)
Superior Court of New Jersey
Thomas Zuppa, Jr. ’12
Assistant Prosecutor, Hudson County
Prosecutor’s Office
Jodi Hudson ’96
Of Counsel, Connell Foley LLP
Fall 2013 | law.shu.edu
Seton Hall University School of Law
One Newark Center
Newark, New Jersey 07102-5210
Newark, NJ
Calendar of Alumni Events
October 25
December 4
May 2
Seton Hall Law Review CLE Symposium:
The Future of Legal Education, Seton
Hall Law, 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
NJ Bar Swearing-In Ceremony &
Reception, Larson Auditorium and
Atrium, 6-8 p.m.
Alumni Dinner Dance, The Grove,
Cedar Grove, 6-11 p.m.
October 29
January 15
Peter W. Rodino, Jr. Celebration of
Excellence Banquet, 6-9 p.m.
Alumni CLE Program: Family
Law/Employment Law, Larson
Auditorium, 4-8 p.m.
November 1
Reunions for the Classes of 1973, 1983,
1988, 1993 & 2003, Westin Governor
Morris Hotel in Morristown,
6:30-10:30 p.m.
November 20
Alumni CLE Program: Criminal
Law/Ethics, Larson Auditorium, 5-9 p.m.
February 13
May 15
NJSBA Annual Law School Reception,
Atlantic City
June 16
Alumni Golf Tournament
Annual Diversity Scholarship
Banquet, 6-9 p.m.
March 14
Alumni Networking Reception,
The Grasshopper Off the Green in
Morristown, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
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